"ft; This Space "Will be occupied next week by A. KALEY Succefi'nr t Sa ui'I Garbcr, 2 "Willi :i: :slv!tiM-!iK-nt of hi- luge Mock of XKW tfOUDS. DR- SHEJEtER, Proprietor of the Ciiy Drug Store. AKD DEALER IB Drugs, Medicines. Paints- Gils and Varnishes, A full supply of KAMI'S, KAMI SHADE. WICKS, COMBS HliCrfHESAC. r.itronasr t-nlicitcd and thankfully received. cWrcfirijitions cnnlullj cnniouniJed" One tluiir south of Garlicr o store, i:kd cloud, neb. R. L. TINKER. (Successor to'O. A. Brown.) DKAIXK IN Parlor, Bedroom AND KITCHEN FURNITURE, i? jackets, chromos, Picture Frames, Mattresses, Etc. OCii alwar nn hand and trimmedon short n.-tice. Triee as low np any in She alloy. liij...;rinf of all kinds done j.rowj'l and rntifactwry. Hiirinl Kobcs furnished fit reasonable rates. TiEI) CLOUD,. - - NEB. Harness Shop, BY J. L IU?3LLF?, Kct'j'S conttMitly on h.md a full Line of HAKNESS, COLLARS, SADDLES, HORSE-BLANKETS, WlIIIS, COMBS, BRUSHES HARNESS OIL, Aim everything usually icepi in a iirsi- jp class shop. TWO DOOES NORTH. OK THE BANK. IbaJiisliKt Cash Prico Paid for Hides and Fuis.. Flour & Feed STORE, CZAS. E. PUTUAM, Prop. DEALER IN lLOUR.FEED Corn. Mes.1. Bran Choprisl Feed and GROCERIES, Yiit the lied Cloud Oroeery. Feed and Pro vli"ii -torivhcn you want j-uj'plic for man or h i.i. .iii:het market price is cash paip for train ii Uin-I" of.H.untrv produce nfecn .n exchango fm vr-.ol-. li.M.di dclitertd ti. all pans iiPtuwn fn 1 .-li.irm-. -!..ltr -mill of Heeds Plov Factory, KED CLOUD, Nebraska. Samue! West, DKAI.KR IN- Tobacco? Cigars, C0NFECTI0NEHY. CANNED FRUITS, FRESH FRUITS, CRACKERS, CHEESE, ORANUES, LEMONS, AND A rri.i. IJNK OF FANCY e e ALSO A KIltsT CLASS Joe Gream Where y-u can always- gct a nice dish of Ice Cream during ihf Season. A share of the public patronage- is iipert fully solicited; First door south o! .Mitchell A- Alorharl .. Y.rM Cloud. - - Xkuim EMIGH BROS. MEAT MARKET HED CLOUD, NEB ." Sanc- I that the inl of Frch meat u-in the line LOd. . . . . i iCShercf.inia-uot j THE CHIEF. LOCAL MATTERS. TIirRSDW JAN. 1L IS?:!. , , i , - ,,. :...- .mwr Loi'nJ itiliwrtitinfnlfi Hitrrlra avion , r.,i:,r .,,.,11. r ; I,r rhtmrul liktx.. a . line kii-Ii inwtiirii. .i i A i buckles CofTe, 5 pounds for $1.00. nt Roby's. Kobe still keens a cood supply of the best cigars- in town. Ladies calling cards a splendid as sortment, at the Chief office. The "beautiful snow" made its ap pearance again Monday night. IK C Webber has our thanks for late Keadville, Colorado papers. Sheriif livers of Cass county went wot la-t Tuesday morning on private business Mr. .1. L. Kaley, of Bloomington ha? taken up his 1 evidence in Red Cloud and expects to remain with Us. Mother's meat market changed hands last week, and Messrs. Aultz tt Biutt have become the proprietors. Mr. Swcczy of the firm of Simpson it Swcezey, Blue Hill, was a pleasant caller at tbe Cim:r olfice last Fri day. The Ladies Aid Society will meet at the residence of Mr. Spanogle, on Friday the J 3th inst., at 1 o'clock p. m. sharp. A full attendance is" desired. Six. Geo. M. Horsey, of the Ilubbell Times visited Riverlon last week with a view to moving his printing office to that town. Wc understand that he re ceived considerable encouragement. Markikd. On the 4th of Jan. 18S2, by the Rev. Geo. O. Yciser, at the resi dence of the hi ide 's father, L. IK Luce -., Mr. Willis V. Fulton and Mis Amy A. Luce, tx of Webster Co. Neb. The W. C, T. U. will have a Hayes' Tea Party at Mrs. E. B. Warner's on Friday afternoon of this week, meet ing to comence at 3. The gentlemen arc invited to come in to tea at five. Humanized vaccine virus at Dr. Mosena's office, where the public is invited to call and get vaccinated and thus guard against an attack of small pox which seems to be spreading over the entire country. 23-W-2 Several personal encounters occur red last week on the streets and in the saloons, but no one was very badly punished. If men must and will fight let them fight like men. a la Burr and Hamilton, and not like dogs. C. Craw, of Arbor Hill, near Cowlc, in Elm creek precinct, wishes to in form the public that he is a Justice of the Peace and prepared lo transact all business in that line that my come before him, in a prompt and impar tial manner. U3-2-t THANE3 To those who look part in (he sur prise, in honor of my seventy-sixth anniversary. The handsome presents will ever bring to remembrance the kindness of the donors. May your lives be long, useful and happy. Grandma Mick. Isaac Hummel and family, of Elm creek, have returned to Webster county after a residence of a little more than a year in Michigan, well satisfied that 'there is no place like home," especi ally if'that home is in Nebraska. Ike will settle down to -stay, on his old homestead in Batin. For Sale, For Cash. The undersigned having sold their business in Red Cloud, offers out for sale for cash the following described properly, to-wit: Two horses, household furniture, chickens, hay, and other articles too numerous to mention. Which will be ! sold cheap for cash. Call at Mother' old stand, Red Cloud. T. J. A- Wm. MosiiEB. To induce farmers- to deal directly with the Nursery and thereby save 35 per cent., usually given to agents and collectors, they offer to make large reductions for direct trade. Having large cellars and a good assortment of stock, they can ship any mild day this winter and can no doubt open the reg ular delivery early in March. 70 acres of Nursery, large stock of Osage, fine lot of Trees, Small Fruits. Forest Trees. Ornamental ?tock and Evergreens. Correspond at once for terms. Address, E. F. Stehikn.s, Crete, Nebraska. IHAVALE N2BSAS2A WeaiSer Obrerraticas fcr the Month Eeceaber 18S1. sf Xo. ol tflear days, '2 So. of cloudy days. 5. 2o. of stormy days, 4. t Light snow fall on 3 dav. i Kainfall 1 day, total rainfall 0.0.") of' an inch Highest temperature, (noon obser vations) G4, lowest 31. Mean tem perature for the month at noon. 40'. North and. north-westerly, winds prevailed. The- mean temperature far Pec. ISS0 was ."I0, a difference of l.V. L notice that ennor ays in ,j j ALnane. for Dec. SI. that we were to have ry cold and bltistry weather in tne west, on the 1st, I'd and 3d. and ' irom tho 7th to the 11th. and a- had time irom the lath to the 2uth. and Would - loose faitl" (if he has any) in his 0wn pre-j d;0t;.-,,,.-. (. W. IC'ICHT Ob? ' ' .. , 1- ,- ... t,- . . "!" t u.-.ajiiuimcos u eaiin-r S,:r?iee. t 3... .J "" "" "! v iirisimas. w:u to p"iviuuiii) n.nu ukl-h m-uhi!;, , ,. ., ir ' l , t? 1 . I. . 1 u t i -r i- 1 oorr.'Kins inonev, iu -ce me ie:orei lsKA. 1 1. .,, ... , . . . . , - Parkers Hair Ralsani nrewnts thr. I is nretmretl to do all work in his line! ..-. . . . . ' flier ikii.vha .i .n .. it . .., x-ii. . i i i iiri'iii'inirn 'innna i-i nro 12 i-i j rrm- a di'.wtiiii iit r.i'iPL-kiniin unn nviii . - ir1 or,, V V " ri - u- , annoyance by promptly restoring the' promptly and m a Workmau-Uke ; """' ' a .- .the 20th to the 3Isf. was to be verv -Some of the neighbors turned out a ' vouthml iln- manner. i r'r-ty . .. . . ! iit :l 1 11.11 'iiifi tA. .. . i r . iii rrin aaai i ,----,. -- -- t m m -tn ! t" n nntii . nun ii- nriir mi...j. in.uably.V.emiorisall right lew days ago and hauletl L-ncIe IJosa- tt-.-j.-Wjm-- tedious- debr-no d,linp with extern 111 SOlllC lIace. btit imfI.wn..nnl.. v. crans his winter worni-whii'h !; ri.rl.t I ..aa .va-ji. . .,nni;.4iuu f.. r..... ....- - --. . ..-... - 1 .o 02ron?A :o me tnirTOwer no. him. the Clerk 01 tl, av,i " .-.,.! nnd mnv von nil be rrp.-te;t libpwiJ'. Tdie hundreds of beany, and healthy -CXOl fce-OllOeilJ.-- conimi.-j.ion no fov foe makin-r 6f Neb. "went back on him " Jfhe ' wn? 1 should vou live to be so-old. "" i w T?,- wn ".Cn r"d Cu i1! -ant- j recording papers or taking cfcno 10 conie-oiu in-ie ne . . . 1 . . 1 Some time sim'C, becoming tired of having our poultry yard raided by a '"tramp" dog of the female persuasion, we took occasion to snuff out its worthless life with a pistol bullet, and upon hearing of which, the old person who edits the Aryan, with the tears streaming down his venerable cheeks " :d, that '"the poor little dog was a pet and its death was sincerely mourned." As a champion of the rights of the female tlogs of Red Cloud, our esteemed contemporary will doubtless, with continued close attention to busi ness, prove a success, a it i3 a matter with which he is evidently familiar, but why he should wield his editorial pen in behalf of this particular chick en killing dog is not entirely clear to us, unless we credit the baying that a follow feeling makes the whole) world kin' and being a cur and a! a fellow feclinir makes the whole chicken thief himself his sympathies naturally go out to the other cur that met its death while engaged in that questionable means of gaining a liveli hood. SMALL ?02. It ': reported that the small pox craze in Keokuk, Iowa, is at red heat. The malady is by no means as de; struethe of life as many of the other more common diseae., and belter than all, it is under good control, even within a reasonable time after exposure to the contagion. Vaccina tion soon after exposure is as effective in mittigating the more serious symp toms of the disease as at any previous time. It is true that there are atmos pheric conditions which at times tend to intensify miasm in the system, but these arc not so apparent it is said, the present winter. Those who have been successfully vaccinated should have no fears of a fatal termination, even if they should contract this disease. It is observed, that where the scar of a former vaccination is still well marked, there is but the slightest liability to an attack of even varioloid or modified small pox; and it has a!.-o been pretty well demonstrated, that, as a general thing, vaccination repeat ed every seven to nine years affords complete imunity from all bad effects of the contagion. There is another question well settled, and that is. that the disease under consideration, has been greatly modified as to the white race, in consequence of a century of vaccination, and that it borrows its horrors from its intensity in the past. Among the North American Indians it is the most deadly of all contagions or enidemics, and is regarded by that race with superstition ami dread. It is the public and private duty of every individual to protect himself and the community from the effects of this plague. The fears entertained by some, that they will contract other ailments through the vaccine lymph are wholly without foundation in fact, and the prejudices against this huma tarian discovery are as soulless as those who hold them. Every oim, babe and adult, invalid and robust, who have never been successfully vaccinated should loo'C no time, but have it done at once. Next in importance is that large class where the mark or scar on the arm has become effaced by time, or where perhaps the original operation wtH not thorough; and last, all who have not been vaccinated within the last seven or eight years. This simple precaution, trivial in the expense of time and money, is incumbent upon all and should not be disregarded by any. It is a public virtue, and every man owes it to himself, his family and the communitv of which he forms a part. J. M. Mosilva, M. D. Red Cloml, Neb. Try Creel: Hens.. En. Chief: Since wc have been classed among the onr tenth of the cor respondents wo will favor our friends with a few more of O'lr humble thoughts, and should wc say some thing of somebody that would happen to be true, please take no offense, but come out manfully ami oppose us. that is all wc ask; we are in for fun and improvements, and do hope that we will be allowed a space in the Chief; if not will try brother Kenney's paper and should he cast our worthy production in his little basket we will start a paper of onr own. Onr school is a success; how could it be otherwise with the teacher we have. We hope that young lady's education is about finished so we could have a wedding to speak of, for news is scarce. . Wood chopping and turkey roasts are the order of the daw f i I ii........ A...i ......;i.. i.n.. ...A v. n. mi.viu.uiui.iiiiin n:iu- goiiejm U1C practice O from their old home to tneir new. Tom IJvan s familv is verv sick with levt'r- Another wood chopper at Thoma VjS"'s We hear of much disturbance on Walnut, and think the main reasons are, that "halt of the deserving people j have not been mentioned.' don't ; spare the least pencil, if there is not j .,..,, .,, I enough wealth on alnut. we will see what we can do for you. e undcstand there was a social hop and oyster supper at A. Arnson's !a-st Friday evening. strayed or stolen, two turkeys be-! h'nsimg to John Jones. Sinceour last writing, Mr. William Serl and familv from the north-eastern I fa intended this for last week-si paper, but failcI to connect, therefore1 thenewi-ompwh:it ofthepast. .'1"lg Xwf OtrpiiAx-s. ; '. s, Kti Valley. Valley Co., Neb. Dec. 2T. J.SK Mr. Eoitor- I left Inavaie on tbe 20th, struck north for this place. After .. ,.., ,,lwk , Franklin county I di-covered an im-f provement in the crops in the south-1 ern part of Kearney county, by the ' stacks of straw it seems as if the whole I nr about all of the whole country was I devoted to small grain. And as I( u cared trie Platte river, I 'truck the sand hills. A thiee miles drive through those hills satisfied me, that brought me to Lowe!, the town look ed like something of the pa-t, the poorest town that I have ever sect: in Nebraska. I erased the river to Gib bon eight miles north, Gibbon i-s a lovely railroad town. i lie country lor miles to the north looked thrifty, all of the farmers or the The cotintrv for miles to the north most of them are well to lo, or it seems so by what they have around them. On north from Gibbon about eight miles, we struck what the set tiers call the hills, they are named, I thought it w.ti where Great Soulh-Wcst about played I traveled one half day and only well the out. not aoout six miles norm on mv course. then turned wct fourteen miles, over as handsome a country ;h can be seen in anv nait ot .Neb. 1-inc larms, tine houses, all small grain or the most it. Hardiy any stock and very few hogs. This brought me at the south fork of the Kotip river. ?even miles farther north brought me to the Bea ver, a sti earn somewhat larger than Thompson creek. At Riverlon between the later men tionel points the country is some what similar as it is on Indian creek, or Farmers creek, very rolling and iMirlv w;ffl.fl From the lb-aver to the middle fork oi me i-oup river u is a lair roiling praiiie countrv, no -inall creeks. Jiu ! tame seventeen miles noith ot the miuctle iork. is somewhat larger than j . . . the Republican liver, with bottom lands (rom live to eight miles wide, and a rioher bottom of land I don't think is west of the Great Muddy. This brings us to Loup City, a very neat little town, located near the h! tills. The road north to Valley county is all very rough and bad. Sherman county seems to be isola ted as far as can be in the west, as far as market is concerned. Loup City i fifty miles from Kearney, fifty miles from Grand Island, yet they have a good country, they have got a good crop, farmers tell me that the average corn crop is mty im-tieis to the acre. U1IC tanner tolil Hie tits Corn crop ...! ninfv I.ii.Ik.I iwr -ilm m nrf lw.r went nint bushels per acre, .mother eighty Ousuel per acre. heat aver- ages eighteen bushel per acre. Pota toes two hundrtd bushel per acre. Corn at Loup City is woith :'.l cts., per bushel. A brother of the noted I. P. Olive, is at Loup City, and one in Valley county, buying com to feed cattle he has at Loup City and near there. He has ten thousand head of cattle, two thousand of which he is feeding tor market. 1 lie other, lie is roughing through the winter. i here is a him leedmg ten thousand mi , .. . . . After looking the thing over considering the markets and and the prices ol gooils tlieie f lilt It ! Mil 41 t IS 4 lit Jau Cloud and I will say here, that at no sheep at Loup Citv. for the spring Miner. Mrs CampMi. Mrs MrFaihim! , ,7,h-1 '"-Tll0WjlH c , AM.n market. Yet witli all this COrn, there l1"' ;'V'''--Mlvt.r and giai.ite "d N.wi frii,cas "ne'4 nn'. .ee 2 . ' 'teapot, .Mkj Ictl am! Mrs J. (j. Pot- town In riu lw. lie ntm the foil .tvin is no more hogs here than is ueil by : ter-wasb bowl and pitel ier. Mrs M "-"; '" I'f In; emmoou. rwiilmer ,, r I, ., ...... j.i " '" upon and cultivation of . nd land, vix b-ui- thc iarmcr-. 1,. Ihomas -mittens and bed st.re.id ' nri.i. iiuiiu.f.n. rh.iri.. :. iur.r iiem... I lind countv are as well oil with one tourth of a crop, as thev are here with a full i full crop. I don't think they had better come north to do better, vet if anv one has no home there, here is a chance to get one. If this does not II nd a place in your waste basket, you will again hear from Valley countv. John Hauvey. FniTou Cim:r. It is quite true tliat we live in a land of liberty, but the Legislature of Nebraska at their last session, framed and passed a law regu lating the practice of Medicines, Sur gery and Dentistry in this state. It is apparent that there are two parties in this county, one is doing an active practice and the other is continually prescribing for the sick. Now sir, they have no more right to do this, than thev have to trafie in the sale of .i -pirituous liquors, without a license. If they intend to continue on this line longer, they must Register as Physi cians or meet the consequences. For the information of all parties who may feel themselves guilty, we refer them to page 317 chapter 53 of the laws of Nebraska. This law was made in the interest of the people, and for the security of educated men, i .. medicine. This 1- . .t .- taw nsrans ,nore man some parues are aware of. No one can in fact prc - scribe the most simple thing for the sick or extract a tooth, without first - complying with the law. Unless this ' o - thing gets beautifullv less at once, vou ... , , ' - will hear a racket that will cost some parties some mortification and about, twenty dollars to star?- on. We have ' complied with the law. and regard , . ' v"", this as a step toward seeing it put in tep toward seomjr It put 111 torcc. UehoM' to See this l leitl-' mate business stopped rijrh 7 nerc, or we will find a stopper that will hurt. Don't get mad or we will find whcJ you are. J. M. Mouna. ArrcyaKe; arcidel Gra- hairs are honoralile, but their? town north on the II. 11., do I find t ey rt;us for one year, Mrs Put goods as cheap as at Ked Cloud. And ; '-s-li up ami sancer, Ma-tor ,..,,.,' , - ... . . .doe I'errett pair ot pillow cases. I think that the pcop.e of ebster J Mti,(cr p.h,ie Thompson-Almanac, piii, sickness and well nitrh death bviPLOW WORK ''irkerV Ginger Tonic arc the be-t erf-! liw" " "w world of its st.-rhtij:: ment and worth. Y.iti rtill rtis.I in a!tni ov-rv comsnunitv. The Very Latest Telegraph Dis patches From Chicago to A, S. MARSH, THE SLEEPLESS. Sugars arc down, Standard A 10 cts. Green Coffee lower, 12 to i S cts. ; rU,, ,K f,V ( ff jTDULMC S OOITC ; Dried Emits, very firm. j j ; 1 1 C'suiiiecl Goods iwrnt-iK nc o iM- L.l v.ii-Lu.uiv,o a nuit o i t ower. Fruits, very All kinds of firm. Tea, .1 ofijjfjQQ lOWCT. Irj- Goods. Cotton Goods, firm at i -8c advance. Woolen Goods, oths, Flannels Jeans 'nX.lViirN" un'1 UmwI 1 l-s. j .jt.lJfotfl s. W.SW I rZi:U. Renter. and Dress goods, 20! - DCr Cdlt. ofi. i vj i i. ii u i a s, r n r f r riOOfls. Pl'lf i " T 1 t nl kirCirrS. ? -.-.. Mon'o Vr1on IJliJfr-c dl b UU1L.I1 OllirtS, T T --i rioril I , Airfc Krr lllUO) VJIUV , CXL. GREAT REDUCTION, 30 tO 40 per cent. to s.&usgsj, Red Cloud, The Tireless. ifanuarv 10, 1882. Fridav of la-t week "Crilllilui.!" t;,.l. ,v., VI11.,.;M1t l... ,11lw. ,.,- uumlier ot I i i . . . . . lu.r v tnends who, bv a jireconcer - while. shi w.l,- :ili,ciit -ti..I i.r..vi'.li..l ., a ... -.-..,-... ..... ..-.... v.... -. ''. aiv-a provided a a bounteous repast for her ami them- selves. I lie occasion ol the stirtii-i-e , .... . . , . was the 70th birthday of "Grandma," and she was the recipient of a number , 1 I of verv sine ore-cuts from her I ,. - . ' ,,.. . . . ,- . , I triuuds. Ii:e lollowuig i- a list ot the' presents, wan tne name- ol the donors, a-lurm-hed us bv Mi . M:- ... . IJjide: Mr and Mrs Y eiser stiver pickle -si! vi i .. . . ' castor. .Mrs Kenney. Mrs Iold. Mrs j Mr M- ' MeNilt-f.uii-y Hower iotrt. I Mrf M't-ktTsoii -haiuNome b.iir g!as jinn jneKie ui-nes, .mi 'iirritl (..... stand cover. MUs Oi.-ie Potter towel. Mrs Slierer-calico dress. A. .1. Ken- Ilt'y ri!'ls for one vear, Mrs Put- : Percv McIJrido package of candv. Mrs Curtis whisk broom holder, (raiuima rotter whisic broom, Airs Joe and Mrs Sam Ciarber handsoine set of knives and forks, Mrs Reese pair ot hemstitched handkerchiefs Mr and Mrs K. D. Jones glass water pitcher, Mrs XewhoiHc calico drc-s Carrie and Laura Mcl.ride napkins. Mrs Hlair trlass brei.d nlate. Mr- Mitchtll ladies penknife. Mr Jaelc - son black lace cap. Belle Thorn p-' son towel. Mrs Prkins-elass cake! plate. Mrs Thompson red danm-k ! ,1,1. i .,i, ... . ,t i i e . table cloth. Mr Ambler glas fruit dish. MrC. F. Evans iker knife; iwi. .iiiu;i rviser potior lamp, Baylm line linen handkerchief. Flora Woods glass cake stand. .... . at :.... t.- : i i- . .M r- "Mi..,, r, u' McBride black eatin bonnet All the above fine pre-onts given to -,...i.. t: .i. t? t t i irandllia AllCk.. h. K. .Mt KlCIOC. Smith R rot hoi's atmiunr-e .-till an other important reduction m rate of interest on time loan Sfrniirfit tiinr percent annual inters, (all at the -. - Bank and leave vour application. 40tf. $50,000 To Loan - i- -,.--..- -. T , .. For Sale. The undprsiflicd Oiretsi tor anlo tbo iiie unuersii,ucu ontrs lor saie ine celebrated Aornmil Stallion "ItOWOV; ak T Jim." Will sell for cash, or take a 1 r 1 . nool span of mule in part navment. . II 1. ., ' .. - au or auuress. r u.vk kuwrits ! - - tr - NeNon, Neb. oa neai rsi.no security, at 'J per Juiicni J'ntnct in ani for tbe county of Hb cent., annual interest. No eotntnis-' trnd state of Nebra.k. and to m Af.u- t;. ti wo , f .... it erci. in favor of the sandwich M'fV (Vj. I am- SIOUS atlhe U Cb-tcr County Bank. , tiff, and wwm A. Hrey U.fendant. I hare Ked Cloud. Ib-tf levied on the foil iiinj iSnieri bed Un U and llMwlml. ... K0I1CS TO TZiCHiSS. 1 icucei: ! " r"??1 j ! etDuiaatc Nolle i' hereby rivn. that I Till exaair.i civn. 'deire bo taxy dcire to ouer tbeaielv 1 aa r.nat.iaTf. mr r.rrir f rh. rimrr r.9 cotaaioo iria-cU cf Wcbrter csanty. a Red Kebrjfc?f. J&V BuiivU ? Ai -ioua on me utu -ansray n tse zr. ntas o: Auuvt and Nnvetnber: At e5rst Mtariaj-in tbe ciorthi oi luly a nl October. At Cljiie !."",. ? ,hr s,rt s,tarJay i 'a liit jlareh. Jane. eptetnU: and HeettaLtr. Ex-naH-aioc t. c-jmiaence at?M jnoalbi 0: Exa.mi5itocs to c-jmmence at?Mock a. It- ChUlW.srRI5CK. r. . o .-! j 1. . .. r wuni j .-uptrinwcuer i oi i a one jortrac.sin. KIi.4.CKS JUT A1IXG to'- JOILXXOYES Wishes to inform the public thr artv-ini.i 1 i rnop north of MitWioil cc ."nrhart ;tre. Kr.o L'l.At in Nun. i Final Proof Notices. J I.rd "fflctrijoc:in'oo. Ieb Ja-. . !"- NtUc l hffrl t jitfo !'n.: Lr tbl!C named .culrr h. Sl-1 natter of hi. intrntion to mk5nl proof in urvn of hi rUitn. rd vir- final cntrj tbrr..f. hrforp Orrk of ! trie I'ourt of Wrtitrr cvurtr Nb.. at hi OJicr n Itjl t l..a.l Ncb.ca SturdjFb. Htb. ls. tli. Jok Jnu. 'i'1 " ' '"" " R' "" tawB t" tzc lCw. lie nam the follo-oinc wjtrrf l-TOT ci. c.ir.titm -u rt:dn pon nl c-jlti- riior ..;.4 Jnl. Tit Ml.rrrK l'wt.. Jjmr-. ."nrpnr. jp Hlrr. a! HJ nonl eo . .nJ Vl i.un t. McKlnnr.of sVott Nrb. jalJfeU' ?. rtT. SW1T7.ER. Kcfi.tcr. I.nd Ofice : r.lo-umr.ton Nfb . Jan . 1. 1-: Ntic i herel.v civ.n thtt th loll.wjrc- ! f tujVe tlnl irot m mpit of Ki c'aim oJ Ithat .i I prKf wilt b mvl hcfir ("lrU t.f IM.'riet ourt t Ked ClouJ Neb., en ""aturdar February 11 11 tii ll'd No. 701 fur the onth e.t qurtrr r. C town Jn ranco llw. Hr noie the f!lop t wttne'e to irnr hi contiouu rel rat e ! upon. n-M cultiviiti'in of ..id Nn'1 tii. Jrv.t I ( AhNni N'eNon Unrtlrtf Dan-rl Ve'.u.r i.Inlm u..i'.ii...i .ii ..r rit.. v.-.. . i " wiD'iunit Irinn:i0tnn rt Jan. is? Nonce i berelr evrn tj,,t finW,B namsl pettier 6 ftlel mtier .f ht intention to I mike finul proof in .ui'fort i hi.' la--j an I c- i enre final eiurT thereof, before thr nr!c of j jnr . ..uri v n.ier nuntjr .-rh . at Ui nfKcr I l'.el Cloml Net.. on M"nv Vtb 13. l.v.1. M''KU) ; ir,iNo..iv;ifnr id- w qnnrter s i nvi nvfju.irter rc. U i..n Jn ranee llw. )U ti.-unr the fnllnnmr witn-' to .r.T c. hl eon- tinuon rnlenee hmii. n I n ti 'ion at aiv! lanJ. vie Charle. W Kr. U-nrv 0 Sett lieorte . Le. AnJrc J. M-n all af KeJ lou-i .e. jnnl2iell S.W SWIlZKi:. Kexifttr. , - L.inl OSicent Blflrninirton. Neb. Jan 7th. l-i Nottee is horebr irn that thr f..lliwme- named ettUr ht SIcl notice uf h lutrntn-n t- iiMKe final proof in ojpport f hi' rlun. in-l eeure final ent-v thrHf. prv f t bp aiail- bv tore JntLe A. Tullcv-i. t'Jerk of th rt cf V.'ehster vo'.ntv. at hi ofirr. m Ktl "louJ Neb., nn Moul:ir. Krbrutiry H:h. IK1, ii' JosVfhtsR 1I.SH Wiilmr of Civr S lti. Jrcrafl. fur the r iu.rterw 51 town Jn ra ce 11 wrt. He i arae. tor rullnwing uitno to prure hl eoi tti ui.u rr'i-irnor up'ia. atiil -ul ivnti.m f .. i Ui. I, u: II.irvr I .iliuer. itiheld I'altner Lml "file ,t UI.HHuitctoa. eb. Dee . :1. lsI Not:cr .. herel-v ciren that tb f-lnninr ; atnel fe'tirr hn &IH nottrn of hti inteutHn ' t nink fulfil rroof in tj-port of bin claim, anj J ' ' th.it 3ll t.rn if will be tnailn bpfor. Iti-c-i.t-r r Keeeiverat tiloomiiiiMori Neb. nn Suturd.iy February t.lsM 7 ' liAtll'DT f Tili.ra Pro- D" N" C:lM for the' . -ee J town n i ran?el2T lie untile, the Mloninc wittir.. j to pruve hi rontit.uciir resilience ti -n nnl 'i-ttm. n t -. 'rv I eultnntion ot paiI laii't m .SU s r. t W, ilium II. HoffinHii. Speuc.r Alexander, um Churlr Stioouor. all of W.1U Nel. ileil-Jjun-.S S. V SWll'ZHIC. Krei.tor. Laml OiSro at Itloominston Neb Iec. jy. I3sl. Notice i hereby liven that the followir.c naineii jrttler bis fileJ notie of his intention to make final proof in support of hi claim, ami secure fin.il entry thereof, before the t'lork of in Iteil Cloii'l Nebritiku on Sntunlar roimtv at February Ith. Ittt. Ml llrsji"c K. Mv. HJ entry No. K'.'l lor the sw', (.. I town In r:n:7o l"w. He n-xmr. tbo ("llomiut witnn.fK. to pjovr hi cctitiiiuii'iii re.i'lener upon anl cul tivation of .nitl Janil. viz Xavier Ie .Mr. iMiiiiu-l Ofnetiu, Jii Mar.elle. Kmlie (J.-u-crux. all of Whe.illmi'i Neb. dcc'j.u-.S S. tt SJVITZEH. Hejl.ttr. LamiOlScent Hlooioiiuton Neb Pec. .'. Ih"1. Notice ii hereby turn that the ffllnwin natiiC'l settler h i file! notice ol his intention to i make ftnnl proof m -oprortof i,ieiim an.l -e- . w 1 r - a . a wr ,11 i f'.'-e jii c(I Cloud Neb. m Sn.uniiir January o.Iicf in Hcd Cloud Neb I Ith. lKS'J vii: Johi KKLSaT ....... IF. -...-... .V. . fe' k', i nn! jut . , f0. 'Si town In tnmr '.'. lie i "om!.u fotloninif ritnei""e. to prove hi ,,,a,",r lix: V?"''1 V '"i,i,f,k- ..J" Mrattmi. I'iniinui'l i'eter.. An.Iiew M. Ilwril) aH,,f " Uu' Neb. ecKwnl'.' h V..tn.KK. Ittvfter. , Und oao at iiioormnst.m b Ioc. 7. 1M. Not!.- i herebv citcii that thu foltonipf I t.Htn.xl -rttlcr ha' filnd notice iirlii intention to I tnsk' linil proof in ."ipport of hii ciaiui.anil t .M.mr.. fl.ml .nttr llmi.itf lif.irM t.tti..M A e..1 , ... "....,: ... ,i.- .". :, .V.i....,, "...;:. '&' i M iv " in' "ui iu ii ""mi iT'iuiii; m uir ; ..(r..-ein Hed ilaud Neb., ou Tutnlay, Ji..,uar j xey- lici jJy,,,,,... IJrrjiiaan tietbbersvr all uf Netunda ' W.SrITZKH. Iti-irMt.-r . . . . .... .....-.-. LKCM. SOTIVE. . tn the Iitnct C'.art of the Vh Judicial t uiAirid in nun jur.nruri cwuni; .tciiajkj. I Atonzn Allen ) I Juiiciihiiie Allen, t .Ifn.phine Allen, 'defend ant, will tk notice that on the 7th d.y of lunnaiy 1S2. pl.tintiff herein filed bi petition in the iJistrict Court cf WobMer count Neb ra.'ka. acaint nd drf'dant. the object at.d pmyer of hih i to obtain n dt-ere ot divorce on the cround of Adultery cormni'ted on or about the lt day of crpteraber 1"jS1 at Canton. Cu.'ter Cuntr .Vnntin-x. wth one Sidney Krwin. And to obtnin th custody of Robert Allen and William Allen tbir children jou nro require! to anjwer aid petttiuo on or before the 27th daj ol KeLruarr Ifci. AL.lSf I At-LIT. 1 w'c Ily I.mt A SutTh. bu Attorney. l.V.f.M. xotjci:. T.In ?h 1'","et Cfcurt "r lh", ljfth .iu'!;ei'l, Oi'tri.-t of Nenxan.ii. in nnd fir wcbtcr County. .;Akr.RF.r A. J.mso'. ITtlff ) ' T J HRT JlH:V. Dof't ) Henr Jf'hnon non-ridat dfndnt , v II tike notice th-l n the l'Hb diy of Ycbtii ' 7n;1.,,,"V!orv- " "' "l ,hc. "ffirr t,f Mr'rt'" A Holt u t'nint.Kn hi tl.e v.niy of Kqnrlwn land Mate .fKa...f thetUintnlaliT. taioe-I I 1 1 t.ike the t'ttinoiir of Veueci K. ifa.on. t ary 1"J. litweii the nonr of Pi -. eloefc a. sn. witne in tbij action t- b ueJ t evldrnc a the trial id the alxve (.Milled cn, ui'h au- thontr to adiourn from dar to 'Jit until ech ! ' "epinon. 3lt have bon tafern. ''.--. j MoniHTA.Jdim.n Pl'tiff. Iy HinLlf a-Tnoitrr. tor Attoraej- ; SHERIFF SA LF. I P-j virtne o e.n Kxcution it'ued Ly Jam. A. ....-!. ...v...v. a-..t. WUI1 Ml l- II II LUitteu. as tae proper.y ol the tU A llarrey. to-wit: Ohe AJjms A- French Il.rvtr hich I -j01' !! al'"l''IC:Ie. totbefcuh-t der r0T tn,h. at Fmdm i Fnnv. Ae h .. .. .:. . ---------. - b.l- . ... . -.- . " -. - -- iu Red Cloud. Ueltr coutity Neb. on th oom I2"'? dav of January 112. .tl o'elv' : ' wtufy aid execution and et. 1 n.itii,.iMi,,t,..fi,.,:!.o . IS.i ,- -..-- .v , -. --.....-.., -- 3 w Jo. W. Wicr... Sheriff. , ,,,., , , .. I ..JJI.4J 4 J " tl Br virtne of an order of !e I'.uel out th Filth Judicial Uiftr-rt Court in and . Vebter countr Cebr.fka.utrin iiuiitrmrnt in i n acion wherein 1'eter KoOeshauf t plaintiS J inn .iuruia t. sx;n. tati -'i. sraua. nr 1 . DDiuniuccj&Qn iiii.r irt nn.rwi.ni.. . i -'hall offer for iale at Publi- Acettas at the '. . oor ia iunn ii'.w.r in jiu LTO'I in a'l ean'j that t"in tie U.t wa I her tbe !a.t tera ofn I curt b.W w I i.v:ut aa ot jacuary f at no cllt p. a- l the t(li"wsn 4cricl r'Ifty t'.-wit . 1 The ort! e.taorter 'x ctwa treaty- to 22- Tomiir cue ' No'tki .f Iln I rtaaa-l.!aTbii1 tai. I ith dr r Ui cnn"rj;i- jo. - " mu, i i-. .. .. ,.- .- . 19-w-J i"hnlf Wtfc.ttr Coiaty. : Money To Loan On Real Estate, in W. b-tor a I ad joining countir- m the verv b t rate It "Ami unv everv Urrn-r who tntTjk- ot nnal interest, arul ne mr.T-.t money is aciaaJIy in han4. Csl! -jzHtn or vldjej- Ii. A. 5iarww g?:f Jfjmt Hrofctfr, Kle HiU Xvb. -DF.ALr.RS IN HARDWARE, STOVES, TINWARE, BRH WIRE, ETC. Red Cloud, - - Itfcbraska. PUMPS AND WINDMILLS A SPECIALTY ' .I u PKI KY.I PKR KIN'S. .' lam 'KHICAGO LUMBER VAR , Red Cloud, Nebraska. tn I li: i YAKP m)1 TII OF 1 1 M ITON ! t ' j I i lC-e tontmttIr on Immi an R-orfmr4:! of l.imfrr. jtth, .tiifl Jk U tndoue. I.tiii. !ia:r. (.Viuctit llrtr lUtiiahn; ! r Kt- Kt.- Ft. ! -m( PLATT t ( ' ! j ' . i ! II MBI.R. LATH I1INGI.! RED CLOUD - i DRY LIMBER A V'X I.IV THE B!T I niKMVKKI I fcOU A'l THE InWKST PICK I" Davis Sewing Maghime; SOU) HY MITCHELL & MORHART, -Red Cloud, - - jNTrbr.-KsLn THE R! M M t HIM: IV I -K AND DON'T VOL' FORGKT IT. GoTo"w."B. ROBY'S Staple 4? VL III! riMiD -A rfu.ni.rv l WHZlU'iJW is low v Al Choice Nuts, Fruits, & Confections. tsJ-Frefih Fruit and Vcgoiul.N ?o! I on i ,t a -,.i . i:rr lot i vi ;. REMOVAL CHICAGO TO ! Immense Stock of Dry Goods, MAESH Has Them.' COMIS! COME! COMI-:! mSQ i J r-t l :il SPANOGLE & FUNK ! MUnibUL I IMAi. Two Doors r:riRED CJLOLrjD, - Tr Z 'ici. ' c' s c -J. - 2 s ? z, .- P r , - r-z- Jz - -r. - v "2 1 JS - Z- s ; f or j , x v .J ii i-i Z rz a-4 -"" s- nv- -- - i '" r I c -.35 - ' - 2 - 2 - s" -- a i - tm:iJ 5-5- I -u5-fp-3 f sUjfXs 5'- pfn 4Z iti rk n rr.tfl KKHi I1 t r m mf Bl.ArKMITH lloi'.UV M VIN Sc FREES, Proprietor . ;. ileus ix - ll, IihK- 1U IM A - NEBRASKA. N JONES Cx: MAGM-. FO U- Fancy Grocfrii-:.' & 053AH?S FKoM VN- 1882. 1 REi CLCiiS ;. IDQC.UiTEttS FOIL ' liJDi rursiTO imrLcmcn o J South of Bank. rj3BIlA.yJv A . f "tiisjf !. '.'-tptk. -t "".T ' , -