& t&$egBt& x - H8ne-- &m&mw&i&$&mimvwir ww uo ,i,psp'"' aw vsc vm? 'Kwrsp. -sapju-mwp .!' i Am 4MMi4kUwt " iOB AVO-tlli, THIS CHIEF The - r t ji tVBLlEREt tXEBX V&V&S&kT H MH-Hhta r SSB CLCTO, i?SBSA5fc -BY- .HE.VTEST.AJOMrtFrMAK. M. I THOMAS. "Eternal Vigilance is the price of liberty' anil $1.50 a year is Ph.priceQ' the Red Cloud Chief. tstas:-- S1.il i jwrfffelilniiwiiw. VOL. VIII. RED CLOUD WEBSTER CO. NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JUiVE 30, 1SS1. NO If '"-KTtfr 0t4W aUiif? " - a - Red Cloud ," w 3 V;JiiIJlL1 IV GO EAST NORTH-EAST -OR SOUTH-EAST fl -VIA TOE B.&M.R.R. a Lis Itoad together wiili ibeCB. JtQ." which is .called -THE- Burlington Route ! Tonne the most vtnil'tfin'"letween Np bra'ka I imaM and all I oinU Kurt of .Mirouri Kivtsr. I! J'a'friiirir." taking tliii" uns cr' tue .Vo. Kivrr at I'laftfiuouth over the T31r"virMiV C4oa1 "Rrirlrre VLili htu lately Leen completed. Through Day ConcfiCH AM) i FkHkkui SJcpingnrs - AUK Kl'XTO I Biu-Iiiigton.Pecrsa.Chicaso Whrrnlfip ennnprtior.? areinml" in union dei'CR i'nr nl I J tii ts.A.rtli.;iut niMmith. Train li tln route start in NtlT.irl.ii are fSbarc- furc IiM-lrtiiu Hip ariun ac:ll:nU t-.bidi to triiu:itly tl Jur trails r iiiiiir tlimiili rroin tin- tnoun- lui-U.sixl ..r-i-n;T are thus ,-urc uf uiukiiiR K""d ciu- iictiu:; .uL-n th'j? tak- tlie U. S. M. route :ifU Through Tickets AT J.OVJ-:ST KATE.S in era in tlic .ct:iU. :? vwll ao full ntid-rclii.l Ic ilnfoi million riuinl. can be had upon applim itn ti t IS. A M. K. 11. Agents at any of the Cricciiul ttiii;. or to aw J'SHCSVAL LOWILL, 25tf MnralTiati.tA(cnt. OMAHA XK1I. This pill is a standard Liv II Q C er Rrgulator, an U O U infallible rent ly for Malarial Fever?, Iaundice, Resttessnew, eREEN?'-J Pill has been used in pri CW bMinnnui; -i M3 - '.W.VI K'CaiF-'f,Ka s,on' Sick iitvdathef Con lYVv'Afrsia stipation, Biliousness, MfglMOUNTAIN ' -SgS? Dyspepsia, &c. That this $5 - rsKSfK1 A-te r0'0 for 35 years J-v f 's !',e Grca,cst recommen Si- W Nation that D I I C &A'0& C3n p Bven lILLW r 'I TjS ,l ' ry one "ox- -CVft25C. t -5C O. V. liny Itrtu-Ucit itr-f" Sole rronrictor. Kansas City, Mo. Prop into the rcli:il!c :nil wrll 1; now n lmj:-t:iiil f-H. K. tlu'ivj Itt-tl "Iiul :uit' :inU thi'in what the roput:i t.iiuii of this pill hits lcon since ISX"). ;ilt( r licunni; ( their merits buy :i Jtox :inl trv them. V. i" tho tcjU or20 jenrO cjicrlooc.wid CMrxiinciltM ill V'Witljf Sl MlK1. 1 1 rorrtsuirrlt tin- It -intmif nit ;t.m( tn.f rnmrr motrt, liliniH 1101 a " ono inan " T " oji i.i.-ta " marhine.ajoth-rH -urC KnvoiiUiliP.lefcrlM or nlbcimand ik. rawca nrir aiul ruiaW- fcaturo ami coucnieiiv. It 1 laiy, iKjJ.t-rmmiug, foitrlr't. hanJnTir, ton. rrnirnt. ilvniH'. and WmiJ. Wnrrtuif rd nnI !ktMilliireinirfr(M-ritr."jnr. jnrcularavrith iuUeni'tio Kcutlnon riiut. Iti nirtiy the iCUV A trial -R-Ul trove it llnn'l fivU o mtaa U lwfftmyou Irar. usurArriTKKt by 'iaRLMC. Q. P. 15KNT7bl and S3VaLsoii SL. Chlcao. 1U. THE BEST OF ALU 11T0 F03 HUT AKB EEiSS. For more than u tlilnl of n cmteylhc j i j .. 4ntiUHnn. nil twrr f lut vnrld na 1 I I!!" T II I' iiiiit'ii - w. ..... . .. ... ... , MIIh" oi-iyst rc.tincofor Hie relief of . .... . iiHkii fitwl unii-e llic licit or its 1.1ml. IV r try loim of external ai3 1 1 no :MiictntnrI.liiiiiiert i itliontnn equal. It lirnetrulr' llr.ii nun inuicif io i inv lionr niiiuin-r izio column- mien of jnhi -lil iiitl:iiiuuatloii hiirwi- -ilii. Its ellCcisiipiiii iiiiiiiiiu cimi"i "ilifliniio n-at imi uro i yiially Avondir- ful. Tho JloAicnn t.Itilni' l t is r.v,1(; Jjv FOtne'wvly In I -iV hoiioe. Kvfiy1i- riasiiewt( tlic nc" "! " or ' 'viilMluetl, of rlirmiinrlc mnrtyr n. 'Morel. or a vnlunWe liorac or ox : tivcd by tlio IiuJint; io.tJ llii LINIMENT I tvIiIcIi speoflilv euros sncli nilmtats of r.i... hpmw 'r.i:il as S KT.roimnilallt. '.Ttiilncr. r.iin 'jniiita. "otract-a 3Iclc3t JJnru feiuia Nralda, Cuts, iirui "! jsprrilns, I'ptfonoiiK Eltn mid Pstlna. Sfi04'Sf lnifnt. Old I Vorm. lc-r. IVostlntt. CiUlMaiua. ore Mpplrl, (akra jrensu mna j ifT.rrd every form of external dl-fi-.c. ItlirnU vlltjit-orc For tlio i;iu;tb cunATiox it urea :.... Sirlirnv. KtifT JntQtS. jl'otider, nr:icn'SnT. Hoof Il- re. Foot Itot, 5rrriy iwrm, scan, HiQjIOW Iri ncnucari, i"u" i.-ti. Mn!n. Thrucb. IJInnlioiie. I Old. 5rcE, loll j:-JI. Film upon itlie Meat ar.'l CTCrjr uiiit miarni X rlucb tiie occiaii!3 01 lac IfUnble and KtocJc Tnrtl my Jiirtilc. I llio Mec 2TiiK I.ltnient lalwavs cures aij: never liappaiats; and it is, postuveiy, THE BEST CF ALL IKIMENTS ?GS SIA7T OS SEAS5. Li E 5 A MONTH! A5SST3 HXTCV 55 75r-it-Uiu;ArU-l-l3t:'.7rrMjietr-- fcv---"-' ' -' - B -i E -igiC.t.JULiJ HUSfXJSSS JDJ1USCT&RY. J.TT.Fkith, Pren't lt Nat. Bank Beatrice Neb. S. C. Smith. Cafb'rtit Nat-Bank Beatrice Neb. SMITH BROTHERS, BANKEES, JIED CLOUD, KEB.t Transact a general banking buaineM. bey and m!I county warrant, alio Countr. Precinct and Hthool Dieirict Ind. Ntcotito Urui raortsavtl.'huy antt-soll tcr eiRn Kxcbanite. . ... jr-tptcial attenUan.given to.collestiona. IlErrBESCF.Pr-Jst'Kat. Bank New Tork, Oma ha Nat. Bank. Vuiaba. SMITH BROS. O.-C.Case. Jau. McNwt. Case & McN-e-ny, A TTOUNKVS AND COVN-SIU-OltS AT LAW. Will jiractiee in all the Court oT thii State and Northern Kani-ai. Collections as well as litiica td buiinc--can-fully andetneiently attended to. Omric- On Webster Street, one door north of (Jnrbcr's Store, kki) CI.OUJ), ?:rn. J. S. GILHAM, A TTOUNFi AND COFXftFJ.OR AT I.AW. Office one tloor north of Kaky Bros. RED CLOUa - NEBRASKA. W. C. REILLY, ATTOP.NEY AND COUNSCLOR AT LAW. AND REAL E8TATE AOE2T. 31 ed Cloud. Neb. tS-ftnnijit Attention 'Given to Collections. Orncn- With C. U. 1'OTTEH. at Red Cloud Drug Sture. Edwin C. Hawley. ATTORNKV AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Office over Farley's Drug Store SEDCX&m, 1JEB. Laird & Smith, attornevs and counselors at law. Hastings, - Neoiuska. Will practice in.all the Courts of the State. Prompt attontiouKivaniSo all businew-entruifed to his care. julr- U.S. Kn.r.r. C. W. Kalet. Red Cloud. Neb. J. L. Kalkt. Jilooniington, KebxaikA. KALEY BROS., A TTORSF.V.S AT LAW REAL ESTATE V At:E1iT.S. Will practice in all tho Court in Nebraska and northirn Kanca: collrction; promptly At tended to and correspondence fulicited. KD CLOUD, Notra:t. Alo. Aflcnlt for B. .V M. R. B. Uinds. ELDERT A. HA LI, ITI. D. Physician & SuTgeon, RED CLOUD, NEIL A?istnl Surpttcn -B. rf- M. H. Tl. It. C. Office over Jif!in?on A Crop' dry cood5 Hore. RJi deuce over Prkin & Mitchell's ftoro. 19ora J. ITI. 3HOSEXA, in. D, JECLKCTIC Physician and Surgeon, 1UCD CLOUD. NEB. Will pr-y cpesial attention to Obtetrle and di.cea?ci of woaion Alo iteneral and special yurcerv. Difense? of tbelvyo and Eax. (thargM inodcr.ito. Office over Sherer' DruK Kfore. Residence -1th houje north of chol houio. 25-1 -y fg Or. H. A. Baird, RESIDENT DEUTIST. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. W. N. IlICHARDSOU, DCALERIN LIVE STOCK. RED CLOUD. NEBA5KA. :nnhpFtc!atktt.i'jice pkid for hom and cattle. GO TO COOK'S )at tiik( Red Cloud Drug Store, TO BUY' TIIE PUREST DRUGS ftinl I'inest Chemicals AT TIIE LOWEST PRICES. Also, Taints Oils and Dye Stuffs, No tions Bibles, Books & Stationery Tobacco. Cigars, Lamps, Ac. PATEXT XEDICLXES ordered for parties rrho mty want anything not usually kept in the valley. COME one and all and jet your coo la, ana ak for BOOKS from the circalatinc library HENRY COOK, Druggist and Pharmacist. RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. Samuel West, DEALER IN Tobacco. Cigars. CONFECTIONERY. CANNED-FRUITS, FRESH FRUITS, CRACKERS, CHEESE, ORANGES, LEMONS, AKD A KCLL LINE OF FANCY ALSO A F:ST OiAS3 Ice Cream Parlor. Vhero you can aln-ajs got a nice tilth tf Ice Cre.wu during the Season. A share of the public patronage is respectfully solicited. First door south of Mitchell .fcMbrhart's. Sr.o Cloud,, - - NebAasSa. THE CHIEF. M. L. THOMAS, EDITOR. THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1881. The f-ituation at ATiiany remairw about the same; Conkling still Lolfi his own. A Michigan man who had attained the age of one hundred years commit ted suicide 'test veek- The law passed by the legwlBtrire lat winter, making the keeping of .gambling houses a felony, went into effect act'fcwelvc o'clock Saturday iriiglrt and has reusltefl in closing -ovexy gambling house in St. Louis. North Platte, Neb., June 26. A violent wind storm accompanied by rain visited tkie place Jast night about six o'clock, utterly destroying fonr fifths of the Union Pacific round-house. A wiper named Tinkham, was instant ly killed by the falling timber of the roundhouse. No other person was seriously hurt. The destruction of the roundhouse -was ciuweri "by flic large doors of the building being open wlicn tlio wind strm-lr it. Tim loco- motives were all but one removed, arc volunteered without pay they can from the debris of the building last! ot bc hml Ht " The work will be ntehl before 11 o'clock. Other damn- 4563 by the storm in &arial. this locality arc THE OLD, OLD ST0E7. Hioux City Journaltvf A gcntleiuen in from West Fork tells how a lightning rod firm, under stood to be Colo Bros., of Council Bluffs, (play si .on the farmers out .that way. An "agent" drives around -first. He is equipped with a galvanic battery, a glib tongue and riantling .nd ueofla tional thecxrks Kbout electricity, light ning, etc. He talks the farmer into having his house and baru rodded, and take au .order for the same at the jate of sixty-live oents per foot. This order k-Kgncd by the ft.rmer. Ihen comes the .gaug. They put up the rods on everj part of a building that will carry a roil. The farmer thinks his premises well protected and the gang goes on in tlve wake of the "agent." Then comes the man who settles for the job, He is not the jtnan who took the order, biui be has the order signed by the farmer specifying that the building shall be sufficiently trsddfcd, and thaX ilse jiay shall bc at the rate of sixty-five cents per foot. He measures up the job, and the amount surprises the farmer. It is four or five times what he expec ted to pay, and -what the "agent," who took the order, told him it would likely be. McCIarren, and English colonist of West Fork, gave an order for rods that the "agent" told him would likely cost $40 or $30, and settled for $175. This is -only a sample ease. Now the matter hae JUseu trentfta&ed in the 'Journal' and other newspapers so often thai it seems hardly worth while Ao repeat for the thousandth time that the man who sigus "order," "contract" or whatever at the request of a stranger docs a very foolish thing. If a farmer urants a lightning rod or anything else, his wont that he will pay for the goods should be sufficient. Suppose instead he tak.es a, contract from the "agent" that the lightning rod, or vhatcver shall not cost to ex ooed w much. Another point is this: Insurance companines do not make any differ ence in favor of bmtdings that arc "protected" by rods. If the protection omouuted to anything the insurance companies would find it out-. The K)-called "insurance" issued by some agents selling lightning rods, in suring against loss by lightning on buildings on which the3 put rods, does not amount io the paper on which it is written. The insurance is not backed by any responsible com pany.. A lightning rod if broken, as most of them arc after they have lecn up a few months, is highb dangerous and should be repaired, or taken down at once. And lastly, if a man wants . light ning rod put up on his buildings he can put it up for himself at a twenti eth part of the expense'thal a travel ing agent will charge him. Plain iron rods, with a thread cut on- either end, connected With pump" rod couplings, are as good as any, and cost possibly two cents a foot. If put on with staples, driven into the side of the house, it is as good'as if insulated with glass. If the lightning follows the rron it is because the iron is a better con ductor of electricity than the wood or trick of the "rail iewkich- itr is fast en etL But in spite of warnings farmers will eontihnc to sigrr"oontracts," and all that sort of thing. The'taefc of warn ing them is as thankless- as the at tempt to suppress the robbery of drunken travellers in the citr. On the lightning question people are par-' fic.nlarTt- tii1rr.iV.l i? . I ticularly vulnerable Everyone i knows just enough about' electricity to do ready to take jcall tho tafly ad-i ministered by the agert. The women iulks Jrrc'x'nieery,' when it thunders, and a lightning rod don't cost much anyway. So the farnfar's name goes on the contruct, the rods ar.e put on, and, aHer-much kicking, st&lsd for with money thtM soiely aiotdei ibr something else, and so the work gutt, on. Kastiag cf Sepufclietn Central Ccsoittee. There will be a meeting of the Web- nct County Republican .Ceutral Com- iinittee at Red Cloud Nt'li.. on Satttr- pay July 16th 1SS1, at 1 o'clock p. t. 'W'. II. Stroiim, Ch'n. (DUB WASHINGTON LZTTZB. Washington June 2C, Iftffl. The famous portrait f Mrs. Hayes, which has been hung in the Kant aam of the Executive Mansion since .March G last, has been sent to New Vork for the purpose of having photo lithograph copies of it made. The j.&rtrait is generally thought to be an I excellent one, and uepiesof it will .be in demand all over the count r. The influence of this noble lady, in her home life at the White llonse, 'bus left endearing memories that will be long cherished by a grateful people. Faith and hope are the pabulum upon which storekeepers, gaujjere, anfi cencus clerks are to live for months to come. There is no money to pay them, and unless their services wnw unou U1B ,K,i,L lUM " appropriate monev to pay for it When the proposition is made for that action, There wil! iiiS doubt be strong opposition to it by some "heirthet--, who hope to be re-elected because of their efforts on behalf tf economy, but for such demfgogues, appropria tions would iKr. ho .often fall short of tthc necessities of the -public services. The first currency issued by the Uui icd States "Government bearing .the sig nature of a colored man, was jicceived a few days since from the Bureau of Engraving and Printing at the Comp troller of the -Currency's office. Major J, F. Bates, the venerable New Eng lander, who has charge of the shipping of currency tSithcLwo thousand r.nd snore national banks, caused four fives in one sheet, to be taken, and shown to the Register, B. K. Bruce. On holding up the sheet for inspection of those in his office the Register feeling ly remarked: "Who would have thought of this spectacle a score of years age !" This is an incident of in terest worthy of a place upon the bright pages of the history f a public imjn'-tf life. The sleepy old town of Alexandria in. heard the muttering-j of tho on coming business boom. A certificate of incorporation of the Potomac Man ufacturing Company, providing for an existence oi twenty years ami a capi tol stock of f 1,000,000, divided into ten thousand shares of $100, has been filed in the office of the Recorder of Deeds. The company is -engage in the busi ness of mining and smelting ores, manufacture of iron and steel, and any other manufacturing they may elect to do, in the State of Virginia, and to own real estate, and to acquire such patent rights as may bc neces sary. Tho enterprise is backed by business men and capitalists from va rious sections, and gives promise of inspiring new life to the dead business pulse of the old Dominion. There arc two names that will bc ever cherished by the best citizens of tins beautiful capitol. Both of them luwrfi bccnihamefully villificd and ma ligned. History repeats itself in every age, Columbus in chains, And Galiloc imprisoned at the inquisition for de claring the movements of the earth, are but evidences of man's inhumani ty to man. Alexander R. Shepherd and O. E. Babcock, each will yet be perpetuated in the memory of those of coming time by statutes in some of the beautiful parks they had the wis dom and pluck to beautify. Farragut Square, the site of Vinnic Keam-Hox-ie's statue of the great admiral, was re claimed by General Babcoc!-c, and from an unsightly dumping-ground has become one of the most beautiful points in the city. Iowa Circle is an other evidence of General Babcock ' exquisite tate and foresight Of late years there has not been that care and attention bestowed upon the parks and reservations that is absolutely necessary to kep these breathing sjiots up to the standard that was elaborated and designed by Boss Shepherd, as he was termed during Ins administration of public affairs. Tlie closing exercises of HcrrarS University were unusually interesting, and were graced by the presence of many distinguished individuals'. Pres ident Garfield presented diplomas to the fivc"graduatcs :n the !ar depart ment. The President, Dr. W. W. Pat ton, announced that hereafter no tuition-fee would be charged' in the Normal, Preparatory, or College De partments. The University has this year sent out thirty-four educated' colored Men to' be' leaders of their race, to wit: Twelve medical graduates, ten theological, five legal, and seven collegiate. Its many friends will be glad to know that it is thus steadily I doing its appointed work.- Phaes;- Tlic Committee appointed to select Toasts and Speakers fur the coming 4h of July celebration r.t Red Clonrt, Neb., have selected the following sub jeet and spenJcsrs, all of whom have" accepted and sail lie ps-ifnt. Tbu Day we -Celebrate-Albert Davis Eq., Guide Rock. Our Country's Defenders Wm. A. MuKeigh.in Eiq.. Elm Creek. Our American Women Ba-vid S.ntz E-q., Red Cloud. Froedom .n4 Independence Jno. R. Wilcox Red Cloud. Our National Progress I). P. New comer E-q., Blue Hill. Our Commou schools ami their in fluence on our Liberties A. L. Funk Eq., iied Cloud. Religious Freedom Geo. lltHiuml. The Principles of our Government Jos.-Garber Esq., (Red Cloud. Our Farmers John Harvy Er, Tnavale, Our Laws-H ". Kaley, Red Cloud. C4ylara,X3a., Visited bj i Small Hurri- ces3 en tfasia? N"igV. cf Lrt Wtek. (From Smith Center Free Pre. I The ConjjstgsrtiMih'l uhureh w;m completely demolished. j The Tin roof blown from the Gilman House. The front of G. W. Buck's store torn off. Dr. Wells' baru has entirely disap-, pcarcd. The roof of Foster's stable was blown off, and blown into GriesingerS residence. The old feed stable of C. A. MeNiuTs was lifted oil' the foundation. The west end of the depot torn off, .and two cars blown from the track. Every out 'hotsc xmd well curb in town tiped over, Lumber scattered all over town. No one hurt. The citizens have rai.ed $100 toward i-tbuilding the church. Ncxslteas Froa allcTer lao State. L. C. Johnson, of Gage county ship- fied 3,300 pounds of wool la'st week to 'hiladelpliia. The B. it M. have sent -out another survcvuiir party west of Ciulcrl:Ou toy survey a new route to Denver. Twelve buildings and u new school I house are now erecting at Oakland. A newly arrived Bohemian pur chased a liulJle of blueing in West Point the other -day, which he pio ceedod to drink. He thought it wa Komekii.d of American beverage. fTlsiiA- tlio Ttrnwii villi miirilor ef. tempted tuocKii&iit suicide la.st wtefc 1 in jail. The Republican valley solders' asso ciation miiijJAerK 134 zuciuhun1. Antelope county has three cornet bands one each at Neleigh, Oakdale and Taylor valley. Lous Frank, the son of John Frank, of Center Precinct, Piatt county, poimcii a roanea mioiiiii at. tis kmc: Matilda last week, killing her instant ly. Owen Brown, ofTipps Branch. Paw-, "i.i i 1 1 i ir-u coiiiny, ii(-riiiuiuiy icn iiuui n wagon one day last we ek and nearly tiroke his iveck Iracturmg the pnar nygeal cartilege. The Crete nursery has planted 120 bushels of soft maple seed. Mrs. Vallery, Cas conntv, while Ftraw-bcrrving, was bitten by a rattle snake, ami at last accounts was in a dangerous condition. The first train over the branch of the Elkhorn Valley road from Norfolk to Creighton, the" terminus, on hist Friday eivcning. Thirty houses zre buildu;g at Blue Springs. it is estimated the shipment of cat tle cut over the Republican Valley line will bc twice as large this year as l.iKt ?eason. There is Pome talk of erectmir hiuh school buildin" at Rivcrtou One day last we?k a lady by the name of Mrs. W. DcLong. in South Bend, while out feeding her chickens, saw a wolf trying to' catch one of her fine Bramah fowl. With the assis tance of a neighbor lady visiting her, they cornered- the thieving auirhhl, and" Mrs. D. knohked his brains out with a liarrow tooth. A dastardly attempt was maJe last Friday to wr.ck the passenger train on the B. fc M. between Lincoln and Crete. E. L. Thompson was arrested, charged with the crime. Samuel Johnson, of Nitckols county, has a 700-acre corn field. The new town in Ncmeha county is to be called Calvert, in honor of the chief engineer of Burlington &. Mis souri River railroad. Stools of rye with thirty-two and thirty-four stalks from single grains arc on exhibition at Beaver City. Nelson precinct, Nuckolls county, has 4,369 fruit tuees and 4,4Cf grape vine. The female cook al a Culbcrtson hotel einpctied a revolver at a fellow who climbed into her window one night. Jr.- P. Olive reports a loss of 1,000 Cattle among his 5.000 head- in trie South Loup ouimtry Hastings has organized a Young Men's Christian association. Three hundred and fifty stock men were in Culbcrtson at one time last week, the round-up starting west from that point. A new rresbyieria'ri ch torch has been organized on Plum creek, in Pawnee county, Tecnmseh sold" $25X50 Worth" of stock durinj; the first ten days of the present month: A large sheep ranch is now being constructed near Cedar Rapids by Mr. Stowell. Joseph Delaney r.f Blair, was run over by the cars last week and lct a foot.- The hail storm at Indhmola did aboat-3 tboiband'doHarifof- dsssse.- ami SPANOGLE&FUNK jiE.t)ocjrj-:ns for AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Two Doors South of Bank, RED CLO UD, - NI'.1J.LVHKA. rSWMmtVMMMLWVMIWi GO To W. l'O Staple i FancyGroceries, IN TOWN. AI0 Choice Nuts, Fruits & Confections. J"Freh rruiU and Vegetable rni'id on Q 45 SVO-& ' --O 0 k C MADCU tii wi mniivino (C - - Ss - - FOULKS Hastings iAXf'FAcn;i:Ki:.s ok the ACME STEEL Barb Fence Wire, 7H K ONLY Wire that will make a Visible Fence Pig Tight, Bull Strong Horse High. Factory three Blocks north of Post Office. l SaIIi2uF2f rj HBelfliiHllLBaHaa Rffl' 1 aVfnaHCXBBT.aV4p9'V' aBBBBtbkJaW -it aFia4 In I mf H'tmm JIMtoAt f Cckctm; ta thyef 1B72, br CEAgir a ceT aauswofUe F Hr CORE 1881 3 B, ROBY'S It- Communion. ki:d n.orn. neb. - ? ' - h.v,3 0 - - 3j 0-&2 &(7) & STINE, jSTebraskii- WHkWMaWaMMaV " Jeweler Re Gkw&l osat'5 :rsr ieskrjs. yf B 6. .i W o te-" " 5 J Wi l'i ttFS2l UIII8 ,. f wrti uiur !.. y - t ttti - r 'i. 1 fl-m t wm4wr U Wr Jrt.4l j l !-... r tit ll'HP I jltMt.' IH "m K-tMV,M.v lo M tf.i H-SU X A ... rjn-f vz F -irr. rr t OM OC :,U.W. W,s :&. j DAVID LAXDIIWII 4 5054, rvW?M fg I J't!(U4 BROS. MEAT MARKET I.H) t lol I KW. T hrie. t ti Kr3 m ' rril. .l irtS.i( ta tb.lla tb.t la. Vt B rl ) .n bfcJ . aribp i duit ?etli cf ' Jra ( r at ii ill m Holcomb Bros., -DuUn 1 HAR8WARg it :t iiuit. 'U7 Mlt CIllTAk f.r CASH. 4 W iirf1 ktv art olt.t )-u want. I. art raf utCi r aJ ta.r iU Hit tu CALL Ox TIIK.U 0ot Jwr north ofUwUt'. auJ M. IIOLOOV jf "ill riit ou rca. ittfJ Kl OLOUb. NRH. f- -Q Tl "5 g 3 o : - r' si . 5 inis t S of (M c zr n ROBIN80N Wagon Company, A-CKA:n.ni.RSor- sp?S WAGONS Buggies & Phaetons )o V e d o n o t Va n t A gc h t ntiiKicsvi'C Standard Trade Vehicles; TO Til K T8AOE. - Work tlwt ha an ctUibad tcpM iKitt, and tiru rtUi be Untlvl witb iuV KfUci'um. loth to Uiy id icfler. iidld fur I-.jf A pril iy U,' pjjbiysoX WiON CO. K, ly CitMinnKi. Dhiv-! &i AV I a . - 1 SAM'L GARBER, UZAULli lis Dry G00M9 Mnd Urocertew. BOOTH Had HiltftJ Hats, Oapif &r j Uta'lfj Made t'tb(iza. f StBcit if frtMiy4i? Rit hi unrfcr3tid. ' -. tk Hat w ft II lr aal I IaH i ila m i lifH 1 ' v ! itm m - mwt r friCZTM T 11 -$ V.'' ? -jrfvtev. mmMmmwrntmaw - 5Ss3k- Se, jf. -' -f- 3g. --to-C!a- -