- -v. - " . i - v. - --! ai(jee- --gmst!&wmitmmi-8mF . - j s-3" && v j:t"p' - r" $ M I JOB VOBIm !THE nmw. The Red Cloud Chief. m US CLOUD, KIETUSTA. w By 5fcf I THOMAS, 5 K-t-?a ttt, t ; "Eternal Vigilance is the price of Liberty;7 and $1.-50 a year U the price of the Red Cloud Chief. RED CLOUD, WKBSTER CO. NKBRASKA, THURSDAY. DECEMBKIL 15. H1. O.YX irit:i mi trH4 & - VOL. IX. e sa miCSt- tU0 1 j-mt if ftii is Unset. GO EAST NORTH-EAST OR SOUTH-EAST -VIA THE B.&M.R.R Thii Road together with tbe C. B. Jt Q which is called -TIIE- Burlington Route ! .KoriDBthc mort complete linr between Nebraska Itotnt nnd all point KuM of Mif ouri Kivcr. FMBensem taking thin line crH the AJo. Kivcr ut rufUinouth over tbe Plattsmoutli Steel Bridge, "Which has lately been completed. Through Day Coaches AND Pullman McrpingCar A RE RUN TO Burliiiffton.Peoria.Chicago and St. LOtii, TVheru clofeconnectioni" arc mad in union denop for all points AortliKoM nnd South. Trains by thin route nrt in Nebraska are there fore iff e froni tbo various accident which ro frequently drlay train cominc throudi from the rooun- laid. antlinenKcr are thus cure of waking pond cn nectionK when they take the B. .fc M. route caU Through Tickets X AT LOWEST RATES deforce in the Ftiitc. an well an full and reliallo mfojniation n-iuir 1. can be had uon at'lica tion to U. A M. It. H. Aptnu at uny of tbo principal etationp. or to PE2CEVAL L0W2LL, 18tf General Ticket Acent, OMAHA FEU. That this medicine has been UO C d for 35 years ia w U. private practice, in all diseases o 1 the throat cud lungs, is the greatest fCCM rccom- .a"! .t- - " .. '.i., this Balsam can have . V r- : it. Put before the w Fountain ? rnuht in ilibj rrice 2SC. 50c a:id $i. Sample Bot T tles io. nn nu '-BALSAM 4 rS-- ' """ Erneltett, r-'fesSt -JS?1. S&Je Proprietor. SLj?& K-nCUy.Mo. Go to tbe reliable and well-known tints stand of R. R. Sherer Rod Cloud, and buy a $1 bottle. If after "sinjr two-thirds, you get no relief, return the balance and get your money . back. Samuel West, UEALKU IX- Tobacco- Cigars. CONFECTIONERY. CANNED FRUITS, FRESH FRUITS, i CRACKERS, CHEESE, ORANGES, LEMONS, AKD A FULL LINE OK FAXCV St i K 81 ALSO A FIRST class Ice Cream Parlor, "Where you ran always get a nice clis.li of lee Cream during the Season. A share of the public patronage is respectfully solicited. First door south of Mitchell & Morhart's. Red Clocd, - - Neiuupka. COMaT For Your LUMBER. DRY LUMBER A SPECIALTY, yns BB8T i? Tir. haeex Slit mi LireK( arleea -BY- ISKS & im lis' III RED CLOUD NEB. " ; R us 3 : M i LJ- w - T 33H. Mrf " q ? 5 .J So a a 5 .t - SS T - a " ir?L -Sw X a aaBaaa Tr C- r'jyr Cd ft ? ob3 2 -s m S- ceJJ 3 2. SL i1 r. BUSIXESS BIllECTOllY. J. K.FVITH, Pre't lt Nat. Bank Iteatrice Neb. F. C. Smith. ''Mb'rln Nat-Bnk Bex trice Neb. SMITE BROTHERS, BANKEES, JIED CLOUD, NEB., Trannact a treneral banVinr borim". buy and Fell connty warrant, auo ouniy. iimn n h.hool Hiftrict Bond. Ntcotiate larm mortgac'i'.huy and fell ror ehm Kxcbange. . -fcpecial attention iren to collection. RtrrErxrts lot NaU Bank New York. Oma ha Nat- Bank, Omaha. SMITH BROS. G. W. FllIDLKU, I're-ident. R. V. Shikky, (3tilner. WMl GCjSTT base, RED CLOUD, NEB. Money To Loan on Real Estate and Chattel Mortgage. Buy and Pell Ex change and do a general Banking huijiuCfcS. iii:n:iti:scrj: Kyer A Atkins. Banke . Ynrt . York fonntr Bank. York. Farmer' A .Mrrchant Bank. York: Union National Bank. CnieRo: Mamh Bros.. Mother A Co. Lincoln. W. H. STROHM. ATTOKNEV AT LAW. RED CLOUD, - NEBRAskA. Maybe confulted in Kniflwh or Gerxnan. Collections will receive prompt attention. Oj-tick: Opposite Boy's Home O.C.Cabk. Jab.McNmt. Case & McNeny, A TTOBNKYS AND COUNSELOItS AT LAW. Will practice in all the Court of this State and .. '". i ..ii!..na he wall a litica- tellUMneicaretully and efficiently attended to. tifrica:- On ncnisier airoci, uuo uv. of Oarbcr's Store, i:ed cloud, Nun. J- . S. GILHAM, ATTOUNEY AM) LOlj.NJjI.lAJli Al ji. Office our door north of Kalry Bros. KEDCLOU I). NEBRASKA. ,C IUwlky. N.H.TnoKM. Hawley 8c Thorpe, A TTOBNEYS i COUNSELORS AT LAW. Office: Over Mc Farland'i Ktorc. BED CLOUD, USB. Laird & Smith, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW. Hasting - Nerkaska. Will practice in all the Courts of the State. Prompt attention iven to all bminccs entrusted to bis care. J"W" .-.- ... A . A T J.I. Ki.r. Bloomicpton. Ncbraiica. C. W. i AiitT. Bed Cloud. Neb. KALEY BROS., ATTORNEYS AT LAW REAL ESTATE AOF.NTS. Will practice in all the Court" in Nebraska and minium Kanf.ir: rollcrtiuu' pnjiuptly at tended to and correMMindcnce yolicited. ISS CLOUD. Kebra&a. Also. Aitenti for B. A M. K. B. Land. ELBERT A. H ALL Tl. D. Physician & Surgeon, RED CLOUD, NEB. AKtaan! Surccon B. if- M. K. 1L R, C Office over Johuon A Crei)' dry Roods store. Resi dence over Perkins A. Mitchell's store ISTtuu J. m. IflOSEXA, HI. o. ECLECTIC Physician and Surgeon, UiiD CLOUD. NEB. Will ray special attention to Obstetrics and diseases of women Also pencral and special sunscry. Diseases of the Eye nnd Ear. Charet moderate. Office over Ssherwuod's Store. a-vl-y DR. C. SCHENCK, Physician & Surgeon, COWLES, NEBRASKA. Professional eall promptly attended. Office: At reidence near Cowlc S-51 Dr. H. A. Baird, RESIDENT DENTIST. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. Guide Rock House, J. B. SABIX, Propr, GUIDE ROCK, NEBRASKA. This House has just been refitted and newly furnished throughout. GOOD SAMPLE ROOM for the accommodation of commercial men. . 49tf HEEHY Paints, COOK'S Oils, 3 BED Glass, CLOUD Notions, DRUG 0 Wall Paper, STORE. C7.E1.002:':3 WINE of TAR CUKES THOUSANTJS YEAKLr. A FOSmVE CURE FerCounhs.ColrJs,! ass MssnsrnK. leths EcFtcfToKiss; Cures Dyspepsia: L i'tr3- Rcf?.riicthfAnnptifl,? gSsStt-ntita tbe System; jVw3 aJ Debiiitatet:. f --T; J iTMU cu IV will Jjrn. aupr Z?st2Z? fat Ir.CroV Wlu& 3 B .K.SWTKiCO..PnjpIrf THE CHIEF. mm M. L. THOMAS. EDITOR. THURSDAY, DEC. S, 1881. Senators Van Wyck and Saunders authorize the Muteincnt that the tale of the Otoe reservation land v. ill not take plare until next spring. The Hppraj-cment h.v not yet lecn made. CfiiJgren will prob.ibly pass an act favoring the hale of the land in email parcels! to actual settlers. If specula tors have been "betting their traps" to t-eeurc these valuable lands t very low figure they will perhaps be dis appointed. The Otoe reservation contains some of the richest land in the world, and a large number of persons already express a dt-iire to secure an eighty acre tiact or a quarter section, on which to make themselves homes. GUITEAU'S TRIAL. In order that our readers who have not the privilege of fccannmg the daily papers may know something of the dicgraceful proceeding; of the trial of the jubathin, Guiteau, we publish home of it below; as reported by the Ntitional A-sociated Press dispatches. W.iunc;ton, Dec. 9. The criminal court opened promptly at ten, and Dr. Joint McArthur again took the Hand. Guiteau hhouted out "Your honor" Scoville Keep htill, please. Guiteau Well, then tate it at once. If you don't I will. Scoville then addressed the court and objected to the character of the evi dence which had been given by the witness, on the ground that evidence as to any othrr crimes could not be introduced when the prisoner id on trial fur this particular oileni-e. He desired all Mich evidence to lie struck out. Guiteau here broke in excitedly, and thouted out, "It is purely in the natiuc of a confessional. McArthur is not an expert or a lawyer, and 1 ob ject to his telling the jury and the American people facts which I told him ear ago in regard to my hii-tory." The court ruled that the evidence could be admitted as teuding'to show the general character of the" prisoner. Corkhill Did you ever see anything in the prisoner to indicate insanity ? Answer No, sir, I never did. Guit eau here broke into one of his noy harangue, and despite the caution of the court and the expostulations of compel, proceeded to express his opinion of Dr. McArthur in terms not at all delicate Turning to the re porter's table, he declaimed for some minutes against the scandalous re ports they had given of his character, and singing out to the leportcr of the Jtcpuftliwn, shook hi list at him threateningly. Corkhill desired the court to restrain the prisoner, when Guiteau turned to him and said, "You go slow, Corkhill. You are spotted, and as soon as this business is over the President will roniove you. Scoville cross examined the witness and became very angry and very much excited at tome of his replici. The testimony in chief was not sha ken. W. -S. Caldwell, a physicinn who treated S. V. Guiteau during his last illness, never detected any evidence of mental unsoundness. Geo. W. Plummer was called. Gui teau immediately shouted. "I owe this man twenty dollars, and it has cost the government $200 to get him here. 1 think the President's attention bet ter he cjilled to the way you are squandering government money, Corkhill. so he might bounce you at once. You'll cost the Government i-'OO.OOO or SStKUXM at this rate." Witness, allowed the prisoner to oc cupy a desk in hit. law office at Chica go for some month. He seemed to have a good deal of collection busi ness, and went in and out like any business man. Guiteau continually interrupted, and finally witness said to him. "It seems that your close re lation with the Deity of late has cor rupted your manners. The prisoner laughed heartily at this sally and said. "Well, that ain't so bad, Plummer, for a western man." "Did you ever see anything in his conduct that indicated an unsound ness of mind?" was the next question, No sir, replied the witness, nothing whatever. He seemed to be a man of ability vain and conceited but then he had late lrom New York City, on his card, and we expected the rest. This coprulsed the court. Stephen English, editor and proprie tor of the Insurance Timo; of New York took the stand Guiteau called out, This man was in Ludlow Street jail, and I got him out for $300. Witness gave the circumstances under which he became acquainted with the prisoner. "Witness was in jail under $50,000 bonds, charged with libel. Prisoner acted as his attorney. Guiteau freuuently and noiselessly in terrupted the witness, calling him a liar and a perjurer. At one time be shouted, There is not an insurance man in New York that does not know what a fraud you are, V"itness continued; the prisoner t swindled many poor creatures in jail i uy promising to help them, and get ting tneir money and then never raising a finger m'their behalf. Guiteau shouted t the witness,. Why 1 wouldn't spit on you on the street, you old scoundrel. I'll get some insurance men- to show you up. You are lying all the way through, English, you old fraud. itness was asked if he ever detec ted any signs of insanity in the nrison- er, and replid, On the contrary, he was a, remarkably clear-headed shrewd lawyer.. He completely out witted rae. Warren G. Brown- attorney at law, Now York was counsel for Mrs. Gcifc eau in obtainiug a divorce from the prisoner. He believed the latter per fectly sane. Guiteau excitedly I want to know CoskbiU what, ail thk ki4 of v4k ha." got to do with the real isue. Who fired the shot that killed Gar field The Deity or I ? 1 think it devclish mean to rake up my charac ter in all iLi dctaiU. The only, iue here is who fired that fhot, the Deity or I ? Juat take that home Corkhill and take time to think it ever till to morrow morning. I mant to know what all this ha got to do with the question of my atuty or insanity on the '2d dav of Jtllv. A.-. I have told you before. 1 had time enough to go crazy a hundred limes in the mterTal The afternoon proceedings mere opened by the prisoner, who addre--mg the district attorney asked. How many more witnessed have you got Colonel? Can you give us an ide. No, replied the district attorney; No definite idea. Corkhill then read in evidence some legal papers in the ca-e of English -. Guiteau. After reading one of thm the prisoner exclaimed. That i- a Miuare transaction. Colonel; that 1 ..1. . ..k t.ital fli.nwufltl' fVla.B i.tl ever-your-name-is Witness t not noticing the lutar ruptionj M client aketl me to -ee whether or not I could get the money for him. Prisoner I wanted you to pay Tiie $100 and take those things otf my hand.-. That was eight years ago. You would not pay $100 and 1 would not deliver them up. Witness was constantly interrupted by the prisoner declaring thc testi niony false. Witness considered Guiteau sharp keen nnd rational. Prisoner That w:w eight years ago. It nas a great deal to do with the case han't it. Colonel ? (In an ironical tone to the district attorney) you produce, those notes, (alluding to notes W. Ehle said he received from Guiteau) he shouted wildly to the witness, or else get out of that stand a disgraced mco. If you come to slobber over me, you must produce those notes or show yourself a liar. To his sister Mrs." Scoville who w:is trving to restrain! nun. J ou Keep qmciauu nnuu our own business. I uon t want any more - -. I don t want any morel y u i l.' irniri iiiii fin iiiim iiiin iiotki'M " ; , ." . . t.i .r me mad, he continued violently To iniuK iiiiu u.e proT....o.i ro.n, u -i ITJUIWi- IU llilll l "iviw'M iiaiov- ter when thf y know it is a Iik It im n shame that thexe men Corkhill ami Porter, should slobber over my char acter. They have leen digging up my professional record and they havn'l found anything yet and they can't 1 wa. straight in tne law buine-is, and I want the American people to under stand it. The only thing against me J is that I owe some board nils nnd I committed adultery to get rid of my wife. The court sternly That will do. Prisoner I have got through. I have made my final speech on thn matter. It is a disgrace for Corkhill to bring in this evidence. The prisoner while he was deliver ing this tirade was apparently under the control of violent passion. His conduct towards his sister was such that Scoville was obliged to change seats with her in order that he might be as close as possible to the prisoner and try to repress his violence. OKDI.XAXCE XO. 22. Ec it ordained by the chairman an 4 Board of Trustees of the village of Red Cloud Nebraska. Sec. 1. That license mav bo crant n.l i,wl ucnJ nn.tor tbo i.rmimic of . ... !.., . . r v- i " i the statutes of the state of .Nebraska regulating the Rale of malt ami spi rit- uous and vinous linuors. to sell such liquors in said village upon the pav- ment into the treasury thereof of the. sum of five hundred dollars. Allap- plications for such license to be filed ' Allap- Kiioca.- uuj iui-i u.-ii.. .UvW... - Tm fttCl stamps the tKk a a uccr the head. nnd a gold mine for the publisher and Charles H. W ehle a lawyer of New theif loCA, .cnl America leads the York City wn.- then called and testi- woru ;n An grand c,,tvrpru-es. See fied to a number ot .-. aims which the .dvertinjen, ,.!-evhere. prinouer had collected for one of his .. clients. When he concluded the prw-j -,-..-.,----. oner declaretl he nould not fjive ten J IHlAfCOTTA LUMSSI. cents a bushel for all the claim and Qsr of lhc mmi imporUnt uf rcCfnl demanded the amount of the claims praclicnl inventions t- that of the man he had collected. - ufacture of lumber from fire clav, pat- Witnos-I he items collected Cntcu by Mr. C. C. Gilnian, of.Eldo amounted to f 5S5.11.U rn jow The prioner-(excitedIy)-Dou yon :rhc ' j3 filllv .lescriU-d in his claim that I collected tho-e claims ? ivUw ltent of luch the ft,HowiK Is that your biiMiiesS, Mr. What- . Cxtrct: The composition con- with the clerk of the Hoard of Trus-Ile onmtnc Ammom, as iu mc wu- r.u ... , , .. portant in architecture, perhaps, as tees of the ullage who shall as soon he tHicoverv )f lhe nVJemer steel thereafter as possible Ciiuse two process; was to the iron interest, weeks notice to be given of the filing I The often asked question, what will of such application, and of the time1 tne country do for lumber when the . , r. ,- .. ., , forests are gone, is here answered. ami mace oi laKin acuuu iiicrcoa u j ;.., I iioucaiiou in me v eusier VAiuniy Argus, and the Red Cloud Chief. Sec. 2. All objections protests and remonstrances tiled the B.ard against th license shall be heard bv the Board on a dav to be bv the Board designated at Ih. meeting .a, ..rich action iS to u,- nJ. ' er'K ken oti the application, pronded it shall tion ti,an one mjgr,t at first admit, be a day Intermediate the day at Fifteen additional claims for patents which such action is first takm, "and on the same material, are being prose the -next regular meeting of the .Bcwrf, , J-fg- bc tnXv raamifac and provided further that no objection, tori 0f Terra Cotta Lumbrr in the protest or remonstrance shall be vicinity of New York, Real Eeiate heard or entertained unless filed with Chronicle, Xor. 23. theclerkonor before the dav ap-' GjluT,"i Finr Ugg 5" Sf ,. ,. . K made of the composKion above de- pointcu for taking action on tne ap- gcrjbtd. plication as set forth in the section last ; preceaing. . fcrx: 3. 1 he bond of the applicant shall be fried with the clerk and shall be taken and approved by the Board, J dun nil: uttiiJi; mihii ue Mgncu ov tne i i: i . : j v". .i. t r WU"MS"'K" u-v u clerk. But no license shall be granted and issued and no bond 3ha.. be UK. and approved except at aegular meeting of the Board.- Sec. 4. That Ordinance number 21, and all other Ordinance? and parts of Ordinances in conflict with this be and the same are hereby repealed. Edwin C. Hawlev," Johx P. Bayha. Clerks Ch'n. r Gmde Rock,- Nebraska, now has the proud satisfaction of boastintr over the best bridge on- the' Bepubiican ...u cvum cwui. uumreuB. war umtjff ota ifiu aau, kj jhltc uxne sena big a thousand dollars each and the for agent's complete' outfit and btet bridge above last season's high- water term Outfit and copy lor $2100. mark. We congratulate-the' ester- tm" Write at osce for agency; or prising citizens of that tkriYiag town' term and illnstraied circulars, to upon tins, tneir late successful achieTfr- CtttS ZX 7S FU2TS. Buel latent book, bearing the aboTe title, pubhfhtrd by nn Linahan, St Loin, Mianouri, Kt'in to hae capii-vatt-d all clashes of readrr. M aj-; Gen. WrIry Mcntlt, of the C S Array, 143 written a letter to the' author, iu which he .s "You em . throughout to hae appreciated th! fact that a faithful rendition of the Tfilni?! rf tir lrnf i-r 1 ''lw, Uti uffierit to captivate the attention of) the reader, and to command the wn pathv of all who are itrterestetf manly courage and thr progr- of civ ilization in the Great Wi-t '" The look h.v recened many olhir cum-metid.ition- of equally high order mid i- meeting with remarkable Mice ! Hon. Win F Codv, iButr.ilo Bwl uas 'i elattnl Hith the look, he imiiietliate ly n-goti.it-d aith a veU4knowii lra malir writer of the Ea.l to dramatize the work and next rcaon will plav 'Hcroei of the Plain on the ?taue . ... ' r vim ri ... f. fmni frit mik imrt. rttinotih e.idu.t. from one to three paits, a- poruMty may te reijuireu, water efficient to'thoroughld incorpo rate the above, by the aid of machine ry . in to a plastic mass. " Removed from the grinding tub, where it has been ground, the spongy product is forced by plunger driven by steam through iron or steel cylin ders to express the superfluous moist ure therefrom, and irsues forth in the ehapc of long blocks or lop, of length form and size best fitted tor handling, usually eight to twelve inches in tluckueas and four to six feet in length. When sufficiently dry to render handling safe these logs are moved into kilns or clamps cahalated for the purpose. After the steam and vapors are driven out by a slow, stead ily increasing fire the temperature is rapidly raisfd to nearly white heat, which not only consumes the'sawdtist, but bring" the clay it-elf into tbe first atages of vitnti atton. Un cooling. , ,, -. . .. ....i .,. ,i... ..ii . iiiv-iiri--iii.iiiiiiiALiiaia(i iiaiii 1 1 ul ,n: .... i.,. .,.i . .. 9CltUi 1II1U I1411I?, l'JillW-, Allii til men lon-flUni, a" lumbei lrom tkhx! is , Ilialllftlrturcd anil ubseqtlentlv f.nh- j j ; tho workshop into such forms and articles ap demanded bv purcii is ers Thi material, being free from grit and tough in texture, can be cut, sawed, bored, planed and carved with edged tools and he lore or after such treatment can, afier slipping and glazing, be submitted to a second tiring, with fine results in ornamenta tion obtained. Kaolin is the upper strattitm of fire or feldspathic clay bed-, and owing to the absence of sand or free silica i unsuitcd to common pottery uses, as its warping in drying and tircing unfits it for"moulding purpose. Mr. Oilman's invention overcome this trouble, inasmuch as the material is "reduced to form with edged tools suhsrqurnl to firinp Xew York's greatest prescin want U a fire-proofing,' cheap, and undoubted in its capacity fur every emergency. Her statelv ten-stored buildings can in j a conflagration receive but little aid from the tire department, especially when Croton is :l -curce as it i now. Terra Cotta lumber is indestructible by fire, iia.es, or acidsis a poor con ductor of heat, sound and electricity; add porN" molecular attraction to an extent which allows of plastering with out fin-t lathing. It.- weight is one-half less than coni- 111011 building brick, aild is ITCCtetl with nails instead of cement or mortar virtuav rcdering tire-proofing a Work of carpentry instead of maonJy, as heretofore. Mr. C. C. Gilman's present auiiress is room .i, -o. it - , v We have seen We have seen and examined the Terra Cotta Lumber, and agree with xl nt .lr. Gilman Ci aims that ne can build without the use of any wood whatever, and that, too, with a high order of finish. Window frames, and -.i .i wi.i- r r even the doors themselves after fram with the clerk of . nnd fmh)g ar(j (akcn ' sJ- e issuance of such .,ej w-,tn anv desired color, and snt- mi t ted to a second firing, which results in fine glazed work. ygg KSAT2Sr SHSIS C? 1ST 52 ! A-73 j AJJXE) I tor ECZS C? TBS PliiUS Br J. W. BUEL. . , Emhracinc the Lives and Wonder- ful Adventures of ..,. . .., w. .f & J Ciliftcaia Jc. And ofner ceTcbnieti Ind5an fghf, Scon a, Hunters and Guides. A book of Thrilling Adventures cm the. Plains. Fights with Indians"! Grand Buffalo Hunt! Desperate adventures ! Nar- row E?capesf Wonderful Shooting .and Riding! Wild life in the Far West! 100' Illustrations? 16 Full- J "Page Colored Plates! The Wtendest booat for Agent ever published;- Posi- fiTelv" outkelfe evervthin? ! 54S psgei price $2001 lTyou kovfagd DA2 JJKAHAN, Pckihee, 4th aad THE LATEST NEW The Best and CLOTHING. AND DRY-GOODS Ever brought to Red Cloud, Selected by and BOUGHT for CASH by JI os out luil Bros Will be graciously parceled out lor an equal j amount of LKGAL TliNDHR, in quantities' to be named bv the purchaser, without regard' to RACE. COLOR, RELHHON, I!.iriC At.K.ISIZK OR SEX A PERFECT FIT ! And Satisf-action Guaranteed in stance. I his is the urandest Upportunity eer offered to clothe yourselves and children without GETTING HUMBUGGED. You can always find just what you are look inn lor at -! 1 - ROSENTHAL BROS. Who have clothed more men and boys, and made more homes happy in the past five years, than any other parties in the Republican Vallev all because Rosenthal Brothers Understand their business; buying their goods for cash and selling for cash, to the great advantage of every customer; NUVKR MIS REPRESENTING, but doing business on ACTUAL MERIT. OUK STOCK THIS FALL Is the most complete ever brought to RI"D C LO VI) oi pricing Everything Worn by Man and Woman. Selected with grewt care, with a view tn 2iig ytr ei-trnwr' lii sntt SOLID, SUBSTANTIAL and NEATEST PA rrKK.V-' a. i LMIT rTYLr FOR THS LEAST MOHEY, Our Business and Dress Suits ARE PARTICrLAP.LY DI-IiaBLE, Arii only nceduto be s cr. v be appret .a ej O'tr tun k of Youihs' and Children's Suits Is Complete in even Department, otfring attrnction Utat are ?Woin jeen outstle of thj larger citie? OUR SC'ITS FOR CIIILDRKN Should be seen O'j- -! k of II MTrC O C & JrC' for fen Voth srwi ChtldVeH, w implj HATS & C&rS r An "-Uttn -nd Mr They are Chsap this Year. E eiltJial Hios. Stock or GENTS" FURNISHING G00D And in Glove3 and Glutens, s- ond to nunr-, a-vi cTiT to- any f nd ;- C c, fluul 'ui Ealiisi. "::;.t:;: i nil?? ! BOOTS! Ve aIo ir.epe tin sa: the a:, imo-t fcrork ot JiL rJUtJiand LrAUiiv? Miurr, ever Btitfa.o (!a and Km &5ot-, FCLI LFNri Tnll a jm. m As -. w. -.A Ai a a -V ar . and OIL COATS, Le-gias and dpi. FAT, and N HVilliVO All Our Businass on the Square Plan, LIVE AND LET LIVE PRICES I We do not seek to fngi:fr nr lupine? br BLOS. btii tatce i4fwtnV in re- ferring to oirr 3IAN Y THOUSAND PATRONS of th past Pkr rwstwber, f we are tne Onjr Exclusive Clothing mnd Dry Good Store in He Clou Thai Carrrles a tock, and can snpplv yoar imrtrriiu5''Sract4 -tr stcc, e respectirrlly hivneyooTrinrpoctioa and patronage.- ROSENTHAL BROTHERS, iNOWN Opposite "aV13 I 0 B Largest Stock 1 -a, J ill - everv 1 s V ft. f L..Kitrr COMPLETE J ---. - -n jn Rfxf CftHL ''T'-t .'HI BBEB A3 THS i ,'jfW: SHOES TtfAl fWIM -- 44 H'M T a. a V at a ' ! ' it DH.WHITTIER t.i M aAttrtri't. M. LiO -t.H4M! . al4tfc. Af4MM .IVMlHI 4 Ik k .. ..-4 . - I Ma N(i V-i. mb mmt t. . .1 tt ' MARRIACE t r?g? ,im. I CUIDE! i frft mtrm- V.... win f .tlUL.M Ktot nat. fc MNf wt mwm m ii"i it .t ik t M ... .4. Ji Ti. "' W..t-. I N.I.I 4tf W wl W( t cf( fct c. fm FREE""E-H'ffiJ5 kb- v - f I a ii . fca.. ll ! mJ i-1 . . 1 1 I II I 'V rf4 tlw I i.-. I .4 M . fc, -. ' tr -- - 1 i 'ijl f Dr., j l . t .ii . i . rfr. -.. V . m. . MARRIACE CUiDEr D;BUTTS DISPENSARY. ' ala. aa ! . &.; W 9 ' . .lift. I . . m g.l. . tW4 fc.aJ ! -- I inPISCBCT'OHOHKEOSUMp. xt i ; .Ti iaj ..w t - ct tM - W .. tltf l M .4 - t ' . - .iw.ii .. - i..iuw4a hI Im m.ii- I. MnMp, N uu. at r f . a i , TNI! BRAT TONXC, C0U6H CURE roniiK, cm ik. roM Mi-iiot. Ml !! II I ' TBHOAT, CHEST AKD LBK3S. 1 .t ; l"ftf'tt .mV l' .! ,l tt rt"lMl of t )L-. J.j " W1 3ff 1. M'.fcU J . ,n.f ,, rim km4 m ti iti:i:t tt.Hun, rwmiMir.r j Infernal Ilrni, Hirt.t-fl' Z J a- o .. "1 jtl'.Uoit. 4 HtZ t rf(..-4 ut &- ! pfT0 C j f Jltt4 M': 94 V. 'fr4. t; ; v itw r tR 'tn oikk iTr,. m r j yir . vlUtint ?U1 tat." ut l PlflTinif f 't! V ! i lirtU I lUlff I it t t- r R Kyi f-r Ij !! S. Utnrym Tw.l UVCS 1 aJ KTi: -nfSi ! o'y KltjW' TtJ . G--I" r'' ! rat . ff uai va U I Pat cp ia Qaart Eu-j Bottle. Prfn $1X0 old hy DRUCCttT and OENCXAIr 0CALEJI9 Ivtfrvitma, PRIGKLY i BITTERS aMfy rlr r 4rmf"t if it IJCT, fff.mj Ulk IVWHIW U,wfj. J &-r I rjT , wrry rmtmr &4 aa. wfrf t- th luuk. m4 tmm ; -t ' jr ZJr.ria,- !-- r,U l iair mttUm mnid $ m ri mt SrpttattmtfmUmm4lmA rM,lttyhtMMrnt'fft1mH. T htt mrSr4ir $ TtrHtma, ttunf Wlftt ;m-rT MeMWy.ltaaiMaal C r tftiXs mtmmmmmtM wammmt Kcctc .i t"urMlar ' r mw04r m flafiBW' aHitmf r txm.riijM tttf MUNJHHWMPBfa WW' r. 2tW tms. US, TwZX Hi4CT-?3 ! ' r. r- Sr4 - W Ii Win .i . Wli f JACQUES 14 1 !p Li . r7 SOS" 5 s?t vyaPWb. BIBBBBBBBBBB aBBBBH LK. BBLH ' 'b'b'b'bW i "J . 1, f MtatafjLJaf HkX MT?feraklM:w!W "TbTbbV JBvVbU' BvB ZjLflL VBBBW iBaaLBBK. aaaBw .hbb.'bbbh HHSBCByHaH!MPiyHHK9 lfMHflBlRriat BHBRy wBkJwkr itSb' : "Bfe. 4 r p ,-s -?" -' S! ; T Si J: -i5i,- t - 7fc . V --t-VTC" ftm AW r T ' -4' .-.. Be- liJbb9 ib jmrmrn ujwwj 4MnuaV ys 11 F ""' " l Ti ,i.nmiiiii-n rr him nm tmm r. '-;--. ' j.1 HtflMOAU U j.. " iiiijiiu Mm l ' 3M(-iiJBj 'MBHBBSBK7BBtBft.M 1