The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 19, 1881, Image 4

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k,?F5a. - x.
Groceries, Tobaccos, Cigars
&c., &c.
tTekeepaa fcaiid tad
tobacco m cms be foaad tn the xalley.
A good
sum. m inuun
I. m ia eoBBectlon with the More, where
supply of fresh breid and piei are
always kept on band.
Our facilities for handling tbii claw of good
are the bert in town. Gire se a call, at
the old stand.
Flour & Feed
Corn, Meal. Bran Chopped Feed a d
Visit the Ited Cloud Grocery. Feed and Pro
rision sturewhen you want suwilies for nfan or
Highest market price is cash i-nip for grain
All kind oOnuntrv (rmluce taken u exchange
forrHKli. Uoodi delivered to all i-arts tf tuwn
freti -f charer.
lre outn oi need s now racier?.
Red Cloud,
Moon I Gallender,
General Merchandise,
Dry - Goods,
Boots & Shoes.
Drags, Medieiiies,
Oils Tarnishes,
Paints Ctc.
A fall line of everythinj; kept in a gen
eral store, at the i.otvusT c.h nua.
Moon & Callender.
Proprietor of tho
City Drug Store.
Drugs- Medicines.
Paints- Oils
and Varnishes,
A full supply of
Patronage solicited and thankfully received.
rre.riitiins carefully compounded
One door oulh of Garbcr's store,
(Sueccssotor O.A.Brown.)
Parlor, Bedroom
Brackets, Chromos,
Picture Frames,
Mattresses, Etc.
C Sm always on hand and tri-imedon short
notice, l'riee as low n any in the alley.
Repairing of all kinds dune promptly ana
Burial Robes furnished at reasonable
Harness Shop,
Keeps constantly on hand a fall Line ef
And everything usually kept in a first
class shop.
Yts&flttt Cask Met Mi ftt IUm
tad Pars.
For Your
BI tU UwmI rrlce
-V, . ' BY
l?i -lillS & IU.S
-j&r. . "- - -
-TTn" ,.. .. !.
.Mt . rr nt mm r.
-.- lJ-K- .iT I II St-'TrtJH ..'
-S5JJ ...J- ---- - -. ,
ie TaMe.
Taking effect Fanday. Oct. 17, 1880.
Erstward Paesenjer leave..,
' arriTes-,
. 6 'X a, as.
J! -35 p. m.
J :40 a. m.
Freight leave..
Westward leeom-
learea .
arrire.....5 -JO p. m.
Eastward Arrom. leaves.-. 8 30 a. as.
rriTea 6:55 p.m.
Trains daily except Suday.
tf. W.IIsLnRKOor. A. K-Torn tin.
SuperiBtefideet. Geal. Maaager.
8. ?.. preaehiegby the Pas
tor every Sabbath morning and rreaiBg.
Prayer aeeliag every Thursday ereniag.
All are cordially iBTited.
Preaching ereryirst and third Sea-bath of
each month at 11 a. at. and 8 p. as., also a 6th,
Sabbath when ever it oecare.
Sabbath School every Sabbath morning at
9V o'clock. Prayer meeting every W ednesdar
Buy the Wikr Cultivator
The demand for ice iucreaficth.
Go to Roby's for Butter on ice.
Suits and Ubttere at, Mrs. Lutz.
Roby h:us sweet potatoes for pale.
Rushing trado at, Mrs. McBride'i.
Will Red Cloud celebrate the com
ing L
Live hogs are worth $4.50 in this
Shipping tags can be had at the
Ciih:f office.
Ladies Muslin underwnre nt,
Mrs. McBride's.
The "(Jlorious Fourth" comes on
Monday this year.
(treat variety of Millinery nt,
Mrs. McBridk's.
For New York City Hats and Styles,
go to, Mrs. Lutz.
Ten different varieties of Cultiva
tors at, Spaxogle &. Funk's
The commissioners will meet as a
board of equalization on Monday
June 20th.
Cash paid for Butter and Eggs,
at, Putnam's.
New goods in abundance at
Mrs. Lrrz.
Save money by buying your hats
and bonnets of, Mrs. McBride's.
How to invent n. dollar and make
five: Buy a bottle of Kendall's 'Spav
in Cure.' "
Headquarters for flour at Putnam's
Flour and Feed Store.
Headquarters for stylish hats and
bonnet. nt, Mrs. McBridh's.
Latest news, more new goods and
still more are coming nt,
Mrs. McBride's.
Call nt the Chief office and have
3our application for final proof made
out and forwarded free of cost.
Some of the farmers complain of
too much rain this spring. Some men
would complain if they were going to
be hung.
Disease and death lurks in those
heaps of manure about the stables in
town. Lot the owners have them re
moved far out of town.
MARRIED: At Red Cloud May 12th,
by Rev. (ico. Bent, Mr. A. Moulton
Wood of Kearnev and Mits Mary
Erickson of Red Cloud,
J. S. Gilham went to Omaha last
Monday to attend to a case that he
had in the Supreme court which was
in ession at that place.
For constipation, costiveness and
indigestion talc Dr. Marshall's Bromo
line. Big bottles. Price fifty cents.
Druggists will get it for you.
You want a nice dish of ice cream
and the place to get it is nt West's ice
cream parlor where a nice dish of
cream can always be had.
The Wier Cultivators still take
the lead. Call and see them at,
w2 Spanogle & Funk's
Every other class of business men
take a vacation and n rest sometime
during their natural lives, but editors
never. They can't afford it.
Tenant Wanted. A farm to rent, 5
miles from Red Cloud. 90 acres
under cultivation. Apply to J. Gaess
ler at the Bank. 36tf
When yon feel weary and listless,
nntl debilitated your appetite is irregu
lar, try the big blood and Liver Medi
cine, Dr. Marshall's Bromolinc.
Six emmigrant wagons loaded with
household goods, women and chil
dren, passed through town last week
tvu their way to Oregon.
Tie New Light Running Howe
Sewing Machine has no Superior.
Don't fail to examine it before pur
chasing. Sold by,
Hunt up your old musty bible and
compare it with the modern edition
and notice improvements that have
been made in the word of God by the
smart alecks.
Wo feel safe in saying there hasn't
been a game of croquet played in Red.
Cloud this spring. Can it be that this
excellent out door pastime is becom
ing unfashionable.
If you or your friends or anyone
who is not your friend jour mother-in-law,
for instance wants to prove
np on claims, don't fail to call at the
Chief office and we will attend to the
matter for yon.
M. E. Church Quarterly Meeting
May 21st and 22d. Saturday evening,
preaching by the Tastor at 8 p. m.
Sabbath morning, S. S. nt 10 a. m. and
preaching by the Pastor at U a. ni.,
and C. L.Brockway at 8 p. m.
All arc cordially invited.
T. E. Moon, of the firm of Moon &
Callender, Cowles, has gone to Grafton
to accept a situation there while Mr.
Callender will conduct the business
of the firm at Cowles. Mr. Moon still
continues a partner in the business.
In the revised edition of the Nejr
Testament, the words have been
changed to -"Hades" and ".Condemna
tion." Remember this, please, when the
stove-pipe wont go together or when
you hammer your thumb nail while
to"fctv lo"u rTet.
Days ere fourteen hours long.
Young man the ice cream season
has Arrived.
Mr. Mesd, of Inavale, has become a
reader of the Chief.
Hon. II. S. Kaley has been on the
fick Iist'for some time.
If you want a nirc cool drink go to
Cook's and try a glass of soda.
Will Reily nnd family started east
on a visit last Monday morning.
Dr. Kendall's "horse luoks" for sale
at the Chief office at 25 cents
We want a good live corespondent
in ever' precinct in the county one
that will report the news.
Mr. Callender, of the firm of Moon
& Callender, at Cowles, was a caller nt
the Chief office last Monday.
An outfit of eight emmigrant wagons
passed through town last Friday,
bound for Washington Territory.
Mr. Sereno Dutton, of tfattsmouth,
a brother-in-law to Mr. Bayha, has
been spending a few days in town.
"Tell me ye winds that round my
pathway roar, aint there no circuses
going to come to this ere town no
The bond election in Guide Rock
precinct came otr last Monday; the
vote stood, for bonds l&J, ugaiu.t
bonds G.
If you want the boy to spade up an
onion bed in the garden, instill into
his youthful mind the seductive idea
that he is digging bait to go fishing.
We will give a chronio to any per
who will show us a newspaper man
who refers to his subscription lit
without using the words, "rapidly in
creasing. Garden seeds in great variety fresh
from the Department of Agriculture at
Washington, D. C, can be had be had
at Kaley tBros. office without money
and without price.
Last week we found a pocket book
containing about scventy-nino thou
soud dollars, and returned it to the
owner. "An honest man is the
noblestwork of God."
There is a lamentable scarcity (?)
of lawyers in this town only twelve.
Good chance for some enterprising
deciplc of Blackstouc to locate and
grow up with the rest.
The creek bottom east of town, with
its hundrods of loads of rotting
manure, will soon become a hot
bed of disease and death for this town
if the council do not give it their at
tention soon.
Mr. Howe, of Stillwater has turned
his attention to hedge, to some extent
this spring. It has been demonstra
ted that the Osage Orange will make
a go7)d fence and can bo successfully
grown in this country. We refer to
the farm of T. Lnwlcr, near Cowles,
for proof of our assertion.
The Lincoln Journal saj's there
can be no better advice to the people
of Nebraska than this: Vigorously
support your local papers. Upon
them you must depend for all knowl
edge of your home affairs and upon
them strangers will depend as an in
dex of your enterprise, itolligence,
financial condition and mercantile
prosperity. Let every citizen of the
state take his local paper and pay
for it, cash in advance, without grum
bling. Stanley, the great explorer, is ranking
his way into the heart of Africa and
expects to Ic absent about three
years. He was on the Congo river,
the last that was heard from him,
which was in December last. J. G.
Potter, however, has been more
recently heard from; he has just re
ceived a large lot of clothing, boots
and shoes c, which he is anxious to
sell, and has marked them down very
low. Be sure to call on him before
There are at present a number of
dead carcasses lying about town that
should be removed at once. The
health of the people demand that the
town council take immidiate steps
to abate the nuisance. The smell, at
times, from the slaughter houses, the
soap factory and the carcasses that arc
festering in the hot sun, in and near
the town is terrible, and will eventu
ally breed sicknes and disease if not
looked after. It had ought to be made
a criminal offence for anyone to neg
lect to bury animals that die on their
A water spout, or whirlwind crossed
tho river at the ferry last Satuday.
Passing from the south to the north, it
took up a large column of water out of
the river, pulled up the north stake
and carried some of the plank out of
the boat fifty feet in the air. Mr Rich
ards, the ferryman, took to the wil
low. It dissolved near Eeber Utter's
hooss, but first completely tore to
pieces some fencing and a stoutly
built stable, scattering logs, poles,
straw, promiscuously over the prem
ises. The phenomenon was witnessed
by several parties in town, at a dis
tance of a ile away, yet no one
dreamed of its being of sufficient size
to do mischief. Bloomington Guard.
We are-sorry to hear that Mr. C B.
Rogers, who for the last four years has
filled the position of chief clerk in the
B. & M. railroad office, at this point,
has left us. He has been promoted to
the roadmastenhip of a division on the
R. V., extending from Hastings to In
dianola, and left for his new field of la
bor yesterday. His headquarters will
be at Red Cloud, Neb. The patrons of
the B.& M.will miss Charley's famil
iar fcce, tart will join heartily in con
gratulating him on his promotion, and
will vouch for his filling his mew posi
tion with satisfaction to all with whom
he comes in contact. Lincoln 'Journal.
Last Tuesday we rode out to the
farm of Mr. O. McCall, with Sheriff
Warren. The drive was delightful
and we enjoyed it. We noticed some
splendid fields of wheat south
of the river, and are inclined to be
lieve that the talk about the chintz
bugs doing so much damage to the
wheat is all a canard. The farm and
surroundings of our friend, McCall,
bears evidence of thrift and intelligent
industry. Mr. McCall is one of the
oldest settlers in this county and has
not spent his time in useless grum
blings about the country, as he has a
large two story frame house, a splen
did grove of forest trees, plenty of
larm machinery, and, best of all, a
small herd of CO head of fine cattle
and 40 head of hogs principally of the
Berkshire breed.
Intelligent effort, properly directed,
will succeed in this country- as well as
anyother and we love to call attention
to the surroundings of our successful
farmers with the hope that it may be
the means of inspiring in the minds of
less fortunate and progressive farmers
a desire to push for ward and achieve
that succe.-s which aHI surely lc the
reward of perseverance and honot
effort, despite occasional drouths and
unfavorable season.
Mr. Runnells, the deputy Sheriff,
has until quite- recently been opposed
to women's rights, but "circumstances
over which he had no control" has
caused him to change his mind. This
result was brought about in the follow
ing manner. He was sent by the
sheriff to bring away a gun that was
held by Mr. Cummins, or rather it
would seem by Mrs. Cummins, resi
dents of the south side of the river.
Mr. Runnells came back without the
gun, giving as the reason for the non
success of the enterprise the fact that
Mrs. Cummins met him at the door
with a loaded revolver and threatened
to perforate his corporosity with lead
en pellets if he did not immediately
make himself scarce. Tbe following
day the sheriff drove over to the house
of the Cummins' to see if he would
meet with any better success than his
deputy, and by invitation we accom
panied him. As we rode along our
mind would dwell upon the possible
termination of our trip. We wonder
ed if it hurt very much to be .shot
through the lungs and wc asked our
self if a bullet through the head would
be likely to end our newspaporial
career; wc wondered who would take
charge of the Chief in case we should
be suddenly called to a brighter and a,
better world, and when we recollected
that we had not made a will and that
our immense possessions would in the
event of our sudden demise be the
subject of much litigation nnd would
eventually find its way into the coffers
of the greedy lawyers we wished we
had stayed at home, and- when we
recollected that sundry afid divers
debts remained unpaid and would
probably always remain so if we did
not safely return, our anxiety for the
welfare of our creditors overcame all
other considerations and we begged
the sheriff to allow us to stop with the
team in the bushes n hnlf mile from
the house and that he proceed on foot
urging us mi excuse that n stray bullet
might injure one of the horses and wc
would dislike to see the noble animals
hurt; this the sheriff would not hear
to, anil we drove to the house where
we was met by Mr. and Mrs. Cummins
in a cordial manner, tbe gun was
handed out, the deputy sheriff's ver
sion of the affair was denied and we
drove off triumphantly with the prize.
The "prize" was an old double barrel
led gun worth about 17 cents, and
when we had examined it wc came to
the conclusion that wc did not blame
the deputy for not wishing to sacrifice
his life in gaining possession of such a
picco of property as that.
Frogrammt of Xh Eastings District K.
X. Mini-Uritl AxtocUtioa , to ba Held
at Bed Cloud, Mat 2ith and 25th.
Monday 8 P. M. Opening Sermon, T.
W. Owen.
Tuesday 9 a. m. Call to the Ministry,
W. F. Grundy. Why should the
Gospel be preached? M. Mapcs.
How to prepare a Sermon, C. A.
Mastin. The Scripture Doctrine of
Repentance, W. Smith.
1:30 P. M. What is Conversion ? C. B.
Lenfcst. What is a Revival ? S. S.
renncpacker. The Nature of Pas
toral Work, J. Q.A. Flehary. Ad
dress Conference Seminary, W. S.
8 P. m. Sermon, C. L. Smith.
Wednesday 9 A. M. How to Study,
L. Burr. Our Periodical Literature,
A. C. Crosswaite. Classs Meeting;
How made Effective, B. B. Kendel.
Benefits of Tract Distribution, D.
1:30 P. M. On Itineracy Its Advan
tages, J. A. Dixon. Christian Be
nevolence Missions, G. A. Hobaon.
Church and Temperance, A. J.
Blackwell. Church and Sunday
School, A. Madole.
8 P. m. Love feast nnd Communion.
Prayer meeting each morning at 8 p. m.
O. Holcomb.
E. L, Wells.
The public is cordially invited to
Smith Brothers announce still an
other important reduction in rate of
interest on time loans. Stmight nine
per cent annual interat. Call at the
Bunk and leave your application.
Petroleum CV. Nasby proposes to
"do" Europe, and will write a series of
letters for the (Toledo, O.) Weekly
Blade, commencing this month. He
will undoubtedly give the American
public some rich reading. The
Weekly Blade will be sent to any
address three months for 50 cents, in
cluding an eleirant large portrait of
ID. R. Locke (Nasby). See advertise
ment in another column.
Woman's Column.
This eolaBBB 1 set apart for the ne of tbe
woaen of the eoantjr. and ther ell bare an
equal rlaht to ue the ume in ih dt--ioa of
any qaestioa of Interest t the sex The editor
of this r-aper will not ha.'d himself rr?pn(ible
for anythinc that mar appear in this miasm,
or for the Tiews mnJ opinions of evrre.p.n-dents.
W0Z 7S. WA0SS.
There are lives out of which almost
every softening and cuobling element
has been crushed by hard, thankless
toil, spent where no flowers hluom
where no fruit ripens, nor birds sing;
where the morning ha no frushues,
the evening no dv9. Is it any won
der that the poetry is all crushed out
of these human lives, and they become
hard as iron machines which they
manipulate? Who is to protect women
from the slow suicido brought about
by the iasufficieutly remunerated toil ?
and, sadder still, against tbe prostitu
tion to which she is impelled by jov
erty ?
A poor women's time and hands are
her capital. Neither her time, her
strength, nor her brain was given to
her by man. Yet men make laws
which tie the hand, of women in the
struggle for existence, by shutting her
out altogether from some trades, and
diminishing her earning in all, yet tax
her property the .-ante jus man's i- tax
ed. They call this protection ! We
prefer ten minutes justice to a whole
term of Mich protection.
The Arizona Daily Shir says: "The
bill which has just become law, allow
ing women to vote for nnd bold educa
tional offices, shows that Arizona is
not behind in the progressive spirit of
the age. The sphere of woman has
within the past twenty-five years,
been enlarged more than in the pre
vious century. She is now represen
ted in all of the learned professions,
and is taking the lead in educational
affairs. The colleges and schools
which twenty years ago bolted and
barred their doors againt her, are to
day thrown open. Her right to vote,
and to be elected trustee and school
superintendent, or to any other office,
is as inherent as are the principles of
the Declaration of Independence, and
we hope it will be put into practical
effect, especially as to school trus
tees." The women of Nebraska have rea
son also to feel proud of the work
of the last Lcgi&laturc in their
Woman's Suffrage in Indiana,
The recent vote on this question in
the house resulted in 43 for and 4i
against. Of the affirmative vote 3S
were Republican and o Democrat; of
those opposed, 15 Republican and 31
Democrat. When the bill came up
for final passage an entire day was
consumed in the discission. The
speeches, both pro and con, were
characterized by an entire absence of
sneers and ridicule ami a breadth of
thought and dignity exceedingly grati
fying to its friends. Tlie final vote
drew almo. t a party line, all Demo
crats except two voting against it.
Many prominent men of the party,
however, stated that if the suffragists
would allow an amendment, making
the bill read "irhih: female citizens,"
they would carry the measure. There
arc twenty thousand colored women
in that state, whose votes they fear
would make it Republican in 1881 if
said bill became n law. The amend
ment Wits refused, and the senate was
lost by seven votes only. The untir
ing workers in that stato look upon
the result as a "glorious defeat," and
are confident of a certain and speedy
Not the Crown of Kings, nor the
Crown of Glory, but the Crawn Sewing
Midline, the latest and best machines
in the market, it will pay you to call at
the Past-Office and see "it before you
purchase! For Sale by M. B. McNitt.
Roby is agent for the celebrated
Milford flour, he has a large supply of
iKith grades on hand. The poorest
grade of this flour is .superior to the
bast grade of Hour sent out by other
manufacturers. Call at Roby's and
get a sack, and have some nice, light,
sweet, and white bread. 3istf
For Rent, Near Cowles,
Pouth-wcsLquarter Sec. 2 town 2 range
10. A. L. Burton's farm, SO acres un
der cultivation.
South-east quarter Sec. 33 town 3
range 10, 55 acres under cultivation.
Apply to Kaley Bros.
roi: jcne,
Is peculiarly attractive in its literary
and artistic departments, and brilli
antly closes the ninth semi-annual
volume. It is a publication which
should be found in every household,
for its literature is pure and healthy;
it is always vivacious, and edifies
while it cntetnins and instructs. The
128 quarto pages arc crowded with
good things; among the mist promi
nent articles are A Peep at the Mor
mons"; Country church 'Architec
ture," by Joel Benton; "Experience
in Australia and Cevlon," bv Phillip
Phillip; "The Modern Sundnv-School
3Iovement," by Charles B. Stout; "Ad
oniram Jmlson," bv Rt. Rev. W.
Pakenham Walsh, D D.; 'The Meth
odist Ecumenical," by Rev. O. II.
Tiff-uiv, D. D. The above are profuse
ly illustrated. "Out of the World." a
charming serial is continued, and
there are admirable short stories,
sketches, essays, etc etc., and jocms
of great meriL The miscellany is
abundant and exceedingly compre
hensive. The Rev. Dr. Deems contri
butes "Hard Places in the Bible." and
"The Home Pulpit" conLiins a
sermon, "Salvation to the Uttermcr-."
by the late Rev. W. Rudder, D. D.
There are also "The Invalids Portion
and Thoughts for the Afficted," "Tem
perance Talk," "Glimpses at the Re
ligious World." etc, etc The engra
ving are excellent and very numcrou..
The annual subscription is $3- a -ingle
copy 25 cents, sent post-free Address
Frank Leslie's Publishing House, S3,
55 and 57 Park Place, New York.
Nasby in Europe
My Itth Jfr.D. R. Lock. (Iter P.troJfa
. Naabar) will s-U for Carole, for tbe par
?9feofcuoLribaliara serie of lttr u th
0-Bo JID. These IrtUra will cover a
period of six tuontht. eoanaeacioc J a a 1st.
Tbey will be vnUcn in Mr, N-ib pe
culiar rrin. and lll be as ltTcljr j b e-va
make thro.
Toledo Weekly Blade
it t.Se LARORsT Political at I fatally -rr
1b the tailed Sutra. oJ in eUilna to thlt
feature, eontaios a doien others, ka irn to sad
apfrured by a ta'jonty of the LuniKes la tttrr
Sute and Territory.
FerThrteKcath-, post-paid, - 50 cU.
Tn Six Xonih:, - . - . $1 CO
ETery satweriber to the LlLtoi. darlec the
publication uf Jr. Locke's Kawiia Letters.
for either three or six months, will recei se free
of change a rlenJii
Portrait of Mr. Locke,
in file and stile sliailarto theonrcf President
fsrCcid which we lurd lost s.anmrr lhv
roi trait in the picture ttotcs would r,l fur
Met. It will not be vat utn the market at
,? on,y be hJ by ubcr:ber tu the
Thoie des trine these letter complete aai the
Tortrait. Wll I do well lu rti.i urrlrra rl-
We shall iritJt an extra edition, to be able tu
send back uutnbcr. but the mpply will doubt
Icr be exhausted in a month. Send your or
dors nntuvlUtely.
p-itnrnloieofthe KLADR mailel to any
address upon application. nd yvu subscrip
tion at once. Address.
The choicest of Kreth meats. PauMC'
Fowls and eserythinc in the line that hc roil
ket alTords. always on hand.
44 'Shop two doors south of Sharer's dravatoit
It is a fact that hor?e dealers are
huyiiu; hore-e unit ringbones ami
xp.ivtns because tho cm make money
by U-iu 'Kendall's Spaun Cure.'
Head the Adertioeiuent.
Notice is hereby given, that tin
partnership heretofore existing tt
tween the undersigned, under the linn
name of ."Smith lJr. it Thompon i
this day dissolved on account of the
expiration of time for hich mu1
partnership was ellectcd, and that
Smith llro. who are to Mtceeed to tin
huine." of aid (inn, will aiMiine all
liabilities of the .same.
Red Cloud Nd .May -Jd, 1SS1.
Smith Himw.
M. IJ. Tiiomi"os.
In continuing the hniuc.-s nt the
old .stand we beg to a.-ure all of our
cu.xtomers and friends that the same
liberal policy will be observed in the
future, a in the p:ust, we shall be pro
pared at all times to extend ample ac
commodations to the legitimate wants
of all branchex of business and feel
jttstilied in aoliciting continuance of
our patronage. Smith lluo.s.
Money To Loan
On Ileal Estate, in Webster nnd ad
joining counties at the verv best rnto.
It will pay every farmer who thinks ot
borrowing money, to ee me before
making arrangements with any other
No expense to the borrower no
tedious delay no dealing with eastern
partie no application fee, bonus or
commission no fee for making or
recording paper or taking acknowl
edgement no advance or hcmt-au-mml
interest, and no interest until
money is actually in hand.
Call upon or address
38tf Loan Hroker, Blue Hill, Neb.
Crescent was foaled May 14th 1875,
Dame, first Sampson, hired by n Thor
oughbred imported Norman, weight
J4."0 pounds. Will stand at the prom
Nes of the owner, on fcction 10 town
'1 range 9, near Thomas. illc. four day
of each week, and Fridays of each
week six miles north of owner's farm,
nt Dixon's blacksmith shop, and at
Blue Hill on Saturdays.
Tkiois. : 8 (X) to insure single
mare. Two marcs, $15. Single -er-vice,
$4. Parties arc requested to be
prompt in attendance on stand. No
responsibility for accidents, but care
will be taken to avoid them.
3St5 E. W. SiitKi.KY.
alias, the Albright Horse.
Will stand this season at Jled Cloud
at bust year's rates, viz: fS.OO to in ure
-ingle "mare; Two mares $15.00; more
than two by the ..tine on nor, t.&) each.
For the ea.-ou, $5.00; -ingle service,
Tills homo needs only to be known
to le admired. He ha. "been acknowl
edged by many good judges to be the
""ill kui! of i Ira"
seen in thi section. Weight, in flesh,
1500 pounds, beautiful Bay. Symmet
rical form, good life, high carriage ami
hot of all as kind as a kitten, lit owner
al.-o has a good Jack with him nt sine
rate-.. Until further notice will Ik;
found at tho Commercial barn.
Colts can be teen at the premics of
Jos. Fogle. SLntc Creek; r. Vance,
Inavale; O. McCall. Henry Ocrkkc,
at Becker's farm and KalbtonV at In-nv.-t!r
nl-o nt Rod Cloud. Mules: at
I premise? of Low Smith and Ben l'ort-
trier. Guide Hock, Elm creek mill?
and Red Cloud milL.
The owner ha entitled thl Jak
"CapL Smith," being tbe famous Lew
smith !- fnrmrl of ..tilde Hock.
I t MUSIS "HV-f -...--- j - --. ,
i Shows the best Mock in the rallpy.
IX LITZ. Proprietor.
Kr.3i-.-5! teSsn!! Jfcthers!!!
At JVB 4:tar e-J at nirht and brkca ef mx
ret by a ik child so .rtnx ae-t erjin iih tie
ezeruriatiBK r -! teeth? If so. X" -l
ence aoJ cet bottl. -f 3lr. itlsf's Sh
la f-frr. It "ill roiere the p"r liifU seSrr
cr iitJifeJy depro-i ara it: tkere ie
Mutftk abt it. T&ere is .. a srr on earth
wbb fcsi erer e4 it. hill set Utl je it
oatt tint it w'll rcraUta tie ttei. a4 sis
r4t In ti uolhtr. aI f -4 31 iJl, to lie
l chili. cr-tis liic .. It r ftrUrUr safe
I .. .,... .li.. .... ... aj4
I o um ic 411 cjo. at puMBi k .-. .
tie rmcriwi. n l . .: ie aeji ssi aesi i
ale s-Vj'kjjo aai csrree n tie Li:e4
fcutci. acIlcTir.w.crt- Ci ces'j a toUlt-
- f s "'W
AtUatios Mi of bin!
The tine Stallion known & "Tom"
tho jirujwrty of iMvnl Hoo-ch will
"Una for inarr the present ! mou nt
the following rate, vix $8 to utmi
":jlo mare.two mnro. 15. m.r.
than two by tho amo oh tier, $7 web
For the season ,, Single ...rvt, r. $.
Will tinl t Ucl Ootid on Fndav
aml -Mtunl.iy of i-h wrrk, t l.uidV
Kock, MondAy nnd Tuesday of each
eek, and at Anitay Wlncdav, nd
. "TOM"
Is a tmo horsr. hoing of lYrhmm
( mtaiiiaii ami Hlucber-Monjnn -L V,
Js-mitiful dapple kiv, ilen hnU
lugh, weight, lit, pound-
3"13- A mU. v. Neb.
Holcomb Bros.,
rjsr mu en BAP sr CUB. sj U t.sf
fetTf ocl what rem wsat. let? ju
erdsr is J thsy m rat It.
Oae deer aortk of flu We. aI Mr.UOLCOMB
ill wait oxo. tMllj
Permanently Located at
Du.8. W.Tni'-iis . fonnedy of Jiew Ywk Cite,
OmsuitluK rhjslcUn.
D. II. P. MtCuv. ltu Knrcron. tn chsrjro of
Kiuisaj City Kyr ent Kr Infirmary,
Consulting hurreon.
Uto of the Kansas City Rye, Kar snJ Burgle!
Surgeon In Charge.
Tho leading specialty of the institution Is tho
raillral core of
In which a euro U gmrnntcsi by a UixxlloM to J
a)nuet j-ilnhw (iteration.
Flloe, -Iiemorrholdes, SMttula, Fissure,
etc.. cunxl without knife or caustic, ami. u In
It u urc. tc Euerantee a cure lu every ce. If
thoec lntcrtatcl will write or call, we will con
Tinre them that e mean Jiwt what we ur.
rf-In aiMlUon to the above snvctalttes they
are prctnsj tu attend to all easee In istal an.l
Rvneral . urcery and i)ieaes of tho eye endear,
and tynjsx)lojry. .
CluhCoot. harelip. croi cyM. cataract, rlnel
tear ilurt. tumors, eta, succtfully ojrsUsl on.
CootulUtlon frts Ad.Jmw.
f ! Mt r fl .
lata 11 uIL
Inn end rnn. ri.OUMil.i
VAflD LAIelimctJI 4t HONH..B-pay.
Upright Pianos
rVcw and Elegant)
Correspondence Solicited.
rnrra beytmd zaj rraeoaahl- titMlai thai lhj
Jj by a!I oIl- tho lt road for yoa to Uie whea travrnor In eHher fDreetWt trtwt I
Chicago and all of ifee Principal Pointj in ihe We:t, Ncrtii and HidirwaL y
CarrfnUr exartlw !hh Map. Tlv rrtneipal OtU-s ft Ir-t tr anl Kh-p-t - ldUs
otithlsrua-L lu UuwrJi tls uto ciose cvwicrtks with l-e Uits ct kil rJlm at
JunctlK tint- . .--.
I a. 2sSw. V - r-LJrtbit";S? ml
J ib oiJ-sr H v i- -vTTrT
aL S-! Wiy3cii
rfK ikdL ivM Ji
hVV, --Si?aV' Jio7sri2!PVPI
-s -sMka r-f --a iz 1 Y, Ax.Tl zmrCl
o ?rPiiJA'e, I iO! 'Ct V
rcvr. V .;A HiJ?iaM MTHM
.. vM flLB n A lw')arfL H
" I T? I riTTWF
SM!iAJiJ- n7l4
k., rewfcAOO h yo?r-r-frwfrri
tnc emcAoo a eoevH
?f!?.!,5'r?r -
jtHfawsBijnaawomtiii ifiiiaiiBPf M9
It !e IS m!r 1
tlMt rase ra9ea 9ytz
DfcvirSjmm milkm
2CMMIKN. Zfesrtr
Samrv- . v
TyntesK Tltmn PaHisi Urn- "
iu KSBifaaiMKjw,?
The Proof of the
You have only to call
on us and wc can easi
ly convince you that we
do sell
A little BRLOW the
so-called "Bed rock pri
ces" advertised by other ,
Besleyt&s Perkins.
I HI' . -.------ ---------
.- MMi ftMiM iMf-t nfa MntnnrlKi
'tiltil-K I.Jsm-Mhln
known ti ntlllliina m OUT !? worlds
i - riy tttl" t" tnncr Iwr l'o re.lrof
rMri.t J tv I' im rnciww
iv iite.ini in t- !! !-! wlle
Lixtl. 1 1 rvtrr lu it rs.Urudl iHta
t i
M tri.jt! Inltnci twl trneTn"'
It iirttttrlc l! ! dint t ! t
tit r ttuiie liirtVl'tif It." csMttlHdl
,r nf i-tin kiMl l iut-iiinniin mil-' '
li tTVsji i.-i ilti 1 1! ! eli !
tt . nuiu ur . &i.y winui
i fit', 'lliu Mt-lmu
f t !. t l tttft.1..t I - mrtHtltwr tn
tty tlMtv. Kttf l'- I .llttf ! tf
Itli n(u; iifuit(Hlnmr lfH
I .nlliir-il, uf rtewMtlS insrSyre
r.lnivl. ir IV laiuauie !- r mm
.! by Uhi lKUtitf tM)wrftf thU
hlch siwUIr rurvs muh allnK-t f I
tr lll'MVN rt r.4I a I
Itli-uiiiatiastv, fiTlltBjs, sMISTl
Jnluts. tiilrnet ! Slueclva, Jiwrn
iil S !!. ( ut, ItruUts mm
'. pmliti, I'fl eitit omv 8tlr mnA
lNnn.,1 lrr. 'su1lll. ltl.
Kr Mniilti. (il ftrat. and
li.1el ttrrr sw n or eater Hal Ui-
. it Itrnla Ittiotit s'rs. j
or ' m llML ,B I M 1lOH V IU
Knrnlua. fttilnite. K.lfl Jln,
I'oumUr, 1Trnrs Hmrrt, tIof (- m
, X ot ttt, fwrtif IV una, Wwalt,
Hollow Hunt, hifuldiri, 1 !-
stalls. Jatn, Tlril, Itlnxlrw
It I vti. Vtllt HmmI
kltti- ftteht ami tJ.r all
ehlrh in Ks-Mute tr I It a
Mlntila mm Slxlt tnril are llsttl.
.ho Stevtrats lttf I4iilMntj
Altars ciiree anil uuvcr iw 'milbI
tn-4 It Is, iKwlllTet,
FOB X-ft 02 13ACT.
UNriffijillrt. fr
Tone ic rfcala
Parlor Organs
a(;i:nts u'a.vtkd.
- wcemra mAn.wr
''"'I trmxwn fcZi
Care Jttnfk or Xorthee at
-"TrTTa a. TfLw cl
Crfsa Da
w - KBB7.cirU - . Asset,
f f
V 9
. .. &-
l-Prd. ?' ':
SJ i -I 4
Z'Srfi -i&sK1- -
!. ' ,m-tmr
5Ei: -.
- w:i
" si
BT?8kA '' -f i ,i-i
B"'' HHH- jT" -W? -ti!B V S , JTK
!kuliir.. ;4l fMm V - V . Jasaa. -1&
l " '-MxPiHi
-: Mi..
- j - - f -t . sT y yv- -r ,m
. vi