The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 07, 1881, Image 4

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    -- -:
Moon i Callender
General Merchandise, .
Hry - Gdoils,
Be of a A Shoe,
Drug, Mc'tllciM,
Oils Yarziteliea,
PuintN Bt-c.
etc., inc., ETC.
A full line of everything kl't ft g'n
crrd :urd, ut the" lowest cXsu I'WfK.
Moan & Callender.
Proprietor of tho
City Drug Store.
airn xiAtr.a lit
Drugs- Medicines.
Paints Oils
and Varnishes,
A full supply of
Patronage solicited and thankfully received.
aPrc.'crijitions carefully comtoundcdwa
One door south of G:irber"? ttoie,
(Succcssotor O.A. Browtv)
Parlor, Bedroom
' i? rackets, chromos,
, Picture Frames,
Mattresses, Etc.
fil'i nlrrnv" on band mid trimincdon short
ntiri. Price ns Iw :. nny in She Valley.
lupairiug ol all kiuiLi doiiu piouiptly una
Curial Robes furnished at reasonnblo
Harness Shop,
Kes cotijtiintly on baud a full Line Of
And everything usually kept in ft firet
clasi shop.
tc Ulster Casa Trie Paid for Eidti
mi Furs.
Flour &.Feed
Corn. Meal. Bran ChorptdFeda4
Visit tho lied Cloud Oraecry. Feed and Pro
virion rturc when yuu want supplies for aiaa or
iltirhcst market price in cash pain fur -r:un
All kinds ufcnuntrv produce tulcn ;n exchange
ftir"d. iluodi delivered to all parts v tvwa
frc vf cbaiKo.
!-re Miuib of Reed's Plow Factory,
Red Cloud, - Nebraska.
For Your
" Sera at lowest Prices
i93if s $m
Holcomb Bros.,
-Dealara In
- -'t tt.l klaif.
CLey cell CHEAP for CAST!; atT If they
Lavt art whaty oa want, icaveroiu
order and tiey will fill it.
t c
- ?
0e dotr sortb ofGaxbcx, and ilr.UOIXOMB
UiwitByo. . ,W1U
R. V- K R Time Table.
Takin effect Sunday. Oct. 17. 1RS0.
Eastward Pn?cn:cr leave .......
Frricht Jrnwrs
C :1 a. m.
.7 :.V p. bu
.5 :oC p. m.
arrives ...
Westward .econv IcaTcs ........9 :40 a. tn.
arrives...... ....5 :50 p. .
EnrtwnrJ Aceom. Irsrw... ......... K 0 a. n.
" arrive.......... 6:Wp.ra.
Trains daily exrtpt Sunday.
U. W. Ur.DRixjr. A. K. TicLi)r.
Superintendent. Uenl. Manager.
m.e. cHunrn.
F. ?., atlOn.n.. and preaching by Ibe Fac
tor every Sabbath morning and evening.
Prayer meeting every TharsJay vtalnr;.
All are cordially invited.
rreachinif every irrt ai tainl SaMaia of
each month at 11 a. m. and 8 p. a.. also o Mb
Sabbath when ever it occur.
Sabbi'h School every Sabbath Bsornlac at
$$ o'clock. Prayer mMtisravery WadaejJay
Read the notice of the Auction pale
of stock &e., nt Simmond' Sheep
Rauche, in another column.
Go to Rohy's for Butter on ice.
Lh-ebogs are worth 14.75 in this
Shipping tags can be had at the
Chief office.
Go to the Chicago Lumber Yard and
get prim's before you buy.
Headquarters for flour at Putnam's
Flour and Feed Store.
The W. C. T. U., will meet ftt Mrs.
Dixon's on Friday July 8, nt 4, p. m.
Go to Mrs. Fowler's for your fourth
of July gew-gawa, aud you will be
Water lime and Plaster Paris, nt
the Chicage Lumber Yard.
The Flexible Reel on the Marsh
Harvester makes it the favorite ma
chine. Spanoc.i.e & Funk.
Dr. Kendall's "horse books" for sale
at the Chief office nt 25 cents
Wanted: A good sourtd team, must
be in good order, and cheap for cash.
Enquire of Beslev & Pekkiks.
4th of July goods of every descrip
tion, in the Millinery line nt
Mrs. Fowler's.
Boys' Suits of ready made clothing
ait J. G. Potter's cheap as dirt. Call
and sec before purchasing.
500,000 pounds of wool wanted for
which we will pay the highest market
price in cash. Platt &. Frees.
m Don't fail to call at the leading Mil
linery establishment, one door north
of the Bank, for your fourth of July
Prepare for hail by going to the
Chicago Lumber Yard for your win
dow blinds, prices lower than the
lowest. Go to J. G. Potter's for your fourth
of July clothing, boots, shoes, &c,
cheaper than the cheapest. Don't
fail to call.
Says one 'Kendall's Spavin Curo
is the best liniment for human flesh
I ever used and thousands havo ex
tolled it in similar terms.
Tenant Wanted. A farm to rent, 5
miles from Red Cloud. 90 acres
under cultivation. Apply to J. Gaess
ler at the Bank. SStf
A lady in Chicago was troubled with
liver complaint, and after taking three
bottles of the Big JJromoline was en
tirely cured. Fifty cents a bottle.
It is just the season now for buying
Pumps and Wind-Mills. Come and
sec the Eclipse, and get figures on a
iirst class job. Beseey & Perkins.
Money to- Loan at lowest rates.
Address B.. Lombard Jr., dealer in
County, School and Precinct Bonds,
and Mortgage Securities.
44-U Lincoln, Neb.
Why will men allow theniEclvcs to
suffer and their noble horse when
'Kendall's Spavin Cure' applied prop
erly will remove all sullering from
man and beast.
The New Light Rukxino Howe
Sewino Machine has no Superior.
Don't fail to examine it before pur
chasing. Sold by,
41w8 Spanogle & Funk.
Besley & Perkins; have received a
new lot of Guns. Cull and see the
best finished, and most durable gun
made. Jtwt whait every fanner wants,
price only Jive dollar
Dr, Marshall's Bromolinc makes the
liver and stomach active, promotes
healthy secretion removes the bile
and slime from the disordered state
of these organs. Druggists sell it.
Any one having a good sound1 team
for ealer cheap for cnshr care learn of a
purchaser, by calling on
Besley & Perkins.
Mens' and bovs' suits at J. G. Pot
ter's cheaper than the cheapest, also
boots and shoes at bed rock prices.
Come otic, come all, and buy a fourth
of July suit.
Our stock of stoves is the best selec
ted, and finest finished goods iu the
market, we have the latest styles and
at figures that will sell the goods.
Besley & Perkins.
It gives us pleasure to convey to the
fair sex the gratifying intelligence that
at Mrs. Fowler's one door north of the
Bank, they can get fourth of July
Millinery goods of every st yle and at
prices that cannot fail to give satis
faction. We are selling the Champion Reap
ers .-and Mowers. Don't be talked
into buying any cheap machine, but
call ami see the Champion, we can
show j'Qtt ks good points it has no
poor ones.- Seslly & Perkins.
The lumber yard's nv Nebraska in
which B. M. Frees of the Kirby Car
penter Co., Chicago is intcrestedr are
IlftW ill! fnmintfw1 hr ft rtartifr-
'ship arrangement under the name of
,the "Chicago Lumber Yard Company"
.with headquarters at Red Cloud Ae-
! A. Kaley is the agent for fhe- Crete
Nursery in, this county and will call
on the citizens in due time Ur make a
delivery at Red Cloud in the" fa!L He
can be seen at Red Cloud onSaturdhy
X X Moody, Watch-Maker and
JeweTe?, is- now prepared to repair
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Sewing
Xachincs-. AM wok wcatly and
J cheaply done on short notice. Cash
paw for old gold and iver. First
door north of -A. -Cook's Boot and
Shoe store, M:anJk Red Gfo'urL'
The Chief this week is not a fair
sample of itself, as it is wanting in the
usual amount of local news. This
rthortroming we hope our readers will
overlook, this time, for the Fourth
with its attendant festivities took the
wind all out of our sails and kept us
away from the office when we had
ought to have been to work on the
paper, which is our apology for a short
pnper this week.
The new M. E. Chnrch at Hastings,
will be dedicated on the 17th of the
present month. Ror. A. C. Williams,
of Lincoln officiating.
The Rev. Geo. Yciser will preach
next Sabbath morning aud evening at
the congregational church in this
place. Church meeting (Baptist) on
Saturday at 3 p. m. Any desiring to
anite with the church will haTc on
opportunity at Saturday meeting.
One of the little boys brought
by John Q Potter from New York
and adopted to Mr. and Mrs. Ln
quist, living nine miles north west,
met with a very sad accident last Sat
urday by being kicked by a hone, and
the lower jaw broken badly. Dr.
Mosenawaa called and the boy is
doing well.
Kant Tuesday morning Will Rcily
folded his tent and started in search
of greener fields and pastures new. A
piece of crap on which a paper
was pinned bearing the words, "Dead !
or gone." "One by one Ae roacs
fade," fluttered in the breeze where
the lawyer's "shingle" had previously
The lick-spittle editor of the down
town concern regularly once a year
publishes an article on taxes under
the startling headline, "Down go the
taxes." Verily, "tho ox knoweth bis
owner and the ass his master's crib."
The aforesaid editor, in publishing
such articles simply does his master's
bidding for a chance of occasionally
thrusting his nose into the public
crib. It is a noticeable fact which
those most interested cannot well
overlook, that notwithstanding the
regular appearance of those arti
cles in that delectable sheet, the people
each year walk up and pay their eight
per cent, taxes, all the same.
The Celebration at Bed Clot!
The celebration of the "Glorious
Fourth" at this place drew out the
largest crowd that has been seen in
Red Cloud for three years. The day
opened with a cloudless sky, and a re
freshing breeze setting in early in the
day made the proceedings more enjoy
able than 13 usual on such, occasions.
Main street especially was wreathed
in one vast substantial smile. Every
body was there with his girl and some
times two of that costly luxuTyv Gen
erally she had her arm resting cozily
in his, but sometimes she coyly rested
the tips of her delicate digits in his
vice-like grasp, and occasionally even
submitted her slender waist to the
forty horse power pressure of his
muscular right arm. Thus they para
ded up and down Main Street from
sun rise 'till "long after the fire
works." She devoured oceans of ice
cream and consumed gallons of lem
onade, while the young man agoniz
ingly noted the capacity of her
stomach and compared it with the
unplcthoric condition of his purse.
The latter doubtless has the appear
ance this morning of having under
took to stay the downward tendency
of a pile driver; but on the fourth he
wasjust as proud as when he donned
his first pair of breeches, and the
stoical economist must remember
that young America only aspires to
ruffle the bald eagles feathers just
once a year.
Inavalesent a fine-looking delega
tion which marched into town headed
by the inevitable brass band. That
precinct is entitled to tho Flag, no
other we believe entering into compe
tition for the costly prize. About
noon the crowd sought the 6hade of
the bower which had been erected
near tho Court House, and under
which the speaker's stand bad been
placed. Short speeches were deliver
ed by Messrs Davis, Wilcox, Lutx,
McKcighan, Hawley, Hummel Har
vey and Garberr Mr. Newcomer of
Blue Hill not being present. It is not
our purpose to criticize each individ
ual's speech, nor have we the time or
space to do so, but it is sufficient to
say that the Chief heartily endorses
the popular sentiment that all covered
themselves with glory. The speakers
had each been limited to ten or fifteen
minutes and of coarse in that short
time could hardly be expected to do
full justice to their several themes but
the manner in which they acquitted
themselves is no small credit to- the
oratorical talent of Webster county.
Notwithstndmg the largo crowd in
attendance, no row occurred except
that one obstreperous individual from
the neighboring state, filled to the
neck with benzine, had his- classic fea
ture decorated with a black eye in
tho early part of the day.
Two or three . halls, were crowded
wkh- dancers all day until tho "wee
sma hours'' of the morning of the 5th.
The firc-worfe were- excellent, the
only trouble being that the supply was
rather limited. We do not know
when Red Cloud enjoyed a wore
genome holiday than Monday last, or
when one was enjoyed, which speaks
more for the good order intelligence
antisocial graces of the community.
If !y on want to Buy an organ, one
that has never been used and is first
class irr every respect,, don't fail to call
at the Chief office- We will give
some one a 6 bargarhv
Ksetixffff SeyiKkam Ceafctl
There will be a meeting, ef the Web
stcr County Republican Central Corny
mi t tec at Red Cloud Neb., on Satur
day July 16th, 1881, at I o'clock r. m.
W. H. Siroiui., Cn'n.
x Thm C1fe?atfM at W.11. I
On the morning of the Fourth, O. C,
Case nnd the humble pencil shovcr of
the Chief, wended their way to Wells
P. O., the same which is situated on
the classic banks of the Little Blue, in
the north-west corner of Webster
county. It had been arranged that
the above named eminent gentlemen
ahould assist the good people of Wclla
to celebrate this anniversary of our
Nation's birth. Wc arrived early on
the grounds and watched the gather
ing of the immense crowd of people
who congregated in that grove of
native trees to celebrate and to enjoy
themselves. There was a large crowd
and everything passed off quietly and,
so far as we could learn, satisfactorily
to cverbody.
Mr. Case delivered the oration
which was a very worthy effort and
was listened to with interest and was
well received. Wc hope to publish it
in full in theso columns next week.
The Chief read the Declaration of
independence that ancient document
that has been read with more or le.9
enthusiasm by thousands upon each
return of tho fourth of July for the
last century and more. It has been
many years since our adamantine
cheek has been suffused with a blush,
but when the president of the day,
Mr. Byron Burt, introduced us to that
vast multitude of people as "The Hon.
M. L. Thomas, of Red Cloud," wc felt
the flinty hardness of the newspaporial
cheek giving way to a blush. If ho
had only said the Honest M. L. Ac, it
would havo been appropriate, or if ho
had said the Humorous, Ac, it would
have been all right, but the "Hon." is
too uch. We haven't yet sunk so
low, thank heaven, as to get .into the
legislature and have that insignia of
corruption, the "Hon." attached to
our name, but its all right, we'll re
turn to our subject.
Mr. Case was followed by Mr. Kelley
and Mr. Budlong, each of whom made
some very appropriate remarks.
Excellent music was furnished by
the Band and by the Gleo Club, com
posed of young ladies and gentlemen,
under their efficient leader, Mr. Wood
ford. After the speaking and other
exercises were over, then came dinner,
and such a dinner, we will not attempt
to describe it, our pen would fail to
do it justice. Wc brought away from
that celebration, locked in our manly
bosom, one long lingering regret a
regret that while wo had a dozen or
more invitations to dinner we could
accept of but one, and whilo we were
taking dinner with Mr. Burden and
his engaging family we was sorry that
there was not a dozen of us that wc
might also sit nt the bountiful board
of Mr. Budlong and the many others
who kindly invited us to partake of
Those princes of good fellows, S. S.
Wells and W. II. Hoffman, were on
the ground and looked after our com
fort and that of the vast multitude
that had gathered there.
Great credit is due the Marshal, Mr.
Frank Coyle, and his efficient deputies
whose names wc arc sorry to say wc
did not obtain, for the able and pleas
ant manner in which the details of the
affair were managed. Takiug alto
gether the celebration at Wells was a
grand success. Everybody seemed to
do all in his power to make everybody
elso enjoy themselves and the best of
feeling prevailed. Wc regret that wc
have not the names of a great many
of whom wc would liked to have made
special mention, but as we cannot ob
tain them we hope that each and
every one who took part in the festivi
ties on that occasion, nnd who assis
ted to make the day a pleasant and
long to bo remembered one by Mr.
Case and oursclf, will consider that
wc hereby tender our thanks individ
ually and hope that you all may live
to witness many moro such occasions.
June 20, 188a.
Board met in regular session. Pres
ent, A. H. Crary, Isaac May, Hugh
Stevenson, Commissioners, and D. 8.
Coombs, Deputy Clerk.
Minutes of tho last two meetings of
the Board were read and approved,
The following official bonds were
approved: Henry W. Ross, overseer
of highways, R. D. No. 30; De Jay
Hudson, overseer of highways, R. D.
No. 31.
The following accounts. were allowed,
warrants to bo drawn as provided by
E. Peters, for services as asscsor for
Guide Rock precinct, $119 58
M. C. Jackson; for services as asses
sor for Pleasant Hill precinct, $52 12
R. M. Jones, for services as assessor
for Oak Creek precinct, $55 76
J. B. Potter, for services as assessor
for Stillwater precinct, $81 42
Chas. Buschow, for services as asses
sor for Potsdam precinct, $78 88
D. M. Francis, for sen-ices as asses
sor for Elm creek prcc't$60 12, $54 13
O. B. Harvey, for services as assessor
for Inavafc precinct, $G8 26
Isaac Fish-, for services as assessor
for Glenwood precmct, $52 20
Oliver R. Downs, for services as as
sessor of Walnut creek prec't, $55 7f
John May, for services as assessor
for Harmon' precinct, $69 00
E. B. Smith for services as assessor
for Red Cloud precinct, $161 62
J. A. Tulleys, making, census re
turn, $3J g9
A. A. FbpeySupt. of Schools, $60 00
Jos. Warren, work on. bridge,
($90 54) $80 00
I F. MunsclT, work saving, bridge
lumber, ($16 50) $8 CO
Ira Sfnnser, work saving, bridge Iurn
ber, ($27 50) $8 60
Jonrnal Co., Stationery &cr $17 25
Republican, 7 75
The petition, to grant a: license to
Schuman & Strur, of Blue HiII for the
sale of malt, cpirituous and vinous
liquors, granted and bond approved.
The clerk to issue license to said Schu
mann &. Suur for one year, from June
1st, 1851 to June 1st !Sg2, upou pay
ment by them of f 500.
Jit-SB 2 1st 1881.
Board met pursuant to mljourti.
ment. Full Board present.
The assessment of A. U. Becker, for
$2$2, upon live stock in Red Cloud
precinct , stricken ofT, and his asscv;
mrut reduced from 4, 757 00 to $1,
118 00.
The aMcssmcnt of A. II. Crary re
duced from $3,114 () to $2,66-1 00.
The assessment of Wm. E. Jackson
for 16 head of cattle in Guide Rock
precinct, stricken oil'.
Adjourned to June 22d, ISS1, at 10
o'clock A. M.
JuNE22d, I SSI.
Board met pursuant to adjourn
ment. Full Board present.
After hearing e-ernl complaints,
Board adjourned at 12 r. to Juno 23rd
at 9 o'clock a. m. and iu the mean
time board decided to visit the Inavalc
June 23rd, 1881.
Board met pursuant to adjourn
ment, with full Board present.
The awessment of Wm. Gather up
on N. E. sec. 6, T. 1, R. 10, reduced
from $539 77 to $500. S. W. 1 of same
from $240 00 to $220 00.
L. P. Albright's assessment, on N.
E. I N. E. sec. 6, T. 1. R. 10, reduced
from $82 61 to $70 60. 8. E.
N. E. of same from $80 00 to $65 00.
Lot I, sec. 6, of same, from $100 00 to
$73 63. Lot 2, of same, from $79 00
to $54 50.
Board adjourned to June 24tb, 1881,
at 9 o'clock a. m.
Juke 24th, 18S1.
Boanl met pursuant to adjourn
ment. Present, A. H. Crary, Isaac
May, Hugh Stevenson, Commission
ers; J. Tulleys, Clerk.
Ordered that the following changes
be mado on assessment of lands and
personalty, to wit:
Guide Rock precinct, add ten per cent.
Oak Creek " " ten " "
Pleasant Hill " five " "
Harmony " " fivo " "
Walnut Creek " deduct ten " "
Potsdam " " five " "
Elm Creek prec't, add fifteen per cent.
Stillwater " deduct five " "
The following levies were made for
the year 1881:
Co. General fund, 9 mills on the dollar.
Co. Sinking " 3 " " " ' .
Co. Road " 3 " " " " .
R.R. Bond " 5 " " " " .
Funding bond" 3 " " " " .
Total. 23 mills.
For payment of int. on bonds, 1 mill.
For general purposes, 1 mills.
Levied as reported by the several dis
tricts. Adjourned tV ,
A. H. Crary, ch'n.
J. A. Tulleys, clerk.
Cloverton Itamc.
Plenty of rain now and everything
promises to be abundant, that grows
from the sou.
Samuel Miiner has corn big enough
for roasting ears. Ho has also har
vested his rye.
Mr. De Rossct has sold his crop on
Rev. Milncr'a farm to Mr. Kcrshncr,
and will move away to Kansas.
In the storm of two weeks ago, the
unoccupied house belonging to Geo.
Heramenway, was blown down and
torn to pieces.
The population of this portion of
Glenwood precinct is rapidly increas
ing. Two children, a boy and girl,
were born within a week past, living
within a mile of each other.
Wo would suggest that the Sabbath
Schools of Glenwood unite some day
not far distant, and hold a grove
meeting. Will some one raovo in the
matter? A meeting in which each
school might take a part, such as
singing a song, or some ono giving a
recitation, and other interesting exer
cises with a basket dinner would be
very pleasant and might be made ben
eficial. Another suggestion to the farmers
as such: Can we not go to work this
fall and organize a township Agricul
tural fair, and have a (air for two days
somewhere near the center of the
township, where the produce of the
township may be brought together in
competction in some way to be here
after designated ? Think of it, talk it
over, and make up your minds about
The comet attracts some attention,
but we hear of no midnight stroles off
any one watching it to get an answer
to Prof. Williams' question, as to
whether there are two or not, because its
tail does not always point in the same
apparent direction.
Monday is the glorious Fourth, the
day we celebrate.
In the words of Montgomery:
"There is a land, of every land the
Beloved by heaven o'er all the
world beside;
Where brighter some dispense sct
tner Iightr
And milder moons imparadise
the night
A land of beautv, virtue, valor
Time-tutored age, and love ex
alted youth.
'Where shall that land, that sport of
earth be found,'
Art thca a man? a patriot?
look around !
Oh I thou shalt find how'er thy
foot-steps roam
That land thy country sad that
sport thy home,"
The new Climax L beyond question
the best Mower in the market.
Spanogle & Puwk have just received
a car load of Climax Mower and
Combined machine.
The Randolph is the lightest, run'
ning Header made
Final Proof Notices.
Land OSceat nioomicttoB Neb. July Ut.lW.
nrtmetl fattier b ftM notice it hi. Intrntbm lo
make final rmf jn os ocrt rbU eUlm rJ -ntm
fn.l cutrr thrtw tMolbn clerk vf U
Pmfl (uurit .'? Vrc-antr N'b.. at hi.
riAcein Ke4 Clan cr. tiatudty Ancatt Mb
1M. vis:
i., .. KK.Ciii,
II J entry No.Kh7 foj tb S. W. " of?c. T.
rth R. M wwt and name the follow mc a hi
iitiMr lo rro continuous rci.l-ocr cn
and rtiltif atioa of 'k1 land. Tii: Aircola Hi
ney. J'eih Chamber. John Sik and Hem
. Wil!iaraoB. all of Eat In. NVfcruka.
h7aul S. IT. SWITZKK. Hcf Uter.
LdOco at HIoBiin;toB.Nb. Jou II. I ML
Notice U hereby siren that the fIIwinc
named n-ttler ha Sled notice of hit intention tn
make final -rtof in rni'iort of hi claim, and
secure final entry tbrreol. rof tn lw niv! l.o
tra Jas.e A. Tulteri. Clerk of the t'ourt of
Wcbter coanty. at hi office, in 114 Clou J
Neb. on Friday. July itb. 1U. h-
WiLUtu. E. Mik.
hI ntry No.yfor tba H W !C e-1ion 10
lon I north ranro H wwt. and nra lh- ful
loinr x hit wi(nese lo pruTc hi roatinanu
ridet)-oa and onltltration of ald trct iu
Jarat H. Milatr. Kicharh N. LeU. William
Cole an I Albert Henry, all of rturerton Nab.
junnStfalyS! fa'. W. SWiTZKK. KecbUr.
Land Ofico at Blocini niton Neb.. Jane 1 1. 1S.
No'ica it hereby mrtn that the following
araol eHtlr baa Sled nticeof her intention tn
tnaka final proof in rapport of her claim, and
ecre Snal entry thereof before Jamar A. Inl
ley, clerk of the cob ft in WeUter county at bit
offiorj in Red Cluttd Neb., on SatarUaj. July 30th
1SS1. tU.
I ccy K. Nicmsmw.
b'd fairy !Co. 113 fur thaH E X m. 3 town 3
north ranee 10 wet. and name the following a
her wifao'ca to prove continuous residence on
cultWatWia of aid tract vir: David M. Fnnct.
A brain Well. Adam II. Hprachrr and Kdd ti
Read all or Conies Neb..
juneZJjntySl a. SWITZER. KerfjUr.
Land Office at BlooTriaajton Neb. Jane. C. 1VJL
Notice if hereby given that tho following
named tettler ha filed aotke of hb intention to
make final proof In upiort of hi claim and le
care final entry thereof before Jian a. Tulleys
Clerx of tburt in H staler county Neb. at hu
office in Red Cloud Neb. on Sa.urday July lCih.
h'd application No. 3GS1 for the 3. B. M . It
town 3 north rang 10 west, and names tba fol
lowing a bis witn a, to prove bij contiaa
eaa residence, on aad cultivation of said trct.
vis: Jams Ralph. Jilem Hidy. Charles TVel
aad David Francii. all of Cowl nt Neb.
JBne9-jaly7 S. W. SW1TZKR. Register.
Laad Ofaks at Bloomingten Neb . May 23. 1M1.
Notice is hereby xivun that the following
aaraed etfler ha filed notice of his intention
to snake final proof in support of hb claim, and
scare final entry thereof, before tho Clerk of
District Court, in Webfter eountr at his office
in Red Cloud Nebraska oa Tuesday July 19th.
1581. vis:
Enwaaa W. Roamftov.
lleir of John 0. Hobinson deceased, H'd
entry No.3Mfl for the N K quarter sec H lown
4 north range 9 went, and name lbs following
as bis witnerscs to prove continuous residence
on and cultivation of said tract vis: Edwin E.
Ropers. Egbert Taylor. Isaac Taylor. Robert
Qutgglc. of Thomasville Neb.
may2june30 ti. W. SWITZEIl. Register.
In Justice Court Webitcr County Nebraska,
before A b rani Kaley Justice of tke Peace. Kcd
Cloud Precinct.
Melvin 0. Sherman, Plaintiff.
John W. UcnUy. Defendant,
To John W. Bently
Defendant. You are hereby notified that an
action has been commenced tnint you in the
ahovo named court by said Jolrin C. Sherman
Plaintiff U recover poucMiou of one Well
Anger and Derrick, and f-r ten dallars daunt
Kf for wronctully Ttith-hnlilinit said property
and th it unleM you appear and aniwer. on or
before July 15th. 13M; at 'J o'clock a. m.. judge
ment will bo taken against you for said proper
ty together with damages and cost
Mklvik C. hiikbmax. Plaintiff.
45-to Edwis C. Uawlkt. his Att'y.
Sunscuiin: for and advertise in the
Red Cloud Chief.
J? otSee J hereby siren, that I will ezamict
all pcmoii who mny de'iro to offer tboinelrtf
ss candidates lor ti-acbi-M of tho primary or
ooiumon ccbools ol WeUter countv, at Red
Cloud on tbo urt Saturday in tbe in ntiu o!
I'eliraHry. MT Auirut and No ember: At
:luu Hill on t)cfim .-5-itunl.iy in tbe luotitlMol
ufiuary. Airil. luly :itil October. At ' Jul Jo
lock on tbr tit'rt aturJ.iy in ibo mouths ui
Msn-h. June. September .nd December.
Examination: lu c-iuitcmrc nt TJoVIock A.M.
A. A. 1WK.
Coun'y Superintendent ol Public Infraction
K:ii2::I Hcthjn!! Bothers 11!
Arc ii 4: tutl td .it nirht and lmkcn of rnnr
rest t.y .1 .-ick ilnM .! mi? .tnd er)in mtb tho
cscrunjtirir tain t tot mg ti-ctbr It v. ji at
niiC" mid t i Iftii . 1 Mr. V"inbs 'oth
in Syrup. U will nliccc ibo por linlo suffer
er jpi!utJi:i!rl depen 1 upon ii: is no
uii-:ake ubnut it 1h-rr i not .1 mother on earth
who u.ts titr ui"l it. whv will not tell you at
once 1h.1t it will rt-Kuluo ibo tmrelf, and give
rr't to tbe mother. 4td relief and health to the
child. optTitlng liku iiijic. It i perfectly safe
t u-e ii: all CJr. nnd plcxnnt to tbo Isjte.and
V tbo prcicri'iin of a.o of tho oldct and ben
Tomato pbr"cian and r.jirtee iu tbo United
liiatcj. Sold everywhere, ft cents a bottle.
Wc wish to call the attention of our
readers to the advertisement in anoth
er column of Dr. Crook's Wine of Tar,
manufactured by Messrs. S. N. Smith
A Co.. at Dayton O. Dr. Crook's Wine
ofTar, with its specific ingredient,
taken from the pine tree and other
choice supplies of nature, and com
bined in accordance with the best
teachings of science is a reliable medi
cine for the diseases it is recommend
ed. Strictly speaking, it is not a pat
ent medicine, but a prescription of Dr
Oliver Crook, one of Dayton's licst and
most honored physicians, who while
living, had ono of the largest practices
of any medical man in the state.
aliat, the Albright Horse.
Will stand this season at Red Cloud
at lust year's rates, viz: 18.00 to injure
itfngle mare; Two marcs $15.00; more
than two by the Mtnc owner, $7.00 each.
For the season, $5.00; single service,
This horse needs only to be known
to lie admired. He has been acknowl
edged by manv good judges to be the
"ill klBii of t Sow"
errn nt this section. Weight, in flesh,'
1500 poumK Beautiful Bay, Symmet
rical form, good life, high carriage and
eesufarraskinda3 akitten. Hisownei
also has good Jack witli him at yamc
rates. Lntil further notice will Ikj
found .Tt the Commercial barn.
Colts can be seen at the premises of
Jos. Fogfe. State Creek; Rq. Vance,
Inavale; O. McCall, Henry Gerkke,
at Becker's farm and RalMon's at In
.Tvale, also at Red CTond. Mule at
premises of Lew Smith and Ben PorC
nfer, Guide Rock, Elm creek mills
and Red Cloud mills.
The owner h.i3 entitled this Jack
"Cipt. Smith," being the famous Lew
Smith Jack, formerly of Guido Rock.
SIiotsj the best stock in the valley.
D. LUTZ. Proprietor.
The importance of Inventors cyi
pfoyhrg proper Attorneys to-nttend to
cases before the Patent ofllce, is
5lown by the contest now going on iir
relation- to the Telephone and other
valuable inventions.
Those who wih their cases carciully
atted"rd to should correspond with
Washington, JiC
(Send stare? for circular-) i
Public Auction.
Will Ik; sold at public Auction on
Vdiifd.v July 13th. LS1. at II
o'clock a. M . at "the !hoj Miichc of
Chattiuvy muiiotu'. m W'lter Co.,
0 iinle nortlM'.t't of Guide Kock, the
following proportv:
:!"" hich grai,e Mertim shrrp
inl!y wcs.
10 Vermont Krgiitcrcd Jlcrino
1 Irtrgc Tuuk, Irou 1iiiit atwl
'22 Stock bogd aim! l!-
17 IiinU. I net ilottll- Haruo
J Ponies. j Crn.U Buck.
5 Unfit. J Vituxhtig colt.
3 ("own. ,t Stcrrs.
I Bull. Wagon.
I Corn libeller. 12 BuheU a
1 Cook -tuvn. 1 Plow.
Lot of Lumber, Tooli, Kit.licn Km
niturc etc
Alio the btiildiiig.4 :nd 1chi of f,ti
acns if ScIhioI Lirtd, cntituting aid
Simmons Canchr.
Tekms: C:wh or thirty duyi time
with apptovfAl mxitritv. "
J. C Caknkk
17-W-2 Aurtinticcr.
Not the Crown of Ktugx, nor thf
Crown of Glorv, but tho Crown Srwing
Machine, the futo?t and best .'liiuhiiir.-
in tho market, it will pay you to rail at
the aud fee it lefore you
purche' For Sale by M. B. McXitt.
.tlHtioi Sntkofke:!
The fine Stallion known a-t "Tom"
thu nropcrty of lavitl lkHch will
stand for mares the present reason at
the following rates, viz: $3 to inure
single mare;two marct. $15; morn
than two by the samu owner, $7 each.
For the season fi, Single nervier, $1.
Will stand at Red Cloud on Friduy
aud Saturtlay of each wek; at Guide
Rock, Mondays and Tuesdays of each
week, and at Amboy Wednesdays anri
Is a fine horse, being of Percheron
Cauadian ami Blucher-Morgan htock,
leautiful dapple bay, tdxtctii iMnui.i
high, weight, 150(1 jxiund.
34m3. AmKov. Xcb.
Money to prove tin with on final re
ceipt, or on deeded land at S per cent.,
and 1-02 per cent. eomnuH.-tion, or at
straight 10 per cent, no commix.!!'.
J.vo. R. Wii.u "n.X.
Ollicc next door to Chief otlice. 30tf
Smith Brothers announce still an
other important reduction in rate of
interest on timo loans. .VniAAf mur"
Er cvif fiu iiitirrst. Call at tho
auk and leave vutir application.
For Biliousness, constipation, liver
complaint1) aud all blood ilise.wc, the
Big blood and Liver Cure, Dr. Mar
shall's Brorrioline, is the best. Drug-
i.iuf dfkll it
' "'
Money To Loan
On Real E.-Lile, in Webster and ad
joining counties at the very bet rates.
It will pay overy farmer who thinks ol
borrowing money, to M'n me before
making arrangement with any other
No expense to tho borrower no
tedious delay no dealing with eastern
parties no application fee, Immius or
commission no fee for. making or
recording papers or taking acknowl
edgements no advance or semi-annual
interest, and no interest until
money is actnally in hand.
Call upon or address
R. A. Si.Mivo.f.
3Stf Loan Broker, Blue Hill, Neb.
- JO'
-CD 3 v
t- 4 &
m 4 i
s S gi -S
t" as g Ot p lS
.2 a I s
lroTsondrirrcasBwaMeqiOeBtattW ,4
Is by all oWj tbe Lt road for jc to take im tawvcUng la rtt!cr dltrriiun W.w
Cblcago and alT oftfce Pnadptl PaTats in tha Wwf, North v4 Nwft.
Cartfally cvaralB tMs Majx Tbe Prteclrttl Cltjci of t?v tTiat anf KorrJurn: r ft attorn"
nn ttil road. 1 U throcsb tnios aua &vv cwuxxtiucs aliiitLo In ul a.1 laJJrtl i tl
Junefloa points.
l 0 ""fc Mm at k L W f 0jfmf " " ' "wa aW aasBikak Mrm aw
W a 4T 1---awa1r J iw II FAsr aaWw"SBa m wBM'w' TBKv
m Ath aL. (a. W m a aVJta J tpaj rm A- L W LM fefiV
ka I lH aWW'aaaaaW 1 K BBSr'' at M KBl to lva9aBVaGBBP,BBS,aBbBBaktBVaK
THI CMOACO A. mnmLimwmJ 2.7.LI.W
2J?lrt3r.JS t'LEmmf MoT rr3fe9gSrJro,y' ' OhVaaf-s.
'Ab.F'T' -
"The Proof of the
Eating." i
You have only to call
on us and wc can easi
ly convince you that wv
do sell
A little BKLOW the
so-called "Red rock pri
ces" advertised by other
Besley & Pork'mw.
Or Go mm
Hats Caps. A
Rnuljf Made Clolhinf.
W Nays ti.t Lirgeit
Stock in the Valfiy and wl!)
not be undersold
Give us a call, ono and alL
Sam'l Carber.
Bed UuU Xeb.
Wagon Company,
Buggies & Phaetons.
We do not Want Agent1
Standard Trado Vehicles,
Work that hfi.i rtn tnhl!irr' rrputa '
tt'tfi. nnd th tl cm ( ltntnll.-d ;vitl mU
iKfip-lton, bth to buyer iiihI aellvr
Send for d ?iiih mnl jrl 1 to
IfVI.v Cmaniiati Obit
Tn fljf?sst f Fr sasat. (fasta.
FawI sa-l vscrtaisw la ik Has tkat fs rais-
- ts liisa HfsSainartys irt
A Cneb, 1 9t Era TkmX
J...-I i id.v. )fnnrpiii ..'rvn'. . . ..
frt thnTrvccrf Sv ! iw)l i
ltTIv4. an tslwart sivf ttt'tt nif-''. m
Iht af n,e u. r anirii fit hi lr
ssit-l t wil an I snn'um t-r nlr
SKjf mtfttmthr. ttf ksra allnarl ll-swits-traoli
jwui tffsrfsw str-U r-H m
z. I'M4 rrvskfis aaj Kiss tV
so rltur iA tiocil-o th vk. bU
iwentf 4t rrats a lxv 'rwftrra.
mM n, Lf
aaall bttorp4. rfcsl( Uytzly rolt la
Sl lartrfttt) Loftf '(V' " CHttwiaS'la.
Hfywo's WrvKBil T. ar vttln l.
-'v i fr' -rtr'.j - 'L-a.
- .-, Tl" 4-
Ii K-Ssr ;
.Ji&LrZS&'- -. tr.." JrsSsA - . . .4 .-1 .. '.
----'-"-'''' -l
-- r , -- --r -. j t f - B'--a-TW"' "-i -- - -
i. B
i.... . m
- 4m2i&73g r v.J. :.X ::-: -aw-. - - ' -
I. . - -jT-
taE)i?Kya---B-a--BBkjaBMKMaaa.- ' i ' " "jt'i."!' ' iiiiiiis .
. r M .1'hjmi.b.ii iiip.'iui. ..i .. iimvwu. uu.'i.nni ' L,I'JI" '""' ' - i-- 8 -fi'fciMWfa.iriwiiH ii , JL r " -TWnmT7mfr'Mkiif y, w
X'i f 's5y 'ssw'w- 'v .- . . -v fav .,. i
. ? m .. . &.il. "mi it nAa -pwaaafaaiBafaaiBaBBvas'