-iVi teW fSSK Wi m v." l2v r I?.- vYa n. r . l?et J. tVERLEES. B W a.- Grocicm, Tobaccos, Cigars 4c.f c. W kaap as hi aa i Ha t tmeti aaJ M.JVIU t !. where ft aw arat aaa1 ait ar kept haad. OY8TER8 for fcaadltac tku clan of good ia tawa. tiira as call, et J .0VEHLEE3. KKBR.ViKA CLOUD, Flour & Feed STORE, CSA8. E. PTTTHAlt, Prop. DEALER Iff FLOUR. FEED ato.Maat,tsaa Ckoprcd Fe4aid GROCERIES, YfaUiaelUaClaaaa Graterr. Peed and Pr- vUtam tan waaa Jta araat amttitt for Biaa ar atlatat Market i-rke ia rash fain for rrata AH k rada frvn at rr rrwlare tufcen a cxrhanc far . Uiwdi dclircrod to all art of tows frvf cbarac. tt-te ut at KVted'f Plow Factory. REDCL0U0r Nebraska. Moon i Callender, )VRUJSSM ( General Cerchan3isea rtoBkes. HAT AND CAPS. Brags, Medicine, Oils Tarnlalie, Puints Etc, GLASSWARE, QUEE.WSWA HE, HARDWARE & HARNESS ETC., ETC., ETC. k full line of everything kept in n gen eral store, at the i.ovit cash rwcK. Respectfully, Moon & Callender. CGWLE3. - ' NEBRASKA. DE. 8HEBEE, Proprietor of the City Drug Store. 'JUB BBAlCa 19 Drugs- Medicines. Paints- Oils and Varnishes, A lull supply of LAMPS, LAMP SHADE; WICKS, COMRSRRlr-HESiC. fatraaarr solicited and thankfully raectrad. 4vFrctrridion carefully eoaifonded"0 One door south of tlarlrvrV 'tore, RED CLOUD, NEB. UL L- TINKER (Maaejaor to G. A. Brows-) SEALER IN' Parlor, Bedroom AXD KITCHEN FURNITURE, Brackets, Chromos; Picture Frames, Mattresses, Etc. &WM alaajrj oa kand aad triasmed on abort aiike. Itiaa aa low . any ia tka Valley. Bapairias of all kinds axi aroarp'ly sad Batiifaettry. Burial RobtNS furnwhod at reasonable nas. f.ED CLOUD, - - - KEB. Harness Shop SK J. L MILLER, Krr roaataatly oa band a fall Like oft JLULNESSs. OLLAIW, SADDLE, 1IORSE-BLAXKETS, VUII'SL (TOMBS, BRVSHES. SAKXESS OIL, And vcrvtbthc usually kept in a first N r whs shop.. TTO VOtmSOKtll OF THE BANK. it- Cafk Mm Paid fr S1k ui Fan- COME For Your.- LUMBER. DRY LUMBER A SPECIALTY KIa1 ml !. rrin l.V ' y , ft- v t. & r k- ? SrtC dab a''4P tTwtijimii .- MaaWaaMat THE CHIEF. LOCAL MATTERS, jt. y. Tin Table. TK afaet Swadar. Oet. 17. Ma. aftward Ptfmitfbw. trriM. Frrfcat learr- MrifM. . ia.m. 12' Watt ward A r learaa :44 a. a. " antra-.,... $ 'JGf.m. IAtTEtH DlVJilOX. Ear Iward . leara.. arrive. .6 46 a. a. Tiara daily uaitt G. W.MaLnataar. A. K.TnrxiLiv. 8aariaadent. Geal. Maaazrr. V.T..CUVKZU. R. ?., at 10 a. aj.. aad araatalagtir tka Pa tor erery Mabbata aiornlaf aad craaiar. Prayar aaavthtf rm Tfcaraaay arcataf. All arc eordialljr iaritW. Miner Brott. aell Superior flour. Roby i selling Lauterbach'g bread. Choice, early, need Potatoes at 1 Rohv's. Live hog, arc worth $4.50 in thi? market. Another rain, with some hail, Tues day night. Shipping. tags can ho hid at the Chief office. Yotr-caii'ftdrertfoe to prove up now, if you want to. Farm, for aale or rent, inquire at the Cnrcr office. Rohy has received Garden Seeds in hulk and in paper. Dr. Kendall's "horse book" for sale at the Chief office at 25 cents apiece. Mr. B. P. Boynton, of Rock Fall, 111. railed and renewed his subscrip tion last Wednesday. The Edgar Siui hns gone where the "woodbine twincth." Cause, to many ,papers in Clay county. Mr. John Potter, father of our towns men J. G. and Charley, arrived from the uaxt laxt Saturday. It is about time for "Jimmcoanc,"get your dugouts ready, and prepare for the summer's campaign. Mr. Evans, an Iowa newspaper man, who has purchased a paper at Obcrlin, Kau. called last Tuesday. Tho Sunday School in the Congrega tional church will hereafter begin at 10 a. in., instead of 12 a. in. We understand that a portion of Potter & Frisbie's mill dam washed out again lost Thursday night. The pleasant rain last Sunday night was of great benfit to the wheat and other small grain in the ground. A fire occured last week on the Rennecker farm south of the river. No great damage was done, how ever. Mr. John Carothers, of Orleans, Harlan Co., was a caller at this office last Monday, on his way to Piatts mouth. Columbus Bonn, late editor of the Osborne, Kan. Truth Teller, is working on tho railroad as a section hand, at Cowl os. Mr. Todd, one of the editors of the Superior Guide, called at the Chief sanctum during the absence of the editor last Tuesday. Mr. J, W. Sherwood purchased last week the farm known as Rcnnecker's Ranchc, south of the river. "Uncle Jack" will go to Arkansas. Tenant Wanted. A farm to rent, 5 miles from Red Cloud. 90 acres under cultivation. Apply to J. Gaess ler at the Bank. 3Gtf Rev. Pryse spent a number of days last week and this, shaking hands with old acquaintances. All are glad to see him back to Red Cloud again. We are sorry to say that Mrs. Zeiss lost about fiOO worth of furniture that was stored in the cellar of Mr. Al brights house that burned hist week. Miner Bros, have stacks of new goods and aro constantly receiving more to replace those that their cus tomers are always carrying away. Call. One druggist sold seventy-two bot tle of Dr. Marshall's Lung Syrup in twenty da3 from the time thev were Jirst put upon his shelves. It takes tnc cake lor curing a cough or cola. Try. It. Sleepers's team turned his buggy upside down in a jiffy, on the street last Sunday evening. Fortunately no damage of any consequence was done. The local scribe being absent all day Tuesday the day that he is in the liabit of writing up the local page, ac count for the "thinness" of said page this week. Miner liros. and Roby will receive the last of thia week, a car load of flour from the Milford Mills, manufac tured by the new patent process. It is sniSItcbe tho best in the state. We learn that a Catholic priest will arrive from the east in a few days with qpite-a little colony which will settle near Riverton, several thousand acres of land having already been pur chased. Rev. J. M. Prysc a. m. will preach instead, and by request of Rev. Goe. O. Yeiserin the Congregational church, on next Sabbath. In the evening he will resume the treatment of the sub ject which he commenced last Sab bath. - We have received a copy of E. M. CarrelPs Woman's Journal, published at Lincoln in" the interest of the wom an's suffrage movement. It is neat and readable and reflects credit upon the proprietor, and the cause it ad vocates.. . lnc&nrty second Anniversary of Odd Fellowship, will be observed bv Red Cloud Lodge No. 64 I. O. O. F. of 1 Red.Glqud Nebraska on Tuesday April 2b, AiD. 1881, by public- parade;- fol lowed with; an rfationt fey STf. McKeigwatthc 3LE. church-mRed CIcud Aea. air "2 f-clock. ru -m. The The Pawnee Rtpublicaa, nuuriaf abort of Blatter, hairing, received no mail for acveral day, printo u new for its reader a chapter from the Bible. His rexchm all crowaled in next day and wanted to know where he came aero it, and hoped he would clip some more from the same pepcr. Central City Courier. It mar interest the public to know that Jferya little lamb, with "fleece aa wlii to aa now,'' was horn at Stirling Ma.'., 1SI5 and was hooked to death by a cow in 1810. The "Mary" who owned the lamb is still living, her name is Mrs. Columbus Tyler, her maiden name was MaYy Sawyer, he is C'J year old, and still ha in her poHeiou tome of the identical j'nrn made from the "fleece as white as snow." The school teacher's name was Polly Kimball. The- poem was written by John Ballstonc of Boston in 181C. The above are (acts. total noon. The Reginter of the Land Office at Bloomington has received notice from the department to itsuc final proof notices for publication, as a receiver will be enstalled before the five weeks of publication has expired on notices sent in now. We have forwarded the applications left with us to be sent in and the notices will appear next week. The following letter from the Regis ter was received at this office last Sat urday: U. S. Land Office, Bloomington Neb. En. Chief; Sir. We are now al lowed to isxue notices for proof, which can be published and proof made, then held until a receiver is qualified. Yours truly, S. W SwrrzEK, Register. Ed. Chief: I have been told that J. A. Tulleys et ul paid to one A. J. Kcnncy $500 to come to Red Cloud and run a paper in their interest. Please inform the public through your paper whether the terms of the sale were such as to release Mr. Ken ncy at the end of five years, as some say, or was his bondage made perpet ual by said bargain. Yours dec, Taxpayer. Wc do not know, and wc do not consider the matter of enough conse quence to warrant us in making in quiries. We refer the correspondent to the Argus office for information. Ed. Chief. The county clerk last week incorpo rated in his report of the commission er's proceedings, made out for publi cation iu the Argus, a falsehood, knowing at the time that it was false, viz: That "while the commissioners were in session the clerk called for an investigation and that Mr. Thomas being called upon to furnish proof ot alleged charges, failed to respond." Mr. Tulleys did not call for an investi gation, he said he would like to hear the editor of the Chief tell what he knew about alleged crooked transac tions in county affairs, and when one of the commissioners asked the editor of the Chief what he had to say, he retponded, by saying that when the proper timo arrived when the board of commissioners set as a board of ex amination, or inquiry he was ready to tell what he knew. Wc have heard the county clerk accused to his face of suppressing cer tain portions of the commissioners proceedings such items as he did not want the public to get hold of but we never before knew him to pub lish a deliberate falsehood as a portion of the commissioners proceedings, but we entertain no ill will towards him on that account, it is but natural for a man, as well as the lower jini mals, to squirm when caught, or about to be caught, and wc take it as a mat ter of course. Women's Column. Thif cnlamn it set apart for the ue of the women of the county, and ther all hara an equal rirht to ae the name ia the duration of anyqueatfoB or interest to tho f ex- The editor of thiii rarer will not hold himtelf responsible for anything- that may appear in thia columa. or for tho yiews aad opinion of correspon dents. Woman's Work ani Wftgw. With the passing ol each year wc arc morejthoroughly convinced that this life is but a prcfMiratory school, fitting us, so far as we will profit by its lessons, for another phase of exist ence, which shall admit of greater ac tivity and grander achievements. If this were not true' taking into con sideration the jolts and jars, blockades and delays, the unreliability of the mails and tho general decapitation and annihilation of our plans, it would seem that it was hardly worth our while to be born into this world at all. We attempt so much and wc do so little; wc aim so high, and we alight so often below the dull, dead level of commonplace existence. Wc start out in the beginiuig with glit tering tools and cxhaustless energies ; "the world is all before us where to choose," and wc determine to build, as our life work, a royal palace, whose shining dome shall reflect the spark ling sunlight; whose towers shall pierce the azure sk Its windows shall gleam like polished diamonds. Its spacious steps, broad and welcom ing, shall lead up to a doorway whose carved lintel shall bear the proudest of all mottoes, "Success." So grand in its leauty, so perfect in its symmetry, it shall challenge the admiration of all beholders, and the name of its builder shall be carved on the corner stone in inefiacable characters. For this wc toil and strive and pray, and when the years have drifted" by- and the work is ended, what do we behold ? At least we can-make the most and best of what is in us,'- content at the last to hear the welcome "She. hath done wltat ske -could"" sounding through tbeJjiarkHes- with which .death VciUvtwr eve?. T5a:gres.tesrc2n tetl2mUafcL RKt Clottd, April 18, 18Sf. En. Chief: There avems to be quite a diflvrcucc of opinion, ami con iderable strife manifested by individ uals it regard to the investigation that is now tending, all of which, to u. ecm out of place. Our officers and their friends claim that the whole mat ter of iccttiug up the investigation was by political sore-heads and dbtappoin- teu omce scek-ers. in mat so; ji o.u.tr. . n ....;.! rr .i..-n..ii....i stop the investigation at once, for eer tainly no intelligent taxpayer nuhes to incur the expense of an investiga tion to .-filiate the political aspirations of any man. Then if that propsition be not true, wc mut look to other results for the cause of an investigation. It ia claimed by the same parties and their friends, that the petition is not sufficiently signed by the tax payers of the county to warrant an investiga tion. Let that be a it may, e find by examining that petition that it is signed by the heaviest tax payer iu the county. Men, business men, who are paying from one to nix hundred dollars a year for txc-, would they not bear the burdrtt of the expenses of an investigation ? Or have those men signed that ictitiou asking for an in vestigation, for the jole benefit of their own political aspirations 7 or is it ho I l,,ai J Jr a j for their own financial interest they signed the jetition? Not for moment do we impute to thorc men jealously toward our county officers, but we can say that we believe they are Muncwhat jealous towards the enormous expense of supporting our county government. And wc believe too that they think like tinto their own private affairs, bad management leads to bankruptcy and financial ruin. And by a thorough investigation the causes for all this high tax will come to tho surface, that every tax payer may know for what he is paying out his money, ami if possible mend the condition of county affair to a better state, independent of any man or office seeker. All will admit that our county is from some cause in almost a bankrupt condition Are we wedded to men more than we are to our prosperity as a county and people? If so, fight it out be tween sore-heads and office holders. But if wc are not more wedded to men than to our own prosperity, let us like intelligent business men, rise to u higher plane than to take sides with this man or that man for his political prestige, but all unite in one body in the removal of the cause for such a burden of taxes, and in doing so, to remove the cause, the cause must be found. If theso propositions be true, why all this bickering and opposition between parties. If our county offi cers know the cause of all this high tax, why not let the people know it, they pay the taxes, And, too, if they know that all is correct and the exact state of affairs say so, then don't spend your time in an investigation, this certainly is no secret society arrange ment. Would it not have been a just and fair move on the part of the commissioners when that petition was presented for the investigation of county affairs, to have said yes gen tleman petitioners, we are glad you have opened the qtfestion, for it has been a sore problem to us, we have tried for eight or ten years the best we knew how to control our matters in a different shape and now we aro glad that even two hundred and fifty-one of our citizens have proposed to us to see what is the trouble and if possible remedy it ? Who will you have gen tlemen? Get the best minds you have among you to assist us and wc will go to the bottom and sec what can be found, and what remedies will best apply for a more prosperous con dition of things. William, John and James may all be jealous of some others and have high .aspirations for themselves yet it docs not prove a single proposition of the justice, or in justice for an investigation, the ques tion to us resolves itself into but one form, that is docs the condition of our I county finance and its future pros perity compared with its past and present government warrant a contin uation of the present system. If so stop tho investigation, do not incur any further expense; but if the condi tions are such as not to warrant gener al prosperity, find where the fault lies and make and amende. The average business man, the farmer, the day laborer and all other classes, agree that in any branch of business, for its success, its expenses must be less that its income. Is not the same reasoning good in county affairs. Let not the people become preju diced against this man or that man or misjudge the one or the other but view the question as but one proposi tion that all arc interested in bringing our county from a lower to a higher grade of prosperity, independant of favors received or of ones rejected from individuals. We hold that should the investigation go on let it be diligently and thoroughly done, if it cannot be done so, do not begin it, let equal justice be done to all con cerned, with a high hope that some means will be adopted to fully insure the people that the end is nigh when they shall be no longer burdened with high taxes. Can this be done without an investigation ? good. If so, all well and OSAGE ORANGE SEED. Mitchell fc Morhart have for sale a supply of osage seed at a very reasona ble price. Those who contemplate growing a hedge should give them a call. 2Gtf The members of the Red Cloud Lodge, No. 64, 1. 0. 0. F. will meet at their hall Tuesday April 26. 1 88 1 , at 1 o'clock sharp, to celebrate the Sixty Second Auniversary of Odd Fellow ship. Adjacent Lotfces aad Transient brethren are cordially invited to par- uctpasc JLCoritTESBirc, Tii QtatMOf IdcstiicXrwt. The AffH number of thw nUcrtftH ng and pefMtlar magazine u jut out. Anon. variom nubjerV illura- ted in tbM number t an cofTatrnj; oft yacht LiT4-; a eri of vim, m? trating wood working attachments for foot lathes ; Prof Secch"t olar photo-1 Kraphfc: apjatratus, with ix distinct I views of the aun taken by thu itutru- .. . . ..: t .i" i ...i iu.-.ii, .-.,? ... .ae iwa situ, apparatu- u-M-u on uikv ucneva ior uewnntninfr tne voiocuv oi aouna in ; . , .... ... .....u ..vu.-wi'W enamcieu surlace ; engraving avion of arv.1 era! curiou animals and objects hi i natural hitory. and an elaborately illustrated article on Bco Culture. Evcrv number contains thirty-two pages, full of engraving of norcltir in science and the useful asti. Publish ed by Mess .: Cc 37 Park Row. New York, at I1JJ0 a year, and ihM by news dealer. THE SUNDAY MAGAZINE 1 OU MAY, The May nunilmr of thi excellent periodical contain as uual. an abun dance of interesting and edifying reading-matter. Among the articles of Tinrttnilnr pxrntlini nn a riirtti:iltf one entitled "May-day Observances." I bv Jueph Pollard, with nine illuttra-. tion ; "Ancient and Modern Church I Music." by Alfreton Hervvv ; "Egyi tiau IIout and Homes'' bv .Sara Keablcs Hunt ; "Molirino and the Mwioiiarie," by I, A. Ballard M. D. ! "T,.'e. H.rhis.h nM ,,he.kvr." f J oat, article ix admirably illtiatrated. "Out of the World," Mr. O'Reily's intrr- esting aerial. U continueil, ami there are several short tories and ..ketches bv George J. Hatrar. Han Christian Anderion and other jopular writrs. Alexander McLeod. Rev. Jumes M. i mu okivs rr iiv i :ir&oiunii. nvv. Whitton. I). I), Hattie N. Norri.-, Thomas L. Ch.ie, LU D , etc , et Hie poems are numerous nd getier- ally of great merit. Besithw a large; amount ol entertaining and mtruc-. tive miscellany are the following fx-I ceitliniflv iutcrestiiiL' ft-Hluro- "TlullllllkW I I lllail II Home Pulpit." sermon by Rev. Joseph i arktr, u. u.; iinru places m tne Bible," by Rev. Dr. Deein; "Temper ance Talk." "The Invalid's Portion and thoughts for the Afflicted." "Glimpses of the Religiout World." "International Sunday school Les fi 1. u flv if f t t .1 sons," etc., etc. There are I2S quarto j pages in each number, and nearly 100 illustration. Price of single "copy. '25 cents ; annual subtcritition S3 post paid Address, Frank Leslie's Pub lixhing Houe, S3, 55, and 57 Park Place New York. Roby has ordered a supply of the celebrated Washburn superlative flour, the best flour made in the U. S. MONEY ToL0 AIT! Money to prove up with on final re ceipt, or on deeded land at S per cent., and 1-C2 per cent, commission, or at straight 10 per cent, no commission. J so. R. Wiuxoc. Office next door to Chief office. 30tf OBOWN! Not the Crown of Kings, nor the Crown of Glory, but the Crawn Sewing Machine, the latest and best machines in the market, it will pay you to call at the Post-Office and see it before you purchase! For Sale by M. B. McNirr. To Horsemen. The attention of parties owni horses and Jacks is called to the fact that the Chief office is well supplied with appropriate cuts and well prcpar to do printing in this line on the short est notice and at the lowest figures. Notes especially gotten up for your business can also be had at the Chikk office cheap. Call on us before you place your orders. Durham Stock! The Fine Durham Bull, "AHDREW JOHNSON" Owned by J. M. Fisher, is offered for sale. "Andrew Johnson" will be three years old the 'lb of May, his ncdigrce i registered in the Boston herd look and can be seen by calling on Stephen Bavles at the Fisher farm, one mile eas't of Cowles, Neb. 34tf Attisiiu Srctdirs of Eorses ! The fine Stallion known as "Tom" tho property of David Boesch will stand for mares the present season at the following rates, viz: $8 to insure single mare:two marcs, $15; more than two by the same owner, $7 each. For the season $6; Single service, $4. Will stand at Red Cloud on Friday and'Saturday of each week; at Guide Rock, Mondays and Tuesdays of each week, and at Am boy Wednesdays and Thursdavs. - "TOM" Is a fine horse, lcing of Percheron Canadian and Bluchcr-Morgau stock, beautiful dapplo bay, sixteen hands high, weight, 15W pound. JOHN BOESCH. 34m3. Amboy, Neb. Blanks! Blanks!! A full line of State Journai.Co's., Blanks (the standard blanks of the state) are always kept for sale at the Chief office, and. at the same prices j that thev arc sold at in Lincoln and Omaha. The following is a partial list of hlauka on hand: Warranty Deed. Mortgage Deeds. j Chattlc Mortgages, . Search Warrants, j Mechanics Lein, I Power of At torn ey . j Bills of Sale. Quit Claim Deeds. ; Summons (original), j Summons (copy), . Appeal Undcrtakinc, I Execution. J Order of Attachment, Affidavit of Vendor or Lessor, 1 Assignment of 3lortgage, Precipe, - oubptcnas, Jvoticc of Constables Sale, Blank Receipts. Blank Notes Release of 3Iortcare, Agreement for Warranty-Deeds, ementxoF Warranty. Deeds, J Complaint-to keepthe Peace, i-c. ic. 4c Asm iaoK.SK -unca w c-tziz r:ca ny ....-... . i Sfii i4l4 ti at Ir.rT. jTle b tttlt 4r iltt Tfcr4it t 1711 UJ aT. WiUIJl wtHM tt W ml . . - . !fi '- i - ' U. feat, la HiHwM' rifcrl U WW rti 4rki ., laOu. 3- . t t J7.X!M" m. ti ui U t Ik kik U U f ta aWtt If It Wlk fai " fiir .. lM yr, Janfe f !. "" "" -- - SZ7ZZ2 12 ?IaK21. .i . . v , t , .. !Clle U hrr rirrtiiM I ill tU Ui -. 1 .- t tr Uftr a c-M4 lt !-- f ti rrtj -- fitxl f nki:rr rrr. t 1W 'r . Clit ea tt Im ntrJ ak ! rivKli; Jtfar Aer't v4 AvOmMi At SUaHUl Ul & le trn ?JUl t (kr it tt .aaarr. Ani. Jlj 4 (M4Wt, At UiU Ka ksttaattnl ati4; i U wU it l.tsalivt.trKiar J ?'! k .. A. A. rura- Geaaty SrtUtctUc l raK lettrmrt ( Xattes! afctim" a.ifrslll I r.. ... H.....L 1 .. t.v. i - rtH by rk aM mi t M rrjt lk tka rxcra.-uttrc rn -t .; lPTl? !.(( ! rc jJ t tn Xr. hh j-m. ' lBt$n$p. tttlr.r - ik r Ifi'e tS?r j wi4akc att it "I her . vt a tkrr trtk ! kf hi atrr U'ti a k a lit -t lU twt st Bt tHt It WI it i( U tK ia4 ila trtl la tkr atoikrr. aiM rr'tcfatJ kcHa t tb cttUJ. rilirs lUs WiW. it 1 M'!"ll i t ie llfjf. act HrAwat !& uv,l friMMienit M-IMls Mil krtctj anJ ! la ia I alt ulr. dt4 iratr. r rat a tMt. -I. ' A3K?: WAX7SD MIZZ t: :U ti RhVISED NEW TEHTAnKXT Now miifv for Agvnb Mo dewu bk edition, low pnceil. Mdtions arc j hiirrrfi for ; Outfit iOc. ! waiting for it. G j,yi,ts. l'articnUi ct quick. Addrejw (tntiui free. C. H. BEACH Si CO . Chicago III. 37T "My daui;hter had a evore couch inr one vear. .oiiuni: mirmi mi o mucli a Dr. Marshall's Lung Svrup." Sigucsl Mrs. F. Hose. Dcl- avail, O. I ? mmm " ''f " tdiaf, the Albright Hore. Will stand this season at Red Hotid at la-t year's rates, vir.: f S.l0 to insure single mare; Two inaro fl.Vtkl. mor? than two bv the same owner, $7,00 carh For the season, $5.00; single service, $3.00. This horse needs only to be known to be admired. He has been sicknowl edged by many good judges to be the """ill kinds of i Iw" seen in thi- section. Weight, in llcKh, 1500 pounds. Beautiful Bay, Symmet rical form. cinxI life, high carnage and best of all as kind sis a kitten Hi owner also expects to stand a good .lack tith him. I'ntil further notice will be found at the Commercial barn. I). LITZ, Proprietor. SAM'L GARBER I DnjHT.tt IK Dry Goods mnd Groceries BOOTS mnd II OEM Hats- Caps & Rui'hj Made Clothing We havt the Largest Stock in the Valley and will not be undersold. Girc s a call, one and all. Sam'l Carber, Red Cloud Xeb. Holcomb Bros., Vaaltra fa fallkiaaJ. rt.y fall CHEAP for CAStt. aaj U tbcj kara art what ;n wjnt. leaf a fear oHct aaJ lit7 will fill it. CALL ON THEM Oaa fecr84rtBfatrt''.aJ Mr.HOLCOJIS will wait aa yaa. arltf RED CLOUD. NEB. ROBINSON Wagon Company, -ji.iTriCTVJtm3 or WAGONS Buggies & Phaetons. M ' Wc do rtot-Want Agents -W OTTtH Of K I Standard Trade Vehicles, 10 THE TEaDE. r Work"tKat lias an establuihcd rcputa- j tion, and'that can be haudled-with -at- ' ."" mviusk, can oe mufuecrau faction, both buyer and seller. Scnd: for designs and prices to i viDEi:rycy m.''Joy ro. The Proof of the Puddingisinthe Eating." You have onlv to call on us and wc can easi ly convince you that wc do sell I HARDWARE A little BELOW the 'so-called "Bed rock pri . i ces' advertised bv other firms. Besley& Perkins liiJotf Tl !a Sti ffal KritJ af lMcr4 a it U crtUin In ti Bart a4 ! ol Mn(fc Alo i tlr&t ftr titaa 8V S Pfuof ll Trca i Prcsdsts. Fhyrldia. Wa.MtwtoDrlll. hm Jaa )la 1 Da. n J,Kii4ii X t ..liUt H4im s kilrrrtit.mrnt f K.titiall VflB "a 6J bavley a rluabli ait i1t Kuta Mch Ui tn lam from j-atln ifhtrtti tauatb. 1 l tn jroa'T boot br trf. wblh la t wkt rniovl ll laaivne.. nl nUrgrocat nJ a larv iplii.t (mm nlhr bor vfl Uilh bar rU-tr au J eMl. Tft oaa bottl wa wnrth it moan buntri lillar. IU'itfall) Yuur. II. A. Hattolctt M 1 ZssiaU's SyTia Czr oc asa auh. HukenM 1 V, !. 3. l5 It, J. KaaDiLLACo, U.nU; ! lb U a4J my trtliinrtiy In fmf ot )-nr laTaliiabl Ital mml. K.uUSprlo ar la tha 'ttiat f lt I rllt'piU b tbr lr an t iralti-i y rlbt limb al lha knr ulnl 1 u f lamp and at timr iaffrei lh wutt icrnrlatlac tata t wnr a LanlJ on It tut ortr a )aar. aal trirJ ui"l cerilhiti In my lh. but tvnUt Cn.l notblnc ili4t oull cl m r'tanbt ralirf Wbtn I nTrr-d. H wrtul-t p-On w vary much. Ia April K 1 bo la think 1 -liouIJ br crlt'i'la fur ltf- but bint iiar ft "KroJall bpavln Cure ' IboucUt I wnul I irjr It. I mni ar third "I a hutlle. ami rapailaa crU rt!ic ( al ot.ro. 1 ua lulu left tax ami bat not tnmblrJ ma linre i fl er (rattful t ou and mil recmutri4l 'ken-lalt' t'ptftn i urr io an noo luscr aiui irmni r rvutai tuat. Yttr irolr. Ml. J. iHTiLL. H1TDALL S SFA7IK CTC. I ur In IU cHVtJ. mild tn it atln a. It iliira not Miilrr. let It i tnrtritinr Art J ikjw rful to rrarb arrrr 'Iff p ttA- fain or In r luareanr bony criiwtb or other ra'artarnt ocn at .pattb. .phnt. extrr rallnur. tprain weMInc and any lmcnfi atul all rnlrt iiiant vf tha JoinU or limtx. or for rhf u raatia.n in roan for any turioi for wbirb a llnaairBt U uiod for man ur brat. It l mm known to be the brl litxtntnt for inu rr ut-J, ao Id; mild aad Jft ctrtain in iu. rffpeu. tjand aJdrwj for llltulrattd Circular wbi It think rir rH.ltv prtxif of Iu rlrtifi No rrtnfdr ha trrr met with acb ij'illfi-l urcr to our knolelj. fur baattaj trail mn. Trie!!. pr Lotilr, r.ru bottlti for Si. AH ProuiHi bare it or can gat It for you. nr It will Ua tftit t .nnr atj.lr,. ,n rrfviPt of rif by tbe pf.riotr. lla. J, II. KaoLU X Co , KnwburrU Falli. Vu SOLSST ALLS2?G3!5T3. A C:aza, Cold cr Scr Thrn. kill k ilapptJ. Nrc'frt (fMaaatl irml li. ti Itriir'tMa 'unir Dicirt or Cooafp!i3. dr:-nt UranfhUI Tro-hr t- crrtatn t-tta clf ii Atthrai. IlMnfhitM. Couilir. CiUrrS. ynu mtivn and throat !uii. tor thirty f-t!if Tn-rbr hiT btin rnm!8dJ hj Uff 111, aft i aliTjl ivr iMirfrf I it'tf -1ion. 'by arc rti.Mitnr or unit . I tut Unlrrbtri eirl br wi.lvand condaat ur fur uairlr n atirc rrutrjiivn. tlifjr bara aitjibrd wall oarff I Mok atnnex tUo iw rida r'Hdi ot ar j: I'ublie tfrakru ar-d Mnicr u.q ih" a r'.rAT avl lnxthru h N nKt. rivii a. cntj Ct a r aul. 4 bui r rir nbcr. it aBBBBBBBBBBBBaaaBBBBBatBBft .aTwilfrajnatixm f 1 ffllVWXHVjUni! "aiisaBBBaWBBOBaWaBEBaa V 1 aNNNif - ' -- tl mi i m i ti. ! -""''' FINE CARRIAGES AND ROAD WAGONS cr TJIinOR.1 EXCELLENCE. ILiiajlat: mtylSmixl rTxaaxatac& t SATS y:ur X3VZT, vxitt ftr Catalyst iU TKSZ Lit? Ala SOLE. Maoafactnrm et tia cl.'brata4 tknxoK BvoBfltBr or XJ22AT WAW5. The THIS WEW AMU CORRECT XAJP ftwtra hcjonil aar rewweaii ipcrtia t&u ti CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN R'Y lib7ncrMafjMtrrfyitetiiwVatreT:inta Chkaa vA ill f a Pr'mds.! fVj w Um Wsct, NkA d NaftWnt CtrrfaBy ncaanlae thh 3f jrs. Tbc rrfadwil CJtka et tkt Vr-K M frtlnret ar Mxttem raUtaros4. JiaUawajKh traiu XaaJte tJeac eetumcXtut tta UHBtXAUMftiluilnwiiaC jmtctitB petata. THg riHrHfin atiiaj ?Sii'JSXS!t "aa-w av aaaj a- m .arca. I m la i i 'T'w-aBTTfBvBBtrT tp l a ll I aparV a .aajBaaLBlBDBalBBMarkfl-1 A. . aV 1 JZJ9 ii L 09 hB. a ; j faWaBSy. aj paa Bw'TK3)JBaaBB?BW'vaaK OJdaalAJI avrjsza UlMtMG CASA. Sf'T ur TSi'-ts- r flaaw4iSl tofel CaUSttfL?.138 lis.' a ncrrrs0rur tifvtrt. tu...j a .. . New BarberShop, KKDCLOID. r.3R,5KA Th pWe l enfiilt iirl4 i ;i u4 ti CJwt h ioo f HAIR CUT It ih kkbrJ all k f JUf 8j I JtCrt IlIla.l lUn. K Jim! Samuel West, )Us t- Tobacco, Cigars. COKFECnOHaSRT. ClXNKD rilllT (C1UCKKC-4. CIIKtefc ilk.lM)!art.UOt(X Av (tU UU ar riary ! SM I $ Al I 5.f ' t-M Ice Cream Parlor, VWrv ' H ulttwy jt a UK dH t( !- CtuuiO daatvt Jkv lxat. k,rc 4 tkc MtHe pttnaaa' n tcj4Knnm fK . iifnt w.iltb ifltiivll A ,MHaan. RmCixhi - - Nttin.4v THE BEST OF ALL 9 LINIMENTS ' TOa XAN A2H) SS1ST. Tr-r morw Umn a tlnt nt rr.twrr lh M.(IhMm.I tUt'MlabrH Lwian l.nWHif jnH i i tlr .!c i Hf t'ir n !; thn w IM I t nlJtro t !. l-rtr t v-c ti Ih'WilafMt ui.l. lr .r Ij utJi.itUiw t I'AJ MEXIDAN M s.tans 1 Hdtiia lii ''J'M M ll tNtwr tl.l f.. iHWaala tit rr It st t; rollrM i.' I mrtautt tt ft- l i it- n it njli .tv.r Lr vwrfJi- ifu . 1U4 iiukan MUSTANG ! l.t. .; lit I tif,rl t'ir artm'h.tr t m.ivImiu- Krr A ' t K !' lli CU) of !. I arlil l.4t t l!. I, cf rlf tMIra i- 'rf'tir , H ,wlM tMaa u .av.i t, t.iLtaul. a iHjwn uttu t ummm wlilrh rpr'Ulr fH'r - Kh r. utiXn ti- III MAN it t II a MUauin.lliiii. artvcllltta'.. ailff Jutut. I itlrf t i Amhi Jtwt.; aitJ Ma,l,J, (Mta, llrtl raMtB. Mptnlwl, IVUnuvii RUfi ! illt, t l av.o.a, I mi. Old !. V Ir .. ) i"lbt i SUt.lalw M.ta Ml;llra, lakttl I rMt. ! iMitarit rry firt f aln.M !! a. II lrl v DikiiI mt . fnt txi llati ts tt- tio f hr;lrta, f.niin), . T J.tlwf. t'tiii4lr, ttt r-.rr't t?r ll- aif, I'imjI I.hI, ?rr 1 rn iu, tnt, tli.llnt.tr i. H Hlrl. tli.a. rnlla, aiptiv ! Tttrttrt., VitttgUft. Sj OUl Snrr: lull t vll, .4 M,""ri tlio Mljht iiml t r !- attit ! t),l'J ttt ntitiU r lb Mlftt l.u.t Kltwk rrl or IUI.I.. T)" Ilrau JJIM t.tt'nHt rli" i ' Mrr - , and it la, im tttf'7 THE BEST or ALL I Boston Buck board Co.. NEW HAVEN. CONN,- ill lata ia ! ww WW Bajaj aAlaBST r-crxa V imm . I FOR I'AIT Oa 2SAC?. P lp Mmmwwmmmamm - -m ' ! 13 i.- ?'05SS5 ZfllSAC f;.2d-.ii iJShiJ ;n? P3- -ivs CMM8.; I , i-JVC--- fefi -a Tx. rTVTjssgkv: IB "- . ' T - . -X- -- -..tT5r--' '-Mar '' -. ,--'.' i .. ,!v.a&.t- Et & '.-y jjytijij? vt"fe amrmte mex, fca(a 1",J i.nMiaaa lpd ir-. . . . .. i,K;ia7 RM TS-i' Mul fii A-va nf VJ -- is.Liz.. 5-tXi-ij ; 1..x T, 2 ?TTG