The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 15, 1882, Image 3

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nl-f. a-tiiiijtii)ir,'itfifi
- " f
HSftWRT' ' .-twaa- - 5j.-: -y .. :jfeiB
M. L. THOMAS, Publisher.
I can't Jmltov my wotMin? tiny was fif ty years
TMn i th" fwn'nl ljy of ilarcb! Tho clock la
t.f-fclnr i w:
T.fcuu hm ine-os the room. Juct fcce
tiief iikBjrjtjy:
X can't rMiM'winT ielf of them wbo nod so
The llttlf Kiisl-h rjwTrowa filt In tho Hlnc
btih miteluc: .
I like to Ksim tti" busy tblnira. There'4) one
that triI ismi tri"i
7o!rwkiitriny tho children tlcl nrounl a
Itratfh nii"Iny;
I! w 'jinl he jmll. it with bis bcaUl Now bo
ha tiu 4i it way.
feo it win fifty years ago! It doesn't eocm to
I'tnfHt inr ngfrnnrv this last year, anil yet
I'm prottr Mrxintr.
I lo:t'tli niueti nlfiut Jho bouse, but etiJl I
J: now what' miotic;
J know as well wuat' gwini on as Jane or any
Jane frets mo dn-nitfully fiornctlmct, and yet
hLe mUttriVii kiri'l.
Flie b'-lfH mo wlion there 13 no need and has me
on Iht into'!;
rLe iMtdn't think I'ra part all use, or that I'm
liko to fall;
I've n-vi-r ml!Hpd my footinjr yet, though I'm
botiU anil all.
lint th'ne don't (cm to take my mind that
bt;Mn tiowitrtVy.
I I ketbr fftlkn mux to know; I keep old-
jH-litiHii-j ttnyp:
I real U" I'i'niin'i and Hook of John, and find
tit m lu.iyjt-w;
And 1 o to knit, out I can't sew same as I used
tod j.
Tin- jilting folks think they nndotrtand Just
liuvr ! uiHtirjre life:
We ! fulks pity them; tvo'vo learnt its
bnv . and 1 n:id strifo.
Life ix n lL-ht, ! toll jo.ii plain, it doesn't cotno
to tiaiHi
Jutt nifj'iMi want to have It come, or just iu
j ou ba o planned.
If j-on'd foretold me bow it's been through all
thtH tlfty j ear
I Hh mkl bio ebren dUcournedand bad no lack
of fni rw,
And ali d I (Hitild lie down and die, but
miiwhow l' e bad fttt-unKth
TliHt's ooiiio to Jin' v itb every day all tbrouRh
my wbol" llfe'b lui)gl!i.
I Blartcil fair my woddlnjr. day, for ray dear
mail win Kind
AndalwajH pltuwiiit siokcn: wewercmoitly
ot u nilinl.
Ofootirie, we hud our fallinsout, but nothing
tlnit vrould Inst:
It iiIukv ran mv fault, for I tvaa youn and
hpt.Uc too fanU
And John, j on w, was older by omo ten
Mutrs llutii .
At llr-t 1 wiw afraid t(t him when wo kept rcitn-
He wh a.rt f man on whom j-ou full j'ou
C4lllll lnM)ItI,
UutMTi im.a In bis wiiys. Ills mother was a
!j- Imnlrt tlm ws when bo died. It Beemod
to on tVM wrouif
'J'lio ltnl .hi uhl take him out of life and let
nit-IrMtr itlootr
At Im.wI I fmhl. Mth bt'Ie mefliiH and all iny
clilii-n xtiiiill,
Jul h-n m (HHtiiiO'l to foe our way and set
ahead at all.
Uui fliil known !wt. If ltbad leen mj' life
IiimI -u t ! me;
If I Imil had mu C4ff time and not known pov-
r .
I b til'l'h vr lrf-n a lllffbty thing without a
tut f ii'tiae.
ltunM'JiMj him 1 to evcrj'thlng to knit or
build a tfiiee.
Tlniro v.eren't tho folks to call in then thnt I
would T't t Kim.
I "rlir-ip nn Mi-nni . the farms were few, and
I'd no m -aim t,t piy.
I -iit to trh with all iiij- mlKhtnnd tried mj'
home to Ke -p:
Hut 1 inn tdi ini ninny a nlht I've cried my-
mll to Meep.
1 know tb hns proppred me. I've done
the U"t I i.ilil.
And l' e ittiod in ntj- iot and placo as nnybrxlj'
Tho faim-liiiHl 8imo -folk would bare Bold I
beM, lH-iiiifo knetv
Fotnodai 'twotild b r4 I propcrtj-, and all
mj hoj h oomo true.
Ie partial with It piece bj ph-co j'ou fteo tho
lonn biHiirun,
Jiit ns John iiiviijx vild it would. If otbr-r
: Iks IihiI know ii
And hud the fortM'trlii that ho bad! Inlond
irthHt tlie toll
How 1 Kb uld never jcet along unloffl the farm
is as Hold.
My iKiva -rrew fat and hoou took bold, and
th'-n my way wni plain.
I'or all the money thev bud cot thej hoon
hnnitfltt buck uiralu:
And like a Imisx liixeof bees wo woro from
uioni till iuaht:
We had our iieallb, ttio Ixir1 be tbaukoll and
thnt made wnikHccm light.
Tlie children all have settled down In -rood
Iiotins of their own,
Kxeeptincbme, and but for her I should bo
le't alone:
Hie bud Iht chances, too, but then she's not
the mnrrj Intr kind:
I couldn't do without bur now, I'mladsho
suiyed iK'hind.
I'm Kind I'm mistress of my houso; tho chll-
dnui niton "tv
I inii't break up, thnt Jauo and I wore better
o!T to ny
AVitli miihimiI them, for I'm so old and Jane's
ma ner stroair:
Hut I won't IKten to tbolr plans; 1'vo mndj
my own tiK long.
!' life eems like a iKHik that's read and put
up on the shelf:
1 ue i to Ik a hurrj ing round; I don't feci liko
Suneton I'm tired of keeping f till, I want to
b at work:
1 see mi many things to do, and I don't like to
1 ued to have to toll and plan, and now I havo
to wait.
And 1 Mippoo I mustn't fxvt, but in a future
1 tdmll be Mire to find nvy placo and bo nomo
its tip-alu.
I'or ther" Etlll sdiall Bpr-o tho Lonl the
Scxipture mi-- it plabu
So it" my golden we idltig day, though wo
have li 'in t
I'or fortj, and jet John knows that bo
bti kept mj heart,
And I know that be looks for mo and waits for
me to mm :
I've tried to do the lest I could and hero or
there It'- home?
-Am:i O. JacctU fn Our CorifJ',
"Albert, I wish you would let mo
have m3tii! y-iive cents?"
Kaio Landman spoko carefully, for
she knew that her husband had not
much money to spate; yet she spoko
earnestly, and there was a world of en
treaty it: her look.
44 Vhat do you want seventy-five
cents for?" asked Albert.
1 want to jet some braid for my new
4 1 thought you had all the material
on hand for that."
44 So 1 thought I had; but Airs. Smith
and Irs. Thompson both hao a trim
ming of braid upon theirs, anil it looks
a en pretty. It is verv fashionable,
and adds veiy much to the beauty of a
44Plaruo take these women's fash
ions! Your endless trimmings and
thing-a-ma-jigs cost more than iho dress
is worth. It's rothing but shell out
moncv when once a woman thinks of a
new d:es.M
44 1 don't have nianv new dresses. I
do certainly try to be as economical as I
44 It is a funny kind of economy at all
ercnts. But if you must have it I sup
pose you must."
And Albert Landman toov out his
wallet and counted out seventy-five
cents; but he give it grudgine-ly, and
when he put his waller back into his
pocket he did it with an emphasis which
isecmed to say he woidd not take it out
aga;nfora week.
When Allcrt reached the outer door
on his way to work he found tho weath
er so threatening that bo concluded to
go back and getliis umbrella; and upon
re-entering the sitting-room he found his
wife in tears. She tried to hide the fact
that site had been weeping, but ho had
caught her in the act, and asked what
it meant.
"Good gracious!" cried tho hus
band, "I should like to know if 3nu
are crving at what I said about the
"I was not crving at what you said,
Albert," said Kite, tremulously; " but
you were so to grant jne the
favor. I was thinking how hard I had
to work; I am tied to the house; how
tmanv little things I have to perplex me.
then to think"
Pshaw! what do you want to be ap
... wily. Jn the toll, he was mriwfc upon ih i, 7"Jr ,f ?3?"n
checked rirl of ten rear?. fm r ' ' . , V K , a an"
" O. ,,apn, give fifteen ccals!" ff. wi:. M U.
"O I wml fifteen cr-nt Tir,,.., " pcrfci r !. t that JoHr
y, l warn . ii.ttcn cents. Do-plcase and forty ej. ,. ; .... ,!.. i ..
tnvcitlo inc."
"What in the world do vou
with it? Arc you changing scfiool books
"Xo, I want to buy a hoop. Ellen
Smith lias got one, and m has Marr
Uuck and Sarah Allen. Mr. Grant has
got some real pretty ones to cll. Can't
I have one?"
" Nonsense! If you want a hoop, go
and get one off some ash barrcL I can't
afford to be buying boons for you to
trundle about the trcet3.
l'leasc, papa."
"No. I told you."
The blue ecs filled with tears, and the
child's sobbing broke upon hU ear. Al
bert Landman hurried from tho house
wit'i some very impatient words upon
hi3 lips.
This was in the morning. At noon
when he came home to dinner there
wn$ a cloud over the household. Hw
wife wm 'ober, and even little Lizzie,
usually gay and blithesome, was sad and
Hut these tilings could not last long in
that household, for the husband and
wife really loved each other devotedlv,
and were at heart lurid antl forbearing.
When Albert came home to his supper
Kate greeted him with a Us. anil in a
moment sunshine came back; and had
the lesson ended there, tho hu-bnnd
might have fancied that he had done
nothing wronir. and the cloud had been
only the exhalation of a dom-'-tic fer
ment, for which no one was particularly
responsible, and might have clirihod
the conviction that women's fadiioui
were a nuibance and a humbug, as well
as a frightful draft upon a husband's
tea Albert did a few chores
about tho hone. antl then ligiitci' a
cigar and walked Out. Ho had gone,
but a short distance when he met Liz..-.
In her right hand she d nigged an oil
iioop wnien feuc iinu taken lrom a.
j tl .. .! I .. I !.... tt..n..l .. LSI.. t...j
.lll.ljljil..l'-.l IIUU, IMIIUI, tt lllll' ikll IIU.
left the was rubbing her red, swollen
cc?. She a.s in deep irrief. antl was
fcobbing painfully. II stopped the child
antl nuked what was the matter.
She nnfvcred, as well as her sobs
would let her, that the other girls had
laughed at her. and made fun of her
hoiiti. They had nice, preltv hoops,
while hers was uglv and homely.
44 Ne'er mind," said Albert, patting
the little one on the head (for tho child's
grief touched hitu); "perhaps Wo'll
have a hoop home time.
" "Ja n't 1 havo one now? Mr.
Grant's got one left oh, such a pretty
The sobbing had ceased, as the child
caught her father's hand, eagerly.
44 No, not now, Lizzie not now. I'll
think of it."
Sobbing again tho child moved on to
ward home, dragging the old hoop after
At one of the stores Albert Landman
met some of his old friends.
44 Hollo, Albert' What's up?"
" Nothing in particular."
44 What do you say to a game of bill
inrtR Albert?.'
"Good! I'm in for that."
And away went Albert to the billiard
hall, where he had a glorious time with
his friends. He liked billiards. It was
a heulth. pretty game, and the keeper
of the hall allowed no rough scuffs on
his premises.
They had played four games. Albert
had won two and his opponent had won
"That's two antl two,"
Piker. "What do vou sav
them off, Albert?"
cried Tom
to plav in1;
- .ivii ngju, go in, sam
of auimaUon.
And so they plavd the
Albert, full
fifth game.
antl ho who lost was to pay for the live
games. It was an exciting conU-M,
ltotlt made capital runs, hut in the end
Albeit wa beaten by three points: ami
with a little laugh he went up to st ule
the bill. Five games, twenlv cents a
game ju-t one dollar. Not much for
bticli sport; antl he paid out the money
with a gnice, and never once seemed to
feel that ho could not afford it.
44 Have a cigar?" said Tom
44 Yes."
They lighted their cigars aud then
down tin. ImlPio watch ti...iK!M"c' ,uiktfS !V l"lv dre..s; a
others play.
Albert soon found himself seated over
against a table at which some of his
friends were playing, antl close by stood
two gentlemen, strangers to hiin, one
of whom was explaining to the other the
mysteries of the game.
44 It is a healthy pastime,'' said he
who h:ul been making the explanation;
44 and certainly is one which has no evil
Albert heard the remarks very pla'n
lv; and he had a curiosity to hear v-!at
the other, who seemed unacquainted
with billiards, would say.
"I cannot, of course ascrt that any
game which calls for skill and judg
ment, and which is free from the at
tendant curc of gaming, is of itself an
evil." remarked the second gentleman.
44 Such thitms ate only evil so far as thev
excite and stimulate men beyond tne
bounds of healthy recreation.""
44 That, result can scarcely follow su -h
a game." said the first speaker.
But the other shook his head.
"You are wrong here. Tho result
can follow in two ways: First, it can
lead men away from 'their business, it
can lead men to spend money who lure
no: mono to spend. Whenever 1 vi.t
a placo of this kindjt. am led to refie t
upon a mot strange and prominent
weakness of humanity as developed in
our sew For instance, observe that
young man who is just settling his l;ij
at the desk. He looks like a mechan.c,
and 1 should say from Ids manner, and
from the fact that he feels it his dntv to
go homo at this hour, that he has a wfo
and children. I see by his face that he
is kind-hearted and generous, ami I
should judge that he means to do a near
right as he can. He has been bcatea,
aud ho pays one dollar and forty cents
for the recreation of some two" hours
duration. If you observe you will see
that he pays it freelv. and pockets the
loss with a smile. Happy faculty! Bat
how do you suppose it is'in that voua
man's home? buppose his wife had"
come to him this morning, and asked
him for a dollar to spend for- some tri
fling things some household ornament,
or some bit of jewelry to adorn her per
sonand suppose his little child put ia
a plea for forty cents to buy a paper an J
picture books with, what do vou thinV
lie womu have answered?
Of liftx- mi
just like him. would not forty and rt-e
men have declared that they had not
Uie money to spare for any such pur- -
LWJ.. XUU. iUULU.t'J. LXlt.V MI11IIII riT.T&
said so, feeling that they were tcllitjs
the truth. Am I not right?"
understood biUiard's, 44vou speak to the
point I know that voungmltnwbo hs! I
naidhis bill, and -rn i. .t ,:. ir
judged him mainglepsjticalar. And
whatismore.1 happcito have a fact
at hand to Illustrate vour charce- "VC
havo a club for an excellent literary I
wUe was very -Sritas toiSSfc foTh
had become a genial compaaioin '
mnmnn V:... rl iFr?l V?,??
Tlie club rat. Twas o rSX rrt
cents a year "
.. a r.A t. . -, ' .L. ..
gentleman. -Well, that man's wife ?
-u, miuBo ltiroes.-satain riir
: that J
for what f And jct how smUicgly h ,
"lirJ.1 - ..A!"
rvvsr, ympauiuin
tue children of that ntsucsful HUliard
piavcr. Ah :n is well for inch wire
and children that thay do not knor
where the money all goe,"
'"keyhad finibe.d at tic ne.iret
table. The two gentlemen morcI on
and Albert Landman aro-e from his -iat
and left the hou'c- Sever byforo had
he utieh Uioughti ai now josel hira;
he had never d;ve't ujkjii the same
grouping of ideal. Thatvcrv moniing
huown true, faithful, lot, ing wife had
been sad and heart-tick because he had
handily runl unklnlly met her request
for a email sam of money. And his
sweet Lizzie had crept away to her
homo almost broken-hearted for the
want of a aimple toy, such as her rnatM
I05os.ed. ami vet the mm of bothtber
wants amounted to not as much a he
had jiaid away that evening for billiard
playing. Albert Landman wanted to be an hon
est husband ami father, and the lesson
was not Inst tir-on him. On his way
homo he Mopned at Mr. Grant's antl
)tirchned the bcit and neatest hoop to
be found, dnring-sticicjiaintcd red.
white and blue, and in ties morning,
when he beheld his child's delight, antl
.had received her grateful, happy W.hs.
the qna-jtion came to his mind which
was the best and happiest result this
or the five games of billiard? The
hoop cost thirty cents. He could play
two games of billiards less and lie the
absolute gainer of ten cents by the
pleasant operation.
A few mornings after this, as Albert
aro3e from the breakfast table, he de
tected an uneasy, wistful look upon hii
wife's face.
44 Kate, what is it?"
44 Albert, could you spare me half a
dollar this morning?"
And out came the wallet and the mon
ey was handed over with a warm, genial
What! Tcara at that! Was it possi
ble fhe had been so little used to .sueh
sc nes mi his part, that .so simple an act
-of loving kindness thus affected her?
, How manv games of billiards would
be required to secure such satisfaction
s Albert carried with him that morning
'0 the shop?
V very simple lesson, is it not? but how
xnany may gain lasting profit by giving
h-cd to the lesson? Home Covipanion.
Full-Drm Toiktlcs.
The full-sires? toilettes prepared at
thioason of the year arc much .simpler
than Urns'4 shown in the autumn. 1 or
the Midsummer fetes at country houses
and tyatering-places short dresses will
bo wjrii exolu-'ivcly; hence at the
large4 furnishing houses not one
trained dress was exhibited in the gas
lighteu room devoted to evening toi
lettes. Low corsages wee also omit
ted, and the display consisted of many
very bo tffant short of fine s-oft
fabrics, with surplice or square neck
elbow sieves. The corstges fitted the
figure smoothly below the hips, and
abundant draperies were arranged
there. Most of these dre-ses were fast
ened in front by hooks ami cj'os or
very small buttons that were concealed
b' lace frill"?, and llieir tr'mmings wen
inax-ed ou the neck ami arms, or if laid
on the'e, the were so smooth aud
fiat that they added nothing to tho ap
parent si7o;"and in order to add to the
look of .!e'dcrnes3 the-e trimmings
were brought into a s-harp point at the
waist line or u-,1 below it- There were,
however, some corsages laced in the
back, fitted by very few seams, having
only ono dart in front on sharply
pointed wai-t.s, or with Jersey
polonaises that hail no s;do forms,
i'iuk an I white arc tho prevailing colors
for such tlresLM, with a few pale blue
tints for blond. . but none of tho deep
leinc u yellow shides -hown la-t year.
The materials are either faille or the
lustrous at in morvcilleuv-for the foun
dation, with nun.' veiling, embroidered
fclk muslin, 'lowered gauze antl Span
ish lace for the drapery, richly trimmed
with embroidery, lace, innumerable
bows of narrow iatin or velvet ribbon,
and very few Mowers. Pink satin surah
for the foundation of a basque and skirt,
covered entirely with white flowered
panier.s.L3ii 01 uie psnic saun jrives tno
necessary bouffant effect. A nalo blue
moire basque or close corsage is worn
with white skirts or embroidered mull,
or else &ilk muslin, ami this is arranged
to conceal the edge of the moire liodiee;
tho onlv blue lints in the skirt are given
by the blue silk foundation skirt, and its
many small bows of .satin ribbon with
out cutis, or else with clusters of ends
of ribbons cut in forked tongues with
out anv bows or loops. Embroidered
palo blue gauze as a Jersey polonaise
over blue nlin is one of the French fan
cies. White sheer muslin with small
dots wrought very thickly upon it is
made in a pauier polonaise that tits tho
waist and hips smoothly over a bluo
lining; the panicr fullness is shirred to
the edge of this waist, draped in two
deep festoons on the front and sides,
ami hangs yen full aud long, yet in a
narrow paco,lehind, to the foot of tho
blue skirt, which is nearly covered in
front with frills of embroidered muslin.
The convenient fashion of wearing a
bodice of one kind with skirts of another
remains in style. loire and the ding
ing soft satins are most used for thee
bodices; but instead of representing the
coat-basquo wont during the winter,
they are the bodice with paniers like the
blue moire and w hite embroidered silk
muslin combination described above.
Still a newer fancy for such combina
tions is a shirred sundice jacket of satin
surah wont oatside of a full muslin
waist. For instance, a Parisian dread
has ecru embroidered mull for the skirt,
and for a high corsage with deep collar,
but without sleeves- Over tills waist,
concealing all but the front of it. is a
dark garnet satin snrah jacket with sur
plice neck and elbow sleeves and great
embroidered cuffs to match the collar.
This is a blouse-jacket without side
forms in the back, but shirred at the
waist Jine and also in front, with
a sash bow behind. Striped em
broidery is used for plaited flounces
on the skirt, and arranged so, that an
embroidered stripe is on top of each
plait. This forms two very wide curved
tlounces across the front and sides,
with plain mull shirred as tlounces be
tween, and edged with Florentine lace;
the back is arranged in poufs, and three
very narrow knife-plaitings trim the
foot. Cream white surah skirts are be-
In ma("e in the same way to wear with
cardinal or Wae waists, .uns' yeilmg
for i34!110 anu- paniers over
a surau
ts :inotncr comoinaaon uiat re
mains popular, especially white or pink
yelling, with pink, satin surah for the
skirt. Tho foot of such a dress is most
fl! rtmmed with fiae lapping plait-
fLf8,--1"0 V itcT- a
fnll laid over, and wide enough to covei
.vnx iruis iiutu iu auuncr witu a race
,, frill laid over, and wide enough to cover
?" tho,B bofcaKtlu! f $br
f n1 tmd-er wh,?S pm V0 ll l
to " out the pretty pattern of
the Iacc--&? ' sxar.
S "Mf "1$"
lUat Vf-t0- CH?2?se bl HU-1
have very little effect oa Chinese immi-
5Uo. Ho rays: " The people do not I
sjaierally know there is such a comntry
. America. I suppose 1 coald hare
. - - w.1 .i a vu: i. t
Tr "TTcLI.t
, - i.i l .. i.: - sA.l i-
h 4kKK - .1 ll -mm..m- l.-i - - -
tilkf mbont,'' J
An aaaa'rar byar.istln yfteeznra H
aid to har projotrd tOfRffcril04tsr o!
C( w-nng pjin.. all v', lch hsve. been
ticaUffrwl. f:.f
-Xo cia-M of real prr-p-rfy U jprc
ciatta in value o rapMby a jirrcl land
or we 1 irtvxl xrnrat Tb-y vrdi al.o be
nch 5aelo to fnture grniraitt..
The barberry ii oae of the prettiest
of garden plants. It b vwry otnasitmt
al, cptjally wnea th fruit i rf, aal
the lat:crmaks an excelloal sour aace.
.V. J. E&itnmtr.
Saltif v. or vegetable ovjtrr, is clti-
rated the'tarat as ccrroli or ornlf,
f and u wn'Wen. br raanv a a luxurr.
i It U ascd for otip. bodd. or can lw
sliced an J trie4! in batUir. vrhen It raaic
a fair substitute for fried others. Jtn-
ver Tribunr.
nitr-d with water.
-Moue holes in the walls aad eJoet , c,! roll from sale to dde. fcieh . " JST
-nouw le Jlr-t fclltrt vrith hme aatl after- -, w' .rrrTlY ZlT "V7 W Wl rf d-rtMral .um. H .
ward plastered orr Witu Maiz ol : , "" " -
f.ln i i-rt - ,.,. ,.f n..uii'i.i.p it ncauy.
i. j a. "irjw
i. I. .. i aau io or un
cierrhou-c. as it Is ufid in Mtn,.
crack,, an i in mar other wars ia bou
hold economy.
..,, . ,. .. .
- cis-hts and llras-iras: It miy be
V- "? " r ,' " Z:?"
w---i ft vuv t a kv-wo H- i
SO?L l)!Ittir nr if !Yl'r lif xnit-
makes a jKiund. a qoart of c.rn mai. or
of lieat brown 'utra'. one nottmf ami
twoounocA wiuto sujrar or THinilml
sugar, one pound
ejrr. orn iioiinil.
;v tiii rrtft iiinnfii iiin
oinrvfi tan
-:.!. T-r:iZ.
..!. ...l j ... t i -ii-". I. . ,
"" " 4t.
liu. itf ,,r ,um4 au tnnu .-
common Ud tumbler lfS half n JL
Jsi.XtV dron msike fine tnlilMfio.ifH!.
' -l,-
A Mia-oun jwper notos that "the
sheej. mivrvat and the sSieep-kdlmg doc
interejt are ai antag-.aisUc as fire and
wa4er. Hie two caonut exit together.
yuu u. wiu uuier m-m gti. i e ieep
t always a valuable animal in wry
section adapted to its uatureand babUs.
f ... Ai.w L... ..! ... JJ. 'IT.. T
J lie aiir-ep-UUiuj: dog is not valuable in I here and there the fire of a Itcdouin eo
a commtinitv whoru sheet) are kept. ' Mmifnt. T.iii nn th snw ktn'
When the dome-li'-ated yr fofulchis
eivdicl habitr ami retunis to th'ito of
his ancestor, the wolf, he ought to be
treated as a wolf, bo far as he is a mid
night marauder uuoii the 'hephcrd's
Mocks, he ottht to ks trapj'tl. shot or
poisoned, in any way that i-. rmrst con
venient to the sheen owner."
Hoot Heer. I'or each gallon of water
to be used la hops, burdiek. vellow
tlock, sarsajiarilla. dandelion ai1 spike
nard roots each one-half ounce; bruise
ami boil twenty minuter; straui; while
hot add eight or tn drips oilit of spruce
and sassafras mixed. Wlien cool enough
not to Kaild your h'tnil. add two orthrco
table-poonfuls vea-t. half pint of moIai
es or half pound white sugar. Keep
thoe preparations for as manv gallons
as you wish to make. It is to get
the dry roots, or dig ami dry, you m i.v
add other rotit whieJi von Limu- in bo
- m
po3-eed of the qtnhties desire 1. After j acre lot on the hillside near the LngJb
all is mi.xed let it stand in a inr with a mill, northeast of town, and recently h
cloth thrown over i to work about two
hours; then bottle antl .set in a cool
place. Genu a ntoirn Tt Y graph.
Poultry In Lare Mocks.
For a given amo ant of capital invest
ed there is more profit in poultry wheti
rightly managed tnan anything else or.
the farm. It is well-known, however,
that .small Hocks pay a greater propor
tional return than larger ones. Thi is
partly because small Mocks receive moru
attention, and parilr because fowl4 will
not thrive when kept together in largo
numbers, in venturing into the poul
try business beginners .should under
stand tint if it is inlen led to keep the
fo.vls in large Mock', even when well
attended, bountifully fed. ami the full
range of the farm given. Mtcce-s eauuoL
be assured. This cxiwrimcnl has been
i trie I over anil orer airairi. and to-dav
there is but one f.trni in the United
Slates devoted to poultry in lame num
ber:", and that one is condti 'te I on a
different plan from that to which farin
"jrs aroncetis-tomid.
Poultry -raising should be encouraged.
It enn be so managed as to give light
emnSovnient to women and children.
i a id is within the rendi of tho-e with
limited means. Long liefore Am-ricans
discovereil that there was a great secret
in -poultry-raising the French put in op
eration a method that enables them to
ship eiij;s to F.nghind. Germany and
Austria, as well as to Mirplv a htre-e tle-
uiaml at home. It is often remarked I
that the French arc Ihe mot sueoessftil i
poulterers in the world, but wo can do '
all they can do in the matter, antl more.
too, for thev have no honi-rai.sed Indian
corn to asM them. They divide their
fowls into Mocks of not more than one
dozen. Ivach Mock has a snnll fowl
house. 10x10 feet, antl a yard of about
one hundred feet deep, divided in
the middle. The houses stand sep
arately in the center of the yards,
vv hielf are thirty feet wide. Kaeh
houo has thus a 60x30
feet yanl in
front, antl the same in the rear. An
acre of ground will allow fourteen of
thee and yards. The fourteen
yards with one dozen fowls each, will
accommodate 108 fowls. This is a largo
number for an acre of ground, but they
are kept healthy by changing them fre
quently from oilo vacant yard to anoth
er. The partition fences 'are built very
cheaply, sometimes of wire, and again
of lath. To make this system plainer
ti the reader, it should be known that
two Mocks of fow Is are never in adjoin
ing vards, as perfect seclusion from
other Mocks must be enjoyed by each of j
Uie smalt Hocks, thus, while one Mock
is running in the yard at the front of
its houer the adjoining yanl on the left
and right is empty, as the next lot of
fowls will be running in the rear of
their quarters, or, to illustrate by means
of a checker-board, the dark spaces
representing the occupied yards and
the white spaces Uie vacant ones.
As soon as tho fowls are placed in
one of the yards (the front one. for in
stance) the rear one is spaded up and
seeded to grass, oa!s, rye, quick-growing
vegetables having good large tops,
or anything else that w ill afford plenty
of green food. When a fair growth has
been secured the fowls are turned into
the rear yard, and the front one is in
turn spaded up and seeded down. Tins
frequent spading of the ground not only
keeps the yanl fresh and clean, but
their fertility is greatly increased by he
rich droppings of the fowls.
There is another important matter
conacctcd with the French system of
poaltrv-ralsiug they are particular in
regard to breeds. Unlike t ho American
farmer, any and every sort of fowl will
not do for them. They arc partial to
the non-setters, and believe eggs to be
moro proGtable than chicks, although
some are beginning to alter their opin
ions in this respect. They have demon
strated ono fact in poultry-raising,
"which has been verified bv FjJjriishmen
and Americans, and that is that an acre
of'gronnd will support nearly 200 hens.
With a margin of one dollar pfoSt on etch
hen. which is not by any means a large
estimate, the reader can calculate for
himself the advantage of this kind of
But to do as the French do, there
most be some person willing to give alt
his time to the care of the hens- Iwill
not do to attend to the horses, cowi and
pigs and give an occasional look at the
poultry. Some particular person must
have the care of them, to see that they
are fed regularly; that plenty of fresfi.
clean water is kept within their reach
all the lime; that gronnd or broken oys
ter shells, gravel, a little box of snl
phur. charcoal and bones or scraps of
seat's given liberally. Perfect deaa
liness and ventilation 'are always to be
looked oat for. In winter there arrast
be ao cracks lathe koaaes to adaut the
wind. There is a drfrmwd always for
ggs a4 aoaltry. mad there k ao dan
ger of ovarstockiaar tat mrktK. flW
aUZtBHalkaV aVataVa7n. '
Tnnrllsx la ti :.
Iia ! opes tra-aa tfc pem. & i-t t.
, and u ckxcd ariUn asd f :ntr&c4 The
v i ' i rj m
x u a rooj asu a wjnttw. ns?-
Uratjoaeai each ed. tox brht a4
rcai-ialwo. It I fatewd to p4,
wbl-h project both ia frost a4 rar o
the box. a&d befweea tbcw proircUta-;
po'aai cac&toa a moa is sule to
walk, to wboo dille tba plo arc at -
taeb-d. Tfee mel ia frost caa ssm well
J cnongh, bat the we WMd ha a bard
time, because hi Isxk h otk.wj to :c j
j oi tbe bar, aatl only tl bt aad !
i ; mre iookm auuaau are srtrtt-c.i
i for that dlfficuU poa.-a. Kvoa then
BO " Jia w numoa poi i,
vraic kit kn;, sad wJjat L wort-e, to
shake and Jar the $ck rrn. TV fck
rki0 of the box i
Sometime i: mmld
. fU-iw agalau a projectiog nrk or the
?achcl ot tr aoii W ainsos, uUt
j The path, h:h wi, an unequal y good
i one tor Stria, often -wrntalopg the c-ir4
of a . wUh , tt
i hI a fr-gbtful gore haadxeds of feotbo-
ueath. , hat if thi niulta houM make
a m wtrp Here! auch wa aiwavs rav
' ... .i. .... r. A.v.sTl .
thought a
r ...,t. ...I . ...t.....t -..Tl
, l". 7 wV .?- -i -tj
' n. .".. . .
" . . -
i tin - ii.iii-' i . iiii mill n . mm - m -?. t,w am
. fcVcT- protiaentuuy .par-
l ixum any
1 -l. nfuviiliftt tnii 1j Miiikjtid4J rrnim.
t "- v. mnii jum ii-i iwvmo..-
j i,nmr. Wu stopiKHl bat once during
lhc nJjjhl. cxccvll.l0 tfVa our fnend wa- I
I. . . l " , t
l tcr, ana mat was oniv lor twenty or
' thirtr minutes, in a narrow plarc. Ut hst
long irroces-.ioa of camb and mnli
j ,,a. The moon -Aai bright, nod giant
, ,, maive rocki, antl deep, dark
I .
gorges with tho water r
bottom, dense patcliss
I aoa" the banks of the
lilting at the
of oloaailor.s
stream, -with
-'- - -- --
tho route of our night march, until we
reached the Jordan, at G.3U in ilia
morninjr. It has been a lone;, anxioui
Lnlo the Jwrtbm.
Albert King, a notably handsome
and polite young man, was a favorite,
guest for three months at a Hot nrings
hotel. He did not pay hi board bill,
and his pocket moncv "was provided by
means of loan: vet lie remained popu
'ar and lived luxuriously. At lenth the
landlord peremptorily demanded pay.
That night King .stole some watches,
jewelry and wallets ami lied the town.
He hail not used a dollar of his own
money during his stay, and got off wi'h
about" C-.JW) worth of plunder. .V. I".
A man named Kosonblncm, says
the Keno (Nov.) Ca:e(U, owns a fortv-
plowed up tun acre for a garden. A
j-ubscquent wind blew the tea acres of
plowed land awav and left nothing but
Vec'tat"!" orJIIni-rat.
A rhT!clan writfnx to Journal of mtstl
clne, not lonj aeo. riroclilm-ii tvtinft the n
of inlucml poton in cunus disease, oa the
protind that tn nlnrtr nine etuurs ont of bur
drcd more mlichlrf tluii brn'-Ct wi the re
mit. In hi practice he ilnr-eincd cntuc'T
ith the u ot tncentT. rtc , unit ttnbutril
hi nuccei- nuMtlr to h-sprrt'-ribin'; rrrcU'iIo
imd herb titfilidnrs na'r In the fce m thce
facta, rrerj invilil nhouM lV- naniln-;.
Tone up the Ttpm ami rjUr trrn,tb to thn
Tarious orcan of life br U'ltij: ueh a rcmetlj
as Dr. (IuTfM)tt' Ycl!tw Dock and Isaroajvv
rilla. Its "w5thln and rcfreshlne Influence
will drive a-rar all tilivalcal and meiiUl ilit-tn-si.
It I e'urwl'! atrcn-jtheninz tn tho
unaarj and d'eeatirr orrtn. A tingle bottle
will prorc iti" merit. It it very plcismt to UVe.
Mtss Dicki.vsox Is a noblc-be.rteI woman,
ay what thej will. She tt alwavi read to
take a nun'i part- Button Tranxcript.
A TOrxo man z Icnlni; h!me"f J. L. I) ,
write at follows: "Six month atjo I felt all
broVr ep, 1 was very nervous The least ci
dtemrn I caused tnj hetrt to thump like an
entrlne, at rther times it reined to ccie t eat
inj; altogether. I aim hail djf p-jwU IbuI, an I
at night I wa vtrv re tles, and had i! s'tt'b
In:r dream. .Mr whole r-tera ermed out of
fix. and p5mplcand sore treublc-1 inc groat
lr. Iu ailvie I bv a drtijtfui to trj Dr.
tiuyott' Yc'Iow Dock and .saryaparUla. It
ha restored rac to jcrf ect''
A root-fit old woman, bejn one evening
nt a party, wai greatly at a Iu for iomelhinr
to say. At length the ventured to inmilre 1 1
a Kentleman who tat next her whether his
mother had anv children. The rcntlrmin
politely pointed out the absurd-tv of her In-
qulry. "I bee pardon," exclaimed the old
lauv. perccirtn? her muuke. dn't yon "on
demand me. 1 wih to Inquire whether yoar
grandmother bail any chil Irea."
hrertnr and Ability.
Hop Bittern, to freclr advertised In all the
papers, sccnlir and religious, are having a,
large sale, and are tupplanttn? all othT tr.ell- "
dncs. There Is no denving the virtue of the
Hop plant, and the proprietors of thete Hitters .
have thown creat hredneta end ob.Utr in I
compounding a uitters wnote virtues arc o
pair able to cverr one't observation. Examin
er and Chronicle.
m i
" On, for a better hilf I" tal 1 tbe torrowlng
widower when he found a counterfeit flftr
cent piece among Lis change. Cavibndjt
- Drrclnc ratnt.
Da. R. V. PinacE, BatTalo, N T, : Dtar Sir
Sly wife had suffered with "female weak
nesses" for nearly three years. At timet tho
could hardly move, the bad inch dragging
paint. We often taw your 4 Favorite Prescrip
tion'' advert! ted. but supposed like mot paten.
medicines it ild not amount to anrthlnr. but
at last concluded to try a bottle" which she
did. It made her tick at f.rtt, but It began to
show its effect in a marked Improvement, and
two bottlea cured ber. Tours, etc,
A. J. II ever, Deposit, 2. T.
Rtax. tbt paglUst, Is foad of 44?infore."
It it maid. e cannot believe this, at be bxs
bown no desire recently to fac Sullivan's
music. Tht Score.
Saicid Maula Tmj.
Let yoar liver comrJaJst take lt own course
and don't Uka Dr. Pierce't 44Godea Medical
Discovery.'' Sold by drugjlsia.
VTa'o lfke to be introduced to ths rava who
kr.ew enough to keep haprincss when he once
Sot bo'rtl ofT It JSottcim Htgr.
A st-irorTncTOSorr: She (eBcoaraginr
1t): "Your ttcp suits mine exactly. lie
(ncrrooMyj - "50 glad to iKar yoa txj
know I'm such a. bad waItter.'-Vif5r.
so, I
Oto Slobsoa i rikla la tb J?at yard
yesterday wbt3 t-e noticed s. toy cUn
ttrougbtbe pickei Xonte la Btost earn.
manner. 4-tbst are voa doics. aiked tbe
ttd man. the Ka.e t Irgres,'
replied the boy, as he doJ-jwi jxtst la ticte.
HtxAtsitr iJxjrrtt.
A TcxstAtzz negro ate twraw markereL
two dozen hard fccn!tsl ersrs wl drank Vr
backets of water, ilak: bifB sick I O&.&0I
lie was'rfd more. Toa Ke be was a week do
Do toc m&Bxlrt tbe priacfpJe of Jeffer
soar' asked aa eatbc-ta5ic politlcraa of a
sodcty friend. I reully doa't kaow rssea
abost'bU prfBclplcs." was tbc rcplT, "bot he
plays Rlp Vaa WiakJe' aapertfy." no.
Cvrgk TdesrafA.
AS ersisrat eoeatfat says iki wbea a bdy
caXfcDot sit dawn witbost ber Basse becoming
red. it sbowt tbit tbcre is Imperfect chxcla
Uoa ot tbe blood, caaaed try tizfet iuss
Saae with gmtfesem- A red ace is a tare
clgra. of tigbtssss osartrbere.
Ir job woeW retala tae Jere of ywtr a2"
a&ed, yoear raoa, io sot permit Iter to l
vcile res lato ts iee-cresa saloas. 11 jcrz
do a coolness wHI tcoa exkt bexwees joe
At tie assaal sesiioa of tb XatkwaT AraJ
cay of SdcBce ia KakgtE- Tkeedece G3i
redapperoa "Tke Irrekpeat t CM
repSerygiCSB f rota, tbe IetbopterigiaaB.' Tbex
was sot a dry eye la tie aasc 3rrite)ei
"iTannctW goacelsu tfee Ivttce
yos," fakl a kdr to ia Isexperi bordcr vae
was carriaj-. "tiaea it b, smhs a age,"
u lite wHaerat; reiort.
Trxsixu.'s taory taat Iseat it simajT b
tSes ia aaotker form msett be trac. Strike a
pJeceof k-Mtaad at teeaates baC Strike a
arn-wtlMf. iintaatlily tsofts ever. Then
is, aowertay emm tsutufja to tbe nrie- 8Cj1u
a wxm S rkad far a sanrt teas ai be at oims
I ltr ti crttstAi i- tt HKO
' i1w 'xslar M4trtri,r!sssl
J uu?. r. wt rtui, Vt e.-s,p3Us.
A kt:h. fe nrv tls-i fer VU iv
i tM4 ?
ric-fyrufakcitt tioH kt m4
iAii ;vA. its riint j
TVtrrts t M-m. !& 11 riakfii-i "SBIWm?.
f rrx A tr& Lw. M . fr tiet T 14
1 fel i fra rMCr4 t prfct &eit V
' . c tp-r Ufa
j . aW1 "
Crrjrvif an rrt tae estt SA " Ai.tjf
-VVl.iaiTiiir 4r. Tt Cs-,.
to--r "It itS.c- ao d.ira. I is d&r
,' A mUxiU?tX frtri U r Ou r- car or AJ term ft n-TTftl4 frwaul i
i msx,tt' rttrr utta l-txm ttm.
Ui ih vktv. ii- -- iwi tj. il
trj fc f iiU.:siT rHfctr t Art 4 t-trex.
Ctrt ImplOe ttrf Jmli?m.21 It Ut Im-mf jJCT ft 1
jiUyfei w.t ttMtnis ti.t k kljijsS l
I r tiiir t4il Atru.r
IfmVKmm-m. saa ir rfM.J. rmmv.'rwm 1- &
1 - tskttM s-r ":.
k.sva It -
if e-. siV x 1
!? .: Cu--7 aal t"kaKd5
i ai ba mm a a m.., m . .-
" f fM" t-, -r.
ticart Taif.rr us", rr ta trtoc
i -i. ... .
us-vcAArs sa oc a-i ii-c.
VVrt watsVl col d-siier spviVr c-slUtert
Beratiw hj wrm .j tisom. poke J IcttU
14! la the Lira&4 lye rsr ?; it
tro f Ulerntit'UB lute JSerSVeeat tye,
td t-rj gltc Ja.lrr kad w tvi--
Fovk t tb rwMZ buMtt Binrotft nrtia
brlsg hnie juz aUlxatorv CtLert ftestu
i m '
4 Itrrt Of IUt C1an ot rt, mle,
roasbet, bed-Uia, xtnaiti, etvtrotu&kt- !e.
It U a f d atrr.oorclrl fl tdtt daring
the territ'le tkuHjT tlrm Ibo otter tatrt-l
tbe tnillkT way WetMse er - A. ) llmmJL.
"DrntrriiB Qtikk. 3j;let eurr. ftU
uawjisf Kulc-j Dire- It. at Irujc'u
A ooon Urns to sffer jour haoil tt a la4y
beu the ! ettiU of aa omatiKiv
KinMio'i Itoasla 51 it cs'vjcftle.t fur
ciitl.atot,clpjcdhn.i,fitv.t t!tr,etcTrj IL
xmv ---
Trt the new brand, "'"f.rlt.c Tobaenx
i i i
"lTtO.Tltt9Tlt th! bet. I'm It.
For ta Cnr f OiU tM.
BniBfli tU. Craap. Iatia. Wl'tj Coi&k.l-np'
TtUft' & . AtknK
MIco. mre oatr ctu a UU-
Dawn of a h Era.
TVttoa . Ci mk dl rrtB of rm"iT
frcttWt s se H-i ftt4 rtt frf coiamriH lh Ifcf -
lii K'S-TfaH U .. T1e''V'
rserl ur rtj- -'kfr la th suftj.r Vnt. 4
pre.' i. j -not h fceea ttUrmlt
ee Tlnw -- r-
HrJ U lfc..kVD4l. A IH-rFHK
A r fwn v new trtnn. i1 tsa-" rarrfnUf -.
lAtirou t r er f w tf i. &ii ibr .crj tl
txluf ret lie4 rrlM,Brl.
TM. oe took n3'!ar3fe!-a.!e. p-ot4lR tn a
e- , ' ' mi' r twi ttm lrKistc a
rct vr rf Wm h-in p' i. lokf wi
b 'U r- "' irsjl- frits., a a rnt
11 A J AKHS.) .el M J Ml
Tlill.l'ret'eorhOirrwiv4si(, aa) l..or-lo
tlKtf l'lirllKtlll I e3n. m tlf mTI4j !J
rc-lifieM Ui rooM U b- rt- psl. larlo'Uiij r
bau ' p 'ecu 'is'e'.i. j mXtyiri tor IWf ai
rrle BiecUcf.. frte. 3S !.
OLIVER D1TS0H k C3., Itttan.
- - ...a ,v wgW-iijig.. ttHa !el
dUtiutmmt'l.'Ua' TKXX DO KOT
&& nooantid lOoiwt tt irCl pJUr s
Pwnn. o.. !lvuii mad. isslera iMZ.hT mAXom.
iL2k.i.A.- ji wm jwwiay... b w-,, m-
U,. dlHui mjul rmtcrm h:uT mAXom.
B mt-titmm -r oorapJla tmmutr
X tfcUIV.7t to rmr . u M own
" and wta-. JOdiMT.'Wcrt l kssxt, ' 1 -
It wd art prampar ma& taT.Ir-
1BlMrScx. laencUawm.Tmt-atlea cf ru,
LSrteaaaterre-prlr-4-,.a3 drctir
0' mil rmlOr Timid la ti CGTmil'rm. vcrmm.
Trims' aou bt axi. igooirrra. pna a.
Aa Entbh ytTa-y Sa-c-o M Ch. r-
tn ibc UiMtnmlrr, unUil n-alcl U itnw
.t4 Ctt re-4m xAAb'rm .rm -m-rrtblmtttmAh. If
uriiaatssmcia IoSitKr)w4.rrli.9w4a4r
ZKXmm ho ImT Wim NitrvJiO Oam4Atan fmwJUn.
itfm. oa m?ynmtm.l to trrm jot JjI. sold m-"rj'
-ber mr tnmii fur ,; at irWrt n.jw. I. S.
JOH.V.M1X A CO,frtotO'V forakTlr lU.rr M.
I'xto?c" I"rtaxTITX Ilxx BmmXm e rtc Uwi.
A i-riiy nr tir nr oo-c-jUIs. fiwi f
bo-nl. p-tTt3C (ax bJooit. c)-sXft; frwa Kairta!
tt A prfwaSir4rJc tl'l r3-iljrtTa
asd xnI-rt- S4 tr a JrCr Dtskw. Tor
rrraia acu imuM wi o ima fTJeaiar,
!.. Mmrn. mi. .r Ttl Of jr.
A Month For
l VIm tr Uiikt
l K H-. B4 IW dTC3
n ceuaT MiTiitrt iTe-w
a r vr 1 HMl liatii ims. if
.jm Winn t fta.tau-.STm. &er.
VI AVilftiJMnii.r.aMU,ota(i,Li.
ipv-ratv atti Pfvf raBtB4Cac
. CttacaaB. s X. 2xaaAZ ruaw
are aim
AASr-aa E. mKTZM m MMKm Jtrw Otmttt. r
I tiViS2i!?UJ
Rjtfl mJUMjmmmmmmimTl)m-rmlfmmm.Otrm WfcRj
mtmMmmmwr: iaTaf t ainimfi taw raflTB
- 1 Miii iImi. r. rm atar. ayssajl
HIRES' &2&
nPiMM it'mfiVi. yMwnf
otimpjr! iRrrammi
IT -T-
T 9W - gx Mmtimr tm gjW
. l Wv I naiMm mm m hw I, . mmmmmwmVW WWf mm 7V
?iu(aiaai-ar-mrt tHtwnutvi
fwlftt ft.i4atlit tmttmt.m) rttj ) m l mf
Oil jmVmH t ftf f UJn,
t. . a -- ma rin i r - - -
? AAUlAUilll UALul IjJi
ZSlrls mud R4trl Jfv
i rt4jii
rUhal at XX ?. Xtm m.
r f emt rvtr rr
k M lit 4 4 t-mf mV mttt
. caarttLo. oucim victowa
ntCKIOKHT Attrnua 9 .
AJkttKI tA la.t.(.ft.-Mltr.& ti
HAcja TBUarac watnu rrw.
m- rt . ' ft mttt. mm mmr frX. fw .-. 4
flk tmitAtt tt lr. V. WHH
Mjn- e Ja ji l,Vwirjy -ft
H U4 fc M. s. jtrx. V. .r W. tmt
k J mM)mmfV B. UiMt - tte ftftr f
Of hl r , fcfci. JtfcMA UAX.V ft WkA,
!l IM Ml ul HMt ltv3 v llMl-j tf
MWCM X (40 " mmi ul 3k f-m fmr
..tarrtr4- t.-1T Tmnrmrt m-mm'm . t. .1.hS UM
jr r-mr- fM tae a ! Mm A4Ana
mi (.. raKKu . i..t.
1IA.-rT4a rasrr At.rstaarr
aa r;m.t. . tjmmH m a i -.-
tvi,i: imtt- ttmoimutrt. aa - CuifS
I'mr fsw. 4 tweau (SjWilt ; a Cwy
rf. fts ' ' a Jta UAJiXl ttU.
, t i - w"-fc Vf 1 .!-: rS ti.J
i. jfcrj. k,rH L.m & iMMli
H.D t-s; mC A H. b.. iiat. tu., u -
Ijarjtr4r 4otfc,fv. MhMiiwfi
rM.l, rvtltilnl!fi i i t H'I
m. fT KlWII taCfc;U tlcs. m fcl JlAAl 4
. tJT rutun Khui
iM.r eo, iiktwiM
BCtmilll I IW--. V- mmi
.Tt. SUA. AJ mmmmMf Uv4..vfcW
Ruined by Rum Mow
many of your accjuatnt
anccs? Aye, many.
Brown's Iron Bitters
is the practical temper
ance medicineof theday.
Not composed of liquor,
not sold in bar-rooms,
but a true tonic in ever
H n.ew- lo TttT-
TXt it Ukrn acnU; to
diiectwnt, it tl! rvst vnlj
relicre tbe Internirarr man
of the aitroenti limiting
from bis eicew. bet it will
rtmore all dewe iot artift
cbJ tuawIaa'A.
Brown's Ikon Bitters
will cure Dyspepsia, In
digestion, Weakness,
Malaria, decay in the
liver, kidneys, and diges
tive organs, fflr As a
medicine for diseases
peculiar to women, it b
without an equal. Price
$1.00.. For sale by all
druggists and dealers in
tmmmmm'JmMWmmt. llllllMil III l.-m m'mtkW'
mwm. yi, mm. lx ItTAUM
arrJotra rrnn iniiimi n--4i4r
-falf4M'w . iar
n. 1111 iiujum
Electro Teltait Belts
W atMtbaa art
H rMtitTC 4 it H
H 1fcit . ft & mm H
M trntm. mmM fT . f B
(tKWSpJ ; mm -W
M lt , Smtmm & H
H mmm. ) M M S m, H
H 'Hi tv ti m ii r. H
4rrw, aA.4tK.
IPCilTC LADIES or f.rvi mV
Aatn I o 5 .. mTUz
v. ii. uwcit, shir lr-i
iktkCMrta, ataM aar atatihMaw aT ahts
ay -- tarwaTjfcSa?jaaar
awjSSXtSatatatav jfeTtSTXtTfajjC
f if m
llulljlvllu i
mttm ra, T4af-,ai ,
tu, V
; .? ' V.
WVUdtKlft Wt
H M k ' v -
k Vi w mm, mf mn ! H
W mmm,gjm mm m . -, -mx t Jt'Hiii Sr-..
m4 " WOW lm - ml" "i 4 v
iiimnvi I m m 4
mm lVt W o ' M4 m ft..,, i -FTWII
mt rnmm T P4 S .
jiM ftv ffmrvK m twrrnxv .: M
irr -- , I.. tn. mtiii il
jj-,1 r. ...iw m n ia . .
IkftU wmm-t ' 'W - M t
jl4rM H' i ! " -rmmnm l"1l I
it. r. ..
tf-t. . m 4 VtriNftV
w. Utf tl h . W IW m-mfmm
t WlHSX Omm Ws iSw'fc. W I
Ci.: e lt
" fyUl, 0m fmlrnxm, IHM 1 1
mi t Itumtmrn m w
l tm mm1
wmr ' W - . " " T
mm IfcM wwr mm " mr f tt
tiAA r. i,in v
-. m. uki L Fiama. tf in, u::..
j c
" S
'f& jrjZmtei:
miyc4yffr cmm
l rw t.. f
rtt rsui i u4. i ..
... I. ... W f.w.1. t.f.11.
ll H4rl vislmtj IV . tmmmmm tw..nO-.
llftlAt ltyW t.l. 1.. Oil T TMl
V, l.ltb l.fai..l. mIK, , hi imml itmi, 4 u f4Miw,tf -t.,ii w u
tt U1 UM. hJ nH .- 1xmiHmIk.I
a ? 4..i,. tv i iiMi'tw
vm ht, - U .W..4 ndf I; Ms a
Jt .. Imi-mm. w.mi vl n.4
fWlll'.Wl. .! Imtmtmm m-mm-mm- m4 HW . ltA-
0.l tsWr. 'rMis I'" 4 M-
TV mH. . t( tmtrmtmf fmtim -mi
Jk4 l-V.H I. ...) ,i -..if .! It. w&
ll mt .11 1., nw4 .w. pn.iiMi.wit.
S,mu7 t l.t-..t ' - li.ilniinw.
r- tb . .j rsw, ;.. w n u
UMii r. rnktiiuM t rott t rt.
ftai'M.u f.r-i " " V -- tM,
t.n rrv-.n iumhihii 4Vfw4
I tl- Im IA.-H I ' " t -4-
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t-tvrrt niJA, Tvr -MiKihi. wmw..
4 tMWltl i f r V.
- HmlM t- l lrl J
TO Ttf
Sick and Dibilitattd.
I Jt vntlh "til t- rtvtBfw rn tt"
ttr -rr u'tltl tr fcfJ , -Wiity
trt Vjs nr"i iwm!-4. .
bn rw . t i3mZtn'Xim,t r "4
t4 jrprotir c4 ly ' rt
a rBii
Xkw j-ir trt T r-wits.aiwt hr .
1 trJ fcM. r5 twimt i
t brysr.j fp mt tl -Hn r
to fp-Vurmd to a brWil cscvtltitfc Vr 3
Toi HfTstn rtrpj-'". fitjr f
wrjH tln 4Wt? J ilf"WH4 tr1-
tirMrwt for eti l i Mmri
4rltfV. i9 a 1v fet wr
tl 4at lt m crmti Vf tPum
us of
iiKwVit!l tfS Wl weW
aw ttawvytt H r ', it4tly
rtt - f Htfr. rnww ot
lij--aH ar rrJ m m, rr st
timm tr mr fsaet tit
Ck Jt rte tit mrr,tt
m artiat I wMfWfW S rwt tat
rtf-ri av Brro &
ta U stoc rt a-eta o atnetU (:
for 7 asvrtbwttt. rji ftioitif
trTr ia W - t frt iea
Ctm0i.trtmM- barte at U
f ,.ati. tr f ta f sectJs4 4
f aatgf i w Sa wtoi tjBfcta las4aX.
t S tM CWJfUtXf lt tMT wrt (
atlw!4iil tfcw at kMHataUMf
aw urWii fcrf aMtrUml t-t trwMi 'a
by ta g-ata vpmrvtinim K
Wat Tr .
Ml ! lil. 1.1 ' II I II ... .!ll, l .... HI
eijLllrSt j
tw i
E .JFLtti
amaas TaW'saam .
aaaa Baaaaaa
1 5 UtV xSlLm
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aaaaaaaaBaaHnuaaaaaaaaaaaaa. c
a aaaaaaikr-i4aaaaaaaaaaaaaav c
c aasSwaBBaaaaK
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'aaamTBaBm4k Libataaa- afawaataTr-bar
aaBaBBBjaBajiM vBBBrBBBBaaaja, fRjaav 'ea7aBi
aW aalRRRMt faV VmWtL laTk RBabaBaaHbabaf VHA ftaf
jCCiw 'L.,L"W,JL
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