a a yw?- tT ' ..-!' al s rfr - f r.ry- 2' -it -; t,- -'! " s' "' v" I is. it s ft & AS v Moon I Calfender )f)EALCItS 1X( general vwaSSm, Bry .iod, y Scot t& &hes, HAT9 AKD CAM, Drug, Bf tdiciiiefi, Oils Tarniftheft, Vmlmtm Wife, GLASSWARE, QUEEX8WABE, HARDWARE & HARNESS KTC, ETC., ETC. A full line of every thing kept in a gen eral store, at the lowest cash pwcbc. Bespcctfully, Moon & Callender. COWLE3, - KEBKASKA. XHt. SHERER, Proprietor of ibe City Drug Store. ire bulb : Drugs. Medicines. Pain Oils. and Varnishes, A' full supply of K&y&B, LAMP SHADES, WICKS, COMBS BRUSHES &C. Patronage solicited sad tkaaawatlr resetves. 4Tjr Prescriptions earefallv eomponr.delVt Glie d'oorsottl'h of GarherV store, BED cloud; NEB. R. I TINKER (Seewetor G. A. Brown) Bedrosm kitchen ITURE, BRACKrm-CHRQMOS, jpOTRE Frames, i& Sttresses, Etc, CcSm WMjPCn ha and trimmed on snort 3i lav in tile V&IleV. leaejrlac Betieaairaci of ail kinds dona promptly aad: s. oausiacwry. Burial" Bobca furni bea furnished at reasonable i tea. RED CLOUD, - - NEB. Harness Shop, - BY J. L MILLER Keeps constantly on kand a fall Lima of' HARNESS, COLLARS, SADDLES, HORSE-BLANKETS,. WHIPS). SOMES, BRUSHES, HARNESS OIL, "Au everything usually kept in a first class shop. TWO DOORS NORTH OF TUB BASK. 'fciKif&Mt Cata Price Pall K HIM amfl fan. Flow & Feed JO CHAS. E. PUTNAM, Prop. H DEALER IN FLOUR. FEED torn. Heal, Jraa Chopped Feedaaa GROCERIES; Visit tko Tied Qoad Grocery. Food aaoLPre ruiun store whoa yoa-waat fuppues form ea beast. HictiMt market prire ia cash palp for srain All kind oOoiiatrr produce ukon saokcbaaKO for aoods. Uuodt dehrored to all parts of tewa freo of charge. Store south of Hood's Plow Factory. RED CLOUD, Nebraska COIVTE For Your LUMBER. DRY LUMBER A SPECIALTY. TXI HIT IV TXC MAE KIT -BT- RED CLOUD NEB. Holcomb Bros., t?fl. t.' -Dealers la- -k. I 3r7jfiav '. V rtV" sfallalaii. th.y tell CHEAP for C&SI; tw4 if tkey aaro apt what yea want, leave roar erdaraad they will fill ti CALL ON THEM One doer aorta of Parser', arid Mr.BOlCOMl Full STQRR I. ... ..j-illwaUtBToa. tapxlif JIED CLOUD. NEB. - i3E CHXEF. LOCAL MATTERS. TAUBSDAY AUG. 4, 1881. at. V. at. at. Tile TWC Taklac effect Enter. Oat. 17. 1H8. Eastward Passenger leaves ........ a JO a. m. " anises 7 4o sr. av- Frefcs leaves .5 :.. arrives Westward jteeeav leaves ....,9 : a. as. arrives...- 5 3o p.as. EASTERN DIVISION. Eastward Acoos. leaves ......... iS8 a. as. " arrives 6:36.a. Trains daily except 8aady. 9. w. sTacdbkmk. A. E. TersAtnr. SaperiateadeaL Oeal. Maaagor. m.e. cauR:n. 8. 3.. at 10 a. m.. and preaehiacay.taa Pas ter every Sabbath moraine and create. Prayer aeetiar vim Taartday tvaaiaa. All are eerdlaUy lavited. C0KGEE0ATIONAL CHURCH. Preaealax every Irst aai tbird Saaiatk of eaeaonlaatlla-.aadip.aialoea 5th aabbath wkea over it oeeara. , 6abatk School every Sabbath saeraiac at K o'clock. Prayer moetia-every Wodaoaday eventa. Go to Roby's for Butter on ice. Camp meetings will soon be ripe. Quarterly Conference on Monday at 2 p. m. Live hogs arc worth $5.25 in this market Preaching, by Rer, C. It. Broekway 'at'p-. ra: Sulky and Revolving Hay Rake for sale, at Spanogle dc Fckk's. Shipping tags can be had at the Chief office. Doc Sherer now sports a bran new buggy and a high stepping horse. Wc are closing out our Mowers rapidly. Call soon or yours will be cold. Spaxogle & Fume. You never ijaw nicer job printing than is turned out from the Chief office daily. ' One second hand MasBilom Thresher for safe, By bPAKOOLE & Ftnnc. It is said that the wheat crop of the entire state will average about 13 bushels to the acre. . Mitchell & Morhart have put down a well in front of their store. Thanks; it's very convenient to our office. Flavins McMillen he of the Scotch thistle and the Republican City Newt, was a caller at this office last week. For biliousness or costiveness. or any liver complaints, buy Dr. Mar shall's Bromohne, the Big Fifty-Cent lilood Medicine. Druggists sell it. Quarterly meeting at Red Cloud M. JKCHurch' Aug. 7th. Preaching by the Pastor at 11 a. m.. and commun ion service. . test. . 3?mi you nave xever ana ague, discov ered liver, dyspepsia, general debility, try Dr. Marshall's Bromoline, the Big Blood and Liver Cure; only fifty cents a bottle. BATHS! BATHS!! Our enterprising townsman, Henry Cook, has completed his bath house and water supply, and the public can be accommodated to a shower bath or meat any other kind of a bath, and on short notice. . The present number closes the eighth year of the Red Cloud Chikf. Next' week theTfinth'year- will begin. We have no promises to make for the future, except that as in the past the Chief will be a era-paper and will always be found working in the interests of the people at large. The rush to the fire Wednesday morning came1 near being attended by an accident of a serious nature. Mr. Emigh ran against Wm. Parkcs with his horse with sufficient force to tumble him over but fortunately he escaped without any serious in jury. Rapid motion is very impor tant in. such emergencies but care should be t&ten that no one is in jured thereby. Mr. O. C SanfonT, one-of the pro prietors of the Inavale mill-site called at the Chief office rlast Jtfbnday to become a subscriber to th'e old relia ble -paper of the valley and to say that the blading of the mill does not depend upon the rebuilding of'tHe brkrge-at IhavaTe, but that the mill will go up in any event as- soon as negotiations for certain lands sowtb'Of the river are completed. : Hast week w-wade a- flying trip to the-eastern part of-the state, and must say that we was more than snr-prised-to- find '' th'e crops so poor in that usually prosperous part: of the state. At no point on the road east of Hastings will the wheat crop equal the wheat of Webster county either in quantity- on quality; wfcile- the corn seems to haver been- planted very late and makes k: poor showing. We don't believe there is a county in the state with the exceptiwa. perhaps of Adams county, tHtwilb" Have bet ter crops the present season- tbair Webster county will. lQi&tooftfaiW.C.W..S. The Woman- Suffrage Society- net pursuant to 'adjournment, at the rent dencc of Mrs. Itobv on the 29th of July. Meetinc. called to order by the president, all the officers present Minutes of the previous meeting read and approved. On motion the resignation of the treasures. Mrs. Otis, was accepted, and Mrs. C. C." VanAuken was elected to fill her place. Select reading, two very ap propriate pieces, entitled, The Wom en question' and "What we Live for." Essay on "Education," followed by an animated discussion of that sub ject. Adjourned to meet at the real dence of Mrs. J. C. Warner on Friday the 12th of Aug., at 3 p. m. Subject for the essay and discussion of the next meeting,. "The Morman Ques tion." All interested are invited to Mes, W. B. Roet, Mes. E. B. Kmght, J Irea. . Sec'y. ' V.r -v TMMiwfokTftv Mr. WimtM axmcfct (fee frrot leai f new wise la week, J. H. Graves, editor of the Superior Gmde, called at these headquarter! last Tuesday. Richard Thompson, editor of the Hastings Democrat was a calkr at this office last Friday. atev. Mrddleton, the Presbyterian Minister has rented Mr. Potter's residence on 8eward street. We have received a copy of the Cass County Agricultural Society's Premium list, H. M. Bushnell Secretary. The Red Cloud nine wifl go to Hastings and play the boys of that burg a return game of ball soon, we understand. A bUndtrarso with a hand organ and surrounded by the usual crowd of small boys, made-music on the streets last Tuesday. The Euperiorites came up about 190 strong, last Tuesday to witness the game of ball between the Red Cloud and Superior nines. The Woman's Christian Temper ance Uunion will meet at the resi dence of Mrs. M. L. Thomas on Friday, August 5th at 4 o'clock. The game of base ball between the Red Cloud and Superior boys last Tuesday resulted in a victory for the former. The score stood 17 to 21. The Hastings base ball club came down and played the Red Cloud boys v game of ball last Friday in which the Hastings boys came out vic torious. The Superior Guide says that the girls who accompanied the Red Cloud boys to that burg, got terribly mad because their boys got scooped in the game of ball. Mr. Holsworth presented the Chief family with a water-melon last week the first of the season. Mr. C. C. Coon will have to look tor hie kurals in the water-melon line. Big Montanio with his "Great Now York Show" spent Monday and Tues day in town. The illustrious Mon tanio skipped out without paying his advertising bill at this office. D. P. Clark, of Arapahoe called at the Chief office Wednesday morning to say, among other things, that his part of the valley has been blessed with an abundance of rain and that he never saw a better prospect for crops in any country. Tho-c who know themselves to he indebted to this office on subscription, advertising or job work would confor a favor on us by calling and settling as soon as possible. It takes a good deal of cash to run a newspaper, even though it be run economically, and we are in need of that articlo at the present time. Please call and pay us those little amounts and we will regard it as a favor. We arc informed that the farmers in the north and west part of the county will draw their wheat and other grain to tho Red Cloud market this Kcason instead of taking it to Hastings and Blue Hill as they have formerly done. They have learned that the' can get a better price for what they have to sell by bringing it to Red Cloud, and can buy what they want at better figures than they can elsewhere. Wednesday morning the alarm of fire was given and-in' few minutes nearly cverbody in town was making all possible speed towards the north part of town where the fire was sup posed to be. The fire had caught from the stove pipe in Mr. Gore's residence and by the time assistance arrived Mrs. Gore had by prompt action extinguished it. Her presence of mind and prompt action is to be commended, as a disastrous confla gration was thereby averted. There is not a business or profes sional man in town who does not think that it is the duly of the, local press to do all that lies in its power 4c induce immigration to the town and county, and to bring trade to their doors. They think it is the province of the newspaper to work night and 'day to build up their business by so representing things as to bring trade 'to the town, but many of them do sot stop to think that it is plainly as ranch- their duty to help support the paper as it is the duty of the paper to herjo to support them by inducing tradoxad-immigration to the town. How many merchants are there in Red Cloud to-day-who enjoy all the benefits )to be derivedMroiav the local presa and yet do not contribute one farthing to its support? When there ia to be a fourth of July celebration, a bridge to be built or any enterprise worked up by which trade is expected to be drawn,", those same mer chants are the first to ''bone" every- one to subscribe soasethingjinder the plea that it will bearkmefii to every one to all alike, and yet they will allow a newspaper man to labor year in and year cut "for the benefit of all alike" and never consider that it ia their duty to encourage the enter prise with- their support. Every busi ness man in town who. tails to con tribute to the rapport of the local press by advertising in its columns reaps-share of the benefits of the newspaperman's labors without re turning an equivalent for the came. The-itwportacce of Inventors em ployior profserr AUornej-s to aUend to cases- before- the Patent office, h ahowsvbj tne-coatest now going on in relation tothe' Telephone an' other valuable inTeatfoar.. Those who wh their cases carefully attended to shoerdiecrresjKmd with PRESBREY & GREEN, Washington, D: C. (Send stamp for circalar.y ; i Tnnmtm. Woman's Odimn. FinaLjBo The tfeoi.oka held at Omaha 17th, inclusive, attend the state Fair will be September IMh to Everybody akosM fair sad tiki wives his cousins and his aunts. The agricultural classes, especially, should go. The lair was gotten up expressly for the farmer. Get a premfarw riot and study , it, it will do you good. It will show you that the managers of the state fair have the interests of the farming class at heart. Somebody kindly sent us a copy of the premium list and in glancing over it we notice tliat $4,500 in premiums is offered for fast horses. Xo premium of less than $100 is offered tor speed, while the premiums offered on agricultural products range from one dollar up to $25. Is not this conclusive evi dence that the fair was planned for the express purpose of encouraging tho agricultural classes. Every farmer, you see, owns one or more fast homes and will attend the fair and rake in the $100, $300 and $1,000 premiums, while the kid gloved snobs who live in the cities and towns and till the soil will wearily proceed to that fair and after paying out fifty or a hundred dollars for the transportation of their products and other expenses will perhaps get a five dollar preaai um. Surely the state fair ia a grand thing for the agricultural classes: The manly game of base ball, too, comes in for a hundred dollar pre mium. Base ball surpasses in impor tance anything else in the line of agricultural products, unless, perhaps, it is speed, and we wonder that the premium on base ball was not $1,000 instead of a paltry $100. There is no crop that so delights the heart of the farmer as his crop of base ball, and we think the premium should have been somewhere near commensurate with the labor and care necessary to the successful cultivation of the crop. Aside from th'e redtculovsly small premium offered for the best display of this most important product, base ball, the farmers have nothing to complain of in the management of the state fair, so for. The premiums offered for fast horses will delight the heart of every farmer and we antici pate an immense attendance from the rural districts. Truly, oor state fair is a grand and noble effort in behalf of the producing classes of this great state, and will do much towards eleva ting tho standard of agricultural products, and will serve as an incen tive to tho farmers to make still greater efforts in the future. The QhutraWd Sdtntlftvlftws. The July issue of tho IllusteaTko Scientific News teems with interest ing illustrated articles, a few of which are as follows: The Doblcar Tele phone; Glass Grinding Machine; Ancient Pottery from Cyprus; Me chanical Larynx; 1'lcasUre Car of the Days of Louis XIV; Amateur Me chanics; The remarkable Palmyra Palm; Curious Fishes; Illustrations, explaining the bursting of Fly Wheels; A Velocipede Carriage. In addition to the numerous engravings, there is a large number of interesting, useful and practicle papers relating to various departments of popular 8ciencc. This is one of the most elegantly printed and valuable peri odicals. Sold by all newsdealers. Published by MUNN A CO., 37 Park Row, New York. ; BtpvlUota CooEty CarteUM. The Republican County Convention in and for Webster County will be held at the Court House in Red Cloud on Safwday Sept., 3d. 1881, at 1 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of placing in nomination candidates for the following, offices, to wit: County Clerk, County Treasurer, Sheriff, County Judge, County Commissioner laf District. Superintendent Public Schools, County Surveyor, Coroner, And to select delegates to Slate and Judicial Conventions and to transact such other business as may come before it. The several precincts in the county are entitled to the following representation based upon the vote for Lieut. Gov. Precincts, Votes, Red Cloud 298 Guide Rock, 156 Stillwater, 61 Oak Creek, 53 Potsdam, 53 Batin, 32 Glenwood, 57 Harmony, 66 Inavale," 80 Walnut Creek, 36 Elm Creek, 59 Pleasant Hill. 52 No. Delegates. " " 10 ii ii 5 n ii o II II o II II o II II I ii ii n II II o " " 3 ii ii u ii u II II o Primaries for the purpose of elect ing delegates will be held at the usual voting places in the several precincts, on Saturday. August 27, 1881, at 2 o'clock p. m By order of Republican County Central Committee. W. H. Stbohm, Ch'n. Is bringing the Peiceit Ash Brr-TEne-befor the public, we claim that it is one-oTthe best remedies extant for the prevention and cure of ail diseases arising from a disordered Liver. By usinS them according to directions they will keep the system in a strong, healthy condition, and prevent any mias-raatic influence. Ask vour druggist1 for these. Price $1.00 per HOHET TO LOaUT! Money to prove up -with on final re-ceipti-oron deeded land a 8 per cent., and l-Gper cent, cosnmission, or at straight 10 per cent no-coweaiasioo. JsfO--WlLLOOX. uatce nexfrd&avto Chief (Mm. JQtf TAXEKOTfCE. Iharepwcnaaed'Ar frwetional sec of land laying: between Peter McXitt's and the river: And the- public is hereby notified-nct to cut anr timber on the same. Mi Be McNtrr. Headquarters for flour -at- ftiinaaafc Fiowfand Feed tlbre.- k i3s nmkwuMm jZK fn0t .aNaBBBBBBBBBHaTrrv ,Afc .ve-BBBBBBBBBBWr 0 I Ml Mt 1 JIF - Lla - nv M a - rielasasom . rO'" eBeBeBeBononwW"rt aBW a enaanBi .tuv aaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaaaw IVIIBBBHaaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBTIE "AsoHBMMN MM pl!t.". neble work, wc do not think man should be ashamed t, ana lt everrbodr lrnfttf" UK uo uv iwnem. nr I .. T' o -S oi work, and thour men have declare' demmmdlbt ballot, it wilt be . - m - enwaBJBj them." In the language of that grand old Declaration of Independence "Wc hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they arc endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and pur suit of happiness. To secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just pow ers from the content of the governed. That when any government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it." The women of Nebraska ask the voters of the State to alter the state constitution by simply striking out oaf word, so that all the people of this grand State will bo "free and equal." Taxes are imposed on women with out their consent. So far as property rights are concerned, women are now classed with idiots and criminals. A woman may be a large property holder, yet she has no voice as to how that property shall be taxed. If all. women could be individual taxpayers, ninty-nine out of every hundred would declare themselves woman suffragists forthwith. As "in tho begining God created man (not males) in his own image, nude and female created he them, and they were to have dominion over every thing in the earth, is it impossible for thinking, sensable women to believe that motet only are entitled to the bal lot. Of course we do not hold the men of our time responsible for this relic of barbarism which has been handed down from the olden time of ignorance and superstition, but we should most certainly not hold thorn guil tless if this state of things should be contin ued." rrVafern Woman" $ Journal WOsOsf AVS WDTI. A writer in Scribner'$ Monthly uses the following strong language, which will be responded to by the women who have suffered all over the land, "Of the worst foes that woman has ever had to encounter, wine stands at the head. The appetite for strong drink in men has spoiled the lives of more women ruined more hopes for them, scattered more fortunes for them", brought to them more shame, sorrow, and hardship than any other evil that lives. The country numbers tens of thousauds nav, hundreds of thousands of women who arc widows to-day, and sit in hopeless weeds, be cause their husb.trrds have been slain by strong drink." Yes, there arc hundreds of thou sands of homes; scattered all over tho land, in which women live lives of torture, going through all the changes of suffering that lie between the ex tremes of fear and despuir, because whom they love, love wine better than they do tho women they hr.ve sworn to love. There are women1 Uy the thousand who dread to hear" at the door the step that once thrilled them with pleasure; that step has learned to reel under the influence of the seductive poison. There arc women groaning with pain, while we write these words, from bruises- and brutalities inflicted by husbands made mad by drink. There can be no ex aggeration in any statement made in regard to this matter, because no hu man imagination can create anything worse than the truth, and no pen is capable of portraying the truth. The sorrows of a wife with a drunken hus band, or a mother with a drunken son, are as near the realization of hell as can be reached, in this world, at least. The shame, the indignation, the sorrow, the sense of disgrace for herself and children, the poverty the fear and the fact of violence, the lingering life long struggle and- des pair of countless women with drunken husbands are enough to' make all women curse wine, and engage" uni tedly to oppose it everywhere as the worst enemy of their sex. Agricul tural WorkL Smith Brothers announce still an other important reduction in rate of interest on time loans. Straight nine percent annual iniereM. Call at' tne' Bank and leave your application. 40tt Bhnb! Blanks II A full line of State Journal Co's., Blanks (the standard blanks of the state) are always kept for sale at the Chief office, and at the same prices that they are sold at in Lincoln and Omaha. The following is apartial list of blanks on hand: Warranty Deeds, Mortgage Deeds, Chattlc Jfcrrtcages, Search Warrantor, Mechanics Lein, Power of Attorney, Bills of Sale. Quit ClaimBeeds, Susmnions (original), Summons (copy), Appeal Undertakinc, Execution, Order of Attachment; Affidavit of Vesrfor er Lessor, Aawirnment of Mortgage, JiYecrp, NoSTof CcaWe Sale. Blank Receipt, Blank Notes Feleeee of Mortgage. Agreewtent for Warranty Deeds, oplaint to keep tke Peacs, fc, Ac, Ac. aVsrad most all kinds of blartk- used by KN otariea Public- " n wo wveWaV w -a- .v .aw maaew rdonBFW raaonw jayxiaacis .aaaaaaaasawu j nest ar- m uouiii i Hccs. Jey h. law. that feflewie Of Meelaiai. M4 to JaaaM A. Pml. ivaiaeej f la Woaoter eoeaty. at la f- 90.. vaeafluy Krswa M. Tiiaaesi Xe. MSI for the J W tfrfe.33 U ago It west, aw aasave o fcUewta to prove hla eoatfami restJeoto ealUvaUaa afsatd 14 via. caartM Cariatiao liawi. Jla CaaaahatL Foa. all of Kl Clat Mao, S. W. BWirZKR. Bcier. LaadOeeatBoooila(teXoa.Jaly. T. Ml. JTotieeW fcerefcr gives that the ieitewiac settler has tied notice of hla ir has tied notice of his iateatlea tosaaaraaoJ proof aenpprtr hie oUlarn. aaJ lasJ entry .thereof, befere Oaraef the metrletCoa l of Webster cunatv at hla oSU la Red Cload. vis- lea., on Satarday Aagn . 1L Joaara Acta, a'd entry 5c 4lrtr the N PJ cti-a J town north raago II wc-t h cane the l lowing witaeases to prove hi caaueoetut roi dene noon, and enmratien of. aU laad. it; Leal X. Dawnen. John Eotllta, Jacwb C. AU Unl. Charles KoHtwr. all of WU !. jaylUagll F. W . SWiTZKR. Krgiittr. Load 0ee at Blor-alegtea Nek Jaly7. aai Eetice is terttr ct-ta that the fetlewlaf aassod settler has fifed aotiee hU latent! to stake f nai proef in -npport of hi claim and ae rate !aal entry thereof oefore the clrt of Pitt, apart ia Webster coaaty at his oSfe ia Rod Cload No, ea FrUar Aegmst 19. ll. liu Cai.Bo Pirrsa. h'doatryXo.SSo?. lor the a B M eertlea town 4 north range 10 Mt. h aojaos the fol io wing witaeoaso to prove hU maUaiow resl deaeo apea.and rr.Itivatlca of. tail Uad. via: WiUiass Croash. Enoch Nattiag. Cartis Boal. Xiehlas Ilaaey all of Batin NK jayltasjgll a. W. fcWITZEK. XegitUr. Laad Odlceat Blooaingtoa Nth. July lit. If 11. XeUoa ia hereby rirea that the fcllswlee aaaaod settler has fled notice cf his iateatii to ssahe IojoJ proof ia enrport of hh) claim aed oaro fiaal entrr thereof before the eleth or the District Coart in Webster cnty Neb,, at hie eaUeta Ee4 Cload oa Sstaday Asgtut lh IS81. vis: . EaaK. Conp. H'd entry No.MfcT ferUeS. W.'of Sec.ST. 3 north K. 10 went aad atari the following as his wiiaessce to prove eenUnnoes residence noon aad cnltivatioa of aaii laad. via: Alcholaa Ho- aey, Joseph Chambers. John Ktocks i C. WUHaaasoa, all offciite. N.brui JayTaael 8. W. SWiTZKK. I anj JWooee HegUtor. CIU TTEL MORTUA GE SA LK. Sfeuoe U hereby givea that by virtae of throe ocrtaln ChaiUe Mortgagee describeJ as follows to wit: Om eiccnteJ by Anrastns Thar to L. I. Albright March 21. Il aad datjr filed in the oBceof the Coantv Clrk of Webster uoanty Nabraskn en the M day at atarcb 11S1 Mid siren to secare the payment of i 1180.91 aad apoa which there is aow dae tho sum of 1:04:34. 2d. One ezecnted by t). W. alias Aogustns Tharo to A. Lanterbaeh March 3Sd. 1SS1. aad dolr filed ia the oflre of the County Clerk of Webster County Nebraska oa hoSddajrof March 1SSI aad givea to secure the paymeat or fSO.OO and upon which there Is aow dae to the above aamed L. P. Albright the sum of t$2t.Mld mortgage tftgetbor with tho aote secared by aaeie having been aesUne-1 to said L. P. Albright for a valuable eoasi iara Uoa by said AtLaaterbacb. 3d. Oae csecuted by said U. W. alUs. Aagustus Tharo to Lu-I- a.Thuro. April 4th. 1MI aad duly filed ia tho ce of the Coaaty Clerk of Webster County Nebraska oa tho 4th day of April 1WI and givea to secure the pavateat of S300.M and apoa which there is aow due to W. 11. Htroksa tho sags of S310.QO tho same having been as signed to said W. It. Ktmba for a valaabi consideration by said Ludwig Thuro. Defaalt haviagbeea ma-lela tbe peytaent of said sum, aad the said Augastas rhuro baring removed the property enverod by said mortgages from said county of Wobster contrary 00 the stipe alAtioasofsaid saortcages. tbereJbre we will ell the property therein described vis; One gray hone 9 years old. One gray mare H years old. One bay horse 10 years old. Oae sorrel horse & years old. One set double harness nlckle trimming. One sst double harness black trimmings. One Star Wagon platform spriugwlth carriage top. One Orhkoh tide bar top buggy. One 1. 11. Hampton Top liugy. at public auctl.iu at tho Hoy Home Livery and Kee.1 Harn In the town of Kd Cloud Webster County Aebrnska oa t'lMay Auguit lh lSl. at 1 o'clock p. tn.. o! said 4i;. L. P. At-asioHr A W. II. Sraoaa. Dated Augait U. 151!. Mortgagees. W-41 NOTICE. U. S. LAND OFFICE, Bloominotus Nkii., , July 13. 1881. Comjilaint having boon entered at IhL Olltct by David Orr, Hgaiut .bwi li F. Uandolph for aban doning his Homestead Eutrv No5750, dstcdOot. 30. 1878. upon tb rWitb Wt-st iurler, section 32, towiHbli 3 north rango 10 west in Webster Comity Nebrwka, with a view to the c.'iiiccllutiou of Miiil entry, the said parties arc hereby .sutnnioncd to ap pear nt this OHifL! m tin; 'Jth day of September, 1881, :t 10 o'clock a." ni., to respond and furnish testimony con cerning snM alleged nh.indoniucni. S. W. SwiT7.i.n, 11. W. MoSTCOMEur, Kogister. Receiver. il-i-t HONEST FRED! alia, the Albright Horse. Will stand thin season at Rel Cloud at last year' rate, viz: 18.00 to insure single marc; Two marcs $15.00; more than two by the same owner, $7.00 each. For the Reason, $5.00; single acrvicc, $3.00. This horse needs only to be known to be admired, lie has been acknowl edged by many good judges to be the ""ill .toil of i How" seen in thia section. Weight, in flesh, 1500 pounds. Beautiful Bay, Symmet rical form, good life, high carriage and best of all as kind as a kitten. His ownt i also has aood Jack with him at same rates. t-ntil further notice will lc found at the Commercial barn. Colts can be seen nt the premises of Jos. Fogle. State Creek; rq. Vance, Inavale; 0. McCall. Henry Gerkke, at Becker fi farm and Rallston's at In avale, also at Bed Clond. Mtilea at premises of Lew Smith and Ben Port nier, Guide Rock, Elm creek mills and Rod Cloud mills. The owner has entitled this Jack "CanL Smith." beinz the famous Lew Smith Jack, formerly of Guide Rock.' Shows the best stock in the valley. D. LUTZ. Proprietor. Money To Loan On Real Estate, in Webster and ad joining counties at tho very best rates. It will pav everv farmer who thinks oi borrowing money, to see me before making arrangements with any other party. No expense to the borrower no tedious delay no dealing with eastern parties no application fee, bonus or comraissicw-no fee for making or recording papers or taking acknowl edgements no advance or serai-annual interest: and; no mtert until money u actually inTEand. Call upon or address B. A. Srwao. 3gtf Loan Broker, Blue Hill, Neb. -. i zL Jnxlsk - ' ws?sa -5lm9owflL. aWm) SSWM aa5samSMEmh T -asmBBi-BEssslBwslsssHsaB Jtuit ciaJ dm Se County ofWelsat Christens rt. F0Tt E. Ilstrion To ForcH E. Itaitso-t ften-rrIdi?n dcfcndattU You arc hereby noUrtrd that an action ha bce foenmenrrtl against you in the aUive Mimed court by ?aid Cliriwtena J. ffafKm for Xhr pnrpac of procuring a divorce a nth matrirvtnu: ami that untc vent I aear and answer to her ncUtion m paid cause on or lckft? Uic 15tn uay ot Anguot IJvSl, aaw tctiUon will If takn as true, and judj-inont rendered accoxoltngly. Cmrwtcva J. Havoox. ri'uT. Bv W. H.Stkoiim. An'y.r ITtff. Iatcd. Red Cloud, 5cb., July 11 th. mi. 4t KCtlreU hereby . that I will esswlat elipereeiMvbuBa 4?. t St l-m.Jt as raahlUeU tr t-!kn ef ta priiatry r In the ! rrlVftOja ea the first urdr th a nth. .1 ubu iiln r er wur eir. i ' Pcbraary. Afay Agt ad ufeml-fv At Etna H1U oa t be rn pt4y in tae oxui w isaaary. AtrlUJaty and txtoe-n .vt Ualle Hefe eothetirst Sotnrday I the ewe lis et More. Juae. September and Ie9abe. Examiaatien te reesssra at lck a. a. A. A. tra. . Coealy Supcrinteadeni of P-tUk Intttartloa Ut iba SrM rtnnUr ia the SSeatSb at Samuel West, DCAIXS IN Tobmcco. Cigmrse 'MOTECTIONfeEY. CANXEDnWITS, FUYSH FRUITS, CRACKERS. CHEESE. i 01L Nt J Et5. LE.M0NS, aed a rvtL uxK or rASCV. RegRlS9. ALA) a iixr CLASS Io OroBmin Parlor. Where you ran always get a nice dish of Ice Cream during the Season. A share of the public palrousgi it respectfully rnlu-itcil. First tbwr soulb or'Milchcll A Morli.Mt'a. Rkd Ctocn, - , NcarttsKt. SAM GAMER, DEALEB W Dry tiPf mnd Groceries BOOTH nd MHOEN HatSi Caps. Su Rrwftf Made Clothing Wt hivt thi Lirgist Stick ii tke Vallty and will nil ot iijrtrtoll. CSvc m a call, one and all. Sanrl Carber. ' m CO Hubbckibe for and advertiac in the KC-l Cloud Chief. e e i - JQ m U H .g" i si s & bJ S ' t ftfc. 2 mSSm WEW AMD COKBZCT MAP i fc'.yoasl aar isaoostsAte CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN R'Y Ub7tn4&thclrlTUUwtolrntocia&iiemUitm ' CUcaf aa a wf e Prmdaal Fesafs In 0m Wt, Her& 'd ftartVwMt.' CarvfanyexasrtsetaisMaii. Tae frterffoJ Claof taWseaM Klrw;rvtas'alvoa' SroaAlul iSJatralas GaaAo cWo suaaertierig wHk Utral-e a juactum POMHsV r',riejr: iWvawlJxmt s"a AuX. IteA fm m smeO Jiwsr f mWB - ! 'JA iBsmY m&VMsBW almm sf 45als"sr"lPSmmi!Cm -- o Jp' mBaPMBsssssBsaBMssssssssssssssssss ossssssssssl TMK CllWawflO 4V gMrrH-WsMTsfllgl ITAILWAT, ltlolssrevilysaw4l mtijmo ntVl i .tm ba m mJ . . ' r jmwjgLA K rarow j!2'IF'am Iiam.rfssisjms. as. fna -3or- taea. Iftrrwon 4k Tst gsnws J afsJTttwJfce. Ceaow Tioaswt4sg3aotaosttaat5oETaXJirtaaC; Zsar ts aok for Tkkoti iU tSto rLVi WTaWCmtTT.CfZyUtitC.Cl.'ui, .m m-er- m - y r ewi aims wi Tt,r Wk waa to fee dose? aliaeea Oae tkra' w certaia he Htat ad iUtrua H waaserett waopai o "balsotl&vt scTtr b a z i g O 'Si. 3 w OOP U If a wi- si 5 If-' Si!.". ,- s s s V The Proof oi tfr& Pudding is in the Eating.", , 4 i all You nave oniv to il on us and wc can casi ly convince you thai wo do sell HARDWARE A little JU'LOW the so-called "Bed roekVi ccs" advertised bvotlur firms. Besloy &, Perking. Slw'nJ.ntf , robinson" Wagon Company, a xv rAcn.ur.fi oi Sprinc If AuUilO Buggies L Phaetons. We do not Want Agents vtr. orrKU ooa t Standard Trade Vehicles, 70 11IC TKAtJr.-- 'Work that hru an ctlaUUltnl n-j. tiott, rtt id tbitt can lt h.tintto-i ' t ufactiHt, Ixtlh to biiyrr ntwl erllor Svnd for d?j:n and prUve to KOUINHON WAtJN U l&-ly Ctncliiaati lV Wo VmIav mil Attention Ut ihf a I vortiniof thn 1'KUKi.r Aat It " reus, uhch can be fotind ih Ati'-t-r roltuiin. Tliro Iltttor rn Hv!? from thw purest and Wit mi'? and their f nic and citharlir pr It tto render tlnm superior U all r4ra in disorder of the Htonia b, lU.ivc!. Liter, Ac. ACn Csld cr Zxt Tirtit Xet-t ffta3llr f ' l ait! Ve eteppeJ. tt 1tth - IMK Brtma't Kr-nehisl frl g tfJV 9f C "' ebitK CV fge, re rii teii'tin Anams. nro wneuitTeaal Ykrvst ftes. , r (r fan tneTrn'hee esT Ve rv 14 rarilriasr. ol slvsr Se M'l fl'J,- lkf mrm -t er s-!Ul it lf Arted It We a.l -nliet ete Ut aelr so '.atire itrlwa. tie bse all sserite-t rsat 've t few tH f As sge. PeM tsaf 4 tt'trrt j eltmr inl .IfensiLefl in "He. HaU al Hrents ( rents a Ws rrfrVf, Cose Xawto or i. - - - .--r- ; , - r- teCUmet. Jtaas txts tasowtac Tr Lena 1 rsn tso roast vrrx.jai sak W&ViiaXagT.Ool?ig.Jnt. deter C0 CD vaeotioa Utat Um QemtrH PaaeOA usl laVaaesr m Liw. . k La2AsVr liO. miutmu-i- sartl- Cfr to . , Jl - T i Of '-ftir psr & -- l&. fcJV - : : y iftSks 5S --; c-vxi'-, t - l - ?? - - i.r nw - .jt-fifc wvJLJ -v $ i "" "' ' '-'' "". "' Ji'aueewehawassmsnsaismmnaMMaMBaMj- " '- - - -- --- BmSBHsBHsHsBflsBlsBSBSBW-?tf S VliW- . . . .5il..- :.