SJfci. . ,- ltn, -. &fmm mr JOIJ WOlUv. - . r - -I".HJO ctttep. The Red ii-iiuhko j-vnuY vrmii-D-Tr as HID ZlZtt. i;i22AIi. -tv- M. J, THOMAS, ;, I t".tdrh:.f "I'lt-mal I'i i hi net is tit- iirict of Lihrrty" awl Sl.'.'l : ' 'r t)v ';, ..f f '. r : x -. ar SiTf A Cloud l i i I h h , f Airar: YI I ION yoi-tuavkl R. ,. , . .-,'. fo'Iy J:ti'l A ,, , 1 ,. urt- I ' iM 1 1: - I I ' ' Ejr.LIKGTOHROUTE ,5 ' ' ' ' . M , I. 1. I UM, ' l- c i'""'t-, w iccDnsia, Indiana, i:r.-i3, iviicmsan, umo. , .N(U-ll AIHM.I- UX ! J., I? A i 1: It . i ( 1- !!!.' frin i it .. ic : . . 1 -i I, . . - , ! 111 ? . 1' t-. Through Tickets O i LOWEST RATES . 1 1 1 1 . . ai lt.' ti "ti tSt- t;A ii ut 4 f ' i h V. linrKi:o ( . - .u wi..rt i... t " Cttil T . - '.. - --- ( i. Ii i I I-rli a i r- - -,-- :!. i. Li n &tf bVX HEW LIKE TO DEITVER,,.,,....:: .'.,. i.!.. 'l in-. . ail p iii I - ii''- 1 :ei n .i'1 V ,i tl'll" .Hill til" .. .i'i :!. .i U.inta i in v l" i .! . " 'II .1 I I. ? II l 1. 1 a ' ' . -'I- . : i.. t .-l! I el. I i .. ('ni. a,:-' ni. in.i i one mnnae- 1 . M P. S. EU3TIS. ' " ' ol -Mi aViKII. lii'Niiil HAVINJ. SIlAMroiH.N'i:. 'MI H air t.i tt t To ", I M Cut ( incr .-; . -t - t. j th 5. t 1.1 -H VR - ,i t..4. . I. . t . t. -I t.n - lit ti 1 M I t-t ,.-- ? ' ... ! ii ' I . il III -t I !. : t,iifii u i to k j ji if O .it Iui M .. Alt t: nt , X.f T .1- .! tty 1 Itur n -it ,ii lii j ... .-ie- I . t a T-'J ' i i i.jI tt n t m r; 'i1 j i 1 - t a 1 ..rut t o ,.t - I k i ti.uli. MM MARRIAGE ) ps fjn i rai in P'f I GUIDE! i . - ' 1 1 it l-It l U Ufa tin ttl t V n t m. w ut. hj l i i l,4r'l I Im- ! ! J n ' 'I1UUIU 4 -.i- rt.s ' in. ia-1. ffll'-. t.4f rm r ...-w Hi-riui' n 1 or i n. '1' iT.'t iliI'M'!!'!'""'.! HO- . r I - - -l ' 2J1 etS. n.U in n. n . . j. - K.-tf ' ' li r i n llln.l ii Minmii. . t V.. .V. ..-! Iwf Mi.n'i1 n-tou "-. . - .. I ..... 1. .'.!. t.i " I .. .' . .' -. . - 1 I . -n-it -i J u . -- . - -'lU. t - I i .-.! - si 1. jlOTi. 3D f-tlAC-:' ?r CT.Ut St. t-t.i nuii. Mo.nt-ia nr. c. It . .( . "! '" ' r tnixnuVMiU t, ! .th. -',! 1 i i 4- t I't i I a,Ulr i -ri Ii 4 i.- . : - I Ki"rilelllin3 f. .ti' Bi f - r1 f. (,- t t i' tu 111 . .tt t 4 I - ' r H'.te 1 . f t . .M.o r. i ' j i;s. r-ifitAmp rg-irx-ss-tr zzavt I PARKER'S HftIB BALSAM 6 1 Cl ttui 1 l-.ll & .- ft C,.iy,-.vr- -.Ve - :-: v j . "Jjr XySTW RarfstM Men. Q --s v. .y . . . ..w .. -a - . . 4 1 h: ii PARKER'S l ft Ft -i f -' t'ti cf-c Ibst Never Utsxicatfs. I . cilw ti i I . I.. I I ..-" u I f .,-. ,i.l I . ti . ..r 1 1 -.iv . n-T -:-- -. fi .i. t i -..: .-1 s-rau. . r .3i.iux Krr. no t.ol ".- .' t.i. t"t uc rjs K 1 V S 1 , ,v ..-:-. Kvm vwt Kirrv cr .TJN' 5' I t Int. -- -tci-tvac- Ik.wc tliCi.C. . 1 I"a VK-- l.JVutK 1 '!. J- . m- t w :i: .f frm 35r. tlisf -11 'Tl - j.-l . , , i-jct rjknf jd -retire a iim.un. i J ., 1 v. .- .' . . ! .'.' an It. d i -ii ,tr -n t - Ih. ' ' -im :.--i- -t-(J; N i !. - -r. 4 ' .s 1- t c u- t 1,. 1 -1 -- - N. T- l 4 8 s. .1. ..-. . - . . :." .T r-i.; m i n. i-'UjiR n?x. i sjtjs. jk.k " 5-. CJROOi-'S v .1 . r rs c "? f TAR -- -3 f I r: ri:s xttio am. m.vkly. p .s, S FOSIIIVE CURE 3 Trt? ForCoughs.Colds, "i C&k -s::3-rat. -i .-r. 1 iKo DpcinfTin- , -- -t IJ 111. util. ui 1 I A --"-Ai -it Cures Dyspepsia: t. , -.v -o Restores thcAppetite; 1 i" -'-.?-?ts. -or- the System: ' J-srXtrRcstorsteWeek k , 5 -'--wJ nnrl nphllitatP.rf.F -' J u 1 . e .i : (.1 SN.SRiTHS I ..' IU i 1 U tMij;i.U. Ik S N.SS!iTHSCO..Pnp'r .--iac p OIIIU. h Z V -5r-Fa I SilliBI-iK S:U,. vnar. . .wv.n. there ,. 2reat Mifr.-nm: ..xiHtitic The , " " , -, ...- !..., fiti 1 tt Z fa fib it --XitJ-lii .:. J". a ...., T- , , , , i .. I the pulpit thnt i-tiKed from the !-.- m.. th it ti . v aie t.u- th .. M SR R i- fi u H H P f J ft ATTOKNKY? asi - n-KU)Rs AT t.AW. i e ees ivhi. h htoke there uete hm.t i . , , , , . i . ..,;,.. I ,,i. , K v3 ti K l-M UJ 3 H Pj ,. - A ..,,ii l-l hidder-? Tliink of a hn-h.uid tn. ir iri,..-, ..:i t. ni-. lark.'- g -. - p. J p. ijAJqS H J, S ' . ., , .- . r v . . j ;;; ; ,"1 flWuiti. and were thouht ! . , ,;,.., r j,,.,. ,, v .rtiM tin. a . i . y JKH UiT ir fl t i7 H ViS' ... .. ..,...,,. il! i-ti'lirflioll thri...irt.f lhi "Miilr ind . ,.,.---,, I lettllltf the eiirini; of hi- -IK ite or ,M-r t" " -' " V-' v- . u f '.I J III !J .- A I A A .'.;, Nur.h. n, Kioe .'..llrrt! n rii .1. litis- j to he inipt eiiiih'e. Hii I tills ha I . ,, . . ... ,. innien. m ith tne trt 1 . i ...4.. -r.f WtAox'wMBtj Hatili. . i r , On W r'j.ler Mr-:rt. ne Uour nortb 'mi-e.1 yr. Jit lo-t. ot -t-i.k. 1K W tie II. ......... ... . ....s... , - ! f i , , , . r51 t hti t- over-Irau n. 1 ertiaj tt !", ..mill- I'.H k tothllll ni'lii'liil n!Kir.. CI okruer Iir. 1 .. I1, nnw i! iv-i I.... lfi l mivi- I - - " I . V i- IS ils , ii&& T- 1 r. v l -Jp " ' -"' i65 a s !-.. 5. M.-C Jt --?sS- M- .-m r i 3 tV?rsi it utw.ii ..-! I t' "C- :)?fe '" f-r r.r.(Yook'iWlni t rl - t -' luTar; iaS. n :jr.F i VOI, IX .IMP"'! r.t-J 1'ut r a sw 1:1:7 V Blue Hill Bank. SIMPSON & SWEEZY, : l:l.l I II! I.I U ! P.-TJ.i: ri Mil I 'nrl lUnkinr iJu'in-' Tffcn-trJ. Lwih 1 In IUle. -Jiul Hsnii Kor.t Hrf.'h-M Hnrf. New VJf City. - w -' --"-- r.xiTn. R. c. sit. ;A'r It t lUnk lie. trie Nat.,b. SMITH BROTHERS, BANK JO K S , liED rutl I). XER., Trii',t rr1 hiiV ni lui c bar -B1 HI- ui r r-n' ito ' uuaii. I'r?inct nii ..' tii-t'i t I: .t. l N("t -i- ttru mnrttt. boy and fall For lKri 1 I MOi r-f 1 rnti jtttcnMon clrcc to 'ullMtioni. I'.-rrre' -; lt N't. It.nk New York. 0-L- Not ii-ok. Uiu.ta. 1 SMITH BR03. 1 Alimi'.HT, l'r.- '"it R.V SlItKFY. ( .i.. r W.B.T.E C1T! Bm, j:ki cuiri), ni:b. j.,M 'p, itMN ,, I,..,1 K-t.ite luiy j :itni -. u i.t. ii.mi;.' azi.i no ii s " '- . L.tniii liu-ir.e-. P9' - k: York CoantT i'."'-. it';11 Kruirr" A ,Trhnt" ItbiiV. V.rW. I in n .Ntiffil Hank. Chick;.-. .M.rrli ir-.. Sloitier Co I.:uc!n . . I Itf W. H STROHM. j ATrni:-i V AT I AW. 'V KKIa.HI, - NKHKASK'A. i .'ai tr rocrull-.l in I nlih or l.crintn. l Collrrtitit. will rcri trmt attrntian. , Oi 1 1 Opposite B.. V Home ' 0.C. Ctt. " Jib. Mi:.Nkr. t I in: K' Nuvv unjr, . .uv.ii . i l.t.n n.orn. m n . S. GILHAM, A TTlilir.KY ANI rofNSI.I.OU AT I.UV. OjVuf on' door north " h'nl'y !ro. i:r.iMi.trn. - NKi'.i:h. C. (. IU lkt. N- "- TtiourK Hawi.ey 5c Thorpe, A TIO UN K Oi i :. i - A rorN-JKl.Oit.- AT LAW. -Ovi Me railandV More. ...l M. r.J uu, .b. I Laird Sc Smith, , VKltMi l'('lUNsEIn!l- AT LAW. Hv-iiv.-. - nu:.-K. ill rm. tir i" a" 1ip r'Urt ol ihrMntr I'rmiii'l tentiuii itocu to all lumci. riilru-ti-tl ! t. his1 etn. julyl-. J. 1. IC.trT. iUi.ouni'Cion. Ncbrjka. C W iiT. Uei Clou j. Neh. KALKY BROS., A TTORNiYa AT IW A KKAL E&TATI Al.t'Nr. WiV filirr ir a'l ihr '.iu-t in Nrhra.V .t ' ii'ilxn. Kn-. s"licrn..ii t-i"-uMly t touJcJ lo aJ cotrc-1 .m.Jiik-c -Ivii'il. LID C:7D. ::eirasi. AJfO. Aei-rO for U. A M. IS. 1. l-inJ. J. n. T10EA, .TI. I. ; - in i (tu - ' Physician and Surgeon, JUt Clot U NI It I 11 .11 . .. .i.-i.1 .tl.ntl.iti t.i llli.f trtr. .nil i . in i . -i - ... ....- .- ..- ..... tli.rnr-c- f .'Uirn t Krncrnl tnl trniil uitrrv Iir-" f tlir K)rnJ Kr brs ( i in mil rat r. V'i5iff0rr ?lif rwix'J tor 1 -V1"T I OR. C. .(-IlK'VrK. PhTsicianSurgeon, .owti.s ii'Ki.-K ... Profe-ional . IK pro.nptlv attended j 1 C . ... 1 1 l I I I t I e lU'.ir t oWles -.)! ' i.i.ri:i:t a. iiaix n. d. Physician-iSurgson. Coin .it " MirjiMti I A M K K KKti Cl.ol l. Orriric - 'ur h. '.rFr!mi'. f.ore. Br?i- dence rerktu Mitcbrli't tr. 1 nartciq nD U A T3.,o-. urwwA "' --1' -- 'i RESIDENTDENTIST. ttEH CI.OUD. - XEBRASKA Guide Rock House, J. Ii. SA HI.X. P-opr. 1 OritVEPOCK. NEHRASKA. Tl.:- J.:v- ju-t hoen refitted and newly fnrni-hed throitchout. CUXin SAMPLE KOOM for the aci-ot:mioi!atioii of tonitnereial ' !"' 4ytf HEISTRY Pa i litis. - COOK'S Oil, MB eV BED GIrm. CLOUD Notions. DRUG Wall Paper, STORE. Ac, &c. I trJ l.a. iirrir!uU un.t Riciri 1 1 ifri.Jeilio. . . rllHU UllliC KiUl'M I'MHItT 1 ol t..v ....! .'.-......ti. i.nt, U n, mi-, ' t-"v BT1 a 1 1 K KK!) CLOl'D. WKP,STKKOOrTV. NK1'.. VK . Tlin:l V. THE CHIRP. M 7H. A" tuirort TIin-JY M U l i I -.-2 ial iiti n IVti - .uiia lict .""Hi- urilxv ami ti' mi'i ' w r- kill 'C. r.iii!Ti-i-ci.-r-..n-...-.i--.l fr.m tl ' jHii .tt l)i-trit Mn hii.'t I.i-t .-tjnbiy. w up witli iho Th !' w -t t Miintrv " .-1.. fox. A V Kuw h of .NVw YorK ; x n".mf- in j v. hi li:tl "III Mi it. I t tin- Into war mniitti'! -mhimi- on IU' rouiit f jmv rty n-- ni'v. A tii-ii r vti tiirlit i-.'.k tilar near . . . . . ... i- . t- i... ..:!. i i 1 TiiuUiiM. n ma uii ni'im ni' ' ;.. , t ,.,. u'.-.". rr-- lHtfT2L w , . , 1 'j"Mrr an.l i.iiu. cow !-.v-. l.o.u!I I.v flic ,..;.toaniaj..r,t, tn l.e ..-lr..l. y. i..r...... f.irli.y" Hill" i.o kille,! ,SI '" "","'-' ,$: Mr . I.ovs a.iil.t,-.ii-! th Karf- n- thev .r.. p.r.mrl.iiiS lo- ami i ,..! .. .!..,.i. r.r.. ! iI.pit. ! IPIIM'II av U! MI i -- .--.v wotitnltns: one iii:im Iisl?v ami kill- inS a iior-f J lie I.,trp r.'tnnie.! Un fir" aiil then . hare.1 upon the eou-h.s-. uho ran. h-awti" (."urlev IJilI" a. ...i lejiu upon Hi.- Iii.l Till' (leHolatMn ean-eI hv the ililllj witer in ihe .Mi-.-i--.ipi! -tlI rotitin- J lie--, and yn-al mi!1 rin ! daily r porle.J. A H.-h-na. Ark . t3 i tlie whici- iire litiiinu iowiy. inn nun .er aiid di-tn -till I'lantern j and -inintr pi -ijde i!l he a.-, di.-ti-j tllle a- UI the e:illl t M-ttlelljent of the .-tnte. In Iioina firele. n par- iii u'ar'v :i h and llonri-dnnj; ',ti..n. any eon-tderahle nui'.unt. lloi. are attain hei:tr n-e for tefuce, for hoth entile and hnninn hcin;;-. In one liott-e a whole fatni!v are hvmj; in .111 r .i " i ii the h.trl: part of th.'ir hone. while then ninle- .ptarter in the front room and on the pr h. Frank Lcslic'3 POPULAR MONTHLY, ! - r Arril The April nnnih. i i -i ' eolli- tin n.l- it-i!l I'.i u itii iilera- luri' "!';i ni'ur lo. in ii-n. u iiite.l tn-tere-ltns nd m-'iii. tie tei. and is r.-markal.i.- in the art. -tie d partment Then- are .ht one hnn died line i.iu-tiattoii- and a hands.. me eololed plate flolltl-pleee "" Hheilo Ki latiiij; hi- adventures In Jure Ies,h inoii.i The aiti.ii are pi-rini.irlv liilete-tiin:. and an replete with in formation "The I. if. ning S.-rMee onlheCreat Lake." hv A. Ik Ihhh. mill its thirteen illustration-, will imt ail to eommand general attention. 1 'Toe I'alaeis ..t the People." with lH-1 ! I I .. -.1 ..-.1... I........I ... 1 ii-iuiiioii- 1 iiei.iii- "i iu- ' 111. 11-. 1 in . ,, , ,, ,. ., ,. ... ' Alh.inj. hv M I. .-heiwo.l . A 1 Hit .. I...ot. desermtiv.. -,-em- in in 1 a1 1 . l iii'' 1 "l . India 'I'oiint de ("hamhonl" ; Henry j V of Frame . h rredenrk P.iniel ' The land ot the KahIe-: r Motin tain I. He in Alpena"; "I.oeust- 1 (Iras-hoi.tiei-. hv F hiahanan I White. M 1. p.. -e "reat merit, I and aie prom-ely illn-trated arti. h- In the department H tietion "I.eotue. ! 11 .1. j .. .. i . rmpiess ot the Air. hv (.era'd ( arie- ton. 1- entituiiied. and there are -hort stone- and sket he-hy P. Ik Mart-on. j i..- . it . :-.i-i.iuo. 11 i- '""" ill .1 f. I ! l l'l. .. . . rnra'.eui nieiow. 1 i 1 mope. et . i't- The poem- are eeiieralK heantt- fnllv ilhi-trated. and tl:. re 1-an nhnn- dam-e ol -hort artn-Ie-. p.ii'.tcniph-. :;:;:;;,:;,;;,,:;',;,;,';;i!,,1 '';, ' Jotes. ete . el I l.e T- .ire pleasant ...... - 1 teailim;. 1 tie priee 01 a -msie mini- hi .- S eent- the, for a ...i. '? iv iii.kiitli. Ct (1 ' lull: o. .. . .-..1 ,..,.,. months, j. em po-tj.ani arjirr-.-. I:: wic Lk-iik. ,i t. Plaee. New York. aiui bi Park Clenwood items. Kt Chikk: Soei"; that your eor re.spondent from i.'enwond ha.- ;toj peil writ inc. I -uhxnit U10 followtnc j item-. The Chikk i- d:iily crowing in favor here. The f.i:mer are hu-y -owinc wheal. exoril J.irmrr- wilt -ow .ft acres each Mr. lktrtlott wtilMe.v 150 aere th:- season. A. Huilinan's new h.ntsc i nearly ready for tei npanoy, i: i-second only to Jaoh Ahhind'. new liou-i jtiM contpleti. J. 1). TriUipoicc lo-l a valuable hoie reeont! . it cot fa-t in the tAhle and hroko it neck. Dan. Dwyer ha- enihrncetl spiritual- j 1 :u. and say? that hereafter his chtl .1... .. ;n 1.. ..,...... .1.... .1... .:.. .41-11 1.111 i'i l.tUlll IIIItL UI" ili.H. Far.n hands are Mtirce here, we ?s;w two woman harrowinc in a field the oth. r day. j Considerable land will lay idle here tin? -ea-.m. farmers havinc brokeji uj more than they can tend. Joe t.rave.- has CO acres: of rve a Inch hxiks fmc. Win. Iioff-iian and Butler A- Co. rt'e each l-tli::c over one hundred head 01 hoc-. There will he prearhin? at Plain ; (.rove chool house nest Sundav. Imorninj: and eventn. hy Ke'. Mr. Wells of ihe Chrvftian Church, all are 1 invite.. Jics-nc Eiu:aticnal Department. tsraai '- ' . 1 .!... 1 - - - "X. -fcf . r 1 . ii W --f. - 'r f ia'. t ' lti'.i i . I i I . t for.-: . laiaituUtoo at , I'.i ;r Hill Mit SturiAr .- !..! .nt Trra I- Ai-nl S. 1- It will ! !! Ut lrtHtf i!i- .: U tijjirp t her. ai! tr..!rr !- ,. Aifft f tn-! At tf vtn. April, 6U t..l Tth. at Urd ll'-ml TMi (iaH-f-r of itiKi Tlf k an-i ivlwin I'd!mr of In!. Uaw . 'ti. tn IftlilMitt to aiu-iil the . - . Hfit niinary v ffi in. in ureal w-e in tli pr.Mi ,u .1 Uivir fliuatew iIHt of th Cotll.tV l.'-tl l.l '! I raM. !ut lIn- Mill .'. n afl-r ti.e ' eletiofi. Now if u l4 Cle tioti. .Now it !! h.- i i;-. I one 1 5. -it .v Kini ' .. Iifer cit tK I li iMiftti 4t:t.4t - - ,"" ,l '" l'Tt " ' r"K- U"'tUl fe ,a ,1"1Ur' s month inoiettian -lrfir a-k' Should j on not tiow y.rtir appr.-. ia l ion of hi faithfulm-i an.I atnet- nrs- tn tra.Liuj: .ur .hildri'ti In" . idl.r .. I., .lull o p-crly a m t.-ai hnii; A ...r... ,. ..f i -. ... ,. ....... - .."... ............... . Aiiili.ieiit ( oiit a K',,l U-a lir r an 1 put in hi plo.f a tr.inir.-r fnne rti-ry three imnillu the tf a. hf r' ( iH-iti-.n 1-open to tl.e lo.i.t htdder. .. .. onc everv tnrff month, at ni"-t on.f n year, hip pirem fMiru-i their rhihiren to the louext hulder. In no other ealhriy t the cmjiloj inent of l.ihor thn itianat;.! ! Where i the hankitiK hoiie th it an.I if it i- we cur' not . lut im e to it that do not tr to get the .he.ip.--t ni-irneti..ii for rhiMieii l.i t i i .i . . term. .uti intr that Minn i f-oinethmjj more th.m the mi- i ... . . , . parlinc of a httle knodiedjje of the three. r.itotv It l iLr pplioul ilirertor's tttl '! looa it '.ll.i r "hrtt bor.ta. Atl-I tho- he tmrbr.all n notl T-. ro I thr curji-a lb' toin-i . Twill tnrnwiy .in .. 'in Into. Hut all thr !l"rr 'mill an-h ti. :. ir-s. Who may Vote nt tho District Meat ing. llerI-th- ' IW lijM.ii ipiaiitx .itn.i.' and oath- .-. J Kv.-rv ..ter arid cm woman who h.i- r -idrd in the Jistriet t..ri Ia. in.! . oxer taent- V ... .. ", onevear-ofasje and who owns real j property in the dit net. hall Jm enti - thil to vote at any di-triet meeting. IV.-rv vott r and everv Uninnn. who - 1 - 1 1 :. .1 . 1 ..:. r f ... .. 1 ha.- n-j-nhil in Ihe litriet or lortv i -- -" " v'r enij-iie yrais 01, ue and who own ptsonai property ies-ed m hi- or her name at the las; 1, --Miens, shall he entitle! to n vote 1-.-. .. - Rl l,1" '"istriei tneet'ii:. r.very voter and eerv woman who hrt ntdetl in' lm. ,istnet forty dav- ami im over j . . . . , . . ! iwentv-one venr-of ace and who ha - . elimire.1 of Ihh.1 a-e re-idtn? in the .1i-tii I, shall he entitled to vote at .ijiv HJ-li hi nieelm 1 .-f .V If any pere.n ffferinj ;o t ...... i'te ai a iilrui in-MtinR aliall t t ( ehailonel as nntitialihed. Iy any . i..i ....,.;,- tl, l ,,-t-,. .l, ,l.-ir ' , . . I IZI.III Il.i'IIIITI" III !-II IVl!!'!- 1 1 ,1 1 f : - - dl.ire to the person rhl!e..d the . ..t.i.... ....... .. ......... ....1 .. . .1. ,.. ..n.i .......- ..1 a ...-i. aim o r-.n .lor4l.n .i,ii -. ,. ,i,a. k ..r t,.. u 14 ):alificd. and the eliaPeye ha!l i.t ho withdrawn, ihe .-an! e hair man ha!l admini.-ter to him or her on oaih. in -nb-tain-p. r follow "Yo- do .-ol-emnly -a-ear 'or atTirmi that yu are twenty-one year- ol ajje. that yon have re.-idinl in this sho.d tltntrict for forty day- last jwu-t. that yoc own real Irojerty in the di-triet or $ersniial property that tva aseed ta your name at the hist as-e.-roent mr hare i ehildron of sehitol ace residinjr in the j j..nrt, . htlp yon i..l." Ai.d t.,vrv H r.un taking etith oatb shall . j jn-rniittvl t vote on all uie-Uoup j in,.Hl!.wj a: .IU h mo.".inr .. A word with ourDistrict Treasurers. It 1- M-n d.-ir... .t l. ' tne rein r- nf reeeipt-a:n! ? u-lifire- he lorre. t. We make ottr report t" the .-ta --ii-pern:tedett hirelv eopud frotu your rrjtr:. o ilun your fluure- o to hirn. In e.xainininc the reortls for ihe pa?: two Vi-HTf. we iind thai -oate ditric:.- J have :iH made a orrevt report durtnc Uiat time. I: Ie e. not led Uui: j ti,r t,UI,ty Snpetinteniiem cau xnake 1 a correct reiwt fnnn incorrees datu Plea-e oh-er.e tliat ihe s-tnu of total j money jkii.1 o:. added to amHii.; 1 now in :rea-rir'- h-mfc-. L- e.:al t I amount reei.-i-.e-i fr.m Co-ntv Trca?- nrer ad-led to atnouni on on year aco. 15 ole-ervinc t.ii cart:ii:y yotir rejw.rt need not appear a tnie of ihem have in ttie M51. A- an ill- u.-iration we find tlwit. hy cornpirinc reports 0; 150 and 1 si I that in only .twenty dl;ric 'rhere tnojy st I left in the dbtric: :riurr a: the claee . 1 i; .. fc'-! U-at j' t 1 ' ;-:. , '1 'i.-'-. m -- j--.rt :.t r- H - 'Hrrri . i'i." f. ! rl'.rti ' I ' ii'iti,i ! ' Jty-tno i-tr l f" " trr ! In ll Is.- iturw' -f !.- i,, '0 (4 ( i'i lh fii' !',' -ri t Ul N t : diir tiit t ! Jirrtlr ' t t.'ir rt-'firt m t.-. fr ' I' : -att-nt. . 1 i a'itI t.i V.- s.if r J ' tio- rt pTt Uj the -tjt .;-.- ' : l to 1 l!li- 1I- t M,a'. t4v -a in k- it It 1: a matter f uitj-t T r "ini' ' ii!n-1 tax tar l' ! -k tu -f flU ftt f .; ,-un j. ..,, u M. . , . f r -!,.! (ij, Il Hi" trea'.irt r Ikmt'ti-- 'm-' f tle , rf , im'k I itut etlt t t U-i r ! in , , , . ,, , ti.m nt tlie litri t - U-c tliev ! not :i'-w tin mat u-r nMk r !nit t -iio'j'-I !. a r a fi i;i r M,y tr, ir.i auj OJj.hl ., H. , 14. , t .. - . : :;cncs :; tzaoeszs. :( i 'rr - oj'. ! il)H(.Uirl i' ' ' ' lhrj-r ? 4U. I " ' ' !) l ii..'. I. f. t-. I - 1 . .'MM' A I , Il M lf. tt "! i ll -i I t, ,;;,, ' t. --.--. .. . . -afcri. ,ri' '! ! -. m t ot It b' "J r ) la J WIT. Stf.i. I ,Ll Csi. W r .,f Cwnaty uiirttpei4rt I .f 1'aM.r la'- i i ::ts.:.s:'. s::.. Mailf from lirm'f- nut. r.- : ! -l nt.-.l to the lie.! of fni ng .i i I . . ., , . tT ,. ..., .. . fn .mi: hair. I..rker ll.tl4m o taken thf luhfl riik a au and tehihle hair re'toralne . i- ea..t Ma!l till rihle p. p' A OKI T ilmnleratiim 1.1 the prepar .ti.iii ol'medii m i tint it hoht c tiil.itahle without .ni; r tti , J1" " . ... t . . . ,. .' ' Ttii-. i the ee with I l Kl. -n Ir-. .,. -fMt t-,,., Hrale I r. -n i!H. ,, e.s ifraie i ' " ." their e.ithartte j.ropertie tl ev .:.- 'Utl.r adapte.1 for Kner.ii n-e than i ' n other Mtuihir arm 5e A tril to ; j oimnec the most .-ti'.il. The Colorado Mineral - mm. r Co. hitveadde.! a new feature t .. tn. r hti-me. aiitkh oiiiti of a . tidii. Uniri. - .!.. '.;i-;ti i.f ! i i ni.ti. i iiihi mc a r Urn iritt i ot (ft.l-.ra.lo Alrwral Itiej i.ate j to d ii tiM-e t'hitnt- for th ei j I . t - t t-nro"e ot i-i.! i'i rat. a h'tii.iii'U halt hfen ...ii-Uintly made ! 111...0 Ihem lor ( o'le. tun- .f th tl . . i... 1, ...rtil.l inelde a trv i rnt. at a small ei-t The-e el.i m. a l.tti net. are little o--s ..-. ,,, ,.. ., lo any n trior I h. -ire ,. ., ,,. " Si ,.... ..... 1 f. j,m whirh i o- !v Tw r-. - - -.-- - !.. Idaho .-"prin-rs Advnti I ! h-. r a. -a X J! ' t.. 'I C z HI D . - C5 Z " efl 2 ' r s 1 y C x o J - -: 5 " 7. m 4?f s. 615 ciu'i or-rve 3 es5 y -t o -J 3 . o o -5 1 o J H L.- J i : icrl ? - -. t"k ZI " " ' - - r : -i S is1 G o o j - o o s CO O 1 . GO x-i CD " . v: r: i?i (Ji -A " - -"" CO M K'?1 ." ss- l1 il r. V3 KirCE-RAt- V i. . v U lrfr ;.i.- aii U srlr ti -; :; i-i n WPSt x? ' - f I l:i r'i r i runt Movlici' ulii Si.tnti V W J D K )TI m u , ii ktiuui yKlti sP i!4-fiB iAm! id tin t "' 1 in j i -. i -" Fa r - 7 w SriiE.llbLE&rUE.ia. ' ;! j;; ; '. AGRICULTURAL Two Ooors I J p: I ( -1 . I ' I ) i lliwam ai ia mwrnm ' a r i r ( lid M fmnisnse Slock 01 Brv Goods M A IvSI I lin- rrii.-m ,,...,. .v..... , .. . . .. ' ( ( ) J -a k ) ( - .. ,."-. ..v m --. li ix-iv jiit.v CH!r-AG.G & NORTH-WESTL-RN CLar-urJaMi-ft. P. ':,- jI Pr ' 1 I" r t... J. I i .11 I rr r iw-,'.',..i u ... '''" !- . 1- i -- ' 4 i.. X . ciL tc'; - k L , -si--w -ea..i .', f-. .. V 'f- - "I C - j '-K.n 1L-ii. f-T T 1 r r - --Vl V, i -Hi TXE I !leACO reCKTK-VESTHH PM'.WAY, . . . .. ... . , . . r 1 3. ODD tAUc-i ot Road. -. . -. I..' il j ;!- N-. a r .- - K i''l ,- -' t'l-i.i-- - i. . .- v : . i - T.-. . 4 ' '. a--a-- ' . ' T t-1. i o r I I Y V- 'i '. -r s O -vt -,: -' . ."--.- .'?ia3 y A s ,.Ziltr-x-To "ja - V-..W.V-N-vrjrrwr." X v re use Lawrence . rdart:.-. ; d K5SS?5a tegx -"wi. .. - - -1 ' -- I K S& ov-,P lb i ti-v? v-t iwa t r. Fcr COvJCrtS. CCLD3 SOP.E THROAT DROMCHITIS. iSTHMA, PXU TtlO.-m COrtSUiViPTIOM, Diseases of THROAT. CHEST AMD UJhC3. P4IC-AM Hf-TTiin "---t.'-c; v.'...-?.? ' " . : . :x - J - - -1. . v. r : . . r ,-.... . v. - ... ; i ..... . ; - . . a t J-fcie 3 -a 3 . AUTiON! ! ;.. At " ". . - p --i a .'".t.i' rtiJ t.v lruti. rcxr "i ;.' ., i- WITHOUT 3ISCIi t: oa ucrKSi:. 1 19 TOLU, ROCK A:D RYE CO., Prs.-rfetsrs, 4? &vsr St.r Chico, U. M V m SILVER u U- v It i - . V V- i- t-wa w. SPJECIIYISrkTS. - ril .r " t -1 -- t .'-;n J! : i:: A.-f.- 4, . - " f' ' f y.J-.-a,WW 3 .I Ktti ( ItU.J. Nth. IKS'' IMPLEMENTS 3 South of Bank. - Klil A s K A . iwwi r m wi i !- V A L W KV J A I 1 M U A 1 V t , .-. -. - T -V -. A-.-T . "JT" m - .t-rv.i -. x -.i.rii' n H'Y '-! -1 it. i 1 . r-i l - : ire Yit!f oi!n J '.' . f iv t - e s. .- . . ..1 - 1 .. . ' - . il C v- ' ,K.r- ' ' .- riCC J 7.-' wr- . r'..ns "- - rv m !' -. )j - j- ? 0 A5 P II -r-: !- ti . il in 3r.i i ' '. ? 0 r?5 m mum bLy9 . -1 . c . .ll , ' ' ' ' Is 5.B .!' '.. ' , " w . . J. . . - . . k .. f - x- I -. T 1 I' i i "tk r--' - i - . .,.- W ii -I. m ' : I'm - . P- S3" "' A5sW,Mp;: o7 mtrc ii-r. cur iEDS arcr.t :u- i.-'our -'-v,-j.'i3-vnfc,ropusaPo'italCrir!:or t 5cmo "'.. strut :! Cst-Iorua '..w.i.'.rCi'.- r - 1. - r r. w m r 1 - fSSt .Cie-.. . ' ji.'J J ?". 3i vr;ni , . V. 1 '. v. "-. v -N. T o l-.i. 4 - ,'. ar-: .. a-a aaU Hrlrn(ra.tar. a 1 . 50 Ss? w - . - . .- FREE. Wrr.n'.PWF-f.HflK t . w r0MC TREA TMEtfT i-5V . i X r . . . . 1 -- ' ? --r-. w ' ' - 4 t " - 1 1 ia. t . . 1 i ., B. D. Dl'FORO ft fiO., Jktf l i..lll. ... SULH AKO SA86 PLOYIS, Suel i ChlihJ Pbr:, Cn.TIVATURS Listing Plows, f iV.-l M f LISTER &I0 CORN DRILL, i.'i :vu ; r f i . . ct c. ItaatS ttosar. St. Jiatta. s l. Hit. rj . it iw simu t. a-r. Ct,irai". n .. i ' B2.BUTTS DiSPENSARY. w .. . :." u a t 1 . . . . . .., - .. . 4 --- HDiCnntqw oa i,?fHjHi$ r-rz: ... " " - ftMT fafkM2.Iltaj VB .Xrr- (.-., - - a W- aii u. V JW -.-- - .-fc HR - W k A4 !. a- !., M . hrAiVi i;p (ft far- !-i iJL Siii lilt it I'.. . I'lly . l "I.I. I ir. - fm t - f L fc ....-X ... . . S - Ic 'f l 4 M. . '. w ... O rr.w 1 4 - r ' ., . 1. ;i a . ..- . ;- r ' '. . - - . r.r i .l -I. rrttfi.ll Ait l I, iw-iH . -j . - - .I W i .. o - -- -.. r . . (Mrfjl - - - l tl, ; J i UU,. II lliltM-l ...- l '!( .l Ul.itt).. CM . . ' at -rtl I'llOilor 't. . . to NP I.! '..r.ay WW .-.fc4T. .' (.(.' . MM V ' 1- J Bry a. f , ir lr 4 :itrt . -. t y - - ... Ki. . J ' tt.'IWIlHH, . t . . -m, . t " . " a. ir.." rBa 5JBritfr, '"V'TOJ Or A TORPID UVER. r . .f -. - . -t .. r.i I - '(- "! i " J1 -, w -1 : dj .. ( ir , rt 1 0TJOW. Tl-' T I'll : .- - ,0 . Aplr , Wl l-t - ..' .. . I... f ' Hii t . - .-'. r-r r "". - I ' r - t y- ' . -c ' " .,. - 1 1 . -. i r -i t.ti. ll . irw M , . ir .in.!. .. liTT'S HAIR DYH, I i . . . .-. -. . ,i. ' ; r v.'i.cRii r. xtrir iu; T W.-ke-. -3', (-- rxRt tr.t ..fc. i . ...... . v fe &r Jt. H- A Cfc -: - -,A- .- ."m.1 '''' s: