The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 28, 1881, Image 3

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"Ht "
' ""
M?L. THOMAS, Publisher. ""
w. ? . . . dH4 t JCSi-ii ..
..: . iiij-A, rH I ndBRtl to seek
aU4-L? IfMfOiiflEt
rw jiijue iaimmt
- i
to Make
c, tno ooor
ado homp-
fcnd dujtirjg
pirs.Mnrj-Clcmmer'sl'octn noforc tho New
5a-r",rjc l'reM Aso Intion 1
Mcnot cacr nve. ami temlni- Imitnl
Mnitll tlio honor ti;it men lol ti ticc:
Tlicy -mitch the rrnii'njcoi lay years of pain
liuvour yet scorn tho tree-
What thousU tlio tronsurc of Iby nervous
1 hv rich vitality of mln'l mid bo.irt.
Goes swiftly down before thy Moloch s
Men cry: "Itjsnotart!"
Thop ct dullyinir with hi fitful muse.
On Ihjot intr rcvusiin whoc hnlllnir strlrto
Sometime- irlvc out Iru acorn tno man or
Cries: "fee, wo" ro parted wiac!"
Tlio novpJIot. elu-o, fmra loftv crest
oriictSon's loioly paint-oof tucnlr.
rookloii iitmI ishs- "Only h Journalist!
lVy ht-Ixht Is his 1l-j iir.'
Tlio Jnj-s minute of rn-lilor Iltoraturo."
IVlmliiriitly uliutleron Its outmost rim
Of iiiiuvht lint of tli.'lrsmall position." uro
I'oint seonilully itt htm.
Tho st:itomnn smirched, with pallid -jBallco
Or nil with wra-h. ilotli In tho inornln-f reiul
Of fair fal.b Inrtercil. ot line honor dim
In hi rt-conltfil deed.
I.o. look lor tlmndpr thon! ills fierce reply
In llotiso or iv'imtr. an hf lends th5 vnn:
Timi'-'.urver mid place- flier, loud his cry?
Ilo;vn, eura'd noithj) ipur imiti."
Who inlciM the dnilv journal eool and damp.
And weighs Its' less toll on nerve and
Is'or morning iin. nor ifenlnl evening lamp. iin birth of pain.
' Only n ncwupaporl" 01110' r-ad. oulok lot.
Who unis thf trensiirethut It arrie- liciieo
Tom, trampled under Teet, wau oouius thy
V lit t
Irtar-eyed intelliKunco!
And yc. the nnttelesj! ItcHt-liolovod hostl
ly heart recall J more than one vnulsh'd
Ftrnck from tin rank or toilers early lost.
And lean, inif uit a traee.
Martyrs or Vouns martyra of tho
I'rlnce ofKiflnfrom largess of liraiii:
On- leal of Iiiiik'I Hrepcl in tendrniess,
'1 al;e yir, U early Elalu.
Though '11 the author pantheon no niche oil
Your wiinlni; iinnip em hold for'r fast;
The i-ee Is id tnith yo lilew afar are sure
To sHiik and hve al hist.
On lonely wiMp. within ilm iwarminir imrts.
In silent di earn, in peaking d -edsof men;
Quick with momentum Irotu your deathless
Your thoughts will live :ur tin.
penrnnce on a
I sauprcs3cd ray imlignation on sec
; i,!.r wmn an old 4diHtin:r-rar
around her broom, and with it dalrand
?mcar ocr the face of my divinity
above tho mantelpiece. I fancied alio
did it with a special spite toward the
fresh. vminV loveliness, which, bv con:
trast. ren Jercd her own scraggy orntj.
pallowface and deep-set, uarK-circiuu
eves yet more unattractive
" " La. Ir. Courtenay!" sho ex
claimed, turning and atlccting to be
come awaro of my presence; "whod
liave expected to Imd you shntup here?
Hcadinj;? Well-yon arc a literary char
acter; only I'm afraid it am tr good for
vou. if voU came into these parts for
vour health. The pine.v-wood 1 a
powerful strengthener of tlio lungs.
You ought to'waik about 'cm more, and
drink the tar-spring water. I make a
p'intof going to tho Uir-sprig every
uay or two, ami ivi i.uujti. v-. .- vn inn wav tor onuu, i
"H j' . ..
choose to go along wiiiiUffl
sbn wan a mi"-htv ntirtv vounjr crcctur
den, and:powcrfulflpile byhe"rmoder.l
ana 01a mam anu rawsia. iw. o
look-t6o high, and want to marry oyr
XLTrse Ilarr.. an' lie was jest tint wild,
.bout her! So ole massa an' him had
Mmo high word 'bout it: and on his
death-bed olo marac made him promise
neb-jr to marry her. So den he went
'wav, an' nebcr come lck; an Misw
Brown and ilis Iloser dey went 'way.
nr nTi ti-n tiihr lii(ril ruiirm 'bout
the Best
- 4'-rji.
Tlmfinti i the time of cutting nod Jin a compact muw .ht,w.b ,.1
There "is no fora3 crop cmal to
L'nt worms are rerr poor climber.
and much of the damage thov do to j tj Cnwis
tomato plant may Vo avoided 6y mat- dbpotl to
mtnet tnoUnii SlKJUt the Plant I I' "
too. an wc nebcr been
ljd Mi53lS09cy
taken while she was
Jill OIU WUilKllli ""' V , 7
in the fainly, anycred thl?lt
Uld inarso iiatr uau a -p"""'
man" to come'aTid Lake the poi
annh if ilm familv. and among"
rest. Miss. Hoiey, 'because she v.a?
Tirettv. f
r .. ir.. t. .,..Mi nr. trroti lnilr. Mi-sJ am
" 1UI. 311V v " "" n' " ".' ; !
When the noastton is wslUftd in favor
lof cutting grasi to feed raWlc. there are
two moro that force thctnsolve
unon us ana acmaaa a khwibubu
the second the manner of curing. JV , as large a aa inverted tea cup.
to th
mlt!rT earlr.
' . .1 , 1
but as to tho bot motnottJDi
j pn serving, thev are a great
-i opin:ons, wnue one par.j 1 -i , rn
TV j'7 TLet t snrcad anddrv in the ! nn.l hn-ed-i of hv stocfe ovo
W IX'tsLAirMJM. 1 ... .1 ..!. 1 I
js ' isys, anoiuer ' wu"
be cut alter nine o ciocit
Yf. "P the brtrn before thrro
j1 A 9 fc same dav, and now
-V --..V. .. .iiiBri -MMiiSL V &.. -1. -.. - jT
. - r I . V 1 k KIaA I II I I I I I I A T !- T BJirTl T r
e time ol cutting grass wicrc 1 -u. - w. ,-w. -, .. .w w - . n-ot-ct
diCerence of opln:Oa. a very largo sryo lie "raou jvj uiuwi rJk.w, - .
- - r.c , !...:.- in (.rnrdr ' ii. .cm nv tuaniin" mo mm un
ion ji wic uu.a m, ' ' r , '" " . , j. . , ,, when It is
UJMM)iUI':P3i H in I) OWCd anu iuuim i.i v.. - .,-
tf..... fc .-. .-. . X
own throerhoui Jnlr. ndrf !lo rir yr zL il . i.. k.j. v-
a majonty 01 frnir-at :hi kjpti- rbricuutursHrici4 u ir iir'j
it j;nij; , Miiri -At wv i rr wvc .- ?-. --i 'r
ran to J-..t r.f & doirth vf RiMwn.-rtMri M- jMi sU.iJiU t?f
txture to jpw-mfxT. warn aa ae r,
o of com joirn bnadcA.t ac 1 ha
In nf irhst mir Wm M'w " '
... v- -- -. - - . -...,
of j apart, and corenng them with utraw (
Sit from twelve to eighteen inches deep.'
-.x nie great advantage of all the im- ,
common or " scrub" ort 1 that
tara rra;vt : I?.
ingl acrr, W-;ns"-g ;i
iront larc to I tri
heicht. aal fed in tb yv J cr
wusiid jrurpriw th c n ir '
pnivwling thi fttld- r !r 1
Utnt o! bph1.
In portions of Nrw V .g-
lork. a tjpII x h-r -
d to the front.
1 dewu -..i! gniss'and othr green
t c-oavert a largr proportion of the fonl pUco. tKii jt i,Hl -
j ihvvcoosame into ammtl prcnJucts and , j:rvtH, -a ... u,.,.tr..
I the!-e u.uallv of a better quality. , wWh fearij r
Ros e W lcaitways not ' a il crops can be pre.crred the be,; if cut
in.iV Hfcp hpr vounr missi-es. what had ' and packed down entirely grn. n a
ilnllhlTnns" ho rio. without even .Irving the W ojt
addci proudly. "An' Uo nebcr conM after a shower, and thev pro v her
let obef it. her trvin' to worm herself faith in it by Ue.r pmc:ce. Mule t
r. u. Jr. .... -.i : 1. - i ovlilent 1h.1t cra-H can be lurod, or
aalrf-. !. intnitll' flllll MMI Mil III- IIIIli.oiT -- - "- -
J1JI lW lililHMf .,- w.w
ftjr-VruiL I
black Prtic.-J taKOJVPfrjjrriT,.
of moro congenial company," adtlcd
m;cj 'M-iriilc. witli a pensive -itmper.
t. -
hath fed.
the thick of
0, 11 irur Journal nil When fnltii
Mien niii cru-jh men: amid
str r-.
Jlclhink theofone Man. divine, who said:
' 1 am the truth, the lilo!"
Leaves' ienee. le-ivpphilBophr it nrown.
Yet .swi'eter eer niiHt Iip that linn's plcep,
"Who still, his "mothers luy." prays, bins
"His Lonl his soul to keep."
. -&
fnh.c'er our prlo, or how fair our crown,
Ordrep our hn-MM, only tills U li-st
The foul s irreat peace. .Nor sneer, nor Hnille,
nor fiown, It Iruiu Its rest.
Kxalt thr eallinff! On Its -pot!eis shield
w.ii.. iriitii. t:K! honor a!o.- llrst
Cnivcni'Viuiy-elnteb thy ttars. and thoti nat
I.ove'iheni and hoi I them fasti
Ilemidcr or the people, of tho State: , ,
Jifmlleriiiid Miiie tener d iinjestictanitm
furetd thv lliuwt ti-lu nph-thon cim.-x "
The crown thy patience wrought.
J-owsrvc tliv ircneratiou. this thy fa;,!," ...
rittev in water ' Fwlftly fades thy na me.
JUit io who luvui HI kin 1 looi tlnst, ivail ""u,
t -V work ton snail for lame.
1 full a little startled. iUorc xmn
once of lato I had fancied that Miss
M:indv had treatc-l me with a favor
which "she vouchsafed no other man in
whose company I had beheld her. I
had observed jlmt she had somewhat
Mirtrtcued bctSdre.-;?. appearing mcar
rin -i andTPpink neclr-nbbon; and that
to-Ilav her hair was Cwistcd into innu-
mer.iiile imio wiry riujj.-i ;um oii.-'
above her forehead,
sin. bad ollcrcd to make rne turpen-
tine-tca and pine-cone cordial. ai bclng
benelicial to tho general health; and
hen she was now actually endeavoring
to inveigle me into a lonely walk
thr nigh the pities at the sentimental
hour of twilight.
I hinted how delighted I should be
to some time avail myself of her kind
oiler. To-day I had business which
would take me to a dNtan'-c. And, be
fore Miss 'Mandy had Hail t'mu to com
plete her dusting of the parlor, 1 was
1111 mr wav to Oorkcv's.
1 found the old man seated lazily in I
front of his log-cabin, surveying withj
an a'r of patriarchal satisfaction his
pigs and chickens, and his patches of
peanuts and watermelons, while his
icermiolisimil vif artislicallv molded a
pot of freshly-churned butter. They
received me with great politeness; and.
after some preliminary talk, 1 impiired
about the picture.
' Well, sar." said Dorkcy. thou"ht
fnllv, "I can't igzackly say who dat
pictur's me mt for. I neberscc noboil'
like it, nor nigh so hon'some. Hut dat
!ietur was made lemme see," put
ting his knuckle to his bald forehead
4f'bout leutlo moro'ii lour years
ago," bv - painter-pen leman as wat
stjnpiii,-tat Mar-e Davis' tavern for
sake oh his healf. He h:id conniption,
but de piiiev-wood cure cured him.
and Marsa I Larry ag in each oder.
I retu-ned slowly to the farm-hotisc
Uat which I hid engaged a night's loilg
iMAx n;-,tifHP.i at the result of my
search. 1 made one more attempt, by
iii(itiirinr of mv host, at aufTner, if ho
could tell me what had "become of the
Tt, rolls' former hou-ickeuper, Mrs.
Urown, and her daughter Ilosey.
TI:c farmer looked up at mc with a
sudden infercat.
I suppose, you're on the same er
rand th-itMr Walter was that law
yer s agent th it was along here a week
ago? ho tsat.U "JJc vvaiiieu to unu
JUss Itosey, and he put a notice in the
papers that;thbrc wa3 something to her
advantage You haven't found her :t.
it seems, sir. ell, now. 11 s a ijuare
thing that Mr. Harry Tyrdl shouhl
have willed all his property to her.
She'll be a rich "woman; for though tho
preserved in t'lCMi various wa?.M that
rattle will readily eat :t, and thr vc on
it. it is not o clear a-, to which way is
the. Le-t: this is to be regn-ttod.
In a matter of so n;ir h imprunce it is
vcrv des.r.ibhj that we should xvas'e as
little as possible, and fet'lo down to
tin; inoit economical and the most
liable, as well as the bett way.
Kehable chciniati Xe'A u tha '-rusi
dried in the sun. without beig wet.
iire.-ervM ncariv. if not qaite all of in
nutriment, whib if wet by a heavy
bhower .t io-e- nearly oue-third of it
...rni2 ftii-ililii . tuov a lO lll "3
. . k T .. !. W M
SomeiHi-lv may noi kih mak miormnuon, - a r
she makc-J more p'-o crust than &he ' very farorabie 2ii.:
Mrj to ns-i it will keep for a day or n arknH ocqumi
two bimnklo a lutie Sour 01 cr it and , a general rert u". s
set it in a cool place; it wdl be tlaky ( 3 jt by cn. .-,
and crisp without leng rich; or ou 1 xho who hre pt
mnv make tarts of it. to be idled with two, thne r fir -
a 1
t l
JallV. jam or lemon custanJ.
1. :.. iMinminun error to
m,J.. that animals that eat but little , do not anrKn t
ami scow ttRdipu.
wUlch ther dn:e frt
.'. af .:
, iJ
,...: (? .mi tw . . 1
u. . . ?.. . n 1 iti r ib . irw nni K.t. mM w :. 1 zr i r
for are the most prumnwu, -y '- . ; - . , - ----..
mal is capable f d5'ting ana asuui- -"kpi
SSi" it th.i grmter tho amount of in crentrrpart ,.f 1. u
Ifo "it con,um the mom proAtabh, J go fr m mM5b. c -h.. , ..,
, ., ... c f-ir th. t.rwwr.'wi ol l talr as ,,
re-iaruiuo r-i" . . l . .;
f. I tl-,t KlIlM IO MllHIlT 1U5 "W I " " """ -ti 1 .
--lu-l CJ uaa lint ttrc-ft tMlT ,
vm miM ii iffv m w ss $ m
In nrikiH. K. u-.
tii 94 u ifc Utfrttfni t .
os&t Jd t 44J 41 Jtl iXi
t ir a ttWMirAM.
A jroatsc nu wV ki Ws t!tal '' I
ta ccx uui, iums Ta wsv
ntmvy, t!aJtl k HrAi & U Xsr Yi
jul try hi tattumt. H t4 tii &ju
etr Ut 1Jbi-w wauU reot t tdtrt.
. lb rutur mrlttoaio til aw irfTt. u
, j rtACbla lit eJST he ra: h.. kf t ? fts
11 i durUae ta tksi finuaci rsri V?fr
-iad 4tdtJ &d(W. lmtt Ul4
d Uentlrf'rtlS)lWtvB lBjabw,a4
T ' flnrJlr toid him' -Grt. itl. rr4 t-cili.
, ttiesKfl tb ttleeityuckn hit. liu
1 our i:r r ttattM 4 tH!, t I
9 bar :? tin Nt in U wirVrt- ti tiJl :i
i of Ihu'lu-J ma da f'i aot rt s:kt'-
T , . . . . -- ...
Uan. li your owrn lutnttwww; ir a
Sjf 1 nOTTJ
r- 4 Sr
? 0r yaa W ! t-
trVrr !tei I&3WK TW Mt t!fSra4
rtl -?(Pl 5fJ3'V iiS
t. 1 llan. IK our owrn uinote'a; r : ?
.u' betruJtfv f thKOtTKOKCos ! Sr & w Mtawr yrin-JVf
1 1 t.soltotjtca&dif e-a Ua u! i yor I ukvn-4 a v
f 1 dolaj jour bot to rtt it." (S-SJ) j , ,,., , ,7T. , i, -
l 1
iliu iw -- . ,-.., . .
of tiviHc nn 1 nm 'he aisimai m;u-i-.u.o, .
Is Jps wh-n a laro thun when a small
amount is eacn.
-Cream and Kgg Toast-Cl.eoso
. . ... ..1. IV- !iVie'!i.
eru-Mti. I1JIII Oiiit ...-. -"-.-'--
, salt ud pepper:
ujton that pn d
commonly lt t;
and we brgia w-th
1 u
.i I K4 rrra Itk.
. I WlllUra J. tAa-laa. 4 aocM-rrUJ. Km,
t ! ! IK. ! nf 1T I llllli vttlt A
ft "iT I vjjt Hrwdkmrt mt tsta.. foMeJbr & sclera
II v
iiArti TtK tr,
r. riMi .- trrtiJ IB -.4
fv s- ja. u-i u -'i
bmtcr; toasted brem!.
Highly In'?--
a ncwlv dicrrr. d
a . - .4i-.K'I t 11 Thu t
that, when put into a -ilo-zrcen.u ii l'nt a cip:nl ot cnewu ....- -- . , ..,.,,. , ti . ,
sugar by ferme.ilat.on. though the lo mil!;, ftl-i boil till mio. ; ' J Jy,? " A
tn'ii.-, vv-v ii not. a, e-reai a, when wet .... uell-bettteu. with butter au.l J ,,..." tt,ut ". -
."" "X. . " ... ... :f p-" . . ....... ti.- mi.IK n. Jew - uenz. iiavit. L 1 t
m'riiii rMlil lli.s it wou.u .-cliii. " seasonin'' 10 ia;i;. o. .r...v -- ---- 1 . . . . . . r-
S.e "wis stfre o! fair weather, he coall JJ .. lake fro.n the hre -have ready luhl , ., ,., , r a
..1 !,.... r,..r eittb. on his . 1.. i.r.m.1 ivell t.Kisted. and the sbees 1 f"wi V M- K-rd-.t .'-
V'lliu iv I' v. , i ''- . ., !.,....-. .... 1 UH 1
LilU LHV " .'..,
estate's been" neglected, it's valuable
atdl, and coiild easily bring a fortune
under proper management."
Hemic LleftMarsden Count v. I got,
from my entertainer the address ot
Mr. Walters." Through htm, H suc
cessful. 1 might yci find the fair object
of mv search
I had now a double inducement; for
the fair Ko.-cy was an heiress, and. also,
as appeared from her retaining her
name of Hrown, vet unmarried. And-
so, elate aim inn 01 nope, 1 ibiuuku i
my old quarters among the hea'th
jriving "pmev-woods.'' where Mrs.
HrowTing welcomed me with a mother
ly kiudiiess, and tho assurance that my
brief jaunt must have done me "a power
of goo I," judging from my bnghteued
Afler our early s-ipper. I repaired to
the little parlor, and, seating myself 0:1
the sofa, ga.ed long at the be uitiful,
coquettish face on tho wall opposite.
At least twenty years had elapsed
sin e that portrait had been taken.
" lloey" was now probably a tall,
giweful woman of say thirty-live or
Well, at that age many women are
more beautiful and attractive than in
- .....i uc nnKthnn iivnrocrv- ;.. m.ters: nour
irr:,-.'. trill till ut niuiount. ....... .- - . 11:111.111 . ... 1 .....
P. v. . .1 1 1u.1t im -iiiiid 1 1 , .. .. ..l-i ver bou J. his is a
W' m a s:io,
tri... t I.. ii'trrtu u
t-.r it barrel. ue "- "". J
iiwirlv fH. 'll p with sand and tie a
sheet of paeking-paror over the held of
birrel. and Keep it i -"" i----.
Ithiing above the ehininevpicce in
; the whitewa-hed parlor of the little
t t. . . 1... :.. .1... ...ii
airo, and nosey uius; now im in iu ion
bloom of her youth and beauty.
" And are "you sure. Dorkcy. that
do not kuow who uns .uis.' uiim;:
!... I..... 1
uiiiiv 11 1
death, sar. Nebcr
. . . . 1 1..1
cop iai onei, ami no
LCaiolina eounlrv inn the portrait of a i no more 'bout her dan do man
.-voung girl, m a simple dress and straw
'lehat, with her hands lull ot ciierrv
gbranidifs laden with fruiu It was a
.Soutlicrii fae. with a dark, rich bloom
'of eolorimr. and a passionate. ha.f-hy.
half-coquettish exjiression which fa-ei-paled
me at the glance; and the
more 1 looked at that beautiful face,
and met the iraze of the dark eves al
ways bent down upon me and following
'-iin motions, the more fascinated I be
c.tnie, until one day 1 awoke suddenly
to the consciousness that 1 was actually
in love with a picture?
Who was tho original, I now bean to
wonder? It was clearly a portrait, and
the painting still so fre.-h that it could
have been taken but within a fewyeara
past. Tor some time I hesitated to
fcnako the inquiry, for I felt ashamed of
iny own follv, and had a guilty fear of
its being discovered and exposing me
to ridicule. Hut one day, finding my
jMiod-nalurcd landlady scaled on tho
piazza, jusi miu-iiiu iu i'.ihui iiiiiu,
hhellit:g pea. I ventured to remark,
with an assumed air of iiidiflcieuce, that
it was a pretty picture and well e.e-
t cnted.
Is it?' she answered, glancing up
over her spectacles. Well, J dare saj
it is, though 1 ain't much of a jedge of
pk'turs. 'Tears tome, she's too peart
sliid sassv lookin', and's got a temper of
lier owiu or I'm mistaken. She might-
ilv favors my brother Kiwi's ilafter,
sjarbery a line, bouncin' :.l, who had
:i!was more beaux on a Sunday than
most gals have in a 3-car. and come to
pick out the wust o' the lot, ahcr all."
Do you know whose portrait it is?"
1 inquired.
"Well, r can't say I do. Wc found
it here with the rest o' the furnhur,
iieii wc conic from Gates County a
while ago. loiiscc' brightening in
to interest tho new railroad spiled
our o'.d place in Gates for a tavern
stand: and as mc and my old man was
used to that business, we had o rootup
and. look out for another. And jest
then, old Davis, who kept this place,
neK'. :,ml a11 1,e left hatl to s for dcbt;
v md wc concluded o lea tbo tavern,
furnitur- and all. jest as it stood, JThat's
l,nw wn found tiw.F,Blu.
"Bless jou, no!' He' w.os a 101
old bachelor, wun 01. ""' orn an,i
'Tears to me he guv ole Marso Davis 1 their youth, and I why. I was myself
dat pictiir' when he went 'way; an' 1 1 nearly thirty. No great dillereuce.
hcerd mar-e sav 'twas nniyiirrril like. ' after all- , mi ntinih-nmp in
Veil' not so hm-ome, as KOsfl. I , M7"' " -Y"'1 -imR '"
ww !wot .hocallhcr .'cMCif" concluded 'ami. with s .mo g.iy kiiitting 111 her
Doikev, with emphasis. band, sc d.'d her-elf in a low roekuig-
My "heart gave a glad little throb, chair, facing me, and exactly beneatu
iMio nature was oaintod onlv four vears the portrait.
I .. . I - . .f r..ll 1 '. . ..1 f.nni l.t.ll.!n m.11..... .I?.VA
I 1 riaiieun 110111 ii-1 niiu, .-i.nioi i3.iu
I to the blo-miing face above, involtin
j tanlv eonSiMsting the two Then a
sudden idea occurred to me. Dorkuv
! had h'-aid Mr Mavis mention "Ilo-ev,"
and Miss 'Mandv. being Davis' kins-
woman, might know somothing about
her. .So I said:
Mt-s 'Mandy, did 3011 ever know a
voting lady of tho name of llose
Sue looked up quickly, atid pursed
her lips into a demure smile.
"WI13', Mr. Court eiiay, what do j-ou
want of Kose Hrown?"
"Oh. I have heard of her!" I said,
convinced that I was aga n on the
track, and proceeding cautiously. "She
was engaged once to Mr. HarrvTvr-
" That was a long time ago. Uoscy's
no doubt forgot ail about him before
this. He was a we ik, 110-aceount sort
C'UUl I ,! ;,,.,.. fit Otl"C
i-..:... .....n. i... nnekiii"' 111 a sho. ..;... r.iiis for lea or iuhwi
nuu 1 iiv j ,... n - uin. .w. ---
than if he .should get it c-right m a ra-n.
Some farmers succeed m ge'.tmg the e-c
hay bv making it 111 the cock: u.tcrt
giviti'' it a few hoirs' sun. it is raked.
up in neap-to: aooui ionv iuu , V
and allowed to remain untouched the
the third day. 11 ""
md the fourth dav
over in the morn ng. and got m soon
ater dinner. The ob eetion to this
wav is that it is too much labor, and if
there ahouid be a storm it injures the
o.ilside, which would have to be spna I
and ilr ed. but no comm-m sorm would
injure the inside, unless it should con.o
before it had been raA'H up twelve
hours. Clover haw ma lo in this way,
retains all of its ' leaves an 1 i very
sweet; the bloss-mw in the winter are
very fragrant an 1 hold their coior re
markabl. well.
With "the improvement's which we
now have, to cit, make and harvc-t our
.n.isj no e-miiol I(H) 10 lir.irii' v iv.
......f. "V ....-- .- ,
old methods m us
fi insider how miick. we can cut
.-pread a live acre lot. ami how easily
ail I well it can be .-tirrod and kept, in
.1.0 ..u in iir3 and linallv bow easily it
can be raked. loa led ai.d hou-cd. it ap
pears very evident that with a little
watching of iho weather, there is a
better chance to get our grass well
cure I under the old sWem of hand
work. MuisachitscUi I'luiigiiinan.
"t'l.oc., UiS-td tii
again. l th cotb-g, . j.
b3rafdrrst1li n, J, u,
(11111110- lllli.l u .1
, 1 .. -.. . ..., ., i i .
-To keen frrsh eggs in goou , asimiUhpnt. a,l yre , ,,
tliroii'h the summer, dip thorn in ltfrjv ,j, ;,j u(Lit,y fJ
mule! iiarntliiin and pla-o them 011 the . tv H. tijen j ,
small end til ordinary moist -.anil in a j kerrhWf in th- e-e-. av
iii.T't il-iv lint.
aiv fc ..,. , -. --
. :.. . t..r- ;t 5i r,i-iielie
weak -ci ieumwi-! 1. in. . - , ii,,i
the co-hiaryiuiu. , 1 n;U.kcd in a s -i:n-
liciuid Hio paralline is
o ior!css and taUeless, and can be re
mo ed b- dipping tho eggs m warm
water, atid is by far the neatest and
cleane-d method.
- The profits of a small Hock of
sheen arc u-ually very large, ami prob
ablv" no investment the fanner can
make pais so large dividends. It may
be claimed that a pro lit of fifty -r
cent, can be annually made, and ex ep
tmnal in-tanees are recurde I of the
wo d and lambs at the etui oftlieieir
inrr the hrt cou. Mieep are the
tire: the O'Jcr.t 11 't.-t-t it-e'd
me iiaiKikerenii:: ri-ni'iii ul
as did bis hnl after --it- 1 . t,
lar trial. Tlien MM ii-
and Fridel phtitgi! tier
on nit
Ju od.
drawing them
in de
.1.... i' 1...
moon 01 oar i.s an- man up u.u,
ad led. meditatively.
Tas-ing over this astronomical point.
J inqiiire7l the name of tho artist who
ha I painted the picture.
His name? Well. I done enemnst
forgot it. lie come roun' to my cabin
on7t, and made a pictur' o' my pigs
and ehickens. Sa Clo," ho called, to
his wife, "say, ole. woman' wot do name
o1 dat gen'leman come to my cabin
onct and took my pigs and ehickens?"
" Neber luerd o' no gen'leman steal
ing 30' jigs an' chickens!'' responded
Chine, with digtutv.
reatot success upon cneap lauu. as
... . . .1. .. 1. ..... ... .. .. ..
before the introdtic- it would be diuieuu i n ie an a ie 01
lor s'n-ep
pan hllw! with the
w.'h :. g. .
so m.-inv th e ,. "1 i !
exierir.etd im -Pii-a'i 1 f J
oeer ujxin th t.ui -s'i fu. ttMtoa
rently in a slate of a- i-c i iShis
Other pxpfriinviiL-foii w U (iqi
wonderful nature, cut, iilidei
-Hating that tho " If 11 ' K)CC
eatmbio of pro'Im;; cht w aut
IIpeniiieata ii rgird t jfc ( 'eCt
upon lmrvN of a ' jjf m -s "
have recently been in . Ie ai rin ay
For 'onui tinm it had bet n r -tfced :hal
hor-e- were fond ol tl t e Mt5,
o n
ill i
couh. t -.itatlfvl to t Oty IttmsnA fV'rl" t2jti4'ttls2l
ut ;na4 iai-j m ot t. wwiiiLt'. u ' THE ST. LOUIS M10UNI FAI
Un11IH.rMlv I eoltiUHW.vixtW.lirMMuJ ; l(tVlnJ MMVi
aTurtrtIrommTSslIfettlf i4to . s ubm k tt
. -' - . . .1. . w . . . . ff - - aK.- -. ivm kuU sm r ulV
luu'iltatoi rvw-ruK Lvoa, &dbtj.l iiimttsi trATT AUmutii
ffcf W I WWMW 2f FC u
M l.y V JVIL nM M OTfc'
, ietflT, 4 -,
I .. r --: JLXk UaLI
ToiiIIi( ran- ll!itiiM S T
Kb!n-yWort l n unUUIoc rrwwly fr j - r fkAY ?MUiMai
ih.1 innn.Mn-iiluu. mlM IlinolMths 1 H I IMLf I flV I VtPM
. .. . -...., .- ..,.-----.,. . . ,,,,,, , l. I inTri.ll
H I'1 ? t-ww snnniiriVM
jvi ri rtx- wi& u w . LMt
ajurpnirTamniTSJiiecnnr n vo- . i
Sy I frl la tvtw artuthun bTth pi I J'?,
tbrtesctt. lnvetUiha;-liCliile'f7f ' jMhuf
lUa'i llatiM ton rus Lvoa, aw ! oa
Ttnrd tbat louumux rax m aam'
... . .-... .k....a .!
Clit? aad Luaa Dtwa, IsUi by Ctvrsuta. t r. rv k tv,
' l.iS-- F.l
howrl conUV and frIr. ud tbu H"
Uircau. !o not fU to try It fUUJ nil
cltbcr la dry or liquid forta. & avl rrta.
1)1. 1 tUm 11.
Ak Drucctft ?or lU'arU en KaiA." Ur!4r
out rait, mice, roel- Cc, t-d-luss Hx.
KenntiQ' Itrau!Utvt nnrirrdlcdforru
t pcotj heAliUX QuallilcA. Ttlco i.
Aiirvrx J
vr am run.
IMQ Cm. t
Tub Frwer
colj Ucnulae.
Ax's Giie U Xhti tl s4
V kao It
Evcnrnonr t NUcol YVlUtlieU-t.
W03Ll.Vfi TRIF3irnT
IfiCUTe ? - fr.
MU!.II I ) HtM.i M Jt. r
U'r--i Pimx. KiU4iM(iiVl
4utc'r WAimet r- tt
m . i?.: ri nn"
MIS. LYDIi l rmii SF im, XASt,
of machinerv. even though our hay may ,lu land ail-rd s.ibsistcn.e
uotlie quite as good; but when we cnoigh to make it pa. ai
licit would aiipiv as ni 10 t
thoii'di no other Stok paif. soeonijtlcte wintur vuy early in tl v-
a douide dividend as does a sheep with cune out in very line and g.
wouM eagerlv drink will r
in argmneat , ,ltC u them had been ph . I
and !l. -it u-ou'.d aimlv as well to other stock-, i (..,rt:d for in this way 1 1
Oh. sho! vou knows well nulT wol 1 ' of a chap," she added, eool 1 v. as she
means, reiunieu tno ma-iur oi mo
house, iinpatientl-.
"Ef vou means do gen'leman wot
painted your stoc.v,y retorted Chloa,
with strong emphasis, and an air of in
linite superioritj, "his mime was
llooster?"! repeated, vainly scarch-ine-
my memory for the name pf some
arTist resembling this euphonious appel
lation Sudilcnlv a light llashcd upon me.
"Jos' so. sar jes' so! Dai's do
berrv name!", and Dorkcv c:ist a tri
umphant glance at his mortified better
half. "She think she mighty smart
woman, sar," he whispered. " but elm
don't know cVnU:i 7. He, he:
Leaving them to settle this difference
of opinion :is they might, and declining
the hospitable offer of a watermelon.
whilo I slipped something into Uiioe n
hand as a soother of her wounded feel
ings, 1 returned to my tavern lodgings.
7.. ...... o.,.,.r -md thev were milking
Rrvants to help mm; T .r k f u
look alter thinjjs. .d Iicar one of
e added, quicWi. nl0tnins about
. -L ,inw hero ono
,. Avhcn no w. " ,, i.nntri,
T ..,.. -lllll llie,
the cows in the little meadow-pa el
through which my path lay. and 1
c-u-ht sight of Miss 'Mandy leaning
pcnlivolv upon tho rail-fence,, with a
unchdf llowersin her Imnil. which I
fet sure was intended for, me tortu-n-tov.
she had not perceived rue. and
I evaded the snare and slipped through
tlio orchard unobserved.
That tii-ht 1 wrote to Mr. Guy Roys
tcr artist; and in precisely ten days
therefrom received his niwvcr. m
Mv letter, ho said, bad followed him
omH-nboiit iii. . 1111 ." 'UUi ."'y
amous-tho viij;"'-" .skS. wiituu
accounted for the delay , . swcring.
Tho nicturo Treganhngwliicht-n-.. .
hid iee eopiwl by himself, some four
orfivvcaw previous, from an or.gma
portraU, belonging to Mr. Davis, at
whoso inn lie .?, at that timo staying.
Mr. Davis had allowed him to keep the
." .- . .. . l.i .1- r.F 1ms nl. I
original, wnicn was mu "" y- ;-.-
end and preceptor, a
them, out woirv.
till Till tui . . -wr nni'iiiiiit iktiv
,":: ;Vlon-r -ago. x j ---.. ft; butl-rtijft. Mt was a portrait. i i muiuoer
- ,..1! in:iLiA . . .
a iiiuo.-- , -- T-igm'
rs sot V for the market.
Would3.ou ". . cnrt . womaB
st cad j.
drivin' sort o
In? I would
gmart, stc.uorth ,m ord-uarj. dozeu
e .;VTAnd-kept housoand
9 ."". " iT..a;nnM for old Davis
a Vebcen glad to keep her. for we're
SSSrf a &od run o' -custom here,
13SS bea a little too hard on mv
SioiWw. considerin I'm not as young
I ufed to be. If Miss 'Mandy hadn't
hopped along jest about that time, I
don't skcersely know how 1 should a
rrot along. She was old Davis' cousin,
and come a long distance to pay him a
visit, jest in timo to find him dead; and
cjuaiinrrcea to stay awnue n ut "
alitlle for her board. She's mighty
Don't von agree win
And such store as
t n.L- en mtieh fntercst.
"The Tvrni's. of Marsden County."
Tho words'scemed to present so direct
a clue that, with a sort of romantic en
thusinsm, at which I have since mar
veled. I resolved to follow it up. It
was but a ride of forty miles to Mars
den Couutv a region famous for partridge-shooting;
and on this pretext I
Trent thither.
It was.easv to find the old family seat
of tho Tyrells grand-looking still,
though the picture of neglect and de
cay. A few of the old slaves still elun- sweetest ?tr.uns
to'tbe place, and spoke with affection-, the grass or grain, were not easily dis-
ate pride and regret 01 tneir loriaer covered, out some ot them were tound
turned "around in her'knittmg.
" What has become of Miss Hrown?"
I ventured to inquire.
"Well, she ain't very far away from
Kt far from here?"
Miss 'AlaiKiv broke into a laugh.
"Why, Mr. l'onm:n,u, tou don't
reall3 mean to sav that you don't knw
that 'm Hosey 15rown,"and that that's
mv portrait?"
I could do nothing l't stare at her
"To-be-siro, timo. and trouble, and
fever-'ji ague, do change a person."
proceedefiho lady, in a opreeatmg
tone "but I thought anybody could
sop. the likeness.
1 looked up, ami. sure cnougu. uuto
now d iwncd upon mv pen-option a
"host-like resemblance between those
two faces. Hut how could I otherwise
have over expected it?
"Thev use to call mo llosey fo- a
pet name," proceeded Miss Hrown.
i-oqucttishly, "be auso they said I
looked so blooming. Hut it came to mc
awkward in t-nic." st I dropped it for
nn real name of Amanda. Why Mrs.
llowling and all of 'em could have told
you thai I was Ilosei Hrown; and I'm
sure I thought cvcrbod3 knew the
portrait was mine."
I was loo much shocked to reply.
Hero had 1 been searching for weeks
for the original of that picture, onh to
find her where I ha 1 first seen her
under the pWtire itself. And now that
she was found, mv dream of romance
vanished; nor could even the thought
of her newlv-a hied golden charms
revive my interest in -ua liostiy
How sho re-cived Jr c2ianr of for
tune I do not kn-v. for I left the
" pinoy-woods" inn before the news
reached her, doing her the good turn
to conimun-eate lier wherea'wuts to
Mr. Walters; and so ny romantic folly
about a picture remained as it doubt
less deserve 1 a folly ta the cud.
Saturday Sight.
j Sky-Larks in New Jersey.
Oq the 1st of Ma Henry Hales lib
eratid at ltidgcwo'od. Bergen Couuti.
N. J, sevent-four of the sky-larks im
ported In I.W. England, and reports
tbf entire success of the experiment.
Aicr a few da-s' enjoyment of the
sweets of libertv the birds set about
lousekeejiing. Thev stole away bv
pairs in the fields and began nest-build-
mg. 1 tie mases oecame more anu more
voeai, and soared aiott aoove tneir set
tling mates and poured forth the:r
I he nests, hidden in
Sail an 1 Aslies for Anlina's.
This subject h:n been froqiu-nt" dis-cus-cd
hitherto, cspueiallv tiie r.e of
salt tor farti stock. That all domu-diu
aniinals do letter where thev are con
stantly supplied with salt I atn perfect
ly atitied iron, experience and long
observation. Tht only ease where salt
seems to do injury is where cattle lme
been long wit ho it it. and then on giv
ing them all thev are in lino I to con
sume. I am wH'iiig to own that it is
temporarily injciious. not becatije the
article is of it-w'.f bad, but beca-isc of
taking too ninth at one dose. Tho
proper way to feed .-n't is to place it
where tho stoiic can go to it as they
please and taky what inev are inclined
to eat. Novel mix it with their food,
so that thev fcro omjieded to take it
whether theyMish it c not. More and
boucr buttercan be made from tho
milk of a cot' when t-ho has her free
supply of salt than from one entiiel
deiii-ived of it, or laving an iiTcg-ar
smmlv, and it a' takes ess tune to
..i.V...," ti... ..mwii. Nature requires salt
I UUHi li! . . .
ui am 111 t-re.ervmg neaitii
her feece and lamo.
Cri-.m sauce for pmbling. To
make a bowlful of cream sail e take a
piece of butler the -i-- f : SIitl eg;
and be.i' it up with powdered uzar
until it is a light e.eim. Then s.-: it
iis:de Then in'o a stn ill tins nee an
put a eo'letvupful of water and add to
it a tea-poonfi.l of Hour mixed in a '
lifle cold water. Coo'; this thoroughly
until it is Ho thin star.-h. Then ta'e
up thebiittir ami sugar mixture, and j
while 'ou aie beating it energetically
let some ore. pour into it slowly and 1
gradually the hoi four sa-ice II tho
beating is tot stoppe I for a moment I
the whole ttuce will rise and l.e as
$01 fro'h. Flavor with vanilla. This
. .... t i ... 11.....
is the ijiist si ice maim. 1 oiaiu uwin
is sometimes used instead of wheat
1 1 -to is a ro-too for cofl nko
wbi.-b is sure to please aav one who is
mer coats. I wo of ti-i
which Pr. Frcit g. of 11
meutcil in this wav were
vhiiliht'.I.Mittnir en iftlii -. '
wiek. their Ixm!:i -. i- r
w " ,Ch
r long
ts poti
ei ai-
ot very
SkIu j fv
iiuicui. ai.u
they ga'mcil fr.mi , t iptiou -0-n
1 kdograiiiuios in weight m 1 .ghSeen 'ys.
1 In the meantime tin worMd tiore will-
inglx and with grc i'r '. t Jian tb-lj
had'ever done, a ! Hi n w
oi.mIv break into a rp -. .fjon. Ono
i little", badly groitmd and l.iU-st ir)ed
I pon3 which was ii'mi ' il l Sht-t -eal-'
meiit-the nuts bti. g in xi I felh ther
food gained thoti-th 1 e I. Wfrra inie
I in twentv ei'jht d.u-. at.I tl. leh 1 ' first
he wa-. lnv and sU-cpi. i'l aiiior lime
Uus:.inu hU'oV. and spinli 1.
sists 111 diijesiion
other was.vAkh
tion. For ijittle
as well :is in man
I need not here men
it pasture lumps may
fund of coffee "as a l,eer.'gu.
, . ,.t- fctruiiT rollce. one cup
in liasses. one -! "f !"-ll'r' 0u C!,P "
su-'-ir ono-'-'P '" raisms. and ono of'
currant--'1'''111" cxllH " m"tr. one nut- j
., ,jatcd, one leaspooniiu 01 cuma- ,
g 1 - . tit 1 1 t
,ri, 11:111 a leaspooiiwn 01 suua ur .sai- ;
i-atis. m-x the oulter. molasses and ,
sugar together, stir the spices into thu j, dissolve the soda, stir thu j
co -leu atid llour in by degrees, ami
in the fr.nt. Hake in a slow
the tin well. and. unless
will not flake
l c-tern 1 mon 1 c
the inventor wbi hh
nil-til sextuple te'egia
Cincinnati paper .
to II. C. Nichiil-ton, .1
.... 1 .. v
; 'i in- twiu
! '
tPfc Tt7BnLP
JTor Olillla aritt Jf
CMW4 ff TMlrtl rIMil m 11
Lri. fi.i. r.,i.vFa!
Pt-cormtn or
fWr all IkM rhrl Cmflttali aW TTf tit
riiaaK lnr tl frl ymUllwi.
It win rar raOnly Xh font farm r f I mkU C"t.
f4mlnU.TlcrrrlntrrU,InrUaavl! tnl n-wr.
Un. Thlitfg ul 4ts4rrtqBU. ai4 U r-jT
Nr4aal W, aX 1 Jrtlculilj- UrU4 to lAa
It wl3 1t 0 nvti teraors turn Uv ta
aa rlr rf V,l.f!oMl. Tli wJnrt U A
rrroot hairwft tiirm U twkl t ry jlBr "
It rrss-rtM t altw. Unkvr. dlrrr all c1b
for rUrali, art rln naknn f th Ha-A.
I'LUX. -and All Uewol Cshii
Tbo w-ri4 liaa tvasr r-rtrfil IU i
l'V S'll
tlltt.llliHt MHI1.I.I.I
frff Afl1 "4 Wtn l The
ttaxt. lJWr !. .Iihm na s
Ilia In ixirHll'l limiH I will IMI
i irns". nw.ii.n ia-.r ins
;n4JM. Af t stnn.lNTUIMI
1 lm;nin 1 1 i 3 n, r-ji
ellf Hettf"" - Uh
1 JJrti. tVn lit! 1M0X rt KtI!N tK,
The .?.'t.ysj rciard ob'"' H I U we- gia.a. 4va. .rwii ittutim.
I'liion Ulegundi & r...ViWi - ..
lastly pir
oven, b.ii'cr
vou are sure
vour oven
n aw
l. lie is the brol'.cr id tli vcii
S." H. Nichol-iiii, and b,.i:i MFcin
j iiie as a printer n tt:e Mmce
I Monitor, then puti'Mi'd L-. tfce II
! II. .Siaiitun. Si.b-i .en 1 IJio t-
medicine and le-cni.e a j raUon rf but
j his ta-te, incliu-r.g h 1 1 to ent: q in
I vestigation. ho a tc'lKtraf 'opo
j rator, and has iuee u id akctr t'iiy a
! tudy of hi life. il 1 lin ci ;aged
! for iminv M-.irsupon his prtscnt iiVcn
Hon. C
n. K.
be laid in 4i- convenient place where
a board came fixed toshel'er from the
rain and stilliallow "tiifstoek free ac
cess. At th banrW lumps can bo
placed iimler pe shea or in some oilier
c-onvenie-itsp(i 15u ottenlimes stock
seem to rceuiil an a kali as well, and
that ij mat ooineiiieiitly supplied in
wood ashes, vh c'i i.orses. cattle, sheep
and swine rill
they have in o uorumuy. Jhc-c
should also c supplied where th- stock
can hao a-ces to them as desired.
The allies stoti l be from good sound
wood and kitit tity.
When desinibiJ to keep cattle at
pasture and thereus no shed to shelter
the ashes and --.ilt.a conven.ent trough
may be fastened Ittwecn two po-ts. on
top" of which are Listened two planks
or boards as aioof t,o shelter from rain.
The posts should he long enough so
too bird. oti had better nut a paper in
the bottom of the tin. This cake keeps
well. With more fruit it makes a good
fruit cake. lltufer-j Hural.
Value of the
in Dcstroring
The observation" I have been able to
mike during a re-idenco of several
vears on a farm have convinced mcthat
xrecdilj deiour when I the common house wren is really one of
cur mot vaUiaole birds not perhaps,
from wnat thev have done, but lrom the
Two brothers m I.' .moil, , ate
. . .. ... i ... :2.r.-i t
engaged in a imier anu tl peii-- jaw-
:. h '!
t-ve bodi
nil over the owr-cMi p 11
5ecmj to be strietiv a fun IV
l-hilairlpli'ii TJmo4?
WVll Anil n : i"
Hello! Denny, is tl.trou leT"
"Oh! Tinall'brcke up."rrM the r
pon'ctothcln'itiiryof an oIdUhlp :ialo of
William . DennMrn, on oi:Tra rtpuV
war-worn vctonns, vc:i-tnCT is tho
aouthcrn fcctlon of th'.s c.jjrwlJo am
litnphi'; Into the Americin cum ye leruay.
"I thousht I woiilir.i
possioiiilius wrapped up m their dimmti-
ics. Ihev are quite as social 1
as the purple martin or the bluebird, i Mitfered o much in my bfc.
of these in i mitic gout no bad that I con.
tin!laT.the hattcbes
till time," continued Drnni-M
mat the trongli 1113 oe
twenty inches abob the
and gre itlv surpass either
tne r.iptdit with which the3 increase.
I negan several years ago to provide
them with nesting places in the vicini
ty of my buildings. Sometimes I
fastened the skull 01 a hoie or o.w or
a -mill box, in a tree top. Hut latterly
eightee 1 or I have made it a practice every s ring
ground, and ; to obtain thirty or forty cigir boxes
!. " 1 tievcr
IaWltl otbeu-
rout no bail urn 1 eon. i mi? ;' mo
bed or put my foot to tho V.yW aaJ ould
invK lrrn there vet If a frien.ipiMri tux rcc
snrv and smarL
"Kir fVuirtonav?
mu, " . .:. . ..
she sets on vou 1 ny, sr.e saxs w-'"
a perfect gentleman; and it was sho as
br'nedOio partridges for your supper
last night, with her ovn hand. Ana
.1,1-k- rimmi1: tii included Mr.
Rnivlina-. hnstlino- nn. sljthatXd better
be scein' after dinner.
pfease'are shelled."
1 turned fiom the
jay uown on the o,
facing the picture.
newspaper, but the 1
bvr that these
chlEjrjey-piece smileq
tneifornersof the ripT
downward in a - 0f
oft- nnt;i r j'PPeii .! 1
into artih'aiiep.v..
window and
-led Ho read a
" eves over" the
at me, and
ips curved
tic mocK'
owners, "who all passed away.
Twenty years ago, they said, there
bad' been old massa and missis, nj
vonng arso Ham-, mndIiss Lillvip.1
liss Lucia. Miss Lillv married ami
went North, where she djed of grief f,ir
loss of her husband. Next Miss LuCh
died in 'New Orleans, of jellow .ever
and old massa and missis s'oon folloiveif
Marso Harry had been wild-like and
never Trvcd on the plantation; and it
xraspow hardly a month sin-.-cthev ha 1
heard of his death; and iyhac was Vco
to happen next, or who the pla- w
".TIM i" 1 i U DOt tCl1-
"What became of Miss Roseva'T
said, at a venture. " -"
3l.le.?.-V0H meansMias
They contained four or five freckled
eggs of a greenish-gray cast. Like
other nests placed on the ground, some
of them have been visited bv cats or
other predatory animals, but in other
cases the eggs have gone safely through
the process of incubation, "and the
t young larks real American-born sky
larkshave appeared. There is no
question that the youngsters will take
care .of "themselves, and, barring acci
dents common 'to all birdlings, reach
maturit. Hackcnsacb Bejm'jlica
t "J..JJ--
Snow, Cake. Two caps of white
sugar, one cup of batter, one cup of
sweet mllfc four cups of llour. three
leasooonfuls of baking powder and
thcro must be room' abovo between it
ami the roof . allow of free access to
the salt or ashis. This answers for all
stock except jheep and swine, which
can have the troughs lower. I believe
that if ; constant supplv of salt and
a.hes is proved whero all kinds of
stock can have access to them very
much lo'" dWiia-o 2li, ......
among farm sto?k; I have never kn-iwn 1 brobuT of xoun
I. , , vltT)
ior tins purpose, it me oox is long
and large. I put a partition across the
middle, and make a hole through in'o
cieu apartment. It
that these boxes are
one of the-e little f:
msiauccs tvi iiioowT arc
reared in rataWr?tino--Dbicu.
1111 hiYJ,rtr a a1-."''!! mi iieu
is veri
not oc
ino ajw-rth
MomfTr St. .
akTTv'bc tl!
11 most
annua U
no of
out tbico
bots, cjIic or worms m horses where
ashes rtn.l Jalt were thus furnished.
Cor. Country UcntfaiKin.
Htm It Wa; Settled.
When the Eric Hailroad went no
further than Turners Station, fifty
mtles from Net York, the engineer on
that and other roads wss in the habit
of running the train according to his
own judgment, the conductor being
counted out altorcthcr. Csptain Avre
the conductor of-be Erie train, con-ist-ing
of engine, freight cars and passen
ger cars in the rear, did not fancv this
!ahion. and deterevned to trv a" new
plan. He ran a ttout line from the
passenger car and fastened i to a log
of wood on the locomotive, mi told m.rvf 11... r ctrk.x .1... HrH ..1 t
"it viiim-i.. wi uiuji uiu u.iiu nen ne i
raised" the stick. Tue cngimer on J
starting cut the stick- oose. Then next :
dav- the Captain riggeilup his and
stick ot wood again. "Abe. ' said he,
tr irns sir little linn.
gry birds each time, or eighteen in all. .
I think a cigar box- never before did '
better duty. The lamented Robert
Kcnnicott stated that a single pair of
wrens carrie I to their I'oung about a -thousand
insects in a single dav. Like '
a 1 young, rap-dly growmg birds, they '
are known to be vor.ic ous eaters, liv
ing entirely upon insects. The point
upjnwhich most stress may be laid is
this: That bi them with nest-
ing places in our canlcn. orchanls i
or grounds, and not allowing them '
tobe caught D3- cats or scared away by
m'sehiftvous boys, we may have score. ,
if not hundreds of them about us during
most of the time in which insects arn
destructive. Thev undoubted
to the same localities vear a
Last sea-on I had up about thirty
these nesting-boxes, and all but two or
three, whi -h were not favorablv located.
were occupied. My crop of wrens
co:ild scarcely have been Jess than one
hlindrAiL and tiff-r an.I t U nlrl hlnl
onunendedSt- Jif-obs 0 ! to m
.ome time before scttin.-; a I
(tunniikinnthTonc of tin
nostrum: but was finally in 1
a trial, anil a lucky day It was
b!c; my stars! after bathing
oucbly wlih the Oil I ft
fait li was jii-m-'d to St. Jac
rthat. I freely v If
Jacobs Oil I Jh'iu" I la
be tlll bou-wi. Jiy i;
little and the -wo'bn-c his
.. it luit anrthinr of t
ei-rr heard of and any pcrso
,.l iViam tn ma at No. I?alS
Fm-ErN' thouial dinti--
TD.itive American.
rr.or. IlKLL'.-fir't exiKfH
ftructin; the teleptwnc werel
STn.iwnr.r.r.v hortcaVe at
Tal I charniln-; stua 10 eau ; fmi tn who cet tal
X.. ...... ..---- f
Motion J'oC.
. lAiklni?
m live It
lb b'thor-
lf and my
. fclsOIl
ot been
pn ai)ilit,
m im but
re j aed
Ui II bare
fc iitbtstt
So ItjTectb
titufe th6
t ta con.
eB -. festl-
w- Irre"
rrta dm! to nsrt from t.
and sometimes it is even -jrwdiiricujt to
get away Xroai tbo-e we don't lere.-i'Aai-atltJua
Sun. ?R .
A uttle boy, who Is In thlt if fay
ing bis pmyrr- N-:ore et-nir
-r r,i..v,t ,Af, hU metier:
'y return ) lonz will it te bef-re I'm big
Iter vear. ay!nr my prajer- 'io'-Jirr;'l
thirty o! doy0u?' "A'fLr
and felLLhousekee
hSSf-i? hl,..l of eighteggsffTavorwith lemon
. L
" r,w ""u. el . sv.o
Weeds are generally the" earb'sit
crs in a garaea Deo.
tins rn:nf s r-oi toioe settleii nm trm? I ;n,i t.-s -;- -:.k...,: .1
, ,s- e? , -; . - --.. 1 ....v.. .wo M.u. ., uiiiiiusit nucu iiiev were
r,"1l.. -ll.lT trtil.1.- It tl.Al r.Tl- .( -.. .!......: 1 .-, 1 .. ,
v. mi, u.i.v.1 .v. ...,. . .-uw. jl niiL ua uui,v in ouiiumg tneir nests or
wood is not on the ead of th".s cord foe.l:nnr thir vot'tir tv. .:-..-
when we get to I timer s you ve got to sprng 1 intent! to put up at least a bun
lick me or Til lick voc" The stick dred of these nesting-boxes in w
was not on the string when the train
reached Turner's. The Captain pslled
off hi- coat and told the engineer M get
off of his engine. Hammildeclmel to
get off. Captain Ayres ciimbed lo the
engineers place. "Hammil started to
jump off on the opposite side. Tho
conductor hit li'iu unJor the ear. and
saved him the trouble of jumping. That
settled forever the question of authority
on railroad trains, and was the orig.n of
the bell-rope on railroad trains. Ictroti
Free I'rcss.
Two brothers named Bowen, plow-
'ma r.eiu iiuur Vjiarivsviue. .-iriv..
. .. i-rii.i 1 .... . r.
mstanuy kiuu ov iigtunmg. x.t-
ery boae iatheir body -wa broken.
m mv
orchards and groves, and I have no
doubt I shall be repaid a hundred thou
sand fold for the little labor it cost.
As long as thev come back
every year and in constantly increasing
numbers, and. serve me so well, I shall
do all in my power to protect and en
courage them. And I am of the opin- J
ion that when one species of sociaL J
useful birds can be made to congregate .
in such njusual numbers, others will
come also. Bat the hard.ness. sociabil- '
ity, love of the locality where it is '
reared, and wonderful fecundity of the s
little house wren, render it in my jndg- 1
raem. one of the most valuable of our j
insectivorous birds. Cor. American
Saluralitt- j
Lot., nhonldn't a-k -o raj
tolepf raycMd.
a vKT-itiini.!ncii inJl:
Tt...- .41.2 . biL.r.t-r
for tbe future? Uaca b
As rvrRTOorY !IlTf-.
cr.m.lMfif nf a font. 1. i.uJ
all are more than haJ i-bt-
It !a onitc the tidnS to LJ
old shawli and eTen old drej
narlors- A NVw York ladf 1
n rttrtirir- i which she ha.s wted bit of I
-wr. .--.. ... -. - -. ...1
tn arefse, nca rrtxaae?i
produces to entertain -w.r il
wBonavea'i a graouuj.-.
euvy ber.
Vhex Is a sain Hie
"When he reflect.
. tkeota-
m, Sow
'll IO quit
r 7oar.
I; iii.ii
oif. Go
Tal fte of bKXbir-..- -raaiia rsJn.wtlfSt
aad Uutttr, U ala;t i miy ur4 I17 Ua &.
UwUIU.llllrDiml nlr:itiNMiuiii wlln
barmnay vIlhlNaUvf thai rafr tt ll rtm
rcr Um enraof IU-lr Ona-alaU at ttMtmr w mm
OnmrKKiad l cnqqwt,
LYDiA r. I1.VCH itrn YEorrABtr ck.
reiT.YOli pmrml al ta as4 td Wti Aih,
Xjno,tw, ITl-IU RiWUrtfwIV, flratlirBii
tn Um farm of pUla, u1m la tU form ot l4rac. oa
irertpt of prif. 1 per ti t for Ur U ra. ItJi r
frrlr aaswwi all VUr tt taolrr ttnt tor li
Ut. A.-Umat as atu. KrUtom ll tr".
So rtm3r fhonU U wtUwQt LTPU E. ItXKIUJm
LIVER rtUS. lfcrr " cooatl:UVMi. btSMam
as4 UjrfLlltj ot U1ir. 2hU(rl.
Bold I17 RICHARD50X ft CO., It Unit, Mo.
fob sam: nr ihijoci,t.
1.1 ElIltEtt I.HJI U OR JT tj
TWal Aciasil',
jlzd tux mm
rff(i.K mirr.
cluMafa!lrhro!lhnrl4rr, IatBof)tala
tlccU, f '"i'.1 i:irnth timi .?
HOOI.KICH JU CO. ci arrrr XcvIimW
Ink for ThriwrmM
WenlfBTia. FfcriaSaterSSa.
lwtn4:Bj; all Iw.k arco4 lo
oiske Milti5-t wKh rasor.
Mnr r1aodr4 it not e&tlrt'
slf-torT AiMrt
Tl Aaltsaa & Tajir Cmfv
Mt&aficld. fUcfcUbd Co CS
Jtinnttt tit Ci0 litt.gtnt
humeri an lAttrjuri ont l i
that tKtmJUtU trpHfri MlXf.
pii.r.i. rTirATir. ci
iAt.n vrrKai
lwentl2f; arfli f Om prj
t Wf ffr ntllaa ki
Way tartt4 wlk ttlf, Cl
HIit trtthUm-rl lrf
WTiraiaraarta rMI M
r JU NE KT'1 '
m.t-rfi irr mm,
,mir"e' "r
ilriK. AltttoUir'-
lri. tr lbw 1
on- rr or
st Office.
A PjUms ltter aT:
kev ball the toilet of tbl
poem." ix this thio-r is 'o I
we have whole waste-oa--
tumes to giTe away. .&
Asmast little boy befae I
name of an article of Qt0&1
nra.rn f a --
him r fix ti
i 3
ISj -
I v
- , P"1
M,. x
. -.- .-
. . . Hlar
. rf.,UJ
Hi WsWiwBf 1
uaMci rMj
9vwlfik'o tn(al
ravi -.
J 9il ITVfx-'
js Ja""S-r
- a- -rf