3 ? -ISP - r Mi ! I , J1 V. 'it I! It. :i f 1 I t! THE RED CLOUD OTTTVP I in J Kl. L. THOMAS, Publisher - "l.n kl.I.I.ASKA MY LOST C!!IU . If. n it milk I, i! I oppo ' -i. h.mdenL Ibsfatr ad nnttc ..J. Nit IxNimljliir niuixl u. .1.. . . 1 i,', ,''",,'M'1 "wii team, I tn ' own .. .... . - "UMrrBHr: m ' vinWiiH, In-K i unil . .. , IHllHr IIMIQJT' I Mi. ti Im-UiimK m. lat -t. fa H.d llM,m IV v i .t fi..o iflj Mn.lrT ,j, gjw . . I1- HUPIM -, ,.,l i. I.J. f,,,,. Tair.. HUM. MMMIl fr.lf .Snr. I. ... t It. - '. .- IS MBrrx i 1 . . If rt wJiWpr.ru that -ho U nnt iltrvt. , 1 iak.-blm4fvi. U-iH-mjr,ia-trrii "1 " r !- whi.i inoit-l tl pir- 1 I Mitt of !:-nj:4Riina. tb niountain-brlb-. ' ' !.LlK,CfSL,!!lST: b U- hr- nvaN. lv bal l-n t-uit- , ..' .. .. .-....... I -. ' me IMMUjrftl cxiuir.i l.ntt i n. (Hi '" 1 . n Urr.fx.rrs hrrki'&irfrml"tp' 'w"k'-- ! ,,!''.,J,r:,t!?f"V1I,!Lr,'!.n?,iL i nn.l --- -.4. .. ..j r .iimi WA'ew wJ I nn-9 tk aa-1 iBoHabt Uiat b" I wit t tj U4 -aiM etei., br-Tore w mV 1 n tnjf. re lll UMmnri irac tp oor t r w. may a) Injr. fw r la eplrtt 1 ttnr ir !... n dpirlt, ll.rrjj In l t t&Tr ti r?I wl,"n,llM,b1'' 7m Sm I it h. ralmrn: iw i u-9 . wr - tbat .w 4Ui ftrt-M um in -juit- Tr-M. . . ... I itta vrirrtnr x-krd ,! II.IBT. - In all Ue lawit. be liva! txtrUtlMt: , i t I ttw lidn nvatn will wr 4-ralr. ! I' Hal (Me bit ow. ru1 uu IlB HJr-l 1 ' ,w ! for 11 written "Tb'rii afeaM iwartlirrf." 1 "" 1 mv all Hie t-. ;.!. 1 athr, Tii 1iate-, ,v J TA j u. II1I11. afHN-fl !. tlr Mi" fijirii JjiiI, m. ttnic at 11) jr rjrit .Kl. Im- mir II. miii b. fln'I 1 bat b" K 1. '!. - JtrtritU l'.mt ant IrttntHt. nr ! A win:-niM: i i:n aiioi:. (.-1 1.ta lo.fliHi fa ali ta. itii O I . .--. .- .--... - -- - .--. afur a nm....y ife. a, the J.a-'.l - ... - ..- . ..,.r... to imiicaic. jhii ano an incioem t, '.1 -re r.ti.-i.it.- anii inter. -ni inz. u 1 'itnalion. ! -v. .n a Tlain aainl'n day I fr ihicb. tlten aiv maiiv of iIh'Ui mhI in mi e-u-, ajr, that I fouml ; t.iimbrtbe h'"i.it.iMn 'ruiilaii'-e 1 ii I't'iiut, otir U1..M1 toiiMU m . iiil. pio -.-.lin to Sail Sliu I. -1 little imu 111 th. -rv bosf.m il ! T'trixl Niitb mitea. ir the pur- ' of WltllevMIirr Jhe bull-llfbt ,. Pk- 1 1 on-. hihI .thr o-aIl.iJ sjiurtn ' 1' .lilr JU-I th.'ll 111 -M-anoU On mir way thilher ja .-l n t . i h l jmioI, when a number f ii;iiiiI nij'iis er" irasliiiir lian tbir 1 1 - aii) iiiub-. with '.at ctre, a- if ii p pantwHi for wrtiie event 1 lIlnr t hi '.nlmarv nnMrlaii"' Th-v n.-r 1 'i "ami Ham t ln. r-. tier. much. f- ! 1.I1. e;nil-H. pa- k m-ti. ami I ,will eie.j. aur;i- .iiii min'iii .kui lelbiWi. from th" nat ami lable lan.N 111 tin iieihbur .f ('int.. iiwl ftiiwl a pn-tr-'r.Hip iilh tii ir l.ubt blanket-.. MHnbreio-., ruJe tt-aMls ami I it . IJ ! IIHrllH put . r.ull-ii'.'htcr-. T lir-.e-riwr'.-r" I I I of nil eolllpailioll .-ilhci tin iiM' ! tb .!hcr." 1 1 1 t Ik -1. pau-.iii. that 1 mibt m-peei 1. -( Hi my leiMirn "Ihcw fel I .w , are jtr naim fr tl" Hemrita- 1 e that uill tak' p1.v .ti tomlcr j ' im imme.liat'Iy ufl-r ib other I'm "' seiionln cluiM? I lon' I umler- in.! " iii will prc-ntl)'. I' ni mark . . thr4 iiciivc voting ieii.w . who l.ll.n . ln IUI...UI- liowil Ul.ir l.o.l.cs si. :.. " t'n r. am! who jet eve each other .luklv am! malevolentlv " .-s, the two v.uiti'iT f th" Ilio are .k eii.iill to be twill brothel-." 1 bev are so. ami are . much alike in appearance ami disposiiioii as often I., be mistaken for each other." snhl Mr. V .1 ...-t. The other ami Mer is .-alle! m . ami MUiiethm if a ib'-perati' 11 icier. I am lbl The thr.-e liave l.ei been iivals for the atle. ti"ti of 15. :n imiii.t. one of the pretties; ami m..t eoiiif!ii-.h of the In.Iian niouutaiii 11 11 J.-ns beieabouls. sin. I have ha.l si niitiv .pun ids oiiheraeeouut. lb il their . ... ..i. .1 li.M.tv is wen Known ,,,,.-..u..v........ t . t v.1,. I.v.iilw. HiiMI. l 1llnll nil! "' '. , , ,-,. , ' .. 1 , believe has sioiitictl Iier JO II IV. Jill. I 1 linirir in--iiiiin 11 . I . liit.ulion to icwaiil with her haml the oii.ulio eat Che's her. ami thus put an .1.1 t the nvalrv." Yu surprise me." said I. "Thi- vv uu in ehasiue; is a well known eustim tii.'ti I he T.nSar nomads of tin Aiau j.ih's. ami alsi. 1 believe, imintij eer t i 11 hi.liati tubes it North America; but 1 was not befoie avvaie of it bem in voue in this quartet of thejrlobe." "It i-. neveitlieless. so." said mv h ml. I have often wondered at the M. me siinilantv of the euMoms. ntes an 1 panics m vo;ue atnoii"; Mivae or half savage niees Hvni"; in widclv cpa i.ite.I pi.irters of the not Id. In the wife chase in prospe.t. von will, at all .vent-, witness some superb liorseman . 1 p The Indian- of both m-is on tlii -.c table lamls eonhl almo-t vaunt, a- ! . - lalc in the plav. of having been b.irn on horseback. 1 only hope that iMthm": tmpc nm prine; out of the co'iii tfT contest." hat do von mean?" Whv, this little mountain-5v itch, lt.-tijimiua. will, of course, manage to I. . .iu 'hi bv the one sh sei-retlv pre- 1. 1. .im rr 1 1 iiniin iii'u l indict there win ee ' ' - - - .1 ii.eible. sooner or later. The deteat.sl bioiber nriy acuiiesee. though ullenlv j. 1...1 1 it.ii.1il not tiisv.r tor ns forts' 101 .is 1 'tint, boil the part of tint beetle-browed . 1 ise.d Vaseo vonder. These jiruuitiie T.eonb. in spite of their ordinanlv inno- . . m b:iiuv-iro luck 1 ivavs. are vtrctne ... :.. .1. .... 1... .. ...1...... ITii. t l'.iit i . ' .-evell.'CIUl ill in. 11 mu-iiiiiiiis nm i let us Iiastcn. or the rouad-lmuse yon- , d,rvvill be full before we can i:ct there." ! 1 will pass over the eock-h":hl. the bull ti"hts. and the still moie brutal pme-ii-'hts the latter consisting of. h tlf-naked. braw 111 nep-oes testiiiir their , i-.ViM' powers till one or the other eon-' te'staiit lell. eiiM'less and 11ikm!i. in the , ,.,., (allies of this Mrt had ever inspired me with pure horror, ami thev had even less interest for me on this occasion, in view of the more romuuiic and piettir CMpie event that was in p!.sject. "I'lie iutenncdiarv performances, how ever, concluded w ith an excitinjr irime of avcha. which was well worth the wit-nessin- H i- a imjle. but bold and haanioas. trial of strength and .skill. It consists of two well-mount oil men. Tsisom' with their riirht hands the oj " T- . I " , , , . .!... IIOSIII" Sl'lCS Ol il SI. Mil KJVJ'l-.l lll.'ll. I. "1 .u.o, pn.le.tvorui"; with their mirrht . . .. .. . ...a.. 1.-........I .I.x.i.v Imi main to uiise.it each other, their iioies in the meantime beinjr purposolv onrrcil -nnl "o.itletl into a perfect trenrv ,i.fe-it bein" signaled bv an unhors- ine- or even bv a relinquishment of the prasp upon the loop. , The reader can readily imapne the furv and damrer attondm; ujioii such a pas'timc. which, while it affords ojipor :mitv for equestrian posinjrs and atti tiuliuizing in comparison with which the most'cxcitinir contest at polo is tamo and spiritless, not iuficqiieiitly results in loss of limb and even life, - The six aycha trials that wc witnessed, however, were fortitnats.lv productive of but one accident, ami that a not very serious one: aud at their conclu sion wo lost no time in joining tho Treat bro2- tiia; was begiauicir to pour a3oa thn lir-ti'm of the p.-iieau. a'-Mif a ! mile aw.iv. where the prep-tnli ti fr mournfully I. hke thee, have been thr rrr,tt nl of tit i1m. th 4-MirW-i l'intt-! m tb rw The fatot w;c chase, had lreeii I'.imir m. ft Tain t us lth ' wifa-hunt is. perbatts. the a': op- l.riiite tiniin. tiil o-a 1-- nrnu il The the v-irl.riih.r . i.itn.n! In ..no .- imr if her admirer, in ,rinm i her gl Va It him l'K tohiaJi' A I t.i.l ....I 1,1 -,!... -.k f f.rtforrli! ruual M flit.. baaf :W ..... .. .... ,. , ... - ite - ex. ana!. ih-Mib tlie rare it marrta;;. -'si satut ooma vo t .. , -i.- i ..... a " t .. -i. ja ... ". ... w....fll. ... -I .. . l-. (tifiltiTn itai If!V4 nilll ji-i A ". m. - rupture on this part ai lUn roilor fab wboni h- rr.Hv nri-fers. wbwh r5diJris r it n nmtu?l inf ima-tiJr vtnn. ltrr t A w.-k or ! tlavlaU-r. hon I h-m all; aim! in tin it mar tc il U lw n ' prTriu to juit Cuay jl f'- tbe lij'rrr. ".-iiinnr- aflwr tb iM-mrt nni ntlKrn rri, I w a man bj; 11 rH.ini than tuar.v of tb t ifr-bunt , to jail b a jaaii of wilM-r4. wsih t lit Uiat an-jb vorw in" more n?b-ntiiul - ' ru m' at hi b.-l 'fb- uian. Jo ejihzil rtmatric my atontliint. w Vbpi I ran W v.tn-l ffitirof tl' rrn on for inf'nnati"n to ilr I'not. wb:t I :1k la in o,m-ttoii. all of tb-ni cjtin n--irNl making hi out of ths anl afnuin: to both itaur8 anl ' Tiwtl. tKifiiciiisntH t.ii I m m.r4!h tnUrt"t- i 1. . ... .'.. . . . l.l ' l. OI1I III Mir III lli- ra'. l"l: IXrl. tl..: 1 ... ,. Zl. .! nkltfr I f-JI jltlllllia il WH !- ' j. """; woman, of nppanntly unmiutl hiflian Rtoi k llrr ItBn- wtw slcTnl-r hU., . b. r ompb-xkixi wa bar. brilliant nu'l atiifrt r-Uaul. hb bal n " t . rnlirful 'ra-o of inov.ni-nt, lohI. blnvk p. r.nl loiiii lljinr. rr". Mark hair, which float- i far ! bT !irfin wait. a h lightly b-ajnil into Uii wultl. aniid tlw l'ihing jrood- iIm il li.T I.Iii:iI- (III 1)211 1, til . HlHI , . ... ... .... g - j cmcl a ari ant lijbt-h art 1 a- 1h. lul-tl. in lnTtm'tur'iM. or-al- , like c.hiuuc, she l'rkc.l mkIi a t.-iupt- njf WIZO. a hh- cnr'tHl I,acfe afi. foiih iii'n her aniallan.I iimK ttr-i. Imt , roflf lMmc at.-rl. iu nliticinatlon for hT , loicm to "tvi in iur-uii. inw --. wontlcn-il at thr in'ttm bul Uirco cuni-1 tontlcrt'il at thn bmj; but tlirco cuni-1 i'tit4r fr hr han.l. i 1 here wotiM bo mure niter licr. imi , r the reputation of .hew three. naiI aiiit.aiiion I l.cv art nu m'i ihiir f.ilMVH a-wihl ami deperate nn anl i auipe.i inti in-y can n robhert on wramffl, ipiiU' oh i',n ienll a ntule-JntcM Uut .! lhe olf I" n 1 t 1 1 I tb Hir- wor.l Iivl Wn I oaie.I tho niKUi ain- . 1 1 w.i true. jriien. ani awav ia.d. having lr.png.ten lifty zrU ff Mart, with the ntal luti-n in mail pnr-. ... ' -nun. ' .NV.erba.J I i!,v.M-.! finer boro- IIIUIIIII'. --!! HI .'! "" J - re ir--l jiiu ii alike, nun an ' lunven - of jfriI--orII feon ibnTos. i tiirht lilltnir. liuar-hhc taekeH, ami hromih fnn;ol troerH f blr.tebel Unnia km. liun; Ihtc ami therewith twinkling little belN. with the single es- reiili.m of tin bmiui .ihes about their waits. I ln-ne wer' Ilieir inarKn .i ie ti. Il'.ll. M.UHII ! Sfll be.tl jelloi. MartiH b!u ami i-et"- rd I ir e t,ei.tl i t.ni il a most ox eitinj; nice. In this lir-t place, the nar row plateau wart interpercl with rn ks am! .lump, of t h tppnral. wlih b ulloweil of any amount of levtcroii- .I..I....... ... .1 ...r .1 .i ..rt nf III. !..'! tl.I - 14.ll"iJI" ill.ir..." ... ... ...-- ..-- - M-ek n l,..r.lM. k. in fa-1 ; ami in .hi-1 next i.Ih.c. thoii-h the twin. Marl.. ; was ew.lenth the v,.m- i....iiiiU-. of th- three hi. brother ami V.t.-o living ab..ut e.malh o-.....i hor it w.. tr. - tt well tmler-to'l amoiie; b" S1M tttornihat he (Miit.t) was the s.-ereth j UiH the mj-tery wa snivel in a mo fnrel. aul therefore tlm one b meat, i.ir the white, ileail f.m-e that was whom I'.enjamina meaiilto beeaptur.iI ju-t then rexer.-ntlv uneovereil. 11:1. If tin, .- tie " ". however, it. w- bin 1114 its hastbuess. almost the eaet .1.Ie11l ilnl .she woiibl have to ' eounterp it t of his own. Then, with a iiinmetiiie erv .hn-nlU. for su h was the eneiv of Maim to am! Vaa Ibtt she more t!.:iti mv narn.wK esi ape.l having the im. snatch il out of Im!" hili'l-Tlu one .r the other f Ihem two. At one time a luekv .lump if eh ipar nil alone nve! her lnnn Manuelo s chilch. am! then aam V.tseo was so j - lse uh.ii h-r. with llahm eve. nn.l i ..ulstret. he.l aim, that she omIv s-j Mp.l l.v lliuui' hers -If pr. upon ! tbe.lT si.b- ,.1 b.r potiv, ami brmpii- t t. Mi.h a Mi.l.l.n I. i!t that her pursuer , jtlH far nj,,..,,! m a-Uam-e lhcn. hi f,,. . ,.,.,,,i r,. -..v.-r himself. sii was .urilyr ..otl,er U llT o. Ill- .I41.' Ml. . m I.in 'n .us .rotmii x in' hii - 1 mount! Mart. ., who liter rival ju-t . , then ehauce.l to ir-t temporarily iiuvttl up in a cactus tht.kct. 1 'resent l ltiv all four li.iieareil behiml a s.'-nesof sni til 4-lumps. alntut a tloreii r.Mls awav. anl their n-appear-ati.-e wa- awaitisl with n little sus pense, f.u it w.ts felt that the result wnllli! then- Ih le.-bl.nl. It was so. but m a manner not alu- jr.-tliel !mkel for iieiij.im.tia li.st btir-t into iiew. in a narrow -.pace betw'eu tvvo caelu-. ..1 I . .. ..I....li i.tlT-wl1..,i Id Al-.ll. '. IHIIHIi'! 4Jll -...-. !. -... ... . ,.. ,jia, jH o,,,,,,,.,,.,, haml was m ' - . anion": tlte rav-n meieJ ies of her out- iiatr. she Hut she sue essfullv execute! the same trick upon him which she had pl:ied shut iH before upon Vas.-o that is. throw m.r h'Tc!f upon her jmn's neck and comtii"; to a stop so sudden J as to 1 ause htm to miss his e-'tsp. and then ir iltm;iii; ahc id far bei.tml her. Hut in this instance she wa more tardv in reeoienuj !ierwn e-juilibrnun t!i. in before Indeed, before she could lo so and e-t awav apitn. 'ase... who had been follow 111 c'.os li b.-biud M.i'i uclo. spurred down upon In r like a whirlwind, ir'n in"; lUtentnee n wild and triumphant crv. Hut neither was the prize of vouth and beaut v for htm. When Vaseo vv.-ts mt.lvvav in his 0:1 vv ard rush. M irto. w ho had made an unexpected detour. mlde'tli s; .random of the ca ti to the left, and cIlid'l iimiii his rival's tl ink with aeh a sho.k tbtit Vas. o's siddle -jirth was burst asunder, and he went tlouuderin: in tb- bist. while his riderless stnsl palh.p 1 far aw .ti. rih'tt Hcti'.imina lasb-l awav in the lumps omv mire, with Marto close ' . . . . . . .. .. !... 1.....1.. 41... ..!... .. ... 1.;.... 1 ll'" "' '" ' ' i ...;;,, UP :l itinou- but aim st liopeii ss ivar. I lie s-ispeuse i uie vihii hoin was a brickiavcr. 1 nave sr,. sm. j.lal, 1 ...--... 1 ..... .1 ! wnut-bt up to the maddest pitch bul it was ,.f brief duration. While the unhors..! Vaeo piekts;! himseit tin. wuli a pivuliar inttnieiotis .11 tir.i..i.iti on his dirk face, there ttrs. - i galloped into view Uenjaii.tna's pmn without a rider. Then.amidu storm tf applar.se from the on-lookers. came the favored Marto. with the irl in his arms Kitlmjr alter them came Maau.-lo. with a pale check and Iowerinr brow, his smile f eisv eonttdence haviii"; :iien place to smothered rtie and troubled tiiscon.eui. inouii. ior inai mnii r. 111 tlisappomtment was icsination's sell eompari'.l with Vaseo. w'tos,. asjteet was more like that of a ba tiled tiend than ' am tiling else I could coueehe of. Thoujrh pale from her hard ridini: r.eaiamina's handsome face vv:ts face .1. .1 ..:.!. ...:.. 1 . wreaiueu nun mhhcs as sue was brought in to receive the eon .'ratula- tions of her friends; and she "ccmed ioioits that, accord'n: to the custom of her people, there was no apjeal fn.m the result of the trial to which she had 1 ' ..lit. lit til. 1 M.1TS..1!. '. - IllMilllU'l IH.4.. 1 How diflertMit. however, would have I been tho irirl's ftvliiiirs had she fallen to l the lot of Manuelo. for whom she had I no likin!r. or Vaseo. of whom she stood , in positive dread, cm readilv b je im.-iir- ishiphad iued! Hut pluck ami horsemanship been cunnin-rly Mipplomontini by lovinir .stratejrx- and natural inclination, ami the mountain boautv was destined as the bride of the man she loved. The eurasred Vaseo. however, was al - ready jrivina: vent to his disappointment and to'throats of xourroance. in spite of the laughs and jeers that beset him on cverv side. "I w:is cheated bv abase trick ..... - . ... robDen bv the meanest treacuerv: we overheard him exclaim, in the villain- ously mon";rel ispxnish that forms tlie dialect of tnee neonle. "Carrajo! I will uot subaiii to ii."' Peve. V.-t-o" n.d Mann,., The " 'm,rii. '' It waaj not fate, bat r ha treRrhrv of tht brotftT ihi Mi to me ai'leil.' Itr-el Vrx-tfemtM ....'... ) 4 1 " I .. .. it (4Am tvwrfi! lianfknnk!yilrin tlrn'j'DOil ... - i-.. - - lFf "-'.i '- i jni--HiI' wnl?. ami j euwpan- nl 1 rl , " ITltrtiil UV row. I aaiid- ' ' .... . -.... . !.. paw - l. ain af. "ise iruj m i.r Marto i -kI tbar brn foittvl an hour ? tnmjr th r.K-ki. with Viukw a sti- b-tUt sticking in bu hrt I . . U K. ' "And ISpnjamtas I'or 1 hiM Sb i doubtlivs aiMin ;h tn-rtintaiii. wnninir hor tismU artd ' H tr-inn" hr hair, in hrr imrthT cahm Marto anl h vene Jo hate brn tuar-ri-I in thrrc l.iys. 11 us pu up thfr anl wt if r can crofoTJ brwith eotne littlf nr --tit. I h-ar tbv nm rarniiiu 1 1 up tiic l-xlv of th ajunlcrc'I man. to ay it at LrV fwt " I m ill:n,rr nKailitfl ( In Otir WAT Hit . .. ....F... - .. .- B th. :uiutatii wt pa'I thp al jjroup. who wrc rtrniiiL' the .inc uiion a H hu.-r f fTCfn" liou'b ith tho fac ,,Yrn - l. W,. burricl on trtvanl th cabin of ttul I Vaniinnn l.fnfmninAf. Wcll-lO-ilo ! '' " " J .. wjIohci iiHlmr. yw jjirl bl h'.irl oi f,.,.. iti...it. lf.r .an ti, : 1, .,1 i. tr,i ,,f ilf. 'nn''v n mr Hrrivnl. ith - r ,M.r ,utjlt.r at j.r st, atnly striiHi" fo tH,tnf,tn j.r su.j vas stnluij; in ritnl nf tl. ,.at luf. ,, trc of (IibhiL-i tion anl lr".jinir. llerface was jlia-tly pale: u wn wr.nfinjr her IiamN. low. bpart-urkeii "C .. . ..1. ( i" il tnoatiri inuei irom Iir IiUhmiics lint. milnibt I1001I of her imlo.reii tt-it J(.r ho ft .,.. nrv ,,, ,, .,, . ., ,.IIIniIliflli n w, n. ,JX,.,, jjiamiv ., . ,,..,,... .,..,, ., i,..;,,'. rj U.rtti. im f m (it h .-..mpanion I'oth mv CMinpanioii unI I felt that here via ariet tint uoitbl almit of no ; :jt ,. it-.. ... ..,,..1 ,.- . ; " , ' , , , 111.' iirv ..I ii." it'.uiii-ni. ttj 111.11. ..I4. -, ., , , ' , , . 1 1 pa.ss, wiien me ihii 01 ner nei huh shout! be laul at her feet. Hut. thank heaven, we were ilentmel to wait for that in ain! The litter lui'l just been .et down. ami on of tho- who hat! nrcompaiiieil . it, an btitulile pne.t, was about to tin- j inKT Hie palllM laee t tile aIlteI jra-.f the irl. when a muleteers shull lurra Urn vx was heat!, not far awav. ami the net instant. M.irto. her Io.t. alive ami well, bulimic.! 111 amon ti-. . . . .... . Ka". Jvo.h rrv. Lonjaimati nM.e. int., ,m arms, uh.fe Marto. even ' -Iu-P"-J,,'r- l"") l,rsl at "j" " l,' ' ,"'.;' ,,"' :i1 tl,L' Iitu-r. with apiuJfil. fnhtcncil'xjire. J.1IH1. wihl erv of "Mv brother mv brother!" the vouth was on bis knee-, at the -mlc of the litter, moan t n; am! subbing out his wihl lamentations. Vavo's vengeance ha I mistaken it-s victim, ami the r uial resomtilanee tint h.ul -ael I.euj.imin 1 an iilli.iii-l husbaml Ii 1 1 st tho latter his twiu - brother's life. .... lil,.:llift,i ,..,., .Ipfern.! tli" Iirirna.r,. ,,f jj. m.rs for another fort- nilt xxX am ,ri:i,J t. be a'.le t state ,j, Vai u t ....j ,.UI,u,.,..,i :illl t.x. eetit.-.I before nij Ie,i.irture Irom 1 (..i.naouil .mh fo.ir ltvs after !its ,.ov. .,. ...,M1I .,.,. f .Mamie!.,: for. 11(,.,, t.ri. U.M :ul ,.rr..r of intention, ,. T . 1 ,, 1 . :l ro,j -. -- ... . . , trth'-rniso Iiavu been. A'Ari I. ! I ru r. remit rv I .iff in Hair. A laU living in a country village in Hah wr.t-s, m the ' mhtll Mtja.au of her lie i;ulrorb ami Ilieir liabit.s. m av s. It is annzin how .smart the verj poorest Ia.lv wlio has any pretensions I,, bem;; -uch w ill turn out on ocesisums. ..... l.l I .. . I 1..... I........ tl r.i llllWCK lll.llill. II II. I IIO.IIU ..not Tuovun ' Lulies beloteMii- to an ohl iW ;-, 0 - but u'ti'b Mimed f.ttmlv. whojuj parents were too poor to kceji a servant, would dress themselves for their oiraiti;' vvalk in the most fashionable of hats and cos lutnes. iv ith their t.uis. smelling-bottles, lace haiidkercliiefs and gloves, all eom pl.-te. In ortler t obtain these dresse-.. the voting ladies had to condescend so far as to woik for the peasanks, wlio paid them b'f "'1' manufacture of the smart stavand chemises thei weir on feast dav"s. Tlie attcmjiU at heuij, hfhlv fashionable, cnnibuicd with an eiitire i'n.intate of the h:i of the fa.shiouaWe vvorld. produce Munetimes the stnimjest incongruities. The lace veil is now almost cotiimeit 10 uie class j Uir4(H called ' artisti" that is. shopkeepers Ul. and skilled workpeople; but a few of ; the old-fashioned ladies stiH keep to it. ' '" t'urious specimens of decaved nobility ' sn to be found in these remote ullages I lir.r4 -people bcarine; jrrand names, ami xx tainin emsiilenib!e pride in the.r an cient lTtie.v. u M,,m generations of idle ness ami imthrtftiness have reduced to extreme jmverti. Tliei are not edu cated for anv profession, and when tan at ion stare-them m the faiethei have no resource but to earn their bread ... .. i . 1.. ...1 !..!.. 1 I II... Until., f tllltlT 11? in iiiaioi... oi."'.- -- ..v....x --.... ... j im acqiuitniauee is a carpemer. aimuier 1 daughters ot a i ouni.'ss worktn; in me fields. With their fortunes, their man- ners detfiorate. until uothine; but a I ivmnaut ot prtue remains to tiistmeiis;i 1 tlM'iu from the peasants U'tween whose class and theirs so reat a irulf iv. .s once iixt'it. 1 reiuemis-r muniim more melancholv than tho assemblage ' of these po vert -stricken nobles I nnv met at the house of the rich man of the 1 lHaco. We were at supper, and as one dirtiold man after another came sham . bhiiir in. each in turn .. to my ;reat ' surprise. intndt:ced as the tlcscendant of an ancient ami noble family, but fallen "c.i.luto" added my host, with 1 a i;e:ure of compassion. The old man l.l .1....1 lvw )ii lie-i.l in welfitieh.ili 1 t . 1 .t -.. . 1 .llii.i kl .1 wv. "' .'. .-- ....-.-..-.. -. ai ouie.scenee. and. ca-tin"; a nieful H.mce at his si,ni,t,v cloaK wua tae .-...1...1 ...i linit..r 1011I1I slml: inf.i ! i.i ' j. - ' chair at the far cad of the table. One ' of these fallen nobles, who had taken w hotise-patntmp ? thoujrht it only charitable to emplov lor the decoration of our ceilinrr 1 w-aa prepared to feel quite a romantic interest in this unfor tunate nobleman, and to bo enchanted vv ith his artistic jrennis. but he was so uncommonly dirtv. and his manner wore sQ little removed from those of a but he was o peasant, that mv illusions were dispelled at once. Neither did his style of decora- ' tionexactli comcuptomyideaI,aUhour;h it was amaiuous cnunpi. . oas.s.ei oi j flowers soon adorned each comer of our ceilinjr. ami in the center, from amid ' cloud's and wreaths of roses. a rather ' shapelos? Cupid beran to be aielineatcd In the middle of the work the artist. whose temper was short and whose ! feeling were sensitive, took offense (as ' wc supposed) :U. some unintentional ..... ia-:.a . .1. . -i- v. silent on our pan. a iwuai uie aira.- . est explanation he denarled one day. leaving: the Cupid minus one leg and one arm. and rtun rcc uo taorav P.s. srw Ct:j:t it of th t tt ..--...I ..- ... fk,c..n .-. 1 - 4.444. 174 - !-.? -4 ' -..- ---. f AerV-witure for tk var Iv-. I j the c. w numrnti'4 It r ' UHt XIW and llpow the "T'"- imi .rf lh AnrrtnU Ifcrnw fcw " lat-! It WHOIins" tfjr" tHMMMlt ltHrmUfC mWTOK ....... ,J Agricultural ProlnrUa I nil! Mat-. Flue farts xvi iat nraprtuir tbc rb NrwMrtiwwnnd! "H pnxlnru f ontrr aw alaair2-. if . b .t nub M ,i-.' M4 tea o n - ltaeb At all erMiU Umt f tfcr at so?s b-4 rf rarft aa4 I.K2 b4 -.Mt.t4.J- rikI isuefartorr Utab(W m. Tb hicntBr frtna tkw ptarr rm rfcrrft eJio- ubire'tbe fTrtt:ot tr ). Um f ;i Joe Ukr prvMtf .- l...l .... ,a .. L.J t -. ih jnrto a rrntr hm nrr.liii4i .if Ih nmiilnr r tmltxsnl' 11 irr'f - w w ---. - .. - ----- . tyricultural int-rrO& r? luratett ! , Ib- rlatiT p.itfio of lb Ut a tu p crHrt-J Fn-tM b ajrrrultttfMl. tirry cbnrm"tr of arx-turl loc- ! fru tit4 fwr h w fat tion 'i"br ? 1--r was avarir alt f tt,, ,-i.p. gh rr.j to rjttijr' b Men: ov Tb i" " i rrt, r pba4 "Mj -! I Imm ctiaih IxttxnUl.- u all rcit.jo Ala,,, ; y & 'tcli 4 fa.T l ctnptUiin from U rrport m- tbr j 4. .j aa.anU t t aJMuhiuitJi' tKjrX14 " m priw-i"wi ra b ."iaU-. em!m-iM cro. lt-t, r. ot. harlet. bock wheat. pjt. toa - co. ciU'U. uar ol of ali ji ujt l.c sto-k. ba-.l on tb tff yrv Tailing: in Dw.-mb r. !' The foti'-r-w in: tables &how tfce r-ttii. Mal& laxai Ar-Muraj I tum in tvrparate tlwhra to a tA pia.- ii-ii. t f t. m r SS tllA lhZtotmrrrnSmiihmr cw at i r, .tx v, --: Ttat I3tas3 ,,n utrvtar. atvt pia- thm to i,"Hia tt4a taw r-.- . ;.M f 8su Bftttrtwiaa. !!'- lltttSa Ar .".I'urml .. - ml - ii.- thnp an rawly b datrovrl b ?ntz tlfci Ti- WlC.i,i'th tto'uh tb follow m;' m. vC ', turr- jftll krnwtM, ii prtittb e.,t wbaO-oiI M4i,no fMaol lotivsco p ft?ita ,rr,rwttTl rijchtv cailona watt-r Alw. affaimi tb tvJtt . . - r4 ajHlr ami awaltr bug th. t a b-ti t ' iw' altir- "rl la kt Tt4U. iswm. , -tr MAat-HreBrtm. f tljca.ts: Artraltifl SS.WC itU pnatu ir.; t fin.-iaa.cap Htftr-II.- Ita.uv Total. ttMe.J lmSa ttK ttHaa Ztjtnkn ai(witunal t".m. IrM.IIU T'Aat I3.ijnr OlSHTtaT I t il.r. tz.or.ii lXH,7mt IIirre 4in,i'-4VIHi miw 1- a.nka rnalo'ta IP,l7k3 , V"l - - i: T i s.w tita. ' JGl.rt.! II -tr i".,V mt , airi Il'a llnrwa i.r.' i I .n . I tltll th.s . .l.m rr.iuts I JiTl.7Ta Vi:.!" T-tal .tau.ut.:to i a kw juaoir. t IX.t 2U II ; l.sM I 2 jgt . ultural R.t . ItlU't . 1 int.Hl.. UJII Total resaaTi ami. l.a.j Ayr., ult.iral Il-re M il f I anie hp jrt . 2 .aii a s s.-IJii'i Ili.rs Ml s ( fVlle Mioi-j J3JU. 21.; i pro-ttH ta t..ns.4 m,-.' T.rtal .lir.MU l.r l.v w wa. . r., I .; It'-if 0 r.o t .-. itt.tr ! V.ii.101 l'r.lu. t. (3.u sifm Total M lTI. VS f7.il IWM e I.KkV .I. e'ilt.irl 3.'HI W pnvtiJ t 2.1 l V l nnr T.ti . VIRIJIM . j t a ut M il. s I AI v:t.tv. ;iAK.;4 1 .itlte Shi- J i .tta isu I llrr Mil1 1 .iMS ' attl 5j- j .J ' '" :,j.si; i Mors' I H. I lltl sll ej . II r -s Mi. I uWn I tltll ' . -U UJ . II ie Mill I HIS I 4tttl . "llOC ..re VI.ll.-4 I iltl'- sliueii II.)n-'' Mlll-4 x i yr, tsi 1 1 ..r m : w.t t -5ow, .ijrri.uii.ioi .. tK..s-i prutuc a tn.Ila.tlil ;,:i w f ... l.l!J,DI. Total . S'A''.'; .s.lKTII a I HOI is . &.;.,4t ...jr . ..-.lit .oil 1 1 'ta.jna I aiuvsii pr.ai.Ht . .I.::t.:i! .. teat 1 iK.Tio Total s it ru t nun is v. i;-.si,fi tVUMtil II t !.?TI. . d.TtT.'D 5. (.11. Ctt Aa-ri' ultitrl lSPl.tJlt prti luct l.:.,va -- - .I."WI Total . liM,'...., Klt.t V Js,7St.HI It..- (..JU.ll'. ri i uil.iral t.e3.;nj pro-lu.t !Vla..l :.i.vi m K.k T..UU . Ml.l-I.' ! l14lKttV. TUU.cailr V.H Mij .Van tiltiin.t VftSPI prtatuctlt I iKexi I .title t.iic: i; lj..it T.utl. itt.jss.ta Ut.,.,, Vt.vKlMV. II.,i.s lM,li!iV,.,"J? .. . ; -,u-w .!sVlaAtft--.iitural .1,'sOf im-Iii t '.'.y.VM MuJ.. t I little -lli"p I 2,t's..tji - ! 3:.V.O.t Total vttsaiaairi'l. v i,.us i ll.in'-M V1UI.J3 . Is 1' title sJi -ep f.irs.. Mnls ( i utile . Ml.-ep II iri' Mui.-s fWVkTC Ilosa iu.Kj sr,,nn. Jo i,e manntitieut of tlr aTn'ofik plslll,to', .vi.H.ft:rai)c-v me. therefore, .summer prutm. '-,2 ijm m - j is als.. a n-ettv, for a vine left fr u JI.J9I Tt.il. : 'l.trn.-.it j Mi anila pnmin lo another to nit wriici., , rautnant pr.Mlms a .puuititi of itaeles 'iaS'liS.tanl WA'l-,U..;il..tlr de'r.m nt .f the. Ih-u-.b- rtt.-e.i ,ir.-i,iri, iisTiftv I 1.S-.H.1 7. i K"" i 1UI.S70 Ttrtl . tW.aW.' Trv. fLMXl.s.1 !..jrs iVT!': i K.titl.sji Axrw ulttintl iWS -.Ot.l t " ir. lu is Pl.l.lQ 1 attl SJif.-p nvis.tr: T.tai . f it.eirss,j i vt!K sis. t'i. t C il3 Hour f :,SM, isi 0. ".1131 Ar ultural 3.07 1 tp pnMiurt I2.rt.sr a.s.2i i si.Tt T.utl . ?:i.I f.KM TKNMiXMEK. flTZisltl II4 5s2-T.tO. ll.irsf Mill ! I t'Ulle -tii'i 1 II re. Vliiie ( IIIH Cl.ttt' tlltep Hnis." . tattle Mieep It. nj.ITT Vjrr.. ultural ts-t, t pnaluet .H"i! j 4.1.J...I 1.52.03 T.utl . ;iCv2t2 ;-."" H 1 , , . west vim.tMi. j s.titn-j wtHHlen jvists. from whuh an n.ta-, H.W- fi.5ro i atret.-iit'l horizontal lines of who ISsrtt'i Asrrieiittunil 'lieore Husinann. whe expert, m 'ckq ,,r"'UKL' K-S5-"Si Ibis prov.athnt the additional est ..' lien.t T-.tai .. r..ia..VM t tre' li will be more than paid b th khxti-ckv. larger and Itetier erp the tirst l arm.; l21.It.V7J II C ?'s:il.Ta i . iis,,n. aIliM's that lrelltes be pre Sffafr1 lATts -xr. ' pared as follow,- Pr-H-ttre posj s.-v t jss..r - ) f. c bHip; and three to tour inches m b- J,s7i.as T.itnl MlAn.V.sai ' ain,..,.r nf r.l eIar. osae,. ..ranjr. . Vi"'.' ..,, . intillterrv. bla.-k let or j-s'- .ik ni:,.oiLrct,.iur.,l?,,-'X'K.'.ar the htwer end, slhtlv or .. l,iiT.v iHtviuet. tu.f'r.i.v. them in eoal-tr t nkake them m.rt Mill. I". t't.ttl" .-lln p .' ? - . --. .Ttr: iirn tt - Ti'...o. .. .1 -r 4U..1,'43 IJ.d'itSii Vila llltivs. Mor-os Mtit.- ( .Ws run.' Ml tp . i2sn;.r.4Hnc ... (1(I .'.p etilttiral ll."'.sit pr.aluet.4 a.2i,IU 5-J-' fi.MWs-l Total IK'JIH.; IN. .vi. jj ,r.,x . fTs.t-otfvs h r; .. jii.t.r:.3 t ' tn -. .Ii4l vj. , .. . t r I .s . lii.i.rii pixiluru 1I2.iC.tj H.I2.83 -VOJ.IVU T.utl ... KO.JWt s, "" IlJ.l.NOI. . f.lsT3I lb ? Jts.Tr-.7a s.i.u.:i; lar niltitrat i.r,.icj pis-duat iTi.r.,s ls.-limi . SrT.ji.l4a T.al $3.r.a; I-IOsl. h.. m u J.a', sM,n "' (-.,'.t ' 1 o-j,. j ?&. 1 ,)r M.:i. r, ;,.,. 1 if. :. Mui"s . fr..is.vn iie.- :-.'trt.Ku tt'Oi AsT-iciiltttntl .w;i" pn-ltK-t-infSiJu-' , ic-l'"i " 3,'''.rts T.wt flti..i:.T xiwc-iiri 7K"J. At-neHitumi zzs: ii- proituts x.9it.s . &? Touil liasijS in .. fiLsS.MIIi: ( H7.n awi.isi prvaiu: i.-Xi.wi su.W.sw ( nws 'aitlc . ?awp llt.lli Total s rw.itt.in iisorxi. laLV-'' Ar.-K-atltural SX'eitJ Mtlrf tv.ws valtle. hts?p .. 10.9sl.tTt products lli,lsU . Sl.tRTCt .. .V.tTfi Total f-tjiisi KV.SV. sivTT ir: h T f ia.s-,e riore M-iles nit. v'attlr SUeep . sTn.- AST ruUm-si Vrt.ti nrtiets .lll.tM 1.1..:C Ti! flKsTtiiw. E8KsK V. H..iJLt Hi.r . s7r.ii) l.li,W Anetiltairal .ii:.scl prx-luct r..11Xli iUr..v.s 53Ji: ToUl . SVo.- CVLirORXla.. I.Tr..?U Arr cxliurat llCXTs products GJHMll s.Cr:.'-r i:,T3: Toul ..$l33,srA.03 OKCCOX. $5.730 Hos J5,;i H.ire.. Mult . cic'"..-" ihi-t?P . n Mlu. e.i-s . I " I Hor? , Maic j gj .p I li"t Arncuttunl ifr;.!- proiuctj. ij:i 1..1T.3W Tal rajT5jIi Evada, color-vix) vnd rar TEostroairs. Hcrxj . 1Tm!so.oi: H.t sivii- Mule zjoU't AirrsoMiiuj,. l Go ItfZfSl Pwst-cs? si(g.i'i3 'Z&iZc. ?Ki.... ttcrrss j pjjl. jsip.. iio-i:. rtii't im) ciRnnr. Hinua Srtrr. i Jbe wmhhwl ' Jti ib R sv- N V . . wro s - - - - - sv 4V orr ia.- . l.baw. b.-a m ' t be th Wa rXt4 brw u, fbNrMtiWirn(i! "Hi r - Urjv. rt-t. tanrtv aa-1 jr-'-t pfp 1 Uq of !! that a aii tbrfv U to tt." ' .trr Hli l"ia a f4n of ! oTtr' frni tlur. ljvixd an4 nti lb- !' 4tau four pMsnr tut i-nr ur two b ai of braneb- rrW-y fntu tHbafi ptes l not etvp ntlwr stItt r watrr. b3 a aaarp Muf e Wltfi prrtiaml mt 4ab to hic lory an? to rrtajua 1 .I...W . .kk iks. . l .m... It t aa,'l that th rtssra fit xai rrnis - iv than iwiiphttr law- t x . i atfs.img phi and Ihrtp. fttm-Kfal . l.i atraia wul b? tmo4 xrrj ?lf lnl Yank4si I mliaa PuJiI'top S -aid n jtiart of skitnmr! mdk. and air in t wnii tnbn on eupful tl tsorpinea (veiiow kj brt). r-il half n cupful i ttxrla-. or copiu! iff brn anar. m ha f of ach. t-ar.nful of salt am' a btt't MMrnful of jftiffr; put tt into i J pudding dih well battrre!. and pout j . .Ji.. wnmii uu wp w yu w ami bake in a m-ierale ovm thr- utm. cup half full of u.t fmeh r bncJ is alle4 by tboae who bk il rub. -Togrt. bo u lav is w ioUr. th-i must ! kent warm, and fed on -iiilabb fo.a! orn. tbonirh an rim-llt-ot f. f. . .&? ..IVai. MAu.tfi .!... b a.if in ntbrr : rjr? laving ""- ..-.-..-.-. promote rjRr-lavtBSr. liueaiah' l i ,,,, n lit,r j,,, tju, puqxxe, vbib' ai t . . . .. r .. . .. uriiin" in 11 true. u A ui in- . , ---, - - - - -. - t-.,a. . x. . Wheit lilidilinjra. ptitAtm Mid tt r; Ka. Km,4 k. Tr.B.kai fa-- ofan at for breakfast, buckwheat .r.ti J(4, ... j,.,,,,),., u.rv -for iiuner. and wheat T tsora ftir au- tsVo put. ua.ua M.ur4J n. wr. u K.m.1 winter farr for h. na. J V VaiJL'". , though w ith the,- thfy idvrttM ha- . i fiMj J-CB A.., 4M 4 YU.r si. I hmi. .jbbip.. or jjr.si-n f.Nrl that tn aiB.l4 wtw u. r i .i. a- k. .jr b obtaimsl. and tbnt of esr -hrl te tt rr -m w wl UlaatH ' matter. - Wry savory l! tra. aniublr for ' convalescent. ma he male in the f.d lowing manner Take two nnsi t butter. i it it in a fnins? pan or pttlr over a clear tin. hen it u mehel thnw in tveo small ouioiis shrebbsl l;t.-!v stir th'-m until tltfv are a ui'-e brown I! tie revlv ti MMm.l of lean beef . ir t, .1.- ..i a-.. ,. it... il.. , "" l" - - .' " -. r. .. . .... pan. and let it bnwn also Turn tin ,,,. the am.ler info R aau-etiait add "nf quirt f rf'l witer. in 1 l t it imiii-r iiu'il re.iuc.tti to a pat. Mra.fi it beluie llsiit- Train t m; '.rape-Vlnot. 'Hie form of tre'bs r th.T aupport f.r jfrape-vin depend ! the in-le tr.ttn n to be .idopte I The riiouiery. tinvt and tber systems. .f traininjft iu j.lov.-d e t-h h.w ments and adv. -ales. s. it m titer little, perh-ip. win h if these Well known mcfhol be f., lowed, provided the prmcip'e of pr- 'itietiint it rnmwreu. t. o 'r.tne-iuf bear itt fruit on ina; wi. h.Kifs the current e.tr prtnluced from vea hi the prelum year s vvhhI A atipplr 1 , vtmnj w.ntd iilt l kept tip when v i I ! it is !...si d to nr.rdu -e fruit It otijf ht t! to b b.me in mind tint the ten , . . t .1 . .- -.. bnv of sij. is tow.irds the extr.m. .hNt orend. an I any aWem of trtn j,,, ttjrtt ..nmrirres this temlencv nil oniti ren ter u-lca4 th bud- nearest thi sb.rots of the followm ' ir. I "tint titer prun n is me uit the jhhi hin ba- of the ends of h.ots and the rnbbiii ofl of sujH-rlluoiis bud. In s.me sections what i termeu the re iietv.il si?em is practicsl This consist ' anniiaUv cutting awav all the w.n of ;wo i ear- obi or more. In maiti vin-vanls the vines are trninetl tt stakes tometiiues two stakes are ein plot el. on one ot which twi tane-i o. the previous year's growth are tie ptr.dlv ami on the other the new shoot -P are upporti d. favorite stip,Mrt fo- ;raje-vine j ,,.., ; -,r.'i.n u st trellis iu-k!c III ibir-tble. Make hol-s with n is - - I uj:er. p'.atiB"; the tirt jrot in each n w j about fur fe.t otitst.Se the la.st t me and .irallei witJl the rtW. .et the se,sjHI,J jM.t midway h twtn the iss:ni and j thinl vines. aiHt -o tin. to imil twt v nvs ( 1 always occupy the space betwoeu tw. . - jost I t -st-. ! Make the mlo two fct tleen aa-l set I the jxxts firmly, jiotiiidtne; in-.iit thr 1 enumd an-un.r thm l.rare the end j post, tiriuli ov lriv.n in a soor; Make , fotir feet ffVrrn the lat t. fitenii a w ire to the tp of the jsi ami lra -'i I it down and around the stake Pro 'ir 1 Xo. 12 wire: bore hole-! with a hi I inch aiKrer throturh the end 1 -.. n- j near the top of the post an 1 r -w other-, a von wish to- make at-: . I two or three wires If the ts-lt s ,, ' b of onlv two wire, make the n xt "' o below ifte Upp- r i three wires, twea'i mches b-l..w Fasten the wire "to tho r.-t a- .f i nd. drawing it abuu: the line vi ! 'n ! it through th holt m the e-:d of e ' ' , , ti. .j.it.i boards oe and a ball inch br.ai va J a t.i-t kni:. wit n a Ih lore i t iro .,rn th" center. Draw the wire Uo through litis, and then by turnin"; the boi-I, , --ne can. in wrappiar th ;re .xrr" n i t. tishten it at plea-nre aoI ais. I .-. n I it. which may b- done ia the fill be.e the strain when the co! I .s.n ra. ' the wire. Next, the wire mar " f s nel to th' intennelia;. p.ts hy smx.. taples. manufa turtl for t:.-- j ujrpose nd for sale a: all hardware s-orc. If .no nnoiar'l sbtes to the s.vj:h an 1 '. xevs in parallel with the hillside. M Uuntann fast'as on the -ouh si tf to the east, he fastens to tht oat s.lc Tasteful arbor? mav b made eve: walks by traminz the ratHs-nnes over he ivooatwork or wire frame :n t.ie same manner as on a tre'I.- In e-ir :en rajenions trrower conceive oiz: . tlan5 adantil to their spcvaaj requlre jients. The main poms to be kept in new-, whether t.iming the vines by any if the modes snrzftstetl or other tliat rmrht b' siizreited. is to pror.de fo: Jie foliaze a tree, open e-qxteure to th- . nn. Anv sTstens tea does no: sei: ; -ij will :ai! to a gnater or Us zxlex. j r-- - If3rr M t l U-' ummi ,i t uM u T- r it t m i t, v. c.tanimiw . r-4 .. iirt imtfr - W - - r -- " ' "' !iiMMawSiM!o r-t.r- " t4 k i ,- tinai i amm mm taw ' rt$l o -sfclr4 taw 4 t -i. .' rwWt stMt at s' . i-? I wwri tan lW.a IC"'. rt i , W V-klatr ts kta ' -s - !' SJMt t kf fst .4fcl 4t I . t- rjnrt racKwT wl a i ' f-w ts m at''-" t TVW sr. U-i ' W' Kr T" ' . ttt c j ' IV t - II m. lBlH4X tfci M .t9s 5 t -tisl y e-sis4 v ir lt ti ot. ' a c 5 - if1 " t't tar ta-wa ! an -a. kaoaaa. r fcm tjw.i y m j.i a aaJ . tt-v ta uawnl tl Si W a4 karw tw - it k1 1 fc l a U li s " FataTrsiw Tri t l-o ta af tH, T.a S m-ln rl a;.jf -at a t N X UKV4 J V -"Wlff Ir J Tat-s. St. Pa Tttaf kij (sto w !'- aat4 t 4i H V a4 tt- drtiril.!i ! IbattttkgtiW taW Si. Jamwlw n Mbm arai 'Jtg vf ibitMUii. , S.w wa'ti er &t a j4 -If 4y p"ak ai pta.--lrf-. tarn rrtufl -i inLiuat i t sa . t- J - -a t-- k .,t . h.- n . k tw . T , - k a k.' - la Ut ta K Tibs a Uattatur i . a . a. I vtkt afcr riti laid '. I gv mrt a l- !' t f U n awl :! u -si Utf H ' ' Jt ail 'Ht u ' t i f. . i a r , II s ua ti .m rl 1- I'll - i-a t ,. i I k w..a ii. iit .u-ai Mfo pi i-tv t: m- utw mKau wwar Xmrnit naatsa -. , i.t.-ri H Mwixkrf) tM.t'.akr. lvtal r I. I'-ltoaJ'- ii 4 ,- Jamac ." I 11ttrbua.tX4aJ Jrmmnl - VMi.rl lf llrj.liaKKiCI tj.'WI -mmn . Observe. wMWrl ' " I H tbf Itjrtt nf !h a aMar't laptt lh tk 4hrt U-ta at 1 turo im'.. iW-n. -f ltf.a.1 I III n r xxr. Tb" vm t r i-i rirrt tnir-nt.- 1 ' ronr i is f ai i.l ti aith ea .! " Ul blond. u-r..- -. ublterral a Pak k .llf hot t nil. r -l la ! .M a ,. ...m laak ! -sar . ta t - i Dtiar.'iri4Mi. al if-' s.Hut- Im t r-l ' r . ' Cl.aa-. tkr tar .f .t. - ai '. f' Slakrotbct,oOr.n ' I a ' - ' ' nt'tlBtraet tko rl! I ff ''i d. t-. ilal.atx .lis-- !.- truMsIt i lirll knoaa V I . uit tu pplt tltt leinai ' . lea II ?. sraa;.mja. Jut. -t erv. I aluta.a ft. r.a" tbc Btgril 'f aur k l& trrut A:i rart.is t tkrT Ut,b.' AniiW t . t I & . it la tn ! i Wtial i(.;.rrtl " I ffjro. Mk C ! lt.Msi.. 4 t rii- I b 1 i . tip rf fr.aia live UU that artJutsl (-.. tl. t.tk itwutaJI n4 , fir an.1 k1 t- ail oiajr u rut r entwl Would aoar a tn tilled tor sad e -Tstins n-ar'K-rrt . I ? ! lf tla.rll a t ! I Tt.)i I" t " I am at j Iiult (tnt 1 tten-r can fr.. . ll t-' li'J a",Uai-lalw-ra " .Vt-t.lB tt U teal ftro.l a'. wi; tin- Mk.rctn f ' atvi. F jim l.rtr . imi. tl a r .ii I. 11 c! i u r i Vli t 4 b4l I tl apt-r- il- . 4 IkSt aetrk , ' wwr Jtmrntti Wrta ititr ajstttlBajoIMtai-l e -linalrrlrrtatI..lt.H a rtiiel Uk'U; ' Ad a .. trr t a tbtaaiataitc - IrisrisiHT tr.:i. I. Aas iTio. 15 .:!- s N-Y- It i mM u .o i4t-l lo Of "a ' tatil r-ti.j t it- ti sr ff.-'o thia J ogUtal tlif litU".lt of fretiua- ti. tie" jsvaaajtr V,t,i a-X frtsil tern t : IfOU-b .J Ibc -' V-tr-rii Jaos-t. Titr "r- W. rl i Dp-TrT att.1 In. . ! H.te at 11 .11 tlo N Y . 14 IKi 00, H l 1 ai. I tasadj to reiri.r patb t IT lit tse alt. f u h hr v t !er .if to'.l-. t y.'t inli'c1'' prtih ine i iii nrr f vlt --. r. i t l.t gr b : o I lit ' .t )t i- v. ; a tVH M HtfHf SfjvJ llntr In I'fni llrallk. It ffrti iiiji ai oor .i iTrr f. .n (Jtraactarnt l- -net t n l ruf r - t, hen Miiviu so.,rittH. si. "T" : 1 OI. or HUrOt tf I lUaMHir. M 'r a l.ralth to Ihr lit.I otTTJlt lU -t. 1 jlraOl t U'-. ao.1 lb- Bl T Hi "- T' H rir.K rTtr.tl..Trrr.I, r i-1. irlui, Waa ur of th" KtSn'i lf U fr l I.rrr ru .!iel". U- :tiit. It 'I . - ' ?4tnU HJ all d.ar- t th 11 - -t " KaJncT. M.t-fc Sa. ?: Ai fc--Sl rener. it a-r I ik aw IlaiK'v r.'t !ts n c ut t.a I" ln Bl KrllL t . lt-r. a. T al lBtri! Ia Itnota's i rAKTvat-t ?i' r e ttxnlir dr.triit wri itxl lanaut' u. li.4) .CfeIkas lndi(it th'-ta. Dnvi-ra xr t.rci5tr : - tt ' l.rttr t.. c Hph th t.l" than to wf u-stmt H. Ilr rll ir lb bartar ; Kan-" th-j are bcipet! In 'l.i K Har taiaz : -i V m tMl-.iTiar .1 V.n t flt l. e I if I r To si. Iiifntarai K.s.. !( .arT r. vasTirr. .! 1 ' nr - A' S. I .-rt M s ruoa. lluatta-r X o t btucs - Act'ott Prorx r t ho ihJt rsMia- '" ear tlthttr eUr, la- tha btaatsar:. pidr t CaartcrOaa Ilf,t-aU4 .1 . Zaun 11-i T it- ntt a."" 1 and th" rCr 1 ' rauec ajiir ;- t 1- U, r.wra Haf lr ' !'': '-i li Irjta f t Jltrr Tur l.o'el ' trrlaess " frT th - O-rtroOvk II(l' Uvar.f'.b -a - f ': ' f-jilrc --.t.a 1 T and c ' ' ' " 15 J TWO P2Z t 55.:.20Ari r ' rj AAtl -si stlva ku l-V3JkS. d AGENTS' VuViV ' WANTED pTTTaTai4Sii,Tt???tSCinE:o crs o. l-l'A'i'JItlPl T -- al.Uja. 4 -. EUREKA SHOW.CiSE CO. SiT,tSpi,:ATs3t.1! St. Louis, Mo. fr tfr j ' - Irsia a4 rl4ala. CONSUMPTION. I'lT'isvC t- f'sri't .. - - .-tjr j .I. r f eta a r X H - a c i r . t(r 'j" "Z.I - a -s tr- j r " .t V'- i a. I X t. V -4 -Tr - - - e. . UK.T A.vUMlt.ll. -a 4- a C c. I r.tvMrla..i-, tc rawtT4aWlirkaa. COKFORT BY THE WAY. . ? ilfESssS 'IP r-- ill! I I rM r i I j JW -- "' I . . f - - i- - ti ' ?TLmmLJl"-Z f i, r - " j -J t ' J STST ,; I I ;TT?,i . --- i , .- p-j-m , , , :;;t7 il SZZT, r J f J.J . . . . . .. .. fc W S, r- , k4l ' i v - . w St , r - i . w . M 1 . M . - J a - i - . , . s rs, 1 ' S t j s fj i m iH " ,t-r' ' ft Uf-swa" " - - a- , a -. s. ll ft J 4i -' . "a" J UM asl wat awaa r aaw 4 aw-r 4 W- aaaaa .aa m T i . im- M 5W S 1 ..IW.ra ".. i t t :J.frrr-;v'-.lV-- L . t . s. - ' ! .-. w f k -. v t M ih i 4 1 . - s-. m y 4 4 .a -s . - wk . . -. a. ar a , uvukJ - i - I . . .- ' . I t m . ' . j. rV . " . -. M . - rtlk V'Sr-r-zV;: nnnnirr" t--. sa- BUGGIESH:!:.cV.ur. t I mm tl(VTJMtla Pwa')i J-I . . tsGENTS M .-... ols Srn . I K I Ir I'-s- a THRESHERS v: gOOK AGENTS." ' "- I . IHKI Diary Free' I sa - s. t 1 JPl,Jr I Month lor ii4JTeachi iors r nf . oir ri r, t ;.i . tx - . . 4. 4a FREE. a a . I. I IHIMII I" " ' mitmuriiannaj nL-.. , .,, , , l . ,u no Hi I M I 'I - I "' - " , . " . ,x . . i r .. i i . PARSONS' PURGATIVE PILLS tJaaiOBBWlBWaaiBaawaimimiaw ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL. VV . I rr3l ? "O ll.l. t !l iiiu)nii;Li:iiiuTi;i) iro Voltaic Bells AND SUSPENSOfllES. Arel otl.r ELECTRIC APPLIANCES TO MEN f - g . -.4 f . . ?4 ' ' i' .44 4f 4 .i i.... 1 r-M al 4 a. . 4- 4. f .1 Hire. I- t ... t . l. 4a, I a., .-a kiir ?. ! II4HI4I". - -- " X llal Or4 .. r.a 4v.-.-4 I a f ' I i.lr a...''- r J 1 aa - ' If ..ir 4 trr'i 4 'T ' ,l,.,ri r a a.i.o ' -.- - "4 t s - s k . . ... .i.i M..a.4 IS- a- a ..tt . -r lk...a.i a aa " tkr aaal 40.allT - f . r Ik.l. a a . 4 ff a 4 U.M a rtl l lr M fe 44.4I'I ,. , . r , llo.atra4 r.Xfll.). tlal all lalaatl". fr- .a. VOLTAIC BELT CO., i in.!! hi ti' it DIPHTHERIA! JOIIV4CV. tVODTVr. I.II,T a- L T " - S- a W t 4. ac. a- a T-a as - "-54 "t a Wi rtc -- r - a .. r ru tr r- FRAZER AXLE GREASE. Italia Da W4HX. (.1 la. i.aalu. Jj... .4 i' ..a... k.i mmr Tirk la 4 ri-rra(re. aOLU ETCBlT ITil CaaC ErVHLOYMENToftToTMr2!!1. auj 4r4A prxtarTs,; ta as sl ,t a, -.. t j5-r --- arr aa iwi. S OtX. a4j VraTfa iarara. ..ar-t.aa. u I Vwg'Oai I Tl I lawtW r aTT I K li M 1 umiaiplll.. t jH ik e ' ii BM m! . i . H a r mtr 4 fill 1 Ikmiaiili H ' E ' - ' JVAI If RICH BLOOD ! E ec ntnr SmmmZW Wmk m VJaaW - ' f4)f jt. 'Jm Jmfir OOK?. "HU-. ETC. - ACCEPT NO 0THIP.I L II &L'iT Iff St -fi la i ftiiirt Third of a Million BOOK WITHOUT ERRORS rut ?'-2. n...a. . 4 tt I.YCh k H! A! Y ,'i ' RAILROAD GAZETTE. i xrMit V 'ii5-r m Hn; laxscrtjj al Klr J -. r.wrs.v.i .. 1- X , i Q?,UM HABIT ASH. CURED OPIUM". FAmG tf WEEKS' SCALE WORKS V L Its fc3 t l'l ' r-s. . tt CUKES FITS. " Ms . if jf JjVArirv1 tmTXil 9 - TV ' llk fcJk J ml- iaX N "- J , '-ffv , ftJK fcf NEVCR TAILC. i T- m SAMARITAN NCRVINC . f 4V SAMARITAN jf . t wnnviNC -n? 41" i SAMARITAN NERVINE ' 4 . i . a ' a. a-n fa-.. f a kj, I 1-4.4. i : ; s In '' I f. 4-. S O'i 4 ba t ' .- a a . . i. j . N i- 4 . -at Vaja ?rife a a J 4 . t- i i"- 14 SAMARITAN NERVINE t 4 ' 4 ,., a - . ' 4 a a I a r 4 - . , . , . -. W . - - f aa - a .. ,.,. ra aa '- Y -ax-a- , .4 . .inra - - av . a. r4 i 1 .- - t a t r. .- a at4 " .sa 4 - I . ta t . . -" ,1 . 4 - aa-. v af ar.a taia SAMARITAN NERVINE jt t . -.r Aa - - ""'' , .... a.- -a . , i . .s. - a a . i . -"i 4 4 4 r 4 h - a t It f a tl MOS tl A, i t . Vvs. 14 t.t-r- l'a. tl. JOen, o. UU for Rctrxra. Soi-e Xbrwait, l. I'ilr. Frwfed I"aria. Ila. Ijaip-laiat Corma, fkiia, 1)j lr il lla, lite. Oaee ttxxl 72 ir? J. r'Ycr i r:i7C Vtrtrtrvi ja. E.,szCu I'orhala try A.tl JLriJlttat. E,JL i ttI WBCf TB.m.sC TO AXT-HTtEJU Tlt a,, jm taa Uwt aeiiartlaaaaat t UO lsPT. A4rtl4a-- UXm - krW i,a vaa -tra kci.- a4rtaaaa arr t TJ- D fc- r aai ' '" ' " IUSa UU I fa"t. al ttWrS A iWZV r ,t&mmuL, w, p-w-apaBMjm .e Q-a--Moaj-MHBB-a-ata--a-a-a-a-a-0-0 01 w. c f f i -w - &m&ELmWmmmmmm3ilmlK mW$mWtmmWmmmWmimwf5&rmmfr 2r ' ;tcTpZ rjc-zz -s