ah tin ii. t r -in J -- if l. . I'f . l"T ll'-t I. i. I If. 11 MM. HI MSM. - r. I. " i . a ( r " . V I I ! ! t r I ' I11-..W I hi '. t! ' w " ii I ' -v iimi N.iiH . , hi- li:-t uili . v. ai. i n t. :; t e all about ii. Yon kii m 1 )anel h'tt me pretty poorly fit). 1 lied two little chiMn'ii. an' what .... Jer tU'W I IiIut I.IIOK' - r ' vut it nut coin in atotii a , car an :t half arter hi died. I'd ent tin- children doWH to lirolhiT .Mm' te-r go Jer i-ohoitl. I!rtJiT .John wanted me to ptethei.i NT I.1111 and he .1 do well ,v '""'m1Um !Iilitiii.r tt. rfti loth tod-wil. I..H Ml.it ."-...M I dew with llieiii, when the old farm wjls tHk wa from me? ) dav. when the lime wits near hiJ. I ua- 11 h'M'in the Inans Mile of the fenre jiiiin t'al'dj'HennilH'ld. I tell vr. ilamiah. I n-er tell hlm-r in all my lfoni da) . IM :illeM lived an' worked on h farm, kii eniddn't do no other Kind o work; Mwhat was to hecoine of me 1 iImIii'I know. I'ut'H jjiod lioeiu' forajrreen haud," H'. MilliehiMly over the fence. " Y I."' m7, I. "I'le done eiioiijrh of It neiici! I u Jell alone. Practice makes j.erfect.' w iwd tor write in orcop loik when we were rhild'i'ii," an I couldn't li-Ij hMtiii! a sijjh. "Wall, l.nillielllie," -e. lie, voll'll I ""ni So 1h- in the sanie li. Von need :i man ter do er htwin an' -;eh. an' I need a woman to wr ter m Iioiim. an' if you're ayriei'il. we'll hitch horcx an' work in doiiiiie liaiii"--. I can'l find no hired help ihuVil do a Nane did." (ThiukH I icruifclf, and oii'JI never find anolhcr wife 'twill, either.) "ho what d'e av. litiimelitie? ' l"r'jips I didnt llniik o nothine; fer tin- iievl fi-w iniiinies. It all !a-dicd oermein :t 'tout, what an iiiifcrliu' man he'd idlers hen. I'oor Nancy had ter dew all the Iroitsewoik. an' a i;ooddeall h'loiicd ter him ter dew. an' lie wiii t inkier tli.m an old iiiimt. tew. I knew he was n m.tit m.tn ter work, was foieharnhd ami xa- ahlel live m a jihm! deal heiti r -hajie than he did. an on know. Hannah, that poor I'an'c was jesi the oppirsiie. He was a norfiil cleier man. was I'aii'c). hut kind o .shiftlcN-, an ea, an' it always worrited me mi niiieh lew hev things ;iiii m hhtck. Sv, I ter m-el:". a hody can't hev eeithlU; there-, allers some ctints, an" a jumr man's Im ttcrii none. So I speaks rijrht i. an' I .: j "Caleh. WC e heell liahnfS for II1'"II' ' :i ear. I knowour tailiu's. an' s'pnM you know mine, an -o, ef m .say .so. ' all ri"ht. p'r'ap.s we mijdit holh do whs.' j Wall. tT make a Ion; snr vhort. we ' aii'ed ter licv the hiisine-s dun rijrht ' oil. 'aleh v:tn ih,.j jt was -tlish to ro on a weddiu' tower no-a-das. and as he wanted ter ".o tleowu to ltanjjor ter ' m'c almiit -ellin: his wool, an as .Sarah lane Cinti". (who iiM-d ter work for him) 1 lixednhoiil halt way. an' we could Mop ! there imlli wa.s. ami not t com is ai,,. j i-tter e,i. (1. is 1 thin, he thought we'd 1 niece, iieni cca iiiuan. erKiiow. lives 1 there, and we could mske her a vi-it at the .same time.) l'rothcr .lolm lies 1 then tew. oii know, an I'd made up j m uiimi Uiat I il jest brine; home the child'cn. An' so I diil. hut l "aleh w::; orful sot aiiii it. hut m.: "of cour-e they 1 an come and make a visit;" an' I let him think so. 'cause 1 wasn't iiiite ready to hate words with him el. We staled ahnut a week, an' jjot home aloiir in the arternoou all nht. Titer nc' uioruiu' I woke up jmrtv ..:..! 1 . .. .ir. .. . iiun.iiii 1 -f. in imi-ii; "- '"l.l- j l tl tlitl lllil tlitlV ill mil . II ...' 1 imin 1 iiii , io'o i in 1 i i ril l still, ter vaieh was stilt a Miorm . hut twisted, an' lie didn'l move tor Tel up - iiooiii an Hour, an wucii mo Mill rose :jn,l slnm,. inler the bedroom win der he r;ol up and built the tiro. Then wans't no kindlin" s. nora stick o' wood. an' he 1 id to s.juinuish round lit cly aud ts " "" Alter tho litv pit tow oracklinir in e"od .shape, 1 jrot up. I didn't hurry none, let me toll you. I was "most dead tin;; abed s, lone;, but .- 1 to mtsflf: i'l't SMIlta. ,fl " ht I make the (ires now. 111 prob'Iv liev to tlcw it in cold weather, ami I won t tlcw it lor any man." He was pivtjy s:mlon all day. but I didn'l Jake no notice of him. mi' ho pit over it. The net i'ay ho was ter hopn hat in", an' hod i men tor help him? I had tor do all tho work, an' take care of the milk an' churnin an' it wasn't no tool of a job. Come time ter iret din ner, an' there wasn't :l sliver o wood cut. 1 sent .lohnnio (he was then about .seven tears o.d) out in tlicr hold tor toll Caleb I-vv anted him. lie came in lookine; savage enough, and wantotl to know what" it was 1 wanted. So. 1: "I want some wood tor burn." "Wal." so, ho. "there's a whole wooil-pjk out there. Help torsolf." " An" not a stick split." . 1. You will have ter jru a hiirer stove to burn that." "Wal. jt ain't such a hard job tor i-plit it." oz In. " Xanov usetl tew. of en. when 1 was bi.zv." " Did .she?" .. I. - So did Dan'ol." Ho pit the wood, an said, as ho was piin-r out. that he didn't want tor ho called in out o tho mowiii"; tieltl a'tiin. unless 'twas for victuals. " " All rhrht."' sc7. 1. The nox' lav 'twas the same thin-; not a stick split. Thinks 1: Old fol low, you ain't pt no Xanoy here. I'll lam ye a little somcthiif that p'raps yer don't know."' So when it was din ner time I blows the horn, an' in comes all seven of the men an sets down tor tho table. Sich s!naked lookin' faces as they lied as they viewed the jrnib. There was the biscuit- jus-t dottrh. the liertaters, an' meat, an' vegetables, an' every thin"; was washed clean and jmt on Kiw. Not a lhiii"; was cooked.. Caleb looked blacker n a thutuler cloud. 'What does this mean?" sez he. "It means what it means." sez 1." " You said yest'day that you tlidn't want ter he called in from the mowin' field aain, unless it was for victuals, ail' here fJieyatc." 'sNice sTiapoi te-.v," se? lie. s i -.on tt in ? ." 1 ii bnne.by he JeJehet an on a, tl.lv Miort j was s , , " ,,,., Iia , ,, . . 1-ed on Jhen, under Jhe imprc.ssion tnmmt ow ne af Jf r tv - jw-aZZ. frn. ami J rt mxg - -rr-t .,. ZlZZZt n tVaT,TrW " . ha uakrth.n.sel up an'wcnheser j rNlluNofti ,lt.x .h.i,,-, Illilui ! H"; l:i f tlu-.r m-t-rs that, ri-r-o I " ". S"w 7i. . Jirt iV i tlfc ,""n S,,:U "!e. Ittt don't --t tie J . 7 m.te of ItelmrarteT had Wa p. TteJLif ?' " 'myimm I 'at it waseettm' davlieJU. ho nud-ed ;, nitich thev .-"ol Used to it Hid down to the ilei that this t stern i tn Vn. . 1 1 1 t. 1 tm el t her tmf mmm f . me and se he- , S . I . i their necks ihev rvhibh more tvle "' "s"'". "" -ilvor chalrtaiije. and inmine.! ' .. ,, . ' , .. , "'n '" "WTtat irirfl deeil have vmi done .JT;. ,,. M. . ....... . , rett .wltr '2tl U & t iwar . vv aKc int. r.mmeiiiiic. r.mmeriino. bt'tterbfe "l ' u ,ltl ' nowever. inai 1110 . .' t,n.t fnr theittM,lvit t a far Teater r- ! , a - . .. r-sis"Uul eaiwifea daarrtr aad -. ie , ... -r 7"-w l.s broad daylight; come. come. ii up. T ," Vhti, an-s are mtlv com- 1""- ith nock stnii.tened. thus haf- J " nbl-tn. .,..,. than utw ,,w, V"!;, ''" - 'IhTlMV n. iTrtT! miaa fr!T.n wv. T"1 ??," ' ' wc shan't he; ant hrcakfaM ci-day."1 ,,!, ( "Vi, !f tvhif ho hate over W ;. ' '"? M-'l f-ru-anl is I r spn,W and .summer wear fancy m WHr ,.,, f , a ,. wayhe .pg rhjh . jn- , m AVl ZJLJl 1 was o,fl hard towakc.hut after lono av work, hate found the ootid.- S"1! "W .' lI';''.raticf. :ts the slk tv.ll U m -nntt demand. In taf- ioM is M ln JC a-.lit,..n of this ;"en ' ? 1 " . "ll: Hr h r,reet c,aaaad. rf nl. aa! -. In'Z jffl 1!S awhile I managed tew. an' while I was tiot.s of .01" neither Mitlicietulv pleas- tulloumjr illustrations show. etas. Uunmo. -lace, rla-tie and hrt Mmnhn nillJni Protid-th laU.rer liilla, ftarTSL-l " ' m" V LZZtJZJ?L 7 an.bhin'mv eyes. 1 M.s. (.ut a p,.m! ant nor sutlicicnth protijablo. I" tch a ih .Iks. an-f-mnd sojno noyelaud at- with a plac. and hr ha time rno,Isrh to xl?UJJl " ltrpa. IthU tliht ha. w. ter 7Z?rjhT2ZL? hot tire, ain't tc. Caleb?" ;, :uul umV:l!nt.t!. thev seem Jo jfA trartivo ifltu-rn and combination. tI m,Jt f hu ,mn mork. ,,,..,, ,. JZTrJ- "" tiute.ery bat ,. trt ef JlwJJZrST " 1 ire:' .said he: - no. 1 never build .?.,, :l killd ,lf lim.ism j lht.r ptv.,.nt AiA " , " jr "?; ! h ' to do it. Kvet-v farm on R V4 Z Wr ' V.nW w,th d.-w. . dkmi, n. r Z.7ZZSLZrL 2 aZ any tues. Nnncy aletx built the fues." ,,,,. of ,if,., .nH.ir irit 5 .,, ,. ,0 AV H& y fO-tutws which, tt.th care, will hh.-nr ma leemP!mc.Uho,,ld -From th uwh,r of th-atha ,.$- ., aTr ., . , U r.ir ..a- T ZJZZZSll3mi!5!' ?"?"" li.Ulir?"MV. I.ascoolrLsacuoum- ame as that which animated Ihe buoca- 70 l A stst tw;o seasons, ospoiialh ,f a tint. l!m. s tenaiit-ho.,.. . .e or more that clofcws that have beea rnialde dt- v,mj -,,, If.ry hrr ,l?.JTZll TJJT.tmm "Witf ber "SodidDanVI." mer and tho brfcand. P.mishmont l,ft ."X J Ot J S? Illl,,lff ' V.1 '" inakm ,th,m "' .A I K i cae t here are no other fariht-e ' t,t th" nail that hate Uea ab-be irnj ...o-.yMaisl. J T.TTTSf 2tZ?t 2JZZ2H Wall, he willed, and turned, and ,..,vk h-mlens them for th.. .,ivu.i.. V.Kl' ,.'V VXSnX'J , prt-tty imlt-l l.r a s-t.-.-,.!, oetmu t i f.,r -lM.ar.liit- farrti h.if -. ..iL.Ki. iu tin? pr.- f fcwMoriuir- w- tli if H( th, fiibrr nd tfct flhr ' " ' 7T "TfJT f rrrrti,f J'.d , '-. I ' i. 1 - ,! ,1 Din . II- ' ! t r I -f lc''l 11 Nth) up afore 1113 ,, fr 1 tto-dd oil set h-r with I aii WitS i-i evert nine. n loumi t.iai 1 powerful .i in inv way, an he t . . II. I .!.. f J tliou-'lit he might a well Id in.- hev mv tiwn wav. an' o lit; In-- I don't iihmii Jo le ugly, hut I won't ! ipxl -n by nohody. When lie wouldn't let me hev what money I wanted, IM nil 1 mip. ,,..v "..,. .;.... ,.,.., J kn,.lv lj:lt ,. lv hid enough t winter iiis critle. s...".n t!- vh."l-. I..- fomi.l out thai I tiling eery time. I hi!I tvo l"ns U waMii't afraid of him. and he hehav-d juitti decent. I UId him. not lote ao, that he was growin' olrier. "Clever!" i-cA he "I'd rut her 01fd rail me a d-wr-goned fule. llian clever." I'.iit I notice he has improved, an' I lay it ter his tnuniu'. I.0111I011 I'iL'hlin (.'an-s. The lihtiii"; rms hate an organiza tion almost a complete an that of tho jMilici. ICacli r,:uvj; has il s ( 'aplain. w ho, ajfain. ha hi; junior nilicerti. A i"cr tam irder is invariahlt preserted. and the memhi-rs of i!i hand an under certain re-poiisihiJitie' :uj io th- "jiN; for tie jrilns are hy no means ir;ni ted simjilt for thi-pnrjee of lih'my :ieh other. This is a pleasant ilehision which helps to icconcile Joe IilldoII puhlir to the fact of their existence. I'he majority of the ninuhcrs of lhe.-e oraniJitious uiitlis whsi'aes nuie fnnn alHitit sixteen to twentj two an plainly and simply thieves. ! here are liodies of .ounjr men who roam almiit at niht simply for the sake of mischief, and whose plat ful violencu frenuently has unple.ts.tut n'sii'ts; hut w hen regu lar e;anjrs liht it is for mastery. It not iiufreiiiriitly h:ipjeiis that one .set. hent on the eti nsiou of its territoiy. iiivaih the tlistricl ot another. Then there ha. Jo he some sort of rectification ot Irontier. hroujrht ahout hy tiie usual process. Keeently there was such a coutlict hetween the Dove row "me.; and the I'mv riiiuniouers, in which the Hove row jran came oil victorious. Sin h incidents as these, however, are mere episodes in I he ejvat epic ol juvenile crime. The object uf tlii'jpmi is roltliery. if necessary with vioh-nee. "What do you do at nights?" I said recently to a youth who had been a uiemher of one of these I indie of juvenile loughs. "What did lh.-v thev waited about, and it Wh, ant body respectable passed them they tripped him up and ."obbed hiin." "l:d the use vifilcnce somct.iues?" " lhi should think they did. They ttor broad leather belts with heavy buckler on them. Sometimes they carried Micks, but the belts were best. ( Jh, the) took lots of things." " What would thev do if thev took a watch?"' .. wiit. pawn it. Jo be" sure. The) oSlen l(,, jM ,li(. mnr,,;,, , .,, ,,,, v, ,, u.,. they had done the nihl before. Mant a time thet robbed shop till. One ol them hid himself behind the counter, and the others waited outside. ""o. their parents didn't know much about it Most of them had no pa'viits. Those who had eenerallt left home and I went to lodriiiir. The) hulked toilet hei mostly, tvo or three of them in oat place. The didn't read much; tcrt few of them could read; p'raps one would read to the others sometimes. Didn't know JliaJ they had ever killed auvhoih. but had mant a tune hnoeke I iieoith1 own." "Yes." he said, in ro- . plt to another question, "thev fonht which ihev r...r?tr.l ns hnmoful is tho want of "pluck'' and endurance, it is not merely durin; the last year or two that thoijanirshato oonieintooisjrnoe. 1 On the iiin!isirv mniiv of lln'iii hsi i. jistcd for tears'. Thov are the regular feeilors of the vast criminal population of Loudon. When a thief has aio 01 experience enough to stand alone, ho leaves the jranr and embarks in private veniun's. Probably his maturity conto upon him iu jail. Ho is too old to jn back to tho iranir a-ain: tiio " Wihl Hoy " jioriod has passed over, and In desert? tin Now cut or How common lane fot tho obscurer haunts of habitual crime. li!l Mull (n .V. Coolies Act intr Like Sheep. If you have the patience to watch them, ton will he amused, and perhaps astonished, to see Imw like hoop those coolies are." Doputy-Custom-Iiispector Pirovvn said- to a reporter yostenlay moniine;, as the coolies from the Dev onsliitv wen boini; landed and seanhol. Tho hoopisll characteristic remarked by the oJlioial w:us the blind, stupid per sistence of each coolie iu doinj; exactly as the one before him was doinp At one time it was desirable to have a part of the Chinamen leave the sea-wall shed thnmrh another entrance than that throueh which the lirst landed were p :np h would not only have rroa!ly :isitcd the oJlioers. but would also have Ih'ou a vast eonvenionee to the Chinamen themselves, as it would have avoided the snarl and crowd ant! con fusion n-sultinjr from paekin; all the ttourinsr in tumultunus ami noisv h.isto over the steamer s side on to the wharf to another part of the shod. It was useless. The aid of interpreters was invoked. Tlie coolies were plainly told in their own lanpiasre to p in a cer tain direction. Still useless. Those crowding on the wharf went in the same direction they saw the ones pre ceding them go. and nothing could pn vent them. They were pushed, argued with, even stntck by the exasperating whites, but it was as if a sheep-henler had endeavored to reason with hi scur rying, witless, panic-stricken Hock. fc'tiM Francisco Call. m The Atlanta Constitution urge. the circulation of cents in the South, that section at un'sent being too uruini to hamUe aaythiug lo? Ujsu udcel. - ...s..., .s-. . .., s-.....aiI... 1- . . -.. . i.m 1 i rz a v x " 1 - i" :.. 1 1 i" . i 1 . ti ; t --- - -- ------ . .,..,,.. Bninnafv warn m . taTaBrs -B-B-a--am ..-. -a ---- u.. i. tiinaniou into exptess wagons near , ' . 1 '" """""- "r'"""1 one of the shed entrances. Acconling- 3ir..,e ",0t al'f11- ., ,. , ly. the Custom House officers attempted J . T1h,5.!l!!'':) n:'T hne 1S l?lf onl to tlivert part of the Iivim- stream ' " lIu ,-r:i::on Mow. winch shows . ..f r P't'sriil- I. 1 I ! to d.-aa tin ad !:. m. thai . a, stieji iieaiiugw 111 .u.niei. me impart more j ttreii:rth. The dntr who prods his libit IIPMU 1118 11 defend hi cattle with n shari harliaritv on the plea that the animal , ran lie more rapidly drit.-n ivIhii made to suffer from thi pain. I tut the man I hIio fnteti up his horse's heal in an j Uiiiia!iiral. painful tosttioa, with tue; extended and ctfi frlannj; upward at J the Min. ha.i nho!uteIv no vxchm. Hi' cannot claim that the hor" travela Ut ter. is nurr-fote. or can draw more. And he certainly cannot exintse hintM-lf f . f v l.ii.-an- 1 on the claim that the aninutlpiwiit n!tr'ain' ",r'- Itwii ami cmnolor. better apjieantnce, fur the a tact con- ' " ' antoni; the Iwt jf fpular mini irart is the tact. In.r..rtopnMnt thh f.dlv rh-ar!r Ifore the nnder. let us show the hor". head as we M-e it daily on our street when fastened in po-duun bv Ute over- I'VSI ITI"III. I'IHITIII'-TIIR IXJI'HV A m t-w- 1 mi huwknt ofTii. wousx -wim u m.si i.ts ntoM tiii: i'kisbst -H1VI.U- .p tiic oveh- ln the almte illustm'.ioti we ss jIm horses head not only held unnatiinuly upward in Mich manner that Teat p.i.n must result, but the eyes arc prevented from seeing the ro.idwav. and thus the anim.il is coittiutiallv liable to misstep, slip and fail. With head held up thus and eyes blinded by the. sun. and unihlc Jo see where he steps, the horse is com pelled to t rat el at a rapid rate oxer our common roads, drawing a huirj. winch ofton contain-, two or three persons. In order to fully icah.c what the horse has to ndurc. suppose we cheek up a couple of the dm crs of thu.so horses into this unualtir.il position. i.irrTiirvi know how it is thmi-ki.v i -tiii: IlKIVI.Ks or ol It lloUst.s ImiIM, l.- , M I'I'niVll OS "MH.I.'Bnil III. Ill l'I'I.I.KI ncK mi r.vti: ti"i:m:i itw tJtt lit 1111. OVI.II-I HKl-K. The tir.st ten minutes these men will prohabl) endure this torture without much complaint, but as the hours , and the pain in the neck become c cnieiatin. and tho mouth hloodt front the cllori to jct the head down, tiny will understand and appreciate what causes the continual restless tossinr of Ihe head which the horse exhibits when he is thus tortured hy the ot er-clteck. To add to the pain arising from this terribly unnatural position, let these men. while the siui is blinding their etc., with the'r burdens to draw orcar rt. unable to see when l hoy air to stop, be whipped into a run over the roiih roads ut the town, and wo have tho bru tal'ly of the exhibition cnmpleto. A day of w at chine; the. best horses of our oiiv as thet are boinjr driven will :il the fact that this torture is N VTCK VI. ros'TlilN TIIE JH VCK .V.V1 UK VtTV V IIICII COMK CKtlM AKClllMJ J.KCK AM) truvEit 1 imss, A well-fed. woH-rootned. spirited horse is the most leau!iful animal in ' existence. This arises fnini his olepuil projKiitions. the contrasts thai come tnm his supple movements and hand-! .some colors, and the irraoef i:l ourt os j that outline tho IhxIv. All this is seen from a .study of the animal in a natural condition. Particularly will tho reader observe the irraceful arch of tho neck in the beautiful horse. This curve of neck is one of the chief beauties of this hand some animal, ami this feature of attrac tion is entirely desjroted when tho neck is straightened by the over-check. Nature abhors a straight line. TIhiso beautiful thinir of her-- which wo most admin always adhon to the curve. K aniine her works and see. The leaf, the blossom, tho troo. tiio tvatinj; jrrain, fonst. mountain, planet all have curt- in-; outlines. Then are no stniiht lines. The same is true l of all Knuitriiil animals. The human countenance when wasted by di-eise. becoininir thin, an , pilar and full of straip'it lines, lose.- its exterior beauty. When health comes , back and the lace swell into p-accful 1 form with inena.injr fleh, beauty re ' tunis. In lower life those animals that ' exhibit the sTeatost amount of curve. a.tTCll.tI. AMI CSS tTt'KA I. COSITlOV itiTmv ' taCuLii 1 II(Mtsrs.ONK IIK.tTIa t. KUOV HE.VI1 HE IKVCEICI. lsisJTION.TIIKOTllKltllrin IS ntv u.ls.-TKl1""T,:l,-?' AND ! .tvt'Mcrs e.tix a.no Toim-'KE. i 1 heck. v iJ -- -A . .1 f..t ... .t... V1s)i V 1 iS A uutiii 01 une s.n-pj.ist .N p,UH, sii. ie i;c.-,... Tb. 1..... . . K.. .-K..-..I.. that mmri farmers are aitotrether tj : .1 . ,.Uf r,vlt th nria. - - -,-. - ,. . r1 3mi iiv.1tTiTniii.it - HtiTniifiir-m 2 .'-ki'irtitif ! me two meiiKsis 01 cuccMii nuises. n xai 1 cm,S)k &2) -" - ijJJJS '. "-gs a I.t. 1 jhi.ii Notes. AiuN-r i.n !. -tr" i'i!j-red. trunnMsl with panel and r"trr rf bin veltvt. tiuhrotderel iU a b-aU. The nonflottir and th- iilv an in prated rirr fabrics, and in ii...i.! ert ornaments, hus-pm. !ai.. -. and fan v button of enamel under cryMal The fulaveu- nl black or white la will airain alrn '.imrwr stum -TIkim. however. iuaic ol bright --o!o i isilk, or natin are utter! t out of a! Irinh batiste, in vift. pale fthsd.s .. tdor. a kt -blui". lilac. brinip. p.nk. ! m;r-wr.. - n,f', fmlanl niht-drtM apj-vi w'l dimi.jf otcr the tdxiuhh-m and ! the nbrm, and arc tnn.m.-ii with Medici lac and bow f white atin IIWIMII. Soanish lace dranc manv l tho ttl ih t isit s and chakis f black cat in and surah, but in the heieht of xutunier all foundation tvilliMJ di:nnsisl wit!i. and , the rich lace alone will ! Used fir ti- ites and dolman otcr toilet of tb 1 palet odors. i New etenin'T shoe iff uoJtf blw. Hhir. iaw u or niacin teitet. arc lace-i up mc ; """His with .slender cords of jjuhl or sii vcr, and the MintiI toes an rotcrcd wiln .jnf.r,,;,!, rv worked in gold or il- ., . .'a-. . ...i.. -,. v .fri- ..i. a. Idd and ambtar leals. Inev arw maU ! u.r Spanish lasts, t ir,,.:., l,ifJ tint! h,vu hil- Some of the new Parisian dinnci drciisesof black Turkish satin art matic with slinrp-pointed C 'n.-iiarjro iMMlice. to whfch are applied full panniers of black Spanish net. cdffcd tvith wide mllles of Spanish lace of a patvrn to correiond. The UhIio- is hih at the back, cut heart-shapetl in front, and teiled with Spanish face. Siicrh jetdie:iletl em bridert borders this opening mid als. nn.ish' s I he see nul lower ille til the Hiinted bodice. Some ladies n few an this spring w-arui scarlet cloth tailor-made New market jackets on the promenade. Out of these was latclt worn in combination with a black telve: underskirt .in I Wat- teail tllllle of the s uni. The iMHitiet was of bl.irk tclti't. and the gloves of black kid were embroidered in tiny red rosebuds. Worn in conjunction with black alotir the red o'it was not disa- jrreiatilt obtnisivo. though a description ol it sounds somewhat startling. Amoti the model bonnets from Paris are "Hike shaped Panama., lined with teitet and trimmed with handsome sat in ribbons, tr tils of the most eipiiite : .lower, and nijfrtte and pompms in 1 sofi and bcautilul tints One of thee i. fa'fd ttith lark laun"l-e;rern teltrt. , Around the emu n is .1 wreithof mila. wood moss and ;old-tipped mijnioiiettc blossoms interminpletl. At the left Mile 1 is set a cluster of wild nvs. overshad- bt two tuli ostneh tiirs shading to I 1, ,,t .- . 1 jiale eild. Hie rvcii satin stnn'js aj-p cmho.ssrd with :t lacr ih-sjjn in old rolor. Handkerchief jiourhes and bas rott tinue in fashion. The) add tcry much to the delicate tinish of full tlress tie sijjurd for any oiiaion. he it ball. ;ar ty. tveddine; or ojM'ra. Some tert dain tv ones aiviuupany newly imjSrtcd jar den party toilets, man) of them in en vcIojm shaie Ihmii"; made of :atin. rx- piisitelt haud-paintivl and triu.ntcd with jlhl or slier la-c; uthrt in the form of sheidirnl's idaid j black and irold. 'Ilm-c kiltetl nitUe , trim the underskirt. anl the full pan niers an edp'd with black lace, lms looped Inns of bki'-k satin, farotl will, old pld. are addtsl. and tho visile is ol the same material, trimmed around the bottom with two ruffles of lace. A zip xair fall of laet is arranp-d down eacfc . side of tho viiti iu front, vvhich i closed with liny pdd buttons. AI 1". c ninj it)f. A ('.it and a I.inl. On Sundav last ttt. witncs.rd a sinni' . lar contest between a mockuic-bird aui 1 a oat. "i hen Jirst tdrrvel the I4n! ; was on the ground. alsKit three foet ' Inm tho o:t. .siiiuin a shrill ami tri uuidiaut iihh.lv. that held its enemy en tranced. The binl haI oune under th3 ' mosmericintiiieuco of the cat and oath! not pt awat. and thr cat. charmed by the melodt of the binl. could not oat it. Sevcntl times it would cnntoh. jrit'o its tail a suitchiutr motion and pn'jtare in i tnnr. Iwit Uh bin! wtniUl atwrooch. warblmi: in a milder strain, and jhiss j would rub her head a-ainsl it. purria- in that manner so p-reuliar to these ani-1 ma"f ''"i,n lIe-isel. I tltlft' Tl.llH Of.. lu.rT.ft...T ..'ill, 1,'l.lt. nil- - . . ... 1 luniitis nn t hp tsnn iir mir it k in.nivr. t 1 .1 --i 1 ... . .1 T t imi !. Mt. . m we waicneii 10 see now ints novn irtax. inin-NTsjit. "ii -aon-uit eonte-t vvotild end. and even tried to J in, a felTer ant hate his tlu-et meal' frighten th binl away, but the cat ' nrIar." i to -peaJt lilse a f4. caiijrht i: up In Iht mouth, ran otf a j If i; ran be dme. ttwUlaesrir hmbh slhrt distance, put it upon tlie p-own: the w-vrkinr tiate ami nower of nor ami let the utile croatun mdj. seemm;- KTfectlt content with its music. Wo acain appnwtcheil. took the cat up. when the Wnl a!o tlrw tin a tne near 1 by and srentetl t!ee;ly distret,!. th cat meanwhile eting it wistfully At last we sucooded in scaring th binl awat ami put the cat down, when i: immediately started oil" to hunt up tho binl. Whether it succeeded in tindine; it or not we can not say. .lwicn'oa. i.e j jmblicmt. Elkanah P. Stednian, of Cincinnati. heanl that his daughter had ajjeand in a charity entertainment at Leomin ster. Mass.. dnssed in male cosmmti. ' In hi will, recently admitted to pro bate, is found the following clause: " I have heretofore intnistet! to her a larger share of my property than prudence jus tiJictl. I shall not leave her anytliinjr. I heanl she appeared before promis , cuous asiembiies dn-SHn! in men's clothing t excite the admiration of th am'.ioiuv. trtiujr to raise money to tat a church clcbtT f rsumoi devote -my xaoro io such purples. Ka rta'c&pitg, l..:u- na . Lbt ! in a.1- h and !'. re birvd .v m-t i- he 4M-ial t rtUr 1 t whv a !st . i. .1 ! 1 ;i is m a dt. ..Mil 1 lw t .1 1. 1 r-l t'n" i. ta.tJr ; di'J-r ;it from tl.t of in r kuuJid. Hi , ta.vi w tu ;" Mir.d'U ; 1 1 attractive. ani : ! -rrcsM her- is teah. uniTiiint'i;. common- ' place drud.-rv. cinch the -ime in .""1 j eas.nj. If ij. i falilv tmn.r d in , th' moderate cin um-taiic tonmioii to most farineni, it i nt ixjhi ted that !h- will hate any help in the hoiiie. She' tnut do the work a!tn. eiit with' i in-h assistance a. !.e rsn et front ! irrowin chiidnn. Ti.e htisband ha a j ! !""" I the h, :p. He "... al.. ' naf hinerj and jrood 1pm to aid him. 'He-wife must depend nla.11!) n her j hands and her pluck. There b another obi.-etion U thi boardiri;; stent - nainelt. th- influence, ou Uic children f the' fauiiiv. 'I h moral chira-ter of the help farmer ire ob'ijjed to a'Cept is .,tel tl't f a 1 1 pB to make it welcome in thcfuiiii't tin le. Here aain lean sH-ak fnmeperi-nce. When a tf sits-n and Liter :. my father emdotei one tu two vouni; m n. biftrdiu them, ami I nrk-d with them and mil' It of the time we were alone. 1'hey were son of fairlt reputable par nt. but with l.ftle home discipline or m-iral training, and when only "we b'lt" were together the talk wa not such a wouM ls-ar the liht f tt pe. The lasi'itioii tori I h ml front thwhot. and the ril.t!d n;"s and )et. HonN-time eotlte bak to tin nor. ill spite of a lii.r; lapse of tear, with disustinjr diMintne. eten in tin-most solemn moment, and 1 would jrive not J a little if I is mid banish tie tn forever from mt mind. In my father' pn--encethry were rcspr'tful. aud prlablt neither be normt tuotherctcr siispeetetl the sort of influence to whieh I was ex-pos.-l. So it is in thousand of crws. Custom, and eten a -ort of neeeitv. pla e the farmer' on n a social eouaiit with the hired men "mt him. j and thi not milt during the hut hour of work in the fields, but at the fireside under the boai-diiis; system, in bed at ni;jht. and often on Sundat. The uj plt of farm IsIhidt now smei-. "ten uiort than formerly, from the foreign el itM-nt, or un;oiernfd nsd forei;n crs, who sneer at mora lilt as l.tinjj "Puritanical." anl contnie lilicrty a Iiens. Thi of course iuereise the dangers connected with hotrlin;rthcni. and justifies fwry aensibh f:trm r's tt:fe in protest in. with the utmost a .!.. ........... ...m.:-! .1... .... ...... ..r . , . T 1 ; t . . 1 " st stem si proline of wnhapnines and monil danser. l'.ut what shall lie done with thr hired man or men? I Jo with them a 5 done in th c.is' of lalorer in other to a- terns --reuire litem to look out tor themselves. Yon hire them to w.rk. and that in hides no ..blip-troii to find them in fod. rlothin, 01 liMlin. A friendly interest i commendable, Mit fnnn hands should I a i..errndctit a citt IalionTs are in nchmttor. Tnic. 1 in some eases the difficult v f dwellings I cattend far ajart. and of no tenant- uisianor. buiit. and The house can be . beaplv ' will p far Ut make fannmj: ', more attractive, la attsr les bunicn i s.:ii.. In one of these several Imarders tint) tie accotumtatei. Mriiaps. fnm adjoining famt. ' r. A". '. Emmtmr. The Int of I'ictMiuu. Tlirt is sto ihmbt almut ihe phrh logtcallaw. It is thi- While the fnl is iu the stomach it contributes nothine-! to thr artitity of brain or muc. brt ' Ukes from tlta; ac'ititt. Imlee. we Have all noticed that a full stm-uh re- I fpiirr brain i much nerve force that th : Iveeotae dull. I; is oolv after! the Jowl ha pa-M-1 out of the stomach i am! is ut th blond awl tine- that. it. helps the brain aaI mux-lr. Now the trartieal -urstin Is thi- ' Can we lake fo- emxifh in th. ere nine a single w4l t. Iat twentt fottr hentrs"' I rather thin; that with ts it caa'i bedott". J; eerta'nlv wottbl I a capital airanpt-nt if praetirahk. t wuttal rite th tmua ami muscle ma: freedom ami aflvaataps duria; the day. It hU. t i iHv to asMit eh a qnosiion ia ant other trtT ihaa by a fair brains and mu-cie: After a couple 0 years trial I wiM res- Mtrt. l ney a-et to say "run a awn ran t Ute withotu ht rrn:;" ad rje Ea- giishmaa ha. deebrt-tl tho: can't live without his ttTt A man ! meals day." I hate no doubt that a roan may lire a hmtr ami h-ahhy life am! drink "three gtas.es of rroT every iay. am! taat if the .ftsantity of foxi bV m-lerai. a man may eat five mals a lay. ami live a kmj: life am! en jot fair health: bt it is not difhVnli to -aow iha: i! a man avoids grog, -md eats less frenentit . he will live longer ami eajtit hjghi health. A man roav it every t hours. n:oke ten etars a da)." ch-w Kttveea the -moke, u-e sautf. take opium nKrn:nr and cveatns. Mi up till midnight, ami do a tioxea Hher otttra goous titings, and still wr a "! rountl face. lal 10 avoid ihem all. nod live an abstsn's life, atfcl maay ,4 f-4ias7- 41tV mwo,s xka ami imtltUpKas iaaietatt4Y th-i ess of Hfe y.o Ijc?. m itUt tears, nanntaes zw I t'e ... w I V II I'litA. - litf ltr ut ."v-rcaati Mi i ie 1 t i twieeu l au. witu i v urcnl aft ' liandom-. bur : -v v ' Sat ti4Hiertir t ii.i.-n I hate U-n a - bn t firt rBt . v km, for s fjuae n a t 1 ' off. H1 1 trn -! ' i I tnifht Le la gtt av; . 1 ctaov. ?ir tdy Waerh. Mmilr til rarliMiMiit for t irate nd s Irl Mat or Lrttffi, w. . . the ltntth embBMy 1a Ian t-. Ms Hamilton, of Nan rraf.vs- 1 U'v 5Ir Atr. aItebytertattm.nU-i pa t ity. t'al.. odlciaUxL ilr Lonjrfellow' taJ w ei Mat at Arts. frttu iW.wdmii. ttortor irf I-. ' Iiartard, !-... t'ambrel". Knjl.:.i.l l.s, and ftowdotn. 11; Dort 1 ' . . T a A . (oiuriHn 1-aw. tftnl. IV II wai Irofciuvr of I ten h. Spanish, ltalkt tnd (erniaa. aswellai.i!ritrianin tto loin, in Harvard he was Pnfess,,r ..f Sj m.h. French. ItVlle Ittrr. he wan . iwm- br of the American Aitejuna and l tlie Maine ami Massachusetts, If i4rical tM'ictit. a member ot the I-tortJ and t'.sajfrnphi.al Sn lefy 4 tlraxil; member f the Kotal SpaaUl cwtj.-, at Madrid, aud a in-mler of . .V-wtit- my of Sciem: at st. IVUr urj. CJk - eaijv TnlfUtt. III'MOCiirs. - "simple sas his wife a ttpiesilhi ailtplp of the jijMssite s.v." When I 'Mine saw .h pitcr ! eml in in a h.werif jcohl jsbe lmptt r marked "Iho nun bs on." lkUm TrurtM-rtff. - A mother advised her lngher. who wa jsmig u a partf, to oil kci hair, and fainted awa when that ran did daraccl replied: (h. 10. ma. it u 1 so apt to sjioil Utt grath-pttit) vrta " j " What prcttv r" ddree. ami how uuiek thet look .ike " a) during a ' first tisit at a fricn.: faH. "In are twin." hi fricm explain "What. Uih of 'em " cxclni'tt C nrraiJy tcrcsUsi. An IrLshman (tin brother lo tlw t me who nwore "I the imwirs, hr d e er into the water till he could ! jwim"" otiee Mitti-'; oh a new pir td IsmU. remarked. "iirv and irtin. t II tH'ver b aide to git on thee mfarnaJ , Ixiot till I've wont t)Bt nl bust a. tvako. 'lhe illuiniJiat-! buov in a womler fnl intention." read tdd Mr Puianhor in her dnilv raii"r. la' o i. i Well. fhe ol - Betted. "I should tiiak he wuM t AuI it i an ccel!. at nlea. t; for if the Imit i tllamina'ed hi taother will have Vs inrttblt iindutfc bint after uVirk.' ; Tiii i tho v'ninjr rotton pru lator. He i wrann rrape on hi hat None of hi relative ar daI. Wh then doe h wear crane ott hi bat J 1 1 'ecanse he jjot in front of th ettn ' market while it was loaded Hid tlv-jnark.-t go oil? V., th market went fr wj. ; Ieaon .Iot wni happr inls-,J when he Ma tdd thai hi daughter, the dear jrirl. had gime to the rvival 1 h ir mther didn tIl him that it w.t ariital ol "nnatore. jwhtv she tlnin t thinfc It nreesary. um wa ,h:U ""', farmer are altop-thr ti libentl Ui their eatlh. and fe-d them Urn uimii iron. 1 ikto i no ii-him taat truo ii a kmJ thinr; a n tne. Imi if taken in the form of nail, the d-t vnUi lw ntrictel ui half a kej- a dav. attl noCh- , itr ktrer lhan lath n.til- adminwiaml. j Ktnu SnttmL nollinr:" the r..r.-.rv j An illii-trati.m of the a(ne. of tho' Rvr-. V-mlrw. fr Tnino.- tn -. ,njrr.1 manv vears ai: at Akw'tV ,4ogieal Sroinarr. when ihe venerai l)r. V.'o-is .ml I Jr. .b-: ttart wm Trofewr. 1 It twnrril Ui the tnlexU tht the iraver .d th? dt-i'uthe.t terhe at tfc. srminnrr ikvoti wrra Urn-t tAAn Ham j Mtl hw u, ,,,1 the Uiffh-uity wsv- a .subjeet of mora tVorh: an! c mreraijoa. , No one wa. w illtai; to bf!" eitb: of the oll ta-ofewK-s. At hnrtlt a mm- ' iniMrti of tlie s'tukm a apfMCit4 Ui ooofer w iUt tbem. j Th- rommiUee tliraled HIf frato , halve. mmI ui th hud hoar an part went t Ir. W... uM him of th ( tbdtcaer w htch the -st4eat- felt aboot adiresia Prof. Moart ow Um matter of his hng prayers as ! chpL al , implored the mrdiaska of Ir. W- , with the iBnfissiir. to awlwe hua to '. sasKtew hi pettttiinvs. The r t4 the cxnwitt?e afco ma ferr.l wUt !'nf. twart to the ' ef- feet with n-ca."1! to th prat r M Ir Wr.i.1. am! boBjrj. a. mtrrrrvt4ria with the venerable pro'ss.-r of theofc- ry to at.orenas m cwaf-t mppuc- Uons: a tie departor of :a oKawlrM. carh p-ie!-:r ii-?allT e-ad hi hat am! aa aai f-ir:4 for the aoti- af ha as-iate. They met mid way. near ihe old Man sioa lioa-e . I'rof. Miaort. hi eye daa cinr with fa. at oae hafled th --! !.-tor with th starUta; mfarma&ioc that th: 4uiieais thooght Iu prayers wore to loa And tmafM4siery Ir W -! zri'rlr Qttenchel ia -Mtriha; light m the lir- l.n-w profes-K-'- far hy VRa-: "rm that the .xmlrst heh! the sama tir. is recanl to hi ptsUott. Tljn-tvro prtdr costimaK! ih-tr walk am! raeIttatioas !iJt ray to th eoMcra-sicHi that ach of the oTti ors had "fs-a tahea in hi oven net. and sabsomraiT llier caap-H prayer wers slttwtcact!. or 44 eurty n9i-splcl lo a;u-lat.. 1 Cvitp3ntwv V lilt t ! L l i I ' i :w ' I i". 'i: if .sw;i !im ; t tr' r when . h akei tt' i1 I I .-" . I " " 1 ! . 1 . t. . tlmtk 4 , .'. . . i , iT'tn,;. iii. . at.d. , :. Wi - I I Wi-tJ t "' lift- chan h if I xa t wru I hate know Jt ' - ' think -t.ue ' ert; ;t ill IW I should !e gTw-t! . ,.t - 1 ' Ktanv .o4iti!F laii r n.. i .tii tvW 1 wb in Norrtt aicar aniia ' " t . d, laiiar. t ut n)h mkr U . n j rrs and thtdr botur nh-;-- j unamiaMe. wtarv;! cfh.. i preMittte when tr we .odr 1 t t talkisl abul m.nJmj; ntamiwa -i ( i Jt tie ul I heart tri i aft. r it hbit wa on e form-d f . tfUdH-nt awl litnranifiri. ! , ; ttt,n ihrm. anil tint d:' t . otteu tumstms hmi of tKrerr . 1 v.s ttpow th. m by tti.Mx whom ' osi.t nl culaurinjr ff t ml A number ol vxn af t w w '. 1 pwluUht with a torautttttt ad ' i ' toting la.lt who wa mt. h a!ii,.i- ; a largv clrilr nf Mravfte, a tr ' h'H parent prd f I traaay , and t t lis-atjw of ! . r ; . reiMit ttwarl them thet took 1. loft with the taUttj;Hler whohu.! 1. been a s.Mtat .1 ij;ht to th r tf 1 ' . aat n tMrkumi Hjm w. . . her Wt. and were aetMto-l ' informal! In the tamdt. il 1 n 1 -aotMs htr fatiUy nwvr .u ! aentx and parti, oiarlt ton..! I,.: talher. and I often har.i frWnt . peaking of her at What a lrht and tMtfiful jfirl - la. Imt how hamrfttPt abi Ire! her taother' Mh sn.i to hr aMl-a of a child lut , t m prr is ' AC ow tint a Jmi- w!eihit m.-t tke daM;ht4r in tt-'x. asd'Hj ! b. farkltna srrrMMHjt and itt rpsr t, dined at the hoti- Twue luring hi brief TUMI the dauifhtcr poke In h a 9lj;hfifij te to hr thirr. nc- i ftaftOK" U listen to b-r u-frfn. and was. dwrsp- tftil in b r manner t- warl the owe wlvro nfmif !t ..ihrr h mliA fav. sa..bW v..... ! s ft... f...ft. .-- - nittoiinR' . lli( t iif tfwifr. 1 ...,, r f,,.... TMwn"M av -rsrna wv ajlj " I h not want to hear ami nvfrn aW" of Miw -. A i mil) l!i who taa liule rbararter' bh' !- nfeet. as t allow r.'if t tret h'f mother a ahe del t 4t . ha 1 e 1 1arM ie of my atmtratln. AI h r triihanrr and rdarat.on r f.r nth jr ad f shall ararvforth le-! hk avo 1 l;kr." tlViwbt ! Ji - wa uiiiihii at thf tiaae that he wa treatmif h-r mother la an tnrrper maanri . .'- rtlWftHIH'il hal she b-.i.nt to tike bat haHS. and wrhap Jr r.-i omf ratw ; laed aeraelf a the g-mt imprvM .., tse hal fwatle upon the d'440jroh. -I jr i Cotthl h tmr henl the Jodj;. ..i n, wit wtxuil ai bit o. w4 hhmw www uk ih - inl tieter aJi I the ma in-f id1 Mtat eomataa-i. and then e if uh wet .iWtiajr rt It mean to tr ir j arenu with etem aad -e. t. With defrrrnr aai jbmi An ton well pheas.Bg to fd a tio rf 1 ' At anthrr plar ia the Brfh "' ChtMraa. tbey ymu parrt m . thinr. tr Saw la wii-pra " U? Ir.1 lium' iheve are ft BWa'er r l rrf that kirnl ia toe M -' I eaaat mv! aa erea when- it ail that biUren mat obej thrr reoi nntd ttWr ar twee er iii. ? Vera eivs .41 tartther -ar I I " teliiaW tWefciWrra that th- a -? their rwfafci ta ratovt taiajr. "' ''" m a'li.f the -a 4 Umr " - 4eat of xmim "i nrj v.' p"r-a ia .' thiv- Hot Immv tctaa. 'Iwn- r whoaet a f da4 a rfbt tod- taf own w. ano were not norv 10 e"' Ilearewljr Fadker. ara4 hrarl aA fjpe ar ' rt. Uw their AsmihmAtrm Oa"l la ed that;. nr.l4 Jm tsm ta. that new it tae twatter M srleetjif wir. wtwa hkm par-t U4l him oi to UJLe tmm tram (tt dirhter f ( awawa. " ae Jmj& '- father ana ho motaar ' Aa4 ao aaf aSave' WM$ WM tm Aikwt t"-H f of ar-. ao4 I w jWi-r tt rrr ptjwl ttoa a waa ,4d to M mam mi Svm tva iko tV,e ta wivtrw ni tWtf aa"Mrt aavf uh-ty tbrai wfara I hey tv Jfoaag "I ; tw- hpa irt rmMtm aratf Vim ' a they rro-r tavu aarttarcr fmc. W.S f ttow a waa terrtfwe ftWif fiW rihef j m, Jjtu, m ;-.. t the tdmmg e t;.i tftorH t o ofUm tae o4-iaK. aat V ta- -ltw hoaor fatiW-r aul ntotW. mhI tjl raf the tarnble ! prxfrtri for ttaw wfco MHt aci aW. father aa1 Ufrtr V oi"j thet Mk.y.-r.. -i'lmtmqt, -tmmtmri. A p!ndiJ l.'aste. What m the -cia m that" awl th ?? folk of I km aod l-rry. mmd i-ralMlto r-sjk.tMii Ailff-iMaMi , - -- " UtaU the Itiht t th fiehu4 tto mhat -V- L, 1 fc.i,i a. lat ; x a ; fore. -xwj a-rrr-r ko4 heart! af h W- - waj 'ha. W-w ma - tUn-r it?" j taitei tit tothr Vu-ff'te. i a.tv law." -junnrai Iry. U-Amjc ai , tnals4 a ai tax tfaor. - Ah U hMMit aad U rijl ""f. Ktrerr artr jl -.yj, ito -M-i eilat. VsHtxIfwr iTect-rTa iirj - it !-- ,,i- m iwi " iim w ti : - t l l iltft I. . I W -w:f o . !! ' f I pVl t If. h !- i fc : .ut lr II. lk . tm t t tat r.. at It ' I jpn-ai, li.t "J. eei s 1 . kte s. (ts, J tn II. U i tot v . it 1 1 .J h I 1 ill. t- l I I I - l . ' ! L' . MU ; a. . it . a 1 ! tie- Vh-m I- to I ..f t. , Ilr an ! S.- .! . ; l . r i Ii i I i It.. . t t ! -rf t . ' but ! t - I .us ha; f r 1 I I. I, I A I'm k ' Aid ) lii .it ' N. . 1. ! m .. . t . . th- , -! 1 nln I. . ! t.. r. . t.. ... !. f a . J. " iMirrt tj r 1 o'i Mx ' ! r w.. . ! 1 he . . , ! . r9 oaura Uftt t J ii t tt. o,. hiA .". r ttWar ajc.. al. ' i'.. taw. i ' 'iui 'ta at t ' up. . t I !. (( 1 'I e'n, i.l In,' . , fttl ? h f I. .' A. f'- 1 i if it ns a t I'arl- ... r d the fr. an ' mMfl - mi gm httti. ' rt aht-l ' ' of h - prln li. til mm ! i ... fit taat 't i4 iaii it -. Mr Heed liV ha"' tae tmttgk. I. -ne" ataitlajf ia purro; '-fcrt , H hm gmmm IWf rauht him at t h4 mt taira. aaf wr a a very aiw h m label when Xf Tv h-r ran u light I hat la m wfdrwdi pmtm" 4. .4mt I ate ".ral'' "if 4Wr line." lr.rate.' gUmii." 'vapttal," ri.l a thritm." al4 ta rst Th they rlsw their pr !. an the?, m. gtni .-..jf. Jaar 4rW -iK, ia ft V-m Vt$hXM' . ?M 'ratiir. A twBpaprr rwropMen ao!ater Mwa rWiin rra-d ' r.ir..f rtw' laeir anmer of hu m ara aa at oMt Of S& prf ! a aate m . aavl aet "i . mm mm m 1 "rt a 1 . m &-. 'rtJ fraei wtwi nO m mwm,mp mil. re iu$r. U thm mmj ta part f taf'awn to la tf at r'mi. aaf at Warjr op M1 xmt h- ,4 ama ht tike ato rt U ri tvmA trti le aaaaralv trt4. 1 . ! uml pa4 thm mnJimmr f- . Ma em la, iaHaMfeta(f aafarji. av au, "TmBfm -a ! aaal ott ai. ao4 , rra Imkmt m aaay pria to ta twMf jis.tknp. eMaa mmmmf a Qtt m jiSa ar. Ta eaj4t. who ia aUr-r a pinaatfagi a tJa i-aatU-" of ItVaanrtafa a tnaala "i to rsr- ,1. m an mum vwt - um-t a4taMal tm-awJ ttB. huim 'r tnat s99 tr itli -TW !er Twh Lpr ', Wa - leei xrs'wi to the lafe fhr tke i the feae tofera lavf a m tfe iiaoh am to arra im mi of p1fr ' ' ' t ta aatlff 4 rjto ttmrnfmrnt pa , to towta naay iih to pa fa a-; Wl TJte - irwmm aurm auraL JkU to fMFW - .VerMtoar Jfrlt. - t a ae artaWro Ira H ta a to to o( m oae tata. to JVai Vaai. - Ii la Uto at! a tatoi? tamffi r -? tai 1 ra amrh4 rt tkrJr. tm wnuar of waaHh aar4'r mmj haatla aa4 a a-at. a -Mt-i rWamito. T" K t taa -4" TW faviia lOEii aaiaam at! Vti. H Y. to. on sh tauuto avai rt Qaidbmmf t'Mt cult trhl tmm i aMF )MMlv WmP w tla ae S mi tt gmy "tntmi ' & 2. L'li.towr ait I .3