. --." -agjp'r'-ji3s fjfift, I- .an - " "' .e- K. - 4- - .- --4l $A J. - a- -' fe- r - - at.' - Sw ?&$?& Baa-aBa- H -2 if,! 5-- t. Kaley Letson (Saccetsora to Hmml Omthtr.) -ftKAMOIg IX- Dry Good, Grocer!, llatn, Cup, IWotfl, Mkoen, Clothing em At LOWEST Prices. Our large stock of new Goods will be marked down low. C0XS1279SSE VSAZ7D GET SASffAXKS. EALEY & LETSON, ItEIJ CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. SPECIAL BARGAINS! nl the Store of F.JfEWHOUSE, KED CLOtTIr - NEBRASKA. )o( A large Bforlc of Gernwntown Wool, Zejdiyr nntl Stocking Yarn, always rat Imml. SUMMER DRE& GOODS, LAWNS AND PERCALES IN GREAT VARIETY. TOYS for Are- Children amf Ever--tfnuX clue you necilrnt XEnrorsE's'storo. IIIICKWJIITIIIWG. () jotixxoyes Wishcw to inform the public that ho V, prrp.in:il to do all work in his line promptly and in a Workman-like manner. Horse-Shoeing AND PLOW WORK A SPECIALTY. Shop north of Mitchell & Morhart's Store, KkijCloitd, Nun. Samuel West, PKAI.KK IN Tobacco, Glgars, CONFECTIONERY. CANNED FRUITS, FRESH FRUITS, CRACKERS, CIIEESe; ORANGES, LEMONS, MSTT A KUT.L USE OF FANCY ALBO A FIHST CLASS Ice Cream Parlor, Where yon can always get a nice dish of- Ice Cream during the Scjtsom A uhnrc of the public patronage is jwpectfully bolu-itctl. First door south of.Mitehwll & Morhart's. Rkd Cuoi'dj - - Neukaska. IDR. SHUREBi Proprietor of the City Drug Store. A DBaLIB nr Drugs. Medicines. Paints. Oils and Varnishes, M full supply of LAMPS LAMP SHADES,. WICKS, $5fS BRUSHES AC. Patronage sulititad aad IhanVfally raeesrsi. a-Preritin cacefolly oompoandedfVa. One door south of Garbcr's store, RED CLOU; NEB. R. L. TIISI K.MJ& (Sacaaorto G.Ai Btww) DEALER IN Parlor, Bedrosm AND KITCHESr FURNITURE, v brackets, chromos, Picture Frames, Mattresses,. Etc. (VIm always en kaad ami tnmawLoa rtett U'rfie. l'rice aa om arany ! taa V'aHay. ficpairinx- of all kind dona praaptly ami SaAiMacUry. lUuial Be) fonushed. at awBonabk xstca. f.EIXGLOULV- - - - NEB. Harness Shop, J. L MILLER. Xetattnilnil7witIUMa! HABXESS, COLLARS; SfcDlLML horse-blankets;. ' raiKS, C05IBS, MUSHM. HARNESS OIL. AaI ercrythrmr usually kept in a in class shop. TWO DOOM 'XOTTH OF IW BAK. rf f IT THE CHIEF. LOCAL MATTERS. TOTItSDA Y.JUNE 15, 1882. An-tal sai Btpartirt sf Trait m ths 1.7.XB.atltlCIeti: Est t ward FaJser !-.. arrires. Frricftt laaaaau.. ffeaward Aeenaj. lsre. ."JS p. as. 60p. a. ..9: 00 a.m. .9-.V) a. a. arm .4 JO p.m. KA8TERH DIVISION. Kaatward Pamni er leaM j - " arrirr 1KB P.m. Prclfbt leaYca 4JS w. arriree 10-.16 p. m. Train Dally eieept Kaaday. A. CAMratLL. Aw t Bap t Lota of Boot & Shoes nt J. G. Totter'h. Sweet potato plants for sale, at Roby'8. Clothing and Hats cheap at J. G. Potter's. Roots fc Shoes will le sold cheap for cult at, J. G. Potter's. Cah for E-s, Ruttcr, Poultry, Raps and Old Iron, at the New Produce Store. 45-48 Tlie new brick school house will soon ic completed. Improved farms and raw land for sale bv Simpson fc Swcczev of Blue Hill Neb. The W. C. T. U. will meet at Mrs. E. B. Warner's on Thursday next at 4 p. m. The soldier's ro-union At Grand Island this coming fall promises to be a grand affair. Catll and see the stock and prices of Boots and hhocs before purchasing elsewhere, at J. G. Potter's. Tho Chief has received an even dozen new subscribers in the lost few days, and s.till they come. Fon Sale: A few stands of Italian bees. Enquire at Marsh's store, Rcl Cloud, Neb. W. II. Ballard. Fresh strawberries received every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evening, at Fitxam's. Last Saturday was an unusually dull day in town, for a Saturday. The farmers were tending their corn. Farm loans made hv Simpson it Swocroy of Blue Hill Ncl., easy terms and money in three da3s from appli cation. Farmers complain that Ihcy can not get as good price for their hogs in Red Cloud as they can at Guido Rock or Blue Hill. If yon wish a good article, try the Red Cloud Mills, Patent Flour, also tho Red Rose, which is the best in tho City for the price. Smith Brothers announce still an other important reduction in rate of interest on time loam. Strninht ninr. prr r)it nnnutU inlwrjtt. Call at the Bank and leave vour application. 8-40tf. Wo are not sure but the pauper business of this county needs looking into, and the Chief will probably give the matter some attention at an early day. Rev. Q. C. Todd, will preach at tho Congregational church next Sabbath morning and evening. A lecture may be expected Saturday at 3 o'clock p. m., and communion on Sabbath after the close of the Sunday school. The town council has passed an or dinance prohibiting the throwing of old paper on the streets. It is a good ordinance and should bo rigidly en- lorccn. iviany a o:iu accident is caused by horses scaring at paper blowing about on tho street. The ladies Mission Socioty of the Trinity Ev. Lutheran Church of Red Cloud, Nebraska, will hold their Quar terly meeting with appropriate exer cises at tho Court House on Saturday evening next, Juno 17, 18S2. Tho public is cordially invited to attend. A Card. We desire to manifest our apprecia tion of tho kindness of the friends, in waiting upon Mr. Mitchell during his sickness. We arc sincerely thankful for the assistance of the people Anna L. Mitchell. Call on Simpson &Swcczey of Blue Hill, Neb., and get terms and prices before buying land or making a loan on your farm. The B. & M. R. R. known as tho 'un...i:i ... 'tr t i viiiiiiiKiuiijnuiuv uuurs special ad vantages to travelers. See thicr advertisement in this paper. .TAKE NOTICE. rXaro purchased the fractional I sec. faftand laying betwctK Peter McNitt's anu the river. Jm (tie public is hercl.ynotilicdmjtf to cut r.nv timlcr on the sains: M. B. jfefirr. Ta Buttar Makara. Wo sell Butter and Ashton salt, and jpay the' highest eaan price tor uutter & Efcgs. 4. ORMSBV. & SlCCKESON. FOR ftAHEl 500 fori ZU ia 1st Ckai. Xnmd LiTsxyuAFMiitrx jSm mamuais, Urns ts nit jMcisssr. CsH at sr d- W.1.SII011L . 40-U IU Cist. Vaa. $50,000 To Loan vn au cm eennrv. at o Mr . i.i nA.. veuu, unuai iiuercu o . commiK. 1 . . . "- ' - Sfions. at TIlA Wl:tr Onimtf n.i. ivea.j(ona. m.ir A UOfrhi. afmttf. Ladles prefer Floreston Cologne be cansa tbsiv. fiul Uus lasting mmb!i.- 'tkaxsCexntikiiitA-TwirfMMia AsKcrV.tr..i PKMrelty. Wowfhitgwatfti vm- Urn wartK rsmc wOimimm 4bat no ptmy caa -eajoy texiplwitaiitgaay aa-. roandincs if m-aad fccakh. Tevare re hundreds of aainarable people eoiac about to-day wHfc, disotdered stomach. liver 'or kvmepssjmhe a aeltle of PWavarjGiager.Toaic would da tbem more good than all the aiedtcwe th Iiavcever. tried.r j. " SA ? V IT Itfr. """'SSflalaSlaallaaaaBatfH 'r W,"W m r ' " """ ' iiiHTmiJllL-llirfl j ramijfj---a4lm Strawberries are getting cheatter in the market. Rer. E. Middle-ton has gone to Tcnn syh'ania to reside. Mr. McPhereon purchased the three old school houses for $399. C. H. Potter will go to UurrOak, Iowa, next Monday to vtit relatives. Mrs. W. II. Ludlow lias tltc thanks of the Chief outfit for a nice Loquct left on our table last week. Albright & Strohm have leased their livery barn to a Mr. McPhersori, who will put in a good livery stack. Mr. Watkins, tho Harcules of Blue Hill, and editor of the Timn at that place, was a caller at the Chief office last Monday. Tire ladies aid society will meet at the Parsonage on Friday the 16th. AH the ladies are desired to be present as there is business to be done. Aaj't. Sec. T. M. Gray, the brakeman who had his hand cut off while coupling cars .omc time ago, has been given a posi tion as watchman in the B. & M. yards at Denver, and left for that place the first of the week. The editor of the Argit offers to donate the county $25 to help carry on a law suit. This striken us as being rather a "thin" oiler, consider ing the circumstances. Had we re ceived $500 of the county funds, as a gift, wo would scorn to offer the piti ful sum of $25. Make it a hundred, can't you? then you will have a clean $400 left. Ed. Chief: Please allow me through your coIuiih to give brief and simple expression to the heart-felt gratitude, words can never fully ex press, for the gift of a token of esteem for my deceased husband, presented Decoration Day, and alluded to in the last issued of your paper. God must, I never adequately can reward the contributors. Elizaiiktii Kaley. We see by our exchanges that Win. F. Cody 'Buffalo Bill," of North Platte, was roblied in Denver lost week of $8,000 in money and jewelry because he did not securely lock his room door. From what we know of the gentleman we should judge that he was robbed Itecausc, in the mysteri ous ways of providence and the rulings of "Hoylc," four of a kind beats a full hand. W. A. McKeighan addressed a large audience of farrnes at Revo's school house in Stillwater precinct, June 3d. The subject handled was monopoly and the farmer's rights, and tho nd drcss was well received by tho audi ence. A resolution was unanimously passed in reference to the two Red Cloud papers, which was so flattering to the Chief that modesty forbids our publishing it. m Maple Grova Farm. Webster Co., Neil Mr. Ed. A few lines from Lino precinct may interest some of the readers of your valuable Chief. The rainy weather and the past few warm days have brought out the farmers and cultivators in mass, and plowing corn is now the order of the day. Crops of every kind are looking line and there never was a more flat ering prospect than at present, our flax looks exceedingly well and prom ises 15 bushel to tho acre. The farm ers are well pleased with the prospect. In behalf of the farmers alliance, I wouiu, say (as a lew larmers are a little prejudiced against the move ment,) we as members of the farmers alliance ask nothing but what is just, right and lawful, and all we wish to do by uniting is to put such men into our legislatures as will make laws that will give the farmer equal rights with other classes, and to force monopolies, raiilroads and corporate bodies to do as the law directs. We wish it dis tinctly understood that we arc not op posed to railroads, bankers, merchants and mechanics (as has leen reported,) but believe wo could not very well get along without cither, and on the other hand they could not get along without the farmer. But wo don't want to pay dividends on watered stock that amount to 17 per cenL on investment to any R. R. Co., or monopoly while the farmer receives but 3 per cenL on investment. A word to the- half-witted blather skite of the Arffwit. He has said a great deal about tho. damage done by the Alliance. Keep on old "stub and twist" you have done us no harm yet, but a great deal of good, as there has been 12 Alliance's organised in this county since yoa began to 'toot vour horn," and still they come. The Arrn man spoke about the Chief man wanting office. There is ane thing certain, if the Arrpu man don't get an office before the fall campaign is- over there will be a third -class funeral in Red Cloud, sure. Try and giVr !mv an office, if oaly ckrk of electfbn orassisMht aaaster of the dog found.- We-rctmd''hn7of wlcon to ail farmers to join us in a aaovesacat thaf is bound to win and put the tanners on eqnal footing witH aaer classes. We arc drifting iata ceattaJuaUkar as fast as the wheels of tiaaecaav cany us.- Look where Ireland is to-day; how far will we be behind her- in ve moreia'we "Rustic's" letter did not appear ycars, if we follow the diatations of cither of the old parties. Cut loose roro4 old party lines aad vote for such roen- as will assist yoa and make' lawv to benefit the fknuer as well as the raoH nopoUes. " All tbasa wiskiafr infbnaatton Te gardiiig Alliance, please address J. Jtsarrow, S-rststa AlBaace, Matrajr, XebA or to David Waxdwooa, Sec atiowd Alliaaea, 1S5 4 157, Daar IfaraSamCUtJlfc. Wkk best .witaes,. ' D.'S. Urnvnac P.. attar anaabais. alaasa 1st lrJaoyJaWaitaaisailaiM of aad diaate A11iaaca,iii Webster Jted Caotidf P.O. aax 17. coaaty, UatafLawtal Bloom ivoro Neb., June 12, 1852 PatcnU as follows for lands in Web ster County, have been filctl this day John Q. Holllrook, Joseph Polnicky, Christian T. Bakkc. Cia. Tt. Arnold, Hans Lolifson, William Arnold, Joseph W. Acree, Adolphus C. Bn, Margaret Morrow. Egbert Taylor, Frattx Barta, George Tinuell. S. W. SwrrzEK. Register. Light Wants. Ed. Chief: -I sec in the Chief of the 8th inst, that ".SuhcrilHrr" wants more light on the Farmers' Alliance subject. I think if he would open his eyes a little he would gtt more light on the subject, it u just as easy a falling off a log. In the tlrsfplacc the Farmers' Alliance U not a rccrct so ciety, it costs only 10 cts. to Itecome a member, they want a letter prie for their produce, they want cheajxjr freight, they ant to elect officers that will not sell out, they want officers that will stand to the rack hay or no hay, their motto, the greatest good to the greatest number. They want fair play. I agree with "Subscriber" on the license as far as he goes. I would ak the people of Webster county if they want their children educated by money got by giving license to sell poison to their neighbors. If it is a crime to sell poison to your neighbors, it is a crime to give license to sell it. Now this is pretty plain talk, but my opinion is they are stubborn facts. If "SuliHcribcr" wants moro light, he can subscribe for some anti-monopoly paper. You can get tho Omaha Ike the rest of the year for 50 cts., or The Vfopk't Adinaitc at Hebron, Neb., eight weeks for ten cent). C. C. C. Plain Vlawltama. Ed. Chief. It would do you good to ride up in this country and see the fine prospects for crois. Corn is a little backward, but the prospect for wheat, rye and oats was never better. There arc some chinch bugs but if this weather continues a little longer we don't antidote any damage. The city dads of Wells met on last Saturday and perfected plans for a grand celebration the Fourth, to be held in the grove near by. Plain View Sunday school is better than ever this summer. Mr. Hansen has agreed to bring bis organ every Sunday which is a great benefit to singing. Two large gray wolves have Wen prowling around in this vicinity tho past six weeks, can't Ex-Gen. Kcuney come up and vanquish them. We can just beat D. S. HelvemV sec. 32 all over, up this way. Hero is a sample, sec. 29 town 4 range II. The nw owned by Joseph Graves, has on tho following erop : Rye 52 acres; Corn, 35; Hax, 22; Brooincorn; 3; Barley 5; Millet 3, Sorghum 5J. On the nc J. Howard has in 35 acres of corn, Spring wheat 35, Fall wheat 10, Potatoes 4, Millet 5. On the scj C. Bcctow has 35 acres of Fall wheat 10 Corn 40. On the swi Charley RoIIhoii has in corn 40 acres, Spring wheat 40, Oats 8. Thero are other sections here with more acres in crops but not quite such a variety. Light frosts here on the morning of the 3d and 4th, but done no damage. Mr. Butler is nil right again, we think that dose would make anybody sick. The sight is enough for us. Householder says he will show girls with any one in tho county; the fifth one arrived last week and was taken in and kindly cared for, it weighed yj pounds. Miss Delia Eck who came here in April, from New Jersey, started back last Monday to the bedside of her sick mother, she was well pleased with Nebraska, and thinks she will be back. Rustic. Plain- View, Neb., June 12, 1882. En. Chief: As our letter did not get there in time hist week, we send in the following. We arc glad to hear J. C A. has got over his busy spell and is able again for news, hope he will not Ihj so busy again, for we aro really getting behind the times. John McCallum makes room at his table for another plate, its a ten pound boy. The livery and feed stable at Wells, bnrned down hut Wednesday. Cause, pipe and tobacco. No insurance. The grumblers said first, the chinch bugs were going to take the wheat, now the rust. What next ? Everybody is busy plowing corn, but J. C A., who is. looking up items for his next. Joe Graves' rye measures six feet fire inches. Who can beat it ? Miss Sarah Moore is going to visit her rather ia Leadville. The Sunday school saperintendant at Wells, ia Mr. J. M. West, Mrs. Altland, assistant. More ram- Friday and Saturday, warm and cfoody to day. Hie potato caop is -an assured fact. Everybody was dissappointed be- ltW9ek Ail the rage at Wells bow a base ball,", five full nines, first, Second, JavenuVavClot&ioppers and Eareka'e. Jt C Bust has the nicest laid out Kftxrods around bis isaidenec, in the Pkl Vje Airkt last rear misad over H,00O'Lwhd of wacat, hatsaes other 'crops. TlureirtaT&cfwed&tie; in kigh1 KfekerrseoQ hick up isvasan. JnXaai VZb .J.TW 1W- . . . . - ve-5 MiirasiuBoarTffntoirM'IaMl-oa-a- Bfasacetiac towr. -Can ia hnhaaitnar 1-- dw m rama ueacu BVrftK Casmmtaaianara fraaeilnga. Red Ctjovtt Nrn., June 10th, 1&S2. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment, Present, H. Seveii, arM J. K. Smith cOTnmtiMcutrs, J. P. flay ha, clerk The foflowaf accounts were audited and allowed ami warrants ordered to le drawn uti General fund fur the amounts. Chas. W. Springer, services Co. Supt. $111 00 Chas. W. Springer, puUigo 4 95 " scr'ces Co. Supt, 30 00 J. K. AulU. b'ld. chimnev. C. II. 23 2S :i J. W. Warren, sheriff fee, 71 S3 J. P. Bay ha, Co. clerk, furniture, express A'c W. H. Strohm, making of two county map, Ball. Cover fc Co., gras seed, M. S. Marsh, boarding prisoner, 7 05 57 14 12 .fcG 25 00 3 20 2 00 M. W. Bird, witncM fee, John McCallum, rpccUl road com'r., J. IL Wilcox, expense to Lincoln on Dutin ca.e, 3 50 F. R. Gump J P., poor bill, 73 7 1 ICatuA Leuon, " " 16 07 The follow claims for road districts were auditel anl allowed and war rants ordered to In drawn on road fund for amounts. Geo. Proudfit t Co., lumber for R. I). No. 20. $20 SI C. P. Norris, nails for R. D. No. 20. 75 John S. Marsh, bridge material for R. I). No. 1. 14 Gl Claims of ovezccrs of higwaya ap proved as follows: Daniel Cook, services overseer, $25 50 Win. J. Wright " " 27 00 John S. Straitan " " 19 50 The official londs of the following officers were approved : Richard A. Turner, assessor of Line precinct. William J. Turner, J. P. of Line prccint. Perry Norris, overseer highway. R. I). No. 20. The following appointments per petition ami by request were made : H. W. Ross, overseer II. IL D. No. 30. Lewis Barr, " " " " 28. John Simpson, " " " " 27. E. Peters, " " " " 8. Official bond of H. W. Ross, overseer highways, IL D. No. 30 was presented and approved. Board of county Com'rs ordered that the county treasurer pay to road district No. 29 their proportion of taxes collected for R. D. No. 9 for 1881. Petition presented asking for ap pointment of clerks and juducs of election for Garfield precinct. County commissioners say clerks and judges of election may be elected on morning of election, to fill vacancies. County clerk instructed to purchase a seal for the county treasurer's use. Adjourned. II. Stevenson, J. P. Bayha, J. E. Smith, Clerk, Com'rs. 125 Assorted Naadlas for 25 Cants. From the largest darner to the smallest Cambiii Made of the finest .Silver Spring Steel, very elastic, in temper, will stand all kinds of sewing. Satisfaction guaranteed or money re funded. Send 2." cts., in cash or" pos tage s'amps and get a package. To 9-35-3ni Pkukin.s it Mitchell. Bed Cloud, Nebraska. 7 Per Cent. Money to Loan ? Money to prove up with on final re ceipt, or on deeded land at 7 per cent., and 1-62 per cent. commi.sion, or at straight 9 per cent, no roinmi-'-'ion. Jno. IL Wii.irox. Office next door to Chief office. 30ft Guide Rock House, J. It. SsllUX, Propr, GUIDE ROCK, NEBRASKA. This House has just been refitted ami newly furnished throughout. GOOD SAMPLE BOOM for the accommodation of commercial men. 8-J'Jtf Money To Loan On Real Estate, in Webster and ad joining countirs at the verv bet rates. It will pay every farmer wfio thinks of liorrowing money, to sec me lcfore making arrangements with any other party. No expense to the borrower no tedious delay no dealing with eastern parties no application fee, lonus or commission no fee for making or recording papers or taking acknowl edgements no advance or semi-annual interest, and no interest until monevis actually in hand. Call upon or address K. A. Suinsoy. 38tf Loan Broker. Blue Hill, Neb. Naaraaka etunday Sohaal Asaacia- tian. Ofhce Cob. Setretakv. Ke.ir.vcv, Xkil, April 1, 18JJ2, The fifteenth annual state conven tion will he held at Coin mbus, June 30, 21 and 22. The railroads extend the courtesy of one and one-fourth fare for the round trip to all attending the convention, but the system of selling return tickets uiKn presenta tion of certificates of attendance ob tained at the convention as heretofore practiced has been discontinued, and to secure tlie reduction of fare it is now necessary to procure the certifi cates frior to LEAvrxr. home. The certificates are snpplied from the Gca eral Ticket Office, to Uie Cor. Sx, of the Association, to I by him filled out and signed and distfflHtted npon application to persons denring trt attend the convention, before they leave their homes. These certificates mast be presented to the ticket agents at the station named in theni. who will sell the hca?- Excursion Ticket? good for the round trip'at the special rates mated. Application for these certificate to be made to the Cor. Sec H. B. Gilbert, Keamcv, Xet, stating Basse of persons for whom" certificate-' are desired and the name of the sta tion at which they are to purchase tickets to-attend the convention. Let all applications be aaaoVby Jane 10 at least, taat tae certtacataa aaajr be receivssl by parties fn sxiplertiBte to ac awaaat at tae open at tae oeeniBtr sasauxi of tba eowTeatiow. Write the ir and tae statiesi-ruxLr, that ao'&nVtakes OCOaf tOO'iaUa to be JCtitiaetL nK GlJJKKTt Correspondiit? Strf. Final Fraaf Hetlce. Lal0tVat Wlata 5tV.X.r it. ln. Md Mrttltr & tlri tif t tit l1at I aiaka Saal rvrla trrrt l iu !ju 4 v rr lal ry tarf. Wfr U CJ.f a f tk rVrt Wti i6t7 Stk ,:. U KJ CUra4 W. i-iris Jlj ). 1V u HM trrNa.iI fori w. 31 i T raaa Il iJvaaaar li fUis( vitaor t r cl rtt9t rijft - M rahivattea cf ni4 U4. rs lUat !&. Centra Jt-ra. "! lVUa i Cfcrutta Nrilwa. all f tUd l"U4. X,fc. JaaljaaS 5. V , 5W1TXKR. Etrir. Lat4 0ft Biooa;lxtoNV.Mj' :t. lit SlifilblfljTi9ltiit ISm Mtivltr- BakU Millrh it-J aoti- ( a Uuatua t k 4cl trrf la icrrTt of kit fUln.iU thai kiJ rrr m v 4 ltt jfV ? lhirkt tart Wwtr Coaatr Xfe.. aa ar JiTJaljr It iM2.t; J" MrQrttc IIMilrTXa..TJ6 frt!rwi t. li ta raac Il UtuiM Iht fotUvlac ltawM ro hi wlloie rxtJar sh i4 Cttltiratlea f U IaU. vtr litio IU1- onh. Hary J, lxmrr. Wt (am Vtrry a4 fnnk Tmsml all T KI CJoal. Vfc. JealJa S. W. SWIIXKR. IhUW. UaJOStaat HLlcne.a Nl. Way LV IMi. Ntic i brrbrcWta tat lb fl!t B4Bitl trflcr bat ftlrij otr of hU iala:ta to biW Bnl roef ia itiMrt f alt tUlta. b4 thit U4 rrrf will b ravia Krfr Cltrk ui iHnrttl Uort Wtbttet Coast; b.. a FiiJar Juoo rtlhlitTTii U'd ctrr No. 3tuitt th'L e X loa la raaaa 1J lla ntati tho f.tsia witaa to cruvt hit ranUtiupua rrtle Bpon. 4 colttrstkoa of uttl Uai. li tU ! Cbaw ptox. Unire Qacri. -vlr La 1 of to aa4 John Mar. all of H b'alUa I. rl. myljnali is. W SM I r2hK. Krtlfr. Laol OSca at Blooralactan b June. ft. !s. Nolle i brbr urea that tb fftllowlar- imrl ltlrr ba Slel ootlc of btr IntcaOun to make Sail proof la tj(urt olbi claim. n. core flaal entry thrrr.U. txfui tha Cltrk f District toart. in Htter rountr at bit oSSa in KU ClouJ Nebratka on Saturday Juty l lvSJ. tit: Cm a n U Wm. H'J No. 1015 (or the ' -1 town la ranre raag lie. U nui the followlrc vttnrat to lroTe hit rontiouou retiUccr uroa. aad eultirtlon of tat-l lati'I u: John bora. birtJM. Utlvaro. frank 1) t.aoaari aal rrrl ItutDiarl all of Kol CloaJ. Ntb jaal5juyl3 9. W. aWlTZKH. HUur. Notice. Tba Stata of Nebratka. I cutter CouDty. i To any Genitalia of aalvl County: ion are hereby commatnlixi to tummon Aletaniler r. KexlJinc of taiJ Coaaty anJ iUU and Mm Creek trrclnet. U appear baforo rua CorrJon roar, a Jattiee f lk leaB. s.t ni uAee in Kim Creak fraeint. Web- atar cimnty. on the 2ml iy of Jnn I've, at 9 o'elock in tha forenoon of all ly. t antwer tha action Abram Weill, lor a detuan! tint bits on tramline tlot firo tMD dollar t-l interMl tberetm (or on year, and two and blttl ona hundrnltht (f;.i) dollar thrathlu li. and Interrtt thereon fur thraa yeart. and w ofthittuit. lou will laakedua raturn oi U4 writ on tb 2oJ Jar of June InSJ. Witnca my banj tbi iTth Uay of Mar 46 C. Caow. Judlca of tba l lwti rao Probata Notice. In tho mutter of the eLite of Auit Weisbroad, deceasetl. John I. Meyer having tile' in Court his petition praying for tin ap pointment of nu admidi.Htrator d the said cotntalc. Notice is the.-vfore given to all persons who may be Inter ested, that I have set the Otli 5iy of June A. I). 182 at one o'clock p. m., for hearing said petition. All i iW'rct ed parties may appear on that lay and be heard. Jno. R. Wilcox, County fudge. Countv Court, Web-ter C., Neb., May I Till, 1SS2. 42-14 Cstray Notice. Taken up by the undursigicd living three miles south of Wheatland pont oflice, Wcbter county Ncjraska, on May 5th 1SS2, the following stock, to-wit : One old ponv marc, dun color with white stripe fn face and one white hind foot. One jkmiv hori colt, dun color, star in forehead am! right hind foot white. One three yur old mare dark bay, one d.nrk brotwi m.iro colt one year old, white strips in face and right hind foot white One dark brown horse colt one yc.r old. white spots on left hind foot. The owner or owner1 of snid stock an rcuuestcd to call, j rove property, pay charges and takf the animals aw'ay. I.. N Wato.x. Wheatland, Welter Co., Neb. 4 1 -IS KOTICS T07AC2S3S. Noliea U herar airrn that I will azamlnt all pron who tar ile-irr (o offer Ihamielve at eaudidatea l ttrhn of the primary r cimtnon achools cf W'r county, al ttel Cl'tail on tha Crit Saturday in tbo ro tiibi al Tebruary. Jay oot anl XTewter. At Blue lllll on the fint satrilay In tba wonlh ol isnuarr. Arril. July anJ October. At OuIJa Kcct ud tba Qirtt Satnrisy in tha inunthj el ilarrh. Juoe. Sertatubri ai-l lecmbr. EjaTaioalionf to conuieofe at Vo ulock a.. Ch4lk W. Fraiaoaa. CoantyHoperintendant of Pablie Itntrartlaii. BALLARD'S Vegetable Mead. Janafactared and for fala by M 8. Ballard. RED CLOUD. XKBKASKA. A cool refrehln raraaer drlnV. warraa tad partly reeUb!e. Hawpl bottle on triaL 15 ns-3 Til City Biair? fc Bnttirui OF A. LAUTEEBACH, RKI) CLOUD; - NEBKAPKA, IS WHKRR VOf CW C.VT rrii Zrsai siit hza til Xizzti-ptlx Datsit Tlair. mlajx es IxzL Ice Cream And Fresh Oysters in their season. aarOppoitc Poatoflicc-C 0-39 J. K. AULTZ DK.na: e CajBlBlCtJ Cr)S!lV dgnrn, T-ce, FiNre CaMircctitMienr. Pure Apple Cider always on Tap. Country produce bought and sold. RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. WANTED. Aiaaa -& m Ua r-afaa Trajiae fr ti Wwtl 4ea4k f akaearr t m aeittaai aaaasc ta Irrt is tas Uaat "Lya4TtaM9r FBEDRICZ DOUGLASS writUa br kiamaalf. U fa aara iHartraS?; rrxf. trinU-UaeklMi-iCaew- I TarUHr md rsaatic wnna. anta taa aa!al taarm tiat cretT wart it trae. A aaarratoaa ar7aarraakirHraala4 acrt awaaf ieal ralac T vateaM wiH a trtr ia4 far r thai atratraato f taaaaaat wa iar waltaal U nmortuMm mtwt aael kara feevm tamSaat aw tkc a)aaf taa vaaOarfal aaaa. Taa wwr ajaas am j 'aaan wC aaaT tarrW m araajiajaat taem ami marxaua mtmr an alata enajHwIaaT aaaam aakaws t iH '.iacaJ MMac itaanaajaatai aaaajr aja ulai WU f tt a4 aJaajaaaaa. -BTraTtSe a. raaaarttaaa aaa at kife a raa4 aaiart Mar. ."ftja as .saala a. aaaB."-Wam'l Xaarasc 1 U mhmta atsry ia- aaaaaaV 4 at HM." Kmritrttm ttll "aBBlaVaBSjaSa, aCBaw Besley .DKALKia 1- HARDWARE, StOVES, TINWARK, HARD WIRE, ETC. RedClcud, - " JVmmUu. r-pJwTpS - AND WINDMILLS A S 1 K C I A L T V. AH work wrrantcl nFl.KY A 1'KHKINS Chicago Lumber Yard! Rod Cloud. Itfobrooko. YARD SOtTII OF HAMPTON'S ULACK.SMITH SHOP, ON MAIN ST, Kctp cotuuntlv on hand an .xworfrncnf cf Itmlr Lath, SlihtKlM, Ikvwa, Wimlons, Uitic, Hair. Crnirnt. 11t4-r. UuHdhjt pAr-r Klc. Ktc Kt- 5-50tf PLATT JTOHES & MACJ1SEI, DEALERS IX LUMDEK, LATH,8UlNaLES,SAHH, DOORS. P.LINna.v RED CLOUD - NEBRA8KA )o( DUX LUMBER A SPECIALTY. TliK UFTT IX THE MAUKET AND SOLD AT THE LOWEST PKICE. Go TO W. Staple Fancy Groceries, -THE TDBACCG) & CIDBAHS IN TOWN. Al-H) Choiee Nuts. Fruits & Confections. "Frssh Fruits and Voctahl Sold mi Couniiion ked crorn. NKH. Davis Sewing Machine! SOLVJiV- MITCHELL & MORIIART, Reel Cloud, - - "N"ol5rnslvai. THE IIEHT.MACHIM: IN fHK, AND DON'T YOU FORGET IT. Meat Market Jox.GMlHEU, I'rt'p. All KIM- CK H .&.:.gK h -b ALWAYS 0H HAKD L CASH PVII) FOto'ElTCATlLB. Moshcr's old Stand ! 1882. SPANOGLE ft FUNK. HE. I DO UARTERH FOIt ' AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Two Doors South of Bank, RED CLOUD. - NEBRASKA. aaaaBaaaaafppBaiBajBaiBaaaaaaw REMOVAL , FROM ' - CHICAGO TO - AN - Immense Stock of Dry Goods, MAESH has Them. ': COME! COME! COMEf 1 (MVJ&JJ aaaaafaafaaaaaaaaaaBBaaaajaBajBBBjaj p f SryvtitS-OQiPa aSWant innwan IKafIA QOmWaamrlWtt wtsAM.oiioy Sff l-aaaalJBTaeaafB"7"""."" 7- Qf nw:g ! JliJiii rt s itff ftr Til ' 4 ""- l--t KTK. taaaaaatfaaa1?",?'jTZtyf1t tjaMt r a? fxnit'rt. YYt t iff ,LJI"" mWaWaW9TmWW9UMi9MaMmWaWm I" - . . aab aa BTJBaVavaTJiVaTakaTjaVaTaTaBTaaaVMar aaaBJaBwaaBjnar BBB naa aBBa aaja.ai. aTa a. ia a1 riaajtieaaj .. .- TteTMJavBiCXAM AaaaaWlaiwaaahaaAaaM & febkiks, tn trS.tisfArn. ?tFll t.tU D NKR 6c FRKKS, Proprietors, JONES & MAGKK. B. ROBY'S FO II- It EST- WHtf 11)1 LTKY. UW&.'AC Red Cloud, Neb, HB!HsKCHsBPH u. - " - JJfrBMBBBSa2l?aB7 SawJSBaB ! RED CLOUD. ajvan.fniia.aainauHrni.v- mmmt fc e - aum- mmr1a.nt ai uf aiwwewg tr o xmnt.u rjnu.. x Tapttn-T thf mtrmje'wm r fi4toMi MOTH, . Maal t innw IMt TW m T,mrr -Mj-m. - - - aaaaa saa BKBBfa. aru a- BBaaaiaBr' aa . . - - . ....- ,, t.. - --? - - . oauT atatar tarn aaaaaaLaBVa mm amum 9m Uaavaaai K Mb liafii 1 1 iansasWayll Wmmmm nmUm fjarfTsjav aa t 4 t- kT. " ?