c -a JrrJ -S", aa "Trir -v E"t -T i" "?-- w. . ? ' - IZ . '. ' W 5rj ' "-"$vr B- rt ?; ' , w & -;. .ai ttjMti-- t8-w-'1 ?'. ? T.T.'' i BBwawawamwav'' flwetawtvSHawBiH! bVISPbbbbbbbbbbbbwBbbbbeIbbkBbBb'''' . -"-'"-- - - " S2i awBKSaafBawk5 j'i - ' s." itfV -flflBPOfBR? '?-- . ,., i .1n11t.1M.11 n, -mn-n-rnM. I - "" " --J -l m1 jF . tu?f to V v 5 r :5J ES-FW- V i- ti,-tY K re? i r -i w Moon i Callfinrifir ' )IEAIXRS 1X( ,1(1 uenerai Jiercaxnaiso, Srncerlefi, fAS HcotA A Shoes, IIAT9 AMD CAPS. Drug, Mccllelue, Oils .Varnishes, PMiHfn Ctc GLASSWARE, QUEEXSWARE, HARDWARE&HARHESS ETC., ETC., ETC. A full line of ovorythinj; kept in gen- :il store, at tlu uutvKifT ouh vaicm. Uc-spcrtfiilly, Uoon & Callender. COWLES, NEBRASKA. DR. SHEJREB, Proprietor of the City Drug Store, 4KB BIAMCm w Drugs? Medicines Paints. Oils and VamisheS,J A full supply of LAMPS, LAMP SHADES, WICK6, COMBS BRUSHES AC. Pntronnco solicited and tbanVfally raaahrad. -Prc5rriiitinn( carefully compoanded" One loor south of Gnrhcr'n toiHr BED CLOCJD; XEB. E. L. TIISTKEE, (Sneceisor to G. A. Brows.) DEALER IN Parlor Bedroom. ATfD KITCHEN FURNITURE, Brackets, Crr-qmos,. Picture Frames, Mattresses, Etc. Vffi". nlwar on hnnd nd triraraedon jhort notice. 1'rice n low any in the alloy. ReiiatrinK of nit kimN dona proinp'ly and Satisfuctory. Burial Robes furnished at reasonable rule RED CLOTJD, KEB. Harness Shop, BY J. L. MILLER, Kecif con tantly en hand a fall Line of HARNESS,- COLLARS; SADDLES, HORSE-BLANKETS, vvrnps, combs, brushes HARNESS- JL, And everything rretrally kept in a first class shop. TWO DOORS NORTH OF THE BANK. teHlgJiMt Gila Trie Paid for S1n nd Fan. Flour & Feed STORE, CHAS. E. PUTNAM, Prop. DEALER IN FLOTTR.FEET3 Corn. Meal. Bran Ckoapod Faadaad GROCERIES, Viitthttrdaond Gaaa&T. Fead aadPro Tiiun xturc when you warn at unites far an r bca?t. llithct market irk i eaK palp'fnr grata All Lindr fVuuntnr produce tnken n cxrkaac fr !.. tJutuIi delivered to all tarts vf.tt tiru ' barer. ? ..iuiIi f Heed's PIot FMrjv Red Cloud. Nebraska. SAM'L GARBER, DEATJCU IX Dry Goods - fGrocerte BOOTS and SHOES Hats Caps, fc Rra'Jy Made Clothing. r We have the Largest Stick in the Valley and will att be jMierseli. v " Give us a call, one and al. Sam'l .Garbe-v ' -.4 - BaCteftWM i .UBBW1 i j- t-zS? flfq t,. yWI &3SMPHaV -S,-f ,V; "SvJ. i r.-Kk - mamamTr.MB -"t '-o -'amalmBm " - -- Imamamafamj; m A . -- 'MBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr.BBBBKC aaV -rgrffihsmafJmaB V.-- - amWamaCifM .'.,' - smawmBSs iTlflBffaWBaamafWiiril MaafialVI TfTatk-J ' - -- --- -- - - - , raT fcitawffltalJiriii I f 1 tawaJaataa-ml &iawaajaMtagaaaaga 1 T LOCAL MATTERS. TAUR8DAY8EP. 22,1881. K. V. R. R. Tl e Table TaklM ' 6dar. Oft. 17. IBM. EMHrarl ?MBf er lerr- rriTM Frckkt )rit arrie.- WttmKtA Attorn' ltire , J40.a. ,rn EASTERN DIVISION. lMtwri Aeeoa. leT i - airiTW.. 65.. Train 4nr Mftpt ScwUy. . W.Halobimi. A. F. TnniLijr. SapwtetMdMt. Onl. If amcw M.F CHURCH. ft. ?.. at 10. i sn4 rocliikr til Pm- tor arary MaaWih aoralBf d Prarar iMtiu rrtr Tfcar4y vaaiM. All art aerdiallr tevltaH. CONGREOATIOKAL COURCIL PraarBinrarrryfrat aai tkkd PabWth of aark naatb at 11 a. M.aad 8. ai..alaaaa 6tk, Sabhatkwkaa avar it oeenn. SaHbatk Sekeal arary Sabbatk atoralaf at io'elock. Prayer asactiag mrr Wadaaaiay crcsiaa. Jjocal adeertmmenU in$rrted among the reading matter trill be charged lOds., a line each insertion. A'repare vour fire guards. it The buildinir boom still corr- tmties. Subcrile for the- Ckiek and keep poatcd on county new. The Riverton Eagle has passed in its checks and a no more. A number of our citizens "took in" I tlie state force last week. I Mr. Spanogle's little boy fell from a rbox and. broke his arm last Monday vening. Two second hand wagons for sale iclienp. SrxNOOLE & Fusk. Extra copies of the Chief can be had at the office at 5 cents apiece. j A herd of ponies from the west was offered for sale on the streets last Monday. Several of our citizens arc in atten dance at the District Fair at Hastings this week. Our car load of Studebaker Wagons, are selling rapidly. Call soon. "SrANOGLE& Funk. ' There will be preaching next Sab bath morning in the Methodist church at the usual hour. Rev. Yeiser will preach at the Con gregational church next Sabbath, morning and evening. Wo-had the pleasure of meeting (Mr. S. V..Switzer of the Blooinington Land Offleoon the train last Thurs day. We have only afew of them 5 dol lar Bhot guns left, they are just the thing to use about the farm. Besley it Perkins. All thopc who have signed tho Webster Roll for a Grand Army Post, will meet for muster at Foam's hall on tho 26th, at 7.30 p. m. , On the loth of the present month in the forenoon we had tho pleas ure (?) of witnessing a snow storm in the eastern part of the State. A. S. Marsh has just received an .immense stock of goods direct from the east and it will pay you to call at his store and examiuo them. Remember that we carry only firtt clas goods. We guarantee them to be just as we represent them, if not so, your money will be returned to you. Besuy & Peeking. It might not be out of place to offer a word of warning to the bus drivers of this place. Reckless driving seems to be the rule instead of the excep tion. We have sold and put up during the past 19 days, 4 Eclipse Wind Mills. Farmers 'will not have any other kind, they lead the world. " Besley & Perkins. The ladies of the Episcopal church will meet at the residence of Mrs. E. C. VanAuken on Thursday afternoon and evening, friends of the society are invited to be present. l. O. Martin, the B. & M. agent at this place carried over a thousand dollars in silver from the depot to the bank last Monday on his back. It was a pretty heavy load to carry so far. Ked Willow county produced this year a cucumber five feet long and a beet that weighed ffye pounds; so says' an exchange. We can readily believe the beet story, but the cucumber well it's a little too long. The weather can change more sudden-and oftener in this state than in any-o the;. w- hav.e lived in. 106 in the shade one- day and cold enough tlie.n ex t to render at overcoat and a good fire necessary for comfort, is the I rule. ; We had the plasure of meeting our 'old Plattsmouth friend, Wm. Stadel- man, last Monday. He was on his Lway home from Chicago whither he nad.-gone to purchase an immense stock of good for his three stores Tip the valley, We havchesrrl or eleven aspirants I for the'vacantplaaem the legislature I a. 1 J1 5 J i a S"t u oe mica, irom mis county, ui cowse it w3FBc understood that from the-small number of candidates very few of the -back precincts have yet been heard from.. Mrs. Park es, a lady ever 7B "year of 'age has just -completed a mult which contains 4,375 "pieces. AaworMMrawt draw oo general road fund a: acquainted wiftithe todioue labor of quilt piecing, -can form an. rite of the raagnitude-of tha task accomplish ed jiy'tma age4'flady. ' " :ThrRxl Cfaid HiHtrmmr. Amneiawr" "" a""" -- "" ?J4i(mnigi'v-hfibufth Dramatic n emermunneaa atv-the covet houae r Friday evenlnfj Sept, 23,. 1881, when felniauUmr-draajaaatter. rthan ri. .-- r- fc-. -. . uom.rwir --new L-r i s-: anti, j------'--- t. -- v' JitJViKi-'.-Rlii uc sn urn 1 11 ia. jur pwu- t SwwSrl.--. .r -w tL , .a-nat ' T. Afl.e-. -v- - t" - yt . avajajk mfti jc J aMrW Jlv- X B)W&C T . - T -C" i . " . -..therAae:i $j?i:-s--s. . i-!- m nL ' v ,,-jf "Tjn-" .-?'.'e. i . .- akaaauova mmiir mamma r.A'iJ..-'.. i . sS-fcwr- STH .."- " v - -t Jsr& " A Nation's Grief. President Garfield died at Long Branch at 10:30 p. m., Monday Sep tember 19th, 1881. The Nation is bowed down with grief. Found: Between the poxt-oflk and tlic depot, a sleeve button. Tha owner can get the came by calling at the Chief office, describing property and paying charges. STOVES! STOVES!! m Every body gives ua credit for bar ing the finest and beat assortment of Stoves ever brought to this place. We aell them cheap- tov, and do Bat propose to be udnersold. Besley k Pehkixs. Iraba CaVttaat Friday wc had a Nebraska zephyr, but the people continued to arrive, until the time of the sham buttle when it waa'said th era- were 25,000 on the ground. The affairs of the sham fight was finely ordered, and the program was carried out, but it was too nice to look anything like the real. What looked strange, was that amid the in cessant fireing, no one was killed or wounded. They did better last year at Central City, there were killed and wounded, left on the field, and they were carried off and cared for by the musicians. Strange to say it added much to the enjoyment of the scene. Saturday wc came back as far as Crete and stayed until Monday with Mrs. Robert Mitchell's mother Mrs. Cary. A student of the college, Miss Flora Cary, a beautiful young lady of sixteen, showed us the college and the other lions of the place. The college building are beautifully situated, and capacious. The people of Crete are very much interested in education. It is a town that is is pleasant to live in. On our way home from tha,t place wc saw many small but thriving looking towns, but none that looks quite as well to our cyej as Red Cloud. Betsey. PUMPS! We are the leaders in this line. Ourwork is warrcnted, and we sell as cheap, as good work and good goods will admit of our doing. Besley A. Perkins. We were shown a sample of sorgh um. molases last Tuesday made by O, P. Rorick & Co., that was a little ahead of anything in'that line that we have seen in this country. It was un commonly clear for sorghum and of splendid flavor. The firm arc pre pared to fill orders for sorghum on short notice. On Monday of last week a stock train was wrecked at Shelton on the U. P. R. R. An obstruction had been placed on the track for the purpose of wrecking the passenger train but the stock train from some cause came along first and the engine and a num ber of cars were ditched. The engi neer had one arm broken, the fireman was killed and a brakeraan was in jured. A number of cattle were also kiled and many turned loose upon the prairie. Who placed the obstruc tion upon tho track is not known. The State fair has colsed, leaving an impression with many of those who attended that it was not what it should have been. The people at large look upon the Nebraska State Fair for the year 1881 as a gigantic failure, and they are about right. The owners of fast horses who were in attendance, especially those who won the stakes, perhaps think it was a success, but the agricultural classes for whose benefit the fair is supposed to be con ducted, look at it in a diferent light. Fewer horse races and more and bet ter exhibits of 'agricultural products with corresponding premiums, would come nearer making the State fair what it should be. conossxoms piocmdihm. September 5th, 1881. Met pursuant to adjournment. All present. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. The following accounts were al lowed: 0. R. Downs & Co., saving bridge iron, $406 25 A. A. Tope, Supt fees, 102 00 A. J. Kenney, Printing, 26 15 Election Board, Guide Sock precinct, 11 10 1. T. Irwin, aessessor's fees. 54 10 Journal Co.; Books 4b blanks 60 00 Thos. Kennedy, Saving bridge lumber, 15 00 A. H. Crary, Commission er's fees, " 70 80 E.O. Parker, Pooracc't. 100 70 E. J. Solomon was appointed Over seer of Highways for R. D. No. 6. "Adjourned to Sept. 7th, 1881, at 10 o'clock a. m. : Sept. 7th, 1861. Met pursuant to adjournment. All present. . w The following accounts were al lowed: . Isaac May; Comr's. fees, . $41 00 A: Kaley, Poor acc't. - 42 A. Kaley, " 5 Ordered, that account held SaaitH Ttroa. fnrft.18 be DUd by W; charred to road district No. 21 Taeiron naaUrial of the Inavale brHgeeoldto Hefcaon, Beese & Sww vap for 'ej Aft additional -v memo i5. v , v : i rmamav mads .1 ii1.l . cortratheGueldge,. Icoatra OrJjriL notace.fbr btda for r WiWmcImxvaWWc-Fbfish in the i JwrmZ?i Cleud Chtef. ;A4enMd to. Oct- m&mr 'ai Jte'aWcka.'av. Jf r 't r -J.--- -'-.Y tf - t -- -TT- : r-r-. - :W& Mr. IL F. Crawford, of Batin, re joice over Ibe advent af a Wraa mw baby boy at bis house. The Webster County Woman Rafi frage Society will hold a special meet ing on Thursday the 291k inat, at 4 p. m. at the residence of Mrs. Vr. Baird, for the purpose of electing Mce-Fresidcnts in each precinct of the county and also electing delegates to the State Convention, to be held at Kearney next month. All persons who arc interested in tms cause in different parta af tW countr. and also tall who wish toTtarn mora about it. are earnestly invited to attend. There will be a lecture in the even ing by Mr. Coryell, edit of the Western Woman's Journvl. Ladies coming in from distant parts of the county to attend the meeting, will be entertained by the people ol Red Cloud. ELB. Knight. Sec'y. W. 8. 8. On Tuesday evening next, Sept, 27, the citizens ot Red Cloud will be favored with a lecture from Mrs. Whittenmyer. Mrs. Whittenmyer is one of the most noted lecturers of our day, and those who fail to hear her, we are sure will loose a great treat. The soldiers of our Fate war will ever think of her with grateful feel ingsfor the active part she took in relieving the sufferings of the sick and wounded and will be glad to listen, to her. Tickets will be sold for tho small sum often cents, and some of our benevolent citizens will buy several of them, so that they may be given to any, if there are such, who are not able to pay for them. We want every body to hear her. Secy. W. C. T. U. Frafrajoat tf taa Strata Anul Cttrti- tin of tat W. 0. T. V. tf Vriraika, la H 1L I. Ctarca, Isaraty Via., Stpt Had, 23rf, lita, 350,110. Thursday, Sept. 22d. :30 p. .m. Temperance Love Feast; conducted by Mrs. R. Hyde, of Lin coln. Appointment of Committee on credentials. Adjournment. Friday, Sept. 23d. 9:00 a. m. Consecration Service, led by Mrs. Prof. Wise, Plattsmouth. 10:00 a. m. Formal opening of Con vention. Devotional exercises, led State President, Mrs. C. A. Hardy. 10:30 a. m. Roll call. Introduction and seating of delegates. Report of Committee on Credentials. 11:00 a. m. Appointment of Com mittees. 11:30 a. m. Singing, "Rock of Ages." Announcements and -adjournment. afternoon session. 1:30 p. m. Committee meetings. 2.00 p. m. Business session. Devo tional exercises, led by Rev. M. J. DeLong, Tecumseh. Singing. 2.30 p. m. Address of welcome, by Mrs. Baker, President W. C. T. U., Kearney. Response, by Mrs. M. J. Shelly, Tecumseh. 3.00 p. m. Presidents Annual Re port. 3.30 p. m. Corresponding Secretary's Report. 4.00 p.m. Treasurer's Report. Sing ing. Adjournment. evening session. 7.30 p. m. Responsive Service. De votional Exercises, by Mrs. Louisa Collins, Kearney. 8.00 p. m. Annual Address, by Rev. Mrs. DeLong, Tecumseh. Saturday, Sept. 24th. 9.00 a. m. Prayer and Conference Conference meeting, led by Mrs. Geo. Bent, Red Cloud. 10.00 a. m. Business session. Report of Committee on Finance. 10.20 a. m. Report of Committee on Resolutions. 10.10 a. m. Reform Work; its impor tance and bearing on the general work; by Mrs. Dr. Latta, Lincoln. 11.00 a. m. Work among our Foreign Population; by Mrs. L. Russell, Tecumseh. 11.30 a. m. Reports of Auxiliary Unions. AFTERNOON SESSION. 2.00 p. m. Mothers' meeting; conduc ted by Mrs. A. M. Davis, Lincoln. Singing. 2J00 p. m. Children to the front; by Mrs. Thos. Pollock, Plattsmouth. 2.45 p. m. Grumbling; Mrs. L. B. Cunningham. 3.00 p. m. Unfinished business. Re port of Committee on publication. 3 JO p. m. Election of officers, and Delegates to National Convention. Singing. Adjournment. EVENING SESSION. 7.30 p. m. Opening Exercises; een ducted by Mrs. A. B. Slaughter, Omaha. Address, by Mrs. Anna Wittenmyer, Philadelphia. Sabbath Morning, Sept. 25th. 0.00 a.m. Experience Meeting, led by Mrs. M. J. Shelly, Tecumseh. 10.30 a, m. Anniversary Sermon; ancellor Fairfield, Lincoln. ting; led by ii t6w8a&k.ii ImaTwasoaafe-i V kmar. "" -Z' " X flgmas a-y f mMwm A.iaak Hituaai tfw ' - am jaM la qmfl aeaawamajmaaaawt I a'. . - " !. 1i r. --i, T- TrTWmaaBwawawaawaaVaartaaSKM? W J4 J I mrm f ajuflUTB xxxxrm. .- rgyX?g - BLT. '- .. -,i -' - -- --.- - ewawaaa aawaarwaT Bw.wb.MHMM upwa ay eawa. wawai aawaagj--r-.-T fn. ! v laaawaaaaTBalBiadaa imr- r w. JB , '3awaw " BwafamaBwK flaflBawBrmmmme aBBBwaw awawtaj waaaBBawawawjaaPawawai awi aWra. a HajJ-y-Tiasala. Treapir, Ttjia tgii! aai i mWXjMjmm Tkaf - ITTX. -- ? a:aT----a-. - - sVaUtamaaaaBV tABawkaat BBW-awBT .. ' BBuaWmBBT.. 1 aa aa aa mBWaaak aaWeamama mat 4BWwaaaWiBBBBBawwa w :BW 1 aw." alaawaa wBeaBvaBAaaB aBwajaajaaal BTBBBwBtL awawawawawawawW'ATawaBBBBBBwawm rwawaaa b.hv aw 1; - Bat 4L BBBB HjflJt J"fKv jjj?s aamwaaflw- - . W. awrrTaayawawr.-, Jwwjiflt yBBimmi i. ,, JffJmmTmiWTrmi-r JECI TSBJStp&SEOBL SrfcSMSsSlvS ZttSSSSEg&Z s C3bwf- . --' i'-z,-- -,:'-r1 raaaTgw j- --j-j--ajawawaaegaaaaaw wawawaweawawawfcawawaeaweewaw zzr.r- -a- iw- Btat oneUauwawkBafe IWawamfkaaflw ''"i- ''-, awawaBawawaawWXBWtawafc aaaw wa wg waw agraS-m -m waaaalaaaiaawaaJaVatawL BWaYgawAlBTwai aBB awataawa awawa v WAW' ..rn ar v m Baaaak aaaawaM. aa waa aaawaav aaa Saaa ajStawaawawaWawawaa. awaawi aw mr awaar a L im wttBV' awa jh 4 BMwBar t. tA t wa tsaaalTB-W'itaawatBW Wta Tawrr"TTiTaTTir W WM. Baa TarflgamflrTarrTlir'ir '" --" " ' - - -- Ttv "-. """ LlTaBwaaaw 9WtmmWII99mmWmSk.S -?tiaawi aWmamaawraBwltaBm Tam-atT L "maaV . - -1X- y . ."- : aawmawmawaawmBwawawawmBBWaaawmBBVl awaam mBwrnawmam aaawl awmawmaawal a"TawaWawfwawaw--a' aamawaYaawmawmawmawmawmawa. al aa. - . waaWfWfWfWjBBaBraBBBBBBBBBBBBBar waBaBwaaBB-vr " j" , - ---- raua&fcam. -aaawa aaawawvaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-.awr--, rz. w, aWfaMatBBB -.., awaBBttau. ---' v, r ', wa-TTTT-'WaaaawaBlawt- 4 amBmreawawajaaawaar 'aw-aaar)aaaBFBapBpiaBwgawlaw-eaaBBBB . vvbbwbb. tar awatawawawawBakaaB- -.- m. MJbDbm XrawBawaa-. avaaa :.a aa-aaaavM. -j&Brw w ...aaaaaaaaaiBaM. . '. ' -.! mi m ' 1 1 j, w . .- -.- t J mv r-fcL v-w - r -3,s -.... j t-f - i7.-.aa'j- fcAJBX- - -x Haaw.awai 1 1 , awaaaawai aBwawgata awaawawaawav- -av 7wj"aawBF""TTTi t-j if& , fW JT - l. "vv1 V . vZ' 1S- TAUIT There ware three birth in one sight in the little town of Superior last week. The Franklin county fair has been postponed till the 27th of the present menth. Potatoes are worth $1.25 per bushel at CulbcrUon. Men and teams arc constantly going west t work on the B. aV M. extension between Culbertaoa am! Denver. The eootract for the Bloomtngion bridge has been let. A reward of $200 is offered for Jos. Watson of Harlan county, wanted for horse-stealing. All lands of vegetables are said to be scarce in Bloomington. Zediker Robertson of the Rep. Valley Echo have purchased the good will and subscription list of the River ton Eagle. The Franklin Echo says that 150 head of Colorado sheep passed down the river, Tuesday, destined for Web ster county. Preston Zediker, while plowing near Naponee drove so close to a 30 foot well that one of the horses sliped in stern formost and Mr. Zediker whipped out his knife and cut the harness to save tho other horse. Strange to say the horse that fell to the bottom of the 30 foot well was rescued after several hours work. Bloomington is to have a bridge, and Gibbs fc Manning of Republican City, have the contract. It is to be of wood and four span long, and will cost the Bloomington and Gak Grove precincts $2,750. The people on tho south side of the river will rejoice as it will obviate the necessity of fording the river in cold weather. o4o. A gentleman by the name of Bcn tley is making arrangements to put a cheese factory on Thompson creek six miles north of Rivcrton. He has 120 cows and over 300 head of cattle all told. This is a step in the right direction and every farmer in the community should lend a helping hand. It means wealth and pros perity. Success to Mr. Bentley. Echo. You will probably want a Stove pretty soon. Please bear in mind that our stock of Stoves is very com plete and of the best grade made. We can please you in whatever style or price you may want. Besley &, Perkins. Married: In Juniata, Sept., 11th, 1881, by Rev. Lewis Barr, Mr. D. II. Freeman to Miss Julia Anderson, all of Juniata Neb. Married: Rinker Fulton At the residence of the bride's father; R. B. Fulton Esq., in Red Cloud Neb., Sept. 14th 18R1. by the Rev. Geo. O. Yeiser, Mr. Clinton P. Rinker and Miss Lillian C. Fulton, all of Red Cloud Neb. Married: Pboudfit Sabin At the residence of the brides father, Wm. Sabin Esq., in Guide Rock Neb. Sept., ISth 1SH1, by the Rev. Geo. O. Yeiser, Mr. Ransom S. Proudfit and Miss Nettie T. Sabin, all of Guide Rock Neb. Special Notices. Xotieea in tola column will ba ekaraad 5 cnU a Una aaek waak. Shipping tags can Chief oflico. be had at the Headquarters for flour at Putnam's Flour and Feed Store. A full stock of iron and wood pumps, at Mitchell & Morhart. 4-tf The beautiful snow will give you a severe cold, which can be cured by taking Dr. Marshall's Lung Syrup for a short time. All druggists are authorized agents. The name of Dr. Marshall's Lung Syrup is a household word. It cures all severe cases of coughs, colds, bron chitis, etc. Price twenty-five and fifty cents. Ask your druggists. All persons knowing themselves in debted to me by Note or Book account will call immediately and settle the same, as I design closing out my stock of general merchandise at the earliest day possible. 4-tf Samuel Garber. September 1st, 1881. If you are suffering from indiges tion of any complaint of the Stomach or Bowelsyou will obtain great relief by using the Prickly Ash Bitters, as they have the property of gently relieving these organs and placing them in a good, sound healthy con dition. 7 Per Cent. Money to Loan! Money to prove up with on final re ceipt, or on deeded land at 7 per cent., and 1-62 per cent, commission, or at straight 9 per cent, no commission. JNO. K. WILLOOX. OfSce next door to Chief office. 30tf SEWING MACHINES. R. R. Sherer has taken the agency for the New Stewart Sewing Machines, and is prepared to sell you the best machine in the market at the lowest price, fcterv macnino is luliy war-i rented. Call and examine" the New Stewart Sewing Machine at Sherer's Drug Store. , 6-3-t LaadOfleaatBlaaaiactaeak. Eayt.15 MSI. KUe is karaky frraaat tka frUawwc aaiarf tn'r1- V- t-v-v" ' - aaaka taal ataaf ia MMartCkia claim as a- trr taanei Miara atari ei ui Sa.. at fcv kflBBBJ . .- im J --jr 4, -L l-kw.-- a-MBamamwaaaaaWWwmmyawar awaj- T t . m j.m. mlmfBBBiflmaflafffl.VflBBBBBBBBBBBflB . . - al'. tfaa flf .flTaaBaflaaafll amaaalr k.aaaawP.eaarawBw'wrawBwBflawB IwaaawawrtawawawT wBwBwaaBwBwBwawk .VmBwBwBwBwBwSwBwBwL' JM """"'""'Z BaCJawEfltwa J. L A m&mmmmmmmmVmWXrra w aaPMfla-aW amam .TawmaVflae mmvavaWK am ami tw-w-j-, i , SO S m'. -Jgd- . :- -4 f-V VA'-SKf . t PHTwfBNaM tafCTBwNa.- SSBaJB"Tiwaet r-" ."' - - jv. -- "" - ' jJfw . r . T - yaSBWri-Bwt rjr - jjj; , Final Proof Notices. f m ala1aa y.VH. VI. tan. U karakr tat tV M4tM aauaaa Um mt kte taUstUa 1. aaaaa tmmpt aai ctalai.M4 a aaw aatrr tawrktr JmM 1 Ti tara. aia ef tk roan ia WaWtM araaif at a M i a4 .Nak, a Salariar. OrtaW .IWL. via. M. Caatr faaacs. tr4lry Xa.)CKrMkaS K taartcr m. iw a wtkraar Jevaat. Ha tka fl Ula Km to fret. aU rattaaa ri aaa aa aa4 rHtat mM Us 4 ttr !3wcnkL.aWL aia.l W. HaH. Omte- 7 9'" J- G"1 w. af Ka4 Cl4 5ak. S. W. SWITZE&. RUtar. Ua4 0r at Btlarte. SfCStl . IML KHk la ktrakv ciraa tkat tka ilwUf aaja4 ttUt kat al-i aoU f &i laUaii.a t a. laal rrf la rrut af ku Hate. aa4 tkat aaM rtl llt k aiai. hU a.rk tHf trktCaart WaVtarCVat.tr at U4 CU4 Nak. .. w S1" Baawaa. 4 ratrr Na. XZ ttr tk. Ntatt qsart.r aaa. t utt ana raaaal IS . If iMm tka feUewiac ltaw t trT kf miuhmi rU.aaaa a4r)UratU ai4 la4 ala. Joka MrCr. Jka W. HtCmj. b'Mrp W. Raa art. U ill taa Pattra all f Wl, Nak. aaUtlS S. W. SWITZrta, kaciataf. Laai 0ea at Bkatataa. 5. rru, , lal. Xolka U knakv givaa tkat tka Mlla aaia4 MCtltrkaat!a4aUrar kta aataatU to ataka taal aroaf la aaart of aU a). (at aa4 tkataaM rt will ka at4a Mai Owk af Dlroirt ftart Waaatar Caat at Ba4 Cla4 9ak.. as aatarUaT OtiaWr U. lau via: ... t7 a!aaa. pt: D,K.rW tot tka aoatk-waat mnt aaa 34 tawa 4 aortk rmaca 13 wart. Ha aaaaaa tka ftiltowlac aritaMM. v trra kU wattsaaa. raaiiaaaa ata aa4 ealUratloa ( mU ta4 !: Jaaita J. WmU Afaaarl WUHaa. PaUl C. Dajrar. Jaok C AlUaa4 all of Walla Jtafc. aaaUoetU 1. W. 8 W I IZEB, Batfatar. Lao4 0ca aCE1oailaaloa N.k SK. . 11. NoUVaU k.r.7 Itb tkat tka MUra-lan aaaia4a.ttlarkaa SImI oi af kU Uu. tf aiak. laallaraor la tarrrt af kU atalw. aa4 tkat aaid y root wtll ka atvla V.fra CJHi ef Uatoaar 14, ISS1. rla: ....- Wiiaubj af. CaaBiiu U'i No. 3TS9 for tka 5 K qaarttr ia. toa 3 aartk raaga 13 at. If a aaaiaa tka folloia vltaaaaa to proa kU reatiaaoat tMe aaa. aa4 ealtiratioa af. taJ4 Ua4 via: Ll.nl Af.ttaTULD.?M1.Urkt o., p.,7 Ea-warJ M. f. Oraka. all afOatkaftoaKak. aaalWtlS 8. W.8W1TZKB, KaUtar. Ua4 Oala at BfaaaBlactoa Na k Saat.. S. 1MI. Kotloabkaraktivaatkat tka aallavlag aaaiad aatU.r kaa filad aetiea ef kle lataatloa to aiaka laal proof la tapport oi kit alaJai. aa) that aald proof will ba au4a kafora Clark of Dutrlft Coart at Kad Cload Nak.. aa Batartar Oetokar 1& 18L vie .. Patib Roaaca. H'4 Ko. KM for tka EfXK o.aartr $. S aaJ (3i N K aaartar aaa. SUwa 1 raaga! vaM. Hm aaaiaa taa fllawiaa- witaaMaa to araa a la oatiBBo raaidaaaa aa.aa4 ealtlratloB af. aw laad. alt: Kaaiaal Qlaar. Raaolah Frarar. Mtarr M. Carael. Saataal osw kat Jar. all al Aaikoy Nak. aeplSaatlS 8. W.H WITTER. RagtHar. Laad Oflea at Bloralagtaa 5ak. Aag. S4.1M1. aaaad tattlar kaa fllaf aotiea of kit lataattoa to ataka Anal proaf in rapport of kit claiat aa4 a cora laal aatrr tharaof bafora tka el-rk ef glt.Brt ia Wabttar eaaaUr at kla aalca la Ka4 Cload Nak. oe SataHay 0i. t, 1H1. , la: vi.wd vaaBTaaa. 7f A W r tka ITH.NK oarter aad Ha aaaiaa tka followlagwitsaaaaa to prove kla cooiinuoajra.iaaeeaapoa.aad caltlvaUoq or. aid lead. Tic Eli lleaaaltiae. Karl II. Wlck- ,B?,'??rk?,dLW,JlMB OmtrltB Volltra att or Oalda Kock Neb. epl.epW 8. Y. 8WIT7.EK. ReaUtcr. Land Office at Illoomloftoa Nab. Aug.. 2t. 1W. otiea it barrbr aiTtn that the following Bamrd retUor bit fllnl notice of hit intention to hi trwi in psptmn 01 ni naiai, aau te- cara laal entry tberaoC kafora the Clerk of the Cburt Wcbtter County Neb . at hi. offle. in nci wiuua 4icd on 3onnj vrci. .1. isi, tic (laukoa flKtrnv. n. n c. Vn ti-rr f... ik. ci. V -... ... 'X town 1 range 12 wett, lie name, the follow idi wiincun in proTe 11 1 coniinuout reaiavnce upon, and culllration of taid land, ric Kdward Kngall. and Henry Serif of Ked Cload Aab.. Jofcphut Koirnerame of .Scott Nab.. Joka lerlin of Ked Cload Neb. ephepM S. W.aWlTZKK. RagUlar. Land Offlce at Rloomington. Neb. Any. 27. 141. Notice i b.raby giltr.n that the following named aettler baa Bled notice of bl intentloo to anake final proof in tupport of bb elaita, and teenre fi-ial entry thereof, before the Clark of Iitrict Conrt in R'ebtter Coanlr at Ked Cloud Neb., on Saturday Oct.. Mh. 1M1. ric I.AlJlHT. lawia. h'd entry No.CSJi for the JCbalf N K 'qaar'.er tec. 12 town 3 north range 11 wetL He nan, the following witn.ttet to ,rota kiautiBaief rcaideaea upon, and ealUratios of. tall lead. ric Henry I". Crawford. Beaiiman T. Read. NiehoL-u Ilaner. LorentO D. Thomaa. all of liatin Neb. lepliapZ) 5. "V. 3WITZEU, RegUtar. Lead Oflea at Bloomington Nab. Aag. 27. 18S1. Notice U hereby girta that tka following named tettler ha. filed notice of hit intention to make final proof in rapport of bU claim, and atenrm final entrr thereof before JaaiM A. ful- leya. el.rk of court la Wakatar eoaay, at hit of- Bee in Ked Cloud. Neb., oa Xoaday October 3d.lssl. ric: Not a W. Caarroaa. 5 re D. S. No. WW for the E K N W oaarter and I H S W qaartar tee. 4 towa t aartk raaga 19 wett. 11a Basnet tka following witaaaeea to proTa hif eoBtlnuoot retideece a pea. and eal tlTation of. aald lead. Tit: Joka Poyar. Wil liaa Hteara. liriea U.Traaca. Edward U. Koa. all of Cowiae Nab. t.pltep2 B. W. 8WITZER. Kat later. Lead Oflea at Blooajiagtea Nek- Aaa. la. 1M1. Notice ia kereby lieen tkat tka fell awl a - aaaaed aattler kaa Sled aetiea of kla lateatioa la ataka laal aroof ia raaaort of kU alaiaa.aad aaeare laal aatrr tkaraof. kafera tka Clark af Ihatrtet Coart. ta Webeter eeuaty at kia oaTca ia Raw Cleei Nakraaka oa 8atarday aaptaaaeer 24ta).18BI. Tic Klliott A. aa Dteb. are.. D. H. No. 9M. for tke N W ii fee. 12 towa 2 aartk rage 12 wait, lie aaaiaa tka fellwlac witaaaeea to proee ait eoeUaaoH raaidaae apoa. aad ealtiratloa of. aaid Uad eic Heary C. Poott, Robert Koasd. Aagatlat W Uolav grain. Kdwia MeteaJf. alt or Red Clewd Nak. aagSaapa 6. W. 8WITZKR. ftatiatar. Lead Oflea at Bloimiattoa Nak. Aaa. M. 1M1. Notice if kereby gieea tkat tke rellewiaa aaaaed aattler haa Ilea) aotiea of ki iateetUw ta aaake laal aroof ia rapport of kit elalai aad aa eare final eatry thereof before Jaatea a. Tall art Q ere or Cbart in Webeter eoaaty Neb. at kit oSee ia Red Cloa4 Nek. oa Baanlay geptetaker ia. laai. STLTarraa Baavaa. k'd V: 3739 for the M W lA tee. 4 Uwa 4 aartk raaga 12 wets, lie aaaiaa the feOviac witaaaeea to proTa kie eoatiaaout ratidaaae apa. aad ealtiratieaof.aaiilaad.Tic Nieaalaa Yraeaa. Royal U. Wiekt. Saaiael Hoflawa. Mardaa 1 eaaea. all or Walla Pew. aagSSaeaS . W . H WITZM, Bagit ter. Laad Oflea at Blooatiagtoa Nab. Aa, 2. laal. Wotiee it kereby girea tkat tka followlac aaaiaa aatuer kaa Ig4 aotiea af aw tateatiea ta aaake laal proof la terprt ef kla elaiaa. aad areata laal eatry tkaraafkere Jagaaa A. Tar ley . elerk of DiaC eoart-of Waaatar eaaatr Neb..atkiscaaiafUdaawd. Neaw oa Wrk- day. Sayteeaker 36tk. 1M1. ria. Oaaa B. Haarar. k'd No. 3129 far tka KEK aaa at lava S aortk raaga 12 wart. Ha aaaiea tka felkraiag vit aaaaaata proTakiteeatiaaeaa laaidaaia aaa. aad ealtiTatloa of. aaid lead, ric Kara H. Jeaaa of Red Cload Neew Leraret H. Laae Caatiaa Uaater. WaakiaeteB W. Marray. all ef IaaraJw 9ea. aas36aa22 - S. IT. SWIT2E1, Biatar. Laad Oflea at Woetaiagtoa. ?akw Aaa at. Mat. Netiee ia kereby girea tkat tka Mlwviae aaaae aetuer aaa aia4 aouea or at wttauai aaake faal araaf ia rapport af hie afatta. aad aevara laafaatty taereof. hHe Clark af Bfa triet Coart af W akater eoaaty Nakv. at kit eaUe inKedCTewd Nek..oa Satarday. Me34tk. uei. tic Noma Hiyve. a-4aBtryNo.tTr$frtkeNBlaee.2l team 2 aortk raaga 11 vet. Urn aastra taa follewiev witaaaeea to Prora aea eoatisaea rwvdraea apoa. aad-ewHlTarjtweC aaH laaiVvu: laaj; wet Aaderaoa.rtaiak BaaL Certai lakal.XaraK- Coarad all of atlBe!. aa2Scep22 S. W. 8WITZlaV,Rriatet. La ad Ofkaa at tleoBiagloa Nak. At-. . HW, Nntiee ia hereby girea tka aVe Mlawiac aaw ad aatUar kaa lied aetiea ef kie iaeewB ta autka aaal proof ia rappert of ate a4aMan aad. aa ewralaal eatry tkeraof kwiar Jaatat AiTal leytalerkef eoart ia Waaatar taaetwa kia eflee ia Red dead Nek., aa aaaaaday Baa, 24tk ISO. Tke ' niarfVT aa i-awmwawawrwr- aSKMff W J4 J WZ aTwr ;- rm w -.w-'i, V ataaaawafaaMaawai kaaaLTwaaawV .-- 'yf'fr fcifv; - . -: - r - 5 3w; Meat Market JTaa. Jf QSHKR. iVf- tu xlmk or Knii, limffL km ALWAYS OH HA5D, Moshcr's old Stand, Chicago Lumber Yard; lieid Cloud. lVeibrmskei. YARD fiOUTIlOPlIAMlTONWLACKMlTHMlOP UN MA IN ST :cci conatantly vn kanJ an aaatvtittrat tf Umlff. Uth tod WlndoBJB. Uwr, Hair. CVmraU llwlcr. timidity P--r Kir Ktcs lUf S.Kf PLATT GO TO W. Staple Fancy Groceries, -THE TOBACCO 4 CIO AIRS IN TOWN. A!-0 Choice Nuts Fruits Sl Confections. sraala Fraita and Vegetable 80UI BIG PAY! AKirtm WAlwTSat rartrutati tSLUXf 100IftWA. FOUNDATIONS OF SL'CCKSi. aaa un T.taa. A CYCLOl'RUlA OF Business ui Forms The fWret of rtUCC9S ia Life. Tke Uw. af Trade. J! rta. itow i iniwi bbmb Valaakle Table. oeUl . r.tiaatt. PartlNiea- larr L'aaae. How ta Ceedaat ra Bile BteellBgt- Logdat Orderr-Bl tier. It la a OMBBlete (BMeflSCC4rfl. Ageata takUc 47 U 74 Order pet Week. A FaatHr Neeeeelty. Addraaa for ClrtBlart aad Al'KCt L Terat.. ANCHOR rL'iUIdtUNO CO. CHICAGO IIXS. OR T. UL'tS V-l.St MO. NOTICE OF DliviiOIATlON. The firm of Jolutpun A Crojia h.u been dlMoIvctl liv mutual cuneont. All Imbihtivn of tlii? firm will bo set tled by Mr. Johnson, ntitl nil nci'tninta of thc'firm have been loft with Cn-tc A. McNcnv lor collection. (. ". JOILNM).". July 4th 1SS1. I Cum. NOTICE. To all trhom it may ctncrrnr The public arc hereby notifiH! that tho following tlejcri1cl property, ntiw in the hnmU of II. llnnfcr, (ittidr Kock, Nebraaka, i ownttl by the un dcMtpncd ami was loivnr! to thu mid H. llcnfcr; x'uz One mnrble top plat form scalcx, 0110 14 inch clenver, one uteak knifo nil one meat aaw G-t-3 NV. Mouhi:r. BWMaBBiBwaiaw'aBaaaBBBBBBawaartBBaMBaBBwaBaaiBaBBWawaaBBaBflBBBwaB fond wriAcnii. Matlre It kereky gir.n. that I will egamtat aIla.raontwkoaiayda.tre to aaar tbeaitelTee at eaadldatea.Jor taeeo.it of the primary or aeaiBtoB tckaolt ef W.aur eanaty. ai i.4 Cloatt oa. lb. firtt Hatarday ta tke at atkt -i r.braary. Afar Aagntrt aad NuraatVert At blaa 11 ttl ob the 5 ret SataHay U tk naatkt f auary. Av-riLJuIy and October, At JaUa Ho oa tka lint hatardjy ia tka Btealka a( Marrk.Juae. Septeatbet and I'eeeaiUr. Kxa'alaatleat ta comiaeate at t e'ik a. a. A. A. Purs. Ceaa'.y aaaeHBtand.at ( Pabiit Itttritellea TAKE NOTICE. I have purchaaetl the fractional aec. of land layinjc lartwrim Peter McNitt'a and the river. And tho public i hereby notified not to cut any timber on the same. M. B. McNrrT. Smith Brothers announce stilt an other important reduction in rate of interest on time loan. Straight nine Kcrnt annual intrrrti. Call at the nk and leave your application. 40tf. Money To Loan On Real EUle, in Webster and ad joining countiaa at the wry best rate It will pay every farmer who thinka of borrowing money, to see me before making arrangements with any other party. No expense to the borrower no tedious delayno dealing with eastern parties no application fee, bonus or commission no fee for making or recording papers or taking acknowl edgements no advance or semi-annual interest, and no interest tintil money is actually in hand. Call upon or add r era R. A. gtwraow. 3Stf Loan Broker, Blue Hill, Neb. HONEST FRED! mUas, the Albright Horse. Will stand tb season at Red Ckxvi at lt year's rates, vm f00 Joiners single mare; Two .xnare. 1540; move titan two bv the same owner, tT-fltf each. For the season, 1 5-00; single scrnce, 13.00. . , . Thia linna nailc onlV U bfl Mn to be admired. He Haa 'been ackiaewl- edged Irjr-maay good && to 1-s t&e best mMiihtu" im thai ctUm. w mrJa. in cetn, 1509 pOtinl. Beaotimi miy, vjmm- " Z- - a aaa. a hgt carnage awQ 1 2r - P.44 -J-?ar.-. ' ii". . SlaaaW ' "54. -f mCiSaL '.' r Hb. amamamamamamamaTl h ! ,.au aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaav I S ajg mmmmmmjfi, . BaTBmamamamamamraY -mjaammM ? maBamaVkmaamm m Jamm m. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmMm)mmm Red Cloud, Nebraska. !! & FREES, Proprietors. B. ROBY'S tor- llEST- on CotHveion KK! f.Otl) NT.lt "The Proof of the Puddingisinthe Eating." You have only to call e on us and wc can easi ly convince you that we do sell HARDWARE A little HliLOW the so-callifcl "Bed rock pri- ces" advertised' by other firms. BesloyL Perkins Sdwiaiaatf Samuel West, t)Ku.a ix Tobmooo. Cigars. C0KFECTI02TEIIY. CANNED rilUITi, FHESH FRUITS. CRACKERS, CHEESE, OUANOW, LKXONH. ao a rvix lixk or rncT aijo a rKJr ciuas Ios Crsaxn Pmrlor Where you rnu nlwara grt a nice dih of Ice Crc-tm during. the I5rton. A ahare of the nnMio ptronns ia reepclftilly rlH-iiel. Flr.t tUttt uotith of Mitchell Jt Morbart'a. P.tD CLOWP, - - iStCBAXA JL m JO u o u a 4 n m K B H ft a w e M K C P .9 1 1 m 1 m t : a n at t. Bi I2 1 i COME TvrYixxr JXLTJX9Z A WTTCTAVl til 1IT l TMl IAI mm w&i' tSCitii Kt. , 3P 1 9 - , a j r i