g&mr &- -s --"' i v - T. Hf-.llVJ? ww W ". IBBIIflPWB1!' t "TC z V k ..ion t ctrnw THE CHIEF. tfbtfUSHED EVERY THURSDAY 13? M3 CLGTO, KZSBASSA. M. L THOMAS. v Cloud Chief. The Red V It - Vil fttu'llS toj " Ml' ! : xjrm.r vo oRprn j : - :ATEsrAK: rrvntsr Kai's.0 . "Eternal Vigilance is ili-z price of Liberty;' and $1.00 a.rjcar is the price of the Kerf Claud Chief l T M2U?:-- $1.50 a yctr if paid in AiY&sce. SO nortii-east or soiti least VIA THE J&" ItifB K? fcff AT I VI Trill- Hoail t.isrtliir mWi tlic C. B. A ai''l j i ailed -TJIE- Burlington Route ! lortncthe,niti'iiaik'tcHn ' twccnXcltraykn j oil I j. ml ..11 iiiiitItf .Mwviurt Kiver. rti'MrKcr1 tnkinpr lliis lino cr-i the Mit. Kiier :it i'liiltfiniiutb ticl the Hattsmouth Steel Bridge, U'biili ling ltly 1.t:i cnin.lcted. Fiilliiinti M-cpingar - i:ki:i n to SIrliWffton.Pcr.ria,CliiCRSo ntid SI. LOki9 VJjcror!iuToiiir tiiiiKarcma'lMiiii,in'ti,rs tor nil i r.nitMtV.rtlt i:.ibi niilr.lh. li.uiiMjy tW.f route --tart in Nebrafka are thrc- firn iifPlrrmi tb- 3ri(iu :ii--id ut? wliirii fft trritirntly J Uy trains ouniinc tbroiicbfrum Jlioiiiiniii- tbl". ari'I iiafrt-nct r arc f 1iiij turr ill n ckniK fi"l run- nit'lioli4 wbi-ii llu-y juke the B-.V M. route tart. Through Tickets AT I.OWKST IIATi: 5n force in (be .ctat as wpJI a full ami rclinl lc .xifniiiiatifiii niniiril. can lie bad iijmn n'ljilicx tiiiij Jo I. A M. K. R. AKfiil." wt any if tbc l'riiiui'ii! etntiiiii r to P22CS7AL IG77ELL, J 5tf (rncral licktt AprnS. SPECIAL BARfiAIlSfS! at tin Store of F.MEWIIOUSE. 11 ED CLOUD, - EKIIASKA. A lai"C flock of (H-riiianlown Wool Zi-phyr and Stockini; Yarn, alwa-j on hand. DKESS Coo.U, ALL WOOL Ilond?. and a full Supply of KLAXNELS, A I wax .sou Hand. HOOD? OE HOMEMANUEACTURE. TOYS for thf Childnu and Every thing else you need, at NEW MO USE'S Store. This-aye i one of Maixcllous ad-van-e. The diseovTy f new adaptation-: of Electiieal foives m the next ten vears will a-lonish the woiltl In"tellii;ent and .skilled Attorneys are ee.ntial in f-e.-tuinu Uatenta for Inventors. (V.ninmnieate with Pie-hev it Orcen ,ri2:)7th St.. W:is!iint.in D. O. That thi-mctlicinc has been j 8BEENL e c o m - t:w .(r-i " - -" 111 in. 3vN nun this Balsam can have . A - . JK -t-o l.?i l?l 'lii.l 1iT-. "- ViiJ. -4 bo.e Proprietors V Kansas City, Mo, Go to the reli-ibie and 'oll-k:sown j luxc-taiMlofi: R-Sherer Red Uloud.t undhuyaSl bmile. If after umiijt two-th:rd, vou jret no relief, leturtii the balance and .uet your money back. . W JiHK JfcirEZ MrtlM-JrJsy;'TC.ig1TIIK-Tai 5stlff tSrx. I ft !SCiniaftfet lhr !.ft'r anil I l?CTPr Fails to lipstoro iirryor 1'adril THti p-. A 1'uitt.i l-rlllrk-ADIi rumitlrlrti.liw-iM'i. SLllw- led llalri rri-u. tr&: M liiurer. liurliu, ria-nIraLc. htUlmzia and I many of tbe l-ct medidms. knoirn ate here com- Ilaacuntoamei-.iaici i suca nnej anaenccti,e poneiV3s:t)iuakcr.ic Great est IU-odPniifier&ll.e Ccst IlesrJi ana sircr-Ma Kesiorcr tver usea. Itcnc Prrrra. RlieiiswtKr. n-rji1ts.ncss I sMdNrasesoi'i.iclmm-u-'i, IVjvK, Iaiui, Liver, ( lvt iicys, an J ail I cm t c x. onvlaisS Iiou?rex-atnz anav ii:a x-oanrrrtipn crl anydiscase. i-vetlie Tcn.i tt-iuy. itvnl vire:y hcln V04. iccr-e-niKT : n j i- snrrtor 10 1 .men, 1 tsacetCJ Xjiagrr aaiicir.rr ic-ts, as iiu.uusi i the )-itera vntSout irti.ica:ini;. .;. rn-iStl I-r. at all d-iier in Jrn-s. 1 oncreariTw: v nho'jt I rcnatureof J Is tPXf:.n,.'X. ie-ntorciTca!iri LArl.r. SXX.Mi I ULllMi .ill. 1U1.UAU Mj;t. Mkja9airg AaAi jk-agka x.. croo: MJH&5E f- !?? nine yr gaK i i i i i 4 mm m. iT m mJ n 2 f o J V. CUiilS THOlSANns YJ.K1 1 Jft A POSITIVE CUR j-? ForCojghs.Colds,! !?t ACT CKTSTiSnait. j VL' . ii.. o.. i--r:. FJStfw is inu ciii ui iu:iiu. 'AftSs vwrcs uy5ce?sia : raix rf- .. .vjFIestcrss the Apctite; i?j-iSS5.vrn-rtli?i ihr Sifr.tRm: ai..vii.r:c. .i .- c.;-.. jftJOUTji'iraa lilt; ooiciu, 'o'tCfSKestorss trs wesx $&' and Debilitated. mil tirur ll Aii tv rfrc2t Vi'V Wln EAST fj Jj 3QLil tor 35 )c.irs in j5 WV-d pnvnts practice, hf, in al! dicaes o l tlic thioat !iVi nd lun"S, is the great c-t tn J frT r -..vaiMvca ir. iui ucric i..v s -.-t... .i. . t . i r. ia IfMMGUHTAIN I V. XvTw public in 1S69. Price 25c. , "SBL 50c and $1. Sample Hot- 'Vv. 'fe:x t.-'o, j; larsntceittlirough J&igU BALSAM F. . :j -.. F ' ? 5TI VOL- IX. BUS IX ESS DJUECTORY. .r.)..?itn. Pros'- lt Nat. Bank Beatrice Neb. S. C. Smith. Cash'r 1st Nat.Bunk Beatrice Neb. SMITH tBROTHERS, I Trannct :i Krnral banking biuinrM. l.uy and !.uMr5a"r..ntVal,o Ooanty.Prcc.net and i.. a.r . If.....?.! .-.iioui ui'iri1-!. uvu-i , ,. ,. Viirr.twtf lann inorx,MS&r. oJ ""' cisn l.xcliuiui'. a r incial attention jutu to collection. Rrrn-hNr.. li-t AHt. nans ..w .. - buNat. luk. Umah.1. SMITH BROS. L. J. Ai.kkh.ut, 're-ideiit Jl. V. SllXREY, Caihier. W:::"' gotisty mi, j:ku cloud, nj:b. Monty T Low on Kal Kstiite and (liMtlol .MiH5Pis'. l?uy and hell Ek eliniizo and do si j-'eneral I(.uikii)R buint-. jicrcREVcn"- York Tounty Ii. nkt Yl TrTrnW'.t MorthantV Bank. Y-irk: l''" Ninal Bnk. Chicac.i: . r. iii :.. nnnln4 Vrl Mait b l!ro... Motbcr A Co. Lincoln. 9-Bf W. H.STROHM. Vaybe rrpMiltcil i.i I'lisli'li or Ocnnn Colli ctim. will teenve protniit r.ttcnt inn. (H m i Opposite Hoys Jlmiie Cash & McNeny, nonM:Y anp rorK-Ei.ouJ at i aw. Will i raefu-c in ..11 the Court of thin Stale anil Wrthcru Kansas tollect'.on? as noil as litiK.i-U- I Swcarelulb and cfficiwillr ntttiidt.lui. Id m"k:- On We'.ter Street, i.tio Uoor north of liarber'sbtorc. i:i:n ci.oin. x:. j. S. GILHAM, A TTOKSEY AM) COrN-KLOU AT LAW. OJ'in' ' ibioc vurlli of Kuhy Bros. RED CLOUD. - NEBRASKA. K, C. lUvtnv. N- H.Ttioi:rn. Haw ley 8c Thorpe, ATTORNEYS .x COUNSELORS AT JlW". OKnn:: Over Me E.irlandV .store. P.ED CLOUD, 1?S3. Laird & Smith, TTORNKYS ASI COrNSKI.Olls AT LAW. II AST! Si.-:, - NkRILKA. Will frneticc in all the Court of the State. Prompt attention go en to all busincts entrusted to bis care, julyl-i J. L. Kai. Y, lilouwirztpn, Nebraska. C. W. TAT.fT. Bed Cloud. Neb. KALEY BROS., TTORNKVS AT LAW k REAL ESTATE i - AOKST"?. Wil' j'-artice ir. all the Court in NeLraka rr.,1 roil 1:1 nt l!?n.i: cnllcetinn irifiitly at- ; leuJid to ana corrc-i-nndence -oli-itf I. ISD CLOUD. Werazia. Also. AKent Tor 1. .x. M. It. B. Land?. J. ,11. JSOSEXA, JI. . i:ci:ctic Pliysician and Surgeon, Rhl) CLOUB. NKB. Will jay special attention to Obstetrics and ilipj.c orVninon Also ncncral and stieoial urccry. Di't-asw of the Kjeand Ear. Charge! uiodtr.itc. O1T1CO iivt-r Sli era oiid'. Store. IW-j- Physician & Surgeo'n, rOWLK?, NIT.KASK . Professional e:ilK promptly attended. On in:: At leuleuee near (Bowles. 8'51 ..v-w T. "'T m&mZ. UR. H. A. BaIRD, 'UaXi? ' BESIDEHTDEHTIST. rp.d cloud, - nebraska. Guide Rock House, J. Ii. SA BIX, Pmpr, GUIDE ROCK:. NEBRASKA. men. 49tf TIONEER BARBER SHOP. -)o(- .V.l THEWS A- HAXXERS, Shop 1ft door wen of Webster 'ounty Bank, REI CLOUD. NEBRASKA. SHAVING, SHAMPOOING, l.WDl Hair Cutting in the highest style of the Tonsorial Art. COME AND GET A CLEAN SHAVE. HE1STRY Paints, CO.OIv'o Oil?, RED Gl.w. CLOUD ' Totions a Wall Taper, STORE. te.. te. lies ae RED CLOUD, WEBSTER CO- NEBRASKA; THURSDAY. THE CHIEF. M L. THOMAS, EDITOR. TJIIJRSDAY, JAN. !2, 1882 " i CORRKLL, of the We-tern Woman'i Journal i.- happy, Sussin Ii. Anthonv has addcj-sc-d a letter to him in which die says, "My Dear Mr. Correll " Tun argument in the fluiteau case has commenced. Let us hope that the ease will go to the jury soon and that the a..sasMn will go to the gallows as soon thereafter ag practicable. It is claimed by the Omaha Ree and other papers that congressman Valen tine has introduced a biil into congress providing for the election of members of that body from Nebraska, At large. We hope the bill will be promptly pigeon-holed. It would be nianifcntly unjust to the we.-tcrn part of the state as- the eastern counties are too strong for us of the west. Let us have di tiict representation. An eminent physician of Ht. Louis gives to a WuUr-Dftweut reporter the following information, and says it i an infallibla mean of detecting .-mall pov in the incipient .-tagc-. Now that the loathsome malady prevaila in o many places it may he valuable to lemem ber: "The feeling of tiredness and pain in the back :ue almost universal and piomiuent sxmptoms, but the one thiim that dintingui.slies small pox from every other is the hardness of the eruption." Uy pre?ing and passing the hand over tbe foiehead or legs the feeling is exactly that which would be causeil by medium sicd shot being buried under the skin, and the sever ity of the disease max ccitainly be known by the number or thickness of thee shot-like bumps.' An Englis-hmen named Robert Rob son, formerly a policeman and recent ly a day laborer; ha been declared by the court of chancery the rightful Heir of an estate valued at $I,2(5O,0:0, which has remained in the hands of the Ecclesiastical Coinmis-ioneis since the murder of his grandfather in 1712. The heir, who is -event x -two years of age, is staying at an inn in Newcastle where he has been diixvn almost to distraction by the blandishments of xLsitors claiming blood lelationship of every degree. It is possible that the wretched Robiun might have con-itl-ered hi fortune an ciptixalent for these triaN had ho merely fallen into the hands of sister- and cousins and aunts, but a worse fate was lcserved for him. No fewer than four women have appeared to claim him as their lawful husband. It i not stated what suciet ciime this man had committed in his youth, that .such a puuNhmcnt should be inflicted upon htm in his old age. The Lincoln Dnntvral, in e.jlling at tention to what it terms a gigantic fraud on the pa it of the St. Joe A; Den ver railroad, in attempting to deprive settler of their lands, use.- the following pointed language: The evidence furnished before Sena tor Van Wxek, leaves tio doubt a? to the gigantic swindle which it was in tended, through the assistance of Judge Miller, of the .supreme court, to perpetrate on some tivc hundred citi zens of Nebraska. This was made clear. The question rectus then, 'What arc the swindlers going to do about ity' - The settlers have possession havt paid taxes, hax-e been undisturbed un til the lrinds were made valuable by the toil of years of hard labor, pa tience, privation? and money. IJeau tiful cottages have been built, grox-es planted which now shade the graves ofsome dear ones, v.-ho have died while at the tnsk. The most sacred and cherished memories cluster around these homes; mid above nil the settlers have patents for their lands. Is it to be supposed for a mo ment, under such circumstances, that the people of Nebraska arc going to al low swindlers and their employes in the supreme court, to drixe these peo ple out and away upon the col I world, homeless, heart-broken and penniless? No, sir! These men will hold posses sion as long as there is manhood enough in Nebraska to defend the honor of the United States, which Is pledged to them through the patents gixen by the government to thec peo ple. Let it be so understood. The newspapers of the district where these lauds are situated, should serve notice to the world to that etVect. .No marshal can be found xx-ho dare go there and eject these people; no marshal can be found who will do it. if ordered. Forced spoliation is a crime that must Be resisted by force. and will in this case be so resisted, or no man in the state Is worthy his American citizenship. The vested rights of onr people are worth fightinc j lor, no matter who is the agressor; and ness. he has been practically deeiafcd ted Stat'.--. aetTU prtal ami .r our ! CS' these settlers have the most sacred' of sane br the court. Insane ncrsoYs' confidential terms to agents. Very j vested rights that the constitution pre- are no't treats! in this manner a nSc50 "KH rSun1 I scribec for the citiren. . i ponsM.le beings, twW of nnv "ifeWW raox era otf:? cobssspohdskt. Was1Hv;ton Jan , 3, 1SS1. The warp and woof of the old yrnr' mantle, threadbare and worn, lips ofl' the shoulders of time, amul the ring- j . ,, . i ingof bells on turret, tower and spire. " heralding the birth of the nexv-born vrar. limes -wingum i-enuuum brought us the x ear now iiuritsl in the ., ..,' , ..,.,. . nn , .... . ... -. ,,t p of budding promise. Alas, in an hour;hen least cxpcited, there tell -thwart the horin-ii of its mid-day hopes, a sorrow that embittered all its cup of joy, and bowed the nation in deepest angm-lt, moving millions the wide world o er, strangers to prayer, to supplicate for aid, where human help xx'.us powerless to save. Sad, .strange, and full of mystery, vet who can tell . A . . i i - .i what weal or xvoo is concealed in the womb ot the now-born year. 'lis well that each passing day i eveals its joys and sorroxvs. and so e.ich human soul r , .. .... , .. finds its equilibrium a solace tor sor- row, a balm for every woe. This lifocrow,iwj m j.0 tightly th.it there i- n.: is full ol compensations. There is room lor the oflicers to move ari.uud summer after winter, rest after labor, ' l'or vxeek.s the crowd has been -o great sunlight after darkness, joy after Mir- row, life evei lasting after death. The cast-off old. in God's economy, is the resurrection of the nexv, the better and tbe brighter. Simre.1 to Men over the , , , . , , t.l l''--vt cen endeuvonug to sn t. tnrcholdot the year just born. letj,h; j,,,,-.,-,,,,,, ,m,i fyr thirty yir ii-be up and doing, while tin day. they haxe tailed. They toiiel acd last. "0 ever-earnest Sun. I'n wearied in thy work; Unhulting in thy course, 1'iiling'rHig in thy path, Teach u thy ways, That xve may give our live- To steadfast work and prait-e.'' In iucity is the cu-tom of making the first day of the year an occasion for the interchange of social xi.-its more generally ok-erved. It is the one dav of the vear when the gentle- men become prominent in the wiaU world and the ladies' I cumin at hoiiie I to dispense u gi.iccful hospitalilv The dav is nso.:a,ed with a gd ,. , , ,. , many customs wuicn haxe of l.ite,.,(MKk(h.. mOMti"v veais been discarded, ami it is imsiuie tucotims, but m creamerv longer considered the thing to ply ell lei's with wine until they are earned home in an unconcioiis state Re fresliinent tables are found in every house. Inn the liquids are not of an ahoholie chaiartcr, and thi- i -o gen eial that il is the exception, not the rule to have V.ine offend. Every year the juediction is made that New Year's calling will lie out, but every x ear the calling continues), and so far as the Capital is concerned, the cus tom is largely on the increase, and President, Cabinet officers, and the ladies whether in official circles or private life, expect to see their friends and be greeted with A HAPPY NEW) YEAR. ..... , . ., . ... It is thought that an appropriation will be made lor the reclamation of the Potomac flats during this session, so that the work can be commenced in the early prinir. What matters it if tin national debt should not be i edu ced $100,000,000 per year. Hotter far that coining posterity should have some part in purchasing the heritage of freedom which xve of this geneiation made possible through a sacrifice of llll- llll UIIIUU Ul IIIU ll.llll'll. l.l-l lis i... I.,.. . i. .,.,! r .i :..,. r .. .. build up the waste place?, jut nc life into our shipping interests, and es tablish a navy that will take away the ligrace vxe are under of playing trib ute to every other maritime power under the sun. There aie some who consider a national debt a bond of union stronger than legal anactinent-. inter-State treaties or the Constitution itself. There are now S.I.OOO.OOO of bullion iit the assay office in New York. A Mr. Acton, the" former superintendent of the assay office, is to become ?hort ly the assistant treasurer at New York, a count of this bullion has been order ed, in order to settle account?! A committee of three has been :,1,1)0'" 'rensury ted by the Secretaty of the T to do the work. A bill has been introduced provi ding that the Federal Government shall issue fifteen millions of three pe: cent, bonds to the State of New York in return for a pledge by that State that the canals therein shall be freed from debt, and that the same be en larged for the passage of xx-ar vessels , two hundred feet long and twenty-five columns:, chenpet r.nd l1 "i-.e f5 3 A S Wa-otU- if- AntPftl feet xvide. and merchant ships of not I writings -.f Rev. Petrtn.-'im V. .V'- feSfiflij v l,;i" ''", Rl' .J"r k wfL R Jl 33 k I less than six hundred ton propelled 1 - wr1,1 renown-d. and a mil.i'-i fej Hrf H 8 N ', ,, mrS'rE &WaZ3lLmJ . n., , . .- , (people are now r suing ni- letters J " V65' Vl u " s-! mtM'MiI.hJr K R 7 MB by steam. 1 he canals must be made . Eurore pu,iiei nccklif in the ! '' ' ofMrNS l')m.I LiII: sMOr. r.i-n.w. ,ri !' ( ?..m1 tifty-two feet xvide at the b:ise and to , Buxok. 50 popi.lar have the letter-' B ' l.oo Ci'lf and K'p R.mts Fl LL LINE Fo ' ;i .fr"i of HHiRKi: be free forever from anv tolls. T'nis ' grown that it ha been decided to con-1 anl OI1' CuATS, Iggins and i.'ifM F.(T and Nt HEM r ', - measure will, like tl. lUsands of others ; '" "P;- c"7 ;'f '"" .wr 1-2. 1 . 1 , .' To that end -Ir. Irfcke is row r.rrang-J Rt every scss.cn be consigned to some 1 - , ., ,. . ... . . , . , lil l" H.i.lil .lli.Jll.il .I'lUll, 11,11., IIJ convenient pigeon hole and its author,. oti,er countries, until tru- whole "Eur.T- Mr. Scoxiile of Buffalo will console 1 pean continent i- pictured to the rva himself xvith the thought that great l'ers of the Blxvk. The other xrell- ,-,.,i;,Bn,r,. -known features ot trie Euust are men sometimes-die earh. . , . rMf,;n frir .,1A Notwithstanding all that has Ien said against Judge Cox as to the tre.it-j decideil in advance the question 01 his insanitv. Bv allowing the prisoner toj appear as lib own counsel as well.as by putting him ou the stand and d- ministering tohim the oath as a vit- mentofGuiteau, had he placed Inwjpnceot mw1u.vdei iijr ytjar, IxGOCi? &ZOrC IH Kl dOUfl ; in the dock to have puuisbDd him at j lle1ribin'JrdunVig DeceSher, ?.iruarj Tlwt Carrrie -n --,-lc, .-wvi n ;pp!-.- your im-n Ltt ant-. A sutt , xj .uij null,,'"' ".""'u..!.., .c ....u.u ...... aml i-ennwry. xvmen rate will i matie ! rfectmlr invito' vour m-rctioii and n.itr&tia? -. - --- -.- , . standing the nature of an oath. After all the case has been xvi-ejy bundled and the villian v.ill he found guntx and hung. The -cenes that occur daily at tl e Court House long hour-, befote the opening of eotirt are verv exciting. I If I I . I- -,...!.. nl ..!.,.... I iiuimifU'" VI lii-u:m, ill. in ii i. ii. -in . ' : . sire stranger visitor- croxvd the steps, '.,.,,, ., f. ...i,,,:..,,,.. V- Mlf.hlM'K --. -- ........ .- -- Those xvhoe lu-uies renuire them! to get into the court houfe are disgus le,t h i. iinnosMbie oon to eet to- the doors, and at the doors tttmd pr- Iiromen, who turn an mottreren' 'r (o ,he cliUI. tlf 0VerVum. wh.. dis not hold squeezed in the:r bund th" lMiich-eoveleil rod ticket--. Reimrter- lau.vir? ..n,i .hers who have to m.ik. their way through by fui:l means .r fair, adont all sort of devices; M-usv c,Mi.,( Jmo ,ht wl1(Iow. ,nIu.w utiU. ponimis explorations Miuoiig the' naked joi-ts ot the "new wing." hoping ' J ,;,", t"l,1 I'.i""Keway'it.. the J building. Others stand outside ou i t!ll. (.,rf,f ,.,, v,Ilt lht.ir .jis-appoi..- ; ( lej -j,t.e JU,n -,,,-h individuals a- crow il against them Seoree- ot I.ulus l';'v-' their Gainsborough haL- or a in . ohne crushed out ot shape. Insult . . ',. ... , ' . ... - . . nun titini reus en nv. :iv cxerx- n.tx xvuii- oiu gaming aiwuiu-itixi'. I'll A K." ""he Creamy and ths Farmer's Wife. t.. ..i.: r . i t,r i"" ' ;lT "," - '" - For thiitv vears our farmers' v.ixcs ol'i'i ihudgcd at the churn, atid the price ot In. iter iloletl out at the country stole has not paid for the toil and diudgery. Still xi mans ton ptoxe-1 ! two tilings: J hat a call mim-m m bund is as t:ood at a er old a-4 u call that tia.s followed na dam; and that the pti.try pig, which would have died on com and water alone, swells to '.tu ple propoi lions when fed on milk; and theiefore the shiewd farmer vv that milk must be had for the pig. that the eow must in some v. ay be the cent-r of this: that the bom'.tge of the :.' must be broken. In in e the I-ivm ' x Inch the creameries b.ue met n ln.rin-nr mili'iM-.ih liii-.i tllMiIr. thi'lii :M,.. ii. ominu rv takes awav i,a'f the tlriidgt ix of the fanner" wift jxh:it this diudgety is. l;t the wom-n ! ' Xlmf U.i tell. Rut while it ,c i move.-the di'eb-erv. it retains tbe in- income, not in .-heese', good as u,,ld, and the best p.m of it is that the income derixed from j that part of the milk that the fainu-i can most icadily spare. It is a Lot not generally known, that for the f.ir- niaiion ox oone aii'i initscie. ;mm mniv i bhfter-milk and whole milk aie piac tically the same. I he farmer h.ixing thus ieccix..l oee Droiitfioni the cow. env-crin" the cost of her eailv k. eo- ing and interest on investment", has in i toe call a cheap ami avail. inle p.icK age in xvhich to cuiidt.usc his hay and gi.-iss, -tiaw and cornstalks, for ship ment to all parts of the world. This is the -ci-ond gieat adxantaue of the creamerv. Hut il thcucumcu bles-e- the faimer'r wife in delivering her from the bondage- of tin ihurn. it con fers an equal Me ing on the farmer. in pixiog him from the mts and com pebing him to think. lor he must now needs sfudv how to get all the rl(.lltll ,vm tho 1Milk. hnv to ,,.,,! ,lU Lt,,.L - to the he-t mlxmitiUM- find lie is oetore he is awaie. balancing the mer ite of dillcictit hieeds and system of management. In a word, he begins to acqi.'iie an edue.itiin which, though not org"inieii by the school, xmII so ftuther in titling hni tor the business of life than much that has f.r.nrab'e recognition. " n.ioui SiywiL A SrAOT. robbery was perpetrated in Texas bis week, and it i stated thit i nit- ji'imers were xouiii: laiui v . . . ., , .. The woman suffragists should take courage from this as it is a stiaw which shows which way the wind i blowing, and that the "down trodden"' sex are lie ginning to assert their rights. On nci omit of its remarkably ibli c.ite and lasting fiagranee, society belles are loud in their praises of Flor otoiJ Cologne ER3W 7cw Leace There are times in exerv onr'i Jifo xxheti energy fails and a miserable i feeling conies over them, mi-taken for I laziness. Danger lurks in these -yinp- tonis, as they arise from diseisetl or igans, l'.iricer s dinger ionic will re jgans. r.ircers Ginger ionic xx j store perfect itetivitv to the Stc 1 1 iv(ir Jnl HMnevspurifv the omach. puritv ttie blooci. and if ntw xour lejise ot health and com fort. y f fisjc t BTASBY'S PAPER. 1 OLE DO WkEKLV BLADE, 188-2 l8S-. Tn m DEi nnv ih, ..-.,,.,,, . ,j,pney cannot be had in any other paixrr published. Whil-J tn? regular known to all applicants for snecimen.- We will send a fre specinicr"ct"rrv to " "; "if 5!;.g?,,; ;.0.,r friemK We Want A ctixe' agent nt o'rcnr Po-t-Office in i. Urn- ' natitir in litis cmiii . the Ln - .-1 . JANUARY. !- 1SS-2. THE LATEST NEWS I THEB5ST AND LARGEST STOCK Ready - & i v;l i ESi Si ffl l&li Ism w w a AND DRY-GOODS Kvcr brought to Rcil C.ioiul-, Selected by and BOUGHT for CASH by Will be graciously parceled out lur an equal I i I 1 y r fit.i ..:..-'nmniinh a Itf.'AI " I ft ViOll II t Ot IJ'.UAIi 1 kh.uuui u. i'"VJ'11' 11 , , . . . . lo DC IiamCG DV tilC purchaser, WlthOllC rCllird l iii tO i:ce coi.mk i:el!gi(.n. pfi.iii - .r .-ii i:-ex A PERFECT FIT I And Satitactiofi Guaranteed in every in stance. ri'his i the Cirandest Opportunitv ever Oiiercd to clothe yoursehes and children without GUTTING HUM13UGGKD. Vou can alwavo iind just what fou are look ing lor at TD f Q T 1T '"P TJ X J tO LLi 1 N X I 1 Who have clothed more men and boys, and i l l "KlUC Iliore IlUIIlxJb .nn nnv rxflwr nirtirc in ll,,. I-? ,.n .. kl ,., ., VCarS, Lliajl ail OtHCr parilLS 111 LHL lCpiIIJllCin r 11 M t ailC ail ULCaiUL Rosenthal Understand their business; buying their goods ior cash and selling lor cash, to the great advantage of every customer: NEVER MIS-I ni,,nnT.'ni,,"t,Tip 1 . I " .. 1 . .. I ivr.i Mioi'iiMiiNvi, nm cioing uusniess on ACTUAL MKRIT. OUR STOCK THIS FALL U the mo-t I'n'npli'.! cii br eight t RED CLOI'D ifmpriirtg Every riiivd Worn by Man and Woman. Se'eeel xxitb gr ct c ie with a xieix - SOLID. l P.-TAN F I L m.l NE TKST PATrERXS an 1 L 1 1T -1 YI.K- FOR THS liSAST MOWTEY, 0ur; Business and Dress Suits AIM: PAR'PCl LVRLY DE-IRU'.L! Ami only nccd.to t e mvii f b .tppn i.iosl in.r t .t l Youths5 and Children's Suits Is Complete in every D pirtirfi f ft ring Ttni'-thm- ih i are sc'.Uih "c? irit. fifth. I.tr- r i itie--. OUR SUITS FOR CHILDREN ShouM be seen O t s.,4- f iMp p. g K Jfl ft 1 VQ fcSjy f4 x 2U fttk fr ! , V They are Cheap this Year. II o & e ii tin al 13 jt5 o & rtfock or GENTS' FUHNLSHINIr O0f)I)J, j And pi (J.ci d V:-m-. m-. i.k! . in i m, ... ... -iCi . ... ?.u3! IB M UH Ail Our Businass LIVE AND LET LIVE PRICES! We ilo not seek n nuirnifv oir La-untrs. bv II LOW, Ihu ttrt 4HMure in re ferring to our MAS V THOUSAND PATRON- of th ivt. It. rntiwWr. xve are the gfv.. "ill if j- - -m i'sZ'.c.tiisiFi' w.rnrtrsiifw rstn ss " -w J Mm - -. . ,, , .... m) ROSENTHAL B'ROfHERS, A.NW.V uare s 0;Ksife C"ir3rflr,f,naiiHp Ya NO. at Made 11 1 J K , ill aiKlIHlllCS' v , ...v - l,, - ,,x' "' Hul"uu" . , . ' A T "O D f Q J. J J ) i. V Vy kO. l IUIJ UV III U1U Klbl IlVC Brothers o t gixing n r m t i ' le m- M'T Y'ir'i ai I fi Iiflr n, i &wttIx MM n , t, n....nl.t.,.- IniniMisi- All tie- La:t ami NU. i- and .c ...! cm i-t' t v. i , . Cnu . ,.,,,n, W i & iHflt - on the Square Plan,! .! AS THE . 1 ... f r.tir Bf On!riM '- Uimii T'xJXJvi! i)rtir.((.trul v04" 't lhjri)-f )rrjvrli'nrr, ts i t tt ,s 1. '-Mi-gu 4il fMrAI Mhi lralntv-r o..r 3.JOArir,.ifTpr- l-"'- i- -t '-ii'Usrf. a.l h- m mjni ltroir j -fi x l. rrt fvrU 1 f IH-.I s...l J. 4t sSM.ftr DH.WHITTIER til? Uth4rll-l':o(,t. l.uaN.'flix. A f K 4l. mt' XL . l' t ii Atfw . . . -.. V V I. .liutriMllk.vOw f ti Ujlif X - iHkaW.iijkk.! r i - i. . v. . xs i.ai - -f' -rU . Utm I i v J . mm im 4) utm I ...irf. - w tv . .l k ,..-. - . .. wrr xcitt.v.itt m l l.i.. r.- 44 ! m4 H' 4 r x , ',sl-- 1 l I" I MARRIACE t p?8P PLFA?Es. I GyiDE! "J , M U k . S . K. fft i - i . - . P - mf s - . - P.fi femfc.,.4-.. " 'l ' J ' I'm. i4 - !. - V K . 1 W.. - l r ' 4 "" Sr i .- ' i 2ltfl ' .. - - e" '- " I ' ' I t 1 , Ati& Xi . I 1 -t - l , I. . .. .- Dr.JAGQUS 703Chnwt S,W t nuia, Mr.isJ omit. x i . rj imixm u-. tlM I-JTW. V .1 Cv 1 .1 I 3 . 1 Cli 4 .. w. .- ,H i . .. 4 . w . u. --C SllZuZ, f ViVJl fvl IvlAKRIACECUIDSVoiT "."i rr r rxtscrra, yyu i! ii dispensary. ff'Mr rrf ? - r-4 t Yr ut 5iv" Chfont Ii m. tkf - it f IHoisCRSTIO OsTtf ?0$URE B, I . rinfrT' --- - . -j . tOTa . I lft .iiMi. lll J" !-. W-.1. I t ., 4 .tul S l .... U4 Prt XI ltfc-' !..,- YOUNCMEH.i - - f -f. i ffttfXllll1 I . .nM-r , rus iiv .. f Cr. . . .i 1 . 'Kali -. CU. iilTIn. l. -nh tl.M..M. t-U. U- jJi'Tm: ttn-r OArrirnzKU' TOTilO. . . LCQUGil US! oralis x All D.HcascA " or t 3 mnnnim niP'"l inu'JriuaiM ,'J. f ' f 4 11 . W 1. I . iffk amt ; ' plj'iv n . w- -mwi'v i v K li llltOSCIllTl? V - x!Sfi5Li c? ro 4 P" mW til C A (li) w t mmmk t.v z ISjwS kM K h" t AD LUX81 i MM IMMM Yi 3K M jra $4 T WAMfJ- 1 l.l ! JV4;$ lrpfle : t l' r r ! . a : r ' !-. i , -. '. p. A Mi- till I .. . l.M t , -' t H I M I . " t , . I I"' " ' " l i. Ik twi 'f-r 'ftf' J-t?)r ! j i.iu-:ri tt. i:ti n. (-.i.imt..in., r tnlirnul lt.tH. .-!.. f ! Vt, !, f -TolJ'. ! kyrf hit iV pri I r "f ! I ' t.' f l.- V . , ,rr.: - 4t lfc . r it. ' i ? 7 fc lyll. .' r -. iym I H W4MM - !l".ili-' "bi, r ) CTITlfiy f I'' 4- :- !U I jUfl J n u, t ? - t .. i Ji, f r I.A t ; a m,.,, . tv s. . . -.."n t m(? rei. xj vr J' - ? - . . ui Pnt m fa 0 r. 3l. Prim gljMt cjiicaoo. rut. cid by nnuccvjrn cr-a ccigpal DrALtltJ Cvery.rtrK fZ&fo TTERS Thr Ul-J'r'ily mftk' ill tt tilim-m l0f ttflr. ,m r futft mf ! I.Jt r. f(''i?l' I. fwntfh mt I- r lit irrr (h r-mrr, I mrTfmry r r !. trrnf. tar m( Jm rfit if t1 I, fri4JK4 L4m1,rt-.tn4Ultr tif f f lArr It el frlt,t Ht nlmr . "Jfl iiW&ti rwW' IAU ryw ' .rK-OtJ'--i;r . jrLZ.l th Ol tf r -.rtf - frff'aJrit irtf't I'trr i.' - i tU'tf OtffU ffS rrr&T . rut-' I irrr fJewKftl lUr f'tr1t latir ' LL4itJtlitr mrfvfWo. ? J icacUit 'lll,'JOitiiloH.oi , -iiiitlotJ. Jt-sr.t KW-w-r' Vr M?rlM.r- t vtztj lKer V--"! ir--v - -" f.tin. " t ka. Ly f .r53ltl! ( WllDrf iKX.imrwil E. n.x Zc. mi ua. Kl wfc "R F?H fm i , VE h it ra. (W fi Vi 4 A .J ., s : -J ' - r: etiLY 1 aI.X wJi TftTT - T jt-r, .j 3i-r-- "w. v f I i i k M f Vi , -rrrrrr 3-. "r i.