The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 15, 1881, Image 4

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bk -
Moon bai&nder,
Jdeai.kks i.v(
General HerchanaiSeV
Xcoti & Shoe.
OrngN, Medicines,
Oil Tarnffilici,
I2nts Etc.
etc., etc.. etc.
A full line of everything kept in a gen-.i-.ii
atoro, at ii)cixw feT cash waua.
Kocn & Callender.
rro)rielor of tho
Cily Brug Store.
Drugs, Medicines.
Paints- Oils
and Varnishes,
A full supply of
I'nronrf;c rolirlted and tbnnVfully TceeiTed.
I'rcscrit:ot)K cartf ully cotnioundcdC
One dooruith of Gainers store,
(Successor to G. A. Brown-)
Parior, Bedroom
Brackets, Ciiromos,
Picture Frames,
Mattresses, Etc.
O fiii nlwavn on hnnd and trimmed on fhorl
..! n i'rii ,- b Ihlv im nnv iu ihe :il!cV.
HiI.iiiTiaK ot all kind dona luoiapny ana
Burial Robes furnished at rcnsonahlu
K tci.r cuistrntly on hand a full Line of
And everything usually kept in a first
class sdiop.
Tie Bietost Cub Price Paid for HIdc
tad Fars.
Flour & Feed
Cora. Mcal.Bran Chopped Feed and
Viit theltedOcud Grocery, Teed andPro-Ti.-itin
tirohei jou wuhi supplies for man or
Iclic't market iirice is cmh palp for rtn
AH kisul- .ilLountry ptoluee takoa sa oxchaas
(ii i: li." itnodi delivered to all i-.iru of town
frc t'obarec.
--c -uuth ti Kecd's I'low Faeterr.
PxEd Cloud, - Nebraska.
!i nanFn
"vsvrrr uraioiiEi
J&ry Goods mnd
Hats, Caps. &
Jlm'hj Made Clothing'
Ve havs ths Laraest
Stock in the Valley and will
net be undersold.
Give us a call, one and all.
Ked Cloud A eb
."tei.-s.-i r Frh neats. Eaawr
"'w"- fc - - a 1! Vt .It t
Mrtkltlf lniOVUBBUUU w
1 1 1 1 i , -,,., - ,Er - , a. i - - i . i- w
THE OBsff-
J" . .! -vJr.J. H- Emih, of the firm of
" JArUFPAYSEI'. 15. IfiSi. pmigh Bro.. arrived from the esi.-t
rrr v. - . . .rJL:m "JZZZ. j but week Hnl is spending a fen- day-
fp IT 12 If T!ntr Tallin I with hi brother.
V e " s '' e ww "
TaVInc effect Fandar. Oct 17. I&W.
Eaftward rr?f nccr lentei.....
Frricht I rt
, 7 CA x. ta.
Wfttward 4ccnn' lrarw .... 9 10 . xc.
rrivc....50p. ai.
Eastward Arrom. lMTej,..l 5D.n.
" " rriv-!i......6:Vip. u.
TminF daily nxrtpt Sunday.
O. W. lUt.iinrocc. A. K. Torxt.M.
8uperintndent. Gcul. Macarer
. jt.i:. cr.vnzn.
S. 5.. flt 10 a.m.. and prcrcbict by tho Pai
tor every Knlibath tnornictr nnd evetinr.
I'rayer mttin c-err ILuuday erenlcc
All are cordially forked.
Preachini: everfim nnl third Fblath of
rnrh month at 11 a. in. and 8 p. tn.. alao on Mb,
?:t!ilofh when erer it occow.
Sbbhu'h School every Kabbath mornia? nt
JI4 oclock. Prayer mettins every W cdnejiday
Local advrrlin:iiipnts uwrted among
the muling muttrr will be ihtirged Qrtt., a
line rarli innrrtion.
Rev. Dixon preaehtd his farewell
sermon last'Sahhath.
Suli-crihc for the Chief and keep
posted on county news.
Extra copies of the Chief can he
had at the office at 5 cents apiece.
The W. C T. U. will meet at Mrs.
Wan en's on Friday next at four
o'clock ). m.
A larjie lot of Platform and Throe
Spring Wagons at gpnnogle ic Funk'd.
Call ami mjo them.
If you want to prove up on your
claims, writo to us and we will attend
to the marter for you.
Wo are indehted to Mr. Pope, the
ellieifiit county Hupt., of fchools, for
many items of intcrot tliirf week.
The ladicd of the Ejuscopal church
will meet at the residence of Mrs.
Silas Oaihera, to t-'cw, next Thursday.
Mr. Van Auken's little hoy had the
misfortune to get his arm hroke while
at play with other children la.H Sun
day. Rev. Maxwell, an old time resident
and preacher of Red Cloud will Fettle
permanently in Ashtahula county,
Standard Muslin, cheaper than tho
cheapest. We can under Hell all com
petitors in this line of good-.
Tho Webster Co. Bank" will Fonn
he read for business. Tho building
is completed and the safe was put in
last week.
Red Cloud is enjoying n building
mom, the carpenters are all busy and
more could find plenty of work if the
boom continues.
We acknowledge receipt of nn in
vitation to be present at St. Louis
during the great annual Festivo week
of the Veiled Prophets.
Kendall's horse books for sale at
this office at 25 cents apiece. They
are worth five times the price to
every man who owns a horse.
Lidies! the finest and hvrge-t stork
of Cloaks and Dolmans' ever shown in
tho Republican valley can be seen at
Miner Bros. '"Come one come all."
i sC. W. Kaley lias boon appointed
Hon the State Board of Education to
fill the vacancy caused by the death
of his brother, H. S. Kaley.
Rosenthal Bros, have ju?t received
from New York a new lino of Dress
Goods in the latest styles and colors,
which they are offering at very low
Men's. Boys' and Youth's Over coats
all kinds and colors, 20 to 25 per cent.,
cheaper than ever. This is not idle
talk, but facts. Come and see for
yourselves. Mixer Bko?.
Mrs. Hawlcy will organize a class
in singing for old and young, nt the
M. E. church Saturday evening, Sep
tember 17lh, at 7:30. All those who
are interested in singing are invited
to be present.
Now is your time to buy a cheap
suit of clothes-at the New York Cloth
ing House of Rosenthal Bro., to
make room for their Fall and Winter
stock, also just got in a line of new
fine Calf and Kip boots, which they
will sell at low figures.
Mr. Sol. Mendlebaxm. is building
a new store at Wells, which will
make three general stores at that
place. Twelve families from Ohio,
will settle there soon, and all are men
of means who will make many im
provements and add much to the
social and financial status of that
J. L. Miner has just returned from
the east where he has purchased the
largest stock of general merchandise
probably ever brought into this valley.
When you come to .town call at
Miner Bros, store and look at their
immense stock of goods of all kinds
which we cannot attempt to enumer
ate. Low prices and plenty of trade
is'their motto.
There will be a basket picnic for
the Gold Water Army, and the Sab
bath Schools of Red Cloud, on the
other side of the river, on Thursday
next The children are invited to
assemble at the Congregational
church, from -which place they will
be taken to the ground, at 10 a, m.
Parents and teachers are invited to
accompany the children and bring
along their dinner. Como one and
all, and let us have a general good
The Sabbath School -workers of
Webster Count v. Neb are hereby re
quested to meet in Convention, at
Blue Hill, on Friday evening and
SatiiFd.iv Sept. SO, and Oct. 1, 1881.
Let ever- Sabbath School be repre
sented, and come out expecting a
profitable meeting.
Program will be prepared after the
meethig is opened.
- - J. Mi. JUixox,
P. I. Ford,
Jas. Graves,
-o-3-t '
A. B. Fox proprietor of the elevator
nt ('Oftlc-j, bin put in an engine and
will nm hi? elevator by Mcain power.
'Tncly Sum" GarU'r i putting in a
Fairbanks Scale and building correl
for stock between hii store and iJow'j
blacksmith t-hop.
J. I B;iyhn, Eq., appreciates the
honor conferred upon hiru in hU
nomination as Co., Clerk, by tho
Republican Convention.
Mrs. Fowler ha iust received n
large and select tock of new Milin-
ery gntxi winch r he is offering to the
ladies of Red Cloud and vicinitv at
very low figures. Call and see" her
John P. B.tvha. tho 7fpnnl.1if.-in
nominee for county clerk, and family
left l:it Tucnday for a three week's
visit to his father at Wheeling, West
A ride in the country last Sunday
and an inspection of a numlcr of
cornfields convince4 ui that there
will be a good deal of corn gathered in
this county this fall.
Farmers, it will pay you big to run
your wheat through "a" Fanning Mill,
before you ndl or sow it. Spanogle it
runic nave me largest and beat line of
Mills in the valley.
Dr. Oviatt will be nt the Boy's
Home Monday, September 19th, and
will remain one week. The doctor
desires that all needing Surgical oper
ations will please call early.
Don't fail to sec the improved
Studebaker Wagon, it has home new
feature not found in any other, which
makes it the best wagon in the world.
Spanogle fc Funk have just received a
car load.
Mr. John Mnrry the carpenter and
contractor has his hands full at the
present time, building new residences.
He ha two or three in course of con
struction for ex-CJov. Garber, one of
which is to be occupied by Mr. Shidler
of the Webster Co. Bank The ex
cellence of Mr. Murry's work is
attested by the fact that he always has
plenty of contracts on his hands
whether times are dull o not.
Our contemporary of the south end
pays quite a handsome compliment to
our good looks in his last issue. We
are sorry that we caunot return the
compliment in the same way, but the
south end fellow is so uncompro
misingly ugly that it would be an
insult to refer to his personal appear
ance at all. Good intentions are
more deserving of compliment than
good looks, anyway, and while the
"north end fellow" may posess the
one, the south end fellow certainly
possesses the other; but we have
heard of a place that is said to be full
of good intentions.
Headquarter. Armj of the Ccasxxiers.
General order No. .
Comrades: You are requested to re
port to Headquarters immediately to
receive Rations, Clothing, ami Blank
ets for the Fall and Winter Campaign.
"In times of peace prepare for cold
weather." Signed, Miner Buos.
Highest prices paid for country
produce of all kinds. Be sure and
sec us before you sell.
Mixer Eros.
Mis3 P. Barker has commenced
school in district No. 76.
The school iu Guide Rock, com
menced September 5th, Miss Eva
Tulles teacher.
Miss Smith teaches in the
Arnold district.
T. Lawler will teach the Cowlc3
Miss Belle Wilson commenced
school last Monday in school district
No. 61.
Miss Gertie Sherrcr teaches in dis
trict No. OS.
The school commenced in district
No. 25 Sept. 5th with Miss Lina May
as teacher. ,
Tiiomasvii.le Neb., Sept. 12th, 1381.
Editor Chief: A number of
friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs.
Austin Riley assembled at their
residence Tuesday September the 6th
inst., to celebrate the fifth aniversary
of their marriage. Notwithstanding
the rainy day the guests had an en
joyable time, and at four o'clock p. m.
a good and luxurious dinner was
spread and enjoyed by all present,
about forty in number. A good
display of presents were donated,
among -which was a nice bureau,
brackets, baby chair and other small
things to tedious to mention.
About seven o'clock p. m. the young
folks gathered to "trip the light fantas
tic toe," which lasted until the small
hours of the morning when they
dispersed wishing each other a pleas
ant good night. II. M.
The following is tho list of Jurors
drawn for the Octocer term of the
District Court which convenes at Red
Cloud October 4 th, 1S81.
Graxd Jurors:
Jas. L. Miner, Thos. Finney,
Ed. McFarland, Joseph Daniels,
Philip Everhart,
D. F. Wagner.
E. H. Foe,
James McCoy,
Wm. Jones, .
D. P. Newcomer,
A. C. Hall,
John A. Smith,
Jonothau Dunham, John Lavery,
L. P. Albright, 'VVni. R. Ryker,
Petit Jurors:
Isaiah T. Irwinr Tm. Richardson,
Abram Kaley,
Joseph Garber,
J. S. Sheppard,
John Berenzen,
John Dunbar,
Carydon Crow,
,Wm. Wilson,
G. W. Houghton,
Geo. Heaton,
John Aultx,
Isaac Pish,
R. D. Jones,
Winfield Palmer,
Wm. Gather,
D. Carpenter, "
Henry Hass, -
X. Householder, Joseph Graves,
H. Labdell, - John M. West,
3I.-C. Pulton,
Joseph Gaesslcr.
Siw HS Ivt-s.
R. A. Siinpon hat completed the
bt resilience iu totn.
Mr. Slacker breaking ground for
hi new dwelling houc
P. Bock has purchased lot? and mill
shortly build.
A new lumberyard jut opened out
by parties from'Reatrice.
Wai-h Reed and Wni. Smith have
a new store building well under
Tarties from Beatrice have ojened
out with a new nock of good iu the
old Blumenthal building.
A new hardware store will bo r.ut
up in the near future.
From one thousand to fifteen hun
dred bu-hels or wheat is marketed
here daily.
John Grimes has purchased the
Mackey residence and is repairing the
same. His mother and Lster will
keep house for him.
Dr. Shunk will build a dwelling in
the next few weeks.
School commenced in thn district
last Monday. Miss Lynn from Mill
Co. Ills., is the teacher.
A party has arrived from Beatrice
ami will start a cigar manufactory.
Town lots have advanced
price and are rcadv sale.
A. Koppick has the Inrgo-t and
hct htock of hardware iu the
Blue Hillites "think that their town
will soon become the metropolis of
Webster count v. Rex.
CT fcr tho Bcsdsa.
Friday morning Sept., 2d, found us
enroll to with our faces eastward,
bound for Lincoln to participate iu
tho Soldiers Reunion.
As we drove out from Red Cloud a
mile or two, we met an umberella,
and this question came from under
it '.Going back to Michigan ?"
We drove through Cowles, and ate
our dinner under a spreading tree on
Elm Creek. I find that Cowles is a town
in embryo, it falls below my expecta
tions. It only contains a few more
buldings than the town of Inavalc.
As we drove through the county
further on we found the crops not so
had as has been represented, we caw
large stacks of small grain, and al
though the corn stalks are dried up,
there is corn on them. And we saw
some fine looking gardens.
Wc stopped for tho night at Mr.
Ranncy's in the north east corner of
our county. Mr. It. has made many
improvements, among other things
we noticed a fine field of red clover
looking well. Our genial host had
to start very early Saturday morning
for Red Cloud, and we thereby got an
early start, when it was cool and
pleasant ridi-ig.
Fairfield, which wo pacd through,
has improved much in the past few
years, and bids fair to be a large town.
From there we went to Clay Center,
an other town of "great expecta
tions," nearly all it contains at
present is that famous $12,000 court
house and perhaps a half dozen nice
store houses.
From there to Geneva, (where wc
arc at the present writing.) is a
straight level road with fine farm- on
each side, we concluded they were
good farmers who lived there, for
their land is so clear from weeds.
Filmorc county is more rolling, but
it pleases me better, for it presents an
agreeable variety to the eye and not
the monotonous sameness of the
other. Geneva the county seat is
inproving wonderfully. I will write
you again from Lincoln.
Camp Aiie, Lixcolx Sept. 9th, 1SS1.
Our genial host Mr. Fi?her, the
hanker of Geneva and his pleasant
wife, showed us'tho lions of the place
which are few, but it expects also in
the near future to le a great town.
Monday brought cooler weather,
and we arrived in Crete just ahead of
the rain, but it only rained enough
there to lay the dust. When we ar
rived at this place Tuesday noon,
and just got under shelter of a tent
when it commenced to rain hard, and
continued to rain by spclis until Wed
nesday night. Tuesday they could not
raise the big pavilion on account of
the wind, and they could pnly have a
camp fire in a tent Every one
seemed discouraged, but the soldiers
said they should stay until fair weath
er, if they stayed a month.
Wednesday afternoon despite the
rain the soldiers took hold and raised
the pavilion, and in the evening they
had a rousing camp fire consisting of
short speeches and interspersed with
songs from the Lincoln Glee Club,
which they closed at eleven, and com
menced again at one and kept it up
all night.
Thursday dawned bright and clear
and every baby was happy, the. camp
was lively. The people came pouring
in by thousands, on tho train, and by
wagon and carriages of every descrip
tion. The Veterans all seemed to be
Over four thousand people assem
bled under the pavilion at night for
a camp fire and they were so happy
and hilarious that the manager could
scarcely get them quiet enough to
commence the exercises. They were
more noisy, than was ever a Metho
dist camp meeting.
We were entertained by speeches
from several diferent celcbreties, and
among them -were two ladies, Mrs.
'BiUenbender and Mrs. Colby- Those
-who want to know what is said at a
re-union camp fire must go next year
and hearfor themselves.
I will finish these sketches next
week. EEisEY.
The Oc!olKr ntjrnfor in more than
usually aUrnctie. ad Ktfi.rd. vory
dormant ami edifVtug rundtnc Wc
have the f:rl iuul)menl of a pecu
liarly interesting erial. cniuU-d.
"Martha's Vineyard." by the lt?
Frances Browne, nd the" firl chp
ler? of an admirable try, '"May Oun
nmgharnV Trial," U-mIcs other f hurt
storici, ketchc?, eay, etc , by well
known writer-. The LiUnV by
the late Dean Sunlev; "The I'mppU't
Monk and their Life," -Ijuhliekl
Cathedral," "JMinoiis Kaiw iu
India," "rummer I ie m I-akc Cliu-1
tauqua," Mt;i,iiary Martyr, John
William' ar at.onc tho other n-te-worthv
features of the number, thy
are all finely itinerated. Rev Dr
Deems contributt"i the thinl of the
-erie of tiays, 'Only and "The
Home iuljiit""tor.t4it ; -ersnon bj
Rov. John Stocjfht.jn. I). IX, on the
Milled, 4A new Coinmnuduient." Tn?
jHjems are meritorious, and ererHl of
them are tastefully ilhtrtrated. There
is a large vanety ,f ini-oellat)evi-matter,
together "with thoeo popular
feature"; "Int'-rnational Sundrtv
schnul Ll-MOn-' 'Note- J.y the Wav"
"Obituary Notice." etc." The t.rioe
of a ropv of this excellent jmldicaiion
is only 25 cents. Yearly uk-cription
t.l, p-tpatd. Addre--. I KNK
1.i.ik. I'uldi-hcr, 53, 55 and 57
Place New York.
Special Notices.
Notice in ihW eoluisc M lc cli j:cc4 5 cf at
A line each wee'i.
Go to Ruby's for Butter on tee.
Headquarters for flour ui Putnam"
Flour and Feed Store.
A full stock of iron and wood
pumps, at MtTCHEi.i. Si Mobiiakt.
For S.ii.k: JG0 acres of land 7
miles Miuth-wcsi of Red Cloud, pitrtly
under cultivation. Timber and water.
Apply at this office.
We wish evcrv person to trv a
Bis Fifty-Cent bottle of Dr. MarshallV
Uromoline for liver complaint. and
general debility. It is good. Drug
gists all iell it.
Minister, lawyers and all those
doing clerical work should use Dr.
marshall's Bromolinc. it is a great
invigorator. AH druggists sell it.
l'rice liftv cents.
Smith Brothers announce ttill an
other important reduction in rate of
interest on time loans. Straight ninr
jwr cmt annual iuirret. Call at the
Bank and leave vour application.
' -mj.
I have purchased the fractional sc
of land laying between 1'cter McNittV
and the river. And the public i.
hereby notified not to cut any timber
on the same. M. B. McXirr.
All person? knowing themselves in
debted to me by Note or Book account
will call immediately and fettle the
same. a I diviun clo-ing out mv
stock of general merchandise at tbc
carlieM. day possible.
4-tf Samuel G a r.iirit.
September K-t, 1SSI.
If you arc suffering from indiges
tion of anv complaint of the Stomach
or Bowels, you will obtain gieat relief
hy usnr.1 tiie It.icki.v Asit Hittkhs as
they have the property of gently
relieving these organs and placing
them in a good, sound healthy con
dition. 7 Per Cent. Money to Loan !
Money to prove up with on final re
ceint, or on deeded land at 7 per cent.,
and !-f2 per cent, eoiiimi-doti, or at
straight 9 per cent, no coinmi-'-iozi.
Jvo. R. Wiux-nx.
Office net door to Chief office. 30tf
It. R. Sherer has taken the agency
for the New Stewart t'ewmg Maelunes,
and is prepared to ml you the best
machine in the market at the lowest
priee. Every machine is full war
rented. Call and examine tho New
Stewart Sewing Machine at rjherer's
Drug Store. 0-3-t
Notice is hereby given that the
county Commissioners of Webster
county will meet on the 6th day of
October KSS I. at-10 o'elock a. m.. to
receive bids for re-building the Ina
valc Bridge. J'lans and specification.
to accompany said bids and said
commissioners reserve the right to
reject any or all bids.
By order of the Board.
J. A. TUI.I.KYS, clerk.
m it w BH
Permanently Located, at
Dr. S.W. fbnscr'r of Xrw York CltT.
CorwuitlcK PI.Tjictaru
De. II. T. McCov. lle Snrscon In charro of
EAni Cur Fye ari'I Ear laSnnwr,
Consulting Saryroa.
Chy Eye, Er wl 5urg
Itto of the Sanses Oty Eye, Er wl Surgical
Surgeon in Charge.
The leading pcdilty of the trutltntlcn Is lha
radical care of
la which & cure Is traantnteed by b)oOkM aad
li3ot pclslcs opcrulon.
File. Scmarrhoides, yiBttxla, Ffure.
etc careO wlthDat knife or caustic eai. u itj we cuirawee o cure is erery eve. u
ihce lntertftert will wrlie ct (tH,ie wlllcaa
Tiuce theta thst we mean v wiu tra ear.
-Ia dUtioQ to the ebore K-sdzl-Je tticj
re prerrtl to cKenrt to aU rae In tcUI aad
ipenenisuireryaaddlibaac of the ere and ear.
mal Gynecology.
anb-foot. hre-llr. rroM-ere. aUarset. dnt&
ter-5act.taraon, eta, KttralIy occnUed gb.
Cosealuiicn free. AiUru.
Dr. Oviatt will te at the
Boys' Home Monday lSto,
and remain one week.
" ' s .
1 6
surgical instiiuie
Final Proof Xoticcs.
L-tO ! teibta. X.V, ??. ?
XUt ti k.-t it. iVii ti fi.n.t--
lktHIlW.ttlUtti. UUt tlri f
UwtCi t WiiVt;M JUi Cv4 .
I ttitj ihut U 1m
.... . Ltl' Br.
H d 3try N i7: j-r tU 8iH t
, UT-. I . n!i rAf l: ( H ,..
to f4Ir r - t r Vit -
rlrtr trlri.tnlirkvl m
J.3 X-CJ. Jki3 ", l,y-m, r W. IU
rt. VI iiiia F'rw n ( ws, ,.
,rttuttu b. r.$iTzttk k.wir
N'twhlntt. iHrtJk.i uV. fnHr
t cuV tI iM y titrtt( lt,rt o i
iatMi rf i!t V ei. tft, Ciw f
DutjVrt wrt W,u.trr Cstr t Rr4 a4
pr. n H. rrti ,f i wa,a tMt ,rtf. '
m ?1 ia I rtb rs 1 . U. t,
it. flit "iitmn m, in. ttu '
rr dfcf ! i nUiiliB mf .l .l
r JJr M Wm, a-i?fc.i Wi!.r( Int
''. 1vjt. J.b C. kit :! StV
iwpVHil W. rWItZK. Ktn
Nt U k.rJir tW.a iL.t tl) Mitr
t mW 5U'r r f iart l lijB, J I
iit f4 jW tll h mxi )fer iA f
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...... iAnuM.Ciiui.
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U-J-tj M F.Urofc, lt f'
r. tn i.iiAEai rnW.w
UJ til: Untvt
OMr L Knij.
:Jtl3 . V. a ITZKK. r.ritrr.
1' c. ii i I tarrts mh
L i M2co : ttifrbcte? ua Xb.. pi.. C lt.
NiKe I. h-rkT n.raihtt Ui WUfia.
nanc! it)r t- ill 4n f kl lwei-a
! rniVt lai! (r -ct m uMvrt t V t:lt. J
lt.t fU pi wilt t. ml b.tvr O-rk t
liftrtt Iwd t he4 OfcaJ Ntt..a bitorvlix
OcU'Ur 14. I'sl. ii.
I'tim llrra.
II M Nf 1VS for tk E S H iurtr ul
J" n X 4tT 1-. 9 Lou I r(r 1 net.
Ho D..Oir of llqartnr otlftarM r,u tll
oD4inau r-i'l-i't rurtTts ".
"jawl lan.i. mi. aul iJi;tr. KaiWlL r't-r.
Utrr M. Lnc(I.d.ici.MfttiMrr. all f
AHjfrtjr Ni
.ri.l5eUJ S. W.SWniLK, U.jUter.
LanJ 0S6 t L'lwrulacto XrW. Anf. SI. 1I,
Xtci bcrtl.r rTe that tho foll-u'b.-r.rncl
ttler hi il-l omp olkit irt.Mt a t
utn.p CpjI pref m a -wrt f tui W m a4 ft
rureCofcl !t.tfy ttrrwf Wftar li rt-tk of
p.t.riirt in W,Mr n,ntT ,t I,, ,.ff,rt in
Kr.1 Ui'jJ Xph. on Ss:rJT Cict. s Ivil. ,i
.. .. l""" OHiltU
VllV V" ,'1'T '' lhr w ' "--0rt.r ar,.l ,
I. i v qurirr . K., J f1IIc v ! '
lie nir ib f'iown ttii(. .. itrc l.
o. UhI. vii. Kit ll..ttlO. K.r II. Vff.
Iann.itrrban! .'li. ltlr. k Vvlr all
e UtpSi S. W. SWITZCI.. Ktcuter.
UBJ0ff.rt.l Illn:rtB.Vrfc.AB,.?.I,I
Xftic ! htrriT jf Tn that the fIUHin;
ncim rinrr oa nie-i nu-r : tl tnlrnltMn l
vik Cnl .rol to upxrt hi rlntm, ant p
enrf Cn.-1 cmry th-r..f. brfur. th Clrrk of
thf (Viurt Wb;t-r t oun'y Xf . t bi t3 la
nca v.iuuii .mu.. oa .nn.i tt j, imi. tit;
OtOC'iC tlt.TllI
lrc I. S. Xo. 41JT for the S S W qmrw .
i'j hn 1 rati co 1 wt. llrmiffi the fliw
i.)K nitnc- prove hi rontiou.u r-tlHi
ttKJD. &nl eulivjti.riol.ui.l U.. t EUwnl
l.OFull. nn.I Henry i-crljuf Kl n.u.l .Y.J...
Jve:-hu Kojenrrsrn of X .. Xb.. Jhn
Doilincl ltcd Clocl Nrb.
srfhriO f. W..Wn7.KH. ltitr.
I.nmi 0fi3.-r :it ni.Hm:ti-t-.n NS Au. 1. I1!.
ntiei i. hflv jiv.n ihut ths tII"HC-
aainl rtI)- Km All Hutte tit UU istrntioB
In iaak) fiual riMf in ai'ir ifhi rUiMt.airU
ecurf finut cntr thrraof. l?r th cl.rk f
litrW-i ourt. in v A $it h.i r it ht !
in Iteil CIou'l Xcbrofka u iuturar SrhieuiLer
iltb. ISiI. vli.
KLLTOrr A. t IT1i.
pre.. D. X. X(. UA. Ur the N W ' I t-n
" north rasa IS wert. IU. j.iin ih tllfif,
mtne-.- 'to Tine Iu' i.iiHmfu rti-!enev
ni'in. atil cultiration f. inl l-e-i u lirutf
0. Scott. KtiLrrt KoiiihI. Aai;uii.u W II lat
T"Uu. Klwiu Mttrjlf. -til h Itl i lou I Nh.
ttuk-iV.i! S. W. 2"A ITZftR. Ktfir.
Notice t hrrrbr tivoH that th r'llln
nntnrl rettlrr h ia Clvi uit' o f hi -npntiHi ti
iu itc Call l-roo! in ruptmi'. ttt Ui- ! uui !
rure tinul entry I h tret lo'ir J jn a. fhlti-)
ClerK nt ('ottrt in rbctr rnujir NH. at hit
oUire in JUilClouJ tb. vt. du.uri(syrcpteaitr
Jlth. ISjI.
hI Xo. 3713 f,r i.-s W "V e. I town t fiarth
Tr.xe V- rv He n unp tl. fn!loinc tttrMx
to rove tt fi:ititiuu- rwM.eaeo un. n4
ClIlU'JllcIl t. .i i liuil, i.t, .NhbU rB.'H,
Koj-mI II. W n-W.. S:.Hiur llgilmitr). llintn
Yoij. ll of Well X.
nusX,vl . W.HVriTZEIt, Rrlifr. OSiec at n,omn,.or. XsS. Aut.. 30. Wl.
Notice i licrrby Birei tliat tho fulltiar
nnrncl 'ttler lm filed n.ii'o ef !e intcnlj-m t
make f.rhil rt.of In fcpimrt of hi rliini anl
eruro final entry thertf l Turc JtruM A. Tut
Ipj, c'er' of OiU rour f W,hter tnsty
Nrb.. nthl ofilc in Hril Clou I. Xcb.. en lue
ilay. S-eptcuaber
Oie K lUtrrr.
hM Xn. 312lfurth: X i:i nvStewn 2 nortl
runjjl'J ft, II ninHf-t the tijlli.-..nj !
neaiif to nrchi f-Antinu'-ua rri'5o hpcfi.
Jinil cultiv atinn of. al.l Ui 1. vt; Kta II . Joimx
of Kt.t Clinl Xcj Lrrerct II. Luc Ctcr-
Hunter. Wa.-biuti W. liarrcy. all t'f liirlr
liuA-sep-SI S.V.SWI77.KR. Rji.ter.
Lnnl Office atlllootalnston.leb.. Aut.39. 1I.
Xiitie" i hereby Ktren thit tho lidlnwine
n.irnc-l iltlrr hit file 1 aolie f hia intth-n u t
tji.ike finl rwif in nupi-ort of Lia eltkH. nnd
cnr final entry therifif. lnfor terV f I5i-tri-t
Court of Webjter coanty Vab.. at hU e
in Kcl ' louil Xcb.,un Sanr-lny. .ep.. 2tl!i.
11. vix:
TIouib nyr.
h'd entry Xo. 4T7? for theX K i aec CI tntrn 2
n;rtli range II vt-t. !( ptM thn Wlilr
wiinew to I'r'ite hi e rtinna rloc
upon, rTilt!ii-.n '( aii ianl. Ttt Km.iD
ncl AnileroD. tatah BeI CartU Ileal. r-tn K.
i'onr.-t'l nil of liato Xob.
aucSi'r'J-J b. V. SWlTZEK.ltor"rftr.
Lan.l Office t I!Io)niir.i:tr,nyb. Air .3). IS.!.
Xitli'e hereby tlrtn that the Mlowinc
nnrrcl rttlir b fil"l nti' if ! in-tr.i3 f
inaVe fipl proof in ttp-rt ifliia -.laim arrl e
enre final entry tbwo"! ttofre Jaw V. Tnl-Iev-
elerk of court in Wcfcaier ciHittr. at hi
fbce in Kcl Cl'u i Neb., or ejlu.-Jir Sep..
2Itb 1M1. tjz:
D.ii:l B. Corrocx.
h'.l entry Xo. r-. for the V. N W K " K
Jf a W' iVW.ju-irter.S K qsirler icJ S V
quarter X" E fnnrtr ae. "I tw I r'Mtr
He nasi- tho ollinz witnej?j to pore Uit
continuoua rwi I"B'"e nrwa. ui euI'iTltion nt.
aU Intnl. via Htnry 0nBe:tyJhB f. Stral
ton. Mai be w t rat ton. AB'lira 11. HsrJy ell ef
Oci-lc ItoikXeb.
ai25epi: 6. V. SWITZEU. Izkter.
Lsd Ofcce at Blooaiinston X'eb. Ace. 22. 1M1.
A"ot!eeii hereby triren tht the 'llmrlDj
niai 1 ef tier ha filel n:i- of lu etenUa
to tnnkc final proof in apprtof ht ltm, un-l
cure final entry thereof. lf re CltV "f the
District Court of VTebfter county at hueBr in
Ileil Cloud, X eb.. oa i'riiay cptecibir . iSil.
Wiuhk 7. I'jiojs.
pre.. D. ?. "So.Wn. for the j U5Crr - 5?
town 1 rjf.rth rns li wet. Oe cam the fl
lowinTitcerte to rrtTebL eoctictrn rrl
ilenccnoon. and cultivatiuii of nai'l Und. fix:
William I. 3eKinaey, Anjau l'irlo3:
Ohrer li. Downt. Jtac D. Alt,ul. all of
.ott Neb.
aoc2.Vep2! S. W. 3VITZER. IttltUT.
Land Offlee nt Ploonjinstrn. Xeb Aar.CT. HI.
Xoti-e i hereby riT3 that the fotlvicr
nsrned ettler ha? SIM rotice of hU iseaUa
to rxafce final proof in rapport" ef fcu (Uisi. ad
feeor" fiia! entry tb-eof. btfori tae ClerV
of Ii:rict Conn in 'VTikticr Coastr at Ked
CToad Neb., on Satnrdyr Oct.. lh. 1M. rixz
ISilJHT. Iitiy.
h'dectry No.fS?S for the E half : B jsarier
frc Utowa-1 x.orth rxaccll wot. lie narre
the fcUoic7 wltaef e to j-rore hitrontinijoaj
resiJeDee up-i, aaJ colt.r-tion of. mM laaJ.
tii: Ilrnrr F. Crairford. IksHiiaa T. Flei.
XicboJj Hxne7, Loztcf) 1). Taaoun. all of
Batin Xeb.
. V. 5WITZER. Seswter.
Land OSee at Bloornrsston Neb. Azx.d. 131
Xotiio fa herT aiTea that tt foHowisr
naaed tetUer baC!ed notice of ha ietticn ton
araae aaat prooi in rarj-jri oi aJtiua. i
recorecaai eaMTtcere"! xs:ore jcm .. 101
leya. clerk of coart la Webrtr eocsy. at hi jf
fie ia Rei Cloud. Neb- oa iocdiy October
3d. 1SS1. via:
NoaH TT. Ca-irroip-rre
D. S. Ko. 4540 far the C ii X w 'ar?er and
E J$ S W quarter lee t towa 1 soni raa; W
wear. He caxaea thz fllsrlsjr Jtae ta
proTehis eoBtlceo3rwJeceap. aa4 eal
tlTation of. mid laa i. -rix: Ji!a Payer. Viir
liaai Meara. E-ice II. Frame. MtixJ fj. Koe.
all of CowI Xeb.
epliepr) S- W.8TirZSE,3;ccii:eT.
To all vltom ii may concern:
The public arc hereby notified f bat
tec following described property,
now in the handrf of H. Becfer, Guide
Bock, Xebraj-ka, orned by the un
dersigned and W33 loanedfto ihe sri
II. Benfer: viz: One marlle too nlat-
form scales, one 16 inch ciea-?er, oae I
a-cax sntie ana one ine&Kia.
6-t-3 Wu. ilcsinx.
Alt. rir
Hub, huips S;.g
Alvtats r.t HAsr.
Moshcr's old Stand,
Chicago Lumber Yard:
Rod Cloud, Nebraska.
!Crp odrwtorUlr on UaimI alt wiwunnnt ml Ijumbs,, ViH. l)r,
Vitilo( lam Umt. t.Voi I1r, IHmUa; l"f?
ilu VA . toe
GO To W.
Staple $ Fancy Groceries,
Choice Nuts. Fruits & Confections.
ftflrFrvdi Fruit and Vegri! ?! I .
Ac; izxrs
Fcr tie ?a:.: SillT.:3 S::H :f tis As.
tv L! or tb. A I t'UIEU r
RueiRAee t"!i PnrmR.
j lk. SwMl ,,, Mu H U L,f..ll.. U-. f
TrJ tc.l K.i. Hw b t it ,
Vtukl 1tU V .! lilH l. l'rtliai
Ufjr I aaa llww t.1 I Oblit I'tibtM Mlfa
LjU OrJr-ririir. It u Cwisi'Ui
Catiiclr loNurcr?!'. Af t.vt
IT UTiOr4f pet Wrak. A Kanillr X
Addr l-r I ieLar I SI' tin II. n
awhou prni.isiii.N. a
CHir.U.O tUJi. Ofc T. inttll
notice ok ii.-li:tio::.
The firm of Johneon A- ('rep l4
Wen dtiMvid ly mutual fuattC
All lin!rlitirs of the lirui will 1m set
tled by Mr. Juhn.MMi, nimI itl hci'WIb
of tn.i'firm have Imjoo loft with Oa A
.Ie.etiy tor collwtion.
IJ. V. JotiN'.
July -tth 1SI. 1- i'MUM.
notk r.or. "
Xottcc is hmeby fivoti tit a not
of iZ't U ilratt-n in liivrtf i( .1 C Wr
ner and Hnt?l by MfilHid W.
I'aik", ihitni Atijctwl Hh vJ, nl
f.ilhnt; due AtiKtwt 'Mih bSh, nnd
drHWtn ten pej ;oit iiterrt, Uaa
boon bU All jroti r hereby
warned naint ntotirtting il ihho
a it hu been jhimI.
3-1 W JloKKI.'lV rK.
Nollet 1 hereby lra. tht I "lit iilt
tit pcrtubi vU mr -Jv r t ofTr lhiul
ki ea&ttidatra !r !. .n of the pruunrr t
cvccuia tti-oU tft w lHrtrr rwitf. t it t
Kvl Oh tb rt 4lUy in l m Mb el
rli.unry. J.T Au;ut ami ''otiUf. At
1Ij Hill on kbeSr.t -"nluHr In tt uih nt
3iury, Ar', Iul nHWuwr, At tluiie
Hurt on ti aet S!ur47 is Ihe n.-.fttA nt
Maifb. luhe. rtcli" .I !etinlir.
i:k-iiloatluck li c(tiin' t i .'kKeV ,
A. A. Piirt.
Coun.x Surlt.tiKl. l J'aUj IcttrMitloa
In th li.trUt Onrt of th tlftb ;IWtl
dwiriet ot XclirMka in aud Iwr TVMtr
I oaaiy.
.Vuartt Johr.ien, IM'tlT.)
r .
Iltnry Johon. Iufu I
Tw Henry J.hon d rr.Wl-W 4in-
ueai- l '-u " !tr',r eiiei i mi r iot
.l.w f ..-., ItCI V.f....l JAuaa fit I I... !
ttitKn ncmt you in ttt Uft mumI I'nurt
ilm act era)rl KkMti r U Uim a
ltvree ftofc eti on tb rtal ( elru
trntr. ei llwt yn h lifult.U.te.lni
the UIb'iS' wKHmuI twJ to, far the tfa
Ot in jnr Ut j"L
You are r'tolre-l t iiirr ld r-i'la on
Or bfl Mowdr tte Vl 4 f !" Il.
Milmt'I J"IIHm, (latHl-H.
ByEhuC llii-ttr. htr Allvfn.
loney To Loan
On Kute. in Wol-tcr and ayJ
joining eotmn' ax tho very bwt mU,
It will jay every farmer ni thrnk r
lrrowiti mont'y, to . n Ltiofe
nmkin xnAttfeinJUs with ay otlier
Xo'OTpensc U tho Itorroww
tcdiot- delny rw dIinc wUh Hrtn
pnrtie no gpjdkaiion inr, .. cr
coiiiiniaion no f for making r
reeordin pp!r! r ImhIuc rktnrx
oiltem,tt(a uo hMH-1 or wMii n
iiuaI intert, and no interest until
money ! at tual'v in hand.
("all u,-u ttt addre
K. A -iMrs'ix
Lan Brokf r. Biue H.'J, V,.?,
afw, the Albricht Horye.
Will ?tar 1 th: von at Iil foud
atliycan nstcs, riz. t?Vitoinur
iingle :nar; Two wares tISOn.tnore
than tw ty ine ine uukt, w w
For tiie sesi.'ori, 5.00; tingle erricc,
$3.00. t .
tk? Tiftr nexi onlr to be kno-Rm
to be adinir'-d. He hi hewn arkmnrl
d"ed by aiany good judges to Ixs the
"ii M tf s Hbsi"
n in thl :ecti'7n. Wersnt, In &th,
)l pound. Beautiful Bay, Symmtt
rieal form, good liie, hih carn&vi and
bet of all aa ianu zt a mu-.n. i j? uwur i
abo has a zood Jcl: irith hira ai aine
ratw. Tntil fnrthar nittcc vill be
found at the Commercial barn. m
Colta can be ieen at the prenww of
Jo. Fo?lc HtAte Creek; K-.Vancc,
lnarale;0. McCall. Henry Gericer
at Becker's (Arm and BalMon s at Ix
ara!e,abo at Bed Clond- Mules at
pretruM: of IC5r SmUn and Ben Fort
nir,Gfri!e JctT Em, cnk ailU
and Bed Cloud railU:
The oner hi eotxtled thw Jack
"Cant, aasitb'beins th faroocs Lew
Smith Jack, formerly of Cmdc Kock.
Shows the beat stock ia tie ralley.
J. LUTZ. Esopxaticr.
xmatiOK8&? st
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
5c FRKKS, Proprietors.
u l
:ip -r-f-t nth
The Proof oi the "
Von linvc only to cull
on us and wc can etui
lv convince ou time wc
do sell
H fl n w w fi
A little BKLOW the
so-called "Bed rock pri
ces" advertised hy other
Becloy & Perkins
Samuel West,
ToLacco; Cigars,
CA.V.VK!) ntUlTU,
KUteiH Kiteny.
oka .vijes. Looses,
as!) rrti uyti ok
F ? ffii if t1 fr1 3 P fA
r m t H 5 fc S tt
, ALK A riH'f ' MM
Ice Cream Parlor,
V.'hort; ytri rtt avirrMyi
gt a nitn ih wf I Ctttun during
ti ie4fi.
rvjMsHrWllf ftsrtiriWd. fVt dieor
rvat .f Mittn ,i Moi1nrt'.
R Oukto, - - Nr.iuu'ft.4.
ji iniiMen n iij.iueiNwvHiaeHMwm
O -
: c
For Yyur
fas 2E2T 15 T3X UA2C1X
MM t aVwe( Trim
8?1I3 & ??4SIg.
B it.,
S&ufcof Bk' distort Augiist'31rJS81
lie. a '-
.sr t a
j 3
V "
( -rs1 ..
J--V5 "iT
i "eSas""
i -
" T