THE EED CLOUD CHIEF. m M. L. THOMAS, Publisher iu:d cloud, NKBHASKA. NIGHTFALL. Ttoe husa of twilight, far and wide. Falls on tke green and Hoping meadows; All tremulous tao Mpcns stand. IJv way-irem" icpbyrs lijrhtly fanned, hero the clear brook lot' mimic tide Sweeps onward to the thadows. All day Its sun-tlcckod ripples flow Thronch pasture strewn with hay aad clover: rtirouR-h lonr-lr Rlens where aider lean XVtkUs tho dimpled mivcs,noen, And sweet wild roe Iiliuh hsloir Tbo btnmbioJ drooping ofcr! Ilr this low nrldiro and moas-rown fence, Infltfiil ri'KKilta music tun-ic: W'UUt fluted bcacb-lc-avcs wide dlsprcad. And elri'llnif hwallow ovrrhnnd Novo lltrtitlr, till ooch wavelet henco Niaio fair rejection carries. Up the broad shoulder of the hills f t twlilcht lindoK climb and darken: Ilu! on their fnc-, westward ct, - A Ktnllo or Minitet tremblus yet. And there it throetlo slnjf. and thrills r 1 ho world below to hearken I rnroif the curkim'n plaintive call. hcarco ecp.irnto from tho alienee, lingers: In ctiiflowlarnl the bIoom le''. Where unrto-robed mist arldo to keep Thu.r nlxhtly watch, ch'omIiiic ull With allcnt, dewy tinkers. Tlic f tara porp fortn, tho nfterzlow W Fnl- slowly out Ix-bind tho lurches: Tin- blrdi nro liutiel ca o one tbat seems To .chirp n Uttlo In hl nreams When otiUuil brwio faintly blow Vdown ibu woodland arches. ' Tlio ripples anl8b, seaward dniwn: tt The Mowers In alcpp their pertumo rondcr; r"o nightly roiuiil ench darkening slopu Tlu Ilclit Ih sown iu patient hope, 'Jliat the i lh harvest ir tho dawn May rise In KOldcn yplcudor! Sunday Magazine. HOW UK ESUAFED. Martha Willis stood at tho door of Iter father's lojr cabin on the hanks of tho Angelina Kiver in Texas, Shu was tiaAw intently across the stream. The river was narrow, and tho crossing wut a in the primitive stylo winch prevails in somo portions of the Stale a rone, ft retched tightly from bank to bank, and lied to convenient trees, by means of which a small Hat, or "bateau," usually manned by two drawn back and forth. persons, was This hot, drowsy, summer afternoon, Martha a girl of hoventeen years thought the longest she had ever .spent. The cattle .stood panting in the stream near the shore. Not r. bree.o stirred "" the jungle of trees and bushes on the other side of the river, and tho Held around the house was a sun-baked - waste. Would her father never come? IJe and the hired man had gone that morning to town for supplies, leaving her alone with Hobbie, her little six-year-old brother who at that moment was lyingas'oepon tho Hoor in an inner room and Eph, a littlo colored boy of ft ten, who had slipped into tho woods to hunt "squirrels. Now Martha was not a Texas girl, ,W V and was not accustomed to these wild solitudes. Two .years before, her father had decided to mend, if possible, Jiis fortunes on a Texas farm, but hail proposed to Martha to remain with his relatives in Virginia until ho had a suit able homo for her. "You are not accustomed to rough ing it," he .said; "and life where I shall f-ettle will bo hard and lonely for years. - It is a new place. Our nearest neigh bor "will bo live miles away. 1 do not i like to take you there at all, and if yon are wise 3011 will stay with your aunt, who wants 3'ou very much." "Then I'm not a bit wise," Martha said, with her bright face full of deter mination. "And 1 think my kind father is not quite in proposing - Mich a thing to me. Why, who will attend -to you ami Hobbie a mero baby ho is too? Jf you are sick, who will r nurse you? I "ilarc say, I'm not tho moat helpful girl in tho world, but do 3 ou really think I should be happ3' in hh'rking all 1113 duties and staying in luxury, while you are undergoing all kinds of privation? ' So Martha had her own way, and bo- ing a bright, intelligent girl, had adapted herself to her new life with wonderful facility. Her neighbors were kind, good people, but they 'lsl(l Httlu time to visit, ami then they were so far off that frequent social calls tvero im possible. lint Martha interest ed herself in do mestic duties. She raised poultry and 0 made tho best buttor in the count-. Sho had a good collection of books, and received some periodicals. Sho tried also to keep up her studies; for sho reasoned justly that, if improved cir-eum-jtances allowed them again to mix in cultivated society, it would not do for her to blush for her own ignorance. -j But this afternoon time hung heavy - on her hands. Her father in going over the r.ver had left tho Hat fastened on the. other side, that it might bo ready for him on h:s return. Vainly sho t strained her eyes through tho thick un dergrowth of the opposite bank, hop ing to see him coming down the nar row path. " "It's been as long as ten days," sho said, throwing herself down in a rock- ing-chair on tho small porch. "I boj lieve I'm getting tired of this lonely life. Day in and day out it's tho same thing, and nothing" happens one day different from any other daj. Anil when father's away it's :i thousand Hb times worse. I wouldn't caro much what happened, were it only something out of the old routine. I'm getting like tho old sluggish pond in tho Held, and I feel tho green scum growing over inc." Her discontented C3'es fixed thcni- 6clves on the swampy forest before tho a cabin, and th'ey did not move, even " when sho heard tho gallop of a horse coming down tho road. " It's old Jako Potter coming to bor row a saw, or something; or one of those abominable Haldon noys racing after a stray cow," sho thought. hut no; tho horseman was neither Jake Potter nor a lla'.don boy. As ho pulled up his horso before tho cabin, Martha saw ho was a gentlenianh looking young man of aoout twenty years of ago, with a paleaco, and a strange, wild look. He touched his hat to her in a mechanical manner. "Can I get over tho river hero?" he asked. 7Mr ci- Wnilmi't. l-bon tlin nnMIn U ,--t ferry," she answered. "That's more V than hve miles down tue river. He jumped from his horse, and camo rapidly toward her. "If you'll only get me over, he said, drawing sonio monc3' out of his pocket, " I'll give ou twenty-five dollars. It's every cent I fcv have, and it's a matter of life and death for me to get over immediately. (For heaven's sake, help me, won't you?" The imploring tone, the look of agony In -the young man's eyes, startled Martha. " Was this a madman before her. and she alone and in his power? Ifo, he did not look insane; though he 8- kpt'tunring and casting wild glances in tho direction whence he had come. . I am sorry, sir," she said, " but the flat was taken to the. other side by'my father, who has not yet returned. Look, yoir can see it from here." tThen I shallhave to swim the river." her"Said, turning from her. f;"Y imiBt not!' she exclaimed ajrnestly. "The river is swollen by the las-t rains, and the tide is running like a mill-race! Not' even & strong horse could swim it, and yours" look ing at .the tired little pony "'would not get half-way over." Be paused irresolutely for one mo , Bient, -and then retraced his steps. l ' You look good and-kind," he said; - AndTm sure you wouldn't.harm me. ril txHst you. JL am pursued by meg -who ftccoee me of a thing 1 newer dreaiBed of doing; I am a -Derfect stranger never was in thin town in my life before last night and the tottlem take mo for a member of mc notori ous horse-thief gang. If thoy ratch me you know TexaiTnslIco they'll hang me to the nearest tree, and try me after I'm dead. For the sake of all that's good, and more than all for rnv dear mother's sake," and a sob checked his words, "help an Jnuoocnt1 stranger loescapo!" 4 . Martha looked at him as he spoke. Like all self-reliant people, sho formed her Judgment of persons quickly and decidedir. No. he wat not guilty, she waroertain. Bui ercn had ho been, for 4 his youth, and his mother's' take, it is probable Martha would have done just as she did. '"Pll-help you," sho siid. " No, you can t hide in the house, feeing ins eyes turn to it. '"There arc but two rooms, and no loft, and they'll bo through them in no time, riioy'll search tho barn and stable too. The woods back thcro arentft safe, for of course they'll go over the whole ground if they track yon here." " I goLawav from them about noon." he said. They were Jying under the trees half drunk, and asleep, and I gave them the slip. My pony was tied in the s woods, and t don't think they nrssed me until they waked up. But of course they'll track me here, or near here. I must lose no time." Martha thought for a for minutes. " I can think of but one plan," she saiH. "You must disguiso yourself. I have tho dress of a ('crman woman who has .be.t-n at jyork fpr me foru.a short time. She was about 3'our height ami sic. Hero it is," taking.a dreds from a nail, "("oin'o the house and put it on, and I wiy turn your pony loose in tho woods. In an hour or two ho will be far enough from here. When sho returned, the young man :?as turned into a tall, awkward woman. Martha added to his toilet aJargc hand kerchief pinned across the brca-jt, and an immense green sunbonnet which shaded his face completely. "Any one would tako you for Ber tha," slio said, summing him critical ly. "Sho don't speak a word, of Kn glish, so 3ou needn't open'your lips: and she wore her sunbonnet even at meals. Oh, I forgot your boots. Here, put on this pair of father's old shoes." "Ion't3'oii hear horses galloping?" cried the 3-outh, his face getting ghast- Martha listened. Yes. there was no doubt of it, Horsomon woro coming rapidly down tho road. The young man was trembling in every limb. "It's not that I'm afraid o' death," ho said; "I'm not a coward; but such a shameful, unjust death" "This won't do,J' she interrupted. " Your nervousness will betray you. Here, tako this rake, and scrapo up the dead leaves in tho yard. No one will not'eothen that 3011 tremble so. And look hero, wlren the men come into tho vard. don't go on with your work with your faco turned aw.i3 That would bo suspicious. Just put your two hands on tho rako so; and rest your chin on them, and I001C boldly at tho people. In Unit sunbonnet no one. can easily -tell whether you're white or black.'- - Ho obo3'cd submissively, btlMartha, glancing furtivuly at him as four or live men rode into tho 3'ard, saw tho hands folded over the top of tho rake .shaking. Tho leader of tho part;', a short, stout, elderly man, sho had a slight acquaint ance with. ' "(lond-arternoon. Miss Wilis, ' ho drawled. "Well, now, has a 3'ounir fellow on a dun pony crossed the river this afternoon?"' "Martha was delighted that tho ques tion took this form. "No. Colonel (Jardner; no ono has crossed tho river, because, as 3011 see, my father took tho Hat to the other hide, and there it is now. He went to Crosstown this morning, and hasn't come back yet." " Well, let's rcconnoitcr, bovs; may be ho tried to swim it. You Johnson, st:ry hero till I come back." In a short time ho was back again with tho rest of tho party. "No signs." hodrawlod. "Wo lost tho traek'in that ar thicket, and certain sure ho ain't thar." "Job Lyon? and tho fcllarswill como up with him. I reckon." said ono of tho men. "You told 'cm to meet us hero, didn't you, Curnel?" "Yes," and to Martha's dismay tho whole party, dismounting from their horses, secured them to, the paling, and leisureh marohed to the house "Indian file. " You needn't be oneasy. Miss Wil lis," said the fat leader. "Jist givo us cheers out hero under tho trees and we'll sot hero? and admiro tho pros pect." - " ToorMartha would havo given worlds to havo got "them into tho house and out of sight of tho fictitious German woman, who, as if her curiosity had beon gratified, was now industriously raking tho leaves in a pile. Having nothing to do, all tho men gazed in" tenth at her. To tako off their atten tion, Martha forced herself to talk to them. "You don't often como this Colonel Gardner," she said. way, "No, 1113 dear; but a confounded horso-thief has stole my lioinus and Jlo nius my two best horses and we're aftor him. you see." "How do you know ho stole them?" Martha ventured. " Know! Well, my dear, Johnson he seed a stranse lad wanderin' about near my stable, 'bout nine o'clock at night. Ho had come to tho tavern that even ing, and he walked about town pros pectin', as 3ou may say; and Johnson he says ho's tho nioral of 3oung Cave, and he's the right-hand man or Amos White, tho boldest horse-thief in this county. Wo'll catch up with him." "We aint sarched these premises," grumblod the dark-looking ruffian they called Johnson. "Ma3'bo ho's hid in tho hen-house, or somowhar." " You are welcome to search, gentle men," said Martha, rising with alacrity. Tho strain was too much for her, and sho felt as if she was in danger of screaming aloud, or going into a tit of h3sterics before them. "There's -pon3 tracks up to this here gate, said Johnson, scowling at her. "Had anybo.l3 been hero to-day?" drawled Colonel Gardner, who was striving lo bo courteous. "Oyes." sho answered readily; "old Mr. Maxwell brought our meal, and Jim Pendleton rode here to get father's scythe." "Well, we'll sarch meanin' no of fense, ray dear" and the Colonel waddled into the house, while the men 8;attered into the outbuildings. Nerved , on by the emergenc3-, Martha strove to go on quietly with a piece of worn she had hastily caught up. In a few min--utes they returned, the old. Colonel puffins: and blowing, and. fanning him t self with his hat He sank into a seat near her. " " "rmlorrF wasnit here," he said; "but 1 hope, my dear; you aint scared. .My girls don't? scare worthy a cent, but" you're a stranger, and puny to boot, and you're ;.not used to our ways. You see, in Texas we doa't'low criminauT-to git away. ' " Aint that woman a master hand to work?" Hooking curiously at the leaf raker. " Aint she thtlJerman woaan your palhlred kfct week?" " . Martbi had not time'to reply before Robbie,lh'i3 nag oyer1, ran out on the porch. - "Why, if there aint Bertha!" he cried, spying the well-known dress aad sunbonnet, and'Was running out to joist her, when his sister caught him-, " You're not to distsrb Berthal she finishes her work, Bobbie. If jwj$d, r 11 punish jou." s ' Bob looted up in astonishment at his ; sister's angry tone, but Coloael Gsrdaew laughed approringly. "You'll do to tie to. young miss! That's the sort-1 liki?. You git all the work out of your hired people, and you don't let 'em shirk It. Hafjoo. If herd aint Job Lyons!" as another wiltf looking horseman dashed & loth gate. " Got him. Job?" " "No, Curnel, but we've got your bosses- They was a-grazinjr xicai Boggy Creek. You brought us, Cumcl, on a wild goose chase, fur them bosses aint bin stole Jest slipped their halt ers aud got away. I'm off to ray work;" and be galloped away. Delight and dismay chased each other over the Colonel's bcoad fate. "Wall, now, gent!cmn." he said dcprecstingly to the men who hid risen and were preparing to more off, "Vim mighty sorry I troubled you." "You mought have got us in a heap worse troublo of we had broken that youngster's nek. as you and Johnson wanted," said ono of the mon sternly. Wc ought to thank our stars he got away." "Wall, now." said tho Colonel, help lessly, "we've bin chasln' a fellow for nothin'. ch?" "Looks monstrously like it." said the man who had just spoken; "and wo were within an aoo of hangin' him to the first convenient limb, furnothin', too. Look here. Curnel. ou dont git me out agin when your bosses git away." They rode off. leaving tho crest-fallen Colonel to follow at his leisure. As he rolled his portly bulk to the ga'e. Martha heard him muttering: " Wall, now, how in thunder did them bosses break loose?" It was over tho ftar and suspense. Martha had never fainted in her life, but sho felt faint and sick, and closed her C3'es for a few minutes. When sho opened them, the younz man hail taken off his disguiso and was in his own clothes, and looking at her gratefully. "I can't thank 3011," he said. "You've done so much for me that I can't express myself. But for yon I should havo been dangling to 6no of those trees.' They wouldn't have givon mo ten minutes." " You'ro safe now," she said. "Yes. But I wouldn't have showed myself even when I heard all. because it' might havo injured you with your nciglibors for assisting a sup-oscd horse-thief. M3" name is Burton Har r Burton; and my mother will thank you somo day for this." "Why did you leave homo to wan der around in this waj?" Martha asked curiously. " Harry" Burton looted a littlo confused, but said: " Well, the fact is, I thought I'd seo a littlo of the world. To toll tho truth, I've been awav from home two months and had written my mother that I was coming back to look after matters on the farm again, when all this happened to inc. 1 will go and look for my horso now, anil perhaps, when 3'our father returns, he will sot me niross tho river. I'm going to rldo all night", for I'm just wild to' .sue home again." " Martha directed lifni to the place whoro his pony had liecn turned loose, and then sat dou'u to think quietly. What an afternoon it had been! And all these things hail happened in a few hours. Ilobbio was looking every where for the supposed Bertha, who had vanished, and wearied his sister with questions us to where she had ironc. and who was tho strange man who had come from behind tho house. It was Minsot when Mr. Willis re turned. Ho was seriously angry and frightened at Martha's imprudence, mid tho rNk she ran in sheltering a possible felon; but lve was proud, too, of her bravery and presence of mind. "Never do suoli an act a'zain, my girl."' he said. "It was a dangerous experiment, I can tell yon!" "But he was innocent, and I knew it," Martha urged. "Must wo ruu no risks to shield the innocent?1' It would have beon an interminable argument, but b3 this time Hany Bur ton had returned, aud Mr. Willis did not retain his nn:ror long at tho sight of his pale, sensitivo face. " My mother will thauk you," was all he said to Martha, as ho shook her hand warmly at parting. YoullCs font panion. A Pica for Occupations for Men. t-- Wo havo heard enough of woman's "sphere" and its enlargement. Wom en's "rights" havo ceased to bo dwelt upon with so much forco since they havo quietly stopped forward and taken them. Several cases have como to ra3 knowledge of late whoro men have trained their wives into a knowledge of their business. One of them, who had been a soldier nndcamo homo with broken health, made this provision for his family in caso of his death, and he has died, as much a hero and a martyr as if he had perished on the battie-tiofd. His wife is now able"1 to carry on his business and to support herself and her family reputably and comfortably. Wc havo boen driven to such things by stress of circumstanqes. It ma bo "contrary to all our old notions; we may still think it wiser for women to marry for a homo, however sho ma shrink from it, than to support herself inde pendently, but the won't do it. 'Tho fact is, there is no absolute rule to regulate the work or the relations of men and womon. It is a matter of cus tom, and customs may change if it be expedient. Now, as our customs are changing, why should not men learn certain things which would give them something to do aud make them hap pier? Why may not men knit, or sow, or crochot? Of course, it sounds ven odd; indeed, I do not know that I should have pluck enough to bo found engaged m any of these or kindred oc cupations. But why not? Why sit idle? I am not alwas tired; I do not always want to read; 1 get tired of twirling my thumbs; I can't play on any musical instrument, and if I could that is noisy. Why can't a man have some tranquil occupation? I hare seen Mrs, Smith sit down with the needle and work off a fit of Impatience in a timo of waiting to great profit I should have whistled and fretted and bitten U13- nails,-and-only grown more restless. Boys ought tos learn. . Why should thoy "leave all their things about for others to tako care of for the weary mother, ifthcre be not servants enough? Wiry shouldn't a boy, if he is off on a tramp, be able to sew on & button or mend a hole' in his stocking properhy? They sometimes manage, to do it, but how. ,And now, when it 1st s sort of fashion to have a ranch in Colorado, or somewhere where no woman, may ven ture, I don't see any way but for the boys to learn these things. Let them knit their stockings instead of plaving cards. I believe in interchange. Why may women enter into-so many of oar occupations and we be excluded from theirs? "Effeminate," is it? Not of necessity. Why is it any more so, save from custom, than writing or any other quiet, sedentary work?' There are trades where men sew, as we know, and in many a business a boy has to learn some rudimentary practice of the art The doctor, as a surgeon, most thread a needle, sew bandages, to say nothing of other artistic stitches. YqB see my plan only carries mattersatriW farther, and would teach, as an art, that whieh is now but rudely done. My friead Prof. X. canines a-towel or kdksrchielwitiithe:bestof them. Hek'aone the-less-saanly, and ones saved his own life byA having strong msJi.iidjgMfiss, Tsjngsarsr rather saixed. batiffsmsnn potest ea oar -Mra-IftTOrbn wrsir with "tsBr sT we may gain by it Our. 2T. J, ist MtXZ, FA1M A5 1EE5. Borers skoldJbf killed by paskiag a coneer wirestatoTthe holes and puses HngthemTlfter which the hole may be pltiggctLwith graritog wax aau a plug of wood. - I-laio Rico Padding. Sk half a ipful of rice over nlghi. In the mom Inr mix with the Her three tablwpoos-f-jli of sugar, a small piece of butter and a littlo salt Tour over this oge quart of new milk, and bake slowly tw hour j. A ready method for hot fomenta tions Is to placo Aaa&els la tho steamer of an ordinary potato steam kstile. They rojuhly become permeated with the stclbi when tho kettle U placed on the fire, aad can be readily changed without Tiny fear of scalded fingers during tho attempt to wring them suf fjcrently dry, as in the ordinary method. Prof. BcaJ, of Michigan, nays: "If you have money to fo-d away, need down your young orchard toclovor and timothy, or sow a crop of wheat or oats. If -oti want tho trees to thrirc. cultivate well till they are seven to ten years old. Spread ashes, msnuro or salt broadcast. Stop cultivating in August. Heeds or no wfceds; this allows the trees to ripen for winter." Danish Pudding. One cupful of tapioca, three pints of water, half a tcaspoonful of salt, half a leacupful of sugar, one tumblcr'ul of any kind of bright jelly; wah the tapioca and soak in the water over night; in the morning put in a doubln boiler anil cook ono hour; st'r frequently, add tho salt, sugar and jelly, apd mix thoroughly: turn into a mold that has beon dipped in cold water and set away to harden; serve with cream aud sugar. Careful farmers (says tho Amertcnn Cultivator) should always select tboir seed from tho best-matured sulks while yet standing in the Held. There is no donbt that a difference of ten per cent could be mado in tho value of the crop in one year by a judicious and careful selection of the seed, and should this corirsc be pursued for a series of years, a largo inTeae conM be mado in the cropa of corn of almost any good va riety. . 03stcr Pie. Oystors.- ono quart, fienpcr, ono half tea-spoonful, mace, ono latf teaspoonful, salt, one-half teaspoon ful, cracker crumbs, ono leacupful. but tor, one-quarter pound, puff paste. Stra'n the ovstcrs; add the spice. 'craokur crumbs atid tho butter bro'ten in bits; put in a dcop pie-dish lin-d with paste; add half tho oyster liquor. Tho dish should bo full, covered with rich puff pasto, and baked until tho crust i.s done. Tho 'practice of forcing a to stand on his legs, or walk about, while laboring under an attack of colic, is most inhuman. 'Tho same remark is also applicable to tho plan of exercising a horso during tho time he is under the Iiurgiitive action on-doso of physic :le should bo "moved gentby about bo foru the medicine commences to oper- "atc. but never after. Do thoso barba rians who knock tho annual about while enduring tho pains of colic, or when suffering from tho strong purgative ac tion of medicine, ever think of what t thc3 are doing? If tho3 were treated themselves on tno samo plan, under similar circumstauces, thoy would soon como to their senses regarding the man agement of the unfortunate animal which is placed under their charge. Kumas J'unncr. - Onions. Tho onion stands pre-eminent as a table vegetable. Apart from its llavor it possesses medicinal virtues of a marked character. When eaten iu moderation it stimulates the circulatory system and the secretions, and the con sequent increase of the saliva aud the "astric ju co promotes digestion. Tho argc red variety is an excellent diu retic, and two or three .small white onions are iccommcndcd b Buckland to bo eaten raw as a remedy for insom nia. They aro slightly tonic, and to a certain degree nutritious. Since cook ing deprives thorn of some of their voiatilo oil, and a little parsley dipped in vinegar and eaten after them parti overcomes tho odor thoy impart to the breath, surely their virtues may plead for their more frequent use. especially as an adjuuet to other articles of food. Mild and sweet in their native Orient they aro smaller and more pungent as thoy are transplanted to colder rc- 6 ions. Tho onions of Valencia and ormuda surpass our own in sweetness and succulence; but wo have many cxonllent sorts, which bear local names, given in accordance with their size, llavor and season. A few may bo mentioned in such general terms as will serve to distinguish them in pur chasing. The yellow onion is mild in flavor and an excellent keeper. A -.Father largo, light-red 'onion, streaked. with green is juicy and sweet, but because losssolid than some other sorts, docs, not ke.cp so weR; a d-lrk-red variety, large and strongly flavored, keeps well, and is-remarkable for its diuretic properties. The small, .white oiekling onions are true silverskias, sown late in the spring In rather poor soil in order to dwarf them; the mature sllverskln or large white onion is one of tho best varieties now in favor. The small silver-skins make the nicest pickles when they have been cooked for five minutos in salted boiling water. Mid then thrown into cold water for half an hour, while the vinegar to be used with them is being scalded with spices; they are strained I from the water when quite cold, placed in glass or eariueu jura, auu covcrcu with tho scalding vinegar; after re maining for twenty-four nours tho vin egar is again scalded and poured again upon the onions, when the jar contain ing them is tightly closed from tho air. A soup made from onions is regarded by the French as an excellent restora tive in debility of the digestive organs. It is made by 'frying golden brown half-a-dozen sliced onions insufficient butter to prevent burning, with a teaspoonml of sugar; two quarts of clear soup are next added to the onions, together with a bouquet of sweet herbs and a palata ble seasoning of jsalt and pepper; these ingredients .aro' allowed to simmer gently togother for about a quarter of an .hour while somo slices of bread are being toasted and placed in the soup tureen; the bouquet of herbs is then removed, and the broth and onions poured upon the bread, when the soup h served hot Two other preparations of onions may be mentioned as excellent One of onions and eggs is made by peeling and cutting Valencia onioas in slices about a quarter of aa inch thick, seasoning them with salt aad pepper, frying them until tender, without burning, in but ter; they are then transferred to a hot dish with a skimmer, a lemon is squeezed over them, and half a dozen poached aggs are laid upon thess. A German dish of onions and cheese is soadeby placing half-inch slices of large onions in a buttered baking dish, sea soning them with pepper and salt and cooking them just tender in a hot oven. They are then arranged on a dish with out breaking; a little grated cheese, preferably Parmesan, is dusted over them, aad the dish is returned, to the oven long enough to slightly melt the cheese, when it is ready to senre. An not these dishes novel enougn to tesapt fastidious waters? If not, let then poa- aer anon ine wsn ot a weunewn repeuiaa wit, wno aaores lav wi and onjkms. Quoth he: "Oh. if I soold bat 'had a wosaaa who adores onioas-as I uo! - (weald hare her eat allshe "desired, and then stand fa the ardddle el. the st-awt antil the rose re taraed to her tresis "Jafftf Cvrss The Irtsssm of Sacs has bee ascer taiaaa 4 usilii W fresh aier river foTsaatfcm paseiag on the oU side lata SBarfne departs of the Red Sea aad on the aertk Ulo those of the Meslterra-nean- Ilerr Fuck has kt4y stadied the qnefttibH how a river caave to Utrm a EarUtioa between two seas aad their tana. He accepts a theory exprewed by CapUla Vasscl, that in the dikvUa pertodthe Kile entered the sea la the middle of what is now the bthHHM, and with Its large body of fresh wafcir o filed the narrow strait as to form a trtM dividing wall between tke fasnas of the two seas. A striking UltMtration of this mode of action Hcrr Fochs find la the E resent condition of the straits leading ito the Japan Sea, viz.: that between this sea and the Sea of Ochotsk, on the north, the Amur Gulf, or Amur Llmaa, which is fifteen miles long and three to five broad, reccivce the water of the Amur. This river, comparable to the Danube, has brought much sediment into the gulf and trans formed it throughout into a lagoon no where more than three fathoms drcp, quite filled with fresh water. Ixwking at the map one might suppose the fau nas of the North Japan Sea and the Sea of Ocbotsk to be in free communication with each other, but in reality it is not so ; the water of the gulf has only fresh water conchylia and prevents exchange between the two marine faunas. True, the faunas are not so distinct as those of the Red Sea and Mcditcranean ; a cer tain portion of the Arctic species of the Sea of Ochotsk are found outh of the Amur Liman. Thcro Is reason to bo Iieve, however, that the.o have come, not direct through the Amur Gulf, but with tho Kourile current through the Straits of Sangar, in which a large num ber of these Arctic species are fonnd along with true tropical forms. Were this way closed, the migration of north ern forms would probably be prevented, and in that c.vse tho two marine faunas might como to be asharply separated as in the caso of the Isthmus of Suez. London Times. Tke Revolver as a Health Proneter. Wo used to feel at times as though here In this Wcsurrn country wc were J having a pretty lonesome time of it, never having killed anybody, and wo began to think that in order to com mand respect we would have to start a Eirivato cemetery; so ono timo when wo lad a good opportunity we drew our pop on a man and shot at him. He often writes to us now and tells us how healthy ho is. Kcfore we shot at him he nsed to havo troublo with his diges tion, and every spring ho was so bilious that ho didn't care whether he lived or not. Now he weighs 200 and looks for ward to a long and useful life. Still tho revolver is not always a health promo ter. We sometimes think that if editors would set the example, and instead of going around armed to tho teeth, would rely on tho strength of their noblo man hood and a white oakclnb, others would follow and discard tho pistol. For a rear wo have been using a club with tte KJ8t re-Milts, and although tho exercise has l'en pretty severe at times, the death-rate has been considerably re duced, and many of our citizens have been spared to bless the community with their presence Let tho press of the country tako hold of this thing, and the day will come when a man may enter the editorial oflice as fearlessly at now he goes into tho post-oflico. Hill Nye. Capt. James to. Eads has been re ceived with great distinction in England. lie was invited to addruis tho British Association, and spoke of his jetties and his Isthmus Itailway. At tho con clusion of his remarks ho was followed successively by Sir William Armstrong and Sir Frederick UrarawelJ, lioth emi nent engineers, who gavo their earnest adhesion to tho plan of the ship railway; and last it was resolved to publish Mr. Knds'9 speech as part of tho transac tions of tho day a very marked com pliment, such publication of addresses at these annual meetings being most exceptional and rare. Wo always find wit and merit in thoso who look at us with admiration. Many complain of their memory, but none complain of their judgment. m m Sittino Bull now reposes at Standing Rock. IauU L'uurUr. "Havb you any mean of support?" aked tin Judge; " any trade or business!' Ye, your honor: I follow carpenter's work," alil the tramp. You follow It, peril a pi; but do you ever catch up to It r" returned bis honor. L'oton Trwitcrii. STonr.KKKrKK "I bee your pardon, lr. but one of tbem half-dollar U counterfeit." Cuiomcr' I know It, Mr. Got it here last week." Seelns a umlle on the storekeeper' face, he sars: "I see vou doubt my word, sir." Storekeeper "Sot at all, sir; I was merely thinking how remarkable It was that you should have got tbii money here LiU week, when I only opened to-day." Cus tomer inuriuura something about nieslm; lie made a in U take in the store and hurried ly hands out another half. Motion Tran ter p- Mmk. PoMrADOUR had a fan made of lace which cost ,000, and which it took nine vears to manufacture, so the Philadelphia 'Koet says. This must be the original ''Pompadour waste" we have otaetlmes heard about. Lowrtt Cowitr. Tiikhb fs a man la California who his a snake in' his atomseh, and is obliged to drink larpe quantiUr of whisky to keep the rep tile stupefied, as it causes him reat pain when he fs lively. When such a baN for general excuses as this com smilingly to the front, the temperance people sit down and fold their hands and think it is Just no use to carry the fight-any further. Detroit Frit Fret. m NiAositA Falls Is so brilliantly Illumi nated by tbe electriclixhtevery evenlnr tbat, after paying the backinan.youcin easily see whether there Is any thing left ia your pocket-book. I'hilvUlphta Aim. - Tommt, did you hear your mother call vou?" "Course I did." "Then why don't Voucotoher at oaesr' "Well, ycr ace she's nervous, aad it 'd shock 'her awful ' 1 should go too sudd's." TilF. saddle horse knows enough of arith metic to carry one. A". O. J'teayuMC Ax Elktoa, Xd., paper meations tbe case f Mr. T. Oeeaea, of tbat place, who suf fered severely with rheumatic paias until be tried a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil, which completely cured tdm.Iad;miapoU Id,) Journal. Wfrriswiae tbat has been bottled for years like aa ann-anied lady of advanced age? .Because it ts eld made, sad nose the worse for it. IF.f and WUdan. m Ctxkd by the Washinxtea (lad.) GsHU is tbe fact that tbe eolU ia tbat locality have a sort of lameness In tbe loiats. 1. F. Mey ers cured bk by aaeiatiaff it with St. Jacobs Oil. The Boston F&t says that a brskestsn on a drunk at Chirac fell late a sewer, and at eaee yelled; "St. Lenfa, dunce ears!" Da. Praters MFsTsrfte Freseriptiea" is a asset newerfal resterattre taste, atoe eosabialoz the sseet Tamable aetTiae prep erties, especially adapted to the wants of debilitated ladies tuSerfar from weak beck, taward fever, esncsetiea, iBftastsaatlea, or mieeratiea. er tress Berraasaess er aenral' gie paias. BydragrtoU. It avenacnu tebeeaadislwUh his sweetbeartaewil !T.L.Jftcmfwt. tfire CoxscitrnoJf a itaeexty stares is read tj cared by the nse ef Dr. iSeres-s "Oeld an MsdJesl Diaeewry.V- theaca, U the lllMtW7ft. m- tSsMsSf issawifttswui VI ier an 1 as th "DtomnrT'- Jsba WBUs. ef Oas,wriUs: "Tfce'qriiinsssel ' aess pesaiTtiy ears eea fter trrlac crery ether ssed- iaTaie. this sewessaea.- Mr. Z. T. Faelfjs, er Ottkbett. 3a.v writes: --The 'Oesasa Misiwl Dheeni j ' bas eared ssr we atf bsjsBaSafai essa tii aaattaiiaiesw wmwL." nets SWSVaBCleeb snags arawsssssi DrsnrrMiL. Sm rut km m"4 . re asax MstH&it. Aec-urn Rvdfcft, - T. Arc Ia4lta Jt w rmmitf Swwt U Ksauu. H mxAm -rtlr-M. w r-a ht color, 4 fcutite. U Ct Itei4 tw juru. -- - if . ! S Tr. 1 cm trash's! fr tMwj yrrwitkKfcI- 7 CMf4i&.t, ttravri. Act mj t&-J $ tta til 1 1 wi dJ vi UmJ: sa-4 fcinl!j erl boo(. rf4wrat saia kit vitr: crvuUl :. 4Ma- U feci? m. U1 1 fol ltp HUr. Ml nam I mb hWf SM. Mj WwkJ ud VUcrja tr M tUVt, JUfcl I a m eiU Si s ua S 3, xttkexxz X it 71, tl I Src so daU H via 4 ft writ tor etsrr of mr . It t wl& a trUl. (K:jr yUi Utjy, NorwTTnifcpla lb deJisi ProkltiRtoaiti, ruWctjml-ttf-l frirad fttwnatMrUUut -!! c" U UkJ4 1 txllr tasa a &s4 la a Ux. Cir Jf t Yt r omim4U1 t nu Coisfttlion for ry b wul4 scblcte thhUbU uoor t jt btltl fetmlf of alt trcUimate u t that end. A. T. Mrt Urtol to uall njr la ffllla; drr $ood- lib terrd cMtJ. a wiJr rxprnrtx x a Uuytr ami a Wttcr WmmtcUs 9t tk UU aU lU of U jmMic raalle4 h w to prKnr pr(all la telilcrnt Ubor. Tae vohlte !! na and be wm Urxely Ueaatd tr bU f atr prl. ! at fttbr Ulttlartfr Artea laduttry; tb trlmltl Anvrfcao utrrt wrrn dojay affair. T-(lj tbry arr rry whcr rtcvjuUctl U tcv te U trl for conirnirnc, utltlty l beauty. l at tbe ttat ucera t ht tXn ot lb Ouutkk Ota' 3T e' UtUns la a amall nsr la 11T, tbf bualnra rdiUUy dttrU ojrd asd lacrtral. To-cUrtth th Ur$Mt factorj tn tbe world of lt d. aad breticbt to su Louis s rerutalla tot rod tne rork whleb l non- world wide, more Ua 0J,0 CIUKTXK04K6XOVX.S tcln (a CuB Unt ue, atiurutaotly ttituns to lb ft UthU they ar flt north buytos.aau niaviir; tbe borne of the people cununrtawe. I- sil narr' frVn Salr. The Btr al fortuu, I,ruir.fcjr, LV cer. ?alt ltltcum, TelUr. (.hitTfl llnda, CblltkUlBi. Corn and all Modi of iKln Krot tJt, Jr,rrklca and l'.pt.Jr. 11 uy IIeakv S CachoucSaltk, all otbc are tomUftU. Br.flrtra' Oi(rMU4 H Iltrr ! the beat reniedr fur Dyarr'ala. Mlllottnes. Malaria. Imllreatloo. iHUjCleti and iilrie of tbe Momacb, Blood, KUucja, Urer, bkla, olo. m Dt'Rio's CaTakkM Ssrrr rare all aflee Uiua ot tba mucou utrmbrane of the Lead. Un. Jforr'a Liven Pit u are the best Yt etab-'u Cathartic Kcgulatora. A nltarr Staanr. Life and beallb are precrvcd by carefully aiding nature hcucr It how UcW of ability to carry on iu rork. For torpid Iher, bowels or klilners, no other rrraedx cijuali Kidney-Wort. 'It l sold Iu both dry and liquid form by all Druggists. tX " Kala." Ak Drugglsta for It. It dcra out rats, mice, roachea, bed-bug"!, flira. rermln, InircU, 13c. Ax Inferior article Is dear at any prfce. K' member this. ad buy Prater Ailc Urease, Tne lad'c' Vest frtrnd -S'atlontt Veast. DR. JOHN BULL'S Sfflls Tonic Symp FOR THE CURE OF FEVER and AGUE Or CHILLS and FEVER. The proprietor of this celebrated atdlciae justly claims for It a superiority oTsr all reas edies ever offsre't to the public for the SAFE, CERTAIN, SPEEDY and FERMAKEJIT rare of Aeasaad Fever, or Chills aal Fever, wheth er of short cr Ioag sunrling. U refers to the entire Weettra and southern country to btar hira testircoay to the troth of tat aasettioa that in no case whatever will it fail to core If the directions are strictly folio wtd aad carried out. In a great many cases a single dose has been sufficient for a care, end whole families have been cared by a single bottle, with a per fect restoration of the general health. It is, however, prudent, aad in every case more cer tain to care, If its use Is continued In smaller doses for a week or two aftr the disease has been cheeked, more especially in difficult ana long-standing cases. Usually this medicine will not require any af d to keep the bowels la good order. Should the patient, however re quire a cathartic medicine, after bavin? takes three or four dotes of the Tonic, a single dose ef BULL'S VEOETABLE FAMILY FILLS will be sufficient. The genuine SMITH'S TOKICSYlTJFmoJt have DR. JOHlf BULL'S private stamp on each bottle. DR. JOHlf BULLenly has the right to manufacture and sell the original JOHN 2, SMITH'S TONIC STRUF, ef Louisville. Ky. Examin e well the label oa each bottle. If my private stamp is cot on each bottle do set purchase, or you will ei deeeivtd. JOHN Manufacturer and Vmndmr ot SMITH'S TONIC SYRUP, lULL'S SARSAPAftlLLA, BULL'S WOflH DESTROYER, The Popular WeeweSlee of the Day. medeal OSIee, Sit Bale HtM LOCMT1LLE, KT. For th-: Core of Congha, Cold. Boarw. Aathst. Broncn'tlta. Croon, lofionua. WJjoortryt CootiLlod?- Icat CotuaiaUoa. Ac. rrtce oolr crata e Iniuc. A QUINTETTE OF NEW MUSIC BOOKS! SMtaoa St . Ktrr rtnAi for the FaS TrtuU. eivt tor Vie ue 0 Mwle Ttnehtn, Otrlri ami Siiurtnff riiMuu. Vte faTnelmj v4fjE. of uwp prvachaMe ttttHenet in their racial tUpnriment. r HERALD OF PRAISE. Uu The new Cfturcb Music nok for lS8I-lat. Send SI for Sprimen Cum. EssserMM'e IDEA Ls I (TS eta.) Tbe new and superior boos: for tw Cleswee. Send Tj eta. for Spttimen wpy. F.' iSOMiEUSeittSctarme new, gcnlet and baautlful collectioa of School Siaaase. " Send 0 eta. for Specimen Copy. TIIEAC0MLIIHT.It5:ri (OOcls.) All radiant witls heeaty. asd faU of the eweeteet tteJodr. Wmr ssslayacSitsw Sead 39 eta. for Specimen Cep. rMLIIHTAHILtfE.1-; pScts.) -A tars-s. weU sited, edmlrablr se lected ad eosBBesed. aad crery war deMr- asie couectjoe or asiaaay acaees Goewel SfeetlsiK SlsiaSe. ar eu. lor a&cimtm -Lepy. tvras Jt HKASYr, shxttjk jsrraax d OUS.fLaHTSMlCt J.LlHTSwSiCi. r,VwTack. aWaGsesStsa.lM M IE Ml! MISMS' Ntll THE PUS xict SnlkS ko4.aa4 mintlTt tatseca- tiM Aar tnm 1 ta IS weefe seaf la BtaecaaUktaf bv aotanile. k. r eaaSfsril mser taasaj SeMcr- JesesCeL. 1. a. , sermotr ASrTKUsaaarAmu.Bt jjn Co. YWIHIIEI riUaXIXATZXT I VI SsssaafJeaaei MEITS OOCTttMBStOOw wnja Hv SgJSayjaaSe caub ttt CMaaHkU. TaUXlMPaVNW. miw. Csatse. Sc. leeas. Mtteinmmtmwlmmwtmmm a mm aaaaassswe. mmmmwimammmmmmmam Sees. AsTaWawessss yea 1 t ii.felsWe.Ke. A FAIRY AFLtAT. ! fcrlff! etffiisi ef ey ClimtMiftVoanfW' lVfcB-fW JvtH h WM. M4 MirmtHnlWaMt MM HI iMpr xaa!ikf cr &4 JCtK UtVtn4th lumSi4-' ! tf W4, 4 ajra1- tmir tW rf it I ftt htU & Jt -fir T IrataX'rws W Ua44 l4'e ih akiknl ta th i Aa Mt i ilk iltrr hajk4 UMeftatrsiarrsrflJwS KrartcT. TJ r fe- aI. aw ( tvt Ca4ju!s tj&em ItT tJ deck &sd ara Uionu ta (Vu tVisWi; -JKSer'1 V !?Sarf- - . -3s-. , k and i!erertio. Tine 3A"n "1 is irrwxwxl atxl! ia J'wtlaV rtsW and tb fkrann-u coirm! lti TwiLVh cjt The furailutxv in r TV. 4 lahU ( the Qora Aao titcrn. Wit U4t f ) d.ntrurhalt and rch rttr. C iai; cvraptor the im-r- fscritW tl ' n jLwe. TTms fwr stair-. rntla IP to Im-tIK c-arfh, arK ! raft-4l ttR i UrukcU am! hiB4wtt!y ftenmiwrd TJ Ixwit !rlu t and m Vnult fcteirr the dirtnioos tf AIi-wr A. o5-Ir A lv, lUltimnrr. Md. ft thHr ox h-j)ii n njx Uic Ol Mi'Jri4 and aln-r Wrt' rra nrxApil l ran lr a krd rrcw vt oflJccn and ttt la tbeir ejdy "n object of tli lttl etmturr u t ratrr f nrtthrr frH,;ht nr ri-H4rr. r-) luilt for trw tirw al namol, to ttl r&dttaitrly 1V tbrtu Air iltululinj; tfcr-r Minted tuAttrf la llsn rttr itmm ir S? JltM Oil, th (TriMt tirrnttt Kenlr for ThuttuttuandtlMT.ituladwtit. J woxAsm TRirxrirr sat usu f. rstui, tf mi, sut. DtxMTsaxa of LYDIA E. PINKHAMM V2SSTA2L2 C02P0U!n). Tholaiit(re SseaHt rtaral CvalUiU 4 Wilai ii fi iiam-n SmI fcMsla t'l. It win mr tnVnif I w wn lm 4 rwU (. pUinK. n wxtta IwibK lflmilk mi lVi Uo. rJUe ltiimmHt, n4 U m ywt. Spinal WhIdni, ajaJ ta rtkrJJl aU4 to Utm O.iac f lit. It wilt Hb4 .nrtlnmtrilrmlk ma tvif (Srwl-tajw-nl, TN miUfj Xm rwt rrroMt hnKUirla f brkt f7 dj I.) IU a for KlrmUnta, a&J irltT wmOi tw w Ilk'fc. It rurre MI!r-, llfcUrlv.. .r.-n rn-lr.ll-. Orocral ImUUij, akibraM, trmiit n ajl lM- TluS ftlr of r1n trwu,rAr l.HarU SAt UM-kwh. U inf (arsMnvvllr rnn bj II . ltUltallUfwau4 aVrtllrlminUiM( rSia karam vllh lUr Ua Ual an ttj Iwili rjtlrm. rwt!roror KWlw7('wD:'AlaXa 4 HtMW aa Ikta CotntwiHl ! BiinnMiL lthia r. niKHAwe TKcrrtisLr. . Nt'.XBU ptjr M taa an4 SSS HpSw . Ij-n-vMuw. I'rtrafL. aiibntHrarorl. WI fcy nmU In U fnn of lt. ain In Uw fna ( lm mn irorir or ft", St lr tw twt ritbtr Mn. ttrnkhtn rrvvljaaavfraaillrtKraoriiaqatr. Inl Sot lMi W C XAAmm aa lUtr. Bmtwm tUf. ofmlt abo14 U Uim( LTDIA K. I11KHSS UVDt niJA Ihry r noatk. UHoomms aad tarmuf 4 UrtUrrr. raeaar txas. fold by KICHARDIOX a CO.. St. Leuls, Ms lOIl MAI.K II' IKrlT. AaoiiiLR auun run bap MARX TWAIN'S! AStOTMCR ROOM rOSt ACCNTS. ISEWSOO 1 s wm liHcusn "THE PRINCE ANU THE PAUPER." r.llm-9 St. !-.., 4.f.ttfc-M. 1 ti -f rifMli cli 4 M,f ia itn 4 4 . ia mu. f rtfHit ii u .ih i r-ir ir-HT U.ttu wrm tt t"t ttmitrt u4 t.r to strfii-ivi riMssa. a rvsr, hiMlahfrt, CtoetoautU. Ohio ACCNTS WAMTCO s-QR THI Lift OP Zi aWaWaWawKj BmVaWaWaWaWaWaWS .WaWmX aTaWara mmTll MrV" BmwaWaWaWaWaWaWar WBSSBri7sfiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV' CARFIELD T'tntr 1bcit aiimbf anjr fN'Ar, fct tnr t rwli'. or oril't ontfll at ote aal r lt- Kfr . Arltr f n,r lax nf laarSI. Ai-lrt I. W. zitxir.r.aAtw.. i r. Aumw..aiur.ix AfmKww VaVvNaaVa VwKvVyaw)aw awaWaWSavSa. DMETTAURS X.mTCrTAX?mm-ZXDXCttYTllAmmmmymMmlm mrT mWtUmmhaUtmCK.mm4. HMA9 Ow SJACStg- Ska r1ag a ilaw ess HEADACHE VSsvtwal CVW. WaAsswSSSsI tss sw-wMT ftSsMNssW srVssWssawft &t bssIswsst sssstf'vswjssfft BsfesJssslyyV 4M a?ri5. SBI-OO. Jwaaeswi WILL ATOIRS, WOCKDKtLL M stsasawyMsssiisssrTsssaeawl Hstrs? BB SBST "SSaSe-wa saaWvWSwLawLJSkaWMSSBF SSWTwV mWmV PrJs Mm HLL.9tmmAmB a, WAJUtajrrnt coax. sYawslai VsTHAawLTIIrML ! .stssw BTssL 11 SasssssssssssraKlaBBsss ' 1 SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlSaSBBBBtM A SSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsW aaaaaaa&aaaaLVvSataaLalaL'f aaav &lTfEfs 1, r.tm0i'4 t e- """ - WISCONSIN! lynC aH),WMI Urn I flUaJ dt(bti4A BSM W BwF WsW V ! :m il 1 1 tnssss.a tu . s Hoec HOLERA km Ass seas URED. 1 ii .1 M !-! t lmma p.-mi" SS. j ISt W S ISr. 6oSoSsiimI?t?5 ti'kius4 i .-" eikrii, irasaittaaf tiisriSLS j-.-4 SM tUJi kim . all. satittt I ( HOEt's TMaSStC taltl ty w r w a f-. .pv 4 Jt- r - t - r-Jv- , - 9B ., H Utt ti-4. M ft. iHt.tfHKd JMa vi.T (Xt HSKJII ta e4la. asrsrex 1 J !. j t. --.. .J -a t ijiSS -t f - J a Af. ",1A "-- 1 nJ t f . tt.4 Stmt a I a Mi i ir rr4.i ,. Mvwr rv-J svr1 ,? ' wa.aiM'-iuawAL'saoysaix . u. u- DOES WHY? IwonDsturui. CURES I IsavMliMt I We UTSS, KI ao4 SIP1 at las U. Nr ! a ftlna 1-aleSiAaAf HIViei I w hk.e lawr 8mn m. ti 1 ad hit SJaaaaS. IfiaU rtlx. la IMw-tva lnli wnn, Ml. ?- C smile. as wstar rmriA sat 1 lwa, auf wmUiWM'm .w r I MIa h4 tmmm U f l-T t -r t Hx 'a ihwH,i.rMwiM. . r .A.MteiA. Ih. La mmm hlia. VAA. 4 Sit I liUMi . m niijt. ltiiwuoM.m1, latwUIM.MSMMt Uaaltatailaa, I. Jnn f a. Stakaav St - ,vlHWff,iiniii aon4a4Ss iaa a ihmmi r Ja.t-. I, i tw .f.(rM tttrr 4 Mf I PIT uim .. HVIH ' aa.. , VI I alhl tl.i - kut if 4J ' trM aa '. . km. ! ""i teatsaAMKHTLV CUfttt araraaaarv nillliri. ' LIVES! COMPLAINT!-. Constlpatlan una rues. SIT II Ut f r VtBoW Fa HXM,M ! - ' --- .faMf IJ( wmfmtw oaai uuMui. far UnM ikat il'HM (aaaWIl 1ST W. ryl rwe I MfllL - arr r itTHK nitroatniL etiLs. MirHiKsafsv. rVees. IrwM uiM4r-sA iCs'NTI T SI V iV!-r vvrici k sku. r 1 s !: LIFE OF GARFIELD! MmtrmirWl. imm HltHMtol. UUH. tr aa4 nn4 ff rtflr . If rl fcfl ivalr h a rt sl . at lf fall iat. A font rm 4II 7 f, A44rM, stammku &) '. PILLS aaya-HtAaaMtrt . mtmrnii e-y.aje.He -se- f JTfa JUSSra Jfrf sri. .Masmsreowraaiiiaaie a ! aatifeas a a art aaanrtS mm. taiiai iSSSi iaas, JCaVU fttjl BBSBslsV 9Ss9aWV JsVssVPSsfsHSsWwV SBWsVsst sT SSwBSfW vvl rv r rv rf fi jJBB 1 Mi' . .j: ... ., - - & -ir, ffriartj I ii, -.s 3L- , .J. V-?" v - ft,- ?3B-. -- k ttm - 3jtSt. --.-. S ., Uli " '"TTTTiTiTLiiM 1iST' Tii'-MlnTii i iiairSSTTT 11 - -Mil II I'll' 0