rt, - :-i','' --..jy ,- "cr v ' - 2 -"" M. k - b? Mi i j ii " "" -2 ii mi' w SS" aSTTZm- . ' ifoti woKiaV Q?HE CHESS rCBLIEHKD XVEEY TKUBBUY if SED CLOUD, KEBIASZJ. BY M. I THOMAS Cloud Chief. The 4Sv aVH- i&,tiA&1Uate s firrtTtii6xrxJU? 4 "Mental Vigilance is ill price of Liberty," aiul $1.50 a year is the price of the lied Cloud Chief. : - - ; s.asjvsc:?Jis&JB 3.vtxo iO, i rUti Mm PV Cr.tM U - :X KED CLOUD, AVEBSTER CO- NKBRASKA, THURSDAY. AUC 25. ISS1. TE3U2:-- $1.0 yet? if paid In AdTaaca. VOL- IX. n$ & Red !l Y 3 GO EAST ICUliTH EAST OR SOUTH-EAST VIA THE B.&IV1.R.R. Thi Usui tOKctbcr wilb the C.B. A.1 which . K calieJ THE Burlington Route ! I .inn i ih tn -ttuu-l t l.nc l-t em Nrbr-ska I-c'n.f ur.d nl! i-mitlftf .Mioun Hit it. ravnifn r-Aini; tins ltiia crm the .V Kmr at I'uiuiuoutu ii.fr t5t Plattsmouth Steel Bridge, V huh bat latIy Ui comi-Itttd. Through Payoachcw AM) gTi;Hmnii Mi-ypinglTarn KLIM.NTO- BiirHii!oii.FcGriiihicaso ami St. LOui, Vh-recWM-o&ii'-tiiinFrMnutl-in union !" lot nil j.iMR Aorth Kant nn.louth Tram by thii rMitu Mnrt in NVi rakn ht tliore- fui- lttJrm tin tMriius nccid-ats which !(lr-juntl ! 1V trame i iiuiiiii; through Jriitn tin- nioun- tjiclc. nrnl iari"fiiitWHr-thus mn-of iiiHkii.K i:j"l eon- Iltltllllll' dun tlivj l.-.tr thr B. A M. Through Tickets AT LOWEST KATES In furre in tlm FIm nR well M full aa'l rnlialU iiifni u ntu n njuir-l. can be htAviioa aiilica tmn tn 1!. A AS. K. K. Ai;i!.t ut uuy of tb irn cijml stntictu. or to PEECE7AL L0W2LL, Intf (vuiral TicVit Agent. BiAHAKKH. lliis pill is a standard Liv- LI Q Ju tfr Iifj;nla:or, an I W :. lufallililc r cmc ly fir Malarial livtvf lautxlicc. Kcstl,cSMJt, G R E E NnlVrc'.1 5H - 1 .. 1V:V ricn, bit.! l.'Katlaclir, Con- .rfx " a '''; ' -' tijatn, Win ousc "s, teliWlOUNTAIN I ' ttpv-.n, uc. j nat mis Till l.a. 1'icti used in pn- CATHARTIC f :.. practice for 35 years vir- V:-- ' -fi J. t'. On .t ltniL..f ( " I t X""" 5" lc I'ltipnrinr ' n..- f !v. Mn Drop min ili- r-iialil' aiul itll tniw:i ihtis Mand'uf H U Sherer Ul Vl')Uil and .t-k llifin v.?at tli- rojmta- ? mm of :l.i pillhi'- :1rt n simv 1835. all -r Limi. i thnr ;:uiili L"3" it ,i:nl v tli--in. xi ossjjn.vjts ccfTiif t,ipTr u-jjCH'.i vr o3? jn ua-ivM ioiiu -fciv Krzi juT"i I'j uiii'i itnr.iJ.iaariv 3t ojj oi nut i.uun i.ouuiim '.TJ UH'I I tnn.iJ.iaariv -jkiiqnoioioj! rtjL;!Ni ni:vw 31 oj- oi iiu ituo( i,OHU.lnPIfy V lN i!Htui::n3J i -.Ji!.n:'jo J.IJ JIMllJJBl jJj .riuij juin i.iiu:tJJii v 'flt I'liv "ijvjnp ;uiaj u.l ju.Mf.l'f '&;irieM 'fuifunj-jitfl VJuDj CT )X "'jo UAtUtvj 1 fjii ir,J .;ijisi jiiniai'uWWHOil .-! ubjjiiiii jii u.UJ? JitifjiinAUii "uia tajiliowi-iiii t, Linl4r.iijp j Ja , , una oatloii Hi .ai:.i'U m jf ytu ;wiJ it n rivwd pooA ,yi ttHjiuu ii -rj(i; rje laiv v; u njn.ijru.T'txn ruis jju.iijjiIx.i ,i4c.ik()ju t:jj ij si U ".wWw'n. iJSrVtK.fWAi THE BEST OK ALL ?0S Eiil SIO 33A5T. Tomorr ii:r.i a flilnlof a rcntnrvthn jIrxIcauKninnpI.li:!mriitluisicn kimw ii t iml.ioti- i.Si ivt tin; world us ii . crly iali ii-'l:uieo Uir tlie relief of !! U't- :i.i i j in. : h u lm-i.icino 4 Ih 'ii-u-o: :i 1 i" -tJic Ucfct uritd kiuii. j.rtrj la.i iI cxliJiKil I'aill ii.i ifiEVI rui t tuLitss: I uiiini'i-: i i'ltont nn ccraiV (81 tt iunciin:ij -tWh n-.ul tnusclo nl J3 tlic xcry hour i inLliiK tlio contron-l thini f j-;: r il lr.:::m iii:itiou Jni(.-I 4J .'' l'. it'hixi li:iu:iii I hsl :iiit ;iu'- licXfsica If Tlniru-rt 5? nortVil Sir Porn'Aotlv In 1h .iy inn . l.tr ,,. ; biii.j:iiioVs4i li,tli.-rj;-sii-,r '!mv.:,i;un!iIoi bum - imiuii, o. i.iouiiihLic martyr rt- ICMotl'al. ir SL -.Ui7l.ll.lt. tinilii r-.r- .T 1 kj wrtca by t'.io heuiiag jiowcrorthJj i whld; sneilr p"i- wi tTTwita of tin- UOI.VN i'l.'Sll -m ltlitismatisia. Mn-clllms. Stiff j...j..-,. . uiiiruc-rti .ins:lc, jirnt nna S-alut, Cuts, limine ami p.rn'"' ,,,l'onn IXls. ami "". -t:c.-, Xiiararo, Old Srr.rirtr.Fr(tljltca..O.UlilIn. ' ?-i;'Ilci, Caiva UrcasU mitl rr bc li ni8 !;Uont cam. M'Kriu ITiTr Inrin 3" nl n;' Uc- ror;o i.lt' fuevnox it ar nmli. &.. t..uu. .av .a. rouadcr, TTiu-jiera Sorr. HneT !! 5f "f."' Foot 1::t fccrxir tVortu, f cab, f.?V" sJ"VTl". TirnIw Itlatono,R jid il is, posiiivcJX., THE DSS CF ALL & !iw roEaarjflBBafs L .1 .--J- - " -AAl .can cK.trt. f II-LO ... I iv I. lit l'l.;i. 'I'..N 18 PiWIlT F5 1s BTSl 3 05 MB V ram Xtf J Sf ii jl U R ta ..i r.Tjvr.1, j-oii uj, J-IUu hpnaB tlic .!l-t unl every ottur eilorutB wlucli :k ocruiiants of thcE tntiln td Sixk V.-irJ arr llnM. , TJio ...cxiinu. jrastanjr X.l:iicntE Uu-ays cun-n uii -ivcr :;?..-:..;--, ;g W 1 T- ' iiriTf ItK 3 3 "f ItL'SrXESS DIRECTORY. J.K.Smith. Prm't ltt Nat. Bunk Ketrice Neb. S. C. Smith. Ch7 1ft Nat.IUnk Deatrtct) Neb. SMITH BROTHERS, BANKEES, RED CLOUD, NEB., Trandnct a jtncral bankinc biwinrM. buy and tell county warrant. alo County. Preciact and NIiwl Dirtnet IJuni. XtKitUle lana inortcagee. buy and ell ror eicn Kxrbanro. . ... TJ-Sptcjal uttention civen to coluctioni. KErKHENOKs-Iiit Nat. Bank New York. Oma ha Nat. Bank. O rath a. SMITH BROS. 0. C Caak. - ilcXcsT. Case & McNenv, A TlOUNI.Yis AMI rot'NKKLOItS AT LAW. Will nractire in all the Court of thi State and Northern Kam-a. Collecfu.ni as well u litiira-tt-d businwi" car-tully and efficiently attended to. (ii-ncc- On WVbiter fctrcct. one dor north of iarber'is Store, kki) ci.oL'1), yr.n. J. S. GILHAM, A ITOKNJ'Y AND COUN.SKI.OR AT LAW. Office one door north of Kiilcy liros. RED CLOUD. X ERR ASK A. Edwin C. Hawley. A TTOIINEV AND 00UNHEIX)R AT LAW. Omci:: 1st door south ofSiaitli Bros. BED CLOUD, 1EB. Laird & Smith, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW. IlAirriNtss, - Nkbuaska. Will practice in all the Court of the State. Prompt auction Kiven to ail buacs onUuited to his care, julyl-7 U.S. K4I.T. C. W. Klkt. Red Cloa-i. Neb. i. L. KAt.rr. iiluouiineton. Kebraikft. KALEY BROS., A1 TTORNEYS AT LAW A REAL ESTATX AdKNTX. Will practirp in all the CourU in Ncbratka and northern Kanf.i collection promptly at tendid to and corrcKiidencc folicitud. ED CLOUD, Kotrask. A'.jo. .'.ecuis for B. A M. R. U. Lands. ELBERT A. HAIX RI. D. Physician & Surgeon, RED CLOUD, NKH. A5igtnnl Surei-on II. if- M. H. IL IL C. Office over Johnson A CrP'dry goods -tore. Keii drncc over Pf rkiiu A. MitchellV dtore. 196ia j. in. mosena, w. - -KCLECTIO- Physician and Surgeon, ItfcD CLOUD. XBB. Will pay upecinl attention to Obntetric and diffatei ol nui-4i Al-o Kcnrral and special Kuiccry. I)iiiK of the Kye and Ear. Chargus modfrate. OtriceirerJhoicrV Drun Store. Kriidtnuo 4th tnuse north of school hcup. 25-1-y EIR. V. SCHEKCK, Physician & Surgeon, SJ:i CLOUD, NLItRASKA. Professional calls promptly attended. Office: over FherwoodV slorc. 8-.rl Dr. H. A. Baird, RESIDE1TTJDENTIST. KED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. W. $. EICHARDSOJT, DEALEKIN LIVE STOCK. KEIi CLOUD. NKBRASKA. 'IiKhp't rnnrket price paid fur hoes cod cattle. Guide Rock House, J. It. SAltlX, Propr, Cl'IDE 110BK, NEBRASKA. This llocise has just ln-en rcSiltcd and nevly furn:-hod throughout. GI0D SAMI'ME 3J00M fv Uk' aoojnimodutiou of oocnmercul meti. 49 tf 0 TO HEItfRY COOS'S at the( Red Cloud Drug Store, TO BCY THE PUREST DRUCS and Finest Chemicals AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Also, Paints Oils and Dye Stalk, No tions Bihles, Books & Stationery Tobacco. Cigars, Lamps, fcc. PATENT .MEDICINES ordered for parties who may want anything not csually kept in the valley. COME one and all and iret ynSr good, and ask for BOOKS from the circttlating library IIEXftV COOK, IrKsi5t and Pbrsacti, EED CLOUD. :e6raska. BIG PAY! AGCIVTS WANTBIT For tie Tastst SELLlVtS of the Age.- FOUNDATIONS OF' SUCCESS. axd laws or teads. A CYCLOPEDIA OF Business "ii- florins The Secret of SCOCESS in Life. The Laws of Trade. Leral JTotms. HoW to Transact Bvinerj VaJuab1 Tablei. Social Etiqnct. Parlisen tary Uf-re. How to Cooa;t Pnblifc Meet'.cct LogdeeOrderf Societies: It a Complete iQiletoSCCeB9. Acbte- Ukine 47 to 73 Orders pet ITek. A Faailr Neeesrity. AdireM f;r Circulars and SPECIL Terras; ANCHOR PUBLISHING CO. " CHICAGO ILLS. S-L-St OF. ST. LOUIS JOT. THE CHIEF. M. L. THOMAS, - EDITOR. THURSDAY, AUG. 25, 1881. The RepuhlicHii State Central Com mittee is called to meet at the Com tnercinl hotel in Lincoln the 31st day of August, at 2 o'clock p. ni. The latest news from the president is very discouraging, as it is apparent that he is growing weaker day by day. Dr. Townscnd, health officer of the District of Columbia thinks that Gar field will not live longer than until next Sunday or Mondav. LinNYESTIQATlOK. The board of county commissioners, after reading the open letters publish- ji I tit rt nit' !- -L l rittiMi itt trn.mirr.r IMnifr lmvn . locfiliwl ff, have an investigation, and lciiru if i there is any leakage in county affairs. At their recent meeting they passed a resolution authorising the appoint ment of a commission of throe expert accountants, to examine the books of i the clerk and treasurer, and see if there was anything crooked. Lincoln Journal. It fcems from the abovo that it is not unlawful for the commissioners of Lancaster county to appoint a com mittee to examine into the affairs of the county, neither do they try to shirk their plain duty by asking anyone to come forward and swear that they believe that something is wrong. If there was any doubt in the minds ot the people of Webster county that the commissioners refused an investiga tion because thoy knew there had been crookedness, the reading of the above will remove that doubt, especi ally when we take into consideration the fact, of which there is an abun dant proof, that those asking an in vestigation of the affairs of this county agreed to pay the entire expense of said investigation in cose no crooked ness was discovered, provided the commissioners vrould agree to psy to the investigators a sum equal to the amount the people of the county had been defrauded out. of in the last eight j'cars by dishonest bv dishonest and incompetent ' . , . , . . , olncials. If there is a citizen . . . , coontc ..r.i.:" ..: :.. J .... ... the actions of mie of the countvi . . A, , A ,, -' oflicers for the last six months, audi .i i.i: i... .i v. i . . ... ..... ' CIOUM:illlt3 III LIIU lUlIIUUl'iirHl.lUIl CI county affairs, that person is Mircly blinded by prejudice. OUR C0S2SS?0NDS:ir AMONG nrt krOIttTAIXSF THS UD-COXT.- KENT. Estf.6 Tare, Colorado, Aug., 22, 1S81. The tourist meets a succession of surprises as he journeys from point to point in this scenic region, the once great American desert. I wish it were possible to gire your readers a picture of the region aKjug the line of the Union Pacific IL R., from Denver to LongmonL Great wheat fields, yellow and goldea, ready for the reap er, spread out like x great ea far as the eye cin reach. In the distance, snow-capped mountains lift their hoary ii-cads into the purest of ether. "Tenderfeet" in their innocence visi ting Chw state, imagine its great source of wealth is iu the mines, but a trip though the Cache La Pondre farming ditfriits. aud thence to the southward along the foot hills through the fertile valley of the St. Vain will disipate all such illusions. No finer vheat is grown in the world than here, usder a splendid system of irrigation, the crop this year yielding from la to 40 bushels to the acre. A phvee with the driver is the seat of lionor, and a Concord coach with six spanking mnnnfdin ctnulj n,3 llltrft Vnirr ! handling the ribbons means business. Estes Park, a silver-rimmed basin about IQ ik?s square, surrounded by the grim old crests of the Rockies, is 36 miles away. The route is an ever changing scene of panoramic views, winding along cry& streams, through cool amd quiet glens, by the side of great mountains, threading the recesses of pine forests, and over tor tuous mountain passes, the great monarchs of the range lifting then heads thousands of feet above, while cool breezes sweep through the great pines, Hilling the air with a weird music, like the chorus of a thousand muffled Aeolian harps. On and On, sometimes creeping over shelving rocks with scarce a foot-hold for the 1 horses, where a mistake of few incises would send horses, coaehy and contents over the precipice into the awful chasm below. Would I cpukl picture to youx readers my fist view ofEstesPark, tins western Eden, as out six horses cisse dashing out through rocky ledges into these great meadows, verdure-clad, ih moun tain streams bopf of the smnr fields, dashing madly -through cfcuntain.of eternal silence, our eVes rsfcging gorgesytir rippling through mcjfiiows glory stolen from the fading S bright-, Fhc sham Jiess of the .setting sun.- The green wmle o.d Long's peak, snow- gray of Capped; 14,271 feat inch, crowned IskW hnmo peak with a crown of gold, a halo of.ourinin crack of the driver'. whip echoes from crag to peak, and our fix howci turn into a keen gallop, dash through the park, bringing up at the hotel, where we were met by our old friend Stetson formerly of the Aitor House, who known how to keep a hotel and fur niithcs his guests with a pread that will satis fv the most fastidious epicure. This hotel, finely located, U filled with guest from all s-eclion", and every day, parties drive, fish, hunt, go on pic-nics, or mukc the accent of Long's Peak or other mountain ranges. The Park is divided into ranches, the hotel anil about 5000 acres being ownwl by the Earl of Dunraen, an Irish Mem ber of Parliament. There are several ranchmen run ning large daries who have built cot tages tliat ore filled with guob the entire summer. One of the finest private houses in the Park, is "Elk horn Lodge" on Fall River, owned by W. E. James, Esq., whs? cottages are full from spring to Dill. He has a herd of 350 full blood Herefords. If ontI refcrH a unvate house to the "Otel, Lms IS the place to top. Rates arc from $9 to $12 per wevk. Two railroads arc pushing their way into the Park and next year one can leave Denver in the morning and K"e at noon at Stetson's, upon game, trout and all the delicacies of the season. With railroad facilities, mine host Stetson will need six times his present space to accommodato his guests. But we must scale Long's Peak. Ponies are saddled, wraps and provender -packed, the guide gives the order to mount, and we are oil", at 5 p. in., to ride 7 miles to Lamb's at the b.tse of the moun tain, where we rest our weary limbs and dream of the triumphs of .the coming day. With the morning dwn all is astir. Breakfast is over and we arc in the saddle, our eyes turned upward to the deep gash in the moun tain, and the overhanging rocks 2,000 feet high. Winding our way upward the trees grow small and gnarled un til we pass timber line. But the llowers their beauties arc leyond description, blooming year by year for centuries, eeen only by the eye of the great Creator. Pure mountain streams dash madly low their rocky bed, fed by the wasting snow and ice thiit cover the nmuutaiu-Hdc from f?. .- . . , , the ascent is a picture never to fade i , ., r, ... e I from the memo: v. Ino gilding of generation to generation. Minrisc on lrom l,ic "WJiuuiy. no RiUlmg the grim old Peak, the glistening raw .... . ... ,. of the rising sun falling on the pure .. , , . ,, ,. , , white show and ice, the light-, and shadows .shimmering through the thick phiof, while all the plain lies hushed in the drowsiness of the break ing twilight, is a picture that no master can put on canvass. The earth, the sky, and sun-slnue seem like a new creation. Three miles from the top the guide ordered us to dismount and leavo our ponies, and now business begins, and we thread our way under the shelving rocks and over great boulders, scarce ly daring to look down from our dizzy height to the awful chasm below. Faltering and shivering we pick our way along amongst rocks that seem ready to go pitching down the chasm at tlie slightest touch. The rarefied air sots our lungs to working like a pair of bellows, while sjme of our par ty find their heart beating like a lover proposing to his sweet hearL The cheering words of our guide ring out among the ledges, inspiring us as we almost despair of reaching the crest of the peak. Jingling beneath the rocks and boulders we hear but can lwtsec the pure waters that rush doaii the mountain side. The last 500 feet is very difficult and it takes ji hour to stake the ascent, mtd eu-c mistep would send the toursst into the yawning chasm below a sUainilcss mass of dead humanity. At length tired and jaded we reach the crest of peak which is made up of several acres of boulders, the wind blowing a perfect gale, the air being crisp and cold, requiring all our wraps to make us comforLiblc. The view from this lofty summit is beyond description. The eye tabes in a circumference of 300 miles. Snowy ranges on all sides rear their head into cloudland. but we overlook them all. How the heart swells with joy as we rest our weary limbs on the crest of this old sentinel of the mid-continent. What a joy to stand where the trinkling streams starts for both oceans and to sec the fringed ribboa of green marking the flow of the Platte and other rivers, with intervening mountains, lakes and canons. For our edification, xd to rxake the view tscre grand and sublime, a little storm cloud came dashing up the mountainside as if it would give battle to the grim old monach. Sharp lLtshcs of lightning played :ig-rg -all about us making us feel sensibly the electricity in the air. Sireeprfcg en over the mountain, the rain aoch ceased, the rind changed and we' were treated to genuine snow strm on the 3Ctir' f July. Here ou ttnY lofty peak in th region over mountains; canons and the green the endless plains, we Iheugfct kindred ami friends, and :h osthcaxtecave thanks to God for the finest land oa Which1 the sun j ever shone. Weary and foot-sore we leave this mount of olwcrvation anJ for home by slow aud steady piei w are helped by our guide down deep declivities or along icy culche. r creep on hands and knees under shelving rocks, till we reach timber line and our horse just as night is shutting in, and there comi-s over u the chilling thought of being lost m the mountains, bul our nble guide orders us to lay down th rohn and J trut to our faithful ponies, so taking j it by faith we sit serenely riding i and waiting, and at 1 1 o'clock roach ' Stetson's to dnum of peril and triumphs that will never ten by any of our party. U- lurgot- PlIlK-i. There will be an excursion from Superior to Lincoln on Tuesday, u'. 30th, iSbl, aud return on the follow ing day. The fare for the round trip from Red Cloud, Guide Rock, Super ior and Hardy will be 13.00. The proceeds will go toward building a Presbyterian church at Superior. Itefreshments will be furnUhed on the trtin at reasonable prices, and every one who, buys a ticket will be provided with a comfortable seat. All who wish to visit the capital city should avail themsclve of this oppor tunity to secure cheap transportn Lion. Tickets for sale at Henry Cook's drug store. Prog&m of Sabbath S&ool C7oati. to fee Hold at Slue Hill Tuesday and TTcd- sesdij August 30 and 31, 1831. TVESDAY EVE.MNO. Devotional exercise at 7:30 p. ni Address of Welcome by Ifov. Ii. U. Heudel of Blue Hill. Response by J. E. Smith, Pres. Cv., Convention. Praise Service and short addresses, by Rev. J. T. Mihier and others. Mis celuucous busine.-s. Devotional exercises at 0 p. in. Diseu.viiou, duties of Superintend dants, opened by IL B. Kamiy of Oak Creek. Report of Superintendants and others upon S. S., wotfc. Discussion. "What cm we do foi the conversion of our scholars," opened by Rev. Munger of Siler Lake. - Kecis. BASKEr D'lSKEK. Devotional exercises at I;J8 p. :n. Pong Service. Children. hour conducted by Rev. Lewis Barr. Thank offering collection for expen ses of Sabbath School work. Question JJrauer. Biing Vxospel Hymns combined. An effort will be iniido to secure the service of Sabbath School worker from abroad. Let every S. S , jn th' County, especially those in the north portion, be represented. 7 Per Cent. Money to Loan ! Money to prove up with on final re ceipt, of on deeded land at 7 per cent. and l-f)2 per cent, commission", or a straight y per cent, no oon:mi-i6n'. Jvo. Iv. Willtox. Office next door to Chief office. 30tf The importance of Inventors em ploying proper Attorney- to attend to eaes before the Patent office, is shown fcc the contest now going on in relation to the Telephone and other valuable inventions. Those wiro wish their cases carefully attended to should correspond with rRESBREV GREEN, Washington, D. C. (Send stamp for circular.) Republican Ccust7 CcnTentlsn. The Republican County Convention in and for Webster County will be bold at the Court Houc ita Red Cloud on Saturday Sept, 3d. ISS1, at 1 o'clock p. m., fur the purpose of placing in nomination candidates for the following offices, to witr County Clerk, County Treaitrrer, Sheriff, County Jtttlge. County Commissioner 1st District. Superintendent Public Schools, County Surveyor, Corona, And co select delegates to State and Judical Convention and to transact such other busines as may come before . The several precincts in the I cotiRiy re eiuuieu to tne ionowmg representation based upon the vote for Lieut. Gov. Precincts, Votes, No. Delegates. Red Cloud 2SS "10 Guide Rock, 156 ' " 5 Stillwater, 61 " " 2 Oak Creek, ii " " 2 Potsdam, 53 w ' 2 Batin, 32 " 1 Glenwood, 57 2 Haw-nT, C6' " 2 Inavale, bOT 3 Walnut Creek, 36' " 1 Elnf Creek. 59 " 2 rier&int Hill. 52 " 2 Primaries for the purpose of eleot imdelegates will' Be heJd at the nsual voting places in'the several precincts, en Saturday August 27, 1361, at 2 o'clock p. ni. cr order of Republican County Cental Committee. W. IL Stkohx, Ch'n. Ix brfr.fcing the I'iucsly Asii Bit tees lefi)rhd public, we claim that it is one ofttie best remedies extant for the prevention and'eure of all diseases j Wt&WlMiL A4A .V ..!. Ar. J usinS them according to directions they will keep the system in a strong, .fcj ' J?l druggist iter them. Price 11:00 per -boltie.- mm SPANOSLE&FUNK, irE.inocjuTEns von ; AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS,1 Two Doors Soutfiof Bank, RED CLOUD, - ZX" K i U AS K A. o it v hh rii Ui m I x? &'3Vj&"2&Moar iJ AS-f v: -i d ftccatsiicf t Aer "if Coat'i. I. ft .fc; 0 F. H CORE -LiT..,i-7 1"". - V.V r- tj-.7S-Ji'Viu' ; 'CV'' r5' :r .-w - .' z. . - it -t -'. j w -m t m. ..t;' i-j aT -. . r a ( y-H z. fir tiT W '- . Saa?!rTy: natKr1 .Ti, THIS NEW AlfD CORRECT MAP Proves l-eyon! aa reasonable qneslJon that tL CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN R'Y Is by all oIJb the Jx: rod lor you to Uko in 'Sartlfctia cither dirtctlon bc:-tt Chicago and sll of tfic Primal Pol.-.4.: in the Wct, Worth and Northwest Carcfallr csaisln-.IhfJ Ma7. The Prirscirs! r:;Jr rf ih w-t ! firtirf: r "tfrt! on tWrfri. ts thxu-jh tralitj mKe ckoc comuxtkis .th UrcL-iuora.. ri-iliiV jWiCtion point. TWW CHICAGO Jt KOHTH-WCSTCUfT RAILWAY, OTrallort!spfn:dpaI Hn-r3 vh trr ifcufrfrrwatHO w jTirwacre TcstrHC TzaCss. l:iiti;jaJynxl-Joic.tCLicaliitrrtLo m. PIFLUCAir HOTX DZKZHtl CAJU. a CC IM-'.fttag'giWigai t7 Sas: Can Sth r firtJwr: HM fjC C5.1DTr&CinfrrsLa.LiUL.B Cssa. IJZ.Ci m.. . -v .? - jmm. ik ijniia0ZBinz:-7 inur ii ' " uottwuiiJisjt. jj-nY-x CaMrtsialja.- -Wteu ia-)-iCferfcrE:?rirtV:T! I rtaiCttr.:..etetacafi3a)Kaa LfaTe.-,-t2v- I-aul a4 XtatywMcjeY wmjulk! -.W?0iIrwpcrs&I)3baVLti-.'- -XtlaaSVat. Cwg 3yl2r' WmZ I - ., , .... I..., J5. SSw i 3IWJ1 r.fl!IHH I lUzaeiaimrviTs. i?rT5ri?ta-.!aiIjrc2d.becr5tIT:caiCTerlt.a5 rZiZwz!lt -ttS7a-5?eir; ecn ,.r-ac-cag' JSSl flNH ; n5i I'r si Jril n'r irat-" . f . 8 1, 1 mffl f rr? e.- lB71.b7CCIr. A l.. Jeweler Red Gtbua. WVmbx TTTirninf r. r, 'jluJ!03l VT. JL REOITI.-Ccn i.iO,.a w m - S r r.-c .. mic.i uim ,. . iu vrf, tam i . k . . .. t . r - "v . . ! m ! ' - , kt lvH ' 4. .1 - . j4tt4. -J fH.l . rf ' . Hrt. i . 4 t -.J - 1 ' f l"l , .- . M Wt I1 f .,. , w, - KV - -i V . .1 . . . 4 S I1 " - a.. I - HHJ V.t vV itital "li 4 . . iuvid Li5Diurrii tojrt, rv.v. r. i.,u n 'uinj ww mvai tt oj uNinxovjnitvM vohk . it . 1 "i j , 17M-. " 'Mn4-.41 V u- jl i '. i m li i i ' ,-,t As b.W J1l . trail oliv JMlO I lk t vp 111 IU. wl ( t) -I l ! l II -HrV1 Ii HO IIHIB ' DKWHITTIEB Cl ST."!iarn jMrrf t, M. Z3ko; , .! , .MMrlltW.t .ICUhit I -...' jt -. :.. Mi w. I , .. ..(t i - ., ti V .MiH.n.Oi'l.llllil tOrtftj,mmv lnt't triril ,IU J)rt'wU(4ttrt rf -f . . , I u &.-- -4 l-i,vfrt. Cx- .iw .H.ltr i-lll jr - -i At sf ! lw j. r ,n I . w.U in.nm r.. ,Hw, M Mi Jli . JM. IMIM . ! WMHI tKw-4 ij w. mi n t h bl4UM,n V .! i .".f t . "l lVJ- tb- it t -v ' ltelt- M, ' t " !" CW 1VS4RRIACE I rjMfi pfMEs. f GUIDE! i. w.-t. ..tiy.- uiwwmi.i f. .ri t -, u W i if , r, f V ..J a.)mtJKl4U 1.aM r- ; ttn '"" r IIm. T t r- v firi. tW ! - mtmtttti 4 fct 4 il ,l'll .iril.t ifc 2ol. IU ) XnrluK tiwiiiil'lwlMM4iiMJJk FRpirPRcScruwinNrrr .-lT i-''' r ttj-- - JL- M JfcJS- MttifVlMI i ,M.i.lU li ! 701 Chrtut R,-..tol. N &. Ii. i.b-7 ., I -( nyBKiit. yr iuiv P'vi, Ui' iw r r UuVlr im fe r-t - I la .!. A - lAmmtt imHlnj pwlkl-w. A K-li:-. rfi.i.t? I !! IIW MARRIAGE GUIDES: D5-BUTTS DISPENSARY. ipHlt. 4tJu Ml ! HMM - L rf-ti it - w nj pMtxwguv ! I. - - " ' . . : ..r; .. viae ! yHM M IWDISCRETIOW OR f XPQjUtf ' - f nt Umt,i.m y?".w.4kr:lt , .t ( i M -! raU v. . m. r. , !'-. (H'VtMin niu i ' I r " V " wj oTir.T TnciTfn h k mi r,.. . . . rSHM 4 C.4 bv- k M U maw. rw rvw PRieKLY BITTERS T& orfv fthm i - fcefy oWw rxt frn tl. infftrM Ka.ilroad Sew. M X4 to n.tr 4wtwi Zn4i T Tft. trrx S; ir. XX TJLlilhZ HOOK IdTROUCDRr ARMMETIir . Mr l.'M YAftlf. Tl SS Snx tia D lvar Shxw- t Cf. traaiMut. MF4MMvJHMk4evXX. r u M 3M USC r JCS.L. w "Cirs 2ra xlj A W- PIN mt tmSH C A m hj I BW sr&-rsjR !S!?AB5BB i i W I I MM . tcfivi -m ' .m iaiM . i.-J. J M 4 - -w. a. v at ajt k A mW .HBh 3 LjllllwfciiTB Sbhi IaIImi1IIIIIv HHHBK'i.w !OTvlii& MJKmmwjviS l je m m s A l . '? i r .1 N, N' ! y k aar Umi rfiTU.ar4 l lti rap"- Adrtte Uk to ka . miUtt. emriiafrwfM bB bckL tMt Ikttr S9&-Ml'3i3l , X4 5i 1 D -1 'rj 'Sj. w 1 it miwHn MiWl i,iijji J ii jiuj Oaci, ir f nr -iwfcM -. , iSrii . Cm mti - ? -r? saMta-M-Tia, rr.rrnfa