THE RED CLOUD CHIEF. IYI. L. THOMAS, Publisher. 1M I ri.uU), NI"UKASKA.i' j all mixes m:k .v;ir. 'Til' r-'a Tl-.Uliillf tM W MitJut) JJir.'J." t .' mii Mi, hit . ar.- !j.-h nn' n-w" F o . r-th r. th -r l ti-itti.ii? c.M I'lilo lb lh.n;;tillui sotii ih! irw. 'Hie v.rll ,.w j,, rrm, ,, 1 r.-h utii,rbt rtitit on fi.-M aiel airraat. I i-s xiirtwt. Mijh mijwitrl lawn, .Vay U i(1ii, .j,, a,,, hjijy jrU-aa. . mi hf .-1- WW. ,, has at fcn-Men 1 In- ta-H-ti of j.w-m iinf.-lt to-fora, i -i-t at.t. a HiiMrii ptawl alm-. II-so-l. . -wiy tinH !.. tv 1 1 i't int. Mill kalf-afraM f j' toe n-aitn iHit ii. w ooar-ak1.? ! tir whv open taM ! f-n-d rn toua iwaj4! h Aim V I o T It 1 H 1 .1 T 1 i. ire . lra efc far nln irmr oiatw of a-.-itracati make oM a it lijAt tunc hUi .. power imtolr 1. 1 ituctr!. ka ttt-cart ajs pli! aa wh.-n gari-rrt ratm.t far B& tkm$, K frasxt tr-aoti nam- ! M. tin' .-v r ftw. JtmtiUe in ftirijViil afe..j :fjn4. I; mi a lonely httle country cm- wi'ii oniv two or three houa S t w.iv. '. littU- tr.t 'h-l that th- ! irtiriw at tb -!. Itllt 1i(ll:tfH--hollHt Ul 'Wih, llM-ir nfipprl ' fm i ial -t-n, by -titrat ;T.I J-Li. T- i A dark, we.thcr.atai,,,.,! j rn r ni niaiiiH rrv trtiiis ... , ,. T "., . . , , .. ' wm ir:uk. a.,l ihr hu-Ik,-, l,M J "J 1u"k"r " MB .f" ,w8r4 ,h; I .!.. fMnnwHruionimi ?;' 'V"" " i'T t a . . . . . viarfT ttirf.tM.- &-.. it ffatM ..t - --nai a .- tfl Bar- ax , , , . , , . - , 111:11 11.W1 no iouui or j-ar ir ina u--I. aii.I hihi.ti ma! ., ,. , , f .. , ,.,,.. "' r him", an though "-kin . i f friii th tiM-morj. of w.iu' ' tif -.tain of aotw oM jf.rrow- r Iivn th latif, that w.i-l i! of (oninitink-alKiii iw.-ti r-- !ii-t ,unl th- world, wan wanting. i tfni". ini-ii-ih.-d it air of forlorn 'uf- AIof. rwiiot. afiart. it atood nitifo-.. it would mm. tut for the i ii of moke tlsat r-ated it. and the iii lijhta that abm fnnu it witi- V i I Ik .. : :;. Ji'.ev-r. of itx isolation. m:ti riiiother mM'ri, i. U -M.jv.i, It Ii.tI tM-t-ti imiit to front r d. mm cfian-d or almndniKiI mi z 'hat nil trae- ff ita xiKtfW.e bail I- d from the hill, and the oi-cunant-.. r having ft-n aide t a-iiirc. t nae. in.- Mri m ian mai inur- -d l-twit them and the highwm. '. . out, ue,1 tlHWadre-. w ith a right of f. tbriHigb the field. wIkihi- blender 1 !.. -- l. .1... a.. iianin nwnaiw aewig me , ! of tlie Miihhle NeithiT KM th' n.te boiiMMea1iug -, ..inir n. it nr-l at a distane-. Xim ben- 1. lows waed gn-iM-r tbau tbo-- und it, or fruit- riMne.l s-ter. !iinttiewideouthingondiard.or-un- ie later and more golden hi 011 the little westward-sloping, pine I iueloure that had on.-e l-.-n the "!. 5 -. heri-hed and ted.-l front i !. Hi ii and that forsaken. n gleet.-d. ami ! i 4-d.sJ-ay.HhowilpathetMtr- t r -tate Ihe tall lilai- i !'. I .m ea.-b !! the v!io-e lii.h had grown i I-itg hsu- llaffoilih. ! iins. lark-imrs. and ! 11 lung si unldy through j t imbiiie-. sarl. .!i t.liow.-l where tnm i lers had cdg.ii the w.dt.s long ef- 1 I by lush grass.--, nnd clump of j wivl ,;m RIj tjtv p,, tul j,ra..l . hlai-M flanked the .-ldm troibW-n ' plead so urgently and drew -u- h btight !-. and tilled the stdl air with faint, pi.-tures of the' grjnd investment it . t oiler. X4 that the sj,t was al , would be. that at last bis father reluct -v s deserted. Often, as on one sunny !aI,uv jielded it lo him. Kekiel Mist aftcrnooa. it held two occu- , and' bia 'wife wen growing old. Ibe it-, a girl Mtting m tin- lower stop ; ia,j hoiwd to hate kfi.t their son nf- : ting on a long white tun king, and a iMiti" fel'ow f, a well- ...t. baudstuitc lo, lounging a the i- near by. A tellow liae broinled . r tin- wMed bills; n,,t a br-:ith of 1 tas stining in th" pines, only the k!e of a distant sfiii-p ln-ll and the . zing of a lee atiMMig tin- flower ned the jterfect qnict. llow still it sat.l the girl. Imt eve going over . pleasant tHw. while her hand me- mif.illv tlMntsdve with their ; 1 i-k 'Tsitii. ecnoe 1 - -. i'.i her companion. scorn. " 1 should vv it ii a avent f ik it was; one might as well Is- dead t . simple home group, the grander . I buried. You don't know. Trea- that tbe hardly utib r-til them, but .."" his tone growing imm- imiH-tu- j jiiev soined like hi siightlv eaggr-.-. - bow 1 loathe it all; how si k the j att..l m.iuner. the impn-s of the great -iiht makes nte of l.-ing shut ut hero world of wtuch thev dreamed si much i-ng these Milling little hills all my j nn.j knew little. Tim- passed on, the e. never ".eeingor knowing ant thing ; client w:is sl,,u in coming. Hut a e of the world than as if 1 wen- a ' K:uum-us was heard in the farm house. 1' ) 1 1 i''iage."' "Ye. 1 know." said sdie. j jo higher than eorihlv -ourt. and Kht vulia wistful l.ak in her eve, pale , Im-iIi ('nri,., hnjng iorn the burden i cte tlv were, in a sallow, irreg- I SJ. ,a,t l.n. 1, l.,,r hastened t.i .in- fad. Iit clear and stc.tilv. vvtiib i oiec w a, that ecelletit thing in 'iH'ii." soft and low. Yes. m do." .tsM-ntcd biiferlt. "and ;u arc all urn- wh knows or -are. Father :!ks I might to ! content "d to drudge lite awav. a-, be has his. but 1 can't won't, ilv.rt man has a right Jo a iiijikv lor lite ami wiiy siHutiitn 1 ir ! -. . ' a . a & i:.nm-. nun iniiiv ir-i o.oo.uj; 1 e. latmg hi hand with a lramaiie -lure oh bis breast, "urging me on :it!'l on. something within that tell me 1 a lru for something higher ::nd 1 n.-r lhaa thi treadmill arouml, and t'l.-it if I could mlt mas-urc mydf w Mb other men. 1 could make a place 1 : mtself." " Of cmrse ton wonld;' 1 Treasure smiled d"Hti into lib eager. i.;. lifted fa. At that instant a baud . ii cam. .unding around the hoiiM. , airof superior confident v. tliat sil.-ncil Israel! IsracP tit c o'clock; time to p all ri'monstraniN- on the part of the ad-:if;.-r tin cows." j miring woman by his side. Hut ala. There it i. cxclainwHl ihe lad. im- ' even thi new- path was not thorn !... p-iticntlt! "it's forever Israel' do as be wrote: Kvcnlhing brilliant s mething pbwing. or hoeing. rmow - in hi ritins was -ut out !n jealous i!!-. or milking. cntinuallt. and I'd , editors. He wished he had Ucn cri'at.Hl 1-. tight my Kk out and meant to try ' to criuge and forget hi minlio.d for and "study a little." " Never mind." . the paltrv .bdlar. but a he liad not. be and Treasure txdled up her knitting as j inut utl'cr accordingly. " in the sii- 4;c; "m work is all done. I will , tear Treasure llekl liad grown from a g after the cow and help our father girl to woman, not prettt. but with n r-.-Ik to-night. You can stay here." j homely sweetness and cheery heart -at'd ainph repaid by bis "Treasure ton muiicjios that carried its own charm. . a treasure." she rati lightly down j and bnnghi more than one of th-' 1 ;. pasture lane, while Israel, left alone, neighboring joung farmer across the :it;r reading a few pages, dropped his j fields to the old Israel could not 1-eok and drifted away into a m-st glo- ; hn;e told wbt. but t!Me tliiugs stung r; day-lrcam of fame and honors. ; him w-ith angry irritation, lie find oftn from which he onh anuised '. hen Trias- pitied himself in being hound to a urc after bringing i:i tlic foaming pail woman of so l.'tle beauty and style, and of milk, called him to supper. That , felt that to appear with her. s.ny at the afternoon's incident was a fair ilhisJra- j ojvra. would eaiLse bis pride to twinge. t.oiioltiu two vouug lives uiossonuiig ; in the lonely farm-hHte Israel Carle. t!-e only child ati.l son of their old age. nnd Treasure Kekl. the oqihati nitX'O of Fekiel t'arle and bis wife Elizabeth. 'ht ears before Tn.isure had come 1 to 1 hem a sorrowful, heart-sick child; in j 1 os,- ears it had leeoine a home., in-j died. to her. l)f a tenaci'His. all'oetiou-j nte nature, she was attached to the gray j ..'d house and evert- foot of the land j around it. She was fond of her uncle j and aunt, plain, kindly folk, of simple j lia'nt and homely ideas, but the tender-j 11. of he.r heart, the full wealth of her 1 . ve was lavished on her cousin Israel. I 1 lerself energetic, contented, cheerful. ! bis moixly. lounging and impatient 1111- ' rest, bt coutraMuiaueineueeperimprvs- stoti. rre'im in iu L-umpiuiuin u lidenccs were, she never heard them without an admiring awe for what f-ecmed to her the loftier heights of his nature. To her hia words had the ring of genuine genius: his talents she never doubted, and the most dazzling pictures be drew seemed to her no more than he could easily achieve. Beside this great und brilliant mind, she felt how meager and insignificant was her own. and what a happiness it was that in anv wav she was enabled to be a ' .. . - 1.: . 1..:..:.... ...... comfort and help to him. So. as in this Instance, che ofteu. took voj the bunka I ,.r 1 .- 1 . .... ' part. had inntiy vf-ion Sa whirl! rrjiMirc inire no jmrt H ft-n Ml ws-n-t uial j.,.r r,,mt.k.m i.a,l J ... !.,. . . , "' r .. .. .. (irwij y. rr Uirm WT-' gnHr- lHl. ami lirt'-mJHrxin-nt ror' nmiaatH'. I'ut n; Uie m' itm- h- wa rot with- t aM- JHTv.jrti,MI J J.r tr,tiojj 4. votion. It iUio;! hi rr-pifunj n4 Jeir(C t tbin ito en nnmurtt n ar. It g7t- him n rt-ii'-ir! sjour sih'q t lK,k at hinwU thro?h b-r . ani tM-holil tlw h roir- fiirr th.-r rvflt-ctc! la ajjort. it m t-io mu h Uiaaythnt unij-i.Hi!i Trvir- I" atu onr of th nu-:ii ! hf. niu-h m,. that th n 11- ion f th itn-B'Tth ch- dirr" f hi ffVrton for hr nr -.tirfnI to htm-!f. Iirt mt l.tth-oponuuit ao fT-a?h lir"! anir'. atwl Nrw-l "ari mx-U- hmem ao from th- wariam fetua il farm routine Ui U- ohhorinjr city that hl IHi' fw.-n th- jrl of ail hia hoj-a Ttw 'ijh-iubx Ka liumlilf otw of a H onlinato ch-rjyikip, but a br l14 Trpaaure, it wsa th- 'nUrin -!. pvc him Ihxt an. h- wmtM win ttw r-rt. iJf. he Im-h-v-1 tt- wit U1 UiU lie hwl to rappl tlw worid bv the Uiriat. a it wt an1 raaan-r it lor him-M-lf. Ir-kiI arlr li-l not lorSilhU r'in. kmiIi ho shook hia Iwad in J"ut'"I,Ir,"'. hilf Jo-i lU--m, th.- nr thin I've iiotH-v! anut I-rn-! C 'arli-, h- ncr Uh- o1 bill ul a row of rorn in Inn'in linw. May-h hf 11 tiiwl the Pfid o' tlif row srtitit; dav; '' 'l want to, U ittiMMh. ' .f TwtautVa In-art. thon.- ' -", ..! t.lt7 l.4.4?l. ... .tt . .S1 .-at " weifM-tl Ii.-ai-.t; and wtwu the injr moment -am-, Israel, tomli-) to utinoiit'-d tetiderneaa by her ale fai? and tcar-lili-d (), an! nalizinx o the .anij of fw-araton all that she had been U him, whi-n-r-d, aa Im kt-d her jjd-he: "Keep tijieourajje. Treaun. I will have a borne aonie nay, and then I will roiiie forou" Then Ih was jToiie and Trea-un-. ai he witit about her work, or aat alone in the for-aken dinr-ard" that hail In-en from child -bl their favorite haunt, reali.l a i-ter Infore the aolttude of the dllllib hiUs and waiting u ! A nohtud". swla-l. lKwevT. . the memory of hi-, nnrtiag wirla mid hi freu'nt letter, rhuugli ther- was little that wan glad nie in l-ra.-F.-i l-tt-r. thev wre a rj.. tMi-.nof the old iiionologin-. onh on a shirhtlv diff. rent k. . but -life "was ij dark." etiatem-e W4.a n vage be wmh U - aliii" - liii avingit againt: b- win one " " . aint.; no n,, un'lerst.Miii or appre ciated him; the world wa- cold and .art,.s-, and Tn-aaiire read it all w if h a ,rj fj f p,t. nnd dropped fuitiw ,, ar, un t. lim-nriatbaiidi she .ti!chd fr him, and tinle.l herjlf of nr!i-h pleasures that ihe might add a mite to 4 seatitv -alarv 1 he elerk-hip. !- ,.v..r, WA; hardiv less irk-mue I ban the farm, and it was not long till he ro- tunied irlowinff w ith a new enthusiasm. . hail discm rntl th.- line for wbii-b his imdination ai:d atihtie -st fitted him. the -path that oM-ued a glorK-su- i-ta ,,f li.hi it u,e midnight darkm--.. in wbii-b be had hetuj groping." and the jra.s to this hal.on region lion- tin- in- ,-riptiou -t oke' and Itla.k-tone."' ;,,ekit I (arb- had a few hundred dd- for, the result of lotir satin", toward tlM - tMuvhase of the Mrin of land be- wats with tbent. but thev and TreaMire. tiewed him through lotin eea. atid llemglit hun at uarb n-tuni more lun.I-soui- and noble. In due time Israel w:yi admit!-l Jo the bar. but tin- dram on the home rcsourei did not c-;im-. It was impossible for him.'' he wrote with a Jim- scorn. to stop to the ja-tty and ignoble -ases with which m m.iti law yers contented themselves. If loftv a- ptration were blaiiHsl. but In n fault, he must la would father watt in j.bscurit than aixvpt a case tinworthv I bim.' Uraml sentiment these s.undell sweru. It was on the .,rrow-t tinned heart that rcmain.'d that there fell at the same time Israel" startling an nouncement that be bad abandoned the law. "Yes." he said, in answer to Treasure's c lampion of surprise, --it has Iteeu a mistake from the !-itming; 1 ee now tliat ! never w as titled .r a law- 1Pr Its a dull, cramped life, full of unsoranii1. sruni uetatis. nut a man often has t leant through bis failures, and I've found out that n t law. but joiirnali-m. i my true tocat ion niek. intense work is what I want, something to appeal to the emotion and higher faculties. It's a grand field. Treasure, and when onee I have fairly entered on it. neither u nor father will regret the chaiiire;" and takin-r his ciir:tr from his mouth he smile,! down at fier. with nn mere were even tunes when her love liad seem.Hl in the zrature of a Kmdage. but none the less he could not Ivar that she should have even a passing interest ap.11 1 iioiu jinn, anu tmaiiv. on one of his visits home, jirod v unie care- less go.ip. 1m blazed out 0:1 Tnisure with a passion of reproach. "After all." be eiuieludiil bitterlv. I don't blame you. if you lo marry Ed Hunt: indeed, it's the Ik'M tiling von can ilo. lie can make a home for joti. and liod knows that's more than there's anv prospect of my ever doing for anv woman. It will be lonely enough here without you. but. to be frank, there's not much use of your ever expecting an thing of me. 1 can hardly -.import niyseii. - 1 am not eteeting aav- minii oi 011. Mie saw, gennv. "nor shall I marry." There was a look on her face that tilled him with remorseful shame, though at the Mime time he drew- a furtive breath of relief. Treas ure would stay at the obi home, and make it cheerful, but at the same time she would make no claim on him. He could buy choice wines and cigars here after, and indulge in dubious pleasures, without the halt guilty feeling that had hitherto hampered hint. So "life on the quiet hillside kept its quiet round, tor as Treasure had bitterlv said to herself. it she was co; necessary :o Israel, titers 01 mt nnuca ,n aJ HJion to her own. an J made,!,. t !,im mtMX K,,,r of t.iat indolent dreaming, from whKh he only returned with m n; di"otnt to ih nvir.njm.-at f iailr tif t.,..i wa on to rhom bn ra. for Eekl-I 'arb va growing an -dd man. awl mora -id morr the burden of hi care and fee'-.U-naa b r-atsd on h'-r -tmo young abtu;d'T. Aa tr yrr oni bjf " aa k.nd a an own U.I " b-- nw rt U av ff r, and whn at Ut b w laid dwn by tbe sde of hut wib H wa f'ltiml tltat h hl Irft tangible prd o! hia a:ia 4 bT devtiitt. and & whiaprrsl of dtaapjvjsntnvot tn hia ana. 'To hi IhI.vJ mnd fr. infal ntev TtHumt Urd." ran hia will. ws b qttthi the ua of the old fana daring b?r hiVtime. and the aoie rTal ui it If uld ab aurtiv larmeL Jwn- tbought thrv btertd hal! of cliagrtn on ! raef'a far., bnt nm cald t ayre. T farm r.m . of amait market raloe. !! prwfeaae f, to b erfe'tlj aaUatwd. Juat a I would bate wiahed it," b aoMin -d Trtaurr when poke to him half t rem uhm-lr on thm anftject. It wrild have areriMd a acrib'ge have t Mstded the dar old hottM to atraagvr. Irtil yo an ti part of it. and It will lw ueb a comfort when lift ia cokd aal dr-arv to turn to it b!tr for rrfogf. and to alwaya think 4 v . here, keeping alive the mmrie rf tnov wb have bsjij 1 dear to tta bot h. A a Trea-ur- henl hmi a hq tliat hl uneon--iou!y be hI t h'Ti-hed all th; long tear wnt wt, and with a atifle.1 aifa b: buried the dream and turned U hvr aolitary bie. aolilaiy. but not idle. Vbatevrliad been taken or denied, tfw healthful wdace of a buay life r-mainel and Tr-aurc 1U-I . a the phra run, a "-able" woman. IIrrboue keeping waa n marvel of neatneas. hr bread wa tlie whitest. bT jelln tlir elearea. and ler butter the aw--tct in the region around, aath neighljors had reaaou to know. fr mart a dainty went out arra the tVlda to the aiek ami r.if fenng. whibs br hoapitality wa ba geneni aa It wa ordial. in farm matter. ah was r-ptslly Hlieimt. Aa lier lurel man wa wont to laaitt, there wan't a man in town could ual lier in kaleulatin'. " and id Uh result an-i protita lrtd refive.l a carefully divided half. tniid the wel come that alwata nwait-l bim wlien ever iie.-"aity or inclination indm.-l ft return. A fitfully ratleaa man, drifted hither and thither by the rurrvnU of excitement or cirrumatanee, yani and habits were leaving their impress on him, hi wit bad hardened into a mock ing cifiieisni. hia high pirit roarnsd into boastful egotism. Tn-aaun- waa not wliolly blind Jo the change; iie aw, too. th avi-rted looks of old friends and half-suppressed whispers of disapproval. Hut thev only qui kened her old l'alty. and led her to throw the mantle of afh-ctiouate charity over bis fault. Did she not know how hard life had 1. "en to bim. the rebuffi be bait s!iff.-r-d. the sharp thrusts hia aenitie nature had rc.-ivedr When- others, only saw the seed v. would -be orator and mau if better, the hanger-on of 'li- 1 ties, the atistle of erratic ami fnttlo I movement, abe beheld her -arly hero, 1 her life-long idol. There came a day. I however, when Israel Car ie. a wasteif, broken man. crept ba'k to the old gray j house for the last time. Then whatever . of disapitointmeiit or doubt had lurked latent in Treasure' heart diappeard j wholly and forever. With more than her oil-time tciideniesa she watched j and ten, bd him. a alotvlt through pain and wearines life eb!n-d awav. And ( under that abadow of death 'ireasiire j Ibid MM-tlt some .if I he happiest week of ber life; time aietuid to have folded Imek its page to the sunnv one. when she and hercoiis'm wen ! atidgirl to gether. Old forgotten mcmoric aeemed tostait up in Israel'- heart, an nlTection for the old familiar wav and scenes. To Treasure he clung with childish te-ti-veity. arm in arm with her he revisited many f their once familiar haunt, and w hen he had grow u too Weak for that. 1 he would be for hour iu the warm imi. ' luer dav. under the great pines, IiHik- ing off. as with a sense of straiig' n-t-1 lulnes. at the quiet field: sometime he made querulous complaints of hi broken hope, and the plans he had ' purposed, but for the most part he was tcrt jialient and gentle and quiet. Only ouce did be ref.-r to the pa-l. and that wa just at the close. He had been ly ing propped up with pillows, watching with the wistful look of one who knows it is for the last time the unct colors fade from the sky and the twilight deepen along the wooded horizon. A his faithful watcher lent over him. she saw that hi eye were wet with tears. "I'tva-sure," he whispered faintly. "O Treaure. if I could only live my life, over again how ditl'crcnl 1 would make it for tou a well as myself." They were almost his last word., ami lefore morning, supported in the arm that had always been bis stav and shield, he went down into the vniley and shadow of Death. It wa an August day. still and golden as that so mauv year before when the sighing pines had murmured of a blissful nature to IsraclCarle. win n 1 thev bore hi coil'm out under their l -somber shadows; the day biie werw ! again in blossom, tilling all t he air w ith 1 their heavy fragrance, and a cluster of them lay on the dead man's breast 1 over the still heart " had puqM-d o much and wrought so little. After I Israel's death. Treasure llcid aged fast; little ht little she gave up the care aud lalHirs to the mau and hi wife who had long lived with lier. less aud 1c she went from h-me, save to church or to home of suffering or mourning. There she wa. ever present: tireless, eilieient. attending to the dreary detail, light ening heavy burdens; a very tower of strength. More and more he grew it the habit of sitting by herself in the nom where Israel had died, the room that looked out on the little pine-shaded tani and westward hills. Often she was found turning over bis old papers, a strange medley of frag mentary jHem. speeches, pb-as; it is doubtful if .she uuderod them. Per haps, that she did not. made her regard them the more as tokens of bis ability, and say as she wa wont to: I lis talents were great: it seemed sad that be could not have lived till they were reeogniivd." II r grief invested her with a simple pat litis, but ;he wa not a ptietio tigurc. a stranger would have passed unnoticed the plain, gray-haired woman of antiquated dress and stiff formed manner. lbr life had been narrow, restricted, with few opportuni ties, little diversity of the culture and a-voinpii-shments of the world; beyond her contracted horizon she knew almost, nothing. Two of life's greatest prob lems, however, she had mastered: in her heart's case they lav enshrined, a sweet acceptance of the life that is. and an unfaltering assurance of the life to come. For the rest, if her luiml were toil-hardened, they had sio?hed many a sufferer's pillow, and if her woni- were homely they bad sustained many a sink ing soul. And when once more a fu neral train wound down across the field, this time, brown ami hardened with storm and frost, though t rmal mourn ers were absent, all were mourners, for the pure aud saintly woman whose life had been a beacon among them. - Poor Treasure." said one obi friend, as they turned from the new-titled grave. " she deserved a happier life: 1 never could bear her sacrificing her self to ma. setnsn. wormier isniei Carle, and then to hear her speak of hint as one of whom the world was not worthy made one long to open her ey es to the truth." ' Did you never think." said the old. minister who had over heard the remark. " that i: might be her eyes were liner than ours, that she saw something in him we could not. and. true or erring, what would, earth be ii all measured every fault and weakness aud saw us exactly as we are' Xo! No! Human kindness would tear the veil from our eyes, but Divine mercy leaves them dimmed with love's Ulusjoiu-" IIOMK. rum WD KiRIiFIN. It ! S I 1 f, - -vj 1 i- p!.vsl oa tb br :. wi.J !ft-i'ir ctaa utt lor pqa til ';". thai pm dusr carr..og off '.! ajl 1t cbtnucai kMsloi.U- Whitp ! and vngui wkit Mid g7"e ! ud !- tfmnry a plant. A brnoch w th b-av natirfl white ia no lofgtr rmfwk$m of propafft tkM. ttta OB the btt tagi d it -vu4 en -Witbin & rsdioa of twrntr ; of Krppnrr, I mat duv t'own'T Or . tbrs WV over SJUMi p. ft m aaj U - , aunae that tha m 41 verr' " ('nnd of w'4 apfsrsi- or .? pm4. whteh at sn a'-ra. p-'V d tWaanty cat per foif.! vtn.i ::. haA S nm- aam of c-''.'' - -Tll, hst a.n fr tranapbinfitvjj erergr'en 1 fro Ayr ! t- Ji- ; ruciar' v -ry ri t . trXi-laBt. nl tf th" r.t r kept fri5. .jr rg an-t ar- pr.te-'. fr.:j the vr, s.:-! -q spre-1 and aorr ii!--d m-tt freah aMi. thev ran te u. -! wtih--il any brm httrv r v I Jtfi- e-rf-fs-ap. n !.-nt ! tJf '.- nfr-y-if trti'in adviaea l W;I:g f -r l-ir - ii the Jnn If. ba aV . VI J r-' ,v 'be fall, it g'Vfs the tlnat!" a '. -1 e .. g-t tjrtl fiefofe the bar.ev . itjt K .- .w tdw in tr.r: , vied ari I !-', i arf have a g s I a han- I r a t at j, tiehl a.w im t.lai k ii Never roast nn-at. au M" l'" loa. witho'tt ha-.n a Tv s ;r tie p . If ni'-at ia pi .!!.. Ibe w t' - .n t- pu it Iri-oTTH- gj. a-d Ioe it- f -A nwaf-r-k e.?-. a fr , .vel . iiuprotement in i !- ail r ? 8. piee- f o.-at i . ti ug;i t pv. Jor .t in one ra.tig - V 1. V..'tmtwr -Halt salmon a?.oV.d l- .tk-l 01 rd4 aatr at b-aat tw!itv '-mr h ur before it ia odved. an I t' wa e sh .el it cliJiuge'l -vra! ui.-i- ll-i! .t ai plentt o? w iter, w th aom-bl-v-k p p; - r kerneJa. When done put it i'i a urv.'l cover it with tiiiegar d,iul--l with viiue of th- b-pior u w' !! a'ii ti boiled. It-hoiM. i rre.. and will 1 1, f r u- 13 a U w data. -ii'Mlo'i Tiinrrit. Yh-n the skm i n weil -I--an-l and iiruhed. or when the tiuiioi n t ia perfect health. H si4f. e.uv it' stan" will g-i' o;i ! hi ! T!:. may Ih remove 1 by carding -oil bru-h-iag and t't giving thi- ,u-,- o;:v and l4aalive luedc ;u- or ll wi. ii will etic.Hir.tge an I in tn- . , n t tion and ili fijrsp.rjti n from th- -kin Live toir he f.-r a quart of iiri.-' I m al. ate.iMd in warm water, an i a lit tle salt adde I. daily for af. w w.-.ks and you will find they wiil itnpmte. -Tlie damagi don" to paaturea and meadow by the gnib f the May-bug ia often trery and the only eff.ct ive protection the farmer lia against its depredations j through the ageet of the de-iis.d ami l..ite. crow At least mi think a eorrrapoinh'tit of the .4witi r in A jrtcult'irit. who makes -arn-isl plea on la-half of these able deni zen of the air. The crow, he ay, ha great kdl in detecting the pn-seme of the dctruiite grub, and if allowed to multiply, would - exterminate the iiesla, or at least reduce their tminln-r si much that they would do no M-rioua damage. A few hills of -.rn in ajiring tinie is small bs compar.-'l t. the gras crop of n whole farm destroyed by gruija. Sltopplng. Iu a rattier harp article in the now p.ijwr. "r i' .u'fftt. Mis Kate Field lake- occasion to isj'tlsiire ,,uie severely Ihe salcslruly. or, as she particularize m tlib iiistati-e. the "cheap young l.idv who .staml behind the cuuti r. Ihere i nothing new ab mt the dt ids. The tdieap young lady made mistakes in her reckoning, wa disagreeably -rt when ihtio!icd. probably bke over Miss rt.-ld' shoulder when aMken to. a?td if she had lnVn handed ah-tter would have peniaed it then and there whde lor ens. tomer waitel. ili! Field a"dogie for her on the questionable ground of want of breeding, and in so'ii. ..pry a-ks and answers a bw iwrtife-nt question. Why are shop manner in America the worst in the world.'" " Itecaus" the cqiiiloyes are generally of the humblest origin and are to ig norant to appreciate the virtue of cut r lesv." This is a sweeping aAsrt ion. and it i in the main incorrect. Thirty tears ago a shop-girl might have been looked on with contempt, because it wa. only the "woman who dared" who filled any reMtniblc position in public bfe in l-hi new i-ouutrt, but ! day it is the woman who makes the position resiectab!e. not ihe tiosiiion that subject the woman to it domination, and the tet blood of the nation llow to day iu the vein of shop girl. In their rank may be found the daiighters ofelergyuien.of general of the army . Senator, and the penniless heirs lo a pedigree for which tno mcmlT of the new dynasty would gladly evhange mc of their supiTlluou nealtlu And Mi Field i on the wrong aide of the counter to judge of their pol't. n . Jbe has liveil abpiad long enough to in lulgi in surb speculative ideas a tht T1ie effect of DeniH-ntcy njion vulgar mn and women is to inflate them with the idea of equality an equality which they attempt t- assert by tratmg their superiors in station a no letter than themselves." H would probably la an "assumption " if the shop-girl should rise up and tell the experience gaineti on the inside of the counter -of th" women who want to buy ami can never make up their mind what to get. who would tumble a dozen bo.vea of lace to .select one yard of another kind, who qu -stion the shop-girl about the goods as if she were personally responsible for their manufacture, who cheapen ami .sharnen and deceive, and reveal their titio ladv h K! in a eontemiti- bb forms. llow w.Hibi oa of theM? rranl American women bn.k in herar 'iisncss if the shov.irl shooM rn mark on tb Rncncs. of the tlay. or vcatnrp to assert bcrsplf as anvthmr: loss than a machine? tranc as it may seem, it troubl l' possilile f-r even a shop-jirl to hatre thoughts Iveyomi the natron ranee! losjnih an cm!.; masqnennle f s.hor. ihts who keep her "stnlin; all day ; n. L. . Ba. - m. bk a I k. . a -- 1... 2 i.'ii uc iiiav nra nan- o tnr iiu- j Hrtinent ami answer a question wan n risinc infection f the vttice. but s:e run more rik of harm than can possi. bly befall the ciMKomers the risk of losing her bread Knd batter if she -an atToni aay. The prosperous woman who-e carrisjre waits, can iireJv atlr.i to Ik patient and topivins to a s,s?.r wh has so littie ani works so haH f-.r that. There is another ! t- this .j-:.-. tion: the pcr-naJ maaie!im of - . Let a man a ait on lailic .i!).'. ter-a. Unfortnnatiy. thou:i. m. n : not shop--happy beiap! A tr. v". knon he L as much ont of pi .c in 1 ln-:rKHis -.tore, unless he is 1 .-. p-!.s man. as a boll is in a c:..r.a s-, ant! he k.sps away, and lets h.s vv. :ua-.-kitui wrestle with it. AnI the majoritr of women 1 -ve o shop. I: is nieai and drink V tn.-rri They ntlT the hattb' fnm af.v "i an i rush Into it wnh aa anir that n-'t r j abates until the last cent of all.-aa- t rone, then they retrench an-i retreat 1 .ritbont kss, only to ba.sfen back to tt.e fray with rvaewed virjor. D . - i P ic lyvtr-n has orders! nre-est-apes m everv factory empkyinp; ottr uvc bamls. Where only live arc eniplott it is cheaper to 1st them bum w.:n u. buildine;. A woman ia Toronto bjrr.-i ia the streets with a rar baby ia hr &.-!.. to excite lympaihy uatif tits pv!kj j:b- ervu tvr m- V Toa-g atlorwT lr r t- te k'lc- JrbTrd hia?f of o fc in the n. tar MOn.- tourt. wul t ' -W ejid aia ia tJa v r rTi; if laa." M ta r-'4v A pr 1irv brrigbt (t.sad ta iatlnawa at h; r earaa! ia WUiar twsawsiBai m tfo- air, hv JuAf laad 12. aay tMi bo. 1 uurair" mi 1 000.4 tawjfc brw " is .- rid h iftlgiatit -j tb r'rk m mvmmh. got ak wt I did." taa rwfj. x UaU taaiy ofSwr Mwb4 -til Iu mtttatew . Ji HUWUr r fcJai .-siwo 8.a tfea-4r rfr 'tr -. - tt Mf Varaa-i. AM av. at " aiaK. nm 1 k. waa alaiott 4tuli .! 4 ? ftt . lfi 1 ;. 4 ami jave f -. .- as ati t tJ l&rwn TW r.3oaJ if "1 . atix A ts-awtca mrm .s- " 1 is nut fta- emct -itaoat r-s nT -'-.- t.j lew bit wmimr " T art toamaaaaajr it et t T -' ;ra o ft try aa"oe4 la ' - ..; ': t-r . .2 JS-- ia t- m if .waat tr thraaaiaar r ; laat fa, taut taa ! U' - fti rra-'ralbMl iai vl rm : .- rw tilb tooa U ' .'.. - taa.r.r!.l l.-4tal ! a'rl N .! at U wJ4 r -'-t.rt t"-i 14 t. M ka ftaaoi i4 -IUf t l-' alua''-' rtf ' tl H ii-f-' Jtr kr-r. ibal .i .-. . tta! a na trt fct M i-n -. . t .'r - tttr 2rt j-.;f t- r. t ' ' 'ht ; apw ! r-...f 1W -at.r T ta4 gt tea ttiti t-t, ! ''.' .i1 ' 'Ijiewf-f 1W M f "S ?Jt' ioii'I ik!'' Tj ratbw raa $ a 16 .-!!. oaar 4 - ! raa frar U mt tn' t !-n a ft t-tor tl marig lir XtmiK I ' fatai iaat tm&mm af : tar jaj ll ti ra tt lb rigt !rT .a tfjr wroaf yr ia, 't ta a am. famor Tniit llaoltb al str,ttK- Wfceti toa trtab t.i r-" ' ta' th r uq(ui t .! it' ir-aa'ti-t t..t.t urf t4 axkI d'r Lm ur --!- c.tx-tbat Ui art Ja er? I hfta. tfe u .mi.Mi.Wa. lMVawsU..taai. ; -. I u; nit'oul l-ar.u a -n i a o.-i it tt. nil .watr a a-at. ajja-utr I r.-"!w.ftc that wtJ ?rittr'ri ,-ri . '.!j t"J ail re-te fci t-: !,: t j;trtB diaraa tws j.i4t.e j ?rra.t.i a a roOMfcif ta Iw di'fcU Yio tKi. 1 raa'aiiavnli it ta & fit frtif.t.o' a ati rrait. a ftniet mrUbn .,f u t..i It -,!, ain fth(ot tiurtfjl In tb null In -r n'.iuii-a im faifi--:;! ii(nsi-.i.i ar Ui.. !k. iaraartlta. n f Hiii Itara a t CcUtfy If wa Ot U.r lu rgis ; U tbin4'Sit. " W rmz 1 1 fa? TMii.l, I - .At tr 'i r( Jiil a'snit tl B,.-ral 1r',, w I fi'f ;nr' lira-.:! wUs leaug .-b 'ii ar-n c ?r.l"i a t4t,f-. tivmrr s II txiurht tlw t?T Mtt J nnS M Pb: t. of A.',Ur., K rit- I li: i tit i i. oi 1 rur.-.l Mr tiatk acti! o. I ' -'. r--t - 1 U M artn raa aaia c;.i aii.l j. . f kr.t iuviL Ml ltTff arvt ( lua-.' (. i. frtjlll St t -! rrv rt::'s - -au.1 s..iitinp r naUjaUol I " ' ' ma I ol 1 !.! l-rj a.'!! .:.".". M d:eni art b-Vfitrtr My nt'-im.-t n '.. . Jtv ah .ir avt-m s r ,!. 'Ir, ai 1 arcmol nilaoaeil I t.k Ti i.Sr .'r u - lif 1 rtiivf iw ) tu imug ! tritow Ika-k t !irsa;vri:!&rurr.l i . .' riv tltn-a. I Uiiak it U U tl iu- :. . -1j the .ld " "IV T'r knw nt. that '-nn; Mn harnif-a l.aa tiern ratptw-fd t it t i. ' y r Imja-iaonmetl - .r f.-..a ' a '.!, ill omng ity, ' tx" triU hA.a to Halt u l.-r. ; ' Lctvre b can marrt . To Con.mitl.. Ueaitrr, call jr.rtl tl:rT lliat th'r-! t a.'- lltet . tlilnt of n anami with a ....?! f -r abi'htte-e tn-.mnelv lr It 'r-r& Ii lira M.dta! llao.rt" Uaa .?.. 1 t.n drja of raaca of c .n-ui.-i; H-a. arl it.en loin iihmt i,.a,uo. r. ;ui rwrn wr. . n ptiTO ian 1 ion urn. . J tnrtiral':r. If'a'i-r r linj; aim at con Ssrii-t l atan ps f -r Ik- IK - . . .. . . ' . ,j . ,w yr ITO, -.l -.i-i . :-i r.u lonir.1 Ailrcfiaa AUifu w. Kt 1, . In. nnai muui 11. ask toi'. it .iui . 1. PaTut' ik ba!fur f.r a !.! p-ta. n-, -nl I afaan't t- afl t.. e't " fc t-tj . till 1 vr w-ini tt.ira a . t "Xrmen . .m Ml4.1t.fi1.&l ..u.m ... f? -..-... . I.h. ! .... ...... iKi.iiT(r. n-u swii.iiiik ...MM ot ag. aa the rr-o:t t.f lia i. ti It .t. . . .,.... t .r..t ttirr tam;a for 1'art ll if lurn no t-.oi;.j.J.t A Un-a VtoKiia Im-? k Ar lli.i.i vi. AiTit08. 11-fTai-. 1. Whit roull 1- p:I If a l.t-r '-.' 1 ehar-- t'' a iioti.lnvl fr' ft 1' I ! u; '.. a k1 saitl truiv. tliat It vras ; te-n .inru il Ia PiEaciE'a "Fav-.n-it lrtw n. t' r drb.Utated -rvoraau s brut rtorti..- t !h A PMoejBa at I "!(;: trtsl to - -ti- 't l:ib- tte othr Ua Iitau l!r t .- - . rr.riHsl t t-s! afiv- ti-iii t'i " rvi.ln;hr gHri lu be a drtilful aun. -.. Ifttruii r't I'm. . - " tVBs yon hart rsr anv - ? t- if' t'-TT" k-l s liwifr ! a -itiir uj tf 1 iS.-maif "No. ' hm tlir a-'- '. j hurl riptit fn the ra--.- '-nrf. . - ' t e :uU-'6 Stand." Hvbm lri-e No lor- Tliur. if v.ia will tf.p st-rn-thiu ?o n ti h r . riot lira, r rh f ! and t ! Imv ;-l . f st. rhjwr at-1 t--tt.-r ri-.thii.;: t- ' lra! ami aubatafitial thtor-i of I f- ..: t -, ant t-uHf to! U tools-h hi .t ' c-.i ; ; nc rvvtDio r,uaik !. t ri or 1. : k- -. t..tii h f tb vtie bUB.t-ug tt-.briit tt r i - t,.-i oti't lurm. !)t:t .it mar tnit 11. ?!.? p.. ;-:ir.- rHirilr. Hep fbt!r. that r .r. xi w-o at a tniliii.: cot. an I j.u .1. '. t--l aui ha ito.i lraah. arv.. Tnu It-wtn 7oJf Vi ; xnr r.--t 1- waik'.nir ' ith gtrl tin! tt rn j-.i -. art'i arnutid twr. and milii s o Jr-n ar i-Tfta-; oat oTr th Unl: ' Ntllhrf im w .' Itetrvti Frt I'm "QiaiiTT iws bif.-r Vir' " - 1 tt.rr a ar U Kt Unuit : K ': Wottl-iMBrSin 1 ui.e, . t a a curative for all llvr. Nw! aal k ': 4alr.t It ac Jrt h over'. r.j :r: t! BsiWe-t manrr all tt-Sr t- fot.t ;.it n Tlifii. I y tt K'at t alt aDl in . lii-.rat - k- - - ; CTtt-s ti rrstorra tu hraith the dctni.tati U xu 1 wrakriMsl jarts. . -..' i,ii.m.. 1. ar a. 1 11 .in Ir t.. hTr bjiv sfein d wa or !:- f tt.e ha r or acalp. anv itrhlf g it X " :' :. ran btima. ti mii. n-o'i r lt harh kin, y.-a h In lr " Vv iv- . -, Skm iir. a acre, perfect andtrant "'"'' 5 ta44 by all irufxf,tf. Ao Ir I'-r.- - i.l.-ri and t nam. -mil li:i. th ':.U-1 rrtu-Ji f.-r ail b4a.a ami nn .'ks "F.iron dime st r arkif '. !:t- "5 I-vr at ta drmrTft Thty lor a- t r. any .. Tbe easiest to is?, an 1 t- :- -i deainttj r4or. Bccat rusv." Vatrk. eai;l: m:. al annoj Sidney D.r'- II ii rrssyciiv Tn"rAi of ?a! e to-ly rtrril rt iul rtuemlnure.s of th h'r ofrt troai the uc of Lvdta K itukrjim t rta.Me t n;.-'jDi It noi:l-.Iy mro . femiie re-ia.nfa fn 1 t-- Mr"Ltui K rinVaav, iXi ttcra Avenue. Lvas, Mai., far jicai lhiets. PAr."'aTatRirt!T?t.w-t 1-yT Baekwa Irir. ta in intra! ii.treatinc aot thnBias; bk Cr;tls r:jlrt w"h th rral osjy t ld as ta laim. a- ajs- j.r .iiri.) Kirt .! n r l.s .i4c Pn 1 . Uara-t m .- :h. Vv soj t a ?uS.iicr. it ft..ii Mr-t. a VrL. "Eo-nTf ev Rt " ttan-'it ra ml. 21-i. r- -h tsj s; sBi. tm a IS:. KV i-. 1 a i :-:- t -ic-u & Co., .a I' M.KVTs SOMETHING O. Iar r, tt vNTi.ii. tvt t-vrr- sijjxjq, ej-o.t. V.rsK - t .- a-T.-a. Trrai.oJ DIIPPIrP''T:' H-'.ra'S'rrt I DUbblESircoCAr 1 usj tsus: fc- a- t rr a .. Ai-a : vu r - irC-r-arC turst.C . w trvty-o Atrjiv -aiyTiyi PERILS OF THE DEEP. rnr m t' i . .- " ; . ' , . . aa v. (ni - .a a s - - fca. , mvmm, a-r -- - t n. - ta - . i....'.e ' Lt.T. V SS 'Z V, ; ' awiw .-r-m- - , v- , Qj , Mttliic . . a4 km a a - r a - i.t-,s.4.a ' t -.. a.t i .;-: a. S -.-. I ' I ' .',i ' t ti - . w." ' r . ,' , ." , . '....' ... I - ' " . , t . ... . . MHS.UDlA L PiHlniH. Cr UH... MASS . ' w j. ' j- t: R S. t'f "w ft LYDIA E. PJKHAM'S - - a. m I. f. u iv.. r.i-t.i . , .1... i o ..v ...... .M.M.aM M. I.... I Ml- .r! -m . r -.) !. C .... f ..... I . . 4K i,l..'I.Hli'-.'. !.l.l ' li... J.l. -.- r.l 11 !.' M.JI . - . ' ftj.l.f 1ff..hlM ..ut Ia i... sj.. .a. t. 1 t I . '.-. 41.'.' j, ,,a ai..Oa .k,lr,ltaarssOH.. ., ,j ,u-. ..t 4.... j 1 lu. - . . r.n.. ,.o-.u.i-k. i., . . . . u tmot, ftU'tf aaiio.'i..e"i 1 fr ,b-mU.,,j .,i ltvtntwriM .. 1 a nrH tti,mi ,. n.i, i. j..,.-.. 1 . ... - - 0tmnt ., 1 i" " tirfaiii;. tuataaHM, ls-ta.. . .-i ; -,, fi,t ,Mris).t os fa-. ,. . .,,.., , ,.... ..-- 11 Ulal a i !.! t wrUi Lanarr; m ,;. tl.- ' Ot t . I tt.- ?. . t" t' la f - U CVais'-.! I. er .v in v riNuiiwrs tri.iT tut K 'ti. i I'll) Mi I. r"l''J a sa -1 l a . ... .. ... ., ... ......, ...... 1 1 , r., , , -kw ,. ........ tiii w? ro 1 1 1 U t f 9 ' iukia..a I. ' . .. . . J .., . . I "" "" .-, f.a.iir i)m:i u.a-inrit "sjt- a iJvrK I--: T - - is.. ..- i.- ..LI lo il if"fcl-' -3 lilt I t S III I VI I I 4 It. . v ll I 4c-. JAS. A. GARFIELD CAPriELD. OUCEN VICTORI ilOENT ARTHUR SO I a ,V II I I M. VV OH I II MPS. CAPriELD. OUCEN VICTORIA ibJ PBESIOENT ARTHUR SO 4 AMIKI ,V II I IM.1MIM I II EUREKA SHOW-CASE CO. NOW OPEN AT 3iH c I Me. NORTH -W AIN ST., sv. a-uui, ...w. Prle--!-! Anil IMmhnIi H t IMPPOVCO POOT CtCR TC .". .... .... I IL . 11 1 M s Tl'llll-V (IKIllV I ' Ts. Hn f n...r X tti r y- lar !. .-. ... . 1. . I . 1-1 X rr M - ..-ti , hullers: .: M.-. iTD -'ih'i V'Ja ..! 1 tlrua.H. 1 .i - T Ac-a !. C-.lTr-, 1GENTS ,t. llr lit... N.w .rlt.l llt. ..-- . IJ - t. 4 . J5::.20c:atT.: a j 1- 1 . rM : 4 OBMSSK-4 -" - - - Tf-J r.' w ;7r sf VCiN K;' I ! r ii V f C v asar4firfcaalSgXrys. ,. "s. r . r l t k- . a BEATTY'S BEETHOVEN ORGAN Walnut or Ebonizcd Cold Laid Caso as desirod. 5 Octaves, IO Sots Rccds, 27 Stopit.' fSv I aaaaaF iz L-S&l' i3T,&l f H aJt-W-y"; ' ft i aJPaaCaaT J a; tmim mmtmSSStKJjf ft lla(WaaB aaaaaaaai 1 ErSL-a - " ' " "5PFriLaBtliB aTaaaaaL-S. WaVSaVaaVaaaaBal " -.v jlCaaaaaaaaaaa( fcB3!3Balilfc KSaaaaa!saBaBaBaaC aK 'V- " JaKaaaaaaaaaBP ' aa , i I ' - " m iaaaalB!!' RPMPMRCD f r tiaii Dbn ter jx aTVr trwl. lo ti arvc m( u lrv. I aa r t ta t-ia. XeT - -oLS 'rsui- a rtjxt l idof .. r ; J.-J ii -i f : U-usa. j sta ar i,. ,-a, f , rikj-j, e t Sr-fttac -a -irf -.-va--at . k, 4c '. -rrv. rt-'l-T. Aaoress or call upoa DANIEL F-.BjEAT.T1Yi Washington, New Jersey, RAILROAD GAZETTE i a'ti; t mtiij y ngiariff aid ItAltroJid Kra-k rV-l tl TI trJf tt. n?iUM HABIT EASILY CUHEO1 ' . . . . t V .. . . I. I - -. .- OPIUM '.""""; "TINT, iGESTS WiSTED. '. k. . fMWl 4.s - . .- I I M PLOY ME NT a T n 50 Songs lOcts. . . . i . . : 'i'i: ,:au.:. u r"-At 'Ai.xrr k.: .. 9 . V XJ- (l... m y. It MM . .-. st r i"T I SI 11001 ! PIRSOHS' PURGATIVE PILLS . a I a I a, FRAZER AXLE GREASE. II m a.a m 3 . a o a a oc a I t va aW t a. m.m. av- - Ml l I I U XI M I ftl ROSES . . APRIL EMPERANCE REVOLUTION It X If nr iftts 9 n i i i MUSICAL READING FOR THE MILLION! Town Libraries .. '.V : Romanca : w - . a o ti i The Letters .r a ' The Lires v! . . It -' - - -1 i s IM I. , " t f I - - s I I Vtnrv filSiUti ' ' . . IITB ' I le 1 a s - t . 1 . - f ! , 'lit. . In Gymotti-'s ... i.y n o: i;i ly.(': .-.. r:. i'ii!oiii-":.7.-i", 1 ... ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL. mr Ic. -O M.T. TlUl ii 11. in ni 1:1.1: 1111 ra:ii trn VnltQio Uo to 11 U lUlldlb DullO SKO SUSPENSORIES. And c tlr ELECTRIC APPLIANCES TO MEN f . f W9 3 W fc- -',.' - $"-- ft -W r . t f r- at Maaaaa !. vaarmlr.aa, - a l a r-: ltt V .aa, t !! a. I tvaav aaa.4 K I '! ..a (a.flMr., aa a. 4 a . a 4I" ' Itaa? frtvaat fa 1 -- a f-ataa -.' I aaava aaaa lfcaa aaavlf jaf(ri aaal I a ' trrt4 waHi aaaffla fa-aal ! - t v- "a " ,.-.- aaat-rrl - ataavaa fk faaav ..i .( ik...j. .k. ..- f'ol, li'..if.iJ r-r-ai. ll all tf .h .11.. r A VOLTAIC BELT CO., t tlisil tf I !! If J Wl'W-'a al a a -.- - -- f-l Oft Maaavf O .-.--- fca -! i a Ml4 -aa aa f faHl aV - a aa s . ' r ' -- a- - a-- a.i-v -a- -- ,-. -' .. ta aaiaiaaS I tiiii " -rf "t Waa-taaaa Jaa4 !-- ttMa-waaya- - t f - taaaa- Ja f - faal-aa. a - ! 9 - j . fc. ... r-. t a --&-- - Tn IO ....: V.RMk I .. I V.. f.. lw ) Ibi i.. I ipt - Hoi - y .. C . uii . - W C . . s IB aal . f - .. . t tr- , -..,1 Ai KJHti ElBC 27 STOPS! -- . i S lwfcr. Sii- ss rf Is I. ,. IX -. -n? -."- . - r . -i- r it IC-B A.-TiJ 5 - TUT pi 3 p nC rlntfa pa- 3- a.-Er . - fJk Urt-a ar g M fill r &ou iki --.--a aY-?aaM t Saara-aaaaa -; tl. Pal Jait. I at ratMaaaj ta ft iaWvr a-arj aavar&arr V.'4 - " "Ubaftat ' a aaaav , naaaii. " i-f tw latna tffirwi 1 vwtAr turuwr ja. hUImUimI aaA .. r.Hl. - J orrwu. s u ta 4 -rr Q m. .ll. l fri ' 4 -skwl - - irt v fc.! In:.. lM(rjaU f ! mtmrj Umj s-r tf- jjrf M )rtmu i at rf.iMii mt - rt nab at t. lT-rca3 1 a.CUnu to --, - tr u.t xji i , ..s. v- -rjtr nxn f yna. i. ufr Ta . a ?k wa BVnai i. ki Mb? g . ir jtZTH t o- O-- a a ljlto r t- MSw. l wifua I wt i ia Vc? -virar2L tS no '"r cfci Si tt.t?.hb a( yKr Rasa s !ii aJ'ira. ... s jk V. aws.4- RIT4B F CURES flTS. 1 f Ji "s" Tjtmlft if av NEVCR FAILS, d SAMAMITA.N NCHVINC .- sV SAMARITAN NERVINE SAMARITAN NCRVINI3 . a . -..- I m - -awat ax . a - SAMARITAN If IX R VI N't? y , . ' , - - -- fc. l . .a - . . " f r t . .. I .-..-. ' . . . .s- , , " ,"- SAMARITAN NRRVlNll aa , r -sW m - - at- ' j a.'av U It m. It It II M , ? iooF'nKnuo'..-n.ff. ;n.w$Mw:.o..:.; '."V,; MVVVVWVVVV . . -v-. a ..-'va.vt V Month Tor Teachers otr uvt'it. -- - -a taav sU r x witr wr.tTtai -r ai niftin tmf wa a !. m tl,,. Pl-'- A4.f-w " !. I.m a.1 li.l. U jJ ! .t aa yaULg lat. aoi.otto--oitt' ; OLD AHD RELIABLE. ; ;.: - . -' -S-4& j.. -v - -srj 5 -.iPfi laEars,--"'"'"J - (k M f -' $ -" - ta' ,5 ' a n ? ' r p v . . j : fel e , 4 ,3 ' s.-""tfi Sa 1 FJ s. s Hun ifi o u I EM vj m -f ' . 'ill" x ' ' y ' DIPHTHERIA! .im ti . r iniM - sTA I'rit r, ttrltt rrrtl tut hrm rtl ftl r tj dT f hrrr, iA SfM-i. I.kL. to-ir 'Hylf llfSf ci.tnjJ'tc mu-irui nutjtt OV J jy t V V ij,a. & fV4a4 . .- X Jaf-a- ' ' ai-rf .. - a-a a-a a.aW b mm lr afla, . la) laaaf4 J' f 4aaaa f -aal ..a - asa, a. ,... .a ga J. aa V ' - f. -a. -s s - r" -a-a laV ft t,at t ta . 4. m a aa aaa 4 -- a,- ., i m mm ' - ' I 'a t- ja t a W -aay ' fa- - sf a - - aw a.aa. -a-- aa- , ,, , Ja aaaaTaVa a 4W-- - - f aw - a, ---- a. j - - ' - laa nrrrno ir it, a .aa awaaar , -sat. W , a " - avfcav ,fcja W aatf -a a-ajaV aa aa f - .' t. ! " aa av -- fTtx .. ifaw aVs-i. "W 4aaaaria ar a aa- 'aa "a" ir . I m aA w. J tm. i' - - In ? Ta 44 l i XUrai cvg. Fott la l.tln T.n Ild. r . -s-i - l.j .11 . . i .!.. . . , fi - . -- r a n'. f a tm r tt u.. f... m. . ii. .,... ui ! 1 1 a -w-. f-.4 ... . - . . 1 1 j JL4-s.h. ir rMw.. . jii. mi. .j -itii. to nt rin it:, u.t. or. fit th 1 1. 1 in. r 1. ..W. . .! W au .TS. 4. .T I .w. wpsj st ---! - t wa trm - t: i i .a i ., fcV un .t kf -a aar ast .si trKriririTfot ov a-ror uoiiK. 27 in t.L. - - iMa. a rA. . a mm. attfb. iww - as 4 a.a.. ti a " 1 t Ml . ' " '.-.. Ml .-IO. A..r. in .mm.. V I" " lKr - lit " . c a . V. m '1rt-, . ; -s. -tulrwt KVBni4. -n i m T iiM i ' Ii--r-s "Sf T bn.lto C OMt "fM tM av M M( f5 o ec s ra a .. .". "r inm T iai . sj vnwto .ara ja f )m .. s v t - sa ., ... wmm .j .a er 1 T'i--w - avr-r r 1 a l J tUiaa -Arc A aaVaataaf atOMf - I aaf . a M Aaaat a- taiai' aaW T 4- V. 4 -a. jfaawuaa at ak aaana aaW aJaa jatAfc tttC "n aaMhr a avay C avaaar aJaaf, -af tw -ravakm- a , mwm$m aVaa J-r V C3ar at-- - ftaTWt s&a UaA e-aa tavV "T fcia ar a t a -at a aa faw4 tal lata atiatCaaaa-j aT -4 ,r y aa 1 aaW. -- iaf e4-r- t.? tava ttTtlfc t mt taW -- ara. Urn ir ivreCT.a, aavS at I ruk sr craf !- fes j - - ? '-- w- t ti ! at'y ?Ta a Ja rv? la la j - v . a. t - JH . Is tax;a : as .i. -o fs-s-sr .aah.. tt- ar M m.Stic KVUn IC tSl Wfcl-W I L H I f , $i Ts "v. 3""" "i. -''slfeifaaajaa 'aaaataaaafif