The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 09, 1882, Image 4

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(auoomortftSam'l Garber.)
3ary Goods,
Hats Caps,
Hoot, Nlioen,
Clothing Ac.
At LOWEST Prices.
Arrival and lepartnre of Trains en tis
Eastward Paener leav
arrive ..
Freight Iwitm ..
Ifceward Aecoin. leaves
.1-JXi p. in.
fi.-OO p. m
9:00 a.m.
9:40 a.m.
4:30 p. m.
A Large lot of Clothing, Boot?, Shoes,
Hats, Caps, &c, Bought from
8. Garbcr, will be eold at
Our large stock of new
Goods will be marked
down low.
cdmsand see me and get bas&ahts.
Proprietor of the
City Drug Store.
Drugs- Medicines.
Paints- Oils
and Varnishes,
A full' feu f ply of
ratronnte toltcited and thankfully recelvad.
-Prctripton carefully eoHipoudel"w
)nc door south of Garhcr's Htore,
Raitward I'aereiiKer leaea . & a. n
arrive 9-JO p.m.
Freight leaves . 4Via. tn.
r arrive 10:16p.m.
Trains Daily except Hunday.
A. CaarnxLi.. Aw t Snp U
A car load of Studebafcer wagons at,
Sr-ANOGLE fc Fuse's.
pounds for
and double row stalk
Spasooi.e fc Funk's.
Arbuckle's Coffee, 5$
tl.OU, at
Single row
cutters at,
Ttnl.v still keens a cood supply of
the best cigars in town.
Yu von see the Brown's Favorite
'and Tongucless Cultivators at.
Carload of Norwegian Plows and
Cultivators jnrt received, at
Si'ANOfii.K &. Fcnk's.
There will be a social Friday even
ing at the residence of Robert Mitch
ell. Improved farms and raw land for
sale by Simpbon fc Sweezey of Blue
Hill Neb.
FarmoH. don't fail to examine the
Machinery at Spanogle J Funk's,
before buying.
Coal has been discovered in Jewell
county, Kansas; so eaya the Smith
Centre Pioneer.
The ladies Aid Society will meet nt
she residence of Dr. Moaena next Fri
day afternoon.
A large lot of new millinery goods
just received at Mrs. fowlers, nrst
door north of Smith Bros' bank.
(Stueataor to G. A. Brown-)
Parlor, Bedroom
i? jackets, chromos,
Picture Frames,
Mattresses, Etc.
C-ffHr nlw.iv- on band and trimmed on nhort
i, tire lVu-c as lo t any in the -Hey
RiiMiiiiiK ol all kinds done prumpUy ana
at reasonable
Biirial Robes furnished
Harness Shop,
Keepi constantly on hand full Line of
And everything usually kept in a first
class bhop.
teEifihest Casa Pries Paid for HUk
and Furs.
just received the largest lot of
Farm Machinery ever brought to
Farm loans made by Simpson
Sweezey of Blue Hill Neb., easy terms
and money in three days from appli
cation. It's fan to see the old topers call at
the drug stores and ask for "prcscip
tions" since the saloons have been
"The good die 3'oung," and the
wicked grow up lo take a county pa
per "just to help it along," and forget
to pay for it.
Call on Simpson & Sweezey of Blue
Hill, Neb., and get terms and prices
before buying land or making a loan
on your farm.
Twentv-eicht thousand pounds of
Barb and Smooth Wire just received,
to be sold at ground floor prices, at
Mitchell & Morhart's.
Well Boring.
E. A. Young is the "Boss" well
borer in town. Cheap and satisfac
tory work always. (Jive him a call.
The postmaster at Indianola has
been placed under arrest on the
charge of appropriating the govern
ment funds in his office.
For Sale: 75 to 100 yds., best En
glish Tapestry Brussels carpet, at 75
els. to $1.00 per yard. For particulars
addresss, P. O. Box, FI,
lied Cloudy .Neb.
Auction Sale.
I will sell at Auction at Wells P. O.,
on Saturday March 1 1th, a lot of farm
horses, wagons and harness.
S. L. Milner, Auctioneer.
Gentle spring, thou Art near.
The days are growing longer.
R. R. Shcrcr went cut last Monday
to visit relatives iu Ohio.
Mr. Crcps started last Tuesday
morning for New Mexico.
The W. C. T. U. will meet at Mra.
Goble's Thursday afternoon.
March came in like a lamb. It re
mains to be seen how it will go out.
The Chief acknowledges a pleasant
call from Rev. J. W. Kimmel of Teka-
mah, Neb.
The Rev. Geo. O. Yeiser will preach
next Sabbath morning and evening in
the Congregational church.
The Johnson county Journal threat
ens to publish the names of its delin
quents if they don't "whack up."
The best "way to advertise your
county is to suK-cribe for the Chief
and have it sent to your friends in the
Lawyer Case went to Lincolon last
Monday to consult with Jos. Gaessler,
who languisbeth in the Lancaster
county jail.
J. E. Westfall of Morning Sun Iowa,
has purchased the farm of John Ham
ilton, near Cloverton, and will engjige
extensively in growing nursery stock.
It appears that we were in error
last week, in making the statement
that the saloons had been closed. We
should have said that the Jrtmt doors
were closed-.
John Waller has recovered his hor
ses that were stolen over two weeks
ago. The horses and one of the
thieves was picked up at Smith
Centre, Kansas, last week.
The Franklin county Echo wants
the Ex-Co. Clerk of that county
squeezed the same as the Ex-Clerk of
Webster was squeezed, to see if he,
too, won't disgorge something.
An exchange say that hoops are
again fashionable, but ladies not wear
ing fancy Ftockings arc advised to
defer donning them until windy
March has passed in its checks.
It is reported that about the 20th of
the present month the B. fc M. will
put two hundred men to work at this
place, grading side tracks and build
ing the new depot, eating house and
round house.
Full two thirds of the female sui
cides take their departure for that
other land on Sunday, and some one
wickedly suggests as a reason that on
that day the humiliation of having to
wear last year's bonnet is most keenly
Weather Report.
In.Valc, Nub., Much 4, 1382.
Weather observations for the mouth
of February, 1S82.
No. of fair day, 22. Ifo. of cloudy
days, 4. Stormy drtys 1. Foggy
days 1.
Snow fall 3 inches. Rainfall (mel
ted enow), i of an inch.
Highest temperature, (noon olser
vations) 663 on the 25th, lowest 1 1 on
the 20th, lowest at any time 2 below
ro, on the morning of the 14th.
Frank Leelie'e
Kor Mar.
This periodical is claimed to be the
cheapest in the world, and every one
who examines the present number
will doubtless admit the fact. The
pages abound with interesting and en- RM No. 2
tcrtainim; literature of such a varied i LV" ' ?
! character as to be appreciated and
enjoyed by all classes. Trie leading
article, "The Jcannettc and her crew. '
by Jifcph, I. C. Clarke, contains the
details of the organization, etc., of the
expedition, and ha? fiftCM! lino illus
trations, there is an article on htras-
FlweJ Proof Hotleee.
La Ofieo at Ulocari&rtoa 3t . Feb.. 14. 1M:
Notic i hereby ftren tat the followtoc
Rttued iettler ha a!4 De-tiee of hn intention
to tnaae final proof in lapiKrt o! M :lta ad
that aid proof will be mvje bfor lrk of
Ditlnct Oan at Had Cloud Nab., oa a;crday
April ItU li. viz.
Jwt w aT.
for tb Bf( ec '.'4 tn 4a rac
cii tct fuiluvinr wttarr to
prore bit contiocom rtudeurt upon n4 culti
vation of aaidlnnd. tIi. Jimr Mrtlucb. Klrrr
W. Tuttl. Hrla W. Park ac alio S. Wu
ail of Weill .b.
taarSmarW .T. W. SWITZKU. Rciit.r.
Mean temperature (at noon) for the J burg,' with eight illuatnitions- a most
Land Offijf at Bloomicctss Neb Feb.. 14. H-C
NoUce i hereb jiTn that tbc fol!tier-
aasoed filler h
re by
Besley Fehkixs,
Red Cloudy - - Nbrmkm.
4 notice of hi imativa
month 46.
A "dry norther" with dut hare, on
the 16th. Prevailing winds north and
Solar halves 1. Solar coronas 4, a
remarkable brilliant one on the 24th
at 5 p. m.
The following is tho rainfall for the
year 18S1, at this plac: For the
month ot January 0.6O inches, Febru-J
on "The Growth
Art' sixteen illustrntioiw, I gtggN,brMk oa
ire of "Iceland Scenervj""' Onrta l im.
interesting one
uie C'ramic
one discripti
and Modem Life Beneath the Pol a.
Circle." fifteen illustration; and u:i
admirable one on "Robert Biirna," by
Principal Shuirp. nine ilIu-tratiom;
ami ncveral otiiers of ureal merit.
The department of tiction u uuusually
to make nal proof tn support of hi cllm n.i
farnri ftnoJ eaitr tharpof. bfnr the Clrrk nf
of! I'utrict Ccnrt. in Webiter counlj t hi oflce
tarJa iiaixh
H'd mtr No Til. for tbe ' ,-I . of '.
auJ tw' of tr1-, fee 11' tons in ranee 10m. Re
maM the filli.winx vitcrxeee tn prore bi eon
tiouout reiJtnce upon aod ealtiratiun ot id
Itiid rit William Crunrh. Lcrr&to I. Tbutna.
tlecrj (.. Crawford. Curtu BeaJ. all of owlea
febliwarlo S. W SWITZKR. Rrtitter.
All work
rrrntcd t3 gitc ntufitction
ary 1.25, March 1.20, April 1.55, May
rich; and there
tures, etc , uf
are ket-hes. adven
dcp, and some
. . m . n. - .. . ..
. f Lana "Bice ai ttioomtarton. iio. tio.. . i?z
. i iiiriKA a i naePT eiren Tn aT t n a tii iiiea if.
interest I oeilW (lll.lin , nJkM,j .ttlr ha flleJ tiotiee f her intenic
lliUtnitvi). a COtUpreben- t n:kr 5nl proof in npprt of her claitc. aI '
Itinv.aiKl n Tiriifunimi nf om-1 1" " :.P" " ne u i.eior. ui.r oi
4.26. June 6.00, July 1.00, AhruM 1 55, l,ellHhi.HM.L,. covering ultogethei 128 turdl f&h ,u XL?" on
.otktimlior A Oil Hcfrili.r i Q Viivmii. . l:ni (lllxrti) iincrx nni'nl a lifi'Mrv I MlT P Ki4.
.,, v.. ., ,.-. - , .. r-. ,-"--- .- " -.' v,jftftrirmm It,,., dee..!
. er-w . e-m- ..M . i litltttf IIOT Aft Ukl'il Itl.k (?nTlllr-la I . . .... -.
bcrU.15, Ucccmher 0 65. total i.S6. ;r- -..j-vu.t ...... ...3i.ivi.j ..
a miiii' iiwuiucr is auoruei lur .
ccnL, or i'.i per annum, sent postpaid.
Address. Frank I.fsi.iK. I'ublieher, 53,
55 and 57 Park Place, N. Y.
G. W. Knight, Obs.
Neb. Volunteer Weather Eirrica.
A hotel as large as the Arlington, in
Lincoln, properly conducted, would
pay in Red Cloud. The present hotel
accommodations are inadequate to
accommodate the traveling public
that find it convenient or necessary to
stop at this place.
J. D. Hurd, of the Alma Herald, has
accepted a position as advertising man
of the Lincoln Journal at 1200 ayear.
While we regret to loose Mr. Hurd
from the valley, we congratulate him
on his good fortune in securing a lu
crative position on the Journal.
J. L. Wright, the down town ton
sorial artist has been fixing up his
shop in apple-pie order, ami has put
in a counter and a show case well
filled with choice cigars for the ac
commodation of his numerous cus
tomers. John is bound to succeed.
Our attention has been called by
county Supt. Springer to the following
article hi the educational department
of the State Journal, and we gladly'
publish it as we consider the matter
therein net forth of vital interest to
the cause of education in Nebraska.
In the event of a special session of
our legislature, perhaps no action
would meet with more general ap
proval than an appropriation fur the
publication of the school laws of Ne
braska. Such an appropriation is
greatly needed. The hist appropria
tion has been expended and the copies
of the law which it furnished have
been distributed. There is no wav of
supplying the present demand, which
will be creatlv increased after the an
nual meetinsrs iu the three thousand
live hundred school districts of tbe
state where many changes in office
will surely be made.
No appropriation can be made by
the special session unless it be men
tioned in the call.
We speak the wish of vcrv many
school officers of Lancaster county, in
requesting his excellency, the govern
or, to mention this matter in his call
for the extra sessiou.
What s:iy others ? Will not educa
tors and the press pass the word along
and see what the result will be? Tbe
fact that our school law is ot recent
exactment and not generally under
stood, makes it doubly important that
this matter be attended to.
aa e- art
How Much Land For Each ?
The recent census gives the total
area of the United States (not reckon
ing Alaska) at 3,025,600 square miles,
of which 55,600 square miles, arc occu-
pied by water lakes, rivers, bays, etc.
H'd No. 3iOJ
for Lot 1. Z. 3 aod 4. lee 6 town la raote liar.
She name, the following witnrocs to pror her
confinuouj residence U-n. and cultivation of
aid Und. vu: Auiuilu Albert
S. Reyiu.ld. Klwia .Watcalf. UtaTf -'. Scott U
of Red Cloud Nob.
felVtuarS fi. W. SWITZKR. RefUtat.
Chicago Lumber Yard!
Rod Cloud. Nsbrsuikmi
Light About th..' Souse we Lir la.
Is the title of a book we find on our
table. "Tbe house we live in" means
our boilu, and 'light" means kniiuOdyr
of itd physiological structure and con
dition in health and disease. This
little book gives .1 great ileal of "light"
on diseases of the lungs, and points
out a successful method of treating
Consumption, Asthma, Catarrh, Bron
chitis, Becdiug from the Nose, Stom
ach, Hinl Lungs, and kindred maladies
of the respiratory structure by tbe use
of inhaling vapor remedies instead of
swallowing medicines into the stom-where-
they can be of no benefit to the
luugs. This difierence in practice is
tbe inspiration of the book.
Any one atllicted with anv of the
above-named diseases can get a copy
of this interesting and nicely illustra
ted little work by sending tm crnt.i in
postage stamps to the author, Ir. N.
B. Wolje, No. 146 Smith Street, Cincin
nati, Ohio.
Dr. Wolfe is an old citizen of Cin
cinnati, has been treating disease of
the Nose, Throat, and Lungs e-nUvsinly
for twenty-five years, and is weil
known throughout the country as the
author of "Medical Common fcenie,"
a book of rare value to any one atllic
ted with disease of the lungs, a copy of
which he will send lo any address for
twenty-live cents in postage stamps.
The Latest From Chicago.
Bloomincton, Nkii. Jan. II ls2
Complaint having U-en entered st
this office by Nathaniel II. Thorpe,
agaiuit Robert Rogers for failure to
comply with law as to Timber-Culture
KnlryNo. Ll. dated October Mb LV73.
upon the south-east quarter section 26
township 4 north range 11 west, m
Webster county Nebraska, with a iew
to the cancellation of said entry; eon
Utnnt alleging that said Robert Rog
er failed to break five acres the lirnt
year of his entry, and failed to plant
any timber either the third or fourth
year and has olanted none since. The
said parties are hereby summoned to
appear at this Office on the l.Uh day
of March 182. at I o'clock p m., to
ropond and furnish tctmiony con
cerning said alleged failure.
S. W". Switzkk. Rcgi-ttr.
R. W. MoXtoo.meky, Receiver
Keep cotutantlv on hand an Mnortmcnt of LumUir, Ijtb, HhlnjcU. Dv-M,
Windows, Lime, Hair. Crnitftit. I'laater, Budding Ppr
Ktc Eic. Ktc.
PLATT 5c FREES, Proprietor.
Davis Sewing Machine:
Red Cloud, - - Nebraska.
' ' i.amat
Divorce Notice.
Samuel West,
Tobacco. Cigars.
Ice Cream Parlor.
Where vou can always
1 nice dish of Ice Cream during
Farm for Sale.
lf,0 acres of land 8 miles southeast
of Red Cloud, G5 acres under cultiva
tion. Will take part payment incash,
balance on time. Call on G. A.
Brown, on the premises, or E. E.
Shute, at Burr Oak, Kan. 31-t-4
Rev. J. W. Kimmel, the English
Lutheran minister from Tckamah, who
has been preaching in town for a few
days, organized a church here last
Tuesday evening, to be called "Trinity
Evangelical Lutheran Church. A
regular minister of this denomination
will supply the pulpit here, 6oon.
A share
th Season.
of tho pnblic patronage
fcolicited. First door
t rT:...l...ll Jt- Xforltirlil
bOiun 01 June-lien .......-
Rkd Clocd, - - Nkuiuska.
Money To Loan
Lecture on the Prophecies.
Elder Chas. L. Boyd" an Evangelist,
will deliver one lecture on the "Proph
ecies fulfilled and unfulfilled," at
Red Cloud, in the Congregational
church on Tuesday evening March
14th. Meeting to commence at seven
o'clock, seats free. All are cordially
-a a
Ho! For the West and Pacific Coast.
All parties desiring to go west the
coining season will do well to address
A. C. Bobbins, Secretary of the Great
Western Colony, Orleans, Neb., and
receive their pamphlet giving a des
cription ot country, raws oi uraiiRjioi
t.iU hv rail, for familiea. teams
household goods, c
Wm. Moshcr returned to Red Cloud
Inst Saturday after an absence of a few
weeks in the east. He went away to
stay, but soon came to the conclusion
that there was no place like Nebraska,
and especially this part of it, for a
man to live. We understand that
Win. and his father will soon open a
meat market near the depot.
Red Cloud bids lair to be the best
town in the Republican Valley, large
lj because her people pull together in
matters of public enterprise and large
ly because the country people stand
By and with the town. Some of our
people think that if we had pulled
together and acted wisely, wo would
have had the division in Franklin
county. Rep. Valley Echo.
We have received a circular from
the secretary of the Nebraska Edi
torial Association stating that the
pencil shovcra of the state will go on
an excursion in July, to Denver, Salt
Lake and the National Park. The
circular is all right, but the closing
sentence blasts our hopes and eter-
leaving 2.60.0H) square miles of
land or 1 ,90i),S0O,0O0 acres. The total
population is 50,155.783. This land
evenly divided, would give to every
mnti tfa-ini aim) Saltffl TTJ OPfOJ
11111. VfWJIlaWl, iWHl It.alt Off .tT, l - -
and an onion patch 3 by 9 rods, over.! Valley.
It we divide tlie population into lauii
lies of six persons, each family could
be alloted 227 acres. Allowing one
quarter of the land to be mountain
ridges, sandy and stony tracts, and
other "bad lands" there would still be
left the regulation "quarter section
(IfiO acres) for each family. But cen
sus figures now made up are for June
1S80. Since then over one million
people from foreign lands "have come
to stay," as American citizens, and the
natural increase has been considera
ble; the total increase from 1870 to
1880 was 3 per cent per annum. So
we have now (March 1, 1882; nearly
fifty-four million inhabitants. As the
area of land does not expand there are
jiow less than 30 acres each, or not 150
acres each per family, and the average
amount is rapidly decreasing. No
cause for alarm htwver. With the
best culture, one acre will supply fowl
for one person, and at this ratn we
can allow more than four hundred
million acres for waste land, and still
have an acre each left for the estima
ted entire population of the globe,
which is somewhat over fourteen hun
dred millions. This is a great country !
Thanks for the iron sinews of tho hun
dred thousand miles of railway lines,
and the nerves of the network of tele
graph wires and the speaking tubes of
the nostal donartment. we are. as a
people brought iuto one closly united
family occupying Unci.k Sam's Grkat
Farm. American Agriadturist for
Has just received the
Largest and Cheapest
Stock of Goods in the
In th PUlrtct Court of theilh JuJIeiat DU
triet in au.l far netaur Couair Nabra-ik.
Jostra K.S
Agne Shirk Pfri'tnt
will tnko notir that on thn ISth Ur of Kebru
nry ISK'J. l'Uintid herein filed tin imlilioD in
the Iitri -t Court f Wbter "iuntr Nebraika, itM DefeiHrnt. Iba object an J prayer
of which i to ohnin a ile-crerof Jirorce on th
crnuDil 'ifdrjerUjn fur uo.-a than throa year
laxt iast.
You arc reinirfl to aniwor H petition am
or before tho JrJ Jay of April 12
'JS-l4 JnsirH K. 5MUC.
Ily W. II. Ktrohm. bi Atturnay.
A large lot of
Ready Made Clothing,
Boots 8c Shoes, Hats,
Caps, and
Dry Goods
up. Boys
from 75 cts. up.
Boots & Shoes at the
LOWEST figures
Dry Goods and
Road Notice.
State of Kebrsika.l
Webnter County, i
Tn all to whom It may
concern: The C'omniiMiuner arpointe. to
Yirw and report upon a certain line of road
prayed fur in aerrtain petition dnly mened and
nrrrrntml and filed with the Court Clerk of
I iiaid county a follows, to wit: Oommeocint at
mr quarter pi pciwern eruon nueen i i.n am
twen ytwo rl town'hip four (It rnr twelra
12) went, thence uorth-writ twenty '20 rU
more or Iea. thence puth weal in the unit
suitable place to cro the Little Dlue riter to
the section line thirty-five 1 1". I rod wt of
aid ouarter pot more or le. to he eMahlUheJ
and that the public road on the nection line be
tween the above mentioned points be vacated
ha. reported favomhle and rrcommerd. the
ctab'ihuient of salt! road and the vacation of
the ice ion line from said quarter pot twrnty
two M rod weft ax prayed for in 'aid petition,
and ail objection thereto or claims for damage
mint be filed in the county t'lerk'a office on or
before noon of the lHtb day of April. A. I). IM2.
or uch road will be eatabliahed without reler
enee thereto. J. P Hyb. Co. tlerk.
Ued Cloud Neb.. Peb.. IMh 1M2- 2-4-t
aoii;s &
Go To W. B. ROBY'S
-F O R-
Staple $ Fancy Groceries,
Choice Nuts. Fruits. & Confections.
j0Frmh Fruit and WgeUll Siilil on ConiiuiMion
ICKD ri.on. VKH
Notice to Tax Payers.
At a meetfnr of the Hoard of t'onntyCom
:.:..n... L"..n ... ii. k ias- !.. -..nn ..
New suits trom S7.00 f.r"iiu'ja w arTrd ,nd ,ldot',, hj id
ywr -I -J i KcoIred that tbe e,ounty rreaji'irer la hre-
OOl II UtS hr ordere.1 l the llrd of 'unty tV)inmiiion-
er ti Mii'et tne ileiiniiaenl laiea oi mil
count forthwith ac-orlitur to lw " I
Now thi i to notify all interentrd that with- j
in loin 7 mj. iroin 1110 tjaie oi ini nniin,
accoHing to law anil my wstruetion fn in the
B-iar I o'.oun'y tVraniMioner. I will proeeed
to collect tbe delinquent t.xe in .aid county
together with eols of collection, by di treat and
tale of peraun&l property in the manner pro
vided by law for the lery and sale on exeentioa.
Chttt. liCMCbov. County Tra.
Roiaoad. Neb.. Feb. 16tb -Jfi. 2-t-3
Legal Notice.
.VWto of Nebraska.
Walter County, j
... In the Dlttriet Coirt
thereorot tne Kifth Jndicil Dtstrtrt.
The Iowa Loan Tnt Company Pl'tff.)
Jarnea Kie'tt. n,fendant.)
The aborenamul defendant wilt take notice
that the above named ple;.:fvon th ... .
of January H. filed its petition ..'""u-;
named eouru aint tbe above name1
rif,nt the nbiept and crarer of wbicr. i lor
decree to forec'o-e a Real httat" Morttajre
made br raid defendant to aid plamtia on the
N W '-i. quarter fecfifin It :n tnwnjl. !
and 10 west of 6 I M In raid " ehit.r
County, raid defendant u further noiificl that
he i required to aprwer said petition on the
J)th day of Mar-h. 1 v82
Iowa Lorn .f-Tnilt Company.
JS-t-5 By ifv)lieitor. BiTtt A Utoit.
Lower than can be
Bought anywhere
else in town.
Canned Goods
In Great variety and of
the best quality for
sale Cheap.
Highest price paid
I for Butter and Eggs.
When you come to
Town don't forget to
call on
and ad-
.rv t..1 TTstatfi. in etvsiur
ioiniiiR counties at the very best rates.
It will nav every former wiio thinks of
llfng mon to sco rne before
making arrangements "
x.nrtv. ,
No expense to the borrowerno
tedious delav no dealing with eRPtern
narties no rtpplicntion fee, tonus or
5.,,;c0;Mr f for makiiiK or
recording papers or taking aeknowi-,
edgements no advance or nemi-an-mial
interest, and rrt interest until
money is actually in hand.
Call upon or address
R. A. SiMrsoir.
3Stf Loan Broker. Blue Hill. Neb.
lrom a participa
It reads disrnallv
r..tu t.k.raViv rirnn. that I will xaj!nt
-iin.rowhoBiay3e.-ire to offer theiaMlvei
i'ISifitil lor teachct. of the priamarr or
IfitS KkKOll tr VVeU-ter county, at Bed
.I"TJ- the firtt SaturiltT it the in nth t
i-H"4 - Mar Aniuet and November: At
J'fbn,u?i,a ihtrfl ; Saturday in the months ot
Bin HiU ,Se JS& and Oetober. At Guide
i-Bai7. .5Lt Sat urday in the taoatlu ol
hue ontfcefcrrt baturo )-cebT.
Marek. Jaa !" JJ ,t , . -jock a. a-
KajUBtftaueaw vm -
ariataaeaiit of Pawn " "
The County Superintendent of
Franklin county will hold a Teachers'
Institute at Blomington next week.
Several lecturers from abroad are ex
pected to be present, including Gen.
Thayer of Omaha and Prof. G. W. I
Reed of Gibbon. Our Superintendent,
Springer will conduct the exercises in
arithmetic and geography.
Notice to Tree Planters.
Tartics wishing Cottonwood trees
for forest nlantmz can have- ihera
: - ... - ... , .
id any quantity, l will airman m lots
of not less than teu thousand, for one
dollar a thousand. Lots of 20 tlwou
stind at 90 cents per thousand. Cash
to accompany all orders. Send orders
to M. B. Murthy,
Plattsmouth, Cass Co., Neb.
Reference, Caes County Bank,
Zl-ti I'latumoutn, eo.
nallv shuts us out
iiuu in ine auair.
ae follows:
"It is estimated that the cost
be $50 to each person, and no
should start with less amount"
Abram Ka!ey,
At Garber's old stand,
Red Cloud.
C atr-111
The ahcieawt x fJTCliiiaiamt tk mm
GrattM to Inrilldx,
Floreston Cologue i9 grateful to in
valids, because it is refreshing with
out the sickening effect of roost
A ra!i&a lCltaln.
iion t make the mistake of coo-
founding a remedy of merit with
quack medicines. We speak from ex
perience when -we say that Parker's
Ginger Tonic is a sterling health re
storative which will do al! that is
claimed for it. We save used it our
selves with the happiest results for
Biieumatwm and when worn oat by
Tired ef Life.
A family by the name of Moon have
lived in this town for about a year and
have, we believe, been supported by
the county most of the time. The
domestic affairs of the family are re
ported to have beeu always in a state
of ferment, and last Sunday morning
the trouble becoming worse, if possi
ble, than heretofore, Mrs. Moon re
solved to end it and her life at one
and the same time. She accordingly
went tq Sherer's drug store and asked
for some strychnine "Baying that she
wanted to poiscn a gopher. The drug
gist refused to sell her the strychnine,
but recommended "rough on rats" as
being good antidote for gophers.
Finding that she could not procure
Demcrest'h Magazine has been
thougiit out in every department, and
is well adapted to the average Ameri
can taste. Eat'h number cmiuuns two
or more beautiful art pictures. The
stories are original, and always inter
esting, and the thoughtful, timely
erv?avs are of the best of their kind
published anvwhere. The srnial de
partments are wraicm, .. cp.u-i . . Q Q
!ni7.c all the interesting and vital topics ; JVlarCn ISt 100 2.
ofthednv. The high quality and low
price (two dollars a year) of this aumt
rable monthly explains the wonderful
increase ol its circulation irom iiuy iu
sixty-five thodsand in the paat two
Legal Notice.
State of NebMrka.
Webter County. J . . ,
In the Pittriet Coart
thereof of the fifth Judicial Dirlriel.
Kliaa B. Reed.Truitree. PI'tAM
Stephen Newman and J... ' of 5oU
wman. Pert. J
The above named defendant-' will uk-notice
that the above named plaintiff on tbe 16ta day
of January 1V. Sle I bt t.etfn in the above
.,.H ennrf .inrt;he txve named defao-
- .---.- r r Muk. r
. Jauta. the object and grayer of whieh i. for a
Ij,--. .n r,.,-j.,o a Real relate Murtcace
iSr ie&T-r.n.Uau to .aid plainuaf in
theS E i 1 5n uma 3 corth '1 rmaM
i. .- of r, P. M in laid Webster County.
m . .. .. r Y ,n um w BnaLr i.juaK.
.: i .i.r.-J..,. .. fnetkar notifiad that tbey
are reiiie'l U ner aaid petition oa the 20ta
dy of March IWi.
KLja B. Riia. Traitee.
TrT a aa.
By hit Solicitors.
Chattel Mortgage Sale.
Notice is hereby oven that by
..:..,, of r'Vinttvl MnrtL'aire d.tted
11 1. V. - ." -" - J-
:M 1S?1. arnl rtu.y hlcJ ann re-l
r i tthtieaif tli- frinfmnni 4 Ktf. I nrj
of land laying between Peter McNitt's I yjy V1
and the river. And the public 1ST tiirti J.4 &aU)
hereby notified not to cut any tmler
on the same. M. B. McvJirr.
To Sell or Rent.
A farm on Louisa creekys miles
from Red Cloud; containing 160 acres,
90 improved, good oe frame house,
well of good water; wagon sheds,
hogpens and stable, property of Wal
ter a Wade. CaUonJ. M. Stoddard
: .jj... i
U.S. LANDOFFICK.l Auc"?t '31 1881. arnl rtu.y hlcu ana re-
k.. been entered .t tkl. oSee by ? H.rk of Weh-tcr county Sebrw ka, n Than
iiitrhell aais th5 heir, of JIary A. Jone ,;, M tiay OI Angu-l INI, - c-
deceaed. for abandonin her Homeatevl fcntry . ulfc4i 1V 'con Henrv to J I. Lae.
No. 4i3. dated Mh . 6th 1578. apon .he J , .. . - r.,mr,Anv lo
t r .-Ik. u ' attrt twavfT " 1 I Alaiti ..itiv ,- .... -- -
a a a w sl ni niuui- an a. m. awu a -- t m .- - -
7.(3. and
That they are Scllingciothing, Dry-Goods,
Boots & Shoes, Hat & Caps, Trunks,
Valices, and Funj.hing Goods,
Cheap for Cash,to make
We also fiirifiem guilfv
Of Selling MORE Gooa CHEApER
any other House in tne
tion 10 town.hiD 1 norh rnce . ,cu-e lne rjaYmgnt of I'
SVuiaVTlvlJli auoinibic. 'm y-g Mr "
-. : .crziv i...n.. t tk .;. u it.o inm rifiTfii.j.t. oftaun nav-
OBce on the. iih day of April .1J82. at one i - een jnade in the payment o:
o'clock p. .. to rewpoad and furaua uuiaonj
s. T. Swirxaa. uaswtar.
K. W. MoeToMimT. JUeanTM. "
on the pretane,for
Red Cloud, Nek.
mall amount of "rough on rate" arf
proceeding uome, Bwauoww. weai
0 a natural
Bek Wattnirts
the poison 6he wanted, she bought a jfcie yeart growth from Beed. From
one to one a aalf feet high, sent to any
address on receipt of price. Hieae
Walnuts will a-ak fence peau in loar
orfiveyeare. If mot goed growing
cooditioB when received tker mJ be
ystiet of SiU IW Catttal Xortfaf.
Vote h ka'aVy ! taat to nrt-a af a
Ckatt44Mortacalatad ka JSth aw of Jaly
18N. aaa daly Wad ta tho " of tka oaato
clerk of aTehatarcoaatrKohraakaoa tao 16tk
J?. Loaad St- to aeeJ ka wrm'pj tk;
imaiafOaaHaadrwiaaa Slxtwa (tllSJ-B) aa4
aaoa wkiek tkera ia aow dae tka aaa of Om
taraat freaa tko lota day of J air 1M0. at aar
eeat. par aaaaai. deXaalt kaviac baaa auao ia
ik. Mfauai a aavia amaa. Mmrmt9rm wm aaui
1 rM Dnoi .lTea. 1 ni Partmbmll 4
HMtaaal- lreaHearaa aaUar. Om Jaaatac
BULOMSaaetiaa karrov. OmuHf H
rOrr awkaj. 3 Mt EajTaaiawa are fiww
tk ; " 3MI Mac laaaaar h
toot, aiaakiiaaaatioa iM garartam.
r-l. fcl. m. tat Xltk aa of M
"sj ... w . m-r- -. w
aaeaaaanataaaa. am. a. awai .
55T ljB.S.06WkaiAaaat.
i i-i- : ' j aaa saaa aaaaar laaeaaaai aw
-i u.w, w r- - wawui .. - - HnTZT.. --
ruiiaetf. and ae a natural waKM-ce
soon began to feel siekr and jajpWblj
: Af r-aa. c-m. aaajor
r.rRI1L... .. mm ..m.. -M -w m .
vaa lent for who ear Uaiicirirl tbe retarBed and asoney will be refanded. PXW SALS.
W" .-jL&ZZZL Pries, 75 ce.ts a .wadrad. caa. The inideingned offers for sale the
necwwrY oim.iiiu.w , - -- M -.Uk-a Norman fitaUlOQ "JMWar TXBflL
Doiwo and she reiaWulfl. to take w mrm aosocsawj wera. . y for emb s
-- . AaMress, JU W. rcVLB, twndetaaaofaKlIssi PaUt laysplt aeator
, .? r afaaTaLA. .av.. Reaatvina P. ft . TiFaaTin Cql. EaSL. fs.ll aw ApaaW. ImASfK EZSWSM. SSvT SjafeaC
$250.00 and interest, which lccame
Aa Vnramhpr 1st 1831. and the said
Mortgagee feeling unsafe and insecure
as to the said ecurity; therefore wc
will sell the property therein described
viz: One Agitator Threshing Ma
chine, one twelve horse Woodbury
Power, one black mare 10 year old
.nlinn.Wmiire 11 vcars o'd. at
Public Auction in front of the Blue
Hill Bank, in the village of Blue Hill,
Webater County Kebraska on Satur
dav March lltb, I8SJ, t 1 o'clock p.
m- of said day.
J. I. Case Threshing Machine Com
pany, Mortgagees. ,
Byaixrao5 & Swxett, their AU ya.
. t4i
Dated Peb, 14th, 1882.
iiM Brr-
A csxiT diaidexatusa w l
ation of medicine is that it
nalaoable without losice lis
th is tbe case with Piczlt
and being gravdea
tkawV AAiaarttc Drooerties.
adaetad far feaisii as
Afl SUITS for UTen
Childrsn mt low Pri
It will pay you to Gall, an3 Ex
you buy Elsewhere and get the
Yours Truly,
amine before
AMfantage ot
V., t rJTarea, l J Skam drwHor
overwork, bee avav.ftacs.
awaV from
fay, at
j-- 1-r?-i;
. r"1- . . . A.a 3
mL Ac-
.. "-Jfri-zi-J
f s MBf f aw 'SfvfcV-'-i' &Aj .-w- - ?s-?lCiai,J -Ti "kaaai
z. A"B5S r Tif'a aa -a "iii "- "t" jcf . . i ' ' 'BagT - .. . "
- - - r 1 itiTdMsisii fcTnFMn ' i
Jt f -l&ir'Z- 'fc,aTaaMaaaaaaBaWBaaajjBaaa-v; -j . y ym
BfaWi. T- "1-J-n VII i i -- . J BBBBW