'Ka?-?-''' - si-:-?5 T Fi iv. -?""" rW - 4i .'J:- 1 iV"'--".MI ) ' 1 MftS . '"'u- V?j avf --Sfe. . .-- - S-,t - ifg. - J Tfc, . vvv J -. -? JWWHpywp !9Wi mt-ov - .Hsfcsst 3 $&vfcMt - 6fv W i "r -it T irgull iiender, )EAI.r.IW ix( General Merchandise, Iry - Cooils, IMT A.D CAP Drugs, HaTc-clsciiirN, IPiiliijJs "Eta. O L ASS W A H E, QlT E EX-nA HE, HARDWARE & HARNESS etc., etc. etc. A i line of everything kept In a uon- tiinl stole, sit the I-"V. IT CAaiX I'lUCKS. Ht-l-c- tfully. Kcon & Callender. i-owli, - nkihi.'.sk.x "DR- SHEEEE, Proprietor of tlio Oily Drug AHD DEALER IK- Drugs? firledicines. Paints- Gi3s and Varnishes, A full j-tipply ff LAMPS, LAMP SIIADKS, WICKS, COMKSIJnUSIIICSC. ralronapc solicited and thnnlif!ly received. Prc:criitirins carefully coinioutied"&4 One tloor houili of (.'-niter a store, KEH CLOUD, XEB. R. jl. TTITKER. (Succezsor to O. A. Brown.) DCAi.r.n in Parior, Bedroom AKD KirC'HKN' FURNITUR 1 Brackets, Ciiro.mos, Picture Frames, Mattresses, Ivrc. C fii f always on hand and titnmHlpnn lnut n tire. I'rice . low? any in the Valley. Rejiairing ot all kind done i-rmnply and Hatifl'actoiy. Buriiil Kubes Airnisht-tl .it reasonable mttM. KED CLOUD, - - - XEIJ Harnsss Sho & ov- J. L. M3LLER, Ket-p ci-x:f tni:tly on band :i full lino of iiaknesK collars, saddles. iioksk-p.lankets, whips, co.miw, brushes iiatjxess oil, And evcrytiiinir usually kept in a first class shop. two noons north of the rank. The Highest Ch Fries Paid for Hi-It' and Fzrc. Flour & Feed STORE, CHAS. E. PUT1TAM, Frop. DEA'CER IN FLOUR. IPEED Corn, Meal. Bran Cboiipod Feod and GROCERIES, Viisil the lied Cloud Grocery, Feed and Pro vision sturo when you warn tui plies for man or bea5t. ltit;hest market nripe in cafh pail' for irrain All kinds ofrounlrv irodure t-ikcn sn exchangfl for ci'xlf. CuuJi delivered to all parts of town frco -f fbarec. St're fnuih of Heed's PIor Facinry. Red Cloud, Nebraska. . rhe Proof of the P udding is in the Eating.' i You have only to call on. us and we can easi ly convince you that we do sell HARDWARE ' A little BELOW the so-called "Bed rock pri ces' advertised by other SfV -flrrns. Besfey& Perkins, lYtalGai ''1 " a i a !! mipa THE CHIEF. LOCAL MATTERS. th r si)A y now "a. isi7" R. V. R- R. Time Taltln. T-VJnsr effect Sun.lsjr. Oct IT. I'M. Eaptwanl Iff user trr.......... J.rriT-? rrcfvLt l..... ..... " arrive..... .... Wotwnrd .lecow Irnrr ....... ...... arrive" EASTERN DIVISION. EsrttTard .'.revm. Jmirr..... ..... ' " arrivM-...-.... 5 X' V. w. 9:IOx in, S 0 . ni, S t 1. n. 0;.SfJ. inj .J. 1 . - r t Fl . W. If iLiio-ior. A. K. Tnrm.rx. a- Surs-rintcnilent. ten'I. Matiaer. S. .. rl lOa.tn.. r.nil rr'acliirr by the " tor fr-rj-libljah morning ari'l evrr.!n. p i'mj-cr mrtnir '.fT7 TliutMay evtfjln. Ail arc cordially inritel. f:f.:.GitKr.ATio:AL ciwKcn.Jt Prrarliinz cvrry Crt anl third Sabbajb of '.irb month at 11 n. in. bed r. ru., also on' th. Sabbafli when -vcr it or-ur. I Ailiba'h school vrry Sabbath mornihx nt !" o'clock. I'rayer meeting extry Wedntway i wnmit. J& Loritl wlcerlisiotnitx invrtnt atnonrr the. rcwUny uutllcr will be duirycd 10cs., line each hixerlioit. Henry Cook fur Paint. Lead and Oils, at Hknry Cook's. (Jo to Nfwiiouse! for a nobby hood. 1 1 ca ps of 0 ver-Cofttf a t J. G. Pottkr'3. All wool hoods for fale at Mus. Xewhousk's. . Franklin fqnare libraricy, at Hknry Cook's. "Still they coiiic,' Tho vein yooth at Mns. McilitiDEs. A full supply of llannels of all kinds at " F. Nkwhousk's. Ilondqiinrtcrs for stylish hats and bonnets, at Mrs. McIIhidk'h. The best suits for the money, is to be found at J. (J. Potter's. Imperial mixed paint, at the Ketl Cloud Drug Store. (in to Xewhouse's roods of all kinds. store fur dress Conet.s kid gloves, and all kinds of nice Millinery gootls. at Mrs. McDit ide's. Whitcbreast and Hard coal at Jones it Magoe's Lumber Yard. School supplies of all kinds at Hen ry Cook '3 Red Cloud Dnlg Store. Hoods, Flannels and needle work; home manufacture, at NewhouseV. (Jo to J. G. Potter's if you want to save money by buying your clothing. A good variety of Missscs and Chil drens hats, just received, at Mis. McPiRide's. A large stock of Gerniantown wool, Zephyrs and stocking yarn, at Mrs! Newhoese's. (io to the well known Lumber Yard of Jones Magce, for White breast and Hard coal. T now offer at private sale all my personal property, including hay, live stock, and implements. Six miles south-west of Ued Cloud. Jas. M. White. lied Cloud, Oct. 27, 1SS1. P03B3P23SBNTATIV3. Cloverton, Ner., Xov. ltt 1SS1. To tho voters of Webster County: It having come to my knowledge within the past few days that my name was being used in (liferent parts of the county in connection with the ofiicc of representative; and as many of my friends know that I have- kept entirely out of politics since I became a resident of the county nearly ton years ago have never attended a caucus or a convention thev are in doubt as to my acceptance, if elected. To set at rest this doubt, I make this public announcement: If the voters of the county, select Die as their representative I will accept the trust, and will endeavor to discharge every duly that trust impo ses, in the best light of reason and of conciencc. And 1 may say further, that it will be my pleasure, as I deem it will be 1113 duty, to use my voice and my vote in assisting to so shape legislation as to foster and protect the great farming and productive industries of the state, believing that upon the success of these classes our whole industrial structure rests. Thanking my friends for, perhaps, their too kindly interest, I subscribe myself, M. Wilson. The Farmer's Candidate for Repre sentative, subject to the decision of the voters of Webster county, on Tuesday next. Some of Mr. Hawley's political en emies are making a special light upon that gentleman. His triumphal elec tion would show them that they have ttiken tlie wrong course. Thereby announce mvsclf as an in dependent candidate for the ofiice of county clerk of Welstcr county Neb raska; subject to the decision of the voters of said county at the election next Tuesday. Oliver E. Downs. The undersigned has for sale at itivenon, eomsKa, a nunnren ana twenty head of young cows and two hundred and ilfty young ewes. Ap ply tO' liOBERJ COATKS. Itiverton, Xeb. AOTKJTOCS1BS7. I hereby announce myself as an independent candidate for the office of Superintendent of Public Instruc tion for Webster county Xeb., subject to the approval of the voters at the .November election. E. M". Pearson. ASKOUNCSHSSE I hereby announce myself as an independent candTcfate for the office of Sheriff of Webster county, Xabras ka, subject to the approval of the yoters at the Xovember election. C. F. Kcehn. !; XOTICE. The Republican Central Committee men ot each prcemct in Avebstcr cotvaty.are reauestcd to cull on the chairman of" the committee- at the Chief office and obtuiiv a supply of ucKets-ioT uteir xespeeiivo precxncis.- S-rauh 1 fernich J f craieh the itvkuU sy the Arfftft. Voti the -trwght rptiUiT.n tfeky; at tho toming election. See llifitthc mmc of Jolm P. IJ.tyha M on your ticket and vote it. Lo:5 Albright rcjoicw leciit!!0 a line boy has made his appearance a: biij hou.-c. t Do not be milled by (ah-c representation?-, but vote the straight republi can ticket next Tt:wdy. . Mr. J. JL Heitou returned from Indiana last we"k. He cxprc hirngelfaa Ieing very well t-aiisficd with Xebraska . since his return. . Vote for Edwin C. Hawley for county Judge, a man thoroughly edu cated in the law, one deserving of the office and who will attend to his business. George and John Garbcr departed last Tuesday to spend a few months at Prof. Miller's Mercantile College, at Keokuk Iowa.- The Chief supplied them with half membership tickets to the college. Frank II. Gump was .summoned by telegraph to the bedside of his father, last week, who was lyidg at the point of death at .his home in Ohio. We learn that .Mr. Gump had pased away before his son Frank reached home. How in the name of all that chris tians profess to hold sacred, can ministers of the gospel and church members support for public office men who are so depraved as to look for their heartiest support from the whisky element. Jtcmcmber that a vole for the nomi nees of the republican convention, the straight ticket, means a settling up of the county's affairs and an expose of the fraud perpetrated on the tax-payers when that funding scheme was worked through several years ago. Mr. V. Ih'crbower was nominated unanimously for District Attorney of the 5th Judicial District at the Judi cial convention at Kearney last week. Mr. Dierbowcr has been an effective worker during the time that he has filled the office, and wc consider that the convention did a wise thing in selecting him for another term. A certain individual who is well known in this county has been heard to say that Al. Tulleys mutt be elected county clerk again, and has made the boast that he could" buy the votes of the people of the entire county for $1500. Voters, tax-payers, will you permit this man to control your votes with a few dollars of money ? We opine not. Then go to the polls and say by your votes that Joint P. Ihtyha mud be elected. Mr. M. Wilson of Cloverton an nounces himself in the Chief this week as candidate for representative. Mr. Wilson is an old newspaper man. and a good man for the place, conse quently would receive our hearty support, were he the nominee of the republican party. As it is, wc, of course cannot give him bur support, especially since wc have so good a man on the regular ticket as C. W. Kaley. Tax payers of Webster county, con sider well before casting your votes next Tuesday. If you desire a long list of delinquent taxes; if it is to the welfare of tho county to permit parties to remove from the county with sev eral hundred dollars of unpaid taxes standing against them then vote for Jones the present incumbent. But if you desire honesty and square dealing, promptness and efficiency in office, then vote for Buschow, and the whole Republican ticket. The law required that the Co. Clerk shall in tho discharge of his official duties receive certain specified icps. That these fees be charged is obliga tory and not discretionary. The law also requires that he keep an exact record of theees of his office and that he pay to the Co. Treasurer all k-os in excess of $1,500 per' year. Every time the clerk performs duties 'gratis he defrauds the tax-payers out of that sum. Citizens of Webster county how often has the present incumbent de frauded you? Think of this next Tuesday and vote for Honesty and Rclorm. Temperance men ! Will jou sup port for office men who have their headquarters at a saloon in Itcd Cloud, and who have enlisted in their behalf the whisky clement and em ployed the drunken bummers to .work for their unholy cause? J. A. Tulleys and his clan have done this. If you profess to be temperance men, minis ters of the gospel and christians, then vote and work for John P. Bayha for clerk. He would-scorn to use a dollar illegally or to deal out one single drink of whisky to his fellow man even though he knew it would secure his election. I understand5 that the report is being circulated that I burned the I Democratic party in effigy last fall. That I used a coffin box for that pur pose. I deny the charge and will statcthe faqts. After a public meeting at ths court houso the evening of OcL Hth, at which Mr. Davis and myself were the speakers, a bonfire was kindled in celebration of the Ohio and! Tudiana election. Certain parties procured a coffin-box and carried it to the fire, one of the principals in the transac tion' and who assisted in bearing the box, was the man now opposing me as an independent candidate, and I chal lenge him or any other man to deny that such are the factsi $ make this Statement in.the hope that hereafter my opponent may be made to- assume his own responsibilities, and that no one will seek to make me responsible for his acts. Edwtn C.-Hattlev. (Vote ftr mint for rontity Swpnn fftt?enl tlmt you know h qunlUtei! to jfill the portion cretlttaMr. C. W. ftprinjt-er w the man for the iJnce vote for him. Mr. O. Tt. I)owii, a ftunutr of Wa' ntit Creek orccinrt mik! am nL! s.ulnr of the rcHHity, announces lii name a- a candidate for county derk tht week. Mr. Dowm t. ill no doubt ihH a respectable vote, espociaHy in his own precinct. En. Chief. I wish to ak a fw question sboot our taxes. I find on the a'l-essinent roll of Ketl Cloud pre cinct a number of steers aeesed at SJOOO.GU. 'Htese cattle wen? in tho hands of Win. X. Ittchardson when assessed but were assessed a the prop erty of other parties, Xow Mr. Joucd itnforms us that this tax is un coliectable. Why Is thi., c:ui the peo ple of the county, generally, avoid the payment of their utxes or is it the favored few. Does the fact of Mr. LichartL-ou being a partner of our county clerk invalidate those taxes ? X. In connection with Treasurer Jones' independent candidacy for re-election we have this to say. In Man h 1879 it was provided by statute that ''a county Treasurer shall be ineligible to office for more than two consecutive terms." (Laws of '79, Sec. 10 page IMS.) This law took effect Sept. 1st 1S79, Mr. Jones was in office at that time and finished a term in office after the passage of that law, and after it had taken effect. He is now holding another term which will end next January. Xow as Mr. Jones finished a term after the '79 law went into effect trie law will regard it as a full term and not as part of a term and such wc understand is the opinion of the at torney general of this state, conse quently Mr. Jones having held under the law two consecutive terms he is ineligible to a third. While we are opposed to Mr. Jonas' independent candidacy upon good principles, what we have said is not intended as a per sonal drive at that gentleman but to bring before the minds of the people the fact that they should not throw away their votes by casting them for a candidate who cannot serve, under the law, if elected. If Mr. Jonc3 is elected Treasurer, the only way to settle the matter is by the courts. This will involve the county in an expensive litigation, can we afford it ? Judge Weaver has already said that should such a case come before him he should hold the incumbent inel igible In case of his election his bond will be given as treasurer and not as an individual, and if he is declared by the courts ineligible his bondsmen can not be held as sutitics. It having been ,-0 decided we understand bv the su preme court of this slate. Again, if actions are commenced, and we can foresee very well how and why they will lie, the county will be compelled to defend them for tho county's protec tion. Cast your votes for the regular nominee thus settling these matters at once without expense, and to the peo ple's satisfaction. Tho old shell-bark democrat who published a democratic newspaper in Iowa a few years ago, and who came to this county three years ago to -publish a republican (?) paper in the in terest of a court house ring, for $500, refuses to support the republican ticket which was nominated at the county convention. Mr. Kenncy was heard to say on the street that he would support a part of the indepen dent candidates in prcferancc to the regular nominees. A nice republi can, he is. Nothing better, however, could be expected of a man who' has tagged at the coat tails of John P. Irish in tlte slums of Iowa democracy for twenty years and only turned to be a republican, and a tool, when he saw ;j-5Q0 in it. The actual and necessary expense for the administration of our county affairs are less proportionally than any other county in the state. Why then are county warrants so depreciated and the county so irretrievably in debt ? Is it by the malfeasance of our county officials. The present in cumbent in the treasury department has allowed huudreds of citizens to remove from the countv with a long list of unpaid taxes standing against them, without the IcastNclTort on his part to collect the same. Mr. Zeiss removed to this county in 1S73, and died Jan. 1st, 1SS0; leaving behind him the following list of delin quent taxes for his administrator to pay: Tax for 1S74 $13.60 paid Jan. 14 ISS0. " 1S75 19.31, " ' " " 1S76 16.4- " " " " " 1S77 50.10, " " " 4' " 187S 33.70, " " " " " 1S79 140.20, paid Dec. 27 1SS0. Total, $273.33. Is this a- proper administration of county a flairs ? Does not the law re quire that he shall on the 1st of Xov. of each year proceed to collect by levy and sale all delinquent taxes? A certain firm began business in Red Cloud in 1S78 and closed out their business during the present year. During; all this time they never paid- one cent of taxes. There is now standing against then on the delin quent tax list nearly $300.0&. The count treasurer permitted them to close outr their business without any effort to secure said taxes. These arebut a few instances out of the long list that can be brought against him, and yet this man has the brazen effrontery to bolt a-Republican convention and ask the' intelligent voters-of Webster county to- permit him, to mtsmanage-their busineS3 for anotherternvof two vearsiv ' n mount of KicfeanUNi A Tailv tx wlitln tt; fir,,, Anv.l.1 U..:! L --"-r----;--' - "j " cmiHr m)rt4i(w. tin try no mfM . .!. ... nr.v ,.v... .V .". T.ix-Pir-M .,. Mr. Wjii. X. Kfcksmtoft. tumbt?r ef the firm of i:ichanlon St Tllijr. nl bond center of thu im3p!ttd4nt mK tnoit., and hi.: co-laWcr, Sil Hopper, Use the argument that wkHe Mr. Bay ha is honor and qualified ftr the jo m lion of county clerk; tht h U em ployed by Snmttol GrlHr and work for his interest. If Mr. lUiymt workf for the interest of his employer now will he not wcth for the tntrtst of Webster county if employed by that corporation. Think of thL. Dcu. The prospect for chonp corn for the up town editor's hoga atKl tb down town hog's editor. Brioht The prospect; for the elec tion of Jno. P. Bayha by a larg ma jority. V J. " Ai .'.. Certain sound' dreadful or gloriott aredisturiing the public mind. Tliun ders may rattle and lightning- fUsh, but all well meaning and honest men must fchriuk and turn their course sooner or later from the blinding light that is now being, and has been un folded to the public gaze ut the last few weeks. Burning ngei anil ever verying seasons of sunshine or howl ing storms, thoughts of silence seemed ended only in mysterious conjectures. Our memory is not delighted by re ferring to the corrupt pages of history, which are being written in our county polities, by men, too, who have claim ed to be the beacon light of political fame. Never, perhaps, in the most corrupt history of tho politics in McCoopen county Illinois, Sioux and Lyons counties, Iowa, when the peo ple of those counties had to repudiate their own acts, or rather the acts of other men, in whom they put large trust. Those local and self designing positions in those counties, to carry out their damageing results, did not excel what seems to be doing in this county, by men who are heading and ...I..,......:.. . .1... :. i. i ..-!.. adocatingthc independent tttket to be nro-nntpi! :if tlu i.nlU nn tUn itU f . i"... .. ...v. ... -' November, for its election Yo- ters of Webster county. Are merchandise? Are you upon market to be bought and sold as you the the shipper sells his stock ? Or are you noble and true men, believing that without the aid of ttio shipper's money, (who is warning the people of it and is offering to hot it:) that each of you, within yourselves, hold sacred the greatest privilege, the highet blessing known to human law,! the right of free manhood, tin. right to go to the ballot box and assert your freedom by voting without fear or favor from any man. While it is not our. intention to injure or hurt the person of any man, we believe that it is the duty of every good citizen of this county to protect it. In protect ing the county we protect ourselves, and as we do not wish to injure any one in person, yet we have good rea son to know and believe that one of the candidates who will ask your votes as independent, hits money now staked as a bet in quite a large sum on his own election. Nor ts this all to be told in this cor rupt and independent move by its aspirants and it backers. This same shipper referred to, time and again, in public stores and on the streets of Ked Cloud has offered to bet five hun dred and even two thousand dollars that Mr. Dayha and others of the con vention nominees would bo defeated at the poll4. He has asserted that he could take one thousand dollars and defeat him, (Bayha) and then make a thousand dollars. Ho has further asserted in public that "Bayha and Buschow i im be beaten, it w:is actu ally a case of ncccjiil'j and mast be done." And yet half is not being said con cerning this corrupt and dishonorable move for the independents to be elec ted at the. polls within a few days. And for the protection of their's and his interest. Voters of Webster county, what do all those assertiona mean ? Analyze and solve the prob lem as best you can, but in the name of protection analyze it quickly, do it before the eighth "of November. Doe? any canded man believe for a moment that it is an actual necessity for the people of Webster county that Mr. Tulleys and Jones sltouM and mt4t be elected over men of such excellent qualifications and characters as that of Mr. Bayha and Buschow. Voters, it cannot be true. It may be an actual necessity to certain indepen dents and their bosom friends for their own protection, that Mr. Bayha and Buschow should and must be defeated and Mr. Tulleys and Jones elected. If that be true are we not dutv bound as i a county to protect the masses and j not the few ? who are so willing to bet and spend money for their "necessity" as they call it. Could you who have tilled the soil and borne the hardships of all those past yeara realize that men whom you have respected, are fast turning you into a gambling pooL We know for once and all time vox would assert your rights and forever stay the hand of political corruption. As to ourselves, before wc would sub mit to be the prey of corrupt and design ing men, we would-rather go to-the far off sunset beyond the sound of human voice, where the emblem' of freedom wa3 never unfurled to the breeze; and the ballot box known only as the God of nature implanted it in. the instinct of the small quadruped as he assem ... . ....... f oiea ana congrecated tits little army toi burrow in the ground, there to receive - no welcome visitor exccpt.the snake and the owl.- - uit!iW Lm tr t k.t tfl "iM3mfcllilSi- r tm v.'t N 1 . 4 -" mum . 0rmt.' j .!. I 1 l9f!u'"tmSv "" fWa ..4 a. m - mmff - .. !V4 -' -r- 3 -" ' i w ; ?- 9 v tfcM' r BMMM. Ife4tfc Vll(-k. OS 4 . 3TT s. w am ? ui. Uaarf &SUt ( mm;,mrm jtV. O- . r 1 Nt W ll" S,r.mt tlk fVw. .- ti'-J tfit Lm timt mi mv ( ! mt m mfpmt9t ktmtm I A AaJ in - - - - A- - r - . Wr. mtm mtmomn W Kimw. i ku! r hi Km VlmmmLXm . m tmxtamix X.m. j fcc W. mt. rtc Mi-ttx , VttliA. rll II tfc f-rKl twi t irr kt 4m nt4wmu. enlltrlr, mI m! U4 tn Mi'? Mmn. flMA. mm ItartMB lir.. It ti4 m4 l.fct C. tr. alt : VUt.-S wrLt.iHr . .TXIL. UUv. LmtOmmet mx 'M-lile V CM., i. lJ. .tfin kfnt ' i.V hMrtc. iwta'rsiWsrTa rr tmml entrr me. bm&K (rt -f ifc Pttwt ( K of WMr ? kik Hi ftt Ctml. N'.k.ca HMf4..f .ttuaktr il. ih. n Kr M. Tt. HMrMfT :-.lix.f :' i llt-ru In nr"i v pfnr kit aUM(iwi rw.lrM . D'I u)i Alton mt mwI Ut. 111 1 .V Klwr. IWrMk II. Eor. N'titvr ttortaa ami Rot Ailinnn all ! Il N"K liuaariu ..!. rT( 1 1 tur Kt-dml, Lacl (ffir at Umlac'i ;. O . (lit. IW. .jist&Awzssisi eare fiol catrr tfcerf ll J A T rr rlrrk of .nrt in Kbfttr riy. t KW '.Hkc-tnRM ClouJ r.b.. ou b-taria r h ImI. tit: II 4 141 t"C 1IM .V XX (r the 'i rrc 1 tHwn 5 north I rsnre 12 trt- He mbm th lalUwtec it- nxi iruTe ni rontuiuou rrm- or-n and fulujun nl ,i Unl ru: Nrtaic hr- on. Knut Kricn. CfcrlftUn Hall. Au4rw i-.n (.'an all ot Klrcrtan .fb. orugv3 S. W. SWI TZER, Uter Lanil Office at U!oamlnten Stb et . 4th. IMI. Netlce i hfrebr clvm that th fdllln namcil rttlvr his flvl nutic of h' intiHitMn to mke final proof in nrrt -f 1 rllw. and ure flnal cntrr thrreof btfvr Jrtir A. Tul- ejt, clrk of IiiU. rort of Wbrr rountjr b .at hl re In Itr.1 Clu.l. Neb . n I'd tlajr. Novc&brr lllh. !.!, rlt. ChL Arnold. HM ". 3TT2forthenw', r p. 2 lawn t nerh ranre 10 '. He lunti the f llta wtt Iiruri to nve ho contmu.iu fvirn nin an'l cultlratUn of atil land rlt- JWw ltiltn APrn Skt. Ilanto Arttltik.. Alex Jaiar. .ll nt Rlut llill . octtin-r . U'.SiVirZBIt. UrrHtrr LEGAL XOT1CIL County C-mrt. I Wckilrr Ctuntr. ? ebrailta. I In tht- matter of tL- (tain af IlcnryS. Klr. tlTTrl. Nwtlfo ! krrliy ciron that I Sotr artn.ln t-l in I rt j,prt ttn lt lr of April A. l. i tUim ciint th w ut. aii riitr. f aM ette will taVo 0'itiea ami irrt their eMm. ,., th tvun'y tonrt f aai.tMunt I r Kef rai I April l. lSi nJ ill claimt 1".;. lor tar r-firlh anil lpcnnriiiax r . . IM at mat time prcjntcl ill l far liarrt!. I havr apintc4 Ann .N. Rrckrr trrrt n'mtBMfrj! jr if .Till rtt. In witMs whrrf I ! he'cunl rt my harxl an 1 the .-ra! Bfmi't CrC al IUI CIuJ. in r Ufiar ot otor ii i t-t-A Joir It. Witcox. Ouiity Jalc. PKOBATK NOTICK. In the mntter of the bt Will and Ti.tmet of Annie 1". lVstcr. Aplieation havtu:r 1-eti miuU bv Daniel K. Dexter exivulor, that u Will be duly admittM to Prolmtf. Notice, i- hereby given that 1 him set apart and fixed the fiit iUv of December 1SS1, at one o'clock p. in.. I for the Iicuriil" of K.-iiil Himliriilinti . it .. i :...,: :,i 'i ...-.. i tail irn r! rut rLiiH t.v i i i w am iamz inat and appear on said day if tmy en ((wire. In wit n- whereof I bare hereunto sot my hand and affixed the ( of the Countv Court at Kcil (lowi, Oct., 21st 18SL Jon.t IL WiL.i3t. 12.W-3 County Judge. NOTICE. U.S. LAND OFKTE. 15s.ooxi..roN, Nkik October Jo, J.ssj. C'omplnint hnrittjf ln entered at this Ulliee by Nil .1. JoitMm, auitipt Kmenoii F. Tuvlor, for !miii- .in his HnmeMend Kntry No. 6-U!7. d.iNd Mirch 4th. 1X79. upon tht outhet tioM 'II tiiWI-hllt 'A luirili rma I -' wet, in Wefater County Ni.raki. with a invr to the cancuibttioii of :ul entry: the aid parlte mm hereS. Mm moned to appear xt vliU Otnry (In the Jji. day of November. IS8I, at U) o.clock a. m., to reKpHil ami furni-h totimony cotieeruing hamI nllr;t abaudoiitncnt. S. W. SwiTZnit, II. W. MOXTOOMKRV, Register, Ilueuivvr. Money To Loan On Ileal Etatc, in Wcfistcr and ad joining counties at the vrrv bct rate.. It will pay every farmer who thinks ot borrowing money, to set me before making arrangements with any other party. - No expenee to the borrower no tedious delay no dealing with eaMtern parties no application fee, bomtf or commission no fee for maktnc or recording papers or taking acknowl edgements no advance or semi-annual interest, and no interest until money is actually In hand. Call upon or address K. A. Hiurso. 3Stf Loan Broker, Blue Iliil, Xeb. PIOXEEII 3ARBER SHOP. .or MA TfKU'S C JIAXXERS, Shop It door w't of TVelMter VtmlT Bask. RED CLOUD. XKRRASKA. SHAVING, SIIA.MPOOING, )axi( Hair Cutting in the highet "ty!e of the Tonsorial Art. ; COifE AND GET A CLEAN SHAVE. A .-a: Traatr! or l!ir-ClrteI TVortt tu GARFIELD 1a'r,-!-i- " '?'- j I B'" -t'anStc? (Jalh. Iww t -ri " a. rf-. J ii-c- Si-rT"t4 In ;nItH awl r&?. ' C 3 r-: Usb. lrn-a. bio'i-'iTi' ; . V r.ex VS nTpc)il'li i7 Jofcn C KKr"th. W I. r A "I'l'i'tllTX 1 - &ar -t" r-s7 r LriLu i IXjx'i xz ra . . r , t! sua a Jt-'i !- t-rr J & " Tfe-r " syrr wsntl,rBo,r''-v'w'.' 'fbr-S 09'.i Ja --? -t a h-'t' - 7 .k ti cue irr'T n'-. wr" r-rri uli tms. Scud ic. . J . o- ! r X ' OotSt. It ii tK reallT. cfSO reara rsjrrfrrrtr toi awt a cee saacrg-atJav tntbrrr, a c&si are. ItqTiriiU fts mrcT.ss4ie- iw in wiMU .cim inn ff rt&cvnp. u. i-ier. Mtmn. -. ai--. - . . . . -Z2 1&. kept lrrBmlxrrcrer Zfcxry VHFrS r. J ' i . .- r ... iLrS rnat osflcrnK sfrJecBrwnfcw. UHferdyJiEa bert. A sal i n. uaavs WH iaK XU?afo"ECQjnerBroe. Cavfar namtimtr 7ijQi HsrtfOT is at i i !)? iU Urn t t ! ; t r---5 ' -, A!.. 'Z i: . N! c 1 ' - ', Mother's old Sund. HIOflGO LOM Red Cloud, IMcbraslsa. yard swrrnoKii vrnNKm v k.-mitii iior. jm.t ? It-. Kt1 dnHmr.V? nntmml mtin;X 4 I nnAr IjmS i . um, tu,f i i.U- I'.l t . . i .f-iOf HI "rt i i i i .! --..- - ' " ' GO TO W. 1 y ! j - bTAPLE & rANCY GRHCFRIf-' Tnr hit -TBBACOD & MARS. IN' TUUN Al Choice Nuts. Fruits. &. Confections. 5JrKrh lruit ami Vi-viJ' N-" I REMOVAL i r. CHICAGO TO mmense Stock MARSi-r ir.-w Them COMIC! COM" 10! COMI . . , . 1 I1 ji:.nnr.urr, i: yon mm TimM tj'JL I UHHL Two Doors RED CLOUD. - L - j Cy S: r- r -d ccerdt&2 to AV V Coccrtaa. u. FHCORE. ft t 4 s 1 v. mm A a 3 a I fi a 5. 5 5. p 2 2 S o g 7 c X KSCaf'J I MA tcnarifc t :istij 1-iilW-M2M2 lr 30f& F-ar A ,fcv 17 Vi ' A . m. i m w ar-'-i m -1 i -c m- - ra. - - ' ' m m .. j i j a m w aaar1 - Red C 1 md, -u.iv I r..-. u. ? I l C. Itt!?t0 t!- :. oc. rivr.i-io, i rcmriCiO! i.- i i j i i - ru . - '-' -- B. ROBY'S n t. "t t Kl I t (it ! J j; . CLOUD of Dry Goods3 IScSf- PWT? nzm IMTL 358U 1 Vq South of h NEBRASKA! rJXM. x--v T V sr JTTUby rente a i - Jeweler Red ,CI?iin 4) ' mm, a m -3 m 2 o l -J a" Jtt rr f ri n u REP p V &?&f Bai o o -- en sz ' "-" 2'lwirijantf i.rt SwiK $itt-!f?- ?27