-. &TJa K. - : - i JT; Of. ?r--:K? srit . 5 W " W J W". F - 1 V.i&fc- I rfB'.- . - r -it M " tr -Vv -& . tl- t 7! f . " J -A. :-, " .- k, JBA 3F -. '- -- ' 9 01 4 VK 1 ? k te l t: -51 " -8 l' Moon i Callender, -) DEALERS 1N( General Merchandise, Dry - Goodu, Groceries, Boot A 8Iioc HATS AND CAPS. Drnga, Medieiiiea, Oil Taroishca, Paints Ctc. GLASSW A RB-, QUEEXSWARE, HARDWARE & HARNESS KTC, ETC., ETC. 4 Ml line of every tiling kept m a gen rl sit e, Ht tlie wwfcT cash mocks. Respectfully, Moon & Callender. rGWMU, - NEHRASKA DR. SHEERER, Proprietor of the City Drug Store. AID DIALXB III Drugs- Medicines. Paints Oils and Varnishes, A full Mipply of LAMPS, LAMP SHADES, WICK8, C03IB3IMUHES.&C. Patronage nIYcitpd and thankfully received. -Pifrriptinnn cftrtfolly eopoude(" Oho doer south of (Jnrhcr's storo; RED CLOUD, NEB. R. L. TINKER. .CBwewcor to O. A. Brown.) DEALEIt IN Parlor, Bedroom jktd jtrrcire FURNITURE, Brackets, Chromos, Picture Frames, Mattresses, Etc. G fliis afwavs on hand nnd trimmed on short D'.tioo. 1 lire MJ l tut at anr in thft V.illcv, Uriiitiring ot nil ktntln done promptly and Satijfiirtiiry. Uiui.il Robes nuni-liud at rcnsonablo rates. ilED CLOUD, NEB. Harness By: J. L MILLER, Ktfjf comUntly on hand a full Line of HARNESS, COLL-VRS, SADDLES, IIORSE-BLAXKETS, A'Uiraj. combs, brushes, HARNESS OIL, And everything usually kept in a first alixsa shop. " TWO'DOORS SOUTH OF THE BANK. HitHig&Kt Gu& Frica ?l& for Hidi; asi Furs. Flour & Feed. STORE,. CHAS. E. PUTNAM, Prop. DEA'LER IN FJL.OTTR FEED rsTS, Meal, Bran CHoppul Feedasd- GROCERUiS,. Vtoit tnHedXnoBd Gnicery. FodI'ro Uion store when ynn wum supplies for man or ba. liiKheot market prire in caih iwiip for train All kind ofofiuntrr 1'iodur tnken n exchange far cihIii. UiioJi delivered tb all pnrU vt WW& fre ! clursv- Sinre ruth f Uced' rio Factary. Red Cloud, - Nebraska. (i The: Proof of the Puddingfsinthe Eating." X Shop, j Ybu have onfy to call - on us- and we can easi- I ly convince you that T?e do sell HARD WAR E A little BELOW the ao-called 'Bed rockpri- ces" advertised by other firms. . -"!- . ' : - islv 5 PerRins. ir-sw - rwi THE CHIEF. LOCAL MATTERS. THURSDAY N'OV. 17, im. Local udvcrtiimrni intrtal amnmg the mutiny mutter triU be charged I Ora., a line tacJi ituierlion. Ilcnrv Cook's for Paint. Hoods, Flannels nnd needle work; home manufacture, at Xewhocskh. Lead and Oih, at Hkxry Cook's. Ked Cloud precinct jkvc B.ivha a majority of 78 votes. AH kinds of building material at the Chicasa Lumber Yard. Bargains in LadicH Knit Underwear, M8, F0VLEtt. at Mud and slush, t-lush and mud, last ;vecS: and the fore part of this. Silk, riuh and Bonnets, at Beaver haU and Mm;. Fouleu'ij. Now let the hatulmta be buried with the handle htickin out. School supplies of all kind.s at Hen ry Cook's Ked Cloud Drfi" Store. Mr. Brauard, of Iowa, a brother to Mrs. Lutz, was in town a few days last w eck. The weekly arrival of goods rttll continues, at Niw. Fowler's. Thursday novembcr 24th has been set apart by the governor as a day of Thanksgiving. For nice Fringes and drops Trim Mrs. Fowler's. mings, go to Dr. Hall rejoices because a new All doctor has arrived at his house, doing well. The-latest in Dress, Hats nnd Bon nets to bceen at the Leading Milli nery Store this week. i ... .. -- A large etock of Gcrmantown wool, Zephyrs and btocking yarn, at JMUS. JXEWII0U3ES. Hon. C. H. Van Wyck has our for valaable public docu- thanks ments. The B. &, M. railroad boys voted the straight republican ticket at last Tues day's election. m All wool hoods for sale at Mrs. Nkwhousk's. New gooods in abundance at the Leading Millinery Store 1st door north of the Bank. Gkn J. M. Thayer, of Grand Island, was a caller at the Cwikp offico last Mondav. Franklin square libraries, at Hksry Cook'h. We think that the bolters in this countv have learned a lesson that tliev will not soon forget. A full supply of flannels of all kinds at F. Newhousk's. Almost the entire Republican ticket in Adams county was defeated at the pplls last week.. - Imnerial mixed naint. at the Red Cloud Drug Store. E. K. Conrad who was injured in the fray on Elm creek last Sunday week, is reported as improving. Go to Newhouse's store for dress goods of all kinds. Buckwheat flour. Maple syrup, New Orleans Molasses, Sugar House Drip Syrup and Sorghum for sale at Marsh's. Last Thursday this part of the "foot stool" was visited b' a snow storm a regular blizzard, which lasted i!4 Hours. A. B. Fox, of the Cowles elevator is making arrangements to put in a set of burrs, and will be prepared to grind feed in a short time. This-seems to have been an unusu ally good vcar for independent can- ,. ; . . , ... . m. uuiaies; ouisiue oi tniP county, ino straight ticket was defeated in Frank lih conntv. A Thanksgiving Sinner. . T?ie Ladies Aid Society of the M. E. Church will serve a dinner to the citizens of Red Cloud and vicinity on Thanksgiving day- The proceeds of which to be applied on church debt. A Dime Social will follow in the evening. A more definite notice will be given next week. Bv order of r Committee. A Lost Child! i Aiy ; person reading this card and 'can give information that will find COURTNEY CAltBAUGH. a little hoy that left home the 22d of October and not since been heard of, will re- IievoTi gnef-stricken hither and moth er and will be rewarded for all trouble. He is 12 years old and has dark eyes and hair and the thumb of the left hand off at the first joint. Was dressed in dnrk suit of good: clothes when he left. Telegraph, J. H. Carhaugh, Shannon, Illinois. Headq'rs Garfield Post No. 80" G. A. R. department of Neb: Red Cloud Neb, 'ov. lff-188K There will be special meeting: of Garfield Post No: 80 G. A. R- at? the 'Armory in Red? Cloud on Monday evening Aov. 51st 1881, at 6:30 p. m., sharp. A" full attendance is requested. W. IL Sibohx; 3K BI McNrrr, A'd'j. Post Commander. Hardware at Cost. The hardware store formerly- owned by Holcomb Bros, is nowthe-property of Mr. Converse, of Lincoln,- who is desirous of selling the stock,- at cost and lias placed Mr. A-. Kaley in charge of the storerwho will at all' times be ready to showyou the goods- aL seUjahd to secure the investeiemt of east- them to you at greatly reduced prices. JallatJK!BlcomW;Brp9. old stand wlw iin.need oi iwiyfflg"ia khardware Jlrwow 'fxw'iniuuqwwtuwtrwna .waBsaoifff,. ".rna -" - -MJS-vcin-v'iufiairTaileV aHtBrer .oHiir'- . nrwsf&r tiif t-r-t'pd'o ntoaicsir-a I wr--.- Rex-. J. M. Frj-'c, of Blue Spring is shaking hands with hid old friend in Red Cloud thb week. We owe "Betev' an anologr for allowing her article for the woman' column to be crowded out this week. There will 1h a Sabbath school con cert in the M. E. church next Salhath evening commencing at 7 o'clock. A couecuou 10 am in will be taken up. II a buying a library A law partnership has been formed between E. C. Haw ley and N. 11. Thorpe, under the firm name of Haw ley i Thorpe, They will make a strong legal team. Their office is over McKarlar.d's ptore. Henry Laverty who was arrested on the charge of -tabbing K. K. Conrad, had his preliminary trial at Blue Hill lafct Saturday and was bound over to appear at the next term of court, hi2 bond being placed at $400. The Cmnr office has been crowded with job work, and we get tetribly behind hand with our work during election time, but we hope to catch up within the next week, in the mean time bring along your printing. Jim Laird may or he may not have taken a hand in Webster county poli tico during the recent campaign, but ifwemi-itake not the f.eople of this county have a scathing rebuke laid up for that gentlemen, to be adminis tered when the proper time ar rives. Some of the members of the old ring (recently busted) and their sattel litcs are doing a good deal of swearing at the Chief, attributing their defeat to us. Whatever assistance we may have rendered the people in bringing about the highly satisfactory result of the last election, we feel proud of, but we do not claim that the entire honor of the victory belongs to us. The people did it with their little votes, and we congratulate them. That there could be anyone so dumb as to connect two distinct and difcrcnt locals together and make out of them something that was never in tended, hardly pccms possible, yet it was done last week by some of the in telligent (?) readers of the Chief. Hereafter we will place a dash be tween the local items, and if that is not enough to keep the readers from confounding them we will place the locals so far apart that the mot ma licious cannot, by any stretch of the imagination, make out that they should be connected together. J. A, Tulleys has been defeated in the race for the office of county clerk, and on the 31st day of December next will retire to private life. We have fought Mr. Tulleys, politi cally, for some time, and would have continued to fight him, ?o long as he held an office, because we did not believe that it was for the best inter ests of the county to have Mr. Tulleys in the clerk's office. Whatever we may have said of the gentleman in times past, has been said of him as a public officer and not as a private citizen, and while we were unalterably opposed to him as a pub lic officer, we do not wish to be un derstood as being an enemy to him as a private citizen, and while we court the friendship of no man, we wish to say in conclusion that so far as wo nie concerned there is not a particle of enmity .betjveen Mr. Tulleys and our self. The score has been settled. Wherever he may go or in whatever legitimate business he may engage, the Chief wishes him an abundant success. Feaes ani Good Will. Election is over and the smoke of battle has cleared away, and the par ticipants on both sides of the struggle just ended can return to the paceful avocations of every-day life. Though there has been, we have no doubt, wounds received by some in the late political, fight that time will never heal, let us hide them from view with the adhesive plaster of charity, and in all matters pertaining to the public weal, pull together for the public good. Though we have been divided, politic ally, let us, for a time at least, bury the political hatchet of war and work together for Red Cloud aud her inter ests and for the advancement of the interests of the entire county. Let us show to the balance of the state that though we may be divided politically, we stand as a unit in readi ness to advance by all legitimate means the material interests and de velopement of our county. Steps should be taken to induce men of means to settle in our mfdst. Factor ies should bo established, and once established they would yield a hand some per cent, on the investment. Let the talk of politics and politi cal scalps, for the time being, be hushed, and let hs discuss ways and and means by which our interest as a town and. county may be advanced. Political scalps are very desirable in their time; and- we are somewhat proud of the fact that a- very choice collection has-recently been attached to tHe belttOf too Chief, and we might add that the value of the' collection will boenlianced, in time, by the ad dition of ether top-knots which we are after, and which we will have or follow their owners to their political graves., irrttremean time a year m terveaes whkfrshottl&be spent in a more profitaUeiray; and we are ready and willing to- work with onr late political enctaies in aneSbrt to secure a respectable share of immigration th'at'ir constantly flowing westward, erncapital i Ueereket of the xixi is Zsswz AUsi &t South Side of Republican, November 12th 1851 I. 1 Sefcoor in the peaceful solitood of .. .1 .r t. . . , - . . ..yuunucreireex?aipsin utera with Miranda, ?,ch,, my wife, at my trie and the t m a jnlcn of 'cm up in heep?, I had almo-t forgotten that election day with it turmoil wa., ap- proacnm, wnen l ctU a couple of gen Cry coiniu' down the road in a t - buggy. Tlicy driv v.p to our tater patcli andjutnpiii out shook my hand corjitly and comphuteuted Miranda until she blushinly retired to the kitchen, then j-eein the twin wich hcil bin eaten corn bread v.ith sorghuu onto it and afterwards rolin in the dirt, one of them aid, "Oh, you vccet little deers come hero til I ki- you," and he actooly took them young ones into hid arms an' permitted them to muss his immaculate rhirt bosom while he kied their dirty faces, and from thct moment I knowed he war a candidate. Tother feller seemed to be the finan cial agent of the inatitushen, he said, says he: "Mr. Bradley, you hqvc been rec ommended to me as a iutisllic nt and diakreet member of thb commoomty, and as such I approach you with a bizness proportion, too-wit- In onler to perpetoo.Ue the present dynasty in Webster county it i- nece5.iry that we enli.-t in our coz a certain number of intelligent and liberal minded tiller. of the soil, sich as you, an' we will pay you for your inilooence." An, he ahowd mo greenbax. I told 'cm I wood see 'em in town the follcrin mornin an' hurried into the house to consult with Miranda she's my right bower, Miranda is, my ark of refooge, so to speak. Well I ktim to town the follerin day and the firet man I drapped onto was a man who had been tempted of the devil, scriptoorly spcakin. In other words he had been offered greenbax, like myself. The only diference be twixt this man and myself was the fack thct he had sckoored the green and I hedn't. This man also pinled out to me six other men made after God's own image who had recccvcd some of the hiker and who, each and every one declared their intention to vote tulhcr way. This pcccc of information put a ijee into my bed and I immcjetly re tired behind a cow-shed and reasoned ihusly: "If I sell my vote and deliver the goods on election day it is unhoncra ble, but if I sekoor the greenbax and fail to deliver the goods, then there is no sale and I hcv, like Ciezar's wife, preserved my virchoo and am thct much abed." This reasonin was satisfactory to my conshence. espechaly when I rec ollected the passage of Scriptoor wieh Miranda red to me tuthcr night wieh says: "Be ye on the lookout for the good things of thiaycarth, and let not thy chancas slip, but wen n good thing is held out to the do thou put forth thy hand and take it." And I immcjetly went forth to look for the finaushal agent, thct I might put forth my hand and take the greenbax thct the Lord and the dye nasty intended I should hev. Aud I got 'cm. But how I voted will always remain a sakred secret, sokoorly locked in the inmost recesses of my bosom aud thet of Miranda. This was about a week before elec tion. I bought Miranda a new calikcr dress an' some duds for the twins an' after sequestering a demijon of good old Kentucky rye in the wagon for private peional sack ri mental pur poses, went joyfully hum. From thet time until after election I was constantly in town during the day in attendance upon the private cor cusses and at hum in bed with my boots on during a pait of most of the night, Whiskce was free, in behalf of the dye nasty, at one of the saloons in Red Cloud, and between thct and my private demijon at hum I man aged to maintain-a state of cxhubcr ant hilarity seldom equaled and never excelled. And all that the dye nasty might be perpetooatcd, and thct the fat might grow fatter and the lean grow leaner. There wuz some very fine political jobs put up in wieh I took a promi nent part, and in wieh the nose with a little man ahind it, of wieh I hev hed occashun to speak afore, also took a conspicus part on the other side, dad gast him. The day after election I came to town (havin been conveyed hum sometime durin the night previous by a kind hearted neighbor) to find out whose tale bed been pounded, an' lo it wuz our'n. But I hed the greenbax. As we wuz walkiu up the street. Miranda an' the twins an' I, an' little Adolphus wuz ahed Adolphus is one of the twins you see, he's a boy, the other is a girl, you know Adolphus is the oldest, I never could tell any dif erence in their ages, but Miranda and the doctor says that Adolphus is tol erably the oldest well as I wer eayin, Adolphus was walkin ahed wen a small boy kum up to him an' says, says he; "How much did your pa get lor his vote yesterday." Adolphu3 looked enquirinly at me an' sod- he didn't know. X her alwas made it a rule-to keep finanshal matters from my children, especially about ejection time:- Their little minds oughn't to be worried with such things and then it isn't always prudent to let children know everything. Well when Adolphus told the boy thet his-pa didn't get anythinf for his t- . ay he; "Well, xny pa gei three dol lars for bis voio." And they mv thai children and foobi a1a! toll the trpoth." J farm got a Uitc of potiticM an ihr cimjuhtu iuxtiric I X am Iwtli w re- oom agricultural penoou. bet hot to ,io it. Ian, toofcin hopMc Wd, lwnomm to the lim w?n' dmKl,or election approach'. I kin almo-t mon .ho UtlIf, fMlm , ... , ,. , , v .-... .-... .. vv WV it ux in tio tmniupi foxhor. 1 arn eager for the fray an' the intr quiziu. Hopefully youni, Jo;ti.ii Bc.uh.ey. I. S. I am trytn to jiruVktl upon Miranda to give her coiwnt to mort gagin the fnrm, v.ott we will move to town, ostensibly to eddieatc the twin, but in reality to be where mv twtiiicci! services kin bo instantly sekoored in J. II. case of emergency, Sepot cftis Sei am.. Fit- c-v..'. . v. ICC' Lnrolltucnt, A v., Alt. Primary, 41 19 C3 153 Intermediate, High School, Total. 51 20G 1 Cool of Honor. I'upiLs whose attenduuev, diligence and deportment entitle thorn to a grade of M or over. Primary, Charley M itchell, Dickson, Allies Pone, Charley Eddio Nice, Anna . Brtie Tlioma, Lou Van Dyko, Herd, Cora Cline, Irene Cline, Minnie Moon, Intermciliate, Diilard Betlfonl. Hugh Miner, Moutiu Tulley, Ka Bayha, Addic Reiglc, Katie Keigle, Ktella Weber, Mary Miner, Carrie McBride, Belle Thomi5on. High School, Louis Kenney, Mar shall Koby, Bobbie Potter, Lee Tinker, Ray Becker, Willie Wt, Mattie Fris hie, Lena Jonc, Ktta Leach, Kva Muusell, Carrie Newhonm;, Jcie Warren, Be"io Walker, Vina Lindsey, Barbara Ncwhoue, Lulu Warner, Flora Coykendall, Laura Baird. Names omitted la-it month. Carrie Ncwhouse, Eva Munsel. A. L. Ft'NK, Principal Mi.s Minnie Kimiiam., Ass'tx. MlbS MOLUE DlCKENsO Keeping-Pigs in Tern. We have tried the experiment f keeping pigs, with a very decide I result, and as wc have been impor tuned by uumernu friends who con template embaiking in the enterprise, to give said result for their benefit, wc cheerfully do so. In the early summer wc purchased for the sum of $1.7.1 two pigs which were each about the m.c of a quart bottle, and thoc pigs have harrascd js day and night ever since. Wehavejuxt finished figuring up the amount those swine have cost u. ! and the result, wc confess, startles u We give the figures below, and they nay figures don't lie: First cost of porkers, Cotofsty, Corn meal for swill, Ground feed, Sulpher to clean-e their blood Coin, ... Advertising for corn. Feeding and rare of swine. Total amount of mental difra-s and misery occasioned bysuitie; $1 75 0 50 3 7f J Ml 1 05 8 CO J (K) 8 (Hi SOiKMX), put down at 7 50 II 00 $itU y.i G 00 Amount of damage done by Total cost of the little cuc-', Net cash value " " Balance on wrong side of lodger, - - $41 95 The above figures are accurate, and are given for the benefit of our friends who desire to engage in pork raising, and we would suggest for the benefit of such, and more especially for our benefit, that our pigs are for sale cheap. You can try the experiment with them, they arc small yet, thev , have'nt grown any to hurt them in the hist six montlis, and then they arc tough jut the kind to experiment with. Call early, they are fast redu cing us from a state of opulence to penury nnd want. Yes, we have deci ded to sell those swine, as a stock feeder we are not a success, we would rather mako our money in som e other way. Special Notices. oticei-in this column will bo charged 5 cents a line each week. Shogo Flour for sale at Ronv's. Headquarters for flour r.t Putnam's Flotir and Feed Store. A full stock of iron and wood pumps, at Mitchell &. Mohhart. 4-tf W. B. Roby has the largest stock of Fancy Groceries, Confections, kc, in the valley. Go to Roby's and he will show you Daylight-Oil;" it burns longer givcTs a better light and b nm-rpforc. 1 1-tf For Sale: 1C0 acres of land 7 miles sonth-west of Retl Cloud, partly under cultivation. Timber and water. Apply at tins ofiicc. Smith Brothers announce still an other important reduction in rate of interest oa timo loans. Simight nine percent annual interest. Call at the Bank and leave your application. 40tf- $50,000 To Loan On Real Estate security, at 9 per cent, annual interest. No commis sions, at The Webster County Bank, Red Cloud. JO-tf MONEY TO LOAN! On Real Esla te, at the lowest rate interest, by A. A. Pope, 15-tf Red Cloud Neb. of YE1L0T COTTOarWOC ' 23. (Froas Misasut c) On hacdt and- re delirer, 500.000 Yellow Cbtt .ungs, 1 3 to 30 ic6S high. J SBd orders to- imiw YMr cot loft ? tkr tkMatt of Dr. MArlan lnz yrut . few & aso. V hare jwJd t all, stnd H h ctren uivctil aUtctWwi, We fun wrniincnl it a p?otI cewth remedy W d. 7Mlrt A CV. (JcrJHAJriu n. O 7 Per Cent. Money to Loan ! M.tftcy u wove uu ith m atvtl rp ttnui, r m dctIel L:ul at 7 pvr csftt . j ana i z per rctiL .titnxrMm ir at rashi 3 pr cwnt. in xjMtui.utn J U WitxiijX. Office c J t jloor U Ckrf ot&v 3oit COAL! C0AL!f NIT COAL KA.VGE IMAU FOUT.iXTT V).Ifc CUM IiKKlaSI) tX).l WIUTKBltT CiUU For .-ale at the ("kiouo LumUir Yard, Bed Ciou.l Nob. For Sale. In ivalk, WeUtcr Co. Nob. Nev. 2, 1SU I 5hnt Horn Bull. J vear uM wtl 'tali-r The 1k: "bull in th 1th Ptal-re The Ik?: bull in the county 3oU gl Wether, W V.wf aixl Imb l TliortHih hcwl Poltu-China Boar I j.ur of work iMmy, 2 1 cwt. 3 steer. 2 year old. I Pair 3 year old teon broke work. Yqt cu-h or on timo. 13-W-3 II. Su.venos to Public Sale. I, thnuiuler-igned, will mU at public ?nle. about -tx miles ouih-wet of Bed Clout!, on outh Mde of the river, on the iihioe known an thi M:nwi1! f.irm on Wednesday November 30th, 1SS1, commencing "at 10 o'clock, a. m. the following described property, to-wit: li cow.-, and one calf 6 yearling steer", 3 yearling hetfor, 5 uprtng calves, CO head of spring hout, 2 work hnr.e, and 1 yearling colt, 1 double--et of harness, 1 Milky stirring plow, 1 double harrow, 1 new mower, 1 new wagon, 1 corn cultivator, 35 tons of hay, com, in the crib ami omo wheat and other things to numcroti to men tion. Toms of Su.n All aounts of 15 and lev, ca.-di. All over 5, three month- time will beghen. with approved se en rity. (.!. W. Hitmmei., Administrator John Stoiiakd, Auctioneer. Money To Loan On IIe.il Ivta?e. in Welter and ad joining countic at the trv 1 ct rates It will jtay every farmer who think1 of h rr win; money, l ee me beftro making arrangements with any other party. No expense to the borrower no tediou- delay no dealing with eatcrn parties no application foe, bonus or commission no fee for making or recording papers or taking acknowl edgements no advance or cemi-an-uual interest, and no iutcreM until inonev is actually in hand. Call upon or address It. A SlMlSON 3Stf Loan Broker. Blue Hill, Neb. Final Proof Xo flees. Lan.U'Cleet IlketnitJKton. Neb Nor 12. 1S1. Nttic U hrxrbr tlvtn tht tb Mllng n srrif'l jcttlrr ha filrtl Miltrr nf ht rktentlun to tnaVr f.r.al iruof in fut'port uf huoNltn nH 1 thit faid rrnjf will be in a. In tfr Clnk f , IH'trtrt Oinrt Welxter C.untr t Kr,l CIouJ I Ncl.. on S"turtl December 17. ljSl Tit. Pr. n..No Ci"2forthrfK jurtw er. 13 J tuta 2a rr.c l.w. II narri lh f;!owint j wimn'jM to prove b'u ctitit nnou r?i'tenc otxio. xn'l ritltiratmn off 11 liml tit. Groxf hioTton Ttiotna l.uerton. thr'e II. fottvr, lh"m KvvJ. a! of Ke t Clnu'l Nb. novlTuooi:; c?. W SWirZEK. P.rliier. Lan'l Once at Otoratocton Neb. Nor. 12. 1MI. Notice i hcrcbr ttTrn that th folloarltiv I OAtne-1 rtvlrr bu fif'i nntiee ofhii intentioo lo tuike 5ml ro! in niT'Oft of nit elaitn an4 t ntcCuiil entry thereof before tb clrk of ItiM.ocrt in We biter county at bit office u Itel CJtal Neb. on .Sttortay Drs. 17, ISSI. tli: HMNo li0 for the N Kqtiirter pc V) town raiicn lr lie name; tbe follnaltig U tirt t j prute h!i etn'maou reoJenen nfon. nJ caItiT4iio3 of m1 Unl rii- ilirltm W. ljrK. FItt Tu'tle. Nelton iUrtiet. John McCllemll of WeUt Neb novl'Jeci; S W'.biVITZF.I'.. Uecittrr. LanfiQ&ceal Hloominston Neb.Kor., 4. 1)41. Notice is befby sTn tbU the followlnc natnrxl if. tier bai fileil noti' of hl ialentioa to aiake Coal t roof in t urtort of hi tUim. an'l e enre dial entry thereof, before the Clrk of tbe (V-jtt W eh,ter t oonty Neb . at bi oSco la Kcl Cload Neb.. on'.Fn lay Dec?. 1S5I. rit: Stxto 11. ROBKftTMr. HJ No. 37C7for the mnth-wett jartr ei town2nraoce lOw. He name tbe follewinc witnee to prove bi eootinqoat re-l"c uon and cultivation of taiJ lanJ. tji: Warren . Iial, Nel.on HurJ, Henry A. MeCane, lid- win I. .VcUaneallorUcICIoul Nh. novlOJecS S. W.SWITZKR. I'.etMer. Land Ofileo at Uloomintlon.'Neb. Nor . 4. ISSI. Notice it hereby riven lhat tbe folloFinc earned tettler hat fileJ ootire of bit intention to make final proof in tnpport of bit elata, and Ibat taid proof will be made be for Clrrk bit tnct Court Webtter County at Hed Cloud h'tb. on Saturday Pecesber 10 IS!. Biob W. SniattT. II M No. fi919 for the vouth-wett natrte-- ne. t towa3n ranje &w. Ho Dime th followicg witnestet to prpre hit cantinaoat rnileace upon and cultivation of aid taai viz: John A. r'mitb of rhomatvilte Neb., Jotbua rleltoa of Dine Hill Neb . John K. Robineos of rbosae viile Neb. . Arthur A. Pope of Bed Cloud Neb. novlOdecf .V. W. tfWiTZEK. Ret itter. Laad Ofiee at Oloomineton Ntb.. Oct.. 31. 1K1. Notice U hereby riven that the followicj naraed tetUer ha filed notice of bit intestioa t make final proof in tupDort of bit ctaisa. and tbattaid proof will be taade before Clerk of llutnrt Court at Ked Cloud reb.. oa Saturday December 10. lkSl, vie LcTHta L- Live n'dNo.SlOSfortbetwfJrtKi'irw otarter nw quarter an quarter c. ZK town 1b rasre 9w. He namei the followisc witaeaaee to prove hit contisuou reeidence upon and cultivation of taid Und viz: Georce Pool, John Strtton. Henry Cowley. Andrew M. Hardy all of Guide Rock Neb. novlodert S. W. SWITZKR. Reg iter. Lard OEce at Blooalcfton 5eb Oct.. 21. 1M1. Notice it hereby riveo that tbe following nsxsrd rettler hJ fili notice cf hi icteation to cake SsaJ pnnfla fupport of hit clsia.and eecure fiaat entry thereof, before tie Clerk of Uutrict Court, in W.brtereeonty t bit oCe in Uci Clou J Nebraika oa bctariay beeaber IQ'Ji.lSil. vit Lccrot.9 Sbcls. H'd JVo.C$for theoe:f iec.2 town ta range llw. He naaee tbe fcllovkg wttseee to prove nu eontinuoue redee anon and eel tiration of aaid land vix: Icaac May. Jmw Turner. Jartin Hatfield, C&arlee Ssaeertabel all of ffine Hill Neb. novlodeoS S. W.STriTZER. Rrgiater. Lard OSee at fcloomlngton. Neb. Oct. 22. U91. Notice b hereby gilven taat the f Sew Jag named tettler hx sled notice of hie inteto to sake final proof in tuppert cf nie claJss. and secure fisal ertar tkereoi before tbe Clerk of Wrtrirt Court ia ITefafter CpnBty Re4 Cloud Neb C3tnrday0r- Ztk.UKL tjc It Fue. GcrrJIxa of Minor Heireef Join ?ma dce'd. h'd entry So. 319 for tae )ri u?A neJi eefl and eii neK - M wa 2 range 9w. lie same the following vihsereee to prove ku cextlnnoci residences pes. nnd ewltivatiea of tid land rix. Jacob Kin4car. Jaeeb Porta ler. IJk Heitzaan. ZaekarUlr Crsatoa. all of GviAo octSso vll 8. W. SWITZEX. Kegkter. LEGAL SOTICE. J en kin Dari will fealre aoHc taat oa tie 26ti day f Oeiober 1SS1. J- O. Serteas. ajt? cf lie ptae ef PeUdaam 7vetBS Wrbrttr eomtr"SertJto.iaur4 an rter of aeaaeft asat&rMerc&avrkk iaUreet at tea pereest. uua f rw igil . IJW. Ia f aetios pe4iB Ulere Ma jvWreu tfrtt A Uescea arc alaaaUSi aa Jmkn Dang U defeaaaas; . .. v Taatmitny itty ttxrm alvw.aaarckcati timer mm twtaa ' '.aa aaa aWltta f Timifcer MH.j taaefcer trXiia Meat Market xtx Ktxwor Hl:, Stu.R hM ALVrA'i'SOKHASD. Moshcr's old Stand, Chicago Lumber Yard; i Rod Cloud. IVTobraoka. aeawawaaaapeaaneeaT akBwwawawaa yard scnrrii ok imrrfos nt.cK?rmf RHm. as x .u. it Keep coniUntlv on hand an aworimmt f l4iB!r-UK !. ! Wmdee, Ijmc. IIr, imii lttcr, Mm Wmk ! Kit Vu Ki S-HtHt PLATT GoTo W. Staple a Fancy Grocerie -THK TOBAC5C & CIOAISS IN TOWN .Um Choice Nuts Fruits & Confections. Frawh Fruit and YrgrtabU Sold REMOVAL FROM CHICAGO TO Immense Stock MARSH com:e ! COME! 188f: SPANOGLE&FUNK, , HEADQUARTERS FOR AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Two Doors South of Bank, KED CLOUD, - .TSTlDBltASK A. aAW w .rWs: zrrr ILO. I - j U nfi ,su 23tila.xc YOUR A h GrtlAST' SteQW 4. ril. rCJ m IK v-- Wi m jv tV V yj KX & t5 ls TO -X nsearaixc to AM i& Cos7ne F. H CORE i a m i z t ."? -'.' aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaalaaaaan & ! M.m is: aaalZ. faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW 1 .--aaaaW aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw aaaual f j JR1 49IfnB&K W i arlaaaaVJllPeK)aWfaaWr?BaaKpt;V V- V aV 1i&Z- -i-" aaLaaaaaaawHBaw M M&tl V . aaaaaaaaaa nannamnLjipB'" aiaaBeaaawaaaBenBaBwaiRapJs e Red Cloud, Ncbr.ka, is: FRKKS. Propriccor. B. ROBY'S roii- s, IIKST- on Comnii.uii ItFD Clot D. Nl.lt RED CLOUD AN- of Dry Goods ITos Thorn.' COM E, H JAtoV S e. EH7$ r M. x . l ". " C - ' " ?i - Mj to, r- 3f-'A IS -A v - ' - f Czrr at WaeV w- Jeweler Red 'Clouds 9 1 1 WS-LamrNN- K 1 ri w -t --n - ," ' . jtmzr . ,et .si. .i - .-- . s a i - -m -..- -, ,. -w , Sj-iC : -?5--rw "J .vs-z.'si-zzsssa i", Cirtr S0" si-, y-v SSK'fSk - .. "t . . v- . 5? ' L- ,vaS."i -5K?-W:-. .", "WtjS' -SO-iSi. -4 A' wy - ' j,-vrrftta&Kz. --t-- -.i ' , ..-Mv-s ; .--v &-: C . . j-CJ', k. - t...T -t - r t T-!ijir m- . av-. t s. -r f. - KZ- -rz-J . . J raj" . ' - "i 7" T " - r - . it: -?.ir33Sr!?i .-??5iWrdcir. -.-. -sa-Ja-agagg-a?.T . f" - ' - -.. a.- -9rmax44-:--iK -,