- " -' '"- Jg:" rs -. .- -. ... ,-. ... -- ,-awa?jj Wrt ' ' SF -' x - -;? g - jsf? pfeirises:! :Sl ' v7 - s v c . a- '-j-v v.s.--- s -A I jBr- ? 'i- .-A itV I- ABB. &i.j --- s "? -.. 5 ' Jce - SWr Sfc l.l 'v:k v ?' i . i. T V "VlV !. "$ njitPrer"- "..- ; N -j? -- - -. f-ife4fc' fc - v-fr1 mr aMW2awatai2.JJ N 6? h hi ti4...4.- Ci5& '-r4 '- r'S,Jf.,-,K-' -j-- ki r"; Sic-y- T. - - -l.-.V5-. . .7r- r- i rr-f "' kt - .j.--,1 -i jf, .- 'irL-?-.& -. --c dC.m. .if jh SaM'L GARBER UEJILEK w ? Goods Groceries BOOTS and IflOEM ! Hats Caps. & Rta'ty Made Clothing. Wt tare the Liriitf Stock in the Valley ini will not be undersell Give us a call, one and alL Sam'i Carber. ! Heb DR. SHEEEB, Proprietor of the City Drug Store. Ate ALts n Drug, Medicines. Paints- Oils and Varnishes, A full supply of LAMPS, LAMP SHADES, WICKS, COMBS BRUSHES &X rtrnnat:c solicited ami thankfully received, airreftriptionis carefully compoandbd'w Oife iluor souili of (Jarbcr's store, RED CLOUD, NEB. R. L. TINKER. (Sacceiior to a. A. Brown.) DEALEU IS Parlor, Bedroom AND KITCHEN FURNITURE, Brackets, Chromos, Picture Frames, Mattresses, Etc. Cfl"i"s lv:as on hand and trttn&edon hort .; lice. I nets s low n aay in me v auey. !Ui.uirii:K if til kinds done- trompily and Hatistactury. Bariul Robes furnished rnUa. ilED CLOUD, at reasonable NEB. Harness Shop, BY J. L MILLER, Krtr ccnlntly on hand a fall Line of HARNESS, COLLARS, SADDLE3, HORSE-BLANKETS, VIIIl'3, COMBS, BRUSHES, HARNESS OIL And everything: usually kept m a first class shop. TTTO DOOKS KOKTII OF THE BANK. fce2ishest Cash Fries Fail fir Bit and Fan. Flour & Feed STORE, CHAS. E. PUTHAM, Prop. DEAtxR nr FLOTTR-EEED Corn. Meal. Braa Choppod FmIwI GROCERIES, , YUit the fled Clond Grocery. Feed aaiFre yifiun store when you naai rui-plieafer aa ae benrt. inchest market pr ia ease naip for gtaBa AII kimU ormwirry lodure tiken n tachtaaja for !. t'uvilrdfciieered to all iart of tMTB trr vl charfe. .irr.Wr Uccd's llo Factry. REDCtdua, - Nebraska. The Proof of the Puddingisinthe Eating.' 3 I have only to call on as ana we can easi ly convince you that we do sell .".- HARDWARE A littk BELOW the sd-callcd "Bed fockpii cwidertij?ed by other S.- - T-i."lV.-', " 'J"."- r ,k w.c3 V-a-j 5 .a- w r TBTJE OETXEF. - . . L(3CAL MATTERS. THURSDAY DEC. 29. I88J. Jjoeal ailcfrtirimeni inttrted among tht rtndinq matter trill be charged lOcff., a line each insertion. A jack rabbit bunt was talked of last Monday. The National Soldier it the name of a new paper just started at Kearney. Next Saturday is the time to "swear off' again, as Sunday ushers in a new year. We would like to give some one a receipt for the price of a ton of hay. on back account. The shooting match came off as advertised last Saturday, and several Turkeys were won and lost. TheWomans Suffrage Society will meet at the residence of Mrs. Dr. Baird, Friday evening Dec. 30th. An excursion train will be run from Red Cloud to Denve'r, Colorado, over the B. A M. on or about the 4th of next July. Useful as well as Ornamental, and a splendid holiday gift those Ladies Traps try Camp Rockers at the Furni ture Store. The Chief office has a large stock of papers and cardboards on hand, and is prepared to do all kinds of job printing at short notice. Say, you, why can't you bring us corn, wood or hay and square up that old account. Just try it if you want to sec us smile. A NOVELTY. Thoc Novelty Folding Cutting, or Card Tables, at the Furniture Store. Call and tee them. Kendall's "Horeo Books," worth $2.fi0, for sale at the Chief office at 25 cents apiece. If you own a horse, be sure and get one of those really valuable books. We learn that a little boy whose parents reside somewhere up-the river, ate a small lump of concentrated lye last Friday and died from the effects a few hours thereafter. Married? At the Holland House in the city of Red Cloud, on the 25th of Dec. 188 1, by the Rev. Qeo. 0. Yeiser, Mr. James JE. Weatherwax and Miss Lizzie E. Rutherford, all of Webster county Neb. Our young people wishing to attend tho largest and best business institu tion should correspond with Prof. Miller, President . of tho Great Mercantile College at Keokuk, Iowa. There seems to be but very few of the young people in this vicinity per petrating matrimony this winter. The scarcity of wood nnd the high price of coal must have a depressing effect upon tho young: men. Mr. C. E. Putnam is branching out in his business, having rented the store room formerly occupied by Ro senthal Bros., whicbThe will fill with goods in a few days. He will also continue business at the old stand. D. S. Helvern returned from Illi- nois last week, where he has been for the lost three months. Ho says that during the time that he was in Illinois there was not store than three or four days that the sun was not obscured by clouds, and that he was glad to get back to Nebraska and enjoy its balmy air and cloudless skies. Young RFttn. Write to Miller's Great Mercantile College, Keokuk, Iowa, oh the Mississ ippi. Book-keepers, Penmen, Short Hand Peporters, Telegraph Operators, and School Teachers thoroughly fitted. Don't fail to Address. Prof. W. H. Miller, Keokuk, Iowa. This age is one of Marvellous ad vance. The discovery of new adap tations of Electrical forces in the next ten years will astonish the world. Intelligent and skilled Attorneys are essential iu securing Patents for Inventors. ComwniKTrte'with Prcsbey & Green 529 7th St.,. Washington D. C. Sattlr Up. All knowing themselves inedebted to the undesigned are notified that his f books and accounts must bo closed innnedialzly, otherwise costs will be added, as they will be placed in the hands of an attorney for collection. This is the last call I shall make. 2l-2-w J. M. Mosena, M. D. A CARD. We desire fc acknowledge the re ceipt of some very valuable presents on Christmas eve.; having received about the value of twenty dollars. The people of Red Cloud have already manifested an interest in myself and family, which tends to 'make us (though strangers) feel much at home. We shall long remember their gener osity and pray for their happiness. Geo. W. Hawlky, Paetor of M. E. Church. The immense trade enjoyed by Mi-ner-Bros., since their business was es tablished here, and particuUrly in the last few weeks, partiary due to the feci that their stock of goods is always oompieie, comprising nearty every- itfeiag that the people require, ami of I iIm beat quality that can be purchased in vne eastern sarKa, an ot winch is offered at jmemjhat oan.fet plea-e tfce taoiJaiitd 4raw cw&bm from fcr ndhMar. - Kemeiber that it will always set yew mterest to call at Miser Bret, store, whea yeit ejMe te towmteiavreisaMiecoeMrfTov do not Mites ke asake sat pmjtypmpnu twy seiKiuag aayway Ujm. oace see taek a4tracT stfk. The last week has wifsatgd ssore mud than usual iu this country. The indication are that thie will be a very open and pleasant winter. If there ie anytbtsc scarcer thaa money and coal, it is local items this week. A new store has been started at Amboy, a Miss Polly is the proprietor, the stock of goods was fnrnished by Mr. Roby of this place. Friday of last week was a lively day in Red Cloud, aa the people were buy ing their goods for the holidays, aad all classes o( dealers made large sales. Last Saturday huae'reds of dollars worth of presents were bought in Ked Cloud, and hundreds of children ami some grown people were made happy for the time being. The Rev. H. L. Howard from Cen tialia Kansas, will preach both morn ing and evening at the Congregational church in this place, next Sabbath, the 1st day of Jan. 1882. Dr. Hall will go to New York the latter, part of this week for the pur pose of attending a course of medical lectures. His, family will accompany him as far as Burlington, Iowa. The Social, under the auspices of the Ladies Aid Society, will be held at the residence of D. B. Spanogle on Friday evening Dec, 30th. Cake and Pop Corn will be served. A good at tendance is desired. Sec. pro tern. It is customary with country news papers to skip an issue between the holidays and allow the hard worked members of the craft to take a rest, but the Chief, under its present man agement has never missed an issue on account of either sickness, death or the holidays, hence this holiday issue comes out prompt and smiling, as usual. About the only reason the creamery enterprise cannot be made a success here is because tho farmers do not take an interest in the matter. A few residents of a town cannot run a county fair and make of it a success, it has been tried, neither can they successfully get up a "creamery asso ciation" unless they can get the farm ers to take hold of it. We learn that the post of the Grand Army of the Republic at Wells post office have erected a hall of their own in that lively little burg, and will henceforth have a place to meet where none dare "molest or make afraid." This is enterprise and we hope the boys will soon realize enough from the rent of the hall to other parties to pay for the entire building. Shclton Clipper sayB: John B. Finch, the great temperance advo cato is again in trouble. He is accus ed of bad conduct with a young lady in Adams county, and the Juniata Herald is raking John over the coals in good shape. This is not John's first trouble with women. It is gen erally admitted that Finch is a fraud at heart, and a disgrace upon the good cause he claims to labor in. We publish- a letter this week from one of our subscribers whose early ed ucation evidently was sadly neglected. Our first impulse was to throw the effusion into the waste basket, hut upon second thougnt concluded to publish it just as it was written, that he might have the pleasure of seeing himself in print. Possibly the next time he writes he will not neglect to append the usual request to "please correct all errors. Read the article on the inside of this paper entitled "Mutilation of beauty's ears," not only once but many times. Study it, and see if you do not come to the sensible conclusion that the pier cing of the ears is a relic of barbarism that should be discarded at once by all sensible females. Had we the framing of a law granting to women the right of suffrage, we would make it condi tional that only those who forever re nounced the pernicious habit of mutil atfrtg the ears, should enjoy that privilege. i There is two or three things that parents who send their children to school should recollect. They should recollect that they have haid work to control their two or three children at home, and that it is much easier to control two or three than it is two or three hundred. They should recol lect that there is not one man in five hundred who can take charge of a school the size of the Red Cloud school and make a success of it. They should recollect that while their children are bad at home, they are much worse at school, where there is so many bad children together. Don't censure the teacher without just cause. Keokuk, Iowa, Dec., 23d71S81. Statistics place Keokuk, lown, among the healthiest cities in the Union. It is finely sitauted on the Missippi River, is growing rapidly, has large wholesale houses, manufactories, pork-packing establishments, lumber yards, water works, excellent schools and colleges, finely paved streets, the great ship canal; does an immense railroad, steamboat and shipping busi ness. The now shops of the vast Wa bash railroad system are adding to Keokuk's prosperity, making her fu ture, bright indeed. . Miller's Great Mercantile College is shariaefin the general good fortaae, being full ef students. Younj men ar rive daily frees all parts. The teach tea are experienced men, giriag their entire Jtisse to. the; work. Expenses are light as can be expected, The United State eenrts are held in the college hoilding. of many fire free mwcMXj awweeasf nr awjeaaj: aweeaaau itMfwsrasa. m aemaasawZ' anal' nawnemear i r spm,'. vaiaswaawj- -an wne. vwana; naai - , - -, . Dae. 34, IM1. Mum ToAf--Once a sitasen of Red Cloud presinct and knowing sum thing of the Boys over the river in re gard to hoo is, and hoo is not capible ofjuging. But let me smile to you Mister tomas not by the way of pul ing the cork from the botttle, but by the shoing of my teath and say that I do hereby and hereon think that the time is come for the gun to be loded and the shot fired for that long talked of investigation to begin to loeae up and nock the wind out of one party or the other. Som fellers acros the River tsM as that if we would com to tho lection and vote the strata Republican ticket and if the Republican ticket was lee ted that there would be an investiga sion of county afares, the other fellers acros the rier told us that if we would com to lection and votef the bolters-half-breed ticket, and that if the sore-hcd-half-brede-mungrel ticket was lec tcd there would be and invesugasion in county afares. Even som of the half-brede-bolters said that just as son as the liction was ore they would give fifty dollars out of there own bricbes pockets to start an investia sion. How you Cheaf man you strate Republican and you balf-brede-eore-hed-bolters, where is your investiga sion ? Ah, you would lie to us fellers would you ? Just for the sake of a vote. Do not take us for marenes and ingines in this matter. Do not think because we have no education and can't rite like you fellers and make publick speeches like the little mwer orater, that we do not understand what politicel felllers say and not for what is said after lection. Now Sur if it was rite to advocate investigation before lection is is rite after lection and if Mister Tul lies is all rong before lection he is al rong after lection, too rongs dose not make one rite. Mister Baha and Bushaw was lected on the grounds of an Investiga shon and we want it er else al you slick fellers lie. I herd som smart men say and good Republicans that the county coni mishoners is the ones to make an in vestigasion come. Well now Mister Tomas that strikes me aa rite, if they don't make it com alio people of this county will he foled, and they ar not the men we took thent'selves to be. I want al you fellera to look outc for if you don't investigate there is som thing rong shu re, commissioners sup pose that one or ul of you was raned up before a jury like Mister Tulliea was raned up before Webster county, and it just lacked one witness to prove your inicense and you had the power to get that witnea, wouldn't you get him and prove your inicense and go fre ? Yes you would. Now we all no that Mister Tullies bod the power to get that witness, which is the reckords and clear hisself before lection and there by lect his-sclf clirk why did he not do so? Let the ded answer, the living wont, and too tho commishoncrs had the power to fetch that witnes and make the county pay tor his-eelf coming and testifying and freing their clirk. Why did they not do so ? Ar these hidden misteries not solved by god yet ? Mister Tomas if it was rite to cry investigasbon then it is now, why is these fellers any more onest since lec tion than they was before lection, without proving them-selves so ? We want an investigasion and want the commuhoners to get down to biss lies once in there lives and show to the people that politicks is no hambug but a reality and the vote of the peo ple was for an invesugaaho and they 1 shal have it and of those whose rite it is, do not fetch that investigasion, we say woo unto you clirk, conimiah oners and bolters, for ye com pas see and land to make one prosilite to vote your ticket, and when he is mad you make him too fold more the child of hel than yourselves. Respectful, Tls. YAUITsTlwl. Gen. Geo. H. Roberts, of Harlan county, Neb., was the spokesman in presenting to Senator Logan, of Illi nois, a cane made from the old frigate "Constitution." The excitement caused by the dis covery of coal on the Conklin place, last week, has not died out, but is to the contrary. Further investigations have been made and it is demonstra ted, beyond a reasonable doubt, we think, that coal in abundance has been found. Alma Herald, Jno. A. Vincent, of Culbertson, was taken to the insane asylum from this place, last Tuesday, his father, D. D. Vincent, haying stopped off here to have the necessary papers made out for his admittance into the asylum, at Lincoln. His insanity is supposed to be only temporary, having been brought on by a long and severe ill ness of brain fever, and it is hoped by all a short residence at the asylum and the consistent treatment he will receive there will eventually clear his mind from the cloud that now hangs over it. Arapahoe Pimteer. The following piece of choice news paper literature we clip from one of our up river contemporaries. It would seem that our brothers up there are not exactly on the beet ef terras. Tms J&ferpriae ghoul says that Hurd and Dawson villiaaeuely res arrected poor Xiskl, altera had been dead and buried for lour years, and voted him at A ma. This ems a vaUaa- teas dead, bat as be was iaesntry terreaana nis seam now wst m tit was not so be. Haw the state of anaim ia Rppahwean City. Alter Tecaractmer PW - ''itoQlmmtmatlmjmdthmlmAMlamA -'' ' '' CAICL. fWe ! setti ffttry. V t tU M MMHiKvciNtiil. itr f ! tkt eta. B. ttrk4.nft! Ke!elUrvtr. Sevii iiMii inhse cVe&in the mm Is mtb. a4 kk great s4 Is raair halsv m pveyer a 1 rel. 'tie um earn vewrie are aae4aal fceelai. Tfcax tk levart ie a reveal!. Bet aew. vkate'er ike tpUU ee. Mm vera are kt a aeeeserr Oa ania of aid Jert aw U mare Te lis. tkaa ana of atiatly lore; If f aiset pray, mr la year aeert. BetfUsaiaaUfil Olre l a .tart t Tie etU foil efteei aaVfe Of sraren af prae. eff seeaxhisi a ea: Bet tee aeatteae eamto mU all aaakiad. A aaatw aa mU. aa4 kart u lad. lea Mke a CWirtUa-eraak la ieeii. A eekla Ue'e tke kK of ereen as ka ekaU wear a royal crews Wke aj? aiea a MR ka they are dava. run usuri fofvlu xoxtily. FOR JAKUARV, The January number is one of re markable excellence, ami ab-nuul with literary and artistic brilliant. Prominent among the later is tho col ored frontispiece, "The Finishing Touch," by Meyer Vou Bremen. Sup ply," which is profuaclv illustrated. 'Distinguished Invalids" "In the Land of the Pyrenees," "Chatsworth," by N. Robinson, "Hearing" by T. Jeffry Parker, are a few of the finely -illustrated, noteworthy articles. Gerald Carl ton's serial, "Leonie, Empress of the Aair," is continued; and among the admirable short stories are "The 930 Up," "La Jeune; or Actress and Wom an," "Sister Marguerite," "Sainty's Christmas Gifts." and "The Murder in the Rue St Denis," both by Helen W. Piersou, etc., etc. There are several Kmes of merit, aa unpublished one . Sir Walter Scott is invested with peculiar interest. There aro also de scriptive and personal sketches, para graphs on a variety of subjects entcr esting and affording valuable information. The number contains 128 quarto pages and about 100 illus trations, and is offered at the low price of 25 cents. Tho annual subscription is 33, sent post-free. Address, Fkank Leslie, Publisher, 53, 55 and 57 Park Place, New York. Special Notices. Notice ia tkU eolaaa will fcr rhtrged 5 ceata a Hae each weak. Headquarters for flour at Putnam's Flour and Feed Store. " Ladies calling cards a splendid as sortment, at the Chief office. A full stock of iron and wood pumps, at Mitchell & Morhakt. 4-tf For Sale: 1C0 acre. of land 7 miles south-west of Red Cloud, partly under cultivation. Timber and water. Apply at this office. Smith Brothers announce still an other important reduction in rate of interest on time loans. Straight nirie Sr cent annual interest. Call at the ank and leave your application. 40tf. $50,000 To Loan On Real Estato security, at 9 per cent., annual interest. No commis sions, at The Webster County Bank. Red Cloud. 10-tf TAKE NOTICE. I have purchased the fractional fc of land laying between Peter MeXitt's and the river. And the public is hereby notified not to cut any timber on the same. M. B. McXitt. 7 Per Cent . Money to Loan! Money to prove un with on final re ceipt, or on deeded land at 7 per cent., and 1-62 per cent, commission, or at straight 9 per cent, no commiiion. Jso. R. Willoox. Office next door to Chief office. 30ft Mamy persons are bitterly opposed to "patent medicines," and will rarely use them at all. There is no doubt that many are worthless, yet a remedy that has stood the test for years, like Dr. Sherman's Prickly Ash Bitters, and its sale and popularity increasing every day, must have merit or it would have dissappcarcd long since. Money To Loan On Real Estate, in Webster and ad joining counties at the very best rates. It will pay every farmer who thinks of borrowing money, to see me before making arrangements with any other party. No expense to the borrower no tedious delay no dealing with eastern parties no application fee, bonus or commission no fee for making or recording papers or taking acknowl edgements no advance or semi-annual interest, and no interest until money is actually in hand. Call upon or address R. A. Simfsov. 38tf Loan Broker, Blue Hill, Neb. PATENTS wawwiaiielaactaagaaaaarafor Cagrntfc. ta for Um CoKed rakv aeftl9!. Fiesam. Genaaaj. etc We aStlrCTHIv vcaea ezwrtece. oeiaam nonasu ue ear caocea u ue ws- BSruiC AHOIUK. .ThlilarRc and cpaSiS IU- aaaayrarjaqwtkeriiMTiai UTrrrliiUirilaa', anariaeaa iimli ii Awaraae aroxN a CO- rattan SeSd- rmva.t scaamnc Avxxicy.37rarK Rev. T tusuatsst suzomZz o? tu lasi aim i or mozs c? m ruars WAITID By J. W.J1UKL. Embracing the Lives and Wonder ful Adventures of WWlCLK2aliliIL Et snaa. Cajt. fayas, Caat Jack, Ttxaa Jaak, aai And other celebrated Indian Fghters, Scouts, Hunters and Guides. A book of Thrilling Adventures on the Plains-. Fights with Indians! Grand Buffalo Hun's ! Desperate adventures 2 Nar row Escapes! Wonderful Shooting and Riding! Wild Life ia the Far West! 1U0 Illustrations? la Full raa Celored Plates! Tbe grandest Imos: tar Agents ever pabllheu, I'oj-i-tively oauaha everything else. 54$ a, arte fXOO. If yon known ooxl r, aef eater aad to acre tirae send s cemaletc oatfit and be: Ootf t and eeav for 3L3G. Writ at aneefisr agency, or at iMaatratca xarcalars. to DAJT LUCAHaJr, BtBUwam, 4th aad A Douglas Campbell coutnbutes a highly interesting article, "The Put, I'rwent, and Future of New York's Water Sud- , iWmim Arm9,LmwX. Final Proof Notices. Cm at Btoeataatea. Wek. Im. 3. tl. Steeiew Ie kwkr cieea tkat W tUU cesawteetekr kMtt4 aeUwe ef U leleaia te eMka aaal nt M eert at i. ia. a4 tka e4 aewec wUl ee SMSe Wtr KeMr at BUeeilnSwS Nea. em 5er4y Pr.B.a.Se.tt firfaawlM tJ le la race Itv, tie eeiVa laeeejla tit fearae kw elKea laMaii ete 4 eeltieatieefMU Ie4 etat Mm tU Vit wimaw a. lteSai Ckkriee Feaer. ell . Meee tmr AttAa4r. eai r wiii ?rh. 4eca4Aae S, W SWirZU.KtMtf. Laai 09e at BUadilcts ek iHe., ii. Ml. 5etle Ii kerckr fU.s t.: tke fUc aewieeiUaikaeCtelet of iteUa te Kek tael proof ia UKa." et M Ula, J rsre lal aatry tkef lr u Clr f Dtrki Ceart.ia Wfcrt?r "aly it k! le Rl C)ee4 5etrat a setsruy Ttenjry ilk. Is.il. eta It "J retry Xa. M Ht livt ic I un Ja raite Uw Reaaaatei&e flieitf wtUaeiM te trey ati pfeim rUae mr eJ e ueeuvaoitfcM icri, ii. A-rir Ue mi. all er wae-UaM .Xtfc, Jra V. I S nZEK. lectetar. LaxJOXceat RteaUxloa Nk Dee.. S. ll. 5ellf It Itfhr rira ibit tbe fe'Uwta aimed cUler t 614 ttttf r f hie letr t t aake tael arx.J ta or pert ef kte di a-l ee ere taal eatn tkrrewl kefor Jaer Tattre Cleri ef Uken la btraaa y et ka eawai rSVie34 Aeb. e ft-6ri.r Juicer Uik. 1SK etas J Ctieev UMatiTa.:.r (or Ike w.M v. e ead ew eU eec. t: town la re . lie mkm lie IttWim at witccatee le ttve kit ecatttiaoH rlJtnc oob bJ caltiteiUe ef iJ UoJ. li: L'.titl V. Cfetk. Jeao 6tratioa. Taiaaaal I'atcr. Aalt M. Hare allofUitiJKafe5V. 4aUjaat2 W.3WITZKR. IteawNer. Laad Otlee at WeaUeloa Neb. Dea. T. lML Notlr te kereky firea tket tke fellewlag aaael teltler kae tie aottre e( kl iateaUea te sake final proof In meert ef kla elala. aei ecare taal entry tkcreof bfore Jaeeu A, Tel ler, elerk ef tke roart la IVebtur eoeatr at kit eSee la Rnl Cloud Neb., ea Taeeiay. Jaaaary ITlk. 1HX. via. Taoa C. Let a a U'i So. 4001 & the Cj aeVi ) mi ee. t town ta raae Ow. He aatar tke fllla witaeeeee to pruve ki eoatiaaoe retldeaee aten arviealUraUoa ofeaU Iaa4. rie. Saa eel J. UuUkUoa. Cbarlee 0. Barter. AUetet Riley. Ikujiaiaa Setkburger all ef Nacaatla Nek. ded&JenU 0. W.HWIT2RR. KeUtr. LEGAL NOTICE. Jaakia Daeia will take aoUee. Ikat oa Ike 2Ut Say of November 11. P. C. Raaekow a Juttiee of tie Pece of Potlaai preelaet. Web ster county Nebreeka, inaed ea enltr of at UskaieDtfarlkesnai ef StrSO. la aa atlea peaei&f before kita. wketeia Stabler A DeUkir are plaintiff aaJ uiJ Jeakla Deri Jtfiaaeat. Tkat property eeeeieUac of one wacoa, eae eora ptatttei.oae eeeder. oae barrow, one oIky plow, two kortea. oaetaltivetor. be beea tacked under leld order. haH eeate wej con tinued to tke tk day of Jaaaerr H& at 10 o'clock a. in. bTALKt A Diisat.a. rUiatlSn. Ity Mxroa A 2wey. Att'r. Hlue IHIl. WebttcrCoHaty Nebraska. lem ber6th I4il. 1 LEGAL NOTICE. JfnVin.'.ravU will Uka aotlee, tkat ea tke Sllh day o! Noreaber 1M1. F. C. Ilaeehow a Jattiee of tbe Peace of PoUdaa precinct. Web Ur County Nebreeka, lened aa order of at taehraeat fur ikeiua ef 9f7M. Inlen action Peudinc before kia wkeretn tbe Vaailirer Cora lanter Co,, are plelalift end eald Jc&kln Darit defendant. Tkat property eoaeittlnc of one watxin. one eora plaaUr. one eeeder one rulkr plow on- barrow oa.mn cultivator and two anree kae beta attacked aoder raid order. 8idcaufe waarvnliqaed to tke lUib day uf January at 10 o'clock a. a. 1 be Vendirer Ore Planter Co. Ily it Attorney Slur"- AMwany. Dlae Ilill. WoUter Coanty Nebraska Decem ber CtklMl. 11-w 5 SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of an orler of ale btneJ nnt of tbe Fifth Judicial Dirtrict Court in ant for Webttercnnnty ybrtka, upon ajadcement ia aa aerioa wherein Peter Redenkaa i plaintia' aad AafwU . Haith, Jaac M. Hmltb. bar buibanaand John Walker are defendant. tkell offer for (ale atPaWtc Auotioa et tbe caat door of tbe Coact llouie in K1 CIoa4 In raid eoaatj (last bclnr the Ian place wkere tke lart trra ef aaM avert u heUi oa theZlst day of Jaanarr Hwt at one oVUci p. a. the followini detcriawa arepTty to wit Tbe North Wc4t quarter of eciioa twenty two i'H) Township on (1) North of lUnc twelve (12) Wcit of the 6tb principle Meridiau Uiren under my hand tht llth day oT ie cmbrlMl. Jo. W WimK, l-w-6 Mieriffof Whitr County. EMIGH BROS. MEAT MARKET RED CLOUD, NEB. Tka ec1eewt of Kretk aeau. SauHae f irwl and everything io tke llaa tkat tka aw ktt a Verde, alwajra a keai. SirSkae tw wacas seats ef kaia'i rmataia SPECIAL BARGAINS! at tbe Store of F.tfEWHOUSE, RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. )o A large stock of Germantown Wool, Zephyrs" and Stocking Yarn, always on hand. DRESS Goods, ALL WOOL Hoods, and a full Supply of FLANNELS, Always on Hand. HOODS OF HOME MANUFACTURE. TOYS for the Children and Every thing else you need, at NEWHOUSE"S Store. Tpioxeer MATHEWS Jc IFANNERS, Sae krt woer west of Welter Cewatr Saak. X2D CLOUD. 5EBKA3KA. SHArING, H-UPOOINGr Hair Cutting in theiiigheot style tf ta -Tsorial. JLrtv OH9CC JLITD GET A. CLEAN UUTE. CO c X OQ PI to .2 a P Cx, g- tf j O S fl GO Chicago Lumber Yard! Rod Cloud ltbrak yard aotmiijr iiAMrrara .1- . w.i .. MAtaiai Laakrr. Lata. !4t,lf a, lVfa, Wi5of Ume. Hair, Crawat, Vlfrt sWttiiaf toy Kir. E$c ftc -i0if REMOVAL ri-ow- CHICAGO TO Immense Stock of Dry Goods, MiVRSH Has Them.' COME! COME! COME! ,". 1881 SPANOGLE & FUNK, HEADQ UARTE11S FOR AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Two Doors South of Rank, RED CLOUD. - 2STEBBASKA. aaaaas ;X 'JaWaa' ,-saT 7 kWmWWWWr yRjPM V ' JJEmiSk I mWamtm awBaSZ I t aieieieieiHiraieilieiHHa'aiHaaieiH Be 019r f F. H. CORE. CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN rTY T- aw .e . as. m e. - . - - ... Cbkage and al f tW Prkdeel fsfa txWTtJtBYMVimxTteJVmettml JSiTStati " - 1 j owi x 1 mi -ijl , xi T-vJrrz" em fr YtA L X. -SaaTaaS mMr laaw - . aaaaawaVS! hii a. 4-eL4&9!39aitMJ tfckJHVfcaaV 1A rwYffPai r 5 Vw.VTUnyJgg. WTeTV taaySa-aaeaf aaaaf. la eaw. al 1 Raawmmasl m a ia aaV lfl asi . mWt r'-mmaBwav m BMVammBWMBWMBwawjBwaHBBwma ' -rY7rT.f e-tggNpj-nvam - Seai kr-yT,"f'-TWwaeMl T f jjA.el. daJeaaaCTwH OWaaj "4n f 7 M m aa"1RaaaaJJeValaa aaaHaaaaaeT RtT B fieaaw WtTiiCl "aeBarKaawjaaaaaBBBaaaaf "" mkStsM- a I ff Haff JiToTa?myiaTaleafmaa L eaawaaaeaawa Mmwwrmtkwkm -ewwawaQaweBrLTaBaaa .7Bcj?aBsaamfmaa' svawamsav ujk Baamjaaj7BaaijaBaaLaSaBea a' mauSa eaav aTaaraeVMQ Im erawsarewaaeaaewafjjBawBjaawajw a -a - i wwew aaa aaweeaasaa aeamnawaaaaaeM.jaeaMafceTeaBaeaaaaaaBaaa a- " 1 g""w-.pwaiawaywaiwaaaaaweaajaaTawaTaTwawaaTawawaawaaT 47, BcKmi -M-sor, on main it, PL ATT 5c FREES, Proprictori, pmamamammmmmamawmmmajammmm RED CLOUD, - ?? .-3.'-. 1881. .. a im. r run a ''trlwei ef C Jeweler Red ewsswrntfesas m ft , mi mrmL 0et ttmWMtm XeeKrerewla 'immmvmma 1 V rjf 1 r vrv-t?..-. -.-Sre,yjs5&ttr u eZzP?y.& 'J'SjtC. - "" . mt-:-Jr. . "..'''; iV v-ft Br - 'a '-jr- ,-; e'irxifc';- ;" J VJ1 - t.. H-, . .-- V..-. " ' . ' ,-"". .lireS-Vf.-' : -.-;- v ''-' . "VK r' - - i -ur "fcTi i -- - f ? ;Crp A , " am &ne jt - ml y . - ne- " . -fcj-rfy . - -.; --r . - ii WW r-j w i.i. -. r.s - k.tt' t, .. . - - - - -, -; ,-- . -. f - - ,, 3B8lti2S3&-& - -&:--!..-- jti;: 'J .TJttta&kh, i..i . ix 1 1 ."-.-" -1 m. -- " '- -i- - i4Lm -.. . --. - ' j- m.- ' ia.i sr. - A.-afej&. rf. -.- .. -drt-r .&- .- . -t- -'. - --ex -; ,' - - rmmm - --. ? " iwwmimmmmmaBMmmMmammimm'r, 3s ' j,;"r-: istA ' --J' - - , ...Ciis.- r- i imi -zm .j,-TFi7j...-ii JsqK"- - - '-MvcmMnwMeeiWJe1 lBtwtar m aVi ir iT" IlLn i1-IMfm V-.SawellT? &. 7 -msXammoksjf uJaBWy-KUmaw. .wesa ''"J-Tr,nrirniTfiiMr - " 'nli wn ,