"5Tr j $- r ftdBbAAr t s- j! ".! 11 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 3 1 I t u 4 2 ! V t THE EED CLOUD CHIEF,; - M. L. THOMAS, Publisher. :i (T.oil., . NJ.I.KASKA. ; . yu.::e. I ll ie r'r-i- lh -r,.j,-t nr. . ; ! ttri A . an-l pli "niir ta-f'tn- b'.ot ttkt-a Mtv MP u-iU. 1 I'arfcrti !. :ikaal Ma ?-. tu hopped I0ML i t'1 U' -uu ' im nt'tan ' ."I n n fit '?! la-al fn t ! '. t'trUt- r ttit, .- ih til i tt.wl jt- lum them. !mkii a., h- ti.;H-l tunon. -J. ir RUcg. ! .Ktar i:i li.-i"k;ht.s is .mahhid. aim u .l,ri.f,u( .ii..nt fTM-n - - -- IFIIKIU! nfll. 1JM U!IHI T &lKIT1fl Willi 1 i. - ihaf of .-ir I.nlrI. -.i-Ta-h-- .'.r' J t SJn r.r: ,!T ! lilri wiitit. ? r V rf S"jr-,- ,,U ,78,; -. tijrbt lrur.. al ii- ntH.-l hair jroian ihem Ptn!Tii of XJh- tutblf ring. Ul iMMfK-k-s of st I. atid . Um'V an -r- iliitral-. f tnVni p-nllv taking hii r xaani -.. i. ULJ. !'. I.J.- v l'an. after a ,n,n ,. Th-y an- lrn-a-I u t h m .,n i0" " ' "" "7 ; 'f" "I'"1" " " -'--'. r " .WMtT ill.- hi- leu 1 nwl from . ...,..... ., ,1... !..,.! ia.lt. .f tl... ri. "in irn-i uic b-h laru. i nry wiu nraa- . ue .nnw f i. sum- un ior VHr --- - --- , . - , tf- .,,.. r a ivi-rt of tlM- jraint.- t.ra.'an. haul-.! brav.-lv off at a i;s.W ' U ,'b lh bl?-'k l wu ' " n kc with lr-m-iid.-t fury. i tts If,..h,thai n ..at.-Jy mUr usi f.,u-ht. the man ' furrowini? th- ilir 'IV irro.,m run at -an tiily tnke them out with n skuu- ' a to mko it Bp.bte for a boat v,, u. kt a foivi jo k v- -r- ........r,.,. . ... - ;.;t.;."'s. .'" iJ-ir "Ei . r -j -,' - . , J a 23: ta? -J7 icSt ! - .T--." TK-? tj'XJ. tlw- InirtM-r claaiiir.whiiia- tl.t .lut r . in a rionL -n- -AH way to rcjmial a rhihl , lnl sh.j, hjh haii al.iy accom . , -r, lti Ii vrfa -ntv--, 1 . ! l ) : .ti 1- 1 j ; r J u . 1 ". I. .r 1. I i - 11 J' 1. 3; . s f ,,,,h.. . r.-.tl.n-i.rl.thp pit.- mm?.m,a !rt.r.I-ar. ,.ai.,t- x.Jlnk. lr,tl R ,! n,n of anc-at . for . ! !Ular cbroiiHi illii-, !.. ...! .. .r.-.n.,t -. ri.ni. teil .vte.. tu aalt irfnle .IltfCJn. .... .-.....!.. ,.-..,., I . .. . .t . 1l...,l,ic.,'...L!J al.,i ia in a nnr. i IO.I OH l.tnJ. ho Were TXW .. ... l.i j. . .a. 11... ... . . .. ...... .i. ' ...! .....!..... nm...t !it ..ri!-.! rosicuc URir brethren irons an -.. i... ... .1.. . ... .--..... .1... -.n...i. ,...t ..... .... l- ' doitin. r.mutfa. Hhi.n. mtne . - "" "'" '.' iuh-ih-J M-irticw .nuiun- ueaui en-ue. ,..-. .-- ... ....-.....- , ... - fW ...,.. ,.- i.- I et cfoc'k at iiatiici lr iik .nj.,1 A : ...- .. , in; aw . . . .. - rtinM. miTii azioroionn waws. uie iii? i CpJS. oM' i-i tl' chief e-ltnen the afl-ct:tti- f a j.atneiati KiM h.i.- n.:u"ri-i lir but ;4rtrIl irf frieinl. (Tlin whole clas of oun buck vt ofiler Arr.'" in the jel tln'tii'H.-. up in iIm )h iitntati'.n f luli- to th. ttif: of hair left l .4 the car. TIh cf- t "llen). u b s'n the , b oee bii ' tflrttlt tM t .1 f ! i.-trtaiia t.r..L..ii- abi to ll I MJi.-ejr.Y t ..,i...l.n- .-,t n. '.J. I t i u Sunday afternoon; ' I- i. -ttiatiH .i.e.. in t!e , I in. I lb.- niiottv turn- ' t ' -tnH". :i , rT'r" ".i .r,'.Vr..K . "j -y- .". .- r - - -j t m hn.ii.nd. in l.l3. U-a tlw ! r-t year t:.. any .:r...i-B u;. n ibr .u' .x - ai.r, Ibr. ...ailw f ,,.1.f.riV. J'.r the prompt reph. A rIlHt ,f iwf . -n !w --, atJv ,,. i , ,. j Ie o-, to fwl.t 4eten..it f f . t,f lJw, ... .. ...at- lit- bundred, Ihe prncr wn-a htite ud mnn .TOVOll hl nitvor and nl- ni., 'f . . arfw.-a Jt--, w. ,; t... I-. .. ait.tv.two i ir old bild as .date iMa ' .. r i ..... , ! laic oi xiif roun "ume sru itin-, mi.. , . ,utb.rfitt. t-ui ltirr . ; inairr m . - - . . J P " Vi. 7iV-?.. iMt . . fat ii. -.1 if the jtiae of a lar-e aue.--.! ; ttn 0.(t.n jrallt.r, al the U.p. in which it ; ,, H..CJt-.-a t., th iea.t. .ctlit Kl,..lU -.rt .. tt-a t-iV" J I., -the j-.rtfr..ma.. '!?' f. '"' ' ''. " all over it after it ..placed in the dnp ;, J t-iro,ej tl hop ia te r-' - --- JfcT P" f -I -" l " " '. -ti. limit p well. ". in" ' In . n -m n a 'Ut-MmhilumlAihenuinnuLiodunngiho '' 'o.-i-W "Ju-tt p-w'J. "" !ttf; I TJ-- u ..Kk t ti..k P" -X u- .p.I.c.l l NH-elrt. d,.,,.-.-' oontrntied the t .nirt. a- he Lin-ee otU all the Ju nm-.v.n-the i aiaf .1 . Wf rreal i u -f-T tr.ut. .1 f 1 a t I I !!... ..... a. fl.at ..liifll' t.-ata . . . . lIJl ICrniliU SlOlIIJ W.J.l I'Tt. lllUB 11 a,aiaifl I Tb taSa't l tla li"'tor C I - " . i .. ... . ... ..... a.k.. ......a. ar ... ii'.ui..! .r7iM .-. ti . ..... . .... ... ... ... . ... ' ... ..... . .... .,. ........ - .... .. ....- j an apple nil a Miaqi Kline u i iu. .i The nnhtui-v man had hi" WtU. n pn.p.rt! b Jda t...- t-.ie.' a to w-or -.-i aa-rvi j; a,,ui a.' o w-.. -. - . ?ave la.. d4,IIai ' cxclaim-d tin- old man j .in(i.V;h(. ri,s r sirloin of the beef. Let ! v' J..., "".,,'; 3 - hi wv ... hi aea- I "- " "" Tu 'n "T t4n -'-". " -1 N. tnheb-at. tin! -You came in fnn the nenctilt.icxl , a , , . f, , ,f an h(,,,r wiUnint NmTH,l,tr -'. ' " " ,2 l t, i.,f. I e" tate.l. a Ihaiurte aaH la tb- j P. T her nt i'' ' f i ii l o,. xj,,,, ,...i..r.i-.Y Y..it had stteral I , . , tower. Mtpcnntciitiin some repair-, j ., , r.u,.; rt.r jn.t .. . .,.i that it wty I frr f.-i. tw -. an -X thre M-e. '. i I.I dinitv Jo wb.tt(Lcl. M...I nih I... tie- -ene 1 Yc. I did --wwi if I didn't!" ...ii. Tin tuul.- I--1U no,: hk- n; You a a woman llnrewJjoplnnfH-.l .1 ni'-lal. whip. .-r k. the ilri.-r. ! oiir a.-l fatuv." -.ildlv and at full;.'.!. op U. d.t-h f. Yoi bet I did! She u a a purl a ' .s full of on-h.ok.r-. ! t!w fo:uti- ' ea.he and as jdump a a pullet. Yum' ; . iiitaiti of the lr:ido. and up the 31.n1!" t.. the rrim Col.. -scum of one .Mauvrl waiting to ask lr the pn. ' ' 1 ..4. ei in the mi.ItU of avonied of new M.tatoi. o Iwl otT with tl..- ' 1 fiekK with tlu- faint jak of atateinent that you owni-d a biff fann. ....iriitMsl Citlnrritii. rane ' ba! nioiu-v in lank. a. a wtdow.r. luih-. to tie iioilh. through daz . . Int. urihitit'. , thin iHtlt.' wide riiv. Mink in a cir-; -it of terraced jrratate .towned y j . .. j 'I'l... M.l.- i.'it nMiitd. lt- .. . . .., .. -.- ...... at Ieat ten tlntiianl U-ilig. i. I cvaetlv b the miii and tie. had ..' s iruf'rt; awl from our cool m- l.Mik at the vit id ..range '-and hidt-at.-iia in Mtnbght. aa.1 tlte .f !.. latotid. w her.-. anu. of 1 fan-, red. cilv. puq.le and 1. an- wielded to shelter tie- -. of .. . . . .-! ' in Utc clieniMT "aciuoH. or ormjj , . tlM'ir !?. No connected ac-1 t ..f hull uure can imimrt Um . -a " a a , Itio, Uh mpti. rhaapfs tlif a- i . . tin -.kill, tin' pictiirci.uenea. or ! ' .t. of the actual thing. All eenrs j i.,d gliuip.es. in fierce, dramatic, nit ami often gha.tlv pictunss. w ! ' h Indc and re-forni in new jdiases ll..- sn.tant. I he inti-ic i. MMimlinp. I in. are tluttenng: amateur droil-iM-tneeii the tviMMlen barrH-p. of the t. t. if l i : t 1 . 4 t -nid the h.w.-.t .eat.; liatb-s im-u , h.twkuiir fruit and aguardiente , . ! trumpet announce the grand cu-' It i. a .uhtIi .igbt- the pieadore. . .;o.-eous tackd-Tand long lance, ' '.... ':.. 1. "... . ... 1.... tl I'M 'ta K. HI WW HHYHUIl 11 ..-. l ii .i iiri.r-caMHi legs, hi imiciiih ir-- j m i - the sword.men and ..ther. .mi foot, ( ; ... . . . ' . m Mgwith jrohl and mivci , mnr.H.tery ..I .1 .... I.V....I.4 a.nb nf. I i ti -i ire-i ami Oil..". .II. J... ' . ' ft i . .'i- puee-.olored garment., carrying j n. of ci-iihmhi. ioh't ami canar. j...l iv tl. U.OUM..-0 u7 ov.iri in . ..-.. nous MiuK. wno came iitrn- o l'i. bull-gale. l.veryUidy is pimctunl. v di r'. ccr.-nietii.'us. rhi'ti the white handkerchief, a. s'.g 3 'ii. lrom tin pn-.idenl f the gann. in Jn b.; the trunict -blare aptinzand l!l( bull ru.hing fr.Mii his lair! There .. .. .. ;i.1 utottta.iit when, if lie le of etxwl a . .. . . .1 1 .. ..f i i i... i... .,...!.... (,...,.. If imtHiii.tusa.. . '"... . . . t. ! '. ball livai a liiousaim-ion guu ui-: . f .1 I.io F.uu anal KtA-lVlim l. 14J'. "il ..-. a.- " ...... .--.-.j p. j uiid ltalf tl circle, puts them to t over the barrier r into nnd-riug. It.iMti" :i hoi-se .M" two felksl in hi tract..'"" I hint .-cen wie lieroe Audit-1 lu.i in bull within ten minute kill live h. u-.es while making two circuit, of the r nr The lir.1 on..et ag.uut n horse i li irrible to witncs. The jor stivd. ti.ualh lean and decrepit, i. haltinl un 1 ; ne bull will charge him. when in mt nith the oic.ulor in the middle aim a m li tVoUed blow with hi. lance, driving tin i.im into the bull, ba.-k omyattont . . . . I- t . i. ... . ....... ..i. l..... flirt i iti men. . an jini;oi- .... ... .... bom. tear throu-n Hie nor.e . ii.oc. -v on ' . 1 hem g through tot.r If. Uib. Tic'k. there", a clatter of hoof., harne.-.. and the rider". ann-r: a udden heave tind fall -dinter! and then the bull rt:.!ic away in pursuit of a y eUow man tle llouri.heI to distract him. The liandcrillero conic, each holding two ornamental barVd .tick., which he ... iy.. io atta.-t t!ic bull. At the brute. ridv.inc. he run. to meet hint. ant in i nc in nt when the huge head 1. low ere J 1 . .1..... .!..4.1 ...... i l: i lor a lunge ne jHtiu uieui ui-.n. j .... i-ieh .houlder. anil spring ring. aMue. l't rh-nw. o-ettimr too near, he fail nid t..T-,w to tK ; the bull alter within a lew inche. He llee. to the barrier, drop- lu. cloak ou the .and. and ault.. over: -the bull .-orim'. ocr ih into tno nnr- tow allev. wherimjion the lighter, lvuig tlo.c tireii..el. lcaji back into tne nne-, mere It'fit a- i turd, inn sateti oy a Ji ur r-breadth from a to..tng or a tr.iu.jding to death. Tin crowd follow . v rv turn with shouts and loud coin- JUCtlt 1 ul!" ".Mo . and cheers, "do. bad nine Let the picadon charge!" v horses! more horses!" "Well f.M.Hto!" "Time for the death! lono the matadore.! and o on. itumoi saiiii1 :.;m nw-i mv uw.-.,; aun-e.nn-le with ..ome of their remarks, and ing the boys riding horse, in a more lhere i'YUierallv one volunteer buffvHm spirited and frisky way than the atii ,. i... .i.7.o.of,T- ". lull in the combat, ' mals seemed capable of. until a mule . . I ... . ,. a Humor IlllV'a V.IIVIV l . ;'.r'.ek out ruMc witticism that bnng the I'Ufh from a thousand throats. llu't if the mnnaement of the sport Ik not 10 their liklu', then the multi- I IK 1101 iy nit" ,m'"r' . .... crumpled on the earth; the others, -with bandaged eye, and sideshideou.lv pierced and redjdashed. are sjmrred and whacked with 16ng sticks to make them go. Hut it "is time for the ianderiileru;, and after that for the Jordanian. He advances, glittering, tudegrow in.tantly stormy; nmg on, -;- v "Y"?. '" t VtAUjVie '., uarK is proiyny remov ymi . miwi.i 4-- ihe toW. j f - abHa, the lynches, thev larllow their opinions , rai..er w ho uok him to t.icidale am. bc doiK. to .hc lrv 0VcIl ,f repeated in L. the -evan-t t ia b, y-t rwrml St tkWl aixl carmrt 7 hr ad bo-eia. "I loihet.resident whitle. stamp. scream, ! offered linn to lit. neighbor at a -slight , ai;cniatC wars for a long time- It is a A-rva-. Her. . ,1 10 tx- c-ttmz - and --r A trestieiilnie It'is the tumult of a mob. ' advance" on the purchase price It . 1 I fnct lliat h.. ,-, 1 removetl from - L , tiat a.' labented tcnfaU - tbe caate t 11.1u111.UY. "' " .,,.,.,. hiood- ' needless to add that the tock raiser is , ,ho ,,,... 11.. 0f - thriftv antde tree Tn tr prtttv-ka -err ar.Hb noante 'an tar nisK-i -od Utrts. Bot-i aa-i-Trt ajasableonly by the ..peclnr tiioou mi havin.' oaid Slo ' t - ., V.V - Y fa Ti! f o aaa-" Jlre wtbe SbenJL -Yi.-. wa-atl!j rr-ai.: or fas di-e-t ghed. And what b.ood.bed they get. , owner o thi m"'; .''f'"; r, . J ,l.V,-r itiunnj-the latter part of dune or fore- 1 5 . o,. u,,nlL ..he -, ttatK-: lefc k prv. el ar bodr. A uI acr-tca -3d a i.- o tYY-o r lie lifeless and . for it. while the amiable cit...en 1. ?-&. :.rt of .hilv without anv inmn to tno hcoorb: ia." I te a Mr .iorr, I- alto rcrr ak. tbc .C - V;';':". ;',.. !, Hi'! it -i liii a lfJf a - h :i ' I. i.i-4- ', to 'be wrrnltriK: " I .' i J t, 4av i:. hull lr the honor of tr... J people 4 Madrid ..nd th- in- eoe Heal preiir-nt $ thta tourney ' Tbn throwing In ha? .-av. be pr-ea-l to Li- task ,4 kill and daagt r St U tier it la r-liu.l a!1auatrt i.f tnr ktHtrt tnjriKa. With a acarb-t t .'-sk in on band he aUnc'U th bull, wart-a him to -jaw !! or the other. Iiafn.' him, rrin- it- him in fine.. a rb vOk a& ei SrraJn hrm am if he ! a kitU n. though always with rv alert and ften in peril At laid, havi" him ra pw-ttion." h" Hit- tit blade. Kim. and with a f.trward sprint; tltitiga-i it to Uh hilt at a point I no too of tbe wiiine. iVrham the j tu r.H. n,.. an.1 3hn, v, u.m j , thnnt. bt moro ofb-a 1 ir mfonai . . i w.frai KrK. ar' rjuir-i v im- , ..,. .t . ..- . .i ... , . " i fH.t hi, lifc. ot at Urn n.Hl. hecoa.- I .1 i.. ..... 1 , .. liat,mral are fr-ly W,wl. Ouo i"r a. AJIIII- aftfl HaUIUllIAi 1. iUHli; L , -.. ...i ... u... t. ..- ' iiiiiift 111 RfHj n ' iiiririu r aaa " . .. - i i .it.... bv ecr-n.-w chiiw nnl e. ' .., ,. ...... .. ' i- !..i.... 1 ... f.......Mi -. I 1 1 .... I.. . .1. . . ... f..lt -..av. ' ... -1. t i-.i.... .1 IHI'niS, Hilll 'IIM. WIIIIH-II. H-- lil'l !.-. I ami a upmuuin oi nnwmi irau imic i TtlPIW? nWIH'Warl U "ry. i . . , .1 . ., ' ULT'fji, tfi Jltrjf r iuityu im, j A Sorl'HK Vw. i Would I'lauilinx'enrtijil tlia. wtiyT ut qwriiil bii Honor, ai (harh:.i mark It-fon- bun. r,ii era - ! th .rriiiU. 1 U IwillPllt a lnir oi sun nendeni for twenty-live .-cut-., a red !iim1 kerchief fur linlf ti dollar, a Iwittll of perfumery for ft pnirrer. and then j tint fJnnt.-d oiir hat over ur left e:vx i a" al I and went .Jowii u tiie eutrni .ua.-, j i and wanUI t get married in time lor a ........... ... ma. 9m .1... ...... -Ik. .1.. ) IKUDIIHI 11IJ I"' "III -. ......... . llttt - itxnai jusi wnai 1 tout her. Jtnlge, and site acil jH-fky mean ( t. inc." Yu lal IU" neeii nciiiamifi wiui her alt.vi e.-ii mtiuite. when 'u a.-d her to ! tour-. In repJv slie : 1h.iiiIhi1.'1 j. mi with caMiaire-. and vu klHM-te.l ttelt1-l buttle- of )." rad lsli off a liicb" tuul n- arn-t.l while ru.lunythroiirh the MreetHtmnMiraue.1. . Mi. ttillem. had Cieeto eondm Ul him- ' 2.. at.... ..... a. 1.1 tA.li.I ..KIT toftY ' "ei in ... ubuiik.. .... ..-..... j.. -.v of biiu?" "Tuck it riirbt l. me. .) mhe. fori a. !,. .l,aila t . .- .a . in rTi.ws um tiraw a--i fooli.hne.' .Itnlgc. 1 wai't lVrhap. not." but I never saw anything to .M-ai iter, j .ludge. how can 1 M'ttle thU ca.- lj feci darned bad to think I've come to town and rais-d a row. and 1 want to do what s right. How much tv ill kner ll... .I.ma.ku'' I . ........ - It's a fieriott case. .. y. ..- .. . : .... .. I. Fie lieen a ! " ion n- in. ii-io . if. y. .-- .. , , i . . .. i ..... ,t.: :.. .1... ! t.Higu .m.i pm hi .y oy. ut ... u a... .1 u..a-llu I I'llT IM! 11114). ... - . -. .-j - - ---- -Are you gomg home' "Coin hum right away-to-day-- this lunnuns' uv Uio ir.si tram. i hain't umhI to the nays of a town, and I've had trouble enough. Will von take titty dollar, and call it -nu.ire'" "I gtie.. live will do. You are oltl and innoiH-nt. and we make allowances in such ca.i," Only Ihe dollars! C.rcat jcwhilta kers! Shu I don't see Imiw von rati iav rct.t and kcepgnin. Hen" Mici.. .ludgt' j , , u...t I ...It t gmt t'ii i fltfi.iL. Tut mti " .." .. ... come within an inch of going to Mat lrion. and you lvt 111 never forgit our kuiduesi. fan I go now ?' "Yes." "All right-all right. I'm so happy that I'd like to give a yell and crack my lieels together. GtKHl-bye. .ludge -giod-bye. all here 1 go!" '.fn.ti Free Vress. A Sharp I'iticn. The Cincinnati '' M7. tell, thi to- rv: A ciiiiicn o. t.ien.iaie. naMiig.eterai acrt., t,f aiiUYv lan.1 King idle, deter .... i ... . :. t . .1.2.....: ll: uuinti iu mil ii iiituer cimivaiiou. in lured man suggested that a mule be bought for such drudgery. Tiie amiable citizen agreed, and went tii n neighlvor. who wa. .o:u. thing of a .tmk mi.er. to buy tin dcircl animal. TIh- .lock man. with the inode.lv charactri.tic of his kind. pndneed a mule which he war ranted jn.rf.vtly gentle in either .ingle or double ham.-... all tin for $l"'. The amiable cittren iMitijrht the excellent mute, and ne wa. .eni io ns. new noaie 1 he next evening, the amiable citizen l.M.'I.kr ....T tr,....I I........ fl.lk lik.a.1 .k...k ...i.iozi.i . . -.-. .uy- ihi o..... comiuaimi: .uiu uu ik'w mute winsni not jnill a iKMin.l when hitched to a carl. The next day the mule was ent with the hired man to l.arnev Fox. a feller of hore and mules on commission. wno wa-. in.tmcxiM io uipo.o oi tne mule for not 1c than lir In tb meantime the amiable citizen had ..ought out hi friend, the sbx'k raiser. and told him he thougnt two mules were better than one. In thi. opinion the stock rai.er coincided, and before the two friend sonataled the stock mitr w.a.. authorized to match the tir.t mule at anv pric under ?,.. The de- ltghted stock rai.er wont to HanieyFtix's I.B. a. .a . .-. a t . T Iy.-i rvf. .aa a .... a .. fa.I. a appeared 111011 the .cene that apptare.t as like the mule of the amiable citizen as two mules can. W ithont much hag- gFing the mule wa knocked down. Ug- t :.-..!.. ciY.Til.-ino. tn tl.A cmirt ct.Yel.- less lai "Cant." says Emerson, "is useful to provoke common en.e." It is also ucful. with an apo.trophe. when a doubtful friend aaks ypu U-id b:ra five dollarj --- ---- - ,.-, - 1 I - a- . a . a.a't M1-.I WM - t a. 1 . - I.ul.l.1 a-, a. .. J - .- -. a. . . ttaaafl . a a . w - a . tHaMV i . . r A.'.. I ....... a .. ..o ..a... .rn.. ... . ..... . -.. ".... him-ii dunnif t!ie ld kears w one o in-er aa.1 nik ,,. mg a.iiiy ..m g-.at ..at ......j,.,! mv.tc.ies. It some-! puupallt ...tu... Micuasamigiitv ,.v . . , woman. tliou-!t. 1 e- Ihn-xi n widower i ' . ' .... , , , ., .... i , ... .o it ' t o.mi. oi an orcuarti nnu cnaug.-. im 5 &?". .Mr. : i JS"1. " 1 2? - a ""- ! t-nnP year, the tn- btnur- 4.11 I."..". I .l.l..il4 ...I. 1. ... ...-.a- ... . . . T1CV rox coiuiuiMou. auvau. 1 icun IIOHI, ym A.M) n.u:i)D'. A r !.at I i " r:t-! '.' may .;; ar--d 1-v a:j".n' a ;rnm-r.i' .. aroun-1 tin b ad. - !i - pi u, tou!t iw u. ) ire nf flax ulu S.utiM-rc Atiatralia. It ! ; ' of .. i th'-rtigit tht tin- 1 an I hot cn.n L xtrr. 1 h-irr tuui iwnr ol U:e crot m VKi -. - . -Aw-'IWriofc fvr r!iti 14 rr- r" : 4j.atl caiur jrim ?-r ."wrlair thr ri or: - with n lutifjn uim-'f x iol ow . ani apphVl wiU a fr-jHjwp Bil 6ts ponnU f rMic In x: saJ oo of wat-r to 4k4vt It. a4 tbVa lorHl it U on jwnui-l In 1SJ gaJlooi. i. i - J-arm' ri Hcrvm-. If y iwin pnintn (nut anl - i i 'rtfit.nl t.'c a ant hra?o-T wtiil tooii. , fc Tn ;, a M , w f rw ut aoch & top at too want. If ymr tn-- niia spradisg ont. rut t ywnj; hiU : tut abwe Ul w Up out- ... . .,. uUa a chiud aM1 If vm ni Ui tntIM u "M1 - U'r" bl o Um ojw s.- ' ti... l.m., wheraou cut ti oC-t'4:. j , . t)a" mtim irahM when fnin mkf b.- n Im-nt form n in u V -." i ten!. HkA darbm it anl .U-Iu to thi" i-rl an-l wnh r- vAaXii". cut j ...,!. ...,l )...). ia l. mir. him n lit. ' a. fc ' - - -- , -- --at- - - - - - b.. I of uatiu. al anl milk every .U , breakfast or .lmn-r. e that it . ino lor our .liimron oy pavirij; .mt ," .K..l... I,. Il.mr.lu.t .n.l au. al.laa.1 ftV. I -..!.......... .. . - - in' m tiieiue a.j iuun a.a ioaa i,;p. Tl... A ll.a.v .Via vl ia act L .uf lit f. .. r ... i..ii !.-.;., ... ....-. lirc .B-- .a. a Lrtt. ....., . ... " j proti-ii"u o in-vp .. .;. j fm uini -nin-ie ti;:i r,ni K' ,u ,r . , , i :. L. , .... .. - ! . iu.ii.w.i ...... ... .--..-- tvot.n o! sliccp. Umtc are now mn c-'w worth, tho sio rai..e of the ! line b- inir thu ra hj'ii ol ut in ii'. iwn Uruiiftwiik and territory iu-t adj:- cent to it, but hiiiir ia n-ijhlnii i town'. sliTp to the tabu- of ?3.1M w-r ! ii-uioa jui.-c .yiu u.- nit-inn i" '"" ' ". 1 from burning. I hen adI the ti-iial ; amount of !din water and bate it I 1. ... ....! 1. . ....tl.......t k . ll 1 cr lre.ptently. I epp.-r Uiemaiii uueu j put tn U the oven, but .1 not sprinkle halt o er it until it ih tak.-u liom uiu pan it extracts the juice of th- meat. Flour the roat with th. dretliu,; bo half an hour bi'fore it ts taken from tht oven. .s.na;,'..W i.V.ui.) l..pn'.(ia:u. How to Uet Apib5 on OfT" Year, i Tiie pa-t season hi demonstrated th ' fait Hint tie- value of an or hard de pend very inueh upon win 'her it pro-d'.n-ej. its crop m the b.-aring tear or iti the alt.-rnate oil tear. In Inn. an apple . crop was of butlittle value. In "M it ( would have been worth in wry litany aecl.uif the country three times a much as the year l fore And the dif ference in the .jtiantity and pii-e that, has Ib-u ho broadly in irked in the two past year, will undoubtedly c.iitiuue fo. Mime Mars to ime. ami proliatuy tor , a. long a .eri. .; years in the future a ; it has in the past. Any one wno wiu i take the trouble to lok over the price current lor apple, lor tne ta.i iiy years . will lind thai tin- price has aitno.t invn-: iiablr Ih'cii higher in the odd than in , the even years. by it w that our r- .. ...!. I.n... u.ft .r..l.f.a-.!t L .rr.lYY II ITllAl til. . ....... ...I.. - J,- ... .... --- , liiful of jiroilucing their bet cnp. in ' iltt even year, and remaining o rciny in n n.irtiai and .oinetiine. a tioor croti the ne.t tear. If no artitici.il mean.are ' aa..t to "..ti,...ur,r.. the new baUl so as to render it permanent it u.ually work back into the old way . Hut if tiie trees have Mitlicii-nt encouragement to enabh theill to get the new habit thoroughly ",rm'"1 tm' Ul11 h:uo Iu! dijHe.ition to . ..- ,, - ,... , iviurii w uu 4.ij, um. nm iumuv . proiiIu.P ..s as regnknrlv iu the v.ld .'....-. year :i the had heretofore tloue in the jven Otic... To undertake to chaugo the bearing i year of an old orchard i something of .... i. i ... ;...,. n task, but not gnat a la.l. mil tnai it would pay in the long nm. With an old orchard "the iirt thing to be done i. J to n-aiove Uie bl.ts..iu or 5tna.l fruit. .... , , , . . .. ...t i i.,. i should Ik i uiicrni iire.ins utaoio.- .-.n"iv - ipplied t. the ground to induce a vigor- ; ou. .'row tn. auu n wouwi o-- ji.j io- o-.- bi-,- ' Y ter it atuiiieil the tail In'tore a tne inxe tall and early fpr.u ram w ill a.t.t in carrying the" fertilizing matter down t. the I'iKils. ll appuci utie iu ine .J.riltjr 11 will in oi oui nine ti.e lie- i.ci year. Hitl'ereitt variY'tiCi will npiiru tliHerent tnttm.'tit, or rather varieties that are not ".cry profuse learers will riHpiire more MgortHi ami thorough ' treatment than thoc tlia' are. For in- ! stance, the I"amu.e or snow apple i? a very jrofu-e lHarer. and if the biooin.. are removed he coining spring, the tree well pruned and manure aj.plunl early ?o a. to get the beticltt ot the sjiritig rains, it w ill Ihj very certain to bear a fair crop the next year, and very proltably a full crop, lltit treatment lor a Mtigle year will not be likely to fully established the habit. If the few blossoms that :ippvar the following year are remov cl. it will be likely to get the . Ivariug habit o UiYiroughly e.tabh.hed j that it Will be likelv to continue without j further care. Willi varieties lhat are , tt.": ;o profu-e in their lvanng habit it j is frequently nece.-ary to report i to more heroic treatment. With ! .uch tree, after removing the : blossom or small fruit, .ouie time K'tween the middle of dune and thi 10th ! of duly, if the tree i? gnoviug Mgorou lv (Intt no: otherwise,, a cut .himki be made entirely aroutui ca'h of the limb cutting eatitvly thnugh the hnrk. A .econd cut sIiym:!! bo made aIoui a quar ter of an inch from the lir..t and the in tervening ection of bark carvfully re mov ed. A new !ark will be loraied ia a short tiim but the downward lkw of the sap will be arrested ami the forma tion oi fruit buds y eiiitMiraget! that trees o treated will Ik' ery certain to be covered with bloom the following fanners will want to f-jn-nd the lime neeesary to elTYct the change, but with voung trvvs; it is but little trouble to re move the blowout, ami b git :.ng thetn -- '---- .ije treatment aloe de.MiUd for a few ' vear thoroughly establish the bearing 1 , Jiabil 8 th(. vHj,f year., and thu. tlcvble ' lhe vahl0 of their retunis If the ring of . . - 1 i f:ti tree. ly taking one-halt or any pan ! the ton of a trte ami giving it the above described treatment, the part o treated will have its leariug changed and the lae made to produce a crop of apples oa one or the other part each year. Cvr, Sprinqf-eid (Mau.j Ecfubiicqr .jtnng. To CYinlinn the iiab'.t it mav w ; ueccary t.i rejH'at tiie treatment. With old orcharvl.. containing large trtvs. few j IVrhip tVr n-i 5igh'- o' of lh rFit of (Jrrat I'.'.U.'. "! If. "-? .-. uhMi trrm.tr nt tr V-UnrrxI ' tJ.,2ir nr: ri ,zls Jss f t --'- -- -f H i.iai in th w rJ, and Ik fame erf L l I - ..w k )ii. ,. "HI. -.. u U - f wii r-waanHBrBi iiui lainmi immww w smwmsmm ji arwi i hw imiii. - us, W hoarti :lh jn y. ; t.T - t in juj part '; Um vrar i! taut a nr II'lrtn. thw srsijr Jmritor.' uo'ifal iabrw, ha )ttft lo rotnpM-t'-! Who cam wntara u iwUnuitx tho nuailxr of lives ur p the "-4!tvc h;htb-u K r4, darinr - tnffWnt eiinr 4 ra.hrr n n Uiao oo4 hemirod ani tnnrtj yean? The KdIjstf rx-k b about am anum huoia irrtm ta nam tsca st - njnKiUlh, Khirb ts the ncsr?l p:nt oi lnl ia th4r ricinltT. Sht rtmnm up ; m .l.. .h- nhtl r .MiMkM b. ' ...,. -.t l..,f ..Vi .,--. tk .1. . I """"T . .-..-.fc -r . ..- . . ...)...,.. ..( InutriiK Tua! uho nsin JDJtei th thmjj a4 I b.itin. ,rt-nVnee oi Um hirttK d ! llbe ..toaU- of the roc k -Vh rwl the Kay f Hicay an4 the At.ar.ur u .. .'a ... ,!. tist t.j 1 .w... ... t-xn. ncamace souhUh and tran'mU and its I !... - . 1U:M hCT IloUlt'WarU X''jC at-fltS ihe AUauUc b. torn fh; pa the IIdvstono reef sad f ? J1 , III SI"UV O. HUUMMU ll U"U ..- J. r i crloaa to awful uft.nth riaiul' - - ' - " -- '". TrICirni Mori. V'Bl '! UUU V ! praying for midk engineer t arrbitei-t . (Jannjr an-l curtiiii? enough t nx a periaaneat lgt opn toe inor.cr oi J. J hn'h b id raided "J'h de- , and imserr Th aatne . t . . I .t circMiiiatanccj.. however, whi,n niaiir the 1 V I laniHT, rende-cf the attempt U itA' inaru er. et a liehthotie upon mem a p-ci.i .nilv diiTn-uIt ont.nTtoy. At lotnrth Mr ... . i llenrv Winaunlet. r.f Liulebury, ui hv j f(e, being a jrenncjuRn of ivinie i-roper- -j lor moenanicai inton tho - c idatid- 1-UP.t up..n him. hen n,rnjn,. i,nifeP. no Mjrnn of the Ut.c .Mlj - ,roi7 r,.,R1Mi. Then followed s ... . aa. w,M11jon ...nieturo Ciinrtnutwl by Johir Hutlycrd, a .!k meic. r on !.tidVc Hill, who hr:in to built! it. I.' , :'tiI nuunt-. his work in 17oy. Ihis bti.M".. con trary to general expectation, st.NKi un til l)eeeiuhut '. 17.5. wht-n n st.ark ftom f tJ lwomT.imr cHmMM h which 1 it was lighted fel It on fire. I he gen- orn.1 imnrosition of the neurhhonnc lindiuen was in the words applied by .... ... .ill.nl..... W..11 " lf. fv ui h n Iiirn a - . I V 1. al L I Itn ll tr ua aa '' ! IfV la- . VWI3 a i-b a - - - . u- . - ' -------- ,'.'"". V , ' I V, "!aenri-rd..M. fr....rtw.m.tl.'i ; oik.hue "the place u curd. At j VVh .l4iamalbH. j, ,nr.ife.:l U"lf In i length applieaion was made to the ,,, a,. .. rt ..f ti ittr. .ttrir,t tr Itonl ih tetv for nn enginc-r capable ! tn.ua':y t-en m.ta t. tiat that irt rf th- , of -t:u Uing'the Kddytone Keel, and I - -"-fJS fJTZV? , latird .Mai-elelield, it prissHltjnl, rconi- j mended .lohn Sm.'.iu.n lie began I wi.rk in 1757. and on the 1th of tleti I bor. 17.V. the aing light atrvameti fnrt h for the first time fruit, its summit. ! r nearly a century and a .tuart.r there !'a U-en no ur e.ie of tha gu.d :.. Ta,- ,! had it not I cen thvt the nM.j; a"i-,n which tho atructuro of tands ua Ui.dermuiet: by the re.th.ss wave, .-.-. a.v-t . ph f artist C due to III i am t. ni. g e..r.effp!irn U-M, cftn .ay if,s the triuicph jpj ,., Rn. ..kill which was jneenioiis brain and darir Iuil.ht not have laMed until the crack of i tlo-.m' A loftier and in ie ltI fabnc h.is now a.ccTnb d u;m an alj ining r"k, and we c vn but !)! that it may le de.tind to ave mirty lire a the l.ast i..!iU.''e.c light hmiM has dunng its long tM.ttnee In-en :he means of pr MTltlg ' "'r . '''-''I -''' rlt'in --. m a . - M vi the good work t-rin by Si. Jach5 OU cnttnur utit.. rle-uiaat tu aim wurai: aua-c !". tt.ili-.l Ir-tn ttx a'tt J'rrf mml Kntrk .t.'fcary.V. V.) Tnr twt tl'i r t, j a ne;tl!ate.l atTtrrr cnla J ... .a - . . .. ..mm &f- ta to it j."j ii is on M t ).- M il A'tia'arty SiaraMi. mm- , .. (.one! I'iflaiiiniat'.'y rtirusaaUt-n. cured by St ja.t4 it Im ltr..-n - k TrU.-u. Two TO'.""JO tnea overheari! coarcrsins u;:itlio Jro;tt.t .u-.-it of dr :! .i.... .n tliaatar 1 ! 41 ."venlair t tt. pij otic, "I d t ..krfc'a.ar-Uatctrrib !- c! A Iwautt-.te origtiMl. t rl- o: H,tian at all " tnm "ii. ficis-ti bo. I tiie i-un.itjr t- takr an -ni nt .rj . t, r gi,,.,-, unlr.t ht. rea:tcd s ,,,.. it.-m. a oiIko H.trt, uitk UoMt-n 1m.1 tt Urs a fl .r.t ; t.-cs. Itm. wa a t.i-- W .u.,::f1r;;o.air!; h't tx! t-lur biv5li.rrY-t.J. . ti Sun:; out t: ,,.,.. .,.!,. i,,.,., , -, n-.-Vt r ith ml . --.---- ... - Xta a IS. it. in. stntird crbt tn waers. 0 m. tiM a t" Ci. tf itnjire.si 'htt t!: vcara-r ir.ua t vr ke.ne 1 hl .e to jt s in o . . .... ....... . ... Uki-fl. , item vert jniaU "?. lu em. tp. itcat, a liat.-ith low cnivn ant a broaxL JMs'-h. t.n;.ikcr s-r: ol brim ETlrai !j the voutb tiui t-rn sircjsfu! In h s r;I..rtt to aj.pi-ar er c.i an ! perta- cv-n tb W3 uiiRat ts U'th-r than tv-h at Ik wlecb be deciaretl iu b:s altrrat.ve - 1U. JiM.rvi. V.-I'ialli. liifiinut ttiin. A an pi : ar. a a Niel aad Jtter rK- later, r.. a .Jea-.an: nl s irt cs.rr . - dTpp. fia. im! rtiott. .'ar .tiMna-, heartburn. U-irtllnic if f.n.1 aJlr oatlnc bivtdai-JHr b-axl lmicru o. r.c. tUrccaa u-'t b f- and n all the vrqiiiK- W a.km t-ttcr S.nlc p-;ri: than are n-mtalne ! tn lb tncTItrita tt-rl !a the ce-uit..-n .if tbsl arnof a 1 -ereU.4 remil.e. Kuo;. a lr iiua-it Yellow I)-cic and al-vlpAnti a p-r.H-at..r of Ve'le'-" l-vk. S.vrapr.ll. Janij.r Iron. Itucb't, Vr-r rYHaiv.t tatrk etc. hrrr f : fa'v J. . -. . .. .. a . ol tee tai ;ua-:uo5 p t.- naa.r, i. q:trVlr InCYinte and :T.rVn the ;. j ovt-il ii tv Msnr attrl,.-ite t:e o tl.elr hrs to ll haaUaff ad swccif.Uau- Tirtuo. "Ahvt U a fa-vatae mv lrr' sl;ed a irb.ai! tcjicbtr. --h-ae rrpotatk.- t aVKarstr an..J ol the be, t ose Yf b v -uriircr (-.-b-alara. "i doa X tcttov. sr, J .-el tin- y..nc?'r '-Utli. t.'vonU rvitjie t.i r-attect a Mil (.Lrould te' TeuUxTa.1 anaaml " Simttr rt- tt?p.Y. St I UK-, and I tbc bi: l-r -U.1 I a "-ikt pat .. tttat Jaild tlijl lm .. T .1 .a... .1 .l.t Y.. . .... m-lm. . .a.aik s:ai - 'UU vr a . I. . r.i Tats I. tbi- aT that Dutch farttaer air rr- i ti-el r 4-a!-Hkt .; "Raad iwti. .;.e 1 1 sa.1 Tkte ra L Hts ta ke bind ! usi! -. j he raj a be calf LalraKU tot prii buaj pack ot fit tollarv. Jacob Ztidec.a. Clear I Lreek. three atUiss iitlnd the prs-"' i "I new..' a imp ,. pon'irT. aldo-. I'ac'.c ret trbea jaj nmt dic.a tiv; qnevlfcaa of tbe tit' a? at the a.e. - it de wl-,trt cbkrVfti f'se ever .-at ardrtrn. It ti' dra-vrn fra tbc y. jaJc; of a rtkackea-ik. ia de dark i de nm " , 7 : " , . Tbee re nte of tbe real aal -ie: 5c Heke re-t. bia beav.1 B?no the Up . earth j flf.4 -.j,,,.- riraatca. xtf.ted tbe a t.mth te f-Mtxue aad : . Lia e hyd t..i , j.j jaih;, td ;T ,re. trj -.-ia jcb t-iaise ere?: stiVnatsu! .ia - rt- aa 1 ; . . .)r -,-j . e' reoezt f -rb. ptaved tbe MMcbtef -life kt Sartai-sraace mr w xfr . .. .j.,. tTt rxstc jd bet tea "V- I TNn b-Dce:brr'm . tbe rr-reed It -I ' . , . i Ttnd rr-nVe. t':bc -rid. If ir- k taiTrr A ETim pazM'U v dlappr-.Te of tU ;.- rbiB.tic troohe n. tbe ratare, d lTatalitT of ttte mtIe-a r-r H-f-. b- taiiea ! ,-. lhev- ,! tratbt 1'k tbetn tber cr r b-. .dence h La-rraee t--c9-- ibey j ja4T cx biarse bo se bat tbielTea. bave i'jeiac msli? tbcre. ..aa-T-il- vanaa. j l'twi e bo stay a ay fre: cbarrb tbrooxb fear --J ca'.cWttc the ! ox cur. la a J eel b -and bT. l-tattte fa ;.- ikh a !;- tYJtttJl-ia JaaaafiMt taajTlaSr No." fdk! tbe CScinna.tl man. I eaa't bcvoHH. a v. -ri-ttaa. I caa't l-etr to me up reuias the 1 x-al papers. " utan iS Vyi-h. Tbe -Yibbief. :r fa boots fa a beJot ' A YRiro-STVT refer to ccr VTtW a 1 Vv IT T Wrrmv:. ol Aa l trrlS; ji lira 15 niKosrrEU. j Tl Tl-l Kl- !. tb . . fc- vl'WIWl Oat of t& av. vu.w r iWr frvr c ta Usm af fcl m U Sctfe3 VrUhcr frsm 4 I",tfrjfliirr U axt au m "fti. r ifc-i ypwrtt i t 'T anr amaraa 4 lmm rB- tLM an ;Trl-d of tV( ffU vj VI VS r-mi.. ifrmJf4 4 tht U ' ii i trtal writ TU,ku j p'o-r- U t..s j U IM'ty f iAft t.f It rU;ti" f t'jr-ft . tJMr"to ?' r r.r-tft ,iir--i TV? T -! TV? t i !n!i 6 -Kf tJH 4 HWWfttotft to the wtif cl aj: tu". 1 -'- l,mt. m)m act .y uV aaia' .f. . .-rat . t.alf aa L.ft lift fltrij. K ' - - w. vm w- w -p- - - fc uo fcrt.. a haMi ?t Mrf u -th TV 4j m atM)auabf t U'.wVI It tf.'-ii rt. t U " lWW fan tta ' UtM attaias !7 taVT 1 ! 'W . - . . , .1 . .- rf - Ht-i t- ig . u.t7 t'4 .-ft tiuu. .f ,, u fu.:, m-- m i ita. ... ti a.- r.tnt!ii.i. - . - '. rh.ct.a nra Mra & -iUb it Ua.-'J't-'Jt rtr.i M II t te Jj,, iM, aMt tVk ft.te4 ta t rt.u.jC 1 iatfua ti ta . 4aUE lU tart&ttife4 t f'adaaU, 4 n p- " ' la tla ". I R tcaei frtvta ltU tn ry cjaar.a'- tUa; tmA S- ir iTian (4 ki latetataa (nUi. At . Uuat U ks tbaVSlaiaa.tani, It H tbrf bevraVjglc 5..'rt:j-, - tt aafuia-. Uac turat g Ml. aal kaititaa. tf jkurty !urata- Jot ta !.! rnanaar tt &ffar- it lerrlMy ata'ui aaJ ara. t- ba dra44. Tt iata afi'l 8ftrj.a.a'- tX rtrf-o:iUa e It r'ltcl t- IU g-raat dtrt t It 1 Ualw t tttarJC Ua tr.a ur tmrnrt l .ti D'tT:rnt. tLTt. csualir UaataM iWta. Ifa-trtvl, t.ri rir ca t fcrart d- .th ail tU ' lrea.:u. rJlrn-e abtrh h etrf trtti4. eaa t traced more jr teas tfirvt.T U rVuaa'.k nwr. In It. u aoa.lr. ani1eHes the beattb iltl r.n ,Ufc Jt itmiktttlji mu.li met iI :a b ara arrnti .a Mflcrt Mauia. lu).l, tt I a rtratlj t- drso4 ! X ' "t " ' i c.aM. , cf f ! al arrrea It rtl-l may -. ta tils b.i at tTXlt.rf' baa I e-o a !;. :0 4ril.a, aii tt U iJ? ttU.ia tl.. n.atK- i' waJjjrf tnt.a ia U tteir trrrib c J. Tin c t- rwnsl TUli tlng tru. IW l'o joitant qtie.tJ.Ki srtara "H e Ibi jj.,..oi urn- u-M el IBfo ill tKiiL tod L.iw em it het br rnMf ' frt r .1 ts a vastr nut'-riail of the Nt bkh U Lkila-TY l mii! tt uut. trtit iws-auai- t!-T ar rK- j e.-ed tl-p ratite.it th-.w tt If.- thr tm Ii. t.rr tie Ll !'reaJ.rtirau.xtlejarMrr ! ttiat ai'l ? ' th nrr m-ul ir- iti the ii.trm t1 tt us t.i afc Ur rtoraiBttr af.tia-a -t.i-j tt r;ra, Tll i iras-O. It ta a. t-ie a N ...... mii li it.nra atv In a tar r!Wt f't! I'.iH ,,lH, w,tj. ttiruuiattn. and no Hunratir u!T. r-r. rw-evrr slcta ttw iim ht t h rfert kT. 1T- !..... of Una truth l InrT.W i' . rtCi Uu-J. r,-r, VH m,r to bo. out as 6.-ai-t j ..-, l.-t Riotze-at lhi.:us tte tuuu 'n in. , alne 1. i:ltT nlt a. -altera the J'4-p tbnrttrb t TiUia. bct. ll tb eat ..I l' e tl"r'i-r. wt. r" rr -.dw iffi'.i'i 1. aeo-i-j p!r r-ire w.rtUt le tt- rei.lt It' ta, tbersforr U etjwl tbi rank ai..l ; l n ou kt te'ora It a'amiie. aa t fltn-r ' r ChfTitc i'ii ia hr ker;.ifif t-. V die ' '' avltlte t.eaJth. T.a is ra Uni..: t. . and ' i.-ati ba-. a'.tU w 'tJitn tie- j -si ! w a.- 1 -. .. .....a. . I ... .. ..f r .Tra. we. n wi"y whum ..an, w - - . iea. b aud atTnt tl-r grtat ..rtfau At ..' " r er. a. eatata l..r dl-- Cf' I! ' t' . f a tr-4 al 4ot. I. Tk.f t but f .- la,,n ,rnM,i uaU.-wa T r t- r txaMM .! n.rTlous ..ttalitiea alaptr3 n r ktdi.. ... Tl"e leato. Ie t'a iVi'ifu.-i r.tit-i'i'd in llx remrity iv.h V.h.icii W r ttrr Natr K.u and l.".ar t . It te. uj-to U -eit tup", tho oftlv ktiewo iJ.rat. that acta . dirt. t!r Ui.u thr titn a t- etTrs-tuaJlT tir- tbe Tart..! danrrrtnis f.nii iif Lt.:i. d.araai- td twi eia e ail ur c ur .1 fr .m ttie Mii As a r- i t. the ruto it baa tern th.- niraas of jirmtnr are real.r vert r-'narkaUr Itn!d ttice thotjtan !t ol jei .-n hi Aroertia l... b tbetr n-atMati-'ti to braitb nl rntua IrrtskKn lnni rticimatfin to thl t .;.: yt rr:ul rnie- , dv. hb-h la kuovra HilTfraltt. tnanufar-turrd lii K.-rb-t.-r. V Y.. sad old ta evrrj drus a; rr it. tin- bat Pront the d"t In tb rarVrti. rttlr (.! t the lti.td Mate -r-iM hare rf.lfed "T' ' their ewti aleriamre to the actentlllf taU Kir in that ot: hIU. the Wo-l u tbe mue ot rl.e..irat am. are a lan;e nuroSer .,: I Iik-c avlSt axilla ptostet!.. anfuri tb-m t- ".j Ir Ad4: b I b.e-rr. lr .. tNet. Ir J hn M Frat.k. Ikr llta T WeU:'. Ir 1 lVia- n Whilire. Ir. WltlUm T U.-h- I arda n. Ir. R'ert T AtkluMiB. Ir T1m liii- L Ir Wihiam M Mrl -etrr Ir 'A ilium ohn.--. Dr !aae N lAr. Ur Clar. Wt.ittler. Ir J T llotpr. ! Tb. -. a F Ii'iti:ran Ir Niebola iJuhmati Ir An U.olo lrt tra. Dr. Citaries if ti.lman. lr ! ! I K-..t n. Ur Hetr- SUi t. D- W i -Jem S .Vnrtmin. Ir .e.re T Iltier Ur Heary F hib-ai.dt. I'r. FJijah T rrai. r. lr (.tl..-1-n.j: Ir IMT.J H Mrta Ir llenfaiatn It Tavl r. I)r Jantea I. IoR. ! A lkii-ic. I He-rt Ktnbner. Ir J .!nJ Kane. I)r Hcary V Km ir !lll-n C f.laiTw. I'r JeretnUh ... K. AlT-e. Dr. T.'na S t int.f..-k, Dr Chrle. H lis.' -, Ir I'rr.lerk K .Ita-nhrrer. Dr J'.e;r. Prj: xlc. Dr. F.l-.-nt A IWiUxi Ir IVrr.a-l H a-ner. Dr Jir-a M t t m. Dr ( vx.'e t V Ware, Dr A'rhotaao Jarainrt, Dr Ja e I-K-..S. lr- tU!.ama. harVer. Ir oiota '. M-tr.. I- Kr. Vo.iOi M : !bt'er. Dr I ..-. P Fl.nnann. Dr Joba A. KfBi:. Dr Mitvc- r Umt.ifk.ltr T:.e.i..re r,T. Dr Jcha F. Fv t-r. Dr Frne; F H' tTman. Dr HeTr an N j;i. Iir A k-Ijh W4..nn. Dr. Jam I- l!r tle, Ir Fdviard K-1. I- lilct.uk H .rT .n. Dr H id M StarU---. Dr R. -"t J 5waBder Dr W.U.am N Hrconan. Dr T"n r'c Ih-ae. Dr I.ittub War- Dr - W He-tatea.1. Dr tVill-am J Iiat.e Dr T. C Iiar,cn. Dr VVdhaa. K. (;naul I D- Ly. sjn fe-ir.l. Dr A K W.tro!', Dr J ft. Hl . Ir la-le M Oari. Dr W H W ---bnrr. Dr Al'rl H Hull. Dr Hcaas Hen. I T -.'.I M FtVrh and Ir J'Aa D M ar- . .i . Tbc tbeorr i tbe Vtx-t.-c ' i e ex;4ifel Snl it c.c'tnatHit. in the :ei tt -"r.a tl.e V.tnT have l-eeti t ir-i. rle-jas:i i t eon .;-J:e.j ret-waiL Ttl it at, vf c ar y, alwav. a-orrpJibed !aUM. I rlai !:wm a , iut-iVe. tbe ror It of'.ea rt rr U.v. but aa der no ctia-r ir. can xut bej" of j'rrraivrr.S relief et-er t Tonad Tbert are btRJ'M fi CMe-t r-k r?rxl darinc ' ;T-eat .ster ut r-rTt aflT cted lth -berma.ic trb et ' i tbe -t trt -irder 'bo bT f--j eottrelv mre-i tT forki-'luz the tb ct abo-re tutust ai t'.inr ihe rrnv.iT rr-1 .l Mtnr o' tle.e I r-rwaB bad tb t-tt a -was r--a.i'4V ata;- . - Y'. ... i At "---, m-.mm.mr. , .raw UaaaY. .u. aw. .a .aa..-. ' -.a t- the b!s ere 1 IVeYi !n ew tbe f-.-t hitet.M' ia -me rtlettlar p- Arnte at tbr JWcr ra:t .-acreeded ei-b iYtber asvi tb eonrtlar ;:. a arid taarfe.l xV. tbe TVlk 7rotie -hjei. -sa -ttk tlcbt d. ivders ii-f.si to drrar-nestt tbe aot t ifrk-i. I: b al to thraV tbat al! tbit tttHer i ! entered fbei it o tud bave 1 vo j easlTrelwved Aliar apoa tie :"-- xrvl j tac tbe rr imJt rtVrte srtiUoed tteVal 3ev coc'd bate ea rettored io tttir $a1 I ft-r, the rr po-.v-aa esyJeI Irxa tbe - k I taa. tbe tr.fi.-r. tila reiaored and :e paia ! eetl-riT biaabeii - JInd nhit -ad re at kirh a P-thrV.. :" SAit Irt- M'C: T atrer irad tbr-t fc oct je it, oilisi J w irldatm." '.-: eiertkua rxa! rae tb rrr tet fat sr-. ! I eotaKaenewd ubs; Dr Gctk:." Tec- Deck art.1 Sart-pArUla. oq a-TOttnt of bets tir,-..,!, rrriB Jl br a frlrrat a.-i krj, ee bt-t Itr etcr-e-ted att tja-ctatK -t- X.J Z-yrr-TTr --- tr v-- iaris Viat .K-t. tav b.aI rr r-jpslar aad ray l;-i---.-. rr ,j -.-- isr :r-s: mratfr lercArf. I ctjeJ-d -ji;. Jti fnA iVT3". ia Tr -. Te- arl -fUbtrffori-Orc." A aoi.s &u akMUu nuf -, V P lr- - f - " f "T " .: rj . t - t 'Miwr - i I i) ' r l t"H - tkw r- JLm fwiKM. Ml I aaa.j( aMn: t h - tlmjmg 1 14 It r4 Iakr. . 11 so M " -'. M Wr- 4 "fcJ-y' ' 1.4 k l f m ." ' - 4 lft- r -. riua I lwaM -a tki T ajt to tkt.: iirT u ja.uoa-j e.- "" ' tr.w :.. .r -f . ;-l n:i!wiitmsM.l rV c UAbi' SfeMKf ' JN Ttriawek tftt to Sa Ms torn i)Ua I- .t i ja.a..; iW itr tr nfra. Do MH.r.1 X -le V a !.. I ij.. Am tabs K fffaa raWaj frr l.4 a4 t, !'" ttf.arahil j. ata-t . a lat "t TW V .rt J kvi- el i )Mil r NaMtg J lnl'N " "R Wt taw j '-' , lVjT or t5..t wf w tf'j 4-jr4ai ttiiaf, K fci-.t. ttM im I a et it : tt r" 'r M ta J t a ' t.a t al fcte4 Tfca ta ' j 4 twuki na it." m Ltsm.1L r.aa 5tai-a t amnai4 t. a rrat tW '! tt. ,.,-i -, ..t.U .awl leaaVa "WW twt fartrfiiB ;. 'j at - 1 t Hf t 'ix. F. lnkttin.W4ra4aa Lyva. &... fur SKJaiia ni r tu 'a M F " .. wl.t I...!- i "rt t.it b.r t j4 am Mrarrft a al wJ'4 a. Ullll t ff a u. v t&. & Tr,mr k aa art tela tf t "ai4. et,tt Vtau Klat A fc-l Taat' -" a.V " n n t. ' '',", r " " ' ' la. t It k HiUt. -- a that - t Ir. rartMStaB ! I'. Ui" B oi tb .a-eV, ll-aa ... r. la. ...! t.. 1L kttaU.k rtaU'a ITT n-ar tfut lu M V fir. rt, fcK -1 t -V.nuuu.l, Till Yaa ear aYttf ra l-rr -uaera. or t.tai. ala--r f.-r ca eta k- ' i t to t- lSticT lrilj ej U. gantiraMa. " '" glaa et Nt I ca"l . I i.-t i ' rait-ojd - lttb ' - r Jamrmm f'ff ;tnt f tbtv ! '"' ' ,.-L-4 en tw nU ft- tett .) I , . ..f tl.anv.B.1 !' If Juu t tt . tft tt Mteir. tii lavtKl b tapr. trt-a. M ith ft JJ !liU-t 4k1 gTOtrr. l-' i.iata Ub u cr R. ft. t ' rt-ara'.-.t t' nw.be. . i.e. "fn .M.-iu.. Ur. i-s . a a. ! H .1. .. - v. A REMARKABLE BOOK PARLOR ORGAN NSM!OTJPJ B3 l.ir I -ari.li -c 1. ! . ' - '"! Uu.lt ..ii tlia It-a- 1 r rrl..r Ora By A. M. JOHNSON. Tle f w f r ! '. Y fc I f V -a - a. il a ! r .1 ft.f.', .. I 1 I !!! dJCt- a.a i i 4a ; . lavar. fc i aa-tjta, c -- .iv aa. h 'a.-i. e ' a.-,., , ' . ar . . ., av 4 ." I ; : 'ka? , a- raaTa afct u -. a. T A . a.. 1 .V aaat aW kasn.1 to' Ua... I1..1.J a t. a-fi Caa Vi "fa .t 1 v aaf f. !aa- . a . a a. aa.fH.raat. .at . la a.l J - a Tt an . r Ka n.i a. lavaaaM f. cr.-k '.a-r.-j u4m) .fc'J caala i-a.l a .. - a. . ! ' ' '.- 1 IVi . ri . i.: m . a ' 'i. ' - mm a. i . . ,'wr. , .- - r . H . a- ,m jf . i.n' . I all ' ' I ' . .. I al r 1I aVfaa K. ii In '- JOHNS N'S Parlor Organ Instruction Book OLIVER DITSON h CO., Boston. MBJ.LTDIlLPlHi.aiM. OF LYHH. MASS.. '-, i S S - n w " .sis3r CoC. uz LYDIA E. PiNKHANT8 ....a aa. . aa aa. m aa aa. aa a ai I Za k . a. aia tZi YVWfU. It a t ' if "a far all laaaa 1-ala.fal Caa ajj.l.la a-t W.akaa MHaa.a IaaarV..lfa.a J-.a-!.l!.-. ?t aa-. rata aaUr, , t a a-r.t Z a a Ta jialaU. aUr'arUatr-Viaa ..fa-ax'. aaj ' '. m r.:.! art I; .arraaaala lolln r a.v-l ral TTrakxraa, asl U laxt-ralar-ir Ul U ti-a Casra cf I'a It aUI Uraala l-i arrt t- v-a tWatr tata a aartr rfaatrf -!- t Tka t-wVay U raa Caraa. Ivaaa-tU-tal, .W-kri arrj ,.-! 1 tla a It m-vr-. ratataaaa. Sa !?--. ra-ar a-aa'X fcr--aiaat. aa r.'a- rflkart -l It -s ' Z5aUr rl-aaarkra, rr--a rra-rat -e Qraaral Xat-r, aSaaaaavaa. Ia-aa.taa aat Ia raaCaZ. Tat frrarr T t.ft.aTt. -a-l? r a-at aa4laiaia.Ua;a.j.ia- ar ra'a-l k- H5 It a .1 all U aa a !-iJ'rnatU-aal!l !re7 aaktkaOaaaU-ala - atka Jraaa -. Tar tia caraaf a.--j fao.-alj -i afa-ar al l QjLt.a aa.-8i It Ir aT;a t Lynn r. riiciitn-a Trcmat-r caf- rOOD j7a.aY.-at at 11 aa.t S raja a ". l-ta.a. rTVat!. aj,v-tir,r t -tk7-t Utara- i rt'-. aalataa tana ef..J-. r-rl;t a.' jrv- l.ya-t-t r-e-aOar -, rttaj f rJ a-aara 3 a ra af tar; -rj Sr4 r aYKtay lat. Xii l aia . JT i ia On. ai- 5fa:IIr i-! ka -riumi tTT'a t f--TlaT irrra n ?i--r era ,-.. al t17lT ? 2" i" J-jfa-KaJal tr i!I rcrtaTa. -aS TtT t C-xra af Cnrti. C-'A. . Arj taa. I JVPtttajgwaa. lalt-r-4CrWaJaaa W awi i 2jaH.kBkI ""at? aBa-aarI - mT W M. TORMENT, INDEED a r .. s;. "T v- r" 'ww " - f v v 1 X i . " ii(r. Irt Ail gsi - l I "? . w V " ,- I Jkj4 I i to ' iL t -a. . p jm 6nm A - ' ft.-, a -a J-- j. a- '-II at t-- T .; a w .a f aii . v-a t a" 't . u.w - ;a . , .. . at a ail iV 0111 & tar- !., ' k- J. i . a" t t..a.l T lm J ?- h . t . Jf . ! ta. " - -- viira i. "ka a-Taa t -irn . aa . a ' c"l a. . W. a W- - If it -a a. -. " a u f : -ara - t - e K, . - 'vkVN. HWH - - T a. M a fca k- ta.L. aa3t eaa vw f 1' 4. aa ? WMrav t W M..a A ' -.-. '-.mrtaa.' ' -ka I-j--riJ' tt.. ali . a tu. . 1.4.. : t. ." ' tlt talaTrKj" ! an I'laoi w - ...... Ml tram t I rak .U ?'. t . i BatM . aa a . I v ! r H..I -a .f t t.aiaaaa aaa.- Ma a.a. r- - fW"l ta l-l tka...f i' . ! I aaj4 t at- f aria -J a - Jmi. A ... .tawVi tr-t A J. -.-uAw.1 - r new mscovcRY. a a. a , a. a.aa taf J I a aa WtUl.8, RICNAIOlOa A CO 3 -. -a. A.a . " rr T w rr ' N T - .ko ' , r .e- r t -1 jr ,nrf T ' r-. r it e tl at " .! -a i aa tl ,a.ak I L. al . . . .a aj a . a - UtWAtt M t-t I a t a W a a, r -a .-r .: a a - 4 m t l - ' . a. - 1 a ( i -e VtrtL. Ull llalal.a.i'. 4 Y Ila. .a.au U 1 ' t, l.rldrfa.J .a.,--- o M OIil..l HAS CEEN PROVED !. iJ Tfa auacar cum for ! ftxiDNtT UI.tADt.-.. I .... a a a J aa-- a r t ur - . 3 CY 5 - a. ' . ax k ar a , r. r k I aa ? Ladles. "at.t i " f t aa II a a J- - 3Cl' - . ' -HTlaa r" T Y f a - a. t a . a- V i , m u .-a(.aj t a . ra . O 9la.a ' T tt I. :i u. rot-i 1 rr- SiOOO REWARD VICTOR U alia ItfUaori hz-arj3x :.5r'sr5T -....k C a. i,, . a, -v " ixruTF WANT CD - ! a i at.aa-a. Frank and Jesse Jamts Ita al ltl(Waa a, aaaa 1 a a.:a( af Y .a. 4 r. I. II aalraloat a4 a..a pla-.a ..aim m-,4 aa..l a.alah r f aaaa. a S S-aa. la laa lla 4 a.a. Hi a....a, i aa, a a a r-i a a . .a .Ha. .1. FRAZER AXLE GREASE. Itaal la Ika Vlatl . lfc .aala. r aa- aaf.af. ba. aa a 1 ra yaa.a 4 la a.rl.4 I ..'r ...I it r r it va itrKK. MAKE HENS LAY C a. PENSIONS ! t"t - atiii n a. 3 i C . - a ,"aa a l.a-a laa' ' trr.iro4rn ' a T a a - ? aPLlb A Month For S&1UU Teachers S- .a.- . m. i-v v a aaaat.a-1 "aX-a. V -T ." f I C tHI f r I T,, 1 - ItaX- CC ria-k!,-. 7. aHaY . H 7 InivOlar'OVI3 OOI .. lhfC. ir a. aaair. a. A at. ara -a a ' a A OPIUMS laf . akaae.. a If aJ-il far. -a la ! alar YafarUIHaraa. ja. J( ! ajfTa aa. ijaarlaaWi. iJ.f. ROOK AGENTS vk wr.'.ovo j-rS ar- i ti aata . ta4 a-a t Va-aa "a ! . .. . kta I lVU.NiL.Ul t - OPIUMy6 THRESHERS W tta-r tta a ,a . - a at a . a a fC a. . .. . . aa;.ar . aa-r.ara'r a aaf a a.a a . irSsV;.r-j-SS I5t:l20-Cit Jarar - --;-- -"3 f-Taria a ' ., Oa-aaatt. kta. BUGG!ES&5f aXafta-a Wart sua cttaixai zrci. O Caia-atraa 7ra ertn .tvrrj- i 2 i at b. ., .,. atri i'-7al"--v-" Ina-a, a XbTSKa . Vt IEWA8ENTS GOODS W-7 ffiuA 1 l t-2t'1 ." w - a f I fV- - -- af WmA tflttaW ti- i- -j ' W-" . -. 1 - j, 1 ., uu. jvaa htaa-aatJ taka a. . . . aai a. - . aa a I . a a. Mni r--r" '",t.:.t: z.rz - cnam. vtifivu , - ij. ,LJ,J,TJ, - t -.. - - - run 1 rii- iwwnui av.iL f.IM . '" Iw.-w Jlav aiUaVwi.-,. - ' ' l T "1 kirlMt ta4a T a - aa I . . , afi lITWH hjjH I a.. a. a a) I 4 1 t r. . " , U r" a f ' T.I VV OOI II l II . O a- t I a Wat. p a'. a3 Ca aaaaTY 11 W. ! Jr"aba All S?irV,,n yii toa. I I'kBli' J' I , ', 1 1 I I r- a rJ5t.j'!a!laa " .t .a el -WlaW-aaBJ.5 A.i " ( J IfJ " a 4 ". i f a .a. rat'a a , a -. t a . , - .ia aaa i .a, . jar. a.-a a a- T t ... Jtl aa -. ' .. a .- I. - - - - - l a -v . aa 'a, - ' 4- a ! T pr K.a ,a r r f c . -. a - t '. r. x - Waai ' a- 'IT? I .1 ?4 I i tl J. aaa'aa ASTHWACUREdI l.rtaa. VMka.l t '" v "-. B lai.t.a -tmmf .a -Sfan.., aa -- -t-k Bafiaaaarir rjartr.ria. la a 'a. ' wZ-a-a. .Y-. aan-r. I-"- W t' ' !-.. - 1 a k a. . Ijt-------i Ca. laaaja a ca st. taOila. ta- IKITC Jata faKra- axk. afka". Ca ! I af Haaala. Baaatw 3-. -a -at. takalj--raaY.-arOa TaauOa , .1A -a VCr.K -aa 1- awala J "'-"T. U'EI BIOE BL1 misois wjjiiTm w.is : : u caws: upeiw . " v SACRED. . v . SECULAR. " tik .ll a -il! j OPERETTAS. ;.- MM "a. LIGHT OPERAS. -rvi t r u LYt'K&HiM:.. v III Ua. 1 I . . a. ' ' - RAILROAD GAZETTE. i -u. s :itttBHt-t Ua e ' r1 af ..! It.tlmtJ a r.W-ai.1 a4 tl .a..a I.. I aak. nPIUM H18IT EiSIU CURED 1 II . f a . - -a- - . a-aaaa I. . AGENTS ka aa ' I t " ' a aaak -4 rv .1 . 1 a a a i a.f.M a-.a.aa). 1. 1 , 1 itoaia. a a.. . ... - t aa I 1 l.. la I .... i. .a .. J Anti-Liquor i 1 ,,. .a-1 if tKr ta ,;.i u;. . -ai'iotr b.r vit ..iiiv-iinrsaKox cur rcmum ilk; !i tKCtH clrirr (r aj. oh(4k tn uUnix Sk-rm 80 nvny. w ha n tlUlS. aMi .nbun4tv; mtk ls fiitf caM. nrfrilarU-a Larftrr oHrr njj enir mrl-cin- W $h? puUif thoroughly cninrli CNtrtrlvrsi, bj A.Xuai OS irnmfi .Hat tk 'tkl vfe att iw. latm Wr it. ia's t t - lfcr-Titfc a a ,ia . a I a . ataat ' t t 4 4 a . . . jaiaaakaaaf aaWalar kaa. aaaf t . I. v -kJtta tbart . . .i . laelkk 4Mtaaaf i alio .-t frtwirlklr ami trustworthy fitirciy (ki-iiring tJv c'.teic Ot in" mciititii j.r.at'-o-skn Uh I iyi.pt-jkM.'t, in-di'-vinm. atJ al! dof cicr f th- nTvr. mil clr. at I i-njr'aUvr or jan Am a pn"K ltc 8r IjmHtv chiUlfca. nod il& tha acTd atrw liff mi rkh Uijoii ii wtiaboyi .iji cyjual lnct ,,i a IxKiir. G'y tlV" rmltlV,. sAwabitaj. V CURES AND M kw NEVER FAIL!, al t-al.RVl.tf a tKITIt tratitp Oa-4f - r r ic aa a. aa tr. f&r-a. laiiirit rm Car a. . Marralaa aa -" t ra-a aa r aa W a Jr-ea a k" . IC ttaiiirit tiaritc Oa-af ja f .a- . aa T ", . :aia a-t la la. itaiamt irantr C-t f aa a ajaaajaa . X. . aa . t aaaa kftaW iMixiTt traiitr Gar-ai 7 taV-r at Itttta ta Jt .aata k'- ra"aaai St imtiiiTii ttantt ioMKirrr . JX imikito tearita C- - T-r a t aiwa a-a aaawa r . aani( a4 aa. r a a - l'"a '. J- a a at a a it a r at v at Car4 a a aawa Iia.lom a. rata, kfaat. Maiirro iratitr Cr S aaa aa- .' a r aa a a.aaTW f J 1 1 . a it; a a. .. -a .U. tikturriv Hat t t a a Ca t 37 tavAartaar ' 9'r t tara-a-. 2a akVVBtrtv kcatikE tt TJ-Vaa a" C aaa-arataHa. Oxr-ts- A aa a aa a- lataaaaa. AT-. ttMAXITtt ItBlIU Cr J i MY T t.OM a -- ta - aaJCtrarrxA -ritk it Cat rf S7 -tanCVaar lUuaUaattw . aa a . ia Cta. , wm M - r t m. aaaaMataat' Jniitr (W aiaatiiii I f rn-T-fi r MTTTtTji i r fQ l5W lMfiJrii IL-LLLLHI SAMAKITA.V NKUVI.NE ia rua aai.r wy all nuronisTS fa . Va vat la at fat a. 7- ' ' I tT-t aat.a. a.tvata tae -- aatY aa -t t-lt ka. a?' - r-oaa a aaf a Jt-kafaaa Bat. a. .a. airaaota j (.. WsCaft Xta-jaa- ia.HJh.aa. T. jOarrt. BtO. L.a. L. WMEI WKntNO T jvi rjtrrj:atj a V aU-aaa ati o- a- iVa aal.artlaa ikitt-i-r. .i,.rt-.a-tiaat-a--- a -taata tbctx aatrtlMU a- a-7 i 0 lrt. -n 1 i 51 4-' 1 t I 9 at U. V x