&&& &&? . rr.-ia.-r J- mes- . ii ... lv liiM.-Se V -y " aBBB'BV . 'bbb as"- - 1 rririZoi T " x r J3- STj-Seri. . y - "SS- - - - XSi -T-...,- -. J " r jct r aL ii ; ' t. rj . - .. - . . .. j- k. - j - & k - !-t- i& x . -l tie' ,.S -3 E jj -sr - -w asar :- aw r. i v$ fc FT" r C" 5. Tie feCSS?". Letson SerKfteP'JOftrW. DKAlFJiaJ !JC- Hat, Cap, . CUtklng Ac. At LOWEST Prices. ? Our large stock of new Goods will be marked down low. CGXSAXS S2S US AirD 8ST 2AHGAXX2. ZALEY & LETSOIT, TIED CLOI'D, - XEURASKA. SPECIAL BAEGAIHS! at tlic Store of F.NEWnOUSE, REV CLOCD, NEBKASKA. )o( A large Jfock of (Irrmantown Wool, Zrpliyn mid Stocking Yant, alirnyn hand. SUMMER DRESS GOODS. LAWXS AXb.L'ERCALES IN GREAT VARIETY. TOYS for tlic- Cljildrcn- and- E'vcry tlilng ;1m! yoi need', at XEWIIOUSE'S Store. llljAVUHniT iff IN G . (o) ' J0IWX0YES Wihlurs l inform the pulli; that he i.s prepared' to dc all work in his line promptly and in a. Workman-like manner. Horse-SIioeing AND PLOW WORK A srECrALTY. Shop mirth of 3Hlrhu11 h Morhart'a Store, Ri:i Cloud. Nku. Samuel West. DKALEU IS Tobacco Cigars CONFECTIONERY. CANNED FRUITS, FRESH FRUITS, CRACKERS, CHEESE, ORANGES, LEMONS, AND A FULL UXK OF FANCY ALSO A FIKST CWSS Ice Cream Parlor, Whore you can always get a mco dwh of Ice Cream during the Season. vA share of tho public natronaco is ifcpcctridly solicited. First door' -vsouth of Mitchell & Morhart's. Eed'Cloup, .Neiiraska. DR SHERER, Proprietor of tho City Drug Store. AID BXALIK I Drugs, Medicines. Paints Oils and Varnishes, A full supply of KAMrS,. LAMP SHADES, WICKS, tJOMBS BRUSHES AC. FAtronase-Mlleitwlfuwrthanfcnilly rcdr4. Prescriptions carefully eompoutidcia One door soutii of Garbcr's store, REL CLOUD, NEB. (Sccecwn to-O. A. Urowa.) -DEALER IX Parlor, Becfrosm ANS KITC1IE" FURNITURE, brackets, chromosv Picture Frames; , Mattresses, Etc. 6 ffiis always on MRd a4 trimmeon short notice rricaaslntratasariatbe Valley. Repairiat- of all kind &a prauilj auu Satufrctery. Burial Robes furnished, at reasonable rates. RED CLOUD - - - NEB. Harness Shop, J. L- MILLER, HARV2Sd, COLLARS, SADDLES 5" - UORSE-BLANKETSL - V -.iVHIPS, COiLBS, BRUSHES HARNESS OIL, And everything ttsnaRy kept in a first clawiihoiK TWO ROdSS NORTH OF THE BAXaV ' -' ,-. - "-" ' --'-- --III . i .1 , ,.. ... ..... . .. . , , , , . .,. ,..., T . - lBaahMHWaMMHMMMMMHlM LOCAL MATTERS. THURSDAY, JC2CK 22, 1882. Arrtal iii reputtrt if Train 1.7. 2. 1, it 14 04: tht RaftwaJ Pat er learr f. "" arrive 6-J0a.B5. .7V p. m. M0p.m .9-.u a. m. .-4:30 p.n. TttUhl IeTr. rrtve.. Kor4 Aecom. !trt- aniru KASTERS THVIS105. ETaftward Piwoner tre. -... . m. irritu I'ao p. a. Freight IaT ;Ti a. b. ' tTirrt. , t0-.16p.. Tnriat Ptttr except BHJr. . . . A.Cruu, AM'tSsp't - It of Boot & Slioe at J. G. roTTKuV. Sweet potato plants for alc. at RoiJY'i?. Clothing and Hats ehrap at J. G. roTTEn'n. Ladies call on Mns. Fowler for your Millinery goodi. Bot fe Shoes will he jold cheap for caah at, J. G. VoTTxn'fi. Go to Mm. Fowler's for the latest styles in Millinery. The hest Header in the known world is for sale, by S. it F. Climax double geared, changeable j'jieed mowers, at Sl'AXOOI.K & Fuxk's. Cash for Egg, Butter, Totiltry, Rags and Old Iron, at the New Produce Store. 45-48 Three or four fccoml hand Har vesters in good condition, at Si'Atfofii.K fc Fr.vis. Call and fee the stock and prices of Roots and bhous before purchannr cl&ewhcrc, at J, G. PottkkV. New irools constantlv bcinir received at the leading Millinery Store, oncf door north of the Bank. Forxn: A large leather pocket book. The owner can get the same by calling at the Chief olfice. Now is the time, and at Spanoglc &. Funk's is the place to buy the best Harvesting Machinery in the market. Go to Mrs. Fowler's Millinery Store, one door north of Smith Bro's Bank, for the latest styles of Millinery good. Call on Simpson & Swcczcv of Blue IIill, el.,and get terms and prices before buying land or making a, loan an your farm. When you want anything in the Hour, feed or grocery line do not fail to call on Chas. E. Putnam. Fresh friuts and vegetables always on hand. The B. tt M. R. R., known as the "Burlington Route" oilers special ad vantages tn travelers. Sec thier advertisement in this paper. Fresh strawberries received every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evening, at Putnam's. Farm loans made by Simpson & Sweezey of Blue Hill Neb., easy terms .-..1 ....- .L. il. 1 r i and money in three days froin appn- cation M. C. Sherman is in the well boring and pump business, and when you . at 1 t wan i anyuungin uis lino give nim lU call. Ho! Ho! Tho Royal St. Jolm, Remington, and Singer Sewing Ma chines. Call and see them, at Spanogi.k & Funk's. Farmers if you want hay rakes to complete your happiness Spanoglo t Funk lias a host of them of every description. If you wish a good article, try tho Red Cloud Mills, Patent Flour, also the Red Rose, which is the best in the City for tho price. Smith Brothers announce still an other important reduction in rate of interest on time loans. Straight nine ScrcnU annual intcreit. Call at the tank and leave your application. 8-40lf. A Mcintosh has cut 150 acres of grass each year for 3 years with his Empire Mower, and still it is able to cut twice as many years yet without breakage. The Empire is the "Boss." Sfanogle & Funk has them TAKE NOTICE. I have purchased tho fractional sec. of land laying between Tcter McNitt's and tho river. And tho public is hereby notified not to cut anv timber on the same. M. B. SIcNrrr. To Butter Makers. Wo sell Butter Tubs and Ashton salt, and pay tho highest cash price for Butter & Eggs. 4.tf ORMSBY & DlCKERSOX. FOR SALE. 500 Town Lou in lei Cloal ImwoTt rrms. ValQAala Hetai vm t- liTtiyaad Fwd Barn. Prlcls mmulfe. unns to suit purchucr. Ci!l on or id- tl NOTICE. AH persons- knowinjr themselves in debted to the firm of Mitchell & Mor- hart will do well to call and settle Susido of ten-days or it will go into the hands of the Probate Court i Mitchell &. Moriiart. A Dtlightfal YortUj. ' Ladies prefer Florcston Cologne be-4 vjwv. uiry itntl ims lasting enmhina. tion pfcxquisiteiierfumos a-delightful aiovclty. aa aa - Worth Sssitmbsnas. Now that good times are again' upon us, it is worth remembering that no One Can CniOV tht n!mnnvt ..-. hroundings if in had health. There arc .imnfirerts of miserable people coins about to-dsy with disordered stomach uver or. kidneys, when a bottle of Parkers Gincer Tonic-would lo tfm more eood than all thai mvi;f.ir.n tK- lihav ever- tried.. AUiing ofKeantV it a jbv forcrer: The working of the- Marsh Deering ;i.wme uiuaer indeed, beautiful rRiersfore to sccuro joy in this 'world buy a Marsh Binder o harvest yonr. grain with. I'en will be bape? k rest ot your days, and yeur children, ay$; even your grandchildren, will 1$S"703jrHMc ae Spaisbrkr A r..-t-l 41., W;" a uaa ata -aiii. &u v Coni4s fooftiiag. AH kiiwb of tnmllgrain arc ally promUiiif . Hie heviet ram of the fell ?st MomUr night. Tlic countr comntlMtonen were in teion again last Monday. Farmers are "improving the akining hotm." cultivating Uieir corn. 3Ir. W. J, Wifcon h our thunfci for wtnc ver nice nwpberry planum Hie smiling countenance of Mr. 8. C. Smith is again seen at tlic bank. Seward Garler came up from Oma ha last week, to visit his parents and friends. Rev. A. J. Yatcr. the new Episcopal minwter was a culler at the Chief office last Monday. Tlic G. A. R. will meet at their hall next Monday night. All members are requested to be present. The creamery folk have the thanks of the Cutr.r for a nice roll of their excellent creamery butter. We were shown a sample of rye from Mr. Chas. Keuhn's Held, couth of the river, that measured over six feci in length. Rev. Geo. 0. Yeiser will, by Divine permission, preach next SMhbatii morning and evening at the Congrega tional Church. On account of tho small pox in Col umbus, the Sunday School Convention will not ronveno on June 20th, as heretofore announced. Wc arc under obligation to R. N. Lewi., E. Anderson and others for financial favors. God will bless those who remember the poor. There seems to be a little politics in the wind already, which goes to show that it will wax exceedingly warm as lsction time spproaches. A great many of our citizens con template making a trip to Denver when the through passenger trains begin to run, a!out the first of July. There was a load of corn on the street last week but the owner could not find a purchaser at 90 cents a bushel, and he hauled it back home. , Mr. Strohm says that ho is surprised that the editor of the Argus should be able to distinguish the difference between a democrat and a copper head There arc a great many strangers in fk .i i . . uiwii nuw-n-uays, anu inc majority or them are buying lots or other property and prepariiic to become permanent residents of Red Cloud. It seems that we were led into an error Borne weeks ago by parties who claim they had reason to believe that Sylvester Day had become insane. His neighbors inform us that he is as rational as anybody. J. L. Frame beats the world on po tatoes. He planted about of a bushel, and thoy, while not appearing above the ground, consequently are bug proof, have good large new potatoes formed already. Tlio Red Cloud bovs went tin to AVclls last Friday and engaged the first nine of that place in a matched game of base ball, which resulted in a victory for tho Wells boys. We are lniormed that tho scoro stood two to L one in favor of tho Wells nine. Strawberry and Ice Cream. There will be a Strawberry and Ice Cream festival at the M. E church1 Thursday evening the 22d inst. In ease it should storm as it has some times this season, the festival will be postponed until Friday evening. By order of Committee. . ' It seems that the north part of this county will have a monopoly of the 4th of July celebrating this year. There will bo a celebration at Blue Hill and one at Wells, while neither Guide Rock or Red Cloud will en thuse. Our neighbors on tho north seem to be moro patriotic than wo of the south. -A a s Tho McCook Tribune says that work has commenced on the B. k. M. eating houso at that place, and that said building will be the largest of the kind west of Hastings. -The B. & M. eating house at Red Cloud is five times as large as the one at Hastings, and is the largest and best railroad building west of Lincoln. Scetchmen. The Republican Valley Saint An drews Society will meet at Riverton on the Fourth. The object of the meeting is to more fully complete their organisation. All Scotchmen and sons of Scotchmen, visitors and residents arc invited to attend. By order of Committee. Come to the Chief office for vour weddinj: stationcrr. The secret charms which wc impart to work of this kind on its passage through our Iiands prevents family jars. Those who contemplate shuffling off the coils of single blessedness should remember this, and insure a long and happy life, plenty or childrctv and a serene and tranquil passage to- the other shore at toe end of life's journey, by getting yonr-wedding stationery at this office. Henry TVangner living 4 miles south-cast of town, was alarmed about 9 o'clock Monday niatby the flare of fire, upon getting up he-4ieovenstI hirj shed containingrruV machinery to- be on fire: I was covered wit cane pumice, and was set on fire by sonic one. His horses were staked out aw) one was miseingat tune- of fire, tftiis horse returnea aboat 3 hours after Ae fire coming from the east, weil warn ed up 'and evidently it had been rid den hard. The presumption is the sinner' that act oat this fire rode the horse tff-fr enoagh to get oat of dan ger-' ef- narsmtt- JHennr lost- a- si header, hay rasr and seeder.-. Hiiei thss cane heavy, as the iasnrance- will cover only .What the machinery- was worthatthe tiweoffi. and-he wilt hava-tto-asai iaer sacae new; and nav Jhe dilfcrenoc-Bltte Hill Timet.. I I CTCLOMS M MWU yfcf Tkkn Wmm m tto lt7 Sl Swt aai DuMHtlut Wfcft ft The Omaha Ret of Monday give full particulars of one of the worn storms that ever wae known ia the United States. Wceoodenae the lot lowing from the IkJt report. Th cyclone struck Grinnell, Iowa, about 9 o'clock Saturday evening, IS person were killed and about 75 wounded. A freight train was blown from the track and 33 cars mahcd to pieces. About seventy-five houses, in cluding some of the finest residence in the town were entirely destroyed. Both of the colleges were demolished. At tlic little town of Malcolm seven miles east of Grinnell many houses were blown don and seven persons killed. A nnmbcr of farm houes in the vicinity were destroyed and a large amount of stock killed. Near the town of Ames a farm house was blown down and a family of five persons were carried away and none of them have been found. At ML Pleasant a number of freight cars were blown from the track and the depot and several other building unroofed. The storms are reported to have been tlio most tern me ever witnessed. Fowls had their feathers entirely stripped off and trees were stripped of their bark, and the earth aptkearcd as if beaten and lashed with indes cribable fury. Several Kansas towns wore al.o visited by storms at about the same time. Su Mary's Academy at Lcar enworth was damaged considerable and four of the young ladv students killed. At Sedclia, Mo., the German Catho lic Church was blown down. TIhi damage to property during last Saturf duys storm, will reach Jnto th millions. C4tnwMl Item. En. C111F.F. I think when you asked for a correspondent in each precinct, you called for the general news in re gard to the crops Ac". Let us try and not exaggerate; nor slur our neighbors. If I stopped plowing corn, it was sim ply becauso the soil was too wet to Wc would be glad to hear from- all the precincts in the county. Would like to hear how that crciincry is prospering, for some of the farmers in this section arc wishing for one in this part of tho county. I think we arc all most interested in farming and dairy business at the present. There was rv slight mistake in my items last, stating that 'An. West was Supt. of tho Sunday school at Wells, Mr. West in place of Mrs. Rustic is quite mistaken in tho Aaa't Supt., it would be a better idea for him to go and find out before he itiru izes. He also stated that Plainview Sunday school is better than hereto fore, he wasn't there last summer to know. Was clad to hear our dar school was visited by the Co., SupL, last week. There was a big wolf chase took place last week, Mr. Will McCallum and Mr. Householder on horse back Mr. wolf camo out victorious Mr. Graves and wife have trans planted over seven hundred cabbage plants. He also informs me his cane will not be a half crop on account of the seed not coming good. Mrs. McDonald is anticipating a visit to Illinois as soon as the honest is over. The Spiritualists are talking of having a grove camp meeting the last loWune. 3 Mr. Householder presides at the organ every 8abbath by taking it to and from Mr. Hansen's. Mr. Carson and family from near Hastings stopped at my place Tuesday night, been on a visit to Smith county Kausos, they report everything flour ishing in Kan., and the farmers arc happy. ar it it met m aa. kmr. m dinners zamuy navo all een down with tha mttulM. Mr. Acree and family went on a visit to Blue Hill Sunday morning, lost accounts had not returned. J. C. A. aa a am rorter house steaks dowa In Texas, of the very finest cuts, are but three cents a pound. Up this way nobody butabond-boWerdare iilt the price ofsuchacnt. Bat the heitsr tisse is coming. The live-stock 'market can not hold present prices beyond this month, and by the the glorious Fourth it may be possible for a man who has a moderate income to renew his ac quaintance with beefsteaks. It will be interesting, if not provoking, to note the altered perceptions of the man who wields the retail cleaver. AVhcreas, when the market was rising; be was instantaneously alive to the situ ation and advanced prices to his easte rners with great readiness, he will be dull in discerning the altered conditio of the market and dilatory ia down to meet it. It is sssfrti high authority that men does, net He by meat alone. At the kct rate of that edible it for him that he deesnt.- $50,000 To Loan On Seal- Estate secaritr, at 9 centL annual interest. Jh com sfens,atThe Webster Coasrt Bank, seed mood. iMf a a l Aeeerse Front- the largest darner to the ?mailerCi.ahf4e. Silver Sprinc ftecL iH tetnner. will stadraH k oaMastcaentttranteel or funded.. Sends.-rtic, in cash or'pos- a HJunps nnn'gev a' pacaagwr To 5-3a-3a. PrnattsJE-Mtrofsirr. Bed CioeA Ntbrfc. Ideational Department miM u c lts M rot, at a p.nu ftfcrfMC J. A ft? I Afe 1 TmL i. B. Tlfin. Br. B. B.fafc Asia, Prst t W. Istt fret A. L. Tnk, tffl to Ztfaftt It tysakCtiaf lis 2ftfltitiU. !2CrKlCTOKS. Prof. J. A. (kmpbell will conduct Arithmetic, Httory and Ph-siolog) Mis Ella Mcllide wilt conduct the class in Elocuion. This announce ment is snmcicat to secure confidence in our reading ibis. J. Quinry pomcll will conduct classes in Langlage and Book-keeping. Ex-Snpt. A. A. Pope will couduct the work in Geography. Supt. Vanril will be present a por tion of the tine. xrs. r.mnu ancn win eomiuct a model primsry class of children illus trating Aw to teach small cliildrcn in our country schools. Further notice will be given, in the future. Amena; the Soheele. DwrRtcrNo. 13. This district is south of No. 50, and contains nearly 12 sections. The school is taught by Mrs. Francv Brooks who is now engaged for the thin! term. Several pupils in this school are among the beat scholars in the county. f Thw dUtrirr. ? cnnfli tt Va l"l Miss Cora V. Real is teaching here, her school is an interesting one Her grammar and composition exercises are a prominent feature of thw school. We wish the same idea was more fully carried out in other schools. District No. 8. This is one of our oldest districts and is south of the river. Miss Ento gene Downs closed her school in this district on the 8th inst. This has been a profitable school in many re spects, but wc would suggest to the teacher that in another school, refine to be disturbed by too many needless questions from the pupils. rnAXKux Acaukmy. Tins institu tion has managers and friends who know the difference between an acad emy and a college. The first term began in Dcccmlcr of lat year. At tendance, 55. The second term was more largely a6cnded. The main building, 24x50 is in course of con struction as a club-bo.irding and self boarding hall. If the trustees of this academy have courage cqnal to the task, something in the nature of scholarship will be seen within four or five years. Literary Notes. Nfbr.ska Baptist Semikarv. Commenceincnt cxcrciecs, Wednes day, June 7. Programmec: Declam ation, F. Cook ; Essay, Minnie Buzzell ; Recitation, Cillic Drydcn ; Oration, 21mcr E. Hpraguc ; Debate, Would the practice of the learned professions by women be benefical to themselves and to society ? AIT., Laura Hardin ; Ncg., W. II. Craig. Recitation, Lizzie For sythe; Oration, A. E. Carson; Claw history and prophecy, Flora 8praguc. Wc regret that Miss Emma Bulklcy, our esteemed instruc tor in mathematics and elocution, will not return to us next year. Sho has accepted a position nearer home, in the public schools of Carrol I ton, Ills. We are looking to Illinois for a substitute. The Executive Board of the bctmnary, at the last quarterly meeting, voted to relieve Principal Read of the financial burdens and re sponsibilities' Professor Sutherland has moved into his new home, just completed. Cor. Lierary Kotet. The commencement exercises of the university closed yesterday morn ing with the orations of seven of the eight graduates, at the opera howse, and the conferring of the degrees by the chancellor. This class is made up of students averaging twenty-one years of age, somewhat younger than usual in this and other collegiate in stitutions, but the culture and thought shown in their compositions, and the ease and grace of their delivery, show progress in discipline and application that is highly encouraging to those who wish well to the institution and j take ati interest in its work. The regents conferred an appropriate eons- pliment upon Hon. James Monroe, of Ohio, who delivered the very able uni versity address of Tuesday evening, as also a lecture on Monday evening, for the benef t of the literary socie ties, the degree of L. L. D. Mr. Von roe's long public service, literary cul ture and educational work made him worthy of the honor. The JocxxaX. will be a Jake prophet if the boys and girie ot the class of '82 snake a mark in the future of oar state. iShir JwmrmtL IsanroTCal ssxaM and raw sale by fPJnjasmi k "Sweesey IWIXeU:. Und for of SpaaogL. wwafc rr i tbe field witk a fott-atirof Barvafttca; Maehia- sr,ielnaJingtneM Drea- aeievrSatk, tkc CKasaYaasl the Pa"aT aw Siar MtZ VI w aPsw" aVVaa 8erkyHwyJUfcw,a4 the- wleWaseai McCalkmHarJfjstfrlar attach to 4 bedl Ivata call aad steiembeofe bojihe Fkifti Lss40ftf ftt(ss5 JwrnKymt. kS ttmtm m SUS mt kit UtaU t mmkm sat t1 ta Mrt t i tHa, w hw taal wry lUwC. Wr t atk t tHjrtri Cwv mtj l U W 9t4y Jiy l. i 5ju m is wc m utm l rrt Ma ! riilim i ai. a4 mtotttbm mi S UM ti Jva i)Vm warvi I, awtara. rraas 9. Umt4 al fw-t wiaaw a aa f a, iw. v 9. W. aWITXKH. WtT. at 5a.ay U. l2. VMaaa k mm m ar tkt tV tolirwis ni aa ai tit Hi lm.lmtl tm a ai nw w nrn f aU !. aa4 twaalry liimt Wrf t 0t ( tew Vaty ? . at aW SM Omi 3tS- farSay Jj L. UU. i MS aaai Kwf is nrn f aU tlaii f?ff;lrUa , r. X Uw i rmr Um. H aaa ta tHt vitttm ia Mt at (( a rrJT ar a4 rahiraMi af -H Um-L tt tlaa llua. Cart JntrM. .Nj, IS.brt aa4 CrH jatj S. W. JWIT2ER. IxU.f, Laa40fteatroalai9ak.May Ja. ISC 5tk U ary tlr ikat ti ftut aaat4 ttlar aa lUJ ailr T aia iatUa 'J Kt a )rrt f ate dalat. aaS Ua aaU " i Wa c4i ITcr A f wnnKn wtr caiy Atb. a iaiar- Uy Jaly Ut t. i. ., J Mctjritata. HM a try o.:nM frrU '- ... i ua r ,,,n,1,li"',N " 'J'e illionn larvr hU (3t4ar rmJt r 4 clUTatki ail UaJ. tic UIU lUlf ra.llMryJ. Maa.w. W,l!i iwry i Fraaa TaaaaaU all K4 CV L 'V jaaljaaSS . w. aVlTIi:R. RUtr. Netlce. Tk ?Uta f 5 cVntaa. Wafcttar i.aaty. ... .. Ta aay CWtk4 af aalJCoaatyt Tea ara smb. ataiaa44 to n Alx4r s. KlJio ef tU Caty aa I SUta aal Klai Cra rlat. ta af f hfara m Cartaaa rw, a JattWa .1 Ik l'a. at lay o la Elm i'rvak racial. Wh iter cuaaty aa tavoitlty Juh iMi. t o tUtk a taa fraoon af li Uy. J aa( 1 tba action Abrta Wlli. fur a latat ! I blma!ra4lD( rloai 8 10 iII( aet iate'wt taartva Aireaa yaar. aaU (a aa4 alsl oaa batlrtlta $ZM dollar tarxalx ttll aal lataraat latraoa for thr jn. ao-1 mu efUiUaalt. Yoa will saalae fatara of lat writ on tb ?ol dar af Jaoa ISM. WttotM uy baaJ taU ;?ta 4y of Vay 12. iV C. Cauar. JuitiM of lae l'rr. 7 Per Cent. Money to Loan t Money to prove ui with on final re ceipt, of on deeded land l 7 iH'r n-nt,. and l&! per ctut. iunimUii, or si straight 9 per cent, no cmmuivinn. J.no. It. WiLirux. Omcr ncit door to Chief oilier. 3011 sTOTICl TOJIiCIXIS. ifotleat tvaraKr aivan. that I will aiaalci allaaraoaa bo any Jalr ta efftr taaaualtaa M casaliataa far thtt ef th -ritaary or aaaaoa acacaU tf Wthatcr eoutstr. at Ui Cl-iaa ea laa 6rt HalnrJar in Iba m atbt ot Fabraary, May Aata't aal Numbr: At ttlaa iiill on th firt trlr ia tna tuoHtbi aaaary, April. Jaly mo-1 Ottotrr. At tialJa Kwck on tba Slrat aturvlay ia lha tuotilfca o( Marrh. J una. drtcmtr aa.1 I'rcrmtaf. iliataiaatioat to ronttaciifa at So'vlock a.. CstBLa W. Frutnnti. County HaperintaoJert of 1'uMie lotnsrtlon. B. laOSSIlVO, Picture Gallery, RED CLOUD. NEIL "Scaurs tosthidsw ert ih& isbstar:i faiet." All kinds of pictures taken and nt-i-ifaction guaranteetl. 4ftf GIVE HIM A CALf Guide Rock House, J.li.SMUSJ'ropr, GUIDE HOCK. KEBBAPKA. Tliis Houe has jnt lcn refit trd and newly furnihed throughout. GOOD SAMPLE ROOM for the accommodation of commercial men. U-IUtf P. H. O'CONNOR, Wkolnala and Brtall Dvalrr In , WIRS I IMS. AUo, Sample Room for the accom modation of the public. RED CLUD, NEBRASKA. Red Cloud Mills. Both Custom and Merchant work promptly attended to. ALL WORK WARRANTED. Highest CASH price paid for good Milling Wheat and Corn. rOTTEet V 9IAYKB. faa-SVtr Til City Biiirj & ktiarut A. 1.AIITEKBACII, RED CLOUD; . . NEBRASKA, r. wr.RK you c.tif orr Frssh Srcti mMiM sq icssstlk Paiemt rieir. Always m htxl Ice Cream Aud Frch Oyitcrs in their "cajon. fssOppOrtitc PostotSre, 9-39 Money To Loan On Real EUte. in Wclwter and x,U joining counties at the verr bet rate. It will pay every fanner who thinks of borrowing money, tt ice rnc lcf.ire making arrangements xith anr other party. No expense to the lorroircr no tediou delay no dealing with catcrn partie no application fee, lonri or communion no fee for making or recording paper. or taking acknoirl edgernenta no ad ranee or cnu-an nual interest, and no interest until money is actnally in hand. Call apoa or addre JL A. Hrxrcry. 381 Loan Broker. Blue If ill, Neb. wra -"HawtJia.- m Vtm ot aiararr m aaaUa ai Ua. "tUmmATtrnm" lha Srat la ii f FBEDEICZ DOUGLASS wriMM W kifMasf. M Ml mm Wrti,. "hmttm last' t CaU la wHSt tsa a444 A aaaraaja fSTMt karter- rif Mfk wit kaa SSiaiBV aVa aaBBBBBSBaVSaBaJaaasa aSaaaaSa eLaasf SkSUaXaB ftsaasl sUssasaat eBBBaTk sBaaVsl sbbbv VasaaBV " AifwJ,S.OOP3a3f CO. LPS StVeaSaSI BBBUaB I fcaaJal aalU VTaai aaem CVWy Vvsfv f) IfWhaV watraaaaasiafaHMJif taaSaa r Waa asaSfSa of nisi kftltoS ay faa mUmmmrnit miwmmimU: aaM. Tta yartia aa Mf mmVmmmt sBnasp awsSsaaTssBBBBaT bbbsbbbbbI BBBBaataaeevai assi aaaaw stasaaasiBJ eaahSBsaW fa a . -T" m a saspw aissnavvaa yVVfsassw aBssVsavBaH earn aaassBTtsT sBVvssMflaas sbVssMbbMbI ihhi lata rBBBraaata aaMaav mj -- - - M JJ vaaaaHpaaaaaaMSal. mmtWU. ZTK. faaaatcfitearSaVi ..75 mmmms saUt.-icmr nj ta, tjmmm t-t -5T.,Zir ? ., - A TinM f " ?mwmmmirr 4 -, s. ?JtBSJ3wErZI-?,- -" W.aM-i JVi" -jy Jc. aoocaasit UYk - - . ZL il f-.T"-?T. r . SrSrS'TaSa - -" --T." " i-aaaaiarY IMM0 f "Taa aaaTa iaa i ta -- -"- aaaaBaaaaBi.Baua.... naajaaaafaayaj BesleyA HARDWARE, STOVES, TINWARE, BARK WIRE, ETC. RdOIood, - PUMPS A N D W I N D M I L BESLfn'A PERKINS Chicago Lumber Yard; Red Clouds lVbrtuik. YARD i?OtrTH OF HAMPTON'S BLACKSMITH SHOP, OS MAl.V tpr Keep ccutA!tlv n him! an aiUmnt Witwio, Unic, uuf. iYtne: Ki. - wotr PL ATT Jones & Magee Lumber C DEALERS IX LUMBER, LATH, 3UI.NULKH, SASH. DOOI I!im.Av f RED CLOUD - - NEBRASKA. DUV LUMBER A SPECIALTY, tiOU) A r Til Go To W. Staple Fancy Groceries, -the l.V TOWS MX Choice Nuts. Fruits. & Confections. 'Fresli KrulU and YrgetbN 5ld Davis Sewing Machine! SOL!) MITCHEIsL A MORIIART, Red Cloud, - - iNnlm.. THE IUT MAHIINK IN 1 K, AND DON'T YOU I-ORGHT IT. Meat Market Jo. (! A UllKIl, Ptvp. ALL KlflH Or If sale ..... fis r' ansiLi. iiiuzirr; m.c r - ewsasei enssnii nil t Alyays c:( Hand CA.II 1'AII) FOB FAT CATTLE, Moshcr's old Stand 188 SPANOGLE ft FU HEADQVAIITEIUS TOR AGRICULTURAL Two Doors South of Bank, RED CLOUD. - REMOVAL -n:OM CHICAGO TO fm Immense Stock MVKSH has Them, f COME ! COME! CO 1 Ue Lswrence i. Martinja " - w wrri.'4i froSSSEcSSnSm TMOAT aa iaa tofiaaa m fcTaH( BALSAM OF TOLU ix3n. t n -?ij -wias3ari7 i::z "axm. aaaHr arsavfn-f aaxwrs a, Tz- JT: . m 1 jim nli ni - TfeTiUtiiCfclVaf i XT? NabNsk I. S A SPEC! A L T Vl ttnmtttt t ri lwjjl':1. . t Kic & ! tOfia .)o. THE I1KHT IS THE MARKET AND K LOWEST PRICE. JONIS6c MAGKK. 9 B. ROBY'S FOR. iur- on O nniti HVV Uil D M H. in ;l ' f4 v s-9TJBV. HOf.H. ItULTR itrii - Red Clottd. ------ 1 IMPLEMENT! JW. li v .A NRBRASK "t J, lmnUrf. f.afc' "ifcfc-.-. !..- .'-..., sansm . bv - -- - a v vAa3 m & a- .mm IMftv NssaTT tBaaaaaBakaaar 4 1 BsaaaaaaafVaaarw aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnaaaaaaaaaaaaakv - aSSBBBBBBBBSBaT!SaaaaaaBBVBaM aaaaEj wri rati i w sa ii rmrii itai n t Kaarm nana -v-wsaaaai Vyavaei J-T5J,3rrrT . W Wf SBBaT ' ..BBBl rlVLnl$4HhJa. i C'J9jaaaBBBBl MalaBnBBWtafjHyF M .JTjXafaaaaBBl MMt a4aaBTSe5s JASaaSBBBBBBBBral 'r' 'bbbbbbbbbbI -Jsbbbbbbbbbb1 - "BBBjBJ RED CLOUD. of Dry Goods. MfeOaxWTM, ASTMsaA. mit- .innvAT, CteamTT AMD UVHCM. Ti4WUaeJCi!jHAt.yw UX mm. i(fcli " t,TT V. VX; . V W a iXMB&ac nrt.mn n ... ,-.. . m "-'""' "wi,matfc :.j . . .' -- " www s -- a ! Jftt W&xH ti Qs fS iba s4S. Bvaa, v:l p 1 i tl VI .! - iV wf &-- lA if - 5W ;S5r-r Tf .- sC iiai lt-v- w "r 7T1 r- , "-r - s.smCs&j' jv- i.Ti-i -iJBBr?- . ?' . t - " TJfc - xStFrOk -. ia-- A- ' C mf & - - ..3;J