-rprt - te-sr t. Fv--rcsS5S' 'SSCr A ;. E-- -& Tliis Space "Will be occupied next week by Ai ECALEY. Successor to Sam'l (Jsrbcr. With an adverti-ement of his stock Of NEW GOODS. larze THE CHIEF. LOCAL MATTERS. THURSDAY JAN. 5. 1882. Loml advcrtmnuint inerted among the reading mailer trill be charged lOcft., a line each inxertion. DR. SHERER, Proprietor of the City Drug Store. AID DtALK I Drugs, Medicines. Paints- Oils and Varnishes, A full supply of LAMPS, LAMP SHADES, WICKS, COMBS BRUSHES AC. Patronnge solicited and thankfully rceivd. -l'recriHii'ns carefully coin!ounJed"li One door uouth of Gaiber's store, RED CLOUD, NEB. R. L. TINKER, (Suooeeior to Q. A. Brown.) DEALER IK Parlor, Bedroom AND KITCHEN FURNITURE, Brackets, Chromos, Picture Frames, Mattresses, Etc. Om-s n1was on hand and trimmed on short ii.tir. IVico b low no any in the v Hoy. Bt Urine of " VlDr'ln ,,on0 'rom,",y &nd Satisfactory. Burial Robes furnished at reasonable rates. RED CLOUD, - - - NEB- Harness Shop, cr J. L. MILLER, Kti-p constantly on hand u full Line of HARNESS, COLLARS, SADDLES, X J -f HORSE-BLANKETS, S$r3, COMBS, BRUSHES, Jg HARNESS OIL, sVW 'everything usually Kept in a ui- Wk- class snop. TWO DOORS NORTH OF THE BANK. TSeEistot Casa rncoPaid for Hidas ttd rara. A very light snow Tuesday night. Job work executed with neatness and dispatch, nt the Chief office. Arbuckle's CofTe, 5 pounds for $1.00, nt Roby's. Bring us some corn on that back account, please. Roby still keeps a good supply of the beet cigars in town. We can't find out whether that wed ding came off last Sunday or not. Last Monday was not very generally observed as a holiday, in Red Cloud. It is expected that the Guiteau case will go to the jury on Friday of this week. Several business changes occurred in Red Cloud with tho beginning of the vear. The Omaha Bee says that there will be an extra session of the legislature sometime this winter. The largest stick of candy we ever nw haiurs in Robv's window. It weighs over hix pounds. We understand that another impor tant business change is likely to take place in Red Cloud, soon. The Arapahoe Pioneer wants to hang Dill, tho murderer of "Little Sam," the cow boy, without a trial. With a new set of county officers, let us hope that the burden of taxa tion will grow lighter year by year. The ice has finally . become thick enough to admit of skating, and the young folks are consequently happy. Tim Omaha lice's annual review for 18S2 is out, and surpasses anything in that line that has yet come to our notice. Abram Kalcv purchased the stock of goods owned by Sam'l Garbcr, and will continue the business at the old s tand. The hi'L license law has gone into elfect in Omaha. Only about fifty saloons in that city continue to do business. Prof. Dutton, of SaTem, Kan., will lecture on Spiritualism at the court house next Sunday week, morning and evening. All ladies interested in assisting the poor are invited to meet at the resi dence of Mrs. A. J. Kenncy on Thurs day aflernoon. We wish to extend our thanks to the large number of friends, who have recently called and renewed their sub scription to the Chief. The silly ones who "took stock" in Mother Shipton's prophecy that the world would come to an 0110" in 1S81 must feel pretty cheap about now. The new county officers take charge of their respective offices to-day, Tlmr.sil'iv 1 ir bomir the first Thurs- day after the first Tuesday in Jan-uarv. It is said that the freight and ac commodation train which now goes on to Hastings in the evening, will soon receive- orders to lay over night at this place. Kendall's "Horse Books," worth The "Boys Jlorae" finished iu guests freo cigais on Not Year'3 ''ay. Mr. Geo. Ito?, one of tho old timers, is a cash in .idv.nupo 'ubriber to the Chief. Lightning rod Smith is building a good residence in the north-eat part of town. Now they write it 1881, and subse quently swear a little while changing it to 1S82. County SupL C. W. Springer has been red a house and will move hi family to town. Charley Piatt has gone to St. Joe, having secured a situation in the wholesale drug house of Smith & Co. County treasurer, Chan. Buschow, has moved his family to Red Cloud and is comfortably domiciled in Mr. Bent's house. A Social for raising money for the bell will be held on Friday evening Jan. Cth, at Mrs. M. It. Bcntlcy'n. A cordial invitation is extended to all. John Noycs has re-opened his black smith shop and calls attention to the fact by a neat card in the Chief this week. If you want a good job of work call on Noyes. We see by the papers from up the valley, that those in need of dental work are in the habit of coining to Red Cloud to have Dr. Baird practice on their molars. There is a man in this town with a nose so large that its owner cannot turn round in a 10x12 room without rubbing the skin off his proboscis against the wall. L. E. Martin, of the Orleans Sentinel, dropped into the Chief office for a few minutes chat last Saturday morning. He was on his way -home from a two weeks visit in Indiana. Mr. W. II. Fuller, of Catherton, who has been a good paying tubscriber to the Chief for the last eight or nine years, calico last ItiesUHV and placed himself ahead on our books a year. We hear complaint from f'owles that the Chief is not delivered reg ularly. We hope the new pot master at that place will soon get the "run of things," and give our subscribers up there their papers regularly. The B. fc M. have placed on extra fi eight and accommodation on the road, which will make regular trips between Endicott and Red Cloud and between Red Cloud and the cxticmc western terminus of the road. TOWOIFCGIS TEAT H1SB7. 1'rom Foek'i Sen. The.-e oparkcra ere lo&kcd upon by parents generally as a nuisance, and often they aie right. Ninc-tentlis of the sparking is done by boys who haven't got their growth, and they look so green that it is laughable for the old.folks to look at them. They haven't generally .got a ict-ond -hirt, Mid thev arc no more qualified u, get married than :t cow is ver marrying is the fi think of. A green boy without i dol lar, present or prospective, paiking a girl regularly and talking about mar rying, is u spectacle for gods and men. lie should be rea.-ouel with, and if he will not quit it until he is abbs to sup port a wife, tnd to kno'v whom he loves, and the difference between love and passion, he should be quarantined or put into a convent, erected on pur-no-c for such case. Nine-tenth.- of the unhappy marriages are the result of green, human beings allowed to run at large in the society pasture without any yokes on them. They marry and have children before they do mous taches; they are the father of twins before they are the proprietors of two pair of pants, and the little girls they marry are old women before they arc twenty years old. Occasionally one of these gosling marriages turns out all right, but it is a clear case of luck. If there was a law against young galoots sparking and marrying before they have all their teeth cut, we suppose the little cusses would evade it in some way, but there ought to be a sen timent against it. It is time enough for these bantams to think of finding a pullet when they have raised money HASBY'S PAPER. Toledo Weekly Blade, 1883 1883. Ti'K Bl-VUK is now the moat jtfipular paper in this country -the l.iruoi 161 columns;, cneapesi anu ucm. 1 ne 1 to wrifinB nf Itnv. iVf rtilttiim Nntiv.c" are world renowned, and a in Final Proof Xoticcs. L-icd Ot2ee at BIov-uilartn. Neb. Drc 21. !!. Notlc tertbT men tht th f.dlawlrr-na:-l tllrr cm filed uoti o of hw iatoation to makr 6nl nroaf in tjpxirl f b cinoa. sd tht d proof will b BJ. l.cfr P.ei-ier or KeC'Tr at Blo.aicxtan Nob. n S:uniy February .! Itnafsr P. Tar-". Pre. D. S S tor the 'j.c i town 4n rn ltw. HramIbo f-Uoia wim. om bvt rontinuoaf rrtnlencs ''pon u Tition of Aid Und tjk Mlu . . .jr. - I W,liim !(. Haffuaan. r-enc" Ataandr. and UliUU Ch.rln hpoontr. all ol U rt. - - w ----- v a r a,T ----------- people are now reading his letter? t d.sjana s. w. SWirZKK. Hettr, topreaeh. Audi from Europe, published weekly in thej 5n,t thin" thvv Bldk- popular have the.c letter. Land Oac at ElooAinxton Nb Lce.. 29. lit. . .. 1 i- 1 - . l-. .1- r . it-;.. .. ..... 1 t 1 1 . 1 toiler I ncrcvT ricu int kr gruwn that it has been decided to con- L4tOP.l .-tiler h-. t'J notice of hi intcntn jfir 12. . to make naI rrwin ui.-n-.o: an eia-njtana tiiiue them dnrtwj the entire To that end Mr. Locke is now arrant:- ' ecure fint entry thet-t'f. b-foro the nr of Chicago Lumber Yard: Red Cloud, Nebraska. - 9 YARD SOUTH OF HAMPTON S BLACKSMITH SUOr. ON MA IN ST Keep constantly on hand an i4nrtmrut of Lumber, I-ath. hmc!4, Dn Window-, Lime, Hair, t fneni n-wirr, Itiu.dtt Vxpex Ktc Vic htr r S-50tf PLATT & FRF.KS, Proprietors. ing to travel through s-pain, Italy, and in ile.i cioni .s-briat c SMurdr r tbrurr 1 lli.tnrt lourt. in W-bt-r county t bi oiac' ril !. AAiinlrin. tin fit tiw. &. )rvYat ltr- ' l?h 11 1 I peau continent is pictured to the rea- j HM eDtry N yirte '.' .Ar. 1 town 3n derSOfthe 15lUK. The Other well-1 ranee Uw. Me name the Wlowmx wltncic knovvn features oj the BiJiLB are ,--$&''&?0VfilL known, and so much reituing lor the J .Rmtt. ijrBCtm. .w .Mar.eho. Emlte ; . .. ..... t... lii.l it. .!. Atttnr ... ! f hriiatllknJ Vcb. II1UUV VrtHliUfc UK II.1..1 HI .. .m..u...-"-. nw V'HTTin! v.,;.f.- aec-r.anso c. ". i3"i-4.--. ......- paper puMishwl. While tho' regular I J?f price of the Bi.vuk a ?i!.O0 per year, I LjkCiI 0ff wc win niaKe a sptciai nue 10 uio-c stib-'cribini; during December, January and I'ebtuary, winch rale will be made known to all applic mts for specimen. We will uend a free ppceimen copy to any address. Send us a postal givine your addre-s, as well as address of your friends. We want an aUie agent at every Post-Olliic in the Uni ted Stated. Semi postal card for our confidential terms to ancnts. Very large cominisoion allowed to atrents. THE TOLEDO HLADK CO., Toi.kdo, Ohio. Special Notices. Notice in this column aline esch week. rill be charged 5 cent Headquarters for Hour at Putnam's Flour and Feed Store. Ladies calling cards a t-plendid as sortment, at the Chikf office. k Ail I c-kil- rT 1 -iii n mjI tviiAil enough by their own work to buy a j pumps, at Mirniixu &, Mokhakt. bundle ol laths to ouiid a nen uoii . -u Hut thev see a girl who looks cunning " " 11" r 1 .1. ,t nw.rn ... , . "" bi.i:: lijO acie- of land t and they are afraid that there not go-1 . M,mh.wr of ,Ul, c,(lM(! IiHrllv ing to be girls enough to go aiound, ( nij,.r ,.,itivat.mi. Timber and water, and then they begin to get in their j Apply at this ofi'n-e. work le.-tl spty; and before they are Pcoat Uloocicston reb Detf- 5. IS1. Notice U herebr siren that tbo fbllowtnf named ettler h filed notice of hi Intention to make final t-roolm riort of hi clatiu and , enrr final en.rr ther-of bofoie Jmr , Tnllot Clers of (burt in Webter oioniy b. at Du oQcein I'.ed Clond Neb. on Saturday January Uth. lxC Tii: Ion Kan.iT. . HM -ntrr N". T for the i H S uJ S h1-. wc. I! toii In rsc hr. " name the folloTTlas itnr.e to proe b continnon residence ujKn and fultn.illon ol .lid land. u: Inniel t. Copioek John itratton. Kmanel l'etert. Andrew M. Uaay llofuuide Kock Ne. . fecjanU S W.SWlTZKn. Iteguter. JOKES & MA-SSEa J)K ILEUS 7.V LUMBER, LATH. SHINC.LES. SASH. DOORS. PI IND, Ac. RED CLOUD - - NEBRASKA. -M- DRY LUMBER A SPECIALTY. THE BEST IN THE M VRKET AND SOLD AT THE LlflVKM" PRICK. ONHS & MAGRK. Davis Sewing Machine; Lnd Offlce at IUoomiacton Neb. Pec. 7. 1SSI. Noti U hereby ritfn that the following nampl cttler has Bled notice of hi intention to make 1nal proof in suin-ort of bu claim, and ecure final entry theroof before Jaai A. rul ley, clerk of the court in Webster county at hn effioo in Red Cloud Neb., on Tueday. January 17th. liKK. Ti. TmoX4C. I.aian HM Xo. 4f01 forihei-"-i nei S '": -town In range 9w. Ho name the following witneje to prove hi contmuou residence upon and cultivation of id Ian 1. tii. J5.in uel J. Hutchion. Charlr C linre-r. Alc-lti Itiley. Uenjiman tl.burccr at! of euud Neb declfjanl-i ?. IV. sWITZEIt. Hi'.r. aware of the .-an-tit ol me rclatiuii they .i:e hitched for life, and hoi'-ire tiny wn a cook stovo or a hed-tcad they have to get up in the night and go after the doctor, so frighlennd that they run themselves out of breath, and abuse the doctor because he ifoes not run too; and when the doctor gets there he finds that there is not linen enough in the house to wrap up a doll baby. It is about this time that a young man be gins to realize that he has been a Smith Urothers announce atill an other important reduction in rate of interest on lime loan-. Stntiyht nine per cent unmud interest. Call at the Rank and leave votir application. 4Dtf. $50,090 To Loan On Real Estate -security, at 9 per cent., annual inteie-t. No eomniis-fioii-. at The Webster County Rank, Red Cloud. 10-tf 7 1 Flour & Feed STORE, CHAS. E. PUTEAH, Prop. DEALER IN FLOUR- FEED rorn.Me.-U, Hnin Choppod Feed and GROCERIES, Viit tho Tied Clond CSroccry. Feed "dPrt- riion store hen iou want, supplies for man o "lighc-t market price in cash jwip for gfain--All kind tirciiuntrv pioduce tiken mj escbango for (W. Ui.udi delierc4 to all pnrls id town frc -jI charge. ... ,. t-.re rouib ol Heed flow l-ACiory. redClq'jd. - Nebraska. The Proof of the Puddingisinthe 553 1 $2.50, for sale at the Chief office at 25 cents apiece. If you own ahorse, be sure-and get one of those really valuable hooks. This is the season when the young men and maidens skate. Last Mon day wc saw them skate on their lect, their heads, their hands, their knees and their their back. Our young people wishing to attend the largest and nest nusincss msum Mr. John McQuilkin, one of the old and tried friends of the Chikf, came in and renewed his subscription for another year, last week. The Chief is proud to say that it has many such substantial nav-in-advancc friends. Small pox is spreadinir over the en tire country, and may be exported to show up in Red Cloud any day. Those who have- not been vaccinated in the last seven years should be vac cinated at once, as an ounce of pre vention is worth more than a pound of cure. Lewis Albright has purchased the interest of Dr. Shidlcr in the Vebter Co.. Bank, and the new firm of Shi rev & Albright commenced business hM monday. The" well known business qualifications and integrity of the gentlemen composing tho firm will insure it a liberal patronage and con tinued success. Dr. Shidlor has sold out his interest in the Webster Co. Rank and returned to York, Nebraska, where he will re sume the practice of medicine. Tho doctor and his estimable wife, dining their short stay here, made many warm friends who were sorry to sec them move away. TAKE NOTICE. I have purchased the fractional sec. ,.n 1 !....;.,.r K.n,.r.ti I'.l.T MlA'll'. - , . 1)1 IIIIIU lilt lll iinnin ivi colossal fool, and a he lhes around to j .uul t,if, -riv(r Aml tho ,m,iic j., heat water and bring in the bath tub hcrebv notified not to cut any timber LEtiM. XOTICE. Ir the PiMriet Court of the Fifth Judicial Di-trn-t of Ntwhska. in and fjr W cbiter C'lunty. ikUAEir A Jnii.30f. Pi"tiU".l IIkmbt Joh.nsos Deft ) Henry Johnon nou-rcident defendant tt'H take notice that on the 10th diy or tebru aty lVi between the hours of 10 o'clock a in. Mill C o'clock l. m. at th tfflco or lliehtrdtun A Holt in Uniontown iu the county ol Hoarban and M.uo f Kami'. ihcjdMti'.ff above ruined will tako the testimony of Kebocca I.. .uon. witnc in this action to bi uod at etideuce on the trial of the above entitled cu with ii tbonty lo adjourn irjiu day tc dy until SJCb depopitious shall hire been taken. 22-w-i MikUiKiT.V.JuHMin. I'l tic. By IUvLLya- rmmrg. hor Attrnc. and goes whooping after hi- mother or the a single on the same. M. It. McNitt. For Sale. The undersigned oilers for sale the celebrated Norman Stallion "Rowdy Jim." Will sell tor ca.-h. or take a ood span of mule-in part pavment. r i:wk r.i)MM'. 2tt. JNcl-on, cj. . i K Kl Cm II or :ul.Irc.---. i - - ' her mother, he turn pale around gills. His hair turn red in night, and he call.- high heaven to wit ness that if he lives till morning, which he has doubts about he will turn over a new leaf aud never married till he is older. And in the morning the green-looking ''father" is around before a drug 'tore is open, with no collar on, his hair sticking every way, his eyes bloodshot and his frame nervous, waiting for tbo -l.rk to open the door so he can get some saffron to make tea of. Less than a . . . a 1 tr a l. Tneila !! on hnri. vear a jo he thought lie was tne great- i" Sw .- .outk of Bk.ro'sdrnistorw est man there was anywhere, but as he sit- there in the house that niorn- LKC.AL SOTK'E. JenVIn Iai will take notice, that on th 2Nt day of Xnrctnher W. V. C. Huscho Jmticoot the Pe-ce-ofl'iit'daui prrciiu-t. w b jlrr county Nebraska. l--ue I an order or at tachment fcr the uin or iXZ'i. In an action pending 'jrfore him. wher-in Mabler X I)eiS.r are plmntiUj and ail Jcnkin Uui defendant. Thut propeity consisting of ono wagon, one corn plnntet. otic feeder, one burrow, one iuli; pin. tw hore one cullirator. h been at tached um!ersnid ordir. ailcaue wbs con timril to the Cth d.iy of Jai.uiy lS2 at 10 o'ciuck a. in. ,...., Stblr .V UgiSHLH. rlaintlc. it hiNi A SKy. Alt'. Hluc Hill. Welsur County Nebraska. lt-ctin-berbth Issl. " w'5 SOLD BY MITCHELL & MORHART, Red Cloud, - - INolnvi? THE REST MACHINE IN USE, AND DON'T YOU FORGET IT. :k a - GO To W. B. ROBY'S FOR- Staple Fancy Groceries, THE REST TJBA & CIGAB2S IN TOWN. Al0 Choice Nuts. Fruits. & Confections. , )&rJ?reh Fruita and VegotabN Sold on Commivtoii kid oiorp ni it KMIGH BROS. AT MARKET RED CLOUD, NEB. TTie. choicest of Freh raeal'. SanW Fowlnand eerythinir in the line that tue mar LEU A Is XVTH'E. J-tiVin'Davii- will taVe notice, that on the 11,1, I.,. t ..rinlii.r 1-1 K l' lSlt'ehnW M I Jnti v of the l'rtrc of lV.tdnlil 1 rcM:"". Weh- -ter i ounty Nebrnk-i. i--ied in order of at- ta-shnient for Iheuiu of $i" ''). jiilan aetion i..,ilm Kofhri. him nlin'iin tile V.in livrr'Vrii I'i.inter Co . nro iiUiiiiiU aud Mid JonVin It.ivsilefrnd4nt. 1 h.tt propetty coimi-tms r i.:ie u ii-uii, no errn pmutrr, one ee-ler one tu ky pluw rn hnrrjw Mf corn cultivator kill two hi.r.r ha r-n .tr.e!ied under fni'l order. .- i l ciue wa ci:iliiiuil l tlic l'J.h day of i n nndu er C' rn I lanter Co. I!y it Aitiirnc) -'vi-sof A siwteiy. fihie Mill. Wo'tcr tounry .Nebraska Decem ber otl lM. H- 5 SHERIFF'S SA I.E REMOVAL PROM- CHICAGO TO RED CLOUD iinn Rrmnld corresTiond with Miller President of the Great Sftrcantile College at Keokuk, Iowa. Those of our citizens who want to nut no ice for next summer's hot days - t :.: V. o "li1 "The melancholy days have come, the saddest of the year; the price of eggs and butter's up, and bills for coal appear. Song of tho Thomas cat no more is heard, on garden wall. Rrof. and imprecations violent, nor boot ing, with his wedding coat rusty and shiny, and his pants flayed at the bot tom, and his coat patched at the elbow, and the nurse puts in his arm a little roll of flannel with a baby hid in it, lie holds it as he would a banana, and aa he looks at his girl wife on the bed, nearly dead from pain and ex haustion, and he thinks there is not provisions enough in the house to feed a canary, :t lump comes into his throat and he say.s to himself that if he had it to do over he would leave that little girl at home to grow up with her mother and he would wait till he had six dollars to buy baby flannel and ten dollars to pay a doctor. flv rirtue of an or lr of nlo iil out if .1.- U...I. f...j; i i... . . . - r- . .. . . iii c r urn .'ii'iiciiii 1'iPiriiri wiun in niiii ini take -motllCine Itr WciVter county yrbr.rk.i.unon njoiU-ernent in US tllJV ! nn ae ion wnerem 1'etcr Kodenhiu i idiintin i- . . ."..i ll ,i;,ft,.in'j I nn-l Aucii'ta F. Smith. .I.iim-J M. .'mi lb. her iisit.ini mi '-- . liii-l..-!iJ:.iid.J.hii W..lkcr r ilc-ferdanM. I It orr mxinilSlV WRIllll-- lui snap." Last winter the ice crop was rveated before tho begm- jacks on him fall. And timorous mor tals start and shrink and pull the covers, higher, instead of rising when they ought, to build the morning fires." Manv nersons their ailments, and as soon feci better thev disregard all anil stoo taking it. They try and again, and finally throw it :isih :n worthier, when, had it been per.-jv- ..mil in from the start, a permaiunt ! cure woulil have been elfei.tcd. :' in taking 1'iti ki.v Ami Hittkiu- toi an complaints of the Stomach and Jow eK rcniembor to give the mcdiciic a chance, and don't expect one or two doses to cure you. Money To Loin On Real Estate, in Webster an ad joining counties at the very bestates. if will n.'iv everv farmer who thiks ol borrowing money, to see me bfore making arrangements with any ther P""ty , , No expense to the borrower-no tedious delay no dealing with eas-rn parties no application ice, nontwor ,.nmmiKinn-nn fee for making or gntl .lull offer f r me at l'uldi; Aurti.m at the eat iff i door f tho t oiirt llmi'e jn ltel I l-'ti I in i.ii'l county that lien k- tr. lat pl2C hrr" the l.nt trnn of mi 1 ci.iut v jn held) on the Vll daj of .January 1V2 at one o'clock $. . the f.lloTiut decrioed property tn-wiU 'tho North W eitnuarfr of tection twenty two '. TowBhir one il) North of P.ant twejv '12 Uot oi the Cth priii'iple .Meredian- (.ivenun ler my band tni lllh d.iy ol l'e ceinberlS'l. So W Wiitai1. l'J--0 .STienffof Wtbuer County. ripe and liar uing of the new year. Tins age is one of Marvellous ad vance. The discovery of new adap tations of Electrical forces in the next ten years will astonish the world. TntPlltVpnt and skilled Attorneys are essential in securing Patents for Tnvnntni-;. Communicate with Trcsbey & Green 529 7th St., Washington D. O. The Toledo Weekly Blade (Nasby's paper), whose prospectus for 1S82 is announced elsewhere in this issue, is the largest, cheapest, and most popu lar paper in this country. The Rev. PimtoLFrM V. N.vsnv i writing a se- rie.- of letter. from Euroi e. v hi h will the door :is hnf.nj i A hang-about-the-door-young-man, nn-old-fashioncdr take -the-girls-homc-froni-church-youug-man, has come to grief in Altoona. This not very wise young man was in the habit of taking the girl of his choico to the church door, and leaving her there. At the conclusion of the service he waited, according to the custom of the town, at the church door, until his sweet heart appeared, when he crooked his elbow and thev went arm i.t arm. Tim nilv stviiiwmI l.lCvfii ?m nrilitisiiice I " .. . ..PaILIiam frt.Pt.nri ra7i denouncing tin- sort ot watting round -nade Mark. o.prnKhw. etc.. forth Lutu."d Mai rhf h-iiir.iimut- . Canada. Cuba, fjis'aau. tiacce, -rcia-j. r. . lne n.ing-.iooui- . j v,, .Kirv.Hr war' nnrrlrncr. rntnhtalned Ujrowsh uj are noiicitl in the F recording papers or taking ackmvl edgemeiits no advance or semin nual interest, and no intereet uu! money is actually in hand. Call upon or address R. A. SiMrsoK. Loan Broker. Blue Hill, N. 38tf (o) JOITWXOYES Wi"hes to inform the public that he ha.s opened his Blacksmith lmp mid is prepared to do all work in his line promptly aud in a Workman-like manner. Horse-Shoeing ASD PLOW WORK A SPECIALTY. Fhop north of Mitchell fc Morhart' Store, Red Cloud, Nk. N Immense Stock of Dry Goods, MARSH Has Thorn.' COME ! COME! COMK! loo2 PANOGLE&FUNX. HEADQUARTER EOll AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS; Two Doors South of Rank, RED CLOUD. - jSTICBRASKA. PATENTS be pul ihed during each uek f lS'2 t'lftloor-j. u'14 m .n wis ordercl in tl e Blade, as thiy are . ipyrihted. .iw iy, lur. !u mid -ec 'em skinned cannot appear in any oth r paper, j .mvi- before he would go. He '".as Send postal to Toli:do Blade Co., To- ai rented, calaboosed and fined. Worse ledo, 0., for free specimen cop-. Yoii have only to c3 'on us and we can easg .- ly.coJivinceybu that we do "sell - me- . flange cf ?rop:istcrsMp. A. Kaley, has become the proprie tor of Sam'l Garner's store, and will continue the business at the old stand. The public is cordially invited to con tinue its patronage at the old stand, with the assurance that they will be treated with the same courtesy as in the past. 55 Seith TJp. m AnVmyl'riifcJjemscrves inedebted to tneundignoJotilcd that his fcooksand accounts miliSJjwclosed immediately; otlrenrise costs w added, as they wiTl be plcd in the hands, of an attorney for collection FThkcis the last call I shall make. j -' 2 ' - i : Learning that there are a number who wished to avail themselves of our tiller of Kendall's horse book to all who pav a year in advance for the Chief, but could not get around to it previous to Jinuary 1st, we have con cluded to extend time a few weks longer, and renew our otfer of a "horse book" to all new subscribers who pay a year in advance, and also to all old subscribers who pay up arrearages and a year ahead. .Now is the time to subscribe for the Chief and get a really valuable book into the bar- .- -v5 3,- -"" . 5T1 . To induce Sajwugk to deal directly tritli.'theJfnrscry and thereby save. 35 nencent- usually iriven to asents "and A little BELOW6 to 1Mkc krse A., eition.foT 'direct trade Having Jaqge ojars and a good assortment of j stoctr,, tbejcan ship any mild day this winter and calKno doubt open the reg ular delivery earin March. TOacmof Nursery7fiK-.stoe f J?rsrrX2U! " AilI i . v ? ' ST WITe?fa at oace for S e uopeTneQHtttv commissioners will see taat'it is tUOTatjMordcr a .i.nr ?. :...., :.: -m. nr. fafrs, the people deaire it and it is to all interested that it should be done, The Chief made its fight in the last election with the belief that an investi- 2S22$ed "Sed TAcfepri- -. . L?a Mvcrtisc3 byotfier Ami 111 Keith Lincoln it-.n gairon wtjuiq oe naa, anu was inairu- iJi.aliv fr bringing about a change in the Eed Willow- than that, the girl for whom he had suffered, repudiated him aud his aunt disinherited him. M TERMS OF COURT. 5ti Jaaicia! District, Katra:ia 1382. Pursuant to provisions of the Stat-1 ute of the State of Nebraska, I hereby fix the time of holding the regular terms of the District Court in aud for a portion of tho counties comprising the 5th Judicial District of Nebraska, for the vear 1S52, as follows: Adams." May 9th and October 23d. Butlalo May 1st and November 6tn. Cheyenne March 27th aud Octo- ber 5th. Dawson April 24th and Decem ber Sth. Franklin March 20th and Novem ber 17th. n. r imiiuii M.uauii jiij iiiiu .tuiuui'Vi t. "LlIarl.in....March 16, and November 10. hcxck...March 6. and December 4. Kcarni..- April 10. and October 16. - -Mav 30 , October 2 "and iTi.-nt'". w..ii. v. . ..-... ----- jtvnnc AMRRicif. Tun largo anu pjnaiaiui txmU!4wetkIyrper.f3.ojear.vwwiiuieiT"irn. -7.1. .i iriiiW mikn a CO. Patent 8o.! torn. Pub's, of SciKSTiriR ArKic.vJ.37rr BoV New Tort. HmaatvP"un-rtii ic-. Blanks! Blanks!! SPECIAL BARGAINS! at the Store of F.WEWIIOUSE, RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. )o A large stock of Gcrmantown Wool. Zephyrs and Stocking Yarn, always on hand. DRESS Gnod, ALL WOOL Horxl, A full line of State Journal Co's., aild a ft Supply of FLANNELS, Blanks (the standard blanks of the A.ways on Hand. Ptatc) are always kept for sale at .theH00D3 0F XOME MANUFACTURE. Chief othce, and at the same prices that thv are sola at xn L-incom ana . Uinaha." The following is a partial lL-t TOYS for th Children and Evcry of blanks on hand: thh eUe yoUneed, at arrantv Dee'U, Mortgage Deels, 1 7EWHOL.-ES ctore. Chattle Mortsnes. I . 1 U uu&i. l'3 j Q: iiZi ujul jGSKTS county officer, and now it ia theuiaaae of tho. peoph pje-a xas demands, ber 30. thorough Shenaan.. Webster...! 2L-if ?' lCrWn ftcr Mihm. lfjMZZ -r settling up of the counts business, but it must be done by competent I Terms of c aaeo, we want aoham Invesiigatons- h work be done ia a basin ess-like aocapetcsiv mca and the m wUknc toatand or fall by tne -Anril 13. larch 0. and Novem- ril 18, and October 19. 23 and November U. will be called in either or aWJf other counties in the district iyne Ppte thingh their commiMtawrs desire, of .which due notice Searcii WrranU. Mechanics Lein, l'ower of Attorney. Bills of Sale, Quit Claim DewK SiinimoiM original r Sunimons (copy). Appeal UnJertakinz, Eaecuton, Ortler of Attachment. AtSdaTit of Vendor or Leor, Assignment of Mortgage, Precipe. Subpcenaj, Notice of Cons tab! e? Sale, U;ank Rcipts. Blank Note Release of Mortgas". Agreement for Warrantv Deed?, Complain; :o keep the Pcacs. &c . Ac, c. And mrat sH kinds of blanks cted by Xottries Public. THIS NXTW AUD CORRECT MAP rnrr bejoad a j iroacnxMe ;stUon Ihxl tho CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN RY Is fc7 a!l vtidi tlwi t nid for 700 to Uit wken tratJra' Ja rrtird rrJ2i tViw Chicago and all of the Principal Pointj in tb Wet?, North and Horiraes!. Caifallr riarn'ne tJit Map. Th- Prlnrtp! rt! ff thw Wt d V-ta t r "Van on tht rovi. IU ibsuczh talus a clute cxnutccUdb lUi U.o lr&u ct &. iijm Junction ittti. ICPMTt ai.trt-rfArtc'.riur waen r3u vmwrn I KV jUME u A Smp4 W-tUrm Dlm P. F-. 1. A. f.rr.-K JL vma nmwmf w.c OCurvr4, of Hrr t- 7n FOR TTTft" f? i"tr? ts tT- A1TTZ3 1 V- j. vr. hMZL. Embracing tu' rcs and .Wonder-, fd Adventure ot .eij :! T . -fit ;. -, P- 1 Carsij-s. And nthr celebrated pdian renter. ; Souts. Htx'iters and Ode.-. ' . nrnirtilms Adveiiture.n tne Tu Fght-with Inharu-I Vand ButTalo Huntf' DtsJiemteadveuro' r' rrv Ecajvis! Won.ler4l ahoo-m arvl Riling! Wild Life the fr n-... lot IMt'strntiorj' lb r" " I'aje "Colored i'lat' Y S"?r;V r book for Asents evr pui.li?hwl. I o-i ( Itivelv outsells everytninz fce. "., II vou aifK a U''" ; arti be'; i i If i Trfn K w- ' - kfv Ii' V 3 wa v m m. r A iiwaw wA w w w wwr i 1 r rw f -! - r L.W. I A.v- W tlal'.lli inv 1 ill 1 r i li TPil VT77'- rV?T rCHICAGO fir U .Urirr?rvWI J ww f - mrma -, m - . . I 1 !:"". ,.,vi- anH to -av tuu- send j j aax-.j. j i w w -m- - - C- I for agent's complete outut aiK J ! terms. Outfit and copy tor - ttt: -w. . -....i; . n r-'ZS "St""- "VKl Tf RAILWAY. TtzIz. It J I atu. t roai mm tj r-..w.--r. . ui-. t tlo to vaxt 3.7 PtLXJCA2f hotel Dnrarc It l t:r f "I JWrat raSra-wj F-s Cw If orth cr X-srti-r: cr.y "r'-' vr r.uxu. i: loea Vm IoTCawt I Writ" at oncA for s?eac. I n, illustrated circuhv. to T tw I mm m ftm" , -wjr I BiaVT.-'rtrt A jbnao Use." X Jiit -. Gn tT la. ? 9r &" T.?J tX r'Mn,.rl ktm . tit MjI Ott TiciI Ainta fit Ifeo EiSp& $U t w ltuezcTieXeUyUtStolKTtlhTrAZfrreelXZ HJftanarwa M - n i Mil m wkS . -- mm mm9mTmimm.. ii V5T n Qrti .jprwjiuAi M-iinyi)u.,unge, V'L- tf 1 - 9-tmkfT T J jiTHJ Br?,4B?2Zaw w. t jarioxrr.sT jw. xrx -i JL 1 -- -j- r- wza - V ApZp:- . rt"twt."- : 1 - 2tjih. ,"