ryiVWjT. 5; rn- i a-r. - t. . It i. a'I ". T1 s. " -. -?W ' .P- s .--i-V ''i" VVJ- .4'v -?4fe X. W : $ S a N, 0 fr- Y . Calfender, -)I5EAJX!IS IS( jB QA W a woaenu cn Dry ., iorf, cot V SIitM. II ATS AX CAP Drag, MtUciiie, Oils Tarnishes Paints Kte. (LASSwakk, yrtwsnAKa, . .... . .......... . HAEDWARE&HARIffiSS rrc, ETC., ETC, v x A fiuHinc of-ovcrylliinjrkcpt in Rgcn-U.ator;;.:Hrrlclrf--T CASH I-kicks. IlctiicclTiiUy, Moon & Callender. COWLES, - NEBRASKA. y w.ii i " a .1 nTTiT' I iiUJSt. &JnlJi;JK;JllJ, 1KD DKALES XW Drugs? Medicines. Paints Oils and Varnishes, A full .upjily of LAMPS, LAM1' SHADES, WICKS, CUMIJS JJItrSIIESC. J'atron.-tKC Milicitcd anl th.inVfuIly received. -Prc:riitiiin!' carefully cnui'OUJidtU" One tluor smith of (Jai Iter's store, KEI) CLOl'I), NEB. E. L. TINKER, (SucceB3otor O.A. Brown.) DEAT.HR IS Parlor, Bedroom FURNITURE Brackets, Chromos ' Picture Frames, Mattresses, Etc. C fTi nltrajr on band- ini'l tnminrtl jm short ii-vlii-o. 1'ricc -j low -f .inv ir.:ilr VHoy. Jui.aiiiiiH of all' kiwi" tlnue l'romtily and Hnlirfacitiry. Jkinal Robes fin limited at rcnsoiiablo nilta. RED CLOUD, --- NEB. Harness Shop, BY J. I. MILLER, Kttiif cuiittiiiilly on baud u full Line of HARNESS, COLLAKS, SADDLES. HOUSE-BLANKETS, .VJIII'S, COMBS, BILUSHES HARNESS OIL, And everythinjr usually kept in a first class shoj). TWO DOOItS NOUTII OK THE BASK. "T&8 Hifili3t Cosb Frico Paid for Bide: &nd Furs. Flour & Feed STORE, CHAS. E. PUTNAM, Prop. DEALER IN FLOTJE.PEED Corn. Maal. Dran Cbojr.-d Feed and GROCERIES), Vutttbo lied Cloud '(nwTV Feed and. Fro ri.ion sMrt when yuu-WMiH uMiie5 for tuan or ben.t. . . Uixhret market irirc ia rah paip fur arain All kind oTrouiitrv inlurc t iken n esrhanco (orifxnlit. liuuili dclirerod to all i-arts if town fie "1 olurvo. St-ire ouib of Kccd's YXu-x F.tnry,. Red Cloud. Nebraska. COME For Your LUMBER. DRY LUMBER A SPECIALTY. THS.BS8T IK ?8S MARKS? feolrt at I.nrat fWtw -BY- RED CLOUD NEB. Hoicomb Bros.,, Daalara U BAKBAS MDf? ji-rm JBr sZL . . .sz-.ar , 0 i i tMUii-'.f, r rk rroirictor of tho mpStore. f all klsda. -v. SLcy tell' CHEAP for CAS IT. and if tkey aa4 -Pt what yoa want. Icaveytw cricr-asd'tbcy-9ilinu it. , CALLONTMKM ?- 0a ior north ofaaeberVud 5Ir.ll0LC0MB will wait oa ye. -v atUf RED OL.Ot)Dr NEB1 . 1 w- i I ami 1 BB 1 I Jv" m m a .J3TT i- 1 aT Bm-Bta GCAL MATTERS. It V. K. K. Time Table. Tk See rfttl SbJt. Oct. 17. 1S90. Emtward Pawmtef leaw arriTM- Frrlcht JrmtM. arrife WMtwari Accnm' prea ...5;f,Cp.. .MM9 :40 a. aa. ft. arriTex n 9 s. as. RASTERS DIVJL5)5. Eastward A rrom. lfnr..8 -,". as. Train daily eiwpt Sssday. U. W. lijLBBKMK, A. K. TnctAti. Suari&tcndent. Geal. Maoacer. , l v intt"li jfs. 5..atl0a. l a . . tlOa.M.. And BrrarLSficltT iha vP. I - . - . r.-. r . - ?T-iar crery Kut& oxBiBit a-l cvmUtsT rrayw BMiicr e'en" TtmrMarinc All are cordially iBTitPU. 5 , tS COXOBEGATIONAJrclIUKClJ. PrwichiBr ereryirttiftttird Sablath of srh atpatb t 11 a. mj,wi,A p. oa . Uo on 6th, PabbjUh when rrrou'rHr. Sabbath Schorf''fcVry Habbath nmrnibc 'at 94 o'clock. XJt ueetlntt ertry edoJy ereaiBK. x r" Go to'Ttoliv's Ar Butter on iec. S T,ZJ.:.. ,. .:ii ,.,... i . ..i...:r..i uisiiii vmn inn cwun uu jiiuiiiitni. Live hogs are worth $4.75 in tliis ttiarket. Two second-hand :ile hy. Tlircsliors for S. F. Shipping tajj-? can be had at the Chief office. V; sell the A. &. T. Jc Minnesota Chief Threshers. S. ct F. Emigh Rros., huilding looks more like business now. A number of land buyers were in town last week. Two .second-hand Marveslers for sale, cheap by Spanogi.e & Funk. The county Commissioners were in se'dion last Monday. Headquarters for flour at Putnam's Flour and Feed Store. Bring your produce to Red Cloud and get the highest pi ice for it. The B. it M. depot at this place is the best railroad dpot in the valley. Lawn Social Friday Evening July 15, at Mr-J. W. Warren's, aJl are in vited. Aultman it Tavlor & Minnesota Chief-Thresher Extras, in Ktock, and for sale by, , Sfanogm: & tunk. Jake UTilier has put in a new front to his buildingand otherwise improv ed the premises. tr rome ot tne tanners are mowing. their wheat with the intention of making feed of it. Our car load of Randolph Headers, is being sold rapidly, call soon, at Si'ANocLK & Funk's. It is reported that the chintz bugs have taken the entire wheal crop over in Smith Co., Kansas. Call and get the names of just fifj It. It., Companies using the Eclipse wind-mill, Ukh.ky fc Tkkkins. Over 8,000 Eclipse wind-mills in use. every one giving the best of satisfac tion. Accidents to life and limb arc nu merously reported to have occurred on the 4th. Twas ever thus. The Chicago it North-Western R. It. Co., are using to-day G5 Eclip.-c wind mills, Besi.ey it 1'ehkins. It is the universal cry all over the land that Kendall's Spavin Cure is a I pojrtive cure. The Chicago, Milwaukee t St. Paul, It. It. are to-dny using 60 Eclipse Wind Mills. Sold by Besley & Perkins. Tenant Wanted. A farm to rent, 5 miles from Red Cloud. 1)0 acres under cultivation. Apply to J. Gauss ;lon nt ihu- Bank. 36tf Wo are glad to note the fact that the advice of the Chief has been heeded and steps taken towards the organization of a fire company in Red .Gloud. 1 1, is tho best remedy of the kind, the largest' hottfc, the cheapest in prise and is known as the Big Blood and Liver Curv We mean Dr. Mar shall's Bromolihc. Druggists are the agents. Wash Harvey was in town last Man day handing round the cigars on the strength of a bran new 4th of July boy at his house. Wash says the boy is JB'faror.of the administration and is woman's rightcr. Episcopal service will be held at the Congregational church on Sunday evening next, July 7th, at t9- o'-cloitkvRew-T. O'ConnclI of Ne braska city officiating. A cordial invi tation is extended to all. T-hc Eclipse 10 foot -wheel will do more wyirk than any 12 foot wheel made. It will grind4 bushels of corn an hour, as good as. you can get it 'Anne at the mill, besides pumping all the water for your stock. Call and ,soe. the Eclipse. Meeting of Sepnbliean Central Committee. There will be a meetingof the Wcb- pter. County Sepub'Iiban Central Com mittee at lieu Lloud .Nob., on Satur day July 16th, 1881, al 1 o'clock r. m. V. II. Stkohm., Ch'n. , T. J. Mb'ody, Watch-Maker and Jeweler, is now- prepared to repair WatchesGIoeks, Jewelry and- Sewing uuactunes. Ail work neatly and tohtsplyk done en short! notice. Cash 'pa:& for old gold and silver. First door nortlvof A. Cook's Boot and Shoe-store, 3foitv9L. Sd Cloud. - Anyone desirous of purchasing a wind-mill that will grind feed, shell jcorn, pump water and saw wood, are requestcd'to call- at lictr eiab Bros., and .sec the Huzen miib work. Just the thing that every farmer who owns cattle or hogs noods;- it will pay for itsolf in a short time Call . at Hol corab Bros., and sec thermal! work. No rattling noise about the Eclipse wind-mill. Nojpinls to get out of order and wear loose. No complica ted machinery; but built of the' very best material of wrouaht,. instead- of iit-iron,.havisg'moro square feet of receiving surface; atuC I5 port eenn, more nower. We claim the JSclioso is the best mill made, the most reliaH ble and the cbep5t jo the-long. run. We only ask you to -call and see it, -we don't ask you to bty it unices we can demonstrate eisrvf asserlum ire make. "Besley & Perkins. . - Dif dy fe tixr m future. Dj3rUinito grow shorter. Crej came down from the range tast week. J. S. Gillian orated at Nelson on. the fourth. j T 1. .."r. . .. r..; yl P auviw vui hw miu ludiive cnoaruilcr, it m likely to w up. Jf & Han'eat has commcofedin some tMLrb; of ttto i-cwtntv Cr Jr Emigh' BrtmQ' building greater. xucy wani jcjre.rooni. We hfS&jib complaint as to the licaof tlTe festive potato bug. Sfo "kinds of job printing neatly and cheaply executed tit the Chief office. Mr. Harvard, living near Clovcrton, had a span of mules and a horse stolen last Friday night. An Indiana prophet predicts the end of all things earthly at midnight on the PJth of November, 1SS1. The Presbyterian Congregation will meet for service next Sabbath evening at 8 o'clock in the nchool house. A number of law suits were tried before Judge Wilcox htfct week aaid. the lawyers reaped a harvest, we- pre sume. We never heard of so many people being killed by lightning in a single season as there liu;, been the present summer. The Amcttier Red Cloud B. B. C, will pl.-.y the Superior nine a game of bae hall on Thursday the 14, at Red Cloud. Last Friday evening the atmosphere was cool and pleasant aiMl was greatly relished after the hot weather we had been having. While some fields of wheat have been entirely destroyed by the chintz bugs, taking the county as a whole, the wheat crop will be a fair yield. Last Monday a farmer's team ran away down in the south part of town, with a wagon loaded with machinery. We did not learn the extent of the damage. Gov. Garber has received from Lin. coin the plans and specifications for his new brick store building, and will, we understand, proceed to build at an early day. All who arc interested in organizing a fire department, are reqested to Lmeet at'Bcsley it Perkins hardware store, Thursday evening next, at eight o'clock sharp. The chintz bugs have injured a number of fields of wheat in this vi cinity. Their ravages seem to be confined principally to the farms adja cent to the river. W. E. Thorne, living near .Wells P. O., met with a serious accidunt on the 4th. While engaged in driving cattle he was thrown from his burse and had ins shoulder badly injured. 1 Mr. J. O.Riley, of Oak Creek, was a caller at these headquarters last Sat urday, and renewed his subscription to the Chief. He reports everything prosperous in his section of country. .About nine years ago a man came to this county poor poor as a church mouse. He secured a county office and by strict nttcntivn to busines has emassed a competence! But the county is financially wrecked. -- An exchange says that the county treasurer of Pawnee county it- short on his accounts $14,000. In every county in the Mate where the county affairs have been looked into fraud and thefts have been discovered. Some one without the fear of God, sent a box of poisoned candy by mail to the editors of the Sheridan J'ost with a request to try it and give it a puffin the paper. It laid the boys out for about four day?, but they finally recovercd. Mr. John Sabin has taken charge of the Guide Itock House, in that village, and has fitted it up for the accommo dation of the public. Give him a call when you go to Guide Itock and he will give you satisfaction. See card in another column. We feci constrained to offer an apology for the miscmble print on the Chief last week, which was caused by the "devil" spoiling the roller by washing it with concentrated lye, just before we went to press. He say3 he J won t do it again. The contest for county office this fall promises to be a warm one; as usual the number of patriotic citizens who are anxious to sacrifice them selves for the good of their beloved country and the "dear people" is large and constantly increasing. Last week H. S. Kaley went to Lin coln to avail himself of the benefits, of the mineral baths at that place and upon being examined by the physic ians there it was discovered that a blood tumor had formed on his left- arm. The physicians think that the limb will have to be amputated. We learn that Mr. and Mrs. Fair child of Riverton, Franklin county, and their little boy were struck bj lightning last Sunday evening. Mrs. Fairchild and the little boy were in stantly killed, Mr. Fairchifd will re cover. They had taken refuge in a machine shop during the Etorm. x A lengthy communication for the women's column, sent in for publica tion this wcekM rejected. It is writ ten on both sides of the paper, neces sitating re-writing before going to the printer, and we have no time to copy manuscripts unless they at least pos sess the merit of being original. ,,From all parts of the count' comes complaints of miserably rough roads and bridgeiessstreams and 8 per cent. buces4. The people are tiegininjr torc alizothc fact that there L-t nothing to show" for. the enormous burden of taxes xcept' what property J. A, Tul leys has saved from the wreck, and the money he has taken care of and placed at interests w... r-r late lOUrtk lta celebrat r i home of TVW.- Harvey in a festive raannerAvotini' (lenr.-o Washing ton j . -- .----- '"n dA"hl- Z.Tit r.r.n .j .. tV,AA -E I . .. rJ ,. uraiur. and nun ltirru!i..l tnnair for the occasion. A few days after wards W. W. says he .-w hurried ofl" to the Pot Office by the ywiug gen tleman to procure some papers that were sound on the question of the day such as the Red Cloud Chief, and the Omaha Republican. ' --- . w Gujok Rock Nsn., June 25, 1S.51. This is to certify that my lois by fire June 13, 1SSI, ha, been adjusted by Walter I). Hill, and the insurance has been paid by the German In'. Co. of Fret-port III. to my entire satisfac tion. And I take tde.isure in rec- commcuding this Co., to the people of uoeiur ;inu adjoining counties. J. B. Saiun. Agent C. W. Kalev, Red fiord Neb.. N.J. Hengen, Blue Hill Neb., and John Mar-d., (Snide Rock, Neb. BASKET MEETING, Christian church at Lost Creek, will hold a basket meeting in the grove on John 1L Williams prcmie, nine milss south-east from. lU?d Cloud, the fo'irth Lordsday of July, commcnciti'' Saturday evening at Iamplighting. And a general invitation is given to all, v;e earnestly solicit atf pulpit help we-can-get. Service as follows: Ser mons at 1 1 o'clock and 2 on Lordsday. Come one, come all; James S. You.no and J. T. Mahtin, Elders. Henry Laverty nnrt with" n scrious misfcrtnne lat Sunday one that came near terminating his earthly career. Among his cattle is a rather vicious bull, which fortunately for Henry, has had his bonis adorned with bnuss knobs to prevent the infliction of se rious injury to the other cattle. When Henry went into the posture lost Sunday the bull attacked him. en ergetically, and had it not been for the interference of some of the neigh bors who happened to be near, would doubtless have ended his earthly pil grimage then and there. We have not been able to learn the full extent of his injuries. ThcW. C.W.S. S. met July 1st, pursuant to adjournment, at the resi denceofMr.C.C. Van Atikcn. Vice- President, Mrs. Dixon in the chair. Meeting opened with singing a beau tiful piece entitled, "Your Mission." Minutes of the previous meeting read and approved, followed by the singing of the constitution by the membeis present. On motion Mrs. Kate Jud son was by acclamation elected Vice President for Inavale precinct. Read ing of an e.-say by Mrs. Warner, subject, "Our Mission," moved and carried that the e-say be published in the women's column of the Red Cloud Chief. Select reading, subject, "What women have done who exer cie the elective franchise." Appoint ments made for literary exercises of next meeting, consisting of an essay, select reading and music. Adjourned to meet on Friday the loth inst., at the residence of Mrs. F. H. Gore. All arc invited to attend. E. B. Knioht, Sec. . Last Tuesday a few of our citizens accampauicd by their wives and sweet hearts, went down the river on a pic nicing excursion. A Chief reporter who accompanied the expedition, gives a doleful account- of the affair. He says that the pieiiicers expected to find a grove in which to hold their picnic, and also expected to meet the Guide Itock folks, but they fauVcd to take an interest in the alfair and did liot come out to any alarming extent, ouly two couples of Guide Rock people being present. The reporter says that the worst feature Of the whole business was the fact that they could not find a grove, and after driving four or five miles down the bottom, through an interminable growth of sunflowers with the hot sun boiling down upon them and the dust rising and choking the breath out of them, they finally brought up in a swamp, and there where the lizzards play hide-and-go-seek among the rushes, and the wall eyed bull-frog croaked his dissatisfac tion at the unusual disturbance un der the balmy shade of the festive wild sunflower, the travel stained wan derers partook of their melancholy meal. But the young folks managed to upset some of the buggies on the return trip and otherwise enjoy them selves as well as though they had been to a real picnic in one of nature's noble groves. We Eave Heard it Sail, That the comet Is fast disappear ing. That the corn crop will bo a heavy one. That Hoicomb is running a grist mill. That Kaley will start for Germany in this month. .. That there will be a "new deal" in politics this fall. That Dr. Moranville enjoys a good practice at Guide Rock. That Tom Vaughn's cow path is now without a bridge. , That a part of the school board don't care a "darn" for what the peo ple think. That there will be a fair crop of wheat in the county in spite of the chintz bugs. That they are having an interesting timo over the emyloyment of a teach er in this district. That the Chief is welllikod by the people of the connty, irrespective of political faith or religions creed. Sett Your Land By advertising it in the Chief. No charge for advertising unless land is sold.- Woman's Column. Hero is for the nomtns column etr f , other about rro:u t aufTf-.ige, I VdU W?ln r . , , iojm from the ?pcet! f wjtu ouotati I 1 ... -.. . ,.-.. . .. .... .. . wouii .-iiuui uii. in tne rmii rarti - ment. on '-Siitrm..f f,.r Wnmon " "Lrbeeir, to propose an extension of the suffrage, which can excite no party or clas feeling, which cannot ofiend tho mxt jealous democrat ps an infringement of popular riglos, or privilege granted the one chv of no cicty at the expense- cf another. There i- nothing to distract our mind from the simple considerations, wheth er there i.s tuy reasonable ground for estluding an entire half of the nation. r -" --..-., rsot only from actual admission, but from the very jvsibility of being ad mitted withuathe pale of citizenship, though they may fulfill every one of the conditions legally and constitu tionally sufficient in all casei but this. There : no other example of an ex clusion which i? abioluto, neither birth, nor intellect, nor cxeitiou nor merit, nor fortune, nor cen accident, can cnauie any woman to nave nert voice counted in those common con cerns which touch her and hers as 'iear!y u- any other person in tho na tion. This exclusion violates the ablest of our constitutional axioms, a principle-clear to all reformers, and acknowledged by all conservatives that taxation and repre.cntation should be co-extensive, that the taxes. should Ihj toted by those who pay them. Politics it is said is not a wom an's business. Well I ant not a war that politics is a man's business either, unless he is one of the few who is paid for devoting his time to the public service. The great majority of men have their own business which cngro-sess nearly the whole of their time. I have not heard that tluwe who vote arc worse merchants, or worse lawyers, or even worse clergy men than those who do not. Tho oc cupations of most women arc likely to remain principally domestic, but the idea that those occupations are iu compatable with taking an interest in national allairs, is as futile as tho ter ror once sincerely entertained lot artisans should desert the work-shops and the factories, if they were taught to read. It may be said that women can take interest in a great natational question without having a vote. They can certainly, but how many will? All that society and education can do is exhausted in inculcating on women that the rule of their conduct ought to bo what society expects from them, and the denial of the vote is a proc lamation intelligible to every one that society does not expect them to con cern themselves with public interest. Why the whole of a girls feelings and thoughts are tamed down by it fiom her earliest school days, she does not take the intere-t even in national his tory that a boy does, because it is to be no business of hers when she grows up. If there are women, and particu larly there are now, who do care about these subjects mid study them, it is because the force within is powerful enough to bear up against the worst kind of dislargcineiit, that which not, by interposing obstacles to be strug gled against, but by deadening the spirit which paced and conquers ob stacles. We arc told that women do not wi-h for suffrage. If this be so, it only proves that nearly all women arc still under this deadening influence, and the opiate still benumbs their minds and conscience. But there arc many women who do desire the suffrage and have claimed it by petitions to this house. .How"do we know how many more thousands there are who have not asked for what they do not hope to get, cither from fear of being ill thought of by men, or by other wom en, or from the feeling so reluctantly cultivated by the whole of their edu cationaversion to make themselves conspicuous. Men must have a great plenty of sclfdelusion if they suppose that leading questions put to the ladies of their families or of their ac quaintances, will elicit their real sen timents on the subject. No one is so well schooled as most women arc in making a virtue of necessity. It avcrst little to disdain earning for what is not offered; and frankness in expressing feelings that may be dis agreeable or unflattering to their nearest connections, is not one of the virtues which a woman's cdncation tends to cultivate. At all events thoe who do not care for the suffrage will not use it; or if they do they will vote as their male relatives advise them and no harm would be done. - Those, whether they be few or many who do value the privalegc, would ex ercise it and would experience that stimuluos to their faculties, and that widening out liberalizing influence on their feelings and .sympathies which the PUiTragc seldom fails to exert over everv- class that is admitted to a f hare tn it. Meanwhile an unworthy stigma would have been taken off the whole sex, the law would have ceased to stamp them as incapable of serious thing, would have ceased to proclaim that their opinions and wishes do not deserve to have any influence in thitipsi rliieVi rnnrorn fTnm eoimllv I witrVraen, and in many that concern ! them much, more than men. They would no longer be classed, with chil- drcn, idiots, an lunatics, as incapable of taking care either of thenwclvcs or others, and needing that everything should be done-for them-without .ask- ing this consent; If no more than one woman in twenty thousand- used thc Tote, it would be a gmin to- alii womenj to- be declared capable of using, itl ETcn so pure a theoretical cnfrancfciscmcnt would remove an. artificial weight from thc expansion of their faculties, thc real evil of which is far greater than ihe apparent. COJWSS Final Proof Xoticcs. r0 8,J ''O tbrrroMfof, u-t uVkm !K,),l?J' ! a SrTX 1 K-Ciwsd. Nctv.aStariy AirK Ji. JMt. J ma mm m1 ir i iur T Jntri.Ar-u I ?- 1lrr ? " l" '-" K lava i ctrta tnu If -l .--. k. .i- Mi.n 3S lota ta - I rr fc cn 9fan trt Jce bm. Jf tiMha e.' mM Ut4 rtr ." V!?- Jh & J.,C. Alt UaJ.Chsr'c R U .11 S ,tU Xefc jajllaotil .s.w jsWITZI-K. ;ri.;rr. L4 0neat BUr,Bs:,a .!. Jairr. Jw Xetfc i. bmby iai tt tb, fl.,h. wbt &m hi mi ev:e ai bit tnt.nl.. ,. t f , Vd entry No ,7. or to E v rtwo 32 I Mlf id '.-. I u trite itas..c tc rt ht e. ntioiMii Tw who!a lUafr U .f f tu NbL inrlJ.a.U tf. V . aWITZijR Hrctrtfr. LasJ f -re lloiaimtta XV. Jalr l,t 11. N?,l',! t,'Vr x4tpn lil ,h '"'"la north It -Jwh aJ wd-.m tbt l'lliB a b nof.M io rroT tK. uaao . n-!J- arn ana eu!:irau. u of iiid ia. t.i: .iii ll. nr. J.i b Chnbvf J -ho Swk and Mv$ l W illtatctoa. all jf B"n Nbruia. jojTaurl !?. 'H.6v,n7.Kll. ItrtM'rr. LaalOtCee at MeajlDcton.Nh. Jus II. 11. Xottc U b'Zthr f"a that lh- follawirc ..... .. . ...... ..V..IW ... .. . .......f.... ... , t-arr final entry thrrruf. proof to ho t-U lr- tor Jau-f. A. Tu!ljr. 1rk of tL t'ontt ef U'tLtcrcnunt st hit nOte. in K-J ClouJ Xel.. on FnJa . Wittnw K .Mt. lar.Juir n 1n-i. i h'J cntrr o.'.'(V.Jf.r thn s W , irtioa 1 town I north ranee 11 wfit, ao I tmM the fol loina s bi wltnM tit prorr hi. cotttlnoou rrtiJrnre ou anil cultivation of ai-l lrel t1: Jitnr 11. Miltsrr. HicHarh X I.. WitlUia t wlr ami Albert llrnty. all of f'lovrrton Xeb. JunrnJulr:l S. W. SVVITZKH. Kcfi.trr. LanJ Ofice at llloomlncton Nb.. June 11. Il. Xntlc ! hertb- ;Mren that the follosiln nnml rtt!r baj 5!e I notice of her intention to make Anal t-roof in suppirt fif her claim. anl .ecure 2nal entry tbcris.f befttte Jfctur A. Tul lei, elrrk of the rourt in Webster vunly at hit rUhec in Ited tloaJ eb., on SatctJay. Jntytttb j-ti. ri. I fey E. XtCKasr. h a entry Xo. llis for theM K . .m. 2ft town 3 north.ranrn lOms-u and natacui the ti1liin her rilnese !o ptove c ntinnuui residence on cu'tivatinn of raid traft ti lartd M. Kranex. Abram Well. Adam II. Sprachtr and lM .1 Heed all otCoio Xal... Junc-rjuly-'l S. W. SWIT7.KK. ltetatrr. u:a. i. xotice. In Justice Court Webster County Nebr'-u before Abtant Kairy Jujtice ot tar Peace. Ktl Cloud I'recmct. Mclvin C. Sherman. TUintiff. y. John W. Btntly. KcfenJant, I To John W. Ikntly DefenJant. Yon are hereby ntiti9el lli.t an action lit been commenced arin't yon in the. above named court by aiid ifelvm t. hbeyman l'l.nntilT to recover Kieinu of u3 Well Aujer and IerTtcV. and f r ten dtlvr ilirai ce.i for wronstully with-h"tditi aid property and tb.t unlew you appear and antwer. on ft befyro Jitl lMli. lsl; at V o'-lo-k . .. in Ize luent t ill be taVeu uimiot you for (aid proper ty tpccther with il"unce aid cwti MLTII I liKKHA.. I'UlOtiff. 15-15 EoKi C. IUwlit. hU Att'y. 1ICTICS TO 7SAC2SSS. Xotice !s hereby KWrn. hat I wilt ezamini Ii f r.oti. m ho oi i ilcir ! oRr lhejirtr 33 caudidtri lor U.uKcn of tho primary or iincidii fcbiijU .f Wobrter cuunlv. al Kst .'loud on t!.r firrt .otur'lay in tbo u. n)h I lbriiry. -'far Aiirri.t A Xovembet. At Hlue Hill pn tin. tiift silu'dii) in the ':) uusry. spnl. July id Vtolrr. At tluido Hock or. tin' til'-. .Saturday lu the sntJ.! .( lunh. June. Srtpl.-uitxi ainl I'wiraUr. Ka'uiUHltuii4 in i-wmBf nt souloek .u. A. A. 1'nra. Coua Sut erltitcndtm ot 1'ublic In.lrnct'on t-.,.j t l!:!h: 1 1 'V.-.1 r u J. r.rl ct il nisht nn I br-k n -f rir rrM. I.; .i uh bild to cr.it .TH'icrji"i with the C.litll iniiri: tain f' Cut Hi leih? If v. coat 'nee anil set a bii .f Mr. inIw's Smih inx eru. It mil r- i.v.i. llie j r Inlcu8ir er !' Iiate! d-i -n I uin it. theto ft no u.5 tat.c ..I. ''it it Thc-e a tu tthee on pjrth win. b t-rr ue i u. mIi u ill n t trll you At uni-i :ti it tt w II riiii i ihe tt li. jod kito ;ct lo the in' llur. .tn I rc'i' f and licli! to tha c'iIiJ. our.lifi: luc iB.tic. It cr.'ertly mfd . uc i- all cj-t.. a 1. 1 IcjJwut to the I iMa.and the prt-cri'tin of o f the oMt and lt ."caialc l'byiei.io and nuoco i'l the United btJte. a0id r trywhtrc. cent a boltle. Kvery poron during July and Au KiMt should take the dint-K daily of the Ilig 1'lood and Liver Medicine Dr. Marshall's Hromoline. Fifty cents a boltle. The largest Livery owner in Maine ues 'Kendall's Spavin Cure' with the hot sticce.. We to-day call attention to the ad vertisement of the J'iucki.y Asil I'it tkils, which "an be found ill another column. Thc-e Hitters are made front the purest ami bt material, and their tonic and cathartic proper tie render them superior to all other in disorder of the- Stomach, Howeis, Liver, Ac. HONEST FRED! alittt, the Albright Horse. Will .-tand thi .ea-on at Ited Cloud at last years ntte?, u, fe.00 toinure single "mare; Two mares tUtOO, more than two by the e-ame owner, $7.00 each. For the season, $5.00; .-ingle service, $3.00. This horse needs only to bo known to be admired. He has leen acknowl edyed by many good judges, to be the ""ill kUb of i Eofse" seen in this section. Weight, in lb.-h, 150.) pounds. HMUliful Day. Syrumct- m.Zr,1 f.mwmm t-T I a ftm i- ! frifl'P fl M fl lKtofan j'jTkindtis akiUen. Hisuwnci nU0 has a cood Jaik witli him atMiiic rates. Until further notice will be fomd at the Commrrcial nam. Colts can be s.:cn at the prcrnisot of Jos. Focle. rft.ttc Creek; &q. Vane, ln.iv.ile; O. MrCalL Henry (Jcrkke, at Decker's Crm and TialUton'a at In avale. aUo af IUI (loud. Sinlr ut premisesr of Lnv Smith and Ben Port nicr, Guido Dock. Elm cr?ck mills and Rts;l Cloud mill. The ownr ita ontttlI Ibw Jacfc .P- ?W hV? .T'J? i,ows thc Ittork in the valley, jj. LfJTZ. Proprietor. The head.iuarters of thc republican Division of thc IE A 31. were moved from Hastings to KeP Cloud en the 30th ulu and the whole btisms A this line and thc Hasting line will be opcnOed'in MW Giro pbell's name as Superintendent. K is now thought that by tho 15th inst;, train will go stratzht through to Chicago and the east, via- Beatrice and Ltncoim ThU move indicates taat. ice time tor- io i change h drawing nearer at any rate. ; lIlardr HercJd .-.. rni id -nrrf x or ai !tm J taie taJ tatty tarr-uf Uhrt, t. tt'ti. ak. N..I . . Ke4 Clou4 Nl t Kril Aurmi ) Jo i, nr.l rtUrh. SI-4 soiKcrfh i t tritfea t ! J MiMW, Thr Jna m th trMt Mr tae sail nre i&iaMtriofli.tl.iM.i ...-.. w ... ..... r .i ... .. . . . care Sail ratrr t,,rwf Irh,, - ? k Vt tT , I ',,,. ui . nififfm Kci tiocJ n ta4r Ajrat fcH j trattnl Alfrol II Gurnwr rtirb II J fnfTT S- S3C? far tK S W - C T ' of tilO llt &!! IKllrt th k'l ' t.mml-aT"g- -aat mml -.V wM C ".Lauak -mm 1 1. BB In thr Ditrirt djott of thSth Jb cial dtatrsvt hold in ind fif th CuQtttr of M'oNtcr. StAt cf Nbr mVj. Chrrsu J Hnon ) f To Kiftst E. !Ln4 afiWfts. dofptnlMtt. YMt re hlir ?wtM"l tKnt an action ItaVi ln-tf vmnuweQt acait you (m t4 ah'e nil rmtrt by tl CTrWtov J It fr tb jmq-T of )rxtrifte a dhnavt e4 rw fMtrtmmm', nn4 tK4 tlf$ yB aprwwr ajl trr v l.rr pHrkM M Mint ruoMr t r bttw tH lUh day af AitsttH Js?j. .M rtttai n-iff W tal. v iruf, nmi jodi.'m "rwnanW anHlinv!jr. cmiu-tkni j. j ! rrg" By W. It Stmw, AV ( jfur. ltcU, Hni CVoU, Nek., July lltk. THE SCNI A Y M AG A XIN H ! one of tW nvt lntrrttln; Hut- n-r el sil ot :. . rwp,ti r frtJ rnl. Theirjdtns aru l hv tvtf Hum oi jcru.iifm in iMilrAti a Ti ex eiI.'fttt " MiHArr IIrr--Saiituts Mr?den." rtJpt. tUt lerti ami iHuriuauHt, tner ar At tccti illttrtnitiiiii -tWiut fHTim.!- m I anotWr tlnely ,U.,tratI artulr. ad there are many other? wpm-wil :ntowortli The stwl frtal tr Out of the World. " l.v Mr. H.Jn-Vt O'ltetU. t rotitiniisi1 TJuTn i 4 story of ibriihng tntcrt by Joan Lewi. ' The Sin heroine." tunl ita1 ailiinrbly written vuln. (- ru 'tc The pttns nr bv llvrtu Mn- vale. I .ant u Wilton Miuth. and otlnr j popular rttetT. "lMrAh ' h lb J "ttbjtvt of No. 3 of "Wetnftjt f tb IhbK " "The homo Ttiljut ' stmtaut n pertiton by thr lute Kcv I)r IJm.Hi r ' ( brtt a Prnvrr for Uu lH-tj4 Tne Obituary notii" bavt brrtt rr "tinusl, and tbie opulrtr fi.rltirm nr contmiitil. lutcrnntional StiM'la) school I.esots, Kiiiior's ltifii. Hecrratioti- fur Simlav AfiinMt. Music, etc Smch roiiv. 2S i'fn t per annum Addrri. Frank I.rwh- I'liMi-hing IIiiii, 53, 55 and ..? Tark Place, New York. TAKK NOTICi:. I hnvi' iurcha-til the fmrtHiual iirro of land 1 iiijc bttweett Peter loNttl' and the river. And the ihiMio is hereby notified not to cut anv linilMii on the !iiiio. M. It MNirr. M0HEYrT0'L0AITl Money to prove uj with on dual re ceipt, or on deeded bind at S j,,,r eettt , tiKt 1-tVJ per cent i-itimiston. or at .straight 10 per cent, no e,immthfi. Js'O. It. Wiuj'V Ori"iee next door to Chief iHv. itf Smith Itrothen uJUMMiuen rtdl an other important reduction in rat of interest ou time butts. StmltjU iter tHt miututl i'ltrrttt. Cull at the It., .tnk and leae ottr application. 101 f. Money To Loan (l i lied Fst.ite in We! Ar u, I ,n 1 j niiii ttuiiitu .-t lu r be't tatta It ui.l j'.ts .erv t.uno r u!.o tbiiika t InHTtini'i u.i.luN. li s- lilt lwfi.re iiiiik.it. airaiij;eiM-uto rttii y '. r I.iru. No ex;Mmo to li Iirrw4r,r no tedious delay no dtUtai hW cierM Nirtn no npiiratuni 7', Ihumi r coiiimieceion no f fr tMaktam ur reeording jMperx r Uktna; Htl etlgrmetiti im advauee or xnt-iu-uual uitiel, and m intcruvt until money iitaittmHy in IiiuhI. Call upon or addiiaas - . A. SiMlvoV. ?Mt Ian Hroier, IHu. 1 1 ill, Neb. ' -" " -s. - r- w - --1, 1 o - H 5 2 S l a a 9 B m .5 S 5 ( CO CXO CCS CD THIS 2TEW AIII) CORRCT MAP rnrrrs Ixrjowl ttj tascnMm nnndm UU ll CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN R'Y Ii Sjy all tsWi the i road for joa la UJtu Lrn tratcJing hi rtOwr 4lntion Wrr w.v.&w . . w. .!(, . tnn.0, i arr;n.lje3OT.r'IIU?Jp. Ili-ITtOrftJ JuKctR fsjlntt. n urn nan. iu uiiuucu uaa rauta tMtvi aaaajBBjafcteaiaart. t ii ( l. ahr M BtmKm a. ' ' - - -- w.- .jivnjiXMi. KAHfTTA THE GHfCACO NOftTK-WCSTEMI HAILwSyT" if il,.r,!?eil Tf-l "h r SJ! tfft ! i J- UutAcafvttl-meUtACtc2m&Uitmlbtr 9BmW-mM Or-raTl ZBcaa. Tft-nri-rmrt rn- - t, t- it i Tfi8 Proof of fe Puddingisinthe,-' Eating.", You Fiarc onlv tu on us atnd vc cirrt c;ui ly convince rori riiat wc do sell - HARDWARE A little BliLOW the" so-cnlicci lied roelc nrx - MCl'crtIsecl llV Other i Ltb Ul t-l U31.U U iJUltr firms. Beiey 56 Perking. idtatf SAM'L GARBErf -PEItlU tJf Dry iJooils Groceries mnt IfiOOT.H ami NIIOKH Hats. Caps. & lirahj Made Clothing- Wg havs thi Large! t Stock in tho ValUy and will not be undersold. tvc ni a call, ymj and !1. Sam?l Garber. lied Vloud x?. ROBINSON' Wagon Company - iAhi rAcn mm os , IPnvizi & WAGON ilpring Buggies & Phaetons m We do not Want Agent trr oiter ooit f Standard Trade Vehicle, TO THC TR.tC Work IimU hata an euU;.lHl rew'a tiHi. and UtAl ran hf kniilbt mlb ml tifactitHi, Uitb to Imij er rtiwl aeller. Solid fvr dri'i ho.1 prieea U g. UUU1N8UV W dO.V (Y) " ' Iv Cue iiinatt Obj KMIGH BROS. MEAT MARKE i, II KD CItI, NKD. Th thUtl ef Vfm . UMfe rolaa4 erylaiB lit iaa tlaaUiat ia mi aSvrd. alf raa haad--5aop i 4n ratkf Aif tr 4ra Vi A Cnh, C-ii Sw 7ir?t alt fc(f.t, N's( f.Hra?ly .! t I rrsblv lt.f ))(! i.f t M)4' mr , t itr-ftrh-ii Tr"bee tl-. oA-'bux Ifea'aifo I rtth. '-t-ra i'arMatitc aftd IkMwt U ?. rr tho tr'it frbebe hat big rt"na4e4 t 7HU. l-t alarayt ri f-efl M.f thrf mtm mil a ttt nittlmi ma haelef Ve rd mf wHod aMaHta . t-r rlr ' r craeratMa, Jijr $ M I l ! I funk fm-ug lb fe (fat-la fsaa-J. 9. rMi 'ef t ! faff kr A clf avl tlt(. hm e. rr ".iy St ttnum ii -f.tt. ,. i,i yjc ?ijf norm 300 njrvnai. m tWlM IW'Wr.tjM jZnrih-ttP4Htmti cooscuaa tita Ut4trii Us tru, UJi nOi4M at . -Jt . mmm at I W -" - ' ' -V, . .-. M&- 4e i- - -- "-ifTa BT .,( W. argaai e-1 . -ju 5.