The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 08, 1881, Image 4

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M .. " A.
3'8BasCE- - 5S'5S-" - iyr. ,.3-
-.. -s
Drir Goo mnM
Hats? Caps. &
Ra!y Made Clothing
Wt have thi Urflitt
Stock in th.Vallpyandwill
nit be undtrsoltf.
Give us a call, one and all
Sam'l Carbeis
Red CUod BTeb.
Proprietor of the
City Drug Store.
Drugs, Medicines.
Paints- Oils
and Varnishes,
A full supply of
Patronage solicited and thsnkfullr received.
-I'rcftription carefully compound ed"
Chic door south of Garber's store,
(BaMtMor to Q. A. Brewa.)
Parlor, Bedroom
Brackets, Chromos,
Picture Frames,
Mattresses, Etc.
C fiinii always on hand and trimmed on short
notice, l'riceaslownsany in the Valley.
Repairing or all kinds dona promptly and
Burial Robca furnished at reasonable
- - NEB.
Harness Shop
Keeps coaitsatlj on nsnd a fall Lisa af
And everything usually kept in a first
class shop.
fccSigasst Cwa Price Pail fsr Eds
sal Furs.
Flour & Feed
Corn. Meal. Btaa Choppba Fsii t
Visit the ItedCload Oratory, Faei aaa Pre
vision tnre when yon waai supplies far waft or
Iifchctt market price ia cash paip for grain
All kind ofpoantrr produce liken en exchange
fur f. !. Ui.Hi delivered to all pnrt of towa
fre ! "Jura e.
?. . ..itiih of Reed's Plow racttry.
red Cloud. - Nebraska.
The Proof of the
You have only to call
oil us and we can easi-
ly convince
do sell
& litde BELOW the
f fyiUilled"Bed rcikpri-
. ces' '.advertised by other
V - VV
lZ . A .
Oa nriuat
Local adrrrlimmenU inserted among
the reading matter will be charged lOdt., a
tine each intertion.
Wait and see Henry Cook' Christ
mas goods.
Everybody seems to
ready for the Hollidays.
be getting
A fresh supply
of Boots & Shoes,
just received, at
Boots &. Shoes, can he had cheap for
cash, at J. G. Potter's.
Will arrive alwut the 15th, direct
from St. Louis, Henry Cook's Christ
mas goods.
Henry Cook's goods willbe here in
time to make your selections for
J. G. Pottter says he can sell better
suits of clothing for the money than
any firm in town.
Henry Cook's Christmas goods are
coming, wait for them before you
make your selections.
Plenty of time to select your Christ
mas goods after the 15th, when Henry
Cook s goods will be here.
It will pay yon to wait antil Henry
Cook's goods arrive before buying
your Christmas presents.
Finest line of Christmas goods ever
in the valley, may be seen at the
Red Cloud Drug Store after the. 15th.
J. G. Potter says that in Boots &
Shoes, Ready made clothing, Hats &
Caps, he will not be undersold in the
Mr. John Kelsay, of Guide Rock,
came in last week to make arrange
ments to prove up on his place and
to give us a needed financial lift.
Kendall's "Horse Books," worth
$2.50, for sale at the Chief office at
25 cents apiece. If you own a horse,
be sure and get ono of those really
valuable books.
Our young people wishing to attend
the largest and best business institu
tion should correspond with Prof.
Miller, President of the Great
Mercantile College at Keokuk,
A fight in front of ono of the sa
loons served as a diversion for some of
boys last Saturday night. The attack
ing party was assessed five dollars and
costs to satisfy the majesty of the
m l aw
We made a mistake last week in
the name of the gentleman who pur
chased the goods of Moon fc Cullender,
at Cowles. It is Mr. Gilfin instead of
Mr. Hadley. Mr. Hadley went east
some time ago.
It is now understood that there will
be no session of the legislature this
winter. This is good news for the tax
pavers, as it will save tho useless ex-
penditure of thousands
the public funds.
of dollars of
It might not be out of place to sug
gest that after the fire has swept Red
Cloud from cxistance it will bo too
late to organize a fire company. It is
only a question of time when the fire
will get started, and the citizens have
no way to fight it.
Mr. T. C. Laird, one of the oldest
settlers of Oak Creek, and post master
at Ncgunda, was a pleasant caller at
newspaper headquarters last Tuesday.
He reports everybody prosperous in
his part of the county, and eays that
the crops the last season were reason
ably good.
Mr. B.F. Boynton of 'Rock Falls,
Illinois, and a regular reader of the
Chief sends us an invitation to his
twentieth wedding anniversary. Sor
ry we cannot be present at the festivi
ties, Mr. ana Mrs; Boynton, but we
wish you many returns of the happy
event, all the same.
The fair to held; by tho ladies of
the Episcopal church promises to be
one of unusual interest. It will be
held on Tuesday and Wednesday
evenings. A gooa supper will be tur-
nished and oysters and ice cream will
be served. Everybody is invited to be
The entertainment given by the
Red Cloud Histrionic Association at
the court house last Thursday night
(was a success especially the music
furnished by tho band. Everybody
seemed to enjoy it, and doubtless went
home satisfied that they had had their
money's worth of fun.
m a
There is not near enough dwelling
houses in Red Cloud to supply the
demand, wny woum it not be a
good investment for those who have
money to invest, as well as a good
thing for the town, to erect neat com
fortable houses In desirable locations
to rent They would not stand empty,
no fear of that -
The Chief office is in receipt of a
large fresh stock of paper and card
boards. Letterheads, Noteheads,
Envelopes, BillheaoV Statements,
Cards, Shipping Tags and everything
else in the printer's line furnished on
short notice and in as good style and
almost as cheap as can be had at Lin
coln. Call and see samples before
placing your orders.
We suppose tleat all towns have
their quota of bad boys, Jtasl Cloud
certainly has hers, bt we doet Jfcr
moment suppose thai the soys of MJ
UaHMl are worse thai the boys of
other towns, probably set so bad.
Boys will be boys, aad we' don t Max
them Brack. About all the Mtisfsfr
tk they get out of this liie aay way
v is when they are young and develisa.
card at this
Mr. Holeran took charge of the Val
ley House last week.
The ungainly form
Gump, Esq., is again
Frank B.
seen on
We are informed
Garber will soon
that Mr. Samuel
open a store at
The Board of county commission
ers was in session two or three days
bat week.
3Iiu Lydia Bell, of Lincoln, lectured
at the M. E. Church last Tuesday
Dr. Baird has
moved his dental
office to the
drug store.
rooms above Sberer's
)ferars. Strohm and Shirey
a three day's business trip to
last week.
went on
Rev. Bent moves to Kearney this
week. The people of Red Cloud are
sorry to loose him.
The W. C. T. U. will meet at the
residence of Mrs. Levi Moore on next
Tuesday at 3 o'clock p. m.
Numerous new subscribers added
their name to the already large army
of Chief readers, last week.
The Rev. Geo. O. Yeiser will preach
next Sabbath, morning and evening,
in the Congregational church.
We are pleased to add the name of f
Mr. Cone, of Guide Rock, to our large
list of subscribers at that place.
Mr. Taylor has closed the restaurant
south of Sherer's and will hereafter
hold forth at the Commercial hotel.
Gilt edged calling cards for the
ladies, with the name neatly printed
in beautiful script type, may be had
at the Chief ofllce.
The old seed who had an auction at
Holcomb's hardware store last week,
left, taking with him, it was said, more
goods than he hrought here.
Prof. Scagcr's musical convention
began Tuesday night and will contin
ue a week. It promises to be full of
interest for those who are fond of
Mr. and Mrs. Seth P. Mobley, of the
Grand Island Independent, honor us
with an invitation to their tin wed
ding reception. Sorry that a rush of
business prevents our attendance.
Last week Sherer sold a large bill of
goods to a party who will open a drug
store at Cora, Kansas. Wholesaling
is not entirely out of the line of the
enterprising dealers of Red Cloud.
An effort on the part of our post
master and citsaens, to secure better
mail service is met with the plea on
the part of the government that they
are too "hard up" to accede to the
request. Poor, persecuted, penurious
A few of the merchants sefuse to
take punched silver coin at par.
They make a discount of 35 or 40
cents on the dollar. Don't let your
money go at that, you can realise
more for it by selling to those who
are willing to buy it.
Parkes Bros., the shoemakers, who
always do the right thing in the right
time, builded ye editor a pear of boots
just in time to save him from the de
grading necessity of tramping over
town in search of local items (and
credit) in his bare feet.
Last Sunday evening Jack Laring
ton, an employe of the B. A M., had
his hand badly crushed while coupling
cars at Culbertson. He came to Red
Cloud and on Monday morning Dr.
Hall, assistant surgeon of the B. & M.,
cut off two of his fingers and patched
the others up so that he will not loose
The Ladies Aid Society of the M. E.
Church was organised the 29th of
Oct. last, and the members assumed
fifty dollars of the church debt.
At the last meeting of the society
Dec. 2d, the funds in the hands of
the treasurer amounted to over sixty
Our Thanksgiving dinner and sup
per yielded us about fifty dollars. If
we continue to be prosperous, we
hope to make up the whole of this
year's installment of the church debt.
Our next meeting will be at the resi
dence of Dr. Mosena Friday after
noon. There will be also at the same
place in the evening a dime social,
at which some useful and fancy arti
cles will be sold auction. Ail are in
vited. Sec.
Every week from ten to twenty-five
subscribers wno get their mail at Bed
Cloud post office, call at the Chief
office to get their papers. This is all
right, we take it as a compliment, for I
it looks as though the paper was
ought after, but few have an idea of
the amount of trouble it sometime
causes ue. For instance: After the list
is written, or partly written, a sub
scribers cosaes in for his paper and
the entire lot has to be looked over to
Sad the right este, be steps oat and in
a few minsrtes ether steps in and
the same performance has to be gone
throuch with, and it becomes monoti-
novjs after twelve or fifteen have called,
and it mrsrnmfi lfrtn of our valuable
time. We would as soon Mfeecribers
cetttmrnanersalthkoJaceas at the
post office, Wt wouWl sugsjsst thai it
woaM save a
immease amount of
vrorksTtieew'slgjiBfia pa-
perlverewohusotaaavmas, tkat we
may place their akmssj its a list to
thsmsslves, tmm avoaaaJag Uae ti lis
of search iag threeagh she entire lot te
id their papen.
"Happy New Year"
Last week the Bora Home
ynear being burned to the ground. A
fire originated in the room occupied
by the family of Mr. Van Dyke, while
the folks were at breakfast, and was
discovered just in time to prevent a
conflagration. Prompt work extin
guished the flames and saved the
building, with a slight damage to the
carpets, furniture and floor. The fol
lowing evening the Valley House also
had a close call. A lamp exploded in
one of the rooms, and but for prompt
work on the part of those who discov
ered the fire the property would hare
been consumed.
wav Siflraft fedaty
At the meeting of the W. 8. 8. last
Friday evening there was a good at
tendance, and we received considera
ble addition to our membership.
Selections were read and several
subjects These meetings
are not monotonous, nor by any
means lethargic, but they are spirit
edly condcuted, and are interesting
to all who attend.
The next meeting of this society
will be Friday evening the 30th innt.,
at the residence of Mrs. Dr. Baird.
All are invited. Sec.
Wcdonot know who is moat to
blame, the managers of theaters and
other entertainment who advertise
that the curtain will rise "promptly at
8 o'clock" and then haul it up at 9, or
the persons who are too dilatory to
get there until long after the hour of
opening. There are always a numler
who go at the proper time and they
do not Hke to sit an hour. aud wait for
the performance to heinn. Lot the
curtain go up at the time advertised,
if two thirds of the seats are empty,
the people will come earlier next
We suppose there is not a town in
the northern half of the United States
that has not every winter since tho
war witnessed the sight of a man
coming in on a load of wood wearing
a soldier's overcoat. Every winter for
the last ten years we have had the
pleasure of witnessing the exbilirating
sight until the present season. What
is the matter? can it be possible that
the army blue is going out of fashion
or is the stock of overcoats exhausted.
The government should see to it, that
enough overcoats are supplied the
people to keep up appcarences. Our
eyes love to dwell upon the scene.
SryCmk lUm.
Allow us to open our letter this
week by thanking the citizens of this
vicinity for trying so hard to hunt up
the poor lonely Orphans; therefore we
"como again."
Uncle Rosacrans has been on the
sick list, since our last writing, but
through the kind aid of his wife is able ?l ,B"M cuan ueccascci, are reques
. , . ted to present them to the undersign-
to be around again.
Mr. Covals have gone to Johnson
county, (this state) to spend the
Mrs. Serl seems to be quite happy
through the intelligence received,
that she is grandma to a 10 pound
Mrs. Frazure, from Kearney county,
was visiting on the creek a few days
ago, but was suddenly called home by
the illness of her husband; which was
a great disappointment to her many
Anna said unto Joseph thou shall
go to the dance; and Joseph being a
meek, mild man, took unto himself a
little red ribbon, and did go.
And it came to pass on the same
day of the same year; Joseph's brother
Thomas, was expecting a partner to
be brought unto him by the stage, and
as he was sauntering along thinking
muchly of his poorly shaven face, he
lifted up his eyes and looked, and lo
the stage camo out the brook.
We understand that the Walker
estate is soon to be sold by Sheriff
sale. Benjiman look well to thy
Can't we hear from Buffalo creek,
through the columns of this paper.
We judge our friends there by our
selvesnothing would please them
better than to see their names in the
Chief. Two Orphans.
Ed. Chief: Dear Sir. It is said
that in whatever part of the world a
few Scotchmen may happen to settle,
there they are sure to start a Saint
Andrew's Society, and the following
item shows that we, of the Republi
can valley are no exception.
Ixavale, Neb., Nov. 30th 1881.
At a meeting of Scotchmen, held at
the house of Mr. Hugh Stevenson, it
was agreed to start a Saint Andrew's
Society, and Mr. Peter Cochran called
to the chair.
On motion it was agreed to call it
the "Inavale Saint Andrews 8ociety."
On motion, Mr. Hugh Stevenson
was elected president, John Mitchell, I
vice-president, H. A. Baird and Alex.
Walker assistant vice-presidents, Wil
liam Wilson, secretary and Douglass,
On motion it was agreed to meet on
the 4th of July next, at Riverton Neb.
All Scotchmen are invited to come.
On motion, John Mitchell was ap
pointed to write out a Constitution
and by-laws for the society to be sub
mitted at the hext meeting.
On motion, a committee of arrange
ments was appointed, consistinc of
Mr. Peter Cochran chairman, and
H. A. Baird and Malcolm Shaw.
On motion, it was resolved that the
Society do not charge any entrance
sees from new members, daring the
present year.
Alter partamnr of a bonatiral
paMtPrenarea by oar
soBlea host, the compmsty
"boneet men ami bOBoy
the tame till "the
thetwalnia social -chat
which took as hack
AwM Laasj Bjw,"
smmmaj. afaseta
Special Notices.
Xeatoae ta this eelama U! to aaar 1 eeaU
Shogo Flour for sale at Roar's.
Ladies calling cards a splendid as
sortment, at the Chief office.
A full stock of iron and wood
pumps, at MrzcHKU. & Mokmakt.
W. B. Roby has the Urgest stock of
Fancy Groceries, Confection, 4c, to
the valley.
Go to Roby's and he will show you
Daylight-Oil; it burns longer give a
better light and is non-crpkmre. -tf
For 8a Lt 160 acres of land 7
miles south-west of Red Cloud, partly
under cultivation. Timber and water.
Apply at this office.
Persons traveling on the cars during
the winter are subject to cold from
the oftn opened doors, which can s
cured with a twenty-tire cent bottle
of Dr. Marshall's Lung Syrup. Buy
of your druggist
Smith Brothers announce still an
other important reduction in raff of
interest on time loans. Straight nine
per cent annual interest. Call at the
Bank and leave your application.
Children cry for Dr. Marshall's
Lung Syrup. It is the most pleasant
preparation for coughs and cold
known, and iierfrvtlv harmles1
Price twentv-five anil
fiOv iinf, n
, "" n
bottle. Sold by drugjnHk
$50,000 To Loan
On Real Esute vecurity, at 9 per
cent., annual interest. No commis
sions, at The Webster County Bank,
Red Cloud. lOtf
On Real Estate, at the lowest rate of
interest, by A. A. Porr,
15-tf Red Cloud Neb.
I have purchased the fractional sec.
of land laying between Peter McNitt's
and the river. And the public is
hereby notified not to cut any timber
on the same. M. B. McNitt.
7 Per Cent. Money to Loan T
Money to prove up with on final re
ceipt, or on deeded land at 7 per cent.,
and 1-62 per cent, commission, or at
straight 9 per cent, no commission.
Office next door to Chief office. 30fl
Many persons arc bitterly opposed
to "patent medicines," and will rarely
use them at all. There is no doubt
that many are worthless, yet a remedy
that has stood the test for years, like
Dr. Sherman's PitiCKLY Ash Bitters,
and its salo and popularity increasing
every day, must have merit or
it would have disappeared long
Notice is hereby given that all per
sons having claims against the estate
ed, administrator of said estate, on or
before the 1st day of May, A. D. 1881.
Gko. W. Hummki., Admin'tr.
Dated at Red Cloud, Nebraska, this
1st day of December, A. D. 1881.
To vhom it may concern.
All persons are hereby notified not
to purchase certain notes drawn by J.
W. Wrattcn in favor of Wm. Wyatt,
one due the 1st of July, 1881, and the
other October 1st 1881, for the sum of
thirty dollars ($30.00) both bearing
interest at 10 per cent from date, as
the said notes were gotten bv fraud.
18-W-2 J. W. Wratten.
I have just received a car of thor
oughbred Spanish Merino Bucks.
PEDIGREE: Shipped from Vermont
last year and not used, being climated,
and in number one order for use. I
offer them for sale in lota to suit pur
chasers. We think they are the best
lot ever shipped into this state. Come
early and make your selection.
Address, H. R. Btokx,
Smith Center, Smith Co., Kan.
Money To Loan
On Real Estate, in Wclsler and ad
joining counties at the very best rates.
It will pay every farmer who thinks of
borrowing money, to sec me before
making arrangements with any other
No expense to the borrower no
tedious delay no dealing with eastern
parties no application fee, bonus or
commission no fee lor making or
recording papers or taking acknowl
edgements no advance or semi-an
nual interest, and no interest until
money is actually in hand.
Call upon or address
R. A. Simpsow.
38tf Loan Broker, Blue Hill, Neb.
Step tot near watt ef Wahatar Coaaty Baak.
ELair Cutting
in the highest style of the
Toneorial Art.
at the Store of
Youeaa get Hoods,
Needle Work of
AUrtstockofGermaatewa Wool,
Zephyrs and Stocking Yam, always
DREW Gooa. ALL WOOL Hoods,
aad a furl aapply af FLANNEIA
Always oa HaaaL
ta thaTZya TOTIfhw taw CHirssi a4 Bsvry.
Final Proof Xoticcs.
Ua4 0m a4 Wimlaim, . . H. MM.
Xmd to torato a4 sa4 to f.H la
aaai mwm aa SM aUt ef au ltatiia t
saafta tal ta; asiCt af akt cUUa, a
mmt tal aaary ttoraV. tostoa Oar 7ma-
trirt Gt MWhUf ms Xaaw. at ak
ta ns i a-.aa aUraa. Ua
saaj. .-
aWawa r. rrr.
tYa. . ft. ? CX Ut ta ev4 VJ an.
J raaca Km. Me mmm t fta
Ms)taat rTa ak aUaaa rijpea
asaa4klvaUMaaaU U4. via; t.
lia Wajjy?, slasvy Vfeir. Tltay lavtar.
WiHtaa T. Feats, aft OeU .
a arStaaea '. 5 W rtZKB. KacWa.
Laa4 Oalea at Baratniacua. JCafc, Set. 11. WW.
XmW U keteay a iraa taal the Wlewtar
aaaatf saUlar aa al4 aU f ale eateaitoa
l saaae taal ftt la tmttrt f hie Jj a4
UataaM arwf U1 ha taaie U&re Cleta a
Pietnet Wt WaaaUtf Oaaty at S4 CU4
Sea., en Satarta Dvremtor 17. lt via:
Va taea.
rra.D.S.'a.antfWUeJfc; tamer ee. tJ
ta Sa maa U. Ha aaaaa U fclla
write eases ta ee hie aaaOaaaaa raUaa
aaaeu aa aeuuraiMai f aai
ftMrUa, Ttotaea Keaart . C
aaas Ksaa. aQ t K4 Cla
oflTdarU 8.W.8WI1
aaeueatewjuraueaief aal4 taal vitz laa
Caario U. Ptiae.
rZEK. aalvar.
Laa4 OCe at tlo-alatea 5eh. See. 13. IMt.
Xetiea to herahy eivea that the felUvtac
asae4 eattlar has Ble4 aUe af hie letaalU to
seahe taal araaf ia eaaaort af his elaiat aa4 ea
emre taal eslrj thereof hera tha elrh el
UUCvoan ia Wahetae eal7 at his aelca la
Ka4 Oaa4 llefc. aa Satar4ay Da. 17. ll. via:
'4 Ha. 4IB fee tha J X an ee. SO taera
i raaarallw. Ha aasaaa tha felleeriac -aeeaae
ta aeaea hie eaatiaaaaa reaiaeae aaaa.
aaaeahlvatiefaei4 Ua4 rtr Hartaat W.
fafhe Hear TattJe ffalaea sUrtla. J eh a
MeCallaai all of WaiU 5ea
aorlTaaeli S. W.SITZEK. Rieiar.
LaadOfteeat nieoasiactoa 5eh.K- 4. 1MI.
IfaUaa to hereby aieea that tha folWa-laa
aasaad eetUer aae tied aetira of hU iaUeUoa U
aha taal araof la carport of his claja ex4 ea
eara teal aaur thereof, before tae Clerh af
the Webeter Coaatr Seh . at his aSJe ta
fcad Cloud .Vb.. en'Fnlejr te.. lasl. ilu
Siat II. Kniiifiai.
Il'U Nt. 3767 fir the math l qaartea
too2arat low. He uaaee the fultcwie
wituca-ee In crote hi -otiUnuoa raeiaeaea
aiKia aal ealtiatiea afalj laJ, v u VI arres
V. Beal.Nel.oa HurJ. Hearr A. Uc uae. KJ-
i l. JVoCaae all of KJ Cloa I Neb,
&. W. HWTrZJCa, XeUter.
Laaa Oflea at Bloeealatfaa, !eb. JCer.. f . ISM.
Hettoa to karah givaa that the foiloalar
aaase4 eettlar haa Ila4 aetlea of his iateailoa
to seahe laal proof la saprart of hi el
that said proof will be a4e bafer
Clerk Oto-
triet Coart Wahatar Cauatyat Ke4
CUa4 Neb.
oa etaray Uaeaaiaar 10 lall.
Baaa W. Smiblcv.
H'4 5e. SI9 fer tha soath-weet qaarter aaa. S
towa 3a raaga 9w. Ha aasaes tha falloeHae
vUaeasaa U araea his eoatiaaoae rtsMeaea
aaea aaa ealttralioa ofealJ Iaa4 U: Jeha A.
KaillhorThaiaaeelllaNahJoehaa Oeltea ef
Blaa Hill Neb . Jaha Q. Roblaeoa or IhoesM
ellle Neb- Arther A. Pope ef Rett Ooaa Sea.
aaelMaeS . IT. J.W1TZKK. Keftoter.
Laai Oslee at HUosslatton Nh.. Oct.. 31. 1H1.
Kotieelf herebrctTeathat the Jollawlai
aaeaad eetUer has AleVl aotlee of hie tatealiva
to saake flnal proof In en p port at hu elalsa. aa4
that said proof erill be uaje before Clerk ef
District Court at Had Cload Neb., oa Hatardaa
December 10 I'M. ris:
Ltrraia L- Lsaa.
H'4 No. 310S for the eU M tV sw eeerter et
nw qaarterstr qaarter see. 34 taera io raaga
Vw. Ti Barnes the following wltaeeee to prore
his eoatieavas reaideoce atna and ealUeatiea
of said Und els: Oeorae Tool. J aha trattoa.
Henry Coaler. AaJre M. llerdy all of
(ialda Koeh Neb.
aovludecS 8. W. 8WITZKR. RaglsUr.
Laad Ofiee at BlooaslacteB !eh Oet.. 31. IMt.
Notice Is herebr riven that the follaviasr-
aamed settler has fled notice of his lateaUoa
to make flaal proof la seaport of hit elalsa. e4
;rr tker
r. bafore tba Vlerk of
Uistrict Webstar ooeatr at ftke efsea
ia Red Cloai .Nebraska oa eataraar laaeesbar
District Coart, (a Webstar coast
ia Had Cloai .'
10th. 1881. els:
LeneoLB .Sscu.
H'4Ao.4294fortheae!seo:2 lei
i 4a raaga
ttaeeeae ta
llw. Us namea tha followiag
prove hto eoBtlaaeu raeidaaeaapen aad eal
tlvatloa of said laad via: leaae May. Jacsee
Tamer. Jfartia Uatteld. Chailas Heheertahal
all of Blaa Mill Seb. fifc.
aovlodaeS 8. Sf.SWITZBR. RegiatPP
JenhiaDaTU-a-ill tahe aetlea. that aa tha
2lKdayafeeaibTlMl. F. C. llaeeao a
Justiee af tha Paeaa of fetaJasa prefect, Web
ster eoanty Nebraska. toeaH aa order of at
tachment fcr the turn of HZM. ia aa anfiva
aaadiag before him. whereta Stabler k Deisher
are plaiotiSe aad sail Jeakia Davie deteadaat.
Thet property consisting of one wagoa, oaa
eora plsatet. one aeeder. oaa harrow, one talk?
plow, two horaea. ana ealtivator. has haea at
tached nader said order, fcaia eaeje was eon
tiaaed to the 6th oar t Jaaaary 19XJ at 10
o'eloeft a.
ttTABLas a Dsmilb. riaiaUSS.
MrMlMreoK A Mwikiey. AU'rs.
Blaa Hill, We
reketerCoaatyJiehraaka. Deem-
Jaasls Da la 4a taka aeetosy. that aa tha
34thdayofNorember 1M1. t. C Masehow a
Jaetlaa af tha Faaea of Potsdam p rati act, Web
tar Coaaty Nebraske, Uaaad aa order of at
Uehsaest fortharam of SS7J0. la. aa atiea
peejellag batare him wherein tha Yea direr Cora
Pleater Co., are plalBtifs aad anid Jeakia
Davto dafeaaant. That are party eoasieting af
eaawagaa. m eora plaater. aaa seeder oaa
alky plow one harrow oae eora eal tire tor aad
two horsea has beea attaehai ander sail order.
Ssid eaase was oeatlaaed, Uj tha 10th day of
aaaary at 10 o'clock a. at.
Tha Vaadirar Oera riaatar Ca.
By its Attoraeys aiaraaa A H wgasy.
. Blaa Hill
waeacar Caaaty naataaaa vaaaa-
la-w 9
Kotie to hereby girea that ea tha Uak day
ef Daeamkar 1881. ia tha towa af Bad dead Bah.
aeaoeita MeFartaad's store, there will ha aelJ at
aablle aaetiea tba foil awing described preperty:
Oaa aaafe brewa mare, with ahiu hlad faat a
llttia aaove madiam else wita star ia forehaaS.
seven years old. Oaa dark brow a herea ma
diam sixe. white htad foot, eight yean eld.
One black horse Bine years ol d. star toj forehead
white bind foot. Ore red aad white oaw with
ritbt horn broken of. Ira yean old, aad oaa
Cleria-ie broking plow.
7 he said proierty hariag beea taken aader
and by virtaaof two ehaiUe mortgagee, dated,
raraactieely Noremb-r ttk 1I7S ead JTay Slth
1981. aad recorded aad Had la th Clarke oflea
ia Wahatar eonaty. Th aaaa of tha mortga-
Kr being W. w. Baanell. Tha mortgagea
iag Char In II. Potter, which said ortgageea
wared sly aaskaad ta aad are aow ewaedby Jt.
R. Baatlyaad CM. Story assignees. There to
dae M. K. Beastly aseigaee tiU.K. Taara to
daa C. SI. Story assignee 178.73. makiaa tha
total amosatdaeat tret pabUeatiea af this
aattee 823XC7.
DetadatKadCload thisSithdayef X
, MwwruT aad C U. sveay.
By J,S.9taeB.Atry.
TVo ekitoeatef
what tha
rraafe maata.
aSwrat. atwara a aaaa.
fe s 1 li
o 2 l
g i
Chicago Lumber Yard;
Kd Olood. Habrmska.
Trn coatUnttv e haad an aaaortaee! UwWf Lath. ihlria, tsee.
Wlsdowt, Ua. Hair. Ct. rUtlr, UniWiec r"
r.w, Etc Ktc -sx
8- PLATT & FREES, Proprietor.
Immense Stock of Dry Goods,
MAESH Has Them.
1881 1881-
wri m -arx -m -nr -re w i rt rj w S n
UH.AJJ(J UJI 11 1 f. Jib J u a-
Two Doors South of Rank,
mW Sa.
sMsaamBSjgi, . ,i ' . ; "
i m wtvzjl ljsi tj it vsrs
'jrT AEMKiriSla W CI ... INWJXfflrJ fVtxT
SKtttfW 5r tftJlrT A
aira- M y f - t-
iSa MY
h v
yrvMr' wniHt ff"
mLf-ftrtf? i e-'Bw fWra.F wimi m
A CU aeeaSTJVr . Y
ii..tiWA n tMloa tovxfavrm
HUilWWL 1T'1IWWIIWI'W A I l -r y fcri I
saaawaaaawamBwssaaasissaBs- " m - y- -t . ; J ,
l !?! O-
Oawfwliy rTaatlsa fhto Way. TVe rrtaefyal Ct& af Ih W t rM Xwrth wt etsWeaa
aaUiaread. 1U Owwaaji Isafrt mala eiaaa eBaawUnta wtO Ue Usjsk U aa rZrs4, U
wc&rf r L. rlf? r .iseaal'V'r a 'sHmvRsal
I ArnW P dM "T ... .r3Vtaf
I I Tfc Vg grTag VrTV- K V VsaaW
I 1 3 aV fA-S?C!5aaT5w8!F J 4t&5r JMs
V wk aaS asa3l3lBPtBaBBBV JevtifaaalaM
I Jg5eanM3g; )ILL1 FM
fvwaBaa'tiajBaMlBal aas.fama aatej r 4tftwm twm to Swavavpaaaa Tiama
liana. iiaCeajwaalaaiCamait
JH tt, V
fBBafeQSc-r--t N
r. Mfcrv A
... iJrtfftM rvrx-
- V"X.tC
fe. r , Vjv.. i a .
,Mr tJ)wn '
A "J
,f CJt a tr..
rli ff C&fktti at WaeSf
Jeweler Red CIouo
i St, -
- v.
.' ---
3 JT -