&& 1 If fc iMwT'w' -- .? t- - CTT . t,w-j:?Jigmjrry':cjrfJ3wtJ JOB V()R1, !THE CHIEF-. SSS CLCTO, SEBBASSA. BY Mi I THOMAS, The Red n ' iu'n iriii-iiliSj HnbbiiitMm exuiti-d rv i.vnt :: rut N'L:5T .OT r ?C!-P7EST Ma' - it AT "Eternal Vitilanre is ill price of Liberty." and -$1,j0 a year is th- pricr ' the IU d Cloud. Ch'u f Cloud Chief WIUSc-ILBOayearifiilaiBAavaBce. GO SOUTH-EAST OK SOUTH-EAST VIA THE B.&M.R.R. ThU i'.oad tuKtthcr with the C.B.JtQ which iii culled Tin-: Burlington Route ! Kornisthe miiM-niiilcti-lin-l(f-twe:n Nflir.-i'ka poibtr und iill ointj. fctt itiiu'ouri rarer. l'umttiiKttf tukir.R this line ors the ilo. Kivcr at I'laiUiuuuth over the Piattsmoutli Steel Bridge, huh 1 'nt !y liccn completed. Through Day?oaJie ANJ riillmnn WI-ypincCarw AHEKCNTO Burllnston.Peariii.Cliicaffo anil St. LOtiix, AVhieclnFcpini:ertincan" made in union dejioa j.-sill ointF.ortli Kiwi laud South. Trains hy thie roi-te Ft ' in Kihraska aro 'V.-re- lurn tree I; .1 the urniut u--.-iJ.ui whiili mi lreiuentl il-lay trains comins tliroiiKli Jroin tho mnuii- taiflc. at:d n?enKer- an- thus Mire nfujakitiK k'm! . n- i.e-tiii- wIm-ii they takethw li A M. route caft. Through Tickets AT LOWEST BATES In force in the Mali-, ag well as lull and reliallc .nfoi unit ton required, can he hail upon aiipliea tion to H. & Al. K. It. Akihi ut any of the principal ftation-. or to PEECEVAL LOWELL, 18tf General Ticket Aifont. OMAHA KKH. SPECIAL BARGAINS ! jit the Store of TIED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. )( A large stock of Gennrmlown A ool, Zephyrs and Stocking Yarn, always on hand. DRESS Good, ALL WOOL lloock, and a full Supply of FLANNELS, Always on Hand. HOODS OF HOME M ANUFACTURE. TOYS for tho Children and. Every thing else vouneed, at NEW HOUSE'S Store. Thi-s a.e is one of Marvellous ad vance. The diM-overy of new adap tations of Eleetrieal foive.s in the next ten vear will astonish the world. Intelligent and .-killed Attorney are e-sontial in seeming Patents for Inventors. Communicate w't Pie-hey k (Ireen 529 7th St.. Washington U. 0. '!'i t iii.-. niLilicinc has been f'.Cu'l for 35 cars in si w wajtiivate practice, in al! diseases o 1 the throat and Imiqs, is the greatest rb d C t menda- .1 t'lii ILilsam can have o. Tut before the OONTAIN . ..1 iSfiQ. l'riccs'jc.. - ' : US 1 bi. Sample 15ot- J 1) r OUGH V .'rii"- l. . 0 it for sale. We, fc55t"ttv.- .uaranteeitthrough f't-',. BALSAM 5 -4&ir' : : Fnpnrtots "- - .?'$ K-nsa City, Mo. Go to the reliahle and well-known lrug stand of It. R. Sherer Red Cloud, andhnyal hotile. If after uing two-thmN, yon get no relief, return the balance and get your money back. ..tiM 1?!T L nTcr Fails to Retora tJrcy or tailed llairl t TVei'iiC. A'.J "" Irit-n..rw,ulrIrri-M nn. I : loli, jcniU.Ucx.iut. trp tu. jl 1 1 t- t cruuu. lTil!l 3'tjCtK iri j'SpiIi I th Giaper. F.uchn, ;luilrawe. bttllinpia and j many ot tne ocii mccicincs ur.oTi aic ncic cora- lnncdiatoair.e..ianci uclI ixicn amiu:rc:iic rowers, astanislie the GrcatestRlooJFuiit.cru: the EUt neaaa ana ouxagui nesiorer ever nzza. ItcuiK Ilfps'1. RhcuniaUMn, SlecplessncNS, allcUteasesof ihehioaadi. 1Vt1 Lungs, Licr, Kidney. nd U Female Consriamti. If jpu are waiting away with Coni:ni7)ti-n or any disease, ue the To.MCto-u.iy. It wi.l tureJy help you- Fetnenltr! hisirsureriortoFu:erv Essences of Ctngcr and ether Tome, as ubuiUs imlhesysteaiiviOiout irtoxicatiag. 50c snd$i Jjs, at atl dealers in !niS. lv one ctaiunc v ithout ic7istreef HiCOX&Co..N Y. i-er.dJor arcula j!BGK SWING IN BCT:.SQ T1X POLLAU 5trE. f I.. CROOK'S W 1WIKE of TAR 1 4 O L ". CCilES THOUSANDS YE.IKLV. f jfe APCSITIVECURE k J? ForCougha.Colds, f sjKbw Is the Best of Tonics; C3CVvSiVLorP:fhp5rwpftPr f creS.:Ri;p:?Sy6tern; .vj' nmiui rrx --.. - 5 nnrt ne?.n, S ,& AttlUofltTTlll ,. b "" iji'-u,i m r-f Tar; UU no bl r ot sue ojr all Uiazgnit. t S L SMITH sr.n P-,r '-fi I V' - vTON. OHIO. EAST VOL. IX. .K. A. SIMPSON. F. A SWKEZY. jllturocy at Law. NoUrj Public. Blue Hill Bank, SIMPSON & SWEEZY, BLCE HILL, WEBSTER CO., NEB. A General Rankin Buiine Tranaetcl. E.ecial Care circn to Collections, Farm Loans at Low Hates. .School liouds Bought and Hold coi:ur.crosiEKTS: Kountic Brothers Bankers. New York City; Bank. Uaj aba Nebraska. J. E.Hnitn. lrc'f lit Nat.BMk Beatrice Neb. B. C. Suits. Gu&'r lit Nmt.Bmk Beatrioe Kab. SMITH BROTHERS, BANKEE8, RED CLOUD, NEB., Transact a general bankinjt buiineu. buy ell county warrant, alio Coanty. Precinct and and htiool uninci uon.11. Negotiate (xria mortgages, bay tad iu c or eifrn Kxchango. 4V-pecial attention (Wen to collectiont. lUrKRMCisr-ln Nat. Bank Now York. Oai ha Nat. Hank. Omaha. SMITH BROS. L. P. Albrioht, 1'reHulont. B. V. SlIIKKV, Cashier. WM& GQUSTT m RED CLOUD, NEB. Musky To Loax on Real Estate. Buy mid m'II Exchange and do a. general Banking Lusinarf. KKFKKKNCES: Hayer A Atkin. Hanke-, York: York County U.i ok. York. Fanners' 4 Merchant' Bank, York; Union National Bank. Chicago; -Marsh Krotf,. Mother Jt Co. Lincoln. 9-8tf W. H. STROHM. ATTORNEY AT LAW. RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. Slay be consulted in English or German. Collections will receive prnmiit attention. Office: Op pi i.-ite Boy's Home 0. C. Caac. Jib. McNkHT. Case & McNeny. A TTORSEYS AND fOL N6EL0RS AT LAW. Will practice in all the Vurt of tliU State and Northern Kai'fxv Colle-tiuuB aa uell a litiica ted buinn carefully and otIiciet.il atlemlctl to. Okkick:- On Webster istreet. one door north of Garher'a Store. KEI CLOUD, XEIS. J. S. GILHAM, A TTORSEY ASD rOFSSKl.OK AT LAW. Ojjicr our door north of Kulvy Bros. RED CLOUD. - NEBRASKA. lv. C. 11a wlet. N. H. Thokpr. Hawley 6c Thori'E, A TTORSEYS .A COnSSELORS AT LAW. Office: Over Mc Farland's store. ""BED cloud, nes. Laird & Smith, attorneys and counselors at law. Hastings, - Nehraska. Will practice in alt tho Court of the State. Prompt attention given to all business entrusted to his care. julyl-t J. L-Ku.iv. FSIouiuiiiKton. Nrbiwka. C. W. Kai.kt. Hed Cloud. Neb. KALEY BROS., A TTOUNF.YS AT LAW & REAL ESTATE ' AGENTS. Will practice in all the Court in Xebracka and iitirtlurn Kacta: collections irnuittly at tended to and coitesi-oiidencc solicited. EED CLOUD, Ketrask. Also. Acnt. for 11. A M. II. U. 1-and. J. BI. MOSEXA, Ifl. V. -ECLKCTIC Physician and Surgeon, Ut:i CLOUD. NF.D. Will pay special atten'ion to Obtetnc and diccse of Hiuiicn-Alo general and special MirKPry. Dieaseh of the Kye and Ear Chargej moderate. Office over Sherwood's itore. 2.Vl-y DR. C. SCI1EXCK, Physician Surgeo'n, (XIWLIS, NKr.KASKA. Professional calls promptly attended. OFriCK At reidence near Cowles. 8-51 Dr. H. A. Baird, RESIDENT DENTIST. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. Guide Rock House, J. B. SAB IX, Propr, GUIDE HOCK, NEBRASKA. This House has ju--t "-o- i-Mlttcd and newly furnished t. r-.:hout. GOOD SAMPLE IHM for the accommodation of commercia1 men. 41tf Paints, 5 COOK'S Oils, RED ui ass. CLOUD Motion BliUG Wall aper, 'STORE. HB&K ; 1 o 96 RED CLOUD, THE CHIEF. M. L. THOMAS, EDITOR. THURSDAY, FEB. L3, LS82. THE. EDITOR. As. Exchicgo Gives a Briof D!eccune en tho Etbits cf the Creiture. The editor is a member of that race of animals called mankind. He is ' invariable a kind man. 1I' i- perfectly harmless. You may tro into hi-' den without fear. But he has hi- peculiarities. The sight of a poet makes, him wild. He is then very dangerous, and is apt to do bod ily harm to all within his reach. He is'al-o much wrought up when a man comes in with a little tnlle he has. just dashed oil". There is one thing that mu.-l he said in the editor's dispraise. His mind is so bia-ed by long thinking in a certain direction, that he dis likes cry much to look upon both eidos of a question. Therefore, if you value your sairty, never approach him with manuscript written on both bides of your paper. The editor u.-ually writes with a pen, but his mvt cutting articles arc the product of his shears. And let me nay right here, children, that a good deal of sheer nonsense, has been printed about the editor. He u-es his shears only when com posing an entirely original article. The editor would make a good pub lie speaker, but for his propensity for clipping words. The editor's hardest task is to dis pose of his time. It is a monotonous life indeed, were it not for the kind-ne.-softhe few hundred people who call upon him every day to enliven his dull life with stories of their grievances, of their brand new enter prises, and with antediluvian anec dotes. When you grow up to be men and women, children, remember this, and spend all the time you can in the sanctum of the editor. Ho loves company so much, you know, and sometimes he has to sit silent and alone for a whole half-minute. Is it not too bad 'I The business of the editor is to en tertain itinerant leetureis, book ean va ers, exchange liends, and other pliilanthropi-ts He uives hi- whole day to tin e. He uittes his editorial-, at night, after he has gone to bed. The editor is never happy except when he is writing complimentary nolices. For ten cent's worth of pie ents he will gladly give ten dl.ir's worth of :ulvertisiiji all on account of the plea-ure it given to write, you know, children. He loves to write neat little speech . and bright little poems for people without brains, who wi.-h to -peak in public. It 1- so eay u, ,lt, 1 1 i that he is .sometimes quite miserable when an hour or two passes without nit opportunity to do something of the kind. The editor dines at all the hotels free; he travels free; theaters open wide their doors to him: his tailor clothes bun with grati-; his butcher and grocer furnish him with food without money and without price. In short, his every want is porvided for. He spends "his princely Hilary in building churches and school houses in foreign lands. By all means, children, be editors. Of course it would be better if you could be hod-carriers or dray horses. But ks that is impossible, by all inwite be editors. Washington Correspondence. Washington Feb.. HO, 1SS2. The wires have just ihudied hither and on the wide world o'er a dis graceful scene in the otlicc of tho L'e publican, which has doubtle-s sent one soul to eternity, and cast a dis grace over the fair name of the Capi tal. The secret mv-teries that now .....1 tUrk,-, U..W-1. i,..x .,....-. ....... .1 . ' ami then Hash into gaze, niove that thi metropolitan citv is not an earth- i iv parauise, out mat it na? all the .-ins and sorrows that follow in the wake ot intemperance and carnal revelry. We are horrified at the trauic details that are served up to us by our public journals as we sit w ith our loved ones at our morning meal, and good men wonder if after all, the world, in spite of schools, bibles, and churches, is not growing worse and worse. Might ier than the question of taring funding schemes, or apportionments, is the quo-lion of the Nation's responsibility for fostering, by its complicity iii the liquor tariff, every crime on the statute book, and eating out and cank ering the foundation of its own nation al existence. A few years a;o ioliti cians, clergy, and the" people "read a firey gospel, writ in burnished rows of steel," because of their responsibility for slavery. Let us be wise, if per chance God may avert the storm of his indignation that is ready to burst upon the Nation. The vote of Senator Brown of Geor gia, ca-t with the Republicans, was a clap of independent thunder out of a clear sky, and a large amount of men tal blasphemy was indulged in by his old bourbon colleagues" who believe that he is seeking to make a non-partisan record with the hope of being nominated foi Vice-Pre-sident on an independent ;.ikct. Howaiu Uiti .ersity here at the Caj ' ual s in a mvj-i nourishing condition in the matter ot student, its catalogue numbering ,49, an increase ot .-4 oVer lastyear. They are distributed in the six departments: me.he.il nmM-. ' three; theological, thirty; law, twentv; college, fifteen: nrenarAtorv tui-t',- .-..... i ,.-f, ' .- - - d ........ .- . .1 1. . "'"-.' - j rawn lrom the Univers tv fm,f?5 t V 1, w. uor;nai. joy. ?n itw.nov- ,- I sustain tho theological denartVnents I but this is wholly supported bv special tunds provided by thc American Mis sionary Association and the Washinc ton city Presbytery. The medical and law departments depend upon the fees of their student.-; the former is specially prosperous, while the lattr is steadily gaining, having thb year seven more students than last year, lhe appropriation made by Congress is entirely expended, as it should be" on the three academic departments in v-Licfa bo charge is issote ft tuition, WKBSTEKUO., NEBRASKA, THURSDAY. 1 andinwhiih pupils are pnneipauy ' :..,..! ." - t. 1,- ..,..1 f.ir ,.--... -r ;. 11 ! ' ;:- i lilL.'ll Itll LIT.-Ll ilCl O IW14 i-Jk ....... ..v..-- "" n....:- r. .1 r... ,.., chance for mni of the medical profes.-ioti, in l 1 1 V If - n. iiiiv v...,,-v .- . i ouih Australia. The Suite Depart- ment is informed that an amendment i i. ....t.- in.. i.,.oi,. r. Tta i it'-: rii t . :t rcvt-uii iict-ii muu u 1.1.. . , ItlAt nIOn. WIHTCllV IMC IHJ.'H'R- fni .roum liiulnnii. or fllllv lll !l I !! U 2L1 medical practi-mer-. In answer to a ! request from that government, the State Department has taken -trps to furni-h it with a list of all medi- cal hcliools in ttie ciiuniry wukii i.s.ue medical diploma or certiti- eate-j. This will be irood mwn to thfc small army of young physicians eoon t be let loose trom our colleges, to name . with starvation for several year- its thev confront two on a hor-e of like fraternity wherever they go into prac- ticc in the wide world. What l.t-become of the -tar route easts, and the i!e men that the re former James wa- to end to the pen itentiary, is a ipiery oi'ie i a.-kcd, and echo iw often an-iwrs. where? It might be painful to enqtiip whether If the Sonthv.i -t lo-t anih:iej by hi P.i.-m of -o-called relorm. V.tndti- iult did not gain twice 'he am unit by the i.nonti-m of thi- man. now a banker in Nework. Ihe only se- euritv the (Jovernment has. that the mails shall be carried with economy is that theie shall be the widest opportu- nity for people over the whole country to bid. Thi- plan does not suit the i , ;; , ...,.,, purposes of those desiring the monop- olvofthe hu-iness, and hence a raid is "made on small bidders and contrac- ' tors to freeze them out. This whole m.sine.-s ..a.-, .kt- a "t l"" 0t like to be ridiculed bv their hu countrv and if there has leen any - fault it has l.-un tit the door of the Post buiitis, however mm h the husbands Ollice Department and with the Sena- may enjoy it, therefoie they repree tor- and lleprc-cntatives whose rec- rtll ,q. jhat nmv. provoke it. ommemiauous nave neeu poieui in omnibus line, and it wiu no uncom-! mon thing to see wagons mired on the . principal avenues. Now all is chaneed. our broad avenue?, skirted .".11 . .i c.w .1 with shade trees, are the iinest road- ways in the world and residences rich and costly are seen everywhere. Now 1S0.(K0 people throng our streets and business places, and evidences ol m. ... ... I . ...C . .,..- ;.. 1, ease ami comlort are in 1 marked contra-t with with the condi-' Hon of things two decades ago. Near-1 ly $-2.-),(hu.u0o have been expended j here in the l.i.-t lilUcti ears in per-1 , , - .. manent work.- upon streets, sewers,' sidewalk-, and p.n king-. The haime in the past with the good feeling of the people of the whole country is; certain to make this the most beauti- ful ntv it. the world. Thousands of j people of wealth and leisure apprecia-J linir mis i.u-i are securing uoiiie? whUPiiu'V run i purriKiea ui rpa-i .ingrapidlv and a million and a half ! of do'da.s will be .ut into elegant re-i-j tMtaiitv r:ti'?. nt'ui pmjiiu i auviwi- expediting routes in the past. " ........, :- , fs "S-r-ft'i VS2iw i Twentv rears ago, thi, city had that it would be a disgrace to a women . II i ..- f.. r - ' 'v Vi . about CuiOOO inhabitant-, a-.fme public to vote. That i- too mticli !'ur my m- . JUlUi, ljiUBE5 Mi C-r '' " T&&&X&&. V .- - V.i ' building, one singje avenue paved telIect j c.UII1t jrn,li;ie whv it 7 " " " IgflfliiS&l-o. - J--ljvJ ! with ctibble stones, not a single etreet , , , ......,.-, ' If . . . ,. v, r... K r,-n V "-"- fi!w r3 a-1 31? railway or public conveyance save an , '',ulcl ',c V;1 .. :. . i--L..iJo 0.. hr...D v.-Kr 'x I ilences the next -ea-on iy patties who wri they want ollice. 'k.v. Hot : desire to spend tlu:r winters in miriu',.,.,,,;,.,, ...j.fl f,.fMi,. to tl.e "...... e'ellent climate, ami in tin: ment of social life at the Nation's Capital. l'HAKs. .J - ' Woman'sSufTrage. A prominent lied Lloud lawyer who t .. - , . ., 1 , ' ... ' writing fri-ni there, fcavs; "Ihewomrn is oiiposed to woman suuraue savs, ' ... . .... , ', ; as generally vote as do the men. Itr. opponents are willing to concede .... , . , , . . . , , . . ". ,. . I hev liave never made thern-t.ve- that it is right, but it is inexpedient. 1 . , . ... . . , .... ! candidate- for ollice, a? is customary ftome eminent. man has said, (o on 1 .. .... . . , , , ,. ,- , with men. I hev have not taken part and do what as right in tint matter . , . , , . ., ,- . , f'tu party caucuses, and convention?, and let the expediency take care of ...... . . , ,, .. .. ' ,. 1 l- 1 1 t though their intluence is ationlv felt useii. 1 on 010; iiot iiiniK 01 uiai when you pave the negroes the ballot, nor you did not wait for them to de mand it either, you gave it to them whether they wanted it or not, and in fact as far a a large number of them were concerned, in advance of their capacity to use it intelligently. MarvC. Hoggart of Ind.. sav. "The . no . statement that women uo not want to . vote, is absolutely witnout authority I rt , , : .. ,. , 1 womeu in Illinois have expres-ed aic desire for the ballot, and still it IIS- 1 ... 1 c.ro..i . ,.0 ctot.. ii,n ,.-......, .1 ". . ' " 'n- ' 1 i , ',. muv.4 '" th.rty-l.ve thousand women in Ohio, j have MSnifieil their desire for the bal- lot, and sti.l it is largely urged in that I state that women do not desire to j VOte" We shall soon ascertain how many ; thousand in our own state have the ' same desire, and they are some of the ..., - ..v....fc .o.,4. '"' state, such as Mrs. Brooks of Omaha. Mrs. Colby, Mrs. Senator Saunders. and the wives of ex-Gov. Butler and , Cen. rhaer. and hundreds of others . ..;,..... 1 ...:..i.. .. . 11.. , ... i nuiuiiiiuiMUWMlli ;- g'!. omen everywhere are ... 1 - . ; e ' see the need of it. I will see tne nceu ot il 1 w,u gne you what is 8a,d by the officers ot ihe-Na- tioiiHl W. C. T. U. on this sublet. j -In 1S79 at our Cincinnati Conven-! tion, a resolution w;is otferctl bv Mrs. Gov. Wallace of Ind., and adopted bv , r t 1 ij .. 1 .:.,: -..., .:-.!., i.i:. r that womans influence through the ' I ballot, w:is essential to the triumph ' I ' l ol tne temperance reform. In Bo-ion 1160'; it was expressed bv resolutions, and in Washington at ' our last convention m Oct., Ian. whvre , 2o3 delet:ates retires-eiitcs.! 53 states it was stated m thc foiiowim: form: Be- iievmi; it is t!e part ot wisdom to place temperance legislations upon the nrm foundation of v,onstitutional law ' ic, fcc. Wisdom dictates the do-ev-' ...i.:.. ,.i: :. r .:....: 1 v i 11111:1; ii'iio . ui; v.oiisiiiuuoi:ai ' l . .' amea:neul e tne way is open lvu ii, o.e. i-jii.ii Jiaiiuiurt.- ji-;ie i;if vote of woman joined to that of man can give stability to temperance legis lation.' And that alone will rive sta- I ilitv to temperance laws in this state. Th ,fi,r,M T?l rirmrf larv- The aforesaid Red Cloud lawyer saye, "The laws are always in- advance um::n Brothers announce still an- lfce. - TsC-'lJ' "-Tj r-rw r ?t.t-v J ! -"T .' -""""'rj' , . - of the people." Now thev are not in other important reduction m rate of l-Vx -v Ornywrpwa Cw:.-eTari.Ti,ovr:'. ijoo ;, . . .. -JV, advance of all the people or thev wieresi on time ans SraMu nine fnsKiLl:?7 xi-..-' -; .t ua jrtrxa, would not be passed. I have no fault SnT --cd leave vrTnr i;ln' I JJ jj-axjz rtrn piucr r jra x.r i--x. t.i r. -? - - -.iij- JS 1: Cf J !he trouble and tho-e ,. Ml ll I r 1. I, .11 kitVt ..... ...-....- , , J " '"" hl"r ' " "" .via) pitiioiii4.' iiiviii, iivw ..- K.....v. ,. ...... . .,.... I.l.l ,. K:,i, ..... ofoower. ami thev eb-ci men to oth.v whom thev know will not t-nfone the , ..4 ,liriim,r tutstll. a ttid the te'nper- anre women may prote-t in v.im. nil even t:e teinp'T iriv e uw, I... a ...I T., ,..-. i. tney by their votes can hv.p elect men M-.ttey t . i r . who are :t-far adinced ao the lawa cci-t. ..r -i l-.-b 1 ,ire . ar4.l 1 '.' j-r ! " . ,.;.. convonlilini wouM!rfra,d,"'er "'' , ; , ?oon iiml out. as they have m Wy.-j niing. that they mul noitiinate the ; i,. Inen, or the women would i.ut , , , , . lne Mate Jmjwi has A ureal U-.u to say about "imposing the burdiu ot ; tj,c ranch I.-e urKui the I.uh : never thought the men (n-jdered it burden, but rather a glor'.oo" yr- .i leue. Boys aire always ! k.a j r ward with delighted xpe.tatious to the time when they can vote. I: h- bc u said that in this V.IQ, thi.- .tu-e had a-siinied aiich impor- ta:u.ei amj XVa- - far advanced that it h:l)1 j.,,, hevond ridicule, lam afraid " - ' some men of thi cunty are behind the limes, for we have been told by cultured women, whom we have a4:ed l() - h, mjr M,nV:l c .()(.i,nv tj,.lt at. .... , .. ,, thmigh thev larored the mea-,ure, thev "" " dare not express themselves to, to their hit-bauds, for they would never , ,, ,,, j,,,,, fUM ui tu.'ulm Women ,J., knows, I wish they wouil enlighten me on the subject. If it i a fact, wmi n r.u.0i,...a srt tilc. ,en ,-t be. .. 1,1. . , , .1. ihelud., lauv quoted above. ;i-k- - this question; "It men are .-, corr.tpt that thev cannot be permitted to v ;e . with mna0m UUi,it t,.v tl) j. r.wt,-l J ...... , ' ". ..... I" eiir mi ilim ieiiie-i-iii iiii'-ii Hut we who are a-king for the batlt do not believe thi--. we think we are no t.ttor tiian . :uuI all we j. ;, .. . . , . ... . equahtv betore tlie law. e do n-t Ws be legi-latel for a wun.-n, we do not believe in ehiss h-gi-'aton. If as -onie nv. there are law- timt ,. ' . . , ,. ,Vur w ,"ore th:in -'. ,ht'-v hwA be repealed, we want only tho tame rights as ctll.ens. 'jlc ;,jea tjjat '... ,;..., ti... v. .,.;.;.. ...:m v.. li.till ll.-r illl ' h:u" tho n-lS,,ro or l Utu' ' women is -imply ludicrous, h-iiln ot r firf-l".?. itflft nf U-nniOii llVvof.. in tli.jt 1 act. v ""miihi ."ti4 Iii fcitakW territory, says, 'That as y-t no wom an has ever made application to him for ollice." Tne wifu of one of the ' i.:..i... . ,.n:.;i . .- .1.... -. ... in the consultations of both parlies. It has tome to be known that a man who is intemperate, or immoral, or di-honc-l, cannot diaw the votes of the women of hi- party. A decided 1 civil service reform ha? been inn.iger 1 atcd in Wvomiuir. bv the women vi '(- I im nt the Tinl'-' u Ti..i..ifi,"'.,i I . , ' . I made at the convention-. T - ..11 -. It 1 con-tantiv bc.'u as-.v'el trial ,,' . . ... women generally, win not v.it" it tne have the prnnece. Judtre .M.L-011. . . , , :.. ... .. ..,,1 1 " . . ., .. r.... . . r leave int.- iiia-t am: 01 ine e.eri.iae Oi l tl,slt rio''1 lo her- Do not den-v hcr thc right, and then wiv she does not WjUJt h We men aro" not bound to V()tCj ,JlU cverv dtipn wouU rf,,,cl a. lhe dpni ,, of ;h.u rf ht ., u t,je ero, e:0l.liuI1 in IS-9. lhere w,re over -..l i. 1 r v-.!. ,.. viQii.een uiuuMiii'i oi;rs oi .eor.i?K.i who did not exercise the right of votim-" A citi,cn of lhi, c,m mv lhat the be.-twav for women t. eet their right? is to ?o educate their son.-, that tliev will x-nfe n tl.eir n-n?lKr. vnf t,.tf;n ,n h m, n,u u., llCt.n coli, , . dctl lhat , ; cir,.rtUJli v ., , OTlIITinJ t("W i. .!! r - w..- --... ...... T-. . . k. ... ". I "I" - - ! a great mauv women have no bov whlie ulhrs nre in thc samc .uuati0n ; JuIc MMOrjf he ssr3 Mv w. ure and , fr, d ; hnpe 0 M thi. coa:aionweaith H,lf.rPj Ti 1:... .1 .v. i ,c '..-' ii.i.v. men .Uf ii'jsi t vn.3 ui iu i.r i who-e r-ohticnl instituiioR I liave Rf- i . !n r,,BS:Sv ' .I.,.,--...-. - .J ." . ., ,". ".,"" , those TiO'i coptifjnm'izn'y, auu no , nr.... 1...- .. ., .k . . ,1 -.. at are aecorded the i-'norant and j... ..,..- 1 BErsn. i a ?-A-e-v5-- A delicious otb.r i- n"jptirteI ryi r tore-ton Loiogne. which is a.wav- zk- tresainjr, no matter how freely used Ar:ritc itien. Mothers should remember V. i- a most important duty a; in -eason to look after the health of their Jamilics and cleanse the malana and impuri ties from their system-, and that u :h- ing will tone up thc stornurh and liver. : egulate the bowels and punfv the I blood so perfectly as Parker'- Ginc-rf Tonic, advertised in our colunis. 1'ozt. See anothenxilumn. 1 !' f !,.,. w-iirt rw.itil. ivi?ii,l.r Ml V V! . P JJt-4.-VVVVfi.v.j!vVVVVVp ?VA?l.'il AJ i FKHKUAUV. -23, ISS-2, 550,000 T: L:an ..... u.'i iit-Ai i-:..'t ..r i i- cent . ai.mmh! ...t-:t i..- i I'.-ai i Mim-. i ii: i?.i.r nvi- i ... -I'l .. - -. f. ...... ivel t ! nm . i t '" rer cent. iionr v 10 jjoaa : . !:r. i: r . f : 'I Is t. ' Oil- e next d. BLJLCK.HJIftTUIXft. joiLvoy:s Wi-h t. i!" rit t . I' :.. t: jl tc ; .!: i V' o i a.. . '. . . ! .. promptly n..d vt a VV :,.ut.i;. tn.tlK.i;. ."EIorsc-HJioehi: -AM' PLOW WuRK A SPECIALTY. Shop north of V.. t -he'! ' 'tore. It." "i .! rr i". Meat Market Jo a. i: r CASH PIDI(ii: FAT CATTLF Moshcr's old Stand V ,- v-r l J.rra & & k. m B iit E.ll)()ll sTiO J V iJLLv iHilS & u Ui vj? SsS 3H & AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Two Doors South of Bank, BEl ) (I, OLD- - NKUHAHKA . REMOVAL FH0M CHICAGO TO -AN ImmsRse Slock of Dry Goods, M ARSII Tins Thorn. j irVlXn. - 1 T ! V WY1, i j - THIS KXW AlfD COHRECTT MAP GHICA80 & NORTH-WESTERN R'Y I J.r nil oOu t ' l-.; nai ' r you Ij lik 'Jthn tzuvcla; !a e :hr i.irrtior. 'vrfa Ch'cago and a'l of the Principal Poir'.: i-. the WciJ, NoftS ard Nof'csJ. Oirrfa"'- ca- t-,p. ;" I- rr r- f nnttiistt-iit its u.ro h ",:3ia- m.-u'.c c.-o unctlr. p ut.-. THE CHICAGO i KGRTH fr-r a:i of ij --,--rci -,-,. ir- vii t -s-vtivi&?v. i - y 1 I r 1 V-. x.v tl t?vffr " sau. c7sT? ' "Ai' .s. lk '.Vft !JvT v. -. 1 . Vf l. xt '" l'.v ' " Unii PULLKAN KOTSI. DINING CABS. I: fa "jr7?'S, ;- r 1 P-.nvi Swr Cxrt v .1 f r r -h-r. r-rj. jt Lm fc- k jV tn i-v I' r Tie; -m rU'h r-ol HAS.MS hrn. C-. ilar, t,2icca- cmmmo TI!V Lt K T--si -w i.ii 1 -o rri M).-,f.. Red Gioud Mills. r. M. .M ALL WORK WARRAJJI K! Highest rSII pn psd for .c- i Mi!h:ig Whrnt : I 'or:i pott Kit & vavim:. fwtf Prop.. 1 !MI i; BARBER SHOP. U , lit . . W ' r -ty lik. kk: L"i:. :.t sk SU AVI.VO. H AM P0lINS. Mi - Jrlair (,'uti inu la the Joglie-t pl'. ! the I" -i- ..-.al A:' IMF Win, PI" t I P W Ml r HOGS Pol I.TP.Y. HIDI. ,v - Red Cloud, Nch.i 1882. &FUNK, uncus ran RED CLOUD. OOMK! COMK! "ff'VM',- f -B ff "X?V'S cota..-ii v.j ti.t tri-j 1 1 ii: r II i L I .ToRi ifTrTK-s'n:?. n7TaiT7a'aV - WESTEUH RAILWAY. diTy ;ri :io to focr cr aor) Tia Zzrt-ze V rr- V7 r'rf c-rr :t, tA l&t.--sa r W. E. TU3ZTT, C3l I-iw. Ajtt Chv br. hvca. erchats 0j. l T T rt A 1 4t ij,iijfk ru I 7TrT"V KT.).JrJfnIer.OTfrjt . . . . 1. to ..i jr.iiiua - ...- .. jU I.jc;-.' a-ni i..jt3ia.-. PATENTS M I r v, 4 1 1 . - a - i . . f r . I r ! - T M V. JL llttr 1 1 ! rmt ft,f. . i- - fr p. S t l i , 'if i al ? 4--t . - - .1 .. ' t.iOr - 'b T. I ft. " ' " !(' I( SN4I r - f l' i tut- r IWl Vr. k . Nu il f-r .WHITTIER t'.l I t.t hArb-Nirrrt, M. Uu!,Jto. ., . '-. yt - w " - . .a, ... h at t - V . ... I H m A if ...... -,. . ... U1M I i. fA .... I. CARRIAGE I p8? FINE i QUID E! PLATES i. r iM 1 r fc ft f. k -X f , lV a-4 i s XP(j7f - ty- i w Tp CDCCPRESCRIPIIOHU''r: fcTTlf M I I 4- ki 1 I 4 o Dr.JACQUES r r. l t I r at I1 M 1 hmi K- O e.l iA-V-I A f t 1 n. a t f MARRIAGE GUIDES DSiBUTTS DISPENSARY. tril'dl '. t 11 :: tu tut, it. ura ml rv r I. t 4m i Ji 4 vrf I tl lkt j4 IUf H - ' ' r ! IKOISCRETlQr. OR EXPOSUM f? 'is. 11 ...mI. kli j lw. !, mmmk. . 4. i.. . i rftit, ... ntnt i"! f wli t fii rt. ctsI mk 1 -tW tpa. Vf W V9 aaatfMv J J 4 !- mI.I i . lite MJP ( ttt- - ' W MNM4 DU. UL I'Tft, 14 wt tt-fe .. M. 3' 1 V . V-. V nfn.u niinf sr l.-lUUOn UU!L ' ( tI IIS. v I fy. J F CftU'.. rnrvMit P! r, i,"T( Jtl Hh, 1 All litne'fCIl 1 f r r? &r. KrtASi .1 a. ifc.. t S. . . I.H1!1 U. ft 4 I tt. (i.u.lltaUirf I Hi. 1,1 I KriMw, . '.! ' l J... .. .. K kUii.i f " ' . .' I R - .' I. . HJ.- O.VJTlOri ! I-. . 4 4.i k, 4.r r- - t a. mm ife.i 1 ?- " ; " t'k "Vi - ' '--, ' f' ll'.ltl 1 " . . 1 '. L PRICKLY GtlS JL I SITTERS ; , f... . - fy tftM till ftk r.i r" u Jr r4 wi I f&A ifr, Jvi(kj loA C fne'A n4 . '. r-tT u gn?t m rr, i i .- c rwt W fi. irt-m 4. jl. MCiAf rijstm-A. r- . .rf w 4 fnrp4m. T2y 4 r - - . ., iJiry off . 4 -fey j; yetnf wttiM. ;.i.tl tCKtxjrwj uf-wr J 3Vr itA ur imi f .- j lA ytm tJ-Al, m .. . m-w . . i. a.... I v s. tfX t "" ' ill.. . . . . . T -'-k 'O 1.1- , ..U. Sh'-'S T'- I- ' '- " .",,,.,. 7 .-i t ;i.A ."" - . f, I it" . Kf. T . I " ...,. V.I". J J. . .'- 1 - - a .. riLi Ti - wv.V p ij t- L 1 ,s'fi 5 'wiiur s.uH )- . r S I rA - "r. " . . -k , 3