The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 22, 1882, Image 4

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L. THOMAS, Pubtlshsr.
-i trades umos:'
Tf fart to oc n lvo lxvtrwlo
In wtikh such mien lil -strike'
A man who'll iirrtortjiknr II To
or wclilcxl Ml vhoiiUl carry
Thnw nilw of how to Ur wlfo
Then runner waller marry.
A wnmnn U, j-nu will ob-crv-
AnMruly nt nlio-tnakcr:
Bo j on mint moldor with a noire,
Aii'l Ikj thv injntua-makcr.
You must Rujcportor In hcrsJylo;
fllto hr u iurj-r tnotirj.
Ati-I n'f-fo)li-cti.T plcnant xtnlle
Will turner sweet at bono.
Vlicn jp -oclnir inhrr up.
Hut !o nut until a Mllor:
OIounuiitJ" mnycaulkcrup,
And curorwiM that tailor.
To toller nil mut lw jour jInn;
Hut iicVl'ii"r oh. n'v'rl
Kri'rlcm doth te irhvr man
1 h w.Io:ii of thin, over.
On no iiccnuiitnnt-MT when dho
Ii angry, for hr-shor
An ou reply you II Mirry '
AuiiMi. word may woo her.
Had drummer coMiIrr never drink.
Nor vtiiok" Uir-tmker cvit.
If Jilic'a a W-turcr don't think
To plaj or hltep U clover.
Don't av vnn'relujiV , .'fn when she
rU-i'en that thi; line
TL under no imp
. ih'T:
" t;..llT n;ri;i j,u
j - u.fcuir iiiki uor un.luer.
Win ho lias aoMIt Pundny pnnti
In which you've Initrhcr inwmy,
Purveyor not with aiurry Klautsj
Jtvt actor llttlo funny.
You'll h.ivo a mother-In-Iawyor know
Who'll often Joiner daughter.
And Mheu hh() t.ikr jour m-ulptor chow
Kho" "boi" you will Like water.
Do not make cooper lie for Bho-'ll
aDil(ftiveoiiu In fK.k(;n,
l'tir try your iirliit to eoneuil
You can't thus trustee broken.
Keeje-r 1mm nuctloriocror fur;
Hut should lm driver Imrciiin,
And buyer olei k or faituly Jar,
Hoii't ay " IhiHi cnu'ked." and far grin,
I't yiur nent fln.-fn-makcr ro'pect;
lnertorown with ploiuuirt.
Don't le a " niimon" liut H"lcit
Tho lxlt;o that holds your tre-inuro.
Keep Knnleuer. If fanneralN
To hhield her N our duty.
Cosidiirtor f nfoly thniiigh flfo'HBitlo?,
And helper ki.t.'ix-r lx-aut.
When e'er j on tako carpenter wrlght
Vou mut hiiud inilliorl"ti4.r,
I'or hIioiii I you ftittler Jallort uplto
Yiu d wwher liiuin't met lior.
Homo uierrhant reason iilwnyn set
lii'ii hiMiii m muken plater
Your -iiilnu homo. Don't makoendet.
rrufe.H-Kir love nor hate hor.
Hnt tomler wheti you n)u5c. Don't let
ijiio tmrlx-r-oiiitoiit-eiittnr,
I'or men who'voifilder wile, regret
ith feelings iihi, too utter.
Anoiher tlmi pernai, wheelwright
None otlnr rule wo know, sir,
Hul lhee It will not tutor fliidit,
Jf baiter on would groeer.
. '. Ihntjr. in X. Y. nmjihfc
A Story of Northern Indiana.
Furty yours Nje I lie. upper portion of
C I'onnty, in Xorthi'ru Indiana,
was oompiiRilivcly :t Thu
wttlors wero fow ami far hutwuuu. and
it was only uft:r a ride of 111:1113' snili'-s,
lliroiiili forots and arrows prairies, that
llio travcliT iniolii linil uvidonco of ad
vancing civilization in the prsfiH'j of a
lo;ra1in, planted 011 thu rdeof aclear
ininaiiu I13 thi'pioneer'.sax. Hroadov
i:iiim'S of pniiric l:ij' to lint north, with
out thu .mu of a human habitation,
while vast forasl.s of walnut, oak. 111a
iilt hiekorv. hiirli and other woods a
3 et ftirniMied few hjus that, tiny had
ever heon pciietniti'tP 113- the ndvenlur
us white man, mid these i;ti.s were
Iirinripally the "hlazed" )atns, made
3' cultino; thrQuirh tliu bark to tho
whito wood of the trees, a sign searcel3'
distinguishable after twilight, set in.
Here and there they had been marked
uit 1)3 lnmlers, oreount3'.sun,C3'ois. and
1h 03 were always :t weleomo siht to
one who found himself lost in tho 'lraek
less woixls."
Oec:fion:ill3 tho long-descrtod enuip
cf the departed Indian was met. siddiii";
to the sense of loneliness that fell upon
the rover venturinp; to traverso theso
wilds, and what w:is still more startling
was the njipeaniiiee now and then, in
noma espeeiall3' .seeluded spot, of a red
man s jrrave. jnn vet it was not a
p-mve in our sense of the word since tho
"untutored Kivajjo," in theso instances,
had not buried his dead, but had built
nil oblong pen of polos, some eight foot
in length l3' four "in width and three
and one-half feet in height, in which tho
corpse was placed in one end in n sit
ting posture. Such a sight was not an
agreeable one, as tho both, or nit hor tho
skeleton, iu thoso ihn'S. could be seen
through tho crevice of the enclosure.
which frequently had been widened bv
t ho wolves in their frantic offorts to
gnaw through and reach tho remains of
the A-arrior Avhose spirit, av:is then far
nw:t3' on tho happv hunting-grounds,
oblivious of the peril to his abandoned
i!eh and bones.
Tho AA'inter of 181 had boon unu
sual I3 severe, the temperature f rcquent
Iv dropping below zero, and tho mioaws
that hail fallen enrty in December lay
upon the ground until tho latter part of
.February. hvcry where tho .streams
wore locked m icv fetters and not ear
lier than the middle of March were they
wholly free from their long and Avcan"
thralfdom. Hut Avith tho first month o'f
spring tho sun began to Avarai over3
thing to life again, and tho brooks
leaped joyfully along, the birds returned
to their accustomed hauuts. and nature
assumed onco more something of her
Avoided appearance.
Among tho settlers of the region, ho
greatest ditliculty, in connection Avith
tho domestic and culinary departments
of their homes, Avas the procuring of
clothing ami provisions. Game AA-as
abundant, it is true, and tho ritle
afforded them supplies of venison, Avild
m turkey, geese, rabbits, etc., but to thoso
A-bo liad enjoyed tho luxuries of old
Java, llio and Mocha and refined sugar,
there s-oemed to be a something lacking
that could ncA'er bo restored. Instead
- of the broadcloth and cassiinerc. "tho
male portion of the household contented
thcmclvos Aith jeans or coarser fab
rics, Avovcn upon tho hand-loom of some
fortuuato neighbor, and the Avomen
were satisfied Avith linscA'-Avoolsey and
calico, Avhilo parched A-heat tooK. the
dace in tho coffee-pot of tho fragrant
icrtics from Arabia and; tho
sugar made from tho sap of the rock
maple. Avhich greAV in great numbers
throughout tie country, proA-cd a SAvect
substitute for the mora aristocratic and
costty "loaf," then so highly esteemed
in the older States.
With tho genial sun and airs of
March, tho settlers began the manu--"
facturc of maple-sugar, and old and
voung partook of tho fun engendered
aiA-aA-s in and about tho "camp." The
familiar distich:
Bo ready, for with tho March sun
The maplo trees bein to run,"
had been heeded, and innumerable hol-
Ioav "spiles," made of tho elder-bush,
and troughs hewn out of tho buckeye,
J and huge iron kettles, and vessels of
every description Avere hauled to the
scene of operations. The trees haAnng
been bored and tho "spiles" inserted
that wero to convev tho saccharine
juice to the "troughs," they "began to
run," and that so briskby, that inBow
ard Inskip's orchard of Iaa-o hundred
j splendid maples they kept all hands
busy for a full Avcek. day and night,
emptying the vessels, "boiling down,"
"stirring" to the required gram, or pour-
ijifftbe granulating suVstaace intotbtj
tototM mh1 oW to hardeft n& c
broken up when wanted ia the fuiur.
Saturday afternoon arrived, and, the
Mn not flowing very freel Mr. Inakip,
with all employed, except his on, a hul
of fifteen, ami a lai his junior by tome
two jir5. left the camp for their re
njcc.tive home, Harold lcin cbarjwwl
by his father to "look after things" and
t-tart with Jennie for home before sun
down." "All right,1' replied Harold, "Jennie
and I will he at the 'Hill' by the time
it is dark, anyhow, if it Li three miles,
for vou know we are both good walk
era.' And as Mr. Jnakip and party
disappeared in the forct, he fell to
work righting affairs in tho camp with
the awstanco of Jennie McMillan, a
bright-haired, buxom and brave little
girl, adopted as a daughter into the In
skip fainib, a favorite' with all, and,
pcrhap. jiarticularby so with Harold.
Hut there was more to arrange than
was expected, and the miii had set and
twilight come on, and the great forest
through which they had to pas? loomed
tin black, anil the sk wa hidden by
clouds threatening to deprhc them both
of moon and starlight, while the' had
onh a " blazed" path to follow through
the dense and dark woods. It was not
a pleasant walk in prospect for Jennie
and Harold, but thus far in their bright
and Miniij lives they had learned noth
ing of fear. Their heart were innocent,
and guilt alone hath dread " of things
hecn and unseen."
' Come, Jennie," said Harold, " all
is read3 now to start, and I shall take
1113 :ix along."
" Iui 3'ou don't want it at home to
night, and it is so heavy 3011 will get' tired
carrying it; besides you will want it here
on Monday," urged Jennie.
" That's true, but I don't mind its
weight; then homo straggler might drop
into camp anil steal it. O, res, I'll Like
it with me," and throwing It on his
f.iio';lder, and clasping Jennie's hand in
his. the3' walked out of the tlyingcanin
liru's light -into the gloom of the dark
ness, and one following them at a rod's
di-ttauce could not have discerned their
out-linos; and for a few minutes U103'
were as mute as tho gigantio jopIars
and black walnuts, between whose
trunks they groped their way.
"O. Harold, Isn't this a dreadfully
dark night?" asked Jennie, in an under
tone, as if fearful of disturbing tho aw
ful hush above and about them.
"Yes, Jennie; but it won't lw long
until we reach that bit of prairie that
runs into tho wood, and then we will
have some light. You don't feel afraid,
do you?" and Harold pressed her hand
" Xo, but then, Harold. I though
just now There! hark! don't 3011 hear?
There's something following us!" and
Jennie drew tip closed to the side of her
companion, who, pushing her fiiickly to
tho front, stopped back, and, peering
into the darkness, saw but a few feet
distant a black object.
" I see it," ho replied. " it's only tho
big black dog that neighbor Houston
brought from Pennsylvania last week.
I'll call him. Here, Carlo! come here!"
. As the supposed Newfoundland
deigned no answer in .'1113' manner,
Harold rcnrirkcd: ' lie's a surby brute.
We'll let him alone. Come, Jeuuie,
we'll go ahead," and putting her arm
through his, tiny moed forward, oc
eaMonalby looking behind, and alwa3'H
lindiug that the intruder on their atten
tion was still keeping them Compaq'.
At I:ot tho litllo space of prairie was
reached. At the point where their path
crossed its peninsular .shape, it was not
more than a couple of hundred yards in
width, and tho high grass and dead
leaves had been beaten to the ground b3
tho heavy .snows of the past winter.
Having emerged from tho thick gloom
of tho wood into tho open light of the
moon, wiucli at mat moment Miono
through a rift iu the clouds, Harold
turned to look at their four-footed
companion, just us, half iu shadow,
half in light, it crouched backward and
uttered a yell that rang out over the
prairie, and echoed through the forest,
and curdled the blood in tho veins of
the young biigar-makcrs.
Involuntaril' Harold's baud swung
his ax into the air. and recovering him
self in an instant from his Mirpriso and
horror, he sprang forward, his uplifted
weapon gleaming in tho moonbeams,
and seeming no weightier than a child's
hatchet iu his grasp.
Do not run," he cried to Jennie;
" 'tis a black wolf, and there arc others
in tho forest to whom ho is calling. If
we run. wo aro lo-L Perhaps 1 ma3
frighten him away;' and with that ho
rushed at tho beast, whose exes glared
at him with an indescribable fur3.
Ihit the attempt was abortive; tho
shaggy and ravenous wolf onh retreat
ed to" tho bushos skirting tho open
ground, and when Harold and his
frightened ward resumed their walk, it
boldly came out, and b3 tho time the3
readied tho opposite " wood had ap
proached so near that, fearing it would
leap upon them, Harold again sprang at
tho savairo creature, braiidishiiijr his. nx
m its very face. Finding that it could
cj . -
do nothing .safety alone, tho wolf now
set up a scries of appalling yells that
filled their hearts Avith terror anil in
creased tho anxiety of Harold. Avho
knew that if tho apparently half-famished
animal AAas reinforced b3 one or
tAVo of his fierce species, they would not
hesitate to tnako an attack. If thoy
could 011I3 have time before tho sum
moned succor came, they Avould reach
"Tho Hill" iu safety; but it av:is still a
full mile and a half distant, ami a deep
raA'ino Aas to bo crossed on a rude
bridge not more than live feet in Avidth,
and this spot might bo called the battle
ground, in caso assistance camo to their
Harold thought of this contingency
AA'ith alarm. Tho raA'ino A-as deep and
dark, and on a narrow, unbalustradcd
bridge, tho odds in a struggle would all
bo in favor of tho avoIa-cs. He said noth
ing in regard to his anxiety, but urged
Avith calmness tho necessity of increas
ing their rate of speed, determined, if
fiossible, to pass tho dreaded spot before
lclp arrived fqr their persisting and
bloodthirst3 cnenm
"Jennie," ho said, " I haA'o not heard
an3 answers to those horrid yells; but
let us Avalk faster, and then if tliev" do
folloAV us to 4 The Hill,' Avhy, A'ou see, I
Avill give one of them at least," and that
is this old black A'illain behind us, a bul
let that AA-ill mako a-ou re-christon 'Kill
buck.' and call it 'Kill-Wolf.' "
To this Jcnnio faintly repliod: "I
hope so. Harold; but here avc aro at this
dreadful ravine. I Aish Ave Avero over
it in safety. Listen! AA-hat was that?"
and, as sho spoke, Avild yells broko on
their cars from two directions, and certainty-
from no great distance. They
AA'cro" answers, andannouueed helpcloso
at hand help for tho fangs eager to
fasten upon tho throats of their antici
pated victims.
Harold's Ajorst apprehensions wore to
be realized; no eourco of escape Avas
open, and j-et tho frail structure Avhich
they had now readied might prove the
means of their sah-ation.' At the last
halt, to face tho Avolf, Harold had cut a
stout hickory dub, and, hastily sharp
ening one end, he gave it to Jennie, tell
ing her, in caso of attack; to use it vig
orously, keep dose to his side, and by
no meanR to become soparated from him
in the tight.
Before the middle of the bridge was
attained a fierce howl at the western
end warned them that they were to
contend with the wolves ia front as well
as in the rear.
"Stand firm! Do aot move to either
side, Jennie," shouted Harold, as be
struck a tremendous blow at the savage
beast which leaped at his breast, and,
receiving tho full force of the keen
weaponrfell oA-er tho edga of the bridge
"That rajc will frbii m 99
into tne roaring torrent below tuer
TiajrMiT mim "T f
are la front of ye? i eaa see twoori
'.. -- w ... rnww m w ,
three here," aad at tkat mtomtM
Harold was agala feevet by tite infuri
ated beariH. but dealt hk blown M
rapidly and with tack effect that they
could jwt reach Jilt pereoa Suadisg
with her back to HaroldX Jeaaie was
bravely fadnp tho foe. wielding ker
spear-like club, and striking to tasi
right and left, whea auddenly aee ex
Harold, help! there are too many.
Oh, mvarmr' Quick m a ligataiaja
flah. Harold turned, and with a blow
cruhcd tho skull of the ferocious
monster that had faateaed his teeth
upon her left arm, and was striviag to
drag her to the carth-
Jlut tbey were not to be baffled of
their prey thus easily, and the nrxnaln
ing wolvt'i, gnashing their tveth and
uttering howls of rage, agaia dashil
furiously forward, their jrreer: eyes
flahing like balcfnl fire. Two hal al
ruad3' been dispatclicd. vet tho number
seemed incrcsfcig, and that gave thorn
renewed boldness. Harold fdt that
the atrenjrth of hinnolf and his heroic
little companion could not much longer
sustain the impetuous attack of their
tireles and unyielding adversaries.
"Jennie, dear Jennie,' ho cried,
" don't despair; avc will Act beat them;"
ami as another brutish 'fiend praog at
ht-j face and fell crippled and bowjingoa
the footway, the pack ficcmed for a
moment fctaggered and confounded.
Hut it Avas only for a moment, and.
to Jennie's horror, she dicovcred thu
dark forms of their new rccniiUJ stealing
up on the end of tho bridge.
" McrcA mercy! Harold. Avhat phall
avc do? l"can swing this club no longer.
Oh, help! help! help!" anil her despair
ing cry rang out above the snapping
ami howls and yells of the !leagueriu"
wolves like the last wail of exhausted
agony the final importunate call of ex
piring hope.
It appeared as though she had uttered
her own death-knell, for the sound had
not died away among the shrinking
echoes of ,tho "ravine, ere the wolves
made another and more desperate rush,
but were met Avith unabated courage
and obviously fresh strength in the arms
of tho attacked. Thick and fast tho
blows Avere mined around, and furiously
the maddened beasts were pressing tho
youthful defenders for their liA'cs. when
suddenly a rifle report from the Avestern
slope of the hollow was heard, surmount
ing tho confusion and of tho con
flict, now plainly revealed by the light
of tho moon bunding upon the scene.
"Saved!" saved!" cried Harold; and
the next instant, down on the bridge
like a tempest, dashed Inskip with a
half a dozen stalwart and armed
hunters, Avho had stopped at "The
Hill" on their return homo after night
fall, and. learning tho apprehensions
felt at tho iion-appearanco of Harold
and .Jennie, had ollered to accompany
luskip and ascertain the cause.
So impetuous Avas their charge on
hearing Jennie's despairing cr3'. that
tho wolves Avere taken Ity' surpri:e, and
those confronting her AA'ere either
crushed b3' the clubbed rifles or hurled
into the swollen ami tumbling torrent
at the bottom of the tronrc. Harold, in
tho excitement and AVild Joy ol rcilei.
flung his bloody n viat the hist retreating
Avolfwilh a "there, tako that for a part
ing blow," and had tho gratification of
seeing the baffled brute disappear iu the
budies dragging awa3' his hinder legs,
broken by the well-aimed blade, while
Jennie fell into tho utrong arms of her
foster fathor, anil AA'cpt .silciitty'tipon his
manly and faithtul bosom tears of grat
itude to Heaven and him lor deliver
ance from a hideoin death.
Those Avilds of C County iioav
"blossom liko the rose." Tho vast for
ests have disappeared. Thriving towns
ami villages Ikia'o sprung up in scores,
and Avcll-liPcd and magtiiticont farms
aro evidences of contentment and pros
perity. The iron horse awakes the echo
of its hills, and iLs white plume floats
over its prairies. Avhilo peace, plenty and
intelligence combine to render happy its
AA'ell-to-do and hospitable citizens.
Harold and Jennie long since repaid
each other's fait hfulnos on that event
ful night, by linking their hands and
hearts together for life. Avhilo often, by
tho evening's cosy fireside, have tho
ros3'-ehocked children of the sugar-makers
of 181- begged papa or mamma " to
tell again that story about tho avoIvcb."
Hiiluilcljihia Day.
A Pica for English Ofera.
Tho following is a copy of a letter
sent by Silas (I. Pratt, tho" composer, to
a gentleman eminent in musical circles,
regarding Mr. Pratt's opera Zcnnbia."
Avhich is to be produced at Chicago in
Juno, Avith Cary and Litta in leading
roles, supported l3' a chorus of -00
A-oices and an orchestra of fiO perform
ers. Tho letter will be of exceptional
interest to musicians in all parts of tho
" Tho groat interest 3ou have shown
in tho opera ' Zenobia1 aud its success
encourages mo to sneak plainly and
eamestty Avita regard to tho lyrical
drama in America, and tho causes and
hopes that h:wo led to tho conception
and .ompletencss of the Avork. It is
known that opera in a strange tongue U
on joyed to a ven limited degree, only
those parts that are melodic and beau
tiful without Avords holding tho listen
ers' attention. Dramatic Avork based
upon tho thought solely is lost, for if
one seeks to getthcsene (pathos, Ioa'c,
hate, or Avhatover sentiment it nm be
intended to portray) by folloiving tho
translation, thu action and appropriate
ness of tho music arc unnoticed. And
if 0110 looks at tho action, one must
guess at the word, and in the puzzle tho
syllabic power, tho thrill of sene, the
beauty and strength of musical trcat-
! ment arc unheard. The prejudice against
the English language musically has
p.assed aAvay, having been; based Upon
an improper uso of it, rather than from
an3 deticicnc3 of euphony inherent in
the speech itself; because, also, tho trans
lations of Italian operas in the main
AAcre absurd, at times even disgusting,
the fault beingasmuch with the original
text. hoAveA'er, as with the translator. It
is a fact that Germany to-day possesses
a national opera, and Franco may also
daim "a similar distinction; and when it
is knoAvn that the A' of both
theso countries possesses ail the un
musical qualities of our own. and many
in addition (as tho guttural ch in ich",
dich, niich, the z in zart, tho tz, thesch
as in schon. etc., in tho former, and the
nasal peculiarities so well known in the
latter), tho English-speaking nations
may justly hope for a like result in their
mother tongue. Again, the paucity of
poetical thought, tho shallowness of
plot, in Italian opera more especially, in
manA instances giA-ing situations that
appeal to the baser passions, encour
aged me to attempt a Jiighcr standard
of characters with appropriate ideas.
Tlicsa reasons, with the desire
to give our country a Avork that might
claim the respect of the musical people,
the hope of contributing something to
1 the establishment of American opera.
and the Avish to enter a protest against
the immoral tone of manA-grand operas,
with the firm belief that the, public ia
general will sustain aay sincere effort
at elevating the standard of the lyric
drama in our country, iaveTccn the in-ccntiA-cs
holdiair me to the work of
2 completion, the drudgery of detail aad
J the task of revising and correctitur.
May I not hope for a kindly reception
at the hands of my own countrymen,
and while desiring bo favors on' account
of aationaliry, except that in. coesidcr
imr its merits thev will put aside the
prejudice so prevalent agaimst Ameri
can composers, ami irest urn sauiecfc as
j fairly as though it were written by a
citizen oc some ioretga laao. taai kmsj
aot be said it w a mttiorntof, in
ew iware ncc
ft tenWirrwil,JUfra
thep-a of Dr. K crIK. W ah-'
IagtotuILC, aMkaltke at4bcblelof
alTsectiow of ll Krtrr: How to pre-
Important quctiU ly ug atjhJomda-
iion in an agneiarsM ati m7iwnwr
UHa:iv Vaitok'a law W mnL I
tiply aad'rcpkml." mo maMcr a te
the particular quality, but everything
a to quantity. The surriral of tl
fittest" jroveras iiur n?dt. Hut Na
ture's opcratToaiare too slow for or
hortliTCs, o thdbuind of the culti
vator is to aid nrtber Xaturr. and -that
reach the bet tulU in Use jhortt
icrioK It U i fact too well known
that, ordinarily, k&p ;dterionte, and
this, foroue reaii. &cane the rec4
btwmes wcakuted- The tory of
" UuiTe's Improved Lima Ikac" will
illu-trate the 1:a and cjplain the
whole nuyitu ojHAdi of faring cd.
Some year agup gardener asked our
Mr. Saundcr hof he could improve tha
Lima boan. He w.t told to find, II
noible. a nA. aavin? at least four
tvjaiw: the ncxtsiawn to plant the one,
the larger and M of Uc.tlw next
... . .
fcaon to scieci st oeiorc mo uvru, i-uw
one which not ot4y wemed to the eye
tlie Largest and bit. but tlio one that
could weigh thj most, and then to
pursue tuia melUW lor scicrai yrars.
The result Ave all know U a really great
improvement of tUt delicious vegetable.
Une ha a-iked by are our melons i
inferior nowadays. "The answer Is that
pain are not taker, in aAing tho seed.
by one of ourunen. tlf " Hunter" ,
iiiutiiii, iiid liiuitiiuva , j-j.,. .. upij,e iciaaic tjium, aaa iu po"J cuns
lr. Hunter receiAed, some yeara Mnce, falling ot tie notah, IrrcsuUrtUra, Uacor
from abroad, eeds of a very choico it, dj;pU, c tc
melon. Tliese Aver? planted and tho OLroattniatxt, a3ptt-r It hlzh media;
seed of only the very beit were saied- naroe, U batter traui aitcr alL &ma l'
In this manner has ll-o M.od lxK'ti heh-ct- ' UuietL-u
ed, and now, after nore titan tventy Ma. AaTiica B. Com-, of Newi-vt. Kt.,
a ears, this variet' coaimands the high-' writei I lh to ijak a j;&.3 oolft;r fr
est nrice in our market., aud tho -ed Curwtfi Yellow Dock and SrapritU. Mr
bells for thn-e dollars jnjr Htiiid. while
other A'arieties can beliad for fifty cents,
and are dear at that.
I Ikia'o sen a htalk of corn bearing
ten cars. Uf course, this ninefold In
crease eatne from delecting the eevl. at, of a stalk that bore two good ears,
then there Aronld be a few with ttrr
ears, and m on until the grand result
Avas reached. I know that 111.1113' farm- j
ers s.ha' that if tlity can get ono good tar '
off each :stalk they aviII be sati.tiuil. .
Well, such are not xerj' particular, and
Avill buy corn from a neighbor's crib and
plant the best of this. Of courxl they
get only an ordinary crop. Is nit this
the reason that growing Indian corn
has become such a poor and tin pay ing
biisinos? For my part, I Avill let the
idiots grow this corn, and I Avill pur
chase it in tho fall for less than two dol
lars per barrel.
We have many new A'arieties of wheat,
but if 1 were growing it 1 ould screen
out from one hundred bushels saA- one
bushel of the. largest and plumpest ber
ries, and sowing this would the next
season do likewise, and Avould ultimate
ly iret the verv best seed Avheat. There J
is one other idea inA-olved in this matter,
to which we all need to take heed. It
is the seed that impo'crihcs tho soil.
Tho more ccd tho greater the drain,
ami therefore the greater need of more
Well, brother fanners, let us be Avido
awake, intelligent aud teachable, and
thus make ourlitiMiie-'S thu noblest and
grainiest in tho world.
- --
Annual Lessons.
Kver3' A'ear's experienee teache tho
farmer 1113113' valuable- lesions. Tlio
question of .ed com has been repeated
uhout 0A'er3' third year since the fctalfl
w:is settled. Soiuctimes it has beep
einnhasicd in a war it teems as if it
would neA'crairain bo forgotten,
' ..1.1
last A'ear's expensive experience it Avould
appartoho useless for an editor for tho
present generation to beg the farmers to
carefully test their seed com beforu
planting time. And yet thousands even
this voar will proceed blindlv in the
same, war the' liavu heretofore. And !
wh'Mi they are defeated will atiafy their
conseienei! and creditors bv.siAing: I
thought it Avould grow.'T A fanner
oughtto know Avithout reU'ing in so im
portant a matter on his thoughts.
Last A'car a third of tho wheat in tho
State AA-as badly damaged, and much of
it totally destroyed In bad stacking
The owner Uioiiylil ho Avas stacking it
right. There is no excuse for having a
stack of grain get wet inside. If the
grain slants tho right awia; the Avater al
ways follows the inclination of the straw.
Tins is an i;iaiiablo law, and if a farm
er is so stupid as to stack his grain so
that the inclination i-in inteau of out,
he thould not be astonished if his A'ear's
labor has been all in A'ain. There has not
been a singlo A'ear in the last tAventy-five
but millions of dollars worth of grain
has been mined in Iowa b3 bad stack
ing. And there is onh' ono defect, and
theerror is so simple that anyone can
comprehend and aA'oid it, and 3"ct avu
suppose it Avill go on as long as grain is
Another serious matter is letting tho
A-ork on tho farm get a Avcek behind.
After corn is plauted, if it be kept a
Aveek too long before IiarroAving no in
genuity can ever repair the damage. In
the growing season, if the avccXs and
grass, 13' a Aveek's delay, got the start
of tho eorn, all of the improA'ed ma
chinery in the world cannot regain Aiiat
is lost. If the com is not clean and
thoroughly cultivated b3 the time hay,
Avheat anil oats have to be cut, it is
impossible to do justice to all of them
at once. A Aveek behind at harvest
means a defeat of the pro tits of tho
year's crop. If thrashing is not done
beforo corn gathering, tho latter is
pushed into the cold and disagreeable
Avcather. the boys are crovs sour and
disintsted AA'ith farmin'r.
lho corn is
left in the field all Avinter, stock
wild animals and birth destroy one-half,
and tho mortgago on the farm is not
paid off. All these ca'Hs and vexations
and losses groAv out of being a week be
hind. And a fanner who has lived
one miserable year on this account ought
to commence 'right this "year, and bo
always up Avith tho times." loica Sink
Laancked by Electricity.
In lannching the gigantic English
turret-ship, appropriately nnmel Colos
sus, recently, electricity was employed
by means of an ingenious contrivance
which connected the dog-shores Avith a
large magnet: and in a simitar manner
tlio "christening was performed. Simul
taneously Ayith the breaking of thg Tot
tlc over the ship's .nose a' musical' In
strument inside an ornamented box was
set at work, and Rule Britannia" was
tho result. By thfc time the course was
reported clear, and a the ship gave evi
dence of atisiytyjo leave the cradle it
was deemed aihisable. though ten min
utes before time, to let her go. The
pressure of the launching button Avas
followed bv a heavy thud. The weight
had fallcnT'antfthc'dog-shorea had been
knocked aAvay. The ship moved in
stantly, and the huge mass of 4,-120 tons
the'seavicsVever launched from the
Portsmotjtbj yard glided? gracefully
do'wm the Incline! plane Into tne hacbor.
fatAid'th$"ransicofhe bands and the
eathusiatfic cheers of the aaaltitBde.
The deatK of "Wood Hite, Jesse
James paL who waa killed near Rich
mond, kaa., the same day that
JaflMi was boril ia Missouri, was
broosat about, the Coroner's Jury said,
by unknown persons. He was 'buried
as a paHpcr. the officiatlag nuukter re
arkiwg by way of eulogy that the
character of the dead bum was 50 well
kxawaifcat co-at w- uan wvrv
- - i. -e
mXtt mtimmmwmJ A gVVi tawt
VmutaHlomm Jy.wn
j,' jicr, k tW Wuat -Jtotbrt
fc-rrcarrmL,'74 im gM talwr
Un lUm. -SSm tmm Mturj tee
j tmt
Ka. Jew nuM l? hoirl t Istfck
vita ; teKkt trsak. -mtrfth 0t 17
TJ eiexk. nifl ktm cp xi tre fete t
reaex, t vtmUr ik tool, His a Jmwi i
6arw, a -rsap tJ &A Ua feun h fsfailer.
Tie port? uisUrl Wob, W tit Iwt
&a tud MHU4 tbi, ea4 u !&?
utr4 vbcTt &t coS4at reis ti bra4 &.i
tke cuter llu -at wr os Val&,
&& ix mrrkK a4 Udl is rtoos . j-a.
AsJ itm Uc in ca? tV sstl oyeJ tan
oM tnask, aJ took ItitBO la caM wil ot tt,
Ue UJvlknl pnd oat all vX td aalr lo kk
tlSnliua. aad wtnl fcl r marl: druixk tot
srr ilxf ; ttc c!Tk t ocewt ta it d-6 hi
fnwliulr. ut wrol o feo dtj !tiiT5l
ciias1fl2 il Hiat tl ro2, 4 tii ijrtr
St Ml ta l&r ti Ml Uj dJS rf dlri.
Morale 'tct (LmUIh u (t ibnox& a trsult
tcn tt kV citap. Toacaa'tlcH vtal
tl ma J aaaaj Miogn.
aa Tar Wlra
Wbra atan baa trrs rortata'.e as ta ffi
a brtstti-rjn!, a. tKj
jjgj $?
T-faenJ rt. ae
krt beillh. Aa
Crrxttr to UjtticJ.
izA Art, aoaellsvci, lo ,: otloit. a4 caxr.
IJtfflaatoz 1Ui tnrruUrttlf rU disi-pala,
tix- iprsrral braith txtn to fill. &J k
cs Hcrroua fxtalraMon, JrtJrttra, etc,
xaakc life ralrab:e. Tbeet-rcki Uwf pair,
lie ctr rro lUtlc, lb UcatI actua cty
ttlxl, tl pul ncak, aaj timAj of tbe jj
Ciooirj, d;gr4UTe asi nnoarj ocgxnt 1 &
rraolu For re tortus tcVlj tmra to Vralta
aaJ tr:ztK Ir Uujaott a TelU lhx.k aM
fciriajtarlPu eiceli au oilier axvlldac. It I
a true ujclc. Ji nowaroj inrnwirnia are
Jjj --'
wile tuacml rcatlj Xrom a compucatura o:
dltcuN, cimIIdk in a inlcarrUj:r. wh&U tor
moiitlii cotifiucdher tobrr bctL he hid er
er fullr xecorcrol, ami at tiae enraplainM
acAerclrof a fre.ttir. cf tr-arlas on.
her crlvJa were very Irmular ami rare tcr
creat tiu Her i!ji!clan eetartl tots lotnr
Ecr no RtK! wtutcver A triernl reemnmcnle.l
Ir (lutaotl'a Yellow lklc ami inapArllU.
From the flnt Ji she began to tmjirwre, anil
la now A healthy and trotic a a rounc ctrL
1 thiak It tbc tct roeitldoe tn the orld.'1
"Uxcle." U ayounjr rucal to bis worthy
relative, "that man 01 er there waul to co
)ou.M "Vhat iliva he Wintf "Dunno,
didn't auk hun." o uncle uuntcrcvl orerto
where the trau;rr at, an! aM. "Dkl rou
wUh to (.ecine, trl'' "Ns lr." "1 b-K par
don, but I wa told by that young man orer
there that you wanted lo ee rae.M "S 1 do,
eo 1 do. I re len blind theae ten years, ani
I m ant to sec anybody."
Hon Rltterii. which arn adtertUrd tn our
column", are a ure rare for ague. blIlounr
, and kidney comj lalnU. llioo who ue thera
' aay they cannot l loo highly rccomnif mlctL
' lli'e afflicted Jhould Rlre them a fair,
and wilt K-'como thereby culhutlaattc In tlie
prahie of their curath'c fiualltlea. J'ortUnJ
HesTivuavrs arc uslnj nno
sharing far
rold slaw, because cabbage U
tttitore Every atvnttvj.
too hlxh. '5-
tWETery color of the Diamond Dye It
jvttcct. S-c the sample of the colored eloth
at the druggist. Give them oue trial and
you will alwaya use them.
AVnaT kind of a Held Is older than you are!
Ont that Is paaturazc.
Wkitk to Mrs. I.yilla E. Tinkham, No. 2T3
Vclern Avenue, Lynn, Maa., for namphlets
rclattte to the curative proj ertle 01 her Veyo
tibia Compound In all female comUlut.
Tire more tliat
fun Is
poked at the poke
uonnt 1 me more wic jxjnc
ie noke bonnet cemt to be
I poked Into iuuUi
sjaemblaces. Iklrvit Frt
Could Hardly Stand on Ilrr Fret.
IL V. I'ikucb, M. D., Huffalo, N. V.: Iknr Sir
I mutt tell you what your medicine hasdnno
forme, llcfore taking your "Favorite l'rc
rerintlon" I could hardfr stand on mv fret.
J but, by following your advice, I am perfectly
' c""1- The " vorlte rrcscrlnUon' ti a
wondcriul mctllclnclordebllltaKMandncrTou
females. I cannot cxpreo how thankful I am
to you for your advice Yours truly,
Mas. ConSKUk Allivv. 1'eosta, la.
Tiik American kl. It 1 announcod, I to te
the nublect of a tok to bo lUhlUura soon.
Ai Dr. Holmes would sar. the shajic of tho
volume should bu c-ltP-tlcVle.
Their Occupation Cliin
R. V. Pirnc a, M. I., Huffalo, N. V. : I was
tttackctl with congestion, of lho lune, fore
nrns over the llTcr, f evere pain tn tt.o joint,
ft burning fcrcr, and general Rlvlnjc away of
tho whole iytem. Falling to find relief In
remedies prescribed. I tried your ''Golden
Medical Discovery." It affected my entire cure.
Your medicines naTconly to lc uscl to be ap
jTeclatetL If every family would rIto them a
trial, nine-tenths of the doctors would, like
Othello, find their occupation gone. Your
truly, L. 11. .McMiua.v. M. !., Brers port, N.Y.
80x0 of the cheese ' 'lll you lore me
when I mould I" L Jly. Journal.
I Ravb the utmoxt confidence tn the malls.
Fnclo'C tl for two boxes, or S3.S0 nost-otUce
order for sit boxes of Celcnr and Chamomile
pills and I will take all rlxlc for tnnner and
wxli. Dr. C. V. Ilcnjon, IOC North hutaw
L, Baltimore, Md. Also proprietor of his
new remedy and favorite prescription, known
at Dr. Bcnotf Skin Cure, recojcnlrcd every
where as the onlv safe and sure remedy fur all
diteavj of the Skin and Scalp.
mTaki! back the heart thou caveat." Ho
waa a butcher, and she wanted liver. Taey
don't speak now. St. Pavl IKtp-ilcA.
Tn World' DUpcnsary and Invalid' Ilotel,
at Buffalo, ". Y.. destroyed by fire a year aro,
is rebuilt and full of patients. For Invalid'
Guide Boole" ririnir nartlcuUrs and terms of
treatment, address, with two stamps, Woai.t's
Tnnrrr vcjirs U said to be tbe Ufa of a loco
motive. iVHiiblr they would Uvt lonTr If
they did not tmolce so much.
roachfa. ant, bctl-buj, rats, mire.
crows, cleared out by
'Rough on ,
Tne boy who waa kept after school for bad
ortbocrsphy M ht was srell bound.
8KrxxT Mb. "Wells' Health Kenewer re
stores health and Thjor, cures Dyspepsia, f L
Tni palmy days of ft boy's life arethoMfa
which he set properly spanked by bis motacr.
Faxwxas. toaastera. don't expertraeat, but
use Frazer Axle Ureaso. It is th best.
- m
lr afflicted with Sera Eyes, use Dr. Isaae
Taosspsoa's EjeWster. DroolsU sell It. 33a,
" It's no use to feel of me wrist, doctber,"
laid Tat, when the physician bcan taking h'a
nulre; "the pain is not there, surr; It's la rao
Lid entolrcly." Botun Tratxtcripi.
Tan Rmtoa GltAt is autbority for tb jtaie
snrnt that a Cblraro bei.e recently fouwi it
lmpo5blc todlsruI uerlf fa wale attire
bcrane she could not get ber feet thruuh the
A max may trader cerUta drcHmstancr: be
taken for another and vet aot look ia tl-e
very least like him. "I kaow I doa'l racn
Lie hUH," said s very wis aad m1 roan,
" still in an unguarded momcat I la Jored tbe
fellow's note, and I wg taken fcr him by tbe
Eberiir." .V. Y. HertAL
Mas-Sarra (etapbat IcaRy) -"Poor Mrs. Si
reo. Thev fay tbat sbe has bcea ordered 10 a
armcr climate- Do yoa think he will 50 P
Mrs, Browa (grimly) "5o, aot while she
Eves." Grip.
Hurra Mnxxa, of Xew York, srel oaly
fetcea jvasx, ass succeeded ta swaikrwia? a
tea dolar gold piece. Here's yooriwTtejs
baak, joaag geatl emeo .Bmint Frrt Fnsu
Ax exeasace 'saaoaacesi x new story,
".Written la Slaoi.J' Jt aer cse Ms to
this oSce a story written ie Mood, it will po
into tae waste bisket isstaar. A tukr
writtea ia parpfc imk Is bad taoK$LDttr
It does aegxante a ssaa te t&nk tkst.
waileiUwifri't afraid toUckle Ues airf
aessiyysaklss'aeskt at, se Is B3y terror
ized vys cow tJsfttac gib casse ovtmt tbe
jarl sissy Uste.
A racrrot wteaasbeea pcjksf arisit t&
Cnastantiaopte saM ttbnril abevtbair
apsces, bat ttet bere taey hi kssr-esas.
JkassyssgtMijafcearWaerarabast eaasali-
af water a daw. We fcsal ae Urn
Uetewusd.alB)Sj-x eC aSrsstfan at TAal
Isa. WetaesrMKasdj vaes fwess eaa
TesA'ecH.'wereiatasntUtU Lkee was sacks
Sqr watfr.Toa & -
A yaat wit
la a Cfer KMK. it 4 a
auy, wria4 W U Nr Vrt
iNloisfabflaM H ral wa
tt afcat Usiswat WW St .'.
4 lutl taat 9M aalcU f Vw
U ftttar IWwnriw a Srw T, Vm
rwM( U mr mt. k Wt ftftf
iteiim t tk taE trAstaA fctT
I wSt4 4. t4ia fimti
auTir to ta ar4,l
!!; uU Mm, t. f r. al HiW.
tt m lm Wat em4 tw c Wf. Ikal
nrf.U Wi - T
sf aHr r aiill a4 fob w
ftlr t tl aairkrl. As4 U3 a
ta icb t a4 H r HiWw
at ta oa e t ai H tit iMf
ti. IW jar aariiJS- j
ta9aintr fU4rt3iTKUvw
tsn Kaxnx. aJ V y ar4 t yw.t
KKjkJex.j ni!M MU.rtrX
itesZu bMttrH tt-" i )
I" ' III
Tat th a kta4 HiZ TeTn,"
Tar tar. Crt M CcS. CM
IVvtrklCa. Ov. ttfWt. vu C'
C9aicua a, rr. a.' tn
? A WIU'JL 112 4t at ki fPj a.U.
J I tOnU MAMtTt. XAAr-m Tn SC .
.Ste"a. W
r ltt. ato.
V4 VMMl'AJkHtr-'
uiikkjaa nvM "-
LS)NU tW-rra UUtwrr I
'V. liwt.ln tfc Xrm f U
lot'M.1 it niturilKKo 4
U TinUSJC rt it . wtfcrf UJt of (SIU.
Iti tbrtdf UmI rriat . Jtu rruct
mil l rMIlIUW'JllUil ri ?, -mo.
tn p.4 OvfSt pal Su ru W l .NOW f- !-- trrm
ii:li'oki a luki: 11 tti,,
. 419 OII lr, M. IaI. M.
onderful II REIEW1NB
o j tr Iraiiae drecst- etrrUr l !r9
lllubl miw! U1 nliltvtf ft Cb ! IJ4 IJlhrd
urt f(ia taitttr tooo.U. Atf rro h- Jj lV
1 ptl '. a:M fwtn I io 1 .! W ltt4
u kwuiMl b ltii. It hlfctm Wrlrt bWt.
MTtVi', or tral hf tuaJi fr uf pv L .
Joacanv Co.. IWraa. U torment Harr- Mc.
Ui ni. nKr r-i.t!r mIji ur MEW BOOK I
cum inur
S isre.".yT
rhtnrptJ-Tvvf . iu jJw-.. iu
rnUIuwmtUu. iu r'V: .iul u1m iu
nwiUniU, lUhWUMi lUwil lUiUnol
tiwiumU trcu i nHi J f T
tAatIUUilU(mllir Io tolliUl
tkwlMUK 4 fr nn-aUn cl'S ',M ?
cunbf.u ln.Vj jlrU, A lr ! J
v1irm try n e vi". ""
0l CLAH 1IKOS. I'AYSK. t .nClnutO. Olto.
f1 Mtlui. k.Ulmf am wtmtA iImt l tm I
Muklu S
cn JmamMmnWSmmWS 150
at 1
M4 tt mmr. mni '
U-. JfmcJr.n:14
act t acrvlKO.
'cirrnUr owCnstne ttifc mslloi trr. Rtvtfortt.
lb,HIM(rU) l:i iHunni.n - '
Arrvtrrrana o
Wuli1 rataat CnaVIasUia Inn
.Vj VtljUt la U Lntt er SloU.
rr!r of 1-ton. pUtfnrmtillfr-t .. -. ..Sta.SSt
1 " uu . aa.
Soccjlct aid IraaiLiTT GcuimiK
WKrlKS KAY, l'rep'rs.
auiifcrina palaral Oimmim mt Ofv
It elta tii rrtVfta of th mrrUl vfjoft
thmt raosea lh drrfclful rxSrrtaf wWA
oalj tho rUitm cf ahgwrrriwa eaa k11 J
of ffc wont ibrist cf this tcrrttl
aar lai3alcXJ7nIiirrta.aailaJortUei
rxKX. $u uqno es sat. toi si scrccsm.
U- lrrrnVttbTtasi.
aw w!ad o ta rsaHral wa r!h IV frfinn
nr of one of oar pop r Cuuiu rprttam Cmplm
prvenpUr mtil-Oforik i"1cx br maiKmoi.
JfICrfr TtOTOMK rtt.asi.
Ktrrii Avn xaomi nton.
ftOW C era:), er U
KS.TIIKH (30 cnti).
POW n era:), er U mtf VA7HS.I. US cmm), mf
asTllKH CXI cmU).
iwatr vat qrrax jso.
rujnzx gtraaa
kfcr.ii. it:.
nnEllirTTalC bariter or nATa
Ur tnb 1 1 Ao. sr&w-
ADR tw eta. . SUtai'150 UCKX.V (ct . CCn
aao SACcxas x a,;.bisjiuai cirr viauuxv
Kl.tArr.) CL'L r R 1 T
W m W'tm alB KmmmT r L.
ReflKARAt. n rrtJ,OUART-
rjt, VOJS 1 CMAUITT f o-s-st. LITTta
BO- BXXT m enui.
cat!, PTRIXO
u tnix sistjcbs w.
B JCKTO'erataJ.
rufaroax os
LrrnK atras wusj.
LYOK & HEALY, Chicago, HI.
OLIVEB DIT80H & CO.. Bottop.
We a
es MOatyMsl
Electro Yoltaic Belts
Sfesseess saMr assaaa
saaes wsUmM aaaeawa
SiafsslllllllHaafL-v K
SaaaaaaaaBaslllllllllllllllllK I M W a V
Cantatas! Operettas!
asl SBBfafaVMsl rVBBMBBfalf lfB JLmMmWmWttSl JSH
-- SLsBikt aBBSBSBaaBBiSsaiissaiBSlsl
VIbbW VfAMasV Bsamfff sKssffM4 tJMaMI1 fViMF
3ataBasw4B JsVfWtMBVMajafl ! fevv IT asHsl
alM naaSftataar mm Sjw awS asaav j3w!Z
2t2Ti&Xf M
s&mmxm a ta
t pk fa
mt - 7STV
? mM, am ra '
fM milli , F T
II imn r ltfc", -!
fc3 v a
& $
V . .
t; tl T t-a" "'' " -' "r":ta "
u. L.-w s r t
j v a mi
V W. . te m SS- .
School of Drawing aai rahth.
in 1 1 m -
tw rx r ? a ? r
yniMfH -vr- tWm. fc, y"
1HMU r m4 14 SVa l S1
Tim r. eS SjrTVn ai .
Syito. f-"it t wv m rvie
ttt t - . t ji.j tf . r"
i-.4r h.j, L r U v tm
Ot rr. J
ftu4f te ww fmrh
Umu; (,- aMw r
M k
scts rArv ALratBnM
W4 .! v;t, rl
irfe IIM
.' 1. m nc..r
ra r w
?, -. i uA. JLxkS. asasi SVU,
TOUNI men rqizvsi!:
Ofi A W ' ' JC la irmt . t t. Twm J
)0D uuni.si4j'a k4 av.rwii-.M
bwUfetl MMW
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Frank as. JsmJms
fLaLiialiJ i flllf
rr ir a-4 Mu
tW. SSaU ! fVM.
KM,1 .k,l IX .tli.i m4 Ji
rllr IU4rA. mmm tm
mUt a. 4 rl f ll.tAr
J M!M.h. mtM Mt0 m 4 r
la .mm, t !. mi " -.-. -
tVTv -rI fmf tmrmtAmm m
n. k . . M mn.m Ok ,t.. i mil
rUlioffHjru 1V.IM m-m
HkfTMl ff ymmirm fC I j
atfbM b4 vmlj 1W. U U
ItmlrTflU. . . . , .
t,Tlhl T !" mm-rmmmm wmrmmt rw
ftfrUlJi-t4-rlW tM W rU
It Will Hot ceer nmTw'. n
Wl Wet Twrw anc4. n Is t
atrowgeae. slnsiM ami
Cbpeet Celar ,
rUHIU tofttWMIIWI' Wlm, W
I tsrsiwaai " UOU . m !
FcAWr U wl., f- Vkmf mtm H.U.WU. I
tiuiiltk.! tll lfc ImlUir 1
SW S wUmrmmu-iLrm S UvHIm.1
mum. I1'
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rrmlmL M4MllruL
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Mm mmm wat
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aaA. aaaai Mtttit
TT" Th 1 a awer
yMm9 tUml. 1W,W nrase 7ar . " tt iU PrVf XfiO
ary.i- -imii, Ww. j ON KB OF stlNOHAMTON, lngHrntan,
"iHi.,i,!ife&.,B if
Bw PVflBbsW aBflaaMaa anaVflVssnF wwtjfjWasyM sstalafaT
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JSnfbSSM) aOTrMasMSL ayi ;m
' IPkSJ. " ajaav waatt Whaa as eaw sw lawas avS aa
SBSV a . assj
liaaaxfjii mnmwm issaaswaimssBssV
TaaotiAT ran covavutft.
Ta?r w e r P s"'
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a4 ttKtttat l:Iiwa) f rl rtl.
l unfllln ltntnolrwflni
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(u.l i.rWt' ?St M tuiJ V ait s
roi sale rr all DRUPOim.
rf flt WdSttfHlMUM
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bb, r.r t smi jr fseav t,a
gOSBBBiP ACflLSaajaJa a.liaai iw asjfajBa-
wuwmmK anpaaaaajpsw ajesftaaa .ws. asaav
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