The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 21, 1881, Image 3

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r?rr? i
M. L. THOMAS, Publisher.
REDCiftub,i -
the old snxxrxa wheel.
BnoKWf, dismantled!
would that It were
1 would not keen It In thit dusty nook.
Whom tanzlod cobweb crois nnd
their corner
afternoon strawberry panlcn party
while they're here, Alice, and that
would make-you-fecl irulejejiUenU" -"
Very," vtid I, " when we'd hare to
no witoout uutter ana pggur,
netting in the hone that had jrrowa
dull arid iiny, too. 1 toak good care
aot to wAh.lhaU4ukL wroHlit-out. of.
Aomo mucilage water, and clanpel It
and1ir6,'Mrv. and nulled St- out. aan :wrapea it
t;,.,.,i r . trtrti,fc ttnv far the ronnd taata&t. and tiea ic uownoTec
SlV aVVaJXF V eveeei "1"V 7 - , at- - f '-.! --
!,. i ",t a ! iT' tnc brim ina tinw uow troucrrarnnin-
.. .. fc - -..-. .-i. .. ..... . ". i - .
IM ? n 15of " rrim Egbert, ilieN.satil I, " inai wt.i ci oa mj
"And so'il I," said Aicc, ? ? $
Lrioeii't mnd t henbane;? H (.
ay, "tfut wgiijghi fSaf to pa,
MimAI" t
Miss Al.
Oh. well,"
said J.
And Rrhn old rplders from
From distaff, hand and nrftshed rim. nro nun?
Tli'' dusty uicoho. Black Hie cplndlc 1.
CnKked uiifl rust n ilcad. MIont tonsjnc.
That onco mado whlrrluff music mcro It
Oh.donr to mo l thM forsaken thlnirl
I r.uo upon it, and inv oyM Kr- dim;
Tor I can c my n-.oMiur. hear ntr elnjj.
As wlurts the slain? thread, and whirls tho
Bo wect she sans! nor ronnjrost on herkneo
Now n wrnrlil now mioio lino old hymu,
BubJliiic. exultant, full of victor'. . ,
Trlumpbunl n the boiist or surapalm.
Bwrpt tollorl tbmiijrh ln-rllfc ofcrbwdod care,
Wiiilu grief camooft, an J p.iln. and weari
El HI swelled tho nntlicm.
tho prayer.
Till death came c'.-unlny with nil col 1 caress.
fihi.-s!iifnnoiroro: beside the chimney wldo
No morn alio npln. Vcnri come and jro;
AIkjvc her grove niKin tho lono hill side
Tho Hnoir-ilrlfts lie, tho numiner grasses
grow. ;tn p. AVitrtan.
stilt was breathed
I rrncs3 you
won't havo td snare Jt1i,Arid then I
went to meet John iKokosby, who wa
coming round "the HrafcMiGshcs, and I j
before a couple of gentlemen were at
the other fcide of it. and he had turned,
and hesitating half tin instant, had in
troduced to mo Mr. PaCt,-aDd Lieuten
ant Sa'varv and Mcrrin. and ' then an
older pcntlcman loined them, and he
TU trxllnwAM tfM IS IJUd K
msch ucd is Karofe for prododnc
.T7 i i i -tit. I rirl hue waJual. iy tw ?
STR-VW-XATTTSO mij ov ckm 7 m .,n ' AiwTTirlmr
trtMffiMMin"Kra-ixix:wTO.uiisij w """ :r:r.
ILV w rj .. . I
Lva v . - -- w '"
, L. -
ores, and ueaden mv tmirwr nar ar
too brfhi to hs fashionable In thtf, y!d.i
gold mama. Don 1 1 iot x if Id jtui
stepped out pf an old illuminated ib&h
Uioript, ihe 'noaiaunt of tho Uoso,'
"That vou dof' aid raaturaa. " And
I'm well cnoujjh fo see to thd "peaches,
and I'll have the chairs all In tfce garden
at evea o'clock." And off I went-
"Ohl" naid Misa Paet. "If you
don't look jut like one of Uorne Jooca'
You look a If you had stepped out
of one of William lorris' xnediajTal
was Colonel Moarc. I new Johu j storici. dear." said Slaraa.
didn't like It, but he couldn't help him
ficlf, ami as soon :i3 I saw his . annoy-
nnce I be?an to enior it. I dtdn t mind
Hut I saw Miss Merrin soin? over me
critically, and I saw a twinkle in John's
eye lor Jonn was in iiju secret ui mu
fwon't answer. 1 Well, as I don t care a copper now,
Iis3-Marcia alU although perhaps I did then. 1. will Ven
t ? i I A turc to sav. vanity to tho right abont,
that moan mv tluit I couldn't filcp without Htumblinjr
ti.nm if f-n in mv oli! rranliinin" suit: I whito dross and I crm4my head all
but if it had been their sUtew! " flow- j the higher. . lie woulda't be n (he so
ever, I didn't unlock the gate, or ask ' cret of thw drew; I nhouH not tell him
them aero? it. a vrord about it, for the sake of hxving-
"It-jkesbv stole a march on us, Mis him tell Miss Paget what he'd think a
Lamarte." fcaid Mr. Paget. "Hut he'll good Joko enough.
lrml ti,e sort of.tfiinflrfwonH ansivcr. 1 Well, as I don't care a copper noAr,
Wo had heard Iroui
about vou.?" '.
All .. tx-.tit ini! Diil tli n t
" ...-- ---- -- . . i . ... v
dresses, too? Well, if I had hail all over some victim that day, and wiiuoui.
the purple and line linen of the Queen ripping a scam a? well. All tho gcntle-
of sfieba, 1 eoiild not Jiave held my men kept about mc. beforo arid after
head nnv higher than I did 'at tha't dinner, and-I was justHuiphiton enough
speech, although I knew how inconvc- to like it, and to feel it rather atri-
nient it would bo to keep tip that tlc . uinph than otacrwlsd oreritb rich and
Ami ttmn I Raw John's eve twlnk'e. fortunate, trirl. Alfred Pa rot was on
...-...... ., f ... - V - - M v ..i
and I .faced about in a second, "bo one 'wdo. and? toianot aaraj u we i
other, and Lieutenant bavary iiovcnug
Iinvft I liimnl all abfltitToit. Mr.
..... . v . . 3 . .. . ... . . ... "..til '
"What have you heard, may I a.U.-"- 'about, ana ;ur. Jierv.n was punmg mo
oniil 1u TliaL I. Alfred Parrot. atnJ Jauanesc iilic?. and Mi?s Mervin wa
. t.i.t r-rinfrmnilft.llv riritr:itif" " , Ii'ltlfillT bphlfld
iT'ri an awful nuisance to bn poor,
that's a fact. And to be poor and to
bo prettr and to bo proud hard lines
can go"but Jittln further, and I had gone
to the extremity of bird lines.
I Mtpposc you'll think no good of me
for say ing that I was pretty. Hut I
didn't. say it iirsL The glass said it
every morning. And when one sees a
cheek like the ro3y down on a peach,
eyes hoft and dark as a black pearl,
their dark fringes almost too heavy for
tho white lids lo lift, features like
(culpture. and yellow hair shining like
tsatiu folds iu its braids, ami all that
sort of thing, one would have to be a
fool not to know whether the picture
was good, bad or itulillbront. And sol
knew that I was pretty; but I didn't
take much satisfaction in it; it never
ir in.. i thrill of udifit call vanitv:
r . , i . . ' !, f ' t i 1 i fj,. ...:!. . ...!.:... ,1.;,. .....jnn an A tlinf nrruprt"Vwl.
it w:ls the source 01 almost coiimuuw uay, ir sno nau uui cumu unci mc nnu i iu.iki; "t i-" " . t,""
; other hand, and I u pair of tamo ouus, and mado such a fortabie, wnen nu at once
' (lnsss in a thorn, ana Mien asiiuiuiTOJic
I : . ...n.. (l...inli 1 1. .if i.1.1 atiifT i-nii novor
JI.T .ij wnuu... ....-.... j ,....
saw jliori OI zig..ig uirmnnig m ;i tiiuu
but confounilcillv aristocratic
i'oor! I sut)i)ose he wasted mure than
we had tx Uvo'dn. T-Xliat; '""
"That Colonel Mcarc is a-rcal' heart
breaker, and that John Hokesby has
uncommon luck. Hut, luck or not, I
can't ask your friends in, John, for it
wouldn't be luck at all if I caused
Lieutenant Savary tho lo3 of his case
of claret. So I mustsaywood-cventui
and I left them all aghast, ami John the
moat of any; and wild-hoMcs wouldu t
hanging behind and saying diagreeablu
things to Maria, as vo weut down thu
terraces and through the wicket into
our own garden, whero the boys and
Sissy were ready to wait on us with
pea'dics and cream, and whero mamma
looked lovelier than all the re?t of us,
1 ing in her whif e wrapper on tho straw
sofa under the tulip tree.
Hut of course as soon as I was thoro.
I had to (Iron mv role of fine lady and
belle for tliaTof ho'5tc3.ranipTTaitrng-
havc drawn mo to Mrs. Rokcsby's next maid, ami I was moving here and there.
mnrtilipation. on the other liand. and i o. nair
would rather have been plain as Susan fugs about it for she was fond of me
Winekworth, and havo had plenty to ! and mamma setting in about it, and
wear. I crving, and saying 1 was lo3ing all my
Drab doesn't show tho dirt, and fo chances that it was less trouble to go
jnv dreascs were always drab. Horn- than to stay. Hut I can assure you that
mints are cheaper than whole patterns, if I had really been tho Queen of Shcbu,
and so my dresses were combinations j 1 couldn't have boon treated thereafter
of two or three remnants. As for bon- J with more propriety; although John
nets, I don't believe I'd ever had an en-' said, when ho had a chanco, that it was
der-c!oud. I ran iuto -the house for
some pins to catch Ittogother. but
thought then I hail better take a hasty
needle aadf thread? and I was behind
the windowracrecn, Jiurryimr for doar
life, whonI heard, veicettana there was
tiso going
but it's of no
category of my wants; 1 wanted every
Ami then you can't keep a pretty girl
fihtit up from the rest of the human raco,
unless you put her in a convent; people
will find her out; and by pooplc L mean
John Hokesby and Paul Ventnor,
mid all tho reid. To tell the truth, 1
didn'tso much mind John and Paul and
nil the rest, bceau--o they had known
me as a little rag-bag ever since 1 w:is
born, and dear old John would havo
been only too glnd to take me for better
or worse, nigs and all; and Paul I
wouldn't havo had, you know, to save
llis soul besides, Susan was in love
with Paul.
Hut when a whole parcel of ray and
wealthy people camu to the lovely little
town lor a two-months' visit, some at
.1... l..l..jt' .m.l cntii.k fit llin inn
111U nunraui a, m auiuv ..v. ...,
"through tho aud I was very foolish to show temper
, .. ...,,, - . ,-v , --.- t -1 .
tindv new one. 1 made mvown gloves only the society manner oi ins menus, .mi-w Merym. wuu mo pi) nmim ui-i.
ICIUIICr, JJIVJUZSUUIU 1ilmiiu.- i nv u.voj," -ij-
sy, and mildly qnizzin-hor the while.
' I stuck the needle in, and sallied out,
for there was no knowing whero that
! sort of thing would end. " You haven't
given me any peaches and cream, Sis
sy," wud I, coming up.
"Deed, miss," said Sissy, "I'm that
sorrv! Hut the cream's all done gono."
""Gone?" 1 faid, placidly. "Then
run and get sotno more."
" For sure, Miss Al wat'll 1 get it
wsf? Missus gib mo tho very lastest
cent she had for. tho .cream for dese
-cr "
"Poor Sissy!" murmured Miss Mer
vin. "Won't she pay for this with
more than her last cent!"
"There's plenty more cream"
"Plenty more?" cried Sissy, joyous
ly." " Whar's it at?"
"In tlte milk-room, to be suro. Mako
that they woro all good fellows, and
Colonel Means was an excellent match.
" Colonel Monro!" said f; "why.lie's
bald! Ouo would as soon think of mar
rying you. John."
"Well," said John, "run I, then,
really so entirely out of the question?
Have romance and I bade good-by?"
"As if tliero were any romance possi
blo where people havo known each
other ever since thoy were born! Why,
when 1 was two vears old, you used to
feed mc with a'
" 'Maud with her sweet purse-mouth
when my father dangled the grapes.' "
quoted 'John. "Yes, it's uncommon
luck to seem no bolter than an old man
"Now, John, I heard your mother
say yoi were getting morbid, hvery
bodv jrrows old if thev live long
oamninir out on account of ' enough. And truly I don't think those
rvey of a Hue they were running smzlod curls of yours tho le
.somewhere to nowhere, then it becoming." And I couldn'
Knew mo nrsi ining
bo, " What a pretty
least bit un- haste, Sissy.
.'t imajrinc "Lors. MissAl!
uml somo
the sur
was different, I
thev'il sav would
..;! I" .mil tlii mvt tlimir wntllil lio.
"Hut isn't she quite too awfully shab- with her fan, and 1 felt as if 1 always to tho assembled group, 'ifor. getting
!" An.l I nouldirL keen out of their had hated that irirl from the bcrinnm'r i somean outcn nuuin: xs jor eoith
: , . -. - ... ... i i - i.- -i 1....I
of tiiim. .sti i. i must acKnow eu-ro .'sue s roi on shu mauo u nu ui u-
that by-and-by, when John took her to curling;
. .... ..,. .i-.i ;.. .11;. 1... I .1 .V..
mc piano, sou musing iuuai.ui:iiciuu3i.
11 I a I. .. -.. A n.kltrk trintinnnf f
wny Jonn ion mo in mat suuuon way. , inu uno iw ni jh.-..iui,i. .
ltnt. I siu- him nrn.4ntK Inanino- ovnr . known vou'd hab some lef.
flint, t all snllniv Pa'rot rfrl. and nhvin?r idsi'do cUtest case;" said;
Ef you ain't alius
ru oner
Miss Al's
Sissy ,-then,
Kiirht: for I had to iro to tho mail, and
to tho sloro, and to the mill, and to tho
station, and had to be seen out doors,
superintending the boys in picking and
boxing and packing; for all tho incomo
we had. mother and land tho children,
was what wo could make from our
strawberry beds and orchard, and it
was mighty iiltio anyway, anu moiuer
was delicate, and I had to sco to every
thing. It happened that I was down at tho
Btation, arranging with tho freight
nffent for my strawberry crates, on tho
day thoso people came; and I saw them,
everv one, and all their gay bustle, and
nil fricir pretty drosses tho girls', I
mean; and 1 suppose they were travel
ing dresses too very likely the worst
they had, aud their worat so far sur
passing my best that they didn't soem
to belong to tho samo order of things.
I bad heard Susan and the Hokesby
girls talking of the arrival of these peo
ple, and of all tho fine doings there
were to be; but I saw at a glauec that I
could have no share in tho tine doings,
unless it should bo in a pillow-case
parfv. or .something of tho kind, whoro
everybody looked alike. Thoy had
never heard of me, aud so 1 looked nt
them with impunity that day at tho
station, and decided that tho tall dark
fellow w:is Mr. Paget, and that fright
fullv stvlish tall sallow trirl, in a dark
, blue foulard, all puffs ami ruQles audi
Flr.rnngs and laces ana noooas, was ins
sister Minam. and that tho blue-eyed
beauty was Miss Mervin. and tho rod
headed girl was llaria, and tho straight
young men were tho surveyors. I
needn't have spent much time inguess-ino-,
cither, for my ears aro as good as
tefceope tubes, and I couldn't help
linnrinn-what some of them were .say
an vcr
hut then in tho evening, wnen every
body' was dancing well, I never saw
such dancing before, and hope I never
shall again. Mrs. Itokcsby said Hero
dias' daughter couldn't have done any
thing mo-c shameful, and she was glad
neither Marcia nor I tiling herself round
in that style. Hut John and her other
partners "liked it, I noticed at least
everybody wanted to dauco with her.
Somehow, if sho was lean and sallow,
sho was awfully handsome, and so was
her brother, as 1 said onco to John.
"He's young, toD," said John, "and
that seems to bo your sine qua non,
"It isn't yours," said I," for Miriam
Pagot's thirty if she's a day."
Ami then John laughod. and wont to
take tho scat that was always kept for
him bv Miriam Paget's side.
So the time went on, with rides and
rows aud picnics and parties; but it
wasn't very pleasant to me, aud I ex
cused myself from all I could; and tho
way that Miss Paget conducted herself
about John was simply simply out
rageous! And it was no wonder that
wouldn't nebber
.,.- -, i :...-,.:..,.
urcauieu uvas uc oio niuaiiunu-uuiiiu
roun' Mars' Alec's ole hat she wouldn't
hab" i Wono vrashod. noy ays " '-
Struck to stone, if over I was thank
ful in my life it was when John sudden
ly appeared,- Bud taking. Sissy's shoul
der. gaveher a twist round 'tho corner
of tho houso and out of sight
";really true?" said. Mi33tMerym,
wfthVpriglitlinessr ,1r-d did you mako
that that peculiar dress from an old
bed-curtain? and is it niosquito-ncttitig
...l Al' U3'V . 9
" What a triumph of artf Miss La
marle !' simpered Maria Vergnes.
" No," said 1 then, recovering myself;
"it's the triumph of poverty: Hut It's
very good of you to take so much inter
est in' my 'dress. riV;te&pBi you all my
art any da v."
"Thanks," said Maria, who wasn't
ill-natured herself. , -Jiit, wo shouldn't
look liko you in It if you Aid. 'And.-in-deed,
I'd rather be able to get up such
a dress as yoiu Jiave done be
able to buy out Worth." " J - a -
And at that little bit of kindness of
course 1 burst into tears, and ran away
as fast as L could to hide them. 1
water, and Xhtn wiped dry. Te a!t
(ROtTr boft, bon wal a4 &
granolated boao art-all mrliaatbl
article uowaday. and large quaotitiel
oftMr'very economical prorkfew for
poUrrart4 by thoe wko ad.
itaud U value.
JI?R$EttArjH Sccr. Onto the
horseradish. Iroil an egg hard, pound th
fclk. and add to the above & lfuln raw
cream, roustaru ana vinegar auucu mo
but thing. It must all b mixed cold,
and then b-aton.
Gnxmrtati should not be planted
more than x icch'y deep, a xnmt of
the tow gww near the ur.'ace. Vine
that have tcca laid dom or covered
nhonld be faitencd upon the trellis be
foro tho btidj start.
liouu JfXLr Cxkz. One cup sngar.
three egx3 onf CVI? flour, one teaspoon
cream tartar, half teaspoon soda; beat
wliilui and vctki separate, add Hour
gradually; bake on largo .dripperj and
when done turn on a cloth, spread with
jelly, then roll.
Cjrrcu Gkk One cup each fugzr.
molasse. butter; four cttp flour, two
I cups seeded raim. one cup vrxn
co llee p'jurett on ouuer; wnen cjoi, aiu
sugar, etc., thrca eggs, one tetwpoon
each cloves, cinnamon, nutmfj. little
citron, one topooa boda, half teaspoon
cream tartar
Si-oxob Cake. Seven gg. white
and velkjs together, three-q'uartcw of a
iwjuiid of susar dissolved in half a tum
bler of water, let it melt and juU come,
to a boil; half a pound ol Hour, one tea-
6jwonful of yeast powder, one icasfipon
ful extract of lemon, beat eggs ami
surar together until very light, then
add the iour.
Cueksk UitKLET. Hutter tho nidei
of. a ileep dmh and cover with thin
hlices of rteli cheese; sprinkle with tap
per and mustard; lay over the cheeso
thin shoe of buttered bread, then an
other layer of cheese, aud ason. Heat
the yelk-of an egg in a cup of milk aud
pour over the duti, and put at once in
to tho oven; and Iwke until a light
brown. It must be served at once.
FuitNiTUiiK Polish. ror a polish to
clean up and brighten old furniture
pianos, etc., devolve four ouuees orange
shellac in one quart of ninoty-tivu per
cent, alcohol; to this add one quart of
linseed oil nnd one pint of turpentine;
when mixed add four ounces of ul
phuric ether and four ouuees of aqua
ammonia; mix thoroughly aud well be
foro using. Apply with, a cloth or
snongc, and rub the surfaco to which it
L applied until the polish appear.
AcoicKEsroNiiKSTof the Uhio tartucr
states that excellent results attended
tho uso of dry unleashed wood ushe as
a preventive of thu ravugos of cahbage
worms. The miles were thrown on top
of each plant, paius being takqn by the
operator to jar the plant by hitting it
with the foot, so as to shako the BS.ies
dowu thoroughly between tho leaves.
Xot onlv were tho worms killed but
" the cabbage instead of taking hurt
from the bouutiful application started
with: now- life- aud energy." Several
weeks later it was found necejsary to
repeat the application. The result of
the experlmcut was an unusually lino
Foit Tea Diunkers. Tea-drinkers
now-a-davs will do well to apply tho fol
lowing simple test to tho tea purchased
of their grocers. Turn out tho infused
leaves, and if thoy are found of a good
brown color, with fair substance, tho
tea will bo wholesome; but if tho leaves
aro black and of a rotten texture, with
an oilv 'nttnearurice. the tea will not bo
lit to drink. Tho imrer tho tea the
more the distinctively browu color of
the leaf strikes the attention. The mix
ing that is frequently adopted torcduco
pr?cc3 results in tho two kind of
leaves being supplied together. It is
important to see that tho leaves havo
tho serrated or saw-like odges, without
which no tea is genuine.
Treatment for Scratches. M: D.
S., Pamlico County. 'H: C: Scratches
is caused bv a diseased conditloa.of tho
blood, toguther with a concurrent irri
tation of the skin caused by exposure
to wet or mud. It is dangerous to ap
ply axlo-grcaso to any ubcvod skin,
us that may- bo very impure aud cause
a wor-e trouble. The proper remedy is
to give a cooling purgative, as twelve
ounces of epsom talts to wash the legs
with warm wator and soap, and apply
a mixture of four ounces of lard, ono
ounce of turpentine, and halt an ounco
of verdigris (acetate of copper) well
rubbed together, after wiping the logs
dry with a soft cloth. Aflcr the falts
have operated give one ounce of hypo
sulphite of soda daily until tho disease
disappears. A". Y.. It Unas. -
parted to there the appcarasc of U
kot bwwUfJTifilWW aUrafeaU aad
are sdaDted to the 6a cabinet work.
:&c process i a iolknra: TJ wood,
firn thoroughly dried aad wwooi, U
coattd once or twice wfckatru& aqu.
ou5 olniiofl of extrftet of wabrt fI.
WJiua katf drk-d, th wwd ife tnwUd
1 brushed with a datka ccuBpoowl pf
one part (bv weight) of tochromaic or
nnti.ta. n l?v tJirtJ of boaia? water.
and, after drrteg thorpegbly. u nibWd
and poUhI. Hy thU UAtiait tM
color 14 aid to be uxtl in the wood to
the depth of oce-twelfth to ocotulb of
an icch, and in the waJoritT cf eavJ tic
wslaut appearaart b declared t be very 1
perfectly tnutauu.
A aUrrkit mn.PT la IVtfOlt 1x3.
rccfrcd from Norhern Michigan a
block of sohd bwch-wood, elht ineh
In tlmmeter, which had growa arvuad
tlte horn of an elk oc dcr. The. horn
penetrated the wtod.U firmly imbdded
in It, and bows through from both
B':de the point having riiBllr pro- j
iectcd further outward aad now appear- J
Ing as If brokrn off. Proajri f the horn j
also a-wrend up throogh the try, pa
Aiitov IndentatioM and team on the '
outr bark, llow tho hora, whkh U in
a good tato of preservation, became
fixtd In the growing Uec is a tnyvtery.
..i il. tilrw-V- nt urnotl it a. veritable CU-
rhxitv. It was not until tho block vm
pplll'lbai the presence of tlio foreign j
nubstancu wa.s noticed, tho horn reicta- t
b ing a knot in the bark.
lIrs. Ilokosby and Marcia were worried , didn't know wherc, and never! stopped
till i. touuu myseii at mc..uoiioiu oi mu
orchard, face down on -the grass, uc-
ing, as they stood waiting lor somebody
to" classify their luggage. "Deuced
srirl. with the red gold iiair inerej
waer a cae of claret I'm
terms witli her oetoro to-
t?.... .l..lTH-
o.i , uiiunii, "-e
on visiting
"You'ro a regular heart-breaker,
Monro; but I tako you up."
" She's ono of ours, at any rate," said
another. "There's John Hokesby go
ing to speak with her. V hat uncom
mon luck that fellow has! nothing to do.
independent fortune, sound health 'I
"And kuows a pretty girl besides,
Jjut I didn't let on, when mamma
nsked me If I had seen them, that that
dark blue foulardlxad nearly smothered
. me 'with envy.
What sort of looking people were
the Alice?" she asked.
"Oh. city folks."
"Nicely dressed, I suppose?" said
mamma, timidly.
"Oh, beautifully!" And then mamma
sighed, and began tospeak, butthought
better of it. 1 wouldn' t have you think
tii-rr. mamma was a silly or weak-mind-
f1 woman: she wasn't; but sho .had
inon vounc horself. and knew how
young folks felt. But I guessed what
she -was going to say, and ran and
threw my arms round her dear old neck
nn,i Vwnri. "7 don't care about their
fineries, not but the least bit; I'd rather
have you and"
" I reckou ef you was all rigged out,
too, you'd look'as scrumptious as any'
ottheni. Miss Al," said Sissy, our little
colored help.
"We must find some way to get you
a new dress, dear,1' sighed mamma.
"Oh, a new dress won't signify," I
said. "I'm not likely to see them"
" Not likely to see them?" said mam
ma, up on one elbow. "I should like
to know why not, intimate as you are
with the Rokcsbys and all? Of course
vou'll see them and meet them fre
quently. Mrs. Hokesby has sent for
-ou to'come up and spend the day to
morrow." " Oh, it's no use. I can't go."
"Yes, you can. T vc had old Margot
do up your white dress to-day, and
there's nothing any prettier than white.
We -got out the strawberry stains.
Speaking of ' them, we might give ?w
from an old
to death about it. while ho hung round
her liko a moth round a candle, so daz
zled that ho was entirely unablo to seo nentlfthe old hickory tree
her as sue was.
Marcia and her mother woro to giro
a dinner party ouo day, -and as our
places adjoined, it was mamma who
recurred to her former proposition that
I should invite them all afterward into
our garden, and wind up tho evening
out-doors with -peaches and cream, for
we had tho first ripo peaches in that
part of tho country. 1 protested; but
mamma had gotten it into her head,
and said tho peaches were there, and
tho cream wouldn't cost two dollars,
and wo could nip and save" that from
something else. And nobody but Sissy
dissented, except myself, and I not be
cause of the nipping and saving, but
because I was tired of doing up that
everlasting whito dress -overnight, and
1 did not "want a new one, after all.
"I'm sure," said mamma, "your
white dress is a great deal prettier than
MissMervin's patch-work' affair, that
new thins: "
"Tho 'Illuminated Dress?' Oh,
mamma, it was i)crfcctlv. lovely! It
joo&cu. just iiKO a pagu aiuiu an
missal.'' .-,. :
"1 never saw an old missal.V
.roanim&r drylyy
"Well, vou'know what I man.L
a perfect harmony of rich colors.?'
Vlt might havo been made of an old
bed-quilt.' persisted mamnia. .,
"What a shame," I said, "that we
haven't any'old -trunks and chests full
of brocades, and feathers and things.-
the way girls in stories always have
themHurn : up ,to fall back on? Just
think what toilettes ono could get up
nowadays from such rich odds and
ends!" -
"There's tho old chintz chrtains in,
tho attic." said mamma, satirically?"
'tNobody could tell that stuff from Miss
And -Vr:hat mamma said mado me
thiakf and" as soon as I began to think,
I began'tq. act; and before night I had
the old chintz curtains washed and
dried and starched, and cut out and
basted togetheri and the' sewing-machine
was Tattlingaway, and bands of
plain colored camoric. iliat.cost.nie just
ten, cents, .'contrasted with the great
Oriental pattern, and there was some
old inserting that I had, aud ruffling
hero aad puffing there, and when it was
all done, arid looped and draped, it
really looked as if it might belong to
some woman of wealth and stjde, for
nobody elso would dare to wear it. And
then I remembered Alec's old broad
brimmed fishing hat, discolored as dust
and tan could make it. " All the bet
ter," said I to mamma's remonstrance.
And I lined it with my plain cambric.
and there was some yellow mosquito-
Hut John had come stalking closo bo-
hind me. ,and in a minute tliero he' was,
lifting mo from tho'grass. fa i;$
" Ob, lefc'me alone! Jct.Taa alone!" I
sobbed. " Oh, let mo go! I want to
get theso rags off and burn them up."
"What!" ho cried, gayly. "This
Illuminated Dress?"
" Yes, ves; it's only shown, mc what
a fool L was, trying to gowhere I didn't
belong. And I- don't jare -1 don't
want to belong there. I hate them all.
" You hato thorn all, Alice?" ho
laughed. "You hate Marcia? My moth
er? Me?"
" It's no matter whether I hato you
of not; it's nothing to you.. Nothing is
anything to you. so long as you can
have Miss Paget beside you."
; don't want Miss Paget besido
me".'1. i. y LlI J
"There's only one person that I want
besido nic, and twant her for life. But
she thinks I'm too old." ul
" Oh, John!"
"Arid as Jdr Miss" UageVsIfc is going
to marry Colonel Mcarc."
" You don't mean so!" And I started
and looked up, for all this time it hadn't
seesBcdMha: tesr ncor'priinnstural
thatsL was resting3 oTrJohtf s'arm. "Oh,
John," I said, "don't you thiuk it's
been real. mean of you to jtetead to
maka love to her, just so as to-";
- Toi-well, to what?!' saidJoha.
"Trf to make me see T couldn't do
without vou." I cried out. And the
next moment John 'had taken posses
sion of me again, and his lips were on
mine, pror;alltbVraiirotltearsupon
my face. Z ' A, a , ir.j rj .
"To think;" said he, ;v" thatlkfising
mr littlft mediaeval maiden, in her Il
luminated Dress, the" darlinr should
taste just litTo Massing .Lot's "Wif e!"
Harper's Bazar.
XeglectiBS Her School lo Get Married.
The judgment in a rather queer case
has just been filed in tho County Clerk's
office of Lewis County. Last March
Rosalie.Smitk engaged, herself to jtcach
the district, school m'hef.tqwTi of
Croghan for twelve weeksl After eight
weeks she got married and went off for
a two weeks' wedding tour without the
knowledgo of tho Trustee, Michael
Tovey. On her return she found an
other teacher installed in her place.
She brought suit to recover wages for
the full term before the Justice in Har
risville, and succeeded. The County
Court, to which an appeal wa3 made,
reverses the decision. Utica (JT. Ii)
Some Suggestions by a Practical Farmer.
Drainage, thorough pulverization of
tho'soil, rotation of crops, and liberal
applications'-of fertilisers- aro primary
elements in successful farming.
Bettor to winter ten head of neat cat
tle well, and havo them in good condi
tiouin the spring, than to keep twenty
half-starved, which it will rcqu re all of
the next summer to put into condition.
Plenty of manure must bo applied to
ground'upou which special crops aro to
.be grown.. . .. .
To the animal and tho plant nl ko,
andto each and, &vcry. human,,
light as well as 'warmth is" absolutely in
dispensable. The summor's scorching sun, the win
ter s frost, the wind, storms and drench
ing rains, all help to develop plant food
from the soil we cultivate.
Let all seeds to bo used for reproduc
tion, bo carefully selected.
To secure a maximum crop, make the
soil both fine and firm.
Feed the best forago to young stock,
especially the first winterof their exist
ence. A small amount of .capital invested in
poultry, judiciously managed, will fur
nish for the family a large abundance of
nutritious .food.
The pump should be carefully pro
tected from intense cold.' but if it be
comes frozen, ppuf hot water through
a lead pipe, the lower end of which
rests upon the ice, and it will soon be
Tho turnip is valuable for winter
fccUIngvlo both sheep .and; -cattle, and
may bCTirolitably grown' for that pur
pose in most localities.
Manure cither prevents our land
becoming worthless, or it gives us this
year as many bushels to the acre a3 we
had."half a dozen years since, or it in
creases the fertility of the" land and
gives us a larger return each year oa
tho same area. The manure from, ani
mals fed upon rich food is most valu
able. In winter, store in a plenty of ice for
stnnmer; the -products ,pf the dairy will
be very much improved bv its use.
Remember all useful hints aad sugges
tions found in the family newspaper, for
they will surely come in before a year
passes bv. Reading will furnish the J
means for deciding whether a specific
course is suitable for our own sod and
circninstances before adopting it, if we
exercise good judgment in tbeitnatter.
The servant who has helped to fill our
granaries, the cow that supplies the
family with milk and bnttcr, the horse
which will be our companion and friend
for rears, all have a right to claim onr
Tcare and attention. 1'ractical Farmer,
in Golden Bale.
Pxtnrh eays that "Tho wind h 111
tcinpcrcd to The ihorn lamb."
font U tbe worit uw4 of U th- crrrK
No tnattf bow InjItiaHt Ultb oalj Rra
to Ltc tw er uulleJ.
"fnziNOtbe tf'canUc IoNn t4 tha
Ui th t.nve bar lilted Uiai luto lb; k r
nd C-ixtz Mtn beadlofig ion th? ehu
rn lr.' the UJ Mood ami aicUed the la
ilUn'i Ulr fal trom Cfz to eras Utn H '
V? dl fa ttie darktjr lelo. Jual at (ilia
niumenl ' at at that tnomeo; the lather
of the txrwhoa rcaiUns thU traa cam
alontr, lift! the jotwoier r tho ear, and tu
tic wooded tnatinfo that thr boy
hail no thought of niiigiuc irW old maruon
achi-m "there wa no chxatn hudjr.-.Z;-IrvilVtt
Tnr. cxi'iaitlonlsU hav at last Ulcorerr.l
that aldington, l'a., 1 tbat cotintrv from
whoo tniru no trarclcr leturaa.CAif..ya
Tub writer of an elaborate troat oa tho
ori".n oT evil t .utlcied at the hand of tho
I rrmf-reade rv He meant to hit, "Tit- !
of man l of ori-in; the lx)lr of nuo
is ol j-'jtan." Hat the wlckr't ir ntcr tuva
made tmn to bjv that "the body of nun it t
S t.n." 'Ih.5. hocter, l n t n.r.e tlun
the rae of the l.i'f of a hjmn whtth. by a
altnl ar inanlj nlation, or a lack or crt'ulutM,
wu "han-c.1 from the t' tu t h nt erre n n,
'c rae our lofty fhMlts" t itio very In
fcl cUoas and uuj oet col one, " ) a rali our
lofty nouu." -
"I itAO no tlrcc to I'tutl thclfckrn,Mpol'
plzed a Ian Uady. "Never m ml, malatn; U'l
tou,;li cnougli 43 it i" ripl et the buatdcr.
- -
Tnri t,rC!,en 'nter htti 3fM 3 Rran"
fcason lor niatch-makitic. lucked under
tlie laiiiu ro'vi iih a pretty Irl and t!.o
rhusreof flelRrtdictli In n ear, the tttnpta
Lou J too htronz lo resist. A man ho
would not make love under auch tlrrun
tnccde not lccrT much tiap;inet In
tills, life- There havi; been mote wel.tii;!
thU winter the country over than ever re
curred In ono season. (!ol t!mes doubtle
ha.l toraclh m to do with It, but 'the bciu
tiful snow' ami the ln? stctgh-rMes havo
done more. CAfctf Tri'mtu.
Encmsiimcv of'm acqnlrft the habit of
earning an umbrella in jilraunt weather.
Hut they don't keep it up i.Ui i'tfjt.
St. IiOuU Chronicle
Trial by Jury.
Some bclIcTe that evan this form of trial 18
not oerfectly freo from rrejudlce. Hut in our
ection St. Jacob Oil has been tried by that
f real jury the pubtlc and been Judged the
lnfalllb'e cure for ltbeumatlsm and all pain
ful diseases.
I use to believe that women prefer thoie
whom they taluk handsome- Error. Ihej
prefer those who tbiulc them handsome.
Eptirta (Wis.) Hernld-1
As AS exhibition of the intrinsic worth of
St. Jacobs Oil, we think the case referred to,
that of Mrs. O. W. Hubbard, of this ton,
cured or Sciatic Rhenmatlnn of lone standing
ly the Oil is certainly striking, and, bryond
all doubt, conclusive as to it efficacy. Tho
remedy has our indorsement.
A wroiuH In Michigan had her ear eo bully
ftoi-n that It droone 1 off. ThU style of car-
drop will not jirobably become jopular.
SUuUnril't Utrall.
Wnu'i tVtadoai.
"She Insist that it is of more Importance
that her family shall be kept In full health,
than that she should Lave all the fashionable
drtisset and 'styles of the time. She there
fore ace to it that each mrmbernt her family
Is suppltod with enough Hop Hitters, at the
first appearance of anv symptoms of fll health,
to prevent a tit of sickness with its attendant
expense, care and anxiety. A'l women should
exercise their wisdom In this way. Vriff Ilaxm
"He Is a man of moist habits," is tho deli
cate way of alluding to an exccslve drinker
m i i,J,rrP i sissr
ismsM m m uuDiainisr
m sssssssLsV aLf
k" m
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fttlAA, JBWBPBiMH sWslaiisW- WVrF .
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KLimiNiisi KKAZtK
arM im Uwt iip4 14 fs'
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HTfitHa a tat JaHtltm.
Max TBdX J sTTiTrsrTxx-"-
a I ?? wr -C.W
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a t W mrrmm , -
Sta tm Ik WmM.
-.4 l
I eat ax.
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Ql tj K; ACtlo
t:iwi In Ta. K--
UAMfttvCar DwU-
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l(W '1W. t4-ft
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itvwv a
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uucovnuui or
, Tho fot'.tlTft Care
Vrll tfcM rurni C'rJJ"U W Wmi n
Hnnnn toimrtel Tcaial papatslUa.
It wta re rotlrrtr th -crrt fnrw it I'mwia tim.
tiil.t.tllrrtanlviUu,ta!lanuai J Vtr
Umi. llllnc i ltflio!. and O reevrmBC
fpinU W(krvri, uul U JrUruUttr vU(m1 to U
It will !1o1t rvWipltntorfrMnl!iBtnula
an trtr iMc of VjTU)fuit. TT U4cf lo
trrrttu humor Uwrc Uchcknl irrytfmiUr I'T U awv
It rttaom ttinlrtc; fMlcorr. tnir-j aU errt
fcrt!nUali. u4 rtKrrMwcjJcWM ol thn H4sw:k.
It care iaatnj, ItrotUrUi. :Vrrst lfwtflUjn,
Gtnenl DtUKty, CUvr", trprtle anj ItAU
That fceltsc of brrls-!Mrn.ealv rtn.iint
toil barLtcitt. U Jwij icnuawaUjr rtuvl hj lu dm.
Itl!la:nt:inc4-id undfrUtlrcoBntivuttn
hjLrmooy tSUiUwlhct-Britftal ijtuno.
lorUioeuroof Kunjr Comi4lcU ef if MStM
Com round li unvurrfool.
1.VB1.V K. ri.NKUAWS VEfirTABU: cef.
reCJTBU pirparl al S3 nl 3J Wwurn Avcb
L7nn.Uxu. rxiooSL Mi tntllrtfai. Ik-utbymjal
Intbefona f jtU, a!w Intli trrm of lvrorr on
rtocilt of prtce, ttrrrtwa t rriliur Kr Iloihaa
frtjajwwtranirttrof Itvratrr. 9"1 for l"pa
Ut. JULlrMi M twT. Vntta tlUt lur.
ta tunZr ihwiM U without LTOU K lIXriUWTI
UVCU riLLa. Ibcr oir octiitlr"' LUknuarm
al torpMlt of U llrcr. S tZU tr bux,
BoldbyKIOHARDSOX ft CO.. St- Louis, Me.
lOll SAl.K HY lllltlCdLSTti.
i-urc wvf! ihH n tfc tk
71 WV ro ACCNTS.
f-4 t-t c!rrv f o4 lriti X'.9 & 4- i f
C iu r tvX .-M M. ? R I r VM v4 m4.
i -r liifc rH lsh t.-
f l tr um, a. A if r, . I U 14 K I V
Poirce's Improved C&hobn tnmdeut
,vf 1 ;!. ccn cnwcD
all klt &!
unw vrmm, m wm"
4 trmm m tshs t
tJrt TV w rr 1 1 w
tMAi lW
If he is In
ark ValL
comfortable circumstances. Xe-
Gladstone and tho JinRlIah 'Worklnciiien.
Gladstone made an addrcsi to the work
ingmen of England, urging them to he toler
ant toward tho Communist who had been
expelled from France and Germany, and
urged them to study their models in
all branches of the mechanics' art,
as betas in many cases very superior to the
English models for similar wotk. lie alo
called attention to the !plrit of utility which
was manifest in American machinery of the
best class. He urged the Enjrllsh to do this
intellizently and patiently, and that thereby
they micht be able to retain the market of
the" world.
The English tove-rnakeri havo been
familiar with the models of the Ciiaktki:
Oak StOvks for sereral yenn, as ome of the
great hotels are ining them, and to this day
thev have never turned out a stove mat nan
the'gTace, form and fitness for the desired
u.e which arc striking characteristics of the
Chartek Oak Stoves and Ranges. (1-23)
A Hii!j11 !Vee4, Fr.
Send on postal-card forSOpae li'jofcon 'The
Liver," lu diseases and their treatment. Ad
dress Dr. Sanford, lOi Broadway, New Yoik.
If afflicted with Sore Eye, use Dr. Isaac
Thompson's Eye Water. Druczlsts sell It- 23c,
ftsnni5G't Rcssia Salve meets with won
derful success in all cases of skin disease.
n,. rt'r ttr mIi
H lim Iw 0" v
AiU. St. rdv M.
COUOtLL tU , Airl., . M.. '. Unf4.M,
T CtmHI. Mnr v ! mntr
infiirihr!rlni'm.iTr(tjr fnc"of tt l,?r
VrtVt ttroaltl- Cl-r1H " 4
t'lnlvi fklatvr rrmlr for i rrt
ii iv !!! nai mm-
I. !! ,iri 'rfTTnT
. l-.i Vi..S
niZiVUmlimmiU rul
tfc-a m.l IMHttill u 4 ,1s;jM t4 Vt f-,.
IHpMVrfi, wlnff IV TlMl1r
Inufrt or4 llf VJ A. V
NtJ bf J JrufKI-
turftwii. Aw.
t'lti.rtta:VH' l
tvnt Ma4 ryirv tfr-m U Ml
7t80O00O JJXm iltmm K r & r
mW vu( 4 frr-
Herul tu your Adilrcs
ANl WE Kit L srXt) TOt' Ofn INTKnRT!0
AXnVALt'AHLErAMrMLEr run UAtltKa. tVf
Ehricb Brotbers,
285 to 295 Eighth Avesut, .
MU.,BM' . "? WHBW "3afeu-
flffH MBiJ t III ! !! tm
w 1AM i-t 1 limWiwiU'H
GtvuUkn ; rrto.
MM0L9,eM:iA CO.
Un bmx A la tkgo3u of it oft et.w8l
taotiTiln b4 mlUrii ftfe, ! U flrr-l lot
nutu with full cwh6:ik l K ta.tJt It ii
iuImsh ar Iti.artotw niimUiW 4 m
hiftntauj use It "Uh prfrt ttfy
Jlf fno;brh'ltlfrrlMr'f t lr;
mtrttfrtrrr'VWtmntattamTmttiifTmv. 'ffmVnH'
rumb'l Ai.btn H-mr4r J rfrtrd tb urr.W tlU
n !??.!.- 'SUmiSZ V1&ZKIZ2
on!JltJprt'nr',ill",!ws:''cf'rTr, I Anif ib Amrtt Uom AIImJosatt JCJf. m
trr'ralr'Mioiif lb- iuinea. ' im ! tb .x T jnttpm-uiu
act t prop? r iaienl. & " '
Tnriiiif Sn hT lot hot are rreoTrr'XB TlUl ii
tas. d:Utr la jrrH'fu! frm ihlr ?prHlrti.n 9f tto
mrrff t ntcnieof ll-tli,r Slornvh nter.
from rbcMBi!ic. ao-1 kMnt tronM?, am eoaanrs
wtli rrm cat Ura aai sa.
For laic ty Ornp?!n 31 D.-alers
DUUUIf-OTcrnturrcK CtIo tm.
tarsci Praia C-A.lre. CtaraVa OTeWo.a
Jjir-. JAY 00'.rKrU. Xk
N. W.niXKersrt I1 AUy,B jx V S. irWttWft. v.
LOTXm WASTED for th Bw lTr-
IpeVwas. Su'akiI roKuaSac & t- LooX Ma.
llt4tKt4 M V "AUxfUrU Jp "&. HlXl Uir'
I. HI ! jmm ww
HMU.CMITI. r-.l W la4f Bn! f
tBlb I-TH.C. ! tor COntTTf B IU mhO
niirn.flt.l rinutUj urgt u wtw nSrr br lte4t-
IITII B BJdI' l rrrH4UU0 "J"JJri'
BOHKHTH5r.lrvl Kta, tmrnvHtOt-V-
rartbe Cawot law. UoWUoxrfearrt. Aa
reacts. Crooa, UffafiiTi WnwfM Ooasfclatf-
inrt muotC.O. n.anrwftw. WVaJ
aa4 IStUlL ytiat-UAfrtf. GomJs rurav
trio. ls.Urtnui5TWMa.Ctii3a
. - - n r r ml lrirt
i f ti Tin rtmmmt t rH
hwi ror r 'i-f'r "w VTfJSSllC
Wr.v ) Ire y'f'fOTUtaniUm
lUiUi Wcx tM ettVlrtrr,S
t rw .s otmst oi noi f mU'?
IwS. ,twnrfHuttaa rWt mftm r-n
Umutm. ma -Tli VftSUZZZZZf L7ZZJ2
TwiteimOTMlwtrlHtWr' tl"
n aUm, tirf Imt 1 imrm rt ?
t jmr. X iifi tam, Tm AUm UBm l It wmlhmt
w trmat tk w icxtw ao tf mm'
.mrWutbutnHaM. It m mtr r 1mm SiZ2
, caMawrfaMpktam rttmltm w uc VPr-'l.
tMtnwt.ii JUAH-mW Xmm mm.XmmMmOm
, nimwf mj putmn wtth wA a ttiUwfM tx )mwmljm
I aSi f IM ti'rtim ar mtwajwryiamm
TEE CCtSr (! tmt tar I tetu). t VV" 'm
agB mmttVhm mllUa ant w ! Jt mat mft
tat jtivtiaw.p'tmm, aad parkiar- Attorn l m.
TV vM ataaxriaa M MMf
WlrflulltltWMViirtll. It
tmomAUnm. pronnncw
i Dtnnrttett ef mora
MMelictl Cihh SMe,n
arriiltiHTuniTrr' r""J
D.l tl atawg WflWft-',. aMwrrvmar
WbBaCaUTl. tke taefaaatisB ta Wa ifxa
oIobm U of rrtmt Talor: aad. ta tbe prortice of
Sod mmmrttmamrjartMillvt. AttfM ..
DB. M. M. WOLFE. 14 SasKhSC. CtertaaaA O.
Compteoixeb Joshua. Vajtsast, of
Baltimore, has held positions enough,
if each were counted separately, to
make his public service one huadred
and fourteen years. At one tuse h
held tea. different offices, only on? pi
the kuTiBf; a salary attackad.
)f a. Bar aaaaa
ar nazraax f aktxt
iBBl -
taB prtecA.5a.Tzas aitb.Juniiri
imiillC BCA1 jn.. .Jit-iwirai v
Lom at ApUte, Ifswte eomxirm. Twin m
the tead.witidaaQtioniath3baa:
pmrt.TmlA aader the mkooldtr blada. fall
seaaaflax'eattac.wltk a distaeUaauoa-a
exertloa of body or miael. IrrlUbUMr at
tcspcr. IjOW apart ta.witaf lime o
iac nejleetd ssaa dntr, wria i sa, Hla
atBMs. Tlamtxmtmgmtimm Heart. Data aa
era tsa eres. Telknr lUa, Beaaaaaa
ajesaraiir aver taa Mt eye, Mmtti
wltkaajel draa. hirhlr color 1
lawVaBBBajBaHeBB H I
I eeetHHJ
I aamaaMmaammtmgmaamAMaBtmmmaaammamlmma M BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJ
H "' -' ii i H Ba
D r.iLfi.nfc,BHsn- t rj bbbbbb 1
m afKlmrHmlammal?al"-. ' - TeBTeVel
t UnfiwrtHtWlMvitd'iM, w4Im BJ .BaBBBaw BBfeBfaTal
H " cumvim aBaaaaBBeeBkB. aB-taaa
H W fJf kd4t M, Mm,,. mf J laBav i bHHIH
H at fai. rw - r- W r- f-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-M B
Q ruutfiwa ml- BBllBaaBBll '.H
' Ct,KplM,rf y-rVtn T. " T B H
' fl tffUitMif-niiXMwtBi i inweeai ta a M a tfTallllH
.ix Ktmca tiqti en wrr atw H M W.M
POWER. mmmimmmm fjmMM
Q aalttaae lITta. mtttmWmmm
vm b4 EtHllMI at !. jU. .Jit V: -aflaLH
n aii,aMa;BHaiajtmlttw4i -E-T? ? "c'IbIbIIIH
U . kuxrr. UmU aVrU) ZU ( Vrt-Ml "- L . " V alllllH
Mr? pu.x, ! vtw. aMto, CwS- BjbBKyyf H
THipIji) ':rr.,B'llBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB bbbIIIH
i Q y ft u ? rr"ry vuasHi rii. -W 1
M t a " "'' . BbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbE:bbbbbbbbb1
saaWy aYWAB H
;rtY TV'TitMIT'bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI'bbbbbbbbbI
JMaeaaaaBBWUi't'rw,ti;rt.iJ hivw lirMiia. bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI. bbbbbbbbbI
aaaaaaaaw- ..Mpnnar, FrBnisricie bWm-m bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV-bbbbbbbbE
wFlJi "on -r ""ItTJ! orrrTTj:qrx. raKx,accH'H
BBaffarfMi Mot valuable jrMMBMaaawaAaaaaMgM
Uui7 sMWTAlArnMimMMcaMalBaBaaBfafaaTJBBlflBBBaBBValB BBafafafafJ
'.y wtKa-ra Ista . aaaaBaaBaaaaaBBBj sbbbbbbbbbbbj
."cJalrS&r all-M-. i,eeeeW .BbM
-- .Ja.-r''',,"WP"w".tr,BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBf bbbbbbbbbI
"ii i.. aaaaBaBaBaaaBBB aaaaaBai
M Sffeee. enaaaw, a, awe re "T-?r . , - - - -
.N. ti-. BbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV bbbbbbbbbI
aVBr ' UL9jLr liamBmmmmWL fmWlt f 5 f1 aaal
M bbbbbbbbGt awT bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbS- 'bbbbbbbbbI
r .aa-P "P MM II aallllllllllV letaaaH
rRl ? CT fy ta --bbbbbbbbbbbB' 't
aTMaia BBBBBBBWeea1pBea)aBMa aeaaaasy.. Jeeaaaaaa BwiBBBBBBBBaBBBaBBBaBBBaBBu ,.4
" V .aMJBBBBBBa-0amCTTae,aeinaiaal leaeaii atBBBBBBBBBBBaE.yl JSbbbbbbI
ST -grjtr ..laBraTttSoWCy MetaiTi7BBWarrtBBtBBBBBBBB
Hr.y Kf,aiaUg-S.a .M
pills axrp 1 TTriMM r -JMWiiiiT "TiM H
rraanaamraacPrr,. TmmmSmmW
fl9af9VL'993BEaWBaP' EafE'-irW EP-I EPaPPaWWrPaEfcaiA'i'" " Taa ff VV 999 wWW reTa"aP W, rH
Xatera)MWitMaa)ataBaaVam4aW lUfcliU tfl
rsift3X iiKsrwwa. tl
. I rramarwammmr w. w . w.- .
I iAt"
" -'li.' " ,U&Z?aBBBBBBBBl
, n . J '4if -.fla-ry --------
'-"'.-. -4 , S -VPaagJaSSaEEBW'' BbbbbbbbbE
- -'f?;,..feiK",5 ,. . -1 - Ipflg ii 7 rMimr ' aM
. 4- - -- ' 1" Ti'ffnrta" iernaaBmiiiar'' ' " jrtr- -T - If -v-'3- - 'tlmriuimwal5amuKmlmmamammWammmU f 'BBBeaBaBaBaB
eir'n'T 1 'Tim'
r tajy-'
sBHaaafaBBafJBnBBWBBffleTaaTaBTaBBBH .. v-- -L
aBBBBBEEaBBBEaEEaEaBBBBBBBBBEaEEaBBBEaaEiaBBBEaM "'" " iiaaaaaaBaMBai aiwMiia w nm a inWHin at nawaiju WP w fcJ&r.gaWi aaaqaaiaBwaNa '-' -i ,lJll,UtfgJlMMMjJE