The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 02, 1882, Image 4

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" K0 TlWJ C. -OK Woi ilijii i U iW l
(Successor to Ham'l OarW.)
Dj:alcu j.n
-Dry Goods,
JHfcit.s. Cups,
Clothing Ac.
At LOWEST Prices.
A Large lot of Clothing, Boots, Shoes,
Hats, Caps, itr., Bought from
S. ("arber, will he Mild :it
Our large stock of new
Goods will be marked
down low.
Proprietor of the
City Drug Store.
Drugs? Medicines.
Paints- Oils
and Varnishes,
A full supply of
Tatronnre "ml-ckfl and thankfully received.
r-Prc.,-ciitifins c.irefuMy comroundedtt
One door fcouth of (JaiberV .-tore,
'Successor toIU.A. Brown-)
Parlor, Bedroom
brackets, chromos,
Picture Frames,
Mattresses, Etc.
C- Hi"'? nlw on liin.l ntui triinmcdon short
ti-.tiro. I'm-.-a. In .ii- any in the Valley.
i:itii:iK of nil kin-li done j.ruiiip'ly and
Burial IIoIk's furni-hfd at reasonable
Ken rf nftiaitly on !i:ind a lull Line of
And everything usually kept in a first
cl.t j-hop.
!e Cash ?r:c: Paid for Hides
and Furs.
amueS West,
Tobacco? Cigars?
esse eg? sis.
A!) A Kiirsr CI.VSS
Ice Cream Parlor,
Where you can always
got a nice di-h of Iv Cream during
ihij Seain.
A share of the j-iil.lic patronage i-
lc-pet tful'y i'ii ited. Fir.-t ditr
eouth ol Mitchell A Morhart s.
Kkd Cl.orn, - -
Money To Loan .
On Real Eiate. in Welder and ad
joining counties at the very he.-t rates.
It will pay every fanner who thinks ot
borrow ina; monev, to see me before
making an alignments with any other
No expense to the borrower no
tedious delay no dealing with eastern
parties no application' fee, bonus or
-omniision no fee for making or
recording papers or taking acknowledgement.-
no advance or semi-annual
interest, and no interest until
money i actually in hand. - '
Call upon or address.
R. A. Simpson.
3Stf Loan Broker. Blue Hill. Neb.
JTotice if hereby civen. that I will esannnt
ll perons who in.ty dcire tn offer theinselvc
s candidates lor tc:trh;: of the liriwary or
couiuion school ol W!tr couulv. at Itsl
t'loud on the lirft S.ntui'l.ty in jthe rn nth. at
l'ebrukry. ilT Autut and Cuvcuiber: At
Jllue Hill on llicrt citunlay iu the iumthof
January. April. Juiy niiJ Octulicr, At Guide
ftuck on the turst S'alunJj.y in the txiouttia ut
Slnreh. Junt-. aeplcKibei anil Ilcccmbirr.
Eiiiiuiu.-tlinii.- to i-.iminrnce at t cluck a.m.
CKRtB ". ?llt?SGRF.
Connty Superintendent of 1'ublie In.tnictinn.
The ehnieMt of t"reh cieav. 5
it affords, always on Haul.
k Shop tiro doora south of Sheror'sdrncnore
Fuwl nnd crerytoinic in uo line mai
y-j.yjrftifcjm jcwaj
Arrival asd lepaiie ef Trains en the
E. V. 2. B. at Eed Clcad;
Eajl ward Pwcnitcr lea vs ...
Frcixht le.ivc ....
" " arrives...
Wwirard Accora. l-arcs ....
arrive." ..
.. fcMn. in.
.. 'A p. in.
flrOOp. m
!-4(h ro.
4 :."!. m.
K-tMrrard P.ecriKcr leaver . . 4:00 .i.m.
ji.Th'tf 'J20ii.m.
" Freight' iVavc. .. 4:ST a. in.
arrive -10:10 1. m.
Train? Daily except Sunday.
A. A?s'tFup't.
Choice Top Onion Setts, at
Pi:i:kins it Mitch kii.'.s.
A car load of Studehaker wagons at,
Si'AXooi.i: &. Fcnk's.
Arliiickle'.-. CotVec, f pounds for
$1.00, at RoiiyV.
Go to Perkins it Mitchell for your
Single row and double row stalk
cutters at, W.xof:i.K it Fi:nk:5.
Rob still keeps a good supply of
the hest cigars in town.
Perkins it Mitchell are headquar
ters for field and garden seed.s.
Did you see the Brown's Favorite
and Tongueless Cultivators at,
SPANoci.Eit Fitsk's.
Improved farms and raw land for
sale by Simpson it Sweezey of Blue
Hill Neb.
Car load of Norwegian Plows and
Cultivators just received, at
Siwnooi.k it Fi;nks.
Farmers, don't fail to examine, the
Machinery at Spanogle it Funk's,
before buying.
Pump work that we arc not afraid
to vnimnt is the only kind that we
wiil do. Beslky it Pekkins.
ilst iieceivei) the i.akcest lot of
Fakm Machinery evkh iii:oi:giit to
Bed Ci.ol-1). SPA NO(J LE it FUN K.
Farm loans made by Simpson it
Sweezey of Blue Hill Neb., easy terms
and money in three days from appli
cation. Call on Simpson it Swerzy of Blue
Hill, Neb., and get terms and prices
before buying land or making a loan
on your farm.
We cany the only'full and complete
line of Iron and Wood Pumps, to be
found in the valley. Prices low for
first class work. Bisi.ey it Pekkins.
Twenty-eight thousand pounds of
Barb and Smooth Wire just received,
to be sold at gkound n.oon prices, at
You cannot afibrd to get along an
other year without a Wind Mill, at the
prices and terms that we arc making.
Call and sec us, Besley it Pehkins.
Well Boring.
E. A. Young is the "Boss" well
borer in town. Cheap and satisfac
tory work always. Give him a call.
Bear in mind that we will vol be
undersold. Pumps arc a specialty
with us and we propose to give our
eustomors the benefit of close buying.
Besi.ey it Pekkins.
Seed time is coming and as usual
Perkins it Mitchell are on hand with a
well selected stock of new seeds, both
in bulk and package, for field and gar
den. Be wie and select while the
toek is complete.
The Eclipse Wind Mill can show
you a better record, than any mill
made. It is guaranteed to you. Why
buy a cheap and worthless mill, and
only have to replace it in a short
time. Besley it Perkins, sole agents.
We have IIako Coal, nut size, well
screened and kept under cover, at
$15.00 per ton. Soft coal in- large
lumps, at $7.50 per ton, at our eleva
tor. We do not deliver.
Wigghcs it Son.
FrcibBiertner, the tailor, has moved
into the room north of Case it Me
Neny's law ofiice where he can be
found at all times ready to supply you
with a new suit of clothes of perfect
fit and of excellent make. Call and
see him. 2S-3-W
To Sell or Rent.
A farm on Louisa creek, 5 miles
from Red Cloud; containing 160 acres,
i0 improved, good new frame house,
well of good water, wagon sheds,
hogpens and stable, property of Wal
ter C. Wade. Call on J. M. Stoddard
on the premises, or address him at
Red Cloud, Neb. . 2'J-t-4
Ho ! For the West and Pacific Coast.
All parties desiring to go west the
oming season will do well to address
A. C. Ivobbius, Secretary of the Great
Western Colony. Orleans, Neb., and
receive their pamphlet giving a des
cription of country, rates of transpor
tation by rail, for families, teams,
household goods, vtc.
- -
Black Walnuts
one year's growth frtmi. seed; From
one to one a half feet high, sent to any
address on receipt of price. These
Walnuts will make fence posts in four
or five years. If not in good growing
condition when received they may be
returned and money will be refunded.
Price, 75 cents a hundred, oath
must accompany orders.
Address. " C. Y. Fri.i.Ki;,
rantviHe P. O., Jotibrssn Co:, Kan.
3Uttr .
(Sratefnl to InralSis.
A Foo'ash ilistais.
Don't make, the mistake of. eon
founding a remedv uf merit' -vith
ipiack nvdiciues. Wre speak from ex
perience when we say that Barker's
(Jinger Tonur i a sterliv.g- he:dth rc
ytorative which will do all that is
claimed for it. e have used it our-
J selves with the happiest results for
j'Uheumatism and when worn out bv!
overwork 5.p ilv Tlmr
ulunurK- aeJin.-i(H.
i i w.j,ciCy
-r.artfag i i i m hi
W. A McKeighan will speak Ht Blue
Hill Saturday evening March 4th.
The Woman's Suffrage Society will ;
meet at Mrs. Sherwood' nprt Vrii?nv .
" ' - . . . w W M- Vt T
1 " .h.ft..-i .Huiiiij
o'clock a. i,i.
which maIe its appearance early last
luoday morning.
Mr:W. J. Anderson, of Hilbdale.
Iowa, anil patentee of "Anderson's
Perfect Weather Strip" is in town in
troducing his u-eful invention, and.
owne wa, is meeting witl, good ,
m I
.-uccess iiaviug already tiiKen over ?.o
There wa- a wagon load of Hour
stolen from the Cedarville. (Kan.j j
mills, recently. The .supposition that
our .Mintb eml Tmt..tiin..r.irv -. ',t ...
. ... ...... t.,. j,. tt,,, -,', iv -!
oeiieve to no cntirelv unfotind.M . a-
he hadn't been to Kansas for some
r ,
The Ladies Aid Society will meet at
the residence of Mis. Robert Mitchell
next Fridav afternoon. It is desirable
that all the members be present a
there is bu.-ines- that has been defer
red from time to time that mint be
attended to at this meeting. Sec.
Dr. Hall and family leturned from
the east last week. The Dr. has had
the advantages of a thorough coure
of medical lectures in New York dur
ing the winter, and will now settle
down permanently at Red Cloud, to
the practice of his profe.-sion.
We publish a letter from Mr. Tul
leys this week, and while we do not
tee that it proves or disproves any
thing, we do not intend that it shall
truthfully be said of us that we
ever tried to lake an unfair advantage
of a man or refused him a hearing
when he asked it.
Mr. Knight of Inavale informs us
that Mr. Poppe, the gentleman who
commenced the erection of a chee.-e
factory at that place, died recently, at
Columbus Nebraska. Many of the
farmers in the vicinity of Inavale had
already purchased a number of cows
with a view of furnishing milk to the
factory, and they are anxious for some
one to come forward and complete the
work begun by Mr. Poppe,
The B. it M. townsite company have
purchased the farm of W. E. Jackson,
south of town, with the exception of
about three acres, and we understand
will build their depot, round house
and other improvements some dis
tance west of the present depot
grounds. The cause of the proposed
change in the program seems to be
the difficulty of getting a title to the
Kaley land which is now in probate.
Money Made Easy.
Messrs. Anderson it Davis, of Hills
dale, la., are here exhibiting Ander
son's Weather St tip. It consists of
an iron threshold with an adju-tment
above it which ellectually keep out
all wind and rain from pas.-dng under
doors. All who have houses with
doors unprotected will do well to ex
amine it and see the merits of the
invention. Any person desiring a
lucrative business would do well to
improve the present opportunity of
securing the privilege of disposing of
them in this section. They are with
out doubt the best weather strip that
has ever been offered to the public.
The? invention is here and can he
seen for the next few days on the
streets or at the Boy's Home.
Crandand Petit Jurors.
The following is a list of the Grand
and Petit Jurors draw for the March
teim of the District Court.
Guand Juuoits.
S. II. Croxton, K. II. Jones, Henry
Mills, John Riley, J. H. Hobert, Geo.
Barker, Chris. Beiler, Tlios. Fmcrton,
G. W. Dow, Chas. Kent, H. F. Craw
ford, J. II. Dixon, A. II. Spracher, J.
Y. Sherwood, J. L. Frame and A. II.
TirriT JtT.ORs.
Chas.Guss, H. A. Bailey, B. II.
Gray, John Boesch. J. S. Stratton,
Casper Wegnian, W. J. Vance, L. II.
Luce, Geo. A Latta, W. C. Laird, J.
Frank Smith, J. Kindeher. E. B. War
ner. Henry Munson, Frank Hall, A. S.
Marsh, August Roats, G. W. Ball, A.
A. Pope. W. II. Armstrong, Chas
Barber, Chas. G. Codman, Jacob
Shunk and J. J. Arrant?.
Clenwood Items.
En. Cninr. Some of the tanners
commenced sowing wheat last week,
but I think they almost wish their
wheat was in the granery to-day.
Corn is on the i-aise, worth fifty-five
cents at Wells.
lr. Hudihian has commenced build
ing his new store and dwelling house
at Wells.
Mr. Dickson and Lewis, from ?alam
rv r ,
Kansas, rave a course oi icemres ati
.1.-n .-n1,,.l .n.- i..-. c.. , -,!....
. :.
iimiit nmi iniilav. the hnusc was full
"- : .. ----
i-.itii iui:.-. iiii-ii sm-jtn ...c 'uiwi-
with mortgaged propertpi.lenty of
. . w . -
c " ' i - i i i
nuernoon. i mat as tr.ejuek-rubliit. an. I av- tliat
Rev. J. W. Kimmel. Eng. Luthern i h, ha3 ahva-vs "are.I -ai.i animal
miiii-ter of Tekamah, Neb., will!1 ,n-vth- h:lvi: an i,tynee only (
rii'Mi-li in tli.. r,iw,r......:....i i i. j in the rninda ot travelers and tnrv '
closed hist Tuedav bv order of the ,,rsiska ul"1 other portioiia of the' between e.L-.h received and what I hml JLaaofieii Nek b.. H. i2
town trut.T- U'." t.r. .,,..,. .. "Gre:l1 American Dtrsert." He is I been allowe! in account-; aga:u-t the! Ne h'Miv rith tk MU--
license will h'onlv be ,, often CK,!c,! the '"' d rabbi,, , coun ty. i;;
the selling of liquors reamed ' T !" ? Twiin' ,Ie,,r-v Wslld lu , l CU'1 in h JI77T l ' X?Vfcti?Z k
,fr ,,, ,,, f - ,,i r t bcecner, Joe. Garb..raml other cow- tlc balance $1 135 50 being in allowed ' .LteJ Sll -Srbrv- 'a Si"T Man
ir. atl(l Air.-. It. r;. Allien ol Den- l . . -.- i . ; r. mi- i - t ;a. 43.. ru
. . . ' -v',',,' ,n "' boshuia familharly -j.oken ol as the . account--. In la.-l 1 collected: -n l !-.
ci, iio rc vi-ning wim our towns- iacka---rabbit Tin. i-id-rM,ii 5 ...-. i .t i i .,., ird mirr o7.i.f..r ts-s .;. ifiH n :km-: .-. ' -..
mil. Vr i.-l.; n i jacka .. moon. Hie j.ick-rabt.u l- -l'j20 aO m ca.-h the balance 137 ... J '.of .-,, .j.i& roi. l. rP '
man Air luUn.-, arc the l,i,IMy ! with the Ihitish hare, except bc,n.' in allowed accounts jn.,nlr .h.wu m....,. ,,,,.,,i.l;c n lMr nil'kIN- 'I'
parent, ofan eleven pound baby girl j th:lt i. u lr if.. ...;.... ,i.. .. ., . ! !' "'Iii!? l,r? iL1:,.Vkf '' IAK,N !
debts in memorv-of their, going awvJj5?clHSvl,,l'' stronjf amb jgrowiogJ
.! Mac. IMIton ,,d. K.L 1-avis C&aS? S.U'ctt
fur tlm n?iuffn lrvf
.. ... ........... .. .-w ,-
Mrs. 3Iacev from Blue Hill has
been visiting it her daughter's; Mts.
Acree. Snowing and blowing is the
order of the day.
The Chiuf is gladly
II- welcomed.
J. 0. A.
A reader of the Chief who unfortu-
nutPly lives in the buuitfited huid ea-t
of the Mi-,is,ippi rivr. write- us to
known n there n-allv U snrl on nnl.
-..-- . v v- . . - ....... v . v
. ""-
Wrom:, my friend, all wron- Th.-
.jacK-raDhit i an inhabitant of western '
fat from twehe to twenty pound-, and
hi.- eaia iiifiL-uri' from tip to tip about
ixtecii inches. He docs not burrow
in the ground. He lie- under it bunch
.. ... ,,
ijuiiiriL'gnu-o, inn is very seiuom
f.lllllll fit luilll.l l.W H;.. l.r.l.r I...!...,
, f ...... ..-...., '
Hettvftcn sun-et and sunn-e. He is to
lie lOUIiil lilirill" tin i(:iv mi ln ii'iiin
- - "j.....
- i i .. i , i
prame, wliere lie Ieds on the tender
lillHiilo iti Tho iicV-.nM.M lin.
oiiiiaio gr.L-a. mo ja.k-ratii.t
several enemies, among which are the
ytu "! : vrtain cl.u-s of .-o-c.Uled
oiiMiicss men nuli'enous to wetern
". naving moie . tnan
. .. .... . . . .-, muii tl MI U II 11 1 II !! I l;llll l- lOfl r flit I 1 -"-" " vi w . - -. m mip -.--.-
brains, try to run him down. He ha--
two ways i protecting Iiiiikou against
"i" emilKi- 0,u' w-l.v i- -lt
""' " " ,,-,i,l-,:ift Wr ;i,,,s "",l '"
ear- along hi- sute-. jiy doing tin
often e-capes observation, a- only
lKirki, exposed, the color of which
, , , , , with the brown ot tl"-j
niuiuiuii Ki.u.. i ue oiuei pi.m 'i
, -- -,..,.
he u-e.-, when discovered and luisued!ti(mu,lsth:ltI:;huuM f)J))ln
is to create a lemotene-s between him-! i,oni.
! ,. , ,....,, I I,UI"'1
sen ana pur-uer. in git ing ni- tt ihhc
attention to tins matter when nece.-.-
art-, he is a stupendous -uc-.s and
earnc-tto a fault. Who,, di-tu,hed
, ... ,. , . ,. . . .
Ill illilnnlierc tii l.m.r nulurk lite
"--. "-.alter my term ot othce e.xjnred and
ear.-and goes oil' with a bound. lie1.),,, it .i.n.i ..... i : . r . . .
generally .-toj.s alter innmng about and look.- back to see if hi-
pursiiei is eujotmg the cha-e as much
asnim.en, men ne leaves lor parts
There tire many fat things, among
which we mmlit mention a note ina-
could not keep up with him for two
hlock.-. lien an ordinary cur do;
tries to expedite a jack-rabbit route
he makes a humiliating failure of it
. . - ., t i , . .- J ." in avs-Niiii i nniliU'liirc .Ic'if Chirk !nf-ri.lnt
turmgin the bank, but nothing t' then, several time-to know when thev nin "?'"" '"' -iiil. .Uy f hvLr"-
L'OUll the i-ick-ribbit Vll unfounded n, , K"OW WIIC" "" "y !-.. Haintill hrrr,nnip. hi .rti:.-n in
uqu.u iiiLjacK r.iooii. aii unioumu a ( Would be read v to receive mv report I thr '"- 'unot Wri..i.r-. n, Nct.n.Vi
rumor get.-around prcttv livelv, but' .,.i ,... ,.,,,... , M ., " , .' ;:"'' ! I'cirn u-nt tiioo'.jrt -Au i.yrr
He only gives the rabbit gentle oxer-' at"that ti
cise. The latter morel v throws un',(1u
....- v ....;, .in.., ll.UM.1 v.l.- CiUI, SIvllIl.-
li.o o.i- .ll.l ........ ...I . I
I'ltrClTi! 1.1 ItlMlflltMII.
ti. hv.h ., mv ii,iiiiiii iiu iiii it'i
bitn-i If mil in -i T.....i,...r- t...i ..I.I
mm.-i ii out in a manner that would,
astonish a message on a western tele-
Ilia Wt.1lM'll tlll.
"'"''" l' ,t- I
lei-ure v aloii" t-'cJcin.' oei".-ii.ieillv ' . -. .... " "" l" '" wy
' i..king i-"-H0 iiri,v.f woulilhe hack even- c?acern:, The (.:,im.,..n. ,.r.,.. ,tM .
to give the procession time to catch . , ,, , vu-w ami rMirt mum a rrrtuin lino f rtimi
., . , . i mg and would he ill session on Wed- l r.ij ! fr n norrtaininti'i..ti .Iuly m.-ncxl aid
Up. lUt It toil Want to See VeiocitV, ,,,. ... . , ., .,. .. , , ! rr.ncnteUn.l liliil w.tli thn I ..unt llt-rk .f
,,,,. i ... i . --..ii . ,,LM,-l :l"l tbey didii t tnink theie i -aid roumy a f.iil-w t w: c.i..u,ti,r.
urgent speed and precpitated ha-te , , b , , . , ; ih.,uirr ,..., i,WWern .,.,. fillerB .,.. ,
von have onlv to turn loo-e a erev-' , ""Mm-.-, l a ord- ...o,, y.w..,. t,,.,,,,,,, ,,.,,, rn Ul.,,,
ii iii omt to turn u,o ,. a o wentbefo.e them on Wedne-dav 'i1- """; wnh-j-, t.n,- roi
hound in the wake ot a lack-iablut , , . - ,u,,rp."1' ' thm- mh ..t m th" iUh
J I llllll lll.llllt f i.rl f.ii ...i.w.l ..!....!. ....... .!.! ..!fii. t.. .......... .1.. !... Til . .
graph line. It he is a rabbit that'i, ... . ,"
, . , ., ioanl alter mv term exiiitcd. at which
neter has had any expenence with a , ,.,.,, ., n , ...
L'-evhound before lie will Kt-n-t .fl .. . " Hearing.
g.ltliouild OUOrc, Ul Will M.llt oil at j , rclMir, v.,lniit-iriK- -... 1
an easy pace, but as he turns to wink! , , ., ? M Innt.inh and
, . . . ; voluntarily turned over the inon.'v to
iii'ii.-iivi. .11 uil.liilL- MIIIIIO.IUS HI HO
.- ,, , , ,. i1""- ica.-'.iiei. i won d not have
an ordinary yellow dog, ho leahzcs. , , ., , , . ,
,i - . ,-, done it under coiupu Uiou from the
there is a pace m nature hitheito mi- ,, , , , ,. .
i . i- ..... I-Hoard, because I am we4I sati-tied
known to him. and the look of a-ton-!.. . ,7 u
, . , ... , 'that no coart won id sustain the
i-hn,ent, alarm and dwgu-t, as he',, ,- , .
r.,..,i; , i i i- !Mrd tn such action,
luris ins ears and nromi.tlv .leebiie-I
the nomination, is amusing. Cnder
such circumstances he goes too fast
for the eye to follow his movements,
and pi esents the optical illusion of a
streak of jack-rabbit a mile and a half
Farmer's Alliance.
Pleasant Dam:, Feb., 27, 1SS2.
The Arijm is not surprised to learn
that two or three wild-eyed political
dead beats are located in Webster
county. We are not a little surprised
ot know who he refers to. Certainly
not the Pleasant Dale Alliance, No.
:f)0, from the fact that they have bent
organized for the past month, and now
15 good solid members are in thorough
w o: King orae. win not one tramp,,
sorehead, dead-beat-, or oven an otlice-'
. 1 "., !
seeker in our midst. But as ivc re
marked before, we consider the source
' - t
and know that he is a little off his
ii--..? 1 V- t. , ...
ocai, wneu ne can t suiistitute :i
lie, when the truth would be much Pn.Knl.lf ,.. ,..r.r. l.,....:i.l ..1
"crank" has reference to the Jrw.'
clicpie. or ring, he abo -avs thev have f'Vr.m - ftc iit-
abu-ed and ini-reprc-entJ-d the ethtor 11U111 3 Li "P
r.u. i w i . "" ,,v , . , .
(it the-livJM. e don t see how thev' RnnfS "-ir-vOC or- t-hf
could have done thi, unless -ome one I uwil. lv onta 1L LI1C
has called him an honest man. or aLOWFST fiffUrCS
rentleman. and I am Mire we have x iig-ttb
Vailed to see anv -neb mi-repreenta-: -a. m
,,,..., -t, , .- 1M1-'- " iTImm fnn90
tion.- a that. lie continues to harp ' jPy WOOUS RX1CI
on the B. t M. HV have never said! .
miP ivnnl nraiiut tl,n 1! .1- M .
Let him come out and defend Jav
Gould, Vanderbilt. Co., the Standard
Uil Co.. the great coal mononolv. and
all other .-imilar organizations" The!
people oi I nited Stated contribute to
the Standard Oi! Companv, under
compulsion, and without a .-hadow nf
con-ideration, $45.00Mt)J annually,
tt e pay ai least j.j cents per gallon
more man u snoutil hnng.
lne aciv Jer.-ev Central
Wilksborro. Nework.t Lne,
ware. Hudson A- Canal Coal Co., Dele -
ware. Sackawanna A Western. I'en -
sylvama. Philadelphia & Keadmir
companies rompo-e the great coat
I . m - - .
monopoly, ami reganlless ot supply
ami uei.ianu n. pnce 10 uil mem-
selves. Every person who burn coal
p.ys double its value when computed '
. -iAn Vj-k J- l.alrv . r.a....1.. . 1 a. t
"H" l,,ij,'"si,2iiiL,i!i:. a",J
! COcf AtjKiog it,"
on'neu.D'nhf?SvlftrwiiY-an vninMi nt
iriX. t-.t . . . . -
?i,i.-.w'fManu ineir mocks nave ueen
na.eruu nui met represent a taee
vaiiieiei 50,UW,veu? upon which
sumer ot coat is compelled
1 . . T" "I-- . -. ,-w.-.-.wt -. ..V
Ure MroAning of prosperity and
j iKiailentialit; before the Utv
farc;13"a fizzle: lmiel Webs
..v...j.,.jj..,in.fc udwiu me latv a
l11". a "zzlc: xflinml Welater
.KSt"a m,er "" ttl'- V
goernmenu cannot long
e ivhn tbn tpn,lnw nrt- ti
J is-
:rtea rapid accumulation of
:T -i , "- -"
frt m tlic hands of a Few to- ren-
MJtM?s of the people poor and
i'jLKiaaa AtnAxec.-
A Statoment from Mr. Tulleys.
Ki. Cmu On m; return h.nie af-"
u-r an ab-i-me of two or three da- I I
..-,. . ...,-!.. .t ..... .........1 ... i ...
4 W"" 1 JllO II Il.Li IIIIlItT''! Ill -:! II !
th rejMrt.s in circulitioti conccrntn-
rm.elf. onginatmg partly perhap'
from a !iii..H.reliii:oii of th. report
mi:hIm In- m ia tin u. .-. r.l ' ...,..!..
V - " -" "4 -
make a plain statement of the tacts.
In mv renott I m id no di-iin. tion
j in neither year did I have a mrnlu- of!
c:u-h on hand belon-gim; to the county,
On the contrarv I have not in nnv
' vear received the fnomit of .-i,li t.J
,. - irao.nuiua amount ol l.l.-ll l .
which I won d be entitled. Tb.- -nr
..!.. . ...., , ...
i I I E 1IJ 11 HI I'M Ml TI1II.II !! I.att
s:mi, was therefore not in ch but in
I ----.-.. . ... . w va 4 V.
I..I! 1 . . .- i
aiiutH-u uccounu-. not ii cent oi wnn n
. . ... .....
j,:l )Vf.u j,.,,, Xut .):irt ot- wj,ici, jliLS
not ewu been drawn :n warrants.
I ,hd not hate a cent of money be -
longing t tl,e county .but I did have
'.ill. i... I .,.., .- .. i.;..u r..- i .. . l
i .uiwoiii.- in 4Wi Jtiutl lll
Mirnlus above a hided to. For tb.-.. F
accounted m full in mv report, and
iUU dimply p:,id the countv for them
Sul one hundred cent, on 'the dollar,
while a, yet I have got nothing on; of
them whatever.
'r;... ; : i i
i I lie comnn--ioncrt never a-ked me
to ... ,-,... ...... . ,. 1v . ,
loluutei ant unmet noi eteu to
make a report. ' The only re.pie.-t
tbev ever made of me in that coimee-
Furthermore the item-, of District
Court fees, amount in mv ,
' aj,... -., mm. t ..... ,. ,. . .;
h ftoti- t um
"-t t' ri'poit until at Iea-t two week.-, i
i ... . .
."i. 1'u.uu urn mil Mlljiv M llllll
j llu.Iu. ()l, ,,, ,.olltI,,rv OV .l(1 ,,ce
lllU, by tllt.;r jj m,vi;er ;U'1(, uls0 ,y
the clerk of an adjoining countv t !,:,";
tiH. OOU1 , r,...., ,i i.i .,, ,1:1Vil fll ,
--v ..w -, 7V v
During the month of Januarv, while
J ,, (t tnr
tiin-li ivlil. tl... T... i:.
:-; Finally the chairman told me they
n ..v ii tiuui ii. ri.
wouiu meet on me nth dav ot Febru-
ary and for me to bt ing in my report
me. I did so and thev then
P . told !li v..r.k ....;.... ,1...
, M'., ,1...
' o o
. .fc vi
. . - i
m-i... -..-.. . . . .
f.aunnrii aim ap)r)veu
tint...! .. t. ...... I
I Tl
" . " " . "V'" l,,al .l ""' my
roi.i.rf ..t tl.n C.i : r .1...
.1 . r .
. I M-
i. -i. ii i.i.:;vs.
mew mmm ?
Tho Latest From Chicago.
Has just received the
Largest and Cheapest
Stock of Goods in the
A large lot of
Ready Made Clothing,
BoQt & g R
v,o, ..!.. to,
Caps, and
Dry Goods.
i tin. II...1..I ......:....... :.... r I r
i -i. . . v . (.-- (.trail i i i i - r i v i ' n i in i
in vri ii . ii i r in i .. iim ..
. ... . i ---.--..-.v-.. ... .ii..... I l.ll.ll ..l I . ----.-- .... .....- . f.'l. fc
.... ...III... ........ ...... ...:.... .
New suits from $7.ooite?ht
Boys Wool hats'S:c,henNe,r",n rA J,n--' Not5cr r SBiu
1 X'mirifi ll'f !
t i ,
LOWef tiiail Can DC
-. .
anv where
else in town.
j CailUCtl GoOfl.H
;In Great variety and ofiuvv-:Vn J-nr-!: J- L Cx
n-e-,the best qiialltV for
! 1 7 1W1
; sale ClieaD.
Hiorlifd rtri-r r-oi4
. i m a a. fc. i a i . l ll ll l
X r .
r0r HUtteranO liPfgS.
When vou come
I ii
rn on
Abram Kaley,
At Garber's old stand,
Red Cloud.
March rst 1882
Smitn Hrnll ..
ZT. z:zrsL nonnce BirH an
1 wmw wupuruiat reaucuon in rate- nf
interest on time loans. Straigiu -m
per omt annual intermt. Call at the
Ban and leave roar apnlicanoa.
1 hr fTfnTTfflff IT InTiiirinn t irwrrtt- Yr
I ft MM-f"TfWtfli- 11 11 Tt - tTJ
Final Proof Notions. J
Lnd ofac t HUonurwr. Nb r . 31. !K j
' cau"-l ctt'-r bxs &lrl nt. ni Jij t&trsti. n !
i u cue bail rro- is uri"rt at bit im ao.1
' li1 'li fi lrk r
i SlnVwil'i-" VKeJ "" Nc" ' ltur-T
J H'd NX av fh' n .""7i :w. .a r-
J2. He citic ihf ii.oJ.ik- ittif t
- . '
prnv, h continue. .HJcDcr uih,. ,WI
M wiii.".vrefc.,a W' V"V'r'nl " W',u
tuarnsarJ) .V. W.SWITZKR. lUciir.
iiruij . vnw.wrJ. uuiii ileal. Ait a: i ;r .
II-. i I' 4-.l .fa . i
r ! V -L.
I ; r .
j -
?. W. SWIT7.KR. ItcxUirr
i laxl I'rUVc at i:tKtains:oH. Nrb. Yh
I H.
N:ici-1 hwbt tiffs th.t thr t.ili
n.iinci.itlr ha.S.P.! nur ,.f bcr il--i. i i
lu rnK" fitinl 1itii in m! rt ! tr r.aiu:. it I , al.lpr.M.I Will l( U.ilf l.clt.Tr I. fl. i,i ,
I lrrill I API tlrUUr Inlinfr ah..t ..a
----"-, ---"--wwj - Wt me a WM
aaruraj "" i ,.,
! U'iiIdw i.f lln.i i!n. ...l IIM '. ttn1
t . i . V -. i i i . i iv
. feir 1ii I. i l ntvl I. jv t tun In rintf llr.
h nmo she,BC um.. t..r-vp hr
-lifinui.ii rcitrnce um.ii. mihI rulnratiuti i-t
I fi i.nd. ni: Au.-u.tu. ituim-cram. Mhctt
?f iln'uu I Nrb." JleS:f-,,'- l'-w"-
i iar ' .. w.swnzEK. lti-snin.
IhooMivoros, Nkii. Jan. 11 !.--' j
Complaint hating been entered h'
thi- o'.tiec b Nathaniel II. Thoipe
agam-t Kobert Ko-'cr for failure t..
jonnplt witn law a- to I imber-Ciilturc
Entrt No L. dated . tobei th I 7 1 '
-. , ...
i . .
I I - uiti-oai iu.iru-r.-t-ii..ii r. .
town-hip J north taiige 11 w-t. ml
WVb-ter !-.,iintv Nehia-k.i. with a tiew J
" ' cancellation ol .-aid entry: con-
testant a Ie::.n thai -i.l Kobeit Koc-
tr' f:u!!';1 to l,,tak "V ;lr,rt'r t,, ,r
tear ot his entrv, and tailed to plant
anv timber either the thiid or fourth
I year and ha-planted none -ime. Tin
-aid parties are hereby -nmnioned to'
lMh " '
ot March lSJ. at 1 ol.l. u. m. to.
re-pon.l ami tuint-h te-tmionv con
! ciTnine :ii.l
." -
. . rwiri.n. l.'egt-ter.
II. W. Mo.vit.oMhKt. b'eceiter
Dlvorco Notice.
In thr Iitrict Court of th '.th Iili.-iil Dis
trict ni ainl for U'elnlcr lount Ncbratka.
JllSKI-ll K.SlltHK )
Ai.nes Sums..)
j i'i wii:iii-ii uui uii .1 iii-Tconi iiTir'q on tilt
" 'iiMiinxurm...- tuuu tlir, y.wrs
If IJtt.
j $t hl n tfi l"lUin ""
P'l- Jumm k.5miic.
Hy W. H -stkiihm. In Atiiirnry.
Road Motico.
, C.t", of ""'w.l
it:3ici: uuui 4
1 .. i . . .
sxi'Kluirur piMtin.irifir,..
an. tlnu thr .....i. r.m.i ..n .h.. ......... i. i..
i " ",t'"""-i '; "--' !
. ..w... ........ ... ...-., ,..., ,!... nr i.t"nirii
! Ii-Ik rPliiirlitl lnv(.rl.ln .....1 ..... I. ,v...
i ' ihm.iit of-nd nd thr ar..ti..n ,(
I t,ic ""," l"'e him nd inirter i.ftnrnt-
tw..,.-.' rcir t-t bk.h f..r moid Mtin..n.
Rnd ml,ii. thrr,o..r rUiui l.-r l.itnef
'"'"" InHi'miy 0rk'.i ...... r n ..,
j ,,,f ,r n4ll f tl lh ,,, f ., , A ,.
' r " , r""' H"' "" -i'ihr.l without r-!ir
' 't'l Cloud Neb.. Feb . 1 .th !-:.
.niuinrii j , 11 tl .(... I rr k
1 1
Hotice to Tax Payers.
At a inrrtmc f thr Mi.nrd of 'ii"t ,rn
nnin:irr tVliru irv Ilfh H-.'. th t..!l,m njt
tr..iuion wa offered and ad..,.toi .-o3
"ltrIvrd thnt Mir c."inty Trraiurr i hrr ,
by irlrrl l.y thr U.mrd i.m:iir.'n
rr to .-.dlrct the dr'm.j -jpnt ta" of tin
ioun? firthtrith i-r., r iin- t law " i
N-'W thi i to not.fvall;.! tliit wu'i
in thirty day frnn the djte tl,i nor.rr ,
m-i ordinir to Uw and my instruction from thr
JtosH'y ("oiniiiiionrr. I will i.rn -rr.1 '
to collect the delinueiil t-r in mtd e-fititr
toctthir ith coft- of rol:e-ttn. by di trn nnJ
..leof rcrj-inal proiirr'y in thr tnnnnrr pp,
TiJed by law for tlie trvy and mIc on ri-ition.
Ch.r. Ilirch'tK-. Comity Tr.
Ite-I Cloud. Neb.. Keh. loth l-Sl. li i-Z
Legal Notice.
.S'tifB of NehrA'icv.)
Webster "oucty. j
, , , .. , . . Ia u,e tiiftriet Court
thereof of the Fifth JudiciI tMitriet.
Tho Iowa Loan .1- Trun l oraj.any I'l'tU.)
Jamrs Tlett. Iefrndnt. I
The above earned difrndant will take notice
that the ahore nameI idatntitT un thr 3tth day
of January HS2. filed it retitinn in th l.oir
named court. nrin-t die ubove nrn-d drfen- t
dant.theobiectandi.r.yrrof hirfa i for a
mvI.eC.A.Tdrfcndant't'.id VumtK'
W -quartrri of rrtion It -n to-n n-rth
n rat,(tr M Wrt of J ! M in .ntd t'el.rrr
&tin:y. .-aid ilrfrn-iant i fwthr i.tifi-d tht
he is rtinirMito ii.ntr raid rrtition on thr
:th day of .Mar-h. 12.
I'.w.i Lo.n .l-Trut CTna-r.
O t-." liy its -olicitor. llTrT X Il'G.
Legnl Notice.
tate of Nebraska.
Webster ''oucty. y
In th" IiKtnct Cur:
', Theaborc nawd dfer.infTrii nottee
iha: th.-Nborr namd ,dam::ff..nsnr ith dr
i"f January 1.2. fiJUiu ptiti.n in ihr abTo
' n-""1 " aain.' the nhre caned d-fM-
' jua. the oije.-t and prayer of wht fr a
I pTyA -"h--
the S K 'i ot i-c. 1- m town 3 north rni raste
& wet ofo P.M..m jaid vebitrr .v,uBty.
sai I defendant are further nuS-1 thatthry
arcruifed to njwer fait ptitiaa the&th
day of AlarcMWi
hLlH B.Ew.Trmtfe,
By Li bohrtiijr. IU7rr A Uxoti.
Chattel Mortgage Sale.
Notice is herebv git en that bv
jtirtueot a f'hjitol Mortgage datel
August 1 1-1. and dulv hied and r-
cnrdd in the otfite of tiie count's
Clerk of WcfwtiT ounty Xebraj-ka, oil
tl.f !t! ll.LV .f All.'ll.t ISVl ..n.1 ,.-.
' iiiu'uriiuii iiiii- iriirr v-tiv n ..i r.ui. .. ..r
s,-'nr she payment of 72vOO'. and
upon which there i now doe and pav-
t able the sum of ?7t" 4.1. defjult r.av-
'ing been muIe in the put men: of
$5"Wi r.nd mtcr-t. !.t-ll bA.-nrn-
. . --- , ,..
iie .Not-nifr I-t I--1, r i the
MHt .
I MMrtt;ig-e ft-e'lng un-afe .u.d m-..- 'ire
a- to lie -a;d ( ir'tt. ?- r fre w-!
Wi'I ?t.4 the pr-.jem ?t.rei:i df--critd
v: Oh Ag .itvr Ti r-: .'jg 3Ih- one twite !. r V. tdtjrv
and one bav mare
Public Auction in front of the Blue
Hill Bank, in the village of Blue Hill,
Webster County Xebraka on 5atur
day March II th, le&I, at I o'clock p.
rn. of said day.
J. I. Case Threshing 3Iachine Com
panv, Mortgagee.
Br zuaos dc SwtEzv, their Att'y.
Dted Feb., 14th, 18S2. 2S-4-t
A CKKjcrdisideratnm in the prepar
ation ofmedicine i that it ehoom be
palatable trithoat losing its efficacy.
This is the case with Picxly Ash Brr
TEsa, and being graded as regard
their cathartic' properties, they are
oeuer aoapiea ior general tae tzua
cennace tts meat skptlcl-
RCtt ClCUd,
Chicago Lumber Yard!
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
Keep coiiotiintlv b ii! tin
Window , I.ii.i'. 11
I . ii
i .
Davis Sewing Machine!
- so n n )'
JRed Gloud, - - Nrhrask.'i.
1 II II Bl -I M 1l wSl l t -1
AND DON'T VOl' R)R(.L I" i T.
IJIC. I LlCh'S .V-
LCMP.ER. I.A I'll, 61IINiiI.ES,
S'JLD AT 111 K I.UW l.vr l'ltirii
GO To W.
Staple & (ROGERiE.
IN h'N N A I -i
Choice Wuts, Fruits &, Confcctionc.
i2rFreh Fruits and W,-. .'' - 1
1:1 I' !"t I .' It
I ia Ei FB Eh
T0 ( CJ TP T. T ' I T J
' I VJ O L IN 1 IT
That they arc Selling Clothing, Dry-Goodv
Boots 5c Shoe?, Mats 5c Caps, 'I'runkj,
Yaliccs, and l'urnishing (iotids,
Cheap for Cah, to make
We also find them guilty
Of Selling MORK Goods, and CHKAPHRr
Than any other House in the
And SUITS fox
II vcats 11 1 m n i m.
It will gay you to Call, and Examine before
you buy Elsewhere and get the Advantage of
Yours Truly,-
Itoseiitlial Bros!
eK.:t. iCoiiYl.-!, RedCloijNe
i i:s in
- IJcbxaUa
i: . K-M11II -!!.!' MM.N'ST
I .. . r I
I r
Cx I'Rl-KS, IVopricttirs.
SAII, Hi(K. 1 I IM'"' A-
Ft" R
A T T T2) C 1
j L 1 J J J )
-- - . s
TfTcxi, Youths stnd.
V '
jpr ?z
,JrrL- "ow -"V "CT