The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 05, 1882, Image 3

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M. L. THOMAS, Publisher.
Two children down by tins shlnlnir strand,
AVittj oyes :is lilim :ts tli Summer mi,
While the sinking sun 11 1 all lliy latnl
With lli( al'uv cf :i jrillf.:iiiiy!ry;
T:inliliiv iilmi'1 :it ttiuseii-infiv'i cry, uit'i Joy on It- novy lircidt,
TiUtlu !it -t r lUs fn:n ttio owning Rkv,
.nl the irnliar l-an stretch ovor the wusu
. rt. 'irt-n ij-!l. liy tlio brocy shor.
A s.iiltirl;tl imd. i maiden lair;
Bund cl:i-icl in hand, while tho talc of yoro
Is lrzie Himin on the listening: air.
For love is younjf. though love be old,
And lovo alone the heart can till;
And the dear old tale that h:n been told
In the days gone by Is bpoken still.
A trim-built home on a sheltered bay;
A wife lookinsr out on the cllstcnliiff sea;
A prayer for the loved one far away.
And nrattllnjr imps 'neath the )Id roof-treo:
A l.fted latch and a radiant fHit
lly the open dour in tho falling ni?ht;
A wHcoine home and a warm cmbrauo
From the love of his youth and his children
An aged man in an old arm--liaIr;
A golden light from the western sky;
Hi wile by his side, with her silverod hair.
An I the open Hook of (Jod close by.
rUvect on tho lay the glo'iming fnlU, y
And tiright is the glow of t tie rvi'Tiiufc star;
Hut dearer to them are the jitspcr walls
And the golden streets of the Land afar:
An M cliiircn-ynril on it green hill-side,
i ii lying ;t ill in their Mjucclul rest;
The tl-hermen's Ivoats gi ing out wiih the tido
In the llery glow of the amb'T west ;
t'hi dren's laughter anil old men's sighs.
The night that follow the morning elenr;
A rciinlxiw briilgiugour darkened s-kies.
Are the round of our lives from year to
Cliumbcis' Jwtrwil.
Wiiv the insignificant pronoun above
written was invariably used to desig
nate a woman of such fine prrsunclle
was one of the involved mysteries to
the good people of 15 .
i'liit though a mystery, it was never
theless a fact; for while Mr. Hazlclt
had been wont to speak of his first wife
lamiliarly as ' Hess," he always re
ferred to lussecond choice as "she."
When farmer Uazlctt brought home
ins second wife there was much shak
ids- and oomv si "'lis for '
ing of wise he;
the memory
speedily forgotten, many wise fore
bodings and prophecies about'the ulti
aiiate late of the poor children, now
under the proverbial iron of a step
mother. children, be it remembered,
were examples oi lniauiuc ignorauco
i -, i- i iii i Ti i
and chi dish wort ilcssness, held up by
. .-, . 1
Dions parents alter much the same
fashion of the mythical dunce, iu a
backwoods school: to be pitied,
laughed at. and held aloof from; to be
talked of iu whispers as a disgrace to
the neighborhood, that such ignorance
and rudeness could exist in its charmed
Their ignorance was deplorable. And
though tho children were miracles of
rudeness, it was alone from neglect that
they were so.
'J hey had been allowed to run looe,
and grew up wild as savages, as a mat
ter of course, l-'or the fanner was in
terested in no earthly pursuit of pleas-
tire, but the growth
and improvenientif
of his South Downs, his Suffolk pigs
ami Alderney cows, and his trained
horses and dogs. Too indolent, when
he came into the house to rest, to utter
a word of expostulation to his noisy
children, they "went urn-hided for their
rudeness, and were untaught in tho
trim plot things.
And his "poor over-worked wife,
whose fingerHKwete so busy, and body
so tired, she had not the spirit to teach
tin m, the .strength to correct, but
worked her way through the turmoil
laboriously; for the neighbors had been
wont to observe that she had no knack
of arranging her work, though she did
it well. And so it happened, her rest
never rami1, till the pulseless hands
could no longer work.
To be sure, the children went to the
district school when l.ev pleased, and
stayed at home when the, willed hut
thel.ttle they learned there was forgot-
icii iiui iiij uiu "'"j - " win. i
reulcs, they did not like the school, I
and the scholars shrank away from '
them. This avoidance was due, in j
part, to their savage way of playing; j
but moro from an aversion, which
spr.mgup from this occurrence. Mike
came to .school one morning uunng it is
first term, unaccompanied by.litn. lho
teacher who had not learned the pecu
liarities of the family, thinking, per
haps, the boy was sick, asked kindly:
Where is your brother, Michael?"
"Where is your brother?" more dis
tinctly. What d'yo say?"
Where is your brother?"
" Is it mv pap you want?"
And after, with childish
and hauteur, the other scholars
themselves aloof as much as possible.
", There must be something uncanny
& about a boy who did not know what tho
word "brother" meant.
And the poor little waifs grew to
hate the s-chool, and shriuk from the
teachers. But of the many evidences
of their ignorance, none was more wide
- Ty known through the horrified neigh
borhood than the incident 1 am about
to i elate.
Of all things, to be forever treasured
in their stunted minds, was the memory
of a party gh en by their parents one
winter. The Tcrpsichorean art never
won braver plaudits nor awakened more
sincere admiration than that felt by
these poor little savages.
But that the memory of these festivi
ties should crop out so unexpectedly,
on the solemn occasion of a funeral,
'was horrifying in its absurdity. -A- baby H
.brother ot the elves died. Ihe church
was undergoing repairs, aud it -was
thought best to have the services at tho
house. Noticing several arrivals, oue
of the boys asked gravely of the pastor:
" Uow'soon are you expecting the
They supposed every crowd must
These uncouth savages numbered
three: dim, Mike and Pug; the latter
clritened Benjamin, but taking his
name from the shape of his nose.
There was a j'ouug lady, Dolly, who
had attended the academy, ami was a
-welcome- guest at the village parties
She had taken charge of the' household
after her mother's death. Dolly tried
to keep the boys in check, but they
scorned her poor show of authority.
v -and she gave up In disgust, her
interest m them diminishing in
proportion to her increasing faucy for a
mustached young clerk, who, be it
"known, was proportionately smitten
with her charms.
Also two little ones, Nettie and Char
lie; too yung to be either noticeably
ignorant, or more than ordinarily mis
chievous. Still they wero a handsome
y family. Dolly was very pretty, with
red lips, and rosy cheeks, and complex
ion clear as ivory. Her eyes were
black as sloes, and her hair vied with
the raven's wing. The two little ones
were lovely little blondes, when their
faces and bibs were clean. For the ;
others it was a puzzle to guess whatV
they might look like, with proper, r
Their faces and hands wre Qoir hair
from traces of gS2b another's
Sfw '"SSXs, red as coals of
!ebru& Tso many brush-heaps-
S'iSSWempt. They were tall
-""-.. ju
"StVnnfT. an ri when Dressed into serv
aiXata"f, , t.r,l
;ce could wore pre"i uu"""
thev were almost sure to manage to do
iiore mischief than their work amount-
6 The idea of Tanner llazlett mariog.
-Wn had not occurrerl Co any of ms
ofdneiEtborsunJl the deed was done.
5 'Poor IXflyl" a Tlwe
wretched boys!" was heard on every
side. To be sure, there were not want
ing those who had tho courage to say,
"And the poor woman who is to have
charge of them!" I5nt, as usual in all
cases, the most of the sympathy was
wasted on those who hail least need of
Dolly took tho matter quite philo
sophically. She had loved her mother
dearly; still, having good sound sense,
she saw that a woman's help was need
ed in her father's house, of all others.
True, she had no hope for those boj-s,
but could not bear to think the little
ones would go to ruin by the same road
and by the elder boys' guidance.
Then, too, the young clerk had an
increase of salary; and, under the cir
cumstances, what more natural than
that their hearts should turn' to a home
all their own? So it happened Dolly
was not averse to her father a mar-
riage on the whole, rather glad of it;
and, when she met her step-mother
for the first time each knew each other
for a friend. The little ones welcomed
the uew member of the family with af
fection; but the boys held aloof, with
curious glances and unfriendly airs. If
this woman thought to have them in
leading-strings she might as well find
tuL her mistake at first
Dolly's wedding occurred .just two
weeks after the lionic-eoininjr of the
lew wife and mother, and it was the ,
occasion of the first real outbreak on
the boys' part.
Mrs. Hazlett was a tall, line-
was a
lookinir woman, and thev had
J been inspired at the first with a
I wholesome respect for her; still, as
' the ihiys went on, and she seemed
pleasant and kind, the' came to think
I she would allow them their way, as
I., ... .i i i i....... ..1...I .. .
i llieir owu juouier nan oueu j;iu.i iu mi.
Dolly invited her young friends, and
Mrs. Hazlett determined the ciusuic
should be as near perfect as possible.
So the preparations were made, and
the cake was a very miracle of beauty.
This Dolly put away carefully, under
lock and key, and before Mrs. Hazlett
retired, she viewed, witJi a satisfied air,
the loads of dainties on tho pantry
The morning dawned. The guests
arrived, and soon the momentous hour
came, when Dolly -sweet ntyl fresh and
friir' 5n hor whUu robes an'1 ,,,UHSoms
J llCIl IOIIOWUI1 ll i;i;iij;iiiinia-
. tioiis, and mayhap a tear or two from
the pretty eyes of the bridesmaids, and
amid the buzz and bustle the housewife
! stole away, to oversee the completion
' of the wedding breakfast
1 Y)..i --? a I ihiitrt t lltnlht ilftft 4al aa aa J a " m I
Hill. W1LI1 VlKLL;Llll.lf.i;illl'lll'3Ili; "I.UIUi;!!
. ;. , , , ,:... .,1,V11i ,i,
in the pantrv. so daintilv arranged the
";",'',-, . r..:,ja .i.....;,.:.,..
'""- -- - ... . . 1 . -
glance over a wiim-tosseu Held ot ripen
ing grain was scarcely
:i comparison.
Pies devoured, the flaky crust
sprinkled over the ashen floor like rose
petals, cake despoiled, and preserves
dripping everywhere.
A long look of amazement, of silent
consternation; but an old neighbor,
looking over her shoulder, struck the
key-note of the trouble at once.
"The boys have been helping them
selves! Their mother never could keep
sweetmeats from them."
IJttt Mrs. Uazlctt was not one to" fold
her hands in despair. Twenty minutes''
:r- 1. ..... ll , .:..!., . ...!
- l,; - - .! . .J"i.T ",'
"'"", ". "V ,",';"",.""" "
as perfect as she had planned it, no one
but herself, her help and those hoys
were the wiser. Luckily the bride's
cake was safe. Dolly's forol bought had
saved that.
15ut it there was a turmoil in Mrs.
lla.lclt's mind, no one guessed it, look-
ing at her calm and pleasant face.
The morning passed, and the young
' wedding pair departed, followed b'
kind wishes and pleasant jests; and aft
er a while the guests went away, too,
i and the family were alone.
That evening Mrs. Uazlctt took the
boy.s to task for their misdemeanor. At
first thev seemed to regard the matter
' in the light of a good joke, then grew
sullen. Hut she did not leave them in
that mood. I ler manner was earnest.
J - ' ' ,V,r faees had
; rthem.(l to tv, and they really
. - c(mv.need that their actions
had been wrong.
The discovery thatthcir education had
been sadly neglected was not long hid
den from her keen mind.
The farmer assured her the3; would
not go to school- their very ignorance
was their greatest shatno now. Her
courso was promptly decided.
The eldest coild read tolerably.
First, she coaxed him to read little
scraps of news to her from the village
paper, while she sewed in the evenings.
Mike and Pug amused themselves, cro
while, by plying Puss with a broken
snttr but -rrew drowsy. Even .Jim
yawned over tho locals. But short
sketches were introduced after an even
ing or two, and thoir interest in quiet
pursuits gradually awakened.
After awhile sho discovered sho was
"rowing somewhat rusty in grammar.
Tndecdrfiho feared she was forgetting
what little arithmetic, she had learned,
and was s:idly at a loss in geography.
The farmer did not see that it made
anv difference if sho had. Secretly, he
thought grammar would not help mako
the butter, and geography poor aid for
a housekeeper.
But ho wisely let his wife have her
own way, without interference, since
she permitted him to doze in his great
chair during the exercises.
For she needed strong. -oung eyes to
help her; besides, she must keep busy
fingers at her sewing.
She was very stupid too the boys
would have to read a lesson to her sev
eral times, before she could repeat it;
and then she would blunder, and have
to be laughed at and corrected. This
would have proved dull work to our
young savages, but for these same
But she amused them, and then they
tcw interested, and before the winter
was ended, the evening lessons were
looked forward to eagerly; for they
began study in earnest, aud of their
own accord.
She had been acquiring gradually a
great influence over them, and a hint
now, and a wont men, wuicn nau an
tho force, and yet was not a command,
had brought their manners up to a civ
ilized stand-point.
The wiuter had been close and cold;
aud these evenings with their books had
kept them at home.
Their presence at spelling-schools was
much missed by the clique whose lead-
ors in mischief they avowedly were.
But stirinir found them much sobered
down, and conscious of having an aim
in life.
Mrs. Hazlett was not a
Christian, by any means,
stayed at homo from
months, ostensibly, that
But she had
church for
p..ic of tho
time the roads were almost impassable;
rcallv, that she dared not leave the
boys to their own devices, her work in
th?r reformation fc taJW
neither did she wish tQre of tJj . "
her till she was mr-
haviour. .aut morning in April
ut on&i'f significc her desire to o-o
Mrs. Jftiiage to chuvh.
l'he farmer starDd. He liked his
Sundav nap. "but Jin. Mike and Pun
ran to'the barn anf" pavo the horse e.2
tra care. Tliis clxrch-goin had been
held up as a'treaor some time. They
Vnw- of the new suits hiinwnir in
the closet, to be domed for the tirst
time this mtrnir.
No one krewlett the curse of false
pride than tiis wise, r oman. But sho
also knew ltwas qui
necessary to in!.
still a moderate spicpf vanity" hx th
minds of tht?e lad-
rustinr her nvn
good sense ti guide
So. In due time,
fl .direct.
p carnage was
brought to tht dooAnd the farmer.
1 B35 wuo aau ntuat wraicu care
fully, the boys taking tho first seat,
that they might drive.
The villagers stared half amazed.
These manly lads looking so hanrfsomo
and neat, and who behaved as decor
ously, were scarcely to be recognized
as the same young renegades, who were
wont, of old, to be in tho middle of
every melcc.
Dick and Ned Carlyle, their whilom
intimates, who lurked outside the
church door, stared in wonder, too;
they dared not expect support from
these boys who noticed them only with
a cool nod.
After that they were never misled
from the family pciv. Farmer Hazlett
was fain to defer his Sunday nap till
after dinner.
Under Mrs. Hazlctt's tutelage, they
mastered one study after another, till,
first Jim, and a year later Mike and
Bennj', no longer "Pug," were declared
ready for college, where they acquitted '
themselves with great credit.
And a proud woman is Mrs. Hazlett
to-day. Proud of the noble fellows who
delight in consulting mother at over
turn. Proud, too, in the praise froir
husband and friends.
I Vviianie win soon gruuuaic, mo, aim
f...J!. ...:li l..... . 1 i
and a noble boy lie is, lor hi.s training
was easy as llio.mohling of war. Ue '
had nothing to unlearn when she took I
charge of him. As for Xettie. she is a '
sweet, fair maiden, but soon to leave i
the paternal roof; but no fears of her I
cake being despoiled, or kept safe by i
lock and key. no fears of her dainties,
for her wedding breakfast being pil-
higed. j
And Father Uazlctt looks with pride t
upon the tall forms of his comely sons, j
.i antes is a surgeon oi great promise, .
and Michael and Peniamin have all tho I
clients they can attend to. Charlie is
studying for the ministry, a calling his
gentle disposition peculiarly fits him
Dplly. a fair, pleasant-faced matron,
says softly:
"I can't understand however the
boys came to this!"
" It is her work, Dolly," the father
says, with emphasis: "She is a won
derful woman! And that my boy.s did
not go to utter ruin is alone due to her
exertions. .She is a noble woman!" i
And Dr. Jim, who has listened un
awares, slips behind the mother's chair,
in the room beyond, and, stooping.
kisses her check.
" Why, what possesses
asks, wonderiiigly.
" I never can thank you enough
what you have done for me and
"Nonsense! The ring of I he true
metal was in yourselves! God only
made me a humble help along the
15ut a tear glistened in her eye.
No praise so sweet to her ears as that
from the lips of the reclaimed. Ual
loiCs Magazine.
The IJisagrceablc Work Performed by
a Female Prison Attache.
Perhaps searching female prisoners is
not one of the most grateful tasks in
the world, but that is the vocation of a
lady who resides in the Ilawlcy Block,
and has lived there steadily iu the same
suite of rooms for sixteen years. Mrs.
Iloose, the lady in question, is a pleas
ant looking woman, still young. Noth
ing in her appearance would indicate
any unusual strength or determination.
She was not at all averse to being inter
viewed, nor did .she seem to think there
was anything unusual or unpleasant in
her calling.
" 1 don t mind it at all," she said,
"when the ladies are sober, but when
they have been drinking they some
times make me a good ileal of trouble.
They are all innocent, every one of
them, at least they say they are, and i
when I find the goods on them, they i
wonder how they could have got there.
I searched two colored girls the other
dai' who accused of stealing $1,
oUOfrom a man who atruynii ;t tii(.jr
den. Thev laughed at nio and asked u
I thought "they wouldn't be smart to
carrv "he money around with them.
Auvhow. they didn't have X"
llavc you many shop-lifters?"
"Yes; they arc my "best customers
One was brought to me not long ago
who pleaded pitifully. She said she.
would give me all she had in tho worldl
Tf I would only let her go; that her hus
band was a respectable man and it
would break his heart. I had to search
lnr. run! I found concealed under each
irm-iit a splendid silk and bead cord
V, .I..V.V-. V...V...
and tassel One smuggler whom I
searched had no underwear on. but
whole pieces of goods were rolled
around her; her hair was very thick aud
I found several nairs of kid gloves
twisted up in it. Her husband never
camo near her. but her brother tried
his best to get her cleared."
Do the women you search belong
to a very low class?"
I search the worst and the best.
Many cases never get into the papers.
Well-dressed and respectable women
get drunk and disorderly, and are
brought in. and they send for me to go
to the station and search their pockets
for their names and address, and for
. w
morphine, as these women are all mor- r wjsij jt were possible to impress
phine chewers. ,'cvery cook with the convictions I hold
"If a husband is sent for to take h,l)0Q thesubiect of boilinsr. More mis-
wife homo and pay a line he always
lays her wrong-doing to morphine.,
anereis anoiner ciass ui wuuiuu-,um
maids who work in shops by the day!
with somo gentlemen friends who ar!
sure to accuse them of stealing the'
r . - i. -!.- .j
pocket-books. One man dropped hi
pocket-book on the street and hadalatj
arrested whom ha said had picked it uj
1 searched her but found nothing, atj
she was letgo." I
44 Are they very much frighted wh
3ou examine them?" I
44Yes, andtheyoflcr me everythinorD
let them ro: but I tell them 1 must P
my duty, and usually coax them ai
tle: but if they resist they knojI
would use main force. Sometimejl
have such hard characters to sewh
that the policemen who bring theijn
are afraid to let me go in a room afie
with them, liut tner never otlerlie
u i
any harm. Some of them are
beautifully and witt good taste, bo.
It is not allowable for the mei to
search them; but oie rcspectableKdy
who was brought & for shopliftiri or
4 kleptomania," as hey call it nowire
f used to have me search her, andtho
Captain of the Pucinct searched her.
I tell you it woulnuelt a heart of t one
sometimes to he? them cry ami on.
The old ones gf hardened to ? and
don't mind, but those that are t?w at
it, just as soons 1 find tho good, wilt
right down.1'
44 What do ty steal principay?"
" "EverythitN There was a jin oi
Polish wbmo'.who went round taking
all they cou" lay their hands on. I
found child'n's agates and niffbles in
their pock; shoes, clothing aid gen
eral dry gfds: but mostly luxuies. It
very r"c case that anv od steals
from nersity." "
It Woul seem as if nothinrrfttisl&ina
this ciaof humanity like the blessed
consciosness of guilt." Theywho are
t.vros J the art of stcaline- sufVrnancr
of shme and conscience waich the
searoer, if she has a misskraajy spirit,
rnigj. turn to their future rood. At
fiftfeents a head, however, sie has all
shfban do to attend to their corporal
.Phe room in which she conducts this
srarching operation is furnished with
apertures -which give the police the op
,portunity to watch both the inspector
n and insnected. thns itmi-in.nnx.
and inspected, thus destroying santrrwu.
sible chance of collusion. Detroit losL
During the White Pine excitement
if 1868 Hamilton, Kev., had a popula
tion of thousands, two large daily news
papers and all evidences of prosperity.
To-day It doe not coaitain sixty sxmk.
It has been pretty clearly estab
lished that it pavs thirty per cent,
more on the investment to have .teora
ready for market at two years old than
it docs at three years.
Simple Dessert. Put eight crack
ers into a deep dish and pour on
enough boiling water to cover. Let
them stand till so-iked, and then grate
over them mitme
with sweet cream
and white sugar,
enough to make a
nice sauce.
Oyster Pie. Line a deep dish with (
puff paste, dredge the crust with llot:r. j
pour in the ousters, season well with
bits of butter, salt and pepper, ami
sprinkle Hour over; pour on some of
the oyster liquor ami cover with a crust
having an opening n the center to a -
low the steam to escape. Oim pint of
ovstcrs will make this n'vs.
Apple butter is made by boiling sliced
apples, fir-t pared and cored, in sweet
cider. '1 he cider is boiled down to about
one-half its bulk before the apple are
stewed in it. The butter is packed in
kegs, jars, or bottles, and will keep n
lonir time. A larirc miantitv is made
..'.' .. J.-.' .... !.:...!
lor ueon nu:i-f;oiiig i;-"eo. mj mm
of Uavoring spice may be used, out no '
sugar is required.
Snow Cake Four ctipfuls of fine
white sne-ar. and a heaniny cunful of
butter, beaten together till line and ,
smooth. While be it'll", add "raduallv '
nvo-thirds of a cinul o' milk, and then
a,,i the whites of twelve e.s beaten to
a 00,i f0;i,. Sift three cupfuls of J
Hour, a cup two-thirds full of corn-
starch, and two tcaspoonfuls of-baking
pOWjL.r together, and stir in gradually!
us,arii PickleOne ounce each !
of cloves, allspice, black pepper
and ,
I tumeric, one douikI mustan
one gai-
I Ion vinegar, of which reserve one ipiart
j to mix with tho mustasd. Put thespicc
' in a thin cloth and boil in the vinegar.
then take out the spice and stir the
turmeric and mustard smoothly into tho
boiling vinegar. Pour this on the
pickles. Pottle and cork tightly.
An instructive experiment is that
reported of a farmer who plowed in a
miantitv of cornstalks on art acre
land, and burned an equal quantity on
another acre. Moth acres being plant
ed with corn, the burned one gave the
c-'-rs to a foam and the batter like sixty; i
don't, use. iinv finkim' nowder
thing else to'make flight; the beating '
is to do that. Have tho iniilbn tins
well buttered and piping hot, put j
m the batter as quicjkiy as pos line j
and bake in a ver' hot oven. They .
will puff up most astonishingly and be ,
as light as a feather
if thev are well
made and baked.
Fried Steak and Onions Melt a
hunt) of butter in a frying pan; cover tho
bottom of the pan with onions sliced
very thin; then lay the steak over them;
when the onion" are fried until they
are tender, put the oeef on the bottom
of the pan and cover it with the onions;
add butter or lard as von need it. Liver !
cooked in this way is nice alto. When j
it is done lay it on a platter and heap
the onions on the meat. A verv little
gravy mado in the pan in which you i
have" cooked the meat and onions is an j
addition, but make only a little and turn ,
over the meat, seasoning it well with .
salt and pepper. t
Potato Soup. Take a slice of half ,
fat pickled pock four inches square. '
and without freshening fry it crisp iu
the kettle in which the soup is to" be
made. If one dislikes pork, three ;
tablcspoonfuls of slightly browned but
ter will answer the same purpose. I
Then add three pints of boiling water ,
.mo one and a hall pints of tliced po'ato
and half a dozen sliced onions. Boil I
thirty minutes; season with salt and '
pepper to suit the taste, and add soino :
pieces of toastor some bread and crack- j
cr crumbs. If one desires tin soup
clear it can tie strained and the veg
etables removed, although I think it no
Soiled tinder-garments or the wa?h '
clothes should not be put into a closet,
ventilated or not ventilated. Tln
should be placed in a large bag made
,, . . j
rf" ",0 l"f-P ."U "simkcw aim
,''";" m,t "uo wo" :i, roomaomo.
' li-stjinco irom t he family Having. bus
-'-l on.c of, th fcfrt,le sources of
' J 3C f next po tit
. " ?h" ."'" ",0 -- iwI'U
I .... t .. 1. ..), ar... .. I...... ..I.....
tuuiLiiuw. iv iiiiiiiui;, nut iiii uieau
tii clothing In the closet may be; if
tcre is no ventilation that clothing
wll not be what it should be. Any gar
rents after being worn for awhile will
asorb more or less of the exhalations
Miich arise from the body, and thus
qntain an amount of foreign it may be
lirtful matter, which free circulation
opure air can soon remove
Making Coffee.
takCs can be made in carrying on this !
lirocess than almost any other; things
that ought not to be boiled are boiled,
ami things that ought to be arc not. It
:soasv. to mako thesn mistakes: then
- '
comes a time in baking, frying or boil
ing when injured nature revolts and
burns up. But a thing may boil until
not a vestige of its original condition
remains, and unless the water evapo
rates it may go on boiling for hours
without reminding one bv smell or
smoke that it is spoiled. Nothing suf
fers moro from this treatment "thau
coffee. To make the ideal cup of coffee
the almost unattainable brown and
grind the berry at home; it is more
trouble, but tho result is so satisfactory
that you will be more than paid for
vour labors. Then have the water
boiling when it is poured over the
coffee. If you use the ordinary tin
coffee-pot be sure to stuff something in
granco (and, by the way, do not try to
use one of these for a lifetime)
Our '
own coBcc-pot being sent to the tin
sliop to be repaired! we tried the ex-
ponnicnt ot making coliee m a new tin j
pan wiiii a iigmiy-iiiuDg cover, anu ,
such coffee have we had that the tin
pail has been in use a month. It is of
courso a litllo extra trouble to pour it
into a presentable pot for the table, but
it is enough better to pay. There is
nothing so nice to settle the coffee as
an egg. Mix the egg with the ground
coffee before pouring hot water on. If
eggs are expensive, you may economize
by measuring the coffee for two morn
ings and dividing the cg: or mix the
coffee, adding a little cold water, and
divide this, taking great care to cover
that which is left very closely. Cream
adds the crowning excellence, not only
to the taste but to the good looks also.
There is something magical in the ra
pidity with which the dark, uninviting
liquid is changed into a lovely brown
by a generous spoonful of cream.
Those unfortunate beings who cannot
get it must use scalded milk in which
the well-beaten white of an egg has
been stirred. Cor. S Y. 1$L
In the pulpit of the Episcopal
Church at Shrewsbury, N. J., there is a
Bible which was printed in 1717. and
presented to the church in 1752. It is
in good order, and is regularly used by
the rector in. the church services. A
quaint memento of Revolutionary days
surmounts the steeple. It is aa iron
crown of George IIL It is marked 1y
bullet holes shot through it by the pa
triot soldiers as tokens of disrespect to
his Majesty. 'Xhc church is nearly 160
years old
best start, but the acre of the plowed- j to secure the most petlecl sanitary con
in stalks eventually caught up, ran I ditions. The house is supplied with the
past, and completed the best crop. Ue- electric light, electric bells, hot and cold
suits would vary with light or heavy , water, new passenger elevator, tele
soils, but would doubtless show nnst ; graph and ticket ollices, and contains
profit on the same side in all. t :500 rooms, and has the most central lo-
Pop Ovors.-Make a baiter with e-ition in the city, situated on Chestnut,
two cups of sifted flour, two eggs, two extending from I-lfth to Sixth Streets.
ftitw of milt- nnil fi liith. smL Wont tin-1 Being owners of the property, with no
A SrAHTTAXD fxchanijo rffer to Mr.
Tbo. G. Forward, of fclair.tbit State, who
wu cured'by St. Jacobs Oil of rbeumatUm.
IUhtzler (A. Y.) Itutday ATornlng Tri'jHHt.
It kind of broke up the temperance man
from down Ks.t when he went Into the
rcomn of the Dead wood Total Abstinence
Club to find the club believed fa toUl absti
nence from water.
Jin. E. G. GartmaN, the buslne man
ajrer of the Exmimj ;.iWk, of York, Pa.,
vm cured of neuralgia by three application
of tt. Jacobs OIL 2AOn (Jlcut.) Saturdjy
KrnUg JZrprts:
Lady lodger" Your doz. Mr, t un
bearable, lie howl all nlshu" 3llo
lodser-- "Indeed! W.-ll, he rolbt do
vor-c than that; he tnlsfct play the piano
all day."
Dr. PiKKcr.'s "Favorite Prescription"
f not citolled a a "cure-all," but admira
bly fulfills a singlcne of purpose, bcinu a
mbt potent -jiccinc In thoic chronic weak-ne-es
peculiar ! women. Particular In
Dr. 1'iemsN pamphlet treatise on DNeavM
Peculiar to N omen, 11 pa-. sent for three
utatnp. Address World's Dim'K.ssary
Tm: fir-t tcam ensfne on thl- continent
ua.- brought from Knjrland In 1"..
Arc-pt Our rtllndc.'
Dr. It. V., nuffalo, X. Y.: Iir
.Sir Your Golden Medical Discovery" ua
ctind inv boy of a feor hore of iworean'
fcUndin". itccept our pratitude.
Your- trulv,
Hknky WiufiXQ, Boston, Maai.
Gi.s window-' were firt Introduced Into
Kngland In the eiaht century.
Dr. Pikrcf.'s " Pellets" little llTcrpllU
(murnr-coated) purify the blood, speedily
correct ull disorder- of the lher, stomach
and bowels. IJy druIsts.
Tin: Courier Jvurinil says that "one of
the most pressing needs of LouNvillo f
zoological garden stocked with auliual that
eat caU.
The Laclede Hotel, St. LottN, Mo.
Messrs. J. L. Griswold and W. F.
Sperry, well-known and experienced
hotel men, have recently purchascil the
above property and have redecorated,
refurnished and reappointed the hotel
at an expenditure of . 10,000.
The plumbing anil sewerage has re
ceived especial attention. All improve
ments have been succes.-ltiiiy cutuouicu
rent to pay, Messrs. Griswold & Sperry
sre prepared to cater
e li
to the public at
the low prices of $2.00,
$2.50 and $3.00
per day
Why NhnnM II I.tvo f
Itccause it cures more rates of consump
tion than nny other medicine. IIcciusc it
cures a rou;h quicker than any other medi
cine. It helps all. It liarnu none. ThiIi
haid of piso's CuitK FORCo.siMrrio.v.
A. A. SJnvder. of Wolcottvlllr, Ind., i.i.yi:
" I have bold Piso'i Cure for Conumpt'ion
for fifteen year; have lined It In my own
fmnily with good results."
Thoroughly Krllithlr.
We commend the Comimmon offer in this
paper as every way tnintworthy. Lery
family wants It; ' take it now.
"W'llY Asthma ran be cured," iu lap t week'i
issue, was copk'd from editorial columns n
the Cincinnati lleralilnwl 'irx'jultr, Nov. 2.
I'lle uml Mntqnlloea.
irc hot "Uoiili on Kata" keep a house free
from flics, bcd-buj;s, roaches, tjU, mice, ic
A Chicago drusKist retailed 11,000 of Tan
sill'tt Punch "5c. Cigar during September.
If afllictcd with bore Lyes, use Dr. Isaac
Thompson's Eye Water. Druggists sell iu 20c
National Yeast Is the best. Use it
m m
Tin: KtroiiKc.-t man Ihhuc the man who
moves the linui by his tear-. .'e-r York
liwtii'kttjfr. How about the farmer who
moved a cord of wood by his tdeer.-?
A ri-.uuiK City cirl went into a drtn
storcto buy s-ome taily-tiilu rliew-in-uiii.
The clerk, who wanted to bi ociatilf, io
niarked to her: ' It's a pretty warm dav."
'You bocIiiT lifoJ" -hi xclaliiHMl. I
hi'crcd it w.i IMJ decrees below zero."
A rwr.MKi:. on beinj; aked to writ. a tc,
limoniul for a patent clotlios-wrmer, pro
duced tilt following: "I bought our clot lu
wiinijcr, and am Iiujrely- pleased with it. I
boiulil a Jaof wood whiuh prove. I too green
iit.d until to burn; I ran luc whole loul
throiiijli your wringer, and hae iiv.-d tho
wood for Kiudlhix ever since."
Si:k jammi'd a hairpin in hor bead
(It m.-do it IeiI unite sore);
i-'lie murmured, in an uudenoiio,
" Tnon't Imlrpin any thore."
Kit Imvr heard this ilroattrul Jest.
Ami oi iu-1, in doi-p dbtruds:
"Tint uii, my "Iarlliiir. pon my word.
Hil wreeKed my hairpiness."
It wa- a llo.-tou girl who a? ked : Why li
it that two -ouls, mated in the tmpeiictraolo
my.-tery of their nativity, by each other
mi tin Ocean currents ot existence without
fifing insiinctitcly drawn together, blended
and heautiiir i iu the u-.-imiluted aleim :o of
etein d lou" 'I hat Is an en-y one. It l be-c.iu-e
butter i- furty-tivi cenls a pound and
a K"-d eal-kin sacipie oot a hih a- j.ijy.
'I lie nect's-aiic-ot life must experience a
fall in pno b-'foro two .-oul- will readily
blend in i lie ii.;imil.iied alembic, and mo
forth. A'urrinfoitM Herald.
Sm Mr?. Smith, who had come to -jicnil
the day, to little Kilitli: ' Are you l:nl to
ain Kiiitii?" Kami its. nrin.
ami i!i.iiiini:i' Klail, tool" Mr-.
'l-. slier Kilitli ,4 Yes, in'm; .ihe .-aid
she hoped you'd come to-day, and have it
over with."
ilKYKiis lias a had voice, but it U all the
time Imnimlnjr a snatch of Mime pong. The
other day he wa-j talking to tiilkron about j
iinu-cii, ravin; --isiai uo ivnuiu cultivate
hb vmee. " "That's
risht." said Gilker-
mn. 'i'l nit it deeu."
Smith's Tonic Symj
The proprietor of this celebrated medietas
Juatlr claims for it a superiority over all rem-
edie eTer onered t0 tiie pablie for the SAFE,
of Ague and Fever, or Chills and Fever, -wheth-I
ex of short or loas; itaadinf. He refers to the
entire Western and Sonthera country to bear
him testimony to the trnth of the assertion
that in no case whatever will it fail to cure if
the directions are strictly followed and carried
oat. In a great many cases a single dose has
been sufficient for a cure, and whole families
have been cured by a single bottle, with a per
fect restoration of the general health. It is,
however, prudent, and in every esse mere cer
tain to care, if its use is continued is smaller
doses for a week or two after the disease has
been cheeked, more especially is difficult anal
long-standing eases. Usually this medidme
will no: require any aid to keep the bswels Is
good order. Should the patient, however re
quire a cathartic medicine, after aavimr. taksm
three or four doses of the Tonic, a single dess
will be sufficient.
The tannine iaTJTH'S TOFICfTXUFmsst
have D1- JOHN BULL'S private stamp oa each
bottle. DK.J0FJT BULL only has tie right t
manufacture and sell the original JOHN J.
SMITH'S TOlfiC STEUF, f LemkviUe. Xy.
Fsxune well the label oa each ssttla. If my
private stamp is set oa esefe bsttis do sat
purchase, er you will fee deceived.
Manufactwrsr anal VfiSsr of
.The) awe)lar
laraWKB forfMBm aa4 Farae.
. t!Tia.i Ttan&a a at 78ib. Prtcra ira'aBat
S. Kacosal rcMBSisA-Ccv, Si. XxaX Ma. r
1 00 tv. r art s Br. tTkaac'a XeraF
1 Urnlat nimic 5-Tr mtaij as4 ea-
XUImi caaaAa fa V..TOaM.a.
r3.SS: !
AMciunrtsiM tnr thrt-lb BTnhflte
to nil shrUr aftrr the flt.t ivl h t.-rnttsi
.ti.t tmpnnvit um ufall ttvtiocr for hunun
c mful, tloJtv ivittx wu. tt w i-i tfw
vootaful iLty t. tiie wurii. An UbIst.U i
, jiMU-h hie a plc-iu to tb jti" i-fj'"
j Wa thlAt uit-wboKrti tt uwim it Tne Ui
i lovins frts aUxit alr-T! i"rYl "r t! U.t
I uo&- juay wnr cuty n-aicr !! ! isa-To'"
j .vncrorUtfr: Tot-UMvj'wrur.bix.U'riarKk.
i .!Hi!ci,iia: t: isktji n cnaiMK fwrv ,a
I mntm-I'va rarnl tj er a -wiati. th,? rjh ctti ' ;
' n ithiurbut clrlppiRsn of the nun. liMiratiTtcur
', rtt'p. Uhcn the ajin hth us.trc: m anl the
' Wjman the lrft'Iinir. it UMtimtd tnartarr To
carry it al ritcht jnrm i;w1t -ar ana xicriiSr
thai an jv i'lVt t- 'y the tuan who ( tnr
ywi. Tviit a euttouuxt-n-tlAl y the Wcf alt! ,
illk one 5ucmft- that "etrla!.-e 1 no nii-ty '
To lri! aa utabrtlla tenifirs tuat "lata .i .
To cr-y an umUrvtla ht hth en'sa V tear J
r-.t tarn rjr aoI ibvc oC r 'i Lais nirx -i
-1 am a w tsjan." To so viit.V'it aa ur. .f.j
In a rlo .ktu h'm- I hi miiv r-f is -tiiu; itMHi
t.ia'1-in. ami w II Jivt ,n St jA--nOt tj
Kt bhI lo LivjtAi.iv- utabn'a f r y:rci3 i
u.'ail atit;l 1 1 T J i-iis!. mvilai r i
I.--iM. lnrve.f thcnr-trn or -rlOtut,'ouliJ
t;iry that j xi arv rviii i-a.l- -. j -t.r.
l C" . IN-
l0 T,
m)i v
r1 Y - -
The Pxlon itv roc- mmin-ati"-! hi the editor ot
tnsUvl ti:iilor "f wivuUl hktenmH'ti ruur
J.i:hI m. :u.: n t- I!1 )mi -i jisirtuu ., .,-'
with pK-AMin t'lore t .- 'j: 1 tv n i el-' t- t v
Mr. i;lKU'U-ni. rsiuii'i 1 in ek? ki . ' . y
lit- arriViM lt Kriln a:. I. wit'., .it ;; 'to
- :k! up hiMxil, ru.mtl In m.d srI' -' ty
tin- hl h ith MK-h a itp tbt tn a f h .r
18) hand and wrut ucrv mi I.uL) mi .. n ti.t
Iinnil thut I Ie!t a ih.Kjjrh wk- of Mr 11 . h
loaiuiuu.- hl nuioiirHto Mr. lib .iu-tim
lia Ki-n n i-tt!i:iint iitir rf f - mm -l
yir 1m aiwuyt swells awl jsit u k.- ,i inAry
Hirx, nutL.iu; 'i:: M-Kat h m .tVxour.iu. . j '
Manic nul iraiini ute i'r In t".i -b nu I J itl
Ia wiiicr hiM-tunc im1 htnvt-1 tm :oii'u I
then dn-i'hil llmt the licit liui.Vc iariv I wis. I
rhmivc lil llet. Ium pviu-w 1 ..: ! w i.t
to ferd h.ra with, but fmaTty c"iiclmT'S to Ktie
him three Npmreincalan duj "f; JAti,n-ti
tnornlnx. noon nnd nicht. Thi tn' nv t di-icn-teil
w ith. aud Is ;irk ins up his tn.nV and ill
have ' to in'irrow or u xt da v T,v -Hr.tHt
M-ip hi y 1'Hier. a he hm , n-sltis lulti- ..
where lie is a trtnrhr f .i . I t-i In
tcifl vil !". mmcof cr -.ilf.i Inn. ! if he
t!-". Jat k.vo l.lm the male Uret'ut 1 d tad
Iicw.un: pliiis. i " lrw a
FfirM of nil klmU. I.u of .lltr. Dys.
tiviisht. Iiiilicctloii mid t.cncral Drlillltr.
In ar. !kiU, j I is r.rli .,k I - it Rt lru,T'l.
fit-par"! 1,t I.I.OItK ( IIEMIL'AL
It Central Strict. Kottun.
now is
the BEST
lllln. ill t I. II. Hlllly ll IOI l.r
nl l..lh ..ih .n.1 kMMlk Merr..l1.wntO.ral3
AilifI.Mnll. t!. llibsraphl "' ""' ore "
...I Im.rlr.o- ll.rul I..-ll.-l t!.l rlrr
p-nl otr Ihl. iitmlrr Kjhioii W llh-iri 11 :l m
Anil Mi nrj t v ihnirnf, lv.i WV!frr mvl IIhim
(ilisl ItrtatfltlllrrlaM. I'lIif-.tllU Ir U 1 m'rr .lr
It l-lC'.- i.,mt 11.11 r- lllarh ,14-. -
l"ilTioij Sn-Ufjllr!.- W.mian"tl'nia.l- Hrrrt.
,rli lunk of ii.lf.m! K.ilure Ki'i'r I IL-I
Lruit I ..lrr..4 HI.UO" Jib. . Ir .tvl lb' V Hll.t
a:ti 'haJjir.Mawuirir lr Tannrr 't lie it.ln. l
Inirnii thfMdrnis.-?tlip !- ll,
Th .tl Irwi I . W'hliiu; l lt"nim hlfinl.ul,
Tr pi.', .re .ml lis mot".h A" lirrl Hn:iciI rnr
aiilVm-i HO OTHER BOOK LIKE IT. - --
Al r.., furclrniuum ittflmUwfrnmtmmmFm
llkblnj t -.. IM lrlrrlllM lllli. I, !-. (IU
A BOOK o' Rnrn Orlclnnllty.entltled
Tht crtat rbita . i, lh in4.t3aal ctrffult rs
titlervlfrta tt a Iie;-onit lily up Wnifclum in r-
rari to Education Homo, Society, Ettqutte
Amuacmonti.Oresi. Love, Marriage Bull
noiliOt i- iiretuUfn'f -r 1 it Hfr4timft$.
!& nlumi .VvJD(i In i tnkio- thrht r.rlfrmaiia
AnJ tQtcotrtmtantD Ka t colorrtJ plat k
ONK A UkM Agents Wanted Everywhere
&ai tit eircoltr fo I Ur rii.ti jn tt rtni. Ac tJJttML
APE PAtDr i' llr J ! J krfl
d.alcr thrwn. A 1UI Ml nf int.
I neflli.T.orKrrj.i:i'ITritU If tat
fl ht, J.,. tf I.MI'I. r Ynrirvvr rta
in pni'.fca. I tv'.rnl" ara
cntltlrJ to tn Ir.f rrj ,f !( jb W'Hjwi
crrhan. mnJ dirnil'iif f t;.r or ar thf rt f
jliiiir'UHniiMi Snt 8un4f.rp7
I'.nilsn ami ItosiTy Af la. AJlri.
P. II. FltiBornl'f A Co., n..m ."a,
lnHUn.i-1 . Ini. It.frrtli1 Hani tils,
ai rrti'lCtatnl lUiia tlb at ln4ini!.l.
IIIooil, anil .!! conipllr'r clistirfc the ti ivillnllirrn
tlroariittin In Hirir mumlia Any rr'n who r .liaku
1 r .4 mrb nljrlH tr i 1 i 14 wrvic may tx ria'-jml
lo at ii.ll ii-ai.h. If rcch a tiling ,IWr. t-ol'l
frjlir crx.ct ty t..a!l fur ft Utter a'ampa. I rl.
Juu&aox&Co.. Ikxton. Mia., fomwili llaniur.Mo.
Tor ths Cure of Consha. C-M. H3rTir. Aithma.
Broorbltla. Un.-cp. mc
lest Cuatuniptloo. c
Broorbltln. Cn:np. Infiarnza. Wlicwr'rjt Cousti. lnc!p-
c. incc cmr crau wiuc.
II ASffUIStory
Ia .rii,...!...
Is ci'inmcnced la tho ovnnbcr number of
Arthur's Home Magazine.
I new inliacitbcra for 1HM. will rcrelt
icr Kc.
JDCC thoNotrptubr.rnntl lmtibcrXcw.
rlltl.OfthlTctr. TrR.f.'aycar;:
tvitilnj "1 A airtfa-Kas C W aivtl r-a rr.
tzi); acor'wsr. toopkiS'i: is an'l or.c cx-
J a V -' "-J V Vja-r " j Wl- -
tmSli aMrTerrpcrlmcn nnmlr. conUInlnj
Crstcbawonof IH.rrril,"m;rMl f
T.H.AIlTlIUr.iSON.rhlhulelphla. JC
Astnts Canvassing for Lift of
XXA&t 1LLU iMssszftssjz
ftidpallt, L.L. P.. which ruotalna 10 flrw-i luaUatlona.
andlarriniMonnDClkarrrnitwlh FUpl IPU a.J
CAvVloSi Uo mi Uajrth- tHuL On 3llu
catchprnoT. rcTampcit rampalm Arrisiiaj
tjok with which Uir ccanirjr U la I KM IN
It. ami a tiae frioil i a !! Public
tlrtJy i.r Tbe onlr nrfc worttiy tb iUkr.
rOBUIIIEE A MrMAKIV. Itnrlnaatl. O.
raU!ota Srat Kr.
IadlaaaaIla, .
I Tsluable inforcnatlon atiotit rotrntx, mad a cUi
I Cedlljt of THREE THOUSAHO patentabla de-
rirea, axj-one ot wblth U pcr:tl mayitaa w a
fortun. Irlc'. SO cent. AMrm,
Tub Gi-iiir: I'lbluhuio Co., CXEVEL.VSD, a
Jtrwt fiKnlte. finert Sllotrc!. latert. Urret
ml low-prlceil. rnl for eircalara; or. IT yoa can
act rjcCralr oa a rw4 thinr. n-al iru atonre tor
rail outfit. Arrnu xrr aaUicx 3) to SO a Amj.
-T..nt.- "ocyrricTir;" od "Tsir.
rAIKTCICOTTa," tr&nxos. in t! b
j"poar OirrUaa fir SnWaooa cf ISctoIa awl
SirStejrCUaTtt puWtxrl. Birt'.jtrurnjj trstva
rrrxlpt , crj hj- , W 4STRATTOS t CO
Xm. SI Haaarrca- SMrraC. Hataa. sfataa.
fexxTCX xcA rxoAaavanc ant trt. 09 sTf-fcKJoa. j
AGCHTCWact'ditBlcat. Osetncacncciestr.
Obit 1 wchcrAufiBI-SireestBrots.Lv-coUratro. to lyxslrxxiixt, StIxwU.Ma
athceae. Sampleaarortht
CCAAllTESaayoarBtoarB, Termsssti
.ysjmwsaaasii iiisna
apa. kuar2SasU4t '
! mm
'' .A. Ci aSat I
I "! . .
aaa:a raa a-j
i-r ' - i
i ' sXA i . r
Bm JbBV bL BBBa, .SBV ! BS
r kgimmr0
SamiaJSjWJijsltllllSfcaTaSSS. )
a is S S ssm sTaaiia at Sjam
Ul I WW Paw J.evfaa. taaiaaa. otja.
. aav.
Hit apar4
txttitbtUTT In entrtalnln lnttur. TM Miwoiwr
ra for lh. COMPANION ntJ ClO' frm h
tfiat will t trat6
Its Serial Stories,
ftV WlitTKlLS ( ILHU (ttR AXI R.Xt'KJUtSCn.
A Serial Story. I.'utrir.
A Llvn Smrv fnr lav. tntttrUl. I J l-"-
An English Story. l-u-tri-k w ut,lu',rt-
Wltchcrnft at Deacon WlgKlna. ' ll t BrMn ..
Four NlRht Amont; Ru.sian Nihilist. r tr v.
Talc of Old Hew England Taorn. r H.Ti.
Storlc of Successful Business Men. ' i !
Stories of tho White Mountains. m K a Mvun-.
Stories of Old District Schools. tty K. K. Vvt.
Stories of
Incidents of Frontier Life
Afne tn Aitrtin Iu ttmnlittd,. i
Nc JVmc ;.m th .Krtti" Iu y ii.utrlcs
A Pioneer Schoot
cTin.-inj; utt n ihr .1 t jr
n Uti"l t t4
tu9t i f i inu umii rfxntw. -
lean Wilderness: -.i "
f M. l !.. r. 1.. ,
Peril of a Linesman's Llfo:
On Rocont Battlo Flolds. I'
A Story of South Africa. A
Nobody's toys.
Amusing and Practical.
wovrn sf ., .tmlurv a unl,n ot f wt
Tha DlL-mU. rt m Nnthnr
t ttt the rnlcrtalnimiit nl r f our nVr, lly llKnr M, nT.
Hints for Dobatln Clubs. ir uth m-iioi) mt wUrttajhttn. with wblth tnrC'iiwftsiit's mil nffrra irin tW tn Ctv hrr
thitt It tnuy rtr tbotmtlru rur it V-tt) IJbrarjr lit V 'Cie.
Naming Children. -An nnnmnif "i! tA'tnictnrarrira'if jm?" "
th uvijffTi nrxt lht rltr which allrn.l lh- natum: of th.Hnnt ih ,ir Ui.Sa.
i Hi 'nT
A Backwoods Boy's StruKK'o 'or College. Hr -A A. --ner-H,..-
The Companion's Writers.
Hrnrj W LetjMltw.
Jaha O. Whlttiar.
W D. H.w.Uv
E. 1 Whlppla.
3 T TrowbrUfa,
WUUara Blak,
CaaoaF W rarrar,
HtBry WarJ Bar.
Xra. Ilarritt Baathar BUwa,
LouIm Caaaillar Haultsa.
Harriet Fr'arott 8paffr4.
Rbcra Hardiaj Daiia,
Koaa Trrrj Cooat.
Xari B. WOUama.
CbarUUa Xary Taa(.
Fraaaaa . ISapi.
TnL rUiarl A. frtor.
tltiaVath Stuart Fail..
In. Oaa. La Wallaea,
0rx Tawla. Xa.,
Cat. Taut H. Uajraa.
" Kata CoMt.ifl.l.-
Trasl A. OWr,
J, 0. Caaella.
Very Valuable Articles.
Tho Mlnlstors t ln" nmflhttiivinimrntilmiiia' H- -iMttHn.
Ur 15. r. inrn.t
Tho Boglnning of Croat Industries. . Ii Jam I'tnnii
Llfo Scones, Oervyman cr itu-in My Itrv llrsni v.ia HfuntK.
Success ard Failure in Life. . I'ooi I. v. r.inmn
Othor Recolloctlons of Authors. r thltoJJMT I'lttio,
Charles Klngle's tch'l mi'tCollrjro I.lfn . . Iir 1 1 Wmrrw
Olsoasos of tho Hlp"'li,rl in ChlMrvit . Iir n rat I
Tho Tlmosof the Croat Oebates In
Nnturil Wondors'f "i'ili,it'i. I'rt-lliatorioM.Hir.l-. n.MtliiII.iKl. lMw
lh:itiDfn.s.ll.iti avi-s. I Iniirx (,n i-a. -tr, lly II ttitiitrr I'ltrx.'oTTffnirmnu.
Articles on Home Education
tu at nil at holm -A nniriM of lluinr
t-lllj:ftici Why Hi-mi 1'iHtrj- Wimt
Ki-nco a ni ot Hooka mm an nhouM
Illustrated Travel.
China. Inrlili'llta ninl fHi'tK isiinrctrl with ta-n ti'itra of oTIrtfll rraMcnr In
Itlllin; in wrilcn vrMillsl lriitiira
msii1i; mi-1 ili'tiillol lctr i,r i'HT' -
llj llli.v (
Russia. I. Iff In thoiit-of-tuwBy
I ij- IhoKlMivtMiiv raini-lally fur tbla .iir"o' I ly. Mils, A II I.KiljtOWk.aa.
Moxlco. A Natur.illat a Ailvctitun-a on tin M'niiitrtlut of .Mi tiro, ljrosf wh
is tninllnjc In thiit ismntry for Nrlontitii" oirtlr. . It- 1'iteu A. tiSMt,
Articles on Home Industries. f
SIIIUIU9 upuil rani:! noiRi rminnn'wij mi n-'rHiiiiiiHIlia rtppil'J'IB
W nrk, Itrs Work, Nnrrillranf KnltUiiir mi 1 1'nHtivt Work.
Training for Nurses
Ways by Which CirlS nir Earn Money at llomn.
My Hcni'.cCA litrii
Photography, " Occupation for Ij.1, . . lly ait Ktt-KMr
How to Proporo Inexpensive, tnit ApttilHr. Km-i fr tsj TaitU.
lly Mi I'nixoi
Tho Ralsinicof Household Pets fur tin-Markt, HiMh-j1 luivt'r.i
MuhacrlpfloM lrlc. I.7.'. irKCIMKN COriKS MKNT KRHK
yntv innttum tn ttti )iyr tjou rfaJ Ihl .iitvertl$nfHt
T3V33 WIIiIi
To nny rondar
for n full yonr'a
from Jnnuary I at, ID82, to January I at, lass. Thia efTar la ;oed
only till Jan. i at. ana only to tnoaa
43 Templo Place,
CnrM VJTtmr mil
Itli aot a Umfonrr aUevUlar. Vat a Uaraaf aralratar af AiUbm. ltati ara laasaiata.
It li fiallf aslracloaa with taaat ar aU ikja1. It eraUea ar asruafcto I aHHref atlt.
lt la a raaiktaatJea af rraicflfal waste aaftr Ufsra ta-eUj4 la Mia auaaar II U laa wH
0dlullaritlcaUaaslatt4araaaaaariitTitaa aa4 IU araaar traataaf ItUasKrUla rara, tf
tkatHrartlaaakaaaraararlaflrfaUaaac. IT M I TICTH A CO.iqCMHB. w
Foa a VAtrASia Taaanta o- AiTkma hud KtnetiD DtsaAtat. Fata oa CC, fTH TaTV
HostAUor PERMANENT CURES, Addiiu all ndt and ceauaaaautioii u
CXHZ ASTMMA COM - StiVrur FoCawSraaaT, aNCINNATI, omo.
Whoa eabtect or parlor mum baa wot aioaaar aoaa ar frnTM6fI auirantu'i rtarr.
TRiaA inumafi tor Fwrarraaa TSaaa Crta iVi omr AmrrUm anraaa rtW a ta Uwedvim
of nit at aar). tar. etr aoaa a4 oaaaraa raacncatxr Ti-fBiB traacat a 4
OraaiM Hi la Larr tui lliaa ta aar alasaar nHai atw una Cf HMta4oetoa t lJi laaaraa ay
tls3. larctr rrmre tart; sa4 ara tot ctfrTlaa- oaaaai
atoo foaalar aaoira as4 MiLUt rrtiw or tmrvrtutt jtiuri,
a xnr
tUsaaratliaj laara
WiatyVa of
l trat,JTu ad rxiaradtX. AVtr , AI
aaJaTTaHli Kaat ISSS mu, MMrm Yajsuai
lUiUiiaaiiai lAiauibuih m n.
VadtmiBoaihiitHxiittUwv wm. yoar Atnm. irt I
arflt rtara 70a hj sail tarehr aaaurtoa aJaajsai atafosso
eajdfc or a art of S a M XaTraTHe'4 carla. I emld Bfet
aJTord tn gkt 70s thas eAeasBt rarda warn K &yt tiMt 1
tbec. Sbcruid roaariss botk ssas tnafciaa) tw Uaree-cajaje
irs. AtMraas
Tr.jMnraaDwmoumr. 17
eaeaataa tlv fas
Bfe aaa saaur
m, Thtlt4roalr
ean earjaarr;
SS Z aaaaP fA STWal
lalllfSs DanLWanSsH I " SWriTsl, H
4MaSauCrssp,sWasiBMCassAssslB4B ' " Saea4faSB, Jaw Test. g p
aWSinStiSnl Hsismilssdiasssstwsasav jear I I I aaraSS aa tJ0i aaa.
lvsMSsVsljasajvisa1smiaa4sjjiass H jjl Ulllll' si l
1 eaaaepraaaalasamassamWs ll.iif rWI VXBXWj&r '
( SaSSaaVSSS BS SBSSl SSaSS SaSSaTapaS It StsV aa-k amamaa. ItlBaSaVV TZ&KZ"
l SfcWTsWltsstsslii. .US, aVUL-StSfc jfafQi lU2SP5gzZ&? J
SaSfSW JBATSSMB WSaVMSl SSW BalBS) C rm ,inJ aCil . aauatVfa ?"'
HaShS3S J&iE! . i
naaav Tmtloa4r.aaW!watf T!. ISiiiMi i Saaaaa- laSSaT . - "
AaBST.. Ofoaaara ra- - ... 1 - - -- aaaaaWamr .,aai -"T. -
'uZc:JlJWgZZZt ,
ort to prvnt
fnt cf ftwrM ftr 1882. lhat tp '"
In tn comlni lm r f tio.
and Adventure
m U
Hiw. Jl"K ! t
In tho fnrWoit
- r FuirfH tiil.
x .tiia II w-
r.SIt Weeks In n South Amur
IfbfM rvtf irw t'aHNiiK Uhr
Hi II lhtuH,. ' V
iunnliiTl-i-H w.-'".
K I IM1 UHs-
- i - li, vmi. nh
-io Uy i rtM M
JUiiUXcs. . Jty ijL X ntmA
an l tlMlUiU-. Iht pfratfet frr Umt
VHnrlti. JHr 1T1
Otattaa Samara.
Waa Vf ialar HiUn.
Laaj Lar,
Dtaat Maria Ctaia.
Julia C fc. Ir.
AaaU A. Traataa,
araa T BrlKara.
CU Taaitar.
arr !. rrMC
. B. C. 4al..
WOtUa X. JU4la.
Xariaa XataaU.
Eaaa Daa Ttm
Congress. ..
Ily Jt-alKll
RjiTtiH rMtnuVr
for Worklnu Poople: "wii
Itrn-linif- lli. ilitW U ittla) ti I li
r.H-try 1
f- ! Jla
to Ohimixxi
lt IDIi'lll-
Jlr.K U l-iruct.
Inrlilonfa r aurfHai Itllrrtiiiiriil with lho
la) - tiro In hum will Id rivrn
ntMTCIl Hum OMMIt, 1 M I.rtrntloii. Tcklli
Nn,V ih1 lnifrx of t!n ltuia. ftrrM in
nrtklra. 'I'boMiituorliaatKs'tilM fit Ui lttiaaU
Ily Atsiir K Itiumir
as riiralclniia Ailaiita. A h-w t'e'fai for
lly aTntf.sKii ,l ii, iU. ilea. HoariTAi.
SX3XTX ar-Xl3l
of thia pnpar who nds us tl.'
aubaorlptlon. nln. roplfra of Hm
tha two montha of Noaamb.r aiw
Oecamber, contalnlriK all of William Btaok's ataJTt
"The Four McNIahola.' nnd a full laii'i aaaara
who cut out ana irvaiea.thla alls.
Othnr ReBstwlisi Fall!
ar alaaaa unujiri awl cataaaaAfaratrrr
JO, U vrm fiT fjrit. ftv tbf
vtaA rt prtets. aaai tSmOari is, aK ate laa
MAMf,iar arAaAJ ca.,Ta TaaaaaA AH.,
ar, ! wa
Bsat 14th 6C, Xra- Tort.
Tat SaMtet Ht Faftara. HaiVn. riaari.OQto-.
Ce. Tfc aaaaa in aH. fatfca rf a?
riSiaraaia aWattf rat Vat itaaaa. frtM
MitvtaaaYaMf yaaatao. jlmaaatriaa4a.
k ateaaaaf rataat Lavrrr. WaaaVasua.!. C4TUaBV
j s
raaaaS " i2T
- .
t' M