-9. -. jv - " 5 " ?$? frtt - , a 4nMlr " - "V.r --. --e J Moon i Cailender, )l)EALEK3 XS( General Merchandise, JDry - Goods, Groceries, Iicofoc&&Iioc9 HATS AND CAM, 'Drug, Iflfdielnew, Oils Varnishes, Painfn Btc. G L. ASSWA RE, QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE & HARNESS ETC., KTO., ETC. i'if.1 line of everything kept in n gen eral store, at ihe'wwfiT cash muck. Ropcrtfully, Hoon & Cailender. COWLIM, XKDKASKA. IDE. SHEBER, Proprietor of tho City Drug Store. AJTD DEALKt IK Drugs? ftfedicines. Paints- Oils and Varnishes, A full supply of KAMI'S, LAMP SHADES, WICKS, COMBS BRUSHES iC. FatroiiPRC solicited and thankfully received. Cw-PrcKiii'tiutis carefully compounded" Ontriloor south of Umber's htore, RED CLOUD, NEB. R. L- TINKER, (Snecowor to Q. A. Erown.) SEALER IX Parlor, Bedroom AXD KITCHEN Brackets, Chromos, Picture Frames, Mattresses, Etc. C- fii s always on hand and tritmnrdon short li. (u o. lricc as Jowrs any in Sho Vnllcy. Repairing o( all kiwi done promptly and SatiFlartory. Burial Robes furnished at reasonable rates. RED CLOUD, - . - - NEB. Harness nop, BY J. L. rSLLElR, Keeps constantly on hand a full Lino of HARNESS, COLLARS, SADDLES, HORSE-BLANKETS, WHIPS, COMBS, BRUSHES, HARNESS OIL, And everything usually kept in a first class shop. TWO DOORS XORTII OF THE BANK. to Highest Cash Pries Paid for Hides and Furs. fc Flour & Feed r STORE; CHAS. E. PUTMK, Frop. DEALER IN FLOUR, FEED Corn, Meal. Bran Chopped Feed and GROCERIES, Visit tho 11 edCload Grocery, Feed and Pro vision sture when you warn supplies for man or be ll. Highest market price is cash paip for grain All Kinds ofcountrr produce tnken sn exchange, forr'ifij. (Joodi delivered t all parts of town frco of charge. More outu of Kced s Piot l-.iMo.ry, Red Cloud, Nebraska. u The Proof of the Puddingisintlie Eating." , You have only to call on. us and we can easi ly convince you that we do sell HARDWARE A little BELOW the so-called ".Bed roefcpri ces" advertised by other m firms. j3esley& Perkins FURNITURE, THE CHIEF. LOCAL MATTERS. TArR?DAY"0CT. 20. 1881. R. V. R. R Tine Table. Takiitr effect Fanday. Oct. 17. 1880. Eastward Paaf eager learet... arrirei.... . 6 :30 a. m. 7 ;S5 p. IB. IT? :I0 a. ro. .! jW p. a. Frelrtt leave. arrive.. I rare ... Wot ward crom irntn EASTERN DIVISION. Ha' I ward Acotn. lrave.. amTei-.- ...... 6 i&l p. a. Trait. daily except Sunday. O. W. II ur rune. A. B. Tocsalik . Superintendent. Oenl. Manner. 51.E. CHUICIT. S. 3.. atlO a. m.. and preachirjrby the 1'w tor every .Sabbath morning and evening. Prayer meeting rvery Thursday evening'. Ail arc cordially invited. CONGREOATIOXAL CHUHCII. Prcachine every fint ani third Sabbath of earn month at II a. m.and op, tn., also on tth. Sabbath when ever it occur. Sabbaih School every Sabbath morniRf at 9 o'clock. Prayer Beetinv every Wednesday evening. Local advertisimentt inserted among tlit reading matter irill be charged 0cJt., a line racJi insertion. Imperial mixed paint. Buy hooks at Cook's. Heavy fro?t Monday night. The It no Cloud Dkoo Store. Henry Cook's for Wall paper. Now for a spell of Indian summer. Shogo Flour for sale at Rohy's. Hie new B. fc M. time table went into effect last Sunday noon. CJo to John G. Potter's for j'our clothing and boots and shoes. Buy Lead and Oil, at Henry Cook's. The frost turned up the toes of the flics in a truly artistic manner. Whitebrcast and Hard coal at Jones it Magcc's Lumber Yard. The Republican Valley Eclio is making politics lively in Franklin county this fall. Studebakcr Platform Spring Wagons for stile by Spaxooi.e it Funk. The train from the west now comes in at six o'clock in the evening. The Celebrated Osage Feed Grinder, for sale by Spaxocle &, Funk. Henry Cook will give you the lowest figures on Lead and Oil. W. II. Strohm went up and survey ed the new town sito west of Inavale last Tuesday. W. B. Rohy has the largest stock of Fancy Groceries, Confections, c, in the valley. Don't leave this country expecting to find better times east. Yon will, in all probability regret it if you do. Top Buggies Brewster Sido Bar Springs and Newton Spring Wagons. Spaxori.e & Funk. All leading Medicines kept by Henry Cook. Anything not in stock can be ordered. Wc have been almost crazy with the toothache for several days, which accounts for the crazy appearance of the Chief this week. Our Corn Shellers are all you could wish. Call and examine them. Spaxocle & Funk. Go to the well known Lumber Yard of Jon os t Magce, for White breast and Hard coal. John G. Totter has ji full lino of boots and shoes which he is ofFcring at the lowest prices. For finest Toilet articles, Perfumes, Stationery, School supplies. &c:, visit Henry- Cook's Red Cmud Drug Store. The ladies of the Congregational Society propose to give nn oyster sup per on Thursday evening of next week, Oct., 27. Further notice will be given of place, etc. Goto Rohy's and he will show you Dm light-Oil; it burns longer gives a better light and is non-eriilosive. 11-tf The Rev. J. W. Reed will preach at the congregational church in this place on Thursday evening tho 20th, at 7J o'clock. All are cordially invi ted to attend. We are closing out our Wood Pumps, now is a good time to buy. Spaxocle & Fuxk. If somebody don't bring us in some corn immediately we will get into a row and probably get our head punch ed. Wc want the corn. Sepublican Caucus. The electors of Red Cloud precinct are called to meet at the court house in Red Cloud on Saturday October 22d, 1SS1. at 2 o'clock p. m , for the purpose of electing 10 delegates to represent said precinct at the countj convention to be held the following Tuesday- and also to place in nomina tion candidates for tho following pre cinct offices: Two Justices of the Peace, Two Constables, One Assessor, Two Judges of Election, and two Clerks of Election. M. L. Thomas, Central 'Committeeman. Sepoblic&n County Cosreatioa. The Republican County Convention in and for Webster County Nebraska will be held at the court house in Red Clouxf on Tuesday, October 25th 1SS1, atone o'clock p. m. for the purpose of placing in nomination a candidate ior representative, me several pre cincts in the county are- entitled to the following representation based: upon the vote for Liest. Governor: Precinclsv Vote?, No. Delegates. tKed Cloud", ,p 10 5 u 2 2 I 2 o 3 I Guide Rockr Stilfwaterr Oak Cireekr Potsdtnv, - 156 ' 61 " 53 " 53 " 32 " 57 " 66 - (Ba4inv Glenwoou, Harmony, Inavale, Walnut Creek, Elm Creek, Pleasant Hill, 80 ".. 36 " 59 " 52 " Primaries for the purpose of elect ing; delegates, are recommended, to be held at the usual voting places in the several precincts, on Saturday October 22d, ISSt at 2 o'clock p. m. By order of Republican County Con tral Committee. , M. L. Thomas, Cli'n. Wc arc told that a colony of IrL-h Catholics are about to settle near Squire Vance's, west of Inavale, and will start a town od secure the loca tion of a depot on the B. &. M. at that place. Thi- office ha." been overran w-Mi Job work for the last few weeks, which fact forced us to refuse a pressing invitation to accompany a party of nimrod on a gooc hunting expedi tion to the Platte this week. In answer to an inquiry from Guide Rock as to who was selected a central committeeman from that precinct, we would say that the name of Dr. Robin yon appears in the minuAta of the convention as entitled to that honor. ILJ. Milner and Henry Laverty, both old Uigc whose settlement in Webster county dates" back more than ten year, became subscribers to totiiiEP hiH Saturday; Mr. Milncr taking two copies one for a. friend in the east. Last week the report came down from Culberfson that the cow boys and railroaders had engaged in a gen eral fight and that eight of the latter were killed. Later advices, however, contradict the report and fay that the row was among the cow boys and that no one was killed. Wc know not how the out-look for spending a comfortable winter may seem to others, but to us it is unusu ally bright. Wc have laid in a supply of corn meal, turnips and other luxu ries and propose to live royaly the coming winter if the pc.-ky creditors will only let us alone. Vol. 1 No. 1 of tho Greenwood Ihgle appears upon our table, published by W. Scott Elliott, of the recently de funct Rivcrton Eagle. Greenwood is a small town on the B. fc M. in Cass Co., Neb., and is, we think, hardly large enough to-support a live paper, but flic Eagle starts out well and we wish it success. Sec call for a county convention in anotner column. We sincerely hope that the citizens of the diferent pre cincts will turn out to the caucusses next Saturday and have a voico in the selection of delegates to represent them in the county convention.- This matter is of more importance than a great many think. m HoldupbjTrampi. From a responsible citizen living south of the river wc learn that Mark Warner was held up and robbed while on his way home from town last Saturday night. When he crossed the bridge and proceeded up the road a siiort distance two men suddenly sprang from the brush and while one held the team the other shoved the cold muzzle of a pistol into Warners face and ordered him to get down from tho wagon, which he did. The robbers then turned the team loose and allowed them to proceed home and they proceeded to rifle the pock ets of Mr. Warner in a thorough man ner, after which he was allowed to go home on foot. It is a significant fact that during all the time that Mark was publisher of the Chief, in the years gone by, the robbers never thought it worth whilo to tackle him. The following in regard to borrow ing money we clip from the Arapahoe 1'iouccr, anil recommend a careful perusal by a great many of our rea ders in this county. v In nearly every case wo believe it to be a good thing, and to the best interest of the country and the home steaders, providing the borrower put the money to a good u?e. By that we do not mean to pay the printer, for that is an acknowledged good tiling and a wiso investment, but that the borrower invest the money received in a judicious manner in such proper ty that if necessary he can at once realize his full investment. The only investment of that kind now open is stock. If at once upon the receipt of his money the farmer will look around him for young cattle, or cows, and purchase as many head as he can winter and carry through un til spring in good shape, or find a flock of good sheep, if he has any knowledge of them if not, sheep are more risky than cattle and a man who has his homestead mortgaged can afford to run but few risks buy them and above all, after you have bought stock take care of it Do not imagine you can set down and grow rich. Either cattle or sheep need at tention during the winter, and in order to meet the interest on your notes you must make your stock pay. Therefore, we say if you invest your money in stock and take care of it you will be able to meet both inter est and principle of the borrowed money, and feel your financiering was wise. But if you intend no such investment, calculating to set down and "eat up" the money or buy more farming implements, it will end by the interest falling due, and your be ing sold out. Facts arc stubborn things, but in this""ountry they arc presented in their most stubborn form. To give our readers some idea of the amount of money being loaned, we would state that in Furnas and Gosper counties over one hun dred loans have already been con summated, ranging from $200 to $800, the majority being about $450 each, making thus far about 45,000 already brought into this- vicinky by loanfe on real estate. There are also double that number of applications now before the several agents of loan ing companies, and many more are "proving up." -with the intention of borrowing money on their land. It is. certainly either "make or break," and the question wiH be decided by the disposition made of the money. For the future of this country, your self, vour families, and all concerned, we adjure you to be wise. A terious accident occurred hwt Friday to a cattle train on the B. k M. rx.-tween IndianoU an4 Clbrton which resulted in the killing of about a hundred hcad of cattle that were being shipped ei;and dcmoludiing a number of cattle cat. It appear, that the train was in two section-. The first section passed over tho bridge all right, and the workmen engaged on the bridge did not know that another section was following. eo when it came thundering along the bridge was not in shape for it to pas, and fifteen cars went down. The engine got over all right but was thrown across the truck. Herbert Barber, of this place was fireman on the ill fated train, and as he has only been on the road in that capacity for a few weeks, he doubtless thinks that his "breaking m is decidedly rough. cciocssiohess riocsssivss. Oct. Cth, 18S1. Board met pursuant to adjournment. All present. Resignation of D. M. Francis, Jus tice of the Peace in Elm Creek pre cinct, accepted, and Corydon Crow appointed to fill the vacancy. James D. Crosby appointed Overseer of Highways for Road Dist. No. IS. Petition to grant permit to J. W. Robinson, of Guide Rock, to sell li quors rejected on account of insuffi cient bond. Bond of Corydon Crow, J. P., Elm Creek precinct, approved. Petition for a public road commenc ing on township line between town ships 1 and 2 fcc, &c, granted. Clerk instructed to advertise for bids to build a bridge across Elm Creek on section lines between sec tions 20 and 21, town 3 range 10 west. Bridge to be 12 feet high, 34 feet long and 14 feet wide. Contract let to Hobson, Reese &, Sawyer to rebuild tho Inavale bridge for $1,000, to be completed by the 6th of December, 1881. The following accounts wore allow ed: A. Kaley, poor acc't, (Mrs. Jones), $12.82. E. C. Hawley, pauper acc't, (Charlie Ross), $12.50. Adjourned to 2 o'clock p. m., Oct. 7th, 1881. Oct. 7, 1881. Board mot pursuant to adjournment. All present. . Oracred, that hereafter all supplies for county officers shall be ordered, through the clerk. Commissioners visited the Guide Rock bridgo and examined the piers, and the same were accepted. The account of Jones ic Mngee $6.90 for material furnished for bridge south of Red Cloud, was rejected, said bridge not being a county bridge. Proposition of A. J. Kenney to pub lish the proceedings of the County Commissioners for one year from this date as furnished by clerk, without expense to the county, accepted. The following accounts were allow ed: A. A. Pope, Co. Supt., E. Kellogg, Care of poor, Hugh Stevenson, Comm'r, J. W. Warren,. Sheri (T fees, A. J. Kenney, printing, etc., J. A. Tulleya", salary, $135 00 4 00 6G 90 48 00 24 50 100 00 Adjourned to Oct. 13th, at 9 o'clock a. m. A. A. Crary, Ch'u. J. A. Tullets, Clerk. Caxaxdoigua, Ontario Co., N. Y. Ed. Chief. My dear sir. Whilo passing through tho country between Red Cloud and this place, I very closely observed the crops of corn, potatoes and vegetables, and I have taken pains to enquire at a great many stations along the road, of the furmers in regard to email grain crops, and from what I have seen, heard and could learn, I find Nebraska is but little behind any state I have passed through. The crops in Ills., are some better than the' arc in Neb raska, but in Iowa, Indiana, Michigan, Canada and York state, are in a great many places a great deal worse than we have in Neb. And I would say to those who have a farm in Nebras ka, stick to it, it is the banner 6tate for its age. Youfcan always hear of better prospects away from home, but when youlgo in search of a better place, and for better times, you sel dom find it, it is always just a little way farther on. I lea Red Cloud on the 22d of Sept., and arrived in Chicago on Monday morning following. This was a great day in Chicago, the funeral of Presi dent Garfield, and a day long to be remembered by the Chicagoiang. It is believed that 400,000 people witnes sed the funeral procession. I visited the exposition there, which was in session, and seen some of the great mechanism of America. After spend ing a few days in Chicago, I left for this place, via the Chicago 4 Grand Trunk, R, W., and I would just say right here that the Grand Trunk is not a first class road, or at least there is not first class accommodations by any means, the train men are renr uncourteous and independent. O. P. McKinley, -(who accompanied me from Chicago) wa robbed of $50, and came rery near loosing his watch on this train, near Port Huron. Another person was robbed of $10. Nothing of any further importance occurred until reaching this place, where we met Mr. A. L. Burton in the height of glory. This will be my headquarters for several months. Please semi me Chief, and oblige yours with beat wishes. D. & Huyzut. John G.Potter has a Luge stock of hats and caw, and also dry goods which are offered to the' pubUc at; greatly-reduced prices. We understand that the county cositnisftioneni affected a acttlcmcnt with the county treasurer last wrk. There will be no statement publuhcd until the cloe of the year. Miner Bros., have Jim rccM another invoice of new clothing, tn onbr to supply their large and incxciinsj trade in clothing. They are head quarter for mens', boys' and youtlw overcoats. DISSOLUTION. Notice is hereby given that the co partnership heretofore exUting under the firm name of A. A. Poih; A. Co.. b this day diMolveU by mutual con - sent A. A. Pori:, lO-w-4 Mitchell t Mouhakt NOTICE. Notice ii hereby given that Ed. W. Lee has filed his application in the office of the County Clerk of Wol.wr County Nebraska for a Drugcb't. imt mil to Hell malt, vinous and .'pirituoiH liquors for medicinal and mechanical purposes in PoLdam precinct, in said county. OcL, 4th ISSI. 9-t-3 Ed. W. Lee. NOTICE. Sale of Real Estate for taxes. On the fir.t Monday of November 18SI, as required by Chap. 77, Sec 109 Statutes of Nebraska, I will offer at Public Sale, between the hours, of 9 o clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p. m., at the Treasurers Office of Webster Co., Neb., all lands on which tho taxes for the year ISso" and previous year's remain unpaid. S.ik' to continue from day to day until all land-., JoLs or blocks have been otfcrHl. 10-4-w E. II. Jostn, Co., Treas. NOTICE. U. S. LAND OFFCE, Bloohinqto.v, Neil October 10, ISSI. Complaint having been entered at this Oilice by Ri!n J. Jonson, agaiuit Emerson F. Taylor, for abandoning his Homestead Entry No. C307, dated 3Iarch 4th, 1879, upon tho south-weal J section 2D. township 3 tiprth rango 12 west, in Webster County Nebraska, with a view to the cancellation of naid entry: the said "parties are hereby sum moned to appear at this Office on the 15, day of November. 8$1, at 10 o.clock a. m., to respond and furnish tostimony concerning taid alleged abandonment. S. W. SWITZER, R. W. MOXTOOMERV, Register, Receiver. 1 1-w-ff Special Notices. Noticei in tbii column will be chanted 5 centj i line each week. Shipping tags can be had at the Chief office. Headquarters for flour at Putnam's Flour and Feed Store. A full stock of iron ami wood pumps, at Mitchell & Mokhart. 4-tf For Sale: A span of three year old colts. Apply to F. M. Sawvcr, Cowles, Neb. " otf For Sale: 160 acres of land 7 miles south-west of Rod Cloud, partly under cultivation. Timber and water. Apply at this of lien. A suro cure for consumption, bron chial affections, sore lungs, whooping, cough and ail complaints of the throat lungs or chest. We mean Dr. Mar shall's Lung Syrup. Smith Brothers announce still an other important reduction in rate of interest on time loans. Straight nine percent annual interest. Call at the Bank and leave vour application. 40tf. Working-men 1 Look to vour in terests and save doctor bills, by usin" Dr. Marshall's Lung Syrup for all cases of coughs, colds" etc. Price only twenty-five ami fifty cents a bottle. All persons knowing themselves in debted to me bv Note or Book account will call immediately and settle the same, as I design closing out my stock of general merchandise at the earliest day possible. 4-tf Samuel Garber. September 1st, 1881. TAKE NOTICE. I have purchased tho fractional J sec. of land laying between Peter McNitt's and the "river. And the public is hereby notified not to cut any timber on the same. M. B. MoNitt. $50,000 To Loan On Real Estate security, at 9 per cent., annual interest. No commis sions, at The Webster County Bank. Red Cloud. 10-tf 7 Per Cent. Money to Loan ! Money to prove up with on final re ceipt, or on deeded land at 7 per cent., and 1-62 per cent, commission, or at straight 9 per cent, no commission. Jxo. R. WlLIXX)X. Office next door to Chief office. 30ft "Wine is a mocker, and strong drink is raging." Take Feickly Ami Bitter?. It is not a beverage, but a remedy for all ill affects of an excess of intoxicating stimulants. Don't take a drink before breakfast "just to wake you up," because you feel so stupid and languid. You are sure to feeel worse as soon as the effect wears ofT. Take a half wine glass of Prickly Ash Bitters. It will brighten you up for the Whole day. Money To Loan On Real EsLite, in Webster and ad joining counties at the very best rates. It will pay every farmer wKo thinks of borrowing money, to see me before making arrangements with any other party. No expense to the borrower no tedious delay no dealing with eastern parties po application fee, bonus or commission no fee for making or recording papers or taking acknowl edgements no advance or semi-annual interest, and no interest until money is actually in hand. Call upon or address R, A. SrxFSOir. 38tf Loan Broker Blue Hill, Neb. ASK joot nocnA77zi sroTjjjon, io, FOR OILMAN'S rmEUQHTNUGBEICK Final Proof JYotwcs. tICiff kt ilxaitiVtVOM.Klut I ."TcUf l Vr4 rivn Ut Mr sa4 Mir k Sir Pj Hi na CaI ihmT la rlftMt.niriun . trti irrtrrf -t Jus. X r' lyt. lrf vfrovrt i Vrlttri(ii uW- & la K CW4. No, 5ti-n ,,,, Ky.ll.i, . , . -Writ F ITtuw TreD.- k iHr i , la rn;r II mjin i. fait .uku t t-ra M ?Mi9 M-Irnr fB. -( t rmuurn ! tll lie ill JW 3 HriM Pra Uarr Ur4 -t ii t'ltlf. all ! W.C, XW cttJaevIo s. W.SWJTIKK. Kxtxrr LacJOSc at ZU9MSta Nift. IVL. . 1H mcji-I irttltrtu tUm f ai tr.lvaUa 6si trt a utrni i euii. .4 ; Z&F,VSS ttJSJZ Kt CleaJ. Xtb tn kAtsllx N'lt.ni,. 1- lvt. U; 114 ettrjr No. 3WO l., 0 aw' , mo i ia ?a rtet Ipw. IU aar tfc llll -tott la ffor hu re&Unav'jt r4a4 at. aavi miiiTauon w ,ivt umj ,, j M x EJ.q. 1'Jrxk 11. Ktcr. Uunr Ksrtaa 1 Ko-.rt AiiDUni ll if ilM Nb Ktl2aoTiti N. W. ITZUl. littuut. La 6.1 Office at blaominxtvn S). Oh . itV. !!. XMl 1 krKjr rn tbt tH MWtf BAKrJ littler bu 611 e-tt l li itWbit m taake final proof la sit-port of at !h. aal -cur na! entry lkrf Kir Jir A Tne lejr clrrc of mart In Webttcr iwuil;, ,t an aftf In Kt4 ClwoJ Ntb.. co isjlnUf Kr $th liJ. ilx: H Ftt'svt. If J No 3.X5 fartBet rc M ! ; tonH ra&ic 12 ct, 11. nm ta. Mlo',u: . sew to f rure bit rctitRuMo rrh!re tsrwn aa-i cn!UTktla of ttJ UikI rlt; EivV KrtoV on. Knttl KrirVn. 'hriNa Iltt. Ab4iv Krifkwn alt at Kirtrtan NK. octfinu3 S. W SWirjCKR. Hel.tr. Ln.l05f at UUttraiartPR Sth (Vt . US. 11. Notice i herbjr m (Sat the Mfr carer.! -rttlrr b nll n tte f h mteMfcea take AnI irv-f tn iM ft f hn rUi, J ttxtt final entry therf.f !efre Jam. i X Tl Irj. clerk t,f ljit. curt .f W.tvtrr reuatT Nrb..athuc&!;c in Hoi CtosJ. Net., on ir. dy. Noremb.r Ilth. !!,tlt. .... .. Ch4iM Akiuib. II J .o 37T1 fur the d'; rz. 2 town i north r.n.-e 10 wtu lie Rjmr the fll-ln ml bm'M to rrore hit eontinua rtiirs Btn ami cultirallon of tJ Itnl rli J.ho lliltou A!,,5..1iWuV,,.!C?.n,. Armilwni. AIe J.u.t. II of Il'ue Hill eb. octCnorJ S. W.SiVirZBU. Hcchter. Leal Office at R!onjinton Nrb Sep. .!!. Notice It kcrcbr (ir.n ti,t the fell 1st camtU fcttlrr h filol notice of bit tntenUen to tnake Bnol i-rtf in appurt of bit eUim nj -cure final entry thereof before Jao.t i Tull.yt CUrc of tltnrt in W rbtt.r county Nob. at bit office In Red ClouJ Neb. en Sa.urJay (cteter 2th. lMt. CtAaLc MtHTtv. hM entry N.nH2 for the W e, 12 tern .1 north ranse It wot. be tikmn the fcllawin wi'nen ei to prove hit continuous rreMrncc an I cultivation of ttl.l Isn.l vie. Aoru.t Itrrhcr. Cbrlf. Heller. Cliarle K.hnJrick. Henry U Aathewi of ItoJ tlou-l Neb. iepSMcUf? S. W. 8WIT7.KR. Htcbt.r. Land OfSre at Rtootnlnrton. ,b., Sep V. 1S! Nolle, it hereby riven that tbr tollnntn namei tettlrr ha nleI notice of hit intrntton tt ', nnr nnal inx)l in t upport of bi ruitn. anl ccure Cual entry thereof, bofnre Clerk of Dt- trict Court of Webtter county Neb,, at bit OCe in HM t loud Neb., on Saturday. Nor.. 6th. lvil. xt: , ,, Utoitoa Fisll, h d entry 372S for the j r quattrr tctlen i town 2 north raoie 9 wot. He usmt the Tot- low ior witneatee to rrore hi continuout re!- dence a on and cultivation of ld land, rii: Willuai Ihomtieiin Jnnn Itoblnvin PS.. I.. .voney ana .Mirattaui - , ,-..--- ....... llceTe. all nf Uuide ltock seb fcpiKjcl-7 S. W. SWIT7.KK. Hecltter. Lrd Office at ii!oom?rrtn Neb Sept.. '3). HM. Notice l berebr tha tho fnlloalna earned fcttler ha 511 notire pf hit lntntlu tn meke final proof in inr-p rt of hie ciitra.and ornr final entrv thereof, before the Clerk of Dittrlct Court, in Wrbnter ronti'r nt hit ftSee in Red Houd Nebraska on haturJay October 2th.lMI. it: Ilts IIavcw. HM entry No. 5113 fjr the N K ' c. 30 town 3 north rnce ll'weit. Hbmidm thn (eIlowln witneMe to proeo hl ontinaoqi retldcnce nponant eultiration of ld land, rltj ha,a Linlnt. jime .nlrrion. Urit Jaircrron. NMin Litthalt all of Had Cl 1 Veb. ep-.9.;t27 B. V. HWITZKH. It?sMer . LandOISeeat nioomlnctnn Neb. Sept. l hm. Notice hereby riven thnt th fullnwirr named cettlcr bat 0le, notice f hi Intentloa t make final proof in tut.t-ort of hi claim and se cure final entre thereof l.-f4io the elerk of the Pitrict Court in Webtter county Nek. at hi office in Ked Cloud on t;turdy October ZKt. 1W1, ix: KmettTTyLn. llM'cntry Si. 37i for the nth-wen f ic. 33 town i north rnnsre i wett Ho r.atnre the fl lowing witnertas to prove hii cr,ntinuoat re drnie upon nnd cultivation of old land tii: John I, Kobinfon. Joieph Itultieh. Robert II. Qunr,tte. John T. Kobimonalt of Thotnat vllle Neb. fcf!bet S. W S7IT.EI?, I'.czitttr. Land OSiccatlWoomtnKton. Neb. -pt. l!. 1M. otice i hereby civen that the f-.1win named tettler ha filed nitlr of hit intention " make final proof in tapport of hit claim, and teeure final entry thereof. pM"f to be made be lre .lan-e A. Tulley. Clerk of the Court of Wehjteroiinty. dt hl oBee. in Ued loud Neb., on Siturdty. October tfi. 1MI. til" ClIRKTIA!! ISaKKK HM entry No. 3KT for thoSS K N K ' S B 'J -S K quarter N K quarter tec. 30 town 3 north range 12 wett. We name the toilowint witnc;c to pnne hit continuous rendre upon and cultivation of aid Mnd vit John ,corenjen. Krlek Krinki'in. Knut Kiiekeon. ( hri'tian Holtallof Kfverton Neh. ttvZincVS) . tV..SWir.Ki:. Ilrrl'ter. Land Office at Bloominctnn Neb.5epL JS.IiM. Nr.tice if hereby riven that the fotlowlnc named tettlcr ha filed notice of hi intention to make final proof in tuport of hit claim, and eeenre final entry thereof before Jaiuei A. Tnl Icy, clerk; of the court in Webtter county at bit office in Bed Cloud Neb., on Saturday. Oetaber EM. ISSI. tIi. CynTjfica ScuTtcr. H'd entry No. WW for the S K iinarter w W town 2 nerth ranee 10 wejt. ilo ntne the fol lowinj viincfrj to prove hh continnut reel ienee upon and cultivation of taid lis i r: JllUwortb L. lUil. S-vrauel W. Hail. ChriUo phtr U. Cox all of Aniboy Nob.. fJerit W. 1M1 of lied Cloud Neb. cp22oit3) S. W. SWITZKR. RKUr. LEUALXOTICK. Conaty Court. Webrter County. Nebraska, f In the matter of the ttto cf Henry S. Kalcy. deceatci. Notice it hereby riven tht I have appin ted acd tet apart the lit day of April A. I. 1W2. for tho bearing and determinmr of all claimi artinM the laid elte. All creditor of raid estate will take notice and present their claimi to thri County Conrt of laid county on or before mild April lit. JMJ. and all claim' not at that time presented will bo forever birred. I have appointed Anton N. Becker administrator of said ettate. In witiien whereof I have hereunto let ny band and the teal of raid Court at Red Cloud. thi. Wtdar of October ISSI. 9-1-5 Joh K. Wilcox. Coonty Jodie. HONEST FRED! cliaJt, the Albright Ilotse. Will stand tbis se.von at Red Cloud at last year's rate, vjk $8 JJ0 to in-sure single "mnre; Two mares $15.00: more than two by tho ?3me owner, !& each. For the season, 5.W; single service, 13.00. This horse nerds only to be known to be admired. He has been acknowl edged bv many good judges to be the best "ill kid: of i kt" seen in this section. Weight, in Sesh, 1500 pounds. Beautiful Bay, Symmet rical form, good life, hich carriage and best of all x kind as a kitten. His ownei also has a good Jack with .him at same rates. Until further notice will be found at the Commercial barn. Colts can be seen at the prcmes of Jo. Fogle. State Creek, q. Vance, Inavale; O. McCall. Henry Gerkke, at Becker's form and Rallston's at In avalCjalso at Red Cloud. Mules at premises of Lew Smith and Ben Port nier, Guide Bock. Elm creek mills and Red Cloud mills. The owner ha3 entitled this Jack "Cap!. Smith." being the famous Lew Smith Jack, formerly of Guide Bock. Shows the best stock in the Taller. D. LTJTZ, Proprietor. Meat Mf.A. MOfr Dl IVl flltS ill W4f MW ; . t M '"r IVrff ! ' t Xi?x?r rt;Kl:,hiaBfa.s? Al'A'iKfWHn Ci n; Moshcr's old Stand, Chicago Lumber Yard; Red Cloud, IVTcbramlia. YARD WITH O? !! AM .TON ill v KMtTIt sIIOI. ON M.U gf rCtcp eM:UT an WajmI a aMtimni 4 lJHilwr. ljtfc J5 mm W2v Um. Ur. Crmtt innr, Ikaitwtet f ;'JH( PLAT!' Go To W. Staple $ Fancy Groceries, Till: HKST TOBAC5C & CM ASRS IN TOWN Al.M) Chcnce Nuts, Fruits & Confections. j7-prrn t-rult .ind ccflabU i-.Ul o REMOVAL riMM CHICAGO TO Immense Stock of Dry Goods, MARSH 1-Tii.s Th.JitL. OOAIJS ! CO XOS ! COMI'l! 181 PGOLE&F nicjnnc.'inrrjts foii AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Two Doors South of Bank, RED CLOUD. - 2STICBllA.SIvA.. Lhz&i C -,-y'3vT-K t k-j r tisAsaa zi-&?rT : 1 1 Jt .' wm- , Wr k Ao7mm "91 it" s& i ? i ta ldSmjfS wmJ mtifos MMWxWmT v h nMTmMfAMl '' m -& r.cfkV i .- .V'Jt-a V&& iCftr -d aerUc to O CVmcree. la t. rt r - F, Hi CORE ssmBsaBSBasssmmBmmmmsi 1 VtaVaAiSS9TJ8Stfr V I ft&Az S' J n A ffie f I S & -B J UJ O rf 5 i "S rf HI m 9 .3 9 i 5 2- :Sr r1 ? B J , ' ; Btp ai . S I . a. 23 e . ' w.1 ' "B ' . fciJjM-L-MijjMam llUK r! ' i rTMlllffi" JT8 Red CIouiI, Ncbr,uk;u & FRISKS. Proprietors. B. ROBY'S ro n- l .,nu nvu not n xrn RED CLOUD, iuri Bfe 1 . Y., i ti m -jT'.cx jf I K vs.l ntu' S al Mri" J- ?m Ae5A -dh .K i 'V af k -'irrrCUItiti), ' -; Coar. t V.a!' Jeweler Red "Cloud mBBassammammmmmsgasBSS. 1 S 8 1 wWk s ft 4 sz:jt. . aBr7fsAYJfi feZS- mUn,9 Ji H t- mm rc -J ) z. .J.-A j .- - . - VV-r -; ,S4.i r ? S'?.i? '-1 '-'kz' k. - .-- !!-