m& " " It " " "Vs I' y :v&l'& .nied Six. ia Oliver lmg? """ . 'vi, - . . III i JgC-,'.1vynJl, i 'i ' i m ii i T-r-. i r - -ii - - -. - - - --.- JOB VOItj? THE CHIEF-. J.ZZ) CLvU3, KZB2A2ZA. EY M. L THOMAS, Red Cloud Chief S-M -i-" x HE o!- pjiiij CiKsiasfii' 41 riwrirt t rKVKR iz tm $' y-i ?f iATsST A.ST r.c.OlTRST U AWlfC "Eternal Vigilance is tit's price of Liberty," and $LoO a year is the priee of the R d Cloud Chi f iti .r RED CLOUD. W KBSTKft CO- XK KKASKA. TIH'KSDAY. 1-! i.RC ARY.il. ss-J. N(Vi7. -r-V' tJi.wwC C tl (.mU . kUi4MC. VOL. IX. & , ' t&&V3 E223 K33 fe S north i:stor sorTii-iiwr yi thi: r-v T - -' i- s; HWB feJU. U Ub V Ml 14 C M Wi lu - iloaJ t .i!i: w.th tlio C. B. A l wbirb .1.-1 ' '" '' wl itti' i llll. j STJirS:"-,-.- E3r-ia T ' CiU?rnSfiOn rrOtiCe I , . , ... vi i r:j tin n t :i iii r I.ti' t"twicn xrlirHkJi r 3 .t vr :i w ra K '.. I T- M.i . 11 t ' Mit- 1. Mit .Ml" "iiri l.irr J l-rlKlt U.kll C tlil lltj" fTWs the .Vi. Kivi-r t 1 i;i!:-:n'iitli t t!j'- Hattsmouth Steel Bridge, . t.i. i. !..iatt:;. i !. -.mi.lct-l. i ,. , t. ... r, I WD - :i. 1 I i V rpt'M'i'.tir. ! i.l in ( 'I MlilCtIlllfCF ' '1H t . ' J ..ti-i - u.l 'Iiainsby ., ' r:..-. I 'lra-l-a .tr tliorc- i..r rt-- !i !!. lb. i.TK'H" aifi'irwts Li--ii ttrjn-ii'r I 1h trains noiuii.rtb .hc! trtrtiithi'iunun- trl. 1 1 '1 !-! iicit-hc tlic H .f ll.it. H fc' C I "11- li'l .i V. t rji I'iPJT lul tin" i'.. .V. !. route ca-t. s hrcusfi tt: rickets AT 1.)V1T l:TKS i f - in the M;iti- : ii-ll a, lull atnl rolial lo ii Hti ii r-'i,r,'-' ' " "' "r" i'urn-.i- ,,..B .. V.U K. .Kfi.t at ..I. of tlio ' i ii. i. . i . hi I aiii . '' :i.rl 'J i J ! Ak'h'. OalAL'AK1!. I. I- H FECIAL BARGAINS ! WcS at t!. S: re of F.XEWIIOI'SE. .11) CLOUD. - -EBKA?KA. ,,, hirpe stxk of (Jermanlown Wool, Z j Isyrs and Mocking Yarn, always c i ..iim1. I!.i:-S Goi-Is. ALL WOOL Hoods ami a full Supply of TLA XN ELS, Always on Ha'id. iiuoDs or homi:m AXUFACTURK. iiV?f.)r tiie Cliilurcu and Every t..m ; else 3uineel, at NEWlIOl'FE'r'toro. 1 , .- iige i- oni of Marve'liUis ad- . . The licv"r f new adaji- i , .M- of EU-etru-il fr-- in the next i M-ar.s will a-tonish ttie world. Intelligent and skilled Atuirneys rt- cH'iitial in teriiriiij; raienia lor I-.ititors. ('iutiiiiiuinc with 1're-hey it Green J 7:h -St., W.t-h;ii!:tsi D. C. "1 '.-' tl.int!itir.chsbccn ''Of d tor i5 tvsrs in -" tn jrir.to I'rac ice. in nl! Ji asci o -the throM ( 'A' ir.d luiirs, is the grcatt 0:1 C'rrPJ re com- i v m - r.i : ji i - . ti.m thi 1'oKv.n ctn have '' tn it- i'"t hefore the SGUKTAIH l. Trice zsc, i . Vanillic Hot- : I: t f 0& es za re HTfc.-w r5 Tkk 11 ht sr r.eouGH,2: ?:::vV;!;;!i,rc".hroVh ,;: . BALSAM . t'.iy.'. Ilrarlirll, - ms K-: C-ty. Mo. I role lolial call-: prnmpii :uivuufi. ( t to the relta! and well-known j Ol 1 1 i:. At reidence near Cowles. S-."1 ! t--tand of R. K. herer Uo: Cioud. . I'lihuynSl hott'.o. If a'ter -inv'j -r-y tt , t, thirls you pt no r-'if. return' C UR. tl, A. 15A1RD, n halauee and -t v.iir xr.one j vOJLilL7 lk-: -" :RESIDENT DENTIST. - T.--lTri. - A. - fi A , I--f ' .K ttr- o--- V ". a. '"I? . - .a . .' .. I ' ' f- . V i"-. : ..- ..-"" a" ' j. , PAiil'IER'S ' (, -f'iZX aj ?rr:'" e t!.a! FJ-vtr IpIcxic.'es p I i ri tj I . - - :r.- '.:.-. . -an. i u.u TU E-s:'. asS ?u'csl C?!!5h Curs Ev2r Used. .: tb Jie M.r : i' " 1 n 'e 1 .mnl i : . mimics V ci . .rr-v, I '. t r ---.. J 'vn ,v r -e -"'" u-t-isc or ir-rt. t ?3' c r rl.r? , ti i 1 1- It mU tl-r .I'-rc icaa sad boJy . a ! , cu- i si 4t i. .;i-". ZOO DOLLARS rr t ' mr iri.tn. -i i una i.i i . j;n lone ' - r- t-cbtt.yi: j .l.au umuv1'' ?-a.- &'JjLj2m.&-. J-.jCjjS : :: ? S R3 r nl-SKP fiIlS Ur I Am cl'u:- iUur ll!L iUUI - NI- ? IU "V. Ji? Z POSITIVE C'JRE li FQrGQUfjiis.CDlds. i , , a , . cj ?- Is the Best cf ionics: 3 ,: -'r"H'J j FArKEH'S J . RED CLOFD, - NEBRASKA. :: i;iHK!" Guide Rock House, , . ff V. ". . . ..-i.'1 'lt" -'-' '-ri'. .- .--. .J -. ..i.. i i r I n.ut )ii-i. . ilimi.. .....f .V,;:i;:A,H nVr-jj" . od sample room v .' '-"sC7i;I nriT nn,'T r rr the accommodation of commercial :.V- -S.SM bULlJbhh.j'inien. 4'Jtf .'"---Vj'5 - ?- ' PIONEER . "-.-A.-- -"--x..L2i - -lea. &. k . J -S?U- Cures Dyspepsia; vj iNrrjit-aithsSystern: b "srp2i,?Ra5tcrc5the Weak C ; 2 JS and Debilitated. F ; r" ' CsJV'V?' :alc-!:t-1Hri-T.ll I F V,i1--' f,r Ir. t--KiU- Mineb I ; -4v- or-inr: J". r.o oiber.rv t rsiia.-T... i ufct.. K I "j , ,1 Sh3K!TH4C0..Pp-r? - 3 vksf.- T,vVTvtmio. i BUSINESS DIRECTORY. J. E.SyiTH. -PrcV lft Nat. Bank Iieitncu Neb. S. C. Smith, Cub'rltt Nat Dank Beatrice Ntb. SMITH BROTHERS, BANKEES, RED CLOl'D, NEB., . 7r,npi',t a r-:irl bnnkine business, buy and fell cour.tr i-ir-m". also County. Precinct and 'ho-il Di-tni-t I5u-i i. xKtiite :rm xaorteEef. bay nd itll For- eisn I-i'-cntiao. .... ;jCidi attention nven to collecboni. KB?u.s-ri:-lFt Nat. Back New York. On- baNut. Bink, Omaha. SMITH BROS. L. T. Ai.r.r:ir.nT, I rr.-.-j.J.-nt. R. V. SlIIKET, Tasliier. WJBSTSR GOTOR B&IS. ' . ' I IIEl) ('LOlD' NL"- . "VfovKV To Loan- on Real Estate and , Ci.attt-1 Moiiga. Buy and sell K.t- ti-iiige and do a general Banking j hui:ucs3. REFEItKNCES: riavrri ftkinBank--F. York: York Connty B-i'ik. York. Karmerr' A JJercbanH' Bank. York; rnifn National Jjuk. Cbicaco; Marh Bros.. Mobber Jt Co Lincoln. 9tf W. H.STROHM. ATTOUSTY AT LAW. RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. JVTuy be coEtultfd in Kniciisb or German. Collfction' will receive jirorai.t attrntion. Onu'i.: Opposite BoyV Homo 0. C. Csr. Jab. McNkitr, Case & McNeny. . -mnvinv vn miv;rt uRC AT T VT yTTOBM-Ah AM) t Ol .VaELORS AT LAW. I Will i.rjptirr in all tbr Court of thiF State and ' NoitlnTii Kaay i ollcrtn.ns s well in liti- i .1 iiune' cap full) ind cDirict.tly uttf nded to. ihhil- On Webster Mttfi. ime door north of Ciarber t btoic. i;ej n.oi'P, E. J. S. GILHAM, ITOKNKT AND COfN.-EI.OB AT LAW. V OjVf' nnr rftur north of A'.try Rro. rei)( -Li rn. z n kri: a-i: a. K, f.Hauv. X. H.TiionrK. Hawley & Thorpe, A TTOKNEYS .V COUN.SEI.OKS AT LAW. t Ornci:. Over Me Farland's. stoie. S2D CLujD, SES. Laird 5c Smith, , TTOBSEY- -Y Ha.-ti: ANDCOf NSELOK.- AT LAW. i.s. - Nkiu:a.-ka. ii t m-k-o "in nil tlio Court-or Uic State. 1'rnini't nltttition k'itcii to all buitIc.s cr.tn.-i 1 to bu care. jul J. L. Kiv. j.!no:i.iTii.'t..n. Zebras Va I C. V. RAl.rr. Bed Cloud. Neb. KALEY BROS., ATTORNEYS AT LW 4 REAL EsTATE - AOINTS. v;n nnirilrp in ll tlic f'tit. in Ncbr.i;ka in' nortbirn Ivnn-u: i ll- !.!.- irnii'lly al- tci-Jcii lo nr.J corrc.-.'tHl ik-c ii -itcj. . AJo. AKCt Pr B. A M. R. 1!. t..in.l. j. .71. :t35e:va, iti. o. LCI.KCTIC Physician and Surgeon, It r.D CLOl'ti N KB. W ill ray F-i-ial nt'i-ntirn to Obtctric and di-r.-M- of "wiuirti - Mrn Boncral utid -jiet'ial urcti. lir.M ' tiii.' r j f ;iiii r jir iliik- iiu'i'. Oaiotocr suurwoiu s storc. .-. -y I r. c ciiENrK. !Physician & Snrgeo'n, J row 1 K-, NhltKVsK.. oiMTM ,. ,, .T- V'LU'l. n 'V IV NEBRASKA. !ti.:, u i... :... t ... i t i ins iu'ii-i u;is jiisi i'i-i-;i ii-iiti.ni am. BARBER SHOP, o; .V-l THEWS tC- 1IAXXERS. liop Irt door wet cf Webter eunty Bank, KEI CLOUD. NEBRASKA. SHAVING. SH AMP001NG, )and( Hair Cutting in the highe-t tyle of the Tonsorial Art. COME AND GET A CLEAN SHAVE Paints, COOK'S Oil 23 RED CLOUD Notions, DRV a Wall Paper, STORE. to.f it?. W f "HK R&? k 3Q 1 Z 1 THE CHIEF. &ti&? xysSS: t .. K. L. THO VJAS. EDITOR TIirii-DAY. I'EIJ. 'J. 1SS2 CUITEAU SEMTEMCED. La-t -.iturday the a?.-a'-in of jiri ilent Cf.irfiell w,i M-ntenreil to he handed on the 30th day of next June. A fitting end ol a worthless and nii?er aole life. Tl,t: i-t-"-m p" to he a --pinied otie. The worn huirraKM mo prepared to iuipn e.- ornan rove tl.rt iiiiiiilmiiti Tkf nil ft t. 1ViftYi ""- " v , "" ' - "" "" " " "'"" Mr?. Colhv ha.- made good ne of her time tthile attending the National Convention in Washington. As a result of her lahor, with that of others, the state will he thoroughly can vaed hy the leading eijual piiHragi-'t of the whole country. Whether the constitutional amendment carries or not, the people will haye an opportu nity to hear some whole.-ome truth which cannot fail to he of henefit to the .-.Late. Sutton Jbyi-itcr. The Ballot a Necessity for the Mother. JiHt in proportion as education has elevaled .-oi iety, ha-it hecome appa rent to everv thmkiin; mind that the educator to work t-Hectively inut oc cupy a po-ition commanding the re pjicct if those to he instructed. In the earlier stages of social progress learning was looked on a drudgery, tinsuiled for per-ons of gentle hirth; hence, the teacher, the preacher, and the family phy-ician were all regarded as menials in the families of the rich and not until they refused to occupy tl.i- servile po-ition wero they or their opinions held iu e-teem. Yet, in the face of such clearly demonstrated ei denee. the law and society still con tinue to under-e-timate, to degrade one-half the teachers of the country hy depriving them of the right of self government and the dignity and re spect engendered therehy. And indeed how few of the women themselves comparatively speaking, particularly mothers, who are (litis de giaded realize ihe full extent of their li-ihility and what an important f.tc 'or the ballot i: iu education; espe cially iu giving them inllueuce over the mind- of their on. We are con stantly told hy a certain cl; of men that women are unfitted to govern bo-. that the hoy reared hy a mother l- always disobedient and sine to turn out badly. Yet no one ever seems to see what fearful odds the has to con tend with from the very fact that the hoy is taught by the law not to re-pect her. Thp first political Ics-'on im pressed on hi.- ductile brain is that at the age of twenty-one he will be her superior, he will by law be made her ruler, her director, and the boy of fourteen feels the importance ot this change of places for more than the man of thirty would. Thus at the very period of his education when she most needs all possible aid to coun teract the over-confidence and elf sulliciency of his youth and want of judgement, is her intluence over hi mind weakened by her own condition, the non re-pect in which she is legallv held. Why quote to him tho higher law, "Honor thy father and mother," when the civil law to which he is directly amenable has placed the mother in a codition of dt-honor. The mother who does not seek to fortify her influence, to strengthen it in every po-sible way, i surely not liischai-ging her highest, her mo-t im perative duty, either to her child or to society. Before the ballot was placed iu the hands of the negro he was the beneficiary, learnedly diagnosed from the thickness of his skull to the tip end of hi? heels, by these custodians of the intentions of the Almighty, who are always writing about woman's in feriority. row the women of the country occupy precisely the same political po-ition the negro did hefore his emancipation, and it is hardly safe to tell three millions of men who can, or will, vote, that their heads arc .-oiid and their heels too long for ad vanced civilization, the women alone are to revive the results; of their pro found research. Women can no lon ger afford to permit thi class of liter ature to be circulated with impunity, the old idea that slavery and Mormon ism would die of their own iniquity w.-is not more false than that the ab surdity of a statement prevents its ac ceptance. The boy who reads that his mother's brain is small, that intellectually she is man's inferior- must be very far above the average not to be influenced In the M. 1)., LL. D., or F. R. 3. which may le attached to the name of the writer. While to the girl the effect is still more pernicious, as it teaches" her that however ambitious she may be, for her there is no excelsior, that her feet can never pass fhe harrier of ! mediocrity, and h&pelesslv she accepts the inevitable, and the world never kwows the treasures it has lost. VlE'rlXH L. MI50R. Washington Correspondence .Wl.u..li .-!id sftUfjirtion to tin- ,Itmt..tea,Mo all. u frrt.V p..r,.r:s- J.,. ..i .;; .- ; ft ? KC ' ;,f..r.V !" the Cnj.itul. as the mi.IcIcti n,pnl lHn.!-. R.tilnut.J lan.l- in i'.-ir.- u Vlvrt ;rfTiv5iv'''?Cf- ' u.rminjli.:i o! the UuilPKii trial. Fur , UW I.h-huoih cflii bo j.-trchA-M on t-n ::k:n - tT'T.'. v-" ' v ? - :.anv,Iav- U... intor-t iu tiii- i-,t. ' y...r. lime, in y W;-"1": J,; M . ?ailtsc ft, -''"-5 '"-' "t K- Cfiiitiniutl u.row more :mI more in- .. ..Mi,iiv ; :l vi-rv ..rt tun.- Ull A8 Jp c .- ? ten'-e, aii'I vUqu it nerame i:nmn . tint it us- .so suddenly to he given to i t?w inn tlio cvi'itf mi'fit riii t lever J ' ",..,., . . heat. Keporter.- nail meir nor?e- out- Mile in waiting and ae -ooM a tne thrillini: word.- 'guilty a.- itulicted" fell from the lipc of the 5urem.in, tiie press agent" ru-hed from the room, moun- ted their .-teed-and ?ped like light- ... . ... , nmg to the telegraph olhces and in a hreath t!ie wonl.i "guilty as indicted" : went Uahinir over the continent and Lnnmiii tin. oi-r.nn irmvr-rv l.iml iimipri .i ; c - i:" r ... . n the sun. A Mgh of relief wa3 fcl everywhere. It was the one word dropped from every tongue. Eor j nearly eighty days we llur.-ed, watclil i i .ti :.. and praved over the deare-t name in ' . our list of martyrs. For nearly the same numher of long, weary d.iy wc .See another column. have read the di-gu.-tini; vaporings of tlie as-assin, and the strange proceed-1 TAKE NOT!"E ing- in an American cottit at the Xa- j hnv pnreha-tiJ the fr.ntional -t-lion'." Ciipitol. We have read all these of land l.iyiuj .ctv.ei'u 1'cter MNitt a sickenimr detail with the rc-nPei-tion ! tlf r.v.r A-.A the puhlic is of gaping wounds, night.-... 1 d.iy- of siitrcring, wa-ting torture, of a corpse, a heir, and a weeping nation refusing to be comforted. These are the sol- 'mil scenes we have seen painted within the lines iu letter- of blood as . -...i r...a ,1.,. .1..,. iu ..;i.n.,;.i,r tt 1 Ifilll tlinil Kll i' lliljh ill" .-lV.tvVlilll t details of this trial. Fifty years from now those who read the record will have no such recollections, and the cold, stale facts will be read as one of the most remaruai.le travesties on ju- dicial dignity ever recorded in the an-, nals of American or English iuri. - nru - deuce. This city with vi-itors is filled to overflowing 1 ...-; .;.... .,...., ,.,,.,,. '"c until pro-trafeij an a be. I ol -:ek-I ei-ting aecoiiimo- .... ' - ,- ,. - . . him.. I til l t..l!v- .itni 'i i-. am dations are taxed to their utmo-t to meet the demand. Crowds liave bM coming into the ejfv for the past week, The hotel keepers have been driven fo . . . , , . meirwiis enu iu iiuu room io, a,, that have apjilied. and eery available -pace that could be called a room 'is been brought into use. Such a flood orpro-peiity ha- not -truck the Wa-h- ington hotel men for some year-. ' Just now there i- no special iea-ou : f..v .1... ti. ..,.., ,.r,-;-;t,..--. .....1 o.. ......,. lI till. lili MI M i'tl'fl -f .lilU lUIUllit 1 thing they seem not paiticular about the -ie of the bills. They are sub-' -tanfial people that are finding their way to the Capital this winter, and in coii-cqtieuce theie i.- 11 bu-t'.e of pro perity about the city that is inspiring, j If it is found that there are nut enough j hotel- to meet the demand, others will be built, and iu any event, vi-itors will li ippnnnnnil'itntl t? fltfii iMi'if "" ,y ..i- -.. . v in what number- they may. The Spani-h Mini-ter's Recejifion was one of the mo-t chai niing parties leniembered by ju i-ons long familiar with diplomatic society in Washing-1 ton. The mingled dignity and cordi-I ality of the Sp.mi-h manner, were well j exemplified in the greetings of the! host and family. Senor Uarca i- a ' gentleman in the tirime of life, with ' a-M-ceable. frank conntennnee nnd great intelligence and readiness in con- . --- - - - -i " venation. -u.iuame i.irca, a nami- some and distinguished-looking lady, leeched her guesLs in a sleeveless p j ouaise 01 cariiiuai satin, over iramea skirt of white niervcilleu.x. Jacque minot ro-es adorned her abundant ma es ol dark hair, anil a diamond ; ornament of great value clasped a j hand of velvet around her neck. ' Mademoiselle Rarca has an ivory- j white complexion, with lustrous bl.u k ' eyes and hair. She is young and ery lovely and animated. Her naive a.'l charming English supplement.": oi Rial E-t it . '-. W. -t.-r and ad pleasentlv the courtly French of her V'tung .-.unft - :!' r i.e- rate father and mother. A waist le..ret i U -wl l'-n "w r :iln,, r v,!" lhink" ol ... . , iorrowmg iie-Mev. - me before tea-roses completed the elegant ,.,,,. r.fIhnt:(.nieiii. ith any other dress ot tins beautifully young j,art lady. . No expense to the borrower no This Capital is to be the citv of stat-' tedious delay no dealing with ea-tern .,., . 1 1 . 1 . iiartic- no applnation fee, lonus or ute-. The steps are already taken to J.OII1Illl.,ionJli0 ft0 for making or put the laio Protessor Henry in endur- recording papers or taking Kcknowl ing remembrance, by erecting a life- edgements no advance "T femi-an-size statute in the grounds of the ' "' interest, and r?t hj;cre.-t until nulhnnifin InctitiiT with wrnfh tio w:vs so long connected. Scarce had this been determined ere a gathering of notables, on the centennial of the I birth of Daniel Webster, resolved to ' pav a like tribute to the memorv and I - -i worth of the great statesman, who long since died. Tis fitting to thus make enduring in the Nation's Cap!- .1.1 11-1 i r.i tal the service, and high resolve of the men who forged out and welded into a glorious union, this galaxy of states. The presence of these statutes, per- petuating the memory of heroes.: i tutemcn ami scholars in this beauti-! ful Capital of this grc;it Nation, shall be an inspiration to generations yet unborn, a baptism of high endeavor in ' the mightr triumph of the world in ' the oncomihg future. The tributes paid to the worth and ! public services of th" l.-.te Ambrose E.' j Burnside, in the Senate, were mast touching and tender'- Th-re were fw : men so loved and respect t-d. cv?n by' opponents, in politics. Manly, rrrnrr- ous, nnd noble, lie was loved bv all. ' There were few generals in the "arinv Sho, like him, when victors- pe.-cheii ' j on his banner, gave all the glory to his soldiers, and wnen defeat carrie as it , UIU. telegraphed Ids suoerior ofltcer thjit it wa.- all his t.mit, Mich men 1 . - . i uie out tnetr memories :;ve t 1 . it the: j hertri of a grateful people ----- pp s FARMS FREE TO ALL. J, -tilin in the rm-itir .Nrtiivi-t Addn-- a jvMmI -ar. to l At I .-CU11.ZK. I orjTI.VSD. I'KWiON, Mil" - him to end (! a ei;v 'l 7i H"i s.w ft 1miiIiI.1,Mii.. i,i.trrUHl j,.ur-1 j, containing full information. . ttits ic:re:r.:nr. A delicini- ud"r i- itujarted hy Kh.r.-,!.,n e...,;t . wl... K ,-alv.,iy re- frc-hing, no lii-ittei .i.w tr--. tuett. A It .. m .v .4..rf Mother.- should rui:nher it i .i ino-t important dut at this sea-on t lok :l)t,!r rht. h,.,!, of their la;,,.: - :1 cl,.a,.. the malaria and uiij.nn tie.- from their tnil-, ami thnt in t! itu will mho up the stom.i.h ami liv. r ro'inaic im- nimci- ;iihi uurii in-- . ," , - . ,, .. '. . lilood - perivctlv a- 1 .u-;i - tiiti.- Timic. :n!..rn-..d in tun nlnm- - ' ' ner '-v ti'-iiiieii r-.i i -mi iii timncr on the c,mi,.. M. II. M Ntrr. $50,000 To Loan On Real Estate sei-untv. at '.) M ,-,.it , annual liitcn-t. No commi- ion-, at The Webster Coiintv Bank. 10 tf !' i hhiu. For Sale. The nnder-igiicd offer- for sale the celebrated Norman Stallion "Rowdy Jim." Will -ell for c.i-h. or take a ( ,,,, sn.m )f ..,., in , ir, piiyilI(.IIt Call or addre-s, Frank Enwi:i-. ! --If. Nelson, Neb MNY person-- will take no medi- ,.JlU,"fir .,i.iani e when need.-.! "t . ' throw oil impiiritie-. With our hau.:- ; of life, it 1- m-ce-ary fo render u.:- i "V- Pbh K. A-u P.iiTn.- il m.i. for e nature, hut :n t- iiiildlv and i n- . 1(.r, t,)t. .,.M.,.UI t. re.lU,rt.(. Tiy them, 7 Fer Csnt. Money to Loan ! M(.v tt pill. tJ, ,nth mi:ll , . eeip!. or on deeded land at 7 pi r i.t . ami l-fjj per cent coiiiiin im. or at -iraignt y i.er cetii if i mum 'on. .lv I. Willi nK. Of lice ne.t door t Cbfl ..ih. .jufi P.sd Oloud Ifills. n(ll r,lMni aiJll Ml r,.;,aill (rJ: pmimitlv attended 1 ALL WORK WARIiAN I ED. ... , ., - 1 c , HiL .1. l I I It I i';ill 'i MU'l Milling Wheat and Cot'i. POTTEHS te SAVKR. fe!.-2G-tf Prop. BlKJIIT 1U3TG. 111; JOUXXOYES Wi-he-to inform the publi- that he .itid line I...C ..........! i.. l,.!....L'.inili -'' ..I. : " nrri,,r,.,i , (o .'.11 w.,rk in hi- promptly and 111 Workman-like manner. HorSe.-Shoeinir AND PLOW WORK A SPECIALTY. Shop north of Mitchell it Mn.-hart- More, kki Lfot 1 1. .n: Money To Loa; Kfa 011 I H B fl'l iVltllSUf U EaUvi.l I -. . 1 ' Call upon or addres- R. A. Simpson. jjStf Loan Broker. R'.ue Hill. Neb. Blanks! Blanks !f A fllu i;ne of j::.c Journal Co's., Blanks (the standar-i blprika" cf the rtate) afc always kept for sale at the Chief otSce. and at the same pneca lha: lhev are 5oM at in Lincoln and omaha. The following i- a panial liit ,f b'uu.ks on hand: Warranty Deed, Moner?JSiTft MfrA Wa-Ant ( .. . - - -- .-., Mechr.nres Lcm, Po'er of Atfomev, Bills of Sale. Qui: Claim Deeds, sumraons (origir.Rl), Summons fcopvL ATppeal Undertaking, . t txtcation. Order of Atlachrienf, Affidavit ot ernior or Lessor. . Asiignraent of Mortgage. Ii"eripe. Subpoenas, otice of Constable Sale, ' Blank Rec-ipy, . . IWanic Notes ReTcr.c Of Mortgage. Agreement for arrnty Iczdf. Complahr: to kep th-i Peaj oTC, ClC, aC ' An.t most all kinds ot blanks used bv .... ... . V Notane Public- . R5x i'l- nni 3ix'?r'2- :i. n ! CVSII l'Ml'h'RFvl' Mill Moshcr's old Stand RE H'.i' vv n sen m S3&. ' f ? 6 fr& S ff S 5 B l B iS K e pi g r,Jg y& Immense Stock MA. 'RSI-1 T-Ins Them. coMii:! co.xrii:! comk: STREET 01 THE NEW YORK WEEKLY , liappv to inform thoir mill:n f ff:nli-r :mi ".hi: tril lions llint ai1 Id romi, that :it rt-at juti-f t'n- lav: secured a strauely mil atul powerlul .-torv, t nulled THE QUEEN OP THE PLAINS. A Talc cf Dr.rinj Do:ds by a Brave Wonan's Hand: Tliis story i.-, fioin the -n i-f a Xi w 1 "untiiip.i hi:. A Great Trapper and Hunter, a man wli-i lives amid tit'' ' r.e- l.o co-si rilu- :n I know.-. hc men and v.'om.Mi lie writes a' a,, a .':;. lm Ii larks j-ojim. ol the beamy and ftiii-.h vli.'h a jiatifd ji'-n wmiltl ivr lmt makes up :. th.Minnd-f Id in Wild Iicahty, '1'nith. Oriirin ality and J'owr-r o!" L.--rriiiHjn. '1 ! v,nUr Uus eieitcd his best efforts, and c-miij tv it XN 1' w ai" "' fLrrk..- "' wilh a vivi 1 fri-hne--; whirh will lnal I lie nam.'1 of RECKLESS RALPH n ni h.M -.--I--, f.,o rrvlrs of tV HEW YORK "WEEKLY. air.it. i.-r.-!- ' CVLAIHITY .JyVrS"'. . r. .! . .-t rnj 1 u nrairiit.s 1 .gents, tr.iui rohK --. y -l oijjftii. Itath' ti.f.3 Calaajftv Jan tS--.. t.'i a- r.a- - vr. ?0 KE ru-:... nn-1 !--r ! i. r. ! i ii.r ;n o.ir li.tr 1. i t ..-t . Wx nr'tt; ; j' ' . f- yr '. r .1" 5 - v!t f.r th 1 t 6f iry 3 i,r.lr l;f. t'' THE HW YOItX WSEKjLY ! !- :- !" t -ert Caiamitv vHl appear m Jfc. 10 1TEV7 THE JEW TORS "WEEKLY ! ta.lJ:au-at of !1 tk: 4. chuste in -.tj Ir, c n- t m J:-ti m ..:. 1 1 j- .a 1- rw. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY wj t .t'a propn.tr u , 1-. ret tnmiiy circle, er-n iti ih..t f t rfMr:r.vi. THE NEW YORK "WEEKLY r.- bw f -r trwvmpn tis Greatest Story and Sketch Paper in tie World. SPECI.MEX t'OPIEH fiEXT TERiaS TO MATT. months, ( f-osefn-f a ! S months . . . $1.CM) I Year J5.00 Any person sending $t20 at w lime, for fight vjjife. is entitled to a Nnmi copy itef. wrs-up of cl'jbs can afterward add SinirleCopies at $2.o0 eah. AM letters should b addre.ed to FRANCIS . STREET. ) STKEET & SMITH, FRAXCI- S. SMITH Proprietors. P 0. Box 27 5 . 2o5 27. 29 fc 31 Bofi St., X .Y. rVjSk "5 Vttl7r?JJ - J 5! ". ' ioxsx -,vzr'iz-J.--.- - - .&. r .4 a b -r -r Kty r yy 1.4 jfe.-- S VL-T THADK TKICK X-iSTS far.-i-rJ. -. bt" rr l otlwrr (erax, uuZletl -to BirreZuct vr iMfaoc, ' I Tin ll'I'I- . Red ("loud. Neb. VAL . N - of Dry Goods, I cSc fS2sLJL'l.l. LI'.'" C-m . 1 tc. cv N H. Jtl'l l LafATtT e V YORK WEEKLY, " - . !' ' " ""i n" rr 1 s . 10 : tl. Nr 1 kV ' LSKi.7 1 f? p- 9 fc. feA.ri' y tv YORS VEEKXY. T- y-w- SUBSCRIBERS: S oj.ic ? J, -5 f-ofHC'? . f-oniei .... go.00 .. IO.OO . 20.00 J - - - - lVl.'rlia. -CirrrOUUt -r oSrrI u totZt I-rcUaiit ai t usuusr. L'.XDCETR'S GAIIDHN .S"Et?. jris en tJiyoTTri rrms OTXK l"CO ZACVZ rt-rotTtl U0' ;-'. a" ti :.;wcd mis or-ALrrr. jc .vt;olc ii PAT ENTS ' !,; . ? . nr t. llrl -11 - )irrtwrrnrr, 1a ' .l-4 LiW- v. j. mf m Qi i f Ifc t ' - sr ?-'. r. '- -t f '- .-! . . . . - r . v. u VI ( i !' i I " .. v. . v : ! .t 1 BH.WHITTIER r1 7 L.l I'arUtrrrt. t. I.ciuW.Mu. x . .-.-.J. M-' . . - k . t . ' lii. . . .. ' p. !.. mem ft .".. . v w .w4. ' k . r V ..- .A.wlm T.r l- "t4 r-.Mt (,, .. . W WiKy llrnaiw r . & ... ....i i . - . - "i i - . . m v ".. -I . V A i .. .. , ... - at. t ' - f..J . r f - W . ' r ,- . .K ' ... .- .t . , . . l. ) .iW . .. . i . fc ' . . I - - - H rl ki f-. ..1 illACniAMT 2UO, ic.MniiiMuc. pack umd PLAttS. I G r r .h4i,utW .- f , -XV ? r -4 mf , It , " - m .-t - . , . i i , a "X - iWl ' COj:CPRESCRipTlON,,..,-l: ... Ir mf .. U-mm 'mV4 ft r I ' , - . . '- .1 - I x..M k 3)r.JACQUS rhr-t. ' ' . Vtrr t fpt I ! 1 I tm 1 - A f . - t MARRIAGE CUJDEVo OSiBUTTS DISPSWSARY. It ur t ? L t c . - 4 ? i IKDSSCR5TI0H OREXpJjURE r.-. PTIhT9 TPCATEn f -"-- l, t . . .. . riNi 4.mm$ r..l. .. .41.. . 1 ... .. . f . gt..... (. r-. .,.....I..MIlMtl'lll,li . !- M-..4 - I ... .'.... llhl I.. J vm-.- - - ,... . ..lrtw ill 11 1 4 UK. 111 1 1. U.--.1. ii ... u.m. j f - i t 1, trl A1MMI;. . 1 f .A ;,.-rW luruu M WK HCflUSHCU. ' '' r 1 (3.J2 C0J.- j roxsoiirno; . All D isrp-t i- IT 1 4K ? y;. ! '.; w.. 4 1 bt!.' LV) rl r i i 1 1HM (. . 4 !.. ... ' Ik . 44 i . 1 .-i ! . ir.4 l; . t 1 ft. . v.' W ' K- I - I .. s . . VvX"l i ' ' ' . - . I - - t -A I 1 h- - 1. t ! 7.1 j " - 1 . . V.... .- . -Jam t' 'V 144 t rJitrr-N tt. irt n. 1 uniniui'i r tl t'flul Jtr--, - " r' t t , :V'-,' : jft..- ii 'I.. ar. i-t. -'-'. I 44 - r -rtft.fc'.w,' ft. - ' .' w 11 I H , '! t - -iJ . rw ! r f. !(.!- ". -'. . liyi 4 yi t . l r ; '-.. !.' -.- ..! liAU I I'ifi 1 . v '-i " Ii K. 7 :. - r 1 Mr,, . f u . Mo . :. S . k -1. . 1 - MKHl-Tl , r - '. .:-. i I'. ;'. j- t - - rrt t ?".- O r. ..,- 3-uf. ?r!ce !' Jl v. ttl-.M A S 1I!TI, r.;M.., '' 'O ILL. S&ld by DHUCCI3T3 3rd CEJ.'CWAL O-IALKPr? 5!v;'-v.)rn. I PRI6KLY I ITC'H m uk .- - HIT -J - - PHT'TP tl 22 H wr-cs. i Aia l.lt.r. " f Jf " ".jl4l--A - . 't-r '' -. f n..--r r-m4 lnr f-i4. trrft' t 4 5wjl rHm tf tl w4tt H dnrkt,rrti1 4- ' !.. i'1 . . irk 4i.l I h i,fc-., lJrfilJ. th- HffUiil ft li.uit lMl tmrt-,-4.f,i"4 r4Mt Xt rw j'.:eSti A-n HI t.ir'tp"i''' . -. - f '- '..- - n. Xlr ' m i r .r r'. i j! '' " "' -,-ryl'r imtlttl-'mtl'trmltUlIf'- f-Jf4.f m '. ,'-'Dfprpli -,-a'r;'t ttr ;i;y,HibltiialCii- r-a:torv. iiiC4wJ Klduof. -U:..:tr. -a 'I-Otxl Vartflcr y r t-. is ajr ' fi"f ' .. w -rii rwT-4 f f Jf l4- ir r- ;-?iclt - "" i i - . .ki K f- : "1 : n 1 s r I 1r r-i ' . v t .rrTs ,n J T I F t m t jzBPi:- r?..ak Vx urasziJ- 1: vnwzLJi t " .. (' L ' t 5lS r' s? Sll ""l . 1 .liN-tf... "22'