"S93 " ' -r ;. ' .a - . !" -! THE OBTJIR H OB WOMS The Red Chief. -tC3 rCBUSBED EVERY SUSSIUT -tJ US CMTO, VXIBAIEfc -r- txtnmv to cirt w rti KEATSST ASOrKCSmST MA.XXt a3t 4? M . L THOMAS. "Eternal Vigilante is tlie price of Liberty," and $1.50 a year is the price of thoJicd Cffoitd Chief. -w Cloud r: SEUSi- Jl.SOa jenlfpalilslinaet. GO EAST KOKTII-EAST OK SOUTH-EAST -VIA TIIK- B.&IVI.R.R. Ibis Itoad together with the C.B. Jt Q, is called ihich -TIIE- Burlington Route ! -al'orms the moftconipMcline between Nebraska pcit.tn and htl i oiuts r.Hctol Jlikouri niter. I'ujscnmrs taking this lino cru'i the Jlo. Itivrr nt I'lalUtuouth over tho Plattsmouth Steel Bridge, "Whiih had lately been cutnplbted. Through Hay Concho AND fc Pullman SlerpingCan AltE KUX TO IturIingtou,Peonn,Cliicago and St. LOni, Where close connect ion nro made in union depng for nil points jVorlh I.ut and .South. I rains by this route Mart in Nebraska lire there fore tree from the various accidents which to Ircqueiitly Urlay truiim coming through from the tnouu taidi". uini 4F4nger are tLus aa miti of maLitiL- cood can- E.c:ion when thry take the it. Jr M. route east. Through Tickets AT LOWEST KATES in force in the Ftatc. an writ as full and reliable w. inftumation rriuirtd. ran tie had npou npplira- tinn to li. A M. K. It. Agents at uuy of the pribcipul Matwr.?. or to . P2ECEVAL L0W2LL, rTTtf I'tneral TicVit Agent; OHAISA SS. That this medicine hat been i!?Cl lor35ear$ in U J " private practice, in nl! diseases of the throat and lungs, is the greatest GREEN:,'.,..: Hon this Baltrjn can have ...... aft f ... 1. ViA V. tiIgfMOUNTAIN fi .e;2S pablicin 1S69. Price 25c. 50c and $1. Sample Bot- lcough ft gists keep it for sale. We, & l-c'ov,;uaranteeitthrongh adfc'j?' Kansas City, Mo. Go (o the r 11:1:1 lc ami well -known lrut: j-tantl of R. R. Sherer R.'tl Cloud, nd buy a $1 iKitilc. If after uxintr -Ti -thirds, you ;et no relief, return the lul.mee and get your 11101103 back. IBSsSSSEffil C.MjZra-w Tri Tm.i tf f ' 'i It i JIk rrclt of V!y iiirn' experience and t.Xle,-.ineitlll "rtnic -IjiI.! ijm. It cniblnrr Ihr food jirimt nf all j?rrsrn al Strrr vat,cud 1 not a "onetncii"or" onolJ.-ai3cli5i.aiitltli;r are. It avoid lIirdrfrrfM of nlhcrs.au.1 iw refrer and r-i 'iuiWc ft-aturcM aj coairiiieucn. It la tlfVe. If?:-rtiuin$, nrrtrrtev, Aaftifto"!', con. nlmt, rfn ii,r. V4 I rif; Tr AVnmtDtfll Htl'l krjit iriTPi.irlrm? J"or."Tcur. timilnjwlUi tiiti tlo--riitiu.5 it i n on nviuewt. It Mire ly Ue I-. Atr-l.J!iirT!t Don't full tn it br.om y.n buy. VA?infCTi-i:KP jit 1'I.OItENCK MAtJllNK .,Floniico,Miu.;-iioLrjALri pt i:0. K l.KNT. tl rnilOJirtwii SU Chicago. I1L ..-. JiyJ :m iii" I .1 IV r-j4-.rr thai :ithir.lcf itcentnirtho t I-. r.-r. v nillllcv l. i . , a,4.-,B iprn.', ! j v- t!m v.'orli us I i('y j,.n t jor Ilia relief ot fc. . iti st:.l iii j- ii ii. jr.tillclno I -. m..l j ? ,? rlio beat of It lor . . y l.i ::t oi'i.xu.n:aJ pala Kt t..a U ftZzT tt ni -aiV. ii-- -41 JD erl jx 1- 1' i M it a-"-?;." i Mfc', balsam -' ?t Sole Proprietors. a ,af"i fr-JAW j 1 jSOAJ atTT7lYraaaui CttTO vfi &vt7 iw WstiSBlABH tSimSmlSSi Li BEST i A. i.i- R -. .i : r, u i;a li la S I vF 7 KAXa H2AST. h w "Ti r. nv; ,.aa ii&iftr tl .1 it l?-n Jet J. I i. : t 1 '"iini-f :? v Itl'pntria connl. k- j- .t ; -i : i'- ;i r.'iu muciia to JiJ-'ic -- . i osf-i j1!!";; t! col iJmi ,1 i t - i.: i'ii first.- j."Tn:i'.n :npov :J ''"- ip-i llittnn- .l-rrlt ncl & i : "i fv . .1 i i;r t ys:;.lly !VaUt.r ljfu'. f." A., jhcui S. ti BWt J 1- :: i t is jiHvl. .' I 7 pop',bcv1y In ,, Vli.til. (.f i!iBiaai.c i!i. ivr-i '" 1 a-aa.1 r- . -.... . T. . m-mm, j- . --f 7 ---., v ; amwiv -- . ---. mvtu y T - nj: power or i"ili i 3 i ill rt ifrafcabv na i i T-.r,i- .... ' . . . ..A.A n giuu nr-'..l" l" ties H Joints. .;istrcte.l Jlk-i , iutihI. i." " ll'll ir ili V-l-ai illl-Il , l-.tr-IL lltM V psi! 1 , lViasnr.s .OI' c m; 1 LS Jr.- ..'Tlerra.fiONjI.l ,-a, 1." -JuiU ( ffJJtt-j' Ivl,!;)!.-, O1..11I I.ir- . nm:-, lSi tt'-ci every farn of cUn.tJ cZ-. C3ev.ic. Itlitala t."Ju li3 iyri tx, Nvvisiay. lit 5.. -..'. . 'liO l ' i.7 f. St-T T-iln. Li. 1J.r.. Tf .. cr 4: ouBdtr, TlTr.irK tarce. 13.-.f 7W? CKkCH, I'OOl IJlit. J,-civ l.orui. SI icltovr TT-i-u, 'cratclicK, TM: K'!l. Soarin. Tlirt Ii, .TIHiclroi.c, MtC.f .mi -?, i'iiU JiMi, PLun iioii"" t!ie St-'! and every i.'inr ailn.oxtL i ts:..U t:e atrip. jf of llioh Stable rail oc!t Ten. i.rc Ilililr. J TI: Keshan HTsu.i.nr T la'iitmtu Ir.lwavE cn-05 sn! ni;ri?r -- ?-:-l gl nml 1 1 is, posLivcly, CF 4jZL4 4 aWaaMav(. 'aa,1 . AAPftA MOim: .,..., ..rf-F" WASTZ3I .smsaVZ Si S ?5 WJ.h i.- wy vj- av av &. if mi i IP VOL. IX. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. J. K.Pmitb. Prei': lit Nat. Bank Ueatrice Neb. 8. C.8MITI. Caah'rlstNat.Bank Beatrice Neb. SMITH BROTHERS, BANKERS, RED CLOUD, NEB., Transact a general nankins boiineM. buy and veil county warrant, alio County, Precinct and Khool Dittrict Iiundi. Negotiate larin mortcages, buy and aell For eign Exchange. litcial attention given to collection!. RsrancKCfH: l't Nat. Bank New York. Oma ha Nat. Bank. Omaha. SMITH BROS. 0. C. Cak. Jab. McNgST. Case & McNeny, A TTOHNEVd AND COUNFELOBS AT LAW. Will practice in all the Court of thia State and Northern Kanvan. Collections aa welt aa lltlra tcd bitiineMcarnlally and efficiently attended to. Ofkich- On Webster Street, one door north cf Uarber'4 Store, i:ed clocd, xkb. 7s. GILHAM, ATTOUNEY AND COUNSEIXHt AT LAW. Office one door north oKalry Bro. KED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. Edwin C. Hawley. A TTORNEY AKD COUNSELOR AT LAW. OrFicE -1st door south of Smith Bros. BED CLOUS, NIB. Laird & Smith, attorseys and counselors at law. Hastings, - Nerkaska. Will rractice in all the Courts or the State. Prompt attention given to all business entrusted to hia care. julyl-7 J. L. Kalit. illooaaingtoa. . Nebraska. C. W. rtALiT, Ked Cloud. Neb. KALEY BROS., A TTORNKY8 AT LAW REAL ESTATE AdRNTS. Will practice in all the CoarU la Nebraska and northern Kama: collections j.romptly at tended to aad correstondencesolioted. EED CLOro. NebrwaX Alio. Ai:ents for B. A M. R. B. Iuds. EI.REKT A. HALL Iff. D. Pliysician& Surgeon, RED 0L0U1), NEIL Assistanl Surgeon B. f- M. K. It. U. a 0ce over Johnson A- Creps dry Bods store. Resi dence over Perkins .V MitchcllV store. 19Cin J. ill. ITIOSEt A, lU. D. ECLECTIC Physician and Surgeon, RlCD CLOUD. NBB. Will pay opecial attention to Obstetrics and diren'es of women Alco tcencral and si-erial urcery. Dln-r.keit of th Eye and Ear. Charges uinderote. Office over ShererV Drugstore. Ite ideuce 4th house north of school house. 25-!l? DR. . t:HENCK- Physician&Surgeon, RED CI.OPD, NERItASKA. Professional calls promptly attended. Okkicc over Sherwood's store. 8-51 aasra Dr. H. A. Baird, RESIDENTDENTIST. RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. W. BT. RICHARDSON, DEALER IN LIVE STOCK. RED CLOUD. NKBRASKA. 'Ushet market prica paid for bora and cattle. Guide Rock House, J. B. SABIX, Propr, GUIDE ROCK, NEBRASKA. This House has just been refitted and newly furnished throughout. GOOD SAMPLE ROOM for the accommodation of commercial men. 49tf GO TO HBIMRT COOK'S )at the( Red Cloud Drug Store, TO BUY THE PUREST DRUGS and Finest Chemicals AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Also, Paints Oils and Dye Stufls, No tions Bibles, Books & Stationery. Tobacco, Cigars, Lamps, fcc. PATENT MEDICINES ordered for parties who may want anything not usually kept in the valley. 9,llfi,0JVe;T,ll,,,landet tout goods, ana atk for BOOKS from the circulating library HENRY COOK, Druggist and Pharmacist. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. AGENTS for ESSOES OF THE PLAINS WANTED By J. W. BUEL. Embracing the Lives and Wonder ful Adventures of Wild Bill, Buffalo BiU. Sit Carssa, Capt. Fajxie. Capt. Jade. Texas Jack, California Joe. And other celebrated Indian Fighters, Scouts, Hunters, and Guides. A book of Thrilling Adventures on the Plains. Fights with Indians ! Grand Buffalo Hunts! Desperate Adven tures I Narrow Escapes ! Wonderful Shooting and Riding! Wild Life in the Far West ! 100 Illustrations ! 16 Full-Page Colored Plates! The grandest book for Agents- ever" pub lished. Positively outsells everything else. 543 pages, price $2.00: Agent's complete outfit, 50 cents. Outfit and copy" lor $2.00 Wtr Write at once j for agency, or terms and illustrated circulars, to-DAJN L.LNAHAN-, PCB- t.tkmfw J.th utiiV Wajshintrtnn. avnnrto - - - o - ir - I RED CLOUD, WKBSTERCQ. NKBRASKA. THURSDAY THE CHIEF. M. L. THOMAS, EDITOR. THURSDAY, SEP. 8, 1881. The Soldier's re-union in in progress at Lincoln. The friends and physicians of presi dent Garfield have determined that since he has grown a little etronger they will move him from the white house to Long Branch with the hope that the change will do him good. It is the desire of the President to go. M MM XXDLttf SX7XLTSY. dea. Carr'i Wkole Cammani AnaiUlsitl ly tli ApaehM. Washington, D. G, Sept. 3. Tho following dispatch was received by the j A7r ftfirmrf nitit tliia mnrtiitiir frnm ;, V.7: ,. ";? . vjuu. muiAiwen, uuiuu oeiueiuuer 2d. Tlic following is received from the commanding general of the depart ment of Arizona, dated Frescott, lo day: Tiffany telegraphs a report from his Hiih-ai'nt'V that an Indiin nnmeil Mickey brought word that a numwr of chiefs arc coming in with their bands, but that Pedro with all his bad and others arc on the war path: that Carr's command, including him self, six other officer and sixty-four enlisted men were killed day before yesterday; also that Pedro's men had j Springs 70 miles from Denver Oc killed seven or eight men, including .1i- o?.i. r ti... ,.. n ti. and expressman between Apache and Thomas. San Fkancisco, Sent. 3. A Tuscon dispatch says the Star has advices from Ft. Grant to the following effect: Three couriers have now come into camp. They all bring the same news, that Gen. Carr and his command have all been massacred by White Moun tain Indians, thirty-five miles from Camp Apache, 110 men and eeven officers were killed. The officers must be Gen. Carr, Capt. Hanley, Lieuts. Carter, Gordon, Stanton, Onus, and Dr. McCreery. The White Moun tain reservation is locaieu iou norm of Wilcox, near the line of New Mexi co. The tribe numbers about 1,500 in all They can muster 400 warriors. This is the only tribe of Apaches which has not been whipped into sub jection. They were moved in 1876 into the San Carlos reservation, but recalled and returned to their old hunting giounds, where they have been ever miicc. San F rancisco, Sept. 3. Nothing is yet heard m reply to the inquiry of Gen. McDowcI at Prebidio, but there seem no reason to doubt the truth of the reports of the nrissacrc of Gen Carr and command in Arizona. fighting thiek Way to safety. San Francisco, Sept. 3. A dispatch from General McDowel's headquar ters says: A dispatch from General Wilcox, received this morning nays that he has received news that a few escaped from Carr's command at Cibieu creek, which was forty miles west of Apache. Those who escaped are lighting their way to ort Apache, but it is doubtful if thev eet to it. Pedro's band attacked Ft. Apache but the deputy commander thinks he must have been repulsed, and now holds cannon, through which the road from Thomas to Apache passes. THE NEW8 CONFIRMED. San Francisco, Sept. 3. A Tuscon dispatch says the Star has just re ceived the following. Fort Grast. Sent. 2. All dav In-' dian runners have been coining into ; San Carlos agencj' with reports of a fight with Gen. Carr, at Calsen creek, in wnicn iney say there was seven officers and about one hundred men killed. They also report an express man and several whites killed on their way from camp Thomasto Apacho on the first. The White Mountain Apaches are the only Indians known to have been concerned in this out break. They number about 400 braves, but others may have been drawn to their force. If these reperts are confirmed, this will be a serious affair to the territory, as well as to the HtKs.tiM. fTl. 1 "ll 1 e iiuiuur). j. ne Kiuea prouamy in clude a son of Gen. Carr, who has just graduated from an eastern college. Two companies of troops aro being hastened on forward, and to-morrow it is believed couriers will arrive with particulars. Gen. Wilson is moving soldiers toward the Indians from all points that his limited force can cover. Later The following is given as the latest from official sources: Thomas, Sept. 2.Lieut. Haskell, aid de camp, Fort Grant. No courier from Apache, but rumors through Indians that Carr's Command were all killed. His Indian scout company commenced the attack and the other Indians finished them. The runners say that Pedro's band attack ed Fort Apache and have been re pulsed, and that it was Pedro's band who killed the eight men near the post. The latest report from Thomas says Mill's Indian scouts, who were with Carr's command, returned and made the first attack upon our troops. A HORRIBLE POSSIBILITY. fiLpalt-l.U,!ian,8 I hastened to Fort Anaehe and twit- the fort It is thought some escaped, but it is not certain. Several wives of officers, including Gen. Carr's wife, were at the fort. Later: The latest advices state that Gen. Carr with a remnant of his troops escaped to the frtrt and with the small garison there, are makine a gallant defense against the hordes of 1 rnipbas nrlist aw. -!-? . '. ..t , .44C ussuwug every enort far emjture the post. It & expected that there will be general uprising" .vl -rauwea by a war yof. 4tejiBaiioQ- 'i'St.- ris td ounrzi no siaotx. AaidOtSfouttiBitf ti XU-Cifttifitti. nal Aeccaplisiatatx. Ilth SitiBf Spriif i. ColcrtJo u a Itxi fcr ZstsV 114. Denver, Sept., 5, 1881. Among the grand enterprises of the Mid-Continent none deserves a higher , place than that of the Denver &. Rio Grand Railroad which has since its organization in 1868, traimformed the whole State of Colorado and opened up its mountain vastness to civiliza tion and commercial prosperity. The noble men who were in at tho begin ning of this great undertaking "build- ed better than they knew," and their early plan to build a railroad through 'the trail of tho olden time at the haxe . of the Rockies, to supply the wants of j the mining districts has outgrown itself, and now the narrow guage road piercesevcry canon and pass of these Sgold and silver rjbbed mountains, j Through the politeness of F. C. Aimmii, the gentlemanly passenger agent, of this great corporation your correspondent travelled this road for six weeks over every portion of the I .. M . State. To a "tenderfoot" evcrv sec- tion is a new experience, a succession of novel and interesting surprises. In 1860 a post office was first opened in Denver, and now a citv oi , 40 inhabitantJ,f and an the w'th ' of this great State, its mines, its rail road and manufacturing enterprises are tho fruitage and garnering of the last twenty years. Grading on the D. & R. G. road began in March 1871, and the first train reached Colorado .,. . .. 1Q, t. J, ' . J"" u w""c 10- ",u "-" ,,4M ----- ded to Pueblo on the south, rrom that day to this the officers of the road with an energy that has over come all obstacles have pushed for ward the work until it is known ns the "spunkiest, biggist little road in America." Lines now operated reach terminal points at Denver. Manitou Springs, Silver Cliff, Gun nison City, Maysville, Kokomo, Red Cliff, Silverton, Espanola in New Mexico, and other points. About 1,000 miles of road is now operated, with an equipment and outfit equal to that of any railway on the Continent. Nearly 1,000 miles of new extensions are now under contract. Agents arc employed in Europe to secure laborers lor these extensions. A force larger by several thousand than that of the of the U. S. army arc upon the pay rolls of the company in its construc tion department. Men are paid $2.25 per day, and board is guaran teed at $5.00 per week. Work out of hours is paid for at double day rates. Even at these prices great difficulty is experienced in retaining laborers. Italians, half-starved and poorly paid in "farderland," come here and pitch into work with exu berant zeal, but soon they catch an inspiration from the yankec, are tempted to try their hand in pros pect, ana on iney go to the mines. The Dcnyer and Rio Grande have jutt arranged for an extension of their line to Salt Lake City, and that is the preface to its construction to the Pacific Coast. Indeed the nar row guage has such advantage in cheap ncss of build and equipments, and tlie expense of operating ia so diminished that a few years hence the narrow guage will span the Continent from ocean to ocean. The opening up of this great commercial highway is an achievement that should in scribe the names of its protectors (chief of whom is Gen. W. J. Palmer) high up in tho scroll of fame. In 1848 John C. Fremont and his band of "Pathfinders" planted a small U. S. flag on a low "Hog back" ridge, and one of the advance guards of peaks and crags of the great mountains in the western beyond. It was a noble act in those early days, and his countrymen ior uns heroic service sought to place him in the seat of honor as the nation's executive. Relic hunters have years ago gobled the flag staff but other hands have upborne the banner, and now it waves over loftiest crag and peak, and the locomotive the world's civilizer goes thundering over the highest mountains, and screeches through the most tortuous gorges, giving to the Centennial State all the advantages of the most stalwart civ ilization. Colorado is fast becoming the great sanitarium -of our country, and the D. fc R, G. piercing every portion of the State is a great convenience to invalids and health seekers. The climate is so pure and well charged with oxygen that those suffering with lung difficulties here find either entire HF T.aiia? vviai-a. Tin,-,.. travelrhe meets a succession of mira- cles in the improved health of invalids from the east or south. The treat ment may seem heroic, but there are multitudes now in robust health ito Colorado, who, bidding good-bye to home and friends, came here as a last resort, bought a pony and blankets, setting out alone on horee-back. I sleeping for sii months-on-the ground in tne clear mountain air: To all invalids a word of advice is Volunteered. Do not wait nntil physicians abandon- your case, butj whenever tko damp- and- littasidr at- A moaphcre of the east is hurtful and uperinduces lung troubles remember that iu the bracing air among the mountains of Colorado there U a "Balm in Gilcad," and a heaith-ro-ftoring power of untold value for suffering humanity. Bubbling from lava beds, heated by internal fire, and charged with mineral medications in the pharmcoio?ia of nature's great labratory, healing springs are found everywhere, and, unlike the waters of Bcthesda of old, they nre stirred at all time, so that suffering invalids may bathe and rah away their pains and aches. PllAKS. Final Proof Notices. Land Office at Blocmlngton Neb. Aug. SI. Hil. Nottee is hereby riven tbat the following named trier haa fild tiotice of his intention to make final proaf in suppoit of his cUiio and se cure final entry thereof before the cl-rk of Dist. court ia Webter coaaty at his oflce in Ked Cloud Neb. on Saturday Oct. S. 1SS1. via: aaiiD Ohmntkoi. pre D. K. No. 633? for tbe W N K quarter and si 14 N W oaartrr sec. 32 town 1 range 9 wot. lie name the following witnose to prove his continuous reidfce uKia. and cultivation ot, said land, vii; Kli Hesisltine. Karl II. Wich laun. Gerhard Waltsea. Diedrich Vollars tl of Quid IWk Neb. seplsepjS S.W. 8WITZKU. Register. Land Office at Hloomlngtoa Neb. Aug.. 21. mi. Notice is hereby given tbat the following Basned settler hat filed notice of bis intention to sake final proof in support of his claim, and se cure final entry thereof, before tbe Clerk of tbe M-urt Webster County Neb . at hi office in Ked Cloud Neb., on Moa.lay Oct. 3. 1M1. vis; Osofcoa Ha. to. pre D. S. No. 4127 for the J, S W quarter see. M town 1 range 12 wait. He uauiei the fallow ing witnesses to prove his continuous retiJenie upon, and cultivation of aid land, vir Kdward Kngall. and Henry Serls of Ked Cloud Aeb.. Zacharinb Kosencranse of Neott Nob.. John Jievlinot Ked Cloud Neb. aepliei'J9 g. W.bWTTZKR. Register. Land OBee at Blooeningtin Neb Aug. 1H, 181. Notice is hereby fiven that the following ti ameil aettler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof ia support of his alaim.acd se'utc final entry thereof, before the Clerk of District f'ourt. in Webster county at his office in Ked Cloud Nebraska oa Saturday September ilth.lSSl. vis.- Elliott A. Va 1ts.. pre.. U.S. No 4U65. for the N W i see. 12 town 2 north rage 12 west. He names the follwing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of. said land via: Henry C. Scott. Hobert Hound. Augustus W Helm grain. Ed wiu Met calf, all o' Ked I'lou 1 Neb. au2Seep22 8. W. SWITZKK. Kegmter. Land Office at Bloomington Neb Aug Notice is hereby given that tbe g.. 16. 181. named settler has filed notice of his intention to e lollowina' make Dual proof in support of bis claim and se cure final entry thereof before James . Tullejs Clers; of Cburt in Webster county Neb. at his office in Ued Cloud Ntb. on Saturday Septeiubr 21th, 1881. . , . Stlvkstib Itiivtt. h'd No. 3739 for tbe s W W sej. 4 town 4 north range 12 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resiience upn. and cultivation of. sail land, via: Nicholas Yensea. It oval H, Wicks. Samuel Hoffman. Harden ensen. all of Wells Neb. augC5sepii b. W.SWITZEU. Reguter. Land Office at Bloomington Neb. Ant... 20. 1M1. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention o make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof biforeJ.-imes A. Tui lejs. clerk of Iii. court of Wehstrr county New., at his offlie in lt Cloud, Neb., on Tues day. September .TOth. 1M1. via. Ohio U HtaVKT. h'd No. .112U for the N K sec 28 town 2 north range 12 wcjt. Ho names the following wit neyes to prove his continuous ri'rncn upon. and cultivation -(. naid land, rit: Ktr. it. .Ijne of Ked Cloud Ner Leveret II. Luce Charles Hunter. Washington W. Harvey, all of Inavale Neb. aug2Sfp22 S. W. 8WITZER. RegUter. Land Office at Uloomington. Keb.. Aug. 20. ISM. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of bis intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, and secure final entry thereof, before flerk of Dis trict t'ouu of Webster county Neb., at bi Office n Iied loud Neb.. on Saturday, Sep.. 21th. 1881. viz: HoMKa Hya. h d entry No. 4779 for the N K sec 24 town 3 north range 11 west. He names the following witnesses to Provo bis continuos resideneo upon, and cultivation of. aal I land, vii: Eman uel Anderson. Isaiah Beal. Curtis Beal. Esra K. tonrad all of Batin Neb. aug2ep22 S. W. SWITZER. Kegister. Land Offico at Bloosaiogtnn Neb. Aug . 20. 1S8I. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of hi Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and se cure final entry thereof before James A.Tul leya clerk of court ia Webster county, at his office in Red Cloud Neb., on Saturday Sep.. 24th 1881. via: DaaiKt. B. Corroog. b'd aotry No Ji900. forthe.SKJfX W i N K US W..VW quarters K quarter and S W quarter N E quarter sec. 34 town 1 range 9 west . continuous residence upon, and cultivation of. said land. tIk Henry Connelly. John S. Strat ton. Mathew Stratton. AaJrew M. Hardy all of Guide Rock Neb. aaggaeopS 8. iT. SWITZER. Begister. LandOlceatBloosalntton Neb. Aug.. 22. 1M1. Tot tee it hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make f aal proof in support of his rlaisa. and secure final entry thereof, before Clerk of the District Court of Webster county at his r See ia Red Cload. Neb., oa Friday 8eteaiber30. 1881. via: WtntaiiT. Paanogg. are.. D. 8. No. 5607. for the S E quarter see. 24 town 1 north ranee 12 west. He names tbe fol lowing witaeetea to prove his continuous resi dence upon, aad eultivatiou of said land, vis: ne names tne following witnesses tn nrova hi .!lha". - cKlaney. August Pierstoff: Oliver a. Downs. Janes I. Al&augh. all of Scott Neh. aag25e22 8. W. 8WTTZ2H. Register. Land Office at Bloomington. Neb. August 5. 1S81. Notice is hereby gives tbat the following named settler haa file notice or hi intention to make final proof -n support of ht claim, and mis aoai prooi -n rapport ot nt ( secare fiaal entry thereof, pro-jf to he tore .lao.es A. Tollers. Clerk of tns Web-'ter coaaty. at hia oslce. ia F oe made be- e Court of eoon rnaay. sept via. 1W1. vii' ., bablks Msa-iv. h'd ntry No i2 for the S W M see. 22 town 3 north raagw 11 west, he nana the following wi'aejs es to prove his continuous residence and cultivation of nil I aad via: August Keher. JathewsofRed Clouil Neb. aagllsepS S. W. SWITZER, Register. Lead Office at Bloosaiagtoa Neb. August S. 1881. Notic ia hereby gives that the following named settler has filed aoti- of her intentioa to take final proof ia rapport or her claim, aad ewe final entry thereof before Jasaer A. Tut ley, clerk of the coart 1st Webster coanty at hie Jr. i1tCl0,!d N,b- Sauiwaj. Septeai tsti 17th. ISaI. via. ... . Matthus Bexgas. Vi aatry No. 3100 for the N E yt mc 4 town 3 north raage 9 west, he names the following to prove fata eontiaaoas reeid -ace upon aad eH- vationotaaidlaad vii: John Banrrrt, LuU Scl.amm..Lou i aagert, Jaaiea Wiu al of Tboma'VilIe Neb. aaglls-pS S. W. SWITZER. Register. Laad OfiW at Blotalatra Nb. Aagast 8. 1811. Notice U berchy gives tks the followisr named settler has filed notice of hie atentiu to make final proof in support of his elaiin aad -care final entrr thereof before she dark , the Dirtnct Coart ia abater coanty Neb., at his oftce in Ked Cloud oa 3io&daySepU:crlJUa 1S8I, vtr: . . . .. JOHJI Bt.tOTT. k'd No.3667for Ue if N W 'A sTJ4 Jf E ae-4towBlB0rthraBfri wat.h.mr tie foliOwiBg wttaessee u; prrve Sis continaoas 21?? '"I?!. ." WTaUoa of said land, vu: Edsrard Kallenr. DTtd HaCebowtf. John Toalinsoa. Joaa W. Martia; all of Red Cloud aagHsepS "to, 8. W. SWTTZER. Recfetsr. 7 Per' feat. Honey to Lean t Money to prove up with on final re ceipt, or on deeded tend at 7 per centy and 1-62 pet cent, comniwsioir, or at straight 9 per cent, no comiis?ion. Jno. R. rWnxcox, Ofice Btxt Soot to' Chief oftce.- 3fjuf V lav: - SLIT. 8, KSS1. WM. 1881 SPANOGLE&FUHIK, HE. I DO CAliTEUS FOli AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Two Doors South of Bank, RED CLOUD, 040-40-&?40C?C'-v0 A.S. riABSB fO'yl-s3-i-9 :"''rVs-a. m smmm. ..i- a. TIX - .' Htyit, UV. VSlKS.yV r 9ir cowrdiac m A. f Carewa. F. Hi CORE. f k A at &. awte THIS JNJblW AJSB CORRECT MAP Frores b7cnJ as" TouetatMoqeeitioa that the) CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN R'Y Is by all txl.lt the best roal for rrm to take wbca travrtJ-j' is either dir-eetton txtsreea Chluga and all of tie rrir.dpal PoinU la the Wctf, Korth aed Northwerf. CwTfnIr exan .lethivXp. The Trinelril rstlrf th re3fv1 :rtbwt ar- Htaltooa ca tnUrjad. Iu :LxouU tsriua biaka clcso cuuixtioua ttii tLctratMiMallrallfwadaat JuneU'tn ptMuta. aflaaflaMaa..wai.iiaiiafliiaflaiiii.ifliiiiflii.ii.iiiiiiifl.iiii.....M..-.MM..fc....MM WiaiaW.iaiaaaaiaaiaaaaiaiaiiiaaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,aaaiaBWaaam - - , - WrTT at TMfr CHICAGO A N02Trf - SSI 51 tv,S!r,toweiCaNortkot"XortI Tt --n!f&UJL2Ap- lll-tls5oIWssf4rTrwLssis "a feJ-y-Xigi Vaektos IAse-rChiats. St. 1 altKSfLtee Car-vi. c far Ticket via this roa4.be JaWTTJ- fli-wrral-laSUSBS-WaBaaflMs P i U B - V" - - awaaa. j axaat, wy au wnryn aK&e Ants SSI aSSSi tISKcl SUteS aiVT NO. ). - IjNni; BRISKLY. V va-a4 a r0 "t- . l ti-r-in "N rl iivrL xt "A ." ? I i --v J. :.V -'ir l-m. by CCiSE A ft 3rr -.r. t f CpnrTf. at ar. Jeweler Red Clouua WCaTN RAILWAY. to - t-fcr Jtu mn titer na& ercr k. zadT ik- aslsi i-f: - B STISIHVjr'ai'V JTalaa JaHaMaFS aPNiy,lS-BBar " aaa stv.rBBBaa.avayrvvB ah at. aBauaaW AJSV J-3,fJs-Bfc JLr ' T" -al", I - "J 4--?? -4'ra -A V Jaa'.-S : J" 'J-a BaSaVj v '9RaaaaaaaaaaaaaaWaaPlaaaaaaF 'f ""wfc - "" Bfctr "WaatStHslSBt" illBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaWW." acdaaBSBsS ''"L " w vai (,-). - L t "Ki r " i i IITiaaaK JftlesaaktaaaaaarafBr awsaua& 1 .geaaaaaaHaaaaaaaaaaaH -a. JElaVat "SlKkjfiwSjat -'j' J - iV- T -- rt """ JF-?. naaaaWaUWaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaSwP T SH rstAoe u 7V, rtil TwarHi aiAsiV B ( ' , 1 i mi i;xi utiu ,,-. r vi fttt lAtui.- Km ta f er t . t . . tlfc. 4 tr, f ... . ( . 4 rrV4f J4 )kt t4 - i -r V.aH " fa I rM'"atf i r-.Jl . 4. . - tot fr Si W 4 t wdt44t "S ah t- J S-c --V.t- U - - n at , a tj aH j wH dt(u TtU v 1 1 1 1 KtUM.M K; Ms.a eltt4 laf N V 'VnJ-Ss.s a 'x. nVID ULSDRTTIt 4 MRS, fVaM ;vt,ij ttSvo.K3 mimv Wkt 'rwtst HI oj oiisru.3v4nNw voim . . 1. . ' w ... .. w M - m ' w. . J--virwirfj & wi(ltwM J Qa 1 1 1 a wfiS t VaaitJ -MniI---.TyJar.t Mtakiat 9aj f y SytJ h.tf mios op n n Vvo pvv MMM Wil j v.tf mi os o ascMt wF ovopwv-atM iwna af4au wn4i USiS aMl VtmtatKf-t P- wCaMSiM Wptttf vv w .IW pi 1U II 7HM instaus M i U aaaaj r inw W1 "1 Wi jiaxtfif riv " awass i tw)i . IA I i-i 9H nwt OaXN31Vat DR.WHITTIEK 0 1 ; .SUn.arlrStrxrt, KU Lels,.ld, A fwW: .4- U ! ttl-.UVa,Aaa aM r ' -m 'ik.1it M PVl..-v a.i .t ,ms ifcwi.ai llfci. iitaala aaiwai tttf-f. tli.vV-wtfc..,(iut,rjwiir Or4l Vaf tiraOtrk,ryrY3" " - K-Mal AlolMM Cjlbiwl tkawfeuaMrH ,'" ra.lVa ra.U 4 fall X !. al nii.rn.tUri)tM.atii(!ii(i tillf -ua lr IMluUMrt uiu wi MW ( ilMI alUs 4.U.Ktt- . J akt, tmm. Hi. ma-.) rl (I V jww Wm1! " lailmil Klt.a i al l.ljl K la 4-t tjmiktru9lmr9r r4. ikntuiwil .-. w - ita.1 fj -l la.ll, rt4y4 r.ut.u.4 h l.UimliutijinU'. p.h. uklntla . Ira:l M ail.. ta MARRIAGE ).t m nik. qui lbr ni -mi lit nj a M .UM .-l U t'-aa I -g nai-ua aa ta iirfc at4 zf .ltt. arwH iaa,am Ua. Xr-H Sa4rVfc Ttfit. !ir.-,tM iM. f rnocoppitTtfmr,M 'r a.faawMaaWSSSaaassaStai aa.aBa ilk-VV."!. I IWIlux " "T ii L Ll akaaa M m)4.?(tmS "- ,..-. ivy . ritiii.iwanii a-.Fah fjvt -i.TT.)f Atnw IV -V lfcl I-f.rllr'lat a U' 'H.'-a. r.JACQ 703C.henutr,Ct.tMU,M.l-WaaW naa. iraiwuwf, all a r PVrMIla. MtMf. lba,uwt, t raur.i PiuuVr laaav1 ta "i - "lll.tMj.n. I Hi ii in urn illlaXaU fiswlilMia..t.aifMri.arl tii. aa tsiirtta. AJrViaf . Vaat latlav-ti ltrtr-aetvsa.UynittmM ISwi. f- Uaittat MARRIACnCUIDEftr ;K.g-B IT-Tft 'ET33 ii? VitF fl I T DISPS?5SARY., TUktlat U17 tl IS S. tii fjt. 37. 3g? wadaaw-Tw rytir r.'.' aai-wtV (lMi4a4.i in1 a t.r s -.' an 4attaa ta .f.r, Yaaia of tlJrt" Gifml L ra.a .a k4 lfc. l 4 atl m taa p m tr-al J I- ..r rifair. I T. toii.. SCnCTIOH CP. (XPDSUrlE rv-t-a. an i Ma. -i i ii Tflai T i aa taaillai Maa.aattiia Itaaia.tWaiUiiamM, r. wtMi ml-4.:i- Um4 it ai.u aSaa YOUNQMSfl arllaavia mtMt m haaf' iariKT. WLtM.Z aaCaa tra araaj)l4 fV Dtn law .ari i.. f muii iwawiataaai r.afM1 J ra4 at avta.ta .. gATlgWTjrftCriTKQ U."-.r l a ....- i,.i&rtrw ft flffcSail.aaa4. LrnrfaMaM.imlf aa laa w ana. at fl-J I .. . .a. -.. a hV.iim . fVm.m.mm-rimrmmt"---f'm--m-itmm4 I US iaSV kn 11.,) . Ww. tiiMas l:kulilna,I ('.M.Mtft-ltllM' .--,-J.r .lf'1. I. s at. atrrrm. ii a eu. atv.t. baaw 9-Llt a XfXsu onooxc WINE C'UKKHTIIUCMAn H ForCoi-fJii.Ccf-t,! 3?5 1X2 ccyjr7TK. Sr.ti -j: .-vnr!rS8 (rWii'it Is'iS.fi-'' ettl o:ltllf. J -. ."JO J4tHi4l ftf'flf 5 - C4 " iH.fr.Va Wlfb 1 If I " a ii,flHa. V W aV - if -a -i.?.vi'ji nr .-!-1 ! L ! !?. . I tn J ii J .lili.v f ,. mmm.m-mlJmm "aT -JWS. a. V A 1 h i . V.a: Aa" C r" ' PRICKLY BITTERS T wa-aJWy off A 1W eyfA wM katafir Ws a-aa: at akr-anj issssasf f ! Urer Crrttp httU Ik .tmtvmk atJ fcauf'ta. A rat Fm as ot. 14 f mttsry t rtmrnt tit .remW trrgm- tm .imtl 5.jffUA mrtUm tfUtM M " -mSetf4ytthlmmm mrm.rttlm' Ii. the - J Jm-rUmJt,'mirm,imtUH0 tint' th JUew XZ fmtmA tiL-H tVTv r-' lHtrrrHt&!i4rt9rtiimMmlJkU0mfmMtf tTttma si? tmpmtritU. JittfCuHArfftelklTtm-rym. T-fmr9 muVU t Cmif m-m-m tf-d fil at ttrj lr ySaWajf Sff Sir fiifsiiff lauTi Sir iv tf-trr-3ftf Uf 4rriU?t they-mw e Mftmtttttfi'o. mtiffrrV)y9f.1.9t-A-? Oesttrral Dc-Klr.5- iit Cv' ftUtaaiaor. 9Latb&s;t KIaJtry ctccic. f4ssg5a-4 2-Wt;rV m Mryri4r It &3jr aWArr m4Ular? ! ---trt,' ? iMfmm-tGii&fy ti ihmim- ttU ITU f aSaWMaBtafaSast awaar- XX ;,A aSawtT 1 nssJO UJMK &.asswassK, ;mfcj!"5r geii s?2l i cj. - iwrr; . '- "'3j 'S.vV-J-V ft.XXX -rf-iBlW 1 b atMOa.tan l aaMM iUt fc USa la fll0lM Hi VVilu St " -?, na-T lMK.r -" ! catatfattSalaal al m .jn.a a&d abAa aa-?. Vw flLdaaaaaE4 UB K Ik yT4 !U?.reathAittJtt;F wk"vfJ ,-UjtHi a?-r aaaaaaaaW W fl SaaWk W aaP ' aaJaauw'VI B "" " jat2r 4jAf S a TmLII i , aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaEiklaV "3BS" -. 'aSBWak. SSBBwJsBwBfasBwlsBwBlff? aSaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB 4 - aK - jr " Jasarf " J 59