- J - I'V. ! I" "T l V - i, OVERLEES, DEALER IS Groceries, Tobaccos, Cigars &c, Ac. TCe Veep tu Land a. Jind a line of Rrnerrif and tobacco m caa be foand tn Ike xatley. A irocU Ir ran ;s caaawtio with tka Mure, wkcra a i apply of frcrk lire id and piei are alwav. kept ob Land. FRESH OY8TER8 Oar facilities for haadlisf tak eiataof rood are lite Ut in tnwa. tiire a a call, at Nofhar'e old lUcui. J .OVERLEES. -ttED CLOUD, NEBRASKA Flour & Feed STORE, CHAS. E. PUTNAK, Prop. DEALER IN FLOUR. FEED r-jrn. Meal, Bran Chopped Fccdaad GROCERIES, Vifil IIie1lrICInvl Gmcery. Feod aadPro riim store when you waai lufpliu fur isaa or lcad. IliKhritmarkct price in cash palp for train An kind' tifmiintrr piodnce taken to exclianf" for c'l. !Mili delivered to all i-.iru ii loiro trrn vt'rharcr. tre iuuth tf Uced'i .'low Factory, Ked Cloud, Nebraska. Moon i Callender, JlJEATXES IS( General Iterchandise, Dry - Goods, Groceries Beoffi afc Shoe, HATS AND CAPJ. Drug, Medicine, Oil Tarnishes, Pniiifs Ctc. GLASSWARE, QUEEXSWARE, HARDWARE & HARNESS ETC., ETC., ETC. fif.l line of everything kept in a gen-' crsil sioro, ;it the i.oukst cash riticts. j;t'.-jic?tfuHr, Moon & Callender. tOWLES, - NEBRASKA. DE. SHERER, rroprictor of the City Drug Store. -1W DtALIK I Drugs Medicines. Paints. Oils and Varnishes, A full supply of LAMPS, LAMP SHADE?, WICKS, COMBS HKUSIIES AC. I'atmnacc rolirited and thankfully received. "Trert-rii'lions carefully compoanded" One door south of (Javbers More, RED CLOUD, .NEB. 1 ! a I II -aaaaaaal.aaa. XL T TINKER (SaeeoMor to G. A. Brown) lEAI.Ut IK Parlor, Bedroom AXD KITCHEN FURNITURE, Brackets, Chromos, Picture Frames, Mattresses, Etc, C V" al-ray on hand and trimmed on abort notice. Trice as low as any is the alley. ltepaMaff of alt kinds crona KoapUy and Satisfactory. tlarial Robes furnished at reasonable rates. f.ED CLOUD, - - KEB. Hart ess Shop, BY J. L MILLER, Keeps coMtsntly on bind a fall Line of HARNESS, COLLARS, SADDLES, HORSE-BLAXKETS, WHIPS,- COMBS, BRUSHES, HARNESS OIL, And everything usually kept in a first elstss fcliop. TWO DOORS SOUTH OF3TJE DANK. libtit Cssl Friet Paid fir Sidsc aad Fsrs. COME - For Your '83N QnOlO aau ,r;.. , -s Air i jrw Y-- - i w SKJ; LUMBER vjir&aaas V ilkaicaW THE CHIEF. LOCAL MATTERS. R. V. R. R. Tin, TMe Takinr effeet Pnaday. Oct. 17. 1MB. Eastward Paswng er lee .. 0 a. a. " . ; arriree 7 a'. p.m. ireickt leave .5;vp.B. Wattward Aecoa- leaT..M.M.a:lOa.B. arr.Taa.w 5 :5e p. ta. EASTERN DIVISION. Eastward Arcoa. iat , , .,, a o a w, arriraa 6:Sia.a. Train daily axaapt Basaay. U.W.ilttBBiM. A. E. TnrtAUH. BaMria tend eat. GanT. Manager. M.E. CHURCH. H. ?., at 18 a. a., and preaeaiaaby tha Pat tor every Sabbat a aorsiaf sad ereaiac. Prayer aaatlar ary Tbaraday avMiag. nrriTaa.. Ail are eeratany taTitaa. Bring in your .idvcrtirfcnienta. Miner Bros, sell Superior flour. Eoby in selling Lautcrbach's bread. Choice, early, need Potatoes at Rohy's. . Live hogs arc worth $4.25 in this market. Shipping tags can be had at the Chief oQice. Read the Governor Arbor Day proclimation. k Harlan county in investigating its county officers. Farms for cle or rent, inquire at the Chief office-. Ruby hai received Garden Seeds in bulk and in paper. The paajenger train was late again last Saturday night. Lime, Lath, JInir and Plaster at the Chicago lunthcr yard. n'2 When the Mpring time eomes, (if it ever does,) gentle Annie. The 'grass is begining to grow in Kpite of the backward spring. Building material of all kinds at the Chicago lumber yard, cheap. Ruby has ordered a supply of the celebrated Washburn superlative flour, the best flour made iu the U. S. The house cleaning time with all its horrons, sayu an exchange, is not far off. Dr. Kendall's "hone books" for aale at the Chief office at 25 cents apiece. Lay in a supply of coal, and pre pare to "fight it out on this line if it takes all hummer. It is estimated thnt the cost of the investigation will be about ten cents to each person in the county. Eigh(3'-thrce women voted at the school election in Lincoln lust week, and over a hundred voted in Omaha Farmers, call and sec our guarantee on the J'jrJipse Wind Mills. No other Mill ageuU will give you a warrant equal to ours. Beslev & Perkins. We feel gafe in saying that within a year there will be at leant three two story brick building erected in Red Cloud. The Fairfield News, under the man agement of Mr. J. W. Small has devel oped into a very creditablo country newspaper. A tombstone in Council Bluffs ceme tery bears this inscription: "Choked to death by a cat-fish bone. Blessed be they that die in the Lord." Tenant Wanted.-tA farm to rent, 5 miles from Red Cloud. 00 acres under cultivation. Apply to J. On eas ier at the Bank. 36tf We read the Rivcrton Eagle with considerable fntercat since we have become the owner of 160 acres of land on Thompson creek near that place. Last Friday wo noticed eight car penters at work on the new depot. The B. .& M. evidently propose to make Red Cloud a permanent divis ion. Miner Broa. have stacks of new goods and are constantly receiving more to replace those that their cus tomers are always carrving away. Call. Venn or, who has predicted so accu rately the past winter, says that we will have very mild weather next winter. Wc certainly are entitled to it. When a stranger who has just loca ted in the county comes to town it is amusing to see tfcc implement men try to cultivate his acquaintance. It's business, though. Last 3Ionday night "winter with its bluster of snow and wind swooped down upon us again, and Tuesday was a dreadful stormy day. Nebraska is peculiar dee vlish peculiar. An exchange says that ten thousand railroad brakemen are killed in this country every year a number about equal to the entire loss, in killed, of both armies, at the kittle of Gettys burg. We havo 'pretty good authority for stating that Ex-Gov. Garber will erect a large two story brick building on the lot how occupied by Miller & Ball. Work will probably be commenced in a few weeks. The McKanl.oss Colored Combina tion showed at the court house on Friday and .Saturday nights of last week Jo good houses; Though the performance, on the whole, was some what -tiresome, it was as good as the average of its class. The money-thai wilL be saved by the investigation of the county affairs can not he spent to a better advantage than by investing it in goods at Miner Bros, store, They have a first class.stock of goods and sell them pheap enough to Make it to your in terest to buy of tfceaa. Call 4ind sec. a - - .Under the new scaooi taw now in force, a4lporoas who shall be examin ed lora certificate to teach in the pub lic school, uet pay one dollar to the county sfljwrinteMtoni, which sum he is to pay into the coanty treasury for the support of formal Institutes to he held under, the. directum of the State Sunerintendent. ' . " ', pxiMiAL nxranr. Mr. Jo. Gacasler u anoag or new suUcribcrs this week. Mr. J. P. Helton has our thank lor financial aid extended last Saturday. Uncle Sam Garber and Buford Hol- comb arc both able to attend to busi ness now. Mr. A. E. Power, of th Villi , Iowa, Review was a caller at tbe headquarter last Tuesday. Rev. J. M. Fryse will preach in the M. E. Chnrck on Sunday April 17, both moruing and evening. V e are informed that Mr. Dow has purcluised the blacksmith shop for merly owned by Mr. Sleeper. If T.J. Helton of Thomasville will call at the Chief office he will find the tax receipt that he lost last Satur day. Potter fc Friabie have repaired the damages done to their mill property by the recent flood and have resumed business. Mrs. Zeis ha a part of the lumber on the ground and will soon erect a good sized hotel on her lots across the street from the Boy's Home. Wc called on 31 r. Jno. Huffman, editor of the Guard, while in Bloom ington Ixst week and found him a genial soul and head over ears in work. Hon. E. M. Carroll of Hebron, ought to soon become possesed of an abun dance of this world's goods lcsides Ins newspaper property in Hebron, he is running a women's paper in Lin coln and his wife conducts a milliner shop. Mr. Z. E. Parker, traveling man for the State Journal Co., called last Monday. Though we respect Mr. Parker as a man and would not do him an injustice for the world, we are forced to admit that a photograph of the gcntlem, with that little white hat on, would not attract attention a a work of art. Would it not be well for the young men of Red Cloud to organize a fire Company. We would like to see the matter talked up and an organisation perfected, wc simply throw this out as a suagestion. The Missouri river at Omaha was five feet higher last Saturday than was ever known before, and the river is over three miles wide at that place. Council Bluffs, just across the river from Omaha, is likely to be overflow ed. The Smelting works and U. P. Machine shops at Omaha are surroun ded with water and partially submer ged. The damage will be very great unless the Abater soon subsides. When anbody dies, gets married, steals anything, huilds a new house, runs away, makes a big sale, whips his wife, breaks his leg, or gets the sense kicked out-of him by a mule, or does anything that is in any way remarka ble, and you have reason to believe that you know as much about the oc curence as any one else, don't wait for some other person to report or trust us to find it out by instinct, but come and tell us about it, or send the facts on a postal card. - , . . The Indians on the Missouri river bottoms above Sioux City gathered themselves and their movable proper ty together before the flood came and moved up on the bluffs, explaining their actions in a manner peculiar to themselves, they said, "Ugh! heap high water." The whites measured the banks and found that the water would have to rise 30 feet to overflow the bottoms, a hight that it had never attained before, and they laughed at the Indians. The red men bided their time and when the flood came and the pale faces had to swim for their lives, the Indians said "Ugh! white man heap dam fool." TEX LAhD OITXCX. Last week we went to Bloomington and interviewed Mr. Switxer, register of the U. S. Land Office at that place, ire reference to the probable length oft time yet to elapse before a successor f to Mr. Dorscy would be ens tailed and the office opened for business. We learned that Mr. Montgomery had been appointed to the vacant receiver ship some time ago, as was stated in the Chief, but that his appointment had not yet been confirmed by the Senate. Mr. Switzer gave as hi opin ion that after Mr. Montgomery's ap pointment was confirmed, several weeks would necessarily elapse before he could enter upon the duties of the office, owing to the fact that a num ber of bondsmen would have to be se cured and the bond forwarded to Washington for approval. In reply to our question as to the craliest possible time that in his opin ion the office would be open for busi ness, Mr. Switzer said not before the first of June, perhaps not then. Mr. Switzer spoke in very atrong terms of the injustice being donethis part of the stato by the delay in filling the vacancy, but, like the rest of us, he is powerless to remedy the evil. In this connection we would say to those who arc in. a hurry to prove up on their claims, that you might rain a few weeks time by -calling at the Chief office and having your applica tion made out ready to be rushed in as soon as the office is open fur basin ess. The land office will be overrun with business for a few .months when, it doe open, and "first come fiwt served" wilLbe the motto. Mr. Switjcr authorized ns to' say that those who' liaver been unable to prove- up on account of the office being closed, and whose "aeyen yearn" have expired in the mean time, need feel no uneasiness on that aeebnhtpas thrtiUejtothelandwillnotDC effec ted in the least The best assortment of doers and windows, in the JtenubKcan valley, at- FLArr&Fuxs. There it is nnmin !" exckimeJ Aunt PatNey, scanning the Commissioner Proceedings. "I declare iw perfectly candaloM ! I ahoukl think you men wonld have common decency enoogh to keep sober long enongh to transact yor official duties. 2fo wonder the people are saddled to death with taxes, and gigantic steals bein carried on, when the cosnniia ioncr is drank while tranaactin' the people' busiiMs!" "Drunk," en quired the old man, rWhy, our com missioner are all temperance wen. "Temperence men inded! Don't it ay here 'Present mil board,' and I've eeenitlot of time r ami she east a look of withering scorn at the would be defender of such inexcusable be havior, a Last Tuesday morning the cry of fire that strange and weird round that we all dread to hear ruutr through the streets, and in a very hort time a large body of men had gathered at the residence of Mr. Christian Albright, a large story and a half house, which proved to be on fire as smoke could be seen issuing from the windows of the second story. An effort was made to stay the flame, which, however, proved futile and the building was soon conaumed. Mr. Albright and wife occupied a part of the lower floor and Mr. Goble and family occupied the other, and one room on the second floor, while the other wan occupied by Mr. Case and Mr. McNcny as a sleeping appart mcnL From the second floor and the cellar, nothing of any consequence was saved, but most of the household effects in the lower room were gotten out. The house cost about $1,000 and was not insured. The loss will full heavily on the shoulders of the old couple, who have the sympathy of the com munity, Mr. Gohle's loss is consider able, and also that of Case & McNeny, who lost nearly all their wearing ap parel. The fire, it is said, originated from the stovepipe up stairs, which had be come disconnected and fell down. That Iimtlfttim, The commissioners met last Monday and were presented with a number of petition asking that a committee be appointed to investigate the county affairs. Mr. Vance, of Inavale, we believe, presented the petitions and asked the commissioner to act upon them, whereupon a lirelj discussion ensued as to the advisibility of such a course. The commissioners said that one or more persons who knew that all was not right in county mat ters should come forward and say so, that the board might have an excuse for going ahead. Mr. Vance replied that two of the commissioners present had acknowledged that unlawful claims had been allowed, and why ask any one to come forward to substanti ate their statements. The commis sioners did not deny that they had made such statement!. Capt. Munscl! and others made a few remarks on the subject and after deliberating upon it a short time the commissioners con cluded to lay the matter over for consideration, and to take it up at 2 o'clock Tuesday. When the commissioners met on Tuesday, considerable time was taken up in the discussion of the matter, but finally terminated in tho board granting the prayer of the petitioners for the appointment of a committee to examine into our county affairs, Messrs Stephenson and May voting for and Mr. Crary against. The investigation will commence the 25th of the present month. We have a large and well selected assortment of goods for spring trade. WeviU nU be undersold. Just rem ember that. Bmut 4b Pkkxins. "The best -cough remedy in the world," wa the way an enthusiatic druggist put it, speaking of Dr. Mar shall s Lung Syrup. Price twenty-five cents; large size only fifty cents. Try it. The Eclipso Wind Mill, stand at the head of ail Mills. Call and see our working sample, at Bulky & Pexklnb. A Farm to Rent! Of 150 acres, with good stone house 16x28, one story high. Most of the land la in a good state of cultivation. Also one brood mare for sale on time. Apply to D. 8. Helve, Seven miles south-west of Red Cloud, Nebraska. 19-m3 Pumps were never sold so low be fore, as we are selling them now. Reason why, because we buy and sell 10 times as many as anybody eke in Red Cloud. Bssunr k. Fxuiks. MOSEY TO L0AJT1 Money to prove up with on final re ceipt, or on deeded land at 8 per cent., ana 1-62 per cent, commission, or at straight 10 per cent, no commission. Jno. R. Wrixcox. - Office next door to Chief office. 30tf OSAGE ORANGE SEED. Mitchell & Morbart have for sale a supply of osage seed at a very reasona ble price. Those who contemplate growing n hedge shonld give them a call. 26tf SSXDEB, CAeap, at for sake Call and see it, ScFXBKCiB. Go bay a bottle of Dr. Marshall's Lang Syrup if yon have a cough, cold, or any king complaint, and he cured. Price twenty-ive cents ; large size fifty cents. Draggute sell it. GROWN! Xet4he Crown of Kings, nor the Crown oTGJory, but the Crawn Sewing Machine the latest and best machines iiUhe market, it will pay you to call at itbxiet-Omce and see it before yon J purchase! Tor Sale by M.B.McNrrr. Sftanogk k Funk have just received One Hone corn ptanlew, Bend Scra pera. Stirring plow., sad Norwegism stirring flows. The beat in the market, and dont yew forget k. Call and be cesivinced. Section efan act entitled, "An act to protect cultivated land from trcs pas by stock" was amended by the late session of our legislature so as to read as follow, the origin! section being repealed: Sect. Cultivated land within the meaning ufthi act shall indnde aR forest trees, fruit trees and hedge raws planted on said land, also all land nrrounded by a plowed strip not lea than one rod in width, which strip shall be plowed once a year. sf ths IsdChwAlsmm fcr ths Anrfll,lsX Enrollment. Average Att. Primary. 55 45 Intermediate, 5f 47 High School, M 29 Total. 152 151 Pupil whoso punctuality, deport ment and diligence entitle them to an average grade of 95 or over. BOLL or MOMOB BOB THE MONTH KNXMNO .- Ai-aiL 8, 1881. Primary, Hattie Kline, Amanda Kline, Lavilla Marsh, Carrie Hav i. Intermediate, Arthur Dixon, Frank Potter, Robbie Potter, Walter Warren, Willie. West, Maudie Goble, Cora Garber, Mary Miuer, Lulu Pot ter, Minnie Smith, Beulah Strohm. High School, Charley Dow, Louie Kenuey, Fred Lutz, Jennie Dixon, Mary Ellis, Mattie Frisbie, Lizzie Mcintosh, Carrie Newhouse, Bessie Walker. A. L. Fcnk, Principal. Miss E. W. C. Hawucy, ) ... 3Irs. J. H. Dixon n i ! 3 COMnHHOMm PlOCTXPDiwt. April 11th 1881. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment, present A. H. Crary, Isaac May, Hugh Stephenson, Commissioners, J. A. Tulleys, clerk. Minutes of the last four meetings read and approved. The following new road Districts were formed and Overseers appointed. R. D. No. 28. from-Sec'. 5. C, 7, 8, 17,18,19,20,21,28,29, 30, 31, 32, S3 and W 1 See's. 4, 9, 16, 22, 27, 34, all iu Town 3 Range 10, E. H.. Foe ap pointed Overaeer. R. 1. No. 29, from Sec. 19, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28; 29, 30, and South J Sec. 15, 16, 17, 18, Town 2 Range 11, E. 3Ietcalf appointed Overseer. R. D.No. 30, from Sec. 31, 32, 33, 34, Town 2 Range 11 and Sec. 3, 4, 5, and all of Sec 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 lying North of the river in Town 1 Range 11, II. W. Ross appointed ovencer. R. D. No. 31, from Sec. 19, 20, 2f, 22, 23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30 and South Sec. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17. and 18, all in Town 2 Range 12 D. J. Judson appoin ted ovencer. The following official bonds were approved E. H. Foe overseer of High ways R. D. No. 28. John Simpson overseer of Highways R. D. No. 27. Twenty-seven acres of the poor farm rented to Robert Round for one fifth of the crop delivered nt Red Cloud. Tho following accounts were al lowed. Omaha Rep. Co., Books and Blanks, $64 50 State Journal Co., Book and Blanks. State Journal Co., Books and Blank. M. L. Thomas, Printing, A. J. Kenney, Printing, J. A. TuIIeys Salary &c. J. W. Warren Inquest (Sadelek.) J. W. Warren, Sheriff fees, Tho. Richardson R. work, A. Kaler poor Acc't. J. W, Warren, collecting 25 25 19 00 42 77 27 17 103 00 22 15 23 00 18 00 200 53 Bridge lumber, 56 90 A. Kaley, services as overseer of the poor. 20 00 Board adjourned to April 12, 1881, 9 a. m. A. H. Cba&y, ch'n. J. A. Tcltjeys, clerk. April 12, 1861. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment. Present A. II. Crary, Isaac May, Hugh Stephenson, Commission ers, J. A. Toilers Clerk. Petition of Guide Rock Precinct, for an election to vote bonds for bridge was granted and an election ordered. The following acct. was allowed. Jones A Magce, lumber, 6 40 Report of John B. Kuhn Overseer of Highways S. D. No. 14, presented and approved. Line between S. D. , and 30 changed so as to ran from center of Sec. 9, on river, north tqcenter of Sec. 28, thence one mile cast to center of Sec 27, then north to center of .north line of Sec S. 2.9, Petition for appointment of a com mitted investigate the county books, kc, Signed by 251 name presented and granted. Ordered that Bed Clend Precinct be allowed to use the lumber from the old bridge south of Red Cloud in the coostructioa of a new one at or near the same point. The Board befog satisfied upon ad vice of counsel that an independent, committee could not be appointed, reconsidered their action on the peti tion for investigation, and it was de termined that the Board themselves take up the investigation at their next meeting. Adjourned ta April 25, 1881, at 10 o'clock a. m. A. H. Cbaby, ch'n. J. A.TVUXYS, clark. 21 Bslmwil!! W. --- -,... ..- .- .. mtkra,MUnracaa4njaait sarrsriati safe ?" taaiM traa. am aaim a atttrCJtec mtttwp, ItmUfrUcrcitosasrMiMMfsr r aiJknsjr janaf m tfcara it a srtetmataet. tVarau-aotaaaaaar aaaarta as frarjaa afeawaiaietsn KM to ta Mather, asd reffcf ami acaMk ta M3C.rrattC'likaaasir. iLtaparfaf-llrsafr ic an ea-e.?aa j4caaMt taa rv.afc4 Jaa stuariwiaa afVao f ta sMc a4 awe aaaa m ne uaaa amu EiifctCB' Fjutttox Qtumxtv i hwe the waBan ; iu coming pruv that spring m here in earoeat, and tket the dreadful winter ef K1 W at length reoteded into the pant, to fara iak forth a fruitful these for fireside Jiwcussicei an many a falsre winter nicht. Tite Fashion Qcaktixly, a usual, ia full of information for the fair. It telk them what to buy and how to get it : what style have gene out of faafc iea, and what are coming into vogue ; iM copious descriptions and pnee will enable lit reader to practice a wise economy, by foreseeing, and providing for, every item of the c soa's aeceeaitie. A trtrictly novel feature of the pres ent number is the aytlem of LullrV unmade dreaaei : which ia tntctxW to enable a lady to tecure the most fash ienahle good and patema, without Wing subject to the charge of a New York dressmaker. Under thw ayatcm, the Enrich' furnkh the materiak and pattern of the variout costumes illttt trated in their journal, for a fixed price; sending not only the drr good, bat the lining, trimming, but ton, ewing ailk, and, in short, even thing but the needle and thread. The economy of thk syatem i rvidont, and it U sale to predict for it an umucutc success. The Fashion Quarterly is published by Ehrich Brothcn, Eighth Avenue, New, York, at 50 cents a year, or 15 cents a copy. Durham Stock! The Fine Durham Bull, "ANDREW JOHNSON" Owned by J. M. Fisher, is offered for sale. "Andrew Johnson" will lie three years old the 25 of May, his pedigree U registered in the Boston hertl book and can be seen by calling on Stephen Bayles at the Fisher farm, one mile cast of Cowles, Neb. 34tf Attuliihntoofktt! The fine Stallion known as "Tom" the nroierty of David Boech will stand for marc the present ica.Hon nt the following rates, viz: $8 to itwirr single iuarc;two mares, $15; more than two by the same owner, $7 each. For the season $6; Single service, $4. Will stand at Rod Cloud on Friday and Saturday of each week; at Guide Rock, Mondays and Tuesdays of each week, and at Amboy Wednesdays and Thursdays. "TOM" Is a fine horse. I icing of Pcrchcron Canadian and Bluchcr-Morgan xtock, beautiful dapple bay, sixteen hands high, weight, 1506 pounds. JOHN BOESCH. 34m3. Amlniy, Nob. HONEST FRED! alias, the Albright Horse. Will stand this season at Red Cloud at bust vear's rates, viz: 8.00 to insure single mare; Two marcs $15.00; more than two bv the same owner, $7.00 each. For the season, $5.00; single service, $3.00. This horse needs only to be known to be admired. He has been acknowl edged by many good judges to be the best "ill kiiii i i tai" seen in this section. Weight, in flesh, 1500 pounds. Beautiful Bay, Symmet rical form, good life, high carnage and best of all as kind as a kitten. His owner ako expects to tand a good Jack with him. Until further notice will le found at the Commercial barn. D. LUTZ, Proprietor. SAM GARBER. PKAIXB IN Or G Hat Otps JsWs Mmds CMking: Wt haft ttt Larftft Stock to tot Vstitoy m. wiU and h) BaaaMPSiAiaL Give ns a call, one and sJL Sam'. Garber He. Holcomb Bros., HARIWAftg, afall CBTBAP Jar CAS, sad fc set nasty waat. Isaaaj ItaaraiBfiBiC CALL ON THEM XuMQLCOMM vataaamyra. BSD CLOUD. EB. M 'the Proof of the Puddingisinthe Eating." You have only to call on us and wc can easi ly convince you that wc do sell HARDWARE A little BliLOW the so-called "Bed rock pri ces" advertised by other firms. Bealeyd Perkins, Malajaaif a it b cartala ia iu afaeo ! ! mt hlbut. AUo aattllval for htau f eta. rrvaf UJow. Trsm a Fnsjdssat Thjildvt. WMktaatMtiit Oalo. Jua Kih Jv0. Da. 11. J. Kaau.AOi.OaU: Hallaf yr a4rrtUmnt f Kvadall'i pia I'wr.soa karic a ralsabla uX lf aoi hlfh aa4 be me fruu tria lblrn wonts. 1 nt to yoa'or Sottl by tipreM. bUH is x ki ramovH all IminM aft4 atarnMnt a4 a laraa ipllat froia aaothar bora aa4 (rata baraaa arato.iar aa ia J aMt. Ta oat Uattla wat wortb p ree batHrt loitr. Kw.ectf4lly Yur. II. A. RUleU M D. Xsadall't Spsvia Car ea ksxta lata. BkrlMVt D,3,lr. Jl. J. Kaaat.i.A.'o..UMU: I wUb to aM Bay trcllaaoar ia faur of roar invalaabia linl aarat. Kvadall't tala t nr la tha i.tlo f 13I !ippiioa ia lea and fpralsaii rnr ricbt liub at lakaJulnt i ra rarr lama aaU l titaaj ruferrJ tb aiuat icnx-Utlcc rio. I ora a baaJatlta na it fur or rt a r. aal trinl nuii arantbiaf ta my rab. Lit catl lol aatbiaa tbl wouH iv taa irtnaa?at raliaf. Wha I overwork), it wal4 paa aij varjaaacb. Ia April HT I b-aa to tblak 1 afcaalt a aerlpplt fur Ufa; but kalac aoaia o Kaiall' Spavin Cara" tkoagbt I woul I try it. 1 aJ oaa tklrJ or a bottle. aa4 aparla eI raliaf at onca. tka pain lft wa aal ba aot troublad bj alara. 1 feal Tarr tratfal f you aa4 aroaM raowaul 'KaoJall' tjpvia Care to all ako tuffsr altb apraina or ramaa tUta. Yoart truly. iaa.J. JtorTtLL. HKCALLSS?A7IWCUil. Ia tar la iu affaeta. ralM In lt action a it doai not bliatar. yat it l paacKratiat anl ! arfal to rcaek ararr lp 4faJ p4ia or to ra aura aar bony irowth ur otbar rnIrnjaU. tack a apavia. apllaU. caraa. callan. apraias. awailaaa and any latn and alt auUrtfa taaoU ol tka JuinU or limb, or for rhmatlni ia maa tot any puri-of for wklek a linaterat I aiadfor maa or baU It it aow kavara to ta tba aaat liaaat nt fr taan arar ard. acini akid aad yat ruln ia Iu effect. . . . 6ad addraaa fut lllwtratol Cfrlar whljk wctklaktivM BMitiva pro,f of iu Tirtaaa. No raaady baa ttr aaat with aaek aaqaailSad raoeaaa to our kaowlcdg a. for brail at wall u aaa. f riea V. Pr bottla. or ! kottlai for IV All DroafU'i kav it or ran cat It for yon. or It will banal la any addraaaoa ravatat of plt by tka proprietor. Da. J. II. KaaaaLb A Co.. Kaotbargk FaJb. Vt. SOLS IT 1LLD17MISTS. KCTICI T0TEAC2XSS. Notice ! kartby clran.tbat I will aaamlat allpanaat wkoaayaira tn afar tbaajaalvM ai candidate lor lcakatt of tbt priaarr t, nBBsoB afaool of Wcbatrr c-aalr. at Had Ctoa oa tba rt Katttniay in lha a atk of Fcbnaary. ay Auaait and oatnWr: At tilua Hill a tba rt riatunUy In tba uiobib ol annrr, April. July and OrtoUr. At OulUa Kvak oatkaiirtt tsatardy ia tba taenia of Marek.Jaaa.SaptaaaUran.1 UrtaaUr. Kaaaiaatlva ta cowman- ntfoMaak a. a, A. A. Tops. Caaa'y Saaariattadtat ol FaUU IattrartUa RNE CARRIAGES TJaN-HPO-RaU: ULTZ Trmx X9VXT, vriis mr aiaxa Tke M Saa ah Waco Baarvs VTXiaT 40aT. aaWwfi VaaallaSaA jaw T SbbbbVX V M CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RY fakrane40ar1rtiaiaIyaataXawaaa1iaraick Zlkwt' - CaafaJljri iiaiiirTMilfaax. TnX?rr1agal OfW et Wra) 4 yanAarya aja aaaai a taw taaL ltt tlawnsfe latar ak aaa f laaiaaaaai iakiMi if iBJiasJat aW-BaaaBaaaanmaaaaanmmm aSjSBW Jkf aaataBBBBBBBBSsPaBBV ? 5 sat aaS54toJ& 4brjl X iJCM B?jataSBmBaaamlBBa?aaf rZti JrfylfVwS ' X aa O P11"! -T a " W aJVCCa.aakl ' " mKl S4ilcz a t nk; aaTa?3SB r-'? v(lS J-rT-Jil IT tJVHanBBaaB rjuaav, V A V13 sTJalnJ-y J SBamraTPrnTaaW aJaVaa Smnl famaaaaaaanW asaafa ml fpbafM !!!ll!!flsSBBW9aBmBBBm " FOTiTsaffmst wonasL mwxmo cmmsl 7tia-iffTflala-alSShaasB-aaB-rfaaaWaam wr TI.-raaa-.- .tri, . . aa. afaaaBa aBaaal VtfaaBSaaaaV - "j - "" BBaU WmmM OfaW j i,1 Un4. SW4 f ha tHrJ ajr '."" " 0rW rnv T- "" ertiimj r trH. 4 tr r1 . la.. a-MrJt MKf . ! "- a. i. rU . Samuel West, Tobacco. Cl4fjmi-i. MaTiXCTIOlTERT. canniui nans, ri?rK rKcrr, cuackkus, eiiKJwr, an Artu u- cr ri?or aux x f tr ClAjn Ioa Orm Wiser you ran rtlwaya jet a nice hali k4 1 Crvam aWiiaj III Sejwrtt. A lur f the pnl4c palronsfja fc rccvlfullv hilcl fir-nt Urf aottlh wf JliUhdl A Mut hart'a. lUo Ciocr. - - Jttaaiaa. THE BEST or ALL LINIMENTS rot mat ajp hut. Fnr awwa Uam a tbH rf a aoaHarr ana Mfinannana! w -. hHnwn to BHltllona ll tar ha aM it. aaLfM MOtaja) Srtf tba tnMat ! mrvntmmm m4 ,.. . . ... i i.ww-w . i..l. I ...l ft I. m m tltkmm Mm4. lunwry iu.wfcfuurwaala " MBk MEXICAN Vnatan t.tlmcnt It oltlirltaw Haai. It awatrnlr aK aad waal lha ry Ba4uaXtBtf lb CttaiUa. t,-,rn if jnl Hl lnBnwatwa Itiipwa ifc- li riortanlH- lumn ftraltal lt lUutM rtln arx r-Hy viMiar IV'. no Jrrai MUSTANG I l.-i'.m tit I tHl I r aabdr In lt .riiH)rnfN MafMi al Wr . ,iUtiHt. of rtttHtaa aaariyaa 'itHt, r a lMwia b,m mr : ta ty Vjo ttcnltnc ionvr ( UUt UNInlENT 'f irhlh T)rlllr ftiwi anch aiurn'i nf ll.rt I1LUAX 11.1. U t. itituuiBttir, &Ti!in. ana Jntut. ollr"tnJ ail-, HBfM Mt4 Neald., t'Mta, Itrulaoa a4 Mprnta, 1um it llltaa MlMfia. .tlJT. , lmfwi. M r a, t'terr. Sraf UiUn.i t!Uintna. mr, .M,;lra, nt llrt. nt litlrl rvvrjr fbriM f oitartoal alia- o. II Itrnla llHl ar. 9 r tUi UCT8 Cbxathht it ura KaeJuat ktvtuny, atLT JJwlnta. -. Vawt ltl, arw 1VMaa), , llallaw II.ru, ,r.ufc)-, HIdU Rmlla. tHy, TlirM.M, anasiiaaja, (M hrt; rail H. ritant wimmb lli Maht mnA aaarjr t.r ! !. m v.ih tho a-aia mt hm MaMa and ae-rk lara r IUM. 7b 9Smtrmm KatUaa I.llaal nlrars crta an-1 ttavcr CLxiiUtii a.n-1 it 1. poatUYal, AND ROAD WAGONS EXCELLENCE. Citslfn t?13C3 UR BsMtfHi BMkWiri Om MCW HAVCII, COMtla I THE BEST I I OF ALL I LINIMENTS J POX VAX OS 1IAST. I S3MJr,raAmav& 1 , C 4 I f4- . -V - - 53f5 i1?9i wT a . "T - - -- " - -w-- t ' " - i ':3T .fe U . ft.- ?-? '-C"U tfjmi inmir ' iJKi a"-- &&itj'&i- -SSSfei -ysfej&Sdsmreai " K-3V- iAiwCfesv--! . :,& -c-C --jriv 5 w iisA .d ;- .' --- z& s&s