The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 11, 1881, Image 4

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V jnr fiffr-, 3" WMBM-fcrJWliWMWMMW"MWWWgMWMMWWfcMMWaM
tf c - -- fCB"
BS?. .-"
fKT -
Xt ".
IhorI Callender;
General Merchandise,
N Scots & Shoe.
Drug, MeilicineM,
Oil Tarzii.slic.3,
Pain Etc
ETC., T2TC., El'C.
A full line of everything kept in a gen-
cral store, :it thc'unvKST cash rmces.
Moon & Callender.
Proprietor of tho
City Drug Store.
Drugs? Medicines.
Paints- Oils
and Varnishes,
A full supply of
Pntronagc solicited anl thonkfully nwved.
-Pmcritiu3f carefully cornpoundcd"&
One door bouth of UarhcrV .ilorc,
(SueetBsotor G. A. Brown-)
Parlor, Bedroom
Brackets, Chromos,
- Picture Frames,
Mattresses, Etc.
C !- ali-iy on hsmd nn'l triinineiln short
n..ttco. I'ric m !-t nny in tli" " alley.
Repairing ut nil kin h dtmo jromp'ly ana
Birial Robes furnMied at reasonable
- - KEB.
Kf c nMimtly on hand a full Line of
And everything, usually kept in a first
class s-liop.
Tea Eigaost Cash Price Paid for Hide:
and ?ars.
Flour & Feed
Uurn. Meal. Dran Choi'pod Peed and
ViMt the ltelClou-l Grocery. Feed and Pro
vision store when you w.ini sui lie for uian or
Ilig!iet market price in enh nsip for train
All kinils.ul country irodurc tiken fu cxt-hanco
for ifnli iluuJi tlelivered to nil i-:irts vl town
fre -l han:c.
iie rouib ol Reed's Plo-c I .ictr-ry.
Red Cloud,
For Your
.Sold Ml Lowest Trice
Hoicomb Bros.,
Dle.rj in
rw.;; . f all klsll.
-Stll'-CHEAl f'T CASn. nd If tkej
y?r-fcfciiiatjo want. learjri, ,
4r ail tW VOJ fiU it.
izZ&&5&. - . iw
-i "-!.& ".-- ! --'' - ." .
" :?T 5iiiX'lA
. & - tSl.-lSi
TAURSDAUG. 11, 1&S1.
ft. V- R. R. Time Tabic
Takirc effect Eundny. Oct. 17. 16.
Ectward Pajsercer !ere?.X.
" Freiight l-e....
" - Brrfrei...
..CiW. in.
. 7iHp.m.
Wetwrd ccom JetTei -......9 :40 m. m.
arrive.. - S -JQ p. m.
Eartirard Accom. Iraref...-.... S Cft a. m.
" " arrivet,......C 15 p. a.
Train daily excpl Sonday.
O. V. JI 4Lnr.rDcr. a. E. ToriALif.
Superintendent. Gcn'l. JlanaRpr.
3i. k cnuitrn.
P. 5.. t 10 a. rn.. nrd preachirby the
tor efcry ."abuath inomtnc ami evening.
Pracr meetinp every TLuriay evening.
All nro cordially invited.
J'rearbin? ev-ry firil an I third Ssbbtth of
each mouth ut 11 n. in. ami S ;. m.. alc on 6th.
SahtiSth when ever it occur.
al.hafh School every Sabbath morning at
$4 o'cloclc. Prayer motting every Wcdnetlay
Local nilcerlhinimts hisntcd among
the rnvlimj nut!l,r Hill be charged Qct!., a
line each insertion.
Isn't it pretty.
Arc you going to the state fair.
104 in the shade is tolerably warm.
Live hogs arc worth $5.2.3 in fliw
A fresh supply of blanks at the
ClIIKr' oflicc.
Watermelons are becoming plenti
ful in tho market. .
Mrs. Levi Mooie started east on a
vii-it lact Tuesday.
Sec eh:u! in Wilcox's "money to
loan" advvitiscmeiit.
Now U tiic time to begin to adver
tise for the fall trade.
Mr. Dahcock of the Beatrice Courier,
called on us la3t week.
1 hradiing machined arc getting in
their ork now-a-days.
Bcidey & Perkins have been en
larging their store room.
The Orleans Sentinel says the presi
dent will "Guitcauver it."
A fresh new lot of job stock juat
received at the Chief oflice.
Several deaths from dipthcria are
reported from near Guide liock.
Ladies calling cards, neatest in the
market, (or sale at the Chief office.
We have added a number of new
unmes to our subscription list lately.
Mr. llcberd, representing the
State Journal, was in town last
Several parties in this town contem
plate attending the catnp-mccling at
Read the letter from Leadvillc
which appears on the first page of this
Please post us as to the yield and
quality of your wheat, as ioon as you
Et-Gov. Gaiber will not begin work
on his brick building until next
Mr. Candoe, representing the Ucat
rice JZzpress, came up with the excur
sionists. II. S. Kaley will go to Ohio "on a
visit before taking his departure for
The B. it M. company are arranging
for a number of excursions into this
state next mouth.
Mr. llolsworth presented the Chief
with the boss water-melon of the sea
son last Monday.
The fronts of tho bank, the harness
shop and the meat-market have been
painted handsomely.
Mr. S. Fcrkins has commenced tho
erection of a residence on his lot?
south of a Cook's property.
A splendid rain a god-send to the
cornfields in this section of country,
visited ws last Priday night.
The Chief is the best paper for the
farmers it devotes itself to their in
terests. Call in and subscribe. .
These dull times are terrible for the
local newsgathcrer. Wont somebody
please get hurt, or something.
A Methodist camp-meeting will be
held at Alma, Harlan County, com
mencing on Wednesday, 24th.
Now is the time to leave your
ordcrs'for job work, a nice new stock
of papers, cards, tfcc, just received.
J. H. Pierce, correspondent and
agent for the Omaha Daily Bee, spent
.last Saturday and sundav frr Red
Mr. A. Kaeuhn, one of the most
Miceccsful farmers in the county h.u?
recently become a subscriber to the
The lied Cioud boys wilt go to
Beatrice the last of tins month to
play the Beatrice nine a return- game
of ball v
School district No. IS has
sued on its bonds voted for the pur-
fpoe of building a sehool house eight
The Reverton Eagle says that some
h"nt; threw "a stone in Bloomincton
nd hit eight caiidates besides four
other dogs.
Come in and pay rrp; don'b be
backward,, we've accommolated' you,
now acccommodate ,usr wc need .wha&
is our due.
A'fcw fields of corn weie injiiretl
bv the dry wejther, ln?t the avenure:
yield-in thi-5" couaty " riJI 1ic goo,
neverihdfew. iX. . ri
rauklm county wilL socoTt
nnotucr.newsiaDer;,it'tijiH bo :kcen
at the little towif of Franklin, "with &
Pk i-- rar. x -. &"f
lr -T
We understand there will be an
excursion from this place to Lincoln
the last week of the pre.out month.
Forepaugh's ahow will be in Lincoln
at that time.
The Beatrice boys won the game
last Friday, the score stood .23 to 32.
The Red Cloud boya ottered to play
them for 5100 the following day but
they declined.
Schaberle's comet i 'approaching
the earth at the rate of 3,030,000 miles
a day, and will be at its brightest
about Aug. 20th, when it will be visi
ble to the naked eye.
It would seem that a special provi
dence watches over and cares for the
boys who arc always playing in the
fctreet, else some of them would surely
get run over and killed.
Mr. Kaley, brother to II. S., and C.
WKrdey, in- company with a Mr.
Canithera, has just arrived from Ohio
with the intention of buying up a lot
of bhecp and starting a ranche.
We arc surprised, to say the least,
that "Betsey" should say in substance
that the woman'! right movement is a
dangcr'to this government and sug
gc?t that "education is the remedy."
Mr. Xance, of Jefierson county,
brother to Gov. Nance, was a caller
at this olfice last week. He is en
gaged in the stock busincas on Rose
Creek, a tributary of the Little
The social of the Cong. Society will
be held at Mrs. Bcnt'a on Friday even
ing next. Cake and ice cream will
be served. A cordial invitation to all,
both young and old. Come and have
a good time.
A recent trip to Guide Ilock, and
noting the improvements therein pro
gressing, convinces us that in the
near future it will be a town of no mean
importance. There is gome live busi
ness men in Guide Rock.
What ia-i set of town trustees for
if not to look alter the interests of the
town. Will our town board take
some action in the matter of provi
ding a water supply in case of fire;
which is bound to Come sooner or
Last Friday at the base ball grounds
Mr. Wiggns' spirited team became
unmanageable and upset the buggy
throwing Mr. W. out and injuring
his hand somewhat. The tongue was
broken out and the buggy otherwise
An exchange copies a "phunny"
article from the Chief and credits
it to the Great West, Brick Pomcroy's
paper published at Denver. This is
hardly fair. "Brick" don't need any
credit other than what belongs to
This is the way the Beatrice Demo
crat puts it: "Our town looked as
though it had gone on an excursion
yesterday, and this morning our
people looked as though they had
just returned from a Christmas
Almost every horse that has been
stolen in the stale for the last six
months has been run into Gage
county and disponed of. Who is the
receiver of the stolen goods? Let
the Gage county officials look the
matter up.
Gus. Thtiro, who skipped out with
mortgaged property a short time ago
was brought back, and for the sake of
obtainiug his release turned over all
the property to the moitgagees. "And
the lat condition of that man was
worse than the first."
The llev. Geo. O. Yciscr preaches
at the Congregational church next
Sabbath at 11 o'clock a. in. In the
evening tho Key. Mr. Middleton at
the same place. On Saturday at 3
p. m., there will be church meeting
of the Baptist church.
Last Spring we offered the Chief
free of charge until harvest to" those
who felt too poor to pay for it at that
time, upon condition that they" sub
scribe and pay for it "after harvest."
Several in this state and Kansas
"availed themselves of the ofTer, and
now we arc waiting to hear from
The few readers of the lrtw that
thing that lias always been more
suggestive of a funeral procession
than of any thing ehe, will be glad to
hc-:.r that Jimmy Pryse has taken
hold of the pencil and is trying to
pump a little life and vitality into
the fossilized concern. Hope he may
3Ir, CJias. Mungcr lost a horse about
twovecks ago, killed on the wire
fence. Last Sunday a "horse belong
ing to a Mr. Brown, ran against the
same fence and sustained injuries that
will unfit hin for nse for a long time,
if they do not ruin him entirely. It
is a qucstioi' whether barbed wire
fence is a good investment for the
farmers, after nil.
JTnls week we pnblish aa essay writ
ten by Mis. Knight, and read before
jthe Avoman's suffrage meeting. We
wish to say in this connection that
we arc willing to publish those essays
at any time no matter who the author
b, but we insist that they be written
in a legible hand and on' one side
only of the paper. Had Mrs. Knight!s
essay been written on both sides of
the paper H would have been rejected,
as protnpthras was the oe sent in a
few Avccks ago.
If'a fire should start on Webster
streetihe entire business part of this
town would-be consumed, nothing
copM'w-t jyiui admlt'the danger
andrlhpJHfefare4 any
UmerdW ropJe'ii too care-;ii-r
to 6rk 4 WhridrAn eTort
- -3.- .. tf 11 .-... -
v,?r.'i1rtrv v-' . "--- - vi: r .r-ir --3. -.
The following prayer is said to have
been made at Concordia, Kansas,
week ago Sunday.
"O Lord we humbly thank The for
pan favors, and beseech The to lend !
Thy kind assistance in leading Thy
children through this world, which is
beset with to many snares, pitfalls ami
temptations. Oh ! God, do send us an
abundance of rain, so that wc may
have large and heavy ears of corn
not d d little nubbins like wc had
latyear. There is one more favor
wc beseech of the, O, Lord. Do not
allow the saloon men of Concordia to
occupy a seat at thy right baud until
they promise to throw olf the extra
ten cents they are now charging for a
bottle of beer in these hard ami dry
times, Amen. '
Last Saturday a party consisting of
Joe Garbcr and wife, Mr. and Mr. J.
W. Warren, Mr. and Mrs. Judge
Wilcox, Mr. and Mr. Ilawlcy and
the editor of the Chief and "better
half went to Guide Rock to take
supper with Mr. John S.ibin, proprie
tor of the Guide Rock House. The
evening was everything that could be
desired for such an excursion, and the
ride was enjoyed by all. The supper
provided by "mine host" Sabin, was
superb and was a credit to tho culi
nary ability of his estimable wife
who superintended its preparation,
and to which the guests did ample
justice. After supper the guc.Ls ad
journed to the parlor where with sing
ing and instrumental music they
whilcd away an hour very pleasantly,
and then bidding adieu to the host
and hostess whose kind attentions
had served to make the trip doubly
enjoyable wc drove home by the
light of the "silvery moon," and,
while taking a vote of thanks to the
Guide Iiock friends who so royally en
tertained us, all agread that a more
pleasant evening we bad not experi
enced in a long while.
The largest number of strangers
that ever visited Bed Cloud at one
time since the. old Sioux Chief, Red
Cloud, with his dusky followers
camped on this ground twelve years
ago, came up from Beatrice and other
towns east of here last Thursday. To
say that everybody, including the B.
t M. officials, were surprised at the
immense turn out, would but faintly
express it. Nearly twelve hundred
hungry and thirsty people, worn out
by a long day's jaunt on the cars,
turned loose in Red Cloud, turned
this usually placid town into a bed
lam. Tho excursion, so far as the excur
sionists were concerned, c regret to
say, was a failure, not because there
was no interest taken in the matter
but bccauhc too much interest was
manifested. Nobody was prepared
for such a niidi. The B. t M. officials
made arrangements to bring four
hundred people, and our hotel keepers
and restaurant men made arrange
ments to accommodate that number,
but when the train pulled out from
Crete at 7 o'clock in tho morning it
soon became apparent that the rush
would be greattr than was expected
and the raihoad officials attached
every coach that they could rako up
on the line of the road to the train, in
all thirteen cars, and still they had
not room to accommodate the multi
tudes who had assembled at every
station along the line, tho greater part
of whom were left behind, the train
in some instances running by the
towns at full speed to prevent the
people from attempting to board the
already over-loaded cars.
The time set for the arrival of the
train at this point wa3 1 p. m., but
owing to causes already stated it did
not arrive until G p. m., and it was
of course impossible to hold a picnic
or to entertain the immense throng
in any decent manner as was origin
ally intended and as tho people of
Bed Cloud would gladly have done
had it been in their power.
Main of the people who came in
on that train had been without food
from early in the morning, not having
brought a lunch basket aiong and it
being impossible to procure anything
to eat on the way, and they were A3 a
consequence ravenously hungry and
it is not to be wondered at that they
crowded into the dining rooms of the
hotels as fast as they arrived from the
depot, and helped themselves without
regard to appearances or the rules of
To sum the whole thing up in a few
words, the excursion was immensely
over-done, and what would have been
a pleasant excursion and picnic for
one third the number, proved to be a
disagreeable farce for the multitude
who unexpectedly came, aud we
don't see that any blame can be at
tached to the B. fc "JI. Company or
the people of Reil Cloud who alike
regret the unfortunate termination of
wlrat was expected to have beer
pleasant and social affair.
Two hours after the arrival of the started on the' return trip
bearing away most of the people who
came and who had only time to
secure something to cat and drink,
and who had not an opportunity to
take more than a hurried aud unsatis
factory glance at tber town. The-B-. &
M., official?, however, kindly oiTcred
to hold the train'untiT 10 o'clock the
following dy if the crowd desired to
The Beatrice base ball club remain
ed over and engaged the Red Cloud
boys in a game of ball orr Friday and
mar properlv lc skl hare been
! tile only members of the' excursion
t j
(Ira derived any pleasure or sauftfac-
fci iI-JT , v-
$JWmsJii MiextfM t&c
fmikMt&mito'mm ims
tJmtm toti-3 awi-
s-LSr-' ' ' jjfjgtyaiag !! mi iil-gaa&gy , .- rv . -- ? - . : - Jn.n
MM . Ilil MMI. . JT iJTlJi- , - Jr ' - f - ' ' t
The picture
to the left
jhrW5 how
the excur
sionist locked ts hen
titer started
out in the
Thi one to the right
inonitng. Tint one to the right b a
nrcttv frtir rr.nrNonl.lmn f fl ..... ...
- .. .. ...i.. ,r-
pcarancc upon their arrival at their
respective homes the following morn
I deoire to extend 1113- sincere
thanks to the people who .40 promptly
turned out to extinguish the tire in
my residence on Wednesday of last
week, and abo for a similar purpose
on a former occasion. F. IL Gouk.
Woman's Column!
Essay read by E
1. Knight before
the W. S. S.
It is a subject which interests m
all. I have beeu an educator a good
many years of my life, and if thrre is
nny one thing more than another,
that is my "hobby," it i education,
embracing the four elements, indus
trial, moral, religious and political.
The education of children can hardly
begin too soon. They should bi
taught obedience as soon as they
know enough to disobey, and as soon
as.thev commence to talk, thev
, , . '
snould 00 tati"Jit to speak correct
Many an educated man lias had to
regret in after life that he was not
taught in his childhood to habitually
use correct language. In the heat of
debate or impromtu s-peech, the
indications of Jus mothers tongue
would unwittingly crop out. Vc.-; his
mothers tongue literally, for the
mother really forms the childs lan
guage. Then how careful ought wc
to be of our own speech, for wo leach
b' example as well as bv precept. I
have learned by experience that it is
not wise to send children to school
until they are ft or 7 years of age, ami
when they commence to go they
should if possible go every day, so as
to form habits of regularity of atte
dance. Their school life should I
carefully looked after. No one is
fitted for a teacher who uses uugram
matical language, provincialisms, or
slang. Next to the parent the child
looks to the teacher for an example,
and that teacher thould be, not only
perfect in language aud department,
but if not a christian, should pursue
at lcn?t a strictly moral character.
The school board, ami school superin
tendents also should be of the purc.-t
of morals, for not only do the children
observe their ways, but tho teacher
also, and they should be enthusiastic
in the courso of education and have
tho welfare of the teacheis and pupils
at heart.
According to the new school
law, we women, can if we choice,
hold the balance of ponc-i over
schools now, and it is our duty to at
tend to it. I do not tell you that
attending jchool meeting i a pleasure
or anything desirable, judging from
the way the men generally turn out
to them. I have been told of a school
meeting a fen year.-, ago in thi town,
when there were only 5 voters pres
ent, and I have lately hoard of such
a meeting consisting of S voters in a
town of two thousand -inhabitant.
The hiisine-s of education should not
be conducted in any such slipshod
manner. The law has given us the
privalege and it is our duty to our
children to take hold of it, wc should
not notice thor ridicule of men, but
should consider for ourselves what
is our-duty. Sonic others has said, "It
1 the mother who molds the life of
the children, aud indellibly stamps
her memory upon every thing per
taining to them." What vast respon
sibility then is a woman's. How
careful should she be educated, and
her education should go on from day
to day as long as she lives.
She should inform herself not only
of past but present history. She
should know something of the gov
ernment of the Nation and especially
of her own state. Wcltcr define
politics as tho "Scioncc of govern
ment," and it i3 a science that wo
should study.
A celebrated man, in a speech at
the woman suffrage convention, says.
."I believe- politics and religion arc
twin sister: they ought to go hand in
hand, the ono to perfect our life here,
the other to prepare for the life to
come." But perhaps some of you
will say, Of what use is tills education
in politics ? All knowledge is useful,
but we may be called Urniakc use of
this particular branch in the future.
Gen. Estalrook says, "It is for mans
interest as well aa for woman's that
this government shall not be a gov
ernment ony longer. Do men object
to women voting because politics is a
'muddy pool?' Then surely there is
something wrong with a male govern
ment which is so 011 17 because it ir
not good enough for the women of
the land to partake in.
It seems that sensible, practical,
Bishop Whipple that eminent dirrne
of the Episcopal Church, understands
what we want of politics, for he says,
"It is woman's peculiar provincr-,
through the suffrage to co-work with
good men in mitigating the grfcat
evils under which society suffers so
much in purse, happiness and life.
But the women need to be educated
on this subject ae well as the men
When the btc President Lincoln
issued the Emancipation Proclama
a great inarjy were against it, but he
said, ,4Thcy will lie educated up to it
fbeforeit fakes affect.
People learned
last in those day, k was issued in
September, and -when it ferk effect
the following January, th people had
received a liberal education hj regard
Wit Oxf to H w just nat tlier
ymmkmL riaally. far ctcrr -Uiteer
- war zvwiwiai.c i m-nua
Fined Froof Notices,
Lasd 03ttitlTtaiat9a.NV. Aspttt'. 1"J.
Nolle U (r&r nn txai W eiui.r
aaaft trt'Jcr h Sl4 &atle f 4U itotia& t?
,kt b! proof lntttlt fcu eU.ia. tl
tv flsai ctr
oj. tral u ?
lr Ja.e A. Tuli, frrk f t& tc-art f
"eUlff 'WBty. t kit 5,
- 4 - .a I
Nrba tliJAt itwth UO .1.1
is K4 i1a.I
rt.r Mrin.
f ""'" J .W '"-' ' " !I Us 3
MrrClH W. b OV34M uw m
oi'nfiiM la rrt bU ettnisj muir .ni
caltirite wl ti-l Usd tt Attr Hht'.
Ckn. r(.Ser. 0:rf F!ii(k. !!.- ?.
AftiieiriWJC-)aH Nv
otllMt J s. W is v ITXH&. K-artr.
Lsd OSc at Dlnsioctaa Vfc, Aecn lv!
lrt fKIr ftas alul stie aibrr tt!'no t
- finl rnxif In a,.-rtf b !. wU
w EtJ -otry UerfbUr-Je-f a Tl
KT. 'IttX Of tbr eurt .a Wfenr MeU M hlf
vi5e ia K-rf ,Jja.l U. rt isvi;aj. s-su-bet
lith. 1. Mi.
Mattwu- Itcxtc
h'4stry Nrt.Utvfuf uV S U, m I u-j 3
troT . Mllteu TtWlTrm vns 4 vtu 1
ilnn l M UaJ rtt. Jwhn Uajvrt. l.euti I
SehCBia Uu fl8.rt. Jjtcn Ml JI f
iaint Tin a .--.
1I5 S. W. SlVITZKK t-Ut.r.
Laa-1 05cct lttoalntn Sr4 .4aS IMI
Nutic i hirer cven ibtt tit tMIwr
lt-3l tottlrr h t5l i bttiec vl u Mit4rMi t !
tnk Snl print ic rut irtf),ii ., u,,) -
rur nni roirt inrtz t-fo ifc iitti. ( ibe
IMnriet Court in Wrbcr tr '.. t hi
orSe 13 Ki tluJ as Mudiy sfiaier IVtu
leil, U:
Jon Ktue-7.
L'd No. T.7 far tk H S N ' W , V K
e.-J town 1 turrtb rafije II rU b- - tk
folltwlac wttaet to flu hi rnUnM
ruidmce opus. jt4 tiltiitis ( rkt UpI.
mxi UwTirxi KHC. U.ttJ li3Uer. Jb
Io:nlinon. John . bart;. att t Ki Cku4
.KllMpJ S. W.SWITZI.R. V..(itr-
Lisd OSceat Dtoomiejcton Nb. July 1. iMl.
Netlce 1 htrrby tion that tb AtlUwinc
nrsrd tetttrr ha CloJ nlrr at bit Istalln t
iiilte final rrf iu jucmtt f ht UV. jl
trcurv final eutrr therrf trfore JaniM A. ral-
I rr'. -kf.r,u't I? ,''t- r. -f-
I flee ''n iifl Cloud. Neb., tiJ aa:uU Aatfuit,
Ki fv M. LitnttT.
1 rr.. 1. . No Mifuiibo N rt S! tnn
1 urrth rAEKt TC frst. ho r.Wft u f-dUwitig
ititrttra to ptwre hit c.ntisuu rttJBv
utK.n. and col'lvatian of ihl lanl vu trurl
lt3cr, ChnttUn Haiuen. Jehn Caaifbvll.
Jhi .Fox. alt rf Hr I Oluod Nrb.
juy-IujlS S. V. &V irZKK. Hr(i!cr.
I.aadOCci at Rlootnisston Nh. July, 7. U'l.
Aotrcci- bcreoy given that tbn 'flawing
to tvn c- Altai p.ofinmtvrtt.f hit tUlro. aiwt
tcirrj dual miry thfrro!. 1-cfmo t'lvtk of the
hltlr'r.l Court of VebUr nunty at hitfiet in
lie J Uluud. N.. on SaturUj Actual 3U. I)l.
1 vit.
hl e try sm uiit'r'lhs'r. .cti-.n t:
Iuh 1 ' Dortli rtuje II n.. be tauif- tho Sl-
lon ti,t wioir li vrtjce htrcor titiiiu. rl
tlrru-ii uiMiii, and cuitiftiion ?'. tll lml. in. 1
Liium N. Uawwn J.ha UolP,n. Jaeub C Alt
Im I. C hnrlcj Ko1!lu all of W'WN Nob
jultH3jU cs.W. .NWrrZKIl. hrcuter.
Land 0"iso at Eloctnincton Nrb. Jaly 7. lis;.
Not tr i heriiiy tifn th tlie MJm-Ib
I nams-i tcttlrrhu filial ti'itici. f hit intentiMRt
1 make fin ! rro.f tu iu.irl f hit claim atil te-
jcuicfinll ntrv thereof Uforo the rUrk f
lint. court in Wrtlwtcr county at hi tAe in
ltd Ulotd Neb. ou Friday AMyy.t 19, t-M. tU
liiiatKi rT-km.
h'd cntrj N'. 2M7. tr thf K xi iretio IS
tciwn 4 pc rth tJtirfc 10 !. be rM (tin ft
Iuiu n ttictv-to (ipjrp bit oiit'iiUHui raai
druce ni'n. and rulnrltn jf. taiJ IbhJ. vt:
W'lIIiini 0riob. llcoen .Vuttmc. C artlt Ul.
Nt I (aney all of t atin h.
juylt.iul .. W. isWITZEIt. IUeotpr.
Bmjo'ii.mi ion Num., July 1.1. I?-U.
Comnlaint ht;n Imoii
ent'Teil as thi- tilllce by David (Hr.
agaiift J:-iab 1. K.tudolb fr atmn
iloniim vi lIoiiMMicitd Entiy Xo i7J-
diiti-d t)-t. :U, IM. upon tb South
Wii qua) tor, action 3, towni'bip "
uoith range 10 wet in Webster
County Nebraska, with a view u tin
enu"oi!atittii of -:itl entry, the rud
partii" at hereby -uininooel ti ap
pear at tlui 0:fl-e on tho 9th djy of
."-eiilember, lSI. at 10 o'clock a. m.,
to respond :uul furiUHh letitMoiiy eon
eerniiig Jid allejti'd alandoiiiierrt.
S. W Swiri.ic. K. W. MosnuiMKKV.
41 :t
In the .')i-frict liourt of tin-Mb .IkIi
t-i:il dirtrii t hebl in and for I ho 0tmty
of U'", .taU- of Nebraska.
hri.toia .. Jraiison )
iv. -
Forest VL ilainsou. )
To Foest E. Hanson inn-r"-ident.
defomlant Yoti are bcruby notified
tliHt an lU'tion has been commenced
auiu-t yen in tho above named court
by said Onristona J. Hninon for the
purpose of procuring a dirorc 'i fn
cho vyitflnuntif. and that unlnw "on
appear and answer to her jKtitiou 111
-aid eauiM on or before the litii day of
Augu-t 1-vSf, .-aid ptilttiou will In
taken an true, and judgment rendered
according lv.
I'Hi'isTcsi J. rrur.
By W 'ILSntoHM, AttV. for 1'1'tir
Date, .Bod Cloud, Neb., Julv 1 1th,
1881. 49-5-t
Special Notices.
Nolicd hi this column -fill be char;! cat
a lino cv.h irez.
(in to Itobv's for Buttor on ice.
Shij.-fnng tags can be had at the
Chief oflice.
Headfiinrfers for flur at rutnam's
Flour and Feed Store.
If you arc dyspeptic or sufTerhfj
from indigestion go and got a bottle
of Dr. Marsbalre Bromoline, the
Big blood and Liver Cure; only fifty
Tho Big Blood and Liver rurc; Dr.
Marshall's Bromoline, cure! impuri
ties of the blood, Mich a- pimple,
blotches, boiK etc. Very largn
bottlus for fifty cents. A-!c your
Smith Brothers announce still an
other important reduction in rate of
interest on time loans. SlniiyZl ii
r cr;i annual intnnt. O.UI at the
ank and leave your application.
I have purchaed th fractional J .;
of land laying between I'eter McNitt'
aDtl tlie "river. And the public i-
lierf"by notified not to cut any timljr
on the same.
M. B. McNrrr.
7 Per Cent. Honey to Loan !
Money to prove nr with on final re
ceipt, or on deeded land at 7 j'r ccnL,
ami 1-62 per cent. cominL'ion, or at
straight 9 per cent- no cunimL ion.
Jso. R. Wnxcox.
Office next door to Chief office. 30tf
lisr Cixn Ncn., August 10. 1551.
I take this method to it:crm all
parties who are indebted to me for
mcuicai service-, euuer on iicwm cue
or on opn look account, to call ox
me at my oflice. or 0. C. Cae & 31c
Ncncy, awl mako settlement hi bout
further delay; I do Jtot by thb mean
any particnlar p?rieon, I mean all
who inow thentet vc indebted to mo
for any amount. I have many
snail accounts oti mr look, and
some Hot so small that miift be 5CtUed
sod. FrietMk. I caat waii .-y
( longer; I have tniiiad yt. when yon
were in neeuv or corns ni. aioas
aad make H'ne srraniremcnt about!
I roar blU wit ase. I hope every
vjitl call aRI,ee rce or xewrm
-sfaJf. :. i
Money To Loan
I On
Rfwt Estate. In Wfctr and ait
inins cuiffc atlW tmv Wl rt
It will .st cKy krit"r h thnt l
tmwroc hWev. ki s r V6
makiariAq-tmt with rthff
"i x-h to too trrwn,ef -
tedit. dUy n 4ftttor wtlh ln
tmrUtt txi MpfUtcattoet rh. Iw tr
ntmnt tvot -no fr far mUnr
rervrdiitx jMr or uLinff ack'; '
mice nit - no anii r
Call tiion vr adMri
LtMUt Ikxikr
n'.ii, t ' x i 1 1 rw
Will sfai.f C - n
Rt Lvt mr rtte- t
11 at Ke-I C -ltd
s tii Jolti-. ttir
i'Jt,W man-. Two man-. $1 '!), ir
than t'uby lh -.! " nrr. 7 W' H .
l the srtwow. $3ti; --; K- ti'"" !
?toi !
Tf lMrc net U on'v t- W Vn .
t admired l(eliaWti mU': ,
ih!1 bv titan v eo.l jinfir- t' lc th
"111 M of s fcia"
.-ecu h tbi ni-otimi. WetM. in tbh,
l.'rtH) ti.!:. BowMUful IU SjmilM't
ncrtl frm, Kd I if. hih efri$w ami
1.1..1 r,( nil 114 fell! :M n Lkftim. lltwH'tl t
1 ,, .1 tu,.V ith biMi rtt une
rttOri. I lltll fllfUKT Wtltr Will lC
I l.IK.I rtt th.l l'.Jllllinfl hnt
Cobs tan bo -ofii at iU Mrrttti-au J
Jo. Foftle. s-i't TrtH-k, hi fatK-,
Inavtilc: . MKhII. lloiiry ikkf.
at It-ck-r' farm ntnl IlalUltri nl In
avitle. al-o rtt h'l-il Clonal. Mill
prftuJ-e of !. "iK ami Bn Tort
nirr..t.'iiMlo K.K-k. Kim ciook mJI I (J() .jj
uii! ttul CI0U4I milW.
The owner hn mtitJHl th Jak
'(ut Smtth." Ufirir th fkitHm- l.w
' 5mith Jar foritNWly of GuUlf l(
. ,lw, 1 , ,.i. 4 ti vallttv
ftWVt tllU iMtS-t tk tl HH MH .
I i, 1,1715 I'ftipritttf
lH x
o .
O q
o r
3 -
" f t-J u. '
-t- -. s-. p .
t- jr c
r . I - r. ja
- I -5-V
2 -j
.2 c
! UIB tv
Tobacco, Cxavs,
cannkd n:rn,
Vmyil FKL'ITS,
axi x r':.i. 1 ink ov r.CY
Ice Cream PatiVrTi1"
Where tt r..ti alw-iyi
-ct a nico difh of Ir) (Jrvam ilui'mz
the fvtiMtn.
A ihare of the puWic pntroniijp in
rc?iKictfi!fy jk ileal. Firt -lor
Milh of Mitchell h Murkarl's.
Kr.D Ci)t'i,
Blanks? Blanks tf
A full line of Scat Jottrrul Co'.,
Blanks (the etandanl Ucnkf of thi 1
taie) arc hay kept for ab? at the
Cnxcr f'lUoe, aiul at tlic ptni jiric
that they are ol nt in Lmctdn ami
Omaha." Tlic fallowing U a MtrtUl ht
f blank on hrtnd:
Warranty IK-cib',
Mortgage Deed.
CbatUc MorU:ai-i.
Search Warrant,
Mechanic- Lein,
l'owcr of Attorney,
Bilb (S-sU
Qjdt Clwim Dtjeds,
Summoiw (orisinal),
Smmon (cjh
Appeal ucderiukln?,
Orl-r of Attachment.
JiBdatit of VHkr or L-or,
Arfgotaeut uf Mortgage,
Notice of C--vfk-4 Smlii,
Blank Kwdt.
Blank No
flclcgi'c o( 3Ir.rts3gJ.
Agr-remeai far Werrsrft- th&d
Complaint to keep the Ptaw.
&e Ix Ar.
AinI meet all kind of b!xAW usejl by
Notar.w TabUc
Aafl ttrHrl. ""' frvyarz&T trt'4 t
feTrtf to Ai3- Srir"-t. Cn;U Ct-Ti,
rii.,.-. -.!."""" crfcr.-- v -
r "- "..J,1T. .,
.r "--1 33t.j . .
-.-4 , VlfC-
K- tttmatlas. tk fc.-J" '-.trr!
--?li? ,fri 'tww.VV.""- J- ,:, ,?- ar
i1 '.a . .--i 3Bt t "" w'--.'... 'f
. - ta.i. au - . 2 " iBBBvr-ia - v - j- . m , t ,
r. wiwi vaiEr. avav-w? ... ----u
a z jB -
c 11'".
" f if -
i w
1 it
The Proof of the
You hnvc on Is tio call
on u$ unci rc cm ni-
convince von
A little niCLOVVtlic
so-called "Dec! rock pri
ces' advertised by other
Besley & Perkins'
Djauvit j.f
0 si r-
j UJK iQ g i s
I a5 i &
-"" p4 r -jg ,
w M a jj
! C3 - $ i
4J racer ie.
Hats, Caps. &
V3 liavt tho Largest
Stock in th Valley and witf
not bo undersold.
Uive u a call, otic Ml alt. '
Sam'l Carbcr.
Ictl Cloud Neb. .
3 2
Wagon Company,
Buggies L Phietons.
We do not Want Agents
t&rxtL Qi?3L-
r vOfiftQ
Standard TTid Vd
(3a1iidklbMbaHattMnriMlaa-MY i
.. . - . . twa1 - 7.- .
- 1 aate-rf? wwwa a rMirw i
" "eJi 4k k-UMai
TfwrTf-ri: a Wak Ute li. T
v.. . JrCo!ttcr
i.-rij-ii ijf -s4
',v VV,-jv
. - JrJC
sr .-,- .- i x" .ra-r-rJTT.-tiJKjjr-:,. iJ .s- -. c j. , ?3i--- S, &&iL . . . x. -S..i-'
?. . T i'-'J'
avav- ;,. usi&rv
nKSaaL. -. v-5- . Tm' t.
. : -Cm :
, v5v-" s: zz
jsi inrj? 4.1 f v --. .' jWateJsqalB
r j"
aMJtWMaSBfrv 'mmfB'j,BtsS79Aii '1&&
- "i. ''v'fi'n- w- il'PJr". .
ttB-BiHiiBBHIli3r "jp- am jj;atawawaajFa7itiMfcrT: - -v
Kar --------l