The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 20, 1882, Image 2

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M. L. THOMAS, Publisher.
M I refitlv take H ry Mini.
Tilt i-lt. Mr- SkltuiT:
1 liii.r Mwii j-im; r..r ait mrr -tTlie
vne. ti hu sme ti Jitmor!
Vmr linurtit"r. t'' -what lnves of Irh:
Wjint liiil !r jwliiters mel!
Come line ati! H" ' I'lfMit. tIMn
(Aii'l jfive It. rnj, till? iHHfiitTf
Wimt' lit (! Urn left at Min-!
VVi II. n..w. I :.JI Hint -li;y;
I 1-ll'MlH !Mi l...ll Kl Ikto
iTIir llnt.tiy.'liiltiy I m tilt) !
' Vnur flinmilriir lv I lire lintii';
Piotn 1 1- - --ifl Sir. ltii"H';
Tiw ! kllHt t I ! nil I I"IH IUi
(Wtmi lenity my n-vr- Hm-. !s!)
"Ami Mr. . I h;i'- wHI;
Ah! tlni h- Itw . Inunly.
J I - II'T IHiW r-tt III to !
(Tin- ln-ttei lor our lrx:rl !
"Com'' take :i "vt: I Wiw to hnar
Alnit MHitMHi mrriMir'.
Vm"ve tsnue. of filling', to oli-H'I Hi" !.'
(Thank llmivcti! Ili'-artti' currtiiKc!)
" WlHtt. titit you t'tf7 N't lime I li'jxj
Y"ii II if i- ii.i' liiix' r leisure.
". I -ImiII " jihi il'fwii th1 tnlrs
tWlth 11101 iiin-oiiiiiiiiu jliiiiru!t
("iirwl-ltve. tro'i-I-liyi'. Ifi'iiirnluT nil,
N-t tiiii" you t'ki vinir !iiiH"i-
(Now IlllVl'I, tUIII'l" I III llttf Ht ll llf
III Inline to till !kliiiiT!j"
7m 1'A.
t-or.vnxu tiii: cost.
"An- von inti'mhni; to htiv a n-w
hl-ijrh tlti-. wint'T." ak'-I a mechanic ,
.f CI.miI... Wittlui'i . !i. tnct him on '
ihe hlrei-t.
I hae not le-iileil ct
"I hae hi mie irooi! ones on
ami will -"lI oii oihj at a
I 'time mill Me them
JUe oll a eall.
Iwillue iin timy-'if J'on liavj
not Hie money jiiil now: can wait three
or i iitontiM. if ou like; "hul to ac
rommoilaie ,on "
Well. I'll think about iL"
(.'haih's Wallaee n- a yoim man
JiiNt .tarteil in life. lie hail hoiiht a
uniifr lit i1 f.'iriii. with a cov cott.iire
. .
:tjul 'oot out huilihiiir-i. ami hroii-'ht
hi4 VOllliL' Wife there, to help IllIU enjo
n r.... .'
his new home. He tiaiil eight IiuiiilreM
lollur- tl'ivvn ami gave a moitgag'- for
the other Ihotitau'l ilollais. to be pa hi
in v early in-talhuentH of two bum!il
lolhtis principal, ami the intcrc! on
the iviuaimlcr. Kllen h:ul a little money
that hIic earueil in teaching school, ami
whe furni-licil the hou-c. as far ;it -he
enuhl, without runniiig in lebt. Mie
wi.s a MMi-ible girl, ami picferrcil buy
ing lilty sheep to furnishing the parlor.
It Hill noi take long." she saiil. "'for
Ihe .sliccli Jo bl'illir inoliev enough to
bin a tiarlor set ami cariiet, :uid we
hhall have tb.'iu growing all the time, j
ami we can wait.oiir sitting-room is
oooil enough ' So wle-n her hit -hand
came in. ami told her that .Imies would
..ll liini u -lech and wait for his im.!
... .. ...... . - -- ... ,
jihe shook her head ami looked grave.
' I would not do it. Charley. We
jdiitU not drive much this winter. :unl
ihalold box sleigh of your father's will
"You don't think that 1 can alloid it.
I Mlppoc."
You know that in three months
there is I wo lUlliUVil iloiiars. miifs
Mv dollaisinlcrest. lobe paid, which
v;e must not tail to inert. I.el Us see
where it is coming from before we agree
to pa liflv dollars moic for a new .sleigh
that ve can get along without."
Tli"c vosmg man looked rather -eri-oiis.
and ate his dinner very ipiietly.
Thai evening lie sUi down by the stove,
while Kllen was clearing I he table, ami
.said: 1 reckon. I shall have lo give up
the sleigh: 1 have been thinking over
what vou said at noon, and uides I sell
oil" some oi the stock I cannot, for the
life of me, ci' hovv 1 can raise the mon
ey for a payment on the farm, in three
"That '' to be done, Charley, ami
we must not s-ell the slock either: it
would be like killing the goose that laid
the golden egg."
Have you m ut for your parlor fur
niture vet?"
No". 1 was in m hurry; we should
:iot Use the room half a times
through the winter; m 1 put Ihe vvool
inoliev" the bank till I needed it."
- We had go..,! luck with or poultry;
thai brought us a hundred ami fifteen
dollars; but I have to pay m.iiu- out of
thai. How large a slore bill have we.
do you suppose. I.llen.
I have no stoic bill. (
other bill to iav. 1 havi-
'harley. or any
sold eggs am!
butter tor groceries."
"1 owe .something for nails; perhaps
:i doen dollars or so "
Then there is twenty-live dollars yet
on the sewing machine."
Yes; ami is there not a balance due
on the pigs, or have you paid it?"
"No; ten dollars there! And twenty
dollars more on the coll: and j say ten
dollars to the blacksmith :'"
"AuvlJimg else that vou think of.
My books! Three ami a half! Let
me sec: it seenis as if there was .some
thing more. Yes, you know I got a
meat barrel and a water nib: i more!"
It will take about all the poultry
money to pay these bills, ami I would
pav them right away."
Thev ought to be paid, sure! But,
Kllen. where will the money come from
to take up the ttrt note?"
" You have omc grain to sell, unless
you conclude to feed the lambs ami fat
"them for market."
Thev arc vours. It would pay to
fat iheni!"
"Oh. we are going to pay for the
farm, whether the parlor is ever furn
ished or not: and. Charlev, we will keep
out of debt, if possible, for the future." I
I did not MtppoM' I wa.s ow mg mi
"kittle debts count up fast, and it
does not take long to make them large.
I hope you w ill settle them all up right
away.. so as to begin a free man. A
man in debt i a s-lavo to his creditor-.."
". "suppose vou get a hundred dollars
the lambs: how in the name of gooi't-
ness arc vv c going to raise the other Hun
dred and sixty dollar?"
"There is the money for the wool,
and fifty dollars of tho butter money:
and 1 reckon. ( harlcv. you can earn
tweutv or tlnrtv dollars m ttiree
'tint. Kllen. xou want a new dress or
No. thank you. 1 am very well oil"
now. You never aked me w'hat I did
with the money that xou gave me when
sleigh with a lien on it?"
If you had said one word in favor of
it, 1 should have bought it, Ellen; I had
not thought!"
"Then there would lnwc been anoth
er debt to pay! Wc can bo just as hap
py to ride -m the box sleigh till we arc
ready to have a better one. and we shall
feel better by a liftv-dollar bill iie.t
"r,ie no$t day Jones saw "Wallace and
j. ' '-- to buy one of his now sleighs.
Vlgcd iu replied, "I am uotintoud-
Xo,'" hfc-s... one this, season.'
lug to buy tv ctvw "s- well as you have
"If I had duui I- r, "i would
this year," said tiie'-aV-Uw. jrh-e mv
iave a handsome turo-ouv ,
'TphiifS l4
If 1 loiphi'le to diucIkl-xj I wiil.ol ilirix-tu aam
your cheeks came for the butter, and as ; that the exorcise would at times be i:k-; m still vigorous, active and alert, and -. :oU(.ntMj ln, kettle, the oTd roos;,.r 1
J did not need it for household expenses. ; some. 1 am the managing editor of a ) ;he gestun i:is jtuent as ever. But the . '11't at, Cnwttl sWe" j
I thought it best to save it to help pay daily paper thaf n'piin'-. at least eight 1 face in repose wears a habitually fa- ' ")jj,j ,o,VHd bx" hi'xinr- that he
ofl" the mortgage, for 1 am in a hurry to hours a day. 1 am. also, a police jii- uguod expression. It i when he speaks 1 . .' jj.tje r-.-inci'vle a ine thief but
got that oil' our home, so that we can t ice. with an average of five plain, tin-1 ;liat his Italian fervor returns to him. '''"'', V', "., ,(''
1 a .. 1 -; all .. a till lit" Xw aJk.HL '".la V,ta Jb i-C" C-,t4iex a
leel independent." decorated drunks, ami two assault and His greatest personal charm now j-to ..,. V,.K; .1, ,.r4.-..-i,wi him nm
s ,. 1 , 1 - 1 r 1 t- -. i . r 1 1 - . . . t .. stiiion. w nica pn veniisi ni.11 .iiui
"You arc a dear little prudent woman, batteries per day- I am. also. L nited be found in his voice, that wonderful. ,.,- fl, v-J.i,, ..! he confess,!
and I am as happy as lean be to scomv fctatcs Commisioner and a mombei of .tirring. magnetic voice, whoso -svnor- . , r , r,.,.orisj fa-, revolver
xvay clear! the vct:y of St. Matthew's Church. .ins qualities seem to Kdong iwcu'.iarly y cl,inoatttun.
"As happv as if vou were riding in Bv the time I get up and coak mv to itself. It has in it the piercing, puis-I c
hlcigli that wax not paid fur. ami I fltall
not ony one till I ran pay for it-" I ara
going to pay f'r my farm am! homo 5m
l'ori' I dah out in mutli slvl am! my
wife fel a1 I io altout il.'
'I liat loghtJoue, warmth'- fre. and
mad" tin- rniark that ''har!i-i Wallai
would hi- n rich innn 1y the true he wit
forty, for he had a -ciiiibb woman fr a
wife, am! he ha! rommHi ne him"!!,
Farm- r's J Pi'. t f oM'ry '' nlletnwi.
An lttliil'1' l!jilrrr.
f ;orw. iv j'i ..,
f !'ilan fame.
liki' nil ArU- plon.-r-. h.n 'auht th
Arrti.- f.-vr a.tin. am! iittutioiit ttnr !
for tiifiionii i ! one- ior-. tht titn. ',
lv wav of I"r.m. .JoM'f Laml. In a h- !
ter to lh New Vork Ihrn'-l hoa
"Tim ojijKirttinit nniami tf its to try
to 14-ach the joi' fnni Fran. .J'f
LniiI. wliii'h oHnnirtn' in lalittxlo
etjjhty il'-jj1 north. an! prohabU -lenI-
a a jjronp of Ulan!. U hiUtti'io
iohn -threw 'lejjs.. aal jnilly f iirtlir.
This lonittnh' if thr talanl it nil tr
tlie hiti'ti nuTi'Iian xt A small
vn-'H of M"wtit-l:v' t ii in fact, one
of the ''Jown-eat' tithing 'hiier
v.trll fortifiei! for the m- maune! hy
twclic mn. lint lli-e men nil AiiM-n-oins
ainl iniiril i a life of ilaner. to.l
ami prii-ation in tlie wlialin or iishiny
hfnii''. wrtih! 1h Kuih init for sin h an
xpolitiii. an'I I JM-liev. with a om
peti'iit l alT. winihl -3rr;. the Ann'n
iihi lla";. if not to tin jtoh' (whfh I
think jhm-iI1- uuil'T nn plan;, furth'-r
nortJi than an lln ha- mm-ii arri' I In--for".
I propo-i t' from tle
hlaml a winter journey to the pole.
't!aitin:r m lehnmrv when the oat-! aro
' I
f mo-Ii-nitt? Icij'tli. hut li'ht iiicn-ai inj;
ilailv. with Iiv- men. evlii-ive ot Uiu
leaoer. I propoi" to mitko the jonrm-v
to the pole ami return by July or An
oint of the. Kiine t'r In tnttelinjj
! lowanl the iiole troin Fran. .Joef .aml
vou travel xeros the current m-.t nil
- .
t it. one advantage
. .
over the route uiM'n ny i urrv
north of Spil.lier'eli. To eommi'IU'e
a jourm-y at that time of the year wo
will lxnl it very -"ll. but ah tjie -eaiti
ailvames I he vvather be'-ome.-, unrm
ami pleavint. that in April it vvouM
be a.s warm ami j;eiiial as we eouhl le
sire. In -tartinjr at t!ii tun-of the vear
th' tmvelern woitlil have a leant three
months of lry wi-ather. am! eonH.-.pjent
IV C-eajn
the most fniitful cau-e tf
-ciirv v
iimI rheiimatim Starting in
i-ebruary. Hie travelers vvoiiiu liml me
, ice-ilocs'of the Aretifba-'iii well ceuient-
ed together, which wouhl enable them
I lo use ilogs to draw their leilges or light
boats, containing their provisions ami
ammunition, ami lo cross streams or
I lanes of water, shoiili) any be met with.
When the 'logs collhl be llscil no longer,
the collhl be eaten so lunch meal on
the hoof.
Another thing in favor of an '
i eanv s.aii m:iii o-uia tii. n"ou ici
....I.. ...... .. ...1.1 I... .1 1 I.I I
have the spring ami summer treshet to
c-outend with on tins journey north, mil
it would materially as-ist them on their
return south. In regard to -ubsisteuco
for siv men for so long a time. I nil'
say that in March the .seals begin to hav
their voun. am! from that time for
. ...
want, or ai least miring ine uiomusoi
March. Ajuil. May and .Inuc. I should
expeel to liml seals in abuinlance.
varied occasionally by the rapture of
a polar bear. In iho-e mtv high lati
tudes the birds d not make their
appiaruice until Ma. ami not then,
unless wo were near land Therefore
vv oiild not hour to sec much !- but
g"";: bu! it .s my tirm in lief a parly
III S HICll. "OIll.-lllllII lII "M lll.UhV
men, could Ion! plenty of subsistence on
seals ami poia
will sav that
.Nn doubt many
:i iiartv starting at this
time oi the year must inevitably perish
with ioid 1. who have spent a quarter
of.t-cnlury battling with the polar ice.
who have laid nn- down many a night on
the ea ice, when traveling in the dead
of winter, ami Tcpt suumlly. ami done
this, tiMi, merely lo escape the monoto
nous lifo in board of ship, am a living
contradiction of anv such assertion. An
expedilion of tin, , lass would cost bu a
iriui" in comparison vvuii in rcceuuy
sent, and if pnl in good hands 1 have no
doubt of ils success lo a high degree, if
not to the very ajiex of the earth. A
schooner of this class I am speaking of
could possibly be bought for ..i Ml or
J't.ikM), and I have no doubt the bust-lies-,
men ami merchants of New York
and ltoston would contribute all that
was necessary in .stores, clothing, etc.
Now. w here is there a man or parly of
im-ii who will -iiniMi t ie nucleus mr
this expedition Had I the means I
would no' call on :i living s..i. but
would be ,ll m .luuc for the north polo.
men who will furnish the nucleus for
CharilT as an Amusement.
Mr. .lames T. Field wrote to Miss Mil
ford in ls.."v.': How much I enjoy Lon
don! Not tin dinners and the opera
solely ; my tastes are low in Muuedepait.
ments. and what many others would eall
iingenteel I dote upon. For instance. I
like those small specimens of humanity
in the shape of nigged boy-, who sweep
the crossing, and have established such
an intimacy with them that in certain
.tree!?, they scent my coming afar oil',
and ran t receive my trilling gratuity
with a grin of satisfaction that is per
fectly delightful. It is my delight on
returning from an evening party on foot
Intent iiirht Mild si miet on.... .ir1- in the
morning" for Londoners k.-o untoward
hours to encounter a poor devil, bare
foot and hungry, and surprise him with
a Niagara of hot collet and a round of
nieat-stull's ordered for him at a cheap
establishment near lv cut ('arden or on
the Strand. One of these luiy-. 1 picked
up a few nights ago. sitting on a pave
ment smoking the end of a cigar which
some passer-bv hail thrown into the
street. He lookrI as he crouched along
the wall like a bundle of rags smolder
ing awav in the cold night air. I wish
you could have seen those sausages de
scend into his poor empty stomach, and
hear the gurgling of two pots oi beer as
they went down to join company with
thesolids. This j uiy fu. Ix-tter some
times than sitting through a play or an
An Overworked .lournalist.
My Dear Clarey -Your favor of the
7th instant is received. It was a glad
s.!iririo to me because 1 had not been
asKCit io oonirnuuc a lacenoii anicie to
a paper only 2."ii times since the holiday
annual business lega:i to boom. 1 have
estimated that in case 1 had complied
with all these suggestions I woulil have
1 written some three thousand
worth of irurgling mirth
I -. .a
four weeks, i could not have worried
t through it w it hunt grinding out at least
i ten columns per day. When you come
to add mv other duties, vou will see
work and
j bring in some coal ami do some mar-
keting and feed the hens and deal out
?11.0D worth of justice and write a lead
er or two and read a few proofs and do
the chores around the office and lick a
few total strangers and get my dinner
and attend a vestry meeting aiul write
ten or twelve columns of side-splitting
mirth ou the half-shell and go home
aud bold the baby a counle of hours,
breakfast is ready, and I dout have to
go to bed at all. This saves tho wear
aud tear of a night shirt and keeps tho
man out of mischief.
If vdu think this letter will throw auj
light! the subject you are at liberty la
use h li aiay uo a great neat 01 gouvj.
- 1' ' it"-'"-v"'T'"
Irnsa"s Klnr am Parliament.
T ijnIT-Jan! h u'T' k a
hi' K-nof 1'rn-A ol - I'ir' init
tlo ri-.I. r iiii -r :u r. I t.i .'.
i'r-an 1 f t-." iti-o' ih.-
'ntin y rn''- fr-'in toil f lh :
man Km pin- 'IT' i'ni.j nmirht
! on- of lb nmiii'rt in Krf It
tlatf ml from ib r 171 TU
firl IvitiT u' It1.-vI.K ttl ? Ttr&n. !
"' ". " " " " " - '
lftiiir. tlM t.rpAf Kitir. who
rtm.Hiun-!f Itt 17'! U tfwm.1
Kiairof Irtfui uto-h-r Un tit il Frl-
cnrhl. !Its Mt-f'.'Vor w irJ-rch
Wi11pIib. tb- fatbrr f Ffb-fc tk
Cn-st. In. Iiflms tb- tir-at I-t.r ,
lvm u the vr&st Kior. TYiIfe-!ra I .
tbTf harr --n but rirr King f that
Tbnr rrin.1 latr4fcUow
.... u
. .. I
rkruk W lirioi il
l'rii-Tt) 'iAri III
WtWrt-tm I
Tobtlto 4at t
Tb (Jovcvsmrtil w aa4 rrmaim!
b.Iut- in th Kins frm 1701 to 1413
t m rK In thMo ItS vMirR the
Kin nile.I without nj irohuii- vt i
rariiauieni or i'isjii- " "
hi!! was the Mtprciif- law, 'jait m
iiiueh a tliat of Imii.- XIV of Franf
wh'-n he armantlv lfat-. "I am the
.Mate"' Iii 1-vl 'J ienrr'l a p-iulr
fi'vu'iition. whi h swetit over ail liu-
i rope weal of Kuia. ami IB Itoaia
! forte! rreib-rieii Viih Itn IV.. hnrtber
of the pre-ent Kin. to i-m-'l? ouw
thing like a Constitution ami parlia
mentary form of government. The
tir-t (institue:it A--mblv ovpnel in
August. 1-J'J. The CoiistiHrtt'Ki waa
moilitietl by royal Ie-r's in 11. again
in Ki'. again in 1 --", l"-"i". !-''. 1V7,
l."o7. ami the last time jn lr.t. A- tlie
(ouititution now .lam!" the King a the
executive H Msl'tel! by a 'osin4l of tn
Mini-ters. He also shares in jmrt ;ho
powers of lej:i-.Iaiioii with the Parlia
ment, which ! couijMiM-il of r House of
LonN ami a Chamber of Heputie-. the
latter eh'.'t.-il by the people The King
ami each of tie- Chamber may proj-e
law-., am! the King virtually comM'.
am! control, the Hott-e of lyinls The
lietititiei J.U in number an flwuil
bv the people f..r a term of three year;.
IJcetions must iH- nei.i wiiiun six
months after the expiration of the term, j
ifterth" dissolution ot me i arot-
meiit by the King, who is given the
power io dis-olve it at will. The -sittings
arc open. The members vote ac
cording to their conviction", and no
member can be called l account for
his vole, or for opinions expressed m
the Chambers. '1 hcv are paid travel
ing expenses and live dollars per day.
and refusal of one is prohibited. No
jau. ,.., jM. iusci without the concur-
reiice ot both ( hambers ami Hie approv
al of the King.
There is now a deadlock between the
Chamber of Dcpuiifs ami the King,
whose policy of Cov eminent - or rather.
Itismarck-. fail- to secure a maiontv in
t'-v. sh! Heiii-e the roval rescript, in '
winch the King attempts to repudiate ,
the Constitution by asserting his ow u
sovereign and hereditary right to direct
the polii-v ot what he calls Am (lovcrn- '
incut. He denies that the Ministers are
responsible lo the I'ailiameiit. and in
sists that thev are the mere clerks to
present his own plans, lie ciaiuis mai
the original relations between tho Prus
sian Kings and people have not been
changed by the Constitution, which is
equivalent to saying that he is, by h
redilarv right, as absidute a despot as
Freilerieh Willii'Ini I. or Freilem-k Ihe
('n-at. lie -tales it as his will "that in
I'russia.aml also in ihe legislative bodies
of the Kinpit'c. no doubt w:Il he allowed
to attach to his right to . riirt'i'if di
rt ct the policy of the (mv eminent."
And he says that his functionaries are
expected to support his jiolicy, even at
the elections."
Then is but one interpretation of
j lutmu. .aU if IM .irv. .
force or other illicit m-aiis to out ml tho
elections according to his will and jwdi
v. And this is what cailse, the Liber
als uf Prussia to apprehend a cmilliit
with tho King in defense of the Consti
tution. In short, the King's, rescript is
what a t'erman paper describes it a
rouji tFilnt. It is a warning thai the
Parliament will be dissohed it it refuses
his policy, ami that in another appeal to
the voters the armv methods ut Louis
N. ,,. will ,. ...,! , ,IVIiri. :l IU:l.
' ;,, his favor. lYiiij, all C.-r-
.uiv N thr,,.m.(l ui,i, ,.iv,i war or a
lUl;.u , ,1,.,,,,,,. government. S'.
Francisco I'hrutiflc.
Gambetta remains, in truth, perfectly
Minnie and democratic in his habits. He
leads a bachelor's life, surrounded by
his most intimate political and personal
friends, whom he receives with a warmth
of hospitality peculiar to his southern
nature. Tim favorite gathering hour is
the mid-dav breakfast, at which the ,
leading politicians, men of state, distin
guished Knglish or foreign visitors, aro
frequent guests. Small pai ties of friends
arc always to be found at les .lardies. or
at his villa in Switerlaml. where "nm
bctta throws oil" the cares of state, lives
vith l,,.t" ",.","":t "i,'ity
iml ciiiovs a ,
.somewhat lately develotiedlove of spurt- !
mg. Hut. as jn his earlier nays, he is a
tremendous worker. His rt '.-.' ri'im
brc has strict orders to call him at nine,
in the morning, at which hour he r-o-.
no matter at what time he may have re- ,
tired. It is then all the new-paner- are '
read, with a lightning raphlity for
which he is noted. To those who find
pleasure in knowing the personal taste-,
of great men. it mav be a matter of in
terest to learn that ('anibetta's favorite
authors are Kabelais and Montaigne, in
whose plain-spoken company, however. ;
the bttsy statesman finds few leisure
hours to enjov himself. He posose
nl-.i the tnie Italian's love of the tine
arts, and that iiiectv of critical taste
which distinguishes both the Gaul and
the "children of the sun."
In the .self-contained, dignitied. some
what imperious-looking President of the
Chamber of 1SS1. with hi admirably
titling dress-coat and s'Ktlcss white
necktie, whodailv inotint.sto his thron"-
uki seat lit tne v. namDcr. it wouni ne
, diflioult to tind traces of the carelessly
, dressed, lierv young Kepublicait of the
Hamlin d.ivi M. '('ambetta at fortv-
two has the prematurely aged hxvk of a
man wiio uad made in votith heaw
drains on his mental resoiirivs. Far
' from appearing like a man in his prime.
he looks like one who has pa-.ed it some
' rime since. The lignre is heavy and
; .vbese. although .Gamhetta's movement-
aut vibrations of a tine brass instru
ment, making the air thick and yet
sweet with sound, (tambetta"? intona
tions are such also that he seems to add
something1 to tho "delicate idiom of
Vlll s4
Paris." He imparls- to its lightness and
TOce an indefinable but iiouwablequal-
itv of richnes-s and ileoth.
'The French Chamber of Detrattcs is
commonlv a much more unmanageable
l)odv than the American Hoil-e of
Kepreseutatives. M. Gambelta's methosl j
01 governing tne nouse in a iracnou
1ejtean wrtoay
moovl was such as one nush: espc-ct sirKi-carwutwaaram jnuouv ,.-.-from
one of his excitable teinnerataeut. ? scrs with seats lias been vipronsly up-
i.i. -i 1 ur. - 1 1,-11 l.- PPor'rttib"-. '?;r- who MTii
instrument which he' uses! iu preference , a vossn SI2.0M for cs! by
to the gavel were the weakest of his a tall in a -.- -" -1 w2- ?.f .-
' ...I t... ... v. .S wk - - tf?4i.
j nm mil iifcf a iarm. o- iuMK-rt
UV n-or-.!!j r-!nun. 'ttrl
:n tio-4 of rjairai!.
rtpituiati"a -.i. -'
, tr't Jb-;'iaK'-
of mtrrmt . oi
.Minr TrUU f Tffi Life.
Trrte to reoolJ-t Sk Htw ytt kit
nnr um'Trll in
lwin iisbj-
Ismttg cam t
Finrt fiw p f"1110
Miirt blios tnmtd WUg t
FVa ia trnqsrrm.
facut bwok- aa4
(Jtin2 gbAvwl.
Full imeher bif bn JfoP M Jn 3
hurry to Ins ahavcil.
IIju' hunting.
Iian' prastirc next ronsn.
Aeco'wsotJ. flut.-. vu4ui. iwxt ruom.
.Nwijrr with flr mtuphrmnU
tht. h
Trying to inter. tie gm wfco wawo
er man
f!anl rzft-
Tnmgtotalk to an "Oh. !- "Dh,
' anil "tth, isn't that nic!" gri-
f rx inir t avr nwttey.
Kc'iuctnbrnng what v foul you Wftxle
of vour-lf when tight hurt nyfM
Heading xr own Ior letUrr wbn
i; Has vry"baI ati yu wem an ex
pieti-l to jvruer
Tumbling up taira.
Tumblin down tniiT,
( onuntirunis.
Kicktr chairs.
Leatherr st-ak-
( )ll hill against yw orgoium.
Trxiug to writo hum beontr-e it's
' your !uty.
Atai'wjiberv of suore-Iieniwl ntilruoil
-ari in wiator.
( old f wt.
Making a purchttso at oat whop anil
s'-ciug the article markel fifty per ent.
cheaper at the next.
Having your aih-box to!e.
ilesm.m or wotiutn who armies mai
M h t Ukt, thi or hjrt paXWra
- lour frH.u,j, .ivm,f dinctitMM tusume
. N. at Mt.
, . ..t.i ,.,,., b.r.l f..nv tifti.
That reminds iu of a little anec
! don-."
I Invalid who will tell all liis com
, plaints.
India rubber !mk nttick in the iuihI.
I 'mbn-lla tumwl wrong hkIp m by
the wind.
I Firecrackers a month before and a
i month after the Fourth.
j Waiting for your change at one of
votir big stores.
i " Salesmen and women who sppiii in a
hnrrv for you to buy nud clear out.
Dogs and cats at night.
Hole in jHieket discharging ten cent
pir.'rsduvxn trouscr leg to pavement.
i iirtn.
Tight b.Mits.
Dull jM-nknives.
Remark bv friend:
" Gcttin' oid tiku
the rest of us."
Man who will talk behind vou
through the play.
Door b-Il that won't ring.
Cro-Alc.I steamboat without scats.
( rowded car without seatt.
Tbtnl-s'la-s hotel with first-class
l.alwav station ooflVe.
I'eg ill sh'M'.
Man you owe.
Man who owes xou and does likewise.
If a llepubliean. a I Jeui'ieralic speech.
If a Democrat, a llepubliean speech.
Slippery Iron! doorsteps.
1'en mh r.f when mi want it.
Misera!Ie pen when y.m get it.
Thick ink.
No envelopes,.
Mustv eggs for breakfast.
LoTig -ermon.
High wind blowing hot nfL
Couuting w eek' a salary aitor jambo
ree. Fly in coffer.
l'lv m tea.
t ry mg u.ib'e on ear or lal.
Knl irg. I shirt button hoV at neck,
letting neck g'.ir down by the run.
ight of steamlMia1 smokestack mov
ing oil' when ninety -.rounds Jim. lat.
Orivarof train when ninety scomds
too tale
Man who chews am! spits in car or
I'er-on who calls when you're out and
leaves no name.
t)ld friend who calls when you re out
and leaves no address.
Very interesting -story in stray maga
zine. "To lie continued."
Mamming window blinds.
Trving to think of a man's name.
you ve torgottc,
f ?" recollect where y
-v ' -'r!'"
ou put it.
Negro Supers! it Ion.
During the civil war in this country,
while a company of soldiers wa en
.aniped iu Ka-tern Te'incssce. a revol
ver was stolen from the cabin of the
Captain. The thief wa supwsrd to be
one of three negroes who waited on the
officer. After a fruitless investigation,
an old man whom the soldiers called
" Zeb" said he thought he could dis
cover the rogue, if the Captain would
allow him to 110 such measures as ho
thought best. Permission was granted,
and the following evening the three
negroes were brought together in tho
Captain's cabin.
Zeb soon came in. with a large camp
kettle and an okl rooster. He placed
the r"ster.n the table, and over it -et
the camp kettle, upside down. He then
gave the negroes a little talk, and told
them that they must march three times
ar-Hind the table, and touch the kettlu
the third time they went round it.
Then, if the thief among them and
touched the kettle, the rooster would
The lights were put out. and Zeb
mandied the iiegpe rocml with :i lit
tle noise as possible in the darkness.
On the thinl nund he onVred them to
touch the kettle. Thri:, suddenly,
marching them to a comer, he relighted
the lamp, .saying, at the same time:
"Well, the old n.-oter has not
crowed. 1ml now I want each of you to
show v our hands."
On the hands of two of the negro-"
soot was seen, but not a particle on the
hand of tho thin!. -
"Here i the rogue!" exrlaimorr Zeb.
Judge Cox. of GnitOsXn-trial fame.
has visited araganseti Pier every sea
son for eight years. His habits there
nr.. methodical: breakfast at .-:$0.
. -- . , , . on . pia.-. a .- o v..
1.oxvmI by a mui. ne
' l"- every day at Uw Mav hour, and
- takes a walk to the .itls. He ratvy
; opens conversaiioii wsh any one. bu;
i "heu approached h njnaer is a2ab!e.
The doctrine that i: v
1 ..;.... .,t 1 . .V.. ,rs-vit. Tit.rr-o If
tho duty of
a .. . .......: . .. . a-s.--x l a . I A ivuedtl.
An !ntrrrtlnj rljr-
TV M--b.xat-s' !tit usm cis
lr rmirw -W fr- w-h"'''--' !-
brnn t w-bssj
Tl W-trrr w
l'rsf JMob y (
!. 4 IN !
tniTM-m. wbo p- ti ft' ' '
rW-j Uitvt- lsrtnrr.)s us h-b b will ,
CXpwjfksl tlkr Utrrri ft4 b-tnjs, mi '
xl !ii .xsl Twtk H k ftr a
bostr r4 v. kadi bvM rrroiajf "' te
h "BfrVjxaaMrt of bu ao4tra4. liiu
tnUag bK eabjt-t trrfb nanK-rua 4raf
tttr. wbicb MM-rju?r ad .'njfs
HctwM II- sJ tbav hr b-l - '-'t
tW sabf-t W TWs-s J jp i- s
uwanl surntifi.- mtrrt, aol WxatM'
1m bail p-rtnUy in--ticmsirsi t. bt
iag .-nt a srH-4- vs-mu-r ia T-rxi a4
vtfmm tbr Rljw br f r Uwa pr
. rbrmattpr w a gnu tatf-,
Ims-mmc nt lb Mransv Uctm ami tf- '
jfmmm eotrte of Uir aatmals Kv whv-b
ibs-str rr( rrr nd- oft V-iuii if thr
u-Bt.v ul bMt bt b bi b-m ttll
tb wdurncr nt t-i.rS animAl. o
...k.t..ti k k,i.n,l. mmA tMMMMi '
of Hsiilr. sad h.-b '
hs,a tmorn fcf- iMMalMMM
'qK w-mmm m
ui . ...
beraiMc uf Ibe '
r, . -a.. -t i- fc .jt i-fc i .--,-
iiiiT-s w nMK Enr lwrwrram max mjrm t
!. - .l.l! .. ik. k. .,)..'. V.h
.s, .-s- , . , -. - - - .
b-vi bro in lb--temtnrx f tb ltst?Mi pn' .- mom -.
S(aK Ihe p-niMssOia al k-n rf Fk ! ..- 44
iAix himI httAllv. ou arsiint i tb i-1 lrls-f Ma'iW i l nr"rtl a b
n.J ts--rira !!..- v " -'--- , - i
.rm u ti9i.tstiiMtt ftii-kiri" srtjfM otai .
p s, , p--ct m -- - sv- - 9 - - i
rref i
Coral tr-f are nerxilaH lnsmsj
l artfistHn l-r,u' tf tbir rnj S
mnlli . Ihnl tk.MlS lh (MautiJiB bar
aiav sbow 6.' tr t vsa: -r. withm .
. "-- - . -, -y j
bif a mile t!e rsrf niy rt it prrro tbrr to -! w.i:. Ltrsa
dirolar wall fr tb bi' lMitrtv-t!on j ! tbotih Irft a ...H.-r at bh.. tb
Tb most dangerous iBt ir navijr-! Uit iintr. b' w..u.l tr mam,! gn
Hon uton tbe faisr ! lb -nh w tbrbutth! " tuv rrsijfht aH. l a-.
rsrfs, ,4 H.TJ.U- TlwreAr-tur owk. aul - I want t wk a y gul las
upon that r-itvt than in any ! r r- jurxt titw-
tl of the ,,rhl. The la-Trrt a tn j IT,,. Ut. IVf b la ol Vn
I'lorwla. Key "Vnt. is Imilt ujxhi a coral I a grt !-- twjrjf. -. ha-l. uatd wba
reef, on aevHint of tbe fn-'jurm y oi j a sear r two brfore b baib. rr
wre-'ks uj-isii thr coa.t. If it arif not ! farm nt i & nx unlaibHab4' twl
fir the wrecking buuit- tfcr t-tsn ' IJj, r,'d olten .kJ itb bita ainJt
wirtihl not extt. Vilh the )rpt.a 1 tb- uitu r. but be !' their ftm jr-l
of iNHSimnuts lbs-re is absolutely uoibing ; uat'in-.i' . without mktu auy exptan
nailed up.! lh re'f The r-c acr , non. hi.-.lav a frel - , that
came Hr-t to prey ujnnithe wreck, thru
caiur men-haul to prey upon t'i vsn-ck-ers.
next laHjer- nnl -bietr t prey
U'Miit both clas-rs. ami Jin!, the cjrr
gvnicB to pray for all fLit'ightrr
Thr subject of corals w.t ali. th- 1Y
feMr kihI. of s-irntitic interest, 1-e-cause
in these 1 oral reef we ha, tbe
pntsjf- of the vast oss'ilhviions tunl ara
tions in the earth's crust. ,,n a A-ale of
which we have no iMhrr rvilencrs at all
A very wide sprc&d misundrrtaid
imrcxits a t tin manrr in wbirh
reefs are foruietl. one which has enl- red
into thr piibh. iiiiinl. and d which it is
almost illlNssl.le to i1sbis-. tbr pub
he mind 'Hie idea is th.xt thre ani
mals are little insi-ei.. tbat they build
like mils and bers do. and when they
are alarmetl thev dsspHar into then
little biirniw. and thei re'fs are a-'-ctiuiulations
of mi'lisrtis of thesM little
iiists'ts hi generation after jjeneratn.
1 shall show that there i nK tbr uum
blaucr of tnith in this idea.
Thr Pn-frxsor then cxp!amr! tbat the
coral animal is jndvp belonging to tbr
group of nu bat a. that it cntsists f
limestoiir deposs 111 the shape oi a hol
low cylinder with top mid bottom di'-k.
.surmounted with triit.x, les. rontainut
a stomach and enveiope.1 with gelat
inous organic matter. The ti ntaclrs
or arms an provided each wiih a
mouth for the absorption of fiMnl. TTmi
eoml is roralino lime-stone, after the
gelatinous organic envelope is -lecaycsi
am! remove! The aiiimals which
bmld n-ef an- not much larger lhan
iii. In iot Tlie ileirlimTiielit nil.l 'TtiWlb
l --- -. ..-- - --- - 1 -
of the eoml tn-e and head ml wa
cieariy oxpiaincu. .snowing 11 to e
miilHwoi! i ! !(' s mie in vece- 1
tation. It was farther ixidaimd that
.nil formed and threw oil eggs, which
lloated to some suital
deplace. and then?
began the iinn-ess oi development in
dcjM'iidrntly. forming new c!.nies,
which in time connect 'n'' ""- reefs,
UJMJU which an di.Mmited s'erriion. iu
time building up kev and i-skind"-
Iieef-buildiiig corals will not gnw at
a depth of over ! to V I fret. Tl-ere j
have In'en reef building cral fHinI tit I
a depth of l.otH) feet, but thev were
dead - drowned bv Im-iiu; arrieI la-Sow
tlndr depth This contine them to
coat lines and submarine banks. - 'orvls
will not gnov where the tenierattire i
lower than sixty-eight tlrgrers at any
time, that is the ocean, not thr air.
Thcivfore they are confined to the ttop
icnl regions. They will not grow except
in clear salt water, hence there is always
a break in nvfs opHsite the uphiiIi ot a
river. Finally, they demand fne ex
posiiie to the lwating of the waves. The
more violently the waves Ix-ai the nunc
rapidly the corals gnm. bes-aii the
agitation gives them ventilation. Corals
will grow in the face of waves whoso
beatings would gradually wear away a
wall of granite The four kind of eral
reefs found in the Pact tie Owan are
fringe reef, barrier reefs, circular reef.,
inclosing lagoon s iu the ocean, and
Miia. lagooiiless- coral islands -Sttn
V'l''o ' 'ArtoiicV.
llelicf uf Aiu'ina IVclnri.
In this agoniing ailment the ne -eisi
tv of care to prevent its attack
is w
l known, but in many case- the sjm.ii
j will cur. notwithstanding the ulinoM
J care. It is also wH known that the at
. tack, if there is organic dis&s of the
heart- although such a dismi does mt.
necessarily aiseompanv angina jj-fton---may
result iu sudden death IJoth
this fact, and the terrific pain whi h ihe
patient exjx'rieiiees. make the ear!ir: I
relief imiHirtaut. In mo-t ra-es nttnU
or'irrttii.- rli.. ei filnuk,t itis.tMiittnsifeit&lv
Sos.ivs the liostou .V. htll Xirjutu'
eWri..'. .ssi, sav forei-'n authoriiies
iimded bv it Ibit the palient. if not,
intonned beforehand of its a!ino-t elw-
trical effeets-the siKld.M ni-h of blooil
to the skin and head, and the rapid jn-i-P'
s.. nf rh" heart-beat is likely to b,r
alarmed, and very many physician have
ou account of its effect- i?n afraid te
Use it. Hilt ihe Mr.itrttf tnl t,r-jtc:Z
JnurH'tl atlirms that, w hen profw-rly ad
mini-tered. it is wholly .ifr. that thrro
an no authentica:H! ra-es in which it
has done harm, am! that the phTsicuuj
! mav -afelv leave it in the bam!
I :..".n 1 ...: . . : .
' . " ....' ..'..'." .
lher high athnte concur Iu
'Ihe wav tn u the rriut-alr i to omi.l.
cn a handkerchief .r a Iwt of" st.n-w - J
with a few droits of the minis. 31 I in
hale it by holding it t the no tr-
s,m liable to frvmieat attack awav from
I .... I !..! I " .
liouic iii. Ncrjia il.i.e im in .1 UBV
to. and moi-ien the wiol daily before
leaving A physician -houid iirawi
have charge of the .. and e-rKsriallv
decide whether there is or i not, any 1
organic disease of the heart, before the
remedy is used. - Y-itih' O'mywtn. j
A Connecticut Farmer's Droll Error.
A mistake asnm:ng alayt-t the nature
of ajtke took pla-v !. neck before the 1
Judiciary Committee The rlerk. Mr.
tiriir. sent ot k-tters notifying parte?
of tne hearing on "granting divorces."
One of them w;is rnt t T . Ooid. of
West Cornwall. Pn-idea: of the Stat
Agricultural Soci-tv. who reat
as "giandrring diea-es.'' A- thi wu
in tbe direct line of agriculture, prorai- i
neut agriedturissi from all parts of tht '.
is:at were notilicl by Mr. Gold to b
preseat and offer their minds on "pao- j
Go!tl."o We-tConswauTJ. J- V.Vhh. of
llamdea, ei-Goveraur Hvde, of stif- i
j .. -.
loru. ana exenu ouiers prese3isrt: iaes
selves in good faith before the cosmi:
tee. and were -og:es'hat -uryrbc! to
loam tie naiurts of ;ie htrannfr -NVv
A ! i u tW ! 1
lsmarl . " j-Wsf.1 sm tvtrr
fct..' i Nr ll . " aavl
b: "c 4!."' ".: f-4
is, , maa vt tkm ppi,f' i -
sit.tBVR kaJ . c3M si .
raH fal tf Nvwr ! 11 -
I i omAm 'te-f. . at rr1gTr -"
astorwty Mrb b !.'
rawj;l htm U U a b-t
mvtf h-ar i Ren, o .. hr -'
y . r- r.. .!. ' !--i. U
r-i'rr. Mtb; I !- ! ' l -t--s
5-Wtt H ti'U ..Swtwl !
hi .'! butty ft tV '. ll rts
Ana .rf a trrsrt m J' rtr.- rarbt
-s-i -! n r t.n n'bj h ps
IM1 'i'''nCr"P,
ff- a i-tm m in S sr. S J
tmj ar . -a (joirTiniin(
smt'er mmj. am mg mmmm at ;
nw irrri.2TTii-iHrw tmw m-
-' ? wmr rtmuft a fsw
-wluAi v 11 r ntnr -H !-
- -
W Clear ?- mn n .ww
lf rt
, , tm a
- i .. n a .
m r ritrurt ..r, ,:m,
t b
rraltr a o III rr. lb'- w
trl rtnra data H- .4 '
n -u-b i
i in . . m f. r and d a .o t
.wli-nil fear. ' Il i r ' t.l ) .vJtlM
il i ! tx:m II
nuurl ;
he rau u tnr tttlils ca-l iMa
uual ' This i mi ub.jr.l foe I'tea
urr Hkosla. aoi he. " l
inter pro'st-Hr t!resr.l "
"S no
ntre. 4U-I le irjfeHI. JJTft-i-ri . nr
whotka maslr nit clotbinx bf all tbr
vear- v.rti ba-c known tne del not. it
In... iii. it a .rr!- bkte.
s . Ij
tnit hr !.- me he rlnthes l-.n be for
I ha.1 a. bestl smv-sj.. mk! he neser
prrs.s mr U nriir) when br .-!--ts-4 I
; that 1 wa pr'sssil l-t it uiv. If IIvr j
0.1M too !. mv fneiMi !ear is-j a
j msn flH- one who tu-'tvl. cut chub in a
; aifTerrnt sbai-e-' ' Hut wb. I hen. !
vim bar him iu
trieftd. " He is . vl.
msitreI am
.vl Nb'idUv.
Ill .MHlUil .
Why do Indian jfrt dnmi,' 'salt
the T imm rutsw- ' k, r lb-camr- tber
drittk more whisky than tbry tsrr jraujred
fr. A-k ui a bard tm. Hrlmjtn
voii that which vm blame therts
for dmg. ans one .! mr ww- men.
Well, tbing-i bavr rome u wrrtt a
if a man can't ku-a bis uwn wife. A 1
No Fev run a ( "bines laundry in
I'oiton. lie hall have all our waabtng
,rr ' Court, r Smd it abmjr One
more shirt will nt prol-ably tAcrenae bis
la!n much. i" iViwunfKa RU
j fcm,
j A man was nt to the nitcnt.xrT
fiir ,.i,;,,.r ,-!... . that :K. mi -bt
. , V. , . t
4 i, BsW-.!
' n,rfjltn.
airain. the torernntent u-
b entsiNirage rleanhnr-M and
e-oiotiiv. y o ' f ' .
1 " - "" ". u "
-i"n " aiie oi e- pxr .u-- wim ie
rot one who has Just angftte'l tfm
. ' w iimnv tarniy, wnum .ns-i- ar.
! iM'vera! lonr Mras attacbed t br
trail "'. Ti 'i-.
- Little Jack bal a presrat of a rail
npal. He hurriedly dragg''! out thr
eligiitp. ihe ear, et, . aill sicti. the
box. tbottgh it dm visibly emptv
"'ntoo an- nil thr thmffs." ahI bU
m, (t,.r. --what art voti 4ing UwT'
accidents.' -,- V-ir.
V, bv the Sn Antonio napr
! that the iHttrber have raised euib
i If their trmlrr-bnn teaks are a tosijrb
j .1- they u -l to be. tLry ntigb: us the
: club V advantage o.t inrnv dn nw
; bcrf is tough all orrr tbr wMtntrr In
; fotne part of the Mate Ims- Meat.- are
, ii-.I Jrd'sr hinge T'sa Stftnj
- Daniel Websir had an an"olt ui
Old Father 'M-arlf. the miniler of bw
twivh'frd. which w t gMl Ut b lt
' 1 1 w a utomarv th-n to wear lnk-
skin bree!i-j in eild weather One
Stimlay inrning m autumn. Father
' Searlr bruught hi" been lr dowH from
thr gtrret. Imt the wa hail taken
1 jMi..(-.r during the Mimmer. anl
j were having a ne time o u m tbrm.
1 Hv iltnt of rff'trt he got out thr intro-i
; rr anl drr.ts.i f.r wrrtmg Itnt.
while readinsr tb- M-nptwr t tho - !
gr'galion be felt a Hjer ff"- I be j
enraged mail taaiteI fellow, and
jumped around the pttipit. Iapfinjf bis
inn ine mre ne swpprn ant
' dance'I. the m-re Uev -tung The !
jteoftle : bought him rrav. but be ex
plained thr matt' r bv Having "Breth
ren, don't be aarnwd tbr word 4 the
Ir4 i ;n mv m'nith. but tb' dU i m
mv breerhe" Webt. r alway Sohl It
wilh great gb-e to the mm titers.
Fnliappj L"t ff a Prenchtr.
riHT" i an everiii-nt ehaav-t for phi!-
! antbni c ark 11 Uk
raae ot
I tr
.lame-T !'-:. m w c.,fm-d in tbr
I Hon- f Correction at IMaM 11 n
! tramp, an.l um wbrb cbax he h
1 l "-- "' Kitbs w. hating te-ew
1 -n I.em-r ntrn'-e.I lb- term of
Ira nmHiht shenWo.Iba reretrrsl
a letter from an etfraabb lady re-whas
at Iisl'ow. Vt . where rwt ri"wabam-
crfv -tilr-1. and the lalv av -she ka-
him wh- n be w a gdWd pn-avb- r. awl
I aks if vatrran.y t the -tnly trouMe with .
l him. Uf was never mMarted to tbe tas
1 of intoxicating lepvpr. baat is -wan-what I
ets,n5nc. aa-l mi be nei-1 ibrtnpbo- 1
' iost urb a be i i't-ttitu- but bed" B t ,
1 , t -..-- -. -
! luur ItottoTn.i.' rhairs He aV be
' fL.. k..i ,.w l,m,T ih.MMPkn.i kUi
lar- in monT
, wbieb h ktand to a
in v vahingsow b morv -
r---'-r. but thr hanl
av rnmr na and
! hi- rrbviivr ileir,sd to I! the prr-rtT.
. o be rt.etab-1 the mortgir. hot i-Utcm
etUewrBt was eartl the nrotaer
i d-,I xt-rv sotlden!-.. suad be wa.1 oat.
i -- - -.- .-- -- f
' Hi- aifr'wa mftnre.1 birrarr -rrnaB.
at! tiit-s! ia I-n. ami. sael Powers,
when iae be. I .it-s.1 vrtb her. aal
b.xxc bat! tut ambateKi uaee uaca
A .
When thiry -three year, tf age be .
now fifty-two he wrote --rrrrr arucb-
which tv,-;-. pBblthei ia the .Varoaii '
iSmrUrl lUrtcm-. wberb ai Uaetiaae --, ;
edited by Wulam I. ssrar. LI I Ts-s
sobje'-ts were "(trnisiA," Tairat. j
Taet a-i " Orator--' rZtsjorur
objsen:lr be wrate e.aay an-a 1
The OrHt Dnnav" aa!
" ,M 'ierB i
i CiTibxsao. ' wene
', bsxbrtl in the
, ha 3 da:ghr
vooac '.rvfy marrb-d. in Carteo--
xod who viite. him Morniar. hex ag
bmraesi ihroojh tbst paps-r -br- her
father wav The lady x- not ia cond
tB to gix-c hr foth-ftr i boaje Bton
--Siact Hex. J. Hyatt Sre;th. of
Broklya. --a. tlected u Coogncj. bu
;.ll oburcfc hs bca -ok:cadeTtsbe fore-
cijsire vf z. raortgzgc rnd it si to bc
innsiorrn-l jaio r theater, dtjpii'; ih
"'Vi! tttc": "fei-rfc 42? tTisiiic3 itii,-e
k t
Our Vounc Kwler-.
It t hat -
igtow v
-! wt4 aaaae
ot t I f-d'l m a
b at! ."
lo tbr stf
tMI i-'kr-l r I I
But l.w .--wH t S-JMC bo
j !. thai T"i Mej p- ..-.
b wir. ' Tb te InrsbJ- r-!
tl.. bt rf
IT ( a
ba -!,.. '.
Wrx & s.
. . i- tu- ? - '
; :.
' t 1
I ill -.
II lo . !'
tr u.""
!riif r
p h
' of l : !
!! n'h.ii
ill ?:,
b- 10
-ksi h- .
thrf f
1 - Iftjf ' '1 " '
r frsvsv. .1 '
;. WllS l!.
4 s
ml (mi 1 -i
Bt ;. 1 1
jrrs .
Ti-m aaa.rst
Yow b ' t '
m a er ! : .
to than l I o. .
sgirr. tu -hr ,
wb-i Fre.f.f - '
bniets. fatrVi 1 1'
I inw ..
'IVbat'' asi, ! I
-WVII sea ion.
t r
1 1
llM f
H-l x.
1 a-.'
rHw . 1
tiur" It.n "
a br lit!ls vi
jsrr manw -
Hot bw rv
ttf rel 1-UsX.
' luty .-Bough '
bnrrr totie. awl
l IV .
n t
lo .1
-at! 1 r
i 0.
You k papa .
The mvstt-n !
nxtbtn 1 lsav I. - .
iYba. tbr ui i
Ye. tbr HMt .in
Fre-J-tv. wilb ewf ' v
lll-f t I
I do'i1-!
N r-..'
oh4 '
bact bant tssriattn'. I aw
tutrv ttv-SMarrs.
"The on he gti' Vt
Ltvs. a if it waa '
m '
.1 I
4 .bsHilsl rtttrt
m. ..
" Yr. the one be prf b
xrn rl gt evm with b.i
tlwla't Is-efertHrr it. tl u
- Ibit if a in tb- dari , !
- N can I tie tn tber.
t !-
awawrr-it Ir-ddv. -1
it on. n-l fwtfa bat
froe, ant woo't runs
when be e'W in
fl .
" ibit Freifd -Stnf '' j;o
into the bu k tl'Mrf ,... r !l
"Of rvaafvw I ilarr' .-,. ' and
Fresbly mo.r toward tie 1
Hut vben b bal rr. . d :. t
)Martl tbr don. and !' d in I
topfpeu lottg e-agh the Ibfe-tho'd
to aaattrr I.ny tbat there wa. notb
there to bnrt them
"Ibtttbi you know wb-r the "i
I'" aanl t.ury
Oh. ve.' amwre. Fre-l-h nl
100 yon kerp iro-sr tvbiml ne
'lb t yni pipMiwr therr lJ .i ..n
It?" ojKCsvte! Im. baat mm if Hkm
wan t riwpab of horror ar-mad the u
, .b-rtakiag alreadv
"VVrll. it will lt arr
.. &
rm lip-
ttaore, then." rjfw. Frsbty
Tbre waa a Jnt jlrim .f l-bt t
ffiinlr tbrm. awel IivM r iMemhrrrtl
r-ttv writ wbrra be baf " a bt fatbr
put tbr msUrpippia irarwtrnt bu the
hiblrew bl ih4 me-b tr-aibt bt tkaet
intf it ami fettug rKlowa. but wb-n it
ciimr to ptntmr H . another laryr
dealt waa matt twt 1 febly eianHpr
It i true lbe isitobiw't p-e awv bl -.-I
siaiH.- o it. but then therr aa-wnt be
ad tbe ns(;ses bob tu tb ais;.!er
wIm-h the hu.b-t went teanwf tbnetb
l.ike.1 an lemMe aat tb obi brar
lntt.n eBael to be ewpekpBh' evrrs
ihiag Ibry del with if
'LeJey. ioN I ! think it mUnfii
Tm ' -solrmnlv ake4 Ir-.bly. bkfBir
b at biawUto Mm tb -' s trad
js-i ay ufeax the noitr
I abmibia't womler" aaai Laara.
with a glram of ntrwerr ta ber ra aa
; -br bK-e at I'ervbiv
1 So be rttied bta ltb. aaxi tbeaa tbarj
i st their father's rap. ata-i tbw 1 red-4y
m real for ht ramptabjrw m faalav
tN all leat tb false far' 'I Vat wa
ia lb kitrbra rupbaxrl
I'-ary m wjJbBj: Bnsajcb W gn Um if,
bat Freddy, for reaos. 4k I mm.
warmlt eatbrar lb wln .4 bebr left
abme but at la-. pn-sata-44 tber "a
no other wav. aavi btnBMa4 to
.laire hie psjrp- tJ rarMat Torn, be
r"-oled to b brnse. after srtaUy .
jraaing Iary to burry rbt wvrt;
lurr stt.irO-d itvlh u m.l faith hut
maKXuaxteiir r r.-t.i
ebeme. ae abe opr4 tb kHebrrt rm-t
a drait 'l mxwl nb-l m awl SjI 'ibt
tb rlow-t 4tew. ia4 tbfi msstaaw
Italy Iwr .-. Imt hr a4br. Wrbit aaxi
Tma. wboawl bittbwr tb -4p
beard tb aaoat temhfa erV -aid abosffa
for help.
All rushed from the Vrtibra awl
toward lb -Prit. inn beaar tb
rne- Jtr iasme Hat zilxmr praeahr
tesreleJ but air Iavcv cwnbf barm
. t-- AgM awtJOh
of wbai Jut aUer
1 -
j Tb-j dcor
i .
ibere aat I-re! . a the floor f tbe
LrV rrtsreat. tbe aad4e -sperjeoew i
wrrmynmm uaaa r, wp,
. tb- t'irkrH ats ajauanav
j ' Vbal ' tarfc b& the btrrgxK "
matftnaal lm. trath aa ot
j f4be-BsrT , hrb 1 rttbiy cool-da' I bear
1 ' m ! .4 a k mmk a . . a L. ..
t rvUlT. aaeuag t-ra rr -!. brraa
Vo sbor wgwa of isjuag
sery aiTrb aHara-,l aJU tatagf.
-xbr-b tb gbt base betra att3aett-tlT ft
piaoej by hi r-da-wba jmbt. srtkbauaat
lv y gi-s-Jtj nbt cmt
Why. Kreldy. vfid mt pot t4ae
thtags r&r oak! b avUber. taaymavg
to Lcrx.
'"I teflsfTe be va4 rBjag 1 ear
Tont. an,ersjl Laarj. ctlj kiiag
arrer iw ant taw u-Ubr rrtraB-'
"H x bod aaa." hBiawrwi.lT
oerrc,i Tem. m a vav that u baat s
1 proTokmg Ux aayibm
That --ul do. Thntu..'' mterrstptal
b4 tstbrr - iai , ri-UU . I th.-c
tbent beeji oirug eogfe for otr tiar.
ami yoa atxy uX oS yowr naiJorsa."
They neat bock :" ta kitchra. ail
bnl Luer A: br rre.i.1 ca.4 -. pr-
foctiy .mvl gkxace V-xs sxis,' l pr-
!! 'j -ur ia! ,at.:h;,ry' aaM Sie.
' I jcvw yo3.
Tbuj Lbtt. too. wt-i swse. bet rire
fuflr propptisg tbe ier oacnzr, potai
U7 Li ii iW
ka. aw
1 .. p- mmf m - sga aw g
, X-m t law -( 9tm fM.
; a twmmm mm 1 tmt MM
j 1Ptm 1 j mill H s3np -a-
ri!llll.' AMI IIUI.
I . ,y .. t
- t'v HS1.
s c
t be
. . '.
JiV iH Irrar.
s tJr 4, ' H ''"
i .. -sl as- m 4Jj. -
, hmm IW '-- - ?
iMkssilil )" l
w-bl Jmeh t "a ."
' - "f "
fW tJitV -sg ai r
bwtr &-- --" -
rr w r ' -
.iafa. - a4 - y
b R -s
bJ - '
Ibr MiW " Si"
Ta a-
I a
- -.c
Vi.' -'
fc, .bl.' - '
)w o4
i i . -
m . '
.. lb ,
X fe.-
I trt
r .
) ,
I . .
, -11
I s,
a '
Vbat Ursa,," attano
, iUr 1 m t I U nr.
1 V biMt. aga.a V .-
1 .
llWH) l Mkw V
Tu '
a ? ' '
.!' -
IM ' '
ill - 1
I . -
W .
ill I
. I .
tf . - ' .
a I. 1 '
. .1 .' ...
-1 1
t. i -
1 . I
-f .
. . 1
tin , .
t.t . t
at t .
01 '
. 1
iut s . . I
b ll '-
aaa p, a
k v '. !! i. t a4bb '
. . ' m too pVr,s. e
a a s aw in warm v
I'b. 'ab' rf ur tw H-r
l .
X - "t'sa 5u ' r rr r',' pt.,
-, piml. 1 fti' tb- twwi'st. aavl
i utt Itfwtla '.- b Amgh to tavabr ?
baal ovf hrs-Ml. rnr"i Uaal !
ba-) ara b4 bej ae-' ! Urn t-
j bai- a taw u nal bHBr
With tb tshaaaTb av.l 1 t m
r. .4.
f ap th aV raaa-rafl 1 -
d.-.)'4ipe tb- , 4 O '
mabr U ri. ! '. abafpe I '
kg ptw. pre ' re.'.
iltttr tr pr t I 9 ' '
, bjf Umm 4j f ' tht .
I pMi--t ewdb N -" , ..,);
a rii fowarn K , . f . .
tb rawf Tatrw a-i ..
asiJltW atf tbe ax ' t!i.
i loBf a bmaT brm a ri.
itertbawa lb . w;.,
' of aVatr m barf haaA-
; a.i(taa l- W. apraa wb r '
j other bar. a bttt 4Mv
; tber la rm for Bvra t jb 'm
1 pan rtakU pUwly of "& "
1 top- a-! a-H tb pwava by t ' of tb
loarWfl a iltiar ft will la-
twewta to tbarta - Itpajf
Tbew bwb. WawinlaBjr tsa4 m ta
maaater 'tearrabxl mi 1 :be xra ta
bread1 to ma m ntm 4rre--tt !'
io wtb ear taassUfa! af nVear ma
the br-t nanaat aaxl e!a Tb fa
areata twam feb irvl ar '
! ivrs!v V tb barb of p"V ' saa'ps-
'. ta tW tbe dpptaeb aa4 pa' o '..tie "
a - - ew
Ill-ln-l nt ta I- I'rlslrWaW.
V I?-! hvlv wwb a beart faU .'
rbarit itraard tbe j, fjl a
a b 4aaa war to aa 'A bbbm -'he
arw pari ml tb -f who w
reprrtBet . b grt-aviy t ai t
aMpwrttaiaw bf baW faaaaft at"rt'
, atraebew larndf m awaat sal retasC ami a
ab wa tab ajr br tetrttira
bosaa ab -saoito ttaa wuaaw
I What r , Wat mA
th old mam aapretK"
' L'aasll twm a mil ik. -- - a -
" -". aw- w aamw wmmv laaa llMaavJir
taawal m Vavaa, a tb iwwfy
I TW ta4y wsnat aat wrtb fim aav
br avaawi tava ah bad faulana u.
wath Tf paanaravbar bamalv, bajt m avs
aaeSMir of tb aat bbaHl afw -
--b ah "av
wbn laa4 ram aft
taxi, b tba wtam
ar t aa
-Wt-aVnl waaa to part tm toa.
f xrina tewssaw abswat tbaa U at av '-
I hamiy t aaJ paacl wax tuaat y eav
s-raal lam tfaxul am mtwc pa r '
' el-j aawl w n ruava ba to part ap -rtl .
I Bt" iMhrmt. rr ,.
jtjr. ''arhaat, wb, eajtajw j bias.
I " -auwaa tor 4t I'baa Bajraaaai
7.r xpybM- ! th wubbw aeawaax
!-i- -I h aawa crbaf watavaaa, froau
whtrb W parlecl. u Brr atar. two boab
elw of iu9eBl ,t ram lptpwa. Tb
wtfre obi at aa asrataw ti i)f ao I
a boif ret y aiBwl liat oitnm taW
w-xtar yM from tsb? pwaap. a p.
a-OsLxlae-i -uaal -ibwIb Jo rBjiaawy mat-pat-r
-The " Jaaaaaor eafetor. b-'Wrta ka:
tntb abaate-sr of hjis
rBen mra v i jwwatBiB at ihinaailia ewe
' emear's. A .-.aaaUacay patnaa. aaalcv
tb nthnwosawat thai' - uwuae; to tho
' a.bmc of tar tansaaar, w wui saawe
t pcjrr rural war Wham tWareacj
j the stop the rtolatttoat of th j.
a rv-a em cotttukeavr i a mjamst iti