.5 C -AtplCduV sTt- j J-T - h . j&wa-r A , ,. fj ''V " i AiiCV -.! VT w- V' ,r atA-t 'SR.T-' T9 ?F5 i U;3. Ster? n If w r. s ifc iS 2? r V' ? - -- f-OPs . - . -v fc " t " - :-' , . . C -k V -trin 5 " -g - "'P'S' ..V t F2?i n THE EED CLOUD CHIEF. M. L. THOMAS, Publishor. KED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. THE FJ11ST THANKSGIVING DAY A. I). 1622. ' And now," sii! the Governor, pazlcjr abroad jin the plltfl-up store Of the sbenves tlmt dotted ihc clcarinjrs and covered the meadows o'er. 'TJs meet that w render prulsos because of this jJcIJ of K'aln; "Tis meet thnt the Lord or the harvest bo thanked for HI sun and rain. .And therefore, I, William Bradford (by tho irrncc of God to-dar. .And the frnnchlse of this (rood people). Gov-" nirui i ij mouin. Fay Thro'-vJrtucof vested power yc shall gatbor with ino accord. And hold, in the month November, thank- irhiuj: unto tho Loci. , He hath jrr.mtcd us pea co and plenty, aik the quiet we've sought so lotur; He hnth thwarted the vlly'savaj?e, nnU kept" him from doing in Trronir: And unto our Ktaist the Snchcm Eball Iks bid den, that he may know We worship his own CrcatSplritwhoxnakcth thchanests grow. So shoulder your matchlocks, masters; thorn is huu'ifii: of all den-p'-a: And tWhiirnmn. t-ko your tackle, and scoliwj for sn'ill the Rcas; "1 And mnidens and dames of 1'lymuutb, your iieucaiccraiui employ To houor-our I'trst Ttmnkstfivinfr, and make ;lta feast of Joy: $ ? w "W ?T Jill ef thrrfrultx and dainties so close to fiflr hnnrt In nrnnL E Ah.thoy nriTthe OfrWfttf Iobk weLsifler lor Hake or lle;iin! IJut sec, in our open clearings, how golden tho melons lie: 2!nricti them with Bwects and Fplcei, and Kit e us tho I'uuijjkip.I'le:" mm. . $"0, bravely- he prt-paanlonwWt'ut $r"hio n aula mha Vast: ' ' Ji j f Tho deer and the bear wore slafiKhfcrod; 1 wim pamc from th irreatent to leat Waw heaped in tlic Colony cabins; brown home-brew rrj ed for iner.r And tho plum nml. the 'crajw of thwforest, for orange and peach and pine. At Ienelh'came the day appointed; the fnowj Hut the ( liiufrlrom tho incctlng-bouse belfry """' I JlHSTOMTllV Otlt fOT tlUr- '' - And 8ummined theolk if I'lyinoutb, who naienoi wimirnn nceira To listen to Klder Itrewter tbaukisl tho Lord. ashelcrvently In his heat sate Governor Iiradford; men, matrons and iiinldenKiuir: MilojStandlshntidallhiSHddiors, wlthcorje- let and sword, wore there; And pobbiuxnn Iteari nnd loudness had each in lis turn the wiy, Jortherao ot the Micct Itoso Stun ills ti o'ersbadowed '1 haukgivinK Ihiy. And when Mas?solt, the Sachem, Fate down with bis hundrod bravo. And aio of the varied riche.-J of pardens and woods and wavis, Anl looked n the crrnnarlcd harvest with a blow on his brawny ch"Ht, Ho miit tore 1: "Tlic Rood Crcat Spirit loves His white children ImjsI!" And then, as tho Teast was cndetl, with KHivcly official air, t The Go omor drew his broad sword out from 'Its Fc.ibhard therr. And omit nr the trenchcrncar him, he cried, in hero c way: Hall. lMcof thei'umpklnl Idub thccl'rmcc orThanksivinB Day!" Maiyuirt J. frcstun, in WiJc-Awal.e. THE XEW MINISTER'S SEUMON. It was several days before Thanks giving; but Aunt Milly Lovejoj was :is busj uith her work and plans for cele brating tlie day as if otily twenty-lour hours .separated Her and our Aen- J.n- gland anniversary. "Have you ever thought, father," nsked Aunt aiilly. slopping in her meat-diopping and resting her hands on the side of the tray, "what good luck we've had raising turkeys" bince we concluded to give every odd number to the destitute?" "Well, no, I can't say as I have," replied Uncle Nathan, holding his pa per to one side and looking pleasantly at Aunt Millj'. "We never had very bad luck, an j way." "No, I know lhaL But the foxes nnd woodeliucks used to trouble us some. But for fivo years we've lost only one; and I've always thought that Tommy Cobbct killed that, for Nancy ( says ' them children are dreadful about ! thfowin stones.' " x "X thought may be he did, too; for the . little fellow has been sort of shy of mo ever s'nee the turkey died." "It's about time that we were plan ning how to dispose of 'cm. We shall have eight to give away. "Now, that the Uigescs and Bookers have moved away, 1 hardly know howto begin to d.stfibute them." !1 he family that moved into the Booker house have two sick children. nniLthc father Jiasn't'been in the mill for morn a weok-jMay be. a turkey tl the Kiggs house. The daughter work in the null aud the mother takes in sewiriT. If they wore my turkeys I: should send ono uwre. ancn there is ' thinks, naid Uncle Nathan, kindly "JVll'lhc rest in the neighborhood raUo t onntinued Uncle Nathau, leanmg cm7 conimueu uutu A-.w...u, ........ - . i m ni r. ni nm n i n inn foiward and looking exactly as u no knew that he had done Aunt Milly a favnr. helping nor uupuu ui turkevs. .. , , Well, JSIancy says .-., lcie wouuijUe acccptauic, Anu. jjjjg WOrld; -, ,.. ,i - , i "V-?" "'"' "" ft"";" "t not, else we n r"tli-ktr MMtli fTTAVii.itn4 . daughter nna twosmau nos nvin- m ' na Thmi Sylvn Blackwpu ana oia aeter Anight, j rcgaic -m !lU lhat make3 anBrIeet day, rMr.tW VX'Z' Con,i Tnn,ni..M..P.AimtMillv was sorely tried. which is - a. . fc"1"" ru. ..7 "CiVTIrr" i i tiadn.t she -pravcu, wept ana pleaded and quite one tins year. -i . i all-thcsc'cars that not another Thanks- deed, .and lint Mrs. vxuoefc is jv iiiuu Muiiviujr A mm- hn l"ivinc n nnitrlilinr woman. jiumj " - -- -----" ipel'- think oflfer when most everybody else Aunt Iklul is hanpv will make her burdens lighter." Ue kuQcl; vWcll, ?c, it would bo right I , mcd:talt : ns? 1 TK. vtffla Sff Washnurn didn't raiso any this year. - nn J I thought avo might send hcr one," said Annt JUiliy, looiung siraiguc at. Uncle Nathan. "Blooma Wahbnrn's husband is mv T . ..... ,-,? . , enemy," replied. Uncle Nathan, ratheri curtly- - . "1 don t sec. Nathan as the quarrel ' uct n borl the Uiast bit of asperity in lmr tone. "Well, mother, it needn't. Every bodj in the neighborhood knows that you do as j'ou pleao with the turkej's, and tnat it wouldn't be my doin's, try ing to buvltcuel 'Washbnrn back to good feelin'. But, Milly, it wouldn't look just right!" " "Why not?" asked Aunt Milly, fold ing her hands meekly across the tray and looking at Uncle Nathan. "Weil, it would look as if we wa'n't of ono heart and'one mind, serving tho Lord." "Christ says Lovo your enemies,' nnd this is a good way to show our love," said Aunt Milly, tenderly. "Oh! well, I shan't try to hinder your doing as j'ou jjlcase. Send Blooma a turkey, if you want to, of course You know'I like to talk, Milly." Aunt Milly looked steadilj upon the bed of glowing coals, as if studying the right way. ( That Chnstly commana, iove ,-our enemies.' is lor usau; out. saint haul's command to wives is for me. We will act in harmony, Nathan, if we do think different." "Oh! well, dear, do just as you -please, and I'll warrant it'll be right," , said Uncle 'Nathan, rising and reaching for hie overcoat, which meant awalk to the cost-office or 6ome.ne"ghbor s. j, - "iitdoes seem strangeTibw "Nathan -andJteuel do hold out in their differ ence. And Blooma and' I have been prajin' all these years. Yes, nt Is five years next jsovemocr since tnej"ve to each other or broke bread at Christ's table: and it all grew oat of a dference -of. opinion. An argument followed, and neither could convince. the other; tfeea-anger, diet words; and vccn youuu AetioL iasuuurauem cook tho' turkc V tillVI cim nrnr ,,. under Blooma and I keeping up neigh-; 'fesseu for the Lord wouldn't aror , v wuiwaiwi aulfiia uuvau..,, i 'ppmTiirTnnTi it i niiin'T. AAiivtAni' ' vonliu 1 dnnf Tllll" 1 . t i . 1 each dedared'himself independent oflyou all'thankful..all pra'sin' God? Is the other.- And .to tbink how we used 4-ltA 4Vtai in . 'VlaW t.A. a mrmt,- to Jive, comforted ne all through Ezra's sickness aadoath, and -come-to us r. Mj-1uv'.auuio94, ovoo ineir jtuiiuiasiiut wiuir wisues. There arfe seasons lOWekermoK nsuurer-for their old warm, and it Uwy wa'n't too proad tlwf'dyirid. -OFatb-!?ii fealwayc i? .wttxrwest-nR-i aerr, Milly Lovcjoy wept a eh never wept before. Tears are prayers, dear soul, and Christ wipes them all awav." Aunt Millv thought that she was talk ing to Nancy, her adopted daughter; but .Nancy was in the , kitchen, with Obed,. their adopted sduslaaghingjioft ly to see the apple seeds that she had oiaajcd and dropped usim tho stove IS fTriiilI' " ! tlffilr fate was to be. nnd rrlancinfr occa- Bionally at Obed'B Batfig, thathe .was puzd,ngoTcr. ' ca" l ndcrstiind. Obed why yon arc so 8 owabouvUaruing cipher and ?a Latf,rerlbnXe.. WBaUl care to study.' said Nancy, kindly. "Idont understand it cither." re- laughina Now, I am gomrr to name this one UmauUia.Mdians." said Nancy. dropping a plump seed upon the Move. juiucu uucti, goou-natureujv. , a H C f t iy cmiienng wun anpio-scois U) nf '"i xiiica a mow. loo saiu iNancr. ' m xuw one ueti i-ovejoy. J ins is mv con,ing out of church." said Obcd. look fourth trial. Tlierc. louve snapped W out of tho window. s there never clear off the stove! Hurrah! J here ijoes Wauich a day in llartwcll as this.' for fcmantha after vou. What a deter mined, persevering littlo piece she is. ShcMl never give you up, Obed. You'll Wpfto sate h, the farm and the old folks. Won't you be grand in that "big house nod "driving that fine span! Heigho! yWre m luck, lObcd. if any body ever was." ""Nancy Lovejoy, you know better!" replied Ubcu, straightening up and try- Uiuz to look indignant. P 4lf there is auv truth in annlc-seeds snapjiing, j'ou can't help yourself; and I've hctird of several fortunes proving true, told that wav." said Nancv. witli anj' thcTcctiutlierraiircry ujiol Obed. vneu preiemiofi auvio near, aau saiu, frankly: " It is several mouths.,. Nancy, since I asked yon thaquuKtion, and every time thatl have reierrecTto it you have evaded answering it. , If 1 tld HQt be lieve thjut j'ou do care,fqr tnu, ui hpltct ol your words, I never would mention Ihcsubjforaga-ni." - "I never have denied a regard for you; but 1 must be sure that it is jut right before I decide. IJut tho several evidences that 1 have had that it is right for us to care for each other fail to satisfy; but I am sure they will oc cur. "I doubt if they ever do," replied Obed, irloomily. "Haven't you had evidences that it was rijrht for j'ou to care for Harlow Briggs?" I "Neverl" retorted Nanc flharpty. ; You would make a good choice, if you (liu encourage iianow. tie isncii. educated and talented. There is notli- ;., ,.i.:n..;..oi.i.. i.,.t i.;m " ,..;.! Obed, eyeing Nan cj critically. "It isn't necessary tolplead anyone's ! cause wiih me, Obed Lovcjoy. 'You arc talking to retaliate, for my i about Samantha,"- retorted N words ancj', pi ckly. "There! mother is erring about that ui.t ..ir..:- :.. " c7.., i..w AVkclttMtn 1"it nrrniti st raiifrn li nr people will stand out,"" said Obed, evi-, -.'... , ., ..i. i (lentiv trvmg to enangc me suujecu -Well," if Eeuel Washburn lakes din- i.ra Ti.nnL-o,r?Tmrr t win nnaw..r VOUr question linallv." laughed Naucv. llUi 11UIU - lllllll!l I 111. M .. Such a thing i possible, but highly imurob.iblc." replied Obed, coolly. fu ast the question that old C.'em j,tcs tic oli,er n;ght, when Ansol Blake said that all tho proof 'that he wanted of the new minister's ijtUcs3 for Hartwcll was to preach such ' a sermon tint ueuel uasiumrn anu geiicraiiy uua is iiiurasu ujwu uiu iuu father would shake hands right in the . the ice-house, or more strictly spcak church it would soflen their hearts so; ' ing, place of preservation, may bo very and Clem asked 'How can you think or simple indeed. A bin, in tho basement such an unlikely thing, after old Parson . of a building, with double walls, and the LeiHiton tried for tw'o years to ma';e spaces bet ween the walls Jil led withsaw- J ihem seo the hurt that I hey were doing ' t4IUAll 3liU W JUttf w.t- '"J .-.-... the cause of Christ, and then resigned, I believe, because he failed? 'Then tli-it Kmnnlli. llowerv Mr. Walnolc trjea throe; now this well-recommended lather Wheaton has come, and if he scmjs the arrow of conviction into their , i,carts so deep that they do shake ' iiund3 in church I'll si'ii an obligation to attend church evcrv Mmdav, sick ness excepted, for live j ears. Just tho time I've stayed from church.' 'So will I. Yos," so will I,' echoed all around trio post-oll'icc. So -ou sec what rood things wou'd come about if these things would tako place," said ' Obod calmly. "1 cannot nuagmo mat tucy win; but God.kuows." -said Nancy,' bidding Obcdrood-mglitee. ; Things are never quire complete jn and it is well that they are should forget our weak- nrli Millr T.nvftiov s nantrv was fratrrant with pics, cake, brca I an(1 frui und the ovcn steaming with turkc .. .chickens and rmdding, and" tho OIlts?,i -ivnriil nn this annrvnrsarv would giving might be marred with this quar- i j r opened the door , to 'a tlm had interrupted hen and met Tommy Coubct ' crjing. vomu in, iommy; eomo in and tell , . rao vvlial troubles j'ou," said Aunt MiUy putting hcr j . hira. V around ' I " Oh, ho! it-it was mo that killed your turkey,'' sobbed Tommy " AVas it, dear? 1 am sorrv. and I'm J suro you arc. yoa won' i !,;?" Mrf- Yim . .-.1 t bC SO CarclcSS again?" .. , , thought I'll 4I wa'n't careless. I see how near I could skip a stone and Tint, hlf'ftni-llllrtnit. nnn ,ln,l,..l l -" it lallcd.huniuajninute. l'fn awful sorry, and I'll neveriskip stones at livo things nga5n. Mother said she wouldn't ptniy "Your mother is right, dear," said Annt Milly, fillin'r;JTommj-'s pockets and haudsVith cakes. " I'm glad I've 'fessed. Now you'll love me same's ever; won't you?" "I certainly will, dear." Uncle Nathan had entered so quietly that lie had not interrupted the little scene, and he had heard enough to con clude that Aunt MUly's turkev' had cer tainly made one little heart lighter. That his own heart was touched we can only hope and believe. " Laws bless us!" said Aunt Cisely " There never was such a Daggett dav m Hartwell as that first Thanksgiv- ing Da j- tuat Luther AVhcaton preached. 'rfiT..ro'.t Koim ;.,cf , . ,l..,-o i., good roads, and Luther'd preached here -"V .v juov o 4iuu uawi iiiou iu three months: but laws bless us! the mectia'-house was jest runnin' over with hearers. I shall never forget when tho new minister got up. The pulpit shined like gold, 'n' he shined morc'n the pulpit. Miss SiVes said it was my notion; but 1 tell j'ou it warn't. It did shme, 'n' when he read the 'Harvest Hymn,' it jest seemed like a command from Heaven; 'n' his prayer was more yet. There wasn't,hardly a dry-et e in the house; 'n' when he begun the" ser mon I knew the Lord wasxight "there. I tkaow it. It warn't the words-that did the work, for Td heard oldTawon Leighton say hundreds of times ' that God 'd never accepts a divided heart. For if ye love not the brother ye have, seen, how can'ye love Me whom be have not seen? And if there, is hatred in the heart of ne of my hear ers, whose fault is it? Can you make yourselt ulametessr tJoaia yon sav. I have kept all the commandments? Are I tnwh tiAfhtti' knfvattn ti a9 there nothin' between you and the Throne, of Mercy? Think, .think if there isn't some thin' you're harborin' that ain't Chrtstlifce, Irepeat. Think, reflect, repent, act? Laws bless us! it j seclneJTtyif'I ooeld jeit see the arrows ef-convictiea jesi-Syin' right intothe heart o: every hearer m that naeetur hoove, when ie showed them last words,-'n the firstthing J .waltzed was that Reucl Washburn 'n' NathaB Love joy were shakin' hantl rihttlicrc. Old Dencon Whitaey -xalled Tiht ont Urothcr Wheaton, let us pray! Let us all pve thank&T For half an hour 1 don't believe anjbodj ever heard each prayin'. The choir ung. and eTcry boly that could aiasj lor cryin did- " I thought Dloonta .Washburn and Millr Lovcjoy never 'drtbp. Lawi blcsi'us! l ?lA YmAi Hov'ey -t.- t r. i.i :-. ' -.v-j u. ' oartroa the M&StiS&ar making ixs Ut her when I -WaTvV yeam oUil- m she saiin asJ hom6i7 - -a fitum.fence. UuL iawbleMusf it was j8my like; but I went to tho poor old I woman's grave and said over V over !. t i.,ITw. -k t,..n.M.i nn :n -:n rainst me. Tlierc wa. such clcarin' troubles that I felt hfco clear'm' n HnnanlKiH ..m fr" fir a 1 1 I couW lbJnk of jc3t tbc 0t m licrcr B0C (!, su a day ia HatfiwclL" .. j paVf a, Autlt cc!y Daet said. there'eomes ueuel Washburn and his wife liprac with father and mother." "YotTro joking!" jsaid Nancy, ran ninz to the window. "Well. I never! j What can mother be crying for now?" Laic Thanksgiving evening Obedand Nancy were slttipgbv the kitclfen-firp, Nancy with her hands foldetfolookfug very thoughtful, Obed holding a-book; but, if stealthy glances are reliable, he was trying to read Nancy' a thoughts, but, failing, he leaned forward and asked: Do j'ou regret?" Ny;;I am satisfied." replied Nancy, reaching out her hand. "Can I call this mine the next Thanksgiving?" asked Obed, claspiug it, "Yes, God willing, was the heartj response. N. Y. Inucjtcndcni. Ire and Ice Houses. 'There is nothing which is -more usp ful or convenient on a farm than ice in summer, especially when the dairy forms an important fcaturej'and consid ering the comparative case of furnish ing and Drcscf ving it, it is often a won der to us that more farmers jdo not con struct ice-houses and cat ice. ' It is true that there is some advantage in not having ice, but that advantage resnlts from an uuwihe use of it in Minitnci drinks, where it is at hand. It is onlj a few j'ears .since that the preservation ot ico upon the farm was i "ougui to ue impracucauio. uecauseoi tho expensive structures which wee !i .... -- !( I. J deemed necessary for the purpose; and cve m l" extreme norui larm ico- iiutidi;r ivviu auiibi; 4,1111 ,un uauj nc conducted in summer without this very ! useful article. IJut it was at last found that expensive structures were not nccuoa lorinc preservation, aim, oery vear Irnds farms before unsupnlied with . . i .. r ic- d"1 aupplicd. At this season, too, f romiiint. inoiiirin) nnnm tn 114 !i4 to tlin ,..-..- ...-,- m ' . mode of constructing a house, cutting and sawing tlic ice. etc. A o now have . . such inquiries upon our Uiblc, nnd wilJ proceed to answer them. An ice-house maj bo constructed wholly above the ground, or partly above and partlj below, as fancy or convenience mav dictate. Either plan is practicable and works well, if but a small quautity of ico is needed and dust or tan-bark, will do good service. lb MUtum uu iiuuui.- squ ire, nun mo cakes of ico w.Uicjysuould uo as larrre as can be conveniently haudlcd should be packed as closely -as possible. Be tween the cakes aud around tho sides saw-dust should be packed, and on the top of the pile, it should bo placed at least a foot deep. Drainage must neces- aarilv be supplied, and directions for that cannot vcrj' well be given, without knowing just what tho surroundings arp, but a man's good judgment will al- waj-s devisc-a pirn for draining. One of the most prominent dairymen in this country uses an ice-house, which he do- serines as a more noio in tnc grounu. twelve icet cube, with a shed over it. This, he sajs, supplies anabundauco of fico'fof flia milk of twenty cows. As "this dairyman lives farther south than the latitude in which most of tho coun try's dairying is done, tho wasto is greater with nim than it would bo elso whero in our dairj districLs, in whicL that amount of ice, therefore, would be sutficient for the milk of more than twenty. aring -describes an icqJionso very simple in construction inexpensive, so much so m- thc plan being so efficient. underrtlie most unfavorable conditions. that np'iarruoc need no tithout ono or these 'Structures, unless be wishes-to. a plage is -jelectod on the north sido of onny buiUiimr: a floor is laid on .scantlings, twelve feet square, one foot from tho groimd. Near each corner two nosts. from four to six inches squarc-and abjuit ben feet high, are sot firmlyn ""tluO ground. When tho weather becomes coid. saw dust, tun bark, or'ryo straw is "placed on -this t'nnr oitrlit. nr Inn innhn ilftP.O. On the r Xt' V. -7 ' t, .T,T . . . tn.. nf U .Hnllinr lUnr ;a nl-lr.ol nf . .vj vk uiit auuuiu ,.v. . ,-...,.. w. the same siztfas the first, a curb being ,!... I : :.i i. . ,., : -,lnr4t.nnl ":I"a,r :," Zl 13 II1U lilllllir III'LWIfiril Lilt! 1IUU13 111 IJlaLL.. Next a curb is made, ten f eet fetjnare, and six inche8dcep, fastened at Tho corners withhooks, common- gate hooks.-- i hen when a cold day comes, the curb is placed on the center of tho t'.oor, two inchos of tan hark is Tint in. I and water is dashed in outil it forms a coat of iice that will not leak. Tho curb is then filled with water, and left I standing until it is frozen solid. With boiling water the curb is then loosened, raised to tho top of the frozen mass, filled and frozen -as iiefore. This is re peated until sufficient height is pro duced. Boards are now placed on the inside of the posts, and tho space be tween them and the, ice filled with tan bark or rye straw. Then nail boards to the outside of the posts and fill tho space between the two walls with ryo straw. Cover the top with tan bark to tho depth of ten inches. Over the whole place a roof. The ice is taken from the top. While this plan is for use "uu " ari" wnen mc iarmer cannot cut ice. thn . XIV "" r Slnn-S ,ce !....- !4.if :ii . The principle of preserving ice is tn prevent the heat from reaching it, and whatever will accomplish -this end is to be adopted. This is the object of the filling between the -walls and the pack ing about the ice. Whatever is-a non conductor of heat, therefore, is to be selected for this purpose. Keeping this principle in view, almost any mitfs in genuity can devise an ice-house which, though it may be unlike anything else that'was ever bailt, vtpd yery rude in construction, will preserve the ice, and that is all that is w&nftd. If we were going to construct an ice house we should cut the straw, as that would make closer packing possible. We do not know that we have ever sees chaff used, or recommended, but we art inclined to think that it would answer the purpose which-sny of the articles named for packing serves. WesUrt Bund. A widow applied to the Mayor o Allegheny, Pa for aid: She had not a -morsel of. food in her house, and wai about to ne ejected for non-payment ol rent Her distress was not the Tesrnh J of poverty, she explained, for she was -very wealthyrand she showed his Hon or the deeil ot 10.033 acresof land, -worth f 10D s acre, hot urcdoctiTn. Atlirr jferpri? The creil bABk dafilrttlna J&.eir-,1 ark. N. J., is another IHtutration of the ! nttetly unuuiae-Ukewnyi otismcis men. An old and propcrou baaking i institution has been rained by Um1wuv j donment of their datlcs bylh? firector j of the bank. lbe theory oflbe man- . agementofa onnd bank Is -that tfcd Directors know something of the affairj ' nd accounU of the Institution with 1 whOM; management tney are jnirusteo. ton. ha.1 no real knowledge of what was j being done with the funds of the con- , .lOKiaa SB.a. MfccauiuHucnufv " for ruatinj: 5t:rerjor boa and T J T . 1 . L.... .1 ,.al...ll m . trm. a cicar .. n ute exprnsiost a Uiw grov, child, far r bank. Then it appears that the Ducc- v!. ,,. T..,! ,.,-,! j cern anuiriui me raoucv o. .no cno- f - , h hh afld tMjtu Itow. The r sppatvnt knowledge was J ,, .? . ... derived from one ot. the under eW ,T;To KCJ - iTcirrvj.-Apptr - tfe oreraploycsof the bank. The WyhoivnihshmiQiv& tnn. imnliritlv truMc-d one inan-i- haps two men with the inawax- which, in tneorv, wa -huv rttt., Itnnrta In ctii.li tmiml ri tb,r nnro i made for deccntion or di.hon- 4 estv. none for errors. In this way.tliJ Bull's Hcal Hiinc vears bu:ne-s men tiji- nconrft in tli Iw-Iii-f ttia.1 Ihnr ryjn- i cern, at leat, is far above all human wickedness and accidents, onlv to be astounded when their nfjstake is dts- covered. - " The-ruin of the Mechanics' National Bankof Newark Is. issiblr, a little more complete in its war. and the "ira- ' w w - - .V --..-.. , ,. - , plicit conlidence" cf the Director, in the Caahier a little more ouvj. ously bottomless than usual ;B otherwise, the- case is not The Cashier was the cause as other Cashiers ondowe powers and unchecked by stay I) rectors, nave been, from time immemorial. L'er liaps the apparent strcuglh of the bank, the b'gness of the theft.' and the spot less chara'tor of ihc thief constitute un usual features of ths latest defalcat'on. But it need not bo expected that any of these thing will rouse an) body to pew vigilance, or will remind anybody that the duties the)' are tdiir-dng as Tnis ees or Directors ought not to be anj longer delegated to another person- These things arc constantly happening. TIip newspapers take up the obvious lesson nndread a wholcamojeture to the men who take so much pride iu what, they call their "business me hods'," 'I hen matters move on as before. It does not appear whether anybody has profited bj tho exposure of the humbug of tho aforesaid " business methods." The Newark defa liter s method was simple. Ho was the Cashier of a strong and popular bank. There was a paid up capital of SOO.000, a surplus of SIOO.OOO, undivided profits of moro than G.r.000, and heavy depositors in plcnry."Tho "isoncarn kept a' deposit4 account tn this city, the balance to its cred'tlieing sometimes -a much as 2. .r00.00". Baldwin, the Cashier, was al lowed to draw on that balance when ever he chose. Nobodj' conncctc! with this admirably .managed Newark bank, but Baldwin, 'knew tho conditional the balance to tho bank's credit in the New York institution. If anybody ever had any curiosity about the matter, he asked Baldwin, and this excellent and highly respectable Cashier gave such answer as suited his plan And all the while, the Cashier was chocking out of the New York batik tho balance of the Newark bank and ur.git for his own purposes, win o he was reporting . U,E bjo MMM of U,o Nc.-n.rC concern Hint a million nmln lnlf or, .... . . ........... . t. x.. . I, .. ..., . iiiiun.iiHniin I lummy n.n irii ui;i;9(L hu tuviji kumt, t he was tamperinir with that account. Vinallv. when he had muddlrd' awav tlic handsome sum of S2.000.003 or .so. and thcro was a detieioucy of jCO.OJO where there should have been a .siu. plus of $1,500,000, the explosion, came. The Directors of the bank good ensj souls had known Ualdwin ever since he wns a boy. Thov repeat, with a cer tain plaintiveness. that thej' bad im plicit conlidence in him: as if he was Tntir miinli in h'nnin fir tlinir niiTilioit BaSk was bro Jght to gri urawn up uy wv ccinng fc c, auu m since. And. in this, wsr l"n stcpp-n-Thort and cfaauptng his toon neglecting their uu-' yt-" " - " . . .. . ... ipor aim ncn, aim uiuu mil- iiie man- nge'iient of the liaudsome nccnmula tions. to all intents and' purposes, in tho han'cN of one man. Succumbing to temptation, this man lias bctraj'cd his trust and Iris misappropriated the mon ey. And yet. the Directors of the bank are shrewd businessmen. A. YfiTliht. The Taller of Death. -a The Valley otDeath, a spot almost as terrible as the prophet's, vallej of dry hopes, lies just north of the old Mor mon road to California, in Utah a re gion - thirty-five, miles: long by thirty J liT-nnfl -inil ciifrminitnil nvnoul -it twrt po'nts, bv inaccssible mountains. It is I totally devoid of water and vegetation. and the shadow of a bird or wilU)Qvst , s&aas. i ie papers show tho fate of tho "lost Montgomery train" which came south from Salt Lake in 1850, guided byna Morrapn. When near Death's Yalley some came to the conclusion that the. Mormon knew nothing about the country, so thev appointed one of their number as leader and broke off from " Iheir party. ' The leader turned due wen, so with I tne people, anu wagons ann nocirsne , iraveled three days and thcndcscendcd j into the broad vallov whose trencher- ons mirage promisen water, mey maplipd the center, but onlv the whito sands bounded byscarching peaks met their raze. And around the vallev thev wandered, and one by one the men died, and tbe panting flocs stretched themselves in death under the snn. The children, crying for water. oMed at their mothersV breasfe and Hath swollen toxjgues andTbnrning 'rfalsthe TOotherfollowctl. Waoti after wjgon wa3,bridoned and strong men tottered, .and raved anddied. After a weekt wanderings, a dozen survivors found some water in the hol low of a mountain. It lasted by, a short time, when all perished but two. who escaped out of the valley and follpwed the trail of the former companions, THglitv-scven families tfith "hunareds of animals perished here, and now, after thirty-one years, "the wagon? ; .spra.d still complete, the iron works and tires are bright, and the shriveled skeletons lie de by side. Euitf Bill Colo.) Neics. Z' -L.' Ckildrea Adrift en a Deer. .Yesterday afternoon abont three o'clock a little girl and" bov, a"oout eight and eleven jears old respec'tivelv, children of Octave Letebrrs. a labor er at Laprairie, were plaving on an old door in the river opposite the ril laee. The wind was rather strong and a gust carried the plank with its living freight into the middle of the current, which bore them rapidly out of sight of their home. They 'clung together and held their perilous -pon-tioa as the stream bore them Kile after Kile from their hose. The steamer Laprairie passed the. Their screams coald be heard aad weee.aaswered. hat bo aaautasce ease to theaa. The wteaKr Prkece 'Arthsr also passed theK aear the YKtonalkidge, bwthe captasB amid the cerreat was. tow. strong to aUew ef his rtaammg thaca. He. Kwevr, Botified tb river Kce. 'bat the ehjOdrcB floated oa otUI they case to the LcMpMSaU ferry wharf: There uwy were Tejscwoa sqr tae eaptaiaei a JBWRSTCOJKWJ conlicionce. ana as it tliev arc whonyr "'" r71"" l"" " --"--" '" ovonorated from respons:bilitv because, tho grouml and cIyrato growth u?At they have been deceived. So Dalduin i season. J'ho miilclung o?eot pt the went on with his gnmo. .using the de- I u-rotw parts will be useful. et positors' money for our oses which ha! -tyHiig. lefore growth begin.s..eub back has set forth. There does not secnV the longer shoots nt, a fork. Jawing tho to bo much to add. to this sad and longer or larger portion of the branch disgraceful story. The sum and;sub( and leaving tho smaller, which will stance of the matter is that certain re- avoid any stump. Bring the vhrttb thtis putable citizens built up a Tnnk, at- to htndsomo shape. IX thc-gmwth is tmctcd tho deposits of manv people. (t'JO thick anywhere. Una- It out. If never darkened its white,-glaring The Kansas raciue- Batfroad engineers ' coiorot the ilienvnnn" it ftriil cmnis Ttnnnra wtiili relative I10XE, F1R1 A5 CiAltSEf. Cftibar tLi-kTe been t kcroaae lamp hold bff wsshed off wiia ooa kjw. -- An boar rwnt ia making -rd clan will save a day or a wrck la the futoru ia eradicating wced.- Ia making preparatioBt for winlrr prolecUon. rforumaicrtiiture,kcp a CUJll tnitiic farmer' deecdcac i to 1ms more anil more oa his stock. f stlh tl unbolted wheat flour fa. jnuiwsJe referable to itlltr ntil u s'or ;o lU j cd on th w.lh !ir?tn;IK tWurn wD te rare to hlvo ..'WP 5 ff uuc ir. n-tb aaJ Strong. AT. d IwrH.-nriotU .to th.ai.- ' -r-Whcn j-eoplc ce a "horMj's.hcad .Lin the pride ol hta strength aeamunevi of spirit wLervas tht an'mal i tcaby suffering non'M of pain andistninj; ' to gain W thesamoTcuMicumtnntntary relief. r Potato ro taaViba prepared as i follows" Paro e-irefuilr .with a thm - .-.. ...t b.Wdub! a'penktiffe somtf'pofled'pou- t toe rotmil'ftnil rotmi! until all of each petal .is pared L,i2 center. Do not I aro mpposcd-toTesutnb'e-rose. nenoo the-name applied to this gatnih. Smoked ileat on Toast. Take a cold smoked tongue or bam that has been well boiled, and grate it with a coarse grater or mince it hne.mixit with cream aud beaten yelk oL egg. and let it simmer over the lire. Prepare, some nice slices of toast, butter them rat er sltehtly. lay them in a flat dish that Ins ll'on heated over the lire, nnd coTer cauaJicu.,with:tlio meat mixture thai fehouUl hu .spread nu hot. I'lace. on the table in a c jvercddisli.for cither break f.t3tsor supper. ,t " ' -SCKHUren1. I'udifmr. Put onelnMe spoonful of Carolina rice-nndione table spoon'ul of tapioca .into, a, three-pint pudding-dish; add one tablespoonful of coarse brown sngdr and' a small pinch of alu Let this foaVcfote to the lire. aud let it lm constantly stirred. Thm I put ery littlu bits of butter on the top, aud put it m a moderate over,, ror tho first hilf-hour stirit often from tho lwttom, then loavo-it. In tno lioura von will hove a pudding far oxcuedin in riciiiiess one made with eggs and with a delicious flavor. Sago, or tap ioca, or rice atone, ae'ejnallj' good. Writing of obesity in neat'Stbck. a well-iuforuwd, correspondent of the Loudon .Lice Mpjfc Journal remarks that "the timo without doubt will come i when tho-o moving masses of grearo J will be passed over in the show-ring. aud the honors awanted to tnoso in a more natural condition, ami with the.r points unconcealed by useless cush'ons of fat. l'rohably a yet wider view will be taken, namely, 'that auimals over burdened, unabie to stand for long to gether, an 1 almost asphj'xiated, as in i rii fvtn in iii"H- iii:l iiu il-'uMiuu .ij - .. n ? j... i n ...... ,. " T, fJi 3 ,.. ilf,.lln.b,tell.t. ',. ". " - over-feeding the direct cause of man' discacrthit not onlj affect the patient, Wut his or itti posterity- Ornamental shrubs, planted about dwelling, aro ofteu neglected year aft er year, and become llitorted in shape and stunted in growth. They may bo grcatlv improved by manure and prun ing. The manure should be applied in autumn as n lop-dressing, extending at Ieat a! far from the stem on each sido as the heiirlit of the' shrub. The solu- lttnr.n ... n ,1... . n.. ..fall Onflt' tJ 1 t r - - --j c""fr,T. r , rt 7 or branches, cut mom on.- wujuru Gcnlldnnn. 4j ' - Watering lYijiilorr-riautav m-r There rTnothing that ooms to bother more thosj wliotwpuld grow window- llowcrs, tbanhpw often to water them, It is an exeeePifingly sunple thing to those who'ltaWliaScxpericiiccr; Ihough" so raystorin n thing fcothoHowho have had iwno;f Uhon tiie "killed gadouer ia, "asked foratlvicehesaj's, "water only wKi3fthe irfafattflieedMt?" but'this tells the -'Inquirer 'nothing. There still re mains to be understood how to tell when, plants neod, water. After nil, this is a species" of knowledge that can, not well bb tanglit by another: It-has to be learne'dfrom "experience. The good plant-coltivator tells lrom the earth; nut eien this is a term. There is dark soil and thcro isligTit soirTbufall soils ar.o dark er when thcyjtjewetha when dry. One can soon learn lhi3 by experiment ing a little; and "can soan tell whether the earth is dry or wet lij the eye or fThgefTxldne. If It is wet it of course wants no more waterMf much b'ghter than Its nsuai cDlq.vuseearth.is drjwd needs some. it,is atj, -exceedingly sim- pu mancr 10 inosc wuo win iry 10 learn; to those who cannot learn them- selves it is a hopeless task, mere is one hint that we may give mat mav 00 01 value. 11 the earth nev- er uets-dry, Che plan tare. not in good condition. Something is wronjr. it "is tho active, growing "working roots that take the moisture ont of the earth. It s a sign of good health for the plant to .wantreguenti.watenng. As we have already said tho color of the soil, as eompared to wfaalMt is when wet, will tell whether it wants water or not. rcrcrnor.'oic;i Telegraph. Firewood fer the Fane. j Wood seasons much more rapidly J when split, therefore it is economy not . only to fell and haul wood for fuel from j the lot before stormy weather and t heavy roads are at hand, but to cut it in shape for stove aud fireplace at the I same time. Wet, sappy wood is not 1 oniy wasteruu 'Dot it is a source w iattonanil discomfort in tne onrning of drr wood the beat a nearly all of it available, while from one-half to two thirds of tho lieat-prodnced during the consumption of green wood escapes lat ent and useless in the evaporating jap and water. in selecting wood for fuel it becomes a matter of economy to take for fire wood such sorts only as will do best service ia raage and stove, leaving be hind for rails, timber and feaceposia the varieties which, while possessing little -value as regards their heating qualities, stand in the foremost raak for dnrabilitynnder exposare to the weath er, other things beta: eqaaL SfeeS bark hiekoryds regarded as rtprtseat ing she Bigbest -standard -aoar -forest trees for feel- and- eallwg tat 10. otae'r'trees'wmcXHarpatfe'witi H for real afae aVfaei for hortyarpoees-aa fei-losiaeM-bark-'feiekoTy. 100rfgB1 hickory. -93; -white '-ash, 87; white eak, '; degweod. 75; acrae eakT 73;: watts ael. 7ti aple-tree,l7w; redaa)c,'i7: white Beech. 5; beaeet bifciarSX; yeSest oak, h hard nsiaW. 5a; white 4k. 5. red cedar. 5w;wild4JeMqv55; yeBow thb,-54 cbtiUot.,52: jdiow pCBlatv 44; bsjUaraaCaad whiie bcrek,'i aad 3QL-T Mm T, Wmrid. -5r-Vh i tl n Itilt trtf ? meat. T ;'".v" ""V4 "" J- " rrp . IB JhCtr "v" "' , ; " , '. -" J! . ovcuni u" nca uvy laruncoM ij u;m Jiuincae. uici ft--uoio iu v n i.i unique: i-cct thfi slices Miulcientiy tiiin to preaw. of tho ruin. i'lace in a wiro ba.sVct and dip info d with full t boHlriir '1ard. Totaioe "thus prvpsrfd J I rtl tfco otlwr tsy jrd rtacy of Jsv GcosM, ti AirkJ rSwj 3g? X L2a brolr wni tr to ;ew lork aoi oUott a uacrrvrw with hlxa. Te WoW apUi4 to kha what rxt otmukj jsrkt b cu4e oa tiw Losdo tock Ktckce, and Krr:i tlt b iw?aM do be.4 o for hita. Goold rrfltctrd. and tbea uhli "flia: yoa r i no doubt trite; X tsBialr ece objection, I never pec- I " Ij there ay ojnla her tor aa ! inteUccUial wnUrr' aid ardttrcd- nor! tndindaol of aa rdnor. "Yet, my friend," rrplled "U man of end. A ' ctadV.e carj-nter, forre-la ytxs jridi, left aa ojcj for yos. Tow ti tknob to tis right " ' 1ST artuU taerit lb ftaw obta i. i JMub UU. bx lruMf km H ufctC U it to-tiar lle xiUtail rciortly lr xirta- . tlin? L7r, phrtela. Wxrtac U PrrAKio oi piatiier TtbnMi t-viiU rt. U ca!asat U l Tiik Iltubers .hiy Lttdfrqaott Mr. . 3!irtlW Krr. hilrr CtsV.. Mltnt jr?4 bidljr tuudU har Ub $U Jcti OU. j Tnr prvprVtor of a eun-nlll tut Uil eood-losiklos roa i(!ulUcslM la ripUav j tloa be hl "TUt eo "ltl t a !Jaif- Inff ! tuj cvlUn ad iMiwr mu t lb ca(. t wit- 1aj ub t!x8snw . tbtoc into tar cStiCMU Tb ink U 1 too crtaL" , 1TP ffM! , ..--;-" t--. ii ' IT. T. . IL V PirnO', M. IX ar'A? M vrlt. i who hail lYn 1.1 lor prr ivpuan, ml had tried tnior otbr rnrtljc1ap, iKame totiad t anU ellrilj:four Kv6rUr l'crliv t tlon. " if r niw vex !o cured by lit u, I iftr tvfraljbylcfn hid UJmI to d'sber ) kay sood. oun truly. J HUM- J. NUA. Ilr.rone mrrUce she wx dar aJ h w bcrtrrure, but.afterrrd be bccme dearer and bf trraturi r Yot'NG MO. aJ miildle ;ed oa. uf ferla: Irota ccron Jrullltv tnd Undml WrVner. cnil tbrre tamp for l"rt Ml bf Dime "rlr lloot. .dar-- AVvmuo' lusrr.NSAitv Mctnc.it. AcociATto.v. liuf- l falo, '. Y. Point ftftr a that llnd TVllftw an not Mom, RUUonrb apircM.c tbcw lu their work. -V. (J. J'nautu. Sick and bUiont brwulAchc, and 1I de- I ranzetnciiU of ftnnncli and bdMU, currd I liv lr. Pierre'i. l'elkt "or antl-blliom Cranulri. r. ccnt rlK So ch pP boxc to movc &lc ol irtu. Hy drusuu. Covpr.s the ground 1 be roof of a flour lauUl. . lTUJut-thftblnslaFt. UniU.whcnaticw rciuitan or IxunHng-houn I Urtrd, to ahertlr tUat tbry u the ChUrr oV lUne; Htlraut. XrKiifd Ovai Pitk. 'Wlllfam J. CourbUn. ot Soraerrlllr. M, aj: "In the IlT of liTt I r Utcn rub rwUnt btrtdingofttiunvt,tooXb1h 'Tfr couch. I wu aJtuUtcJ to tbr City Uotpiul. While there the doctor iil I bid bjJrlainj lrUluneu t!zati!filol!r I jrreurboje, but a friend told nie of Dr. Wu. lhu.t liilr bam roKTiic Lt.xi'i. I cot m lottle when to ravMirprhelruintntnced to (eel tetter, and to day I J eel In tH-Uer :lrlu tbn I have the pt three rcart. I wrilr tl.U hoping that cTcryona filleted with Dmented Lun; will Ukc Dit-Wu. Hall's Uaijam rou me Lios, and tx con vinced that LoNSOUTios cax an cvntn ' Alioatureremcdr for Colda, Cotijhu. and all Cheat and Lun; Dii cae. bold by drujjKlt- Al.Lcountrlc that keep Munplei of tba. hcft proUiuta of the lauor of othi-r pc 'pie, for rxhIWtlon for thdr own workmen, uc thr Charier Oak lUnge n a tatnplo ol the bet of lt kind cer nmlc. T-". 'TNlXJ.v Co., Chicago, want an ajentfor their ' l,unch":cCisar In every tywn. l.n ttnnri nro nnlf IXXlIblo whril TOtl J Jill c co d malerlata to cmk, a pood cook and a Charter OaK lint;c to cook w uu. w-o m " Light coiouut r 3 cJr Axle Oteae aoon eari off. (Jrt the genuine Krazer. DR. JOHN BULL'S Sniffs Tonic Syrup 1 -FOR TME'CUUE OF FEVER and AGUE ' Or CHILLS and FEVER. Tht proprietor of tils celebrated tnedielM jutlrelaimt for it tiaperforityoTtr allrea edies evtr offered to the pnblie far the BATE, CERTAIN, SPIEDY aad FKK AREXT enr of As u and Fever, cr Chill tai F7er, waeta cr ofihort cr lngctaadiag. Hereferi to the entire Wetteraisd Sasthera coantryto bf,r him textintoayito the truth of the mertioa that in no ease whatever will It fail to cure if the directions are 1 trictly followed and carries eat. In a great xaany"cam a tingle deee hae bcecaufteieat far er, aad wbele fajaiHee have bees cared by aauigl bottle, with a per fect reitoration of the rereral Laltk. It le, however, pradect, aad-la wary cae aore cer tain to care, if iu use la eoatlnKed la saiallar doses for a week or two after tneUisease hu bees; checked, hot eepeelelly 1 diSealt e,s4 lfing-standing cue. Usually thie awdlelae will not require any aid to keep the bowels ia rood order. Ihtald'ttrepetieat, however r -eraira acathtrtiemosMiie. mtut kat ing tak&m Xmitt or four doses ai the Toalc. a sicf le doe ef FULrS TEOZTASLT FAMILY PILLI will be afScieat." h The Eeauiae SMITH'S T0KCSTJKJ? aiM nave BB. J0HH BULL'S private etusp oa x bottle. DX. J0JT BULLoalyhas tbe ricbtt mannfactare aid sell the edriui J0MK J. SMITH'S T0VIC ST1UP, ef LoaisTille. Ky. Examine well the label oa each bottle. If my private stamp is nofca eYxh bottle do art parcba.se, or yoa. will be deceived. X3NT J Manufacturer nl Vtnr at SMITH'S TONIC SYRUP, lULL'S SARSAPARILLA, BULL'S WORM DESTROYER, Thei Popular me4WM efthe Bay. JMaJffOSW,SlalatLeOITIlXi;El. Tot t&s Cm of Concha. Cold. TTmia in itsu CoasssUos. at rrcg cy a ma a tea. LANDS. CottU:m Uaieaee taaaoaa.iiai. anufcya. ayt tmrr." mtc lit r fAMl. Stent aad IV tJn imcnM tmiorm ,a r n Load OSoe. Depamant of tbr nrSsr. as SssmM Curt.aoi aa eiw3-caBa MmtMCjmCie gfrtsosts. Laad wraaia. borntntU aaU B kfexBflaad-3lkn!9fs4anM. I ATSMI1 alaa) mm p . .r TTT rm laSiait is. Blf Bnetiasyeigy.fyj: Oa-rreira.a thni-mmmrl.niirVLMt l ama fkia fHI persayatliiwi 1siTeswsitsgB WwixUaesiaslBaaiSiimiiaCeZyamaesasL AS8ESTB WTAWTXS fer OvBeae mmiTmK-m-.Sea3crTeort:iootoaiHMea, rneaa nSaeael UVeOm-SUirAmmCmZrif. MmWmmt, Urn. MmLM t mtmmmmmmA. TllTf II111 law 1 v a-ecisinaio ar'ir el si w Bmm wi MTwm aw. aiawsMm aaaw eT A. wDTla joeMjiaBSwwm. TesssseaJ t NOeStMUl KCrtOTS. Kw. 'jmtft '..sr nog M itStat t Ktfc Vmm ti5j--v-U. ms, li., VWM Artor ( l tlwtciYr. - r-a--wl!ty - tic JUrv Wuto. -4v . ., tt x--4 ? irM 4 IK t slU ta M CMto J Wtftt la ttr ilW-S.-v IS 4ivBjk in- smi-x 4 It a l tbry TSf tvlibrs- Mt, 4 t f !r jvi almrnk ml ne I i - ftatfr, tff t, .U . UrTtw4 fcrj rfcU( wxt.oJI Xlr -Vi w,j tV v. K tv4inn1 tlMT Is W"J trt ViJ rr-l Ui tist t&ar 4jjiA- rotr r 4w I Oil. !4- w"y ufc K r . ttw.rf a-'fc . a it- ,,irfm -jvt Uf t ee vrH M to mil tuum.iU.t .-. cOrtWi t taUS ill?nm 4 me M r . U- rvl-rr jA(t)iutii, it-trfar tfcr Wt t m'nai n-mfOy mr trt ! t- rfa. I rjuus I futr Mittatixt j t- irfrt mttrif ttrnttntntiy frsn U i .- f Uvff lust tJ aavtkMe ,AC UtvH U -"iSJteMk. ' ox i Mi'H Vc t-i ttq bis-i4 mVvris lrti N,rw. rffc-.rN- Km P-Tt Mdri. MKh m "lr.4 rtirvltna tht rr y rtn nSrrl nX " curr os.k rK( hrtp xsr t Vr' f ra-lifts. lM-a mmi erv tt4ilat i.nrjr fn Jr)M Ult. liIWx.t lf try trkcu , I irwtiintlf trfrrl, J tt lhliWnin4We llv HU rntlrr rr-t I tk tv1 fr Kar'nc u-J 1Kt wrirTMt rirl', fir emr4 f t'K It !. rurxt taj w;fr." , Wmmimm-Tm.mm-p.rUHyrm. Urn, J aUmrmm, 1M, CH.W. faAMMBl mtmm tJ' lUI'Xoul tmmftmt m m (. tltwH mm Ilka tl M i in.ltir.ln. II IlaB wJ lWt4. It V x4 iW. 1 1 i Ik. Im.1 .wV .ml I 0, II M M 14 U !, Hu4anryfc. Jr. A t. S.OOO Acnt Wal4 tmr Lift of GARFIELD It rontatiw lit rU h'ttorr f til m4i rYclf' hi it4 4w!.M Mtt(liMv flf4 lfrII.t. dralU, tumrrmi uM-v1 reV-. lV-, . Thrtfi!llf I Sir I n.kf hwm; V-frr Mtmar WN rr t mitm 1 . iiiut, rwt --. t,Nao t cfrnr(k 4 tmUf UU V " KH StM. Timr nt f rff tut VmtftrA rni4mi. Timr nr lonrtsi. nttw ru VMnntri KlU trnr. aT1sl rttnt C. at. LoaU. Ha. - 1 : terrm ' ctrr rKJm XMnrMCJitmieax. 1 VtkKMmUNmXCa CUS.tSiXAUA. PENSIONS ar rm.rr M4 k i. UllVlwin i imp,. - ., , .w f a t1-- - -fr - . -. taUl4 l a lata '! " ..& ... ..J .A.t ff.lk... - M UinMrM ur !-? a aaa f,,,ii,i ,,-. . ! - limiiirwo e Itr? M. aM Vualf Attt. M.riUSfrsM A CO., r.j . r.M a ,17 i..-. W. IM ftM'iCaairal lak a-a ( laa.Mtt-,!. TrfA- , vr- ,. V tt4 " . ! v . mxjz. -r nrf i JLi ! t .. fC4 oat otmtmttts eas RSJ IfiAili nP'.e ta- M rMTAirtMWfv mmmmmmw 3 I rmmWmf mm m mt F9mTmmmW. BUllllllllW Ol mmU EjmW"- '-ma 1 .ASWmW lAsxAMAr VMHeMaavW V Jfr ar Jj0mm7m mtt mrmJmmWm JW .etstBaMBKs C 4 ytjeafm .JmWmLmVJr r m SLmWESL. 4mmmmWr L wEg aiwMBfeJ O -m ,., . mmaMmmm m. - mm m . t.mmt MMi -ia Ml I I 1 , 11 1 ! DrMETTAURS Dr. MKTTAVmVn KKASACBTK TTIXK nwaw iirfBT U m -mf Urn beat. SSCV. Md 5EXTOCI MKUlACHSft atari W ! nauiaa ij law. tUmmm ik utawsoaB f e-sanea t XMrn, .mtm.mmc m XtmMl imtOumm . T. t. reraalekrall -3 COITB'S 5- ASTHMA CmrM Wkerw U Other Itmedki Fail! lUintahiawm aTkiaa--ta Irartra4fatrf AaUeae. lU9Umtl rttoaereSsrMlmirftiitaaaeereiSswfttVcta. 1 ta mmmtimm 1 mtrt m prnthmim. ItseTsaialsilleaier iissHfelefrte vf hmfmrw W4 m ! a ear, Klelsa rawMaf ftftMllatiaHeatle tetata f aaseTaete 4 tfa arrrraleiet. HUm eeefls e, U tmmHmUmm9-m-TMm-fljtmiUm4. tt M U TSXTft A CVSejCCBvB. Ts a Vaixazlx TmmJL-nxu tn Arm Kia9s Th-ax. frt 0 C. wrr Trv OT FZKHAXZST CUKES. AStllH a3 Xo. tti THE IAS0I & HA1UH 01GAI CO. or rnrir oraaaa Imtrm waar f T Tstat. txssnwi tr wcvraawTSuaa Asassy of tm m aar- fcrt tarsw OrwAm m tmmtrr tbaax aw aa tmr ttmrm. ImTmtj 11 me'. mmt an wrm eB-rta wara waaavar aawaa aw snv 4HBf rmtwm aw-mw- -vmrw rrvv aPBhaaam!. aaaaap awarafaasaivwnB . mtmm.m f a rrm mmt aaaui" imat af tmr a yrrrr aM at vrm-r rmtrmmi ess, aav sm. set A srw lUXfTrATin CXlASjyZCL fm, r. w Tf . ymm. t-mf saraQacawr? as saaauva of Or . Tiim. TatrMi. aa artaian tittmtn fLJTf eniiic iteaaiBtajassdABB asABf Lrx eisiai.ajr ctTflM YraaiawTsBw sf JaTi mtAmi 1B SS TgWB S BlT m. W a a Aew eKsecaSaB. Ufik. mm9mTcrfmT JPodUHTO. T, JOOOKi QUININE WINsr ArKIVnilxa w TAX vP"5 rrf KjgS" jCmMtm9mmJmS VeKfjassssasisss'f lari'Ti1 "nSlgi One Dollar zuitt&SKsrt t. P IS ELI! i al . t Vv4 SWiMS Wt & SspPS " THmMM K .:.. -. . i . .... i SO, sm m Efr'sa SO.OMII rwiinT trrfMfciw.1 ! . lnttrt CAH-IIILOEI'S IICTIWHT KAi VM ( tiftr f w i tfTS' Hrt rrt a rrt trrM v -11. ' - " i ijy EX-SOLDIERS W W 4 Hl'iy 3JV-t tt ii AMERICA" - km tSlkfit rs uat , . 4 .. 9 mm- l .! , l m . J H(t(M IMFWr A4I m mm y t ,. iinwl f. . fc..n j k - fi k.t . .... .- te. t w,n ,..- .m tmm ll 4 .mm w4 M ft mm4 tmm m m t . t4 IHll Am. .irJ VJ tv - i- r- --v--v fcoaTHj-vsUxtrt H(Mwi t BEAUTIES OF SACRED SONG. T mrtO I mm m MImi of ia wmfrmi rl u a m- m a aw, , mmttHm m mm ln,.. mmtf -fMl m'-t't a- , ijn Wai. AM. Ismm t n"L itol h-r mr v fk V 1 i m 4 tvm. Cmmi C., HNK V A t -'' V T,WtV. mmm AM ArW trntrnm tmm l.i rmtmtt ml M rllH . mm I rtm, ea.ee hi ittv. I THE BANNER OF VICTORY rt,MtHw 1VUWIH -B..ia lm l "lAT ami.S - " M mmfr, m tmmm a .- mmfmm im Ml lm Ut -il IU a . 4V. mU - w ,4lllx. ttrw'tm frmmr f tr' -.- ,;)- rt.iwv4t a. -.' al w .. tKa - . M . -a.r"4 i trart - aa " aa ta U af tv.h.A. 'r. a. LVOH A MKALV, CMfSfa, OLIVER DITSON A CO., C tt t)tTiCrt . j r. w raa . . MIS 3S Ml ohU 1 t6 U HEADACHE rax. tKj sTwa"KBBeBKi SwSf afKBS "iSMwSpeBl t Se. imU TiuyUlmim, COJBXXXT, PILLS Mtel Ami tmtmmtAmmm Wasr rocT 5rarr, CIXOX ATI. OKKX aT ttstl wtf VT rma wrmuf mm vtfr Ajffaim n gaai vkitm fca in Wm4 rrr? Tmt-nKAlJLt AtXAjt taraanmm at aatf rftn ia rm !mmiM tSa iMmWmtwt hf t imfmtmmf mrmVtri t a t mfm MmA aw ANmw C Xi DOI01HT, 17lMtlwtlt, lr Ttrk aMSaaaBaBBBBaiBweawSssF lWmWt afaaC MMUaK. tf awweaawasBM t siaaa'wal.sSS maKMaWTac72saM.SMVr:3saeBas awefcsaTj'fgl,J,i",'s Bwjiawi-tKr?rf?fBSaal- m SBaaaPB mfmt mm mm SMeSasj 0 U fl avasiaref BBBaflaJ ePWWvfajh m. a weXBBHjaav "isBB m& (flpBS& m