The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 18, 1882, Image 4

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Kaley & Letson
(Sctc.ior to Hatil Gaitr.;
pkaleki! in .
Drj (jJoods,
Ilaln, Vap.
JIootM, KIiocm,
Clothiiiir Ac.
At LOWEST Prices.
The two Bsloona in Red r.ftti!
J I LOW annually into the -rhoo. fund' 1 re ail take t'nc f,.',u I-.,',. ,t "'' ' '' u '! L J:: " " T
! , - " '--" "" '.it M Mil .MJC.O V-i.-
The mewl.-. ..ft:.. FrmorV AI.i.' Kn Tkiei Tirf,
Our large stock of new
Goods will be marked
down low.
c:as::s 322 rains ssx 2A2GAi::r.
Arriral tsi Tcjartrrs c! Trili: cs tie
ff f tow -
Ftwt.rd Pu'tifff Jrs CV).b
rnrt ..7 V. p m-
Frr-lsfct I-- fWOj. rn
am- .. .V"i in
KVwrd Aorrra. Invn ......... 9 9 ta.
rrl- IJiOf a
DJ. Cook has returned from I1a. :w-v" f,M,r-,J orkir.- f..r ..,.. j-,......., f Kd CImmX
mouth on account of the iKni-- of hi-: V "" l""" "'" ' of uo hunl-the A (c -j.t. -jo r,lji, ,K.v (
r..i farmer ami h.m-K... , t. . ' " I
llU"u- ; . ,U;nifr apprmtlHtf mm ...' tic m
John Laveriy paid 75 cent a luh-l ! l ""' lo P"3 c karn that' iwiwart rwc-n-jr (.-- ta tt- c,t
! for a car load of corn to fe-d hi- hoc. I ,"Ir" " r"-i or the 'bnl .-Hnnt; c-mvec-j-uon .
hulw.-ek. r)UMc'! "al Quern Yirhtfw. of .ea-tuflr overh-K-d
Mr If (i. A minis Un the thank
i ' I'-.-ih--
r ; - f, - ,t'
CT " '.If'
U' k i -A ,
Eastward I'.-nier !--" , .
tzrirri . .53tp us.
rVipbt lVf .V. m.
rm- ..- !01C;. tn.
Train PHj- titty. u3fi.JT.
A.Cavmisll. Aft't5u:.'t.
of tin Vmr.r family for a Urge launch '
of nice pie plnnt.
Corno in and tell u? the nev of
your njf;hhorhoo'I, frnjer, and, well.
i . t i ..
f . a. Rnri 'uiz-cnoc lor mo uintr.
m-:n ri.orn.
nt tin- Stfir of
A I:ir sto'-k of ftormnntown V.'ool,
Z'-jthyrs uid Stocking Yarn, uhvay.i
on hand.
TOY-3 for the Children and Kvery
thjijj el.-o 3'ou iwed, nt
Forest Trees. -Fruit Trees.
rojt mi.k
C.,tlun'.vond. Ash. Kim. Soft M.nplc
uiid manv other Fori'M Tree Hod-
lins, to.
i.o.,.,. ,, Armory ,.,, tl,, o.-!en,.J A I,,,,,,,),,,, n rf iX l. k. .IM k. ,. u.,, , "" """ ""M'-
A .Mr. IJurton o: Orleans, w:h l.nnt tmn won :n 'cfup at :! t,me IMn. rev a IdauSc not sad aiurtgagr mimi.iJmi.ii.:,-, ..-
nrr ;.-tting in their . 1 ?.(Kni head of -heep into th.j vnll-v r-roin:iiv -inf.rr -t.-a '..J - .-' I fruiu the draner ar.i ! -Koh mu. k , X.TJV:. VZ f ".?'!. .7 ."? ", "J.
Lot- of If)ots A RiOf at
J 0. rOTTEft'-.
Wier Cultivator?. Hold only hy
Sjasooi.k v: KuKK.
Sweet )0tato
Clothing and
1'otnto hugs
work in good ."hnpc
L:i"t Mfkudity hog8 sold in Imrr Oak.
Kans:t.-, at f, ,0 per -;t.
Hrovin t Canton spring ruliiv.itors.
Sold ojiIv hy H'ano:i.i: . I'rNK.
A law huit lant Monday heforc .Itidge
Wilrox. Caiibi; pram? fire.
IiooLh v Shoes will ! .'old -lienj for
caah nt, J. (t. IVirrKuV.
Th family of Mr N IMward.-, our
new men:haut, lnw anived.
Tonguele-"J Cultivator for ."ale, hy
Sl'A.NONI.K it Fl'NK.
Good rhowing toharro at Kahy A
L'ton'a for SO eenJ.-' a pound.
Lad Saturday was an unusually
livelv dav with our merchanLH. ajuMt)&iM Tit" fejrrtj "Ar jott Mr "
la k8 confirmation. atMj .. Rrf, un(iWtf nTuU ' My ,. ,.-
to get any jartuular. " t -1 ttiO-rtU,, ih.. rr- W
Money To Loan
Daso Ball Mooting.
to Umn '
I -Y
Thtft n'l I ..... ,.r -i
... -....-. ,..H ,,, nlt. mn? i.,, ii,., .)..
t ,rr"7
ta tir. jtt !! wta ay ;ti,"
;U!I boy. of Km! INhm! Hi
L. a I .. . . ,
; t s .
It . - rif ., ;
trrw jj n. t
I -:.;..- . .r. . . .. .
Sheriff Varren. who!., bcn sniTer. . "8 "m e "C" ' rMU
.- .uv jir,f oi organiiiTi
au atxiaiion. All lotereeteil
invii'H! to bo preeenu
in' with the iniUmatnry rheumatum
for come time, it improving.
Work on the new rchool hov:s un
der the ffi wnt manjvein-nt of con-
trartor Bruhaker, i. progrt-ting fmelt. t'?u,lt-y proftscr naked tn UAor
ing question
v Menm-' . i ft'S? th rKy tt , tl. d'a? -n,. 4r i5 tf ,Hr
J InJ" h oa. llef Kff-I twr f pati m, W,.fcK0 f- h.n i
' ' of hit kMti Utbl ot; A -! 4th ,0n. fr fer Biiir or
te,I oja,nrhii.,-MIfISIIrtaa znx man '?"" P-l"' ruUrt ,k.-
Besley & Fekkixs,
1'ELi.jLt ;; -
H Ki)WR!-;,SI OVFS. iiXU R! Jl ?T
U IR1 . 1 I ( .
Red Cloud, - - IMcbraska.
AND WINI) 1 I I s sp(l L! '
rukl with an f?T to FHj.mft.ji'.,;., '.. r !f "
" " ----- ( . .-- i j i i . , jv'.ffrt; j
l Ui' M K. Suudar schwd Lit ' iar" a &t oppaeite.
V -J
"Now," ju4 the man of raejtv
j hi m tn tn ot some aonv "
ro ' ; . :'j. ri
ahout the first of Augut, from New Jj.jctioii.
A Mr. Linton, of Mi-jsouii ha5? ren
led Mr Itnhf's fairn north of OjwIp?
nr, a -..I 1
-,- - ...-, . ..,. . - w , - . .---: - '"'
money tio ywi wuJi u jret? and what . JiV-it " .., -..r,.M
- ... - j fire yHr collaterals "
The ILu-Ung Jounwi -avs thai the! "I haven't cut am."
wfiiime.-sitfjia. rare horses thai are ! ,.,... . j .. . ,i t. . ' M" . r. . 4,
hicago Lumber Yardi
Red Cloud. lYcbruuhu.
1 AKJ T III tiF !! M1; N '
f !f -If I - f VI l!V -
I 'rii Vtl'its
Ie I. II .!. ft., i,lU
Sll!t-Ci5 lit ! n ?!n fr.i.- ... .1. . I
and lias hrouirht in about one hundred w.vtern il!nrt ..r t:.... i?.. .. .r!Ket?
and twenty -live head of rattle. I rth riutt.. C.-if Ddworth, of Plurn
.... ., ,. .. . , iVKt :;"" ,U- w'12t. "f lUiuuiinst4.ii.
llK'Alma Hrralil says that it ha.s ' Jim Laird, of Hutujs, Judge U.iaiui.
seen Hhundauc1 of proof that timothv'f l'' county and Connor of
and clover will flmirMi in this conn-! K"f",,v-
1 he Journal ha not named half the
aspirants. Wait and see.
..wt na.t HiviiruujWI KB IU n.t.lklrta.JM .f Wia4 ilk.ta
tiy, and urges farmer to try it.
I)r Weber ha our thank." for Home
very fine .sp- mien-i of gold and nlvor
The latest wonder is a bov in Iudi-
" t - " 1 " I Mla- leil. rt.... .,.. 1 i .
ore jroiu me mine mi wnien n n m- , "m un nr ajs mrga m a palm
tereited, near Leadulle, Colorado. Meaf fan. anrl tbe other :t diminutive
1 a- the ear ot a small doll The mall
Supt. r"HmpbeIl. Mr. Thomi?on, Mr ; ,Mr "" di-tmmu-h the faintest s-oinui.
IN'we an.l other It. ,t M. men will:'1,'" w1,l!k,,,.' ,,f :i ' over a pane of
... n it r .... .. I W ,,,,-.' !" aiKltbl,. to him. Th
""?' kw hm jn n l M Wl ll.iIK, i
All goods warranted. Terms to iuit K,,;v -' we.t of Indianola, in a tdiort
to H'l! in Red Cloud, would realize
nioie money in the loni run by redu
'ing tbe price on the same about one-third.
A Choice lot of California Kergteen
Broom Corn Seed-
At $ I .CO por Ou&hol.
For Sale bv.
Samuel West
ni'ALI'R iv -
Tobacco. Cigars,
cannki) rnrrrs.
Fulfil FRCITS,
AND A MU. I.l.ST. 01' KNTV
Ice Cream Parlor,
Wbeieyou can always
g t a niie 1ih1i of lee Cream during
the S.MHOU.
A shaic of the public patronage is
iu peel fully .-olnjied. First dour
.-.oiith of Milehell & Moiliart"?.
Rki Ciiirp, - - Nkiikafka.
Fropriotor of tho
City Drug Store.
A Plillt 15
Drugs, Medicines.
Points. Oils
and Varnishes,
A lull Mipp'y of
COMRSWU-SHKS.vC. iSpitvd ami ihsnl fully rrrcivcxl
I Irc.i'riMMiicairfuU eoinj-oJindel-
One door &outh of tJnibcr's store,
The membera of (he Carfield I'ot
G. A. R. at tlii-s place are preparing a
program of e-xerei.-e for Decoration
Day which will appear in the ClUKK
next week.
George Gaiber Fold over seventy
dollars worth of goods in Mar.-h's
Htore last Saturday. The entire .-alea
for the day at that --tore aggregated
over three hundred dollars.
Mr. Let.-on, of the firm of Kaley A-
Letson, returned with his famiiv from
purchilnCiM. Sl'ANOOI.E tt FUNK.
Tbe W. C T. U. will meet at MrH.
Thomas' on Thursday next at -1 p. m.
Riding it Combined cultivators for
sale, by Si-an'ooi.k v Ft'S'K.
The IJ. tfc M. pay car passed up the
road the lir-t of the week, making the
boys all happy.
"Farmer's Delight" chewing tobac
co, .'iO cents u pound, at
Kai.ey fc Letson V.
Cncle Sam Garhor will go to the
Hot Springs, Arkansas, tiext week, for
the bent-lit of his health.
Insure your life in the Home Life
Association of Rurlington.
IIawi.ey A Thorpe. Agent.
Constable Marsh lodged a plain
drunk in the cooler last Tuesday after
noon to sober up.
Improved farms and raw land for
eale bv Simpnon it Sweezev of IJlue
Hill Neb.
The bright warm sunshiny days are
encouraging the grass and trees to the
tnot rapid growth.
The social Friday evening will be at
the M. K. I'.irsonoge. Refreshments;
ice cream and cake.
Mr. Rallard runs his street sprinkler
with an energy and persistance worthy
a better cause and h:ghr salary.
Call and see the stock and price-? of
Roots and Shoes before purchasing
elsewhere, at ..('.. Rotter's!.'
A number of paste-hoard artists
i have been Mordne in town for .ove:l
days. We have heard of no victims,
as yet.
The best in the cheapest buy the
Norwegian Cultivator and be convin
ced. Sold only by
Subscribe for the Chief and get a
copy of Kendall's "Treatise on the
Horse" free of charge.
Remember clean corn ground in- ' lnni that A. Davis, of Guide
since a good crop. Our cultivators o Kf"k has leased ?hool section 10 in
the work. Spanogi.k it Fi'NK town three, three miles north of Cow
IfanvnnPtl,,l-i1.n, ;, ;, .. ..-.. "lias commenced the erection
. " 4 l" .ill l'U
matter to write up a good local page
those dull we would like to see
...... ii.iiiv.ii 1. 1 un- euxuriai cross tor a
An outfit of ten covered wagons
from Jesse James' state passed through
town last Monday enroute for Wash
ington Territory.
Farm loans made bv Simpson it
Swecioy of Rluo Hill Nei.. casv terms
and money in three dav. from application.
A dollar," wx the r?ply.
"A dollar !"
" Yos a dollar. jtst one dirflar."
"Well. I guow I can't let you have
.i titt jiwi X.i f UTwu 4
J.fcn M.y U I Wfc xtlt N.
tnj vik.15 S. M .lfllm lt,.
Kp MAtMi ' . ! a ni
VlUlt 1. it.- li..r
4 h-tl
i r .J.r
i f ,f :
IM. 1 T v l-'RM-S, I'r-.pnci..'
N -Mr- kftrhl . : fk t ,,
aMl ilr tttc lMwttt ' mm
mtrmUytmtfmpr:tt M .;,. , i
tl r tkv( bf-rv !. vi i.
"Why, I wa. told you hare monev '' lmA NeV "" ';'' -' ".
to loan." ! K't N w. fr fc. s . xi . . ,,
JO-NJW & '3ZA.U'tt'Fl
"Well." raid :h "honiM" taker. 'I
guas? ;omeUdy has hel on me "
He didn't get it Cihl-ALLY
other nr cannot hear siii-h jmwiM
souiuN. but can hear steam whistler.
bell, and even a man'-' voice at a
.l.-t... r .-.f... .
We believe that tlio-e who have lt,l; "" ur ,w,,,,l-v um
Red Cloud can boat of a man with
both ears as large Ks n palm leaf fan.
He ii a man of .-mall Mature and
dwarfed intellect. He publishes an
alleged nev.-.spap.-r at the south end of
Tho Sunday School.
Institute work of K A Rurnell will
be a. follows: Next Sunday, viit
morning school. Address in M. K
church from 11 to J2. At l'J.. uiodol
Sundav School.
i n -" ir n , iti w.
! &! ! xxuf I.. If. ' ,
i ia ml Vu i'it f inI U4 tit I i
. Vtl lVfcr all of Ra !
;11jbm U.nHUZlK. X..- .I.'
Croat Destruction. i L.l uae t :.Bit. N, v.f !.i
I'f. I"....-. I 1 .i t. x.. . ' Nti it .l Ikil lb hl1.ra
l.P H1KI-I seel.) the Red (elld -i .itSrr W.. blot t .t.e r.. !. h t
dvtM of the Ith i.f Iji tl.-r - -4t i f-wf !.-. 'ln 4 t
inW in in. llll oi .U. that a rrr tl .air, ikr- f bf..,r -.r , -fi..
Farmer' Aiham-e ,n& dtroNe! th" uk,r, "t nw i .- -4
I l MI'l i: ! mi -HIV.; i vmi ;-
i ' !sr- i .
CiaaJ Nt
n ,W,.ili Jak- l.'tk
Klllll I pi. C
lai ..
once pro.pep.tji town of Najnee nod
ruined a grist mill.
creamerv into u .ijil.b. at..1 ,.l,.,-.,.i i"l".- i- ir.t. fc.. wi.a
I "V - IHIJflfr aM.H ml rlf;.tl t.l4 Ul
Din li mum: v - ' w m nit id m r ttu j vuki i m
i II' I K" r - ... --- f . . a
Ho sar thev
I.rrati t UtMt. W.iu.ui Vk.
mash eenerallv
j . ', " Cir.u rl. Moat, Y. t-rrt .l af C-.. i
denouncing the l?t government the .Vt j
sun ever shone ,H.n " m,J1Jn s- w "- '
Now Mr. IMitor we don't behee ''' "arc ' tJai"t.a N.w . Ar-ru lU-
I1. 1 ?l,.l. Ir 1. .1. L' .. II N'l(M- I. bTtbt (lr ll ta twilnaiar
ami -u h tra.-h, the hurmer Ai.tunce nM--i .ntirr fiioi ... l !.. ...oa
w.uii the government run bv the ne ,- h "- '",!,"; "'i';t ' .
, . . tatll r"j "ill fi Mitr ,f tvti f
pie m.-teail ot hv He talks Piri'l wait t U 1 ( I 1 . a .isn.
of demagogue, who care nothing for!
Go To
Jo i. 1--2, tit
the pro-penty of the people Now I
don't know of a bigger demagogue
than he i I don't believe he know-
any more about a Farmers, Alliance.
IiAsk'ET PINNER (J,.U, ,.0.A (jlM;1 (l JM..A. m n m,M,tl.
i r. in j ...j to :, ,.,. in.Mitute topics hour.,-, if he did he wouldn't be th
anu cniMrcris no-etm!' from 7 in to s
r- -----.. .-r .-r
J.M W J' 41..
HM Va kits f. f tfc- -; 'i s '. 4 W !'.
e ' 1.1 It.. .'lb Itai.i I" '! t h.mra
tb. f.'lo-ins nitnr'W. f r r . "al.ti.1 at
IHflnff UfMH ftO'i l..l- M "( ! 1 .J
tit J. IM" fl KrrMtn ( trii )l Il
l. ltt.-b.r'L a an-l Na.k H H wa'i. i vf
Uci l Nrb.M
urjan S- W HWtrxKA K !'
- - r ii i:
I I I ' ' I ' '
iMMSAW'iii! li 'r.'H?. a jrs
Choice Wuts. Fruits &, Confections.
' Krh Ft i:'f
ing out any su h ing
Now that he
l.t.l Ol ! Itl.-mt fia V.V. tt
N. tir. in arrbr inti lh. f
.1 ;.
t.etson, returned with his lamilv lrom i.,..,: . f , . , i .-.-... -o,N .' mm ne ,,,! .rtt:er h. :i - .t.-. ..f . .m.
cm;.. i ., t i " r, 'lln- '' 'ting Ironi to 9, addresses , j,, given hi- ommon of the Firmei. t mk. Sai ir . f a .art- rt r k.. ,,.. , ., t -y-. ,
(hicago hLst Monday evening. Mr. ,vI;,.v .,irM,. an,i .,U.M ,,,.,. ..." imnn .nm urimi vllfftwll,r,Uw, w,lelkf , , Wa.-".-. tit .,.... m M
LeLson and famiiv will become perm.i-1 (i'. ,,' " , I5- Alliance. ,y op., of him ,s that he I...:m . n-wara...,, .. j. n. RIAIIO rilJSJP HJi A H ! I ! S. 1 1" I
M-'Ospel ll inns ( oinbined. .. ,. ,,i.i ,.,.. .....i ..... .. a K.1 ! I tWuli n .W,i.r j., -i. 1 W I m C IMfltnAll.. BVal fl I aVJ B A.' I. I
nent resident of Red Cloud. j an old -camp and turn-ewt Now lvi Xlt UlMWIO O 1 If llll IWI MiJ SI I IW I I
he bar told what the Farmer Alliance
We learn that parties from Iowa Wo Angled For Catfish,
have bought I. 11. Hampton's black'. Who does not look buck with mm..
smith shop together with the lots, and ' degree of -adnes, to the days of his
will .mpl 1. Ull?f ul.l.t 1. .1 1.... ;o '
v ; "- k ""'"" ouni, .iiin uiui win neer return ance m every di.-trn t m
ami engage in ine prouuee iraue. : again, (irown peoj.Ie mav go fishinir ' land Tliev
i II .1 ..) rr. jnr !H. t r- ni tT trf
. tea II t.ta I arlh nrll'.. .at
I t. (l0-- H(!t n. fUl'lUl I'M -f i t tip l
has done, let u- see
WHAT THE Pl.oi-l.i- r no
inl 'h'pt ll'x'.ti'. H .. Hit is N.b
this LriKid ""I1'1 '"' Kr.rr
can put votiw and
ri.n.- ................. .. L .. ii irifr iiucmi'iwk "IUB. l." ' .jii T..:.
.... ..... -....... .. , ..ti.iv.l .1.41-
1.sk1 'ifl t ni'miBitoa Nl rnl H. 1
I . , . ill I . i.iijui -w .1 iiimiaitoa .-t. prii J. r"
A closely contested game of iR;J,, WI" hook and line, but it is not the honest, patriotic purK-e again-? ' Ntw.. H-rfr ll(.. tk.t thr -...., f
l ii i i i . t-'-i i i tishilllf il.IVs of their vmitli -iiiil f...v ! ... ........ ' tfttr in il-1 noti-r ft k. in'.n . i
ball was played last Indav between r youin, .uni i.iej , money . !:..r1v.Mlr.f.M.rt.ft..n,.n ..,
the Red Cloud nine and the bovs of; ""t enjoy it a- tli.y did then We They cm combine thoe who be ! U?.! .'"'! ?'.'::' ,T '11' .""V.. !"tt ",' .'' '
Wells 1 O. The score stood, we are wt'tlt '"': ' other day and sat for heve m public morals and in the pan- Naw. w, . ij ,
informed, 7 to S, in favor of the Red i ,,ou,s wilh hook ", ''"e and bobbing j ciple. upon which our fMivornment ' H'l No it. rV-bVa-ItV ".,,!, of ..-
Cloud novi. orK' OM l"'' ""-.--" "' bepub- j was foundeil, again-: thnne ho think
! . . . . . jhcan trying to cultivate the a.-quam- they are obsolete and that monev i-
,w1.,-ii..i.ioii.iiuui I-. i-vmiiini "I, tance ol the shv and unociib e cut.
RimI Cloud, - - NVI.rn
xd dov'i or i oKci in.
won l 'b j r'ft" .l rfcr II I r i tb f ll . ,nt mnui f. tl" k - '
' tinu-M r.i'lraya Kt. .n t t nltuV.iii f I
U I tix - r Rl Ha.i- ,-vC.J -
' oiiin- oi me eoy aim iiu-ociaiue eat- king .rl- nd i;-er.- Kdtert. a. .11 af 11-4 1-i4
all ex-umon sribhers to part.eipate , lWl llmt irt. JUp)(.(1 . IuxllriMo , Thiy pnn . .v n-j-j switxkk. n..ur
with he G. A. ,i boys in the exeroiics lM murky depths, but they wouldn't "in even- di-trnt and at all timm " '
on Decoration Day. Schools, eivic ; eultivate worth a cent, and we did not j throw a ,'ohd vote against candidate- I-" ''-- J"';' !M" and cites generally are t.Iljoy lhc ,porl r, M wo ,,, , ho ; wh( ; ;J 'Hl JrrVa:!',":''
t r '
.-wweaa ...
r?3i j- . .VVWT L " -. . . V-T-iTiV t . .
.,..,in.,F,K.,.,. day-long gone by. when we were a protect the public ite-re-t aga,-t the r- tl,uy Ixrt '' W..J. ,,.., f,, rW-tar-- r.; Vk vyL U
The reason the Crrnr is liked so 'P-rtor of a century younger than we encroachment of cor,Hrat,on. l'VVTh..'''' -M-i.J M-.if!- Sin T-..' ' fej. 4tf. "
well and is so universally read by the' rtrt' nnu- Mr. X. who accompanied j We believe that the-e enrro.vh ' Mftn,T-W"T ,' k'i'i . - " fg&J&U&'J'JJZ 2)
masses, is because it has the courage jn:5 n tm ,,x,'lir:'on syrup-titiously j men;.- were never contemplated bv . H'l -ntrr N. 'M; '"tk-a .--:' t - .'''' ' " . ." ! jgJ
to denounce fraud wherever found lonwjfd a few bottles ot beer to . our forefather-, who rebelled agam-t ' ta pr- b.. -ar,'.i.... rr,.r. a. .. j . .... .. . . , T
am: loauvs to no man tiecniisf. he hnn. V4,v """r s'oui..;-, aim hu.i iiuve ne miiiiiis:!.m ru .r..- !.. ':"' ...':' :: --.. "v .:.... ' i
, -- --- -.''l' Irrk . IfHiffiu. ... .
pens to have a few dollars or a little ' Iropo-oi to woik up a sutlicient
influence. j amount of onthusuu-m to make the enjoyable, and we gue-a he
did. We advanced the idea that :us
the cattish of the Republican would
naturally partake somewhat of the
....... i.......... t . I - . - 1 ri.i
v .-i..-i.i: . ... -"-'"- " "" r.'" """' ;reeuooi!ug untler the rui-e of Un .n.1 ib l...-v
-' I'uiiMitic riMi linn v iti i:iriiiu' :t . i i - a .. . ... - . ..
F.o?ton harbor, ujK.n which it flight j " ' " wV"YiM. R-r -
to levy taxes We behove that the j
men who abohrii.Nl the I,t,v 0f jinm- ' ShcrlfT'a Snto.
, . , Vf rirta ' f in fl.r f ia t ''
ogenilure am. entail, in order to in-' JUh irV f o lMr.-t . ta i
Mire the more cpia! d,-trihuton of .' ftfcl.' DLl 'x'XV
wealth, would not justify a ayatcm of j ZZ lft JZZ flfiZZJ. "'x '. '
ri.fcj If .. r .
a. t bi
Moshcr's old St.uul
Kc.i Clone!,
R'OOhcad of sheep a pious idea to -oak the bait in beer merce of a continent at the mercy of j .t J.a! iT '.'
1 he.ore casting our hooks, thr.-j m-ur- a few men who 'reeix-m,. no p'inri ' Ww"k ,n h' ':'', wk-,'- ' " w
A special train with some of the H. ! ing prompt and ravenous "biter." pie of action, but p.-r-onal or corp.,-' .w.VitrV'C V 1LT1 '" .? ' '
it M. officials on board met with aMr. X. however, objected to this rate aggrandirement " c C. C, U?.t?.hnlJ.'ftl'' "
mi-hap between here and Kivorton
last Saturday evening but no one was
hurt. It was n narrow escape, how-
being a profligate and unwarranted
waste of the precious fluid, ami the
scheme was abandoned. Mr. X urged
Call on Simpson A Swoczov of Rl
FIilI, Xeh.. and get terms and pric
. . . 1..
over, lor a wtieel came otland the car,' that a better result would be attained
was thrown from the track. , if the anglers would absorb the beer.
It is impos-ible for a man who is ' lh"'e- . immediately
shut up in his office most of the time "- '"-J.1- "' i'-"or sagacuy oi
t ali(r il-i-9t. n o.i "'
Pt.i th- Jft-1 in ' ' .w.i i:
KhlZ J VV 'A . kf ?
no ! to know everything that is goinj
(Surcpfsnr Jo G. A. Iirowr:
Parlor, Bedroom
Picture Frames,
1Q tltlH nnnn.-1:.. .1.. If ... J?. 'llll- ril.
ur, v - ii ,. t',,v": unlit umnn. 11 vou warn, me enuor. ,x
before buying land or makinir a lo-m . - ... .' Dear
on vour farm. " to got up a newsy paper call m ami . ...
t. . ,. , , . tell him the new? of vour neighbor-'
"in iMuuu now nas two saioons m ' v.
full bias. Mr. O'Connor lost no lime I ,
lour friend ami promptly acted upon
reader did vou ever recline
lazilv on tho bank of a rinnhne
.. .-1 - 1 ? 1 . . 1 -r.. .
c.m.. . . . . ...i.'.iim v ht rn. .iTinnnii on.. i..t-r... r..:. .
.". 11. WAA.I l.....u .III . ;. .. .1 -- .... ... ..... .v.-. ... ....... ...... ...i. 1 ' iiifciunT II.F1 i.lfdrd.. .... .. .. ... .,
1 iioiiii. or. iii'i.t! iiii wnin 11 fiiiwri on . -J - ..... ..... ..., ...n. ...... v. ... .u.iuvi i --
S50.000 To Loan
"n "Ji rotate security, at 9 pvr i -tv- af .V-,r..
cent, annual mtore-t No mmini-i VA..r -astt .'
sioni. at The Webster Countv Rai.k I r n to n --
Re.' Cloml " i.-. .J-! " 7aa armli-a-f. tlat4 t
KM. I loud. o tf n4 rrrv(r. -ptf a y.,,, ,.. mf T, i ,.,.!
.-.. for in r-rl.ia tt- ia y ial f-.-a!-H
, nl 5!-l -"itk lb- Co .s'y l . ll -
125 Assorted Noodles for 20 Cants. . f- "" " ' -'( "
From !.. n... t ,1.,.., . .i m af tis Ir t-'.k.t U.t 4
I run .in larui-t d.irnor t the , ,,,,.. t.a j .. Ti4 tuls tt.a-- att. u
-rnaile-t t ambric Mrulo oi the fn.t ' i"3h .- --- c far a
bif fimr I mo !3 1' . ''! tfrir
Uut t t4 "ofa-r Irats4 a1 !bt
pol " 1 mata-n? vk 6tk il f
tioa ftar 1 lr.iti T mr I rf t-a
Silver Spring Steel. vry clsstir in
temper, will rland all kind.-) of
if r -On"0r I,Wt n lim' I ;l P 1 a sheet of paper and ' !hc cork M' P"y -he un,l.i- funded Send 25 rU . , w or" ;;m nrXilktZ? '"
utdownToT gRM,tWl' in ?Ct-i semi it in at the time, before vou for. : 1-tmg surface of the water. Well. ifP' , lamps and fU tage To .k,? f, . ... .-, k.. --.
unj. now n to business. . . ; you didn t. we did. and atter tnc tilth ! ' mw-i.n. . f ih- .t4 h-f-iViKa ..i ?
The B. A- M. R. R.. known as the ! rL"- ,fi- f ,i t- ipty quart bottle had floated majes-j l O B..T I9T. Rod Hond NLr.vka 1 '.'ut";:
'Rurlington Komo" offers special ad-.rhl,M,uI1 ,1teni fro,n ,h Alb,on ! ticallv off with the current we could L m ' rai.,,:.,
idver;Ke0t tni.v?,ra- 5 thier '" ,' to Mft5; I ltnctly see three corks bobbing in j 7 Per CSIlt- MonSV tO Loan T XLS'XS V. '.V ' ,.T:
... ..v- 4'i 1 '.- itaat.11 til .- l-lltri 4 Vk
Sli vii'imfv nt i:r fiiK Jir fv V
a .. . .. . . .-.a.a.aa--a ---.a M, aaaa.. .4, V
Mr. R. Mitchell and wife went down ni cnargc, urntsnea otu wc w the fifft Q nof lh ,
.. . I rt-rTinnf fn rfcr-racnm-rwl ts L-fimtl thn f.i.itc
Til I TTl rTTiiri llr .. .. . .-.-.-a .. r. -w -.' . "IIIVM W ailWH .IIV l-4. aV I . a1- i A a
-- oitom i4tw j .if"ti r MitK i iricrn-t in ino niim ifr ot inrra imu. i . .
., . . -it -. -rt,.rtf.-;Mr ,;, t., i.i.. " " v"- "r unci I.tJ ncr ront. rfimmiwinn
I on has been ailing for some time, and , ' V ' ..ev .w .' W5 on the water, ami in a hel.fe :.Ira:rht ' J
thought that a change of air. sconerv ' " "' . ' .. ". tu,t ! " n "n,c l ' way he would draw in his ino. feel of! " ' 7 " ,V ,V..
j.-o. j.. i. ii.i.rrix
s.m ooctors. especially the latter, j
noma uo mm good
attend all the weddings and funeral
--j Money to prove up with on final re- 'V.f'JVVV': "
n:g i ceipt. or on defied land at 7 tor cent " r?9 fc tati-k-4 tfcat r-r-f-a-
l. I . . . . ' ' th-r-t.
oi. .
way he would draw in his Jme, feel of!
or at K-J CUc4. N-e . Ii l.i.
i-it J I". B.ia.
f a . n-i
and no inclination to attend the births.
? ! the cork, or floater, in an uncertain Ofllce next door to Quef office 30ft
So bring or send u the new:
sort of a wav ami mutter.
mazser w:zer cork.
r i-i..r -l-.-.
Jt - A
t- j . tv: . - . .
i 1 1 ;i ..i k..i iiir. ita intn i iiti. . I T I. 3"n .. nnt i-h. vi...t . t .. ..
- w fc... i I " -.-.. . . . ..w.a . -- .... fcV . V... .H .'..I. VJ.I.l.- .Iti
I hnvo nnrrl.n -!, .- ti ! I35t Monday morning n partv of '--thand ish.' and then he would throw ' vam-e. The discovers-of now adan-
---- I'-" -.'" - iijii:uih;:ii sec. ... .-.. . . ... .. .... . - . . t. i .... . r t. r. v ..
oi land laying between Peter McXitWi iniimgran ts stopped their wagoiw- in his line out in trie stream again nail utions ot r.lec: forrc m the next fK IS""1 -wo. aou r- i- -w-. !
and tho river. And the nnMir ;1 1 front of MillerV harness shop, and ' watch what he supposed to be a mui-! ton vcars will as;oni-h the worWl . prtitoti fcir irwit -e Iio-job- fr
aiKI 'fc.f-l.JCi J
Noli' e i herebr jrirn U-.l I II
O Conr.'..-ha- nK-I hi jUtio pra?
ing f.r hoen. t WI pirrttj
ino and a.t !Mi'r in trie t;Jj;-
MiTTRrr- K-rr- '? ,0 r:vor- An(. the ptihlic jj front of MillerV harness shop, and watch what he supposed to be a mui-1 ton years will a:oni-h the worl-1 : 'Tu'itm ' " (lTr?: ,
.vi.-it iKtl'-N i.IC. . Iicrclv notified not to out cny timber j while the men were abent a b?v in ' titude of corks d-mcing and bobbin::. Into;iiCoru and Vi!!d Attornoy, ' ZZ i!5 lU
''kSWrnwi"irVn7h7i;H 'J?' McXlTr- ! of the wagons accidentally' di- on its surface. Finally there came a re o-ential in su:!!.- pAtoafe for? AeUon n,' I uiken
RiraniliC ui all fctri-U .Irno irwcli air1
M p.
I charged a revolver, a -44 cahriro. The change o er the spirit ot hi- dream-. ' Inventor. . Uon tv ikrd i Tm--. Hmt I If.
U-11 j .i i - ., . l -.r -v- l.i .. . - : l n . I IS-" US lili. iH-nilf UB1 aMf taW
Burial Robe- funiirhed at reajnaW, 533 7cts lets in 3ei Clni la-CW-1 mrougn one SUie Cl ttie i am. .nr. .v um. not -ee any corKs. uiimn.m-Aun WM-r Uro-n meeiiir- Jimxv C Hurtcr Clwi;
xatei.. Firar. VaiaKe E::ol prcrsrtv, j-gi wCon Vhjx and stntrk the front ?f the! not even the one tiel on his line, -ind 523 7th St.. Wa-hineton D. C. i 3?-?o "'
RED CLOUD, - NEI jpTty a-i ?ci Sara. Sicis reiscaable, harness shop just below the window, he was if possible more disgusted than j --
jdres? S;Lt ?:ir:1T35 snv C? 4i" Fortunately no one was hurt, thoncri ' ""er. He got up and with uiirteadv1 Estray Notice. I Chattel Mort-scaj;-; Sale.
f ft i jiO-tf' flfa-Sfir.i, ' there were a number of persons on ' sscp approached u and said, -waz.-er, .Tnken nP b-v ,h nd'r.,rne.i living Xoti. c-t h-rf'T in that hy r
HamRS Sinn ; - " . o of use.nshuiy.ncre any longer, them Kurtivtt t of :- ( I -r, di
ilQI IID05 OIIUjJ, Tie Mt&Otas Ci, whom had a narrow escape. , er cntn-h avoinr.h she bait they May ' 'tht iiSS'?! 751 J; "K " iii
-v -atiiJ? il?n ul ,ra?r'in'P f freshlv' -., , , . . . . would a s'placne. but damme if y'thev to-w - of ! ..'nintv of J:i C
I r Mil .-. SS'SSicWnS a,,d.lftlc is ThC makCS U thC ""T1 r con!i" IO rf' 'P OI the' One old pony rr.are. dun color with j K',r.M. the rult m,r of .-
J- L MILLER. "Pushmstharmioi f loxeHon Co- toi taking up cstoys to hie a d) d . Jhic)fk 'fe 1 J" J- d . -ijtte ' mopgor an J o,o.ut U J.,
K,cr, .u..ti mi h,4 full Un. of - ' onUlon of th " e cotmty S .- I co?o- ?-T- n?f wSSS. -i ." IInicaer J1 '" X '
HARNESS. COLLARS. .ADDLK, ? te . S0 do . , W " , J VtTi,
UOIiSE-RLANKETS. .For aw years mv daimh.Pr -,. c;..i, l.onnftm. tno ;ck. and also to advor- Sealed proposals twill received by ' dark brty. en-d-rk brown mare c-dt date td wirumMt. Ditu't
tVllir? COMB! BRf4rE.. tronl k,ri:H-V :in,i other disolr: We lll!e lhe saIe some paper prictsd tnescnool boanl of district No. 17, one year old, white strip in uce and turin teen niui5 m ;.vmnl o( tatd
"' Trwvi-'Mi haduseaap.our savings om doctors '' tlc county, within twent- dav ' ,,;b,t",co.lintl.v' .f.fbmk-a. until June ' right- hind fent hive On drk um. thoreJor I ,n df the :t.-tr:r
Ji.Kfc.5OIL, .when- our dominie advised nm - u from the time of tnkinc un If no'i l?i lr .iMnSa rnirae scn.l brown hore colt one year old. whit- ifaerrin dcscntI ix 1 B-. .- !
And evcrvthing usuallv kepfin a Srst l Tarkyr s (Singer Tonic. Four 1111 ! noer is nrintel in tb- t!.,.. .i ! "f '"vf1 d-,':n,"t- huildmg spots oi lefv biinl fo-t- . -.- o!d. ! Do.- L.r-r - jr. o?i
clshop. J Reeled a oun;. and a-';, dollar's wortt ?! JJ"1" " fth5 """J- lhen ' ff, be L l -I0 -" Toe owner or owners of aid k I ? d-ible haro-.. at pnWic .ocu
haskept our family well over a ver i , posted tip. Cut thus I and specih..itions ra.i p- een are re-jut-ted to ch ror-? nroMrtv. in th-nlU- of RI O.! W-rt-.'
TiODO0!iaN0KTUuFTiiRnB. ..wC have been able to lav bv monev mt ani I"081" il "P so that vou will '-' on the -chool hani The pay charges and ukc the .-inima!- Co Nelrt on the lt dy of Jcoe
TvunlreA Va1tetr ' ??.n f,ir 3 rainv ,,:,.v" A r-W Mai,'s knov how to procecnl when "vou find A J? :hc "gut- reject any away. L. N. Wat-o.v. ISS2. At 1 o'clock p. ... of ,i-i duy.
rUHttStK V ailSeSa VnC. nec,rtrv. .,. ake . r J -'itK I neatland. Welter Cn.. NoIk C. II. Potte, Mortpa-;
lou" ,1,11 . C M OTiyns. Director. 41-45 . Ry H.vvcley i Tkobi'R. AtiV.
Two Doors South of Bank.
H I I ) ( A ) r f j. - .vkmijaska.
MM r-r-n-T i - i n-
Immense Slock of Dry Goods,
MA.RSI I La Th-m. '
COMIZ: CO.MK! ('().M.;:
Ue Lawrence & Martin's
I ' aM ax a-k. fex- 1
I'M . 1
feM 1UT
-j e f f
,yr - -!
J.HJ. - IE
- t
. t
t i if rf. .v -. . - ' . TT
- i. aj - wi: m -T- i i- . V.K m r j , .
CAUTION v lti--t-iT-a.7 &..-u,. j. ...
suu ,. .. aw fcy SySttJtt.wZZXtt - fl
i " wiraoirp sraciAi. tax o licctsx
I Thi TOLU. BOCK AJIO BYE CO., Proprittoo, 41 River StL Chfcaso, IU.