r" ,-jr "'"S'flp?' ' "iyjgBftSbtft :r3v .. sA. THE RED CLOTH) CHIEF. M. L. THOMAS, Publisher. m:i CLOUD, - KKRHASIvA. TEE WAYSIDE WELL. To stopped nt the wnv-al.Ie well. Uicrc the water wns cool ami deep: 'rtT)rtt fMUlory lcrus 'i tho mosjy Ana pray was the old well-sweep. Ifo left hli carriage alone: AoreouM c.iiciiinari or foottnnn tsll nlrbjnV's.tcrs PI'"" ' thodiutyroad uo drink at tlio vva,sitlo well. llcswavcd with Mi glorcI hands J " vil-svc. p cruamr and flow, v ti It' from beam and su.tr In Uio Luoicfs s do. The water plashed back below. He llft'dIttotheciirb. And bent ilnwn tn ttv bucVefs brtm; o ltirrouacr time or euro had marked J he race that looked back at bun. Ho saw lint a farmer's lxy As he stcipel er tin- brim Op drink. And ru Idv a i 1 timix d was tao Uushlnr faco 'Jbai met LiU over tbobriii. The eyes wero unny and cloor. And the brow imdiuun id by aro. W Lilt-, from imdur ino brim or tho old straw hut. Strayed eurli of chestnut hair. tie turnc 1 nwav with n -lirh T could Oiiehman or ftixinn toll AV by the mum it stopp.-.j j i:'4 ri0 that day Jo drjuk at tiiu ivuj-aidu wli. H'tiUer ;.ini'l, lit tlnifl Ctunpzn'j. m SLAY.'O'AKl.Nf- A.M'S. Wc frequently re id of wonderful fonts nml ui:irvu!oi:s do n js of ants in foreign countries, little thinking that the ants of our own country perform ipiito as re markable epio Is. Wo li.ive in this orlhoin States two speces of h'avc linking, two leaf-cutting :ijd several carpenter ants, w.tli very interesting habits, -md also h irvesting ants, th-it collet t and store seeds. Tlio slave-making ants Furmuu s iwuinra) not only make war upon neighboring tribes anil capture the young, whieh the rear as slaves, but thev ilo inanv other things quite as wonderful, whieh seem to indi cate that thev have a laiigu n't; anil a system of iiovernnn-iit or laws regulat ing the community. My observations were made on the slave making unU in a giove wlii-h sur rotui Is the hoti-c. where a larne co'onv ,r have had their formicary frv several x oars past. Aficr liv ing in one p'aee for a number of years, they concluded to change their home not .swarming 1 he bees, leavinir a part of the colon v in the old quarters, but tho whole community mov ng and taking with them their en lire i.llecls. Notwithstanding the im-ineii-c. uiimbi'r of .slaves and workers engaged in the enterpri-e, the building ot the new home proved to be a slow and laborious proceeding. On the 1th of dune I obseivcd a line of ant-, com ing lrom the home of the slavc-iu.ihers, which 1 followed twenty loot to a .spot where the new homo was ahcadv in progress. The place chosen was a litt o hillock about fo:ir feet in di.uneter, but the surrounding ground was lower than the old home. lVon all appearances, they had not been at work more than a day or two, us comparatively little eaith was thrown out. The b ak eajdiva-. Form ca f'us ) were excavating at eleven different point-:, and the red masters were walk ing ss'owL from ncgioupo s'aves to another. as if inspect ntneir work;and now .sevc al i etui ned home and di-up-peared. but soon emerged w.th new re cruits ot biacks, which Icll iutol.no and mar lied w.th them to the new quarters. vher' they joined their fellows in the work of ceaa$ion. The slaves did not re'urn home, but kept ste iddy at work, wh Ie the masters were rnus'nully go ing I a-k ami fortli. 'lhe colony had also another .species of slave tho brown ant Formica srhnujii-sn). wh'ch sMll renmnod at home, bringing m food for the conununily and nursing the oiuig. Not one ot the-e slaves, as far as I could tee, w:is engaged at tho new homo Un tho li'th of Juno, eight days after 1 lir-t observed the move, tho budding had prgres-ed .sullieicn'ly to admitthu Aoucjj iuiothe new lv-con-inicted cham bers. The bu-y jiorters fonneil an un broken lino from the old to tho new home, eaeh earning a largo chrysal s. which contained a win.ed indivi lual. heio chnsabds were larger and heav ier thau the poitors who boru them. the couta'uo I tho future queens ami males, which in duo tini" would swarm iiud Ieao the colony. The masters as we'las the slaves wero engaged in tho trau-poriation. A lar:o force of blacks was al-o still eng-.tged iu mining. On the fidlowiug ilay very few chrvs jtlidd weie earned, but tho mining Heeniod to bo going on with redoubled force. Some of the masters had now taken hold, aud wore working as vigor ous y as the slaves. Tho work contin ued with unabated ardor for four or live lays, ) to the 17th, wheu the jiorters :iir:"in tunned in line both masters and fclaves and brought tho heavy burdens, whii-h thev let, in tho new homo anl retuni'd for more. A large force of slaves was stdl mining, but several of the entrant's where they had been funning galleries were now closed, only the iieing.opcn. A large number of " blacks wero still bringing earth from four of tho upenms, while tho fifth was wholly occupied by tho poi tors with their burdens. He sfdes the chry.-alidi ami larv:c. many of the slaves brought bit; of wuod, and pebbles, -and wild-cherry pits, which they had previuu-lv piled about the old home. 1 he nio-t difficult things to move fcccmed to have tho mot value. Hits of eoal and pebbles, whieh had cost them a great etfort to get in place at the old home, must now bo carried twenty feet, through irr.iss to tho new home. Some times it required live or six slaves to carr. the va'ued article, and when the arrived with it they laid it near one ot the entrances, or piled it on to the material closing one of the former open ings. Tho construction of the new home ami the moving continued up to the 21st. taking seventeen das to accomplish tho great undertaking. The old home was uow entirely deserted. All inter ests were centered in the new. The blacks still continued the mining at three of the openings, the other two having been clo-ed. Some ubservers" are inclined to belie ethat the black captives du not conform to the habits of their masters, but do precisely as thev would in a colouv by themselves. The most casual observer cannot tail to perceive tlie great difference in the outward ap pearance of the two formicaries. A formicary of free blacks is spread over a large surface of j-round and has many open ngs. while that of the slave-maker, r to a 1 oirward appearance, is compact and has but one main entrance. The slaves are compelled by their masters to close the entrance as soon as the gal leries aud chambers arc finished. In a colony ef blacks left to themselves the numerous galleries are all open. A careful observer will see many other things to convince him that the slaves are under subjection. In order to have a view of the nur sery, 1 had a frame made of window sash, twelve by sixteen inches. The pieces were obtained at a sash-factory and joined together by the obliging ar- tisan. and a patio of glass litted in the sah, leaving it about two inches in depth. I la'd this frame over the for micary, aboutsix fnches distant from the entrance. 1 covered the glas3 with a thick black cloth to exclude thejlght, and titled a board snugly overjffo hold it in place. While I was arranging the frame, both masters and slaves came out t Jn large numbers And walked over and R around this strange contrivance for their comfort. They touched each other's atifcuna; and rushed about in an excited manner for a few moments. Satisfied that nos enemy was near, they soon be came q-iiut. and tho blacks began to pile all sorts of material around tho int er edge of tho frame, where the little inequalities of tho ground admitted a ray of light. After a few hours had elapsed, I raised the.jcovcr and looked in upon tho busy workers. The sudden Hood of light caused great constcrnat on among them: they hastily d sappoare 1 to the rooms below through two w.de entrances which thoy had opened since the frame was placed. They had divided tho largo space into two rooms, with ashght par tition between and a door lea I nig into each room. Tho ground had beeu le;--elednd smoothed aud s.ighty scooped out. Many of tho workers came to the doors, put their heads out. and hastened back as if afraid. I had disarranged none of their work, having simuly raised the cover, but they seemed to be unable to comjrehend the unusu.tl light, aud were frightened at tho strangeness of tho sudden exposure. Two of the blacks, more courageous than their comrades, resumed work. They scraped the earth w.th their feet aud rollc i it in a lump, then took it m their mandibles and carried it to tho edge of the frame Mint dropped it. 1 carefully excluded the light and left them in peace until the next d iv, when I aga n raised tho c iver and found the iiiiido of the frame nearly tilled with ehrya!id-. A great consternation seized the inhubi'auts; they r i-died from the galleries, seized the chnvi l.ds and carried them below. 1 so n exc tided the light, but every day looked in upon them. A large number of masters and slaves were now cons' ant ly outside of the frame, walk ing "ver and a ound it as it o i guard, so that 1 w:is obliged to raise the cover very quickly to avoid being at tained by the fur.ous creatures. As I laid the cloths bacc they rushed upon it and b'.t it, as if chastising the author of the mischief. On the 2.1th of June the chrysalids had d sappca-cd and the interior of the frame wa-s swarm. tig with winged mdi v.dnals. 'J he woikers were .still ox c ted; when I ra:sed the cover, thev laid hold of tho young queens and nia'es bv the mtenice or !e and hur ried them below. The entrances were s.oon blocked by the panic-stricken in habit ants, and the wildest contusion prevailed. Hoth masters and aves exercise 1 great care over the" winged gentry. If t he younqiieeiisor males wandered out s.deof tlietrame, they were immediately conducted back bv the vigilant guard. This -tatc of alfairs cont.iiued until the fith of .July, when I found that a gi eat cJringo ha I been wrought iu theappeir andot the interior, not a winged indiud ual was to be -een. The rooms h til been bWejit an I grni-hed and all the debris was piled iu one coiner. About a hand ful of larvie and pup.eof frit :re worners occupied a portion of one ot the room. The debris consisted nio-tlv of empty cocoons and the wings oi the recent oc cupants. The -.lave mtkeisareiiot noc turnal in their habits, aud yet the winged mouthers took their flight a lit tle after sundown, between .seven and eight o'clock. 1'roni the amount of wings p led among tho debris there was ev.dentl a large tiumberof queens con cea ed within the formiearv. Tho queens, after taking flight, did not ret'irn to the neat of th.-ir own ac cord; but the woiiers were on the watch, and condiu ted back a large num ber. Their wings were now removed, and henceforth they remained within tho formicary, taking no part iu the wars or work of th- colony, but were fed and tended bv the Slaves. Tho ira'cs Hew with the queen-'. Irit after their flight the workers paid no attcn t'on to theso helpless, home'e-s wan derers, passing them with the utmost indifference, but eaerU seizing a queen and burning her back to the lormieary. On the mot u dig of tho 7th of .July--the winged members of the colony be ing (Ii-tii:il or a new movement wa- evidently on foot. 'I he masters were forming iu line and marching to battle. No blacks were to be seen in this line. Tho chivalrous slave-owners did not a low their captives to particpatc in the wars and invasions upon other tribes, although but a few days pre vious when the move was made, the blacks had kept iu the lino and ma leas good porters as their ma-ters. The war-path was about six inches iu width, and extended seventy feet to a coh.ny of blacks, where tho vast army halted and was soon engaged in conflict. Their wars with other tribes I will not dwell upon as they have been fully discussed el-owhere. Observers aro divided iu opinion with regard to tho primary ob ject which tho slave-makers have in capturiug so many blacks. Some in cline to tho belief that the ants aro cap tured tor food, and that those not eaten are reared as slaves. The invaders, alter a successful bat tle, returned home with tho spoils and remained closely housed for two or three davs; it was easy to imagine that a great feast w:is going on in the under ground rooms. While the ants were thus housed the slaves d d not move am of tho Iarv:o or puna whieh their mas ters had been bringing in to the nursery above; but as soon as the warrioisagam formed in line and marched to battle, the slaves became very active. Some carried out the debris that was piled iu the corner of the nursery and deposited it . the foo' ot the hill. "CMiors brought 7p pupa and larva and placed them in tho warm nursery; but the number brought up bore no comparison To the great amount that had been carried be low. If all the pup.e and 1 irv:e were reared that were carried homo during tho live or six weeks that these war-, continued, there ought to hae been ten or a dozen blacks to one red master. wherca3 there seemed to be fully as many masters as slaves. On the other hand, 1 have seen some things which make it doubtful if the helpless young are eaten. The lir-t colony of blacks that were attacked this season had their upper nursery arrang ed beneath a board, which I could hum and thus have a good view of their young. A laro cavitv was tilled with cocoons, from which winged ants wou d eventually emerge. These cocoons are easily recognized, as they are consider ably larger than those containing work ers. Alter a tierce struggle, the vic torious slave-makers drove the bkfks from home and sacked the nurseries or all the larva and pup:ethat would make workers, but the large cocoons, holding winged ants, were lett. These would be of no use as slaves. Another fact: 1 have never found the remains of the pupai or larva among the debris where the refuse of insects and the dead bodies of the blacks are piled. Notwithstand ing these puzzling facts, I think the weight of evidence goes to prove that a large majority of immature blacks are consumed as food. That the s!ave-makers consider them selves superior to their captives is in no wav more clearly evinced' than in their treatment of the" dead. After.a battle a great many wounded. and dead soldiers are brought home by their comrades. Tho dead are soon carried out. some times by the warriors andsometimes by the slaves, and left a long distance off; usually concealed under leaves, though I have occasionally seen one carried over fifty feet and left on the bare carriage-drive. The dead blacks, so far as I have observed, are never carried far away, but left among tho rubbish or debris. One of the most remarkable instances that I ever observed of the-eunning and saTOcity of the slave-makers happened iuhe earby,part of August. For three davs they hud been engaged m battle with a largk colony of blacks over a hundred feelfrom homo. On the after noon of they-d day the spoils were all taken, and" of the soldiers were re turning hS rd empty - handed. WiieuaDODx -ay, a large detach- ment branched oil. crossed the cirrlage drivc. and marched directly to another largo co'.ony, siliuted beneath an oak on tho highest ground in tho gr vc. Tho fornucar, extended over so vend square feet, and had many cnlr.inccJ Tho panic-stricken blacks, instead of fa -in 4 the enem ?, tied in all directions, many ol them earning younganls. and others pupx. Hut the army of the invaders came thick and fasC and soon spread over the entire formicary. oinc were stationed at the openings, while others passed Within, aud now each black that attempted Ij escape with a pupa or young aut was immediately sei.cd and the jotuig wrested from it. The in vaders, instead of returning home with tho booty, carried it luck into the for micary. This unus'ial proceeding con tinued for about an hour. The adult bl.icks were driven out. The invaderi had reiolvcd to reta n thi-i eligible s.tu.t tion and make it thcit future home. A large number of them returned to the old home, and eaeh seized a slave and carried it to the captured home of the blacks. Tbcy seemed to be in too much haste to spend tijue iu making the slave? coinprehendtl.H new move. The slaves crouched before their masters and 1 filed themselves m a ball, ready to be car ried. In this position the were trans ported as easily as a pupa or larva. The transported slaves bewan at once to cioie the 11 microtis entrances Icailrj t the chambers of their vanquished relatives. As darkness approached all labot ceased. The divided inhabitants took their repose in both formicaries The following morning bv eight o'clo k thev wero out in full force. The line ex tended from one formicary to the other an tin rokeu column sity feet in length and from six to eight inches in width. All the invaders that wero go ing toward tho captured home were laden with burdens. Some were earn -ing young slaves, others pup.i: and co coons, and a large number of queens were being transported which by this time had become will ng members ol the coium mity. and uo longer had to bo dragged by the antenna or legs, but were rolled in balls and carried 111 the Mrong maudiblos of the porters, bomo of the slaves were still carried, but most of them seemed by this time to understand what was going on, and wero iu tho 1 no earning burdens. Hut 1 saw very few 011 the return hue; ap parently tlio command had been given for the slaves to remain at the captured home and cloe the numerous doors and make tho necessary changes in the interior to suit their masters. '1 he move was completed in less thau three days, as iu this case they had little or no mining to retard thorn. The poor, homeless blacks that had been driven out motllv congregate I about twenty feet diMant under a tree, and had secreted their oung beneath lallcn leaves. It was pitilul to see a small detachment start out to recon noiter their late home. Thu ap proached with great caution, ami, hav ing discovered the state of alfairs, hast ened back. If one was caught by tho outside guard ho was almost sure to bo killed. i'sually, when the b'aeks have been driven from home, thev return as soon :it the invaders eea-o tho altak. So lbs colony rotnaine 1 huddled together for several davs. as if wailing tor the eneinv to leave. At last, becoming satis lied that they did not intend to leave, the blacks "move! about thirty feet farther and commenced mining into one of their ol I deserted formicaries After tho invaders wero well settled in their conquered home, 1 noii-ed some singular-looking ants which had been loft in tho old lormieary. Bringing my lens to a d me, 1 found that tho-o aiits both masters ami s'aves -were covered with parasites. A single speci men looked like a mere stock, scarcely vis bio to tho unassisted o o, but so numerous wero the' on many of tho ant that it gave them the appearance ot being covered with wh te fungus. 1 sunplied them with sugar an 1 hone.', of which the slaves partoo'c freely and with which "they fed the infested masters. The war sp rit was not ot quenched in theo ivd marauders. They walked about with extended mandibles, readv to light whatever might coin iu their way. They attacked tho Ilios and bees thai were attracted to thehoiioyiw fiercely as ever. Wh Ie I was watching these ants and wondering at their sagacity, mv atten tion was attracted to two ant? ap proaching tho old home: they wore both slao makers, and one was walking backward and leading tho other bv tho tip of tho antenna, as if afraid of con tamination. She led her up tho little hillock and left her near the door. Tho ant thus left was infested with a fow paras tcs, not vis bio without tho aid of the lens. She made no attempt to re turn with her conductor, and soon dis pcared within what had now become a lazaretto. My attention was now wholly direct ed to tho conductor, who had started toward home. Sue soon stopped to make her toilet rubuing her-olf nn tho ground aud then -stan ling nearly up right aud passing her forelegs ovur hor body. After going on a low feot. sho stopped and repeated tho per'ormanco. After completing it to her sat'sfactton. .she soon reached the outer boundaries of home, where she was stopped, lirst by one and then another of hor com rades. In some instances they held their antenna together lor the space of a minute or two, as if conversing: others merely touched the antenna and passed along. Having satis led them that she was all right, she was soon mingling with the rest unchallenged. 1 returned to tho lazaretto and picked up a good many of the infested ants and dropped them iu a'cohol. On plac ing them under the micros 'ope 1 found the paras. to to be a species of nutc. These mites, like aphides increase with astoirshuig rapidity and are easily transmitted from ant to ant. I put one of the in ested ants from the old nest in a glass jar w th earth in the bottom three or four inches in depth. 1 then introduced twenty ants from the new nest, ten blacks and ten reds, entirely free from mites. In a little more than a week every ant was nearly covered with the parasites. It will be seen from this how neces sary it was for the community to rid it self of all the infe-td ants. But none the less marvellous docs it apj. ear that such insigniticant creatures should manifest so much wisdom and forethought. All the ants at the new nest, so as I could see, were tree from the pests; but 1 have not the lea-t doubt that the one led up to the old nest by the antenna; was brought from the new home. The be havior of the conductor and tho way in which her companions met her were proofs of this. Alary Treat, in Lippin cott's Alagazute. At Winnipeg. Manitoba, the dis covery of the supposed real heir to the Tiehborne estate has been made. He is an invalid in the hospital, from inju ries received on the Pazitic Railway. His name is James Hiches Coles. Riches being his mother's ma den name, and Tiehborne the title ot the estate, lie says that he is li:ty-two 3-ears of age, and admits that he is uneducated. His story is that he left Eugland when be tween nineteen and twenty years of age, to follow tho sea. He came -from Aus tralia, via England, to Canada. An .advertiser in a "Washington newspaper wants a position in any ot the Government departments, and" of fers one-third of his salary for the place. Another says: "Will give any one 550 and ten per cent, for the first four months who will get mo work in any of the departments at a salary ol from $60 to S75 per month." RcliE-ious Head in?. - E VESIXG SOSG. FJo-xtr nllarnnnd u srath'-r Shndoif ttlf cittill Ic: Ib'Ric wft-Kfnf to T'.- it Father. I-t our heart lt flute &1 1". We ore wr-ic an f wtcn. i4 wntirr. Ctuiffd by tiMi. itHd . an t strife, Th u !' f ii we u- bery To Thy hBJr? or love and Me. IJrii-'it r th 4 vr-drwn ' i&c aemicr, Co 1 uUr Uf etriy H.at. Lai-iii .111 1 -e 1 nd r mUttiHZ W HA i' .i Hdur puie Jd tri;it. Hint t eir in it it-o :-r wtv slam In the 1 Mi-r.nil Its',) l.ori. IjH-rits-befvtUil X. wrsIj-iriinti Were the jcK0-":' k -- We f nut tu&t r! wr whWbz Al tte X'till touch uf dii. 1'rom tt l-m : -la b-r !mmV!b;:, IVrtnif iim.ir wx" wy. AH dy I. ir 1 fa w vurfe unly tv-at t U i os Uf tire KJ7. Ihj vrv .,' !k I .lv Hate otr ti loett ft4wtxr. Iipl if nniuK cvnr JS 'iii:Tjy cnfu' tiij-ts are near, !'rtn ' rdjei-f cittaot aH. 1 liMeff will lie kjt w mo ffttr. tnrtijjerthli lib- -.ttuinft aaVd An Tt efi I' tursJ: ?bai iHiirttt M, rieeaHfOt, In tn:u bi. fm.h wtfb.de. Theref .r. thmirti th tuiilows ditricn. '1 rudiiu wcariii atony. Vet u kii, Ihi-ie u -r -w lit tiarkun White we .n iir et on n;r. I.lsht of I If. ile part in tetter, f.Ulit n't e irlh. Mild llzht of Heaven, K.ethlv -inn into !. Irtit eer Will Tuy I it'inik"- Mht it rven! Altzuinlcr l(. 'iVwiM'Miit. l).l) ut !i. i'. Tlnut. International Sunda) -ScIkidI frcssoni. Ill I HI) ,!. tltTr.M. I July 10 TheCt.!). 11,- ! it. r r to.'uh 2 .-! Jul. IT I he I ll'lnt i.e I T de K- lit Jidt H Vimwid Aaron 1 y. t 2.-H. " 1- Jul .1 Mo.cmi llh- fcu- c.i.H I'xo !;--!: Alii " Hie 1 utt r - .1 iilwi li. 1-1 Ansr 11 The lt-l -cii ... i't.i.i li t!-:; Au'.'.'l T- M.nini i:..lus 11. 1- ) t Aujr.- -lherim iiaiidinerit l.ailii-.a) t-lt S-i t. -Ttic (iiniiiuiidiiiuriij. i:-inliis2i.ir-;t Sej.t 11 Ido.atry I'.iiwln-l KaoIiis .? 1 Sent. Ifi !tciewif 1 lie I.M0I1S ttpt.-i femio mice 1 Cor. 9. ; The Kealitj and Value of iteligien. The two narratives that follow cou tain a few ot llit many tr.butos that skeptics and men of the world have in duectly and, perhaps, almost uncoil-' 'ciousiy. given to the reality and value of theChri-tiati religion: their praeti-J cal admission and te-.timony against their own profe-ed theories as well as their lives, and their virtual eonfo-siun ol the ttuih and excellence of Christi anity. 'I hey are we.! worthy of perma nent record, as the names and dati s al luded to can be given for each. Some thirty ears a'o a oungnnn from Southern I'ennsUvania was on his ivai to college, aud entering the stage coach he found as pa-sen :ers several men. whoso loo-eta k was chid! v in rid icule of religion and the Uiblo. Ho himself was not a Chri-tian, but was of , a Christian latnily. and he leverenccd , his father and mother and their faith'ul ; piotv, which ho felt were both the siiength and beauty of his earh home. 1 Tamed and piovoked by the blasphe-. mies oi his fellow t ravclers, he wa -.ilent t.ll ho could bear it no longer, and then ' he contradicted their .statements and denied and uppu-ed their as-crtions. Amu-ed at his unejieeted boldne-s, am' thinking to make short work of the 1 outh. thev became more reekles-. and ' iiupuileut than before. Ho was not then tin keen and pra tired deiiater In , afterward beeaine, but bv the ChrNt'nu ' teaching of hi- home and church he had been well in 01 mod. and with his spirit ron-ed and soea.ing on the side oi t nth. ho gave them blow for blow n ml j facts for arguments, till soon thev were I silenced and gave un thediscu-ion. At , the nd of the -tagc route the all en-1 tered the s'camboat which was in wait ing, and had not been long on board when one who had been foremost m op posing and ridiculing leligion came to the younir man aud asked: "Have you a state room?" "1 have." "Will oh let me share it with von?" "Why?" " I'iccau-o I have a large amount of money with me. and 1 am afraid to slcep'with any one I do not know lest I should lie murdered for 111 money. It ou will Ie. me have one of the two berths I -.hall esteem it a great favor." His request was granted. Hut what a commentary 011 hi- picvious words and his ridicule of the Bible and Chris tians! s-oinc fifty years ago a gentleman from one ot the Southern Mat"S was obliged, on a journey, to pass through the then wild icgion now known "as West Virginia. He was an avowed in l.del, often saving that Christianity was fal-e, and would ultimately lose its in lhience and die out. He had been ad vised to 11 ake a ceitain part of hi- jour ney by d iv. as at night the region spoken of was unsafe. lint being de lacd ho was on hi- way through this cry region when night overtook him. Approaching a small cabin ami imp! r ing wheie he was. he found to his dis may that he was iu tho very neighbor hood lie hail been warned to avoid; but thinking it as dangerous to go back as forward, ho determined to stop wheie lie was. So he entered the hut. iu which there was only a woman, and among the rude furnituio saw knives that to Irs ees looked very large, and guns enough for many assailants. Hefore long the cottager h inolf came in, a rough mountaineer, and iu a lrank but uncouth manner welcomed the stranger, who quietly took a seat. When -upper was icady they asked him to draw up and eat w.th them; but as his appetite was spoiled by anxiety and fear, lie declined, saving ho was not hungry. After sup: cr and a long silence, as he expressed a dfs re to rest, the cottager replied: " You can lie down whenever you like on the lloor there. I am sorry I havefi't anything better to oiler you. Hut we always, be fore we go to s ecp. read a chapter in thUbook," taking down a Ihbie. "and ask God to ta'ce care of us through tho night." '1 he stranger s relief from anxiety and fear was instantaneous. The book which he had o'tcn ridiculed and op posed he at once felt was the guaran tee of his safety during the silent watches of the night, and he lay down as securely and quietly to his rest as if he had been in his own home, and with a le.-son to hi- conscience and sober judgment that made him a wiser and a better man. Similar faet3 and testimonies might be multiplied by the score, but these two are most striking tribu'cs from the world to the reality and value of relig ion. Illustrated Christum Weekly. llclping Others. " Noticing now how this re actionary influence upon ourselves of helpi'ig others takes place, observe its operation with respect to our individual tr als. Heavy as these ma" be. a good half of the.r weight is more imaginary than real. Any one can be wretched to any degree by cultivating the habit of a pining, disconsolate brooding over losses, crosses, unpromising prospects, just as any one can have a dark-room at any time b dropping the curtains and closing the shutters and blinds. This is the state of so-ne Christians. It is a habit often growing out of tem peramental, dispositional morbidness a wearisome, wasting captivity. It dries up, the sprigs of comfort, parah zes the sinews of activity, as it quenches from the eye its light and takes its smile from the eheek. A cruel tyrant is this melancholy discontent? llow can. it be thrown off? You have been housed Jhrongh along ppell pi bad weather, until your nerves are'enfcebled and irritated to the point of almost unendurable discomfort. What do they need to readjust their action, to relieve yonr ph.sical and mental suffering? "Ventilation, exer cise in the free, outdoor air. Precisely so with tUito tanitrun or ovcr:nnjg feeling s'in th' relig ons life. The r;eV i;ee-!s to be broade led. the nath M ij.n nted over a wider ipto. to t brought in contact with ot.'f r who a!o have a lalo of trouble to tell, in lten iag to whi'di you might almost forgot th.tt jou had Inuch rtojio to cmuphx.ii. Troubles. hk almost anything h)mi ai -hort range, look very huge. looking at little le. you become moroe In an i-olnlcd inofJ The cure for Um i to cme into correiponlenco with outset .-utTerln.-. to open the cws and ilia heart to surrounding privnto!ii an I b? reuvuntetiiis. A n:ot va uabht medtcu ting v rtuu let in '.hi eouiraim t of kuowleile slid fellow-feel ng. It 4uw jood much to tioMj who uxtrnd It as to tho-o who receive It. I: eut- th fastenings of Urn, miserable jud rum oib iiKHilmes- wh eh. like ib coils o.' trC-rpent. wdl cruth an I si. tie it icrtm It not thus rrVi.ied. 'lliere is an. hHn for a por-on wko :ivo- up to d-pod-euey under fow or mttiv misfortune. It is not right, aud can. therefore. on!y breed more m -erv. "That way in.uf iiom i:o."' Self-dienthraUuieiu eomw ftoai helping to bborate other captivoJ. - J. T. lu.A.r, ii Otttrch iiitvti. What We Want. "What we want is not so much, not h.nlf so tniu'li. light for tl.o intellect, as dew upon the hear:;" if Koberwui had spo'en but th!- one sentence he would h iv been the world s benefactor. Childhood i- charm. ug bocau-c it has not lost the dew, old ago 1- heau'iful wheu it re-overs it. W e w .nder when men of intellect -elect for their friends or choose lor their wive-, those greatly interior in mind; but the reason is .-im-p e. they desire only dew upon tho heart."' .Mark tho anxious, care-worn faces in the -treet. they know not what thev want, they th.nk if they hint a lut.e more le -tire, money or lame, they would be at rc-t; but what thev want is dew noon tho heart." It makes one charitable to think of the-e duitv, tod vo 11 men and women, ruun ng hither aud thither to no purpo-o and with -otiiuch pain. How ii this dew to be gained? Fir-t, by tning to give it to another. How can wo do tin-? In inanv was, in little a- well as great. What power the human voice has to shed "dew ii'ion tho heart." Ask not tor the voice ot the -mger, charming as is the gi.t. ask rather lor what was once called by a hiinib e. ignorant woman, "a kind voice." How it melts the heart! How coiivincing.y it teaches that woaioot. one fain.lv on earth, and shall be one family in Heaven. How rudene-s soft ens and co.tr-cne-"M idiiies before the power ot a gentle, persuasive voice, .-o that tho rude .and coarse are retut .ed into silence as in the presence of death. Sympathy, appreeiaton, plac ng our selves m iinagiiiat.ou iu aicd her's lot. will shed "dew upon the he tit." We are too given to advice, rebuke, blame, eritici-m. Tho largo hearted, chanla b'e, loving people are the true reformer- of the r.icc. I cannot believe that theio is any one so fallen that ho cainot be melted by a Iovi.g voue. and I be lieve that inanv an apparently cold, in diilereut nature is p.iMig fur a word of svnipathy. "We shall find this "dew upon tho heart" in the wr tings of goo I men, thev need not I o great men. Have von never come acio 111 some huinbio bo ik, or in a new-paper, a sentcne lull of feeling ami leire-hmetit? Per haps v our heart was dry and burn. tig, and thoe woid '. -pok -n by anothet heat t, shed low on our-. 1 have a hymn which I read almost dailv ; there is noth ng wonderful about it, vet the more I icalil the more strength it gives me. It is more to mo thau a toitime; for it shod? "dew tijtoii my heait " Hut more than anything we can do for others, orany others can do funis, du we need to seek the dew of Heaven As the lluwer- gladlv drink the dew which not onlv re're-he-. but retouches the r fad-d colors, .so sliou'd we open the I otals of our h-arts t rcco.ve tho-e He ivenly ini'ucnces those kindling asiiat ons which our He ivenly 1 ather is so much mote ready to give than wo to receive; tor wo forget, if wo have over learned, that "what wo want is not so mu 'h. not ha i so much. 1 ghttor tho intellect, as dew upon tho heart." iStspltst II tit'. Tlie Cockle Ilur. TIih is one of the worst weeds that in-fe-t the prair.es. It is not as had as the Canada thi-tle, hut it is bad enough lor all practical purpose?. Although its seeds are not sea! tut ed far by the wind they have a variety of wavs of getting over tlie ground. They ai'ach themselves to tho wool of sheep, the hair of cattle, horsi s and wild animals, and to the feathers of some kuids of birds. Thev arc swept away from field iu Hoods and are carried long distmccs iu streams and rivers. Thev vvill stand more abu-o than a strav log without receiving 11113 permanent injury. They cause a largo amount of work when thev- spring up in fields that arc under cultivation. The presence of the wee Is in a grain field cauos a large reduction in the crop. The burs in wool detract large. v from its value. It is now af firmed by many that tiic young plants are poisonous to stock. Mr. .John illiams. ot Logan, Iowa, in a local paper gives this testimony ro-jicctmg them. Icanie from Illinois ten cars ago. but lived near the Illinois bottom, and one jear in paiticular there canio a wonderful tlood of water and raised the river until the whoa bottom was under water for live miles in width, and the cockle burs grew largely in the bottom and wa-hed the seed to the shore, and when the water went down the-e burs came up first, and we farm ers let our hogs -aud cattle run at large, and the first tiling vve knew they were dving all along the bottom at a terrible rate hundreds died in a few days. When thorough invostigition wa? made it was found that it was the uting cockle bur that killed the stock. It s very poisonous. hen very yonng it is sweet and tender, and being the lirst thing green iu si,ht the cattle aud hogs eat thera greedily. Our cattle would "come up at'night, and in the morning there would be from three to twelve dead, and some s ck. Our remedy, when in time, was heavy drenches of me' ted lard. On examining those that died their call was generally large or bursted, and the farmers anil stock-men took their stock off of the bott ni lor about two weeks, unt.l veg etation got up in goud shape, and there wasn't any more of the disease." The wise lawmakers of this State some years ago sought to exterminate cockle burs by directing a statute against them. "Hut for some reason the weeds have pad very little attention to it. They continue to grow and multiply, and when a large crop of burs is pro duced, they take the river route to the hea-board. They have invaded the sacred soil of several Slates where no untricndlv legislation exists concerning them. The cocklc-bnr w.li -oon be to tlie United States what the thistle is to Scotland a National weed. Tlie ch'ef difficulty lifextenntnatiiig the pest lies in the fact that the seed "will retain its vitality several 3 ears. The best way to eradicate it is to put the infested held in grass and not break the sod for sev eral seasons. This cleaning proce-is should be continued till all tho farm has been "under treatment." A close lookout must then be kept for chance specimens "that may appear. Chicago Times. Unless a lady does some decorative art work noir-a-dajs, she-is behind thf times. uoiii; rxnx axd cirde5. .-C'lrc th- f hK:-ns frh Tat-r r crr dr, nd - Ihnt thr can lrarj ;ev $hl'. vr i.i tfje want Uja. 'Tr &yrr. ad a tcA4 tjfrd nir aj? it b. a t-o ukaxx pwl tri art iug. nr Uin t r nt a ImmI pLxo if U W ,ibie to a von I .1. 1 1 n Wrrv Jam. Thrt-fwtrtHj Mxoi ui rttgar to erwrr poJ t trui lwt Lhe fruit un U. or wmJi Um & I- , diti n oi om plat can wit jnic u t cry hiir jwiadt nMubrrxr. loU iudf an hour, luxh sg ud tirr Jkg w,-U ; add Um tjrw'd . meaty w utr mont. IttackiMtiT jnia l vrt r! made in Uut -am . war, 2y iMutuoj tb eorntot Kct. - Wen . hvicse etvU Mob di hVM.tr. i drops his food itittfa I oi !- u( it, , wtd .lobbwr. ftvvty. d.Mat-d teth mm be kiufcei ftr. 1'wrfcivp.i -nnj f tiw lvlh Miitr hav i.ari edg xm4 fcert th ibtsrk.. Kx&.miM tS m u't it any ot tb l:h arv sharp and wuond , the ihc6.4 fK" Um ttMgiw. Imr l etlge-i rasptx! dawn and apij lorai. m . ponder. t th iaurl p:U of iii? iiKMith. If an? oj the Ufth are dr oit ed I her sholii be jmiImo! at. If .a colt l tMrr allowed to grt an ' xivantne, 11 wt ewr know Mint tt p ses- a potter thai matt cmrooJ oor- ; trol. and if nmJe f.imil nr w:h i.r.inge objects it w.H not ha -kitti 1 an ! arrv- ' wis. If a hor.-e i made accuUota I Iroiu his uarlv days to have objt.s hit i him oa his heel, back or h p. h wdl . pay no attention to the jtv g wnr of a h.irnvs-.. or n wagon runaing ajpi Ht : I1.111 al an uiieipected mouieuu Hor-icriu!tsh Sauce. Two tnbl- spooii'islt of grated ho -entdu'i. two t.ibletpoonfulsof cul?r vinegar. on up of creum. elk of one erg. sail to last, j ouo ottnee ot butter. Cm or the hor-o- i r.idi-h with water, and Uul it. stiri dig 1 it oee.is onally for halt aa hour. Strain 1 oil all the water, add the viaegar, but ter mid silt, stirring tilt mixed. llat I tho egg and cns.im together, and add ju.-t before scrvtiig. It is very utcc with raw o)bier or any cold moat. -School I'u lding -Swell a teacup fill of r e in a pint of 111 Ik. h eetenc.l and t'arorod to taste. When eold. iiuv with it a weH-beatin egg Have readv a p nt b.ism wull-l uttered. ttud n break a-t-cuplul of bie.td-eriimb with a teaspoontu! of moist uigar well tniiet! with them. Lay the crumbs all rouiH the ba-in thick y with a Ltufe and th rice in the center. Lay more erumo 011 the top and bake h.nlf an hour 111 a quick oven. Kit with jam. To l'reserve Cherr.es. -Take the cherries when they nit) fully ripe, and stone tlieui; weigh together tho juice ami lruit; to one pound of them put h ilf-poutid clear brown -ugar lloii the cherries in jii'ce for one hour and a-half: then add the sugar, and Iki! for as much longer time; stir them occa-on-allv. to pioveut th--ir burn.ng The, are excellent tor p.es. and -houid lw s'ined for a dav or two. to keep thf sirup lrom settling at tho bottom. It j is hot to put them in rather small jars, for the preserve vvill be ome acid, if poed to the air wnen the jar .s opened, if not 30011 n-ed. .Many prettv gootl cultivators and all the poor oue-t -ee 11 to .aok the nec-e-sar. courage to thin crops as th should if they would secure the lei re sults. Mativaviuetard has been iieurt) ruined hccaiiM it-i owner could not hour to nil k oil and destrov the -urpUii ;nut 'i he same is true of pe trs an! other fruit crip. Mauv vegetable crop iired the same attention, and if they do ie ceivo it in tune will Iv greatly improved. Mangel -i. sugar beet and other root--are among tho-e th it ovieciallv need at tetition. torn me'on. oh-1hm and many other tilings will also need look ing after in the .-a ne way. Do not neg led these iui'iortant things if tho be.-t rcsti.ts are du-trvd. , (.'uria'it Cake. -Two jiounds of llour. one pound butter. 0110 pound sugar, two ounces candied peel, three- ( iti triers of a jhhiimI eaeh o: curia it, and sultana-, three egg), two teapHiu- I fuU ea hof caihoiiiloot -jod t and cream j of tart tr. sullicietit milk to mix ! a ; proper consistency. I'ub the but'i r and f!our well together, add the cur rant;, suitanas and ugar. nnd the po-I . finely cut. Well bcatine eggj. add ilu in 1 Ik. and beat into the mixture. M.i the carbonate of soda an 1 cream of tat -tar with a little miik. aud while niter ' vescing pour into the cakr and beat tl.o who'e for abmi'. live minit!oi. Have ready a cake tin lined with gioacd pa per. "pour tho mixture into it. and ba.e ' 111 a (puck oveu till done (about three hours). j Noic may be devlened hy a mini- j her of siniplo coiitr vancn?. iiiiolx-r j cu-luoiis under tlie legs of a work- I bench aro an odoeiivo method of dead- i filing noise, it being found, as stated. tint in a certain f.fiory tho hammering of tiftv coppersmiths was 01 reel v audi ble in tho room below, their bunches having under each le a rubber cushion, j Kegs of sand or sawdust, nppl.od in the , same wav. a'.l'ord similar immuni v. A few Inches of sand or .sawdust being ' lirst poured into each keg. tharo u laid on it a boanl or bloc'-c upon which the ( leg rests, and around the leg and b!o -k f is poured tine, drv sand or sawdust. Ily this simple means it is said, not only nil ' noise, but a vibration and shock are so ; completely prevented that an ordinar anvil thus mounted may be used even ( in a dwelling hoti-e, without annoying j its occuDauL-. 1 ! ; Weed? in the Hi-'hwaji. Several of our estern contempora ries last winter sugges-ed the d.scuson e"S CluhS ami OtllCrw PO Of the at ramie ouc-tion as to what action. leir lative or otherwise, ij necessary and practica hie to keep the publ.c high wavs free from weeds. To us. who have be u among the foremost in laboring for ' gomi highways, the most practicable J plan seems to tie to induce abundant travel along them. When business J prospers grass does not grow in the streets; and when a public highwav i " well traveled there is no chance for ' anv thing to irrow in it. r - . ... e vveif verj much struck by the 1 answer given to a Western farmer on the Centennial grounds iu 1876 by au Eastern one who hail grown qu te I wealthy. The question was how to hurry his Western larm qu.ckh into a profitable market He was to d to "in ' crea-e his taxes." This seemed no doubt absurd to the li-teaer. a? it wll to most who read itj for if there is anv- thing which more than another wo all try to avoid, it is an mere ie of taa- tion. But there i the expression. I a deep meaning in . means that if a property is to increase in va cc. one must do something himself to make ;t more valuable, even at the risk of higher taxation. We may carry this idea into all our worriment. and es pecially this one of weeds in the publ.c highways. Tne more wc beaatif v ocr itvitv.irtiAe fha rri - va -t?r tfitrot by it; for people will go in preference where there i something nee 'otte seen. Improyeaients coil something, j They are taxes. A man may Deautiir ! at a'great cost "jrhen there is no one to j appreciate hi labors. Of course such i Aorkisthrjwn avay. But no work is ( thrown away that attract? travel along the highways. Our advice to oar Western friend is to let "Iezislation against weeds alone, and rather endeavor to encourage ia encourage evcrv propertv-owner a love for im- provement- Lei them do all tney can .... to encourage everybody xo improve and beautifr the line; aad then by, having uju ruaus caoiui3''t: ucuuic vj traait over mem, ana xacy cay lasroiir oni for it that the question of wecus in the b'gh ways will soon settlt? itself. t7tr mzaioicn TclegraoA, rUn5rfs oO fTl rcrl!ip4t tat ' I t rs ' ftftoa VJV'Si t f--f rrr itr. 1 ltKi rttrti pitu. hat tr tiV4 - ( m .Vl rr ',, w a a4 GSTmi iskli U J-.. tw. I CWnJ MHf to ty - J' I ' tme jfiiW Wf &. ' Vi, wMHi t titv utl, a4 Sa4 t&i t ta tttifl'S tSX la tiaM-. It rt sm al Vili L.Srt lrf . j.rw m , ttvm (-"t x mxttt iwp4m al I X T jtttmtut la in 1 ww ia H t ! tb t.t nCr-taf Willi !. it litaXUr Mfti4u. ta ai ! :a4 ui W kMt- Niar 4 ap ia'ra (Mai, xmd it V; tlj tat !. ' aa Mtn tt. j. l. Atexixt. rfw-y" TMt NorrUUwni nW te tttj Wr rutlfa Tm ifw. . Sr . fM)tiMi twra .Ml lt Ut.r.. la mat rti) -f - rv t!.jac4 wlta. a r-i4 r OtM i llw MHU U' m tirw- aw Wfo ih NaiT'tat" ou ie t rta-r rvoi 'Ct't. liaua. . V II r B ur !-, m it w.ta ua II tx n kiuM te tar U - ar H Ur a K, . m( vhitT tnai. tt i . ..! li old iX'k ol tM IM tat l a nutW -t fy4. It J ! I f! m1 rtjal, Ujr Hop lUir. -. .t-. A M'Mt nai (' aar tx-plait-! 'kal a J d a-t mii !! i"-.4t taw la' la cVUdfva avail k fr brraLUtl, tail a xu altikl .o tuaLe lacm alfV. KlIr.V-U lHT rraaslt wfcKarTja"t fowl kimo fr.-m ta t -4. aa4 '' jM-a.lhT ai : nrrr jir Tir'-t " ny and lirr .ai 'a tri. 4. !!, rsn tiji oa, lie at rat.ailt K t V vrl l lU ul aa ll :mtlj Ut ua. A.Lj J.' ! .r. tlrl'liu(,. It . Itata. ct. talre, at. !, lotofta, lari oet br " itoa.a oa Kati" li 4ru;s ata. WOUI.O ttot l wltaXMit Hlftatr Kuia e5tc. la Ike vtrdtai of iliawM i. Ir aSttat tltl.NMe Kea. at n" ! TiMmjMoa'a Hjr Wair. liujxti . it Ac IttvwiNi Stum ntiur l'ul'.ii.t a l-k. (ink w 41 . ! " at ma. inm-f, tut. 4ifatai, H iwiii'. ij aut vtanath.' 1 n t.u viitr kIc-td fu -. n wife fr la ! taar t eL -t- -a's u- ' rl.-bl.. aaat h rtKHtlr HtCr'J tUt tt ..4.J tw x Siwit lKiUe-ltMiy. TKItriY N Vft laiila atari art .'.. fnrafurnntli' umt la I. i lb Mill tur tlrl al tHaa aa.a prMtIui 1 taa !.- -a. TiUn l..ir vrnr la Prtt'lHincH y' ( 1 Mlr J.l.ii t.jt.l 'Uh ! a I - tiuruiK itot t !. iB ij'' m!-, ti r MfT. kri la ai nt h lr Jlt tMt .t frt-t .1b.f ll rn- 1 jrlr. ! wml ! ' l : ' our rrratit at tbo- tltltul t-r h.iln'i 1 out )ttla Hf gen aivtm Utatar ra m . . 'I'hi Rr l a tlilfc! l!ir I 1 ! un I i n v-uii man amt th Uf C a UA mnmwAmmks a. artglitf ' "- , MttB tim ral!!' .Irprx hPlt .. lfa. ll !) bi t tie ptir. aii.l la- iati il j'hI tl- i--l 1. en: r uMa a 4-"tJiB t.aa- f m ii. aiui, taltn; fiutat !' l' Wcr. aiJ ! t tjith'-r muI d Um hiuntfvl. a l a -Un- !Muatnl.aHiU at a- a aaa l tiuu in ta tus nt aajftkiutl ai.4 l ib bil pat witaaatt : sta4ikr. I ta aa ai Tumi' ar no prlnl-r fn ta Tra t-it iruttao at aiuitiif. MitaahalaHtUaif ti : ll . s.. r,ir Iu lirl ,fsui iu UM o ui a - Tlt nr trt twn aa lln-i-., :, Hllh J rrit 41m - ! tblJli'l "i.. . ll-. ll ll" I M;-rti lttk'll ' 'ft th!' Al-f tt hl m aa ta trfim- ? iilrr4iif iI. U ImI ' ,iu -ii!i n Mla -trt-rt in lri.. iiitst lliev nrx wwull tuvr reiaM I . A-- A - n 1: r r. XVGJISH TKIOII-SIl MBS. LYDIA L PIHXHAM, OF LYNN, MASS, Diacorxkxa cr LYDIA E. PINKHAM'8 '7ZG57ASL5 COI-ffOTin). m Th I'o't!T Cim frmmft taM PaaaTal CaMlalnta Sad lOMtimi Hri taar tt f,asl papvlittiaa. Ti 13 eir aotlrrlf C wt tnmet rranalCtiv pUInu. all cTinu irrnlAn. lnmr-jt' n tad lirtt Uon. Tilling at I"ltilfn-sl. afwltf mnjiii ptaai iTratMti, taj u ;axtnji alxl to ta CAanc d Ufa. It will dlaavlr and ir ltnmrt trvm liavtnula an rr! JCof 4cl jmcl. TtJ tmfaorj in w arrwn tt3incrtUTljrh-k.l rrrj tAJj I7 II s. tt ! fintlvr". ZtXilrnrj. J-trT a crmrfu fnratlmalasti, and tltrn wrtXnn eX U- rti-marh. It csrtsi 131.!;, llAVUrh, rn lrwtrat, Gfsral IwUi-tj-, &iir, Vvintioa as4 IaO JT-tUoa. Tiai fortlac ot tarf!S doTi. raatfnr Ila. H-tt XVl backart. It awi jv ;nMiit'7 ccl I;1Uom. 1 1 -wtll at all tovi ae4 on4r all t1mtnVuir irt la Uzrmooj w:;htLli-ilta.t cra U f '- f7t'-tn. For tt. cqrot klaTCcmtlntj ef ttUxr mi tiij Comrxad li aaivL I.VDIA li, I'IMCIIVVa VrcmAHLCCOH. leC.MM pr-parxl at S3 a-vl Ci Wtrs Atq. Lr3a.Ka.-a. I"r.-L Itllfora. 5rt ty ma.1 lu U torn of iZ1m. alv la tt terra of toarsz-, on &,?: . rrwtaararaaaictifracf ltxirj. tarr Xra rlatsar tVsil for idiA- Ict XA&ma u atva. -Xxr Hit lfr; X UisVx abooU U wttAost LTDU K rTXSiTAX: I uvra nzxa. tr nra OJOKlMSlna. Mlirrir-m ISA tarjii: ot li tlrrr B fSU pr bns. Ecld by EICHARDS05 t CO . Bt Lotsli, Mo rou sai.k v incr.Gi.sT. rfTiiis neer?rt!!etrT?u.';7 V yzmt . tanrv. of TUn- i utirft SjojA E.vti. ti suah. zTixr trrti-irm tz& aSmjT ssfia ts a. Oa-raldebfflBr Jrrr sa xrsr. Swr?iU. o3K"?aia. tusrn-uinsi. aaii ifT nM..vi:j are owsjv- j rrsatel ty tt Ai Gr. i9 hart ttti S wtu a tx im tar XbrsL 7or-r tw a'" Vr-xs i1 IVara fyraay TRAZlR" AXLE GREASE. la tk Waria. U- tM apraalM. JCv . aaaarV.af Vwaaaaaa ATaalS a rFVVlaV auax - TTa-r; rm la j ZZ. . ' CM.K. f fag TICCHtSc,s rraaana maram I xAt'iZZZZZZZ?ZgZ - -- i-iwrii,u-x.i "3at. I M iv M lilJaaw,' Jfr'rftSw H T-"HaHHaBaaalT fjOSTIITER's I '- n jm0m zd.jm BUGGIES ?JSS22i r------- 0&& I "ri1,TB' J yo fpr. Xilara ka kJLj I gUa6Ul&C0aVT0SCSOJK.'claOCa. aatMlai taaaW aatBkft y W 1 a in- rtfm-' - - mrnt n mi, . .! r&&z rT yr vtrij - tw. M tw9 t '- faiii W ipii Bl.-lt -r'? LM iooi at . iiffiM.on, NOW READY! "V?S-J THERIVISEO HEW TESTAMENT M s. ltiM tH I ..- ..' Vi it St :! -- -,.v O 0v " K rO JT'otr C'lutXta- nl Tovr AUD AtL OUtAltl V VV ,t.UN.l. a - GENT , V, J I ! II, 11 .c, - It . c a c . . n. ti'.t ii r - ri l.'.H'Mta-i WANTED GOLDEN rAUJtl Or. UlOtir n tha i.'f , , - . 1 . . -m I hta. , Uv t Atm, A W. EfflSSIMa3 Dattlo CrocK, MchUtan, aaxtractvaaa cr t t ii THRhSHlR. Trnctlon nnl Plmn Cnglnca nnd Horto Povt-cra. 1. iaw,x I iJ-o 1 tl irinp ' - .. l enno w - . Ikxtex .. MmJ rt ffrn m - S iryfir STn'I.MWTIt aiTllTHI, rr-1 it 1 ., iimi.im rirn'H:iUr a . 1 . I MM 1 -- r .- -- ."" "" li.-J.,... , .!.- 1 l ,'.i, ( . t . . - W I- a.i iwivimi i . 11 it7 nnr nnr 1 t r iTir. i.mit r.. - r ii ha J ' 4 M U XI U ... ......m m 1RAUHUN htiUli1tbti 4,- r HutM I'uwrr. 1. , to, 1 e .trUgTJK aJaOftfegS W iistPWK-J 2Bs AtJXai iWi"3H 1 W.r K rfcrtnrr anl Thrtfjrtwirn tbvttlM Uniua-t A" , NICHOLS.CHKPAKO A ; Uatu Croa, MiaH'aiafv OHIOAG-O ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS 5. W. Cor. State asd afoar St. School of Dravring and Paintbg. T. A t a- I fa j-fr. at rf! 'itfi a -t m' ! ("' ! tft-a nMr - I fc- .. 4 trm LM. I- - a . tr - r t, - i tn t ""l a fwf Cr. A" MfatMB.r-aaktlal: Urt. a4 TJTij' Tutll r-. tS r-TWr afM,iha. tr.a Tr a ''ttmtrirr '. 7Vtaakaa; Ik- 1- a. t -. a- two VtaA t4 t Ih) IM t Lr-v7An. t .x4)f - fia irnJr J H V anar-ta-! f-i" ''-tm 'x K ' -t. Iwirvanrta f Twr tt K Xf ' 5- U mmi'r -i A" r ' Aaasi.Xia. t a--- ?' ut UZt .-aft M R mX tVrcntary CJeaa XcUb VC t XT. RAILROAD GAZETTE I A immVL Or TiUSS?3XTITai. EagjinccHBj; and Ra.llroa.d Xevi. rav!Wlt (; n r4,j. TarV. A. IHTEODUCTORYARITHpC Br I.VIH V VASIf." TtH StC &a UXfH tsm UaFrVvn tmr W tm. it ait oaaagrfla gnJ aaijf --itf-y awfaHft TCiMcaa e cm mautry l&uZMts. m to fwsc iuMiiaci ast9KA rttSKtrt WJ-ani wc Cuti(( Oar i-aua. mats XX nintt't I W"2I& . w.fc ! - Sm i imn, u m TH'i J Jfc Vllj.l M a k B wlPiCSariA,2558l 55ttivwaf Wfc ,W af-atflL 1 "HTsaa a yfcw n l 1 ' i ?J'3&' ' tSnit n.' 1 Vi'J g boEs mil V 9 3 Jnfatlali tka LIT HI, UOUluH j aJkfliM.H till. 11m. Q Jj 2!-ttra taarf l! m i7tiL .itUt'dtw4'(4 T Vri Msar7 1 . ..!.. Jd- I H tJ l nsUt n . 'T t tt"iaM Kr fU.a M:r. j Lr4r J Tvatai C-p.ayH. I 9 t;s vriiiT jsortaaTi B Itj !? B , f 4wa C-j Xm, fl )." S .fr tTo. (' i.'w 'f (Ur l"fcX Ml ' Jiajaln4 lmttflt fr tr ' H ILJ !! Jin imn.mt r,,Wc. fa4-. Jn hrar r ihiipI. ., Imr f xit J 91 1 "M 'llilrIU4rf4 t U IC M B taot-t 4ttwia rtH4M ,J P ITlm I Ultf wt a. J Xwt".)!" Ml 1 Af t. J.m ' ..ili . t T-.;1bJ 1 Bilh-tt . jif-iAmc fiwi njmf afarfjpa j wfvl m r.r nmii ,wwa a aa I H 3 -ttt l-f -f J. - T , 3r4 IH ''" jrt-v I a J ! wM f ''r ! L t' Ik' m4k'omi II PI k 'i r-T u-K'r rr rr ti Ejta-rrlrlj-tll7rtl lnr 4 ar -, J , ft a." ia ! at J ... rttt . aa " H"iiir H I jPtBMAMCMTLY CURES I kUK!DNEY DISEASES. LIVER COMPLAINTS.H Hconstlpntlon nnd Plica. Q (i.-ii'"''' -- "B FltttoH'u. i IMM l,i frta.Pl !Wmttmlrl-t, twt U tl !UMl ff Vt" Mi t" r;i tt v J ffnl t'Zfif-rj I tf'le fr-. M crrtTArr-cts - t. t, r t.orJ N zus. ci t if i arKo" x c . my. nTrmaltarr-VM. 'J'T.T.Q 1 -rTTi K.5.X. nncH mmo to ADrcmrttfcaaf f I n ii K a. kBalKaaaaaaHZrp7 . lailKL al 1 a, 1 . .--Oryi'5"' . ..----------I r .T?r V . aaaSTafaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaL x. Sa fe aTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTt s- ' , fvaMsaaaTaaaaaaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaT