The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 18, 1882, Image 2

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M. L. THOMAS, Publisher
1:1:1. cum i. - niiiikaska.
I'.AS TEll MnllSISCi.
Inrtie Vairtn-I j.ik.. to WuiJe J'tUr,
'l".'.ini' Wmr-jiik sh .
.. lntn !. 4th Ik-- vrnimiol It tin
lk forth .,k forth, O Amite Ilfcilr.
$ Toil Jl lllKk if Mil MDoMt
Wuk.rt lie- li iriisun's rlw?"
3 w Aanie I'tolcd to .!. to wr-t,
1'olK. IllHIll fkHUll iok- Kfjl-
'l Ik kr mks dark. l)e- lti-f r?re ';;.
far hr-Mkrr Ih-ImsJ tu. ulturi'.
Ate! VhithihI still i.Mi.t.r .,, 1
J he IttHiMwtii Hlt f i ruur.
" I-'j-.k rrtj, !. jijhs. MnrvHr t arted:
l Mil aio t..f ..(;! Hi""
Z.jrt m-hc ioi tH-wrd ftH-niieurerlMi; word
l v e IJV- fnr.HM dirt.
Pray I5l 11 t jtmr iil iomsi
Ih sin-fi ful ' te J I;
" Pra l,.,. it . mniI iiih dare t-iifj;ht
1 li- n ks f I 'an r It"a4!"
" 'ItiU CfKHMVMlnr. Aiialii Ittalr."
lnw' MHrjurvt unnl Mi'alH.
ll'lien Mr i vir,. tlic.M.r. iful.
"(i ( alirtrj " ltit.
" "rV "rtH 'I'd 'tuak.-. J!io rork rerj rant,
111" THf Wen l nod wi.l...
Jitri dsikiM-s. lik to this r-lidowii
"la-Jillt- iliulloly dud.
" Olyejii vir listi'l o Annl.-Jlkdr;
l our two kn i( lull HjHfii;
'lnlt !! to y.Hi)tMir lorerIiii"Jc -To
itn wiy hi! s .n :
All tilalu tii-v WHifliM). nil nlvlit they lira. .
All ttlrht t)i-y H nr ttM-ror
Ol the H- rvi r- daalititrr IiU!i
I'jHiii Hi ton l Mi r-.
h linrk lnimr-foitat in mi Uio jund,
A to Hit .! th t tit
" Jhw Mitrx -i t: I'limoMiiwrniti
Ih Aimi Hiuir wltljin?
" IHifh on tin- r.H ktof Hjiiu't Mw!
Il r fo r I'nit t -t.
All rtill ri , Htl HHfli'.rI--Mi'f
liull mil IIii(cm-I iiitiL"
'Hi. i irk fW r-.otnt.-jH on Uio tilt,
AimIiviii ii u oilliir !
" DiiiiK'I' lui-M trKitrctl
Vur h in n li m no iiioru!
" Io iUy ymi! 'tirlt -rnrort you!"
Tin- w--tlni hoiii -i -rl-l.
lint "lnv .ol iHti Atinip lUiir!"
Imihi Muripuii'l t iH i.
" ! I f- 1 I'.iikr :ni'l ytitit li lnn.
An 1 ti mum ft II Ix-xron.
-iuj tiiil..m-1 i make our mnnti
ilyiKHi: ul.csii win:-
'l'li II ! r Hioniiiiff, lii:lir-l h.Hi Joy,
"Sow Mil III MIIIN Ml nt,
Anrt fur m-l ihmi tin. Mil a -n uiii
With uiiiiihi4oii u JiiniMt.
Tli it -IxlitpimruiMtt. Hio nxtclilHint ni-iit;
'lhc- tiiKlit I In-li ! of imiyi-r;
lliil on Hi r-ik-ml I Nniri-r llitnl
'J In bum mi' niiif Illiiii.
Willi -till, wlilli- ftno-, IMIIclicl 11io!ih.;i
W'llJimit ii !. ur tr m tin.
I Jim ii n H.-.--I m.i.I Aimi- litalr
"My Ii.mii .h tut tn- tt. it. "
I'm Hi liont Iln- initt-h ih jiaslor t-jiiiin.
Ami ii Hi ii-k trM -in.,
HitiiiK la : tint null.- liM-kmoniist
Tin- null In. ji.r Hi. h a
"'IIk no kMnlmll ii-ihI. Hi.-intUi hlnll .jiiHkf.
Till'"!-.! J.-IW ll. lt I H.I,
lr.i I'liiiMlour l.'.i"l i-i iiim-ii, lmlc.-il
"llr. Ijl'-la-l IIHUII. ll.x-llHI.
li. link! oh. Imrk' uliiitli.. ory,
. MMllol llin.tiliifli- i,
'lln-Hu iriiiui .1 ii in -ii iIIhi;.--tri-.-l.
" Now unto ijikI iin.l i 'in hi it,,. ,ni
II.' i um- .iihI Hi ink .il.i :
'1 li- -.-u li ltd vi.-n iii .t -I ii
i iii i.i.-R..-.! ii,. i -i,n ;
i i"n Miiumlite.
iwmi'i.i nn.Mr's i:sr.i'.iu:.
Tin (riiniis wor.-. ur roiiNiilfi-fil
llii'iii-.-h.--. iliiMi-i , liist .f. .. in I'otj,.
villc. .-mil .lo-i til Ciiiiup, ill.. j.!i.ii
Invul ol Uif I.iimh. w:i- (r .r.niil of
Ins .'tiK'i-sim-.. Hi-;is ;i!)iiiii i",,. nii-an
-l lll.'lll ill llin.- ui:ittrl. crr l.llunii
II.' li il iliiM-ii In-, l.n -. Irnni Ii.mii- li
''' i':inll -. :tiiii nm i!i:il Ju uit'f
v:iKili':nl Ins l.tti;liti-r l':i!ii(-:i v:ts nil lu 1 nit 1 l.-ft. .slt. w:is n Ii:iin!siiiii..
Mi oil";, u.-ll-in:tI,. j.,. u,tl, :l .r,,0)
lniiu!. :illhMi;lih'li:ii";iiiilifrt!if,irv
j' fil.ic.ilii.ii ainl no nc.-niiiplih-
HiriHN Uliaii-UT. !. work.-.
f'ti-i my p'ttinj; up. I mnH MrunjoL I I Iwn m'r Uta iltntrin m
I was tiiiiiKiu wJwn y..ti mini- n ztvl ur-At tr hwtu-'T-u:' . 7 I.
M-wt.-r or no I noml im- ri.i,- Io.ia.-ii oui .,, ) . . i r ,, . , - , .
uini tiixc in tin. f-rj..-T. litit I ij-m't
tt'i'l I -IimU. Ntir- ha.' irn- awnr. ami
i-tT vat: l i utii". 1 fratiM- -r iu-titl
U down wiUi malum, jiinl I'm nw-fiillr
" V iiiwt lif," n'n 'n:n-l, Ia
Hin,' tli Jmbr. "Whv, uliitt n lit tic
Yr. '!.iMf Ijhrarf.
r i'ii
fill of In ItloJKi j
1'atiMfln -aa'it afra-I rf far foih-r
hi in
"IV sow. "it wm aot for
sinl-; it -a-s for aU I suSV-rtwi m
t ' .
. I i v
i. J "! A
Without t!.
,t'" ' n t.
-r i f
' . -:m
U H. Air-.. J l. 1 M1IKM0 ' Hur-b twtetrtiArmt . iuii ..I. '.. -k.
JOI1 .- '.4 a WHjKTAoin tins W-t-k?" h.1.lJ, but liATinrr t, I..JJ.. If thTf i
'N. I linn-n't. It's :nv wort uXhmz m &ml 1,U1. m think
tnHible, i.l Mr. IV.. I ha.J ii.,- . H.rimM that umiIq hnri for
KiUr hnn Ih thini. NnI tlipj .in nil iih-to Ih-jj fr.Mii f . u imi I h-s haji-
. ib
v U b it lrxr, pa
' V i v' .
n 1 & rmn !on t..
1 1 1IN th- .Mra CilitMt
PI Ktl Mi f. IT! Rltn.
M T . , 1 1 , I -
Our Youn? Kradprs.
H a-i
tra l--. Irvt. , n ak
- tla:i, f rmt'rxt-
s - J
th lOTMi ntni n mo jprl til4
AtMHlr Ki4grtnk
vrri k nitfimt ir
, I iki th- inj'ificd 1 U iuh) r'"-! If
x--fl- h-Mtkrr aftiro mrUon. thr-li-r
jil-ru i rur ivllmn kWi
Im-t nuir rnjy tintiiW'", In Ur
lhrby. it l unrktiod. jofc rewl r
nr.t, but ! ot ta'k
Tbr lihmrji h thrw k tnUwaa 1 two
Srvi4arr. aI - bail: nbmtt with b-4-
n Iln, ! mothf nm, th. "TliT "or" T" f" "" CT,"TP " tr
trr 1 vrIM"TrtafM. .rf huh Z!f :T"T TT tol: -Cial J-h- L Lmm nfllu V
. iuti mils -aiviB nr nnur - m i
' Ym t r-nr wnr. r-Hnrla." ' TW""'P,rl f7i-J - . spp?-Wr Krf .A n--i U fcD-L. T .!., U Ut Uan. fc.
h tm.I. mini Pf-'l-n-' i r- r .0-U1 in urn- ,, rrt. g,,,-,. k-,,, fc- FT- ha ! 1- U tiir W Sr.
1""" 'r-i'r iw sac n. r -.-i-j " .. i . I ' t
. . . .- .u ---lJJafc. a
vk naa bws k.& v a . d. . .
'oj ikapiKWii
i hax -wmita,, ,tttn i tW- ' fc,- i-i. , . L, .k TV.
iS" -2. j-- '"L"": ! K,.TTKiTiS(
Mai linOe, aa4 khe rtara a poii , ZJi i-t-wwt ka raLTiJi
the -. wbrr hr trft uff Wftifw Wrr j .' , "
traitM! tha sa haAhwwt
- i
. - - -w 1
DtM atuM w i4 -mum ii mt
MIMtKaM a.
- -
-- l
k.t ft '.tl
(w.-) valkiiw
, ta li'
f avi hW"
T.a .
with fc
HtMxVidhla fcrf lawijMll
.... . , :. ' 'v.."' -V " .arU l,H.&rln..i.i iK ..--l ti,- ."' -" "'" " "
i'T.ui-Tm.-fHii.', tutcni ; . ,, ""- are Terr rare-rat trlte triw ta-r . . ,"- - ''
' ..-, t.n,M;,,.n-Fil!i.lHr a .-.. - .- " ?.. . A V Y- li. .J !-, l.
,uW.iasan nrniiii CI-ITUlc,3 -- -- pa pia
UilU. A ,--i'i-4 iff'I niMT. IM-rilJII' III TrriT lUattlfr I . - - -waa Mrftl uMi.mi. as. .l. f .
..,, , ..'--nrbvemlWlaCp. rJZJ.!L "t ?T 5 U-. t ,?
....... ....,. - ..., ,3 k ,,,, (ltllI , ).:. uiacr z. ".t : ,:r . .. : . la ooral : vaaVr. It -hoti' l-.fcM i nrst . uf
MI MMS riffl V imil. f umr ilnnu. !... f.. !... .... , t'i i"-"! 1'T llirmrT I3!IT 881 llomfni ' ..., . - .. T .. ' J. t . .
I V iBWB WBBklB it U d kl ak Bk. B ., B .a mflfl
f Uiti rrtUti .4 u- txun,
n.i I "F f MW cal y "M..
barn is fiiaisl up on Uc liilJ, ami I
don't knoH what I'll ij."
.l... ..ur " .f 1. .. 1. I r f . . ...
..... ,. ml, i imimi, itjxvi twT iaiii r inrn h- tmi
A. lauglK .1 Mr. I'wuic "V ,v, ' ad-l.-! Y- w shall w-'l tn- w hit allow-
aims i rump. I ancc tob iih
" I nwa ii, said I'atnL. "I wash h-t yoti ha
Ih-Uit UiMli Mark Huriiam. iu! ! want !h..... v.nU
. . " ""'J" I f . i.i. . :....i -
io cam s.,H. tniMM-v. m ran pat m He bunu tham in tli lim wlion she " n ' '-V:1 '" ""- ul-n irl b.iftJf g,. vwt ,n thm l kJ " Vt ,
wbai3.HiIih.;r..MM JW." hl ban..-1 Uh-,,, t . him. a.I sb. hnr- ," .V "' Tu T, f C l-mul ,tif t'ar a4 W JTih i ' - "A frJluaaWJ
A i!.JInr.Uv " i,i m i.o. ..,t .. .. t... .. .. i .. ... UhL thr li!rarT at Hnvanirn t ah- m .. T "v " Tr " I - r. . ... ""tJWw
- - - --. w-. 4 ,-'wB anas mf lmi nil aa-JK.. nnii lift inunt - " titirv ait -, !... a. a a oina. c& n x wr raVMr.ii ak.i ..a-.a
t .. . . .. - " ' -- .... f.. !... .. .. . " ' w- IPK1 um- I. . - , . . .,, m, WW
,n'S?- ' "" ''-'-"', nn. SjK;S p;...,,......,..., ., i. i..l
f a .a r a . . . .. nam.i f I h. .vat. .& . ,u.L,.a..J --' "a aa l'l sVa j
"J iiiiTirt ii ?rvtfi rnr luanr-? '" uaii 'nt i',.mui :, ..... , . ...i... . a. .aar-i- -w tin. i-uiui'i. niui jljeh" a.U ni .... . "... i . . -
" - - in a r ui . riiBji iiiil a aft iuri:i am raa ikv- - iiir i u t t b. hu - - - -- " - tt m - k i - i . t. . 1 m. aa j &- .at bi. . .
l'.,...l ..i... .!..,' t . ...: .,:.... "' '" """-" "" !!. iri.ri. !",... . .1 -i. ." at"! arro nct-a-l rl- I "" rw ffaaaifwr !ht
...... .. in won n itiiti-ii tii mi Hill UiWiltilnV. ,. "7" ."". "- " "' "- ""I- 1 abstirtwul .J .! -... If t.' I ' th.- iit.-rn no., ., j v
iiioiH-v thnn ho .lor. .f inc. I'm irin. A, for Mr Is..,hlt...n J .' f... I -' " lirvT. Parh haT,ff it, " lT,f?1 ' &lMr.' r."w,- M I4 f !rlJ 'Tf? T '? ma' ' N"
... ..,. ..i..,t.., 4..- ,"....'? .... -.....-..j... dist.crt ..rk ir.l t.. .i v.. "" nmr """ " pa-pra it otrr , " "ii, rfv rar.
llicin. I'm sun-."
" .Men nr ' p'f
siirhcil .Mr. I'ranr.
'..... ti , l -"-- -...-. v. ...... ... .... til- I'-.. i- '., .. ., .t.. ....
iiiuHii it. it will bu great comfort to pa.Jr," or rali h-r "o.M ' or spitoful '"; nrt i lr. l.lvKour
'",' " ii; tin!.'rUiml, hrr. ami admire her ;ji I " II "'' ,,r (;i,t,'' r.-toar','.. with
Pamela instaiitly took oir hr Ikjiihi'I tin- more for h.-r in.jH-iidi-nr'. i m'H,"lf,,i -nuh'. and a n.tful laoo.- at
and sa.-k. liirkl tij hr j-kitt, an 1 , "'nionh. I'.un.-li." h" often sit- l" wlwre .lutJ-nto- Mutuli" Ha
took Kill v out into the kitchen with I,7 In--,. ,.n..r-,'.,i ,.... ..n ,i. ' ' wntten, "a Imi? tin .a.-a I at thwrp."
her. same had win u.-m-.IK l i,., . . ln R rnur if tliv f-au tainis an n. a
llefoie niht -ihe wasRtiij:." uhiU'iw drt-n." - .V." '. ...;. r r -nt from Xottinlmm. it l..ii and
narrow oiaoe .titrtin.' sirikmh a:th UB of th.- amti
aa I o4t a ra
aaaa9a r .. .
fv a
aura aa ia.f
Taw a tfaa i
a! aaannMatvaa ar "ifi
aaal taa aa
' aai w
I .
k M.'f
ni w4 ara ar -
It r aJ a aa W". -
" taatl4a.
atttai wawtw (.
Aaaari hI Aaf af .
If wa aa4 . 4 a
-vVrj mh . amjtaiE
.AOtl t.Mi I It II IKK!.
: toNa y I a ..
aa4 l
K.a a'-,
I mttkn 4. - m .-
""n-y ' sori h tu'aa naai-
iairo Mr Lat'mtt. m JtV
Ub vaar ys a
tacv. tikarw auwakllha i
hows taaa aa
a taf aay .4
Uaaat baaatayf
t aa.r
V a h .! It. a
.iwwn icaxjaoraa i
i - - riair ib. -'. KsmI ,aiu m.I
-aujhlj hr 1 nod dnrj ,mk a w-rk , Ta Qwva f IS? Is arrK- m hI .&t a u. .. .. lvr,tia at a.. M
ta a tnttr. ta . a ak m ,mm r. aril luui aa JuUiua W 4 ) m Ua ur A4 taa4aat.vmt f
rov, rw.: sn.t .In .fWi4rriV titetta-eavstoi o ouate-a.f r. 4h ia hm N r-joa.1 fe-tat r.a a,i
JM&OO iuMi s? prvattM hr a!S m A4 -.tx-ao.. Um rhiauart ! aa .1
a I - a fcw
Bsnrvu Biwn ; 11
an. a
snow. h. -m tilled in a rre a rlothes has- !
l:-t. Mrs. I Vise had had a good bowl ' Siiiiic of Lord Hrhli-tt .tier's Horics.
l -oup, and all was tulv in the htth
UltJimr H-irlejHlM
the Amenran pattern, ahn-h Mr "tJla-I to k nxr
I'ot hrr Rtaaarrs m Jlt. . N aa.t tarwa li.a uutacJc-
Wr aaJ grumm aai taa fatU th ih- i-wli-l 4a Ihnaafa h
r aaa . .KaM.I a .
m. uta f Australian " " '--,"-- - r--
nit"' a "aiol of
! t'n
4, nt,t
fYkta '
lka4saa I . sn
a. A,4Hki , . . a t .v.
aaawwaa t ' a '
-a taa krarva a.
isrt4c t '.
afa.a al J." - ' "
ral Hkt m 1 1 r - k
a ta fc.t ffe4 4 t. "
' . j 'an.
-. 4 S.
aaf i'..-
ac kVT1 a - ,
f M .
aar araf ikf .
art tB if la-.
bilting-room. wjitsn I'amela sat mend
ing.the bit of carjiet
" l knew it would bother you tmul it ""' " '" lu",m "' amptieii s biogra- ks v oocupi-i witluu d.H,rs. I,-re. PHm"KTs fine an.mals ahah hat
window." s-heaid. " and now I'll eo J,,, of "t minent medtorntv. In Hit h the busts of Sidiiev Heriiert. tb.- brukrit. but haie rua f
home and o.i pa's tea." . his rapn-in a-i ("huieeUor ho was. of . Duke of .N'ew.-astlr, tannin'. CoMfn'of M-r it .. t)or ila Wwc
tin. -n --iitic.i;i l tn co iiitii.h " J"'' " " -out. in siistw-cuii nii'i I loiin-r iiaiMinf .i.iuii
--. .... . .... . ... .j- i .
sione I.rt'I.-rs. niio is li-riuinml .. uu I uiLI li..r... .... I. l ... . L. .. . ..l
Of Lord Loii'h'Krou.'h Lord Und-'i'- In the lihrarr the TrfniM-r -'fond n. r. I mm'. ium.. I,, k. r.t .!L r .. ' " Thrurh the I.kin" te Ur
water tells a e.mjde of stories whieh are h the wIi..hof BUCh tmrtioi; of the dav mobs number ann.n- the.r mst a,-t. t IBuX. Oaiurd ma&t at tho
hern w,r '''Tgi .a taiuU ui tttinr
at. rr " ,,'reatrr Six-ss uanr lifaf.
.rra.1 , "fJ !" artj. Amcmtt.
liluifi I..M Tf.rktfl rtl ..r.ta !.. &. 1. i 1 HA rhwf A ... . 1 .hi t
ltin.tiies. 1 lie heirs of a ruiitkoii.-n of i from th.- IhmiIc .- .! ;.t. ki. ..iiiI...Hu.u,-...i..l.. ...,l . . . ! Tf.J rt lt.. .. i -e.-: .
lorume a ishe.i to ftko out a .statute, of : friend I er.iivon i'l.-nrii.- nni .. tk.. fn.i..r Mu.. uk. k.i i . l. ! ho!utn.i ..f ik- ... r--.. .....
- . . ' . . --. -. .-- .... i -..- .. .-... M . ujm . B.ri I .-.- --. .. , . .. -.. &fK'r
iiii'ii'v 'iirBi.i.i ii. a a. ................ it. ....... ....... ...... .1 1. . . . . .. . .
' f "-. 000. "..''unpin i.oru lark'' ojiiii.e UH-uail.on wlliell Ih-S on a I Vjsl4-tl tte laTU afl(
i.oiigiiooniigii 11:111 linn iiro-.iht up for table mar. ,Mr (;iaist.,ii,. has thiHihl -.ounir man named 1
onvr ' i ' ;-"'"""'i " loii-ionvers.niioniooK an insn i ininii isill. to insh ItnI . nns lookup the mob
y. gneioiis me: U von trill, ' ' """ "'" " -u.ii-iuau an-; nni'.. .wi mail) isulir-ts It-utaitmil " v.-nil so pertinently ami .spoke s0 uell (' 'Hie H.,rk eaeh sii.i-.i.liitg morning1 " Weil, that's lnck! l'e ch
"Keen to mo Mrs. Pease?" :tsked ' ,nal l"15 ( li.ellor u:u almost Con- ! hnie's to the Premier Is enorin.Mis n. that m h. th.... t.. --. I --.i
- ' - . -
obliged. " said Mr. Pease, "and I Ih-
Iiew viue only done it to oblige me."
".No." haid Pamela. "I dnl it to
earn iiiimcv. Ma I xuio nc.t Moii-
tar t W ha. t a
HTsaaf ayiajai with atata- Mtk-i aisaiv w.1... ...
e .. i .. . .. . t. ....... i"it .. ....... I
tar auiiVHr oj (txa Wo-K rfut ' "" " "n" par m iw sn r- ji . f
bos, Aluv ta Hf.rlaa.'' aa.1 ' aaiittaaia. aat tla bvl . ri.,o'.?.
iM.Hi.tHi.HkiV. if ..tha4 aa at-t - -t
ii. . a-suij aor o,tsi,i.t .!,..
' lYhv. tt kmilr lttt ao a a.u.1 at..i ' ... .
. . ... , (-or- r. rtir -
.a h. -t
aa-U s .
a .
!S . .!.... A .&.! .m . -l.. ..
r- '-' .. in uias a u."
Mat xkvl il wt rvmi arf thai al , .
hr kst Khsatl . tW a.. ,,
Ihrwwjfh Ha . ha! .-arrtrsl -muw n
a4faea fuil 4 hi(f U thrlf itof o j,,,
1 ananrf thrm a. Tbl Maa huarf t. matt ha rl,,B '- ---i
lUtf.-raiJ. As ha an rram of his hfr to thr lfv 4 77 j"""1- afc anaia,-o-r.
h ioddenh I In-wninjf. an4 kas Hk. a gtg m&. ; 4V " - - ---. --'
... .. t'llioii.l nl l.n ........ '1' . I . ..
furious Airs. ( peeping out ol , "- '"": 'u-- iari mo eni ii.iiiiuy amt in niieiv.1. ure that Mane one bad stolen him '
her kileheii do.r .w l'.tmeli p.issed. , Hie exaiiiiiiation :i slip of paper w:m , Human energies. h..Heer fdossal. J doing into the tard h. tried u drive
'P'u L-i-ii uashiii-' for her."' said I lUru:1 "A""'. hm - niig th smglo , would fail ... gnua-lr with it tinier as ' thu, honw into a corner in himlf n...t
l'-u'ifla. j ;v,,r;1 -'-.'.ii-i. I In' u is .pir.eenon.di ' In iih-iIi.h1 Mr Ch-NtoiH is a-. rnU-h him Hut round and round tlrw I
"H'h.. howrhriHiian kind of vou, to , ,'"r'' '""'''ro.igli. who at once . ineth.Mii.-al as he is energ.-ii,.. ami no , the tilob like Ud d-er. the ara .v whl '
he Mire.1" said Mrs. I'h-tlk.r " . '"'gall to .-peak abo-it I he Hebrew da departs without hiuttig its w.rk I ai nit f them totting a loit". iiht, I
Nothing of the soil," said Pamela, i Pr,'l,,r- "" li'U 1m-- I try." said he. I full ae,-omp.,.-d. Mw ,-orre4H.nd- ! grtVnlude rope. Puz-n'rald arie j
- i look sm dollar or it. Haw: you -' -" ery one. re , en.-e, im.tfi ornate and .illleutl. eiior- at te end. tJath. ring up the slftck in
your uash-w in. Mrs. t'hnlki r?'' , V"'',1 l1"' I,;i ''. "r-pecially when n-ad i m-ni-.. and is dedl with on a wrv son- ' ) hand, and holdm- thr n-t.- in il...
in ii
iiaiar a taj. Jui U aad r. a
tar far frvaa tha ahav ;
Urj t
rr tt-r
a . -
-trt y
a A
1 thr aa tW
i ar .
fWa ' '
aw t
k as.. is . '
Ma o i j
Ha ha a i '
a-J tt-
Aal tsc ? faal
hard aTaa-1
aal laklHa4 aA' '
iNo. I haw-n t. and I ain't able to
wash." Ktid Mis. Clialkir.
Pamela iiist.tntlv oll'eied her M-niees.
.. I- : . .... . . ...
in uoiii" 10 "ii ill ;isiniir sin
If iiriL'Uial llelirew. "Aim l....i- 1 ti 11 ti .111 'II... ........... . ... . 1.:. i...
,, . - ...... ...... 1 j -- ,-...... . .,.- -' ii.mii ij"-ii" ins in-
well .Jeremiah wiote! --Siin-lv." win j ts. r,-ads lli.-m. atl.l "indorses on the
therejiU. And P..ekiel. too, a l:iek of e.u'h the nuiie of th.' unter
geliitls was helvlei: ' Do
you like and the pm-jMirt of hU epistle, jlii, hist
said. " I ingoing to do it just as other " "-aid the inatk -I 11 tell ou a so- nii.h'rlaking b.-mg a.i ompli-heil with
wash-women do lor money. I sh in't 'rJj!' ''' ''fkiel." j in a spa.e that would surprise tin
eplain uh. I !ut here I am. a. splendid - "lliei story i.s perhaps bolter. The writer, who has probabh e.oere.1 tlue.
laundress, i-,dy to !. hiri-il si thus in "" " ,"'""""1 n:in ""'ugui neiore linn 'T mur lolios. .Mr. dlad-tone see
T .... .....
.... .1 U.'lk,
wants nil
J", lrom s(j-,uii to .si if any olio t
for the - ime purpose, and a
othei, he whirled it two or Hove timt
round his head and unit it rmliug
thnnigh thr nir at the jra. who kept
thing alnnit the yard, for" a moment
ll holered ow-r the ).r.M-s head, and
tin-it -.ftth-d round lua m-ck. l"hr rir
was tighuned, and the irrav oiiulu a
plllllife or two. Hut his ok! ti-T.ii.iu.- r...
fonveis.t- j eery thing, and induati-s the nature of iiiiiiiii-j its ,ni. he nalkisj UiHsnfs hia
WjT oi bin al4 'a wtarkA tat fU-.t.. , ur iam1. aith ita rhtaaar aaxl ta
Ssth t.rrrn. the ,HH.i P.-.riiTil1 T "T" J? '
rultorl,t U tb... .-.k-.t ;- .iv. tV . " "k aa! is-U. i.4r a,
eat-r trL Mr. l,ri. m .. f Lttir,
RH-n Wh. n riire Mt in thr lltimt .- Mil.! .... . TI.. I
t , -... .. MLMIiri III -.,.1 -- .... i. ... .a . -.1
tn-ng frann. bran a Ituw i4un.f hra.L JT . 7.7 ' M": -.,pTT mmT " - - -
well unked H,th hr" ao.ll,,. Urn i L"i !. Z! mit - Ut ,!,- Aa4aa
Wavy t-n-v hwkrr. aluot-t hkOS TK' "J. -1 -""V ,. , aarm aal .sa-.M Mkaa
theU ,rf d..l. rn..rn-r, fc j ,1.! Z.Z JT J.J . "T - .J
lo ni-silh. !nr him thr t..M ,..s- .j r. . .. . . """ "',,' I ! M as a thr irrisam aatfc
,t um followed, in win. h thed'hamellor j the J, ph. uhere retdi aio-ears to b,
' M- 1 .. I.. I.. 1 1.1 .. . . .. . . " . . '. J '! ...
.So it began. P.efoic long Pamela had 1 u''.1"' !"0,"l',,'t,,,.v P"'--'''!. At last he . ii.vsarv. If the letter b
111 an 1 emji1o;er.s. and the wllaj;
nf with siiio.sition as to the why and
wJn-itfore; lull iicwt Was girl ploilder
ol herself than was I .-1 1 1 1 . l7i uhen she
laid down upon the eountir of a drv
goods .store the money for the silk and
lur of her lowted elmk, h.irl-eaiiii-d
inoiiev. but all her er own. not a rent
master, though strtiniiijj cilighth on tht
roiM- With a long stuk 1 it aerald
mblK'd the lionve g-nth oier th. head
and lunh. ('radually appronehiltg. h
slioiiel on the hriil.e' lint n.A w'.t k:
lie same things' j with glaiiemg at the j.r ,;i It.fore he fore le- h- .-trap-H-d tip did the h-rsH
"No. mi lord." lesuin.d olliee hi irrrepressible oiiit' -uilVr tlie saddle and the crumier to h.
rWL.'.l I l...t I !.-.. n . . . '
was 1 " " ' "-y" i.s uas a sneepr uiiporiaiii. or peeiinaili interfstiii.'. he
wo.sw.iirioid-iiipni-ui. :isked l.nnl n-ndi it hmiM-lt P.ut in nmet-niiie
l.nidford, "a Ine s.,M, ,,,- ;. ,bi.I eases out of a hundred I... u ..."m.i;...i
! -- ..... ' " " ' .......a... -,
sneep- " is it not tile sai
s.inl the ('haiieelior.
Jrii.l I...P.1 1 .-... 1 r 1 ...1 :...... . . r 1 . 1 .. . . . . r-
' '"- nieie is milfU (III- Jouilil some Ollllel 111 e nllillli'till ' his put Mil.
II n III e. . live sheen neiv leu-., f.... I i'i,ri...iu.n. I. . ,.... ..:. I. 1.:. I i ... i . . -. ....
.. i , , , ,- , i .....i.i...i.iiii;iiiii. .Wl . ..iit-j "iimr iiane'iuin an the grnx
a dead sheen leis onlv liv.i 'II,.. : li.n e or ..,....,. I. ..,,,.,. I... i ... ..: ' .. .. ....?., i .. r r .
---. .... .... , , .,...,,.,, iill.l Of 111 I Oils ll.lllllll II II
fins msnn. ir mm tlir araus iJ mi l . , . " -- ( - vmm m , mm- lasna. aaaa'
; in the 4.,'a, &ath .,, clrMn, ZTj tTlZ T ' " J- - '
through the daep t rjr. adh UT l JrmrTLa.! 'LTil . K ' . " ' -- " 4 "- tt
fat h-k that r vpraaK.; iM .l ' t" . ilw ' . f 4 MaH
;H,tfhaerdtt,,,n. "... -" .
. a m. rrv iwiitMr i rot I rnkiHsIi at n ,u ...a j-jj. V ZIm -j i". 3 atotkaa taa4 Hawaat tv4a ftar .
! wn-inirnT
htMk rU a-w taa wt
h-isa ha rnna ih- taralga aa4
tha hK tasW Mtai-r
W Ilirn sr. .on.l ik..
of n rotxed out of any unwilling man lw 're les are shoulders, but there vest a pemn in a po-tngo sttU,i,, ,-ould lard, in onl. r that lit mirjd bmk if
a,-- :,I'VU' -V ,,f ,"!,,',, " - ,ln-v 'nun the gn-atniau a poM-eard , iI.sjhkcI to. Inforr being mTiunted Mr
She uore the cloak and a pretty plush 'lis m the enmiy air..rde. wutt.-n m the uell haud-it ntiiig. . JiU.;erald said-
hoimet and new kid glows to ehureh on J-,'r:' 'tridgewater matter for oecuional and with the even more familiar -i"iia 1 "Now. Hnrledtitn old lot we'll trv
'hristuiasd:ii. She looked uell. The i"' "' ' l"s ane.-dotcs J. of h,4 , tuiv. Now. Mr l Jhid-toij.- tt-aiN him- . wh.'th.r wttt or I can hold out th
S.iuiie stared at her solemnly, hut he . "'T' u,1 declared Dial he knew tin. ' -'lf much inoie fulh if tin' of lorn-vst ""
i- gin ot :, ,.,,, Hoinaiis con-cienee l h.s se.-ret ,. s. ami though he u rites 11-mad wrul attempts to mount
An old woman, who was one of tl.e ' mam .-tiers mil... .1 ., .k... ....... i ... ,. i.:..i. .i... i. . .' . . ,nt
M lleb.-t .-r lia k.. .. . . .. ..
I..,' fnonds V; iliU, u'TfTJO ' vl "ZJT1' Z
eJcanrot." ar mmii wgi .Naaaail atal har falaf.
. rr himj Vrnr rararst iuki
llL.uin:ors. i1": ......
The Ktijrli.h (smiplmn that rmrntw f -- fc-r t-m.aro toht Yo m - '"'
r-.tki-i haa sil in ic. I.n t.m .,v it i J.";tW i.Hhs mtit aeuh- as . A m,t WmI, , 'Ki. te
..... .... ..... .1 ii.i11.ii laruirt stmt II
it for lttaUh scr.iuhiis Ihirit ,.
f Vt s
A litth Ihiv vho hit h.ra il to
trcPitui h ollH- brother' oh I tins
attal f'otMes 1-i-e.illK n.mv4-.t . i.
Mil! I haie Ut tnarfi hi. wahtw- .L., ' ''
In dies ' i 1C. ahiaii a at.u from thu? h.wr
ngai Ur th ruatoajr hrok li
m au aa TV t... jaw ma .
""tt V "l ',' 'W"MI l" lJW.ana.iNi ...s..ntr. lasalr at
lour rli. .a,K Jail- r h- r natlhsr j a. rMr-rft. P . lfc, I'astr Malra
had or. a dra.1 aKra l!-.. . . ,M Jfc.f, .ar ihrr. ,. . Um ta a
Ir. ry p.-.r. t,ut U grmt , ,,--. ' iiM rtf if jm-T.. if-.. r
Uhl ku.l ..1 L. L. t . . . . si-w
VW-. MM'I -M
knew he had had no money.
I le.-Koii. lie llnuiglit. ".slies cut
up Ii.-r poor ma s old black silk
woman, wli'
ha had akiMt ,-.- v. .- k.i k. . . j.. i
nH a htth .ranSrrrv i ii...... . AJ'Tll.k.
i traaMfrrruta? it Waal Hal. r
' I'd hat. vnt know that m aria 1 , ZL. ?",M, "T" . ? ; W-k.a iwav thHktir KmmI s W -
E"aaaa4 navia aaa uiv aa a- rf aaa m .
wiis a liAiintster of th. !,. .. t... r... r. . .-" " " int. lo ta .. mwtAmm .d
.. ,, .,K .... . . i ...... - - ,,. - . . A. ' - -- W "
, j iiecders in tin
i won't ask any .pi.-stioiis." and he held i ,,1,'!1""': and s.ud
i his peaee. " . a gl'eat de t of I'd! t
Pamela, as she looked at him. won
J dercd what he would sai if he knew all.
That week she had had mhiii1 cai.l.t
j printed piofessioiial cauls.
! The printer brought them home net
J morning. They lead thus:
' "Miss 'mi.i. Cm Mr-I.iuttilre. It m-e-
al-lli- . r ..... Ik t... I. . ... .. . . .......
IMt.,i .,r al. .. ..I i i ' """i ' iii' i in iiiiii i. ' it,;;r';r. u 4irkiMl in its 1..1..1
i.oiisfu.lh..uthelp..rIh:.i,ks.,,r,ew:,,d1 The cr.N were circulaled through
i., I ,, -."- m-. m iimn .iiMM mr ui pur
ili:ii slii v us c iii.k . .
Much good that does inc."
to s-ii. as sin. toiled awai to sai c her
rich lather a fewmoic doilai's. who had tin T.iudfnthcrs to
may I take sum,. ,,f
woman, c.-rtainli,"
flioilgli ill coiiv-leuee
detier. who alterward
some tape, lindiiig It
ured tin reiuaitider.
old woman had taken
and a halt.- l.mUn
I po-e. and on her i.-turn at night from I .n,n
she u-c.l licr .lay's Pain cl.i found li po-tal Wi Men
card awaiting her.
Missj-urxir. lMiiui.ln'ssrie.i.S"aill!it Mr.
oi.uitteii s lo-iiiorrnw.
The llli..ii'J
I'urmii. a li
rn is
'Siberian traiehng.
,, ,' " " -.....-.... ......-.. ;ia 11 o.-tmitpr 01 110 law A hf lot . IV - '. . . . wm, m ia gwuM) Maaaa ot '
.111:11, s con-cienee. h.s s,,-ret,r,,s. ami though he writes H-mad wrul attempts to nh.unt. "r Um-ur'" rrU.rtr-I Mra VJl lYSlT T 1 V. " mM iwV.W'
... was one of the mam letters m the di.i. they ta,,d ,n which the ho,.,, '...-d' ,.t (J,,,,,,,,,; Irtgton. turning .,,. h.r n.-e -h, .n't ' TJu-r J IT 5F "'--n'4 th.aa i.lrWaa. raa- -
... aecode.i htm one mliiiit.-Muial proportion 5.. tl that an- the reins. ml holding t&e I a c, a . .rai..r in tla- n i " ' TJ ? . ? L -tMWH'w'' m ' li ml th-h th, w
Mi loid.theie h m.i .,,,, , lus mine O, ,,,. he ; mar sid,. ,,,r a'oi.g w ith th'-m in a -r " ..W, a , hei,,..fnl Jht-' r,"lll r i '"- Hh1 ao .o.lkia UasJ. aar . h f .
tpc , the garden h .s hit ,.,, is ea..,,.a,ed ,. ,h. ,.,. i ot no,,, he ,..a., .!, liH. m "C iTr, ( Mrs . W,' Vi ' " : Jcll'" T'lt ""I " " " U5ha3, ,
I?.. . ". -'"''I ''g--f hisiunumcniblecorrcpond- and in an ins-ant nason il-ir;e.,m..s .oil wr tl .T.?! s i W ! ' ,,n,: " ''r' 'H' ,mJ aa-l lal .h.a a aa terna alaa
r..,.li... he. -take cms. He had -a note in h,s own hand- bark A furi-os .J," uSf "'L! ?" ' k A" .r",., V' A0,",M:.,?. fn',,tt ". J"' 'V W rt nf , JT k .'JLTL!!
." Hie head "ar- wiltimr Iithoirranhed. in uhiel. I... I ih..tnl..i '...." '.V.V.f .7 ' .. . " "" '.. ;'. re , ri-rt hhrtn thrr ffIfa , haaa to . . .."I'L.. '...
had ,, i., tr toihankhisforvs,,.,,.!..,., . If. - "..;. ;. . " "T ",",l',,.'-n "" -i .".iui.-t rng h ,w a.s i,r .m. ad m-hT tha J,r "T .T."" -7 """ r,M:-
. little left, meas- and remains ,.f,;ihfuIli.U'K 7 Ll oiher , I hea! Yar-a IU aH.r .a '-Paper. "anthraHt-." 'ITaH'. .,. , .'hra. th, h,ka . "Tr JTLT . !
md found that the ! stone This is s well .1.'..... tl. o i i. t...l -..n t i u: ....... V. . .rt ' An 't'-nang lonfam ah nrotmt rrraiurr f.r all tha ara ma4a .. . ',.. --a---wa . r
about thirty larili'M.M.cetin- correso,,.!en. ,,.., fundi ...V ..''. i.;..; I' .". .'1 ."'' " "M " n matt being rrrKil twolw .! dV mnmn hn-k. mmIm. ai aa ta -TL I.. 7 '. .""' . ""
S'.icnfv. -- with the appear.,, f lilh..gniphv. may j thi h'h-k..,.r. ih.M.'ih n-r, M 1 '3. ' "",?.-" Il M l-'r .ritrml. ' t.K. a,... Iha man at. U Whu,K ,i;i;rrJa,k?J-a '
-mrisli the Hold i.,,.l..r it... ...',..;......'. ....:.. 0..1..A . "A ' - , ,J- .? nM' '"''re art-triMs whrM man )MJJ,t l tarn, thr rara .t thtf rirMM rtaat ta- .. M "." - than ,
ofSihcri.,. ll.llll.asla..IlttnM.V..;".y earn.,! re hundred m,hs hr ,k ' la. th, h. ha h ,. th. .a fiTa-W. T .-.. h.tlfci Ml
hub...,........:...-..., .-.::.:........'..""-" ''' gniv. ov,,m....f . e..,,. ,iK ri,M.U" AW. and thr l.trt. Mt,. a .lr...i -i-u I "T "" iariimair M -,
lant relative ol '...-: .7. ".'''' ' '".w "'nK pjl,ll; hki-a PV.Nil '.-..,.u ' L. i..t - ..l....... . - V 7Z '""- "t thaian
the great ogre ol ""'" ""'"""' s r,, .v,..,,,. ,,,, ,si,, ,ir .- . , . , , ,,,,., ,,r thr t. . . '. 71" W ' .'' ? -
tl . "- :;i-II. JVII MI flfin fl (.ffsti. -.-. -... I " "- " " a aarr)J . -" krtewMl - - - a
at -a ..... .&.. 1- 1 - - -v- -- -. a a v 1 r. - i
1 tl' 11 .1 IIIMIl'H IV
iih.-n he conies down and
eaiin ail fowre.1 with tl
il.iih Hi rail.
lit (tor 1. ....... tili..iil u.. ....!.. t ... ,
.1!.. ..II..- 1: 1 1 : .... 1
... . ii . nil mi nis erii.t.u. ...i-
1. , , ' "If -
with old jro.-rl innt brtrsan.' ,se "" kawwi whti Ntwaai mraai
u instance i.e win ern that "An """ "" " r mtgai mmr
)m. low. mr fathrr aai.
er.idd ill nU-Kd that V-a, I laJIK l
i dunng thr .U ne.rr frar "
lrty thr iint morning Ihr fa4hr
fooMtt Uwrt thr
h.-M4nr akoa-r art4
m irth thr ntd of hrr rrntrh In n
UfM-nt ltr Ma m thr la-at avhitinjr
wr. am on an aa". ita-M aa the
KIs Uif
-s'-'."".'"-'-".' p'.-i.."-..,.,,,,,.. x,,lr, ..,, ,,v ,;:."":';:... ! ; '-:- ."" -f . .u r..;.. , ....-m".-. ". Xuu;;::i;',;; s1 .r r":""..-;..1:-"-1-!1. "--:-- Aazs rrsi J:r
"I Mill fit II III.. -ITI.I loilttd.H. ....! ..T . " " - Ilk Ita. m-.ltf .11. I .l.f....l ..I. .... 1 -. ll"II. Hllfl IT1I all til ai I ..r- . .... ......I ..t t'i M still" I I If S IN'ftltM.!! 11 iTh 1" ..-..
'?. V .. ' .'"7 ' I'"--- ister. aw dower with iu .-1..1.I,-..,. it.. . .'. ' ' "." ' '""'" a.o,,i nuner , ..,.,, . w - ..'.,,-'-"'.''"'' 1. i4....i, ,, ,... .. .-,...... tf ewr wantcl to. but it u wrll .-..o. "
:r,:; : k::"7..:r'':vvro,K:'-' . ...H.i.f.i.ei'mniHf ,. ,m.;r,f..-,iw fam,,,,.,,!"-,.,,; . .,". . ... ... ---;- :- rrrr, UJ U(H. , ihaur. A. ,,,----
A, laMon h..rmn,.,erntr MuVlXJZXryn,,. f-io,,, bck;eMl,e pb.cki rIer WMhe . A M" J- FhjMlmnr. Mania!, th, ' Hj
..o 1... 1. ..1 1 . , on.e. and l.ecn "called in eonse. '...... 1... .. . .... .. "I 's.i , Kin.w .. tin., o o.v .. ,......". ! ...;i. i... ...,i.n.. ... . . other oil. w tthod her .m M.Mik .,;k '
..... 1 -in- 11. in toiige 1 111 sueiii-e lonuaill 1 1 r .. ,. uiniiei-Ktu an. I UIllMil. leu. (illin.- n-; 1111..1' fc J ".,.". """ '" c "- ir " "'"" " i"ti his - .--... .. .... .,
.1... 1...... . .... '"-.". .uencc. on the demise of tie .'...?.. t.t , - . "' V..11111,' ,,,s III l.ks ..1 rM.--.eri. all li -lts..i an I1....N- .....I .1... .. u; L , , . js.aii l-sinisr hr aw... A f-..- -. "
: .. .; '..:::;::':::::,.. ::::-,,"r-1 -v.-- '-i-o,,s. ,,.. h!ltl ,,.,,,..,. ,,;;; vvt: ' ," :u 'r. ,,,:;,,,v-..- Ar: 'i. -! nr e -r"v-.- ..0,1',, h r: , dn, , ": iv ,. ,,.,., fcim m i ahhio: . r
i ... : ..:.':." "-.'"'" r"- ' P0 Il ng- I.m.-I:. lauirhcd : " . :.' 'i r.'. "V '" -,"" m wo,IK' ' . 'V "- ,, "'. v,u'n uu'r' ,s -- "'- the !,... ..n,h. .k .i. i . i...L : ". --nd fa.r full of UiLU iWria. ' "V
.::,". '" "'",l '' ".' 'ialittlcasshedeten.dned ,.. e .11 ...,7i ..... 1. " " J""- "" !" -'w Pnii.oicn , '' '.' inscription mi the wall in'i...,. ..... ,. , .7 -7"r. V , " " "'" tkn.-l. Ih. Um 1. .I .. c . "7 -l
gut can know. i .. t . i , , .' . ic,surei over the w de nhin-e -s if lb. Von mil ii..l .. -iviii .1 "" " " "" " ' iiih-ii.ii mr iir- own. r . " ". l"""T "
...j;.ea, iouo, ,s. w,d, hol,v ..,, ., ....,.., hv ; " , " " ' ''1" "nloi,y. So he I.loivs .h. yoMftri,. A. ,." ,7 71 7 . ' .' ". T ' T-"T "" ' t , , , . , .. . '
j..M iccc.i cu as, ue, cm. d certain prop- ... ,.:....,, ,,,. tt.- :,, ": "l..7., .1 .. . " .'r. I, .P'-t-roa 1 until it has h i--aid in Holy writ that man can- 7. .: "S"""" . ' -" t ...,"' .7'" .7K.H ","",;-T ' '
"'. :? 7,.,r..:v,,nl -u. "bchmd hil' tress of mind. :u,d his r.VTT;':,;'!'' tie lei el of the surrounding j ot liic by bread alone." That bread ' 7 ". ' 7V" . 'i. "I .' . w,tJ " ZT' 1" . ". "-"AJrJlT. '" 57!!?.. " I
.! r:. ? , , ., , iuHMle.1 nicndlng -adlv. " " ? ' V."' ".', . "P? ' J stupid ! a; ,,p.rtam a iiart of the diet of 71 V ' n' ;.. ' iVkf'F .7
......... i.i.iiij oiiu in uiose iarre n.i.. .i-.i . w . i ...oio .n.u ii'ti"v and eTriiti man kiiki in the oil i- i - -i it ; ....... ---..-.......... ...,. .a -...o umi - - ---.- -.,..-,-. ... .... ,, ,, ,., , .
Mack silk cloaks, such as liov I'm- lt ' I V , " n,, for a n i -- 'ai I- .,, ., ,'if. r . S Il J' . n-r-I. an. tut J,or pal-l,,- prclm-ag a hah-..f hay of a
roughs wears one with a fur lining? "l.f l ,, ' 17riV:":,"ti VT-Y .?- .!V",Ik ! J" "- I'ur I.K game tt1 - nintZ t, TV-"'1: .V:!. and . P-r lM Ifn. , . p. Lt
i.iniakf it mi .sell. It will wear lor . WIth .. V .' ," ,f ,' ' ,, " :M ;. ' ,,v" tOip-itod. and dead brushwood ''. New Tctamont nearly three '7 .: . ' "'"-, 15tti r"'-!:. ' . m ''f U' ku .
i e;ii. F. ii'i- i -ifi vi iM.f if f" .,.!. i... J- ' .." "m t ii;ia ii.n .iit...i u i n . . i. .....i..... i .: t . . . . . - -utMniHui i 11711. 11 ir lm nuiiiir 1 - r-tk'inii f.-1-H-ri HMirrmntw 1
. - "" ' cm . kill!' .ii.l tt... ..I.-....7. , ...... i "- .--s ., ill- tilt' III IH'. ''Ml M .kill-' III IV III II II ini" II 1 . . .. "I
hata,! thr lafaar.
apf-raraasa rav n.. aatat W tha .a,tl
M-araal r.-V-"krsl nlhatu hiio, ihrra a a
aoih i nr In thr jarr-rdfr9 u tta-llraic
thai f...-r,of rhl hsaUha wM)n
rnr. ta thrw. 4mta IWanrl
., "'f1'1' ' 'la-i Ittatav'l
mrnt " -n. N'ltrfas a4-at Hwm-nai'.i
to VaH rrp..rtrtr. "a. thr .., till
J '' of lartHan .KM-rad ta Ukr mtat rr-r.
-.. w ).fc i.,. oBlra, Wr ha
-""""H aw TJ..".lI ri aav
ns. aad
p.lllsfd. Will, haiUlS IllieoiKei.iiisK.
clasped together.
Mr. Crump looked at her. horror-stricken.
A silk cloak, with a fur li
repeated. lowly. "No. you can't. Pa
mela: it's too cxpeiishc. del our
poor ma s gray blankct-diawl and wear
"Vo wrote to mo." said P.unelk ' '?. JuT' ,. ht -,.".ks, to '.-cIf. ' .lonathan: -Thou .halt eat bread at 7 " ...
"Mi-si'ntmp. laundress." ,... , Ul . foo!,-h Imman beings im tabic coiitinually." In the reprint ln F-inli-in Crime
"Oh. dear me. wts." replied Mr -n ".nl, ,ak',n. ,a"-V iwcatitions. , of the apUe's cxhortaMon to owv -in fcjplun I rln...
i;,.t 1... ..11 ...t.t. ... - 'ii'it 1-. nit: inaii 1uronn.11 rim i-....i- no 111-11 r.n ii.oi.r 1-....I i..:.... .1. . 1 a r-..n. ......ii . .
d j!tsl
hour !i.-
t rrrtMui
i Vat-
I-. - Ummr homr raf. fatjkrr " ' ""', " r3f- ,,MJ- wrfH fti;
rnr.1 Na..ul. m4 ia a4 hat Una. to r""T ,n ?' . ! at mlaraaa mt m
.-I and tnil-. wha a l-a-I u kh rtaw 7- '"1 ?." "-,, kr" -ml,
hiH htm .ait of .larht. "' ""." - 1 rk Thr lnj,.f
Ail daj hjr Nu aat by th- Jisr- I '"" ,l' atifc. a! t
J hrr lUth? n--kiir ha.r a aa. 1 r " "- -sTarrat far Uaa hwa
laar aa.1 atndr fr har--WfM AWA. '""-' .fraaaavt, muj,, f, i
.1 tnr.nx a )t a hnaa a. If aha j "rr-,f '-,N 7.MtM ar aa..h
d I on nir I"" "-nfmrat .' fhi. wa-r mm --
To ! sba wW rrf loaaa ain ""H'' '" Ihr -. Mrt rrW-r t
1 ftaiaiak mr. tf &a.a & a a
a ... Fa " "'wi r-a i.iiui llltn - VI " - -
iAirnry iu.mrnn ......... . ... .. . 7. T !-.-.. 1
. ... ... s -h! aps a rr um tnat if l. -
A 11 esit r.tHt man had trnnhU with ' .l .k . ..- w. .. 1 I "" rk to th r.u. . .t- ,. .
a pJumhrT In his rmplor rrreaUi Ih f I am ao toorh brttr - t'mn .iaot In',,'4l' a m th, ,,4, ,4
Cause he thought th- tlwmb.-r wim in MU" ' Ahtm- r'tprra (,,, Ira,.-
ing to kill t ut" Afni hr rTrlairrtfvI to At U-t K ho t. ri .iart. mat a . ,K ,"rw'- F1"' 1 1 -.ViU-i
thrp'umUr "Conf.atnd wai. grt .if )hlh o titat NacaaJ rh! aot , t , arrrHag hm, C -.akrt
do ami loaf o thr irrl anI I'tt pa ! rw vm aril. a-Ialottlhrr.lbT u J"T" r" ' -f B.! m lati tra.v.
aiwf fc trmwlkai lM..rv. .. ....
, '-a r !
r ran th. aaar aYir m
....... ... ... .1 - iii.-ie is 1111. net. 1 t ot-....rvi. ti... ... i. .o o.. ..... ti.:... 11 . .. .. i ... i . i ."v.". ..m. .iris.' mm i 11 zm miwm. m-'.i. fkM faa i... ..f.... i nnaiua. v-h . l . a
I .VI. II... ..I. ....... ...... .... - -.w .--. IIIIWII-II I1IIT .....M.4 .... .....ll .Lill i:i... I T.III ...'.i. ...... r. ....1 ..-.Till. I . ...V... r . . . m ... - ..-. .v. - .. .... r- M-wwwm ... i . .1 VOVW.- .S.. H.f . . .T. .. ... . . ' - -V- UM !T...r T .. ..1
" 1 1 i. T" ." i T " '" " wft'f- l" vou. Tl,;, k" ,r our W ompt lif" l J iHI,,,"l'k 'T r 5th - v ! n..l.,ia,H i" eat t ,e,r on ! as haV'ng at Cam. , 1 -C. iKkh ! i -"" Jr 7a to W . th- yoanr W, )- naU I. W ano-l ra
ncl-i ..J . l VU:,,!' ."'"'nV housekeeper an a-, d colored pcri S ' " !l ,' U-' m:,kV a of four or - .mpa:-: "Neither did we eat tow h- fa.d..onabIe than ' U gen rail t , ,f ' " aad darkrr. and a htU. ' 'kkta Mw-,, ()l. , lA,,
cier 1 new ,,-'. V lT '. ' :,IHl f" l "'""'t It iilm estimable Is Kin.r in,,.n'.l!,".I,, 1n!t'r P' on tl,e road ".' man bread for nought." Mo ' atTected br iw!t'.i simfc. hIh. lun'e -irh fo." J',rra . :h;w J- ' " H 4,ot 'v 1 "r' '- t4j"-1 ! tfc " 'mt "-K- --il w4 a
ln.Hi ...V .-.m, in . W intoxicated on the kitchen llW lrs,m'. '.-l'e Kmglturnm hurrie5 gaw a law to the k-raelitcs which they gnixie.1 pufdh- nn-i-niitrai With m -I- ?'y'rl-T ,twr''' S1"1 wrre " s. h-arih, aal ths-nw I -fWaVa- "-hkh ,ho vahvr W Uatir
sick 1 lool lil.. m 7f -nV"', ""t !,,nI ,,a- lHV 'r l a-. :'l tiling 'l,;r' "' kW' t" V"' n,'xl vina- ' to ,hi ,,:l-v' that tHV ""J"M' TO!- . 1"t il""' h-dn-br..! that Allah bad : ' ' " cr.i,tj . nv-rr a.. -, that thr t.uir tMomfwH . W7 -- sr"t. th- ra
i.-iveb. ' i I "! '' aiv -" ' " . 1,,;re'";lPo.-ta:u.ti. he thinks to him- memorate there coming out of K-vpt ! p.-ronallv granted him anth-ntr Jo ' ey m-t m.Tr an.1 th uo rna.n- ffh'--l gh4. aad all thr p. ,, j -"- httJa ra4 far khatr ijm laTaa
Mich i lit. r'vn", ,-;i .ii " " oh'K,ar' Ami Mr. Hothwcll. nimi.n- short of ! , i .' I'" . - tra ' 7ler ,mwt i:x through ' eating unleavened bread for y'en ' cure all ,,.,ut.-e. ih thr Iwnd of 'Mft- ' li Ut wh " u J a ,J HC mw d tk' e Kk- Uam.a-i Th.- , f tk- rVtrat m,.'!,.
Ml, ere" - a"-V' won,'!' "P'.fl !' hands abroad in i ht "tlVt,t" r oixlor to got a change of Ki 'Ihebn-ndw nl- made into li..imH httilf. the Merciful On mn- ' th !f 'i' a H-arr igh. '" thr :hr. ad jmt oa lhr rr-f4hg aka , y ,.,
"Von,cnsl,onllb.L..o- n Ptomime descriptive of chaos.' J;' " WH make it warm for him." ''..ivc'- Mimn-l told rt,tl li,t would ' lill : him ..rugs and lotioos which ' ,Iik'ng (at hrr aal pt7 raj ra.,r mn! U., wtJ en w Sanvl i.u, Dm jlUMMIt,
onu.ii should no keepers at home, i ,i,.,.t ,.,:., i- .........,. hl "loomzc. ami then oroccc.I. to imsn thne men. -..,, .inif ,. ,.,.,,....! ..,., .:.,. .j, . hr reidir. - uh. I a. thmUnx what t. ' ar ta l4h fa tar rMu ! Hah A rv gff tks ..u .i
said Air. t i-iiuo. ...: .-- i'ii.iiiiraraiiiiiT. ,, .,n ,.. , .. . , . . . . --.-""- ' .'" -- ,..-. .o m .i -, . ...., r . .l i .L ... - -- . - --,.--, -. -. -
' i .,,!.. . . , . " "VUieiv ,s vour kitchen3" ' 7 " ., ,' . mw . '"- c:m caT up - ami another carrimg three ,,art ' tntc! limb, anil -) on. A fnr w.r.t "-",- "" " r- w bn "" ' -.. os .mo ,-f mm j,. .w u .yrn ,, jm.,, A ,,,.
i tn.unii l ouirnt to i) to ciiiin-b. .... .- . . trom the ol-dnc ..! .. ..:... .-. i.. . '. ..f ..-.. ..1 i...i .. ..... .. ,.-.. i ......... . . . "" .rtr-r-.,. .k-.i.. ........ o.. .wmi.I si tk. wr... i ..... . . ! tk... a.. . i i ... .......
" wo noui-s atterwanl the master wis ' ... . ' ". pie-u ia nuge y; .'-. .um uvii me n ncti paia and .iriies lie remorcd th-'in a; a ; T ' '" w ..,- . - .. ., w( . -aaai i . - r-wwui -wrart,, ,.
.... raliiih writing in his iu.h, mid the 1 ".'"""'" -""" w' vlUa.-e sl"J-, ami . W''tr 'iiertaim-. aul won!. During vws re-idm-.. -raiMC";''' rrr-r-i ia; .t "M rrr 3 J:' -i!l b uMtnat . th- .k..
said Mr. ..i.:i.- .... 1 ..... ... . against the petis-int bouse t .11 ' i-tlf. ..,; tlner ...... t....i...i :. .. 1 , ":. ".. ...-. . -.s- , far tr rrTnT . . JV Uroiio, vi..l . ,.
v. 10. 010. uasuro aiai ircsed. were ,i. . :. ... .. . . "" . . . .x... ....... it ajii . .o... . ai .uiohkt 01 1 r-ifsl fsn I .. t-v 1 . ' . -- " n j..r-jy
listening to the stories Pamela tol.l ? ,1 . , ,U ,'e 5nv5' " nnt Iv ''"' lkt, unha' ''n,Ml bni.l hereof " pmfi!, hv hi .supernatural . kill tat' P v J TT" l' "" ixirht nt,4 '' 1 '- ami W hriAs. a-.i
them :Ls hu rubbed awav at the wash- . nil IZ 'raVoIor ! .Pfoeccd. hut I will " e can imagine that ituiis aSallv Lunn he .viaHv laid hint!.' out for femar- I OOierr Banlirk forr.sJ hU war iaV ' ttu 4 ;T -",; Wkarr, -. ! w-rtgMair th- a--lk-
hoard. K111 'f- P-verty stnekon peasant sonic .""rt of bread and not at all !,.' to eat. iwtienLs. In later t.mrs. ,br l :hc room of Is.jg Tintg. . thr' third ' T"-T r,"r Z110 ' and -al of s ,. Th, morn r. j
The housekeeper had been dumped r!!,f, nXW !?. lhv' go out and 'hey had ah-o ,n tin. days the wm- found hi practuse 50 large that hrcubl ! Uo..r ni y. 71. ComrrraJ Mrrrt. T! I"'""" "" r"" -CAaat thr .c4jWw l-i M aaal. aaal k
upon a bed in a small Kvl-rtMin on the ,; , ' "r r"en;! m. lhl AA any as- mn bread and show bn-ad. and loaves no longer atu-nd r-r iwpk. From about onr uchk Tr-i-rda xU-n-.m. U' te7 U' "f1 f ""P-" -hn ha,""- -W ".nsi aaaat av la
h.wer lloor to ;.,..i. ;.....: 'M.mre. So, having tilled the stnvt.s. ' were sId bv weight a thev are at the ewrv oart of ki-m:. Ar-L .n.t -;. i nn.1 L.-l ..... d. A-..- .. ... T, . - "lars. wtrh aUah ra-.u oimauat whh liw .,.. .
'... ... . .-w - ..1I.U ' .L . I .. I. ... .S. - - T- '
said Pamela.
"Not to how line clothe
" Hut I ought to dress like a lady."
.sighed 1 ho poor girl. "1 should think
you'd admit that, pa?"
" .o(. n:uv not always most dressed,"
said Mr. Crump. "Far lrom it. You
are Miss 1 ',-unip Kemcml vr t he Crumps
are the oldest family in PottMillc."
"O. I know all th-it. pa." interrupted
Pamela; " but it does no good if 1 111,11
go about looking like a K'g"-ar."
Mr. Crump brought his cane down on
the t'oor. thundered out: "Hold vour
tongue. Pamela." buttoned h's pocket
book into his bosom, and trotted awav
I t ueiHisu uio money, wmic Pamela.
elrlet from brow to chin, remained
.ii.i-i f in- naiiseiL i,i-r.
"t, what sbali I do?" she exclaimed
at hist, Is, ibis a woman's fato toln
all I he day s of her life3 I have no edul
jsition. I uantiut leach. I can do noth
ing but liousohold work. I'm th. best
M-asher in the illagc. but- Therel"
crietl Pamela, bringing her foot down on
the lloor suddenlv. "Then-! I've o-ot
it- A girl who can wash and in.u a I
am docMi t need to beg for her clothes."
l.nishing her tears awav. she ran into
.rn- wan, HMitw iroai .1 peg her .shabbi
Rick atid Jiat, jmt them on. lockt-d up
the house, and hurried down the village
Mrect fast :ls hcr ,.tr vou
could carry her. until she shopped at a
little white house, at the low window of
...,., .... i.imcui loiioweu tier into
n .1 r i,.r ni... ;.....: . "i iim-ii iiiL'.sm'u. " ' ,l -- " HnL-mi'iiov are at the eierv nan ot ki-vt:
and potatoes were boilin" and a couple wi.l 11 ""'ho farm-yard level pn-sent time. It is also in practice w.-a'thv ladies camr to coash" thr ' r-caj-. l-'gan a
of chickens masting for the family dm- j ., "n"10 l,0,,etoP5- , "h. there are the to ask for brcal and receive a ; S,he:k"h. and of roure th-r broa-ht .1 ' . H rrrravk
tier. ' I rtHHl,"jaa - enttle shivering under the -lone, and of all mischievous thin . present. ' c I to till U. i. rmr
Memwhile. Mr. Crump, hai in-some iL. f tor0 ;J?grccs of Kcaumur , t hat -Jiou'd not be taken for the, One day . toward the middlr lat ' pas-v" bar.
lmiH.rUint documents, to insneet had .... """"'"'" lor tliem. 1 will -ounacn s ...ikc. tieavv. oggi. le.-vl- ; year, the loung wife of Ixret Brr z ' vt.l.y that hr ir:r.
come Home unexiectcdlv. and entorin- n.;,?. V, .":.7.
iiiit" "ivmr rra-k-.--- oh..r. fn rinni i t?.i ivnr.t
--....-w -. v i; ut i ." " " -.- - . "i7. 1 t r . - "iwi uir. iniv L-noTi r i.h. .1..... . i ii.iii.. . .... 1 . 1
oic- i.ouse. nan loumi it emptv. ami in in 1 tl V ' n-ms;ii5i warm. -x"-.". .01 m-a.y nreau iiiai 1; is we..; ( posi 10 viu mm .or an aUretioa ot thr 1 wa-m h aannj a era. al a r,
the .ittmg-rooui came upon a sjo-ht : ,J !! proceeds to bury up the --j" i ar-emc. and it has the merit of , eyes. The Colonel -ent hrr -kh a ' runoug m thr wk-. koli nst
w Inch petrified him with horror i .1,, n,1ll "" fat'!' o that they have to bo killing quickly, but the other drags In proper retinue of attendant-, who re- in :mh: u -r? T.g 4 budi sank-
-A little portable desk, which his 1 7 ,." "' "'"g. sonic tlctiit and u" auenuvni uyspcpsia and bids u vie- tiirnctl. I know not ,rhr nfu.r j, asphaltnm parra-rnt rarl fiitT
daughter hail appropriated for hcr own K.-' ' ." . ms' he goes on his tim endure a life of torture- Tlioraa mg th-ir nn-trs at ih d.-or f llama-, low Itor-fa-k ttrr.j r. 'wadl f
lying open on the table and in it the . iv, . J ., Pmng up a lew more "w" appreciated it wften lie wrote- la Ik-nl.v Sfie enteral with a farorkr ets a Trdre. aad :k, hcsj
cants ue havo describv'd. ami her -ixv ' ... . . lTvm "is vauton -"- ' . ? b ' n', m"t "n,h rI. 5l.ivc. but never came out again. For lo Toag. !. wj. fsMiad naab to j
.. . ... "s- 1 uteranrt r s.r..c .... .1 i. . .1? a a-iw onm. ..n.i o muf. ..i 1.. .1 ... . . .
oium uiHK. ..unr- ..7.-1 . ' " "l '"P 1 i i, , . V . . , . yTnv ""v5 "' r nsoani u.s n alarmrti. and rngij ia im
tt.i ts..i .k.. ....1.. .:.. J pears, northwanl a-un. 'n.i en....,, J..' A I.u 1 1 translated. Ioaf-ner needs i as.,,! ...... .1 1 , 11., . JZjli . . .
aav ii.tu nit . .llli him ii
rrrh for lottrrr ta
rntavrd Ta:' hract '
al thr anjrtaaaia
lay . towani the mtihlh tl lat ' pagan Ukr a had. !wi!a k
' v't.ileA that hr sVartr m arrk thst
It is a common , Colorvl jn the Egyptian 4rr,r. pro- rt-a. and a-v h-Aicg ondrr thr bi.
th ,
rri hr.
tirk. '
a tfcr 5tt-
1 . 1 i . . .
1 tiu.n. . ib aawi
v . -. . . r -.w 1
T "-T " V -: thrra sh? i m- A " hoVk. H mm, a
fcr IV l-a Wnr hwf jj 8wttr. ' osrw-l. U ta thr imrm afa
rr. w .n aaa-a: two m, aaattrr yrsrt, , ,,
iar a-K it. im i 1 ... 9. ., . ii.... . . . .
-. -s m stp. h-oja iSH tiaor- I " 'P- r -rl tHatiart r4t
"V . .. ! t-rr aa4 l-s--r4iXkai o a'
.- w n ararb aaa, UaU ha . aa- m a r taaah mU
aavi 3-k i.'rahl - ealirsj oat- i '--TRt WoasL That, u lata.
i n-rr uvtrn r'aaor" . it natnaa u. ,-a.
WVra lanai fcr Ua, ,Ve; Is-.. ' It is a TeiSr rfcamk rfth taZZ
aatattaa mM of h.' of r a.Jo4alr ao.1
"""WrhMrg from aKhww t-aa4
-------.- aaa-.- .VLI1I" 111 - - - -"- I'ai-v-a'J. .n "L .aa jrr -si lif iIaIMl M rsT" I A A rr rs. m - ; ar-WA Uia KBBa a-az X" TA-
i t t..-i .-..:': ?. . . no 1...1... s . .. ... .. l . . " - - -. s - -- "r"" "
Miss r tvKi.i o,:,'vr-i.H.i-.. 1 V -"--. - Pi"1 ln w"on tbe stonn kin-' "" " " '. W,H ""a.i on a- an accvin-. tarn Anxkis at hnrth. ho mlk-d crivmg Ir-rii-il. whrrr IVJa-r
cu-:m done in the Is-t manner.' " , now iu Siberian work, and woe to the P""--" bou-e-iwie than the fact thai , upon the Scheikh. wW mannrr was . Sursann Stamiam-h a-o.-aia-d that he ran his eye over the account . "n.Vn be can nuke -wid.9 wt, light. h , Bct mxanns Hr rotftr fcu the h ia uwr.l t-. fracur. of
hook. Pon the monarch s heel. As yon pass !?a' Jwoiw bread. W hethvr it L. ,n voting woman had left on th. ev,.t- th- right arm. a -rrrr shrc. aa.1 a
wasndMoMi..y:for Mrs. lVae: Tuei.i ' , ,,"''0!t--'n posi-roatt5you can- ' , '";'- " "gs "i nortnuiary like of her arr
' thr 4arkam a7a. aa.1 tXTar "
jreMt. To
tmswtt vimI.) l-f
a box thrfla .a
arratri urt'nfiftg
lot oa Im? i;r,
" H y. Hsra aay fathwr'
. ir ....
.Aa 11
lrd aw ay.
rLu 1 . V1? -r T1 4"rwc' w tw H
t.-j. " a.rtr taa aWiJkjr. aa! vh -a
. a tAtar LueL Ulh iu.' .- . j
. - - - r. -.
sunug-rooni, xviiero a thin woman sat
nniidst cushions, in a big Boston roekl
ing-chair. with a brand new ....
-- .... ia4 ,ss
i"i! rnnwl Tl- l'Ja-.aJ - frKur fvf tK raMistl aJwiin. ..r.
- - - -s---. v --s.-- a r .- 1 - -" - - - -- - .-s-vviaaaH a ""-.r'lW
m ,1 Tht-rsdax- af'i. .rn...-! 'S'ul!t: I ' :'-7 T iu:u um iurran is in -. ..uti:i a.iimiun more , not He apja c! :o the r,i- , laniitn ih'ib'.t. nkH, ,t b -ttrrjl .T7 VL ;. . wo ,torr jv . y xm urr g.h-a fr ri lrtf
Mr-ron P-:-iglhanthenatti.tyoftbe?Th,i1,T.lHw. and thev khed the drrHm-, M prore fatal -mina foctrhthra r S"? 7" -"- to ,J " ? -' - w,ih a aj araa.
All thu in a furious ra-c, and almost nS;''rHehib, and travelers. M IJcw an women who jcianot make poor , minutely: I prWutnr that Izzot Ilev is a W heft mfurswsi that ha ! ot hr... v fjJTrn' J0 "! Ii"f :kaS A Arr.M ,r-iay
foaming ai the mouth, until he comCto " im viM "-"H.01 ' procedure , J ? 1 n? XlaalIor- uhcll'er 'v man of InUocnce. Nothing wa f.amd Toog npn-s-l a alh to makr a d,.n.: - !k.k'ri7,,J:- i J 7-k rara,r4 Chaa.! U M K-
the following: J ami. lages thn.ugh which wc passcil ttp hem spnng wheat, bolted or i the saintly hoc. hut a vcrr foul and .tatrawot which hr .J; I. aa-i ,'a ft tZTT- 11 IC f"1 f -' f "i r -v cf tha hal It
n. .-.thn .T...k. ..., .-. --... yunn? the last two days of ouriouzner """ .lour, their bn-ad will be good mak-lorotia well in the -order, drv.. char-rd IUtrIrk ath hi w, .-., rfr WTV Abtf.1 4 M a, 0 Wp tkn h,i it ikk rrt- w ia.
- -.-. .r-iikiii, -.!, nun 1 ui i ur i-ii-ti k t nri m...ui . r . s .a . s . . . - mm - - - - -, - . - - - . a . a-a
I'ec 10th. i4:iileeIfj.V-. tt tils u-elt
"ft -ill. IW
th.siiktnl Heaven 1 tin
T' -. v 4U
rir. d k...l a . si 1 . .. . - .
"in vreiiBiinr 10 timet- -..,-. .:. o:. auu swcei ami lu-nt it mot k th.t ... .r ... 1. ., .. .1 .. . . .
ok. ii in M-i-u. I mail.. lor..l ..sTi. .1. V. """'"- ,v. ii 1 . ... - . , uinr miia-c ivemoimg me rover iftry , " uh: maww. ma naeT. & oxl.
hr-?h,itliCi?,,r.?'f,,n'1 S f , . ,(c?Bmln''"? Plans. ."T l'f lfci'4.-lni. , IoukI UwcotpsHof thr twa: woman ar track him on ;h fel aTth hi.
. t hi to brp ,t from . the far m-yanls bemjr tilled with the 1 n "- There L no doubt that it i- , MlI htfr ,b . h of , fi... 3a,, j-, -j aiai J
uer Knee, two older ones on the lloor
near her, and two little bovs buildin" n
block-house on the table, ivhilc the liftle
girl Mho had opened the door made the
.sixth of the youthful group.
"Why, Miss Pamela," said the ruoth
r, "how plo-tsed I am to Dee you! Kx-
Then Mr. Crump c!..scd the book, and villa-ns "treot Z , -VlliM ,n.t0 lhc . o-t i . - in,.Pon,:inl "acnes of ?u:n,I bone as -howe-I that wbole.alr
with a queer disposition to crx.aUoxmxf"rjn 3ntI ,ov a-S ,' ' ?f ami-f. thu woraan J ' munler haJ ln going on for vear-.
beside his soliury hearth amf looketl at We were torTunS? t f -thc P1 wfoS ni?n. , -T' ?i ?? pV hto ' Hrou?ht U!orv the 1J lhe 3iat "'
the fire for several hours, without stir- la day or tS Sftf; -? ? -S 5w to lTn Jt ii i, h" t10" T1 M a hl5 Ubit of nuig!ing everv
ring. rT.nt aA InK- -h. K,t of the oW IL I n.eok.t,V II f1111 matched . woman who came to consult him. ii h&
When Pamela opened the door in d SSeahin IT had drircr to lj1? fant when it i ming. jew rfrv rented worth thttrouWe Such
came in, she saw hler fatherndLciv S a JJSiT f arId the drUu bub ' !f 3" f aCL ".n i hideoJ. Morie, now and the,hck the
that he knew all. n-',ch, oft fo"' .road; and " 'f J""t nghr, when if pre-vd grave, dumb population of the &,-.-
"Pamela, come here," he said. -How Se of snow irif? chi ? in hfa, 7?r!-,t;1,?b all over and ! :W IVor iiW
Ion- has this been nW nn" m,m?u .1, ? nft' and ! ma-v flattcr J ? platic for the molding hand, j
"SiMe OetobSrD' thr rirl nn "'S-lf thaV?,CcaIel 'ith onlv, then until the ronnd golden haves - A big cvt-,ron dc- in a -am-
S'VCred V ' the lT 3Q T'Tr"A ac,a--.-ia-i Cbr.'y -Oo.Iupontheirclgc-to cool, the j mento tore fcfebisSd "wjy ?.
J- aroAi. Itraml-msl-er rauji vc facr undhided 1 armed bursbr w
l&e patb a U-st hr ,bHilI. lss .k- thr b:i.r -i.. . 77
It. a ' " ""a a -sm -a, sr lly,l 7, fcj)a SVaV IW 'I
harried, tfcr rrotfe itcmag, Sa,P,2 f nwr than haJaarr.1 hr thr iahS
nuZSrTL. ,-. of crn. lactlaarsZr,
Oa. iVw dark ,t Hr ,h-J3 and f :.C.rr., , tdflrt a t.Ji.
atec k frit in th grvat b-k mzhlt , gl- ki U Qy . fc, j sk.
Oar- a -hhks Ur frM thr !mr. Trnxtu.-,- ia NVw TnrV. , 1 il, , iiafiVr -aa-
ulr.l 3,-rr hrr aat tKwj i b kapt ftp tafl th. -17 ..' .
ami again h- thought .hr mv ncalto that :ViHUrt htu h-r: ntf-crw-Juag
ngh: a hrr path, aa! oar r1- '
hr alrast fci to th groad a io-a ch- .
hanily probable, boavar. tat tl m- ZyZ.Tl'C.T:' IT J : 'Te ' . of lh ranu-g af CaWonafa
mrru man aouW aUempt lU dfrat , brair httiV .n"l s7l. k . . " if? Iart l&at ' wh -U- at 1
leap he ik sbnph to arvid arrt on a I rnLk u an-Jhr Kcpt right .. j rabbu m .,uc hkclv u bna- da-a .
charge of mtsdararanor. far ahich thd , , f.t ur ., dW tx-hiad ,t ! tj, f tW ,
.;.V::;'7. "...TT"'"''' at a cat b more Ikkalr W
7- .. ,C l ' w naii to .lop frnuc: kwra aa ohl w0
lB :Mi" at isi- jj . . - -
viaJrw as hr ran to it In aa rmleamr
to ess-ape Thrre wrn Q to
th jscrit.. ia Too:' rt-m. hut thr m- (
on:T of iar-ssi p..Tt brla-rr that
Tong nmpr-d .nit lofaatanh m aa r
dearor to reach a narrow HaJcoor about
fifteen feet IjrJVra- at. wiaIw" It 1, !
highest penalty L a tiac of HO -?ja
fwri3" .-rv rli
. t
t w.u. ' QZr iidr ft" h'ii,