jjniHi tiiiuiyLiipii mnjjnj!i -it? 'fc- '--- o-t 3FW ,agi-wr wx.-s-r -saBBW j - ' matftwc- ".anw m '3tf , " '"-i - - - - ")" " je- y our -p . -r -y-w,!n 'wvjfmi flr Jr.- ', M JOB WOJK& ,n tT THE CHIEF. tVWJSIIKS rVEST WrClMUT A SZ9 CLOTS, MEBJULSEi. -BT- M. L. THOMAS. tlUS:-- ll.BCn ycwlfjtldln AM. The Red Cloud Chief. GO EAST NORTH-EAST Oil SOUTH-EAST VOL. IX. "Eternal Vigilance is tlie price of Liberty," and 1,50 a year is the price of the CudCIti RED CLOUD. WEBSTER CO- NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, SOVEMBEIt, '24, 1SS1. n NO. ! Ciri:, SHI-iui:, GalnS jtssccrrro TO rcF T XEJrttSTAKOrFOXmSt fUsSt UC Jw.X,-Ji X- TAfr r " BUSINESS DIRECTORY. -VIA THE- J3.&M.R.R. Tb!s Itoad together with the C. B. A Q, which is called J. K.EMITII. Prei'tlit NatBiak Beatrice Neb. -T1IE- Burlington Route ! FormMhe tnostcomplctoliin'between Nebraska -. nitits and all point Kastnf Missouri Hirer. . l'assciiiccri taking uiw uuo - i- 3o. Itiver at 1'UOimouth orcr tho Plattsmouth Steel Bridge, Which has lately been completed. w Through Pay C:onche AND . rnian Mfcfpingrt AKEltUNTO Burllngton.Peoria.Cliicago and St. LOiii, Where clofe connection arc wade in union depoi for nil ! oir.ts A'orth East and Month. 1 rami by this route start in Nebraska are inare- foro free frm tho various accidents which to frequently delay trains reining through from the moun tains, and passengers are thus ture of making gondcn- ncction when they take the B. & M. route cast. Through Tickets AT LOWEST RATES lu force in the Ftate. ns well as full and reliable Mm information required, can be had upon appUca tion to B. ill.K. K. Agent at any of the jrincipul station?, or to PEECEVAL LOWSLL, 15tf Central Ticket Agent. OMAHA KBB. S. C. Smith. Ca(h'rl(tNat.Bank Beatrice Neb. SMITH BROTHERS, BANKEES, RED CLOUD, NEB., Transact a general banking business, buy and sell county warrant, also County. Preeinet and Hshool Diftriet Bonds. Negotiate farm mortgages, buy and sell ror eign Kxchange. .... rpcial attention giren to collections. RirgBgcr-lst Nat. Bask New York. Oma ha Nat. Bank, Omaha. SMITH BROS. THE CHIEF. Humgfr M. L. THOMAS, EDITOR. G.W SlUDI.KK, President. It. V. SlIIRKY, Cashier. WD CODITT Bill. RED CLOUD, NEB. Monky To Loan on Real Estate and Chattel Mortgage. Buy and sell Ex change and do a general Banking business. keferkxceh: Bayer . Atkins. Banke.-y. York: York County Bank. York. Farmers' A Merchants Bank, York; Union National Bank, Chieigo; Marsh Bros.. Mosher A Co. Lincoln. g gtf THURSDAY, NOV. 24, 1881. A man has actually been shot in Missouri for resisting arrest. Shot At. A Wcdi-fct Areajer XtUbtnit!? Tim twt 8hrt t Oiittts. Washington, Nov. 19, G p. in. Late this afternoon while Guiteau was bc inir L-iLeii to Iho tail, and when about liulf wav tatween the caoito! and the St. Paul, Nov. 19.A Phnerr Prtx special from Durand, 1ccns!n. ay. E. Maxwell had an examination at '1 p. in. to-day. He plead "no: gtiilty" and waived examination. On leaving the court room, tho officeri were over powered, though they made a brave resistance, the pruoncr was taken by 100 determined men from all parts of tho count v, and in less titan three a conven- The cases against the tar route thieves have been dismissed. Shame. Virginia has gone the "solid south" is past. republican and a thing of the The riattsmouth Daily Jounuil, a neat little democratic paper, camo to hand last week, Sherman it Howard, editors and proprietors. 0. C. Case Jab. McNmt. Case & McNeny, a Tronxnrs and counselors at law. Will practice in all the Courts of Ibis Bute and Northern Kansas. Collections ai well as litiga ted business carefully and efficiently attradcdUi. Ornca:- On Webster Street, one door north of Garber's Store, UKI) CLOUD, NEn. ffl x. Tf.V? X.SAIt..': AS. 'TK ?efiroV-;-?.C ?&3i J" . .bKVfl '.VVJ' TTiy.' ,,r-r .o'- .v.w-vi; numic in iouw. That this medicine has ben UQ P d for 35 years in O Li private practice, W Wi in all diseases o 1 the throat $j and lungs, is the greatest fell OO rCfJ reoom- A im. UBS I-1-II men da tion this Balsam can have niven it. Tut before the . - - ub a mm .UUNTAin rricc 2sc coc nntl Si. Sample Bot- ;"'; COUGH rWA cists lecp it for sale. We, sSK below, guaranteeit through V our DAIQAU Bi A ent. " W r m .- . .. rfA. '. Iy Braeisesi, , Vi-5 KiiiMi City, Mo. Go to the reliable and well-known drug stand of K. K. Sheror Keil Cloud, mid buv a ei bottle. If after using two-thirds, von get no relief, return the balance and get your money back. AW. J. S. GILHAM, A TTOHNEY AND COUNSELOR. AT L r. Office one door north of Kulry Bro. KED CLOUD. - NEBRASKA. E. CIlAWLgT. N.H.Thoim. Hawley & Thorpe, A TTOBNEYS & COUNSELORS AT LAW. Office: Over Mc EaYland's store. BED CLOUD, KEB. 1 , Samuel West DEALER IN Tobacco, Cigars, CONFECTIONERY. CANNED FRUITS, FRESH FRUITS, CRACKERS, CHEESE, ORANGES, LEMONS. AND A FULL LINE OF FANCY Laird & Smith, attoiineyb and counselors at law. Hastings, - Nebraska. Will rractice in all the Court of the State. Prompt attention given to all busineM "trusted to hia care. juiyi-i We learn by a Kansas exchange that Jim Humphrey, editor of the Bellville Telescope, shot and killed Dr. Woodward at Scandia, Kan. last week. The quarrel grew out of the county seat fight in Republic county. It is now claimed that the man cap tured by sheriff Killan, of Hall county, last week, is not one of the notorious Williams brothers, as was supposed. Wc could hardly bring ourself to believe that one of those notorious out-laws could be so easily captured. Mrs. Campbell, wife of the founder of the Christian church, is 80 years of age. Her hair is as black and her eyes as bright as in her youth. She is engaged in writing a volume of reminiscences of her husband. The book will undoubtedly have a large sale. inil n. wliito man ridinir a sorrel horse minutes was hanging from rode up near the prisoner, and before ient limb near tho court house. Our" any of the guards could interfere, he cjtirons deprecate the action of the fired into the van. and then rode off powerless to reUt. in a northwesterly direction, the "' u i . i guard Mid the vj iUelf pursuing ine mauer was ctiucimy w.. him. Gluteal! received a Hesh wound and skillfully carried out. After the in the arm. The van was guarded by i,ang the'erowd dispersed in good a detachment of mounted police, who , d U3Uaiv qu;ct village pursuaded the assailant, aca)nimpan-jorUcr' anu.our "! ,, ' ,q '" . !.;,! hi. tbft van. The cuard were shows no signs of the fearful cxcite- afraid to leave tho van, so they took it meiit that prevailed during the day. with tlmm in the nit rs int. luw made their gait necessarily slow, and the assailant, who was well mounted, gained on them. After following the assailant some distance, mu Ruaiu u Police abandoned the pursuit, and he 1 S,. . .... .... ..I.rv4 Sat 1A nas csaipeu. uuueuu was onut ... " forearm, but it is only a ilesh wound, j He was terribly frightened when he got to the jail. He said to the ollicera in charge of the guard, "Tell Detective Vass and Marshal Williams that I want a double guard sent down to the jail to take mc up to court Monday morning. Guitcau's wound is very slight, as tho ball struck him after parsing through a panel of the van. Only one policeman and the jail guard were with the van as an escort. The assailant has made good bis escape. No chance for his capture, as public opinion is considerably in his favor. Many express regret that the shot was not fatal. Later advices say that the "Aven ger" has been captured and that his name is Wm. Jones, of Virginia. A subscription has been started to pay the expense of his trial, and f 250 is already signed. THE LATEST NEWS ! The Best and Largest Stock Ready-Ma de ...; U Wm4 4h t v -T.yAf f ) " f r ft. fc. ! . -f Cst Jr4t 9 I 0KTOSEN7ES. J. L. Kai.kt, .Uloon.ini.ton, Scbraika. C. W. Kim. Red Cloud. Neb. KALEY BROS., TT0RNEVS AT LAW Jc REAL ESTATE AI.ENT8. Will practieo in all tho Courts in Nebraska and northern Kanras: collections ..nuni'tly at tended to and correspondence solicited. BSD CLOUD, Nebraska. Also. AkouU for B. A" M, R. B. Lands. A" ELBERT A. HALL ill. D. Physician&Surgeon, RED CLOUD, NEB. Assistant Surzoon B. C- M. H.Jt- R. C Office over John-on A- Creps' dry gods store. B" dence over Perkins & Mitchell's store. I96ui J. HI. MOSENA, M. V. F.CLKCTIC Physician and Surgeon, RED CLOUD. NEB. Will pay special attention to Obstetrics and discasea of women Also general and special surgery. Diseases of tho JJye and Ear. Charges moderate Office over Sherer's Drugstore. Kesidonce 4th house north of school house. 25-l-y Tnere is a young lady in Sandusky, O Miss Fanny Mills who has the biggest feet in the United States, her right foot being 22 inches long, and the left 19 inches. She wears a 27 J shoe, the largest ever made in this or. Dcrbaos. in any other country. Ex. T'would be hard for her to "put her foot in it." WfcitGtnirtl Kaoagtr FotUr fcu to Sty oftfcS.fc V. Extensica. John B. Finch, tho temperance ad vocate, has resigned his position aa Worthy Chief Tcmplcr, of the I. O. G. T., and it is surmised that Gen. Bowan, of Juniata, will.be his suc cessor. Ex. It would be a good thing for the I. O. G. T. of the state if they were both "fired out." Ax Arkansas man was stricken with paralysis while cursing the Lord for not sending rain, and a Maine deacon was visited the same way while praying for rain. And tho Boston Post has come to the safe conclusion that it is best not to put in your oar on the rain question anyway, but let the Lord run it to suit himself. 4 ALSO A FIKST CLASS Ice Cream Parlor, Where you can always get a nice dish" of Ice Cream during the Season. A share of the public patronage is respectfully solicited. First door south of "Mitchell & Morhart's. 3? ed Cloud, - - JKkhkaska. For Your LUMBER. DRY LUMBER A SPECIALTY. YHB BEST 12? THR 35AB1S:7 Sold at Lowest lrlce - ,-BY- DR. C. SCHENCK, Pliysician&Surgeon. COWLES, XEBRASKA. Professional calls promptly attended. Office: At reidence near Cowlcs. 8-51 Dr. H. A. Baird, RESIDENTDEUTIST. RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. iur? f We learn by a conversation with a foreman on the B. & M., work in Colo rado that a great many of the men are quitting on account of cold weather and low wages. Ho says that the wages of the men will have to be in creased or some very energetic re cruiting done, else work on tho road will bo practically suspended for the winter. W. H. EICHARDSOff, DEALER IN LIVE STOCK. BED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. iligneit market price paid for hogs tad cattlt. Guide Rock House, J. B. SABIN, Propr, GUIDE ROCK, NEBRASKA. This House has just been refitted and newly furnished throughout. GOOD SAMPLE ROOM for the accommodation of commercial men. 49tf HENEY Faints, Oils, 3 RED Glass, CLOUD Notions, DRUG Wall Paper, STORE. The Lincoln Journal savs that a reporter of the Las Vegas (New Mexico) Optic has had au interview with a retired member of the James brothers' gang of robbers, who sol emnly asserts that Jesse James and a younger brother are engaged in stock raising not ono hundred miles from Las Vegas. "They are prosperous and honest," said this reformed cut throat, "and their greatest desire is to Fiom the Journal. The following extract taken from the Chicairo Tivwx. in recard to the B. fe M, extension may prove inter dsting to tho people of Lincoln: Mr. T. J. Potter, general manager of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy system of lines, returned to this city yesterdy morning, after having spent the greater part of the week in an in spections of the Denver extension. He reports that forty-nine miles of the track have already been laid west ward from Culbertson, Neb., since October 15, when work was first com menced. The work of tracklaying, Mr. Potter further states, is progress ing at the rate of one and a half miles daily, heavy steel rails being placed on a solid road-bed. The route is graded and ready for the tics from the dis tance of about 110 miles, west of the present end, over six hundred teams and a force of several thousand men graders, track-layers, etc., being em nloved in the work of construction. Mr! Potter reports the maxium. grade of the located route from Culbertson all the wav to Denver, a distance of nearlv three hundred miles, at thirty feet to the mile; and that the work of construction, both track laying and grading, will bo prosecuted with dis patch, until the sevcro weather scte in, and at intervals after that time when propituous. It is expected to have the line in operation to Denver by June or July next. No depot facilities have yet been arranged for in Denver, but the present intention of tho man agers is to affect an arrngement whereby the company will jointly, for the next two or three years; occupy the union depot in that city with the Union Pacihc. h Denver k Rio Gninde, and other Colorado roads. American civilization will not toler ate bull fight. Human combaU can onlv be carried out in secrecy, and J even dog and cock fights are under such general condemnation that their occurrence must be apoligizcd for by the pcoplo among whom they are held. Yet there is a spectacle, far moro horrible than any slaugh ter of bulls, more shocking than any pugulistic contest and moro degrading than any dog or cock fight, furnUed and presided over by the majesty of the law itself, upon which the brutal instincts of our people can occasionly feed as ravenously as did the ancient Romans upon the bloody arena in which men and animals were daily slaughtered for their amusement. At the execution of Felix Munshaur, at Frederick, Maryland, eight hundred persons, including a numbor of women, were admitted to witness the terrible scene. At the hanging of Henry Jenkins at Faycttevillc, West Virginia, twenty thousand people were present. "The gallows," says tho account, "was placed so as to give a good view to the pectatora assem bled." We are also told that to pre vent too great boisterousness of the crowd, the Hawknest riflemen were called out. But everything passed otf properly, and the people went home highly satisfied with the entertain ment which the eovernment had fur nished them. If such spectacles in spired respect for the awful sacredness of lifo and the majesty of law, there might bo some excuse for them. But when it simply ministers to a morbid and bruitish appetite, and results in arousing disregard for life, pleasure in suffering, and all tho cruel and murderous propensities which lead to tho commission of capital crimes, such spectacles are as repre hensible in the nineteenth century as wcro those with which the Cmzt amused the degenerate Romans in the first. Journal. CLOTHING A.TSTD DRY-GOODS DR.WfflTTIER f Ever brought to Red Cloud, Selected by and BOUGHT for CASH by 1 J M.OuriMrt. SU I I, i'j in in -ii tin- -A - . ,, l',srti av-tt4 r-- rr !. c? w am p ii . !,- - ()- am'"' t'ilnJ ' HjJ-.iHik. mm tc M to- - t. IARRIACE 1 cm,: t cuii T3r ma u 2S 1 XMR WINE of TAR SN RED CLOUD NEB. o iff 3 1 1 SM MS mmmumwM " h a a ,7 i r- HBf s m r - 5 si r i SP g? 5 ? eS 4 f .2 I l s 3 fe S I'd) ITSF ' -- t-i p. I fc liWIII livo so that their forgiven in heaven.' offenses may be STA&TLIXa SENSATION. O CUKES THOC&A2TOS TKAKLT. APOSmVECSK ForCoMQlis,Coldt IXSl tetiMlMteTTMHcs; cuTMUvsenta: v - ResttnuAaetttt:i stPiguwwrysttai; HHHIItMWiH UMI IVMHVIs A trial of it vlll paava all I we claim JUk Trar ruesM t for Crafc WW I t t For sale bj all SXSWTIICl.lPnp,r Cm mtoBainCiwaafc.1 ATTex. tio L TitftrTlt. Chicago, November 16. A Wash ington special says thatFrank Hatton, who for a week, in the absence of Mr. James, has been acting postmaster general, has taught the bourbons of one small section in Virginia at least that the United States is not to be trifled with. At one of the petty cross roads called Sbackleford, in Queens county, James Goulder has been ap pointed postmaster upon the recom mendation of Senator Mahone. He was a readjuater. On account of that the people of that township conspired to prevent the postmaster from secur ing suitable accommodations for the postoffice, and yesterday he returned his commission to the department, stating that he was neither able to rent a suitable room or obtain a proper site upon which to build, be cause the property holders of Shackle ford had cowibined against him and sworn tfart a readjusler should not be postmaster there. Mr. Goalder, for these reasons, considered it proper to resign. Postmaster-general Hatton did not think it proper that a repre sentative of tke government should be treated h this xmavwr, an4 in exer dse of his authority issued an order discontinuing the veetoflfce, and di recting thai its- feinB be trans ferred tatto nearest office in an ad joining county. The bourbons of anactteibm have thus froeear eat the readjueter postmaster, bat at tke same time they have frosen ot themselves. Chicago, November 16. A myste rious man has been arrested at Kensington, a suburban town, and jailed. He gave several fictitious names and claims to have come from Canada. When searched he was found to have a mass of correspon dence between Charles J. Guitcau and many prominent people throughout the 'country. The correspondence discloses the alleged fact that a wide spread conspiracy existed previous to Garfield's assassi nation and that Guit eau was only one member of the ga'ng who had plotted and planned for months to remove the president. The police of Kensington refuse to give the details of the arrest of the suspi cious character, but have had him safely lodged in jail. Col. Corkhill was communicated with bv telegraph this evening and answered to hold the Krisoner by all means and forward to im the correspondence. It is said that some startling disclosures will be made in the letters when they are made public in Washington at the trial, where ther will arrive on Friday morning. The people at Kensington, which is a small hamlet, are greatly excited over the strange discovery, and threats are freely made to lynch the mystcrio3 stranger before morning. The police are making extra exertions to guard well their prisoner. A special to the Herald from Wash ington thi5 evening: says that the Another Book b7 tadf Toarges. In his Preface to "A Royal Gentle man," which is to be sold by subscrip tion, the author says: "The trouble is that the Northern inan has madu up a South for himself, and, without the least hesitation, criticises any depar ture from the original of his own im agination as untrue to life. After I went South, the contrast between these pre-notions and what I saw of the life around me, impressed mc keenly, and soon became a subject of engrossing interest. "I saw, or thought I saw, that the concious evils of slavery the cruel Insh, the impossible task, ami what ever of opportunity for malice the system gave rise to had been dispro portionately dwelt upon by the anti slavery writers of the North. At the same time, the itnconcious evils of the system those which warped the braiu , and heart of the master ns well as dwarfed the, str of the slave bad !rtfn allowed to drop out of sight. I noticed, too, that these unconcious evils were the very ones which had left thier marks upon character, and that every ono who had been sub mitted to their influences was more or less scarred by them especially the master race; and that these influences were a part of slavery which could not be 'aibolished' " This book was written because its incidents, fn effect, had passed before my eyes with such vividness that I couldnot but write; ii it a picture oj facts. Farther, it does not go nor lead. "A Fool's Errand and The Invisible Emnire" depicts the experience of a Northern Settler in the Southern States during the period of Recon struction. "Bricks without Straw" pictures the conditions and difficulties under which the Freedman is trying to struggle up from darkuess into light: And now "A Rami Gentleman" portrays, in a novel and graphic man aer,jffre characteristic elements, ueyer be fore so clearly analyzed and treated, namely the Southern View of the Rebellion; the Autocratic Slaveholder, standing at the top of the social scale; the Poor White, then lying at the bot tom, but now fast curamug to the higher, levels; the typical Yonng South erner before, during, and since the war, together with his relations personal, social, and legal with the typical Slate Girl of beauty, intelligence, and tubsemicnt refinement, whose charms and virtues are alike tainted by the faint and indistinguishable trace of slave blood in her veins. It is a pic turesque, vivid, and passionate story, and there is that in it which will alt tract the most cultivated and fastidious. It is saidthat Judge Tourgces books Hoseutli&I Bi: Will be graciously parceled out for an equal amount of LEGAL TENDER, in quantities to be named by the purchaser, without regard to RACE, COLOU, RELIGION, rOI.ITICS. AGE, HIZE OR SEX A PERFECT FIT ! And Satisfaction Guaranteed in every in stance. This is the Grandest Opportunity ever offered to clothe yourselves and children without GETTING HUMBUGGED. You can always find just what you arc look ing for at ROSENTHAL BROS. Who h.ive rlothcd more men and bovs, ant made more homes happy in the past five years, than any other parties in the Republican Valley all because Rosenthal Brothers Understand their business; buying their goods for cash and selling for cash, to the great advantage of every customer; NEVER MIS REPRESENTING, but doing business on ACTUAL MERIT. OUR STOCK THIS FALL Is the most complete ever brought to RED CLOUD comprising Everything Worn by Man and Woman. Selected with grout care, with a view to giving our ciitnmcr the mol SOLID, SUBSTANTIAL and NEATEST l'ATTEH5a and LATEST STYLES. FOR the; least money, Our Business and Dress Suits' ARE PARTICULARLY DESIRABLE, And only necd;to be seen to be appreciated. Our stock of Youths' and Children's Suits Is Complete in every Department, oflering attrnrtfon that are seldom ccn outside of the larger cities. OUU SUITS FOR CHILDREN Should be seon. Our stock of . . . Ill A A A nft fr fcn Youth and Children, vt urn ply if m I V Mi I.AKV Immense Ail tho L&tcsl and Nobby lla I W W Vfll w Styles; and They are Cheap this Year. pi A.e felt. m ,.lJtlV an i m w tiff. H v " " W 3 fcs iiWp I-. 4 . Maaawr ltM'4wM) VttlW t . tt iwv KtZXZ 4 diMi1 -. lotVu.llA law .& Dr.JACQ Ti ChMiuil St. C i.l ail. Ma. 4 nu,M W ASm . W, ( r rl l i I . ii n i nHii 4 m,, lnr Xtr Ii1mLm !.'(.. MARRiACCCUIDI D&BUTTS DISPENSARY. kuSsut iT si Ultehtws. It Ut M. It'Ktr rtMcJMt !- . m .r u rii i - Xt f Urk CSrvst tHMa V. - VV. , t . m f MMh K;krf ItM IW "'. ikivr. .fc Myii.n tw 1, , . H.iJ-mt . mitm I iH ami mrtin.u' rf . Nif4' Lm mwm m .. m 'ii ( i Mr ' tMtt .WO"! f .t. -i,. ita. acrt. -o. u .,, nil e lili W :P f SSSSSSSk 'In krm iU! BaC-sa TT ' sVsVsVsVsVsVsVsVsVsVsVa ftlsV l aHlH vlik BsW. Vft'sJ sffl SBll M,, -vdft' Ai'rKrrEE rowia cou8Tcyu coi 4h&- .. sssaBVKr Ail Dlte 9 THROiT, CHEST lXDUTKBl mb mmmmmmwm ! 4 W ilJK'll l?l KwH f ! ! W -f . Valll s tr t 14 g-nlr (ja a TnJC. HXR s4 KTE.lt tK.tltrf !- p'httllr tf f4 fiMt Htm'-. BfprHft IMt. fO M. If 9fW I Ilvseiif h al Bv0f Stock Of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS And in Gloves and Mittcn., second to none, and crjiuf to anjC found in Cities. U ui UM Diiinmr i H! mM-rd ins stur U ccixh Um U rCl, csftrni h. atat'91. t iMWnsal flVMtw. !V-. U , mh, n, ft -TuJ-U. ROC K 4 MTX rrU Kff 7 l rwrt wppfj.l 4 W cU.w4 m K-nt!ul j.rM rtkU tt. a14 utV. wi" -?. bn Xir iiKUoijrra. oaocv. -; Frt9ts, wiwt iMUI ux." f l flltlTinM I w4 T Krf9f Lmici A t TiU. ROt. iVrl n4e tt rtaxln t lilr ft ?ct np b Qutt 8m litJse. Frlct $1,001 ItirHCarX 4r 91AHXf5l JrrV(n, CHICAGO. ILL. tHM by DHUCC?rr and OtWSAtr PRI6KLY """. " ...... SOTO alleged cause of the rupture between HteisaisrtaS'srK 2s!ijs former expended the entire amount of the contingent fund at their disposal in effort to discover the supposed conspiracy, which has Una accident ally come to light in Kensington. Ifc appears to be the general belief thaCt&eabore'is a ctfnard, and thai there was no conspiracy. - We hare never believed (hat there was any eae connected witfc the assassination nf piMiife.it Garfield eaceai Gtiif Lssay-aarf theyoawlgation af the above while bis trial is going on was doubtless a schesfeef hiis few frieaxle, goUen up BOOTS ! SHOES! sale of 350,000 copses, the most rapid sale in the history of book-jtublbhiogv his no, oi reader? win, we preoici, find "A Ktnml UejUlcmtoMf' the ot powerful and entertaining of the scries. Jkmd thosw who have not yet had the fkasure of reang Jodel Tourgee s rsmaikubfe books will do weft to corameace with "A Royal Gsatissasn," historically the beeiriing of (be series. Thebeok is brilllaBtly aiwstrated. Price $2J, Where taweisMageatfortbeworf,, U will be ser post-paid, esTreceietef p wises At k is to be soli ey svAecnetioa esdy jBooafgesMBfteaMeearjK)teef K.. FerpartieMsMtv uiitmw Weston Hut We also offer for intction and for sale the LARGEST and most COMPLETE Stock of MENS BOOTS arid LADIES SHOES, 'ever shown in Red ClotuL AUnaiO KA ntl Jk.II OWia, vuli ia-. . v... viui.unni,iJuuM and OIL COATS, Legjjins and Caps. FACT, and NO "HUMBUG." All Our Business on the Square Plan, LIVE AND LET LIVE PRICES ! We do not seek! to nwenify our ltsinc by BLOW, but take rXeasm'e' in re ierrinff to oar MANY THOUSAND PATRONS of the pat, FUsam rauoiMber, we are the iiMmmmmr99 EStBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsf m mJ bSbBBBBBBbT BTTTERS T 4Tf9 tern" Mrir iW UT, g-t9 hU. lm me f 4m mttmtry to lr mm BmrnwU f issrwisfi mm. ft Dry Only Exclusive ClmlUiny mmd Go St we im iHedCltmd. That Carrrfes a stock, and can sopolr yorir Htfniedtate waat. As tack, we t respectfully invite your inspection and patronage. ROSENTHAL BROTHERS, lm Urn Bam ommt imim.,. tmm 1inmrmtmtM mmtrmm tmrmtm m0mmtrU. mm riT.fcta Asia MSSSaHSM I amlM i tmymtn mmmt em ns ft ml tfamn tlmm ,wHat,m-4A i U4rmmm4 km mmmmrtgtms' tm mmffmmJ, Gtmmtmmm mmmmmmmwmw JtNOWN AS THE v S0toMS9HHtWMVV0 f$wym1m Jltsf tss4tfc1fftlV fSaS ,7 .a,- jifc-taaJlssitBBtBBBBBBB?atfaaafcsBv astli r altSSSStr MlBMLSBBBlBlsT(lBBBBBBBBBaV rt1&.- fUM"8rH h :'l , m ic- n Wrt 311 State Ssreet, EL im- ---swf-e ' Si ? , J P 1 ti rW 1? -'Vs ,. -xfMkUm;, .S a?7 fc ,r---- -"V '-- l SF5 s9FVjrsr?-55n v-v iQftt ? Sot eleet-EE(L 1 7s . S- T- "V & 9?mBf-' ''"'' ' ' r - ,, - ,t. -:? -?. .,- v i - - "ffOTrHr11 '--1 ' IJ . i ' """ iiwmi'mwi'i' ,iirffttfysiifciiwi'wMniw7i5iyiiiii"nyn' "X-6 &f' A ' - r-