KALEY, 9 3 I '.. r c oimtm-m, Clothing Ac. At LOWT1ST Pkichs. A Ijinrf Ut .f 'i!.inp. ! o, ."hor. ITaf , -. IlnKlt from S (t:lr. wll 1- sold U COST. r 1 ,, 1. P titir! VUI KllL MJi... v 1M- Guod will b'j marked down low. r i- ' -ii . iV.'J w. w... ...- ABEAK KALEY, i;i:i . I.mJ i m I. i:-k r:i-:i)i 1.01 i m.hj:.ka A lir?- nh'Ij of xiMiMantomn Wo4, 4jihvi and HtakiT Yarn, aloy ou IaI HKi;. f.i..!, AM. W'fniL H.kmI- ... 1 f f I 4 V " ! I ? a'i 4 :nll mniv oj 11. n.m-.i . V.ioi. II .md I ..riiiii .!.' iihMni l rvtTl Y ! ., . . 1 i". ', T()V f .1 ii,.- I.I..I..- . - ' "'.,"",,""! ' M.W HmI -I.--J-U.I. ihni Forest Tress,-Fruit Trees. run -u: t'nttoinvooil. A-h. rim .-"ft .hi niiiiiy nSh'i 1'oi.t Tii-t Maph Hi oil A ("ii-.: Ixi li! riii.t I.' r mi Broom Corn Seed At SI. 50 per Bushel. For h'al'" h . I v ri:.Mi:u. IIwiin.-. - - NlKV-K - I" U I IC iN'- Tol)SGco7 Cigar's; COSTFECTIONERY. r.Ni:i 1 irrirs. Fi:i;.n nirrrs mvvK, tiUNt.!M.i:Mi )..-' rKACKi-:!:- AVI) 1 ft f MM OV I N. Y (T ? '?J r' '"- v'rr Qf P- fi-r 4 M 4 fc r. 3 51 : o Al.-o I M:-i I -i Ice Cream Parlor, H'H' MM l .til .llM.ll eit a niee .h-h of lee fu.ini dutiiu " tin- i i-4in. A -h.ue .! tin' .ii.it pitiouie l- ie-pe. tl"liii mi'h lied Fli-t d I .viuth oi .Mitihell t Moiii.ut i. Hi n l'i.oi i', - - Nm;i;k l'loUli tT of tho City B'u Store. -iisn hfiltr ! Drugs, Ev1edicine3. Paints- Oils and Vrrnishes, A tu'! -uppU of MI'S. IAMF -11 lr. WICKS. l,HMr.Si;ri"lMN VC Pitroticr 4.ni;citoJ itnl llnnUfutlv rcjcU eJ tt- lr.. til linn ir.fiiil ciuni',u:i!fil"'iO One door Muth t (. uhci- -toie. i:i:i (T.orn, Ni:n. R. T,. TIrTvlilR. ; '4-ucff4sor to (. A- I'rown ) lKi 1 1: iv Parlor, Bedroom AN'O Kll HIV" FURPHTORE !3.CKliTS, CllROMQS, i j PlCT'JRE I7R..irs MATTRESSKS, KtC. 1 J C iS- lwa nn li-n.l .'t tti'rjne.1 n -hort , in net.. l'rt.-4 a 1 ii .-? an uj .hr lle Koi'i;i:iR : all Kinn iitic roni"ii ar.a i tisf-i"t r. I IJ.nid! Koh - l '.m-hed at reasonahle ! i.itcs. .:i:i CI.01T). - - - i. Harness BV J. L- RS.LLER. inUNIC'SS. COLLVUS. SA11L Tim POOH.1 NOIMH oi int. t.i-4- .. . .... Y.0tt:,Vi- .. Aia4 asi .-:;;;- -- -r-: I H0K.-E-H1. N KETS, ,Ailh an .Uire x;.w pr,. of T, ,H. h , earth, tne hmes .-. htisbaiHi ar.k tw. i- u-,ued - a -epente work ar.d !-.. .' - V" "4-"'-' ';:. 1 f iVIIII T0MHS. UKUSilEs .iMowthel.t.-e-t.hand-ome.-t;;cul 'Wren. tier tat.her. a hrot.ier. an.. aT a -upp!e-:i-nt to the "Life an I ' ' 'J uii - . ,v,; -..,-,..-....,-. i-v t many relatives to mount her umimey Work ot LarnVM. hr the r.' I. f I r IJ U!;nC o.. t. .. . :.. . -.... nuhn-hed m tno -rate. It eon:am ill n.o fnmir! ;fl-vi.oi wor i.a'.' t ..j.... .4: .i.ini.. ..- .... .-. . i-i wrUL. XlL'Iir ' LJ LlJLll i -t . rs ma -j n . --?" ,..,.Jcventl.:nci- :. m : the new-of tin werk. and i- the only j the rc-idence of Mr. Kcyer on Tue- rinch 0 ertuwiecr ..KlVtno- Gr- 3,'.nv t-; ro.e up a.'h ..-, firai -- k k rSkvHH TIT 10 CHIEF. LOCAL Tin iiu . r M w: II : : i---' w to - a r p ? r il a. aa r.J -! .. "rs" rn ... . rft' :atf.H!? mvikjs. im. , Ho'nwJ raM-aara iVa. Prtgat ! am Train Xtaur ?$ f4rr- ) .5lin. Slraw and Tow iij,.i Jt. in " nati inuranr Mti.am. I....!t .-im.. : fat! t -. -KKnT)1:fMf . at Mlf F'i-fcH' ' II .'trxlirn. 4jr-nl, La n-lii' t r--u.t Lih- call im! ttif-e tJKo 'att lMirnIJiMit Mk. F-aiit - Nrw tA" vtv f-w dy until th' ! rljM rf the i.tn, at Mty r.jr.fii. A v-ry Inw snM-rtniMrit of Sj.nnjj , .,, . .... .jj.., ( k.h ; J.ot!..fTC.ot&Sooat J ( PoTTI!. Th. n & 34. rak i iUim o.h- ' liiifiilrfd tmNsof JJfii.r. ' - icli at. J u. runui'si Tin- U A il liav 4u.tuin'd orV ot Ui .1 n -in- ira-k at nn- i wi 'Hi.- VV i'T T will aiot at Mr- 'Horn i-nVTliur-duy M.uih '1?.. at .i p ju. In.,.! f. .' IniHl lof, liimrniot! f:ii 111-:ilil r.lW "L,il.. ,vSiiiij.uii .t .-'w.-tfv of r.lui- j Hill Ni-h. , iMir,. vonr hf.- in th- Homo Lift. A-jr.itio.i of nnrhiitiii. Haum.i A Ttiotirr., Ak nt L!Lt..SflluiIavtto fiaw nior. than :i .1 it 1 i. . ..1.. 1 lH7.CIt "lllilil I'm' JII iH- MIHUJ il.li- ' :n inurhlfs Mi.r ki-i-pj.. ifT-!! itwI ann flwt a'ni' nti! tirifra nfi ....:.: ::,..,: ":. .::,;.,- ";! , " " " V 1. .'N'whii'.. ni .1. U. rrri.i:.H For ..'I lMirin:. -aH on K A Yoiin H v. ill mrtk' mi :i inl well .it MMpoiiahh liuir l'jirm han nuiih hy J-iinjioii A- .Knp nor mmhiiiI niu at (luidr Uork la-it 1'r.dny and sroopiil them two to on, iu a jramv of Ikim hall. fnitt. "i.th si; l.'-mon ("l.t'5; lV.ih. Mou.ir h .trawhcrrit", A-., Av . jut i.it..l.it Hor.vV. ('..11 m SjiupMin A-Swepzry of I'lue mo. .-..-ii . jiuu Ri-f j..-hu ,-iiiu i"" - - hefon huvin" land or making a loan r- " ii 4 .ur I.inn A-yel wdiavp not fen :l.o wport of the iine-..irn.ioii. hu; we epert m . amme it soon, and will have tmino- 1 . . i - . . !,''"'rr n " rari to it u. luiuie j ivik". of the C"nti:r. i .In-.; a- ue aro coins to pre-. w 1 w.f.. of i learn Hint Mn II F. J.U17 lnvid l.ut. ol this rtl!n;.. died enrlv ... , . . . , Weihie-i a morn.rj: lie fh-e.-.tM. ... . ,.., ... .. I : : ,.. i . .um to Red ('loud in an earlv dav l She le.ixe- a niihaud and throe rhil , dn n t mourn her h.! The Ihd ("loud ladio-, aid oeio:y will hold a dime soej-il at Imnale. at the re-ideiiee of ,. . Knijjht. on r"l. ! .-.- ....1 II -a. ..A.k m( I v h j k lm. wwthiirtr-liuj; rea-lme and in-' w- and . i. 1... di i !,,. " -(.nai .-.t .. v m ,;VVll'Vm T1.'. . , , . i formation of imiHirtaito to twiter. !i-u- aitii u mwm k.i For m ,,"'t p ' ' ,,! r ' u ' ' v '. ...., ,, , .. ''" " ! A Superior woman didu t lik- t . "" ... , -. iu.ihit . .... . ... . , 1,. . i,.. .... : .1 1 : . o ti. .,Uf.M-!i i..l i...r(r i-. ;v ,,1 Akillt. .; 1 Aii... .t.oi. I r l. n. . -fc . . .j 1 tas if, , ) , Fruit m .ismu npm 1.. d.In.r , k -! '-r m-m-y ... U... lank M .he , u . n .,.... ...., ., . ,.u . ., HtHrpaal- ,o-t.... ... Aprn !' oi.-d-r-I it .m fr. , ,!.. rarri.--! it j"" XtUt" " tuU '" - ' ..M-mn;, . tiai.i... !...: r ' ?.r u T. h. .t. 4l..- ..ii I- .,.1.1 ..I.,. f..r ' around in her o. linp Me ntliir ! i,1 l4f '" ' ' ' '" '" ":"" n' mum! vw. 1. tor tiic- ,.,.. -rt a.-. U- f tM M ! ,b i-. fc .; m 1 1 I v.. (,- .t itni.. mil .Nil. . ca-y fnn- -IM..,J niI-in.iiM'. Tim oivainii it i and tii.-n pli.i to that a.Iditi..n-1 i.plr..al of tin alh.w. who ahall . -m.vm .,.. laud mon.-j hi Uiri.-drts Mom jippli- .,.;,, n ,:,., ,i ... ,.... , t,,.,,,,- r Mr ! ... ....... ....... ... ., .... .. ulit ... hi.i- Uforr th v ar- ..aid and .......,-........ - .. n.Pi;-v :.-o O Y.isrr-.villnro.,h ! . .' ' . T I-I- mmd-and txt.....l ihnr fcnol..!r- I f tlu Tna,ur.r ami r. -.rt a, thr.r '.? - ' L 'V "' .. . nit n . . 1 icispr .uii OT.K11 lui'V who-i lnrthdix n. . urr.d : ..- .. . .. . .. . 1 ,. . . .1 1 . , . 1 . t n4 . ih 1 m 1.. .t j.i. .. Sahhath. moimm, and ,lnB. fl $,,. j',,,, ,,,, ' ! - - --'- - -" --' - ; '' VS ttVrrr-": a. th..Con,r,,at,onnl church in U. m,,y. .,,... U). WWi. (l,h,,i ,!;pbJU;!,, . ;. haw ,, a ,..,, tavor.h.y -TrrJTi. .Ui'rV'i'.... i !'. -V,n,,a,,0!,,0,'l,,r,"s,'m'": :';- I I,,(-p 1,,vh.r -out ,n ihoir ajiplu-a- n u- pl.M.ur.. to -ay th.u Uu affair ,.srn . ,. .r. ttrrc mu, , ,, IlAlll ,. npt. t,r., t., ,4t.ie th. fltIm, ,. jJUiv:';:'.' .. , ' '.." ," t...u Jo, ..r....-P in tl,o ll.m., l.1f..uaMIU(,lj lItl(()m, U fr(',!,meut, ..i,,.., ..J ,at... ,.. r ,lt..ln ! . r. hy un.i.-d trort pr....i -7 .'u 'a.? :..... ... . T A7...,tio ,au,l.t..n h,,r politic "h",BW l7 ?U 1' "f ,htm ...,. lv aii.-t h.wt.I.. l-pnia.,.,,,. ft' "-" -' - '-- - ' - - ' 1 lut fciwi-y .fc hoi pi..Iiu. iin .tr.u 111 wi. ii.iiihii.1 uio-i pr.- MuiU' ni.inlfd. mm h to tin linttit ol ..... .v.. l-i , .-1 ,.., r ". mW4 w.i . . 1 lent douhth-i felt that the ufiinir had ul-t VR' lu.llwr n ro.il.mrtit of ,. !, !. 1 .! 1... B .i t I 'in... I.1...!!'! UH....H.I tiinn m..i ll... ! tUOrl' IrfUt. ll... "r,..,. .aili,,.,,! .-, ,Hil t . I. .1.4 atl.l llliH I 4S4 &.- fcl'if !' I.'.MH I I ! i a T 11 Tl I fl I I'llli ! 1111 Ii till I i I " "i' - r - -m - m - -s- -t--w - mw . 4. .. Fridnv evenuic tim 2.1th in-l. All nipinnlilir tliriiii?li the iiwimuiv.. Th..' I united to attend, and come early, Kefre-hment- will he serv.! at ."lit 'o'clock. Sja'. Farm for Snlo ... rarm tor onio. 1 i.O aue- o! kind n mil. -omhcaNt ol lied ("loud. .:, aeie- under eult.a- Ti..r Will ill.. . .. rt t.. i. ...... 1 11, . ,t, 1 - 1 --! --- l.-il.iuce on time t'.ill m (J. A lil.iWII oil tin iinmi..'s or I .' iVitV ! .u lh.r, tJk K m l-t-j - Examination of Teachors Theie will he .1 puhhe e'iminatiou of teach. 1- at Ked Cloud Thur-da md F.ida April nth and 7th. 1-J 4 4.. ." .....'.I..- 1 1 .-.pi iican... t.p.r...n i..r -cion.i 'V" i fllst oi ii hi t T ill- -it. C wlnllT.f tint S ill I -" - -- t ' . . -, ooiiu .Sp: '.'2 M "' ..'';i: vf ,;' " ..i-i...! iv, .-.-. ...t . NfKtcft to ireo Planters. t'.-f.... ,.;,.. I'.t. ..... t ..- ia.tie- wi-hinu (.ottonwo.Ml tree- tor lore-t dantuu; .an h.te them in any ouantitv I will luru.-h in 1 L- ( ot not lc than ten thou-and. tor one ,m!i,V,VV.V.,m:IU. o- Vh1",, 7T0 !.l'"U, , to accompany M larder- Send oidoi- t -mi t MKiiY. r;nt:inonru. ('as-Co.. Neh. IJeiesence. a C.mti: Hunk. - .. , , ,.,.,.: ... . v.-, -,,-t l 1 latt-month. Nop. i 1 Q,.,.e.o .3 ---:3 Flnre-tonCo'o ,7 .fateful to valid, he. :m-e it i- retre-hin-; with- '",. lhe - "" Vet perluwe ot nio-t ... A ?ccU:h SI::tai5. T-krsn.l- l..t. -..-n-..,-. r At. fomidir.c- a reme.lv of ment with qu.ick inedicme-. 'We .-peak from ev t.ne:;cewl.cn we -ay th.it l'ricer'- .u . . . .. ... i. i. . it j. .ii mi TTfTTT t r .1 ?3 C"-4r" '4. t .. . - ii.-i- re.eiitiv iimmi mi .i-m, .. . ... .. . ............. ... ., !hra-ka New-. SuhM'np'.iop. price, i ura- ' -i .tI ?.4'r .44.it- Tn.t -1411. 1 V.J.l4-... STATK.10rKNAI.e0-. Lim uv Nkix. . iiint.nr iiiiti' -ii.: .it-;iii ,. . Tf4 . ,. !" - . .1 T .1 -tor.itiv.. utiT.'T- ii-il! .?.! ..ll fl. s eer.eiit woman. She came here a few ififtl and onic:u:i.iti.ui :- told m a i nave p .-.-i --. . TArsmrui 1 v !.,, w, . i. ' f- tK SU n H cltunied for it. We liave u-ed t our- week--,nce. for the benefit of her fa.-ematin- and truthful wiv ;n the ffn',1 ia1!l- " 'A" '' Iv ' r 'd' '?t ad !.-.- rwij f -il U U. 'h"u,th tho tP?'f re-uiw f,.r;jiea.h. and for ; a time -eeme.1 to U- -Lif and Tr.al .f (J-uVui. "hv John ul? .:v , ""' .'.' ''.' ,!''" ,".W" .-o '.. .. - - w r ' Kheimnu.-m and when .Torn c.r.t bv iteWie-J i'.v in- cliiiiiw et clittwtc.i Wj . ,... . u. ,' m r- i ... . . .. r. ,-,i'-.- ."..,-!-. Uu overwork See adv Tim but .-hort.r a Her tvan to decline, ami WM" """ '"j-"- .'n.oi-Mr n ,. . ,-T t. . ,... . . . .u I.t-t ha- eone the wuv of all i't hyW.Il McCiain. l)? Moine.-. Iova. - r- - . '. . . i v-vo v-....iio v.iiiiii. .iii'i iiiiiii iiio . . . i j ir . ' i . -- .-k - . . m m m- --T T--i' -- -.- - m -.- fc.4-.-v- on -.l t tvr.Uaivit.ffi. ili'i . j- rv. iif-tt"i r?(ij -. iii Mr vrrirt-vr' -.r -i.r aaiv .- !.- . ,.-a. L.a-. J.W Mondi. max h I o !j, t, '. i:.ilrr i'T. 1 A ; r ri iif .! !r'. .-.J ,, ; , ; tic ..i:th -id of tl,- riwr i .i weeV. A H Marh wmiS to Chica-v, 1m Friday far nt hrr ! M of n- fifth 52 ril him on :h i kvs 'forth. t-r?n fr..irt. fwrhe aw u ;f"r,!nor" l I!' aid IKwlHy Mitt irK 1 v '" !'"(.v arrt..-., at tfe reider i t S.' T'" A K B- ttno-an e tb JvW . ' HntUnzU.n Huttl- ofter r'-at d- ; ai. ).'.- o travrt?. tl.iri - - -- ---- ,t i . 1'" " Mr M-hr hmtar wfr.-j, J .- .Um-I l.y fir a fi- i.; a4. It .- Hftir'l in tli M'riiiii Air Sth Algt-r, ffnT-T a r'.Irn: f thi touuJv, l.ut ij.w f Taylor ; f-,i MlitV. IrtW.t. r-atifi t t'-f l.,t !'. , . til. ,., ,Urll r scihJ- the momv t iv for it j ... j Kverv tarlif-r in th ro'iTi'y f!nnM "'f rr the iiiif an-I pH th m i me iuauonai i-ommii I lt ,-., 4 wiu-n ut. niipt. rnniix r fi!.' nwy t- h0r-f .tivay ih thr day )mi dTsad n man nrrolt! for stenlinir . r ur -iiI. k. A j. tit ..... stdnnR for tb pardon .fi . .-V ri-.-unt Maion who i.ttcmptwl to Jnont (;itlo-.ii while in jail, and for IToiiioti..u t., n captajnrv in the r.pu!ar army, mny ! iound at tho IfMiototdM Ahoiu 3hj namr-a uere -11...I m thr-r days. I.tii l.ftirit 11 ii 4it. nti ta Lnnia tn Ki-1 I'hi.td oup day l.vi ttock. tho finl time v.ilhin the re-ollM t.oi. of .. 4. I I , I I . ...... 1 1 1 tin olil.'l i.iiiahit'iiit that Iip had t. fc ;.. .1 t r .1. at i.r.-n mm-ii in i-m imimiioii mc hi-i . .. t 1 . . ... . f . . - iy n...n.v,,. ,. i.. "rjl hrokf-n d.,un h.u I.. I.3ii Friday I'vci.tnj; n lnro ami- li.lUV ot United triCIKl- ascnillh'.! Ml .1 1 t.n r. .. . 4 'n.i muni- ihiii ii mi- ihiii"p"i- it i:i.-tn .mi ..-!i:n in ph-nvint jhn'tl Wl'II .Jif.it ,,nl- .f I.iiim t- M ..... l.iiT.l... .JJimoaA Maur. lun.1.. r ivrontly h.-.-n n-.rtfaiu,.d rntl tindir the t.ntiu and .. I..a.. f VI .... .. T .....!. .. 'Hie firm dollar, luu- -tvlo of "Tlu' .Ion.- .t M.m.f . ....... ih :... i ..... . r .i. . ""- . '" "i. i- M..,i.i;W.iip.i..H.H..nV.,iiwt.n. i-ompatiy mil remain nt !. n.md. tln-j u..... a one person, all at on. . J ami will he. as he.etofure. under the "immiHiiaie HtipeiMMon oi .Mr. K. I j , .. , ... ,, , . . iJotie". who well known as a lu-i- i j no-- ui.tu of lnri;e nhil.ty and ump.es- tiomthle ltit.'ritv. The e.impanv de-. nrc thank their pati. '"r I""1 j f,u,r ,x,j ;., ,., .jm-nt a emit ' . . .. .,nu, with the afMiraneo - n...-..;-;..... M..i.t .u : . . . ,. . , , . , ...i,. .., .;,.,, fJ .f .l.o ,t,.tn.t r.. ' ve?t.c;ion ol eotu.tv records lato List n n " ',p rn-to- oi tne m-iri.t ar ' . . . , . , ,l, i.,ri u ,. u- t ..... .. ,.,.. ;-N.dayiiilu.I.utM.fnrn.- we have' l.twl -W U W J..:..-. . replj hoen aide to l.'.irn tliev did not le.-ide to m,e the puhlte the ji-ul: of theirM'0- ", '' "x- work. It appfir- th.u thev made out a rej.ort nnd instructed the cle.k to i place it on the reeoid-. !ut made no ; arnuipement.s to h.ne it ijjven to the I i iieonle nftiie count v nte intere.-ted in i " the result of the ine-tij.-;i:ton. and would irlnilly p.iy the ?maP e.t .f jt - puhhcation.and weon-id-r it unf.iir!ci'fnntenden: Smith. S . under.-. ( .. . ' .1 . , . 1 c c 1 1 1. t. the taxp.ter- to keep th.-m in the 1 lecture, fn m.--ihr I .iiriieM ; 1 '.e.-t- , , ': ' . . , . .. . . , " ,rk :,Q :" t',,, t'"t,'It- M' - I'port. dent - a.tdtci'. .-l.tte Mipettutcudeni J land aho unfair to the new-tuner- to '.lone-; I'ajier for Woman Sulfrasre .' 1 .1 expect them to puhh.-h the document 1 M?- lkun. Teacher tn St.ite .Notmul ! . .. r I - I I i. . .1 ,v w,lhom W- I he c,,-t of putting thej.-hool . I'aper :.S..isi the sullra-je. i matter in type, alone, would prohahh j Mt-? one. teacher in Ooane Colhire ; j exi-eed $"i3 IH) iiul it will he r.-adih ' '..-operation of pi.-ent.-. 1'ru.eip.il ein II. ir .;i.i.n ..mr. . Mut un 4 .. ..... , . ni.iim 1.1 ! (.1 111.11 eipen-e w nen kj ' ... uhmilv the dtitv of the eonutv com. , nn-ioner-to lt.ne the ri-t.ort iuihh-h- . -ed and to pav the actual c.t of the J ... .... --amo it no mw. It the ,.- -inner- etet that the people will ajj - I . . , . -loner-eiHvi inai ine neonie win no- t prove ot their tal-e idea- ot economv i . , ,m ."Jitter, we opme thev are . - -"dly nu.-takesi. cwillju-t -.n. le: -ome one .-houM think tiiat we are liurin-: for a joh of pritiiinj:. that ' re wilimi: to puhh-h the report of mvtMicHti.m free of charge if the county wm pay ttie actual co-t ot put- awracmo announcemenu leaci.er tunc it iu t pe. j ho-e .-chool- w dl not le ended can ! lit r i . readily pro tire a rece-- of three d.iv-,. -r . .-.m,,.. :.. n.r.;,.,,i..r. ni- ,.,',.'. ....... j . . ""- - j " -..... ......iv. v. ....... m-.'T ",!,,!l" 'I1 ll"; l'"1KF - l!Ollir 17 lire I 4... 1.1 nr.4....i A. ... !..... cl I ,rom 'u'2 iren:o. 115.) i- Mcirt. I Mrs. Clara Kd.-on. of Heil Hnud. Neb. ditMl at the re-iuenee ot her r father. Mr. M. W. lner. near thu- viii.it nn SMmt.tv .-b-nTitt.v f...U . 3th. ai;ed 31 ye.tr--, 5 months, and 23' ' Y" ,-- , , , , -Mr- Lu-on wns an only danchter ot .u. . i o er. ami u verv aiiuaiiie. ev- i'jii...iii h no.tn trn .i .k tv . i .. . .it - . earth Mr KJ-on .::ed from Ne- I,4-ijV.i l-.t iri!s$j v nviwiii mul 1. i.t f 11.1 .ml ,i!ao.I...1 ... lt.1Tfl.7- 11.1. I 1.4. "v - " l"v" ",l v' """- '"" - - 1 .. 1 - . ..... . I'eioveti wue iiiiiiiik orrr '- !Mur- n oilieiatinir. Her hodv wa- Her hoily wa- taken to' w-ith the inf-uny of h titnrderer. The : and 1-A2 j.r c?nt irie Cemetery, where her (Juneau hbfcory i- oi ie: worth the -tmiiA; 9 ocr eeu tl.x-A.-.. !.::. .. J mother and other intried. relauvtrs are Educational Derailment. -i - - Note from the Institute. r- n ten -j. fmtm lf frt js, f;wt W, U'Pf I'., t !!.r- l-.-t.tt'' M-" ;.. 1. rt'.n h twn 'ii-y :; rrtik)(i ! j. imi h.- r ir -,.- hi t jtctit", j r ,h f !IiT, --f K iii' , ai fc-i 1 rt "rg mfiI muttho h -4 r',tn i i!iitc Tm r .v t ; f, nt r . nJ .. " ;. :.. s i .... a mtA y-. r-.Ti. t . . . . ... . . . . ; u:;; ;;;;;; 7 ; ..;;;. - . . .... ... . .. i.iu.h- ii-i..' . m ..i ii..-n,ist. t IIt t t-- :,,-i I. 1. nn, .vn I ..m,-..m m,-.i, t... t.r,.i i fny iut a mi.n-Mito u a I f .1 . . i i i"' r i'-i'i ' ii:'iiu::..n ,( -:. front rank of i'o utioni-t UV l.j-- t. bar the Gfu.ral m H.-d t'luid tfjn. I Tf. .Wl.r.iila Hut- ta. hrf ' A-...- ', i.4t(.n w.H ioiirnc at rttr, Man h h and 10 -. - " How many ta-hT an thfrr that dr, not kmm how t. tind th av r..- 1 , i.umr of pupiU att.-ndrng th.ir 4i.l44 4. .1.. 414... d.f ..llil.t !.. .... .w.. " "" ii-M4ii mill wfnv tha.iimpdou.it ,, ,. I.tltroteaMnall sum in tomim;; our diotiii't. nnd th.t r;. more ....ru ,,, .,,!..,., ,i, ... T I'h- rk ull,. ,Ioll.t nill M,.v,.r lie n tht-ix ma lit-ruim-a hurdoii. .-.. r .!. !...... ... -.. IH'III IIH- KilOtVIl (II IIIW UII" trimun" .. l! . ....r- 1.. wl..t... I-I..I ,....- .. .. ............. ... .... -44.1- I,, . ... ort-ll IIIUMV M.liitIlillii U lnf ll.t.v lin.8 1 .- , ..nlcr tin (?-hooI room, find out what .- iiaiiiii.. !.: 11 i,.i i-i" iiiltl ;i !'. iii.iu.HIr;Whinir.iiw.vi.j;''';p,v,,M,f !.r K uud" . 1 .i." . "1 th onttol of tnr l ititnl Mat's f.tvra ad tlioi. ,a.ry it out u, .-ry dy;..t ,hc m,. , t.If. miv (rf u..rk. I;,, not n Hon pupil, ;.. mote . .,.iuK ,l. J,., niumation and Vmir !..ir'i. Iy nlt.M.t. in foUmvinj an- wuhii nut:-that arr n..ppm: the pi. - I .1 . .4 . ili..-it ..ii.l bill. itn.fv .if fit, r.hiii.lr.1 Liuith.-rlothtr. taking their own tun, in ..m- .i . . -i - ( U it time, and it more quiet. The eontiaet made hrfore the an- nual meeting for cm-hooi after aid meeting. i- not hindinp, at tho law cix'h mt uiiiriei eeriiLiii nt'tii who it I.I... I....-I . i "... r nine. of '' cannot take nfcay from , no-elii,,.. free .UieiK-noit, t'iiit. tf.ui , ', ithem hv roniraet. iluld ihev vih . uid .hi i..pui- th.ir U t Ulent for tl'.tl the. " ,i i , ..it. ... , 'in jic-iir n t..i'hiT (if wlial tlv aro''1""'"'' l' iii-iK'di.mimltruU.l.ii.1 . . . 1 ' liii.Ier-ian.h.iR that th !,trj. t h.i certain neht.. ree ..,. J! :,n.e . ' ' ' ' Vain)'. (' .'ij.'. Franklin Tonchcrs' Association State feaehi i- A-. i.itiou. at Crete, Mareh --.!.. A-eordin; t. -'iv i.i'. urozntm i.uhli-l.e.1 iu ll.. .Vote. Kid. . ' 13. the l.t of -pea.er and -.uhteet-i . ' - .i here Kivrn. At'.dro- of wchome. ' Hon M. II Ij. True. l!f.pon. ex- il.t.lll. .41 4 . III!llt.'II 1 1 :1J1!1', A'limM ill -. 11m ,1. 1 ti . 1 1 ft . f uhki nu iuih'.oiiwiiii. winraiii.iniii.,. ,i,.,!.liral l..J.f,..n ....... 1 Amenc.m tnrl- l'reident l'nk.ird. J ' rmvei-it. of low i . Are our I " . i 1'-mic .-h.I- fult.hn- the ohjtMt for ' ,. i .... .i .. .. - . i i t i . t. uhioh they we.o o,uidi-l.e! I'r.n- .ctpal hivn.fr-tone. Calhoun. Kinder- hji iviiiic-ionu. i. :iiiio;iii . rwiiwer- uarten, Mr-. Pov. teacher. HrowuMlle : ' ., , , , , ., I Hie miKlel country ?cho.il. Mr-. . J "chick. Umnt'. .-iiperintendetn .Nenift - 'ha; Te.u !ier-and their waie-. Super ' intenilen: 1 lower?. Lanca-ter 'o. , Spelling reform. I'uv Sup-nntcndent Harher. iir.ui.1 Maud. Tm- .- a xery i iroin any appreciative txvaru iy Mm - 1 . . j,,v oxtnintin the pn iJani. Ai.,o Acr osntm to the may ot.je'i .. :u ..-iiinS or -ho, ? e.cur;.on. nnd anv r&tt50Qal.!e Ivotp cheerful. v for anv ren?ooalie -u, -......, ... .. . . . . i i''intiAl adanti?e - " - : EXIT CUITEAU. It - de-reel il.t tn a-ain of the p.. lA,n. ., .... -,v ,. ., ,.v f i... - Mi .,.. ... i ...... ..... I j " . atim xi in i tiinii':ii!i.iiiiiii iii iti i- hv far the hk-; cian'ete and !"- ..d...r.nn..i 1. ........ . " ...j ..... ..;. .. I....!. ..... kn... ....l.l.. I T-fc. .s.i. . .- ir, m-a i-nuri-uw. in? tnm.k iii n ve an enoru , 4 1,1 . full price of the hook iu- which it ap-j per.r-. -- i 4. w . ramV a, 1 . aj " aV'lT -IF 11 11.1 " .-"" . .. . b FARMERS ALLIANCE. - . i - J J -i T t t !r- - . ', ' ' s. t ?! ! htr u( tht lt h1 r! J r Htm ! K. - ! I at I ! .' ' .i ; . i j U.v -l '-4 .! ..'..Alt. . f ; tMU .11 l,H fill I I! fc 1. V. kn . , -. . K ' i . V 11- .!td i -;.tr I . 1 Tt.t .Vhir li' ot'tir"i : J aJ r ii Mi a;,i ts' t, t.v t.i.iw r ; Ur H'A iAiiit s juhu.k -ut,- ,: ., Ik- ! !". ji;l ... ..iHr a. . -ml. . ,111. 1 .1 1 h a.ntii,.- i.aa 1 at: ni sarin, r. atii ! kri ttiorali iwutcr "1 ir appln-dvn! . i In' n- ,,,", ,0 ' ihrw !-". iHr nit h ua llrr it rtirt until .4.... 4. ... . I... lh n it t...i-!.t. if ne.ar ll ti.r .iral.V lm.tn Mall . iia.l. l...b " .l".itin. a rtltn or uuuti.ir ri'ii int. . r un;4 , nnii.i.i.i.riiriiuMi.'Wri. r l-.rn.tf tl. ..r.l fc li..l,....r ... rniti t muiU-rhi(. thr Utt-r r i1"' lf Utr l'1: "" "H" U aInuioii l lorn. Im rj.t-l, 11 t.lv, (rJ hr fcUl, ,V, wJmeuiU.r ...A .. .& - ......... ... IIM1 PIKM IIIIH t-n.ltU(iOII ' Akii.it -It. Ih- th rs f thi allian.. shall In it I.-..d-.t. Vn-i- iVt-l.-nt. .S. rt-tary ai.d Trai.rr. nhophall i.-itorm tht ditt.tf .d eu h otli.'ii n pritTit d in t 'miAim M-ntftt 1, Att.'r ihi tirt cIti..i th othr , m..,.lItlir , j,lK. Mn,f j,UMrv H. ' r,....,l..r f,.r... .J ..HI.- I-..'.... ... -.' .. -. ... it ", .A month .Klin. .tin lli-rt almll in- u .... ..1 41. fe 11 . :. una Til II lttltt.lt fi I llt.ltWiAal llffflir. . iiiimii Ii ttu rrtnidui iubiH-t ;. thr du..r- and hhippr in rr iiiirn i n jw mm .1 a. rfa - - S-...U.I -t ur- a more riiU.le f ;,...,,w nt f lasi-. th.it .. ti projrly owner aill tn itMnpelied to i ;.v ai nnJin ti tin ht property ie'iir. t tay ae. oniin; to tin prot tiott tl.it Third.-to work lor the violation oflVSf!1'' lV VS ' "' " i. . . . 1. 'l I". rift-.! Tttf tti ft . I I. . , .a , .i-ii' ultnre. l.y the mentil. ni'.ral. uid tfc t,.r. -. - r .,-w..-.r .j-,.. ....i, . , . .. . . r , i'io. U. IMT I.' .!( T,l.. te.pi.nt lAhl. I, .il. l--.t tn- .Ifei T. .1 J. fi....ii, l.t i a. more r itionai -!y;eni t m.i'. o-.. j Kuid.-I h the et.-r. je of Inoie i-ram , Ul there! ..muiid .t r turn . ..in ' uirn-uratenito the . ai.tUl. hram and! - eu.ploied ir tl produ. ti"ti ' . i I ue auiaiuo iio M'ek h pu and, , ,t(1 ana.,.r(lll.tj, to !.,,., .H.r pric-4 fvr ail t!i farmer pr.i:tet- and . j .haK-r prnN for uii he toiwumes ef other. pr.Hhi.N to i-neouraM nnd practice the caMi rvtiii in Lkuiij ...id Felhuir. therehy Wins heav tV pnei- itieur:-! in !oe hy auei. i. o'fi-er and i.itere-L-; to ..pp... -IM" "' - M-iii.ion .i tr- ..4.1 to (ii4li,.ii ur In 4.r-i"iiri lli l.i.t.i :';....' i , r i . TI.MI'.'l 111 1 t-.V. il'l O. ."li Ii. .. -' offin.. and i.un. i- danger, in t. Iiherty and ee.uion.v. nil pr"fe--- 'ii i! o:a.-M..ker- lo .tenoun. e ail .:. ' tuxz, mluii" ciiiC.dal- ..inl , 7 . . , P I,1! f'v''"ft to co.p... 1..01- ,.m m.-.m upon the ellorU i.; all cm-.- - ( pmlVjonal mu 111 eh iroi x.r;. ... .. . .i 1 , " ,n'","",li' ' J,,'u pp i' ! f i ti.:- nilli.ni1' tlo l.tr'.-t h,,rrt) aj j,0 ....j fr ,fi(. ,. .1m ,,f rt. ,..,..?: m r hoii-. jto.r.. ca!. tin n. i ii and domeMc v. lit m l.-i j jmi jhlv Kitre-t the real f.tm l in-aoi in. e i ;.. hmk iur rnor fa I fM,.Mi-t.l'" t.,.i...r, .......l r...i..- . , .-.............. . . tr.tnp..r.at.or. lower rato of intere-t '-. M"'' Itiuru-traiiow .f the Jan.. i more re-tct to the true want of tin- ,v nfllj .,f., I!t;;v R mrc tor. ,H.ih rirrnia.o.'i In the hail of .m.Ti. wn " I h?;vd.tion and ... tne halli of concre-. ' Ait-rntr tth H- lcs m.i .. akthii. .in ii law ma i mad.-not cnrliatai: wih thia. on-t; , ,tl.,on Sinitn Ik-other-nacmice .H :tf, other .mjrunt rItuu..n in rat- ..f "e;; m , 'V," i:,ink and lei. .or aj.plicatiun " iutf . ,...-. r..vr Nctif' i fcirfcy .-itf. tl.: I .ritt irsl. ."vin. r 4. t). . mj . .ii ,.-. "i wv n .j i -- u rj.- is.hw.m ..s .,j.i. -i 'i,., er. i iu 1"1 3 f, "'' ' ti t " a 3 ti'. f, ",,,r' ' t L":"V ??' .iVr!'. . i.V:'rvA .cr?. tr... a. wt t-,fr. - .;. ..- . -7 -' '' --'-' r . -I i r .-..-... . -.- - t cHlsLI, w. ,,,,,. -i-.i -f fM- i.c-m-.j T...c ,-r,- ' i.. .-.- ..w..v.. I itk-n v tf.-i x. ..-., . l l ... & t - . - . .a iiiiiui wr . f n p-r cwnDHon. ..- at no oxnifii-i'ion. Jn'O. IL WjLLfOX J Oif.eo & ti4r 4 C3.idf oce. 30ft $50,000 To LoaE '-- -- K-" 'ir.f. ji ) v . .. - fc t .-. 4ttfk ... .-4. .. aon- .-a:e. i: . ... , . . .: 'r i - '- - k- ' -lU ... I. I. - . ' ' !.- . t Final Pycf Hftco. - 1 .4 t . ( i- r J m a . 4lt . r h s r . i , ' 4 4 . f . L4v ii 5 . .V ?. in kfcl - f i i- . wt . M i ? n,- . t- 4 i " - . S .. : kt'k . L4 ' UfcMMtk C . I.S ar. .i- . .. t H'4 1 V $ 1. . m ,m a f 4J V 1 tl li m 1 4y..m. aa. i . . A . a &. w. ,. n 1. .. to .f w.atTrk K hc.!st Sf A pjasitwa a? -Iwati. J m rUe .4 -,-.,,. t at j sr.w 4 - H ik ' r.i.i .. iiw-iw t 4 v 4w n , .'.., , .. rrltH( tl iinMM'On.ii, .. ! 'h! "1 T" ' "" ." T.t h, !-. ,,n,,,. .... ,. ., lkf al 'n' r s' .. lb ti b 1 1 a f iif ULIX.1 . 4J t !. I Mi (.. . 4 J p t ' 'CfVtr? ,' xV. ' U " 4 ' i 1 , . m..t... ms. D.4ilra .v. ' M""' U ! j NOTICE. ! r s ltv...rii'ri ' M"tea:a S. . .. . :. V.,. . ....... .n W.u '! a j-ib. t'. K. r r V. .,. vi ! -. .1 I- b . m tti. . !; r.f ' nJ " .'s ' .. . ,' ........... i., !. ' W.l-M.f ... . t ,,, tb,j,ll...., ,f,4ilf 1 fnrii4M&4 imi. on.) 401 1 1 ., . " "U ft V' h ! of A,r .... a riuh,. 4-4. ... M.TK !. 1 li4M..f "" - V."":....'; .v,::.: ini-n m iu,f. '"tr.u.i, ii. ,i , -m., ...,.., .r,a ,... , mw. T' VL's. . '"" , - H ! r k b f' Di-orco NoitC'J. : '"- r- - " '" " trtet to " ' ktr .any nivk Jtmrm AatMt'atts rl. jt Vtrk WttMt .z -. & ,..t .. . im.. i. . ... 1 "'" "M "1 "-." " ..a .fUrwr., ,.. ..!.,, i,,.. ,,... U ,,,VN"' ,w ; "o-. " wi.rt ut iiliUj i.l i.f.l l" j . . ., ,,,,, . n. rt , m .. ,. o rt " - r;.'- n W'm Vr q'V '!? ? " - -"'- .'-Aa A 3 B..-o. joiixxo )i:, to infirm the ..oh,., tl Wnh. - to mf .rm the pnh! that he Vrruto do a!! a .rk i ..- 1 ... ,, ' ',r ral",,-r nn'1 m W 'm..! in hkr . i tnann r . . .L.I.V I .V - T I 1 1JL?1 11 - m. plow work . pFcnm f Cloud Wilis. I: . i'i- -, . si M. . ' a- -j.f m; ' ' n't. i. . i w I. Umck u i:k wm : Hi.-; -'. i V-H ; M.. ..i U :. i j ! r . POTT2-:iJ V J'AVKi: . ir rro. Foney To Loan f i. i -. I I ' 4-f .4l I.4..V t. .,.- , , , nuking an ire-iii. .u i':ar.i party tMuMtd4ia' partii I r ill - I 0 'nimmi -r rf"l"' s I ; d;err Tt i. ;d;err'Tit i. . .li" noal tnu-re-t. atvJ ! ' ' mnir a-efu ' n J.. ? ! C.ii upon or aldr i K A V"- f " Pf -r H. If rTrvvn,,.- i Black fBlwu.-. i oo Tr er.a:-. fr.-n - . T RED ri.'Ii NKH Tb riV ' t e'iii o'tr. .I.M . T-rytij. ra tit Ira li: t- aw 4 i??Jttf sir.r ir .- Bed -Il j3E5i,p.y t 1! KI)W RI-,s!i i . I IN Mvi . : v W 1RI 1;1( . RcdCkucI, - - 1ST ib rank n. PUMPS A N I) W I M ) l ! i I s s !' C I A L 1 ": iiV ii IP A fiP lis Red Cloud, .Web mas Im. YARf t Til ? ffll t.r,- It Vtf aoxjrt hKJLKKS IX U Ml? K l 1 II U1.N .! I ""ll l" - M !X' ! . RED CLOUD Vli . IH!i. " 4 1 li fa si j I55! (fi Wj f bLuoffHcs FUR TH1-: NhXT SIXTY OAV pAcrMTf v I I v I J J .. J I i 1 , , ' ew;york i i : vex )()i) i k i I i k.,j tlit arc Selling lloois 5c Shoes Hats 6c Caps Tnr s aiiccs, and Furnishing CiMtF. C.htMp tor C.i4s Uj makr ROOM. We also find them guilly Of Sdiing iOKI (.nfui , ..mi (.III- M- P. Than anv oilur I lou- in the m k im;h w rc ' a x v a t.tk v . ! And SUITS for Children ct low Priccis. It will p.n fu to C...II, anil I- .uninc bcio: you buy I.Klu here and Their L(nv PRICKS. 'oiir Trulv, IloHeiillicaJ Bros9 11 w -iidli Ii i yJLfi-3 ' 4. . .TIM .HL. '... 4f4HLl44X. . If ?5 -v2 TJ JBb.k - 1 -1 i e1 35: r S? Af k WiS HjgjraM 2 CURES DYSPEPSIA, IKOfCESnOH, HEADACHE a aiUGCSHESS. r - rr'-:jinBROWH l.'.EDICME A MrcCO.'m!n r. 2 Try it itow! . t.v. ...:;:... Never Fails! r P ''P - PW'-P'WII -a a-J 111 P -1i paati - p.,- ,..,,, i XJ if ZlS&f & l rt ? -J fi? L . . r? fa! "- " a -.r- t JfiSi &Pjz -j&JfM id vjr&isr "jz '?z: . ' ---- .. . .. ..... .. ..-vz.s!f -. . 4M.t.,9a 1 a . vt. I ... .- -- ) , . , " .,. j , , I. .-. .-. - -.' . . -. ....... -2:i . ". 1 --. e . - . - - a.- - j,"-,: , ' - . ujnci9t& tx rc o r7hattR T. ..... mtomej-rr 4 . TlW-iJSr.34T. - . .J-4. . ... i.T. 1. . . !v "Pf,rCI YARD! ?Hf: u t . i t - '' x-Vi'I-lt l ; l PL TT" & FRFFS. Prnpru? &MA.UI: c BUI V. NEBRASKA. ! 'Hi t f; K i . . . 1. ,' 1 . . (M s :x 1 ';i-i- ifa OUT SALE I A I nnn ""J - I I - I 1 1 J I V. cloth Cltulung, l)rvCfi IV7cn, Tfoiitiis and gel ihc Ada tnagi - f Us m km ' I .. 2 nr3 jft Rtil C Iciui, i :. x i4F JP fc . . . t j; . v yD;ctgcv..313 v kxih uTx!uteii ' . .' "JE- j2lAr- i-