aift 2S& $i&&vmti m - THE RED CLOUD CHIEF. 1Y1. L. THOMAS, Publlshor. 1SKS) CLOII), nkhkaska. Lr H) V1CTIS! ' I sin. the Hymn of thcC.m'pierci, who fell in i lie I'.ittifur in- 5'hc hymn 'of the vru.iink'd, the beMpn, who iliiMtwM-utii'lmiil'in tin striO; Vol th' liilul mi -iii.' .f th v .elors, for whom tli'- rfMiiiiiii:icfi.iiiii ')t on- hm littfii in ctinrw, Mhira hro-.vs wo tin-cti ili-t tl lame itt.l tin-1 him t tUf Jow Mint the huinhle, the Uii. tin. ken In heart, wh ts.rmci...l wlut lulled, acting bravely a .! nt Jiii'l tlc-jicratc p.i.-t; Wli Mnitli l.n- tin ilnuiToii its brnnchc, mii iM' !iuie- ttiiriiiil in a-in aviav, I r ' h.ui'l liiM-il thuprie ttiev-hnd s !! u. w.ut thortjinjtofilny, W a in- .rk ol their lit.- all around them, Mii;e.i wnh"ill, alnno, tt.'h -itti -winiiniir iiimn er their failure, and nil hut their la th overthrown. tt h. '! niee of the wurM shouts- its chorus, l- p.t-aii lor those ulin have nun uim the triiimiet i, shuikIiuk triumphant, .Mel hiifh to the tiri-ee aii'l the Mini It 11 hauliers niu waving, hituils chipping, mill hHT I..:.' left 1 h- i i:ik alter the laurcl-o.ownc.l ictora I -1 iikI m the tiei! nf defeat. In Mi -tiHd'iw. 'iiningst thu-.e who are fallen, i' '1 twMinded aiiddv nix ami thcto h:i- t a n .tin in !,.. plae- my b ind on their paiii-kiiutted lirows. Iire.ithen nr.ivcr: li ui v. I the hnnd that is helpleoa. and whisper: The only the vietorv win loiilil IheniMl tlht and li'ivi-vjiii- ii-ii-j lie-ij-iiiuii iiiai imifi, it-wiliiln , .... i,. i.i t..n...i-r...ti. ...... Ii.. ".. .....I1- .i-n-.i me ijeuiuii thai tempt, ii- within I iie J fiat the w irld liitl.N .ii hlirh. ..-. ...-. ..(l((l-. t-. ii p in. ; i ivi-d it-l a invli eiiiie lt sutler, r -.-t.Mht :1 iii-e.1 t, to die." , i . Ili-tirv' Kim are life- vietors? t ill lliv lour and -say I n- ih. th uhmii the ut.rid e ille.1 the e- t.irs. who wmi the mic ee-,, .it a.lav I. M i-nr-. ir Ni-ne 'lln- .-pariaiid ln fell it TheriiMipvl i "h lrt, O Mi IVr-imi- aiel .ith-' Mi, juilRe, or oeiaJ.fc' I'llale, ir i hri,t." li.i. '.w l MiTgazthr. (;ko(kki wavs. t , , " ,, ' I ke a good maiivr.ther young men nd womtn too. for that matter 1 i ui oiiee Irndlv atlli-ted with wo'lici i it. Of course greater evils mi"hL ! I : I HhII.-.. ..... 1 nnght have m"..i I with a passion lor wliisky or '.T.ililu.g but, still, mv ' oilhfi N-rt-l ' t w.i- et"ious .-nongh. During my t z' days I he f-ymptoms showed I'.. inelves plainly; but the malady did in t ically assume its true and awful I on- until after I h id taken my .- i.e. Then, forsooth, it la-teiied i! 'i n.e like a leeeli, ami hefore many i . . mi- nail ciap,eu it ovoi-uixsli-red mu ,j..eer.. in aceoruaiKf w.lli my in liners wish, i vent to Unndas. J i 'i-i'.Iy to lead law with my un- ' . but it was a mere preien-e Jf law, s, . .if ..,i i..; .iiwini.i umi. i iiuih ! ...............-I.I..I.. .. . ! I". lie sf.-lH o.- l.laek-tol.i. Were ill- I lo th- i-oiupositioji of a novel ami ! iMeriioons to the poli-hiti" of soim V j ii. I i.ele Jiek shook his hoatl 'v and rcmoii-tntted, sometime in n s and sometimes in anger. 'I'.at ribblmg will necr amount 1 thing." he, would -ay, i-outeinpl- i. .. Thi- wa, hard to bear: but mv !' apiialioiisii,ta:ned me, and, linn 1- i belief of Ultimate., I senb I I . ui and ever, and bombarded all l' imtgaiiuo. in the country with mv ri iin:--ripIs. The nia';aiiies did not open coiumiis to me, and i fell i' ia,t upon tin- weekly ii.-wspa- . and especially upon tins lSo,lon 1 alhi'lumt. The journal printed . --!. and a i-ennui odit- no-c initials were I'. I J. S.." sent i :.t'-, lrom lime to time. It - f.imetli ng lo see my productions pi int. il would have been more 1 d these productions oiiee in a '.' hioiiirht in a check. I'm! l never did; the .elicited onl j . n.ite, from I". 1?. 5- Finally. .1 .' a letter to the ass-istntit editor . i. tin- subject, and bv leliirii jtost I ' -d a n;;h. It was .tent to niy I ..te bo a' tin; I'ost-ollicc. but. lo H-at amii-ement. wa- directed to ' ...- Itell, ' m-iea.l of ".lohu." Mv .'lw riling w:us not ery di-tiiict, and : liaps a trille feniininc. and the sig- .-. ujMin which 1 rather pr.i.cdmy- . ertamh left it an open ipicUion "ther .John or Jane were meant. 1 note, too, began "VI t - Hi i i : Inn-ply to your iucstinn. I i1 I -ai that ihis pn- iiil u i .! .rp--.f v.nlr. a.e ui id ! l ,r v.uir article-, and perhap- lali-r in i i i 1. jii ite eiiuij.en-ilmn tin reler; 1ml, i writer, it would be wi-er for you t link it present only of securing a Xot 1 .! ..u have an excellent ehaiu-e of mic- in the end; but iiiiu-li jiatienee i-news-- m it the oui-ct. I- o whether I shall direct future un i. inn. atimi, lo .l.d... Ih ii. Mi-- i'.i-ll, or M !: ,1. At pre-i'i.t I do nl veniure to ion mv title. " eiv tiulv ymi-, 1 P.. Sci:i i:n.' "I h's lelter at nnee amused and piqued v It was pleasant and rather eiicoiir i ' n. but it was plain lhc writer set me ! v.. as an impecunious young woman, uh ..-a- the truth was 1 had a very fair m o ! c of my own, and was a six-foot, t "lsiached specimen of masculinity, 'lie idea of plavmg the n of Miss .1 . Tell tickled m fancy, and thcru-fo:.-. g.viiie; my imagination rent, n i. the -pur of the moment 1 -at down :c.d vv rote as follows. 1 . It. -I ui i x At pr nt I al-o stn i'i -i .j.i.Kidarv, for I do not know whether I ii ilii to address ,m as .Mail line. Monsieur M ..K-iiU'iselle. " I he 1 el title i mine jut c ivv, altl.otcrh of cour-e 1 feel at liberty l li.ui'.'.' it when I chot-e. or i it her av a the piept-r tpp..iimit ofTers i's, r. INil.aps mill mi. my would he -i I1..HC preiitahle speculation thin liter t-t- po not, however, that I im dependent on niv pen for mv bread 1 '..itier. In that .ie, 1 fear, the butter w :id Ih- verv thin, indeed. No; the fates 1 ii .v. II tin- most of the iuxutic "f bf': 1 ili.-e. .f co.ue, d n l s.ufv me. The t .-mi wh 1 wrote as 1 did about p v ment ' i -lie " was sjinplv lii-euisc 1 t j '.t if U.ev w. re s.iod e.iin.h to print lhu were :: I eiiouh to be paid. for. It ;i .ii- I wa- mistaken; but to show vo'l t t 1 ake vour advu-e, I -end v on .laotlier i .. 1 will at least try to seeute a f..ot I i .I. and prav that greater -ucccss ma f ... - 1 am, dear .Madame, .Monsieur or M:ul i cj i -elle sercven. .siecerelv vour. ',1am: IIki.1.." 1 nu-jrhing in my sleeve, I sent this t . iiii-mmcation oil. and planned that, .? t-ie :issi-iaut e ht-.r scut me a iriend 1. i. ph. I vv.tuid oj-n a corrospimdcnce r m V"'. of Mss.Iane Hell and foul 1 11. c: even as uecr man had been fooled bclore. .htdirc, then, of mvdis v.w when 1 rec-iveda letter in what I kic w vvts crccn"s writing, but not w nltenoti otlice p iper, and .sillied Fran-cc- rcrlr.m crecn. "A woman, by .1. ve" ' I ec!.t me I there aud then m p.t-t-ollice. whereby a small boy. xv1-. i was standing nih. nearly swal low .-d in astonislunent. the jotage- s':iuii lie was care.uuv iickiu":. l -, i 1 i j .st the letter in mv pocket ana iim i i v n it 'cad it until 1 was safely at home. J ! us the missive ran: I. vi: Mis- -.i:i.i.: Your piitint letter :.ii. i,iii:ils whose names arciwfcl ioned at the head of the paper. 1hc:'"Bt v"b"ds bitter. 1 "airaIu,v.ui .,.-.-.. :: r , , the fate have not lecn so kiud to me a, to vnTi '..iui it is not for fame I write, but for VOU. .un. ..., , l-r. ..... fo.1 ..,,T..l...l..l li.e WllCrOWlUl.t i !.. i ........... !..u.ucu. What makes it perhaps harder i that I have known what it : to havenii bread and hin der fre-h and sweet av, and honey with it. oo ami, ihercfore, the tain slices that iue ffSled 4jut to me now taste the drl. r iv coni- writers xviiesi- i-iu... .......... . - - -.,! Miiooth and polished, lack the freshness, the lu' , ., Miiooui ..ti 1 ...... .,et.ri-tie..f .hi. "Mav I aV f vnii are anv relation cn.,1.1,,1. Tl. 1 UII 11 . Lttn.v.... ... r --..- . . v .itrii.iiiions wc sometimes receive from to Miss Jane IW1L of Pumhis. ash- - f.nti.r-n writers, and notably from j on. ,;nrrton c,,mt,- v. .w York, uost-ollicx. and prowling about in the ueig - r.ut. 0.1 see. lam merely an as-isia,,,.,!. bo.x 402?" Im rVn tinned, in the same hood of Smyrna, lie is the chief of itur,:md a per-oii m..! "' -" snpnrin tvf. V ' I band of nine, who have commi rxc-it a- i li.tin.m-Vp.i I stuttered nn.t .nmmered. tried to manv atrocities, and is described as I lit HA - .--- r- . . - s - - J rvnsoa. "Knrplvc me for boring you -o tnurli about tnvself. Pray write to tin- again. Your luxurious stationery, wuli the faint, delicate perfume pervading it, is m it-clf a lieilgM. SiTfvcn; but the de,ire to keej up tin correspondence and try my hand at ciMiipo.iiu letters -tlmt jphouliLlK'iiwetjt-j ly feminine o'vereaine riiy cruples, and I sent off the following rcph : " I)i:ah Misn ukvi's- Inrteadof lmr n me, tin- limp-e oii k:im- me of your life in terested me inrjre than J catrieM. Kut, at the arnc tmie, the contrat ltetwrri your' life ami mine made me emnu. I' rli.ip our lot i a hard one, hut it j, ath-i-t hrao and Midepfnd.-nt. Here am I.anonlv dtu'h ter, p'Hted anil pnlled ti a -hiineful ie Tree, and boimd hj feit r- of luxury. i , I eny joti- .-ittlnt; here thi- iiiorniiiK in my j-illy iiink-edriained boudoir, ith a I'reiden ihujberde riinjifnn at ui" froin,tlie top of my ecentpirtf.d fteljov I'll Iiivtiriou-i life heiumiz me in and oer liowiTitiK m-, at the perfuni" of tub-ro-i-iniket hOHvy and "lekenin lie- atmo-ple-re of a room hoiiM in- ilun opi-n to tlie freh .nr and Miuliine. I would ehanse llace, wiMj you to-d.iv if I cotjl.j. ' ' When I readied this po!nt of my let ter, I r-ad over approvingly what. I had writt-ii. 'Arnved at the 'lines desmptheof my imaginary boddoir, I smiled :ts my jlances fell on a- h ot-ja-.-k in one corner and the .-Irtvinjr, aji- .t ,i t iiaratu-Jiu another. Glancni' at the plaee wliere t'.e Dre-den .-.Jiepherde-s niirlit to have be -n. niv etc lei1 in- i-teail upon a pipe, which I took, dowii ami Idled, and then re-umed my ru ing with roii-iderablei omp aeeuc'. "Thi- imy -..und to vou ratlnr rhonl irl'uli, audi may as well cjnfe-) th i' it i uot many j.- ir- p r!i tpi iiioiiMi- would he -Iliei-I I. ft till pl elllct- of a Ili)isliiii--cii"-l. I mi-!ii ij;---'it tl. in deed ! " Miieh I Iarm d tie re ! -id-- :h .tr' of dninj; tip ni hair! H '". vr. t-ij-j d.-f. ei 'of mv edneailon T intist'remTilf im-Hf, and I in eerv d i to d. ute a few hmira lo ., rlllw ,,,,,u ,5llI j, u.ry llin, 1(, H-eludu tnv-Mf lonj enough to aecompli-h "anitliin-i. "People nh; I must j;o to .'.rtleii- Irtlei; I must hold -.leiun eoiielnn with frL.. fc:V '7 f'L .ltl,r. ,, IIIX .. All Ui:- u will prohil.U lati.'hat :and. le-t I wi.toet iiHiio fool.-hlv. 1 vv ill tiring tin, leUer to a rlo-,0. Ji jou are no. .(uiTe diuli d w ith in , d.t w rile a mi -imhi. "J-aithfullv vour-, .i.wi iii.i.i.:". I may as well confess that I thought tlrs letter n. Mit-i-c-fiil imitation of some of the ci.isth-s that I Jia I nnselfre- tsr-if-fil fromfemmine hands. Jt -ounded enihii-iastie and -r Mi-i-h." and I s,.nT it ofrTIiat afternooh wHh"a 'bold .ja,.k," quoth my nnelc, wl.o met mo as I rruiio front tins piKt-oiiiccv I ... ... .r.i.. .li..v.. ii.n ;..-. inakiiK' ail a-Sof yourself over oinc- -'irl. I "don't ln- lievcit is the n. u,e- ou arc court my it is no muse; it is a mi?s.'1 An.l with this he passed on, buckling at his own w it. As the davs went on. however, niv uncle' .s win ds seemed in a lair way to prove true. 1 thought only of Miss Screven. .My novel I left untouched, and my rhyming dictionary accumu lated dii,t slowly, but surely. Med were my Vi-inii, of astonishing the world wuli my genius I lived only for the. maildroni'Moston. "s - As I re-read the letters I received from Mis s row-n, 1 cm make some excuse for mv infatuation. Tjiev weie fr.u.k and outspoken, mid' sometimes, indeed, tinged with cvnici-in but thioiigli them there breathed a sympa thy, a tendcriies., thai touches n.e even now as I' read theni o eft ' lliially, at i mv siiiicit-itinii, s.( sent me ner pnoio- graph, which sh tvved her to be a rcgu-lar-leatured. large-.s yd .-woman, of rather a serious eat. ovf countenance, indeed, but with a lutlcmg snule in the month that I could not but eon fe--was a largo one. She was not a beauty, I saw that, but she. had an liTwitest. in teresting face that grew upon me every dav. Little by little I gave myself up to thoughts of her bv dav and dreams of her by nigh!. Her letters I awaited with a feverish impatience, and if one were delayed 1 Was in a torment. I maVe no oxc-iiscs for mv follv, dear Mr madam but pray d not lorget that I was only one and Iwcntv then, and had fed m sell plentifully uilh novels and poetr. The correspondence was kept up all thesuinniSr and iititiinin;1 but in De cember there befell wh itnvastoune an awiul calaiipty. Miss Son-vcn did not write. I sent imploring letter after letter, but no response gladdened me. "Has -he jilted you'J"' said lucle Dick, heartlessly, when he uoted m pale face. In truth. I could not sleep nor cat; I was consumed with fear and anxietv. What could hae bctalleii her? 1 endured it for just ten days, and IheiiL packed my sachel and went to l'.oston. Hah! what a dav it was when I arried there! It had snowed a little, and then a thin, cold nun began to driz zle down despairingly. The weather suited me better than the garish splen dor of the hotel, and I wandered foith that evening, half-iuieoiisciouslv wend ing my w.iv toward the street in which Miss Screven boarded. I found myself opposite the house. From an upper window a light struggled fainth be tween the clo-ed shutters and thrilled me through and thmugh. Perhaps she was there, ill and alone, uneared for. save by the mercenary landlady, or. worse "still, by a slatternly servant. 1 went up the steps and rang the bell. A slip of a girl opened the do r to me. and 1 handed her my card, saying me chanically "Ask Miss Screven if she will see me." I trusted that Ihe name. .John Uell, would perhaps lend her to suppose that 1 was a cousin or the father ol her friend. The slip of a servant -maid looked at the card and then looked at me. Frances Screven?" she said, inter rogatively. -Yes.'"' 1 replied; Then 1 took the card, ran nv. "pencil through the en graved name, and s rawied my illegible signature below it. The servant took the card again and skurried awa.. le iv-ing-mc standing there in the coid. .lark entry. It was'sovcml minutes before she re appeared, and then it was only to say in a sing-song tone. " Three tUghts up; first door to the right." J. ' I went up the three Mights and rapped at the lirst door to the right. A voire called ut. "vVune in." 1 entered a medtum-si.ed. plainly furnished room that w is re lolentof to bacco", with which was mingled :i faint .1 ...- ...i.: l.. T. r.. : .atif niiito.h. i:it-ii- 11 I I X II -tl III """ ' "V ,. "" -; chairs, a iarg- ian e. cuvcteii wmi a faded cloth, and an old-fashioned horse- hair lounge, from which, as 1 entered. uii. .is i i-iiii-ieti. :i. -o- tin.. ..-. i iie was tntn and lie. and near'v . fT.e..,I mv self to death wanted to bo oiinlomatic. 1 wanted to 8h j j yy. " Who the. devV.i nrn vou. anyway --- - ..a't he exclaimed, vgi ' , is "I lam" JoMrlBeH I answered; "and J have calleui to sec your sister. Jsshoill?" ""I ha-rm't arr sif cr," said he, uon- Mi Fiuxci s l'.nn icm -iitrvr.N. " he. mmplaex-ntly. inot'- 3I1,i dl"e wrHy 'k of proper ,i.)m .1 avaflrobeit. c thaa ibuscjed . ,,f ati jurin ,rcMu. -U 'njpisl m p..r . ,tf, u.--Ju fsir d 0xl -vI , ABlreadthis letUir J ielt nivclf a I haven't any sister." j&il J. in nrv shelter and a better ? stem of 'feeding .on ..i, ;tyji'.i. , i -, Jn,. w.-rk .. writir.- iy,:he rrm: of h r ... LSL; jJca. vZW t- J seoundiel. My hr3t im'nulscc was to , turn. ' btoek during wet, coM stoma. J hot -ih.-Ic.-n Ci-im After boil ns a K:i and MLwnn. ",h . ,? it -l. -.,.,.. , wh. J, n , wiite a lette--' of con!e3lon to M-ss HeAvheded sharply axut: "Who is lesson wa, an expensive one, but not . chi.k-n m n it i nHVnni'ithMiih i Ihp Jm!p ,a, thai J.tulrtOU County U t ,0 , vn t, r.pni-.T "TT- ' ' "2 i poems. uraniiij;iiw."" " , C'lro taken ilutweror to vcmeaces, ajiUyjuuiij; iu, v.-j-j i luh-ii it, imuic.iii.- iiuii-iiwui...- w ...... w ucajsi!x . rue; n unim )-i.-t .v-iu. at it. only .- Lhave jiJallcrltOTftG'Miss blyeven, . ., , "...i.,,. nrm trtr. ,u 'tnn blessings with ccfmp6src. ' " -' -" i feeding from the time uf hatdrng. The an Oil Ci:v bov wa reeentlr taVia to th - - ,. .. . 4 . ore often ..mi ' - keep um.vausl nrm over the top. "r- . n f .- 'S I ecie; ot ream"-chickens nroitailv 13 . eira-hu-e'br hi. narle. A few eTecinss AH &&& ttx.'-'? t.&7tnT vKw cvf J JV ban men T.a1' vounifocd3- he replied ill a T 1 '.T'5 "r - ITaSTF I ' t t, cln rlv for the taVe at the -,evr i t nmlizj At hf., fj wtu nrtam you trU tw!Tflrtrf .t rtrno i which is Ilavoou.-inaocQ. nc rcputu m.i ju-t from tj)e suJ comes 11 Coolev of IlarrJord Conn '"-tiuiuiin.uj lurint l? '- 7 u bou- and .he unde and aunt Were anosr ' enXoraetof5fat-iarri 'oirU. I 1 tvA ! Were! nasty sneering way. must be removed so that it mav not be- iftcr "ravVhi- IJ V let i S "A 4r T "2 "a 'Ut.rr b t? II U S to r . ov-erejtttl III I Mould It Hashed through meat once. It come too thiclc ove the top "Cor. i'r- JS"Wfflrthiu them live a single day after. Every ', aw. cd amonr other th.ncald "1 wa a WM wfflexitTi to r-: ti-rjocaau t x3 &. wt BI eJ., wis her husband! She had deceived am.ner and intol - .SffeH..S.. y is a lo-s. as they cannot be . mtl-bi: afratd. coz every tim V curu.a u EMdrm-iriibttiMada. foMt IIQ dialantlv: "thnrJf.I am mv own sitcr, ami she has just escaped pneu monia.' The truth Mashed upon inc. "You are an impostor, sir. I exclaimed. arply Mjs r.ell, then?" " I am all the MLss Hell that C.ist3,," J answereil. grimly. . "What. be exclaimed; "you are the petted danmg who wanted to be a poet and an essayist and Lord only knows what all? " Vou are the only rchild of wealthy parents? You are the lovely creature who sits in a piuk bou doir and writes verses with a gold pen ... I . . . 1 ntt ami on penumeo paperr - " Ye-.,"' said I, desperately. j Iroppod into a chair and - Screven roared. "A sdl- all round!" said he. And then he laughed until he cried.. while I (juictly stole away hack to the j hotel, a sadder but a wiser man. Lip liiiL(jUt Jl'i'jtiziiic. Home Surroundings Out. or Doors. We wish to impress upon oiirreaderj the idea that out door s.uto in l.ngs have miieJi to lo with the eiliiciition of nave Mine., to no wiili the cilucation o , ur children, and hence, w.Ui the good or bad I rails of character, which aain fruit and ornamental tn-c by t.'.e spoil- . ive horns of cattle out of tne.r pl.t , a sow and seven pigs luining lor .ot.i- . toes in the garden; a drv tteeless, I door-yard, jar on the esthetic ' capab.Iities of asoul whichyeai.- forb- , jt-.-is oi p.-a ui i, oi sui..atin. in:.T -o- i l ni soughs thioiigl Ihe needle-shaped leaves of the evergreen-, where the fountain yet sprinkles and cools, and the in irble .statue smiles lrom a sylvan nook, the representativoof a nation once glorious in the annals of the world. There, amid the sylvan glories of this ....t : t:...... ....n.............. .. . ...w.-. i........... 1 11 t lill 1.1. .11 . ...1111. lib ... HUI I, II...II-I-, f f.-nif flint full nt riiii-! suwt soiii'SliM-S' i bathe in lhu clear water and sing in joyoiisness among the cool leafy bninches overhead, as if rendering .... . ...... .-'..... , .-. --. .w. . smiling avenues ot nature, and im pinged upou the sold exactly ad apt c I t o appreciate the immeasurable bless ings everywhere protusely scattered for the use and en jovment of finite man? It is here that the .U'Ulhful fdul drinks, from the golden goblet of nature the ambrosia of tl.e gods and le mis to love and lean upon the loving Father of the uu.ver,e. It is here the heart is melted in love to (lod, and sympathy for his fellow man embraces all tongues, nations ami c dors. Thus do surroundings afl"e t the soul ami teach it lcs-ons that otherwise it never would learn teach il the source uf enjoyment, the true relations of life and the duties incumbent 011 all. It i, the green-clad yard with attractive Mowers; trees laden with fruit, and a garden of small fruits ami thriving vegetables that make the syns and daughters clihg to hony; and parents and csciiew the painted temptatious so artfully set before them by those dis contented spirits who-e naked yards, a garden of weeds, dilapidated lenee.s and buildings are going to decay for the lack of timely repairs. And there stands at the kitchen door the old mare ilnmiiiiiir i ii. I u tit iK inif 11 tJtwT 1111 lit do.c. ducks are iil.ii-iii.r in a vervdirlv ...m.i ..f n-.t..e t.....riii.r-..ii 1 .not mi. '. . ..... . I ho corn nit iinnri- temleil ami nent lv ... . ........ 1 ... ........i.-- .....i 1. i.. ii...... I'" .., .... -. . discouraging looks and prospects the li-1 JI , twr iiiu i'i"''iri wr-j t.i rather and motherare sour and crabbed. .11 ..f ivliicl. ..i..l-.w tl... cbildreii disci., f; tented an d ai'.xious to leave the parent- Is it any wonder under these a I roof. il-iiK find l-enelleiil t-ircunistati -es that i.ieMu.i-ieiiceil i til tii break fiiim such I "-'-i - - . - ----- homes to brave the realities of a future strewn with Mowers, or set with dan gerous thorns? Oftcner than other wise, when they leave home they plunge into the whirling vortex of city lite, wliere a thousand imps of Satan tempt t.icm from the line of duty, and the violation of law racks the body I with lciin: or. eoiis'-ienee. true to her i duties, hushes the soul to the full e.x- ' tent ot the legal departure fiom duty. II rti HuniL A Cheap and Simple profitable, too. when the milk, can be '""" ' "' i."v.-s ii win mi- -win mull ''!..,,.,,, ., .,11l il.u.r f..r tl... slie.M. ...I.... - .11 r . . ..... .I'L I !.. rv. -... ..-. ..--. .......- ... : .-.u.ajMM. ...inj...,;. J ,w , w inch n-aelied b nians.ot a .sloping . cup oj w i.ii -ii. .... 11 iiu a-... ,..iv ." - .... -........ ..v,. n .... i ,..,.n. ... w ... - . fw, ., . . ....--- love oi the beautiful is plant, d in ev.rv I s lire Wft of ppirj upon wluen m a.luUio aol ad I a tetispoouful or a entirely different fn.m tbo.,e ol (lie J ut brm n m e .rm. i.l tmniw.! t !. . . . .,, n : .. R iiw - roul. It the tii.ngs wh.di in-n.-ter to I ;.j,.,.'raro ' fVMt.A crosswise lo aflor I a ""'r t ammon.a. , north and ewBve more skidm their ivii- ihr.trr ,., t - ut thr ,,t...nio.. - -. .. ; . ; its happin.i.-s are withheld, there is a f,.,uld a and twn'v bv ittlo feuti -L.u-rCii.vH-. This is an excellent , -tru.-tii.n Diinn the wlai.-.y t-the I .sm.,,1 r.. mrn.x s,:.1h5 .,. ,,., , . t, . tm. m . . .... i, wi .mjniwm . .mm..... """'' u,i j,,, ,.. .ihout one imndred Mp-ep. ' tl w to have read tor an emergen- v ........ .k-.... .... ... ........... r. .... i,,.. dis.ih.i. in. imw.ui w " - " 'r ' v -. ten thousand points of nerve life i;n-, CjluM,"" are d.iaii.Iy coii,truvL.;.t olrwl..m somu,ing extra i dcred fV i nlU within the nhmndf, but unc.irthM u, ib tr-um .mr ... ... b m !. - ..; -' to ."Z-, ?ZZ touched by the me0mcnc current- of , (.lboanl aru,,Ij lh,. ,Ilffl)i00f Lt.u.Jjrc-tkLi-t- liod a bed's liver, .heart l-'rg mimb-r of weU-pnvHjr wd fkiwe-, torm r..nti -.fl. :t. .-ar m h., h I w. t-. , , ,, , , ,-.,,-,. .. hones fuliilled of joys consummited. . fliuw nid)s ,,,. ,t, ,cii-vaid. Under -an 1; rvmovo all the hard and . tns. Iwuuf th.-r skeleton-, f.mnd , camf bW;M in v i H un. .d '. V - v: ;-; - V;'Xii I urn )le-down fences, limhs torn from ,,.... ( iitll" ...t -..,,. f... ,.ls I In -..... ..-.r.- .... 1 .-I..... t!. r-:iiaitn!. r -!.!. ny ?!de, cua-nred re-o.H-'i. ly m n.rrBi.t .' air ri,i tHrUi thi- ir. i I I . . . ' ' ...-..,. ,k .Ka. vi.ioiu., ihuv.ii in i ii uriKi lie; out- .1 ..( . 1... 1... ,.i lit, ..,...,,. . ... ....... .animal r.'.irti-..tir:iiiiin,. t.u.liiaill'' nut no .u tt :vlir.i m ci-k in bt .ii. is on - r .1 1. 11 ( .... ....... im.-cuun ui 11. v. u.7.. .......... ...v ....... ... ijirti :ikm Uir lireaklast. .-I mo I '.' .. r ' . .' .... " . : ' ll i..ite souls. Ihe natural eloth.iig of t J.i l)M A steep roof to the .shelier is lc .,,'.,, .. ...., ..... ...',.., .. ..... J hrwU of the men are dt-eorited withp.-- rrttiainrd.' -.-. !f. i , enrth in the merry month ot. June the , ,,, lo ,. Slll .irrorrf Vlargu ", -Tmv n Vn. ,' o . ' ..f ' i ' ' nili:irl.v ""'i"11 rri,,V1 and the whole u tT f,,iKeinc ub,Mrr th. r!.r -V m .thnV; " ...I, , re X on t I '" !" tne;ne.l at one will oi me ,.,- ,k spouul.ileach ot soda I ?"rl UI ciiimei nunuixe picture. ... ,.-:; u.uT Ms- aMW, lUl Mr the! waves of divine magnetism to their Xm.rl to for IlV'-l'rt.Vdpir ' ---t-' ! Wh'ci ' - divine author. Co lo tno.e do,r.yards Mlvr m ,.lun!ll., whcr; ol.k.lxi:i,rt. J if1'1 ;' ; J l j ;, "-" . pagan god.Sf. h,. OMIirnt. 'f ' '""w ""V T ', an 1 other surroundings where the yard are not uii ranted in ci)nsirutiiigl.orT A M ..i. ,. i I -- winter an l j rm:. Hr in-d i. k M. ..r is carpeted with lively green, where X,: lTf rZ L ? i'ZiZ luSShH '"" l l'wWn'1 Kttl Ulm' "l"""'" V " ?" T ' I long-arine. shado trees shutout the .. ,, . ...,.,.,.,... ., ,,-" th , ' V.lA, Ul ".ut. r inlo tin. midili. . UK. un-.r he i..... st Ja.-i.. u.i. the flr.i ap- I . . . . . w ueru oniiiiai v itUtiui!ie,s. iiu u.ii in ma t .,,; . ,. ...,.i .,.r-.e .....I 1.....1 i.. ' . ..... ... .... s nt tlu sun. ivlii'ii tin rc iiiie iirpcre r .. ...-'.. ..- . . 1 . . "'" " ' "" , .- '"r- " '-..' i-rank Ke.nii 1.- a t'eni.Ls. tinv-iraiiv n ln-.iilon l i!;.h lu.iirr.I a luli nltrltl rr- . iiruc.s 10 me provniuiu mui.i m man w:ir,j, t. north and northwest, the 1 cannot oe ooiaiueti. s.rong aicouoi a doen deep, uglv gashes were . ut in ' np-thr ...di ird,ihatepre,tt Uw and the creative, power that spake into (j'n.ctnm lro-n which the prera.lih"- (nmety-lnc p.-r cent. ) wi.l can collar, diis head. Ho was picked up and taken iIhomI toa-iriet m..ui.l n n wail. - - existence such glorious sources of en- um(ls ,lw ' Where the f'oks arc very well. A mixture of stro ig alcohol to the hospital mthiscitv, where one. j'-r """'t";'". f"1'l,,v"i' ",' ' ' ' jovment. And will not children thus sm;lli a lcw t.rvCU naVii nTil eril.Ull ,n and w.ter of auimoiiia is a!,o use !.- llifr W!M sumilat,.,l below' the knee and , J.."? JnTiU.'vl'Z u,n I ,'.'. fed Ihe unetpialcl pabulum of nature in a,.,.,.,Mh,. .,..,., and where tl.e i-m.. ! ' " tniiib.u with ail ili.- li pn.1, is ,. ,i1(.r ,.uf M:u the kn.-e Ue.ih s..,.m..-.i 0. rial... 1 h.. . u mi childhood's rosy ias imbibe the CSod- 1,,,,,,-einent ol fhu 'griud "ii'u, adii- ,I,:it "nt enough 1, Used: a sm ill .plan- ud hip jdnt When K.-nip was taken mh ..f etr;lHd)aNit aw aide io.i u. given principles taught through the .....i s.if ,...-.,. insranr-e- on the tity o-ily sottcn, and s.uea-l.s the gica.-.; to the .ospital nearly everv one thought "w" w"rk ' ice wdl be mm e fh- save P l veS uble-lmed highway by w hkh t he , ni(.,Iiat, rdief. In of eacK apart- "V ? T b.V Jj"-' 'lI seison in ihi l -iv m of m at. -u d bears your precious berry meat shonld be a ledge three inches ' c love letter, she haweciMved bound vc.m bles , In LS ,' ",l ' U, the sea. and the Imliui would still wide, on which to j.Iace the food ami handsome y in a moro. co volume f,r her ur?o7coldnVfor R ble'an! J.? "f - M UlC ' -ter tuts. The latter ,llat be replen- , VylotOTfhn did. of butter which does not suggest j U , , ,. ,. ' ' , ?nw '".i tbV. 1"!:'"',,r tlir'r t,m',s ) " l " oil. Uutter-making is so much more "lour lands derive their value, your , etch dav. Care should be taKcn to J Uie does not count bv year. S.rar oolud rapidlv. :us only ice will do it. i m,nes and many of the comforts they Our ice-house was a cheap experi- exhibit, from Uie well-abused radioads ueut. Weh:ulasmallb.lildingvvhich,ol,L,co"l,.n?l- -t , . .. ., , aas used to More hoes, .suades and L 'But .ajtjnxmjutice. Jet us , coo in was used to sIoih hoes, suades and other small implements. It was inerelv ! " tJu're ' u-ss manv a lramc covered with clapboards. The f:u,h l"' corrected and a .. to ..c Moor was taken out of a part of this I rcforinea in the ad ninilr:iii.n of these building, aud the side built up from ' highways Corpotate powers and c..r the ground w.ih plank making a deep , porate values have advan-ed a bin." The ground was covered I "lori' rapid 'P l,,!Jn, lhc mve!U l"f rough planks, which were in turn ' r statf-m.-i. and law mascr-. I he covered to the denth of si.x or ei"ht agency ut the corporation i.s compar.i- inches with dry sawdust- Ihe cakes ot ice were laid "n lavers. with a foot between the ice ami the side of the building. Cire was taken to till all the intcrstics betw cen the cakes with broken ice. which w;-.s made solid by pouring water over it. When finished, the ice was a soli I mass. The space between the ice and the walls was tilled with sawdust, crowded down verv hard. . - . c and about 'in inhes of sawdust was1 paeked ilotvn hard over the top. The ice kept wel'.. an I. with the exception of one v ear, when ice could not be obtained-1 i - - .. , . , - ,- ' ilort, lt "as ueen jUseil-everr season i, .. -.. .' . l. x"srt i jl- rKere is a "most disagreeable brig- hbor- a ttcd a veritable savage beast- Some in teresting details respecting the rec reations of Khakirdji have been given by an unfortunate villager who shocked "the officials at the Leodikeui railway station the other day by arriv ing there without either nose or ears, having just escaped from the bandit's hands", after being subjected to this horrible mutilation. WInler Protection for Sheep. The winter of 1S0 31 proved to he a soriout one to Western and Southern niiu'iiiii"uuM-;iii;iw. vv"i - m .1 .. . .- I X... .... . u .11 the wmtcr now appro-idling find a tnor-Tt feecure method prevailing on' the exten- bivoratichesof lan;e cipit:aast. IhU tlie,t tlorxmastcrs oi small xn-nia as wen have i.rovided better and surer acvni- modation for their herds. At the North the most approved win- ter management of sheep demands ter management of sheep demands .... II ; ru-a. i - - - - ft'V ll. IT .' ' 1 T 1 - i -- k a sheibi that way be closed on all sid.- , s,OMn-,ulof -:4!t and tw-j ; b .-poonfu.s aWut twornifes s.ttare. Around thw an with windows and ventilators wh..h JC,. ,j rt,t.,.r So. tH batter to ru-e , , ra Cuv hi bmui Uirvwn up iiuviv open on the lee nl. Shed w th Inilf- j- a waniI ,,,, ., ..,, whn r.n butter t ,-irth-w'r-. and the kwii, ., diL- bui'd- 'rn tnUi Vl!lt cin ,KI J,art:aU-v "r W II... I .. V H . . I ?!.. ....... 1..." I..-. .. I.ITF ..!. .. . . I ...I.. - .1 1 .- .-.. . ....... i ..;.. ,...iM.-f..,.7 ,tii. ihArn Vr..., viijji uiuquii, iki w -t w- f- 1i4i Vi i 't ' ?' ,L . i i .J. Icunof rasi.-is ch-.pjjcd luiu. ouecup ..f euro. ithtn Uii-uieb.-iiie stinrmv uf u,. Ttt-Jr ta-ratn; I Th-ttrl -.rT sidered preferable to tjin-.. '. , h ..r. i yf.,.,,;.,. ..,. o vinegar. ' men .s.uid ,uc.-t-x' v w,th,tand tho mB,o,,r .:.s,., or .-, Bi. nh .h Crr made t, be ennrdy ?- l"u" a aHe-po-mml of rinnnmo.,. a t.a- ' i-au!:, of any em-my t t s..,pCd with B , ,e .. uk da, . .... 1,-m or c mg the s,e of the-shed, for any jfntfn .1MIllll-of ,.j,ivu.; f10 ,,ntl a hxK C11H . other wajH.,. than I- atd Xrr.w. r tl n- ,rrr irrr. ,d r. I . r number of sheep the rule i t ' ' ,.' sCra.urs broken., j.ut uulver- , ine $i dry ineffective tntfPn. ln rn t tvt i. nr a r r, .. vrr.v,,? iKiuare feet ot Hour to cadh animal. ... ..t . .... ... ,r. f i...,t, . ' i-.;., . ........ -i .i u -. ...Jw.i . .. .. ... ,...-..... .. .'i ; ,i,. :' , n ., ";, , m. i-.s ,,i '' n. hare a holt! of bead-, sp.-r-. il...t ki.eo, .iutilo p. .ird. Am .,1c u.t. a .on h, nj. .i..s .. frv.i,r.n.r ... th,. k.teh. I ter. md the regain- of the lrtfiM..rk7 board, at the eaves to let down, an I .. iors 5n lF. rnof to . openM. i ....j j. niav ,. CPnnortlleii ..,! the of im beds reduced bv , ,, , , ",, ,.,,,.,, 1S ,.,... i,m.t , .. l;ir(r(. lt.lUir m the center ot tl.e m-, olc)Ml"e. lhis may be n.ade bv -siinpiv ,.UI ; lhc ,,:uUUd and cove:-, .r .. fh ....., ,.,. . ..ft,.rw.irils ..l:n..n. n w ()f cia,lUu:iril,, 3;tv lour feel ion-', , si. ..r()mi1 ;, iCMia t,t. Sjia. c ,.e:tt(.t.n .iiint nil inr tv in ii' im-iii 1- i' k iii'in , :i c cr hat ai , oVen ciTcctl; e ... ' sonic noriioiis ot lv -..s . on-i-i, J.u ' some portions Ol i..u-.i, iou-i-i, .u sheds made of cotton won I nol.-a an.L . , a .... coarse 1 1 ... r. . , ....;.. L.UUI - ,. :i, lyipr a'.tin :l, tin: width .say ,(UI ,.el in.r hv lotMi-et wide. Klb- tual I sheep-hhcltcrs'have b. en nudo oil the IUI) , .IUU .'IH lUUll'Uil ! 1.1 , 1 bv means of wall, scnu-eircular Ill'Itll ' 111 shape and constructed of stones ' ,(',a,y ,MiJ.,j p or ol sod cut from the ' ,,,.im, Janil piIl!( :i,,llt v0 feel high. '' ', Ju. outside uf the curve is placed .10- ' southern slope of a hill or where a grove helps to break the lorcc ot the j storms. I or larger tloeks more elabor- ' ate semicircular shelters are erected." Temporary Iraines ot loik.saud pole.-, j thatclu-d with straw or corn-stalks, and j The Kailroails and th - Fanner Colonel W. F. Vilas, the famous W ronsui orator, delivered me annual an-1 dre-- liefiii-e I lie Mmnt'SOla Slate i-au. 1 and chose lor his th.-me the - Kailroails , and the Farmers." and tried to point , out their reciprocity ot interest. A lew , 0 From this the agriculture of j.ast ages V tl.- ... -..Il-.f-. .-ba iilierei! nroitiid the ls ami lakes, or lined the mer s mai in. It girt the M.-diteiranean. und- made lamoiitlw lamou.iMlie valley of the Nile. The uu watered 1.1 ..f .1... :.,i....,,-v.- ii-.. 1..(f o tl.e oi in m un- ...n..... ... wandering nomad or the forest bar- b.irian. It was the unknown region toll , l mysterious tenuis. 1 he great Her- j cviiiau wood was the home uf bcats brute ami jiu.uan, ine un- j the ever unpeiiduig pen;, and , tinall.V til uesiroyer oi uie cm.i.auuu "1 the Worid The reserve corps ol . barbarism lay hack on the plains of , I... I !'... ....:..!. ........ 1.... I uussta ;iuu laiia.v, iui.-ii uuuitaiu i ( the lierce savages who could live on . c.iuinu ik'sh anil carouse on the milk of ( marcs. So, too. water couiinuuieition ( was slow and tcd.ous, even vvhen ac- ( cessible. That i, true especially of iti- 'and navigation, n is weeks t w.uei , from M. Paul to New York, though the . id of steam be invoked; and in noith- j crn climes navigation is mr . I 1 A nut halt lilt vear. tour maguni.-cut wheat holds would mostly be tmnroKcn farmers of Minnesota, had not the in vention and enterprise of other men stimulated bv our demands, laid the - . '".Uii.l.WJi&J. iiii-'ti-liiiii-i . .1 .....I I. !... 1. .......... . ... ill ct. luuiii-iii. tizvi; ..ii .i.ii.i. ... steam, i? a nughtv power. I'nle-s sui- utieu uy proper ajp'iaiiccs o. iaw sum- cieut to control it we are li ibl-- to dis- asters as ru-no-is toour wellare as the accidents which sometime, betail tn-- tram are dcstruct:e ot Pie. r i. n.iriL.. 1'" - opening towards the south, m.iv be pro-1 alci cut, through the kunliit ,, .,f the uibL Another economical j.h.n con- I lrge nun.bersof chickens are roared (-,,,,, f tht. Vo.Tntv Court, he was s.stsiu erectmga shelter at the June- , "1 " ",'! ' :' m :ll1 ! r , , r,.v.l U. the Uounty Poor Ian... lion of lour f.-Ticcs where M.d, a one Mm.iigboui . he n'n. I-t 1 1 ft ir- , ,, remained untd M-sterda, ur. ex.sts. It will thus I.- .,.., cs-.ble lo all) ,n- "-' " " ' ,OW. I1 l,u : " v ' "- ,or the c ,re of Dr France. Y.-t"enI.iv four l.elds.iV. r. ll.M. - "' ' '" ' s'fl!", " ; he let the Farm as fat ami heartv a. if 1 V-r s h.s admirable sueccli wjii secured. At tin- a"- of four months ' '' "' "' ' " " ,,,u" - L- IXM Pl I ...... ..i in.. r.,...b.r- ' ..i.i ... .f ..r . i i ,i .i ii le,iiv not designed o; nature lor a soci- i n .. r.....i. kuJtvMl 1 t.... v....v. , taiiiiiciis ii in ,i i.ii "t- iiici'.i- snoniM - ... -. t - 1 J mr. -i!W n t Wm -P.efoic railroads were del ised. the:.. . .,,. ,..,., ,, for the table and if "'! reporter 1 lie drcs u- of white pj,..'. ( ..r. f..r i hi '..en n 1 XE&AHfW w;i5 no extensive freight com ...tin ..-a- j lIn.J. ,,:i. ,... -,. . , :uil, wmo o silk cut . r, traine, with tl.e cor-age "Z D X Hon but by water. And that was vaim- .,, nto,.k, tln-y will. be. Tu prepare , """ , '" l " w" r?'n .1 and J ess unless COIlVeniCtlllV aecessjiuc. .,. , ,,....., ,.,. ..:.., . .,, , r,,, ..,., uo.mceu win. uiree uain on u mi- . . ;,r.l,.r . ,,ir sorbia... Mleh . re. iiifiti.rpv' r TtiwziviJ. viiir iiiiuii aiiu kp pii iitiiii i-ii:ii :iiiii mppi. xvnt!i curii ..-. .-..i ...i:.. . .. .-.- ... . Put l must not protnv t'.ns weary i hour to discuss this problem ton- gu to j my subject. Important as it is, we need not fear it. I ho-r.wlro'Sujriffhllv ! iiiM-'Uium -- -s it. 'I ho" r.iilroMjriliirv used, is the fr, fr.en' ofrlie fatausr and the whole people It iBwic-irHiaAinii interest, ot its owners tat sJvj "' remain. Th'oV . dare Ife t -maKdl'it an enemy, iinil when? yv? rrect jfca: a - . . ., :ui x , .v..j wi. : - - "- -." : .-- rernvced hi sufc. ande vert half hoar , or SO some inenu WOUIU uauu lira ;uv -ciTo ....:u u-.i .-..- i..o ,.i tv, i", :JL :: . u '"J"-", ""'."' ...! "! - '"",1-v-u;::l'v- ","" -"-. 1 iiuu coo. two otners cu cacu, auu a .- thiui r?0. btrangely enough he found the remaining 10 in the gutter. According to that cxce1!rs an- ihoritv. Mr. Mcehan. the proper war . lX L ,e i??":! ?e 7! ' OUU1....1 in .... iui; uraucucs, sirom; aa ivell as weak, but to eut. ont the weak. . erbranches eatirelvahd lea vurhe strong ' 1IUJIK. 1. 1 KM AMI CAHIIEJi. According to the resu'ts of the o- pcnmenl made at the Maine State Ag .. . ..) a 1 wnrdtif wiri uuine. crc-aui vun i aple ..f k-zz- yz iuure-4 Hjt to; r:h f.,r ;n inva-i-!"): flaro--a-nording to taste u -n jM;.:,er. sU, tv . .team m a , jn and -.-rieut. -German Muflin -M;x a quaU of i nu wheat MourwUh a pint and a half of vnuri IUil! a .,ttlo warm. iwUf a teaoupful itinu ) ,ut ..,.. i.111.,,.ivv.iiii1(m iia..wnni ) ,ut ..,.. tu.llllir.uv.i lumi,,!!. -i i,'n. '' vour niuthn uius and bake .juiclv. Hor.icv (jrti.evs iimce lie. -A ..... ""I atera:j.I al.ft.e -a't. J . . my wiiere it can be ready for tiro at moment. A simple au-i irmw 'U' (T cie-uun ;g nicke!-o'atcd arli- follow Take half a - i c.c .s- mi'. a Ulll, purie al-o . hopppil line: s-a.son it I sweet h.-rbs, fwiii gratod nutmeg, a , b u leaf, lln- tUwr ot an onion, pepper and sa.t: t, it it in a and ore s ti.-ou ' it a heavy weight. In a few hours turn ' l out in a did c:iko lor the utiK. .- .1 - t . . " . i :?': "ll?:. . Iff 1 III I 1 111 1 11111111 ."l Ill lWWlm.m.ti, Vk IT ' ' JIUII II ..! IIIIIIIJHI .SIB" Ir tmrnrnW I 1U 1 mr T r 11 la w kKir n llLi -iit iui; X . - . -...-.--. ---r ,..,. ,, ,. - ., .. . . . ., . . -, ir-mr -m t" -- " - - - - w r .- -.i.i ... !..- i.iif . ...n.i.i'tf iiniio.i i'e: xemncnes ann even tee, .wmncnr i'44 lilts II III . ,'inn- i -' , ., T 1 V . "i". 1 , rrank was throw 11 from the trucks ol a torn It i. a treat remedy. -"'M . -nioulh Mini iui . P.fike 111 ...... .1 ... .. i..i. .".. "7. ... " . " u !?. . . ... . , 1 1 I he best inalenal forc.eaiung coat "olhirs ami greae spots of all kinds is olire 'Ihe art ele is s.dd at etM" principal drug stoic, in cUic That I llM'u uv p-onter, is not pun- enough, 'l,,,i ""ls :i vr' t'P!L"lN'1111 ur, which in-pure aiti h- has ; not. and the little ' w""'h lT h n," di-.ip:."i-. If this . !.. 1.....I.I !..-....... a. . ..II. It Olll. - 7" I Chic's.-iis for .Markut. r.ilieui .. !.,. ......I...- ,....'t I"..... .!...! ..I.".. .1 .... Yc't tlPrc i- an'ever-inrre i,,K demand forsuch. Chickens always sell well. aid an m iitnlity would .-,.... i.-,,,.,.-,. .5... , 1. I ?..-.. i," ...-,:'i. :...,..!. .. ,....1 ....1 ...... ..... '. t . unless ' oW.S. ,.:ir,. ,.;,.ri.7.,l in their inina-Venient; I ,,, if Wcj. aUcii.icd thev :fre verv I iroi,iab!o. A"ood breed should be .,., foj-. a fori.rht or three weees .which I " . m ought t-t add at least two pobmli to ih.7.1- w... ri.t. I ... :i limited ..limber of . spin., wie. s,,-.,,,., .- .M.,-,, ,.. .-,,.- hew.Mild die, bill thefellow wa., pluckv 1 It's the fi,hl . n.w ami ..-. '1 r-J. c'--cient ipii.tttv arid repealed to not only ' ana f,lUMt it throii'Ii, with the help of Ia.:ie t.t trim their bnnnrt, on the c.i. dissolve the foreign matter but to wash - lu. physicians. When his limbs were :"" ''1- t 11 IV't. iJ'L till UI - ' " iP'IV !' Uit 1 chickens it will be sunic.eut hips while lace : dMlribnted in profn a number of simply-construete I pens, sion all over the eclat. 'I he ruscherche each of which -hould mea-ure nine by p-bordered with wlrte rm lung- win. h flgl: l.tee.i i-..-li.., hv i.i.rhte.m n.elii - in i i,..i.rht. ... , . . -s ..- -. j - ---. ,rB - .. , ..- . Ihebotto-nsliould be made of -p-, --...-.. - narrow s'ats placed about two inches :inait: these slats should have rounded tp ,. The p.-utitions. to, s and back I nist beof buardsaud: should be so made . jhat the birds cannot see each other, These pens ought to be placed about to-o inches irom the "round, in a nar- ... . . . .' I t.aiiy d.iiKeneu place. nee lrom ; Jraicht. I r.-sh. drv earth should be pj.,,.,.,1 each beneath the coops to eateh tie- drop'pings. wh;cl. should be cleaned out dailv. Cleanliness must Imi j10 rie. or fie "be-t r.-ult will not be j,a. As soon ,i an occipant of a pen ;, .-einovel for market, its pen .should l(. whitewash'-d all over the inside and . - -.. adowed to get quite dr, before another is mtro'luceii. ih:s win prevent trouble from ii.-ect vermin: but should trouble be exper.cipod lrom them, a .- .... ... little powdered sulphur rublie I well in- to the roots ol thehathers will giveim- meal the t-tis must be darkened for k i.j the tune until the next by hanging a cloth oi-r the This cloth is best tucked along the top. when it can bo cmivemontlr hung over or folded back as ie pured. Two hours of dark- ipv-c ensures a thorough digestion, but it is not ;, irn'.lc. as m. st do. to keep , the birds' thus the whole time till the next meal. The chickens will have a bt tier appetit j ty the wis recom-, ;ie-id olOti'ii t y The- h.'-tYo-vl ?r.r't ltteninrr !- htiefc- ! wheat when it can 1)-" obtained. n is IO UMi uso oi tins gram ine r rencn owe.i a. great tneastue the splendid fow". thev :na ket. It it cannot be pro- cure 1. the best sub-titu'.e i, an eqtal mixture of barley and corn meal. Fach lur.i should have a.s much as it will eat at a t:itje. but no food left to become s ir A little barley may. however, be - -ttterel the" bilge. The niea. mar 1 e mixed with s,itu milk if con- ven.ent. A little eh jpped green food ....... -. -... stioj'ti ie :eu tiail. to keen t:ieir Don. e :n oroporor!er In three wck the Kiiidi. tnev get levert-ii ana oerm so WM(c awaT If . WCJ- fat aml fat w,., 1 '(.oVrnlimirlio rrnmnirrl I wan.ctl. .ne omis may ne rramnieri 'afurlnhe ffc i.,f of the fattening' t eriod. but not before. Ihe meal Is to inTailowmj;. f home use nothing SXrZ, .. -m w. .usti. - u. w u.uuy- ui Ktva . meat. l4y casa lei. the chickea h 1 lasied tn,8ifJoar-i bafor&H -tTIJecL J . M -.-..-- .- rolled nn the thickness of .a fini.r WTtetxbifr. "well. I'm Indebted to her for f then cut into plecei an inch and a naif eI"'er haPP?fl oi.'f 1 j i;k. n. .,:1je w.. u- .i:j . , I can Imanoe the zratitude you fel towar 1 , !oT?r ea5h piece- mast be dipped m bcr.r- ..f0 roan-t; oajj- feeT pr-nti j trater before it ts" put ta the bird facband caa " do that- Ten vear zo I . -ynuov, lien thvra will-be no difficultr ' aiked her hand In raairiare aad sietfluied t iJU The Mound of the Missonrl. .Jinie t. u., mo veteran a.- I 1 - . a i iwu- la rtli -ol nr n.-e mm! rucr: qi p.s)i,'M. far .vntc-Lv.. llc tlr. x viipa- n-.n of this c.ut)frv T-v ! m-nlern In-, lat th it s:.n;. was, 'c- Vnd d .itbt, I'O AtronzhoUi of th"' : i tunu-utit4iuuc: .ilxirwines ti tue iis. ouri Valley. Near M.iuu are fgi ad imi"rt'i m.i'Pi.i. t..:f.n--' t!,. I-vn.t .r .. ... . iw in i-i-m- ihwrinn -,.- . t-. cwn- I or i- , mi) in the a.ljn.rnbV irr.-r ii which every Tvp-tk p-Mn? wis tin.!,, sf. , c-mum aj:liamliir in vvhieh .ar.i arnnv , . . .. i 1 he .iid.-e- , the aN , "r1"1" """ "m.wwi muwumo ii.m of the Mi-.. :ri Kir a le- :ntel'. ' Jr'nt rc thsn th hur.g M.uth . f the 'I't.v .1 . - ..... . II. 1 lie ..l"l.U'. in i; i.' iii;h 'I lie picture! rocks w.rr an ohJ.-et of t)-irtiuiilar in-.rust. Ihe ngurc, hud I n ut into the stone :u-d painted p d. There are three human lig.irc- ri n- ti'pie costumes unknown arinng the In ) dians of the later time, and a numlK-rof W '' " !" ' r l ' -ir " "' - '-,p.i .v ly.-ti-rn iasi (sjiring Ho had been 111 K.-iustls and vva., on his way home. Ib-iitg out vd nioney, he undertook to on the ( trucks, but fell asleep and then fell off under the wheels. U hen the triinpd through with him, he was in a very tie- niorali.. d ondiMon. luilh leg, wore , ,-nish.d into a mass, ,. t,f his cars was ,.llt .,,",-, h.s ,-,. wa, split ..pen and h i!f . .a. . . ...- m.intif -if ...I lie r..fn-...l ... t'lLe .lil..r... ....... .. ... ..... .-. ..- . foim, and iimlerwent the operation with heron-fortithde. When he became con- lie uao uuv.'i uirn mm, aim looiviiio I... I. ...I I.. 1 1 . I- .1... x" f,,r l--'-l".rt, Ind., h.a huiuc- -""' V " "" ""- -The st. Louis police the other day iipiHi,ablv recovered an elcgwit dre . . e ,b,;g,i lor a w.ti.iing '"'Jil, lrom a r'u,U'1 "lence house. Ihe following l'"-npt.'n of the attire .. .credited to a ' hoard side and a guset stuffed under I I. .h ..!. ... I ilk rk II 1.1 ..! I . M m .1 ..V the starboard shoulder. 'I hn c rows of plait ings Mule the skirt. Yeachir.g to the drag dovv ii to the tout ami are looped up tiu-ier the rutile, which . tt t- conceal the bon-ton. 1 In- heves whte are buttoned with black, cast-iro h ton trouiles, mwi out irom me innit i tno skirt like the tail ..f a pointer d..g They are irunineu win. goiu i.-n ami court bouillon, faced with pate il.- tm gras and oysters tin the shell. The wai't mon .T. 1.. 1.1. .1.. I..... ....!. - ures ine ic-i, niuiu un- uuh siicujics the tape line to six leet seven inches Lengtli of skirt two fee five inches, train nine feet." Poverty i. uncomfortable, as I e-vn testify ; but nine time, out of ti n the best thing that can happen to a young man is to be to-t. d overboard and coni tiellid to sink or .swim for himih In oil i. ii" i. ni'itiii'ini'it i n..v..r i n..ii. t it.sii j-... - v - tn Iw Irowiicl who was worth the sav '"" ' -' trtH A Mining belle of Akron, O., has suffer a lifetime in a day, and so grow old between the nsing ands-tting of the sun. -To laugh at follv is everv man's privilege, but to excu-e it is the prerog- ative afone of the goM man. - Kxperiencc is the name men giro to their follies or their sorrows, Tnf. lKV .ho wt.l,pl 3fter .PhooI for had rtho-rpby -aid h- a -peUbwind. - " Yi . mv chil I." mv. th- m r, l.r- lu-enn-nied her Mrv ul. -thtrr er- im..'.. in.i.e nt. . in. :ii..i-ii.. .- 'CiTh .. -i;.it there can't vr, w. " 1 1- , and pray why can't t'& re h. M Ltir" i;ecauc," where w. ..J tie . jn wh'-n the mona sets o ma:! .. . an ' - l- lji IIl-Kt I- a little -torr with a x err j iirt flavor of Fr-nch aiie thiuirJi prrpml v Aiaencan hand: A p:cididj,iit l.n.ns room. w; h almo-: n':b!ai -n the ta' eat, wx the jsualiaritr ot a Ittvon m.'tr. A wt; wa- invited to dinner or. a ra - -ca-i.a. and the bo-t Wn 'f J' d; In't repo ' but it 1 n t quire ace r-r . : j r.s ,a,J,!""l"",B- . "'" I" w"vlu. .. - eentjemin to a conoanlon. a a han-fea- turcd female sweo; hamctitiry bj thecL Th friend 1 ro.!ded to Sdiate tnat h had ob- r me." . ACAUTOlA.cIuTJ. iarlas Wrd.Ae barren srot la ine Beiu caiiea "ajcaji arxxr.t vase oid bal -fceadea I.!d i. " iiU viajt. pho rj&uatlv &tl4sJa.ruV-rombitat-tt; but to souctmc oar. wsse u. maa r seas rx rikittx Iter, aad B-rifmkaB t waspar: -juEai. taoi kj scto irrM. ' If w. w. .rV, upon wxrMr.ii will pir- i': . if ue work, ujh n bra, i I , (fvv ,t tf wr rear tempie. thev w wt wrrk tiio ; .i --. .. . x .nri m.-m . tr-.r. wt. -:raUi-c uis.: un rc' tft- the ij.: ordi-r ttf s-iratetrT bti tV ! Ta ,!tr '.a tfrcrs-- ml tr-w. th bcHi to -Pira aaU rww-.H u-de n-t pra.s-. t at. wit Lhi -.wihi', ,- B:tk autur.l : -- -.- -- rr.eol iwrr with It' l ; Ti'tm of k V u ! de'pai jiiirm a', Mr L.:m II a nlnCuKB, Kli .Noni I Bi;ta .;rrt, -r I niy.r Hijotur.iiS tim'.iM h tt rr.i 'i, lxx4nh-; kit a&rrt. -n ritkrr -,rt "f r, h"rr. Iirn nvt a rh-u n,..i-iTi -rn tf'-ii' -1 rr .i'l. w.ta '-' " . i..jM!m, m-i . fr nw-rj ta I1 r. IT . t'l -l. J.W .1 I r i'!. ir I thfMjJt .. tnl.ia ouivi )Mu UM imi Ira n r lot INK f H.ontrAO- .' wit fiii!i I ift b..ii Ii rt.e '.omrl tbi- ! w i -rtnnt ""rl l'-ra Hn't. ahwitl ! ini -SiiU im el d-d i. : t"i h mi b-'ir '.ti . t wr!!i. in , ' uLh h ini tic. lv tud r.-m aS J..-1 'itel rl.-Ul. 'I hu 1 crt.iff ulJ t.tllrt u. ots:.,l. oj. yii, UKil BH ? mitp. rd t two r tbri-r ' -lie. hrr.r I r I r .rtn it. !;. -.hit da and br .Mft: I .v ffr ' frum pala, and the nrt tmtrun 1 amtnad ; "' :t -"-I "l -" ' "f' l w. A i...i s. r in one c.iipiet : A la ( Ion.! i .t'l..r An.l ift- ttllr k)t-l: ala. Mm. Win li.Kx. kviiN,SL.. ..'., I ., !; . Pit e. It..Gu. N I 1. ",l,r' Pn'e 1're.rnn'".' ' - "m ftVVlur 7 ,,o.eif ' ,i,ai xj.n I a - v-miev.. V . V.ilrr i.riAr I iiii' j; v. I'p w, .M. !.. itiiff'". I imi.a eit.i. di.e.. ..: trr 1 . 1 ini wi, fur h time in.nnd l wv wd ar 1 n r tl.e cire .,f a pliTirin. Ill pre-erlj.i 10W did n t help me.' I crew wre, itii.iiio; vrrv firn-l J" (iliiieiirr I taklnj. iiwir 'Ciwiden .Vtwlicd l.Cer," Hid i' T- .1 mc V -or. rfp'-'-fu'lr. JlIUill P. i m it. lit Udnle, Mieh I r lak e. ju.t ttirne' to kfej. a . r t . rp-llT, Ittit two of the three mint b dead. Putin r.'s'M'Iea'!.! I'nrsatlve Iellet,,are jterfe. t J n-veri'lve i)t eoD'tlpitintt ln 'oe I 111 flast bntt.e-.alrt ifreh llr all dlul . ,,. a tH0 w,.w,,i vejii.-. i hi. rcle, n. a ,i.rre-w,reda lri-wi-, it ,.. ..t ., ,vr tint n.e on.-wii-eie.i K an Idee. , ,, 3 porli ' Lam rhlii rr imioh of vour i'li,.'. ( ure, and It lve ei-ellent ialt.'tc-tl-.n " A. I. Jl'ipwood, of Vinton, la., j: " Your uiedlcine can't he heat " Ir afllote I with -. re K.C, Ue lr. Iiac ThotnponS KvettaKr. Uriissl' e'l iV. erjljA WFEK Inrntirowntown. Terminl JUDtoulSlti. AdIrtltlUI.lA.' inCUTC ,r " rnnr with Dr. O.ii'i ,w AUt-rl I O Itrt-r.Ml Itn.M. ''l rtM iri ji-C li? n. . tl Al'irul iti. Cub c Co In ) . !. IT i, fOn prdTthome Sample wrthtS 13 W fZU I" A.fliTM.tiM'tv idi M AGCUTC W"irt"l tn r 'ine'n 'h r ninty I Utn I Ortjoifn' . iCl r s r rr r ' j.r 'Wit lr u.rifre v. r : t f, I ij.i.., s. l..., . vt. CHI) A WKF.K. 112 Jarst liornee."r muK I L Ctrtlt OTtnt fn lMn IrtwltO. AuftMta. Ut JCOITh lGENTSWSHTtD-woi.e.1 wart r . i f-' I r i. A ' r Ifrontt. 4 H l ' it HAIR v! "lntc o n isrt)T. ffwstii r. 3 lt"- i'1g Uli" r? rii'w lrm. lAU-STMHl. I'.; Wt.i. I. I irx A i ,-i , i err, .. ms-. ..-w ... -. I r IM. . -s .1 - ... . V-" S f W ,. ... t ... kri r x 0.. . ...4 .. . t" .,fKr tils" m Ou. k.i OPIUM -- 0 P " " -J "" - . - - ttl.S.l M OU. k.. f.l. ..-s"i. lfI, ''" ! - irnh ui Mll ' loZVtlam. npf Ullllti. l)m-J niirHI. Lllo. Ui. lfUUU r .. moo - t t'lbifloa: (r-Autioil e i r-. h HOW TO DECORATE YOUR HOMES iuHORr r iis-r.ti.v f- .unrr. XO el. V - t I? 1'. I ! . "'" T HE INVENTORS GUIDE. tfn ! Tit IX J nnn t p'C t lt " i . luarr TMOIHAMn r r- s T r with ii feflsl ai. f ,A.J t . I t VJ ctnli A ' '" r n tl r-K-'p.Ot.'itMU.ND.O I HE "A PLEASURE TRIP." f- " - . o s". v ". , ', tt wikitS Vr.trTt i u-M - r.a A . . t J r . - ' " t tr t-in,-r JariAcrder ir 7- ;ri. . . i. ic -i r - ri l-ryi. 1 f Zmymmr, Vi-t"M S . " J riu itlS'j ' t 1 T.rJir ;i5r- c MAOE3CTWA?rmf to n.t ORMONISM UNVEILED. TbeBawiCrJMPLrTEtadUVKBWIiri-IIXO KoraaeUaL tadte ta. XJf ad Carf cia.iii m iCraa laimS9 - &. Le IX brtrtia. Tta, nucruw a.vt thsxuuso tzxtmirert rmorvsn.T iLtxniATiaieCAtM'Mr7CKsx. AiiwH.1- curr.kax.Elcif.(a. FRAZER Art GREASE BV tatxmi. JLicirtau IL'H yflB W JsnrrsGl0anicWT. 17KaurtI4sh;t-.rr rrk. flrWv A REGULAR CIRCUS. m oil y . .-1 w .- p--t SitHi. Is. n'r ifwa t- 1 w r r- s lHt ub anl r -4J t V -' K I JC- , t 'i..-- ir"i' .m . r I in ... V V W i r t ia .. -. - T ih . m t - - ml v. smtf mm ' - t n 'm - -I . m-s-,rt ito.i..Mfik,3 )iUf- i i.t 4tt s I . tUlt UtMf b4 1 I r . 1 -e;,"iy r .. V rf m V iMTri-vi. 1 ttof . !. . - . .K. . I ' M ' . s - '- P .'- i ..IMI llU, 50,000 SOLD??!:' ; 50.000 IN PRESS. "?$& 7 M. 1 t' -v . t.rf- if. v . K to. ff " a 4..i ii riot tn no u..... ii, u NATIONAL GAME OF PRESIDENTS. J . H . A r "Tlvi . . . .rl I I 1 la t.i 'I l.oi s. 1 1 lit v . .a I' I IH I I I o M I 4 .. I r ' . i .lltl US I & I. WELLBORINCUDeiv, OS .' 1U Ml M "III r ... i LOUMI1 J. NtMAH. 1 irriN.OMIO. HOW TO DECORATE YOUR HOMES mn III IIOK I N I S MIIV I III t I . !-.. xii . ". :: . I I I lnu m., ick ToTvlQj p Oi'l r-i. j s V 4 1 I 1 KJ 3 . . . v f-t - t ; nuanAtii4.r4), - BUTTER COLOR Vu A'M r mll l.l... - M., i l. LIKE JUNE BUTTER. IIIIIMI MI II It I ll I'll 1 - M-. , r . n SS..1I ai Vlalillnlinr. VH UiklMl ' ft S ll. BLACKSMITHS, 7HIH TUTtlll Sira Hxlf 1st Csil I . lliltllA.AtO. lntlBall. Im4. THE CRCAT.TATC TRIAL. A .r i. i . , . . ... t - j. GUITEATJ. A' M..M.I-. m If .t . . f l I i ) t I ' ll.l v., ivh '.i i..51 1 J . ' rr.? Pi f f M ' ' 3 I v 'K A KOOh O Turn Or C ri.i ..T, nl l.f PRACTICAL I IFE T . , e t m "'rrt9 if , k t clucnt on. Mum, f?0C'-tf . fuutt Am ,AO. w r t s, -- 4 C MIUU A CO. lit U.k M. k I. .AMI . it..... 0f PENSIONS ", t . Mill III mj .1, ..'(- - mf H ." I U y.. m fl ..W. . ... .... I t -.,. . w .f i 4 ? A m K I I r -s - Kj -' W r 4 . i IIV! . C ' JSeir 5uSr I rtt J3r El Rl BLOOD ! PARSOaS' PURGATIVE PILLS . J t r . , - t. .lot w. ' i t I' - r. lefiv . I .X rf m , - - I mr 9 m f X ' f ek. Jit. AC . Wu. ".'. ..'". ONE MAN CAN 00 THE WORK oTWO -Will. Jt OIiXJ SAWING MACHINE. A Se-7 Umrm,fimm. H r- P.-tU. beClfshl Ut. .! .!. mn !- p- .! v mm?. C. mmwt C "mtm . ' 9mr lh t a ' t "' taamTmym)ma.1n r- - ' .Im 111 M Hekt . ! 1 ff airm . . ... Ti AtUBTl. I tnt - Zmmi: A-'e4 Tl WI'l. 1 , ..MrriltlAin. UmH.HI. .. La. Urn. FOR X6UEr CHILLS, FEVER AMI ALL H.ll.4XUt. ATTAC1W. vU OK lliUt 3 QUININE WINE A PREVENTIVE. AV9 SURE CURE. TLZHANT TO TAKK. BIG MONEY MADE wt4Qnni.nnnit frscja MxrvntT' rtrMHtr. i"miiii,iti.i a r. imww 1 MrnMtrM mpWmSi iv a. a.1.mBpaji t B MM mam' Tlmaaaaa I'KIl iffcifc y '4 f ones. innniiyajrj MBfcMfc i ' " '"v ammirnzwx wm ma J ( TSs' jf ?1 .- -?e -f' f Ji. JEbjB4Lv r- i. . . BiBIBK ., A - -f-S gsassaE- : .fevs