" t .t -. t - THE RED CLOUT CHIEF. M. L. THOMAS, Publisher. Hi:!, CLOl !, - M.P.i'ASKA. If your f.e torifi" nt ml limnl you. If ynir Piir tint uii-l tuoo.i j. If the w-f l-l - t ! irk urd trt-ary, " Wall n mi 1 'litem w.-nrj II the teif" fit f'mJI -tjrIi. IM-l.! t. -Hrth wm iin- to jTteh, Watt with jmJtrw' fur lo-tiiirriw .'i'axmh'i life I wh'rflj utrnii'. If )ir plain tlnn'i work t (4-f y. It ill lnt U'mhl .. Htvl Ii-me you. If yH In- lrt?tt aiet t.teTy, Wjitc m ' " inii rei.r ." If O'fl rive )hi l-t-r. tke II; "l III trtlt. a M-uiir HtiVc It; lalt)i In Hon whit atnlinc. !erve III will l.y paltt-iit w.-uttH? r. If -rV lntcHJ if l-lHrn. I'hIn. Itit-Hil ! l-.rif.-l ffir itl'-a!!. Ilnwimc i r imii I .t in 'lrt-nry. ' Vt'nll it w ihhI l tinf -r Mim If. Il.l'.tri: h )' l7w:-nl. tiii: i ii 1 1. 1 vrs si hi: v. lr :i littl afbT tin- ' 'olmi-l h&l rii-il. no ic j'k aiiI oiilj tbt nwklmjr of l In fjjH-ti lm it laih"I ntiil cnickli-ii iiHii tii'- hkIc hnrlti Hith in, hik! tin iiionti of :n Illf?IH-Uin'I - , tillllll)lir till' I!)ilv a,st. Hltiiollt linA Jin- Hili-iji-f, wiili nt'nhk jmiITi"1 hJ oiir iij-. thrii Tliutnpoii, tin lintl. aroi ninl bf"an to ltrv a fri'nh juof fliji. ftmltiii- Vi".t Virginian. IisJntm. tiinn-J u hm cotujiatnon aul ijiokf Alx. it"oiir Juni itv - a Ku- hiiiii Kiorx. fill) to tin-brim uitlihorroro. A hear limit njion oiir illiniit.iih' jt-iji. a nolf i-Jiii-i- jiioiuj lh" Vla. ;t 'o-4, k lijjlit in tin- Miiitli or a Tartar taiil iijKin tin- north, or l-Jt-r "till, MI us of tnr own Nihilittii'trinlt I In man lo ulmm IifHtnun sjmki-hliivT'-il. .ui'! ii. xtMii fai-f, dark anl h'ph -nt. mitchnl u liitli. whilr his ( rc:iin"! !! lii"-ilat" ! a iihiiihiiS. tficii 4'ini'fulU Ian! ln t.in iiikhi tin rotili iiibli-. ami lialf-tniniii. n-jilifl j ifciijlrnn-n. if it i-. tin tirn I villi .in'iik. ami a- inv frn-ml has ii"'st'tl the subject, although it is not a pleasant one to Hie. I Will te oil a tale ol HIV home. loisi.i, ami of niv-"lf. a Nihilist If it H'em strange, then grant me lliat lI"ange thing-, ami horrible ones mat happen even in '"lin-tinn Jlutojie. and in this nineteenth century I is word for woid true " We drew nearer llie speaker, and lixi ened int'-nlh A ltii"iaii -tort lold in I'oliitado. for our cabm was far up aiming the pur of the Koekies, in the western poi tiou of I lie Mate, ami that Morj the lu-Ioiv of a Nilnii'l. was new ami strange tieat for Amiric:tii i-atv "Si ear-go. I Ha- living in linrn iivvk, in the ploviliceof Ktliillll. Ill the Miiilliern p.nt ol the gre;tt".t of l.u rt.i.t.i i-finiifi-s : vimti-r mini h:ititi is m ' I m .... ....- , .. . -..... ..... -.-..-,-. .- circiiiiistani'es would allow, ami at the time of which I speak. l"itlil happv ami coiileiited 111 tin little school; fm I wa a teacher, miicc I had just made the hweetest ami pieitiest girl in the village my wife. "Marie ('arloll' w:n uiiiie. won from n si'iiii' of suitors bv love alone, for I had little iiiouev. and I was content "I'hief aiming the disconsolate one-, was the son of an e army officer. I.ouis I.odiski bv tiallle. a ll.tll'I-'Ulie but tin -principled fellow, who for years had liei'ii infatuated with Marie. However, when our coining wedding was an nounced. Louis I'-lt the village, ami I was spared his scowl and niuttcied tlucat". and soon forgot him in the joy of home life. For three years I was at rest. Then came the gieat cloud that to-dav over hangs mi native laud, ami its dark tdiadow fell across even my humble threshold. I had been a St. Petersburg student, ami when the "strange mono mania of communism, silent ami deadly, crept through the Nation, it found in me an east piey. and I became a Nihil ist, swore the tei rible oaths, ami linked myself body ami s,,ul to their unknown and horrible put poses. 1 shudder now as 1 remember. Then was :i circle formed in our ."--. town, and two mouths alter I had joined it there appeared one night am uigst us. commissioned from the ("rand Circle at Moscow as our chief. I.ouis I.odiski. "I bowed before him. but when 1 saw the fierce light of batllcd passion and eager icvenge gleam in his hated eyes, brightly as when last I met him. then the rejected suitor of my wife, I knew and felt for the liiM time into w hat a horrible pit I had fallen; for. free as I was before the world, in secret I was bound by my vows, the serf and -lave of my bitter enemy. "Hut of all this my wife knew noth ing, except that her old lover was in town. " For a time there was littleawork for our society, but it so happened that toward the spring a new quartering of soldiers was made in our town, under the charge of Colonel .lelikoil. a triei and true officer of the (tovernnient. and one who had several times incurred the displeasure of the Nihilists. Hardly had tiie troops become settled when a sealed dispatch tv:is received by I.odiski from the ('rami Circle at Moscow, con taining the dcath-w arrant of the Colonel; and. in dm wing lots for the one tti act as executioner, the same devil's luck which had first dragged me into this conspiracy, or some treachery of my chief, cast the dread duty upon me. ly the rules of our order, unquestion ing obedience, at the price of one's own life, must be given to all decrees by the person so chosen, and I knew it: yet the word 'murderer tlamed before my eves, and mv heart stood still, as I held the fatal lot m my hands. , 't ".tint even as i gacu. uazea an dull, upon my comrades about me. whose tern. white faces rellected the horror of my own. the whisper of our l,iefhi.ssedw'an.inglv through the air I lesim'leword- , 1'ew-ire" chief hi? tl " With the cry of a lo-t soul I tied from the room. "There remained three day-of grace. The uka-e of the (Irand Circle, with a perfection of cruelty, granted the -lave doomed to execute their diabolical command-three day-" mercy. At the end of that time the condemned mu-t have ceased to live, or the slate would be- ' I come the victim in-tead. "Of the ttr-t day. 1 have no remem brance. It did not eon-i-t of hour-, hut of moments, each separate ami di-tincl of ideas only born to die. lit a won!, for the lirst twenty -toiir liour- I w:u erazed. The -eeond dav found tiic cool ami helpless. I made my plans. Obey ed some one joined me I.odiski. To-morrow?" said he. immirinpiv. To-monwv!' I returned. 'ItmuVt be to-morrow for otic of us.' and I -hud- dere ou inoncv. ion mtLst flee instantiv the work'is ilonc." " Unwittinglv I thrust the gold into my bosom, and repeated after him: "I must flee instautlv! And mv wife? I will care for her until vou re turn.' " In a single breath my brain cleared, j 1 1 mu-t. lor my wites sake ami my own: nnv .,,,',,,, ... w!lil.i. u .,, - . ; I Kienian's tinancial "ticker that reel- nor eyes and are jverch dike in -haj-. ' duc-il otne:h:ng like hoieottiag i to Jchkoll must die that we might live. " n r-. "S :h,; "".''' Vt.,1 .i ' sVh',forv " " " n a kev- The ground L-a black marl in nature. b- tne.1 on :he ab-n'.ee ' laadlonK " F.ir live hours I debated where to , .. " , - '' ,'" ";.," '". board of different pattern, in which the ani n all probability was a: one time an J Yi;h the new birildiag a-arlv nvdv i lo the deed; then, stm uncertain, walked ' . " " ' "LSf"'?y are -et in two concentric circle-, open IhmIv of water, oa which accttntti- for ot-rupsat- ani tho-e pree;ei!. ia"- , in the verge of the town, and as I walk- U,V. ,. .'J-.-."'? 'K m'UU -l"--lcaJ-" The-e are the two me-ii and itimnr. latiI vegetable matter, which ha- leen ,!.!,- it is ...! , ..J,, .t, d. ; 'on r.untpean immignints nave latnletl t....Tht bv the reporter tele-r-.n),o.l to enoitirh to liear the weight of a bors, " vv e stoou a space m silence: men r"4" '""'.; '"" ro the -entraloflice. lvnt out attain, and " nj"' harre-ting the hands catch the man came closer, ami placed his -WAWot these came trom the Gennan jvappear on all tape- in-ide of half a rreat -:nng-of ti-h bv making a bole V.... 1 . IJ.- !r- liinttM U'hirvh nc ivttin.i. .:!. " U I . . . ,.- . , ... ., t it,.. .:...!., n..-..(V .-..!. s- r - -.,- .-, . uaiiu upon my Miouiucr. r.. v. ......... .-..v-i ?uuiciiuuiuif minute. lion bu-i:iev is livelier the through the ear: n. a iwr-ia n-inr oa ,1, " ' Listen! It is hard, tt is danger- I ? nest oi us laDontig jteople. All ol onemtors fall snmewhar hehiml the on. his heel and coming down -uddeilr can ' Capture means death. Here is icc immigrants, onng more or les- ..;., i.... iir.. m:n.,n ;. -k.s ....... see -he cmvvirt- com sKsi-e ill the dread cloud that for two days had long as they were, and shoes and stock shadowed it passed, and I knew the i iugs are principal considerations. Old hand that had worked my ruin. I was I fashioned diamond buckles are return to become an outlaw, in order that my i inr to favor. Shoes have lower heela wife might be the spoil of this monster, j aad squarer toes- "Whtt jK.wer it w i-ii it held my hand I know nt The rage " "" ! heart, the fnn.v to eir th a--c"rd ' i:i- : :nt side and tear h thr -rat iiL nil Init oterpowered me. and it - nlr by n MiprriiBfiuu) effort of the will that I remained -dent I " The deed wul lie u-rajrr-r." continued I-odiki. aad the onlr ple wJllTP V.H1P3U1 llnI .Ir.likjff l,m M Ml thr- boll-lower. 'I'bUb.-r h ff wl TBitt' lM-f.r fh nrfv rtii. tn wanh tlw tbnnz- of inianl iitn th ? .. . . r i...,. -.i ... u.. I f ,i. t .. ir.i.t . nv Urtijru.- ft m.bt I- that ! ukl slnkr t.-. . II.-. it !,ir. n.v I.-art tb 4rt.mi(nat..m to kil! wa w-Sl lu--l' ! I.t .U,..., . , .i..-f ti.K-tm ilmJl.nofil i 1 will Jin vmi at tl- ft f tb twr oItT -urf- s.- to it ibat it i nff- t i... .ti.i Td.ii .-,.n.-;i..t.-,l '.M hloofl lf-arM-!. " 'ft i wrll. I replied: ami In hft me. "Tljat night I told n wife all. and tipr I..H- .11 th.- t.f "1-j. tnominw dawned, under the e-ortof a faithtul enant. he was at tin- Volga T)rrntam a landing bn mil away: and when the earl -Tin kied tlw rebe of leel "---- - ' - - --- -- -v. - ... - - - - - - - l.i ft . . m. . . t ..... k .. .. iw'l iiwihi imr mwn, n kkiii"! mr Hrm thf J"k of a ner teaaer, ttound lor Aitnwhati. AI!la ft ' athrrl my littl mIoh- of h1. al laU in th aftTnonn tu tlim for jrM to a i"n'nl a Xilu - it ltk- inlf who wrr-tly otiVf ! lli-:ii to hi !ioin- I'li'n. a tb lil t nnnnl ami it lnw towa.nl m;rh:. tboj- ouhh liiiit. ninl annl with i ...r.,!.,l.i..l..n.I.i.lM.,r I -kirt.t the town.' anI e:ne at l:jt"t the loinl. ,. ,?...-',.,',. ..... k... .. ii... .-... -.i a" a-'" : i - e that ran;? J hi' eurfew. Ie the riiiL'if ii-..! i-tyu-r.A Hi.. i..u.-r imm hu iiiu.-r i u... t,..n.i,i ; !i. i.ft ..... ii... .... W9 , " ras ' a a rn ' a It was not m intent to kill N-hkoiT I! in rnilie, I -olUl ettllle-' all. llien e- i i it. t ii .1 ii , In -nttie, I -otihl roiife- all. then de- . i ' end and nak tin engeanee iu.n i . i. i:i i . ... t ii i . ... .... , if he i-ame not. the ud would Im I In aine. Mill leMiii'l tv tm oatii. ami en x ironed b a thou- Mid -pi . I dared not ... i" : i, x i i i. i ....! flee until night. And lMliki miisj tin- ("otiilemmiig prof of mt fab-eness to our order. Ii 1 did not kill .I'-likoil, ami land .o mi.i ...Hit.k. i must on- (M.veriiig with this m-vv t.-rror 1 -tame , -,.,.-,..,, :,, ul. .,, ,n Jftfli 4.llltll. flat I It, -l tntf"sa llllltfl! f I . J . . . " .. .... I....a... ..!,... ............. .... ... . "I. .11 II. .11I1S. .1111 ,lill.llT 111." I.lltS ll.'SIS. r ..-..- . and at last beneath the mighty bellhang- .... .1. ... ... .... ..i.. mg sil. nt at my side "And theie. King prom-upon acn. beam directly under the great iron dome. s4. close that th hist swing of the pott- derotis metal would. crush him. lav l-I diski. his evil eye, fast, tied upon me! Me hal come as a -pU j., Know if I did well my dtilt that he might denounce me puMi.lv as a iinu.ler.-r it I ili.l it. oi ,',,'l" "' privately to death if I did it not. ICv.-n as I saw him. I heard the stet ol tin- ( olonej on tje stair, and his word to the wailing bellman below "'"ail. I will detain you bul a mo ment. When I descend you may ring." "My heart ceased to beat Jclikoll ascended. I stood at his b-ick. "One! two! three! four! live! i! seven! "It was the village clock, .lelikoil turned to descend. I shrank into the shadow behind him. I.odiski s eves blaed with a baleful lire. " .Iclikoff went down the stair. " Fool! slave coward!" hissed mv chief, half rising upon his hands and knees. You die!' "Theie eame a creaking sound, the gieat wooden wheel a bote turned upon its axis, the bats tlew snarling about. ami then the mighty bell. winging slowlv. gamed m momentum. ami swept in a long are upward. 1 " I.odiski uttered a single cry as the , tremendous mass poised above him. and would have dragged himself out of ns ' reach, but with sudden fury 1 stretched ' my arm like a bar ol steel, caught his ' hair, and forced him back upon the ' beam and then the great bell tell as falls the knife of the guillotine, crush-' mg into a hideous mass the body of the spv. while its heavt knell rang with a' gurgling shiver far out across the bar ren land, and a warm and red. little nin -tream of blood I lowlv th.wn tin beam and dved the lips ami tongue l ' the iron mo'u-ter a- he swuii". " I ..TI .... ..... ........t: I t I t in . nil. . . .is -ii.uiniiu", nun i d! the Nihilists. " 1 have never sen Uu.ssia Sat u nitty .Yf.;';.'. -nice. Ilrtlish Armi Statistics. 1 ue i iri-j - puiuisiics some vailKtoie 1 st:ii;sties of the condition of the Hritish i army in l-o. frmn which i; appears that through the whole y cir recruiting was ' so -ticcfsstui that the army vva- above , its fixed strength, and contained lsS.'stf men. of whom 7.M7 were officers. 1J. , -Kid nou-commi ioned ttflieer-. :.7'2 tnimpeter- and tirummer- and IGo.i'tiu t 1 :i . ill .. . :. r.iHK ami lite. .mi recruit- are now- above lit, and the total force is inde pendent of -S.'XM reserve -ohiier-. and I -.v rt--cne militia, all. ot four-e. thoroughly trained men. Hie s bat- talion- standing tii t for -erviee have all unlit ki. all been brought above l.isM -trong. while the y battalion- in the Mediterran "an have been brought up to "-i"). ThetJov- t eminent ha-, therefore, a force of lo.oou i men. or. -at. li'.otM eflieients. always' reaov to meet one ol tne "little war so incessantly on our hand-. All that i- now required for anv hut a great war i? .1.... ,i... . .. :ii .-... . - - uie.ui - oi nun.- no i.ie-e n-gi ments when on service, without dotrov- :. - .1 i- mg oiner regiments, ny stealing awat their best men. should be provided, but this has been only partially done; that is to say. the depots are not quite full enough. If this were repaired, and the st-tem extended, -at lo :o regiments. me tiovernmeni wouui aiwat- iiave one It is a fact of remarkable interest liat "ring the year nearly half a mill money . mosi oi mem are nant workers. wno w" i"otribute by their labor to the wealth of the country, and the great mass of them are honest tolks. out ol whom American citizens of an excellent kind can be made within the course of a few vears. Dresses in Paris fashions are not so jHit n-r bank Vtm-ajniwo-aa inir- ; waii n wun i w itiis pwus. o- unr .--.- . K-. ---U ibf. sjhI stnkr bim l.in. It wU j ttl4 ay. JimiDT. I tbiak tbprrmut nun. . yr -! . t.nv. 2 tieb.MirH Iwforf h w mii. an.l .kj , a kttT lr nrr. Fll friv ;m Wi mf. 3V anl K ruan t.naaci win uarr timo ir ni7uT. rTiw u u n r" i"b m- i-i wi --- .i-,,.-,-.! . . , m . . i - u tl ... ... . 1-. T i I ...! i. !.'.-.. I ljifit lit fit. irntll If.Maaf I ttLriltaail and ' the hats a,t ,,.e aked. ami ' P" 7"" ual wul -nia-j mue.lae. and clean it. ink the p Is. si.p... t .,.-. and agnM,s, the partlv l.ft-t palb-t it ,s n - B ' "', r' ' r"; ., , t f . . . mended it elegantlv. I hen mother let aertain if it is in g"l working order, lea-el. tmi a. lowing the pallet or arm rarorn aa r '. ar- . , A ,,- i ! . i ; me get some varnish, and I tarm-hed The work of the tit kcr i not cin- t to propel the p-udulum tn it opp.jie t cup that . ia' s mtitiriifullv m and Li--eI mt hoi -heek. ,. . , , . . . ,. .. .. .. , , c .. i . . . . ! .... . - ,, the chair, ami when it wri-s done it fined to this cttv Ir ..-rge; N-ott. parage . where the same a tton takes, . ,M.i, , t ,. . I lie ni'.ni'iits pa-M-tl , . ... i . .- t i . f i i i peat u m. til i- , . . ' . . . , .. bioked o nice that Nu aid wed keen the NufM-rinfeiid'-nt. tunithe a tviort place and a e.rrespond,nj- impnise is .. t-,. ,. . , "SiiddeuU a nameless dn-ad fell uiHin t...i...i i.. v.. i- ' ..i ...J l . .., '..... n... . .Tl J . -n b bfe in I tah en, . i II 111 III'" 11.11 . II.1IIOI. .o. I ill l.'I i ll- lit "-!" .'jr. I ,.i .. ,H. iSliril ill - tlir inf u !" t ) HI l.ttlf.lf au-.i... H..l .. Il, t .1.. t me l!.i,ctmd I leltthepres."n.eol , fl .;.' jn . ,,a,.k ar,r M, ,, m .rther large cit us. TlM-se im.-rfretMtis of trains, a the wight . i ; v.!' J -u ' !T ,,l so,,,-, new and near dan-.r and a se, m. what good would mt chair do me? Hut "tickers" are. how.tcr. not worked pall.t arm t.r ptr. iniHilM Ihis' !JJ1 . lb. J. , . ' .L of d.H.m overcame ,e. if Hm-mhiJ Sue said, -stuff and iionf-ii-. that direct from the New Vorb offi.. The ! rbwk 1-,-at- tw- -.nds. length of pen- i J '" -til 7, air Three hours later, in the sil..,. i hind then sue caught me and .-hook tm- back to the s.mple statement tli.it lie was i "IMnff ;cmp:iny at me same nme wnn , . - .--L ii t- '-. and her v-Jber w..rk-d har-ter 1 .1... ..:..!.. t .i.i........ i .i.i I ItH I eoiilil lie-ir mv teeth isittl.. n.i.l aertlTeat IIUIU: llltcllectuallt . one oi tnai ll.'ieii i e, rvllis ..... .... ' h-jslrr uul ml tliswlr-r .,! ,rt.f i in- Hi-Mil. i i-si-aii'-ii i in- lower ami lieu. "" " . " . . .-. . .... t . .. ! n- ..-! in. isnrni .-sun tim i : . . " - . For twentv -four hours l.odiskis death ' ,!"'n !,lt' r;ui ul' -J:ir ' locked her- t he greatest men of his age. He mono' i n.u im leii i er-.ia an i .hi-m ..,,.... . i Melwaj aerr even tv-tut it S.r wis undiscovered -mil beWe the tiiith -'If up; and Mr. Tr.it er- timer 'H',r'd of the duel liures .if our hi-tory. ami i erxin- one ... me ...venes ami prettiest. u i aaiu t.tno. gtna are iann; in jj tttwrr w ri-ac ad ! .... . 1- , . 1 .. 1 t . 1 lTia t I II apMMkl ' f flainlr a a ttlma( atna.a-aff tat aft aaa taVnat '&.. - . vva-known I vv:i- with mv wife unon ,p me. nut .uuy -ant. I tl -ettle m- iame as a lawyer, aa oraior ami n , ."ji L, u t i. . ' 7 il -rx? -....--- . ..., nau ieu it j at .pt n mm I tan. b .1. .......:.... s.-... .. r .1. . i. ...- wit I volt some .li v.intor i , " ,,ti.T state-mail Is nart ol that (liston . lliere' .i. Ne nvu i. ..ir imi imn mv; . ran win. iimniHwniirtwrimiiiinr ,tm t .., . l I--m. iiie :isiii:iii .si-;.. 1-1 oiii .11 mh i.:ii-ii oi - .- - -. ........ ...... ...... B , . soli.l rtirnc ,r..r...... ... ;.. a: ... .,i -.. ' rcprottuces vvhat appears on a taw of caught- l he tisn nave neither -cal-s n-nL-. whfh the. tlrnk .Kight to t - i.iiiiiiiii .'im iii.iit i . l.pritwnt rtlth a MraM -jA;r I d "' like Mr Tnurn much m f j I'd 'f ' "" krm- lie a ter n- jai-in n I ! if S " brother ,Ufih-- Kirn- Sir. and In- ud to j bring candy -troettnw... but be tn t J thM-tlOH- thst WTKS Us! tlfnWK hi ! ! drlfn! u hns . from thf PtHdoflW. ! wlM-BrTrt- b j tub' t .w. wf b mi4 h stn! I i ... . ..iKf Bful ihifi Stw w.n! I ut 13(fa t I run. .limmv. mi II grt beart-4isMr if "!.. : an-lIM walk m .oo bi tb ' VUAa. wbir tnr-tt -ar ball a miU fntm our boup But arw b ' unrvtTt trni b -nrr &ntbinr abMi! hi btt-rs: ai b snl !.'; in tbr bak wtrlw. an! inoth-r I mnln t r in aal diturit th'tn and I don t ert ant nff tu ivn'i ' l'r eam.-. that it won't ! b Hi yonr afl'e"tirfi on huroto l-.njf. for i en U lit of men w t keepoe gi- , in? Tou tim refiti fort'Ter iVni It waaa't 1 - fir fr Air Traer to jet anj?T? with i w th other night, wliea it wa'all aa eident at leat 'nvt all of it and I j 'loti't think rt manly for a mn to t ai ,& ki a aifM4 khAtfi. VmHtmmr ,-.. " -.- -.-. -.. .-...- tnat lint nail ner iz ani ejie-iaii J when he ne&T upmchI that anything wr&s ?oinjj to hajtnn to Iter eea if it ! JM break 1 When Aunt iia i-wx to nir b.mte ' tlw taut time. he brought a t -am ehair that's what he nllel it. th'xnh there .va-n t ui Mteara aitoiit it Shebnui-ht i .. it frtn Knrojie with her. and it wax the m r- i q-M-rent rt ol efcair. Ttist WMiliI ail ' fold u;t. and had a kind of footstool to : it. that von imt r I.iron! and int . - .. e- m ' liedoHn in it. Well, one dav it got I iroKen. I e aeK of tin- -at tell low n, I and h ut Aunt KliAt ui in the i hair o i and hut Aunt Mli.t up in the hair o j -he eoiildu't get out. and didut she just ' n,,wl "" "onielnwh tame and helped howl till sotneliNl i-ame and help-! i t... .i.., ..... ..k.. &. . i... ....! .1... her' She vva onngrv that he -aid nhe ... "-.... - .'ii' .i' i ii';i ifiai u- Mam niii- ... "-.. nexr nanteil to see that liair a?am. . . ?r .. "and von ma have it if von want it Jiiniiiy. for too ar a giHI !y sonn.- times when you nant to be So I took the ehair and mended it. ' folk-, laughed at me. and said I , , .. . , , . , i couldn't metiti it Jo sate inv life, but 1 .r So thev put mv chair ill the hack par- lor. just as it I'd been mending it on j fur Mr Tnix,.r. .1U ,. a,,.,m . , I di'ln t sav Iml after it was JiwwiV - ! . U W. i. ... l M-. mil s iiinitt'OMi now nil lie call i ri-si .11101.-11 ioiis art- riu ihhitiiuw inni Mm i otllillll. i.vimi ii-i iroiil uiriiiig t , ; , ,,.l(.k ,r , t,Hlk , ,. (J. ,Ho ,, . , ,ni.Un.rti. ;. M ,,,. ,W; ' ... . ........... a . i a .... t MT'V tliat I tlloil'Tht H!V Hot IHfiIMj f ' to hold it together, and used them for a ,,, , , w Ulanng. . 'I hat night Mr Traverse eame as usual, and after he hid talked to mother awhile about the weather, and he and father had a-Tced that it wasahame thai other folks hadn't given more .v t the Michigm luH'erers. ami ! , xli:tt thev weren't ipute sure that the I sufferers were a wortht ohj-t. and that ( a j,,,,,,) ,,.ai ,,f j,.iriII u-asd.me by giving uv.av monev to all .sorts of people, sin u,f IViliatw we had hotler go into the 1.-1 . . ! T ..1 t .ui. I'.ui.'i. ii is i... m.-i ii.-r-. iiuii wt- .'.. ... won t ilisturtii.ttinr. who wants to think aooiii soiueiiiiiig ."so she and Mr. Tnvers went into the hack parlor, ami shut the door, ami 1. .!.. talked ten loud at luM about a whole lot ol things, and then tpiteled down, nn thev alwavsdid. I was in the front jiailor. reading " Kobinson Crusoe." ami wishing 1 emtio go anil lo likewise like I nisoe. I mean, for I wouldn't !-, and sit ttuiet- i ...... lv in a back parlor with a girl. like Mr. ... . -. .., . .-,-.- I ravers, not it you were to pay me br it I can't see what some fellows see in i Sue I m sure it Mr. Martin or Mr. Traverse had her pull their hair mice the vv.ty she pull mine s'ini"time. thev wouldn't trust themselves alone with her very -oon. All at once we heard a dreadful crash in the back parlor, and Mr. Travers s-iid (lood something very loud, ami Sue shrieked as if she had a needle run into her. Father ami mother and I and the cook and the chambermaid all rushed to see what vva the matter. The chair that 1 had mended, and that sue had taken away from me. had broken down while Mr. Travers was sitting in it. ami it had shut up like a jaekknife. and caught him 0 he couldn't get out. It had caught Sue. loo. who mii-t have run to help him. or she never would have b-eii in that h. with Mr. Tniters holding her bv tie wri-t. and her arm wed"ed in so .1... ...... t.li.'t mill it ,. .., ' -.-... . ... ...... Father nemaged to get th loo then be went Imtiie ltnt fnflier s..t down on the -ofa and lau"he,I. ami -aid to mother: " 1 guess Sue would have done hotter if -he'd have let the bov keep his .... chair. Fm very sorry, of cour-e. that an ac cident happened to the chair, hut I've got it up in mv room now. and I ve m.Miileil it M.tsitti Mii.t it's tlie ti...t .?... Jr. v ou ever sat m. - ".iiiy Ii mien." in l!irrs Vouno I'xip'r. ' . . . Storv of the Tirkrr. In the receiving-room in the fourth story ol the tv e-tern I nion Uuilding are si clerks with instruments before them. Tne cent r:il figure is the opera- tor who receives ail the di-pntclie- inun the reporters of the Stock Kxchange. He writes them quickly and plaiult on a -lip of paper and -tick-it m a fninie in tront of him. The fmme i- -o placed that the two operator- can -. the tig- I tire-plainly. The operator on the right . run- the -'tock "ticker-." and the one ; on tne let: the general news "tickers. ' 1 he tirst-named operator has . set of 1 black and vv hiie key s. preei-tdy like a ! piano, -et lefore him " The keys are ' marked with letter- and numbers" That 1 keyboard operate- all the -t.vk "tick- er-" in thi- ci:v and "tickers as far I S- . , . v . twav a.- .tew ark ami urange. 1 he on- cnitor reproduces evert quotation. The I gem nil new- opemter take- only the i more important quotations. He alsv ' tani uivi-ion-'cu tne 'ticker. it l . !.. - i r . t a m i csinnateo mat vvnen nu-inevs m i the exchange is running i a: an can be ontinarv nite a quotation time of delay. A broker makes a ?ale. and before he can get back to his otLce, a few Mocks away, it is there on the " ticker" ahead ot him. The two other operators in the receiving room receive reports from the Mining Exchange aad send them oat on the raLnng "ticker." There is another in-trumeat in the room which records iu telegraphic dots and dashes every dispatch received from the Stock and Mining Exchanges. It is in v-a.-. v, &i a i unuills ' C- ,. t .it'llll' "" " -- "- " --..- -- tended to act as a check on the reporters For the first time in inanr rear, and the receiver if a dispute should arise Hemlock Lake. ". Y., RocheswVs w--soacemins a disjaich. Opposite the : :er source, is cgreiv frozen over. opera. 'mib"V drtpltraZe t of instrument wbeh tey could t ar mm ib rw f mdent to br thr ?. o tbr aii bar tb Urv gratrtt rlokvbiih rrgvlmtr the tin t. k rat nx-vhftmam. ruwl m4c tr l'r f Jiom flftmblrC tb manjcT " tt" t.nir .-rTjrr It M f?l5t! b ! ht diHtrb irow tb' vbTVtr f'ifUturKfi. Wi'niJ MbT.lf. Ib'U'kf ' m U :n tb t th Jim- f Uh- r- rt .o trtnttf nun- . ttn'tatit ( fitrU iftf i ..IiiJiJ; iut to' lkrn rv rM tbt- law' -nam"), whseb it nao fr .atr J-hn J Kiniaa Ta K-mas 6nanr.aJ --t- tpt wnr a f.- ..f tl- Mk -' i:;-t. tit ! ' rrnr:il ttnan tat tr anl aft Jtbr - of inirr-t fnun alncrib turia ! lir ii.ntf:. u,.- firti"?i of tb :t twiow banir- ff.t llir aai furtiiJi 1 o- t haint r trrt b the vtHraJ new t. k r " "f the i ld and Mm k ou.fan B.id hajn rej-.r-r m the Stvk , Evhane. tlie f'nit.jfn t.a itutlar re- - . prter in the Xm-n Prod-iee and .4- ' bn K han I h--ir tvjn.r are re- .viinl lij ti-rator-in the iaiy' bail t4 the WetVm I'tu-n T ! raph ..mtcui hii r ttw i tui Tmni Tri-r- ?. i.r;." -..... .- ... "ii-aer ar- lunninni i j.-. rsilno'I. an! ojf r ofn-s wtn-re trie xact time i de-ir- d It : an alj m-t .f the tin' laii. whi h f . it n-m on ! ' tle pole "f the umm.: .eUe.'.-rn! I'mon Ititildin? !! i . mstnini-nt ' in a jeweler hop lieau . very t. - i onN. and at the l.ejrinii.njr of ea-h hour r- r and unrter-hourtrtks like an ordinary rik "Tirker" are of two knd of m.nnn- . farture im nnnt a -oiitiuivu line ' n a narrow tape, and other- print two linen on a w i-lr tap . one i-m tne tiue f the to k. and the other its pru-e. '1 Im -mgle hue inMnmient s r.in h f the !. k. and the other tM i.rnie. :. w.-ijjht and the two line or three wire instrument i nin bv e!e-tr.eal i"wir ,- .i . i ii . t. , I i r . n irora the ""titral ofln-e. the ...i or . .-. more "ticaers are on uinereni cir- cuiU. averaging from twentv b thirty tickers to a circuit i Ka-h circuit U visited d.tilt to e- that it m ui running or.br. I he in tector . , ." . . J , . visit each "ticker" twice a week to Ii in the other cities, and he sends thetn t t-o tho "tickers" Aui-ng tlie eitits having the greatest nuniU'rof "tickers are. IloMon. Ill; t 'Ineao. It-, lktlti- UUZI.tl. , ant 1 !'V!an-I -iJ .V 4U Oil the Stock Ilchnngei known ini'ni'-ago within It ss than two minutes. The re- iiortcrs and titH-rators are so skillful that a mistake is rare The brokers ore ituick to notice an error, and a eornn;- titm ts at om e made .V V. San U'ehslpr. Whe.i Wtdister failed, it was a moral f.iilure. Intelle. tu.tllv. h- ranks among the greatest men of his race or country His muni was not profoundly, original, nor did he have that unknown subt.lt I- . . .. .. tiuaillt rareiv uici iMiliani"ri'Wnriiirii is retioric.i i;iinC ail erior o on. t - ... ' . . or l.iwter-. but to be found m imets and, ..." ! I . .1 artists, wim it ni'it nave areeti io can genius. We vvjth th- fe.ts f pomt- sutNrb athlete, and all 1 hat he docs is impossible to us, far hetond our reach; but te understand how very thing i done ami vvh.tt mitseles are needed. We obserte the p ivi-tcrn juggler, we M"rfonnani"es of an see the results, we . .. i. . i .o i .. !.. ..r apprc.iate tut- skin, inn in'- srn-i m tin trick c.-aiH"s us. This is true also , of mental ..jn rations; his the. Ittbrence between tb.- mind of shakc-peare ami thai of Pitt, a difference, not of de-tree, but of kind. Webster Mongs to the athletes We can do uothitl' bill ad- mire nchicteuients so far l'yotitl our grasp, ami ga.e with tt under Umij a development so powerful, so trained, st) splendid, i'tit we can understand it all. Is tth the mind ami its oM-mtions. It is intellect raised to anv ower volt please, but it i -till an intellect, a form mi-I process with which we are familiar, There is none of the hauling sleight of i nere is none oi me naming ieigni o. , hand, the inexplicable iii'uit.oiis of) genius Webster has !-,.n a eti-ed f , appropriating the fruit- of other ni-n's lalnirs to his own iim-h ami glorv. Hi is is peiteetlV It lie cntiei-UI. V e!ster .-.... had the common quality of great ness, a. '(trek perception of the value of suggestions and thoughts put f-rth by t.ther men. and the capac - y dct.i-t their alii-and u-e them; making them bear fniit instead of re. inihiin.T sterile in th.. Iintul. of I be tils- -...... n -- ...- ... ---. ........ --. .... ... l'tit after all i- -aid. we come ,' he stands Iwfore US. trrfindlf vit itllv. with all hi-glories and nil hi failing's. The uppermost thought, as we look al him. is of his devotion to the Fnion. ami t.f the great work which he did in strengthening and building up the na- tional sentiment. 'Ilial -eatitnent. the love of Webster-life, proved jwmerful enough t -ave the Fnnui in the hour of simreme trial. Then? i-'tiii need iitl it tvould tnt lw right, to overhnik or U forget hi- errors ami failings, all the , more grievou- because he was o .-iftcd. AH men. even tln-c vvim cen-ure him ino-t -everelt. arkn w ledge hi- great- nev-. Hut it is m t hi fame which will pb'ad .not trng.y for him when his fault-are brought t the bar of history J to receive iiidgnient. It will lie the i thought of a mutei country the ideal of his hopes, the in-pi ration f the noble.-t efforts of hi intellect, which w ill .-nd men to .-ay. even whde they comlemn: "Forgive him. for he lotet much." Henry CV liq. ii Atlantic MtmiJUy. - Fi-hing in a ('orn-Ilel.!. In Colonulo t- a ten-acre tield. which is no more nor le than a subterranean lake coveretl with a soil about eighteen inche- tleep. On the -.i! i- eultitattl a field tif corn, which produce- thirtv bu-hols to the aerc. If anv one will take the trouble ;t dig a hole the depth of a -pade handle he will lind i: filled ' with water, and bv using a nooS an .! line fish four or fivi1 inches long may be increa-t-;! from time to time, until now it ha- a cntst -uiScicntlv ;rng and rich ... I .: -t.i i -- t. l" i'.'"'"" e i-irn. ajinougn u na at ! cultitatiM by hand, a.-it i-not-tnng around him. Ant one having .urlieien: strength ' to drive a rail :hr.xigh the cm-: w ill and on releasing 1: that i: will disaptvar al-1 f-.r-sct' (.&- ! .-.- . 7 a an !-- - 1 --" !'...... i-w. "One of the first duties of a cornmua- J tty." says Mayor Means, of Cincinnati, i m an interview. ":s to nrotect its vouth Protect the bovs iect the girls.1 s first, and they willpro- .. eoterer. Tb' Urrrt (1k la lb Mrl4- tb wtirVi. M H A Hirv- ia trrtai ? w ih tear lM lt?. xott tvrtd ruamiif; ta 1J. aa4 t Jirta tnk,ff i Jul erf tfc fmr. uuoa(i i nwnirio wmrlT rKSirtril ui 14 i"t tf tJ lUttl l4 1Mfc ftiBilill' m&i K fci rf-k mai.T m tb tirBt la lb trbttrt w tnr Edmoo4 IW kt Iww- tw. b, a a 4r94r la tnlo4'T. baa aWj pmTed blmMtf " b t' prtrb. , T Hb ta it grnnl amtgu - tb k.ad kn sa tb 4afurm a4. wwms pw mmmw ww tf-rI arr tuut ii .! wait. ii tb bfariaur iimiIBMIi trtanit if war brvla. TVr rv H,:r traiu of ibwl tb titar train :n - ttrr hur tntr traia tb Irft. .aifir train a tb n-bt Tl;r roam twr., av v n-h- m Iij.rrf-tr. ahi- t).- .-an; M:m f-.r hamiorr tail an- . !tiart-r b.M.rwbrt.with l ram. !'.(. a. b 1 . A . f at- 4 terl la tb r-nae,'t tf . h.e ttrenh i ner . rtwant of tlie weight ! ts' baaa-ner u b , r-.l . 5- t tnke ib- g-. at IV --- , . Z'n itr.i a nr Musiirr iiii- bauuui iv . n- inw- jrs-. --ijc .f.-".. v the !-ii to e tru k n iwiu it-re aiv f.ur. and tbe jyh frn 5 ti tii . wt down to 1 t.m 1 ewt The dsametT f bo.p wb. I u . rnvhe. and the ft are in th-unal pr.rtu. but the l!e are dm-a w;h Ke Mur 4 m.ter i li.-el to farow tlienion enl ana rtlui . . .. - j fn-tHn. the flies projwr n--ab.e a Iari: .-i m ioi-r. ani me n ine tnue the win.t 1U ). awful I will bow d nbe the time train j The ma:n wheel i . ii-be dtameVr wtnie me oarrei i io incne. wnn a a j i it for fert f line. ha lw teeth, center l'J taitv for t fe-t f line, threat wherl third !.. j with pinion J 1 i. Ii and ' I hi f brings me down to the o-aiwux nt. f...... - 1 whieh is the far-famed one the rat tit ; I nui one i caiieii the tnree iegg-i, ani form-! ii two wheel Withtbrer teeth rtithim anwarbor. with spaje tietae t:. and in this pae eomes: the lifting pal- l.fs, which are driven lv the wei-ht. j and as n a the endu!iro swings line of oseilhttiiHi, weight f ball C lbs leirgth of suspension spring. 5 im lies, niches wide, and one sixtieth if an incb thnk: glass -i in dials. 'j tons, ami with iron cost i,".'i .tit tiomg part take 'Jii minutes to wind, depth of !ts ' e 4 f.-et weights. 171 bit. cl'-k tram 1 1 in he s wide, tlials .'$ fct d.ameter: weurht nt minute n.tntt, gewt , length. I llfe.t. llie n nduliiiu nl is cntH'ii- j -ating. with an app!iane for regulating. The cost of thi cl'M-k. in addition to tlials ami hand", as above ti"t-d. wan tx ' little under -1,1 '. making the ,-Um-k . when finished cost the sum of " 7 M 1 he wnter of this will n'vir forget' the beautiful s,,iu:.. of the bills wlti. h' the cltM-k give i. nt mIicii striking th i large bell is h.-an I ten mib s ft and the small ones four to hv. Ihts c!m k I . , : s.-oiis tr annum: lut the appli . 1. 1 ..'.. . ance i.r regui.inng it maiv'i'g u lasier i or s.,wet, a ur it o's-rv ".rv tlss. . , debars us fiom fotmuig an idea what it ! might it if it alone fur one tear Sett tifiir Am-r in Thev .Never l.'rt met It. lo you know, my dear." she sntl drnly said, as he looked up from her l,"',-,,rk "do you know that next j H.-ek will he the twentieth anniversary i of our wedding'" "it that . Htr I'eorge' how time i " '. ' ' lo ite of it. t 1 1 .... .. .. .. .. ....m... .is... ..... ...b.. ' twentv long teara." abeeonttnuett. with .-timet hi ng of" a sigh "You have been j ' ngood husband tt me. darling." j " And you hate been a bleed little I wife to me. Misan. t'tune here till Ij kisi ton There'" I " f was thiukinsr to-dav I was think- ' si Hi..' 1 -! Ill.lll-- HIII'-. j ? "f f " f that sickly-faie.I hahooii who ' ? Ihhw with ytu fn.m prayer- meeting lief ore I knew tat? he inter- ru..tiHi. - i .... , ... i " v ho no ton mean- j " Why. that Itrai-e felh-w. of course." i " Whv. (.corge. he wasn't ueh a bol , fellow."' i " a-n i. en- vt en. i ti uae io Know ' OI '- ttor-e im. no imn i Know ; enough to chew putty, and there y oft were as good as engaged to him. I ,- . I es. in-orge. inn tmi knot timarni ! tt Hor-e. ; "she did. eh? How abont that itoop- -houldered. white-headed Ilrace "And ueh big feet ru- she had! Whr. ; Hcorge. she was tho toughing stock ui , "' toHii." I " Not much he wasn't' she was a young lady who would have wade n , model wife.' " I hen whv dnlo t voo ma itt her and ! her mole- and wart nod mushroom J . eyes' ' " Don": talk that war to me! llcreye were a- nice as tour. "They wan' if' " Tb' was I believe you ar orrj Innrausp von didn't marry ftrace"' And I know y.u are orry because urn didn't tnarrr that beautiful ami c- j compli-hed MLs Perkins"" ! "I ttra. eh I thought you said I had ; been a gt.I ho-band to jou" : " Aa.I ditln't yoncall at your blessed little wife'" Then lie plumped down aad fcegaa to ' reatl tl the uKirtgage -ales ami adverse, nts in the patwr. and she pickei up ra j her sfwingand gave the eat a gentle kick. The-e old things will eorne up now ami sn-a. ano -inn-qnw neuoe.- t-vt- ever get- entirely over Frrr Vc theai. Drtrotl " Wall Streft Itrorr- Hojcottinsr Th-Ir I-indlord' Xew York Stork Km hange broker , are ee:tel m th- -ii'j.-e' of their onV tire oa Wall -tree;, there will t b-ior- long not only st2c-.ect otSce to -uppiv :he demand, bu: many that will -taati vacant. Thi bing t'.e -:!uation. it m to the intere-i of ..',;. broker- u haa a comama umler-tAnding. -ay u. thi effect that whenever a vToi.er urr"a- ht- offn-e oa are-uat of :b evorb- liian: reaI ebarg -1 biai ao other ! broker, as a matter of honor, -hall touch i:. P.v seaa of .oca xa uadar- -taatiing. faiihfallv oh rveI. a great r-- ductinn all amuni wmil-1 Iw roapHlcL H . Tm a 1J.KW70 i rtovrv. a coas Railroad r. trucuon iraia on aa uunou p?c. o k-p - -'ar . e. l-Mt.,T. u, hH? i WTo n, p., o, u .i. xa ovrr a woraaa who $ -ur.Egd.jwa oc tJy . lewjlk fw Per- sh-; -an : o orT a he -v tor -T -o-t . , Ln. .j .- ..... . -- - ttit --.. a. -a. a. . a . - I i. ..... . t .! 11 . 1 I.-.-. J ... 1. 1 Si ... .' . '.- --. - i-.W . ... M walking on iDe-.racsieiy. ana mery nap, ar -a. a , aia "" s.ag - spo. v.l give ser her nttir a.. oaeT aad -fa, ha aa m-tm-tuv. -tore her into piece-. br,a? i .No dri ao: ;. down to ut hi --. c-ocfc. though trh -&& &U mu 'oQaM. oi ta- trviar. a W piece as large as a double a-L Br -:nag. hat i he wpag' He u aw'i asi n .jwga a a e-Akr ' r Prsoa- WbT imtbmi bar taaa. what license of oeacn is a train Hka breojong au.ve lezr rcsHctscn lavs no tint' " aaaka the moa of taw -s'tth 'hiJ - thatcalk-d a cooftracUoa traia' A dc- , tea thoend Fe. H m jtuag "AD t&ii tiis 'icir lUwfcln.. th. i -av- is aW-ata -j Hat a-w- ua stmctioa train is th rigfct nne for ii j Scripture far tee beneat of the man wha fat Stlectman. kept ttiag kattt is -ag va vh tk iia7. tlatt aaa hre iKtrtri. Free Frcu. zid. : ? i-hes on tne i.tiswilk. end of hi whj? bhinti sntt," H, aieajK! her n:Ktnvi. on t.irKKUtT. sacs b i -Joba Vfb iiftw t ' babtt of nrJ Jf Uw RtUr tlmrb '"? -Rr If TaJtmr"- - rV-k!, Mp)! lu Ifti Hr-Vi pr.aU b a vow -fl f. - - -- Tb Kn:s. .4 .lartni baa K fasb- a.r-.l .i,- -w-l ;a t rnptt. vt -r a UV bar fr.a,.; TW bcaUb .4 tb lat rrWt ttwXbrr m jajrtt!rff i. aaJ tb- aba tail tat ai uf at rr&pt fcw an I ;v. -. i UMstf apc.f aa4 tjukjj'r ilr t "afn. tha aw tmvra w VuvteMk t. ffn a mwmmi mm. m. for tb ": t nv- a ?. ar. R , y y. SM;tltw amaav , P a tb Ut- lln . a. turn mnyi r h-"o- mu i-"w tfJB b went v th WUl b diath anl m-t m vfuli - tbtrta m rnt ?ir t Ivfp." ab mm i. h-,.'' tr om br a fwrto nate lBetneOt jiien s. 'n1 k w m- i-nxmrnent nuarn il irft l'itat Ka-t lent-ee who wa d"-rM t tiit i. tuj.ting to lnl tb l,mr II i" the -harat r from wb-h .f.t-xtt I Mark faata ' 4.el sii.r lir a--t.jimaie ana i rtui irtenaoi .Mr - .. letm-nia , -ev. Tb Ixttl-n .-' srs tal N!m.t -. . bin-.: ''sjra,'." rvr oj xnt" Sir I, ..:' the -i Ir.-fel tit at tag the !. j.ji i mr.-sutjf wjt. re n-tK . s. a to sv lat w.'i i! f? ! pleasure "irr all wb-a"t : Mr l-sra. the w fe nt the Senator. tel.ngs to 1-chrtno ie lb Mrth-dt t hunb. and i aixtinrnc. "It n i that a numi-cr of fto iw i tnena ' IxHle.1 ladie . j protwue eret a .e .rjrar.wd a -i -(uarduuiAn ra'J e ii (T"l IU f ( - (Bed e. w I o unit tt.cnU I have ,. tr I i with an rl.wpirBr fht ' the eyes of bis Mrm n n tho pulpit he was th '. dignitv . grace and ini pre, h fltMII r In nt t i.i . I 3 i i ' i f'k!. mff.r Ik. nti.l t.-.ti. . I ..I .. vs&r...! "? i J B' f,,n ,," ii? -1 ' J sjwrt tif lh ,,.Ju,Jr,J ,..,.-,,,... hl j Wen listening to him I repra-'..d , him fr continuing sik h evpti.m. and j urged him tit. go forth into Ui wot, I and win the nob!.- name bi ahthttea a , tit hti him to, 'pshaw'' be replied with a smile, 'the human race loves u b j hirmbiiggrd '" It it said that IIn Itenjamin II Itrewler. Attorney -tienrral f the t'nited State. he hi profession, and is a man of grv" executive abtlitv ft was a matter of remark, whet he was ttornev -t tt-neral of lVnntlvata, that ,k,,,.v. ss - wr ... bl. ... A. V Ml kit I aa ,,!.. - ., . , Bf ness lieiiortsats he intend to return to the i tlstom id some of the old tim Attornev te-raU. both in tbi isuoatrr and Kngland. and appear in the Su preme ( mrt in all t ;e of im eonse 3tience whatever, a Wirt. Iinknv. ohnson. Itlnek. Stanton and other war .. ....,. .M..U1 ... .1.. -.. . f ' -a. ...... t nun receive thit attention and rrict i . r. it .i- t i j .. due it It I l-lt te. the Jiid -e of ttie ,. . -, . , .,, , , r . I otirt hive tfesin-tf this course to t nur- .... .... , . su.b the present Attorney . en. rl. :- --., t. . .. .. i ' t .l. in tinier that it noght be advise! of the important . I the i'ier'ta affeetinc the , lovern merit ( nral Itrewer per . Mm.. ... ..i., if i. ... ill. iria-. -,.. uu.i. mawm : -w.i ........ ... . . &. . - - .. .. ;fi t - -- - .-...- -- - ... v. tlowbiedlv ifrj-t a large chmtnt- i " SHiprrnie t it! IIFMIllttirS. A criminal seldom Mis dowa u tnka arrest If the good die young htw do vofi iiwr.-isFH-iiij, .r.is uv em j account for bald bended editors. Mod- j rm Aryo Whv i the diseorerr of tb- Nor.U role hke an illicit whwkv inaaBfaetirt lb-cause it is a secret atul -Tlie facet loll prMUe-Uunp rlerk that aked for two who fob! a man it twiw that this wa not aa e the tic Postoffi.-e is bw be. king for a aw sit- nation. -Never be at your place of businen when a person wants to ix.rrow atone enilijl idea f talking of mamace a aooa H'on-rut think. -Arw OrUom. Icatnf. --A Uetroiter. who ha faileI twice ami paid five cent. m the ijoilar. bouxb' hi" wife a velvet carpet, a velvet dreat and a 5J b.nnet on Christmas We'd like t see evea Chicago match that. - Ij.lfit Frtt l'r. ... (.ntrnmsnans are nurz'ej orer the out : ion whether rouaii and -a eh" are angular r iduraL The rh'te8 look singular, but that i no eritrV-a ngular. btit that i no criterion IJR f t v . Aa !na geaUrtiMa hanaf; pmz claased ftn alarm ciork. aa ncottaiauar anTceti mm wnat ae intetvtel to do witti it. "Orb." aaswere.1 be. -ire. Ftk nnlkifif Io Aft knt Mill !H immf nm' ..... -,. -... j-.. - .. ... . vraKf ine-ix. - The mift sav "A ki withotst tno-lAehe. tike aa ersr without salt." i ,iXJ be it i. mat b- it i. we can : ar i n,it,-.lr . for the g.rl we've hea o-.I i i-wwb.. b- the Ut tHrarr Stf Tar. ; j,4a-t wrr vunUu-hm. -.V-riivfcirri erald r . M, .rv;. sn-4.l k.Lr.... ! . .. "... t, .-., -w ..wt. ' :h loafer w ho stand otw-a the come; f and vs that the world w htm a iir w; k is -n nuui-r bhVmK i a.i tal delii-H. -.V t .-i,iw. V i-kJ.sk9n.V. a sitiiltt- ta it. lfi mrromvied br rU k. and watrb. ad g'Mng. aad n.'. two alike He tK-reeive . , ..r- .... i ..- . w-' ......x ... ... a. u w- it i geuag late m th- aitrao-ia. aad aaxetT ruh tif-nw "biia. He rw oat of bk '.bop aad t-t-y the nrt pv-T-br. "Sir. whtt o'erk t it. yw)"' FrtwA I1ramzrJrf. -Not loitg Bar. f,-- Ie -.ante. t-t amier late umra-ae o; a cuavaer mr. r. ;u.i -.b- -l-L ut: -----. ------- pi..ias n Autm avenue. " ista Coi- ' oasrl Mcspiiikiah ia I : r he 1 him oa "portaat Nxaj-h." Yr. r.' rtpood-! the dasXT maial ""arj b-se-h a. - be' tv-.y. f hexb ia. never agn iu5inrma aim ua mr w- coaat- FI1 call agtia aoc dav when t . .... . . . ' heh ooi." -Fr-raw -(l-.7 I)o rtwi - -Ji I .g r,rtJT man eos iag dowa trr-t' lr high im k- 1 J 1 t. I a tm -oia.. hj .van zaa mr urv7wuT ne ;:epf. lie earrv-t at hands a aa b1s:t ..--- i , . . ... Ut nasi BUM iT I.a 1.S1. .U tf t .1. tli ..v. ..t.ftft ..F I..I.I. 1 Our Yonns: Hiatlon. rffjr rf i j V..---4 w Vim r' ' . mt x Aart MM MM lit V W ar . . - - uA r- ' s r tlaat .- ani ! a a tftal T Maw aa - J.att'w m0 ana Tfc l -a aajaa ""W "" 'J'" " - hb anew --j.il j " r -"' a tat ar ftpaaana - aurw "' " I M - W N ! ' JCVX.'S. .n"IVB. a - t . Jean tor the tr.g ef otir 1ot. btt .. an I al bot uw)d- h ,!-e. ll-f - ars- ! i - TV .-aisa-y aaww -'"-UkatxititaW t aa fata (' k - - ' t fcii. -' fc ' Wrtk- fc" '- - i n , 4s M,v ,. . Taa - Ij HT.? .- ! tn ' ta ' . . N kt ' r- -M' - w k I vi . ' . ia ta ... ..- , ttm t l -..-; a a- '- tm ., '' mt 3 ta k "U aasi-i- n-J " Tp.f . .. - A' v ! f ta- w . - ' il. -' '' JN Ifc .. ,r - . I. it - - - s h ! t k ' - Ts aM-! v- - AW - ' xft mIis ta " TW l-M ...' fWIM ' ' -tM kswT'sVt M ..-' itlt. rsa ! vii '- Hlr1ri ten i r i ta I ' -.- r . . .! t u . ' " I . ji. ! . 5 ' n v i . t . !.. . I l til i itsd . trtb I s- ! i.l i r. ' ! :.. i dj .-i t M ' i 41 ' -t' o. ha' I 1 hip l. 111. ..., . t , I to l-ll ' ' arii ! - r ;. W). I" lh- a). t Ml I 1 to ' 1)1 ill t- tim i.Miaavn tnerr N-j m tor s tt d . ' . nd n l , t id df ! ' aj-pl. j g. t fr t . w -uld r . I lei . I -Ull t?. s 1 drl. .. but . h- t . W II. W he . f.. Fri b t.t f It ' ,! in i k. 'lal. t .! .!.. ... Ml. ',: i , I-.. ' ai. if ' Ibs. and pii i kaeH' be . .. t . i it'l I I at tb t rt.J.l i I . I tr..d i..Uj. . ' llu .1.. i it w . s Ii. r '' ol li t' ( her. and ' t oohJn't tb. i l-traa "Ilii i a . t rue ' phi needn't t. . vt a'-'t lirs auae it alt Uj.; , rn ! - ago. sad the Ms-if) thtt .' i t . . . ' d. t viiiittoae tbt aorrt it baerel. tnit ' t' M-n1 ra gtat I kiv ' time it .et Msrm a if . . neer were little. U.t ju and proper. ani a ? . naughty " It i notlv a lot there Hiaa a rtrl i it. t. , . . , ,. i Mel. aal two b-ita, an' , .' .. ,v.- .. an.1 J.naiban I heir lath t . t-i.tr .. : 'ai lueekiei Iaaman Id' at. ' . n i. , . - i ibeT ralle bim t ai-taia f'tr. ! , - . ' iuiot nw. r.r i .... sf 9 u, ..L . r.. . - -. - , . ... i . - - - - - --- -. ...jt . 1 ... . lie a a farme the winter ha rd to draw wool fr--m bit farm. UmtU aaI l--ata -d it. ilowa tb ner road to V.'atrt tsarv . am! ft . I bay anl ealtle. ami Jot. of tton . lie dials' t Mtm to get reh trri fa1 "One rraaon wa that tb !.. tli-bi t help aim mueh, o. rniir- the work. I .uum. the bail to., but tbe d-l reaue tne- nail to., nut tne ti.ti ,ke to he farmer the, wanti-f to g. . i rnece mm! leara ti he' lawtera or d- tor -methmg .. their father w..k f ed aU the harder, aad let ibeaa tol ! with tb minwter Meliwv tlidn't lib. ' " " a farmer either. he ut batesl t ura butter ami wah and enok. a4 - her mother might have a girl " p t ?ke dxla t wnat Ut be a ! th-t-r t.r a lawyer, t-et-auo ab aet'er beanl of ssirb a tbiag ia all liar bora da, but he waat-f to teach rh.-ot and ao he tudted with the nuatater. and atvt the y fcJj ,n,t mum o d.v .L. tal alraBrx ak-b.wa ( ,,, Ml-y were all at the aaiaia- t,.' , H tum rmt naA llJkM tiua Captaia Kteke I m ma had fallen off from a ' "" wm killtM. a4 be didn't ee what wa going to w. -ae of " fftawhr for they hada t anvtbtac . f"n-bavl. aal the hoya werea t worth their aaJt. II dt4't krisr that the nwaiatl kjasa at tW.i. -1J jfT a ... a "" ' "" '. " aww mrm x J w I? ,7kwfc rrr'1 ttVnr f" r!' w,Jb wtmm ..... .-.- .k...... rft. .. .. si - i-s? .iv i-n. iFapiB ti. s .. .'.. ' . . .--w-. waaUMi Uem to " W,B " y I " rU " 7 ha! u a i i f"riJ. but I ba at tl abwt thai ; , tw ,,.,- wtt- , m . , wwt i.fe m l-Mi i. j ,nJtf . ,. . ; tBt ,,j,her (Jf,T tmm ,,nkmK whl , ro-t tw... ... JT? .. ' - l l . 7 .. 1 1 " -"- --e- " M - -s .bv -'--Tmi mm m & nn iaaiw nun j ip-i, a uv- aoor. lertm-a nmv . Jonathan tea n-iv- a !: M hs bat4orr. btt Kk- iar leaoiag b eHvr ,m wu v, j im. : tanag into h bz. mi MHbfT thtaViog alta& a fa-y 4wrT W bad '-''. d bin: tome e-w-i bill. brownie r-,-W y "at fs' lb titmar aad bnag them a p- - gv-bl. ;at aa " saw i vi .nnf Tiat i. lu. '(f-vWinu s-s. i ii.. v. aaaae wt -kitut Ha Via, aa I vb - i thr s-w-uaAa ra httle vad tad 'rf - " - aaaae wx D-aca P- era Iher both veA hand wj, m-.mf ---.,-.- wsaw. at a: be-- vir J fti. , . . ... ": " -f "" th" f u' il " " th- t. erjese -'in H-ea t r" 'd-t. he up prett ; rt: -. d bk.l at D--ce . . " . l " &" l bsr ' Id I -, taork w,b b ' f- " t a a pity the o ba-ia t k-. rw; b . w d UJ, ,w .e t v j . ,. . . w ": ? ' " - to btava- - , i2 iae rwrt 'j-at t tniti ! . 'jt to trxj that srtag a pfi-r to gt k-,v awaj UU .k.- .. V j.e p ai Kara r r,. Dtw. - ex IVwer .al: "taJ. Mj.rta' J'aathas as! Lira wihHa' to tak htm aoaaJAthi -'- i.-v psua miafs... ia4 dM as. . -. .- .1 . . . i utr ao -rreai o ant -u -'-i n. reek.ooed Be'tf tl. Y? r-tr nm ta-. lana. H- timi' Tt'-- t ,u w4 .lx': ktre ao .hirkt about b . . .-; -.- s.i a Z'rjn arovjtker .. . , Mn' Ier ve umegat d tat a f. - i I K.a.1 n if ' inM fgTW c k v jar. . , .- ar4, b f tb', tit I . , a ib arf' 4 W . f la -' aavt pw. - - ' w I Sat ft V .- - I . . rn. - . jV - t,, I- ' ?i - r ' re f . ' a of i.. - ' i. i Ii M. It -i ! . a I. .- ' .nd ti or U . ! t t.t ten- i rf ' I it. . r .,. d . i s a l -ii .i . b b i t . '' t ' ! :sr' am. 6'i;h.? i;Wtrlle .Vav" I bH' - "f b. t i rr"nib-f il . - ii I... - , d " ae s- in i r j?. . .t- 1r v nte t s ii, il : " ' r . t T. ' . . ' I SI' i i . d,. . i w ' I- , an I i n . ., I! I Too:, t I' ft. . r '. ' If i . Mir.) . ' i- I, v I.. , And f if.i ' ll t I' . IT - ') f g 1 "- .nttf .' ' , ,M. v 1. r. ri .' ' A "I , of ' f,. r, ..(. ., a- .b- t t A bts 'tut.'!. a fr. - , p-H . 1 tb- erfi of i in. f -ea f..r ' eao averts .,( braia'e .. t , .. Mr Wild. k hi..-. np a Tobio.. f h 'if library for-. . to lake Mll befofi Jtmi -v. j,t mind to a;-'. .-. im r. I 'Otter .' ' , r awer wf a . ' rj -tr , grwta ti-A ' , d. Htt A hi anr r J - even tbi ng hm , -, ., tb r-,' the r-te. tb ' fb! and ivng' i: avert an . . .rart-ee . prrtm who raw. apSMisU' K ee-t be be rJatf ttv 4 jreent 4 It rn-a velvet, and ,-a . ' . I ttt lornithH arv! 4m be at wbm rf what twl b4 ik -iMak, " Bever vea iuTa th br tkat tayM wjtriftti aavl n p With a-trb ah.- aui. tae aeart Uar av--' at " m,rnmu '" ' tv!i- . -- "" w'tta law ertd ta evf Pwl f art. haw - ;r -! 011 Vf,'-! ra-r? a ad f,-Mi mmmt kj tho who --" s-.-ssT' wm m ta ataaniiea r "t Ultrm." Btntfm MrmkL A ajsjdt in ta Wm -, i-owri.n u Ua tWjtaJ r ,m t -j.,, ! tiietant itu at lo i ., - --- !,ftr ft A rwa awa r..t-- f- away . f- ta "ttatr rfMt mt tu. .-. f It Ileary rrk.-- t-atir tivr rl lie wa aWat bar 'i;tt, 4aW. aai taw dosr r4 tjatther b hrriwi th mtintor. aa.' edilorW fiJarmrv . A tbteaa be.-r tiw atjitiawi aad r-a. ... -.. . - T. '" " w" n . ' " " laaw an . . " IPnx a The Left . 'aaw w o ofiwa J " . altor friadxTij tfe ' Wta -, - a r io ith- aa Um Vna iar a m batviwa im to f atb rWr haaai tor taw n:u - o atoaw tor ta -, tat wtu, i he ? -- - - , a , mwm aaara aa nKmmT ta-aa of I -rlraiV a hi bat ant '.- gra a ob-bmi naaoiii aj- : - " A h-iaauiw 'xaia. tt, - rtpg ji ia oa tha f -p,JSfc-