-- . mmmmmmm. T. J, MOSHER, DEALER IX Groceries, Tobaccos, Cigars &c, &c. ti'c Vrep n hand as find a Hnc of rroceric and" tl)jcco3 as can ue """i i"c a.uey. A good im m m " . . L -l v I X iun in connection with the store. rhare a ! supply or frcja Dre.a anu pies are always kept on hand- FRESH OYSTERS Our facilitiej for handling aii clan of goods are the beet in town. GPve me a call, at the old stand. 38tf t T. J. MOSHEJR- .ttD CLOUD, NEBRASKA Flour & Feed STORE, GHAS. E. PUTMM, Prop. DEALER IN FLOUR. FEED Corn, Meal, Bimn Chopped FMdaod GROCERIES1, " Visit the lied Cloud Grocery. Feed and Pro "vision tture when yuu want fuppliet for uun or beot. llichc-t market price ia cash paip for grain All kind ofrountrr ptoduce taken rn exchange (org'iod'. tJoodi delivered to all purttvftuwn Ircu ofcharco. St-ue fuuth of Iiccd'f Plow Factory. Red Cloud, Nebraska. Moon i Callender, )deai.ers in( General Merchandise, Jry - Goods Groceries, Scots & Shoes, HATS AND CAPS, Drug, McciiciireN, OIL Tarnishes, Paints 15te. GLASSWARE, QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE & HARNESS ETC., ETC., ETC. A full line of everytltini kept" in n gen eral atOlC, at lllCUWT.sT CASH I'lUlXS. Ir-licclfnHy, Moon & Callender. COWLErf, - '.EIKASKA D3R. SHEEEE, Proprietor of tho City Drug Store. AKIT BBALtB-IB Drugs Medicines. Paints- Oils and Varnishes, A full MtppW of LA"MTS, LAMP SHADES, WICKS, COM ItS BKUSJIXS AC. i'etron.icc sulicktjd and' thankfully received. "Preiriptiun carefully compoundcdvB One duor aotilli of Garber's store, UED CLOUD, NEB. R. L. TINKER, (Successor G.A. Brows-) y DEA1.KIVIK Parlor, Bedroom AND KITCHEN FURNITURE, Brackets, Chromos, Picture Frames Mattresses, Etc. Offinc alwaii on head nnd-'triraraedon short notice, l'rice as llw :ir-L.ay in the 'V alley. Repairing vl all kimi-done promptly and Satisfactory. Uiirial Robes furnWied at reasonablo rated. T.ED CLOUD, - - v - NEB; Harness Shop, uv J. L MILLER, Kit'i roartactlyoa bund a fuH Line of HARNESS, COLLARS, SADDLES, HORSlBtiVKETS, Willi's,. SOMAS; BRUSHES. H"ARNESS-OIIj,. And cvcrvthwtj: usually kept in afirst olas.i;bop. TWO POOES SOKTUOF THE BAXK. Tee Highest Cash Pries Paii for Side ssd Purs.. COME For Your LUMBER. DRY LUMBER'A SrEdALTV, httlU lit ! rie' - 1!Y- unuun THE OBDOEF. LOCAL MATTE-RS. R. V R- R Tiae Tftftle. Taking effect Fa nday. Oet. 17. 1880. En J ward Pars ngcr Ieaee.... - .". arriTe.... -.. 6 :30 a. . 7 5 p.m. 50 p.m. freight leave ntti f. n cjiwwtt i cconr i rares o, in, m mv ... .5 i-ya-,. a; EASTERN DIVISION. Eastward Aecom. leaTe....8 i a, b. am res....-.-. 6 155 d. m. ,. " uaily except Saaday. . W. IlaLDBBDOK. A. E. TonxALUf. Superintendent. Genl. Manager. M.E. CBUR3H. S. ?.. aU0i...aad rwcninrb the Paj tor every babbath morning and evening. Prayer niectjDr every Thartaay ereaiBr. All are cordially invited. J CONGRE0ATKDNA" CHURCH. PrearhlBc every f rat and taW SaVeatk of heb BOBtMat 11 a. m. and 8 p. aa.. also oa Stk, ruuwn-wBB aver u ocean. Mbbtn benool every Sabbath moraine at SJsodock. Prayer meetiag every Wednesday reams;. Go to Roby'a fbr Butter on ice. Roby has sweet potatoe plants for sale. Clothing at Bed Rock Prices, at J. G. Potter's. Live hogs are- worth $4150 in thin market. Boots and Shoes-, at greatly reduced prices, at J. G. Potter's. Fourth three week? from next Monday. Cash paid for Butter and Eggs, at, PUTNAS'eV A nice-line of Boys Clothing Cheap foreaah, at " J. G, Pottek's. Shipping tags can be had at the CuiEKjoflicev Great bargain 8,.grcat reduction in Ready Made Clothing, at J. G. Potter's. The Chief office has turned out con siderable job work in the last two weeks. We have noticed quite a number of gentlemen from ATrica-inttown tho last few days. Cut worms arc said to be playing the deuce with the cabbage and other garden "truck." Set the ball rolling at once, and let's have a rousing old fourth of July cele bration at Rod.Cloud. We acknowledge receipt of an invi tation to attend the 4th of July cele bration at Bloomington. LastSunday was the hottest day of the season, so far. The mercury reached 103 in the shade. UiiiMUler well the question m-ail its- bearings before you make up your mind to vote school bonds? Owing to sickness in the familv of the editor, this week's Chief has not rereived'the attention it should have Had. We would think that the- heavy rains would blast the hopes and ruin the future- prosyects of the chintz bags. The Red Cloud first nine go to Burr Oak, Kan. r to-day (Thursday) to play the Burr 0k bovs a game of base ball, Remember that 'Kendnirs Spavin Cure' will do all thev oiaim- for :$ Try a bottle: Head 'the- AXh-ertise ment. Hundreds of dollars for a fire de partment, but not a cent for fire-works on the fourth of Jul v. That would be oup motto.- Tkn-antWaxted. A farm to rent, 5 miles from- Red Cloud. 90 acres under cultivation Apply to J. Gaess ler. at tho Bank1. 36tf The New Light Rtnonso HbwB bEWIXG MACHIKir HAS VO' SUPERIOR Don't fail to examine it before par? chasing. Sold by, 41XVS Si-anogle fc Funk. For biliousness and constipation of tne Dowels;, use Dr.. jtfArshalls Big Blood and Liver Cure. Bromoline. & speedy and prompt' cure. Only fifty cents. Alwa6 keep 'Kendall's Spavin Cure in your house; if your Druggiat will not get it lor you enato the proprrev tors, u. j. Kendall &. Co., Jbnoaburgn Falls Vt. Let the dead bury their dead and the living use Dr. Marshall's Big Blood and Liver Cure and be well. Big bottles fifty cents. AIL druggists arc agents. Money to Loan- 3t Ibwest rates. Address B. Lombard Jr., dealer- in County,. School' and-Precinct Bonds, and -Mortgage-Sccurities.--44-44- . Lincoln, Neb. The new bridge-across the river at this place is being built about ten rods west from where the old bridge stood. The river is said to be about fifty feet narrower there and tho approaches can ako be built cheaper and better. , The anti-treating law went into ef fect tho first day of June, but it docs hot secnrlo have much effect on the old .topers, or the young ones cither; they continue to "set 'em up" and to hospitably assist each other on their joyous-journey to drunkards graves. The school exhibition held at the court'lioR&elast Friday night is said to have been a complete success, the little folks enjoyed themselves im menscly and acquitted themselves very creditably. We regret that we could not be "pTesentt so as to have given a more extended notice. By urgent'request wc have agreed to read the- Declaration of Indopen dancettt the celebration at Wells Post Office the coming- 4th. As that ar rangement was- made- conditionally, and'.it now appears thnt there- m-ty be a cerebration at RfedT Cloud on that day, we hope our-frienda-at Wells will not be disappointed if wc are not no hand. AXARI? To tho neichbors.and friends who so promptly rMpeiKfcrtVto- Ac cry of Ttroia-ftiFjiday, aa-' by tbair ttmery efforts Bavedlmy-ljvcry atU and other property frost, ieetrucuan, I smhito, antaldo'hareby tedr;y since thanks.. ' Vi-rylKrsj-iocSIMy; Lrvx-Mooxcu Ed Perkins started to Chicago last Monday. Get ready to "enthuse" when the glorious i rolls round. A celebatfon at this place the com ing 4th of July is talked of. Use the cultivator every hour that the ground is dry enough. H. L. Hellen, representing the state Democrat, was in town last week: The supply of prairie hay, the pres ent season, will be simply immense. Spend every hour that vou can spare from sleep, in your com fields. A. S. Marsh now has one of the Best store rooms in town, since the addi tion is completed. Mr. and Mrs. McKTenny, of the Val ley House, lost their only child last Monday night.. The family of Rev, J. M. Pryse left last Wednesday to join Mr. Pryse at his new home in Blue Springs. Another good rain Tuesday night. It seems that this country is not to suffer from the drouth this year. Mrs. Zeiss will have one of the neatest and best hotel buildings in town, when it is completed. A little child of J. A. Tulleys- feir into the cittern Iaet Tuesday and had a narrow escape from drowning. Is it possible that Wells is the only hamlet in this county with sufficient vim and patriotism to get up a 4th of July celebration thai year. Ex-Gov. Garber returned home last Satrarday. He has been rusticating at the Hot Springs for several months, and is much improved in health. Case t McNeny have purchased the Springer property in the north part of town and will ft it up and make a regular bachelor's paradise of it. Work on the new bridge is being pushed forward at a lively rate, and from present appearances it will be completed by the 15th of the present month. Boston CorbitC,. the man who shot Wilkes Booth; President Lincoln's as sassin, is now living on a farm about two miles south of Concordia, Kansas. He is said to be very poor. The farmers must all be busy on their farms, for the first two days of this week a holy calm like unto that of a Sabbath day brooded over thb usually activo and thriving burg. The -following are delegates to the Sunday School Convention at Hast ings, from Red Cloud. Prof. A. L. Funk, Mrs. G. W. Dow, A. L.Mitchell, J. Q. Potter and Mrs. J. Q. Potter. C. II. Potter starts next Monday for a tour of the west; he will "take in" Salt Lake City, San Francisco, Wash ington territory and many other points of interest, and remain away until fall. The Rev. Geo. O. Yeiser will preach at the Congregational church next Sabbath morning and evening. Baptist Church and Covenant meet ing on Saturday previous at 3 p. m. at the same place. The ladies of the M. E. Cliurcrr- and Sunday School, will hold an Ice Cf earn 'and Strawberry Festival at the Church, on Friday evening instead of Thursday evening. Proceeds to aid in paying for their organ. All arc cor dially invited;. We-heaT'complaint from a few of the farmers that the season has been so wet that it has been impossible to keep the weeds- down- in the corn fields and 'that the said weeds are like ly to "hold the-fort" if the rain docs not let up soon. Be sure you don't forget the colt show Saturday 11th, at one o'clock, oposite the- City Livery. $2 premium for best colt from "Honest Fred." $3 for best mule from the Lew Smith Jack. Fair show and fair play. Fast judges and prompt pay. Fetch 'em out ! Fetch 'cm out ! ! D. Lurz. Spirits of turpentine is given- as a sure cure for snake-bites on the hu man body as well as on beasts. Apply by placing the mouth of the bottle on the wound, holding it there a reasona ble time, and bathe the parts nearest the wound with the turpentine. It does its work better, with less deleter ious effects, than wiskey as an anti dote. A mover who passed through here on Wednesday of last week had the misfortune to loose his pocket book between Red Cloud and Indian creek, containing about $270. This was a sad misfortune as it left the man with out means to proceed on his journey. We hope he may bo fortunate enough to recover the lost money. He de sires that the finder shall leave it at the Chief office and receive a liberal reward. "Uncle Sam" Garber is an admirer of blooded stock. He is also the owner of blooded stock, having just purchased a thoroughbred male mem ber of the bovine family. He also de sires to purchase an animal of the long eared species such an one as held a conversation with Baalam in reference to his duties as a horse jockey, several years ago on a rugged mountain path in the old country. For further particulars call on "Uncle Sam" or O. C. Case, Red Cloud. P. S. Tb is not a "paid" adver-tisciuenti- Hcro is a-geod-one from- tho Cber lin, Kansas, Herald: Not long ago an attorney oTMcPherson county; who was counsel for the defendant in a case befor8-a"learnedl' justice of tho peace, having appeared in court, moved that the case be .dismissed. The justice &i- "Gentlemen, you have- lMard Km- mfcoa. Is there any second ?" The constabie-inl attendance said: "I second tber aao- Uon." ThavjMttce then put the aao- tion, which iwas earned the att4myy asd coaataWe. -fttc-for it lnd-the H. S. Kaley is still very low and it will probably be some time before he ill again be able (o be out. Mrt. Clara B. Colby delivered a lecture on woman's Buffi-age at the M. IE. Church last Saturday night. We was not present, consequently can not say anything in regard to the'mer its or dismeriLs of the same, but pre sume it was interesting and instruct ive: It is not our province to abuse women lecturers', or women's "right era'" but it is our private- opinion, publicly expressed, that when a wife and mother leaves her home, her husband and her children to travel over the country lecturing on wom en's rights or any other subject, she has departed from- that sphere for which God and nature designed her, .imi iias ten vacant ute place mat no- other can fill the home. Judge Wilcox was seen buaily enga ged in mowing weeds in the court house square recently. Now don't scoff, and call us a prevaricator, and wiggle your fingers to your nose deris ively, for it's a fact. We have the re report from good authority else we would" not believe it on rsel f. We are willing; to admit that the idea is pre posterous and that the stey alneaC surpasses belief, and we c&al hardly bring ourselfto look upon the report as anything but a "cod," but neverthe less that the occurrence did actually take place can be proven beyond cavil. The following points can be proven xnd substantiated by the testimony of an eye witness, viz: 1st. The Judge has actually been seen to perform manual labor. 2d. On Monday, June 6th; A. D. T88f, Judge Wilcox was seen to- take in his hands one scytlie, and,' as is verily believed by the witness, did, voluntarily, without fear, favor or without hope of reward, and without coercibnvproceei'to mow weeds in the said court house square. We commend the action of the judge in this matter and would sug gest that if other county officers the sheriff and county Supt., for instance would brace up and do likewise for a few hours, the court house square might become a thing of beauty, and a joy forever. Tat Weather. Inavalk June 4, 1881. Ed. Chief: As I hear considerable discussion lately as to the amount of rain-full fcc. I will give you my obscr-vationa-for the month of May 1881, Total rain-fall, 8 inches. Greatest amount at onetime, was 4 inches on the night of the 9th. Hail on the I Ith at 9 p. m. Highest temperature, 90. Lowest, 48 Moan Monthly temperature, 66 No. of clear days, 15. No. of cloudy days, 0. No. of stormy days, 10. Prevailing winds from the cast south-east and south. Solar Halves, 1 . Lunar Halves, 1. Auroras, 1. The rain-fall for the month of May 1880 was but 90 hundredth's of an inch. Total rain-fall for the year was but 12 inches. Crops of all kinds arc looking well, ground in good condition, some of the farmers are not done planting yet, and some of thrni had to re-plant on ac count of poor seed. G. W. Knight. llffloft a Goafiafratiea. Last Friday afternoon while some small boys were playing at the livery barn m the rear of the Commercial hotel they carelessly dropped a' light ed match in some straw laying against the side of the stable on the oubride, and in a twinkling the flames were leaping up the side of the build ing. It fortunately was discovered al most instantly, the alarm was given, and before the flames got under head way the prompt efforts of those who happened to be near had got the fire under control. Had the fire once got beyond con trol it is hard to tell what the damage wc-uld have been, but it is very proba ble that the entire north half of the buniness part of town wonld have been consumed. We would, did we think it would do any good, read the parents of children who play on the streets and run about where they have no business and where they are not wanted, a severe lecture, taking the occurrance of last Friday for a text, but it would do no good. Nothing short of a calamity will open the eyes of parents to the fact that they should keep a strict watch over their children in town and that they are, in law, held responsible for all damages to or destruction of property brought about by the vicious or careless acta of their children. Let parents all bear this in mind, and let them see that their children, under no circumstances, are allowed to get possession of matches. GRAND CELEBRATION ! At Wells Post-Officc July 4th, PROGRAMME. Procession will form at the Post- Oftice-at 10 o'cibefc A. i., and march to the Grove, preceded by the Juniata Martial Band. Reading of the Declaration of Inde pendence. Orations by Hon. C. H. Tanner of Hastings, and others. Basket Dinner. Immediately after the orations a basket dinner will be partaken of on the grounds. Singing by the North Blue Glee Club; after which all persons-will be-Tdlowed to enjoy them &lYe6iiiBy way thay thing proper. Jower Dance. In the evening; an opportunity will: be given aiy overs- of the dance "to rfr ljbt lpraatc"1othcir sum eonftfct TbrgYOOBfls areipTcadid',' a general Sunday School Convention, ! The fourteenth- annual convention of the Nebraska Sunday School Asuo ciation will be held at Halting, Neb-., June Ttth, 15th and 16th, ISS1. notes ok information. All Evangelical Christian Minuter in the State, Sunday School Superin tendents and duly elected delegates from any School are entitled to seau in the Convention. Each County S. 3v Aassociation ' allowed two repre sentatives. Tho Railroads of tho State return delegates at ose-fourth fare who pay run. fare in going to Convention. Trains arrive in Hastings on B. &. M. R, R. in Neb:, from the East at 5:10 P. M. from the West at S a. M. and 5 P. M. from Republican Valley at 8" a.m. and 10:15 p. m. On St, Joe fc Westcru from the cast at 5:45, P. x. from Grand Island at 9:J5 A. x. and 9:15 P. M. The good people of Hastings extend the hospitality of their homes to the members of the convention, and will furnish entertainment to all delegates who send their name to Rev. J. D. Stewart, not later than June 10th. Delegates are requested to bring "Gos pel Hymns combined." County Secretaries, Pastors and Su perintendents are requested to give full and timely notice of the conven tion and thus aid the committee in securing a general attendance and a wide distribution of it benefits. Attention is called to the thank-offering collection. It is earnestly reccommended that Sunday June 12th, be observed as day of prayer in behalf of tho Sunday school cause in our state, and especi ally for the Divine blessing upon the approachiug convention. For the Executive Committee, I. P. Gage, State Secretary. Peterson's Maoazine for July is on our table, ahead of others, usual. Wc have so often spoken of this lady's book, as the cheapest and bt-M, that all we can do now is to reiterate that opinion. The present number is pe culiarly rich in embellishments. The steel plate, "The First Train," is one of those charming illustrations, never seen except in "Petersou." The col ored steel fashion plate is a gem, as "Beautiful as a Dread," as a lady at our elbow says. There is a profusely illustrated article on "Ancient anil Moder Gardens," and a prettily illus trated love story, by Anges James, "Paste and Diamond." In this num ber, wc have the first chapters of a historical novelet, "The News From Yorktown." which is aiso illustrated, and which is particularly appropriate, as this is the Yorktown "Centennial Year." In addition to this, there arc some two score cuts of fashions, work table designs, fcc. ; besides a beautiful colored pattern for a Photograph Frame, in daisies on black velvet, alone worth the price of the number. Every lady ought to be a subscriber for this magazine. The terms are but two dollars a year, with great reduc tions to clubs, and handsome premi ums to the person getting up the club. Now is Ihe. tune to subscribe. A new volume begins with the July number, but back numbers, to January inclu sive, can always be supplied, if wished. Specimens are sent, gratis, if written for to persons wishing to get up clubs. Address, Chas. J. Peterson, 30fi Ches nut Streets, Philadelphia. ALWAYS NEW. Ehrichs' Faphion Quarterly is one of those publications of w hich the ladies (Heaven bless them !) never tire Season af season it comas to tell it readers in which direction the weath er vane of Fashion points what stuffs and patters are likely to be most in vogue what styles arc likely to be worn and what prices are ruling in the great Metropolitan retail marls. Its practical utility is unquestionable. Most Fashion periodicals are bimply promoters of extravagance; but the Fashion Quarterly suggests economy on every page. Instead of the usual reprints of the designs of Parisian cos tumes, it gives its readers illustrations of solid serviceable articles of wear for every day use, drawn from actnal gar ments of American make, with a des cription of the material of each, and a statement of the prices at which they can be furnished. The Summer number, just received, ably sustains the record of its prede cessors. The literary department pre sents a choice selection of useful and entertaining article, among which may be mentioned a beautiful and original poem, entitled "Summer Reigns, by Margaret Eylinge; an interesting illus trated paper on "Household Decora tion," by Hope Ledyard. editress of the Art Exchange; "Lessons in Dress makiug," by one of the best modiMa ; and the usual melange of tiles and sketches. The portion of the maga zine devotek more especially to Fash ion, gives descriptions not onlv of the favorite styles in costumes, but also of a variety of novelties in other depart ments, such as ladies uuderwear, hair goods, rummer games, books, station ery, etc., etc. ; each item being illus trated with photographic accuracy, clearly described, and accompanied with a state ment of cost. Breifly, we heartily commend the Fashion Quarterly to our lady rea ders. Its price is only 50 cents ayear, or 15 cents a copy, and its publishers are Ehrich Brothers, Eighth Avenue, New York. OROWISFI Not the Crown of King", nor the Crown of Glory, but the Crawn Sewing Machine, the latest and best machines in the market, it will pay you to call at the Post-Office and see it before you purchase! For Sale by M. B: McNrrr. Roby is agent for the celebrated Milford flour, he has a large supply of both grades on hand. The poorest grade of this flour is- superior to the beat grade of flour sent out by other manufacturers. (Jail at Kooys ana get a sack, and have some niccr light, sweet, and -white bread. 3&tf The importance of Inventors em ploying proper Attorneys to attend to cases before the Patent offie?, is shown by the contest now going on in reiatioo to the Telephone and other valuable inventions. Those who wish thetrcasercarcrully attended to shoald correspoud'with PREaBBEY GREEK, Wadsjsgtoe, D- C (tjffii UWr ftrcircnlar.) Final Proof Notices, Laad Ofieaat Blootrisftoa Nb. Ja&. i. !!. Notice l htrrfry ln that the fvUowit naaiMl eettlrr e tied aet3?e of hU iateatloa to asaae Saal pnot is rappertof kit cltia-aad -care final entry thereof before Jaat . Talle-e Clrrt of (bart la Webber enaatT Ntb at hi oBc ia Red Closd 5eb. oa a.anlaj Jaly Kla. witu n. niTa. k'd application No. f for the S. GL H tea. It toaaS eerth re 10 weet, aad uari tbt fol lo wia ukti wila ewe, to prare bU cuBtiaa out ruideec oa aad caltivatioa of tW trrt. Tit: JJtar Ralph. Jfilets IliJj. t'&arlfe Tel aad David Fraaci. e! of Cowl. Neb, jaaeS-jaly" 8. W. SW1T1ER. Kiir. Laad Office at Blooslactra Neb . Mar 23. US!. Notice U berebr lire a that the folloviag aased eUler baa filed notice of hi lateatloa to makf final pruof in rapport of hU eleta.a&il eeare final eetrr Uereof. before the Clrrk of lutrict Coert. in Wehtrr eountr at hi oflce ia Red Cloud Nebraska on Turedar Jnlj lHa. ISSI. Tte Edvii W. RrtBiaan. Heir of John B. Hobinwa deceate-J. H'J rati? No. S20S for the Eqcartrrxe 1 tows 4 north racer 9 writ. iad mmti the lollowina a.hi wito?rt to preve contiauoas rrtidence oo aad cultivation of aeid tract Tit: Edwin E. Rofer. Ke-bert Taylor. Iac Taylor. Robert Qniftle. of Thotnt'Tillr Nab. mayaWeaeJO 6. W.SWlTZEJt. CegUter. Laad Office at Bloemlntfon Neb Jfar. 1. 11. Notice b hereby sttea that the followrct aaaaed tettlar hei lied notice of hit mtrnlioa to eaake leal proof In rapport of hi claim, aad ecu re laa! entry thereof before Jaeaee A. Tal ler, clerk of Phu court of WeSter county Neb., at hi cflce ia U4 Cloud. Neb., on ' arday.Jaly9th.LMl.ru. Iieaay Hiixta. H'd application No. 4013 for the S E "i te: 12 town A north ranee 9 wait, end Stan the followlaf aa hit witaetee to proee coatiaaoui reeideace oa aad caltlretion of Id tract rir Rirhard if. Joae. Charles Haryer. John O. Kiley aad AleiaaJer Riley all of Negnaia Nebraska. aayHjaaeS 5. W. 8WITZKR. RerUter. Laad Office at Bloorai acton Neb.. May 9. 131. No tic b hereby airea that the following; aaaied tattler hat Hied notice of hi Inteotion to make laal proof ia tnpport of hit claim, aad tecve Saal entry thereof before Jaaaer A. Tal ley, elerk of the court ia Webeter coaaty at hit office in Red Cloud Neb., on Saturday. July 16ih 1981. ris. Edwibo II. Fob. h'd entry No.l63G Jor the north. writ quarter of cctioa 34 town i K, raaae 10 wett. aad aaaaee the followlaf a aU witneaaea to prore cootlaa on rriidcace upon aad ealUYatloa, f uid tract namely: Ed rick M. Keeaey. Drice II. Kraace aad JVtlton Hard of Co well Nebruka, aad Mr rta L. rhoraaa of Red Cload Nebraeka. mal$aal6 fi, W. 8WITZKR, RegUter. Land OBoaatDloomlncton.Heb.. May 6. 1S31. Notice ia hereby giren that the followlag naraed aeUler ha filed notice of hU intealion to stake final proof ia tapport of hie claim, aad tccare final entry thereof, before Clerk of Dis trict Coart of Webeter connty Neb., at kk ffice in Ited Cloud Neb., on Saturday. Jaly 16th. 1M1, Tit: William II. Dblirt. H'd entry No. ZM for the E J N E ! J aa 1 F. XSKK See.2-.' town 2 north range 12 wat, and nasace the lollowing aa hit witnettet to croe coatianou reeidenee on and cultivation of aeid tract Tic Lewie Mead. Obed It. Ilarrey. Da-id Raltton and Charlet II. 1'arbar all of In arale Neb. maylZJanelG S. W. SWITZKR. Regltter. Land Office at Illoomlngton. Neb. May 5. 1SS1. Notice i hereby giren that the following named tettler ha filed notice of hit intention to make final proof in tupport of hi claim, and tecure final entry thereof, prtn-f to be made be fore JatLca A. Tulley. Clerk of the Court of Webster county, at hit office, in Hed Cloud. Neb., on Friday. I uly 1Mb. IMI, vit: David Hcdox. H'd entry No. 3.M7 for the N W li Wee. 6 town 3 noith range 9 wait, and naraet the following a hi witnettet to preve continuous retideoce on and cultivation of aid tract vii: J CJ. Robinion. Hllltam Wilkinson. Egbert Taylor and Newton Uoointon all of Thoinajrill Neb. tnaylUJuoelS . W. SWITZEK. Itegiiter. SPECIAL SCHOOL ELECTION. The qualified vote r of tchool district No. 2 Wewtcr county, Nebraika are hereby noti fied that an election will be held en Fri lay. June 24th. IbSl. between the hour ef 1 o'clock r. M. and 5 o clock r. a. in accordance with a petition of S. C, Smith. J. L. Miner. I. U. Hpunogie and eighty-eicht other petitioner", being more than one-third of the qualified rolert of aid district, at which election the followina question will bo submitted: Shall the district officer be authorized to iue tho coupon bondt of raid district No. 2 to tho amount of 15,000. for the erection of a reboot house on around to be dcticnatrd br the voters in the district at a special meeting callod for that purpose, and for furnishing tho ikmt with the neceuarr apparatus and supplies, and tn pay for said site it the tame shall not be donated to the district- Said bonds to bear date of Aug ust 1st. 1M1. to be of the denomination of 81.U0O each, and to be payable at follows: One bond at the expiration often years from date, and one bond annually thereafter until all are paid, to bear interest at the rate of teveu per cent, per annum, payable annually to bearer an interest coupon attached therrti. principal and interest pv .bleat the office of the county treasurer or Webster county, in Red Cloud. Neh. At i 1 lection the ballot shall be in the following form, vis: roa BOKPS. 4GAIV9T BORDB. The place of voting will be in the old school houso in said district. By order of the Trus t eea of school district No. 2. iVebtter County Neb. Red Cloud. Neb.. May Jlit. 15M. 44t A. J. Kbbbbt. Director. KOTICS TO TEACHERS. Notice is hereby civeo. that I will eaarolnt all pertunt who nay dmire t uffcr themselves I ceedidatct tor tex-hert of the primary or oaimmcB schools of Websttr county, at Red Cload on tho first Saturday in the in nth ot February. Afar August and November: At blue Hill on tne nrt Saturday in the months of laauary. April. July and (October. At Ouide it oca ontJiefii'st Saturday ia the month of March. June. September and Weceialer. Sxamiaatioa to commence at9o'lotk a.m. A. A. Tors. Ceaaty Superintendent ot Public Iastraetian Smith Brothers announce still an other important reduction in rate of interest on time loans. Straight nine Srrernt annual inltmt. Cnll at tbo ank and leave your application. 40tf. Xsthsri! M3tt:r!! Vstbenlll Are you JMurled at night and broken of year rctt by a tick child lu'erinj and eryinc with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth? If to. ge at oace and get a boltle .-f Mrt. Wimluw Hh iBgyrup. It will rrhete the poor little siner er iaitatJiately depea-i upon it: there it an abtak about it. There is not a mother oa earth who hat ever used it. who will not tell yea at oace that It will reguUie the towels, and girej rett to the nether, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It it perfctly tafj te ie all eat, and pleaaaat to the taste, aad tthapreseriPtioaefenooftha Id e aad beet atale phyfieiast aaJ earsae ia the UaiUjC Itatea. 5eld everywhere. T ceaU a kettle. A Cttfb, Coll or Siea Tanti ittl he stopped. Xealeet frequeatly reaalU la la lerarable l.aag Disrate or 00008114103. Bmwa's Bronchial Trochee ire eertaia to gt relief la Asthma. Eronebim. Oisghs. Catarrh. Consumptive and Throat IUeae. tor thirty ears the Trochee have been rrcora-aeolej by .hysiciaif. and always give perfect eituuepea. they are not new or oniric! but bartoc oea iastrd by wide and eomuat uie for. nearly an mtire generation, they hive atUtal "ell- Merited rank amooi the few atipU rtiaedies el e age. Pubhe speakers hd Sicrers ae ihem o clear and ttrenttbea 'be ele- Held a. wcaty-fire rents a box everywhere. Blanks! Blanks!! A full line of State Journal Co's., Blanks (the standard blanks of the state) are always kept for sale at the Chief office, and at the same prices that they are sold at in Lincoln and Omaha. The following is a partial lut of blanks on hand; Warranty Decd, Mortgage Deeds, ChatUc Mortgage, Scotch Warrants, Mechanics Lcin, Power of Attorney, Bills of Sale. Quit Claim Deeds. Samrnorw (original), Summons (copy). Appeal Chdertakim:, Execution; Ordpr of Attachment: Affidavit of Vendor or Leor, AMnzent-of Mortgage, Precipe, 8abpatna. Notice of Ccnsfablce Sale; Blank IleceipU, Blank Notes Release of Mortgage-. Agreement forWarramy Deeda, Cosrplaint to kocp the Peace, Arc Ac., ie. AndnxetankindaofblAnts U4d by )Ifatqti4ftor fo? Sour t Putnam's Flour and Feed Stvr- REPKrCKRATORS- -KKKP COOU Mitchell c Morhart have it:t n Ctlivcd a lot of Refrigerator vt fuel rc for sale at their stow. chu- Tltoy arejut tho thing that cvv fanttly neeily to kcp their butter, iiiilk. tc , in a nice condition for uc Cja.I1 at Mitchell fc M"rhirt"i hartlware store and tfxrutune these g"Hl! ntitl U5V prices and we know vou will buv. 4".V iiintiu Bmderx of Esm:! The tine Stallion knotrn ai "Tom" the proM rty of DauiI Boosch will statu! for mrtr the prvcnt season til the following rate-, u $v-5 to innure sittslc mare. two marvM, J15. more than two by the same owner. $7 wait For the seaon 6, Single ervu, l. Will "taid at Iletl Clotni on Frulay and ?-fturdav of each wrpk, at Guttle Rock, Mondays and Ttieda? of cacl week, and at Atnloy Whirdaya ni Tliursdava. "TOM" Is a fine horie. lH.'ing cf Porvheron Canatiian and Blucher-Morgan !-t4K'k. beautiful dapple bay, sixteen hand high, weight, 15GJ ih"uuU. JCHN !K)FJCff. 34'm3. Ambov, Neb. MONElTTOlLOAyf Money to prove tin with on lin.il re ceipt, or on deeded Luid at 8 per cent., anu I-G2 per cent. cmimu-?iuit, or at straight 10 per cent, no coiuintton. J.so. K. W'iluvx. Office next dtor U Cliief otliee. 30tf Money To Loan On Real Estate, in Weller and ail joining counties itt the verv hot nttt- It will pay every farmer who think- u! lorrowing money, to aee me 1-eftin making nrranemcuts with any ther party. No expense to tho lorrowcr no tedious delay no denhug with eastern parties no njiplieatiou fee, lnus or comuiivtion no fee for maktm; r rc:onliug papers or taking aekuowl edgeni'MitM no adrance tr M-tm an nual interest, nnd iro intercal until monev is actually in hand. Calf upon or addro H. A.Simi-sin. 3Stf I.oan Broker, Hlue Hill, Neb. HONEST FRED! itifw, the Albright Horse. Will Mnnd thii .-enoti allat enr.- rate.". u. at 1Sh1 Cloud $t.iMi toiniurt i li l), 11101 e tier, $7.00 cuili biugle serue, v to bo known .single mare; Two ni.in than twoitythe:itneow For the hca-on, $.V00; $3.iXJ. This horte ncedt onl to be ndniired. He hat been aeknuwl edgeil by many good jti dgci to bo tin l)CKt "All .:::: of a Mi" seen in thi .-eetion. Weight, in Hc-h, lf00 pouniN. Heatitiftil Bay, Symmet rical form, gorwl life, high carnage and hot of nil :ts kind as a kitten. His owner aUo has a good Juek with him at .-onie rattM. I ntil further notice vnll bc found at the Coiiiiuereinl barn. Colts can lie e-een at the lirpmNoi of Jw. Fogle, State Creek; rl-nj Vitnee, Inavnle; O. MeCall, Henry GerLW at Ik'cker's farm hikI Kallston'H at lu a vale, al-o at Ked Cloud. Mtilea at premise of U'tv Smith and Ben Port nicr, tJtiido Hock, Elm creek mil Is and Rttl Cloud milN. Tlic owner ha-j entitled thi-i Jaek "Capt. Smith." being the f.unotit Lew Smith J.tek, formerly tf Gtijtle lioek. Shows the best stock in the valley. I). LITZ. Proprietor. Upright Pianos i New m4 Eleflrant H'yltn GEORGE WOODS COMPANY M ANT FACT,'!. KKS CAMBRIDCEPORT, MASS. CATALOGUES SENT FKEE. Correspondence Solicited. eeVataasassssss4ea9ssaaaa?s)aasaaaeissiM-a-i- THIS lEW A3TD CORRECT MtAP FwveW ttyvad air-Tonaite iratados Ua. Lb CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN R'Y Is br all oll Uw lwi tosA tor y to Ufc wba trkrcUcs In c ttVr ilirtUm U-tren ' Chicago and all of the Pradj.! Points in the We?, Uorih aad NofJrwtit. Catf3nrjaNlvthl:a-. Th ITlBrtr3! li f tfc "Te ar4 ;nhw,tiu-f.iVmi' h iui.i.b m wh " wi' tiuaa Jnaccoo joint. l i" t jW A .jfm JtT r B Jf VJsttttattm. V!r3SatikBlai W Wf t TMK CMfCiKOO A. rWTur tJ--Jl I"r-.V' PDZUaVUr BOTZX DUTUro tSA-mm SS32ra3!seSS&atoffia-e nta. 5ea3iOty.X xirxeu "The Proof oi the Puddingisinthe Eating." You nave cnfv to' calf on us and yc ca'n easi ly convince you that wc do sell HARDWARE A little BELOW the so-called u Bed rock pri ces" advertised lv other firms. Besley &, Perkin sv INinJaatf THE BEST OF ALL LINIMENTS F02 HAN AND BSAST. F"nrTtinTe tlinn a tlilnt of a entttrr the I .Tlvalcat. Jrf itaitt l.lirnel lil(i kittiwn to in' Uli hm1I i!ttr tt woedt I r crly m'i t ' tticci t- r lit" n,t'r of ,a rliteiita mm t ' 11 kd iuci hip H'Mtt t ICO hll I ! ll !! r ! i li ml. Kri r I hmi 1 1 t r al ;-.n tlid MEXICAN 1 M 't!ir I Inline- l 1 '.'."ri, J It l'riilintr fir. I, mii ihiikI. la llie ry li- t W sf t ti 11 I , . . f fntn I f. ' 1 "I I I : ' I ?Vr" v I il 1 I o 1 t -ill n-1! 11 m 1 , w a r i la , 1tu .M xia wait mi II ,.11 it li H'-cilM 1- e " k-1- I i ti In t'i! 1 ,"! I tl- t J lll I I ! I 't ulu. '. i! 1 l-rti.ux'li- rtjr. 1 i I. l H - t'ml.l l,..i it ! .ril t y ' I a ' ft wrt. 1 w1i!( li prr 1!'" c 'T1 'Kh R. ii f ; ' ! lit SHI tl h i It llrllflH t iKIIt. eTIllHCT ""T i Jnliiti, Kiilia'tnl Mu'', lltt ' mill f- ;; tit 4, tlil- ! Xitrnlii-. I rliiu'n ltlt ! Mlu., t t ir , I . OIl .ta.l I. r. 1 rt'. . Illi-mi' HUMI .lpfl, k,at l'lftl'l. ! litiWeit xirr ft 111 nt eslfiMal ll- m 1 1 lil I. limit f ji. to I irt oIlMlTn tlii Mnrnlii. .! r T Joluta. -iuu!r. !! Ntt . Itf !! , I'omI I'jiI, Srre tl . ill, , Itollot- I Jul II, hKfnirhr, 11 ! IXnlla, t..4lll, Tlirili, It IiiImmi. Olit h.ir. lull I H. I llt.t tip n. Ill Rlet't Mini ei allt Hf,itt In llil I III nrHMiHl( -t lit Snl. mill Mitch lmil UII. Tli Jt'llmli fltll.lolifT I Ililm-Ml ntwnjre cm n -I ticvtr i'tnj-jt, mi'I ill-, HttViVi THE BEST OF ALL LINIMENTS! FOB .MAN OP. BSAST. IJnrcjtiiilltil for' T0Refc dcnltTH ) Parlor Organs AGENTS WANTED: touMciitna rta Unstaiat.Ia.ii.rAStai WAIJ J i d ,. a caixTwrtbeiejMiBBjicclired,-. jgtUBekexccUd,a&dtbc pkbc tnae a. P"' y " -Tfmr.Tir-ri. -W. .-ttnrrttGri saaJL5aiv.VNs- RE0CL0HD NE8w cd.- ' x?7jiit:avitco.to re jtnmau- - T't i h. m v" B.f&srt v -- ;-.. LKsrsaiC- rtS&r f?-?mtjP--i ,: Z2fZ. ?-.-, L3-:C!, e .r- . r ( - 1 ' r' lii sSStflla '- -j. mZxi :A- ir- ' 3I - 3l ,i5 -Ki" z .- .'ra