... m ( - w'Sl!LJ - , - 3 tBBBP job woruai THIS CI-IIEF. K"9LISHKD LA-KEY TirTiaflUT AS IK CL3T7D, ::EiiA:n. The Cloud Red y -ny- XH l V ?. a ' M. L. THOMAS. I " Klrriml Vigil finer is ill" prirt nf Li In riy." 'itnl i.0 tt yt:r ; fit rt t nf tit " ttfatai Vh I.HI) n.ori). WKIiSTEUCOrNTV. NKP,KAK.,TiirUSn.V. A'-KIL k A o. n. ?J- tl E: t ,-cir if ;i!i ii A drar V ( ) I . I FREE! javis Sewing Machine! "V1 I KN Y'V TKAYKL THE CHIRP. The righting Editor. -.- . . .' t ' t i ! .' t T v, ij .' '. ' ' ? !i- A'l tl ry 1 hm RELIABLE SELF -CURr I.,. I ( H1EF CmO Blue Hi!! Bank,1 SI2IP302T I. S7EEZ7, j i:i ' i. 111! I. tt I.R-'l i.U Nti. n r ". i 'it i':'t- :.;. '..! . ; . t-. jrr : ' :ti fc ?& Pi. T2 tT l&iiiK-K. J ir m I t r '-4r nir 3 "J RLI-TSTON ROUTE li . i - !: i I mmi At. . - ' J' " t I:va, 7Ic:3i:cin, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio. I , i . : ;i, . .t . ,:i lu'u- ., . . :.!: K ;., t - !..-.-..! . i: a h i: I . . 1. !- Through Tickets LOWEST RATES li . r - 1 ..111 to !. . I I . i. . ... . t ' '.n.t i ' T. H , i - -' " -i'rw -li ITS W LINE TO DENVER ' i .il! j.-..:t!- in .!. I 'I:n x- (.u Hni i. :nj ' ' ! ti I i'J . ,.:i - H, i . i .'fii'.- ..n I lb 4 . i .in Mi. i. . 'li !' aA ti.T-t- J m I J. i. .',! .i.i I tv. !i llrnT( I !u . m. -il tJii'b i i tuatiaKi" , ii. i .it ., p. s. nusTis, l.rtilTr. tvt . j i IoNI.l It BiiRBSR SHOP. v.i m. u s a ii. i xskus. i , .-I J ..tt .' nf Wlwnr "nooty Ui.nJ.. Kfc.l Ci.l II. k: i!U VK . SHAVIXtl. SIIAMlXIXa, in ilu- hiph-t vulo of ttiu Tni-. i j.l Art .M K A NI dlH' A ri i: N Hi AYK. (. I 7 .A.i liarli".Mrf'l. . boitis.Mn. t ! t- . .. . I ' - . -" : 1 . "' ii . . . t , I ., , . 1 ...- 1 . " !.. , i 1 11 . : . 1 ' ... . H . A.t . .. ..n It .. -.1 N 1 I -mtv. 1 '1 '' i" 'l'.' 4 ' l" .-"i - .... 1 . t ' .... , . 1 . .4; Hi ' .' ' ' - . ' u wt ,. ,, t . t- wi 1 ii.' 1 riii-H.t .-h ., IP , I 1 I . .' Il II..I. .k . " i. -! -I ' . I ii'l .i' it 1 t.atat 4i.l. . ... iv 11 t.l t 4 it'tji ii.i Th f , - U ' . . II 1 M II fc f t u . 1 M 1 t ii h 1 t 1 4t m ; t . lid v iiin,"i. i 'oir,l , . .lll'ttMII 1lt M ' I 1 IM-4 h! r .. tt i m . ' ", 1 ,1 . . fc ?5rH. t ". . i.u . i- t 1 . 1 ' ii ' ' 1 I 1 ,'-'ktu inn: h PRCSGRWins' . ; r . . ' .- "- 703Ciniit St.St Loi-., '.to. ut olil o'Iia , . . ...-. .m Wt ik . n I nn tl' It ... t j . t.LiTl t - ... k 1 I' 1 t J 1 -.t r l m i f , . M rt ' ' I . . T . " Z t 1 v. t m ' ' -.1 ! I - Wll '. 1 t ' . ... , 4 .1 ... It . ina -I I -..! i. ... iTI 1 t 1 !i.s k f. ltr.lrtnip i'iiii4u!kiu.tJ t:(J5cC(oc 1? v ; ' . . I ' - 0 'j L U VI ! Il- J- ggy.. - .Hj4..KVw . .. I, .. . 5 PARKER'S H n ru.-3f ! S3 R ! f-ji! f.'vrr IttL5ir?t y v r ... - - p . 1: 5it iid ffn: Cn h f r; Lvr- Ui-iJ J ' . -.- C t n I ' f - . J. -,...,-j 1. - , V - ti" I 1 t.v 1 .-- ' jt? iMi4C 1 1 sf.i i. x l. sadtxvv - ,rw j' ; 'i 'v.- S " ' er Tori. . . . 4.r r ., .. - . . . - t -rr ar I k . x . .a;iiN ' ; j: v TJtot savii "v ! :.i.v. 9 -- ih ; rns.T.Vi cc;f S. "S. ir..."...t. .,. r?EWilff!ll 4,, sr - -. '- --i - o C 1 ForCouahs.GoJds.L '-4C u tkc Bpstcf Tonics : ' -tfi?4JSfe' C'lresDyseepsia: tw -?rK stores tneAppetiie:f J '"-i?4. --' - j itc S-te.n; P ' i-?'' ;sv--.'lircs the Vseak b r .-f' .v.-- cwd Lfbl::3icd. ; -r-J m v ,. t. . n.vt. i uuia --i 1 -r.-lr ; - --..i.. K . , F?.5X!TKiCD..Prc?-rJ -"ft ": kJrr- -i.o",'',"rrll,c-r !:iSii3fcifc :.atuv 011:0. C A ' 'Tl V.tt,'. rs !:."i'H 7 r-" i. rt ii -- k I- t'i ' '' '!' l"m il'itiT l!T"".-r !-Vr :" Ywi: Htr; f'ar.4 ; tS rbr)li. J I1" l"fTM. J'rr.- ,.. '.it IJ&ai F C 5!Tn. Cm! Im Nut r.k Jca'r:co .Sb. SMITH BROTESRS, BANKERS, hEI) rj.m 1. SEH., Trn n rn 1 hankinr bm.r,f fur T''i .". ..i Ii "i i: iu ! N. t i '.wi a.r'tsc. liuy tad fall ror- , eifn 1 . in" --.-;-' .41 itontjon iitin to c IItior.l. l;irrvm r'r-Iit .Vit. Uulc New York. Oufc- SMITH FjUOS. L ' A i t:i t-.MT, 1 . .t. R. V. ruiurv, (l-l.!T. Wim Goam buz, ; I.hU ( I.i l, M.H. M i.I I Hi.! I .1 I! i:.l...ip ..-1 . . I.. . I I: .1 . 1 l!) .1 ' I. 4 li iir.Fr.n-v"ns: Iia-tV. V4rW. I tiiir A 4It-i-liiit llabk. ; 1 rk. I iii' n ? j' "'.! l:nk. lnrj'. Mrfh lip.. .M;tijr .V l' l.'ii.iii- f-Stf V. H STROHM. ITfUtM V 1 1 w. V KI-.IM'I.) H. - NHIJRASICA. titj ln c'tiMili'-'I in Knc.i-fi or Cicrtato. Colic. ii..n will re'i" l.r'itn: t ntt'-nttpu. i ; ' i. - t'.ji -i. l'ij k llumo O. I. Chc. .Urt. ilt-N.ir. Cash Sc McNeny A TTOitSKV. AM N.SKlAJUS AT lVT. Wtlt f.rjrir in all thr ..irt if this St?. nDl .it'1i. tii lii" li- . j bs clt a Ill's (. i..i- np.4 "Tlu. iiM 4-tliriP .ll btlrii.lnt til. i n l('ir :T!. i.in- i-or BTt!k Of tJllj" More. Ki .' lul l. M !l J. S. GILHAM, j ATK'tSrV AN "' -t-J'-lt AT 1 WW fifllr- our wr vnrth " A llm v . i i.nii - :ci:i?i.ka. K, lliwur N. -H. Tonrr. H.-wvluy 5c Thorpe, i A TTONV A COrsSKI.OllS AT IW. ! tn:i - t r r Mi- r.itbui'T'. j-torp. 4,73 j"'-"- jr3 1 Laird & Smith, ! A TTOHNI " - AMCtM"NCt- A1 LU. W lit pmriii-- ic all lll "mrtf f ihr SUiip. J rr.tni'i aMmtiou kjm'H lo nil obsibps,ihi"''1'u to in.-care. jElyl-7 J. I. K.I T. ISIiHtui. r'.."i, Nc'l'iaj.t.. KALI-Y BROS., n.tUM.a AT I V A KLAI. 1TATE .M.I M X ll' ..?trr in 'l tlir ot in l.riVl !ii ', it'.r k ... -1 c. llWti. 1 1 - 1 1 lly t tindca toat.it rtirr.-i-.'PJrn.'o n iil AJi. Accut for 1). . 31. 11. II. l-nxl. J. M 3Uim.. b. IV Uknvk I M OS FN' A C DENNliY, Physicians and Surgeons, . Kl'lM 1 mi i NIT. ' ! 'W itl 1 f. i !' n'i t olri(. an.! ilii'4'--!- ..fi'i.i"i '" .r.-T-''1 M.-'i ;'.'nl I 1 uri-r-i Ii. --. f ! th. 1. 111.I I nr srs j ti:"u. tat.'. UUi.t4tr liiTi''i; ;..rr 1 dr. v. r si i:rxi. 'Physician L Surgeo n, 1 i 1 v ; ,1; K . Vot t1 ."- ?' "M'v :"!oii.loil. 1 1 1 1, 1 t .".....; t ! 0wb -.M i.Mu.iM a. iiai.Ij yi. n. Physician L Surgeon, I (.'nmj'tiiN ni':i'.ii 1 A M U.K. HK1 ft OVl. NKll. OiT'rr vr ' VcK-'aini". trrr. Kr5i d4acc ov.-r Irkin A M:;. hoi. r iorc. murlivq Dr. H.A.Baird, RESIDENT DENTIST. RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA I Physician Surgeon. ' OiUv-n Over J. V. ShenodV . .c:ore. Kkh Cloi i Neiik.vsa. 35-3-m j ri?j. 5 COOIvS Oils. SI BED Gla--. CLOUD Notion?. DJiVG Wall Paper. STORE. .Src. vtc 1 9i B , 9Q fM,VA-.T?. -"V-.;& ' ov -ri rr- :tor Til !:-!' VY i I. 'I. f !--: '' rr "I ,,:1 1 . Tvr :h. v I Ti fi- t- i t r . . . Vl. t ,-. .- .. ! ... pro '..,,.. ii r.;.j.intiiiR U.i..-i4 !V l: b -f April. iir IJitv "" " The Cxtrft Suasion. . , . f . . It . fni-Mi J .1 - .i.-'i :j uiM r': I j-'i !-' laturc ir-... itii4!'i4'i t i .. .. . r .i ., . .,;jit nb...i! t! ' i,,if tb J.ryarnt .. .. ..hi , tffc. t tj tbri wi-vt". Tiiikit tis u i.uiuaii InMit lavr : ii bipjx'd frm Tuikfy l' KnIaiMi i rt.ii U an. I u.-i am a Uttil- . TliH maoi1 .f lt.iii- i tlir krU- i ... ill aU.ut .n.t'' m ii tbat w?re -..in 1:1 Ht-jit rnl'i r I77. n the ivdx i.M-ii Ii'-i.i iii.-i Tnrk . - A vur r wl:.. i- t .!.!- a f;.mi!y U .b.inc a iM-it luin-'i'i' t In l.il- Iiii it l.r iLm-i ti..t M4 v at la-t one I -!!t bi-f'-rr tb'i cvr- n..k It inform tb. b;idrn. pr tb.- rni'-rr faoiily tlr wts of tbr ilay, .mil tin litllr f.Ibm wiU b-ani nmdi m.r.- iii.iI!y from a nrn.f.f-r lban( -. In..4 Imi.k-, vhi'h crow moimt.-j ii.ii. bv oHi-tant jnru!!. Ju-t tJ . . -ro 1 nc niic-rr-i-i- in nt- ...4.4.41.. ... .l 1 .1 ..... . ;.. 1. !.... . .r a family whef? j..'n.li-Rl art' token ;iiul!ai. . 1.' . ....... 1. ...... ;.n !.- . .... 4.i. -..441 .. , .... .-.. .- f..rr tin p.-..... of i .wa. .. Couti.-i'. Ill-tir- .Ym;- unri linllv mint ion tbat tbr trntor of Wiomtmr, " in mt to Itab tbr i.iotu.r in Irmnb f.ntlhuMaiMl marly at tin brad of the!.-! i:i tin matti-r of aIo..i,f. hav- iiulh-toutioroinianN! Jo Towra. n j.roporu .11 to Ik r tr illation. Il im t'tiir tbat thr bub'- of Wyoming P in tnnr ..iit as an oiamfH o, ,nr li'tirliN f otmc without .ItMimtiou of-.'!. It. ib l.n outro.'.tl x thr .Mormon lnrra:M. i- not. i courM. itairtr-t. i.nt u..t.."u .-" a irnani rXtrnt -ub.'" t J 1 frmali t.lI1.141 ; - :mh w nuli - Life In tho South-West. TMttnoi. Mar,!, -JO Tins morn-jvalr tn iVnuty Sbrrtll' ltrrt krnri.lV. ith . ant' tbat hr can till. Thr otittit rr a io' couiNwr! of Jail; Yoiinc. II I t"r'1 to ''art I1"T u m -iraplc !I. Allru ami John A c.il!rj.ir, wtiit t nnyonr can rtiah in. Hut t kvo to tamllpr ranrlir. ab..ut isht i u thins coiiir 1 wherv the rub nub-from town, to arrrt tvt notor- j 'oniri..Any man. almost, can write t..n,.u- ilr-iN'iail.,. Hilly irouiuli, ' "1 nruiMj.rr o f.4r a- thr whtariaN .ha-. "l!ill tbr Knl," ami Drmmc I arv omrrnr.l, for n timr. It i tbt Hunt, for whom warrants wrrr out forl,Irtl,.v moootonou kthh! ttiat trll. It ratilr ftna.m.:. tn nrrtvin: nt thr ! " tl"' ": "I'M pnliirr mi thr r.imbr. (iiunnik ami Hum i.tuo mt m-tairt. in ?ca4.n ami out of , ami at oner rommrncni :in. whrn tbrbattlrl.-catur-rnrra;. Hum -.hot t;,H,e lbr.u,ch tbr brad, droj.j.inc . htm in hi- tract:, and wounded Allen ' .. . . 'in . t i i .1 - 1 . r 1 . .. 1 Allen thin frnt n lull thmush Hum'? , ",f "- " f AV iwst pnt?- 1 . . . 1 .- brca-t. hniiptnc him down tnortallv in-rmi- -iMft.- have to krtp a limi1 1 . 1 .1 I, . ... ... uoiI.h!. l:rnkrdrtr put a rhaw an,l on the rt.ddrr at a,! tttrn Il ., ..bH.Ubot uito i;nu.n.K face and r rx,.cnrme that .t takes more brad, mim-iin fiu.l wund. Younp. ai-m-wl i.NI,t.v M adrn a neir- , who u.-v- at the rear of the houe i,IaiMr and maict-it piy than t- r.ti:r-I . . . .'.. .., ..... . . e .t 1 , tr. rnt the e.ai.e of the eow-hnv in;1'1 to nm nr-tenth of the HH-aiUHl .. . i..w... :. .1 . 1 .1 .-, t..u direction, nas hi.t through the ! imi in the country; and that if 11. . .. 1 tbssh iirobalUv bv lirrrken.-id-e w hen n mttn u"w B nto any thrr cI1iik; r ..... ...1 tit. ns nt Grounds i.tvial dei.utv ,. ... (.oilonir wa n bit;hh re-nccietl mi- tter. and hfc. dth h'drp.ore,! hv nil pa-! cturus. The cbt'f of ja'.l.ce ....... -... ..-.. I..-..,,..... n fi.n ,,-.,.....!...! .4.t .'M. . .'...l.t.4 44 fc.l. . J4..I.4 V lb: aflt rnooK. The Missouri Train Robbers. Kn- ('... I tr, 1. :''.'-ii,l; Li; ;ie. one of the !e.i.i e f the Januv jians f robin r. . been in the hand of the otlieer. here f.r some time r.nd the ji:tt operation- ,f the whole irans j are known. They 'were ftll ensased in the Yinjtou ndibrrv of the R,H-k I-".i::.l train and it wa Jt?-c Ju.. - who killed Conductor Wetfalk Tliey wvro aK, encased in the roblvry ef the Chicaso A- Alton train at Dine t.ut. epjc:nl4er .th. Mace tl.en it t believed Jesse Jiiimr- ha- kilieil 'A'.xw? 1 1. u brother of Jeff lute, who v.a rcently rer.t to the penitentiary Jor i.trtu tpation in the Yi5Un robbery. I tiil parttcurar- cannot now be siven. Jo'.in Land v. ho i- now iu jail in lade- pt ndencc. cive the names of the fob I w.ns panic- a- participant- in the Rue Cut robberv : Je?se and Frank IX ndori and John Mutt. aJ! of the Cracker Neck neislsburhooi! in thi- county. John Molts w.v- the tele- deuce to-morrOw if a jury is secured, j.in., -. Jim Ctiinimns-. Kd Miller, and yaakcea with pen.il Jhl tnemoran-; ers it ywithfoi cr.t..r and iu-tre b; tbe ; D. k Little, of the old James lovs duni louk. takir,r mte-for future ref-: "-" n '1rke ir Bbam. .0 rie- j rais. John and U. Rulser. CrVd erer.ee. They -d the Capital ith a ! SdSi117 ! I h.irm:an. 1-rank Ann?:ronr, Charle Im-itM-..- air th.-.t indicate thev are graph operator at Glcadale. Tne h.-c- the hesira to thL- Citol ha ,uch I XiT! T , .i, ' . hur "-"Other? and projvortjon a this vriattjr. Hotei they ha lnd br -Ajnture-'.s. - trod Chapman will bvsin at Indepeu- nronrmtor and iKaircin-howe l:eo. i W:l that thi- ttx'cetut io..n,- John Jind Is the princina! '.vi;ne-s for hamv facte . i.rt..,., : w.i.,,j aio. .... ,..v sv.uv.t. . ! ; . a-tub k-f m m '...rc.ur ' ' "' -.'." Wf.n t r - la : in f.rf i !rin? thr r- en tiir IhifJ Na- 1-'m j! nift-.iB j'Mimah-te rt4 -fiH. .aitI m nry :n :h utir- inof th if !, ion T'.it'j in'U'4 ! halilr t. ! Iiuil :! iiufiiiHi by the . 'Oj'hat.ti'' iu.-r.al taagi- trat .-H r olrn b!:frI by c,mgtlt,.ud tlmM.jVf, fr uo. !, ( ha!n;r.n;j iuk1 maHnti, thr ..,.- jkiUu jonruahoU. T ae U.rn- B?h frto lirtng 4miI . tt4tii r nu- iwmmhiw! fr ullt-hm lbir ojMnj.ttm, thr !;iliu iuf:al wrrr ofU-n f.-r4 - , . ... t-- . . !..!.:. .. !.... TT. ..... m a ukiiukk uiuir. xai" um; Wlte to "" "'J' rtfcnibir fur wv il.jTtifja artirU- atxi t t -J ... " , lru ir figbt a du-! bni'rr tb tHhtor wan rliajbtttrtrl of eeRteraftl. , "f ra. ajnl tbe rti.t n ,u'.t. " ,! .i Otw f tbr&e tagiiting eiitot rrrrntJy Bowrni fnai the ontTvatru-! I . v dii in lari agwl fcixiv-riht lliajbrrn n-salarly cartr.! aaay ati-1 ! tiam wan Tlimau , be t.4i b-i-ti a MTKraftt -majf in ti.- l'i u b ani, a zii uttt, ai psn.-ri ..rt!- man, but lRii.rnt tbat b M-arct-U m.! rral tb- artu Ir !. lgtint ami wirr ht In in. In r!ititi UtH'UlM'A iii-t:ii' til t tuaiui, ut l kill b aihrrarj . V.'hrn ite . in ri""in hi -alary 4 i4MibNj and i,, Wjbk a;.a- 4 tbr U -4 of f.,. HV ma,!, a t-nUi.-Ji-l uvi. until tb ! - (in. lVjj Titl. ,jt.ia f a , .u.iican K,lVvr,mtt.i ab.ihf.c-! tb- .r.-- law. an, j4.ft tif. t,,lMj ,Mtit..r itbo,it a ,nf.ltl4 jf,, w,,-,. ,u ;il, ,,;,j w .f. j 4, t -.upport bun b taki:i 1a abi.i. Umm.i. a n.-S"J--- - il rir-t ... . . .. 1 .,., 1...,. ... ... -'.. .-. i .".-..I.--- t .'iiiiiiir n zfifii : - . . l.ir r titnarioti. m! tb' man nitli mi . 9Tl t. rin.I m'-TiiiK- In u mama , .... ,, litMtn tli. !il'i.-i t. ' 'l viii' II.. I.I u 111 1 , , , o:i 01 in- oi.i 1 aii'i i 1 nrvi4iMr -... . , . mrji liiim.i'"'. Xlani ttr n-al m- a ;.,..., ,,f t!,-m.itlir. a Tollown. in 1f. Jvru Jnw,iif uliuii he ia Uir 'alitor. ; Tlie imy AVrt of tt. Louis, is no mon. .-;..; j ,..i,.r than lo Marl a ni.lVNMi..r aml ,,tu..1;j ' nirj. dltlit.,,u lwi (, k,,p lt g. Xlwh j. u nai 0 nuuwv out of u. , Tb. j..ntt.a!i-ti. j.iu.- in ilu- .ountry.l lllld l( Uiat e tueau u. tlJit .. , ..,-,, v.rv VMr to make thnr r.rirt4r roint'ortab!. ,. ,.,,,, ,.. fi,,. Thr in.m- , , . ,w,t tt,.t ,.. at, ,j,,. .... h - If w-v iw.lwwu ,i,e u,ritrj otlbr i ami thr jHHir-tionr, ik leuiotn. and c4 even,- Iuib:m onl ami crank, with an Htm" thitike that hr ati run a m-w--jajcr ami that i-.iiiifvvhrrr on tbt oi trars there rxt a lontr-tnt , , . .. . . W n-iuirisl am.m. that cut. uUo B uia.. h jHiutr. ami mK him nul 1 l.m. Ami thru. ad - W to ,lus tfS lhr tnni tiorry orr the "n.ler the wh.!r heavru. ami labor .....I .i j 1 wl lhe -"" uniUting imhwtry at ho is fonl to do in order to "e I. ,.w pay. he tmuld set rtcli far uii;. Krr jihI mti.h i.'r ! -.-- , NYc have ttt.sl nianv ain! varvms fc..,K ofrnip'ovmrn.but we do' .a kilo of,.;,. tJ.t t.k,- thr ,,..,.. . , . . "4'-4.4.ii - . .i ... i.i. ,k n"iiiifr I ppMon r. ju.r- . Washington Corrrspondcnco. Y!SUI,;Tu April, i. I-o,2. we. .l:t K.- At tl :s isr.fcnc. our' ,ity -uadru bv a party of oer ftnr-' hundred :iti.r-fn. at IWton and t-, cinity. Tlib. i the third excursion i thU winter, f lus-i-loaeii niauufac- turers and menhauis itjU. ;hnr , wixe.-. with a pnk:ln of youns men and yaakrc M-h.ol "ruanns"' emat-h ' to tuakc the aiiair interes-tta:. ' Round trip acket. iaclmiins fir-i j chii-- hotel accommodations, carrianre i hire, etc, are purvluL-ed iu Ho5ton at cready reduce! rtc. Gv where you ..ill in the public huildinss or in Cou-rr,- . and von mil tint? :Kr. partner- with I'ncle --, atwl are ! here to take accouc: oi Stock and J draw their dividend.-. Never before ers have plethoric lauk acoousti. aad i ) i ae i cru-laU! .-Usuk ai4i;- TAo IVraiiilx ia.?puSaa awtfS Tr.r ? 'iirr II .-. w t?. . - Umls Ur Ihr t;. t Jr . ,- al -t-- r cT":t-J ir.- : uh jrl War 1hjiUii: . tiirr-qu- :t;v-s nhrt lu lrr'. "J -: Uit1i:r- : Kf'i uoiwr Mfoiajt it n r: I fn4 nf ?wir fciil a kwtlf -t.t ' ta- mmt!:'i pmy f rry ii rtitar army tt litruatro r it '. !ilicl anl b-'iii . JMirKi-ti ic 1 ftariti- 'wiifj M . ( fs.ik-. aj-l linr.u I.mn : jbjhhiw h. run U.! . i . . , t'x.r. !,.. ... btsr i -. arr t , itb tb-f ku.t- ( I'm ja '. .tim M.a t:. it ti- . .'. . f . lrlu--t tt hr. JCi. Inrr'-U At tbe tak i..r ! ttiee ti , tuiM.ji-r ri-ltijf in n..- -ty Ti- ! hrth irrularHir i'! .! ti-1! - rank, if it nrtr n.e ti.at thr. .ii-.1' ! ' Im-i' har irrn rbb. f it..- ti .t- f tnr:r ,-nrt !air ru! :. 'i. I brt fur iiard fr thfti: f , m'tbl ntributif. i t. i ' I IIhhI unratb- ut tl.- atm U ' ihwf ! h ilatjn jn.i r 1-. ' t . . . ! '! K I... anwrr ai!.tb j Tin- xaiuuiatu ! !..:. ..f :'.. ! p!- ttiat mw .mpi-r tin j, ;a. ' anI rhr Iliitnrt of f-.'utiibitt rvw ,', ' -trai, luimf that i.-r- do'!b'.-. ': , f tn.-.m in; . uVtnii, to tbr luan.r j j burn. Immir.l ar as-. M .' v ! own. .1 tb I . i'.' 'Wnton" nut. nbnii u- j , r.jis t :. trt't lroi-i .j'i i llib p-irti m t "..Mfi,, to ! ifbifi" .! ItaAin,: Tr Ton . . 1-! !ufl I.i th Mni5. 1. .rtj.. ! .rr:.': . ,. 1 ntKtltii in thr valb', ua- I idranii.;.'. '' Sran:a!i J .':! ..(. ! 'ICria' - J'fuj.ji.. tilt'.' tit ' T! -' aja jti-.TiS wrr? fuJ of nr.4tiiij; in tbr rari ba at, ai..l tbi-y pt.u linger in thr rrrorlx of ilr ..' ! 1 . tat ion, whilr tbr name of t:,.. .,v ,. r baf lft b!ottrI out ami !..-t tt. f . ohlmoii of fii;rtuiiM- Tbr xrnlirt of tb )fpb 1 not in ; umi.tt by with tbr trnt. !.. r of thr it'tinri in tbr iia..n m-i'trr. It i b,u.l!y in kr-itn with ib- fare- tb.it Im l'n iayo! 111 thr .tiinau rr K't'bt jrar litary otilin. mi. :.: m Albany jin-oti for Maxou. ami a ro-mi with comfort, frtrml. c.nmI iumc ami roimrI. ftirnihrl b thr pM-rn turnt fr tiuitran, art' pitnr tl)..t t!I le lookf.1 uj.'.u tuitb imiii no M by rominj: trrnrrattou. An?.'iiar i.in may jrrha int)'itrr whuh m.t inanr, (htttrail or tb' j.roj.V. Tin" inoittr N'tition from tl.i.-o. .4 ; frrl lonu. asking Maon n rr'pu-r :m.l J thr barer ontriKnli..n- all o-r tbr- cirtuitn. fir hi nrrlv f.moU. in.':..-.u.- ' thr inti'iie intrrtft tuai.ifrtt-d b ,,: outragf! peilr. Tbr Thacro aforiation b.i .inn i an d jjonr. Tliri l-e al. tb-r . on i.i Mioirct oi rctiuciug t.iti on j . , fl J ft - m on t.e Mibjrct of rtnlunns t.it- l'v '.. wjiwr miu m.or man n:i. jnios8B and clieviT would t.ml tbr , f . f ncr o( leaf or omr otiicr rx. ; , I hjiI make his favontr chew : mEnufjM.tlirf,r;, mn., n . , , turner, it tuisbt he askrI. and w. ! f enic!y. irwiu wuMtarv i.jn: .f , iev, Ht.at t to ts the cntrt. t-artir u- J I.Hrlv nTion thr voting m tl.u jiirtTi-. - mrrasv in the uc of tolia co. Itn ,,., -ti . sM . . 1 . . C ok.ne. L. ! lAjar T" "f. ? J h . . , , "- .rB ' iini ; J s'm! ,hrr burtf,il 4,ru Ir ,h75I I" w on'-v i".7 -tear. ttrH !cotwtsmrl in tbr tinted Statr. In i , nm '"'" meTac of ,:.. : -.4vf. m i.v-i wio enormous as sri'ste of 3.307 .&ri.3 15 ci-ar and J j ctptretts was rooksd, etia! to fto ; e.vrj man. woman and hi!d. Thr total lrnth of thi vapj rrrv'(ion of pm.king tuateri&l wtmld rrarh r,M,n u ?mrt1 nearly e.4t :.-.. no Ux "Ieted tr tc4.r,o. ciffar a"n,i eisarrttes. in I-cl . cSj4j-' ' - m' ' lo' ! coIJectrd on. the?e aruclrs ym-r n5.I amour.ti to J --b-.hlj:.-.. Ticsr frarfu. tisurr- j m H';! cldUrsr t.r tb.i-l.nl tuJv of fhj-. !.sit-. I" .Luithr .pti !1cwns and C ..-i-Uari.. PuaXs. ?iii ::!; Iciur vn .: j: Jrtiren.t dr.jMMHirt.y, prn-Ti,- ' badacne imii-tioti pain m lut tKick and kalnev;. ad other trouLb., 1 ; iJ.o j.ji. w . -.- s t ; I ?A.t . tl... ...B.tMTt. - - - ' MITCTIEIL. cS IMORIIART, HimI (MtutK - " X-ir:i-k:i AM) DON" F iOl i UR(il I i I". 5VSUI aui, A V - - MoNiur's (j)ti Stand 138 .''". AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Two Doors South of Bank. 1 ? k 1 ( I a i " i ) - xi:i:i;.sk.. REMOVAL ---MM s si ? a i 5 2 :flu ift ? . ImmsnsB Slock AI AUSi I i;is Tlu-lu. com 1:! c( ).i I-:: com -:i i-rr S ?,T AltB ! - .- : . , . l .. :.'r. ' . , CM-ago ar.J s.l cft'.ic P:".:xal Pov,i It the r."t!, Uor'h a-i Nort-:. tl r .' t, ti.1. ,.. ra.4 .ti . ... v .ui i." U.u 1 . .vl jut '..'T f ltv -.sj . . . t. T nspv t-i. ! r'jZ-$"'r. -o ): : : : ' k l-'.T - 1 few i?;Tif-s-1..,r3T;'. r- : , ',y i '' - - -- , !...,. . I..L.l ,pi I ... .- . , I TKE CKICACO i t.CQTH-VYESTCRrl WAiLWArT Or-iJI r' -,p ,. ,, ..,,,' . f . f . . . . j , rg y IM?S?.IAL FALACS BIIiING CARS. It 4tlii-'r r I .S' .- rj"3y' t4t j ; N ' S - mr" ' ' .-n fj tia rrf 3,000 MlBil Of Road. .fa. .- if' -. ..' . trl'ntLilw ' .- ' ,. , ., -..fr. t.,r U - , v --. t. -i, lV a T.. - -! t 1 ; V .I'rr t .. nt I v.- I,' , , ,, , ! M ' 1 "Ki;', Svi'.-I P ..- ..-,niiv V . . . . ... ., . -. t, " j 4J h tr 1 41 l',i" . .X ! -1 1. " a. ..-'. .',,., i ,., ' J ... ,t- tv, I - ..' b, 'I Kar- j T.'.l t . , -. I ,. a I a-4ar ; 1 i' LfT r '.-t . ..I'l.rw r -. . vrr . . r-. ., o - J MaaraM4awNMraMT iai.anw4iMr)T in 1 wnnin 1 j.. 1 r 1 n". i , M ,, v - -" - VTivS ZEDS cro not 0;d In ? v-r . - . V jn.dropusaP-osta: Care: for : - . - H-"is:a I'V-rctrtrd Catnloi,jo A-5-s a.LAN'DriTSf " 5 ?jse cvrence &, P?arl.r. s 1 j , p lbs I t -' - irr-ri For CCUCKS. COLDS SDH ThQAT lWBT",r7L.-TLICil 1 J .-i - tj-. . . . .-t.v.-., w:cniiu.'., U'Sjcso: TKjJCAT, Crt3T AKD LUKCZ. K tl ' S. i kn Si-n J?" itv' '" '-.wittMiir f. it , vSTrw,,Ji V'-Vr i. -: ath ..rr Tr,r ,, T ' " :--.. ;.--. fc t v.;i-47tli- VT r.J-T i '. ; '- .. .-...,-..., .'--.-.- H- t T'Lt . tj: a4 r J;"". 4 0wa'-t'Vw.. ' - - . . . -. we v fct . ar C A I IT 2 ri?.' T ! i"-.-' - - v t-r .,?vtrttar' o.zj, Ais.li.-. , - fc- v . i. ! rate i.. r- -"-. - " -wr -t4 a4uch ;-rauil KIv tSala b itrnciUi. (.rort-n and !tii r.rrrt.Lrr, . I1"S0UT SPSCIiL T2JC 02 LXC1SNSE. Tfcg TOLU, HOCK AHD RYE CO., Proprietora, 4! Rrvsr St, Chicago, HI. C-s " , iV3J .- " - Red ( imul, Nt!. " - 1882. I s S l . .N liV p j " 0 a 5 J 45 - Cril 2 J S v kV.ai& of Dry Goods '3 COliHXCT ?iA? w' O . ". P- '- .' -V. LaC?riHI7IS. ASTnWi., PMIU- : Cijc-11 K. I " ' iyy i . j, a : 1. 4 . 1 -i - -. fiA-J 7: L xv1.-' B. D. BaFQSD & GO Kim!v Island. 111. SULKY AHO GAR6 PLOWS, Steel 6. Chilled K:rs., cri;nv.Ti)K Listing Plows, f u: r. LISTER AMD CGRH BFiUU Hnri'ows, etc, vie. IyW li it. nuts ItMWt;'!. tj. fcT. i-it U 'i. f. "- (OUSblV h. ilfilM. k NtlNl, V. frr:Jrr ur .'. . - OEiBiJTTS DISPENSARY. 'T - k W4 MII4.II . . ,. t.bK I'RIGKLY YifTs3" fife rH f - 4 L. m&A 2 ktF " . ' , . ' y t- -' ... I.M WMM 'tf W. .. WM.4. J.. ...Vw' '4 , l.ffr. 'I - .. p4 tmiimm m4 . - ... - ' ? . t' . . .. 4y t wwm 9A i..i. . ylw 4 l H.JHHI H.W 11 '"V.1' - . -! f . '., (. t -w ? mt fm If, - - 1 1 1 tjft 1 r - tA4 f - se'1' .t,lst AaUk . .f..a -., dfcuflnir ., yfc iTl) . W 1 ' w rf "' 1 .wnite 4w wi rt fcar ." l0m mi mm 4tm. V V '' rf 4 '. j4y . a V.!'. m4 -. - I;'f'lvtti, f.n,r 5 lll '. i 1 to ..! Co .4vt. tl4rrl If .,. 1. .?.. j-?s; MiWrr .. ! " .-- .- O im ''if i 'p. I" .Iww " T- ',.:. . ui.i.. a v t.t im urtrt . 4 4. 4. MM A I.. MMbj pp e( Et fe 10 SLe mgspr.ftiwaajyga7wT :rMPTOM3 en A TQRPiD LIVER. l- 1 ." ' 1 - . . I'M IB ? H.r -. ..u- . ,. 4) J1. f - 44 t - 4T-4r t 4d t a4 fctl" Tr t, f 'S- -4 . ... J bj. , ,,; .-rr.- -sr -, l- yi. -,h ..". ' ' ' ' H l . -. .-.,, -t .. ,S - -". . a lim . -.- iK.. -.-., jfc, U4i . r.4. .a4 CC5TfATIO?7. - "wt,4M.r1. 4MbU44. l' -- MMr - v I - 9M IVi y ... .m.ix j. u. ii . rtu v " . !.. ; 2.. . -- i - ,.. . c. ' 41 l.i. l 1 i i .i ii ' ' r - . 4 c v crrv a ca .i v... I-,,-, i . .. . J ..m- &1 wAA . 1 r ;A i .L I -