X 3crc2 fcvTisSnvTiriir Trim iAmi ZmV.TT f- I JO A3 "WOHK, v:e;.tet: n: : ? rsrrssr Mas Hi I J - FHOEi CHIEF. rCVUSHKD EVERY THURSDAY JuP EZ3 CICUD, KE22ASZA. BY M. I. THOMAS, The Cloud VZ 'Eternal Vigilance is thy price of Liberty." and $ I.'jO a ymr is the jirirr f th- 11- d Claud f'hi '. 'REP "CLOUD, WEBSTER COUNTY, NEBRASKA. THURSDAY. MARCH. J. iJ. no, :. riSHS:-- 51.C0 a rear if raid Is Aira::e. j Y Q J ,. J X Red 1.11 IjjJj . A fc m. K29 fiX tf!K Q9E1 rSrsp L? -J U hi 2 NORTH I'AS'l oH SOl'TH I y'l' VIA HIE- - er SIS lL..i 1' . 1 t -!, r it! the C. R. A U. wLith I (al (.1 -nii: BurSington Route I 1 oini'tj iiKi't (iipjrt. Iin l.c-tirc Ii N'lirakK I on Ki.i all .lull Kitif Mi".uri Kivtr. ' 1 J.MIIKCI" tvlkll C l '.It lili Thi. tiio Mo. 1 i.-r at Piiilt-iuuuth i vt-r l!i- I Plattsmouth Steel Bridge, ; I... 1 hah lsJfl Urn fi'inj lrt'J- i Through Day Co:u-hcn j AN'D I I;I. IM'.N To- i ErzirEinton EVorui C'liicaso, :srtl Ml. E.Oisi, I V !irr!.i i t : .. i. -.irr ir:.! u- ii!ii-.nl Jor!tj II I- . itl 1 :iul -' il'h ll-uii.t JiO Ifeih n.ut- -LrJ hi ."Wi.iati.ii an- in -rc- .r In---liin tin- i.iri"iit :ifvi"lcnti- vimii '. r-.,ii.-i tl i l.i) tr.uiit l.'tll'I.K Illt'-HKI. Jiolll lh- IllOIIII- t.tliit. nlnl ufn iit- iiri-iinia . urr il ii... kti': -""1 rwii- IH- lli.li-" v.h n the-j Ink.-th: HA M. lnutc ta'-t- Through Tickets AT i.(i i.st i:ati:.s in fmoc- in the ' t.itc. :i !! n.t full mul iHi:il 1c .nfoi5iiiiti'li r .)i..r il. c.i is lui li nl ilium .tMilica t tt Jo I:. A M. it. K. Aco.t at any of the Vm-CMul tii"ii-. t t- Jtf t'tniral licltt Acnt. ttWAHA XKI!. SPECIAL BARGAINS ! :'t the Store of F.m:"JiocxE. i:i:i cloud. o(- X Kl'll ArilCA. ' A lasi;e-tirl; oftH-nnanir;vn Wool., r. t ..7 .-. : V I ..-pnyrs ami .ih wj; i;uuf ;u:i-i on hand. IHIK i;.i.K ALL WOOL Hoods, a:ida fuil.SippK ot I'L VNXKL, Always on Hand. HOODS OF liOMEYiAXUFACTUKI-:. TOY'S for the Children and livery - iiiirsj else y unneeil. at X KW HO U.-l-rS Store. 'Ilii-i fli line of Marvlhns ad- i:i. The di-eiverx of new adap- i.i 'Kn- of ICIfi-tru-nl for.-, in the next i i.-n 3-:irs will a-tonir-h the world. Intelligent and -Killed Altorney. .: 0"xe:itt.il i.i MVttrin.4 Tatenl- lor l.i.:!it'rf. Com.'iiunieiite with Tie-hoy A Creen ."2t Tth St., Yahi:ii;to:i D. C. 'Ili.it :hiti:mlicinc has been ' 1 Q ST '' Jor 35 c-"s m i s-J1 t-j jniato jirac.icc, its ol! ihtvts-s o l the throat .'.l ni.l Klus, i.t the greatest t n n : srui re com- .V "X tier. tl.:sl..il-ini can have ! ; -'. .-.leii it. r t nrlore the J V-vi'-.nHMTAINl - : --. " " . , , . ' .' j.u" II. .n lv -O. I ncc5C.f --j-' "-v 50c :.:vl -.:. Sample not- &P 'I?,"" C-QUGH -;Vi C - AlMlH,'- W . '.Ji t j-'.t t 1 1- p it for sale- Wc, ..' .- " K-.e.i.Mi.iiaiitccit'hrouRh X&w. BALSAM f-J' If . VC n.iv.1 IlritPkott. ' -"jf-.. S.tlc l'r.riei'r-. ""- -',V Kjius Citv. Mo. (Jot-ithe re'.i.iMe ml we'I ktiown dtuirt-i'id f K. K S'n-.er Kel Chiiid. 11....... ii l.t.1 . If ..!.., if.r nml bnya c-l Inittle. 11 alt.-i 11-ini; , two-third.-, von yet no relief, leturn tl... I1.1h111.-e and i-et Minr monev .... -- c- h.iek. lliiM'- "'.j PAniSaT'? aGIKGERTOPJSCi An Inviijcrai r. Kcririrc thst firvcr Inlcxicstcs fc 1 , , ,. 1. , , lit? J ..e - .. 1 v i vl I'."- -' ai , I..C t..t, S.OIIU- .,ll. ,l.luu - .t.l- U. C It The Best aru St'Etl Cnt,1! Cttre Ever UsE'i. D If v.m a'C iirc-n2 fi.mt l-rin ."e t '.ln-t'-'-cI', I .-. in.-irt. jk irr. 1 i-ci ti itn-i i'pc- :. c .- .-i.v ci-tc ite 01 i..P-- 11. 1 kc 1 U L 34 en e -v rs'Jt.. t. B IOO pOX.Xj-A.TlS U Tai'? r 'f -"vi 'mipi' mnnt ienj 1.1 Cjiugtr Tcnic U or i.-! .1 u.i.':c l tir';. orct-it M . t. na4 1. . : flu'rr. t, Lsrrf .tritt tPT1!!!: I . ar t- lt!.-t A Co, ItJ 1 m.Sl.J. I Ti 233t- C3JE 1SRSB" ni- S'ftll CUi;i TilOLS.VSIJS YlVKLY. J A POSITIVE CURE t JH ForCoughs.CoIds, f;d' ,s th8 Best of Tonics; zjZ"'Ager uures Dyspepsia: t J Tvvrso Restores theAppetite; f 4 ??Sr:P-:i the System; j crjv.'tjs. Restores the Weak t I "";,?,&S' rnt! nphilifatprl. ? V ---, "'t feT-Z35 ,nxl of lt wl!1 prore all .. v r-,trr rm - fc ... . ww. ... .... K.. I A .:... . k. - . L ' 1 M''i ofTurt tak no .itbor. " - & 5 icreUe by 1I Umjgwu. L j "3 IS N.SMITH S. CO.. ProD'r M V "V-Ci S-wUOUcO1Cb. ! 'i5ilJS V ".OfeLbAti'.r I rrofe.ion:il .i!l- promptly attended. LlirA-' -?; ''''!'" N iOii-hk: At n Menu-near Cowh-s. JJ-M Wmh .Va: ..T..--B I- - Lp'Sl:-r:;v Physician I Surgeon, w .-I'lU rrrrr-: b . KED CLOl'D. NEU. U -v - t.HMS5?fSini pr'"P E ' Orrirrc over !:. .MpFarlanil' store. Kcsi- iTjo ;" M.h U 1 L U iv D P , llcKCC cr "'"'"iiii Mitchuli t:ore. -&ftt-t es' ,.f. , . ,g - inarleo., ffi&:: :&&&& -'.--. I Dr. H. A. Baird, 1 FASKHR'S 1 i ' K. A WVS.7.Y. .lit' rncy st Law. U6 Hii! Iank9 SIMPSOIT & SWEEZY, IUE HILL, WEBSTER CO, NEB. A 'crural Unnkiiie l!ii'ines TrnnirtcJ. ijfc-cial Care civen t' Colli:-tioin. Firm Lvkiis at h" Kates. School liunils Jloucht huiI .SoM f OlIIIIiilflSliKM.-!: Kountzc ISrotlnTfi I'.inkers. New York Citj : Ilauk. Omuha Nobrark. .t. i:. Smith. PrM'zlst Nat.E&nk Iieatrice Neb. S. C. Smith. Casb'r Int Nat.llank IJcatrico Neb. SMITH BROTHEES, BANKEES, 11ED CLOUD, XEB., TranPirt a prnoral hankinK biulne??. huy and ftll county rjrr.inti. aljo County. Precinct ani nhiio! Ii-trii-t UonJ. NtC'iti.ito f.irm inortcascs. buy and toll For eign Kxcli-iruo. jr&.cial attention Kivcn to collections. Itr.rEHKNrr: let Nat. Bank New York. Oma ha Nat- Lank. Um.iha. SMITH BROS. j V. AinitK.iiT, I'n-uleiit. K. V. Fmrrv, C.ithier. WB3ST1H GODIR Bill, j:ed cloud, xeu. aIoniiv To Low on h'eal I-Mate. Iiuy and sell Exchange ami t!o a general I'ankin' hiu-ine--. nF.Ki:i:i:vrF.s: Sayer .t Atkin-i. Itaiikf5. YrV: York founty ii.ink. YrJ.. Kanncrt' A Mor"liant' IUnk. York; 1 nfn National Unnk. i'luczn: Marsh Uroi.. Mustier A Co L'aeohi. I'-Stf W. II. ST ROHM. ATTOI!.-!:Y AT 1 W. HEI) CLOUIi, - NK13RASKA. Ala j ho rtinmltcd in ICiikH'Ii vt CJcrinan. Collections will rtci-ive iirotni't attention. Ou'li'i:: Opjio-ite Hoy's Jloino . ' CSI:- J-s- ilcXKxy. Cask S: McNeny, ttornkys and rors.sr.ums AT LAW. I - Will rr.ictii-o r. all th Court of lhi Kt.-itonnd Nurthcni Kjiimv Collect!"" a' well a litiKa ttl tiutiiie- c.ir-tully ami i lVicntly atu-ndrii to. oiiic-v:- On Wcb-ter Mr'.-rt. unc door north cl GarherV btuir. ki:; ri.ot i, xi.i:. J. S. GILHAM, AV.OII.NKY AM) totXi:i.OK AT l.W. Ojjivr our tloor mnlli of Knlcu I'ros. i:i-:d CLOUD. - XKHKASKA. K. C. Hawlev. N. H. Tiiorpj:. Hawley 5c Thorpe, j A TTOHNKVS A COl'NSKI.Ol: AT LAW. Ofii!: er Me Fatland' store. LED CLOUS, KSS. Laird & Smith, A TTOUNKYS AM) COCN.SKI.OK AT LAW. IlASllNl.S. - Xl.r.KASKV. Will j-rai-lii-e in all the Couil.-f theSt.ilc. I'romiit attention civen to all busiuct cntrutel to hic.-irc. jnlyl-7 J. L. Ki v. lSlooiuiicton. Ncbiooka. C. W. iTi.kt. Itcd Cloud. Neb. KALEY BROS., A TTOKNKYS AT LAW i KEAI. ESTATE . X AI5F.NTS. Will practicp in all thr Courts in Nebraska rid minium K.in:i: n.llccli"i. i-rouitly al tciiJcJ to and rorn-tiKindcucc solicited. I ZD CLOUD. Xeira&a. AI'o. Ah-int for 15. A. M. IJ. U. Lat.d. J. "II. ;TIOSKA, Tfl. 8?. -KCLl.CTIC Physician and Surgeon, ltr.P CLOlli. NK15. Will y:x tjm-ial aticn'ii'li to Obstetric- and iIi-cim- !: iini'ii-rti-n toiiirai anu 'fecial il!riM.r. ,,(: ., , f ,h,. r.-... i j -ar h.-ircn moderati-. ottueoier s-herocd's torc. i-l-y OK. C C'HENrK :Physician & Surgeo n, ESIDET DENTIST. UED CLOUD " ' NEBRASKA. j Guide Rock House, j J.K.SAliiy,Propr. j GUIDE ROCK', NEBRASKA. This House h:is just been refitted and newly lorni.-hed thionghont. GOOD SAMPLE ROOM for the aceommodation of commercial mc"- 49if Taints, s -COOK'o Oib, 3 BED Glass, CLOUD Notion:, Wall Paper, 'mt "-'' m K. A.f-IMP.-f'N. 1 S0 THE CHIEF. jv M L. THOMAr., - - - EDITOR 12- j ic.) THURSDAY, MARCH ', IS xAwt.x-..ww. i I w . . r Their Crowth and Dovolopoment , r5-- . . i as Pictured by Professor Aughoy. Oiuaha Uee. A larj;e atnlienee gathered in the Unitaiian ehajtel last evening to listen to Prof. Smniiel An.hey lecture on the growth and developeinent of the iioeky inoimtains. The .-peaker .spoke extenijioranoon? Iy anil held hi- hearers in r.ipt atten tion fur :ni hour and a half. He he ffin liy sajiiy: Without ineijiulitie. on the eatth's stitf.iee climate? adapted to human race- would he impossible. Thi- iiei.th.ition wa- made by Htimbolt and Von i'li-eh. From the time that life lir-t commenced on the jjlobe iueijualitie.- existed. The earli i -t known hihlandi on the t;lohe weie the Lawientidei of Caiiad.i, which aie -een developed ina--ively on the noith oi the St. Lawrence liver. An arm of this early mountain series extended alon the Atlantic coast. The material taded from thi early mountain mat.- wa.- carried alon its we-tem -hole line through! the l'alea .oie ai;u.-until forty thoti-atitl feet of seiliinent was accumulated alonj; the present Apalaehi.m mountain ctiain. 1 he folding of this mass m the clo-e of the I'alea.oic i;e produced the Apaiaehian mountain ihain. While tni.- proce-s wa.- yoin on in the c.i-L the same cause- were at work but in a .-mailer demee, aloiii; the jtte-ent Rocky mountain chain. At different times dining the ro-Uie.-s of the I'aleazoic ajje the jirmior dial nucleus of the Rocky mountain s-tem received addition- (o its ma--8. Durini; the profit-.- oi the I'eimian ai;e the oiilinent wa- gradually lifted, lir-t to and then above its jre-enl level. Owin to this cause no memorial.-of the latter portion of the l'er iiuan epoch are found on this conti nent. Towaids the elo.-e of the I'er- mian a-e u .-uiisiilence ol the conti ncnt commenced which continued until the ocean a-aiii llowed over a t;reaL par. of the. Rocky Mountain region. This icvolutiou iniiodueed the Tiia-.-ic age. During the uogie--ol thi- epoch fioiu .",1)0 to .'i.OIIU leet of sediment- weie ileposited on the Rocky Mountain legion. This Tii a. ic .-ea must hae been sin interior ocean, tli-o ouuectcd fioiu the general ocean. This coiiclu-iou i ie.it hed from the fact that gieat beds of gyp--um are found in the.-e depo-i'- and e p-um- are al way.- dcpo-ited in .-ea-that loose 1110: e water by cxaporation than they leceive. At or near the close of the Trias-ie its seas became connected with the ocean and it.- bed deepened, which i- indicated by the limestone- found in it ami the animal life found fo il. At the clo-e of the Jurra.-.-ic. occur red the Sierra Nevada icvolutiou or uplitt, when the mountains hewing this name were born. The material. fiom which the Tiiassic botl wa- de n ved came largely from a land ina.-s wherethegieat ba-in river e.i-ts. The now generally receivi'd theory of the cause of thtse mountain uplift.- is thi-: The accumulation of sed iments is greatest along and near shoie line- of oceans. When sedi ments reach a certain thickness at a cci tain depth the high teniperatuie is supposed to he eau-ed by pressure in the presence of water. The tempera ture at the depths supposed i- rai-cd to '2'ttf Fhar. This heat gradually ex tends downward, as well as upward-, until the lateral pie.-sine from the ocean pre es the sediments into huge folds, constituting ami making moun tain chain--. Hence it is that all the great mountain chains of the globe weie originally thick nil-shore depos its. Universally the thickest depos its in oceans are -hore the depo-iis, because nearest the source of the sup ply of materials. After the Sierra Nevada uplift the upward movement of the continent continent continued until it -tood again at or below its present lex el. Hence the earliest portion of the next or cretaceous age has no memorial- in the strata of the Rocky mountain region. From this eleva tion the Rocky mountain ngion again commenced tostih-ide.udvhen the fir.-: part of the middle cretaceous was reached the Gulf of Mexico ex tended in a iitiithwestinly direction over the plains .1n,J tno in'KV moun tain region to the Arctic .-ea. This produced what i- known a.- the Da kota group epoch. The materials or rocks of this epoch are found in ea-t em Nebraska and over the Rocky mountain region. The rocks ol' this epoch are mostly -oft browny s.ind--tone, and are remarkable for the lir-t remain-of the highervgroups of plant me. Here are loiHBSinirre- I mains ot the lir-t cotton wt it kIs. ma pies, tuht) ti oes. oak plums, -a-s.i-' 1 i if fra-. etc. The si:b-iden to ne iaitt tiown, ami in many places chalk. Tl.e-e group- are known as the Ft. Benton ami Niobrara groups. Following these were beds ot sandstone, shales and brown sand stone, constituting what is known as the Fort Pierre and Fox II III group of the Cretaceous. These groups are of I great iiucKness in manv nortions ot the Rocky Mountain region. On ton of these groups are found a series of sandstone-- ami shales of brackish water origin. These rock-are known -.1 f'S-LSiut &"" tween the Cretaceous ami Tertiarv ana are wholly wanting m eiisteru America and in Europe. Thev are a missing link, lust in Europe, but recovered in America. Their the iorms are all transitional forms. It ira- etc. J he sui-utence continuing. h, the pa: twelve v&irs there has' produced -uch changes that .-hale- i - .",,,. and soft limestones Gradually cime!00" ?"Crrt5e 0J tweIve h:,t5re'1 is in this group that the great Utls of lVtomae at a cost to each of from $.'Jt) fd SALE ' coal in the Rookv MuunUiins exi-t- to ao -i ronefl sun. of --wh-jvi tWi- in ' tt- . V . . ! At the close of" the Laramie -rouu ' ' . . -n-' - " w G un'I"l,::"etl V'S ,,or 5alc he came a period of mountain miff experiment tnat nas "milhoas m tt" celebrated Norman r-calliou "P.owy The eastern portion of the Jlockv" r somebody, senator Rollins would J,m-, " " sell tor cxl-ii, or take a Mountain region was raised to such "a j act ike patriot if he would encourage ftllL0t xuuIeS 'n &l Iywenu , cc, iCvc! th i: ?.-s drK-ced of its vatt Imt a sen vvu firmed bitwu the V ,-..... tl... I n.f .i j uiul tl... With! i.vi r ..w.ui.fiiii. nln.liw.1, .'r.l.hl-llK ilal into frli water lake. Thfs ! ...i:,tui.- th- K.H-r,neTi.r:i.irv.f the j Km k-Mou:t.ii:i. -lutein. Th.it i-, n.i ' .1 liii' pLTioi! i- eviii'Mt from the far: ; iii.i -jii u-ci '.; .-uunii.-iii whs ue- , ii rmu an in; jwiijJii j iiiu uii ;iivf. : It va lurin tliH ejnh that th iirt roui-ol the higher hi imiiiaJuiK- sip-j pean-tl. Atthelo-i- of thi- KK-oie li-:ti:iry i:- iuiltiiiii '.va- raiMit ttj unit itt v;iti'it .tf :iii! c:i-tiarl, A.rininir .i i- ! ii i - t!ie Miotfiie l.-rti.irv Like. Ki-iii'iiu- of thi-, .MioceiH-e Tertiary lake aie een in the whole eartli rir legion of I.ikota territorv, Xorthne-teru Xe- brka :uul , , .. :, lhe . -"-.. ? ea-tern portion ol the Kockv Motm- tain.-. During its progie.-a mammal ian life became mote speciah.cd. Geologi-ln e-timate- that the Miocence Tenia! y period I.i-ted at least a ju.iiter of a million of eai-. At it- le.-e occurred the greate-t lava outflow-in the geological history of the Rocky .Mountain-. The great lava bed extending from Washington ter ritory to California, jM) miles in length, and from 7o ft et to o.O'M feet in thick ue., oi euired at this time. 1 hi- wa- accompamed by an uphtt in pj-.-ion. All agree that no pnlliativc the Lockv Mountain region, kilting ... , .. , the watei'-father eattward and south" "' reach the c:u,e, and the danger is waid and noithw.trd, but diaining the that a law will he parsed o exeess- we.-tern poitiou of the old lake le- ixelv severe as to oer-reach it-elf. gton. lhe shore lint-, ol the lake now e.xteinleil a.- tar east as oiumhus. Neb., noithwe-twaitl arountl the. Black Hills, and .-outhwvstward al-mo-t to the Gulf, loveriiig, according to King ami Hayden. I'OU.U'M -ijuaic miles of territory. Tin- lake peiiod coit-tituted Pliocene Tertiasy tune-. It la.-tcd fully a- long a- the pievioiis Miocene, and ipiring its progres- mammali.wi life be. ame specialized :..i... i i i- . ... ! i ., ....-. Ke,eVu ,.,-. ,. .,- uie i :o-e oi me i ooceue leniiarv age thi- Pliocene lake iiccune gradually ile-olatee, and lhe general form of the Rocky Mountain -y.-tem wa coinpleted. 'J'he changes produced in the Rockies since men. ha.- been effected by the elements, especially ice and water and wind. Tins -ame mountain sculpture U still going on. At the close the profes-or gave his the orv ol the origin of vo canoe, i which our. sjiace doc-not permit u- to fully give. It i- in substance that yolcanoe- are cau-ed hy a local n-e in teinpcrature-ulhcieiit to i.iu-e tne melting of .-..me portion of the .-edi- nientaiy rock-, and the pie. tire of Ihesupenncuml.ent mas-. -pieeing out the matter materi ,!. The infl w ot p.'icoi-iimg water cau-e- toe explo- ! MM' i'',y with which the-e phenotn- eni are ncciunpiinied. I-iiiallv he iointetl out the fact that all the phenomena of the material univer-e aii i i eiii.il 'ittit ... e.ili o. ..if-..! I.. i.i. an.Hhat obedience to law wa- 'every - where the great condition of well be- ing ami happiness to the hum in race, Washington Correspondence. Wa.-iiimston- Feb.. 7, ISM'. M;:. Et. -Eighteen centuries ago theie was one horn ami cam! for in a manger hecau-o there was no room in the inn. The Capital has some hotels not unlike those of the orient, at least when the color qiie-tioii comes into the case. The f-dltue in th receipt of an advanced di-pateh at the National Hotel, where the Fi.-k Jubilee Singers had been elegantly caret I for on a former visit by the noble prnpiictor. Mr. Tenuey, left them to arrive at evening to find not a single room va cant in lhe hotel, where nine were wanted. Fitcen different hotels were vi-ited. to find twelve of them with no vacant rooms. Three had rooms, hut refu-etl to entertain colored people. One F. F. V. declared he would not take colored people into hi- house fo: $,jOM per head. One was kept by a prominent man in a new and impor- taut church enterprise here . !il l.ll', Capitol. J le hatl plenty of rooms un occupietl. but none for colored people in hi.- inn. Till near midnight these -ingcrs waited hoUsele.-s and homelcs. indreatl sTi-pense in the very room where their noblest friend met the martyr's death, at the hand of the a .-as-in. In the morning hours this famous trouoe. that have sung before empeiors and crowned heads, and supped and dined with the dignitaries ot the old world, and whose songs have built from base to sj.ire a imble universitv. were cred for in the Cani- ,-,.,,,.. . . . . tof ot this Christian Nation in three, colored homes, becau-e there was n room for them in the inn. Had the dead Garfield been living thev would have been taken t-t tne White Hoti-c. t in obedience to his dispatch sent them s at Sjiringtield. 111., where they had similar difficulties, -When you come to tlse Capitol, if you can't find accom modations, the doors of the White j House are open to you." The Indian problem .seems to be working itself out slowly but surely. per cent, in tne agricultural labor per- formed by the Indians. The "peace i policy" of tlie great soldier. Grant, has- been followed hv the most astoni-hing'' results, -ince its inaugaration. M.any thotisarn citizens- ils of Indian- have become' and other tlioiK-nntU are i.: i ..-.. i . ""'" " " progress ' .X'.ll.. Til... 1 Pt rt I. .- A.l I a. .1.. ..11.-- 111.41 llVCli.ll'.V VTlili. lV. 1IIC gooi wikk go on cnrisnau men ct America take 'near.. The ohi i- ?' pi"" ' '- ::e',v :,r'a "c-'r :; " commij. Thedavsofiolrsl-venot'vet fullv . - - - - " " pas-ed. This tune it is a water metre, to stint out 2XH) water Uikers here at vitality and strength quickly and yure the capitol the dailv supplv of the J-v -"" to them. ' in draw on the en t-s --'ipp-y fr-m ' .io.. ........ . ., I.,. 1. .. ... 1... ,1. .ii.. .. I . .. - 1 1 '7 '""V " V1. '? Tf 1 v h.re ulirt- " lh, l'll,ful l,l ve v.;tt.r to Lheir heart's rouietil. ilr. iroll::)' metre :cheinc looks bad, from bninw t:iu.!-lHii::t bt:me-.s 1:iiui-hi!::i. It i, wun.lerful oa-v to obtain the riht t sell tangle le here at the Cxpitol. lawyer have hit upon an iM..,.;,j,,.,-; j,u:hM! ami a.li-e thoir . . . . ..... .-. . ,. i Cllt'Iifcs IU tuiuiitii: tj.-m,-i3 iiitei mu . -'"'--' t i ame jilan ii.-ed to colonize voter- mj u.ir!-5 or precinct.- for the iiirpi-e of, ..,.,..., .. r-ivm-iti. etihli5.tte Thi- -' .i r.iuu c u w .ut n.i i...irtt H'tc Ktwt.iintktMi nth vi- n!irrii . """w 1'" . . I to the attorney lor tlie Di-trttt, -.5io, tate--: "I think a ni:rn i- a re-ile:it ' where he works, eat-, and sleeps, and I 1- to he connteil as such muter ine 1. .1... ' liceii-e law.' decision, no Under this erudite one ncnl be without a license even though thousands apply. 1'oligauiy has a had black eye in the hill pa ed hv tin Senate for it- stit- and not be sustained hv the courts. ! The popular oiee has been so loudlv raised against thi- great ni'iu-tiosit i that its doom i- inevitable. The final action on the apportion, nient bill seem- to be sati-fadoiy l nearly all sections. Kmng the mini ' her at ',V2'), wa? a compromise that ap I pcarcd to disturb a-, little a.- t ibh lhi, n.,.lli01H ((f ,M) ic relation-) oi ooin parties i: Would he well for Cungie-s to prevent J making Di-tritt- out 'of Tcnitoih- that were not adjacent and connected together. One Di-trict in Maryland is hitched on to a Democratic ward in Baltimore, thirty miles from the main portion of the Di-trict. which other wise would be Republican. The lir-t State dinner given hv I'te-- idem Arthur wa.- a grand .-u-ee The honored guests were ladies and ' ' gentlemen of the tliplon.atic corps .u, ! , . c . .,,,.' i mif rr.u oi oaie aim ..ir-. c:e linghuy.-en. Tlie decorations hiu never been surpassed, and rareh , e II:lIIciI in the hUl rv f .,,.,, :lll r; , .. .... " , , I The State tlining room and curidoi leading to the E.i-t lunni and the tn tire suite of iiarl irs were elaborat. adorned with flowers and plant-. I . ,,,e ,-ut r""m :l J-'fP ,,f '11 p'-d plants formed a large pyramid against it.-centra! window. In front of tU other window- and on the hearth- flowers were al.-o ma-.-ed. On the ! manth- were mo-aic- of difl'ereMt colored blo-suiiis and foliage or bloom i ing plants in pots. The white column- were entwined with green wreath-' and the chandeliers through out the parlors, emridor and dining , room with smilax. In the dining room plants were grouped in ti-.e cor ners and on the hearths, while th. mantels were al-o adorned ws'b flowers. On the tabic the horizontal mirror was laid through the centre . and on it- surface were va.-es contain ing flowers, bowls of fruit and gilt candelabra the centre piece being a fhir.il ship, laden with Jacqueminot , roses. Two -ilver candelabra stood at i either cntl of the taha. All of these held wax light.-, softened with fancy shades. The green rvom was Used ad a cloak room for the ladic, and ap proi.ite toilet articles were placed on a table leady for their, rs-e. A maid U" 1. ! l fit iftt'n tn.kI..j? njjtulrttw.i .... ., . : i ue .Marine iauu was siawoneu in tne . ... , , , , outer vestibule, ami played during the repast. The menu was greatly prai-ed for the superior cooking and the variety of delicacies ot'ered. There were si.x varieties of wine, and cordial served after dinner Thi 1 1 'resident's hotisepeekinj was greatly ' praised, a- he gives hi per-onal ?u- ! pcrvi-ion to all arrangements for hi- enlertaintnentf. and he ha- been told that he is -uggcsting the idea that it is t not a!soluti-iy indi.-pcn-ib!e t. havt a ' i f.idy to prende over the Excutive -NI"-'-on in order to tnnduct iL- stK-i.i! f'f !:ll'c-VI,.,,j1ccl. to "loh a precetlent being estahh-hed. Piiks FnrS-;t Trio's T'rnit. TrPP; -mmm -mw wm m VW Vmf J mW m m W mm W mmt BROOM CORN SEED, kor s:.t:. Ct:toiiwood, Ah, Elm, Sijft Maple and many other Forest Tree Seed lings. jV.c A Choice lot of California Evergreens. Broom Corn- Seed At $150 per Bushel. For Sale by. I W. CRAMER, t Hstivg: NEBKA3KA. i 1. Made from harmless material-, ami adapted to the needs of fading and I Jl l1- nair. 1 a.-Ker s Mair balsam mu- .-... - . . ... ... .aen me nignest ran a- an elegunt and reliable hair restorative. MMMM.MH ZLZZ ZZl 3 X f-inv .!.i.r..klA r.ny...lA .7 - .t . selves about with failing strength, feel-1 ing that they are -'aed.lv sinking into ; W!'C-1 -i larker- v,,"vr lonie tnev vvoum iv.tc .1 cure, commencing with the fir-t dose. aM $50,000 T3 L:an ,:5 ik'1' ''' -''r.t a: . 1 M" - ' :;'- . m,h... The Webtrr (,uui. !u.k Kc-4 L.mJ. ?-::. t r i. Mr " t 7 ?5r C2lt. Money tD i.-3ail ! M-:.n t (" ve .,. uil'i ii ri:.i! j i r i : ii-: i . i . I:.. ceipt "f ii il . ! ! i.i . . i :im..f IllKI I ''2 .T ' ttr.til'T vr i Otii. . e ne l.l-. ( !;Li(IiS!HTiII(i JUUXXOYKS Wi-he? to inform the ptiblte thiit he is prepatcd t do all woik in he line promptly and in a Workman like manmr. Xrlo 1 S(-S 1 1 oc i 1 1 ir V J - - M - TLOW WORK A SPF.GF'ALTY. Shop north of Mi'i he'd A ''-tt. wt ,-:,, Ki n I i ... : Nii 881 Market, . i:: :. U! 1. .M Always c:.- Hand CA.-H PAID l-'til: I 'I (Al ILL Moshcr's old Stand 17IS.-SQ ' i i--;ri.zw x.r.-s"rT. ?- :"-.s.v . --.. .. i Meats. S9.nsaee: k.ZT:'-.. ,f .v ; OBAEBiinei IC Or CBBABV 1 msIIEbBb&o yuMa ii;.)f)(rr::s roi: : .". mF!fa3 LT1ML Two Doors :rki cLorn. I - -:ab"i!a;u t t. fl Bk U . VC7 Immense Stock of Dry Goods, MARSH 3-Ja Them COMIH! COMIC! COMI- THIS WEW AITD COHKECT 7VIAP Trover b-y.ml ar.r rrcrx. V i,r-v- that li. CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN I--1. a.l o.-s :' j- ' tr--dr.rj Jtuioi' v.t'x.'iw - 1 ' ' t--wt Chicago crd a'! cf iht P'tndpal Point; :n the Wet, No'th a-d ,l'f.-T;. CaffuKv o.t r" i'-'rp. TifVrrrr-l 'tit " W t n-d Ni-fhio. .r'"vW.i ni th.i ro-.d Its t;.re-.j,tt tm.r.5 :-Xc i..c co..i. ..---i .. t. t:-jjt J r.ruutt ii Jur.-t.oa .ntv. lL.'iL..I II ..w K 0",.K fZK: '- ' IVS . J l.-." . I "i-SZtW, -.jsl-- If mm, fc mJ -' - m- - - Lmr t ' '.m " k 1 ; o if . - SX,: T rj (VoV; 3 i ;)? -,-7iC.i .1 G,A A C 'rc6 r. ft m -.mmm-' r Z r 'IV J F X f t 7HE CHICAGO &. NORTH-VE37E3K RAILVAY, ?ULL2iIA2r H0TEI, BltTHtGr CABS; ItutVo-i"rr--.!retr-"ir '- 5'ic olflll."1,I- -.-.' V i.1 -sociv N.r..Vrri - -.ftkbx. I. -i 1 - citr l i'j. i jzJLLusjs ir -:-. Litc'i'-o. "i7 --' iAwVIS tCCEiH Cli 53XMC-: ." ira: r9ii.t -a- ---.- it" ir. CL--ar a 7. 3. SfZIirrT. CaT: I . THE OilTEO Sflfl Ayl rri4?!"?s (l?g JR ' ' y.i-fclK AP.rw A 3i.i.X --J i&?J7JJs5 " J m m m jmt -7k ..r.r.?r. iTrM mm.mw m m Viv v s. v n.ri-AOk Urri4' ArTMVl 1S x -v Lriii-Zr Yvir w. - -; --- - l?34 --.- .- arx? Prices tex,y-Dr LAJtrP.STTHcr SO.SsSrr.fJrprJ Bad Cloud mills. i it.-' I M ALL WoKK WAKK 1NTKP ll'-h-t CASH .rHf iwit-I j c ENTTI-:i: A: AYKIC. Iroi. fe'j 1 :; 1 BARBER shop. M Hill II A 1 NfT Sii(. 1st di-r xet if W.l.i!. ' 4t I" ItKt'CL'l I). .M.lRK A. SUAUNO HAMltKi!... L I : 1 1 ' ( ' I I t ( l 1 1 U 1.1 t .lot 1 t iMU Mn.J I i ! h W II I Him,- 'iii J u HIM- . - Red Cloud, Nek ! IMPLEMENTS, South of lank, - x kijr aska. r vWsfv-',eaK,?.'. --7" J iiL" -f .t- R4"cr'C!,-i'"' : u 6& Z t 1 Cl .- ftlQVAL ROM - W- R'Y yi'Z'7rflrt r n n J- J4 .vop.TJr.afs'Trp.'1? a:Evav n V i1 - V-s, ,f c , I;kss - Wl!,tll,ll. f . T.-.. f .- "- suro. s 1A--. a: 4 ?-r !r-;--. I - -. .. r- ,'. I . - 8--. - lw" I k- . .- " Lr. mil 5V3B!iOP5 tX"3 S-6 7 : 3to l ;j ! yus,' "'-i --lr- u rTo evcrymarisdccr. If cur SEEDS are not gold fn your i .-: . tl 4.2 ; town, drop 13 a Postal Card for Hcndssroo Illustrated Caisk-guo PATENTS V-.. '.- m' . - 1WV.. . W T tft..l'M .. .1,- F aTV - -... m t llrl-Hr iri'rki.riloirr, i x U IV ' .-. . J- i - . . ; io . .-!, . x 1 t I . t k - V . . l . I. 1 i. BE.WfflTTIEB Jt - m U- -mm V ii- .1 r VSARRIAGE : p?85?k I- I N t nsne PL At I ' w t. s. "tlUl-tii 1 ,.,!.. f . - -t i - u-. ...-) ., ., .It M. - t-. J . . - w-l it t J.. ppjCpRESCRlPTlUH' S u V-V DcJACOTES 70S Cr.i.ntl St. It to. , p'.l . ... . I 1 r ... .J Cj I M' tVIARRIAC. GUIDES U5E2T2&"-ij rr.-.i . ' .. r . r i n L'ru. vj . . . . . 9 t . ..... I. . ' . ....t...... - kr I m ..w .. - ..teM.f . . . ... .1.1 .... .. . ..k. i . W f INDISCRETION Q1 EXPOSURE r-i I t & m T -- h 1M --. t.f' fc.wWt I U. Ut I I 1 v-.u k- Hi. tu. Urn. M A l ii I I .i .. TONIC. Clfir i . ZK. i lvfi.V I i vrfi. -v 5-fcv Jl v.- nifi . o(oif;nJii!o I !!- UI I I :S SfeKli kH3 I u l I. f .-I V . jrl . j ' - - . .a J. '.: W , , 1" I. . $k?& , i '-l' j ii i v .'tl.tX tt. f t. ..nil'.lii.'f .r , i .- . i ., . tin. .. r . - f ' of -I fm ; -I t. 1mt0 y I i :-. - V ' .: i iir - ? l m4 m cvjtjssi i "-rj.' -i.fcfi r. i .. , , 4r .v ,. hV c.lt. r r ? fc ..i.. . nr r i Hv . f . wk. .- 'in i:ti, i . ' w. J.'J.' c;53 mr. C5HEUAL t L tl ' k".U''r-. i PRICKLY ' ?." ..-v:' tl yi i. VJ.;Kl F: - "iJ'K Mi Aid. 7,. ,. j.'Af i'l-'i.'lln' 1 i-;r, j'. -f lA ? j . f - t -; yy7i'i . 'V- ttr. -- J l v 4. ki, eir., Wi-ili. .. f fA JU'MT t. ! lr t- . ;x .. Tt .-? -fSi-)' a . J r f 7 J s " i J -. -v- mr m 'tmr, ! "' w . -V- r - i"l-u. -t i t .!. I !-. !-'' I- .f. iu. ,rvj.ft KMmo" t.,v'.- - 5Tt-sl .'itrtJrxr il"r -"-fV -.. ty tfmt iwTy . .;-' j iw oir:i:rti kj: itrt . . nwir; Kt ;si:ut xnt urut- 1 t . t rh sc o'ic . ., ,.: i . . iiii irFrbia 6? M r?ii)ionns. life jjf ;S "3 r-,rw, . m . i ' I' . ' Ha h . inc. IH - J. . R .,M , . f " m i n a u . -1. f i O iVVAiC au SL(w IV JJ1 II 528